Richard W. Lichty

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Richard W. Lichty BACK TO OUR ROOTS [)el\'iC/ H. ,Ibe/llct II}' • ,\ll\(llI L. A dell 11.\ • J£lIllCS D. A IIdt'r~oll • UOllelid I . ,I llcie/'\oll • Ie/II/e\ ,. \ IIde(\OIlI I . • \ illt e . HCII( 0111 • It ('ll1i\to1'II(,1 H/ool1lt'r . ( ll/,i\(IIIC F. B()/~toci . KriSell1 S. Bo(1I11111 • CI'lItllic! L. Rolflell . (,Iellll/'. Hllrs-.telhler . ( anllell L· ( orl\oll • Stn't'I/ A. Clfl~OIl • Ridwrd CH. CIIIIO • l \,illll/(1 \\r. Co Imllle . I '(IIIC), J (1IIIIlill~/IaIll • Kllrllollg-c,lIia 1)ai • }effll'>' T. Dal'i\ . ZCI1{/ic/(1 f. Dt' la IlIl . \li(/1l1el P. VO/Illell)' • lal1le E E-Ille/ife . J)CI1ise \1. EII<.;eZ,I('/\OIl • Vicllcttt' A. Ericksoll pltlllgCI • Jeffre), J 1-\/er • leffie)' A. Fos.\('/' • flar/e)' n. vee • Kimberle." A. (Iipplc . 'lcolt [ . Hew Oil . Ellml. Hertz + COl)' f. Hoeg/LIIld • '1(t'I't'1/ I. HOlltz • L}'IIII R. /\0/0 . DIII'id M. Jell1iCkC • "'c!rtilll~.I(lkill"l1 • n"cllI R. 1011('\ • Michelle AI. Kallllk ... l\.tlri 'I. Killioll • Joall f. KleiJlberg . Barbara A.. KIIl~H lIt/orf • Hr 'e1l1 R. Koel1lptgt'll . Belli), R. K)'lIo • Hrc1d (,. l (/(11111)' • Patrickj. Lall Jelll . 'ef(te.l' R. LlIr all • \{ar/... A. I arwlI • Pall/clel c'. Lei trilla + (/n'sol 'I. Lowlel . lUll lV. LClllIg . RIll' M. Lilldllt'r • [,JIm D. I ill e • Hal" I. I ip£l • .\feli\Scl L. Logall • (ltIir,: lJ. Mluk ... J elolld R lIlell tilli • Kedll R. \1CC/OII~/1(/11 • Doreen f Mcll'o), • \/icllelei S. M(EI'o)' . 111111 R. 1elcl1l0r + Malt E. AI(Jrri~(JJI • ( IlI'i\iol'l1erl. \[/1/1'11), + 101111 <.. Nel,11 + Heidi J. NdsoJl . llIlt.l· G. ,\1\011 • Roser H. Nord . I. Patrick O'llclllOlllll • Katherine L ()/,Oll . fllOlI/lI\ R. Onllll1ld • /)e/U/e A./'lI/c1cio • • '(1/1 ) A. Palll) • Melrk P. Pout\d/ + ,\t.lIIrCl'1/ / • .\1. Peter ell • J//{;'f'C\el A. Pllrdie . CII)' C. I'UIVI~ • Todd \1. Qlli~/n • Jellllt'\ H. Rice • 1I~'711 K. R'c/Illel • 'orllle/ll I. RiCke/l/ell/ • .\1ic/wel I. ROIi0lski + 1m) A. Rolf . Johll P. Roll • \Iie/lilell. RII\ill/...(/ . 'elll/ (J. Ryall + HUldie), (;. alllloll • • '('(II 7 . .')(III~1'1 + T(II/hllli/. Sell/llelen • Kllrt C. ,'H IllIIici ... I (/\'01l1lt' ,\f. ScllIllidt . nol'id j. \t!I//lit'cht'1I • [klml R. Sd'll'(//ldt • ()'lIflli£1 ,~. 8(()tt • \\'ilIie/1Il K. ,'leld, II • ,\fit/wei (,. ,\lJIilh • Chri\tillt' T. Sol't'rt'iSII + Susa/l A. ,\/)(r/ . r. [)C1I'id 'tti1lCI . L(/II/(/ A. "/1'/..('1 + 111\0/1 J. SUllder/elll" '" jUlI/ll/t'.\1. SllIllllli,t + II/all J • SII\511/(1/1 . 'tt'pl1clI f. Smutz • Alleflt'e1 • Jill'len • J 1'tIt)ll . 11~fI . I{IIIIt" \\' \'(1/1/\ It . ,\llIr/.. D. Felllpt!l + MOlY K. Fo\ ... Sall)'..4. 1Folker • Rosa /. I \'/I/11/Jlteilll . ,\Ion' I .. WaHl + I(ulln D. \\ ("t('ll1/(1I/ • Sht'lh')' S. I\'illis ... Loli L. WI'1I11 • Briclll r. )'0 II 1ISt'1 • Lel111C1I R. Zit'SI I O ne-third of our Twin Cities professionals attended the U niversi ty of Minnesota. Thank U. ANDERSEN Andersen onsul ting is proud to be the presenting sponsor CONSULTING for the Gopher Men's Sports Hall of Fame. ARTHUR ANDERSEN &. 0., .. Volume 9 1 • Number 2 Nove m ber · December 1991 • MINNESOTA UNIVE RSITY Of MINNESOTA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION FEATURES 12 Identical Crises St. Pau l writer Jim Thornton takes reader on an amusing and infonnative journey as he and hi brother, John, undergo a battery of tests at the University to determine whether they are identical or fraternal twins. By Jim Thomton 20 Minnesota's Surgeon General As Regents' Profe sor of urgery, chair of the surgery department, head of the Heart and Lung Institute, and a major player on the University Hospital tran plant team, John ajarian is perhaps • Minnesota's best known and busiest doctor. By William Swanson 28 Gifts for All Seasons linnesotaopoly game for ncleJohn, a cloi onne' fish pin for sister ue, and an endangered- pecie mobile for grandson Bobby: University gift shops offer a variety of items that will please e eryone on your shopping Ii t. 1 2 39 The Changing Face of Science \ omen in cience are banding together to break down barrier to career advancement and to provide encouragement and support for young women entering the field. By Denne ,Horrison 45 Head of the Class The 1991 Horace T. lor e-j\finnesota AJumni As odation 'ward winners hare their thought on a variety of i ues affecting teacher and students today. By Teresa cal:.o COLUMNS 59 SPORTS: One of a Kind Bob Martin is the only enior on ba ketba ll coach lem Ha kim' young tearn­ two junior, five sophomore, and eight fre hmen-but the N AA in,-estigation didn't hinder a trong recruiting year that is considered anlong the be t in the Big Ten. By Briall Osberg 66 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR : Introducing the Class of 1995 Evelyn Juliu en and Brandon Lujan, twO of approximately 3, 00 tudents who began their fre hnlan yea r at the niversity thi fall, hare their a ademic, career and per anal goals. By IHmgaret IIgb111e Carison DEPARTMENTS In Focus . 5 Reader Survey ... .. .... .... .. 37 Contributors . 7 Class Notes . .. .. .. .. ... 55 2 8 Campus Digest . 8 Letters . ... .... ... .. 63 University of Minnesota In Brief . .... .. ....... .... 65 COVER : Photograph by Alumni Association . 31 Per Breiehagen I\ImlJtlOtIIlS publi~hcd bimonthly 1,)' the ni\'cnil1.')1 of l\ hnne ... llrJ Alumni -\s!;o i~tion for I~ members. jVlembership is open to all past prtSent students. Faculty. sraff, cU\u other rl"lends \\ ho wish to be Im-olved with the ad\'-anccmcnt of the Unl\'cr-it),. Annunl Jue .. are 15 .. ingl I l5 duallfilnl1l)l. Lift me."btrshJp dues are 400 smgle. ~)O dU'aVflmily. lnstallmc.nt life membershIps .U'-e 1I".liable. For membership mfonna[ion or sef\' IC~. call Of\\ rile; ni\'cnm)' of\ tlllncsOl:J ,\lumlll ASSiocumon, 100 \1 0fnl\ Hall, 100 hurch trtet Rl\1mnupohs. I\ L'X -455-0110, 61~-6Z4-:!1:!3. COP)Tlght C 19Q1 . by the Unl\'crslt)' of"tannes la '\Iumni \s!;.:,o.,::ci..::.o;.:o;,:.n ____________________________________ ___ ----' \\ 1 1' , E ' T 0\ 3 \~ .,",.-,~ l~,~~ 770 NICOU£J' MALL, MINNEAPOLIS , (61 1) HS-S9S0 SOIll1IDALE RIDGEDALE ROSEDALE BVRNSVlUE BROOKDALE ST. PAUL MINNESOTA Editor Jean Marie Hamilton Assodate Editor Teresa Scalzo Contributing Editor Viclu taVlg Copy Editor L}'I1n ,\lara co Production Assistant Pat ukema Intern N Foe U S Kaoe Gundvaldson Design Black Dog Graphics Staff Photographer Celebrating 90 Years Tony 0' cquisto Advertising Account Executive Peggy Duffy-John on , UR L. T I we were 0 busy bigger tory. In the future look for more I previewing the million and one acO\;­ in ide per pective on legislati\'e funding, Minnesota tie happening at the Uni\Oersity in 1991- diversity, and Cniyersity Pre ident Nils Alumn i Assoc iati on 92 that we weren't able to acknowledge Hasselmo admini tration. Executive Director that eptember 14,1991, wa .\Inmesoto' For 90 years the Cniyersityand its alum­ Margaret ughrue Carlson Associate Executive Director 90th birthday. ni have been our beat, but Cniyersity issues Jane \\'hiteside The magazine wa founded a the J [/11- ha\'e a1w'a) been placed in the larger con­ National President lIesota •..J.llIlIlIIi rr Teek~) 1 by 1 graduate text of community and what educated men John D. French E.B. Johnson, who enoed a editor until and women can do to imprO\'e our com­ First Vice President munities. Our readers are and a1wa\ have .\ Iichael nger 1920 and was al~o the first alumni a oci­ Vice President ation ecretary. Johns n wa quite a fight­ been the mOSt hi!rlUy educated audience in Emlly Anne taple er, and the magazine-and the a ociation the state. \\ nether pa)ing a dollar a year Tre.asurer under hi direction-took on me big for the TI eek(v in 190 1, joining the a1unmi Janie ,\ layeron i ue. " 'hen the state legi lature estab­ 'ation in 1991, or supporting Unr.°ersi­ Secretary ty acti\iti ,they continue to demonstrate zell Jones Ii hed a board of control with authority o Past President to over ee various Uniyersity operations, their cofiUnitment to the l'niyersiu . ue Bennett the ' \'ed'~)1 led the drive t rerum com­ traditional adn~rtising media increase Bo ard Of D irectors plete control to the Board of Regents. The in and decrease in effectiveJl ,ad\'er­ At·large Members Week(v became a monthly in 1943 due to risers are turning to university and pecial­ \ Uchael IIuerth " 'orld \\ ar II, and in 1949 the name it­ ized publication and our committed, arolJohn on self was hortened to ,\[mllesotl7. educated readers. , d\-ertising ha ' a1wa) Lawrence Laukka ur eptemberl ctober 1991 i ue not played an important role in our 9O-year his­ Becl"}' bikers n Bob Potts nly kept us busy rep rting on nive ity tory, and 1991 is no exception. ' \'e were '\lIchael ulli,oan even ,it marked orne imp runt new di­ able to end the Fall Preview I ue to f, to Geographical Representatives rection r iHiJmesottl. First among them, 1 - ,000 a1unmi thanks the support of the Gordon Dunkle)", Frank Farrell , we hope to re tabli h the pirit of E.B. niversity' partners in the advertising com­ Mary Flinn, RIchard Lindgren, J hn 011. In the Fall Preview I ue alumni munity.
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    University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-26-1918 Carrizozo News, 04-26-1918 J.A. Haley Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Haley, J.A.. "Carrizozo News, 04-26-1918." (1918). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER -- -- DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF LINCOLN ICOUNTY, NEW MEXICO COUNTY, VOLUME ! CARRI'.OZO. LINCOLN NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, APKML 2(, V)S NUMBER 17 Buy 000 surgical ncclllcs. 1 3 I lC3S3S3S3C3S3e3C3C3 TOUR ONE FIFTY DOLLAR BOND WILL: Provide trench knives for a rifle company MAY DECIDE Buy 23 hand grenades Buy I I rifle grenades Buy 37 cases for surgicnl In- strument. Don't ever get it in your Buy 10 cases of surgical in- 'head that YOUIt dollar isn't struments for offlcera' needed. Them may be a dUjw- - belts. iHilion to consider that each fel-do- Ruidoso Residents bond purchase Is lost in Protest Railroad the bit: general shuiric, that he UsIiik their River cannot see the immediate mil practical strength of his indi- lileneoe, N. Mi April U. l'MK vidual ull'ort. This Idea In all Whereas, the undersigned iiti-nen- s (if Rio Kuidoso ami Hrnde wronif. Each dollar does Its the specific duty ami does It now, valleys, in Lincoln county, New when every energy Is needed Mexico, U.
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    University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-2-1918 Carrizozo News, 08-02-1918 J.A. Haley Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Haley, J.A.. "Carrizozo News, 08-02-1918." (1918). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'if' , A OFFICIALCOUNTY PAPER DEVOTED TO THE I NTERESTS OF LI NCOLN COUNTY, N EW M EXICO VOLUME 11 CAKKIZOZO. LINCOLN COUNTY. NBW MI5XICO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2. PM8. NUMB13N 11 SMIPflENT liY JUNIOR At the French Home HOW DOES IT LISTEN Iron Co.'s New Offices LUTZ AND SCHAEPFER TO YOU? PACE DEATH RED CROSS ft (teen couples gathered at the A good thing needs room to KriMich home lust Siturday even swing, and Little and Tenuis are Your Mind On Road Rosvvell JboltUor uiul Belgians to itiK. he invasion bring a farewell Photograph In busy creating a number of olikes to When Benefit from This parlv in honor of Mr. and Mrs the Faithful 'Polits'Sac-rifce- tl on the east side of the hall over Auto Skidded Last the Carrizozo Trading Company's Patriotic WorU J. F. Kiiiibell, who leave soon for in a Crap Game . Friday Douglas, risoua. Seven tallies .store, for the New Mexico Iron were engaged iu progressive - and Steel Corporation's use.
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