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Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

2-24-1914 The veE ning Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 02-24-1914 The veE ning Herald, Inc.

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TlUliO Vol. M. No. . ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1914. toU 3. o. nu. BENTON CATTLE THIEF AND MURDERER, SAYS VILLA; FIGHT OVER RIGHT TO STUBBORNLY REFUSES TO LET VICTIM'S CORPSE TELL TALE PROBE POLITICS WARMIN TRINIDAD United Stales Masked Robbers REBEL CHIEF TAKES HOT LUCIUS Must Fish or HUEIITA Crack Safe; DILLS OF 1ST Cut Bait ROSWEU GETS SHOT JIT "SCANDALOUS" BigJLoot SCENES OF America Must Defend Foreign Audacious Yeggs Overpower Interests Or Let George Do Baltimore Watchman, Steal It, Significant Utterance of Tobacco Pipes and Oct Off HII1G Surveyor of PRESS British Newspaper. A With $6,000. Appointed General HAMm sax sVk New Mexico; Registers and MM4i sssaF (Hy lCaaed Wire lo fTvrnlna Herald. 1 Ily I .eared AVrf lo F.enlng Tleeabl. - Receivers Land London, Fed. 24. Mvirp torn- Ilalthnore, Mil . I'eh. Three of Offices STAGED Ih hy tiiiiHl-;e,- Executed Subject Killed Men trie! made the Manchester roldnTM entered the Acadi'mv Also Named Today. British Four and Stole 1,000 tluanlmn today on fir Kduurd of Muxlc in Nnilh Howard Ktrcel IukI (ii'e)' etatbiiient In the hnUMe of nighi. w Head of Cattle, Remarkable Charge by Constitu- overpoweri'd the 1 Made eommoiis ycatciday in regurd lo CITIZEN f Ilf liraaM WWe lo r.Tmlnf Herald blew open got the office safe anil Washington, K' li. 21. I'resl- - Commander the killing or V. llenton at away .".li on Investigating tionalist Who Bitterly Resents Overwhelm- with between I and ttt.iit'ii dent Wilson today made these Committee Juarei hy Henclal Villa. The leiiving Ihe ualchuian to u ing Avalanche At- newspaper tied pot nominations: Striks Finally Rules Evid- of Denunciation for Deed; Benton asks: In l lie II llilltol nun. "Is It nut more playing-- with Associate JiiHllce of the u- - AfterwurdN the ernckxinen broke - ence on Alleged Political tempted to Commit Cowardly Assassination, Allege word to mi tout. In such cuses, prenie court of I'orto lilco, Har- Inlo a ciiiar store uiljolnlng Ihe the- .M. Fulled ale ha no renpon- - O'i' Hun liinmn. of I'orto General Pancho. the ft ater mid Htole u number of expensive Corruption Is Admissable. siliilllv ? f Unit were so, the 0FU.S. It pip's. The Monroe lnulrlne would he a robber left no clue. Hureor "eneral of New MeX- - 4 mere liiHiriiiuent of Inn I naiiunal lo. lu lulls of ItosMcl). ATTORNEYS ENGAGE unarchy. Hegisiers of land oithcs: John REFUSAL TO DISCLOSE LAST "If we ure not reHponsiMc, Kiirnslde of Silver 'lt. ul Uis IN WOilDY BATTLE Mexican Federals Give Slort WHITE SLAVE ACT - then the Fulled Stales I. We Cruies; Kmmett 1'nlton of Ha- gcrman. V. RESTING ACE OF BODY SERVES certainly do not wIhIi to drive Ihe J Shrift to Clemcnto Vergara, at llos'vell; Itmne Means Broadening of Scope cf Pi Flitted government to In- - lmnohoe of Tuciimcarl, at Tu- - Slates - icrvention, hut It ennnot deny to ; in Spite of Efforts of Amcr- cumi'url. Inquiry to Include Methods - L of juililie TO INTENSIFY iSGRY SUSPICIONS lhee power the right of de- ican Authorities. COfJSTITUTIOfJA liiceivers monies: tending linn iiilereNi and ut the S. I. Ascsi'tr of Las Cruces, at of Holding Local and Stats Kline nm,. r f tl..c lo ili fcml Hi, in lis I'ruces: W. II. Cowan of Itwlf." Cinlsbnd, at Koswell; Felipe Elections. IjtmtiI Wire to renlnc Herald. J CAPTURED AND CARRIED Saiichex v linen of Santa Itos.i, ut u C0URTI1ES Ju.ircx Mexico, Feb. 24 A t.Ugraiii In which ti iht.iI Vlllu ut Tin uuicaii. STATE RIGHTS ARE charge! the laic Wllllum 8. Fcnion with being a cuttle thief ami OVER THE BORDER the plan while he waa n iiiciu'.m r of INJECTED INTO CASE having coniiiiitl ) fnur murders win received ul military bc.nhuart r Ihe chamber of depuiie. Federal Law Again Upheld by line Ihl afternoon. It follow. The report Is cuiretit here that it Is (lv Wire lo Ironing lleralil. ll-H- . Hie I govern- I.I(I.IM, TI.XAS 21 "I expected Ihi-- scandalous American press to m c about Intention of lie federal Supreme Tribunal, Acting Personalities Inextricably la ment to oil to transfer thu land lnd t I.I M I NTO M AHA. AX the execution uf llcnlon. Hut I Jul mil have any other remedy to Cow dray for :,a.ii(iii,iiiiu golj ul'ter ill. on Wilson Case From terwoven With Political Ac avoid tirmr attempts of the foreign llucrtulslus, who, l.y protected they have been nationalised. I1T17.I:N 4 AITI ItF.H AMI Chicago. Become Bono the flu of their country believe that they are authorized to commit tivities Which IM( .MF..VICO 1(1 :. TD REOPEN CASE til" greatest of crime, llenton Wax xl! his life a rrlnilnul of the o tuaci: itiiMi or IMtliMll of Contention. MI.-M- Mi STWK II OTHER DECISIONS worm kind. In the times of th Terrain mid Creel, protected by fil ( IMI.Y lY MFXK X 11 HFU-AI.- Chlhiinhiiii, Mix., !l re- these men, he killed more thin (our men without liny provocation Keh. 21 In HANDED DOWN TODAY ply to Inquiries made ul the peniteii-llnr- y WAS 1I.W4.FI TOIlAV A I- Ity liettwd Wlrti lo erenin Herald. whatever. Then the taking id Chihuahua. In combination with OF ALLOWANCES Culo., Feb. 24. A tlaah a'ur here today by .Marlon txteher, Illy lA'tM-- Wire lo fRvrening Herald.) Trlnldud. HIM FHF.. A ( y over congressional com- the above, named Individuals, and according to own confession, the consul, A ."(!-- i 'll It AI'I IIKIllMi Washington, 114. coiihIi-tutlolialll- the right of a his American and the Feii. The cor- Piled Press, It was iim-ta- v mittee tu imiulru into thurgea of lie appropriated more I.0U0 of which did not belong stated thai TO-l- Y of the federal while slave than loud cuttle TO AIVI l"J4 IlltOl t.HT II Fit K ruption In local and atuta election, to him furiheimore, day he came to nee me, n attempted Hsuih. the American repotted law wna uguin upheld today by the and. the mlMslnx. had never been Al iho United States Steel Corpora und Involving fur reaching buiuea of there. FlltlM HIHAf.f.O, MFXKO, siipri'iuo court In thu Wilson case to- to cowardly assassinate me. Fortunately. I stitictrtnr. .1 hla move- city hall the American coiimiI iiIho from Chlciitfo. Thn point whether the statu und federal jurisdiction, led tion Protests Against Ruling day timet dramatic fccema thin ment unit disarmed him. All lll niiillvra. iitol cepcciully the lust failed tn find any trii'c of the ini.oi.iin vi:iiAit hm in :i oitni iti.ii law is limited to i omiiici t i.ii vice vvan lo the trail. lur witnessed In the Inv 'ligation of named one, forced to uct neve rely against Linton without luting i not Involved. Directed Short hy iti:i.i:M iiv Tin: m in i:i, Against Hie coal miners' strike. Into i oiiaiii' the that ha wus a foreigner, for Hiiro are Ihe of Iwo of wrang- Wll.soV ( IIICAI.O 4 m: 111 I.FIt Lines Serving Industries. At end hours SVS l'Ki:sli.M' eu I niXIMWIil ll AT I'll lilt S M;. ling, In course of coin-mili- crime which do not wish to leae Therefore, ho ii s m i ON 4 l 1ST the which the ik iiis iioici: ll Till: once completely It van executed with all uml I uni disposed lo give account of City, Feb. 24 Conimeiu-ini- : 4. It AH As Feb. 21- .- and I'liaih reversed IMF lilXIT OF Itll'. Chi'.io. '.m ruling on udmlKsllnlily of evidence re- on the killing of 1:1 I li- Wilson, WHIard. Were loillld (Ity Wire lo livening lleralil.) the execution to the entire world. I'lcusc make the dci lurullon llenton. alias lating to alleged political corruption ra n. In an editorial arllcle lodny ItFSFNT VI loM HIS IIFHW.F guilty December 11, I, In tile I nil-i- d Wushiiigioii, Feb. 21. AsHumlng to Mr. furothcrs and to the American prexa. I'll in laia Animus and Huerfano coun- sa : court here ol irans-1- . Unit ' AMI III! At Suites district trunk line ruilroads iHc arruiiKlng ties, morning; waa ad- r UANClSCu VILLA, tietieral In Chief." muy OF TIIOItlTIFS. rung KlosHie I'.ton and Frauccs tha session "Whatever have been Ihe evil to iiiiiui'tliati y Hirough journed with the understanding that origin to m gov Vance Milwaukee lo Chicago for I - attributed the pre.' from rules W illi tile M"ll null Olid l olll- such evidence, In a lliplled amount II.I. STI HIP. M Y l I M S II leiiMt gov-etiu- ii' purposes. Tile Vllsnn were lit Itl eriiiiicnt hu invoked the Hood olflcea ernment. III 'de facto' n ti , the Ncwluiigli A South Shore und held strictly to mutter within i i i- - nt power i nti m i d o three years" penal serv- to i uim in ii. of thn Fined Mate got riimclil to which secured Ha In Kuitvwi) I'oiopaiiy uud the Luke Ter- Hie personal knowledge of tno wit- law itude each. The case was foimht "11 iiimv or iiimiiv Inttrler-enc- e accordance with our from emi- minal Laiho.iit company, auiiHidiurles nesses, bo during af- uf inve that there ahull be no UEEfJ CITY GETS .,. up In Hi. su- would heard the F.I 24.-T- he gres and with nil the formalities in al the Flitted ids of Ihe I d s poiiitlon, I'uso. Tex.. Fe,. by Clnral Villa with It Inve.i-ti- g nit. Stall Steel eoi ternoon. es- Ibis government uml re- preme court. ut today of the Mexican rebel to ilion Into thu dnith of ". 8 lien-lo- o ll"lecn the uttoiiies lor tho cnrpoi mil The committee uiinounii'd that dur- tablish that William H. Ih nii.n. Ili4 bellion with Its HiiilHier nr.d Irame asked the intciKlulc couimi-rc- n ing Ihe luncheon recess it would for ami Ihe reioied dliHppearaiice IMti-lllll- s. ranchman, recently aggrn-Hio- on life uhd property, OlhlT lo reopen the mallei' of liiiilate regulations under which tha eMciiicd of tivu KnullKhmen named I .an unco SEVERE Wishiligloll. Fell. :'4. Tile lax on Waa a Mexican eitixeii, la bused on i I'lcsld. nl Wilson has hnnrii the SHOCK to iihort hues of railroad evidence would b received. Thu final and Curl ik. The Invi Hligatiot: in to Ihe use of foreign bulll yaclns hiiiioh-n- l report llotl he once some llril-ix- laMer." serving linlitill ruling of the committee came held minor he mude by Charle I'erceval, h l b eillgeiiH by Ihe old allsr office (resident The article ther. reviews the sup- iilion Alio mi The brier lib d with tin; commis- impassioned pleas by F. Costlgiin, while I'orfirio lUul l ollMil at llalt elon, s !lo ha ii h t ar was upheld I. port given to the rebels op- I'av iriff t sion culm iuIh in the transporta- attorney L'nlted Mine Work- waa In power. Thia statement wna been ori'ered lo Conmil and the by su- for thu Juurex. position hs eoiislitiiiloiiiil today the tion of Iron and steid product... and ol ers, It. hy y lo Hem ml lliiertu uud and John ljiwon und John made today at Juar.x Feckrlco lcrceul haa bi'eii liiHtriii'ted aup-pl- udd: Warrants Issued for Four premo cofirt. Oonxules to thu ti "Now foreigners ure horrified by luw maierials, un biding coku uud Mi la iinan. strike leaders. tlnrxa. counsellor Ihe ouidete repot tn staliUo of lliiivt, in l mot Vill i's act ami are reniixiiiK that Ibev Prominent on Thu Oklahoma coal, II had been Ihe geli'-fii- custom Mr. Costlgaii previously hud hotly commander of the garrison. Cincinnatians i foreign por.iilon rtei'i forbbbluig eoi In ginning tier-riiigt- si mercy of cation-lxe- ( from the ol the iiiilustry for denied un imputation by Fred Lclallvi here ol llcnton say Ihi. t ire the the irinn Ihut stale, from re- Hlr Kdwurd tirey. ItrlUth foreiKii by colossus Ugly Charge Preferred By doing businesa in the carriers lo spot curs within thu of cojnscl for the op- the deed to hi Mexican property the of the liolth," moving agalllit r. .Ill slat, mine ' retury. .nm-mo- ii Mills them iiiiluMiy wlnie llnj ure In hu louded by po- to an a Itritmh (uhnct Mini told the houe of Ion erators that h! wus actuated refer hll'l Young Girl. to federal coiirl ill thai Ju rlsdiet or unloaded ll cur prlhj-l!lc- e, and take ce when litical motives. Mr. Cosllgao having that he waa careful thcr.i today that fir Cecil wa kan down as uht uiistlliitlomil stiu loaded or unloaded to ihe main llliu be. ii Ihe i iimildatu of the i'rogreaslva should he no donht on ihl point. In llriliah aiiihacmidor Wahh-liKi.- supreme at (Ity Wire FvciilnB Herald.) by the court. und III.u lor Hie cites on these Puny for governor in the election of. of tiiiBi BRITAIN in today sent t'uu the meanwhile the demand the The supremo court 1 h' n Inxirucied to Inform STANDS i 'mi nm..! i. t i it, t ii h li.tve continuous, con- 1 2. Male department ut Washington i'ih. :t hi ll tlollr case mil tilt' for Ihe Hlutea higher social cm li s were to- Ideal lo structed upon t In- tiiisis vf cost of sue li clash wa opened early handing oxer of hoity of Fulled Koverninent tlutt stariled for u new 'Ihe in tha the the day y hi u in iliniricl court trial. servh i s. morning thn put ha met with silence. Ullul Hritalli loliiildered II eaelillul .irianls the municipal session when striker llenton been court vveri promliKni The pelilii.iiers contend that the on Ihe stand W. A. a civil tile-gra- for a Hritih roneul to lull mH for f"iir darner, Oeneral Villi hua the com in I ss i o ii could not wus PAT; 110 SUPPORT no li here, i h.iigiiig Iheni with HAYTI GOVERNMENT liuve found that war Veteran und Colorado pioneer, to tiol only from m..n In uhete llenton killed. I'er. i o p la i r!b t.. thu imy of u Hi- - thu iiu nl railiouds ure plunt testify retarding charges of political the I'nlled Slate hut from London, tewil wan to axk the l ull-- TROOPS WIN TOWN lucllltles. -- eur old g.ri. corruption. There was un Immedlataj . un Male gin eminent, as lireat H r It I'am and asking for ex. n uro The geiierul effect of ihe report ol priest hy counsel for thu mine own- plHtiatlon eln had no mean of ('oininunleulins; The in. Col. Ilrcnt Arnold, lo Kvrntnf Hcruld of the manner of ltcnlnn'1 - (Iiv Imm'iI Wire the coioiiiiHsion, if rurricd Into effect. ers. A sharp skirmish between tha with Oetierul Vlllu, to FDD SHOW general li i.lit agent uml un rlu- - Feb 24 g" death. All the replies sent lo In ill.i'.:.t the Cai.- HalUcli, It is In Id. will bu to uuliiwlully Impose uttorm-y- i lembnl .1 ruilllals of Ihe laillls- - ended in Ihe umiouncemunt mi glory Fnili'd h'luli conHul at Juarei to .rumen! troops today recaptured upon iiu'rer hnvn been the mi' of N li I Ui steel Industrie thu cost of Ihut Iho coinmlltee Would hold a Ht Mile mill r.nlio.,,1. Hugh town ol Trmi, ilcticral Villa and reiU' an Irotn the rebels the e a and execution f l terminal la. littles uud to uu executive session to de- bililMlilt Ii. limiiurucliiti r; i.ic -- In valhy asmirunce that the TVitteh oiuh of Liberie. The victorious hue can ! ilnu The finding the Imperial ronul U is lo rtininatu against cide us to the admissibility of evi- In- - New loll I'm Jeweler uml C IV - tow tha nf t'allfoinlii of tinner Luurenre, Ih i not Interfered with. Kir Failure Meets arm cunt imii-- It h march ard imbisuies loculeil along terminal rail- dence. Effort to Get House, rcpi. i ntiillve of a New York un- mliw-In- IMuard read a in nit in nt he, where Ihe rebel 'nirlihman who waa reioried f tiny w roads. The caucus lusted a bull WuhIi--intilo- firm nil in l.oiiiMV llle. IciuIm Ircin the mate depurlment ut n Government to ii idiiarter der Henator I'av llniar Theodore took is uskud to make lr Mexico, to the belief Participate bo-- 'hi i omintHsiiin hour. At Us conclusion the commit- H.rlng-ltice- . The Kill lot the l Ivvo wei'ks has ur-t- l, to Hlr Cecil when they Med from Cape an here that hi allexxd conipuiilon.f Panama-Pacifi- c rrlnui' older piovi iiiing trunk lines from teemen filed Into thu room. Chair-mu- n in Exposi- been lu limine of juvenile court olfl-eer- detuch-iiiei- it la alan aiife In the 1'olod Htutea. which th r.rlii.h umbuMhador tabled ll.ilticn. At Ihe'same lima n carrviug out iua pioposed disconiinu-ume- s Foster announced Ihut the inves- y to ioraign It iif govi r ii in.-i- t troops com- of rou nil ru- No trace, however, of llar-- Corr.p-to- n the olfice follows: tion, j tli laics peiidui,' a tigator bad decided that the charge by Z.uiior in for whom the American author)-ti- c "The hi ale depart mriit ilexlie mand! d Ilcticral Carlo in nm. of corruption In stuta und count were lookltm haa been revealed. lo advise the UrillMh emhaey NEGRO ACCESSORY IN piocicihd by sc.i tn attack Fort L- elections we-- e nut within tha lull-- ) i 4 An Interview printed in the 1:1 that I li hi rucl ion lllive been Nelit FOREIGN SECRETARY iberie Ih'touri r SuMului'd In Tunnel ane. is which the committee waa au- MARY PHAGAN MURDLR I eon-si- ll vi r. 21. -- Judge Ucolge 1ito Times todny nuotei Villa at Chi- heretofore lo the A.nerlcan 'en lib. thorised to examine, but that any TARGET OF CRITICISM I a Oiih-la- ut Juarea to make a limit - SEASON Allen of the illstln court, today charges of m.iulpuluiion In connection huahua, lnn that he rave lieaxed Wire Kvenlng- id. 1 FIRST SNOW OF . m ar, I (Iiv lo Hits aunt, bv ing inquiry Into the I Con-ley- uncd ii ilcitiurtcr ihi clt to with the selection of and tha Hunch, an American clliin. hi A la nt a 'oi.. Feb. S I. - .l.iiiii , PASO June utteiidiua: the lit hi I; (ilf Wlr lu tLvei.liig Herald I FALLS IN EL Ihi- ii pplh at Ion lor un injunction tiled prosecution of court cases would be llherty ul Juarei lnt Thnrvda. . Tin London, Feb. 4 All negio I. 'lory rweeper. was found ul efforts to hy F.. of WIIUhiii 8. llenton. The coti-- nceea-sor- y I'aulel Lord ugalnst Ihe heard. t'ontiadlcla the ntfu lul thu gullly hen lodny ol heiio; un Kf-ni- n 1 lsu 'lenient ban been niovu llritish I'lvernnn lit to leased Wlrvs rteralrt mice of bond Instantly Mr Cosugan was on hi to Thoniua . Instructed to make a in., fact tu r of iPe be- f.r ih Janies leak then Us decision not to pur in ipate fur ihe murdi I'.l I'.ihi Tex , Fell. 21 rin..vv I mage every el fort to eccure Ihe exhu- ,: tunnel. The court held Hint the city feet. wish to a formal state- American hy limcrat olllclail In I'uiiamu-I'aciii- i' ex- Man I'll. .in, aged 14 II.' Was pell mot conii. a rul of the gan billing here ul midnight h id Ihe right to vote bonds for h ment to Hie committee," ha an- Villa, ll.iuch been mation tx.iiulnatlon the all leii'i'il lo iw.lve mi. nth mi a convict sin that hail taken ti position at Fiaiiclsco have tail- ontiniied Ihronghoiit Ibe morning. nounced. "A very gravo charge he-In- body of the de, cimed, lo gang pnrpi.scs. ha Chihuahua, whete till fane was ir take the ed, Kdw.ird tlrey, foreign secre- fir , It wu Uni Hint snow of the winter. ecu room, of any M I't.-nk- made in this suggesting reviewed. etatcnicnt and all tha tary, said today III house com- Leo Mipcrintf intent of i w II the of Many frini tree are In bloom and that the of eviduncu ro- waa leuriu'd today Villa ueHe whom he can rind, to mons, the tin t.,ri waa sentenced lo ilealh TODAY CONGRESS introduction It that that the government could not the temperature ha not yet dropped IN uting to political conditions Is re- employ In hi Investigations for the on ley wa Ihe irm-clp- thn uhordliiHtea are omeabat perturhel modi!) in previous deilsiou. Ho con- to fi'. i xlng is hope Hint Iho sult of personal I medical and legal aselRlanee as w line. against girl there mailers. am B- at the failure of their chief In grant cluded; Frank. The damaged. m vi i:. ullion, d nv far us may be desirable and to was strangled u deulh almul u trull is not the Fiiitid Mine Worker pcrminxlon for the rrinoval of llen-t- i "I utn very much uware of the Im- Met al noon. of Aim tii a to statu to this committva lli-n- i do everything In hla power lu i . n'a body and one of from mense liiipot lance of the good will of iiX. ' rem .hi the AI.0.I111 rail- I hat in Hu ll opinion the political ac- licit Ih MARQUARD TO JOIN - Juarea. It la romled, will no lo Chi- fuels.' the l ulled Htate. V. o uttach the road till well- ligalll polled. tivity of the coul operators waa eoiiiprehennlveneim Am- ainung huahua to point out In Vlllu the The of the g: eat est Importance to It and 1 hopu $15,000,000 AEROPLANE YORKS WEEK Mr. Norn' resolution for cer- most Important erican NEW NEXT the cause of tha which hla refunal hna arouaed 'vrrnmetil'i luveetlauilnns Ihut In all large iiiestlons of policy tain llllol Oi.ltloli o the New' strike If elections are conducted in eulli'd i It In FLEET PROPOSED BY on the American mde. cheers the house of wa have mude It quite apparent how t Fvifilng Haven rvil km nidation was wurml uc h that men commons. Kir llv Wire lleralil. mauiier striving f.r At official profea tn be- F.dwitrd tlrey added much value we do nllaeu lu It." ENTHUSIASTIC FLORIDAN Feb. 2 1. - I'll. In r debuted. eijuality of opportunity Juarei that no reply MarlHi. Tx.. are dented lieve Villa' I a had been received Id Arthur lynch, an Irish nationalist 1 will Ihe .Wiv Icgiiiiiiulii anus, isinly that altitude niern hla Mi.r,unril Join ihrir that cei tniiiier of euprii" or kiuhhorn prlda fomimihli utlon tu Conxtil l'er member, who had been ute hixiug Ilf l.eaa'd Wliai tn ..teeing ld. York Naiiunal training iiiad lore HOI SF. is a cause fur the strike, Met t .11 friendly argument over- cevul. Ihe foreign secietiily, replied; Wa-- h nil. Ul. Feb. 23. A II.''.- - curlv next week, uicoiding to Catch- II". "W believe that a protest whhh can t i should you - g. nt il' y bnl come. 80 fur American do not "If attach so rum h Importance (mil ihi li. piano fleet wa plo- er Mr vers, who arrived last n;:ht. iniein aa.i.u respe'lfully be entered against tha TO to good I - lb I know even the lo utlon of Ibe grave. I'l.AV Tlo M7.i: the will f Ihe mtcd stale. pimed in a bill today by It. pic- denial of a right lo allow this nuta- Why H'.aiiug sea-I- m Al l. oil, I IMis M F M'O don't you takv heller means lu He I.. Fugle of I W hi the !ir'o!lell.' tion W(. assure The anile depurlment hue liiMiructed -- Florida. alitor llllilraw. the committea that Mexico Cltv, Feb, 4 A plan It?'1 n s bill before coiiiiii r. e colil- - for cultivate He p.iint.'l a picture of cities i , i, 2 I - - Anmlunce-mi'ii- l Ihiue is no partisan politic n Thomas It. Kdwurd. ronsiil ut Jiiur-e- i Allant i. li. h llliHSlOll. Ihl ihe nullonHlirl:ig of all Ihe oil lands 4 U e In axce'laln where it I but ko far being by bombs from loil.iv Clark Howell, i s'e willing to let tha In Mexico la to lie forced I h roil t; h the Alakaii ItuilriMiil Hill tig .ur Itivii und hurhor b.ll. cari- - he has had no mi eeea. I'iimimhhiI. Invud craft uud compared of Ihe AHuiita Const It ul Ion. bad lllg committee itself ask all the (lUeutloa next Mexlcun eongiis which eon-ven- Washingioii. Feb. II J.'UI'l.llllll, lepill teil Irolll of ;l AHhouxh the fon gii air fl.'elH with that . i no I I these witnesses and conduct, tha A ll eoirlileral mn of hi name Colllllilttee. on lu Hi at. according to an house and s. nule conferees weru pie-Imre- d Hi cnui So Important of Flitted Ki.iii. which US a to latil I examination. do HltlTIMI 4;VKHMi:T ASKS annili-Mn- ll Mo-heti- I ln.iel.Mir the Senator IIi'PI i ii e gave no-l.'- e I made today hy (jiierldo ml ay to diilcreu'-e- is Htccn we 4I.-I- smooth oul 4 h.. . I'd wu coinpoK.'d of II ii on it tii const ler Ibis phnse of tha subject 111 III 11.11 IWI TI- - ih head of Ihe near post beiwfett made prai ally certain ol Ills llilclltlon lo speak oh cabinet tha two liouics In Ih Al.mka obsolete III 11 i il; I that if the cum in litre will I.MIDV OF 4 'AM'. OF ItlATOV n "twelve k llg that Inv irimr John M. hliitmi would for permit Ul commerce and Industry. rsllroid hill, the matter was pol-poin- d " resolution investigating of to rail these witnesses we wjll l'iiibm. Fib. 74 The lirlilhh gov- - aerotd.ilii if appoint u south (ieorglit man to the Lock Islund aire cior Moheno lava he presented until tomorrow. fmam lal to auspcnJ further testimony so far Hie exuminiiilon In tha city of


NAVAJO INDIAN RUGS; HEW TRIllL -- GfliTEDL IHIIKII l:M THF. IMlMX TIIMH It TO YIHT. TIIR IJHUiFHT AMnltTMfc.T AMI TILK MiWKhT j foil iUUtTLY IIIOU , (ilUDK .MIH. TO F IT? TH 1(7 A 71 THE BENNETT INDIAN TRADING COMPANY TO LIEUTENANT IT C!Tn lift MM Til hi-- tlSU ctT. PHONIC Urn. OR WWSVSWeveMVSMSS. DECKER f otitifM I reKnrdiiiK tiilmiNMibiiliy of ev ident c. liluill) t led Hi tilnwloii huh in Ready-to-We- ar I'. Wonder Aztec Fuel Co. KiKled tllil I'. I'lmiiKiill Wan Week Values to fmbt Himn bin un-hi- h oir Off- i hHi ul 111:1011 lr n for aovi riior In Farmer New York ToKce Ill 11 bn.nht L. redhot retolt icial, Under Sentence Only four days more of the Rosenwald Clearance Season You'll have Gallup Stove Coal from Coiiit.iii Death "Mr. Iln minion' Inmnuiit ion w for Rosenthal Murder to llclllx rately of tetialv e." be told the to hurry if you would take advantage of the Greatest Saving Oppor- Cleanest Coal !n i u 111 in 11 tie Id. ihen il ci lured that Have Another Chance. tile airikeia pri.poeed lo ptove tbitt tunity of the year. iolitlal cntiilitioiiM in aouthern Colo- - h to CONVICTIONS OF the market. riiilo had loin du with the cullitiK if the coal ati tkc. GUNMEN AFFIRMED Ill ItXtTI l I.MKHt Mvli:itM h. IN FHUNB UL AltltM KM.I.WII I tlrnveaenil, Knaland, 24. The ( It)' il Wire In Itching Herald. N. V.. Feb. S4.--- new ten labor lenilei deported from ftouth Album. iriul wa aratiteil 1'batli I lei ker, the 1 Kt general Ready-to-Wea- Afrua month after the New Yolk pollie lieutenant r THOS. BLAKEMORE i former Note trlke hud lu n broken, lamled here the Values Funeral Director and F.mhaltnar today I under death acnieiiee for the murder from the tcaiuhlp mitetii bill, by Commercial Club Puildlni l'h dei they of Herman Itoaenl Ihe court of exile, after larin 1, .ItiM-lic- e Opposite post office. vcpM' appeal. The coutt atood ( to Would rcfiie tn leave the and Welner filing the only dlHeentini: Ladies' Silk Hose, worth Ladies Coats, worth to I..DV AssiwrtM, would remain on board until the opinion. private Ambulance Day or Klfttt. lea ou r returned to Koiith Aim it, $1.50. $12.50. OfnYa I'hona US. tbeir cleclHlon, however, after The convb'tion of the four Kunmcn Ladies' Sweaters, to w ho gpiiealed with Hecki r were u II it 11 worth Ladies' Dresses, worth to Reidencg l'hnna 165T n I011K 1 e llruiyh nnfi reni with labor imoualy affirmed. $3.50. $10.00. leiidim, who bid uirariK'il a areut er- t I'rai tn iilly all reepontnliility for wclcotua lot bem. ror wa placed Ladies' Tailored Shirts, Men's Bath Robes, worth Trinidad l concerned., oon we committe.l al the trial in on JttMtii,. i,urr The only m rlou er- finish with thl n.hjci t, except tin' MINOI 4 It Ladies' worth to $2.50. $7.50. Hill !( TOItH M ror tn A' otney Knit Underwear, testimony of Mother Junes. whl( h we '!' attributed 1'iwrni minkuh i .iii:i: wan In ho mi 75c. Flanelette Kimonos, worth J'iirpnse again to Mick tit Introduce " I'hibidelpblit, .'4 ail In. ked Whitman thai ii.iik worth rib. li II nn he to a a "I in a suite' right num." Inter- lor eikbt the of referred lleikir Lisle Hose, worth 25c; 2 $2.50. rupted luprcsentniivc Hvrncs of Houth (!, "ktuftcr." Krckcr noi beinn on trial ihe aofl conl miner ind fiperator of for griirtlnK, It wan held, diHtrict for 36c. Carolina. "For my part, I am op competitive the pairs the central ilmtilil. uttorney hould not have nuide thl posed (o any Investigation of state W 11 Ii h ha been in.nlilerilm Silk Hose worth 75c; 2 pairs wake statement becaiiHv 11 might have prej- elections." 111 In litHtida of the miner, decided late udiced thn jury. for 36c. Mr. Austin; "Do you expert this afternoon that they could not ajtree Imp'oa-xlbi- e TS6.39 Ladies' Suits WORTH The court wild that It w.m l adjourned to tin-lul- l Ladies' Lingerie eonimilto tti do what your own i- and they report to in an opinion to portray un- Waists, Ladies' Coats, WORTH of (4 the Ladies' Coats TO ntuit attorney hns refused to iln?" cnmmlilie tomorrow. favorable iitmonphcre that cxiHted al worth $1.00. Mr. Costlgnn: view of re- It la likely that a recena will be Ladies' Suits TO Ladies' Dresses $35.00 "In the the time of the trial, hill pointed out Men's Underwear, worth mark of Mr. Hcrrington regarding tkeh and that the committee will ome of the ruling of Jtixtlce (ioff Ladies' Dresses $20.00 my iHit political u f min t itirt " meet at a date yet to be fixed. which were held to have prejudiced 50c. Men's Suits worth $15 and $20 Mr. Foster; "Those remarks will be the defendant rune. Hume of them 6 pairs Sox, 75c. nirPkrn from the rn ord.'' MOTHER! IF CHILD'S follow: worth Mr. "Nevertheless, Mr. TONGUE IS COATED At the opening of iic caae JuNtice Short Kimonos, worth 75c. I tloff -- Chairman, wish to have the com- threatened lo have Mr. Mclntre. a g W.rsaeswwV Mr. Keillor couiihcI for Keiker, removed mittee hear brief statements from fiitiMliiaieil, IiIIIiiiim, anil Mr. on If rriM. feterlnli, by an officer becauae ho objected to in the alomaeh wair. alve "California vitw i f the I nlted Mlii- - Worker re- - remark of the illMtnit attoiney. ga riling the Ixiillim i.r these political S)riii of lift-.- " JuatKt. tloff freiiiently riticixed condition on Ihe strike." Itecker coiniHel for triv ial pei ullari-tle- a A laxative today Haven a Hick child - Mr. Austin: "Don't take n i any In thel- forma of (iici i.nin. tomorrow. Children Mlinp'v will tml wlt-nee- runic time. Wce wasted two hours to protect the a Ladies' Sweaters, worth Ladies' Linen Suits. lake the tluio Irm.i plav to empt on 96c already, hear the witnesses" und on $7.50. Mr. was their bowel, which become cloklted one occuHion when Itecker Uwwin permitted to make up alilKKlxh; rounacl Heatherbloom Petticoats. n brief nt, Willi waete, liver Keta aHked Mr. Whitman to conceii,. u fact, Ladies' Flanelette Night Ladies' Italian Silk Vests, ci.ik iiii during which h our. hlotnui the Juntlie aaid: "No, 1 demonstration from the audlcnci. was tonnne, will not let Gowns, worth $1.50. worth $6.50. Ladies' Sweaters, worth $2. (becked liy (hp sergeant at arms. Look at the mother! If him concede It." loateil, or your I Hotlcea, ( row. Mr. McLennan hUu child The hiiMle of the trial i alxo criti- Ladies' Union Suits, worth Chiffon and Silk Waists, Long Crepe Kimonos, worth addressed the feicriHh, I OllllllltteO. breath bad, rentleen. dm nil cised. . eat heartily, full of cold or tin aore $1.50. worth from $7.50 to $10.00. $1.25. Krprcscntatlve llyrnc made a for- Itepentedlv Juetlce tloff refuaed to any l, - throat or other children allow l mal alalviTicut, setting out hia objee- teiinpoonful Itecker otinm Inive paper nice a or "Callfor they were to v tiona to the examination of affair fyrttp of worry, entitled that ere in the connected nh stale elections. nla Flit." then don't ponaciMiiin of the diMrlct uttorney. The because it la perfectly harnilewi. and and aome of the JiiHticc'a rulniK chatrniHn then announced a few all coimtlpatton in hour thl "puKxed beyond limb of din. re- luncheon reoss. slating Ihut the poleon, our bile and fermentiiiK the art trrin upon w hu h the disputed turn and were erroneous mm ina'ter of wiiHta will Keiitly move out of the luw ." evidence would he admitted would he bowel you well, playful mnde and have a It was pointed out l'.ecker' I known at the afternoon session. child aiiuln. A thorough "ItiHldr that The K. rounacl have been given Ihe executive order of Governor ( leiiiiMlnn" all i M. ofttime that III I lent opportunity to Amnion, prohibiting the importa- It ahould be llrnt trenl-i- Colo- the lloae, Webber. Vallon Scheppn, Led tion of ell ikehrea kcr into the and nt Riven In any alcknea. were IFi It who in m rado coal field, connlant communication and oheiucnt ' urn ayrup XVbwmuw-ijiwSvB- ummmmmm a D ji mtm mmm .1 m urn i 1111 m m sk1 Ilea fix m i nu of counterfeit ii mu n iiimi in nm simi n im mhbimh nm ' m m isi B withdrawal by the governor, were and conference with each other nod mil iiwm iwmi JT Ank your dniKKlnt a -- - , - fcr bottle ' '" m..M a -a a. ma, na. .i w g fg g, in 1r , ff J-- upon were " imiiKed In common under- Ug tl Will Iff. T " iaiMMlsgmJLL. fJ j, r touched at today scaaton of tin' of "t'abforniii hyrup of Kik," which the f It Investigation. taking of attempting to k own ike hiiH full direction for babiiN, children ic their K. I. Coatigan, In - Uvea by pla'lnn In foircit Unit of of all and for Rrown-up- a plainly llct kin of beer. Tho boy loI'Mhe cbler resolution tomorrow and It went of It. J. opelanil, formerly eiudoyed printed on the bottle. Look carefully kcr." o u of men helped them over. a ii n linmlRratlon ngi iil liy the I'oio-rad- that number CAH and nee that It la made by the "Cali- dunk the bei r und the men. or u Ew MOTOR CO. REJECTED SUITOR Fuel & Iron company, aoiiKht to fornia Klg Hyrup Company." lion't with-ilr.ifti- brouuht into eei me an adinimlon that the il number of them, CONCERT RENDERED be fooled! i They of the order wna made in aid thn station tin afternoon having beer but de- AT THE IMMACULATE of ii n ImmiKTatlon projeet In whiih store drunk the mmm nied any knowledge of tho Iheft. Mr. fnpeliind and the Jophn, Mo., OPENS BUSINESS SHOOTS BRIDE CONCEPTION SCHOOL ttrm of I'rinre ti'N'eiil were Inter-e- T If id. The witne denied any know The following program wu splcii-did- In-fl- TO BE QPEfJED IfJ of aunh an element havliiK rendered vehlcr.lay at tho Im- iK the Rovernor m turn. EXPECTS BOAD TO IN ALBUQUERQUE OF A WEEK maculate Conception achool: Judite J. (I. Northeutt told the DISTRICT COUHT Slur hpuliglcd Manner Heboid committee that the Rovernor would "The Tubed Htutea" appear In eron and tell why he lift- ALBUOUEROUIE Fourth nnd Fifth (Irmhs ed thr bar au.'illlM the lm,irt 'Hon of WILL BE ".My Own I'nltcd Slates-- ' Heboid ctrike-breake- JEMEZ Hudson Motor Company of Shocking Tragedy in San "Flag of Ihe Nat bm" . . . . Hev en Hirl.i I 'opeland-f'rir- e A tran-actio- n Judge Raynolds Hands Down The n'Neill New Mexico to Have Beau- Francisco ileorge Washington. K'rphen llolilui flrnt wo mentioned When Jealous . in the Decisions in Number of Ber- "I fi liilnig Ihe I'.ai!-',.- Five llovs atrike InyeMtiMutioii during I'en-ve- r Representative of Great Chain the tiful Salesrooms on Central Rival Murders Girl in Case "Where I line,'' hearing when Jiimea Adam thr nalillo County Civil Suits. STARTED Honor flret peoiuiRe witnee for the of Five and Ten Cent Stores Avenue; Albuquerque Men and Takes Own Life. Aitcllu Morelll alrikera, auid he had come to Colo- "Aiiierlca" Hi bo il Judlie Itaynold today gave decla-io- n Here to Arrange for Build- Thla morning the fifth and sixth rado on a rontrmt to (lurchiiHe In ml in Charge. Wtr levelling ) and laio.ii d judiimeiita in a num- (Itv lo tlcruld grades of the i load i. 1.1 a spclPng had found himaelf employed a a I liisap-pointe- d and of county civil aulta, ing. Han raiiciacu, Zt onl miner, c'opelnnd, In hi direrl ber llernalillo W. H. Rogers of Mountain match, (me prixe, a gold watch, wa tha mmi Important among them be- The lludnon Motor company of New In love, Abruhsm I'cpper of won by James lllalney. a gold exnmlnaiion luxt itiithl. charurtermed A Wool-wort- h and ing In the cuae of the Cltixeii Hank representative of the rival Town Declares People There la or new automo- Tucoma, Wash., culled Mrs. Iiorotby medal by Campbell. A ild tin' teHlimony ua c Mexico the title a June Itoth are fiilw. va. rttegull chain of live and ten-- tit Johnson, his The of ulleui d political ul Albuiueniuu J. Hex and bile aule orguiiKatloli which wa former sweetheart and In the sixth grade. nueatlon 11 Ntorea, now extending ull over the Will Raise More Money y A. I,. Clierher. Judttmetit w given completed today by A Ibuipieritue men a bride of a week, into the hull of the n by the lane coal wa und greatest buai-nc- u"inunu by and I'niled flute the open biiMliu-- s im- hotel here where she wa spending bro unlit up today. M. A. Uiir-1- 1 default the court named Cha. Later. and which wilt lor attain is. enterprlae of it kind in the honeymoon of Kl Moro. a veteran of civil Deniii a receiver for cattle given mediately in thla city with Ihe stale her today, ahot her dead T the aa loan made by world, ha been In A lOiniin roue for mugniilccnl at war and an old rcmli-n- t of aotithern aecutlty for the day agency fur the Hudson her husbands feet, and Ihen shot bunk on which hroiiltht aevernl put luding buNinen V. II. Roger of Jcnux Hpring. one of himself. a In head, SETTLERS ALLEGF Colorado, told the committee thai he and the bank condition automobile, one of the aristocrat With bullet hi lorecloaute proceeding, naming here and ha determined of the (hief booMer for the world. J'epper was to cent nil had known of employea of the coul to open a Woolworth atore at the automobile rushed the Monday. Man h a on rule auto who la in 1 by emergency hospttul, "inpumi wui kniK for certain randl-dat- 16th Ihe date once. rnd. The new company organised where his chance which the defendant are ordered to the rlty this week watting for furllp i N. M. Cudubac, proprietor of the .Mod- for recovery whs said lo be slight. Iiefllnte iittnoil'trement it to the Mil engi- hiiw (iiune why the receive rvhtp coinmunli'utliin from state at and John-on- , BY There were repeated i lanhe amoiig opening of new el dry store Central Abraham Pepper and P. I IflTIMlDATION Mbotild be continued. the store will be made neer, av there It. little doubt Unit It. A. for not a aon aa a building hua been deter- Fourth street, and I'liimati, manager of a Taroma music Xi.kuII unit Cheher borrowed work will start In a short time with om llitie past with the store, were mined on. At reprcacuta-liv- e connected rival for the hund of Ihu money from the bunk, giving u present Ihe the Itl.UOfl now available. "Mr. French lltilck sub force ral'te of Ihe Woolworth in automobllu here. woman. Hecurity under a chattel nnrti;ui;i' Interest hag consulted the governor," said Mr. The company will open salesrooms at Considering sevetal locution. Includ- ISoger. "and I am now waiting lo The defendant, it la alliged, attempt, otue Vt 3il West Central. UKilig hc!f WOMW WAS l'HOMIM-:- ing one ott Central avenue, and It la front him. II I in ed lu vhlp the of tate hear further now upicd r cattle nut the believed of th large store room on MH ii-rr- and ell them In ( ty that he will conclude hi favor of going ahead and I predict by HiihiIh is NemTimrT the Kama here at once. the Model !ry coiupuiiy. Taenmii, Wash., Keb. J( fiorothy VICTOR muikit. Thla, however, wa tupped that there will be omiili'ig doing In The room will be purely u sales and 1 lumhauscr Johnson, In Kan proiecdlriK fol- The Woolworth store, familiar to the Kent two weeka the road Is dlHpluy killed and the furerloaure every room, and will be handsomely I'm today, wa It) Understood That Several Com- lowed. ncwapupir and magazine read- once marled and the II, "'"i well spent, a initio prominent er and widely during and even lusurlously funnelled, as northwest society cir- Tlia rourt gave Judgment by advertised the it will be easy to get more. Our peo- proper dis- and musical plaints Have Been Made to default yenr con- setting for the cars lo be cle Hhe was In caae of Meyer company pint or two, or since the ple I am sure will r.iiM their share company a singer of ability the the st of great played there. Ihe repair Her uncle, wag Holotnon Haca for ruction the Woolaorth of whatever additional fund aro build- Herman Kinder. United States Authorities aiaiiint 17 and building in New hop will lie In the rear of the drowned on aale of property held un- York city, from the needed." Ihe Tttanlc. Ill will ordered the profits of tuv ing but not connected with Ihe sulci left a from Pecos Country. der a chattel liloltaKi: lu aatmfy the the dualitex. urla :iy seek her fortune. Iler wedding herg live growing room. Inst w Judumctit. and conimuiiHies ami the Sig Is recognised a week a surprise to her la Ihe Hudson illaaalrh fa Ktealag HeiaM) Juilgment liy m liiiulnm of one of th aioriK here friend. frrlal default Kivcn ill a cheerful index .(lie's one of the leading automobiles of Itoswrll. N. M , Keb. 24. It is the of M. hHtidoval vi. lu A:ui.ict GALAS Intro- cut Jeu f ul tire. BDUND DIED American manulacture and its here on good aulhoriiy that Ktiiinoiiiu A. Miera In favor of the duction here through the new stale WARM DEBATE OVER seviiul colnplainls have been filed plulntlT for Milii :j ami exetutlon agency la certain lo result in an with tho I'nltcd to REQUEST FOR DATA Slates authorities and Ordered lunllv. popularity for the car, since that oilier charges are Boon to be liUHG Judgment in FilEE fuvor of the plaintiff TO GRAND It comes to the pun baser with a solid ON THE NEW HAVEN tiled by homesteaders In the I'cco wa In CATCH GQYS JURY - ivn the rue of Matron iiml 110 year's unqualified guarantee, the vullcy section charging Intimidation Wood v. J. J. While, being a uil on company's guarantee being Ihe Wlr Tim lank of hanuliiR tli liailti U that f!l leased in Frenlng Herald on Ihe part of cattlemen owmiitt a note for t'O car sold will be kept In petfvvt con- Washington, Feb. 34. large tlewtNl niiuli In llaa awnKi Hutu aa Senator herd and using ramie in this The court wa occupied II e thl after dition without charge for that length Norrla' rem. lotion culling on at- section of he II la (I l f u It to op Hat fall atove. At Oti ia-- we th state. noon with hearing the race of Jeu ROBBED BEER Man Who Murdered Ross Gar of time. torney general for rertaln Informa- obtain definite Information a to the luke liiat work vH Hie ltouatwife'a M. v . eiiiidoval Coruello Hulnlov .il The Hudson company will have on tion al In the statu of negotlallona nature of lha charge, a Ihe sett lent lunula. ' a Sandoval county cum'. cia at Torreon Ex- display In the near future two types making well. Waives for of ihe New Vork, them have been heard to do O'f work n1 dt It It of the louring cur, a roiulmer type New Haven stale thul they feared persecution I- - and Hartford railroad Ju a irt of till atoec'a to COLORADO amination and Retains Al- and u combination roudster and cab- wa should a SUPREME warmly debated today In lha their activity In making the I ln-re- Uw luiitual DEPOT irona lliat De- riolet. Thr. company a ill have the Fenalor Norrls said some complaints become public. It I will liewr-- n you urM4tra. COURT RULES FOR buquerque Lawyer for enl. ko'd and most attractive sales and duplu one hud 200.000.nOO. ob- known that ori'i homesteader charge ta room gtate. stolen f "f .)itlilnK itctrai rtnre from tiio a. ALAMOSA OFFICIALS fense. In the ject in audi loose statement as that, that he ha been made Hie defendant i a rami- - of a iMilblmit l'an uiU:litly In complaints sworn by . somebody hu stolen I :'00 OOII.OOO." lu cattlemen, WHoliea iJii'ii-i- AS wiiulow - lat eviTf , Keb. 2 4 The alai u- Youthful Offenders Admit Enrique Halas w hu murdered 111 MONEY FROM PUBLIC declared fetiator l.lppett of lihods which he alleges to be nothing hut I n A luiml uuMle raii mI litor preme court today hani'ed down a rul- father-in-law- , Itos tlatii.i, a prom- Island. persecution. , . ii Mm-- yuareiilea-- Lemp LAND SALES FOR eliaib lor are ing In favor of th official of Having Entered Stor inent Toiratie county man. ut hi "If the senator menng to say I'roinlnenl cattlemen here assert, l( ptili- - or curt ciliiva. that mai- not wi ink If. at i'oiinlv appointed by (Inventor age Tak- home In Torreon en bru.iry Tib, wa GOOD ROADS, PLAN the director robbed the stockholder that they know nothing of the 1 fclia.b" ;in IihmiI la liuujf House Last Week, ler, no esse be- n rj liim Amnion nhortly after the count) wan tiwn a piclimii.iiy bulling at of Ihe road, he la In great error. At and that of trourile wIiuIom) wltiniul cuaU by bint leglaliiiiire. I tlilnl-nallu- n tween homeHteaders lit "(:r ta created the The ing Two Kegs of Amber Inn no. i Mni'. w.i .vcil (II Wlr t reilng Herald.! the mr.Mt there were only error of and iinvmrii hu'c 1 nl-l- y aupreme Witi-hing- f come to pein'Mi caftv fume belore the court and Wa bound over lo awuit on, r'eb. 24 A new plan Judgment. The adjustment cannot their notice. It on application for a writ of auperae-d-a- a Fluid. rumoffd, however, lhal the coin-pluln- ibe ui lion of the next Torrance county for good road development In the go on (atlifactorlly If unwarranted by official appointed b grand w have been placed Ig the hxiKts brouuht Jury, nbout l.ll. public lurid statea without direct lax slateiiK-nl- s of that kind lire mnde." of I Aliiu-tueru- the county rommiulonera, the The polne thla afternoon louinled father to A IhUiiuerqiie upon Ihe nited KUtea attorney at Strong Bros. rial' sine either federal or state treasur fSetmor Norrla declared If the sen-nt- e of the commlaaionera having lip a gang of small ln. n Im. Saturday W. ies, I for Investigation. native and retained Attorney was proposed in a hi today by hart reached the point "where It been oualed by the derlalon cf Ina-tr- under riueatlotiing Troin Chief Alc.MIl '. Hem oik lu defend Ihe young man. Senator Nevada. I'll llnan of wn unwilling to throw light on tho - f" PTTTlTITStTTTTf H Judge A. W. Mcliendrla. The lin. admitted that they entered the Judgs lleucoi k to go to Money I'll.- la to 14 ! irnTTCr tn uiialila from lbs su!e of 10 per rent depredation of a lot of pirates" II Drugging rm money court denied the anperaedeaa. The beer depot on Ihe hunia K Ivntani'la for tb preliminary hearing, of surveyed public In refund If lA7.f lie gov the lands each cnght not In wonder ml the existent' itfeil will to give the criior track north of the rlty Xunday n bei of ( ..nib, mi huatiirss, but OINTMF.XT fail to cura Itching, ago au. state would be used for liulhllnj of snnnhv In the country, eensior Kllnd, Protruding sicond and corrri. ispj iiinice Hie comity ofilna. Week and look therefrom two W ill go In inclg Krid.iy. highway. llleeding or Files. i:t irunk Lodge sulil he would gpeuk on the First application give relief, loc. TIIE EVEITINQ IIXIIALD. AIBTJQUERQTJS, N. M., TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1S14. three. WOULD thp follow ing' REWARD BRAVE RESCUERS Hail) II Horn nn. prccpptor. MUS1ER0LE Loosens Up I irat Awrtnieii. Charlea M aptrlt of the From 1 paat; Norman 1 King, captain of the Congestion Colds a uard. AT SCOTTISH RITE fcivniMt Aimrtnient, Jut rub It brlklv on tbp cheat and On Sale Tomorrow Thomaa J. Haiilord. bierophant; throat l"iiinht, and get thp noolhlng i bal lea M. HtMiiffer, sai tllli er. Nor- rrlipf thia i ban, while ointment,,-Wit- man I,. King, lieutenant of the guard. oil ol nuialard, lliri. Third Auirliuciit. The i'l muatard plnaler uaed C EU01 Frank W. I'arkir, nupreme Judge; tn blit. r. MI'i'TF.Kt 'I.K llM.'i I. John W. Mayet. lirm frank Judge; Thnfg why mllllona ate v lining it Jumea tl. Fifh. mid frank Judge; with auch comrorting reaulta. It Harold K. Cogcprlmll, third frank break tip a cold iiiu ker than any SANTA FE lodge; I.orln C. Colliua. fourth frank muatiird planter )ou ever aaw. Juilgp; 1.. Our Entire Spring Line Norman King, provoat of Heat for Core Throat, Hi .mi lium, Juatlce. Tonallltla, Croup, HtlfT Nwk, Atbma, Vt'i 7 j Koti nil Apartniiiit. Neutalgln, lleadache, Congeatlon. mm H.irry H. Itormm, preceptor; d I'leiiriay, HheunuitlKin, l.umbaKo, sg. Magnificent Musio Goes Far to It. Haul, flri ul preceptor; Pallia and Aehea of the II. or -- r; ok of - pre-pto- Ladies' Coats, Suits Y . . William II. Wlckhatn. aeeond aub .... , Make Present Gathering Jolnta, Spralna, Sole Muc!,.. limine John 8. H Hauiniltt. orator: Chi hlu I lie. Fronted Feet, Colda of th I King. of ciremon-la- ; One of Most Successful in Norman niaMer Chpat tit preventa I'npiimonln . Michael O'Neill, expert; James P. At your driiHglnl', In nnd State Masonic Annals. expert. ir.c fic McNulty, naaialant Jora, and g apo iul large alte and Dresses L for t'J.Ml. fold by drugglnta every- at J LARGE CLASS TAKING where. Accept no auloitilute. If your drtigglat cannot aupply you, eend THE SEVERAL DEGREES LOFJG ESSIOd 2',p or .'."c to the MlTKH' 'I K Com- pany, Cleveland, ti.. and we h ill mull apptal rarrMBBBP (ke Mral4f you a Jar, poataup prepaid. Kp, .M I at- - mania N. . b. 14. An Mlaa M. 8peer, (Irmlunte NuraP, Tl TT Including Hioltlsh lilte Ma-n- a OF TRAINS SI. I'elpraburg, r'lorldii, anya: from nil burn of the atalp, "I hovo found It excellent for i Inrgo ( lus of novlllulea who are tak- everthlng that llaa anything tn do with colda or rheumatic affcctlona. I s ing the Itnprpaaive degree work, ond am n profeiwlonal nutne nnd thia pro- OFF niuanlrlei nt niualc are combining tn THEJAEST duct la better thun any thing 1 ever v make the preent of the IIIW." - AntlPnt and Acteplud Kiultlah Tllto .4 A? Stranded Fliers Reach- Maaona of the Valley of Santa !, First of orient of New Aipxiro, one ut the es Albuquerque at Noon To- molt Important and aucrPaaful event In the M monlo annnla of the ilnp day With Half a Dozen to Every Garment The rpunlon opened yeaterday, la con Tonight. New tinuing today and will end tomorrow Follow with function of a eoclal nature, fol- lowing thp Important dPgree work RUMOR OF FATAL WRECK which la IipIiik glvpn today for the following I'luaa guiherpd from all ON SANTA FE AT HISPERIA and Modish aectlona of the alale: DOH'THEED JUSTICE Cortii'llua t'urran, Hugiirlle: John That the blockade cauned by the I.. Ilohh. Ituton; Harry (1. Ilogle, recent flooda lit aouthern California Kp; Santa f'hurlia Ilfeld. e Veaaa: hud been at leant partially broken waa Jean A. Jpam-on- , FnrlniiH: OF TIIE PEACE OR Colorado Indicated by the arrival hpre at Noil I,. Johnson. Hopp; Arthur V. nn 11 See Display Kaublp. today of one of the enniuound ma- Window Xuiturltp; Oeurac 1). Mavei. Hiintii l:lta; I.i'ater M Montlpth. Kle-Phn- nt lted truina which b it Log Angelea hint lluttp; 1anle T. K. Mypm, Friday. Tho train reached here Just STE Klgmund Nuhm. Lai Ve- UT, hourg late. 1'uanengera and crew nae; Hon K. Hivena. Tjia Vpu.iat Jua. tell it atory of the la lent flooda which Ktpwart. Van lloiitcn: Klnier II. nhow that the rcporta have been Kiiidley, Ituton: John W. Turner. in no way exugtcruicu.f'f j ne imm - Santa llllo; Mnrrla A. Van ll.iuteii, here today wag attiinded well out IniCOntraCt Mamage JUSt 33 Shoenwikpr; Claude II. Wilklnmui. the country and lor a wim acrl-oiial- y lto I iti time Good in New Mexico, Says p;ir. id'iiK k. Fort B1111111.T; Fred 11. Kvana. I'BW abort ol proMmona. The Model Dry Goods Co. on Iterlln, Kcb. 19. frown :r the heir tn tlii' a h "on; Herbert l C.rhart. Kanln y: Mcmbera of the thiough crew Assistant Attorney General Herman thione 11,1. a fiilnl hi.- -' I i ?i iHldor H. Morrla, ln.ur.l ,.i,,,.ea .f Wllhclm hu petitioned w.i i t his palace. Tlii voung AlbiinucDiue I ex-r- r Itptnlla Hip wreck of a part of a l.akc train Opinion. Imperial father, the emperor, to m niry mi kiihiiI at the carriage eit- - of pn.a nun which ll hall in Interesting THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY In- - - being at Hlupcrlu juat aa they were leaving. his authority us oiumuiidci II.I.IM- It't lllll'l ' t,l 111. Wolll'1 OP II- carried out today arp n follow le Th wan cITcct that 21 III chief of the Herman army by re- x ul.ini Just n Hip latter Was about tu The fiftrpnih to thp clehlppnth de- - atulemciit to the Santu Fe. N. M.. Feb. . grcpa a bridge on Saiil.i Fe'a Imp which! warding with a lli'int-ti.iii- i ii in i v b r i iiaf at t hp prince, conf' ire.l bv the Aztlun Chap to anxloua from rrimn iinl after waa being uaed by Suit Lake train Imiulrlei mn the young ptivatu who 1 a brief etruttvle hlm. The ter Itone Croix No. 1. Theap de- - the nrl sunducd gave in Juat ua the coupba at Corona, S. M.. who crown prince from h :n.i mac, ti m i rnwn prtn. wan in hi are known aa "historical anil .r luhlirdicd. the contention was made ihom effusive waa punning over, and that three paa- - leared they hail not been legally Join Nice Fat Mackerel ,10o Kulomun, who attempted to usauu'it pt.inie of the prl'i:c'a action. reliKioua." The offlcera of thu that the murriuge was u nullity. The chapter are na follow aengera. all wiimcn, were fatally hurl. ),., wedluck after finding that the I pound I'.oiicps- - CiNlli-- li I.V1 no report or at- -j supreme of Tcxua very wisely John W. M.ira, w lap There hiia been thia e pence court ;t of master; Mar- hud.'Juatb of the who married iuii smIiiioii .,j K Tout. tin O. Yatpa aenbir cldent, and the trainmen hero itlipm waa no peace, took an opposite view and III Ita RESOLUTIONS ON DEATH Warren lrand Army of IhP Anrden; Frank heard.' only a rumor. Juatlce of the the 3 luiK-- Itiil salmon Soil K piihlli', department of K Mexico, I". Andri'wa. Junior warden; general pro-ule- d opinion made use of the following Norniaa Kli ..f the delayed traina are .. bed- - "'rncy ha. 3 cans of fain) l int Salmon 'i'ns OF COMRADE EOYLAN C. Ilnyliin. I. iIp of Dublin, Ire. I.. King, orator; Frederick M idler, "'" " opinion to the e fe I la In sim- j...h to reach Alb.ier.,ne thi. after- - tin tinge referring to statutes , MiPilims. In Oil 'JTxt Harry H. How m ere-tar- calls linil. rixidcnce, Albuquerque. N. M., ulmoner: man, k-- l,ml 'wu run ," ,utviy "ll,lly I noon between four and aeven o clo. i ""J. ilar to ours: In I. K. Warren poet, Orun! Army of i iiirt. d July I. Iti3. nn seaman; dis- Hiram H. Cartwrlghl, treaaur-er- ; .1 nd pcrmaiient ly married In Newr lmsrti'il Snnlloe Olive Oil... 10c the Iti'lMihllo, ai n meeting xesterduy charged July S. ISM; Joined the poat I.orln C. Collmx. maater of cere. .Mexico whether or not you have the "Much statutes are merely direc- lniMrted hardliicw in Tomuin Hip - 1 tory. la contract, itltt riiooit adopted following nn- May 2. !0S ; died January II. 1914. nionlen; Frank K. I,ealpr. expert; iHervicea of a mln'odcr or a legally Marriage a civil snin-- , hm .ilo.lon of respect: ho n tiuiiHtcrrpl from thp Karl C. Men. naalatant expert; Hon-I- n qualified muglatrate. The opinion and is a thing of common right, so I'atK'jr .4 surdliitM In Miistiinl . . . 1IM1 I runki "Whereas, Annthrr member of 11 t our ordi-- on ourih to thp Oran.l in in Tltua. guard of the temple; BURROS GRAZED 0 followa: i iiecognl.ed by all civilized countries Slacker"! In cans l.Vi ami 2M porg ages, by l 0)-i- -r Army nhovc. thT to rtH'ilvti Jum A. Kiddle, tyler. Hanta Fe. N. M . Feb. 21. 19t4. in all und is encouraged amr in ittns loo ! Shrpildi'il CiHlll-- h. Ooj for vullnnt n Icp rriiil'-rp- j in degrpe, Knight of the Mr. J. M. Atklnaon, Corona, N. M. public policy, A rule ol conal ruc can I'n-Ml- i rv i p of hi country and flag; KhbI. conferred by the Council of I tear Hlr: 1 am In receipt of your tion as contended for by appellant 3 (!. Ktrlctly I'ggs 550 i In I'Piorp, It Jerusalem aa follow : SITE OF HOTEL letipr of the Inm, In which you j would biiktiirdlso children whose par- Amu .lemliiia 1'uinakc Hour..,.! 10 lth -- John H. It. a a cere- believed they were legally inur-.lii'- d. hero hyrup. lb. can too "l;colvrd. That wp mourn th Oo-- ii Hammltt, worahlpful Imiulro to the legality of a ents en . who were not Kuro S)rnp, !a gallon 2.V3 itiirp pk- ruler; Jam Wroth, venerablo mony performed by pernon claim- nml conxclnua of of t'lmiiiiiip Ilnyliin wnd I violating any I gnlbui , Extra Specials! ii lul to hla family our moat ulncrp prlpat; AlphPtia A. Kffti. venerable ing to be n Juki ice of the peace, but law, human or divine. ham Sriipt 5oi 1. a Ml Hie. High !.. : crlhp; Ira tlrlmwhaw. tnaater of who, aiibaeiiii'iit to hla aa nd who believed they hud entered lHlent Hour fipmhy. L1AD0 ,MI li. Ih of all SiHiinl Apidi-s- . preminlpa; William J. I.ucaa, rap-tul- n filch Juatlce failed to execute bond 'Into the marital relations without for balance liiiiolvi'd, Thiit on our a H Hat. tit' ,l. the of the ultnr and of the guard; Harry 8. Howman. aa by law. looming In conflict with the proviHions Small koiiimI Applfrt 2:3 fhiK ) iliapliiypd thp umiiiiI hadKP uf reiiuired S No. 3 I (.bda-v- . week: Xarababal. Section 1411 of the Compiled Ijiwa of statutory enactments. Much a fillip .ri t'.'.nrnlKB and that a ropy of thPK 3.M Men's SIiih-- Court of King C'lrrun. L0C0m0tiVe',,f mukea It to rulp, we think, lruughl with conse-'lueni- .tl.MI These prices are excep- ri holuilotia hp prpMi'iitPil to hi family Old "Eight Spot" lawful all intents !..',! Womcn'a Slita-- a $l.."(l Mpwellyn C Hall. King Cyrna; . . I"1"1 purpose", wno muy ao fearful to the Interest of so- i i. n. I alw-- to lht pappra puli-l- li lor inoae f tional values, and we are ilty for Hurry H. Zarn or uia,,i,.Mire"ai j t, ciety, would tend to ood the courts k.e liililntra hwiwieni UK! Ibiwnuin. bubal; i'haa. ana rictures Local .,iemniip the contract or s ll..n." A. ttiie Men's Hwi'nli-r- irm Whpplon. Put nip; K. a. orduln-o- with litigation, uiiK't'le property positive will save you Frank Timers" Interesting f ;l..,o MoiiH'it's $1.73 muiiiir uf cavalry; Thomaa J. Feature Z "LIZ any rights and disturb settled rights of huinters money. Sanford, rn, Tv agree to mimler of Infantry; Hubert Display at Cobb Studio. civil mitglHtrale. Section 1415 of the inheritance. We can not 2 pound can Kuner's 1.. Cooper, mimler of puUcp; Normun same compilation definea marriiige aa 'such a ruin of construe! Ion. Our U King, nt pre-jacri- PARIS CAPITALIST niaater of finance; Kdward Every resident of Albuquerque a civil contract, for which the con-c- stat tile does not render null or Baked Beans, in J. Kampa, maetpr penult lea marriage of chancery: "old-tlm-er- of the contracting purtlea, capa- against DOLDE'S Wre and more particularly the ley . . . .10 Connor, Jr., captain ble In law of la not entered into under the term 310-31- Tomato Sauce. .$ of the will find much of Intcreel and contracting, eaaenilul. 3 KohiIi Scetoid Rtrrct, guard. From the foregoing, you will seo that thereof." 1 pint bottle Van Camp f enlerlulniiicnt in a moat valuable rMione BEGINS WORK Oil Kighteenth degree. Knight Hoae photographic print It Is not almolutely eaaentlul that a j We have no statute In New Mexico el. Croix: collection of ALL Catsup 20 which have been placed on apeclul man and woman, who deal re to enter 'declaring that marriages not cele- ;H)is in l.ivi:ici:i. John W. Mayea, w lae 1 package Ralston niaater; dlapluy at the Cobb gludiu at 210 Into n marriage contract, ahould have brated by ordained clergymen or Hurry 8. Howinun, enliir wardt-n- ; I tho Kime solcmnlxed by magistratea void, .15 Weal Gold awnue. a minister civil shall be and Breakfast Food.. MILL AT BLAND Kilward H. Haul. Junior warden: The pleturcH cover a period of of the goapel or a Justice of the peace It Is undoubtedly a fart thut what 1 gallon can Ripe Francia C. Wllaon. orator; Thomaa thirty yeara und have been placed on but "lhoH who may so desire." can ure known as common law maniuge JOY OIC J. Hanford, nintiter of rpremonlea; dlaplay by Mr. Cobb preliminary tu employ the services of a clergyman are vulid in this stats. UUDS Olives 1.10 .Marvin K. Yutea, guard of the tern or civil magistrate. supreme pie. the deatructlon of the negative, The court of the United 1 quart can Ripe which have uccumululed to a burden-gom- e The fact that the Juatlce of the Ktuti'S ha passed upon this question W. II. Brevoort Here to Snper- - The Nineteenth to the Thirtieth extent. Tha collection includes peace to whom you refer, at the time ,ln the cne of Mclsier vs. Moore, 8'J Olives 4i degree are be PACKARD to conferred thla after- portrait of many of the city a moat of the performance by hlm of a mar I". 8 , " In thut case the learned CAR vise Construction of Plant noon ' 1 jar Del Monte Pre- - and tonight. Theee ore known prominent citizens of an earlier day riage ceremony, had failed to file hla court held that it waa not exxcntliil serves, all flavors, for Cossak Company. ua the phlliiaophlciil and chlvalrlr a. men like Mayor Juff.i. Albert bond as reiiuired by law. will In no that a nilnlMcr or a mugtatrafe The ol fleer of the council Orunafeld, dipt. Jack Crawford, the way vitiate the marriage contract or should be preaenl at the time of thP 23 are an followa: poet acout, etc. The group Include render the same void. I aaaume tha' entering Into tit such a contract and HERE ORE IN SIGHT TO RUN Charlca M. Rlauffcr, flrat lleuten-in- t the old volunteer fire companies, any such marriage ceremonies further said: rommander; Hurry 8. Howman, tug-of-w- chuill-Pion- a by hlm were so performed by haaehall tpuiiia, "Murriuge Is everywhere regarded MILL FOR TWO YEARS aeeond lieutenant i omniundcr ; n organis- virtue of the license required by our and cimc and athletic n ii civil contract, statute In many C. Hall, chancellor; Hubert U pv ry Then, too, hi a tine, ami such eplchrutloiia of ations of kind. of the state, It Is true, regulute the Mayor Sellers Misses Cooper, orator; Frederick Muller. there la a pi ture of one of the old murrlugps are now of record In the a Ret BAKERY DEPARTMENT W. II. lirpvoorl of I'nria, of the well Almoner; Yati-a- , mode of entering lno the contract, Marvin O. rPi'order; "elghl-rpot- " cnliRidcred county clerk's office. In case lire-vour- locomotive. they When Detroit known niliilna turn of Hallcy and t, Hirum fl. Curtw right. treaaurer; question should eter arlnp as to th but do not confer he right Manufacturer a monetir entine In Ita duy. but the lleucp they ale not within the prin- mid thp I'hlt'f powpf Chnlea K. Imt. master of epre-moiile- merpst pygmy compared with a mod- legality of such a marriage, this rec- Goes Through to Socorro I i. Our success finani'lal ciple that, where a statute i rentes 1 en continued Ucorge II Klnkcl, lieuten- An dd ord could be produced as CV lili'll.'O biihind Ihu t'osauk MUmm and Mill- ern Hantu l'c liKoniotive. tit.ii l iiiiil pmvl le u remedy for Its ever-increasin- g; ant of the guard; Oeoige A. Kiddle, thereof, but even in the ewnt that Way to Coast. ;; and busi- Town view rh'iws the giiardhoiie and I ing tompuuy vkhlch to cntlnpl. there hnd never been any r ird enlori ... the remedy i xiimdvo. flagpole erected by Kit Caraon, and No ness demonstrates Twcnty-flra- a Mulutc may take nvvav itil--- that liie Uland mining ramp, The t degree, Noarhite are ral which made Hip marriage rouM still be Mayor St lb rs fur once hn there few picture u common law light; but there t al- - our goods are good and li.m n ut t' p pH' wpek ut ltluml, or Hruaaian Knight, will be confer- chow tnirio browsing on the land proved by wltntsais other than the a hoi. Suturdiy the muvor'a mail red by following: officer, by ,vva a pr'htiinptioi that the coiintiiie.t a letter from II H. Joy, .. hf hi i n aui'prv ih:ii the the now occupied by the Alvarado hotel. or hunailf. that they please. Our Hip ca-t- ha no auch intention, uuleiis It Kdmund C. Abbott. lieutenant a word, la u In of Holder va Wale. 2 preaiilent of the r.ok.ird Motor 'ar loiupiiiiy In the Cobb collection -- LiMiMru. linn ot lliu Coaank ; S W.. It wan be plainly ex prim d A statute miv com pa ii v. tm cakes give satisfaction. 'ommandi-r- Hurry 8. Howman. mont Inter, t mg and amuring photo- set up by Holder tiitiig that he expected mill I" ma: huilt on the alte of the declare no iioiirlage ello be b,. rqm- - Hip ti"w Count Kcinfrcd: Jumea A. Hollo, of dur- and proved by him. that n marriage 'ii Aloii,i. l.itver part Of Have you ever tried lull I'oiupuii) a plant, Iuiik graphic hiftoiv Albuquerque v alid tmlei--s they are iiiiiU d In old t'o Adolf the Saxo.i; Kinmett J. HeArcy, pum ceremony waa performed between the week The mayor thought tf;a turpi Mr. la ing the thirty years. a prescribed but u h en- b them? h.iiiu kid. Hiovoort th warden of the north. llllll and one Itoau Cleveland by u milliner; an iter meant the picneiit weiK. wlotv l. Intprcsta In In very omikt of tKP iionliig Cogiti-Hhail- , actment a different thing t .Mr Joy no tin- of W want you to. Harold K. warden of the When yon buy a new machine you pernor! named Hubert, who wuii not ant latter part M.m. wluih tip hiia it forcfd to from u law requiring all marriage wetk. 'lite nig aiitoiio-- l tl:- iiitin-ui.oiur- aoutli; Charlca M. Ktiiullcr. otalor; want lo be thut It will do the an ordaimd minister of the goxpel lul every iiliaiiilon tiv ri'iiioii ut friiupiit ruldi Ipiiii to be entered into in tho preMcurp of who la uI.mi pis .(a-th- e They are fresh A. liray. re.r,lir; Melin T work for wim h It Is Intended und at the time he ei formed such mar- by Dip aiioua wnrriim and n inattlHirate or a clcrnvinaii, or thut l.tlooiti IlibihiVjiy a ,,1 ,n, un- day. lniiilav), Hacal; II. Uoiniiin. iive you that labor. It la the aame riage ceremony. Thia lae! being wlillp til,, troublp In Mi'Xliu t'Oiitinupa. It be pl'.'O-lc- hy u lb or - loaded a giant - 11 n ardpr.i way u remedy. bp flle. liu'il-"" I'.ol- inl I'll UrViite hia with You want to n u bv Hot Rolls and Bread to if Twpiily-aei'on- d digicea. e.itioii of lii ti or be Itemed ar tore l.inl Satutilnv II. ti'. the rUr a Prince of aiire that It will do the work. In case nine to plm inK hla proppi'llt at lllund Alliu-lueniu- e vvilni'Sre Such foriiiiil prov Inlon aiiiving by expre-i- on No. 7. 11 libunua, will be conterrcd by of i hen iiuii ihiii. the d can Irun every morning at y afdlit' paria .1 111 on a muIihIui tui kinc baaia. t cum-prlae- liiav1 be a rcetorv. The w.i uiiio.iilt tin- noi breiliren. The leani la d be riltib-i- i hours, bring conntrucd mi 'ely d tar lower of Dip Coaaak rompuro'a for whiill will vuiil.s Mr. J., o'clock. of the following: relief, but have you enbaiinled with AUCTION Itotleail of beini: as di'iriic. and l.n in u i),,. mill la now Rill umlir way and It l eooiiooii-lav- lowing w Heler Cameron, venerable chief; the effort, .tn application of Sloan's tivi of a r!ht to foriu iio'iiiing tor Soioiii, henif. pxpi-iii'- that tliv plant will be In full b., i xp.-ct- l go Ltlloy K. Able, aeiilor wariivn; Hur- Liniment does the work for you; no HOUSE the marriage relation bv word of .ti 0.1s country to op ration by the lut aprlnit. Thpre l BRICK I'li'H nix. ler It. liepiiian. Junior warden; rtrbblng -- Jinn lay it on iiiof" Sou have ;Ti(h nt Present aiment. And such, we think MitlU'lt'lit oip In M la Ii l In company' On Wedncaduv, the Inil int. the Charlva E. cere-nionle- ha been the generally Iowber. niaater of the same .It with no hard work 2 110 T. M, on premise. I will rule adopted THE iiilnpa to run (he null for iar Kidney Abrahamca, rf the In construing hi.iIiii, regulating romp, development,tu J. orator; on your pull It la ao soothing, so sell at public Auction, for whatever to without further Korreat !. Thomaa, expert; Harry U. warm comforting, does t limrriiigp. Whatever direction they I Ity per-mi- t and rllit It will bring, and he rupui of the mill will hi'lton, aaaiatant expert. ex- mav give respecting It or the sore spot and drives away the IIV SK. formation of I'liaiom work. twenty-nint- h MlilH IIIIICK IHll The degreea. Rcotltah cruciating pun. Itettcr get u bottle (Hi solemn sution rourl have uhiiuIIv Tim rei.penlng of the tllund t'amp, Knight of 81. Andrew, con- situate mitllf avimi: held s will be today. ?:i' and Mlc. All druggiats. IdiH'k murriuge good at common law fur )oare oiia f thu moat artlte in -- II from ilm ferred at p. in., by the following I ti i n t pain. to be good not w New Me Kirn, tnatprltil i lon .i im kills This house la ir). throughout, lthtaliding the stat- AFFA will be of brethren from Albuoiieruuv modern ute", unless they v bunlnpaa I good contain in to AIIuuueriUe In a John Venable. venerable nutater: I'almairome, F.ngllah and in shape. Has china closet, words of nullity." way. Mr. lirvvoort wpnl lo lllund Miss Florence pantry, bath, pontic on U U Charlea K. Iwler, inarahul; Heubeii teacher last ar in the high school, front and CMl UU. I Friday a vlait here, leav- sides; large glussed-l- n porch; afler abort I'erry, manter of the guard; Kdward baa been eiuiged to lake the place sleeping ing yeatpiduy for the eaat. good lawn, sidewalk; 60 l. 8akpt. Itacal; l.eltoy K. Able, pre- of Mlaa Itose Anna Oray, who haa re- trers: lot A ;mmI ugll Meill, Iim fi tliiblrell. Hepman, 14 2. A lovely neighborhood. Flavor, fragrance, late; I'etcr It. mauler of signed on account of the deuth of her t'onvini 1114 proof of the rare cura- - W, As owner Is leaving tha city, pacLin, price- GROCERY CO. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Jatnea Chavea, chief free, sutler. Mis 1'ulmalrome will com- this tive properties of Chumberlain's variety, booler; Oeorge It. Cm Ik. aerond free- mence her m w duties tomorrow. houeei will be sold ai auction for what Cough Itemed)' came from Mra. Mury everything U in favor of BALK Heiiutifully flnlahpd booter; Kidney J. Abrahaniea, third It will bring suitable terms of pay Fhwccii of (irlnnell, Iowa, auys: roil who T- iuarlprpl onk dlnllig room apt freebooter. Allan H W'as leaves tonight for ment will be given. Inspection an "Chamberlain's Cough ltcmeily helped (71 FII0NE3 31 and 33 buOTet, . M round, tabla, china J The Silth hla home in Oakland, California, af lima up to duy of gale, Wtilniiela), my III tl,. boy a great deal when he n closet and all chairs. Will (arrtllec The llilrtlclh devrep, or Knight Ka. ter a visit of ten days here looking !Mh, at I I'- - M. had whiKLlng rough. It Is a good I to yuKk buyer. 121 Weal Coul. duah, will be conferred at I p. ni. by after local business Interests- - 1 I'HANK, Auctloucer, niediiiite.' For sulo ty all druggists. - 1 ni FOUR. TITE EVXHINO imiALD, AU.UQITEItO.TrE, N. H,, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1914.

Lie. It In In hlaliliimla of Ti r l c llll'.' II, ! f.iiini the Albuquerque Fonndary and 'Ill HAD CATARRH IVt 11 I!..IiIh iiinl "'bile, wnil han a II .1 .1 m ti m. A. I" The Evening Herald. J'lttn" n it furry nut f nubb-- l.rnun urnil-- I Machine Work. a ii, !. i FIVE YEARS. ti u nil, ilnrker lini i u hb h In lit. (Il KihtIim til rimnuprg In ihe Solar Old Friend ls prize, 1 hy trniebm. Almnnt 11- - L'aatlna la iron, lirnaa, Hrona. The Kv. ll t.iH. Ine. An 1 .1. - tn t i i ry I'.iirNt I. im Iilnu Hie went n.Nii't Aluminum. Blmctural fur r. m:i:h. m s wiim 1. 11, M i Dui'-- it tti ,! n .iiir mi JABS '"'1 "f t' .if ! hi li Aniefii'ii lirinim heme m ef Bridge ami HullcHnna Jniii'x-iii- K Iwnx'tor. 11 it.-i- hi'iillt Ifill 9n neill et1r. Worha n (MriiM Alkaqaciiaa, ' of II' i li l: I riil'l Offi'lal illy ti n o n. wan Me.iln l,nl... ri.r i r .. . Hfe fniin.l i,n the ,ue. I I Ai'mi'i i n i. ii Hi ttellbleil fV He .11 111 Into the t.fflop Wlltl'lllt near the iimiiih i.l the Itln il" t. I . 111 Ml el-fe- t n ir In. - I v.iir with In Hip IsIhiuN iibniit 1'nl'llnhM I'.rr n'lrrnmn lit iiniiiiiit vent lid., y. Sieie. the tir""- ;;,rrli. Th" lima iin.l en huB'lMW, Ht I I li, A t ' f Ma- - i:t ri'fiiiil i" r"i I'M.V UKV h.iirieil mar m.iti, b il III 11 In. mil fun turn Hnil In the iiiilt nf N M. ill' hltn ih. lie r .it.irrti Miert, I i i ; ta k- -i . nn YOUR POLL 1, iii nl li ill i.l'... It I" be llllilii 4 rtti lb" fl limp "t , r...Veri li, ) a"ll,in Thei lire iml ibntlfnl t TAX IS DUE yalni-bl- nn . I I 1 imr in their Ittr fin tlmne I III. I li.i.l iincp heeti In can I.ntrc! nn mnii'f I'. i". Icy N"nHh-r- : - '.IvvVA.. l. n ml Inhnbli ll'K the ne.m nl the t ttlH iMIfti.lln O ill .1 i 'i T TIMi: l'-- "ii.e r iiicriirlM- rl.iiii tnll Hint lil lit Aili'l'llffU. M:..l ' I Albu-qiiern- r ! I....1... .1 II 11 P ii emiKihi re bin ninny nklnn frmn mx N. M . uml'-- I Act nt March 3, 11' vs .IT. nt villi ill e i Poll for th city of r ,ii i i 1' III' nl I'. ''ll.iA llll il I.f I tl them' H. .11. .11. llll.l their llll)' lllln lh JIT 11. Ii uriiit minimi tnnefni. r f"lt'tlel I lllll I now pay- I, n. in. Hi" 11 rx- - 5 mnrkelM nf Ihe IV" ilil. dua and o - i Mir i i t'i re utif All l.e . month by until or carrier. A i c n I. II'. I II'. .1 11 Itli I "11 r 1. n,l ri r n en It f"' in. .ii i'tllll.l ilii. f ln.iil.le N file llll 'i fuci 'i1 able at tht CMUrna' Hank, by r Mi:l''i.S nn-ml- If, I.Hue week ciirrli li1 ii- - I I hlmtn h" t w ii, I. rc benrt with inn .i I,. I ,i. ui il' i.ilri..l mir TOR CASH. na ear by mull or S.inte vnmlnl had "o 11 Third ntreet ond Central avenue, currier I i In ,.V 1.. nit: . O M l...iui .r in. I. hiN III the Irt'l lb". V hent 11 In 00 XI. llll.l bitten nff advanra II l ... 'I ,, SIHII- I'M' r l...ily Ik ,I.,;.H. Ll til. II Cllllllill jrriive," 1 110 Ibn. 1 .', li. ' . r m , i.rn II ll Iw III littlce kl'letnllil V i"rn l 1.. j .lillillfl'ill I Ml .1 " .i 10 i m ill 'f erturse 1 nr. til' .' . ml he hll'l I'll) Ibn. liinpn Ti I'pboix 1(7 n. HI. I. I' ill.' VI. VII ..II Kit Ililt mil. but He il'" I'll tO mm E. W. TENNENT l .1 . 11 1. 11 ; tlteil il I IMC n,ii I', nil UK nil Ill im lie nl tin, hn luiil 1 I ! in. lei.Hf.ti I.. tiller the'. y .l p. t 'hunt' - Try the il'ii er. (Jerk tuiHNil iiiwriL I' A relief m I.e. fheuri'it. hurbi i ,i " k Ii IN. :.t' Iil'ill V- nil ihk. llti.ei, h' K'uny frii''- - MAlHAI:l Mil. m lit . 11 ime until he I'Miknl like a I. o - 1 n 11 r a aV... KIM. ll l,..i,-- t u 11 i I . . I1..1 I ill. il t.hei.i fni-- imtii I1 i v ni'v i'..v eil in jift ci'ti-- ! .1. ..ill ..I s. n Ti in'.v li.. i.ld wire vr i nitii 111 )' III l.ui n,ii mir frlen'l. MR. S. S. JOHNSON V .1 if. 'bum aulteil rinl n I'. full.. 11111011 l.l the in i ic i en i fl. .HI'I . In liii- 11. i.f bil'llu'i'il. n nbl-- f ' itili Hill" lie l ot l ctlllH III' i t f..r It.. imr r n t a r r h SL Elmo, hmne-'il,- e liiimx. -t il An, i.ilu..iie.l. fn, tl- II 'II l!' ihi.ea in Ik rn Hie II t.'IIKM v hi!.- I'UiHi-r- ri, riiciinllMt In . I.l rinu-tni- il nun. llm ITo .. '".lllilll till' 'I', '. I with Kt. I.uula was trlcit. Fn ... tl IH I.I' .Motnci i.ltt llll.l t ,1, . M.,. l , t h in. ,n,l the rlmo K'.ne. Hut im he nm! tl'iimiiKhlv run 1U1111 l tin lie ll f i.f n i "III III ..lie ... ih.-- S. i: l',. il i; .Hi l.e . 1 t ' Mini, l i 1,'. Ii ill Nklnny II. Ill In- ll.'ill.iH iiiilt.-i- ib 1' " r. liii ,ni mi liiren ho riuiM ti"t walk ini.ri" than I .1 iheir niier il.itinm i.f li. ii. .i ;..ii .iihI r hi ki liinki il htniilt-'i- l yar.lK t ul'i;.. . nl ii eli- nr mill In' nur oie !n Mliieuit rmiliiK. IliH MUl'Jc, tl III l ' I iiihiis ni" hii..l' of hill'l.ih'i.l ,'l .1 b ii :. . 1111. m w f ullienx. uiiih'r.Hiiiii.! 'tt nl 11 (UK It 1III1' iiiih im nl hiimnii I'eiv le Hint riitnrrh .. Iili. .nl in klti.v. mi ll l'oi . i .iiliiijr u llll'il l lie. imr-,- - In i kvhi.-iii- t.u 'liiil li" I.- lie In - .- . 1." I.ii'ii tlint he I.", mm thiliklnK nf I'f.iiKtaiit di.iln mi the -- I .:u,...U "I b ...i,.l a, hi Inick In Vir-litni- The dlw li.irin" nf nun un whl. h pi I I. iin.l. I.i Hie "ini .ii, II il .1 I' a fi:i:ri ci. ,h,,i.i ,.1 in ni4 the .CLL' - u:iinii it an lil i.n In "ii I' a l.t lure- ly I .. m li ll.iV H'llle- UeliN.i. I,. III. ill mill u.m.iIh. wm.I.IIiiiu nbinic IfintiK r.ittf ro.ali. nii.l iv Ii 11 k' ' 11. In J. In tit i. 11 ,h. J'Ufeil nf'Miil neriini. mill a firent Hi'- " , Uli 'll ,1 luh'iil 1111.1 11 bin- I. i'Ii. laurel with iimm wblrritm in nt of the i'i iiMiitm f"i 'ben ri'.ic 'i'. ,, I Mil , ,11th Wiinte. P T T llltcr ll Wl.iketl , . "t. Th" in.', 11 tin, the hrnnilii nliiue nm PWKfts.. - il ! Ill U f i'Ii,. ihr..u, .f It. n..n, the l"t .tixh C I II .iiii 11 11. the ntrmiKest num. itllll I.IC''' Il.lll!. II ll .11 lirai Nig rri'1 imt runty lirmi imr ll'd'erl mull N Itl.t Hie Mime frvmi 1 I . He III Atcnriinit to ripnrtn recive, hv lil 1.1 1. li- i.b r.i i.l n ll t . Mii't. Line like they tiny nut ilen ' iini'i.l ' '' il hilt el ,ll nt wnn In i'' 11 Mr. Ji.bnsun, ho a nVnnr.ito Accounts l ! ... I - Xl- l II II ibln necli i.f the tn. hut OKAY Commercial Il .h Ilk. li liii-- !:.'. .hu 1. r.tit ..Ml I'.l lll o ri.nillll.,11. tint he f.nind nllcf ffim S'i.mi-- 1. ' I111I1.1 iiik nyer imt pine rnnen lint . r I I .I I1.11 iniiiiiiii mil nay huw Ii.ih mil ' i in I'UMii.K mi. Hi. !"' ' i'Ii ci.ini'iiiiy i.itti.i: '1 hln trmible. We will let hltn '.."l ll,, '. e . Ai il:NS. 1 tn any: This bank invites the commercial accounts of all i t c I .!. f I.. nil - ii 'Ii he fiinml It. own wnnln nn the tuiuiiHt a..i nmei.t "' "" till in. w 11 i.vir - o It" iii mlnhii tiime little fel- "My frleniln tnld to tnke u. ( . . tin business transactions involving l "I nil h! 111 ll - I.. m. 1111 il" V' I.11..U 11 1.1I persons who have lliltc.l Slat." Ilnim: cctii nil. ir I''H If,, fur nil. ler Muck hi a hiitnl ilrnin In ynur unil I ilbl n. I now fed that I 11 I c tl- . I lilt ll' O, lll'lc IM lllll"' lll.N.lh 'I .".1! u ;.. 1..1 in '1'iii nil tn th i:ii.h' hin.u. p." k' t like n mmikev nml nnlffeil IVrutia hnn nnved my lift. It l Un daily deposits nnd disbursements. Its facilities for ,11 11 ll I 1 o ar.iii'iil mi net hi In nf III ul I I hill la 111. II M CHI" i f Inn llllll'l III In M 'li. ilil' I. 'be aenrih hi nt luidicine nn riirtll, wmilil accounts of this kind are unsurpassed and "t : x - handling Tin: 'AC t mnn nlnl lilethinu In eill ill 11 IV Kill .1 b without It." ever be There a m"1 einm lint knoan. ' in ni If li b h.. u ri fur A ileiii:t b.i.k i. r tn In a nowa- - lu'i'tnn nlmoyt too to bn the increasing volume of business passing through lll-l-l iiit This wl ili h yHi. rd.y II. .Ill tttii kni'l uf :i niiis-.tie- is iilv:iii It'i.kH Int. mill tellR rervl-- uiii imr iieth linn piiper i'f fire. Imr, N dmibt tbeto arc 1 this bank is proof of entire satisfaction on the " llt Hell- . I 111.'' 11 e m e. , illKtntl tllllt V.llfl nl'llellll l.n lell'M "l.ul i.llsbl I" eli A buy I.r. ..Kin ti It 11 nriiiiinl r Hint will think no. The nhiiv -' ll ill -- I however, part of depositors. lull WilH llkill I.I B'l llll' Il ill ..Hi' bin ; f. l lief.. 1,. it ii t...i I'T ixhiblll.iti dnln t knuwf what he atntinionta, ran be verllleil i hi n In ti ii nn: i:i:vi:i:-- i r.i tn u.iK-iit- uI -- 11 .y writing Mr. Jnhnnmi. ac- ' evidence !. Iml cm li wnmler nmr nbl You are cordially invited to open a checking the Iilmemv f Lite." '..n- - en jienk y ' Site Every tie icii. h,r nni n tilth bin bu-li- v Inil u,,ne nil, I homo Fhnubl pmvbteil with II. Vil lit hiif mi"'' at' m""" 'If "f iiv,in amlilcH h..m, In nliil K,ien liiKt llln of count and to make use of the facilities afforded by ci! SI :. I ; I.l It rn. un nn hut we the i,(lllon of "The Life." Ihe fill lie W'lijiii'.liN -- .it n. xt tn biv. aent free by ttiej foluin-bu.- i. hliill nti'l inluhu .i.iii I'T Tile lllilll Hi.i ii.,, ;ir..ninl the plme unit utter-i- l 1'cruna this bank. .. it ..I I : w " (Uiii. niDiith'.iiM "f "e i if I. ..' b it i h" f im it lltil ft a bin tlml heHrtfett i uhN' w uriln. J ut ii n - wmf&-<f'nm.i0i-- , ix 111 i:i"i rsn fi I Hr,VM a. ,IWim.i.'V- I'nU'i-rH- nti'l In be flunk i in ll hiiH n It 11 h" btii'iieiiH I.l I" (ll li'if'Tnit ii let un :it thi' fell'T Mini u 1, ill, cut Mh, ml, I t ike itKn l - tllree i.r f'.llr ull rmil-tiiil- '101,11 11 11 1 . I VV.iin- I "II th,' tin! uf n ii i.i k lit--- Ihe Ki.ii..iiH .iiunirv .'lll.'l' l.lln'l t'l It. f.,r 11 1. nil. niiuiili tn ,"i me I'.iticni "hciir off hln The lieant - nomeii hat r' neniblliig our emu-h- i. VY. J i i i""i; ., I . t lilumiiKe. limtiin. .In uti.l hi lint. linn. nfT.ii.1 It. ii.c. ,... .11 l. 11 1111- - t..i. 1. i.i I.., .,r ..M.ii.iii,., ,.,1,1 in. euiiltn ml i h' n'nii.linn II. llll V1.1l ItlUnt llt'lc like llilrtv III!.. The I'.ilil 'ill llll. lie llll. 'illie Well. tl.cll. " "' 11, ,ti h.'.I hl.n urny nn in "H Im luml Iciin un it man iihin nil- - In iihinkern nl I. it r I" ' 111.' h ! 1.1 i:ilt..e ' nililllnrl In more 111- II id M.m. i r mi!. nl in" hei ..utiir) lift illilir.ibl.llnll. He felt lunl the mime eien II .1 1' V 111' . Nti it'll I.l.. it'll the hiuly of V i I bi ell .IPlltllllH f..i ll '1 iili.'it'. T hllM!ai' nl.'.ul the outrun". Well. h.i H (rue. t,l be il l" THK TI'I.K' IKAI'H Tur.-- j v. initial Is ah. nit l. n In. inn In leiiKih, II! I a 11 v 1IU.II...I .ii.iiinti ine cimiiii!inK rmiui II III '1 .1 111""' I. u.i Mr Ma Figure with Doors, tlllllllll. llll' ' " "l', mill I ,.v, n insive i.f me Inn; If In i nf. re.i us on Sash 1 .. 1 ,r lie It I.l i ami look". i.ppciihn tli Inio the ,e. t til.' inn n ,r h..w iiliii' "ti ir n Mini he ll.ieni IM llinl''l '"I ..i ..f th priniem .im ink-be- Hti'-'- l Kriiv fur. nofl ulibh ,l i s M k.,v N privilei.'.'il t.. B" b" mih tllh l" mill fl ii II. b lie l"M bi ll.lll'lillU tbcll y the mi.I.-- s in iiimut nn Im It bmK. Mouldings lllileil llilU'B i.f hi'.i It Will. hum.', tin ,atte, him ..11 th. hiii Ml"n and Everything in mill jTI,e aniinalM hut row in Ihe uroim.! t'lin'l Ret iiruiitnl ill ill i.f. - i ,.ni sho.k hnncln with him. unil live In vlll.tifi-- like our T1IK Al.l'I'.lt.MANK' lleti- - I: list mil llHMll. nlleuleil mill ile-1- !. t"iiither if pra.rii niilln-- the MILL WORK I l cunliil-iil- . ilotn. Th" i.f i- liill e ile, n eiliolmillle Mcnn.l.iliz.'.l nml ilinflg w i - i.r.. Aftel nil Itll'li'llllll lil li th" liKiirct Ih'-- hi: iki n nr.-- , I Am hnn renionn hunt wltit i 111, ,y l..r ihe M"X, ..ti ttoiiMe No wi'ti-i'- I. I", liiiintl n chain like a (in. i.l Hi! Kit nit.illl. b' iIoum m It ti 1111 trnliieil i.r grinotiH. What r Ihe Ittti HiKent ptihli.- . lervwinre .'iiiimm ri 1., h.. i..u nliil 1. & Mill ill'. l ilt I. Ill" In 11 Superior Lumber Company nniftly - . ariMnn.' The Hoiith Ainerlciin Hi hull' triiit Is rtlnllillK III 111" i .'tllllll.-sl'.-ll r.'l'lll. "i ..on m I,.,.- ,,u 1,1. , -t uirii 11 lil- I.L ,1. 111.' uslti to iittii nhnut rr.nie f..rth i.tnl l e..m.l tile i:very i. l bill h' l bill l islofl III vie wnlch.ii him umhllng our iieiifc!. Just .I ,1 " iin.l he ciimIIv nllpn Into two ilee.iill-- tllllt oil r IlllilV IM II" Mi, nil V ih ill iliiiK hint I" I t I I'iiiiN. Ion 11 the MtnI In ih.' wnkf of hi "'"""k If' c ,,v vi I l h0 ' '" r' here the chiif . hi Ill" The Miei ,lf. nl mak' the ini"i wrep. niiiier If we foul. have liorrow.-i- '" r Inxe.l. Iiiiiv. ilill. !' ne.-k- ilili. ief .s ... ,. u .... I'hlltii to hlil., nml eiiiiuren it. e The Iii" mtibitioni ,r...b"iH mil' speak li m now ,.re-- nuiinfo"! chinchilla an Tlie Iceloul Ik hi 1 11 ibail.t. hlile I.. until him nml nhoiibl huvu;, " ..rfexe.e....eixMW.iMirfMMCEHR1IJ.OS LUMP il. murine ' u' N '" Kiirup" iliirlttH .ll id that the Ttie . 1, bl. nl proponil ion. ken him I.,,..,.. ... Itlilke M.i.U .... i"1"' "Of".' in... OAKLUI LUMP pun Hi iniiler purt of the r.lth rentnrv. W. II. IIAliil GO. il mil tn la.(ic iiii.l tlur mir LITTLE BENNY'S New Vork Sun. the' 1 hli kenn but vi o OALI.UP KUO 0 Hi price of the skit , hnn Hi.iirct un- - i lit nvHtetn "t tel. at' 1. pel ha I'" shi.ltbl have area ti tn II on the poor ANTllUACrrK. ALL SI.KS urafli NOTEBOOK a IihIv'h 1 IW-e- t ' li It-- til muff n.l collar of only Oft In KaH t All 11 nltfool tiitnl'li'i fr.itn ihe nky. felNf or I noii n the r.'.lHoll ti KIN DM Nil AND MILL WO' ID t. l. ph. me v ill i.e n,i'pl..iiiel hi if !0 iic (milium s,e inaile of ihln rial The e'.nn' fiinl fceln el;it!ott; jhy. . maf ItrtlCK AMj LIMB lens til Kr .l h' We m..y ninil h'll J eouitnati'iM n price f.f r,ti. or nu. re. ' Th" t'libfoi'l im Ih" hiKiii'iit loi.l Mint. Mali SANTA FB BKICK I., llll .h Imr. I'.lb r. PHONE 81. i.. uiii N. i.r. ill' i.niui'c mi Tbai n kin. 11 11 tn nil rent am Another fur pf... liner 011 tul In Hi" r.y 1. i:i': I' Hires pli'l'J i'f ei.oim .irniiml iieru .'.HNllile." I'Ai'i' ("'liv. lnnil li.iin in iii r. temperiiie portions of Foitih Atniti- - I ll allot .11. onviii at the nun rlnb l.nvt nlte licit MimiliiiiK mii in the iiulri.i. u little rmlent re- - N jniii'f. ulicn he w 41 trv inic to atfiil'' The other ila" the may"t "f iii'iiU up nml I' mi', the iidi.l.i hii the oiilimiry nf The run iifo'trn dti'iii'T f.".l. j some iloivn.' the . t n : .link" lil brouuht I k Iln f i'Xe Ul l'. e "f ''''I in tn i.n.' K"twi. ami h"er im .1 iiMiieMM ctitii-r- nil.,1 In usiiully foiiu.l V"l linil the Ati'l rn.'Mi All wry well, tint we bet Hint on Stales. ll greet illKn nan i'miij( 111 Iriiut mir li'iiiKH, uii'N For atrlctly aratle ( 'ullfnrn .a T'.cJ Woo.l Khinalin. Texaa Flooring, line em llillllleil lllrelenn f Tilt till' mot llel fool Mho h'ls her t i.b'iiK ft'i'sh naff ci'iirM.M. uml 111 c jc.ime from Hie ihto rln-- liotlomn -- Iml, Im. nun In .etch l.l hmihlil.-- lull, I ( 4 ami ln h, N'uiiv.i White I'lim Kl Imt. lnch Clenr Whlta I'ln the Inter. . I . f""t are llil.lieil. lliilli'iitillK I." Ihroiiiih l"iif 'liii'i'iml mil "'' 'H'' linn the ntreein 'loo v. rtli..l the 11 I. ill un. in Hi" p. .ft. I. .cm! .Inline' Hn. Itn In tin, .1 Olllne, KuluTftuI Hon:lnf ami liuiblmc Taper, try hn.-lot- Houston I'.'sl. ititnnth' luil. fur for U "rbl - Hie . 111 bat.-- . am- "1 tli" woril 11 Neiv Mexb o The New V":k fc'i:.- 1." 1111 I. ul nut hi'lll'.K Hi' 1. .11 14 m 1. . - - imakliiK Hi, "nt felt hats mil j, Ii',,m 11 I I' 111 l;ii I of M.,i ,.iii'f iiii" a'" II I'll, r r itnpon-sihl- I, lit ttiiilfn, c.llat'n. ' The Ih. 1" I tli. .111" out villi! Ihe ilrv, In f t' ,. a" iin.l k.ii siliitniK 11. il ...ikl't I.n. kit n a f tc. The HIT" ol ilf.'vMeil MkltlM LUMBER CO. liali thin C'l.titrv The lansi'liii'l terror. r.itmi r Vol u M 11 1st. un eonlil the CITIZENS 11111 rilM holt' Th'-r- i.f iti in m.iiiK the in iitel (It. (ilin I" 11 It the in ao uiii .1. mi i no m m I'hone 70. LIT TIII M il lti: Ol It M XT IIII.L. 400 H. Slid., I'll, uml ami: I'm f..o rutin iil,,in I' i.l iliat cut oil of ami in" tT 11 M,..i the the tail ., .",11 - i.lil ft tl" nil Hie l,..,tl. l,llii i,rl, ti.,.,. .'l .','.,i to 11 nn "H.l K' be- J lur,,.. tmie been 1X1 hancen i.f til II I I1.I1I nn- that .non. iiu to the m each. uccotillUK 1" lUalitl. I I be- I fhilis irrer III. i ll lli'lK'HIII .ill. Hi" l.lll!.'. iititir ll lll'l'i I" I'ltlK I ..IH I'l'tll. lllll' The v in, .1. In, is moaner S'ouih Am- - Ala-I.- il S. S pop 11 k ntlj tjll'ill.l. 'i il.. il., wit iiarcii. ami in Ht-:- 1 11 heml tween Till N' for buhl lii nti rum 111 liat nil. htm .1 .. v. 4.a44444444 I' ineii re. t b ill !.. H. e hat the Inaltll. . i.IIm f Hi.- Aflb n nml 'Imiv tialr. T ,"iir hut null n nuer ami an, I J ist Hull aniiibir 11 in.b' ..plmil til tin r. nil enniiiiiiiil, .ill, mi to me I Iroiu o J.shortir earn 11ml I.itn. Th. ne niil- - III, I il i. im Mr ,..tii"-e- 11 iiiil", ti'iki' MISS Is rni'llliK U ... .,..n II in- bi-.- l"ll:N" lli'HIIH Lines to a Park uiiils nr.- iroin is 2 b.oit Baldridge Lumber Company II. .iv .hi. 111 t. mlil inil. .i,,nr. illl'l Mr Jull' l Ml !l 111" ll".l S.'.loollM up In ll Ihe VI I'll mole iir.on X'uml me huiitel for their fur which ll.r llilli'HH telephony U,l'"0 nil. i.i nerioun." , in .i.l she nnn 'plainly in of 11 il.'li, ale tn,, III, I pray on ih" 1L.IV l I'l- - . I 11 III " ne 'CM-.- . iltl' llcer. he. r. kali. ...v mle 11 to 1 builders' supplies. PAMOD roofing la !.' Thi nil. t"'i Winn nervoiiM woman It'itltin bin k a ye IouImIi 11 h ,1 e Evreythintj in with m!"ji - into ' i '.I I lil.. ill pilli;. Il"l l.el'- look t i I e Ml.'ll ll he iia.i l. f"f ', ... M'loollM II lllltll t" iiiiilc-'rticu- Hi,-11- ld-ye- ar - I'l Kil ll" IMII'I'' i.i I t I h. They ntc foiiml on llllf. III b 1119 throiirh, a guarantee, bherwin Williams i'aint. I...I Ill , 'W I' "M III t M I. f Willi i I iT I i iloti n in ll" "1 t .ail-- i a T llf pumii.ts of ArKeniltui if a" The "I ill. ill Iiiii k .1 . he Iran - - '"! O I v IstH f,.i ...111- - l loin r l'.ilai!"tiiii Tin y Ike in 413 TII llltsr. PIZONE 40S. , 11 h'lriyliiK W llll' ef llll' ll'l'll'l' 1... ml I. a. 1, Hi1 inn mm km 1 if il Kinu l'aiiiiio ur) nt"tt''t.. iloivn Ills M..JITV. 11, ,1. , of inoiiniln Into vihbh Ih,'. ..1 1, IM II II bill I ll To y In the town; lllel ' ititct .'ininiini' II. kit lll ll llllllU It! Hie ll'il. M' Hi' t il M' mil of Mexico, coiiilen.'eniln iii 'ii ou I burrow Iiiii rnhhlla. nml hm e h hiii't-- I men, J i.f tin iii Miiieitiu il nml J peTM. fry i"i oiinirv there h.rc Ill Ihe (hlolle I.i tale that i f I.oii.'m Mlolien. .. M i It I. il If To make the ity wnya more fair. ilrilsina mi iiik rrv ni t noil his ban, Is iiiih thu nuh-- . he 1 ,m r nml nil kilios of tm r.i niwiM, iiiii;, ungual, .a mm 9 m. nm MO iwa. nine m ate. wmmmmm I.i 111, l.ei It.'ll- - take j it.', 1 i in aarx.ii iln int.' nun h""il mii of Ihe of ' I I S SI l! l l . execution'' A v r bi . . nlu m en iipimrenHy of 110 line to them, fa aii.MiiMiai iT'-i- Mal aamBia if Ilia HI iiaail iwnaaftia. aiaa am mail " " aiiiminamniian iiimii 'ff IIIOI Illake .'.lite h.iblN lli.IZ.cs. s", ,., n.l ..ii l.ui. No of coiiise not We cannot m pir.tiK ur ' nm - , tu their lliiim nml these U'l II, .11 il. r 1111- . ki i. butt are tlie hci tin en. lie of thlH pat 1, inn putilo. pear of I I in.-I'- l.lll.M 'I . . Vl.lir In hcipn th" riitrnncen Ihelr me of ll" lli'isl 'II "t mi I11I. ni"". I. ih f ti, 11. I'Ul-iic- peiMonnl .' .ai.oiiiii! In uiiiHnui; like of your ky, burrow n. Why nil th:a uniena lu- - I 11 uHnr.-- i home ...ui nle, aotne of ", I llll.l I.l ll. III - hat Hi'.i" iiiitiM .1 .uml e tch liiih-me- . Illill f Si in,- 10.11 a I Rn by; hor im nnturmist ha im vet i.een iible ' ,,M ll t 11 an klMM ..f .Itn 11 M " "! M lie. ks h" A"'ttU In O- Iln rv'i ,,f mi - Your fl... 1. I,, 10 tlim-ole- 1 . ci Ii 1.11 r SKXATK uiii dlnrnaH 'he is trim 1 Mil lil IIM," I'f I .' Illli'l 1. .V. lie 1,11'."' Tlli: pa t l' I. i f,. I (ill i.l-- f I, The ii'i'ii nrim; if the Inrxer iinlmaln Fee's Store liic. ..lit non. ui' kail I'elll, p. soilo elm, cbiMeil Candy .tl J ilo,,. 11. tl 1..1 in Ihe jontb-i- repre- - just when tin. .im lilll.'lt s. r. s. i p.. p. ihe Iniiish iiinbiinniiilor. It in ruuu.r-"- i Your np.i.i ronin the vfiiiiin. one of the three - Hi- ntre. k family to be ' .eil. I, ill il kl in Hit - Him iln I men li.i kiil ui' to vat. " i Ilex hail a ll.ctiilirepll Hint n ll'll. Iv. of the camel I Ami ui.iKM irpit tn mv feet; jlnun.l which w . 1 ant il ill Hi ' l. ,'kHC .,,ll 11 ..till "I III III .!. In Hoinh Amerl.ii nml riii al ha ri "r ''.'s Y our ti.uni hum l bb'il loim-ncck- , mum I ill I". e my H. luke ami uni aomeihitiK like a i :.. r Hi.- 1. 11H1 Ii.e i,l hililnu. Tb.ilc an WK I"i ':i :T to nin to ,,kn -- ...UK mil,. In - : : . . 11 -- I ly " f in a vi ami ..til, (it.. .1 ( one I'.i, ly 11. in '"lorn, In sheep., Ihe inonl li.lua- -- .1 . 1. 11. It lute llur thai czir.-r-- Th.- ! Jiil.l 1' in , To Miu 111, ft my ofhVc walln znuzzzzizz--. ,1 l.i.l.l,-- aaaal naBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaB tzzz li.ali,K a lots. like Matin. iriie li'iitiitK. aaSa aaaBaBBaaakaasaBBaaaBBBBaHBaaaaaaaBaM(BBaB t In. t Hi- - All Hint I ...n ,e ..I, I.r, ni i". fi .'' im Voi he kc.l lil. II tell pi till" nail, r t I I . i i. 11' 11. . n rv oft me; 'I, lllr if .11. I',' II Hie ho!,. t no n', lo- l.ii'iK at thin nun I1I111 ' In n ie,,i ni mii I, nt 1..11 my i t in .1 'iiinn theft. ..f I I." ll." si tl 1. lit ,,l tl.- i'. Is ' r." l.,i ll ,.,il ir,. in ni li . it l.llrrariln ill the llll.l, lie SAVES DAUGHTER zef. So li -- you have left. t I'- .1 a 11 linn tr. ne I .mil,, I,, nli'l a" f t'l.'.l pi I. nil" K' .11. Il'lll he like si nml Smlli. Aa I In,, I ion 11 nt 11101 num. a 11 1. v ail. l"l If look". I. IIM ll' I Hi, ."' of ..,i'.i!oii Willi 11. (is ll I OUR TEMPORARY SALESROOM . s,i nml rcniminii ," k.'l n llC look .I like a I. 11 pen- t..i home .1 I, ,IS 1,1, - ,M 1,1' O pi (I ll' I" A Noilut.u ii from your m ice. Pre-Tc- J. toll' 11. 11. i'l Advice of Mother no Doubt s- I., .. I . I t ". I All yuir re s wait In place "I If., i' or ll ll" at llll III ha h .1 .Mi J 'if la! ill ; ! HOME HELPS .'or lite to Is Now o. . I'.p. "l.(. f alii t li 1 11 in. 1. 1. l..lfllV at tcrt'M. i.l r.i.i Hie DaogLter'i Untimclj Zui. . IIM. M"l pop. ill II. IIIK f.'l l!"l". 'I' .'.H'l. '.I. 111. l III' l.iilliit .im iiln " I ,i I IrniK bpi I'm ka 1", I he us. s.,1114 ',t . ,.: I."ti'l' 11. "I .iii.. 11. 1. ci too v h. ,t ii,,n pralHe of von, III" feist llll'il. c.lii-- I In)' 1. 1,1 K 1 ,IUM HltollUll .' The ci'llipl.ll lll.ll ll.ikcM If. 1.1 To ibiin oiir inuttreMnen. a ml. Hi.' Renrly, Ky. ' I was nol Rlile do IM" licit llllllb. 0 kitss, . lo -- lli'-.- l luul-11- Helen II. .vi s nlioliallv jM'ful L. foullil nn M. bol 'l itiK the Miikiiiit mini nml Hon Hi' ililitlv ll. lit .i miect our invihini' for nearly ux nionlhs," wrik-- l In S. s an. I Ito.roiiKhly with rt !' Hi. Hi. Hi First I 11 eal Mrs. Uiuia her, nl tins iiLice. "anil 325 Mi.pM. nulla.,, I" il' nl in' t"K''tliii' iik' a. Itillhiili. St Klviinf .'iiin.: I ul nn ui h. tiier, turn ntnJ t m down in bed lor linre months. (I. im,' t k .I'.'i h. iiM, till hit imt 1. Iii it iiuk.'r 'iita, nli'l h"l nt i.iiiti'iiis ..11 - kns-s- 11 al.ih-rli'- ntii.Miti- niilca. i I you I 'inn-- i !l, ..'.I , hllihlrniK. iipct aaB caiinct tell how sutfrrct with ci.Uip.iMlllon l Hi" A "ll"'l I 11.1; Ileal loaf of choppeil veil or bel f my head, and Willi nervuunt; and Miulnil'ia. l.iithit Iiik. niliit FUR-BEARER- . S .1 I I." l.y .ol.llt,i SOME OF viuiivaiijy mail, pri 'It of lis ll him ( ..I.l k IIMB. iltl inaile mi.Ut toar t troubles. in I'lespooiil uIm i.f before t Owing to our present limited H.i ha hn ai J Mr J, men. crt'iiui c SOUIH AMERICA Our latiiily doctor told riy hnstmnd be V . m. ii'li. V'mjiI, in: win. Tin. Miit ri i'fr 1 rne then thei Mr.-- il pop. could not do rue any and lie had A In t i.f u quarters we were compelled to ii. fbnliiiK hi- - tiKl i.l Mi J. .lies bin dear wutir, with to Rive il up. We l"icd anoilier ductor, mul-t,ii- :, Wash-hint- . b.iiiilfiil of miit In 11, lie me. lli.'.m i'. It' t.cXl III. lain at A ball, 11. n u.l-- e tlil.ll UM. iilll lieuii but did nui bc.p h 11 Next tn Hi" of Ihe ailver fu III tiln nt rub the inaitina btlk't iau. mil At last, my moihcr advised me like warehouse the bulk of our fur. in ti ll llraineiil ..f the Hloi'klvtl the l.rst ill. ,(l,ii ll.lllli .,, am. ivy It Mr. A l.'i ih "p- of water ii.lil il lo I ho of Uiliiailoi ermine, the Catdui, lite Ionian's tonic. I thought I f It I'.iKle thut 1 In home main iin.l Hn- - pan will it uluee hua' the no use was V011 uihir tiile H"iiii.i k mm, 11111K f.l, Hi coiereil, n Mas lor I nearly Ot.iJ ami niture and in order to reduce li, I'M bil. hie of loi.ili, ullll rl hen, the me any Hut from u foieinn rh"ie - he oloti. will 111" nei klml Hint th'-l- an I of 4'gltn flout hecolllllia loUgll. rolhing srrinra lo do good. mini. lt 1 I t.n oil. over hiliii of Hoiuh America rurrha on I look eleven bottles, and now am able linrilly Wult t.. (Pi hia nul bun on lllem Mil UK- A llall. lire Vlel'Me than Tri klna uhiie loth the our stock, Removal Sale Trices ul inu-l.ri- 10 m-- t iioi'iliiork on v.iur nltik. care-t- hack about tin moat llpetmlle do all ol my work and my niuniiiti 11 bee Iti" for the UM. ion nl lur tiile n'.n kusa, far 00 before un.ler-ncait- i. UM". I .n faMhlonuble feiiilnlno washing. iierse, iniiiih 11 t nice na witfe to poll aim."Hi nml la. k TrevaiL (.lump. I'tib-Mi- i 1 lu re u haiiui.' nf wei, I il Still ,im un. Hum in hauily when the aink jttite. think Card is the best nirdidttt in u-- Hi "I I ' npeech W III l Iin.ii up nloi of Die woild. Aly weight plana, hia .borate Ikih-- i tint umm. n. m i Mr Jonen, ilil coll'll! l.ui in the euafrn has mciracd, niel llo-Ini- a m Main., 11 the AnJca in Me.tlona t'f Tern, and I took the picture ol health. " ,eech"M) will be iiiui" inxi Inmiii'.l bin 11 iiiiIh itown, Win the runt.iril rurillea, l.eut n 11 11I1I le-- .. chinchiilii haa Ha Ko to H e ..I II ha, pop. ami put Im villi f. luiv l.iaier uml uml Chile the II you suffer from any of tht ailments III. ,1,1b Thi n he'll l,el. ha s'il uf 4 mil all limit. l.iiina ut an elevation nrculiar to women, net a bollle C'.trilui tilfforl r.nchi in IVr.iiMiii nm 1. 'h... u.nil.i ilo.iu nlnl Hie mill N.11U 'Hi huhiy. .onkin Iiiii kit until inonr anil lh.11 T make n loiiah milk tciiip r run from k.O'iu to li,U0N feet tiliovu the l)elay is a.ui;erous. We know la Hi tie viiilei!, iilno llliii.'in. He mm il h i el Hie ,.. chilly home la 11 will htlo you. tor it lias helped so n cut iiti Hie ubh thare iii'iiim on both alil.n with vlniKar unJ of ii. lia 11 ui-b- many 01 OlUCf rromn lh Alinsllipl miJ nI Uumt till rri.un) e'l.h tnhirn mitin nml olive ml. th.imiiKhly mixed, uml in 1. M.oiiltile l..r Ita thick wurin rnnt thousands WC.t WOiUta ALBERT FABER . Kuii-riia- . It uIko largely 'n me pasi ao years. tu lu itevnt" ! Vb "r Murd' k In 'hen I put mi iiiinj.i itonn to Miami Iiiii tiouia bclora ami for the rnriiUni I'l ice 11 bl iiiKH la hurd lo set anil At all may mul e a irotsn' cooklKK- It dmcxist. Furniture, Carpets', Draperies Il eVn ml plentiful- - therefore It la wuntiil. nml nmuii-t- a 't,m m a Mad'ilna Co.. itatm 11 Rt."nwf ltia the irirle rn-t.,- "H In ma; thioimh tul l)v'wl Km, f nm 'iti'Uv uml I'hona t. Fteil ttara. III W. t'npper bom, rodent ninmmul" A'vNxi'l Llpt , O.aiiaiMcMjt. Iviin, i"t t and Stoves. ft an-- ' n n Mlnlen HI tl'e I'm lib' nb'Pr ... i flmt rliiMi hneka 11 riten W A In the Monthly 01. vaui ca 44 b w ii.. Mltf !itI.Hk III.. li1iH. fr and tarrluuea. Old iI.imii M.i ll'. W II, TiMnnH Itt Wiiiuau, in aic anaotna. Ikl Theteil he lm.l ill f"f hnn '"" hi luifiily yvHiiui lufiit. l'titf. $1 tri. I, rnmhla Co. iii. 'tin of tlie liilon tfi

J THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. II, TUESDAY, rEBRUARY 24, 1014. nvx. AFTER SUFFERING iA'eiys and Gossip of Men and Vomen !s! y if. TWO LONG YEARS Gleaned from Gav Capitals Eurone of I li T I lllBil.1"lBl it Mr. Aselin Was Restored to V morrow! Pink-ham- GREEK PLAYS FOR Health by Lydia E. 's What Women Are Doing in ry P. M. y Vegetable the Countries of Europe AT 2:30 : Compound. 2,411 YEAR-O- LD A Minneapolis. Minn. "A ftor my link Ol' Associated lre.) The women hsve for three years lieen (ma born 1 waa sick with In Feb. The long going more to the uni- iu fains LONDON. the world's sur- my sides which tha that versities. !elpxig and Munich espec- THEATRE All kinds of merchandise, populiitlon could be I odds doctors Mid plus feminine wera It persuaded ially have had large gains In Dim caused by inflamma- married off If could lie x y to migrate lo the Antipodes la Pol time; and the amatler Institutions likP tion. 1 sulTered s Jena, borne out In a report of the Domin-Ion'- Wuerxburg and Freiburg have j (treat deal every floyal commission upon the also made relatively large gitins. Hellenic Representation to Be montn and prow Very ends Wo- lots, In and for women Australia. fand broken I thin. I waa under tha Given Ancient Syracuse men are anted badly in the great PAR If". Feb. 23 The Infanta at doctor's care for two Inland continent, but not much foi aunt of King Alfonso of Agamemnon to Be Staged by long years without marriage ss for domestic aervanta. --'pain Is defying the conventionality y any benefit Finally Ho great Is the demand, according which usually aurroiinds the preaence Expert Translator. values to sale y repeated of women of royalty In The $1.50 on girl Paris. at ftr to report, that many of the l to try it wa tha Infanta recently learned from a mem- Kngland have been en- (Ity .VsMHinUtl lrews.) y trot I.ylla E. Pink- - railing from ber of her suite that a highly apl'-e- y wlrclcsa cooka ser- nonie, Feb. Tin- success of the y Vegetable tak- cased by as and Parisian vaudeville it. ham's Compound. After be- entertainment tragedies given in vants In Australian household an operetta, scene of Orcck the antique ing tho third bottle of tha Compound I port. the op. n at Flesole, near y fore their steamer rea hed In which waa laid In Kpaln and Minrrilx, air theater wc abb to do my housework and today some case men have been so hard Florence, and their repetition In Home y I am strong and hnalthy ajrain. I will resort which she frequented ofler at up for cooks that they have gone "he immedlutely engaged three atage the stadium has lid Id the still y answer letters if anyone wishes to know out In tugs lo Incoming a more nmhlilous project of giving t meet y about my " Mm. Jonkph Amkmn, boxea for that evening snd with a y ran. lo make sure that they have tin party enjoyed herself to 'reek Hellenic rcprifintatlons at the 62 Monro SL,N.K.,MinneKlia, Minn. employ- of friend k tine, nmre y Prat plk of girls seeking the utmost, as did the audience, Creek theater at i.c than ment. The flint few days follow Ins J.tiin yonre old. y Com-poun- which quickly recognised the royal Lydia E. Plnkham's VefreUhU d, the landing of the Immigrant re- l'rof. Kltore nnniiignoll, who has mailo from roots and guest and derived great amusement y native sembles an old hiring fair. The from kings mint spent his life translating the flreek herlw, no In the fait that the contains narcotics or harmful beaicge the labor bureau smoked throughout the performance, tragedies Into Italian, has been en- y and today holds record In every t drug, tha of hundreds and a short time conspicuously In pf trusted with a new translation for the y ! seated the front y being the most successful remedy wa newcomer desiring domestic work one of the boxea. Hhe lighted cig- nci aslon of Agamemnon, the first part y know for woman's ills. If you need such pretty certain to have aeciirvd .1 laughed of Acs' hvluss trlloax, and the staging y wages arette after cigarette, heart- y medicine why don't you try it? at more than double ily and commended loudly v naae f It. The costumes nre nil lo he y the sum which she could command of the production. taken from the figures on dreek vnai a y you alijrlitcst in Kngland. of time, which actually rep- y If linve t..c doubt In the lust art, one of the most the nnd Veireta-IiI-'ii)miii- eo.n-plalnt- s In tragedy. that l.yiliu V rinklium'a ii1 The commission learned of Popular eomnieillana dressed resent the characters Ihe y scarcity of servants Parisian A FEW will help you, w rite that the In the familiar captain general's uni- Aa for the scenery little or nothing OF THE GOOD NUMBERS y In Auatrallii Invnlvea u h a liuid n will have In be done to have the coin. t to l.jiJIti MiHlicincCo. form and with features made up to y IMMnklmni op houaewlvea that It was affecting Idete Illusion of city of Mycnenne. y ul-vl'- resemble those of King Alfonso ap- the (cuiiUtlrutiuD l.ynn.Mussfor ". verloiily even acting larg- y their health and peared In n box directly opfxiaitc the The theater of Syracuse was Ihe y na a upon a, Your letter ill be 0niis1, check the much Ueaired Infanta. The likeness of her nephew eat. after those r .Milelua nnd y l of population. (I y nnI tuiKwrrt-i- by a woman, the waa so excellent that ti. klr , a aunt known In Ihe ancient reeks was some In y liclil In strict coutldcnce. could hardly contn I her laughter. and erected time the Dress Goods y aul century, II, C. out Combination Suits BF.tM.IN', Feb. 23. The number of fifth it was hewn y y uni- or the solid rock and Is nearly semi- students at Herman Feb. 21 y versities has been neurly quadrupled CPKNIIAOKN. circular In form, 4 of the original ! Sweaters y In the American Hers of seats still being In existence. y Flannelette K- during the pat "ix year, according Mrs. Short y ELKS TO GIVE DANCE the Service has been promised I" Home of the Hers were divided Into to flgurea Juki- announced. In Von 's only woman y 19u(t, iloora of Ilaudlts, Pi nninr. compartments, the (Ireek Inscriptions, Children's Dresses y winter of when the sen captain, who Is now co nmandinp y Herman universities were firm full., showing tho names of their owner imonos y n vessel running between Itusalr and being still legible, nnd as many of thrown open lo women there were Kngland. y AFTER PLAY women students enrolled; today them were feminine, this is Indirect Outing Flannel Night y THE l.lai I Mrs. Von llauditx. who la the wife y 3.CN1 regu- evidence that at Hyrncuse, at least, the there are women taking of a physician, was n long I- Short Kimonos y couraea many who for time theater waa frequented by women, al- y lar and as more In yarhtlng as a sport and Gowns y urn intending Mure nterested though It Is denied hy moat historians. lectures. than 11 y nfter pusktng an examination for always combined ren- six )ter cent of the total number of up sen Nature has to y TONIGHT muster's license she took the der this theater a thing of beauty. y Muslin Night Gowns students at the Herman unlveraitles sa a profession. Co adept did ahe Ladies Winter Vests y are women. More than half of all All about It nre oranue and lemon y prove herself that a local shipping groves with their gold and yellow y the women are studying philosophy, company soon gave her command of lutiguagea and hiatory; aomewhnt fruits, above Is Mount Temenltes. cir- y Silk Gingham Petticoats y one of Its largest ateamera. Captain hy Hose Members of the Lodge and more than one-fourt- h are studying cled the blue Ionian sea, while to y Von Ilenuditx wears a nalty uniform opena y nne-tlft- h the south Ihe Temple of Jove. medicine, and more than with square coat and of the y Their Lady Friends Will natural acenee. cut skirt Amid such surrounding the lovers of Purses Ladies' Drawers y same material. Hhe Is the first female Cieik art and literatuie will welcome Celebrate Following Produc- Nearly 4u of the women atudents captain In nnd c'.ie claims y are foreigner. Ilusslu semla the the return of Aeschylus lo Ihe city tion of ueven Days." to be the only real feminine master of his ndoptlon this spring. Ladies' Gauze Vests Corset Covers y largeat number, and America the next. murlner In Ibe world. ty y Men's Neckwear e: of the landscape artist sculptor Petticoats Alhlilcr.lie lodge No. It. P. and 41. will be called upon to a Ver-allie- s NEW DEVELOPMENT ". '., wMI h. Id the renter of the STUDY park. filnge In AlhUiUcrUO tonight. The t 4 ii nil n I pluv. Hoys" y i:ika "Kcven will Fngllali he Klvm In F.Ik theater lieglnnlng An compnnv Is planning to in s Ii, ami from present indication FOLK DANCES OF harness one of thP Inim-s- t OF RIGR ART OF 1 water fails in Iceland : Mr. j ti hn tup aggregation of pluy- - with the p'an SEE SPECIAL WINDOW DISPLAY ? era appear on- of turning its estimated 11,011,1 horse V g . will in tandin; room power tl ly. The piny promises to draw the Into an agency to extract fer- record nudience i.f i hp year. tiliser from the atmopphcre. DENMARK The engineers SMUGGLING t Following the play (he officer of estimate that the the Indue have iintionnreil a ilnnre fall will develop more power than the for F.Ik nnd their lady friends In the works at llardangerfjoid and Odda t ty l ull room, nt whh h members of the in Norway. The engineers say they y f . .,ll V, . MA .1 litl.... o .. l 1... Keven Day" cnsi will he iin-- r 1111111 llllj III lf IIM 111 IIIK Count and Countess of Ancient y IB audita of Plan to Substitute Pretty 'cnlcareou saltpeter GOLDEN RULE DRY GOODS C honor. fertiliser from German Family Do Thriving y i f Y Movements for Gymnastics 'the air. The electric power will he la A lary . ,,n,,,i,,i, it iieuiiiy nere liver lends to chronic dys iu . .,, fioii. . Business; American Climbs s in American Girls' Schools; U..I.....1 .1.1... pepsia nnd constipation went-en- the Ki'irnuiu siiiiiiia1. lai iiiiies eo.1, ami whole sVMtem I hums Heguleta (2rie To Reproduce Elsinore Cas where factories for the production of Jungfrau on Skis. per box I act mildly on the liver and the fertillxer will be built. bowels. At all drup stores tle. (Hy Aswm latcd ) was spent In an Alpine hut on the lion provides that u known currier employment. During her Incarcera- lrti. Jungfrau. The weather was fine und of genua may lie discharged NEW MONOPLANE OF tieneva, Feb. 21 Development of enteric tion she had made use the snow in good condition. A splen wh' a hla to of the prison ASH WEDNESDAY (lly mh luted Pres.) he ftll u l of Hiiin.itliMif I., , n.M condition refuses respond FRENCH AIR FLEET t did View of the Alps Was hut to treatment he is a pen- library and has become educated Hhe Copenhagen. Feb. 'ii. Several plane la charged In the ease of titled utaiucil, and allowed American are studying HAS ARMOR the cold was so Intense that one sion If he permits the fait that he la seeks und finds many positions, but teachers hre PLATE peraonHgea 1'rnguo pend- - SERVICES AT ST. detained at could stand still only a few- moments. a carrier to he disclosed In hla the old Danish folk duncea with the ing opera-lion- In each Instance is by an inquiry inio the ulleged papers. she hounded idea of substituting thorn for gym- Paris, Feb. 24. Army experts are It JOHN'S CHURCn is churned that Ihe Count A remarkable aviilanihe recently Ihe police, until finull. ahe announce nastic n girls' echnola In Amerlcu. experimenting with a new monoplane and Countcsa von Konigs-mar- lumber occurred at Au, an Alpine humlei in that ao lent aa society refuses lo be In Ibis city a big smuuy has been which is to lie the dreadnought of Ihe who are of .111 REALISTIC STORY amient Herman the canton of St. Hall. A farmer and satisfied with the debt she bus paid ! HI. formed preservation und pro- Frem Ii fleet, of ihea ma- family, The servtcea he held at for the air tine and who have their head his family had Just sat down tu OF GOOD GIRL'S for a will be a motion of Danish, national dances. chines already tried out Is protected qunrtera In Zurich, manu- il.nnei rrime she did not commit, and John's church tomorrow where the at noon when the uvalani lie fell from refuses to accept as follows: Holy communion at 1 The movement was so widespread with armor plates and curries it qiih k facture of saccharine Is 'permuted STRUGGLE IN PLAY her anything but firing gun. nave the neighboring heights, cauaing n a thief, n thief she will he - but she o'clock, t.itany nnd Holy corn in un- that It attracted Ihe attention ol machine It was deaiuned riven making frequent trip great und violent displacement from specifications by across ft on of air will do her thieving "Within the ion at in o'clock. I.Hany and Americana visiting here and resulted furnished the the Herman and Austrian lit the narrow valley. This tore (loots favorite emotional actress, p. In French army corps after a era, hy many l.avv." She will, in her own original at 7:30 m. The bishop will Ihe visit of the American teacher, aviation accompanied servants from their hinges and broke windows, Margaret lllingtoii. In "Within the way, Ktudy of in livery Kite- - play the game of the million- celchrnie the llolv Fin liar 1st at the who expressed themselves as delighted careful the requirement in and basuage cntitimug while Ihe fu family Lm," the relgmng drainutlc sensa- war aa shown by member the were aire law breakers, w ho Pterullv Im-a- 10 o'clock service nnd will preach with the quaint dunces. Thu teach- the action of aero charlno. Customs ofliclal generally actually out or tion or the year In both .New York Mot - blown the house Ihe law Ihe ovc-om- planes in Africa and in the llalkun do venture to examine nil Ihe bug- under luw'a protection. at the evening; service. The service ers complain that gymnastic through gat-de- n und London, will bo seen hero on wars. Ikage nolnllty. However, doorleaa piiHaagea to the Matching her wlta ami courage at T.JO In the evening Is particular- very tiresome and boring 10 girls, of the at a March 7 ut Hie F.lka Iheuler. 1'rague recently, pnrty encoun- - considerable diMume iiway. against Ihe hrulalliy or Ihe police, ly provided for the business ieoplc and Ihey bt lleve thai Ihe dances will the I'lirioilnly uone wa Injured. A lew "Within the" tells In simple, she develop, into a woman or In- or any others wtm are unable to at- confer all of the benetlta of thu gym-liastl- XIJTIC'K. Inspectors who searched their In purthaaing effect found minute later the avalanche Itself ar- sincere lashlon, u wonderfully realis- genuity daring who preys upon tend the morning servlcea. and It Is and st Ihe same time be a Ihe plant of the und evidence which rived und wrecked tho and Fvenlng ad- prompted inquiry opera- whole farm. tic story of a good girl's struggle In society at earnestly denired persons at- greut source of pleasure to stu- Herald Ihe accounts foe an hit the away will and defies punishment that nil the la Ihe walls giving under the on- underworld that move the leaai by dent a, vertising done prior to February tions. It said that profit from the slaught snow Ihe employing the Intricacies of the tend. smuggling xac. of und the roof fulling Impressionable In spite of himself. were not Included In tha purchaae, of Inline Into Wermnny in. law to safeguard her q uest Unable but property for- and Austria would amount lo from Mary Turner, the heroine, t.Mts.-- i venture. Hie also avenge Anton r.nsen. a local architect, ha remain Ihe of the herself mer nwn-re- to be by them collected. 1'iu lo 4U per cent. la an attractive young wo- on the canting hvpoerlte who sent finished plans for Ihe building which DISEASED WOMAN man, In car-- er a a n w rsy! Bsby To Account for advertising done since IS who, early her h' r to prt-o- ben she was Iniio will be erected at the Han Francisco February A New Turk man. H. Wirlh, has working girl. Is lalsely accused of cent, almost breaking hla bv 15th are the property of BRIBED TO DISCONTINUE heart, exposition from a fund collected new the honor of beim; the llrst American I hat In the large dry gooda empori- through his son mi heir, Danish building the owners and will be collected whom she uiw Ssiw Americana. The will by regular office lo climb the JuiiKtrau on skis, and HER BOARDING HOUSE um In which ahe la employed Klin lures inio marriage. liuuo be modeled on Ihe of thn force of tha famoua castle Kveiilng Herald. All accounts for incidentally he established a record vehemently declare her Innocence, Marv Turner s ultimate attainment Hamlet's town, Flalnore, and, like 11" for guide climbing Accompanied by (lly Awealaicil ) Na Longer Do Wssws Fear TVa Great, subscription, whether accruing prior l"re. but the bvprocrlte of the poHpion iu the world to which historical prototype, will be situated Herr Htuckey of si. (lull Amal- - Feb. Ut. . be- eat of All Huanaa Bieaaiogs. lo alnce February 1Mb. nre the and Iindon. peculiar bar who employ her, nnd the Judge she Is entlt'ed furnishes the play on building be - Im-u- l the sea. The will not ;;ropcr,; .v. indel- gain is being struck by some fore whom she I tried, IiisinI win its no. live mid the development used to house exhibit, which will be government in Kngland pre- F.vening wl.l iau", the for the rite should be made to stand as un or the thein. of "Within the Law" placed In Herald and be called l.r , of t he J u nl f 0 (,t II Is a joy asd eoaifnrt to kao that another structure erected by ih;:"rr". feel. vention the spread of diseuee. 'the ixample to all other shopKirls sim- provides a of the regular series surprises collector. Mini- - ru by the Danish government, but will also amended the 13, hosier gov I g IlKoe atucb talked of paths and other TIIK KVKXIXtl 4't let. mi ei miienl has Just ilarly tempted. hhe, lllrl'lole, that me nerve-grippin- in their dra- be used aa a headquarters for Danish HKItAI.D. and returned to lrlnlelwuld, his agreed lo grant a pension to a woman that are aald rn precede eltlld bear- Ueo. rl. Vulliant, Manager. Sentenced lo serve three year in matic Intensity. . America 11 visiting Marling point, litter crossing the of enli-il- germs ing Bis 7 easily he avnlib-d- N.i wiauia Seed and Iholr friends currier in return for prison. the expoaltioii. The structure will .Member gluiier and Klameer glacier. "hull she has given her ptomiao to the slightest discomfort If she will Henry's messengers. forty-eig- When released she se ks honorable For a taxi, cull Dl Ma IT. far contain a big recital hall, reception Phon tii. 'all In ht houra. line night give up the keeping ol u tiro. I'hon fortify beraelf with tbe wsll ksova and house. According phv- - -- roonia and ottkc For the ofliclal to report of lime kuoured remedy, Muther a rrlead. Danish exhibition a splendid site has alcliina attached to he bant tiovern- - Ihla I a most grateful, been procured snd It Is planned to minl hoard, the landlady was respou- - terssl application tint st oaee softens sail small typical of AT ltdo for un epidemic of eniciic fever make the exhibit but ONCE! CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEN, among tnakee pliant Ihs sUloailnal aiuaelr anJ the Very best Danish art and indus- her lodgers, und It Was de- llganients. try. cided lo buy her off Willi u weekl 11 rj naturally eipasd srlthnut pension. the ailghleat ant naly strain, snd thu A more aerloua case la reported baulkh all leadeacy tu aervuua, tvllchlug Dr. Carl Jacohaen, Denmark's great HEAD AND 1iajaiSHU COLDS v - CATARRH VANISH from the West Hiding or Yorkshire i sfio HP WisjgW ' A- afe. : Spella, I art patron, just before his death, con- f tiW. but tliere an entire freedom fruea where a woman employed aa house- suaea, dtseoRifort, sleepleasacaa tided lo a friend that he Intended to aad draad keeper at fat U create a Danish Versailles, nnd Ih various ion is declined U rl ttl in thn ttBtment of hitaiuJetaa. rvsni rw ta. niitcrssins. otrvBai. bi Kripiaa tmi tin that ao oftea kar their bupreaa spue tha to lie the source of sixty euses of en- 9vtj ibt, Ihr hithtriiHv I'uifiM uf kfstirtr Hla mi bbtl all iiO Uuv Iu u rrirtiUr listi,.truMh-u- . publication of Ihe plan hu led lo the mi Um i v w v avr i . babe. llrcatli lrcyt (Vara Stuff cl.iip. grant halm dissolves by of teric fever, aix of which huve proved In utkrvnisaa. In vmrm Ufurmm iaa. iftk-uir- o in tie iwr voud tiay determination lo carry out hla Ideas Ihe heal pwr ofu rwfl m conlirmraj drunkaiid mid rhruttuii. ttua, InhWui w tl bsi IiiIIuiimhI Nie and Head kiisjm fatal. For threo year utter dis- trMnMHit fr The Is therefore eae of as a memorial of his service to the and Ihe nostrils; peiu iratea und heal the her m,v u( and "l ur Iwv iLi4U wol ntsajy uij in ul m aUs ul ( Mtarriutl DiM lutrge. I urea no charge. hoapltul sMsya IfT. ! ItHnmtnpf !. Joyful anllflpsiliiB. sad eim-- Dull Inflamed, swollen nil, rune which Irom the where she la nation. The large sum In make Ihe . was Ant4K MntKia a ri.Uiiss TlWtj fpfrnt ft tntmi ftvtrlUir'.Kui ront;!ntinfl. tMrtiiy una) - IlcaiUi'ltts lines nose, und treated for the lever she lived stei- ran sot be laid upoa Ihs reuarkshl plun a success will be from lha load throat: clears ft t in l Ih rtfnmUMy tru (, ittiraew ,t lltw kisrit, nrt'Ms, Inrtiisnnrju wuftt, available paaaagen: with her parents und no cases In Ais haw ikm wkmrottmnmtix u Ihe stops nasty dis- of lo. ht 9 n mmtwu (omii InHuesee ehlch a mother's bsppr. preastal th rurlaherg fund, whl h was Insll-tule- air cHnf rs odf Try "Kly'g Cream llalni." chargee and a feeling of cleansing, tel i ion were truced lo her. Then she iw4int mm4 duwtnm thm mmtwmmi awrtW. At mU ir eiM ut aai dtatealtlua baa unna lb health and fue by Jncolisen and to which he lli-- t up snti(jr-i- tr ttmtt k mr murm. a aiiiall bottle anyway. Just lo soothing comes look work aa temporary house- , ' I A-- Frrt-m- s mm4 many en- relief Immediately. P. S.rv fr afl Htrt pU tune of th graeratlna In earn. donated millions for the try It. Apply a little in the noatnl Don't lay awake tonight keeper in the country and the enteric couragement In struggling Mother'e Frli-n- hi recutnmendi-- only fog and promotion of srt and Instantly your clogged none und for breath, with bead siufTed; nos- fever epidemic followed her from Denmark. atopped-u- p fi rm. government the relU f sad cueHfurt ef exiwrtaat aielhera, air passage of the head trils cloaed, huwking and blowing farm to Thu local The Versailles, ga planned hy Dr. will open; you will breathe freely; cold, board Inspectors ordered her to re- thuusaaikt of whom bar uai-- ssd reetaa-kiee- d Catarrh or a with iia running Jacobean, will .be erected In Freder-ikabor- dul I nes und I'y nose, turn lo home of It. Voa will Bad It ea sale at all drug headache dieappcur. foul mucous dropping Into the the her pulenls and where the beautiful castle morning the cuturrh. d or throat, raw la distressing aoon afterward Ihe epidemic in Ihe store y and utwicaa at It.00 a bottle. Writs to Ih of that name with Ita extensive gal- calurrhul sore throat will he gone. but country ceased. The woman will be llradileij Itegiilator Hiilg., truly needless !., UO lamar lery of art and national historical Fnd such misery nowf (let Ihe I'ut your l.ilth Just once In paid by Ihe local government 10 Atlaala, la., a most lustrui-tlv- for Nn4 oat treasures I already located. In con- small holiU) of "Kly's Cream Halm'' "Klv'a Cream llalm" und your cold or ul home. that greatest ef gj auujecta, BSulherbewd. nection with the castle all of Ihe skill at any drug Blurs. Thia sweet fra catarrh will gutcly disappear. In the Hellish army a new regula- - IIX TTTE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. It., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY SI, 1914.

h'inif, where the wounds were dressed Uve-xfoc- MIMVfJ M'W "TO HI. I.F I'HICI x. ATRISCO SCHOOL BONDS ami cured fr. Mull. r IIMI'lll I..M Remedy Used By ilcrUlieal, 100 lbs , . .gild CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Mra sr. mt hale EFOOT PIG IS HH Mm gt.T.1 t u I i iimii.i; or h inn n SUIT FDR Hrn, The people of the Alrlsco school 5010 I Iiim- - I g. ihiM-- ! Ian eiiM, N. M , Feb. 23. "ai- - district at their election Pntnrday Three Generations I urn i lnii. loo lbs gl.'.l nniu I . tn i ii In la In the county )nn ht Mitrii hy a practically unanimous HiiiIIimI one arn k ll la-i- lute, tuning aurrendi red tu uf (leers Oiintitllii lo of cai ballot In favor of the M.nOfl bond bale or dojitt. All our wagons rc-n- ie Mothers Who II When I liihli-e- Needing him on charge of deiih FROM FO TRESPASS Ofl iir for a new arhuol building rfhlch Took the Siyiii-iita- . y ldn HUE coming II ) ehuiitlng and killing I'lni elll be erected during Ihe tilting llnlr hlhlrctl. rati !-- V. K. ero at a dun a at Teculitlto v It xprlng. Two other elections, one In night. Orlegns oth- There must be genuine m r ir tu tin . - ... and Condelnnsa and Ihe Ptl lc tl it ha stood the test el two Tlie killing of l.urero la said by the CHOLERA CLAIM Our ll F.rror. er In liel Itlo district are to be held if users. dlntrKl attorne'a oine to bear the FIE Mrs, Hose .,siur rhelps-MtoVe- Saturday of thla week to vole on 11 old-ag- - In ihe Infill ef lie none hi.1" mnrka of premeditated nun di r. advocating American e pen- bonds for hul'dinga to cost 4.00 greater , mr retained that lerurred at a dance given at Tirolu" sluns, such as tlermany nnd Kngland und ft. 000 respectlely. one promi- mm reus In ii greater ilegice, ihun It. tllo at the home of of Ihe have, said: County Superintendent Monloya Is 'II a Siiiiii Pepsin, which ' nn nent famillea. I.ucero la a.iid lo have Interesting Variety of Porker Litigation Over Important "Wo are getting over the nine- - falls! led that the people will vole the I been atnndltiB front of the timi teenth-centur- y aged tr ri used by three gcncrall'ms of in Introduced Col Idea that Ihe and bond Issues In both disricts. peuplc. It u tn families run when r.nclmna came up lo him, drew in fax! Grant County Property; Big lest It ut e have neeeasnrlly been shirt I m a .44 ii II in r fin d. ne hi ii v hemming mure general. 1'ln' revolver and County; Fort Sumner Man Burros Copper Company In- less and worthless. Yes, thank good la II him II. bullet entered l.m ero'a righl brenut ness, we the old Idea aejsaj luxin. primarily, that hut inainnily. are getting out It in what ii If to be, and death orrurred almuxt Remembers Bill Nye's Cow. people are naughty," it mnnniU an Id, hud corporated. thnt with nourht a It does not mnkc The two men. It la hud lnntr pievloiialy Knrinina bad I ri trouble and M-- THEATRE i laiuia nor use marse . ELKS' nought uiiHucceaarully tn have Lurern Kllver City. X. Feb. iS Hell A Try HERALD want they gu.ige to set forth It lrlue. DAIRY ANIMALS ads ' put under a peuce bond. Wright, lessees of the rich gold strike It Is n medicine, but o mil and WW. ItO.YU I I, TWMtlt BEAT SUGAR BEETS bring results. gentle it Ino i'f made on the Riivnnno. Copper com- medb Ihnt thousands KTOVF. it tn tiny and Pepsin In thl house, among UMMF. KXI'MIIH: pany's properly at IMno Altos, were mo.hct rm Infant, thrm HOI SK IM A UtHH yet. In u slightly linger loe, It Is TOrl, IIIIKAI) n Till" HOY Thursday np M's. W. A. Taylor, 71 Lincoln Avp., Ituawell, N. M . Feb. llarley served with papers this week by the equally (or KMivvri it I Maxwell, N. M Feb. ?J. fl. O. iiii. Ill lull. Vl tin flvo ihllilri-- KuKt. r loat his house and furniture C. . A. Mining and Milling com- for liny disorder of the stomal h, liver ir I'lililwi-D'- Syriip - Lynch received frnni . Indlnna February 0 nnil Kltn I'll'- yemerda? when a gnsollno stove ex has pany, who allege thai the plaintiff DIE or bowels, for i oiistlpatlon im sin In all uf them n Inl. l.lttIA ploded In wna Mulefout pigs, will try to t r Ihe kitchen. The atove three ami how chronic, fur dppi psiu im mui t tin- - e have trespassed on the lSngslon min- IIIIhiii used to ry liitlf iilxht being uaed nnd overflow 1114 the guao-(din- It Is or III I sour raise pigs of Ihut kind here. hnW fir hlllMI.H, 111 h riiiiiia mill mn, lull Mii'f hp-- I blew up. The high wind swept ing claim In taking out their rich ore. . M- for Mulefout pig II CHEER UP Momai h. gas im the stonim h, hi ri at an claimed Ihe that KiM'ti Hvtili lVnin hn ilurl Ihe flames through the building and . Tho l.nngMon s under bond and leaae ini , is dlm-nse- The three rirousliieaa after rating nnil nu limxi'T. The u of thin rrmedy nothing be done to pave It. No immune from to the It A. enmpnny, which la a niil'il Unit Mr. bought were pur-- t CU'AltWTI'F.O ulnillnr complain' arising from will l"orh you tu auiil ulli.iltl'-i"- . une wua hurt. The lues will he $3.riU working same, and In their complaint floggcd-u- p hused under u strong guarantee, and ri. million of the bowel. It aiilta, tmrmiliMM nnil iliKia to house nnd furniture. Insured fur they allege that the detendanta have To Make timw Where In Hip docs not if 11I nny lime the pigs dis- 'l :iati tu Instc ami im liny nrn t'litiri'ly loo harali. Pyriii I'.' t. Mr. Foster wua cooking. Mrs. trespnased fifteen feet In underground TlMy Ncer t.rcw H.ifi'ly a eased he gets his inutiey buck. The gripe, ll run he used with nnd Hin uri-- Rrailuiilly, lh visiting In age l'i hut uri Foster xiii t'arlsbud. pigs (ire shout three months old and sloping on the I.nngston and assess good result hy anyone at any i i ii 1)1 . la t m f r aiifi ami ierimnirnt. coat him lot). the value of the ore and other dam- iir In any condition of health, ami JI AX tMIATV filltl. ages at tq.ftou. The Laiigston ad wlHhlnaj aiim-pt- e The plga tire called Mulefout, on tliHt peison'a health mill Improve. Kninllii-- tn try it tret IM AM lliKN I l I.Y SHOT Is being hy account of Ihe Peculiar formation of joins the claim which work F.very druggist sell it anil tin pi b e but tin ran ulituln It fioatiiaitl Fnrmlngtun, N. M , Feb. 23 - While . disllnguishei ed by Bell ft Wright and which was THE la unly t anil one dollar a ir. W. H. Cn UlHi-ll- their feet. The name GIRL nf rent Ill visiting ul the home o( Mr. and Mra. won- the scene of the recent rich gold Hi , Month i llo, 1:1. A the breed from all others, and bolt WiiHhlniitiin W. A. Anderson, one mile weat of of strike. Thousands of families thruushnut poHtnt vara with your name and derful rbilma nre mnde fur pigs Flora Vista, Miaa Kdith C'hlttendee kind, Is a Mulefout A writ of attachment on T'ell A tho country arc never without fyrup nn It will do. wua accidentally a dug this ll suld that are powerful friends. F.very healthy shut, struy can be turned In a pen with dead and Wright was sworn out by the plain- belnn the cuuae of the accident, the, lying pigs with cholera, and tiff enmpnny nnd served on the de boy likes plenty of good, nourishing t rj gun- - afdirted , 1 I0THEMI a being In r, - t i . . i...... the hands never get the disease. fendant Wednesday with the result vim, nnu a in i .i.i of Miss MaKXie Hutherfurd, who play iub inula Iir mil 1IVE STATE NEWS Mr. Lynch bus the pigs nt his fnrin that the mine will be rloaed down eat beat for his stomach, his blood, CI.ASHV TO TIIF. COItF. fully announced her Intention of try- anyone Interested bone grow ing on dog, west of lon, and pending the result of the suit. Anout and brawn. For children her marksmanship tho la Invited go out nnd see them. men strong eating our Bread, Cures (ironrlri-- liMnmly when Miss Kdith dug lo forty are thrown out of work. matchless Kim-Ye- ar -- Old Somnambulist to profert the breed Is new tn section, and Oglesby which Is flour, spec- stepped In of gun, receiving The thla J. T. and C I Caddell are made of the best front the If wonderful claims made for It nfTlclaie C. A. company ially milled so as to best the contents Instead of the ilog. Ihe of the ft retain at lite prove true It will be n profitable pig Is In by nutrients of the wheat. No higher r: Walks Mile and Half in Nightie The wound Is hut neresMtrtly dan- - which represented the suit M TIIF. "TAXOO" to raise. w Wright. than poorer Bread. s geruiis yet Is a pninful one, and wbl llarnea A Konll, hile Hell ft on Koto at Jlnisoti's are represented by Wilson ft Walton Cures Himself cull (Hie Miss Kdith to her bed fur OX and of Fever Home time. The ball passed through M) llKH.mill The case will come up at the March lIUCI: TIIF. FOHT M'MF.K V In city Ihe Ihlah ut 11 point about three Inches term of the district court this PIONEER BAKERY Fort flumner, N. M., Feb. 23. A Is mining litigation of $1.50, $1.00 and 73c below the hip, taking a downward d This Ihe first been put In warm Manketa and whk resident of Fort Humner ndvertls-- a course and milking a wound -' any Importance tn be tried In Ihe KIT UtinUt Mrsl Remarkable Experience of non th woae for hia expoaure. The about 'cow for sale and got a buyer nt once. inches long. paya district court here In a number of Roosevelt County Lad Who fover wna entirely ono. Klmer had j Moral, It puys to advertise nnd years, according to the Hllver City no Idea of how he gut to the Maxwell lii raise cows. However, the editor - in-..!- "Knlerprlse," nnd makes the old tlm- No 111 From hi u rw. "MMMtir own of Ihe Fort Huniner Ilex lew has In! Suffen Effecti WITH IKON HOI era feel mure ut hnme, reminding ' IIFWV go cast asparagus on this cow hy j 1 N. M , Feb. 23. Y. and them nf the days when mining suits Long Sleep-Wal- k. M i i Fort Sumner. republishing the following advertise-- j vimiD rovi, Norman wna brought in from the were filed every duy and fortunes T.VKIM 1.1 1 i; HY IH)IS) ment made imnmrtnl by Hill Nye: ! THEATER to Al- - were nt on the outcome, ELKS' THEATER ELKS' Perkins ranch and taken I'r j "Owing to ill health. I will sell St; sinks MADRID COAL MINER Santa Ke, N. M., Fob. 23. Joe Pro- - dredge's ofllcc, a suffering from severe my in towneiiiii lo, a nml miner at Madrid, committed blow on Ihe head, sutd to have been residence itKi in nitos corn 11 TUESDAY, FEB. 24tU DIES STRYCHNINE aulclde hy Ik west, according tu government BY th atryrhnine route, in caused by lli.d l'erkina lamming Iiim rnspocrry COMI'WY lMIMtlfllt .TtVt) FEBRUARY cnrdlnif to no received here. A cor very, one crushed colored company 27 one with an Iron rod. The Injured' cow. eignt year', rue is n The lllg llurros Copper oner's imiueat returned a verdict of mun Is expected recover. j ased a'" u was In Young Badly by to L. ,,. nfrMtil of I'll ra OT tin (with capital of II. 500.000 The Annual Play Lady Torn a clear cnae ot suicide. Triiln hud n.l ' III I'.HOH., Inc. Elks' i.hi..iJ- - I. n cow of undaunted corporated thla week, the Incorpora lllKV applied for work at the Madrid coal mi. sec- - Vicious Dogi at Cimarron; u-.- . ntlv. To 'l"n papers being filed with Ihe PUKHKNT cuiiip. After aecurtnc Urn he- milk fieom work NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA, nny ret.iry Fe. The Incorpora M11.1 I I i:-- r Alleged Premeditated Mur. rn me Intoxicated and was provided . m..n who dues not fear destn in Tlic 'owed o hlorj 1,1,1 ors are u. nue. 11. . with a led In the Coma hourdlnit .,..., has erent linnn. file r. ii. iiiiniwnn Ktngcil. SEVEN der in San Miguel County. GAS OR INDIGESTION la very much attached to her home and John Wiley, all of Bllver rily houae. Shortly after the proprietor statutory agent Is C. C. Iloyall. was called to the room by groana and I., n,..nt hv menna of a trace chain. The Vmt-- IMulM-isdn- " anyone wh The company was organised (Nial rwrnHMMN t Haral41 found him In great agony. Tho su- 'Tane's HlEcxts 8000 'hut she will be sold to Is copper-hearin- g t'ortulra, N. M. Feb. S3 A new perintendent wua when ar- , will agree to treat her right. Khe .among owners of called: he tnree-fourih- a "THEPillCE Misery Minutes, one-four- property In Ihe Big Purroa fur cure for frvrr Imen dpnuinatrulrd rived the man was Head. The auper-Intende- In l'lte shorthorn mil Jhe DAYS ha 1 In a purpose . hyenn. will also throw of development. There ure - nine-year-o- culled j. MclluKhea and i hy lftll- Klmpr Taylor, forty-thre- at double-barrele- d goes e In In- - Time It! Tape's Dlupepsln will fcUU ill which t claima represented the aon of Mr. and Mra. Thumaa Taylor, on hia arrival from Cerrllli.a mi goes wna h.-l-d la- anything you and overcome with her. In Mtiy she generally Incorporation, comprising a total of A itii'i'ivti. itoAitivn who r on a fine irrlmitr two vealiRutlon ond a vlnl eat two " farm re- a aour, gussy or er stomach iiwov somewhere u week or over 00 acres of extremely promts ! N HY . beled atryrhnine, with the fir SHE PAID ItlOTOt inlh'R aouthi-aa- t cork s nf Klnur walk with lull red calf with , lug ground, miles l'l 1 moved nnd empty, wna found hy hia surely within five minutes. nnd returns about three from H null mid a half In hia .! mi If your meals (II eomfurtubly, wohldv legs. Her name is Koaa. mo! Ijropold. scene of the gigantic op t inier the Irtr.i1l.iii of aide, cutk and aeal heum found on don't the TIm- - a i iild niKht. atlitt-d- ' MKhtlot 11 Hays iar litk' litat or what you say Ilea like a lump of I prefer to avll her lo eratlons of the Fhclpa-imdg- e com Hotter AMU 01 KMgl : I.OIM.i; fallinir to wak up h the floor. Ilia nddreaa uppenra lo 4l until been I'enk, wna leud In your stuinai h. or If you hute pany. The ground has never been Tlian hoiiiMi K. we 1. have Jeiiua Coin. He the of J. Man Whin heurlbiirn, Is a sign of Indiges- iiF.vr exploited although holes d well drcaned unil hud 113.70 on hi that IIAIKY tows thoroughly David Graham awukini-- I hp hoy hud mi triica of IlKsTH Phillip' peraun. tion. COt.FAX KlfJAIl here and there all ahow copper Indl HOOK fever. The little chap had roniihiini'd Dfty-ce- nt from your phurmacist a N. M. Feb. SJ.Hlnce Copelati'l, upon I.MI B. P. E. li-- tiet Maxwell. ncliona while the Mxbln In M York. 100 0. of not n well and Ilia parpnta of 1'upcs Iilupepsin and of Ihe 1914 iiindn-ln- ;iim, case nothing hus been heard which considerable work haa been Mlihts In Mglita him some and put him yorxfi att fKi?i nv ua you run. 1i1ki. iv . ( lake a done Just as soon heel coin rails many of the farmers done, ahows a well defined copper Ilk lk.SHt.lll. to bid. He went to A ahort VH IOth IH M.S AT IMllltll no on There will be no sour rlmngs. no chances l.ri-atc- t time later on entering hia room hia X. Feb. S3. While have decided lo take bearing ledge of gigantic proportions. Tho Itay ur Time Cimarron. M, belching of undigeated food mixed but will go Into dulrylng it mother wna bhIciiIkIiiiI tu find him Mun the beets In fact ll was largely tho extremely SlNfiUl ITIl'CM f.MT Till SKATS KXI.I-- : returnlnir home from the arhuol with hi Id, no slumurh gua or heart- far- AT one trm-- - Instead. Mnny of the Colorado l.i wimble showing of the Copelnnd I Only. ,M and no uf him. An alarm day tho young- ditiiKhter of Hnlvudor burn, fullness or heavy feeling In the beets ouageuieot TSON'K nfti-- - vl- - mers who hme been growing that encouraged the owners of claims l raiaed nnd the whole. neiKh- 'burette wna nttueked hv aevernl stomach, nausea, debilitating head- dairying this itmrhood had out on aynte-mali- c for years will lake to in that vicinity tn pool their holdings Katnrilay February Slal, turned a cloiia duKK near her home, biting the aches, dizziness or Intestinal griping. KVats HaIc boy h Jiit w year us Ihe price offered tor beets place mo on the market for the Itfvici on one inun wna lit tn young Kirl iulle badly on the leva und This will all go. and, besides, there and si I'orialea lo notify the nut horlt lea. tenrliig rluthing to ahreda In Colorudo Is far from satisfactory. purpose of .lecliipm.nt only. This AT MTiVN Book ktMIK Prices $1 Htina, her will be no aour food left over In the u all over the laiiM-niii- K. wno rnuini-- aton at tho Maxwell ii n.l oiherwlMe Injuring her, Mr It. Garrison, just la the way Ihe famous Top mine st 50c-75c-$- 1.00 stomach to poiaon your breath with i house. liouwi he found the hoy, who hud the rurrylUK of Ihe i;lrl to her from Iiveland. says thut thouanus Mol0(in w, devehuied and the nauseous irtlors. devoted to bee. a I cure of acres formerly buyers of development stock In Tape's in pepsin is a certain uses this year. i.y for stomachs, because It will be put lo other that properly who bought their slock your digests The 600 or more long or auaim fron J& ,.,., lo ;j cenia a share, takes hold of food and tne many It lust th aaina as If your atoinucn which went out of here pu'iHre now holding out 'or prices there. 'month was nn object lesson to local tllwm tnM an,ount. The Top, before 5: wasn't j In five minutes from all farmers as to Ihe value of alfulfn for (l wna developed, could have been Itellef con- - , t stoma, h misery Is waiting for you at feeding. Had this hsy been for !0 coo. Within two years THE y y any drug store. jverled Into butler on wnxwet rarm. it sold for ISUO.IIOO. .B would SERVICE AND SOLIDITY y These large fifty-ce- nt cases contain the paid fur the hay have The Big Burros has never been ex y enough "Fapo'e Dlapepsln" to keep grown Into liiu. ploited by copper mining engineers Af.lERIC.1li y 1 y the entire family free from alomncn and this Is the purpose of the pres- y disorders and Indigestion for muny NF.W MOHAIK CONTYtACT ent organisation. F.very cent derived y months. It belongs in your home. KIl.M'.H HY CllOWFYtB from stock si.lrs, aside from legiti- y y Bllver City, N. M . Feb. I The mate expenses will go to development ADOIIiG III, Jfi4 y y CAM, Mill ItllM. National Mohair Growers association work and it Is believed some good re Notice is hereby given Ihnt sealed which formerly had hendn(rt"rs In sults will be obtained. At any rate y three-yea- r y proposals will be received for the this city, has renewed lis from a well known miners' stand- MACIIIijE y y purchase of Three Thousand Dollars contract with l;rown Adnms. wool point who knows the ground, "ll Is a The Banking Requisites (1,000 00) of the bonds of Hrhool Dis- and mohnlr commission merchants good gamble." y of l.sw-rcne- e. trict No, , llnnchos d Alrtaco, in the of Boston. R. C. Johnson Those who put their property In The Latest Adder y county of Bernalillo. New Mexico, to Kan., representing Ihe selling the new company and who will also f be isaued unon the authority of an committee, made s trip through Ihe be the directors sre J. w. carter, rep. y election duly celled end held In said east Investigating the clulms of dif- resenting the owners of the Copelnnd COSTS BUT $35 of sssucla-lio- n y school district on the tlet dav Feb. ferent firms bidding for the j mine, It. K. Wade. It. 11. Boulware. ruary, A. D. mid election hav- contract but found It more ad- Rials R. Wiley, C. C. Itoyull. Ask for Demonstration V y Illl: - Mra ing been called and held fse the pur- vantageous nil around tu continue John M. Wiley and F. A. Bush. y voting upon question or Boston Mr. Johnson pose of the with the tlrm. At a meeting of the director! held Here ui a new price on a com- put. lank-th- e in W A. of this Seven krys do ail the work. f HE satisfactory only bank wnicK y the Issue of said bonds In a letter to Heather, j thla week. It. II. Boulware was elect- y petent Adder, tin a machine that In conformity with Keetion city, of executive com-mli'- Now wa make tn o". r that rri of and a member the ed president, John M. Wiley vice Is rapid, full-us- e y New comment and infallible. cfllces evervwher y JL can le of real benefit to the business pub. l.'i41 of the Compiled of of the asxoclution. president, C. C. Hoyall, secretary, F . luy itaiu abut 11. Ar- outlook l!,. i. .u.l eans to them, y y Mexico of 197 and Section moat favorably on the rut ure A. Hush, treasurer, slid It. K. Wade, The very latest machine, built lio ia that which, while assuring absolute ty, y ticle IX, of the Constitution of New for ihe mohair market. manager. by men wtto know, In one of the y Mexico, nnd at which election It lurgest metal-workin- g shops. TEN DAYS TEST y decided that the Issue of Ihe bonds ww HF.AH t vrri.r. oo. We will gladly place In kny office y is prepared to give expert courteous of sioo itF.WAim. si Is and aforesaid be made. Hnld bonds are to Bitot I. UT Y'HOM MF.XICO paper will be It an Indlvldusl Adder, to be one American Adder for a ten y V The readers of this plu.-e- be dated April 1st. 114. to be of the 1.ake Valley V M , Feb. 21 Nunn is on one's desk, close to one's da) a' test service to public pleased lo learn that Ihere at books papers. y not only depositors but to the denomination of Five Hundred tlvi") and Ijitham brought In five hundred that scl- - and To take the Ktinday. least one dreaded disease place of the There will b no obligation, and t I inl l.i ra each, lo bear Interest at ths head of cattle from Mexico to cure In all Its central machine y lence has been able y generally. annum, now being skilled operators. charges. f y rate of six per cent per payThey are branded si the stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's semi-annuall- a Rage pluce purchuaed by non-list- y able running for old recently Catarrh Cure Is the only positive It Is also Intended Compare It ith any yeors. redeem- - Nunn nnd Kddle Nunn for offices V y period of twenty snd l.ntham. cure now known to the medical fra- and stores where costly machines even the costliest. Iet ur.yone The success of the STATE NATIONAL BANK y aide after ten years. Both principal came tip from Kl Paso with the ternity. Catarrh being a constitu- are a luxury. use It. ee If any machine can and Interest payable at lha olllce of cattle. tional disease, requires a constitu- serve better than thla f of Y the County Treasurer Bernalillo treatment. Hall's Catarrh The price Is duo to ulter sim- en,l ua has been built upon this winning combination of ew tional Just this oupon and County In Old Alhu.uerUe, nniu ream Cake. Cure Is taken Internally, acting di- plicity, and to our enormous out- - we'll send Ihe machine. Mexico. The a. hool board reserves Tasty cake may be made with rocou rectly upon the blood and mucous Service and Solidity. t y right reject any snd all bids. quite aa di l,( i.nnly aa with choco- de- the to surfaces of the system, thereby Each copied number Is propoaala should be addressed late. Tut a third of a cup of cocoa, dis- y The sugar stroying the foundutlun of the shown up for checking be- to M. Mandell. County Treasurer, Old a fourth of a cup of brown snd ease, giving patient strength y x a of a cup together Into and the fore the addition Is made. AlhuiUtr'Ue. New Mexico I'ropnsuls third uf water by building up ths constitution and Please send ua an American Adding , Your account is solicited. , 7 porcelain , pan conk over The machine will add, y '.. y will bs publicly opened Maich Sbth, a sau. and In doing Ha work. Vachins for lea days' free trial. hot water, stirring constantly until assisting nature subtract and multiply. With 1H, st t o'clock p. m. The proprietors have so much fnlth very sbght practice anyone Name y y M. MAN'UKLU if.K K. urn Into a mixing uowi nnu i In lis curative powers that they csn compute fig- y y County Treasurer. add n third of a cupful of butler snd any a hundred a cupful of brown sugar; beat well, One Hundred Iiollars for ures a inlr.uie snd the mu- Mtreet Address rase II falls to cure, fiend for ne y y a u ..urn a. in en ea. nair a eiipiui .on o. that ch. never makea mistakes. City nrt list of testimonials. Count leas nrtlces, Inrge and X mamma s .hr.i.i "n" ".fuie ' "'" " ed. with two '"snd one half level tea- Address: V. J. CIIKNKT CO.. mull, are getting- from these Blnle grandma's lameness Iir. Thomas spoons Toledo. Ohio. machines highest household remedy. of baking powder. Bake in a the cluss of K.clectic Oil Ihe Chicago Hold by sll Druggists. TBr. service. i SOe. sheet. Inler Ocean. yf the and Take Hall's Family Pills for Cnited Stales Jsdge W. H. Pope. ":. .; ' " " 1 AMERICAN CAN COMPANY, CHICAGO y State National Bank . " ' "7 Cnited Htates Marshal Hudspeth and '"""7 . Mmlxra lrgrpNs, , Ihe lu h. Try .oan Ointment. y Clerk Ha.ry F. I have gone from i . .. e. any Itching. iOc s Clenrge took s hack st a nice tree Sold OF ALBUQUERQUE, N. U. .."or. xemu. skin in New Mexico by K. CONLEY, P. BOX 331 ll.MSieil IU IJIF l in rw, loaMioa m day when were drab. V. 0. y , 1 I skies i , ,, ... mVI. . m m . .Tip M.I' 'nm u I ' J im - "' If r'eorge were here now probably he y X Hioblle. Albuquerque, New Mexico. I The HERALD vnr.t Ad get. Would take a tuxlcab. 'Beafi the HERALD Every Day the lest results. Usnrjr hauls. I'bune lit. THE EVENING IIERALD, ALRTJQTJERQXTE, N. M., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1914. EXVEH. ' Showing Here That Jeff Knows a Thing or Two. By "Bud" Fisher.

" C MfVT If TM ( WttC.WMt lWT YW TIMw I feOTTUB tHWIN . N WOR.C0 IV 'He TKJ Vr.IP6 I ( U,fcU.,C,M YOO 1 WITH ANO -- 0 T. J 6;r LSLSiJ ri' v J " cfTt3 ( No JT TH 'ti TMWiHT OC (BONeKCAOt I THG ? fteiT POT J,fW THT y I XjV TMik fcoTTCIi J ti V J ' I ' f J upnoe mmn H 1

-- w-

$3. .'.! 4.05; London. It 7s (d. 'nMininMnnnnMnnMnMnnMMnnMnnnNnnnnnnnen' Summary of Matters Taken Up hy r quiet, 15.3041 5.40; Lomlon, :i io. State Board ofEducation Issued Copper nominal; standard spot and March IIS. 7141 14. Si St. Ojq Evemimg' WamU easy: spot, JH.S04I 39 00. Ads Tin f lierald ircular Sent Out Reviewing rial auperlntemlenl of public nlruo-lio- n Iron eleady; No. 1 northern. I1.V00 on Jiiiu lat. 114 i 13.10; No. 3 northern. 114 7m Discussion! of Interest to "10. Counly superintendent are 1.35: No. I southern. 114 5i IS. 25; : : 1 15.2.".. "Lines Dimes 114. 7S4l Times No. southern soft, Three Three Three hereby notified that Inatltutea muat Educational Affairs in the be o arranaed that the cloning duten Ijondon market cloned as follows: State. will not be Inter than Aupuat 7. 1114. Copper, quiet; spot, 84 12 l; fu- or cerllfl-- i ture, (5 Is. "11. Itoldera flrat rrade IL'.'.OO.OO room modern pebble dush; east front; lawn, shade, FOIl HKNT. a tea or better. If they attend the full Tin quiet; spot, 175; futures, 177 walks, frull trees; easy terms. Fourth ward. FOR HAI.IC modern. X brick; modern; cor- - Hantu Fe, N. M , Feb, 23. The otute term of eloht weeka at either nf the 10s. moxi:y to uns house, close In, L.'Wlund. only ner New York avenue and Sixth ard of education for (he benefit of Mate normal eummer school In 151 f Iron Cleveland warrants, ,'0c lHd. $3,000. Kasy terms. street, $10.00 month. e JOHN 21. &00RE REALTY CO. and aiitlKf ji tory arudea In two J. II. PEAK. No. 61S New York avenue; 6- - unty school superintendent und Established Incorporated 1903. units, will be excused from Institute HI. V. lilt. 111 Weal Central. room brick; modern, $33.10. icher throughout Ihe ut ile h la-- 1 lonl HfH. TMiono 10. West fiolil attendance In 1915. Ill A. 4 Phone 131. 4) FOIl 8 ALII. following aummnry the HI. Louis. Feb. 14. l.U(l. 13 00; id lit of "13. Holder of nrofeealonul life speller nomlnut. 15.30. flam-h- nd lands; house and t i vlt nf the recent meeting: to attend lots: business property. kept certlllcates are reiiilred Ihe llcltcilng that you should he or aunnner arhool at leant one reived in trade this week. The Dt XIIAItH KSTATE an limn nf TIm Money Market. wools are a HF.i lly Informed In the ail the In three ynara heKinnitiR with 114. 111 somewhat shorter than OFFICV.. hoard of education, we are aeiid- - New Tork. Feb. "4. Call money RAW MATERIAL year ago but are In good condition and MONEY TO L0AK. tt HeKinnin with the next rrn-uln- r 9x1 Gold Ave., Corner Third 84. "IJ. steady, 1 4 2 per cent. I g following luminary 01 certl-ftcate- a, run fairly fine. It reported that )nu the eanmlnatlon for teachem" MONET TO LOAN Money affecting county supirln-iidcnt- s' Tln.e loan, firmer; 60 days. these wools are being bought on about wvrfvieneniadvanced tttera the applicants for second and Jiii to railway and other employee on worn, 3 per 0 days, J 4 VI 3 per I a 45 cent considered el the first county certificates munt cent; clean landed Duel. talarlea or household good, without PROFESSIONAL CARDS February smile tent; months. 3 cent cetlng of the board pitas examination alao In one of the alx lr textile The Goods Market A fair volume removal. Cnlon Loan Co., over tfira1 2 4 per mm II. following: Agriculture. domestic Mercantile paper. 4i4's of business Is apparently being placed Katinnal tank. Physicians "1. Mantilla.' IJbro Hegundo ile cent. New York dry goods nneennv cook- in the trade. adopted science (including sewing and rtura, which am at the ing) and manual training. Commercial bills. 14 83. The chief feature of the situation HELP WANTED tlx I I v cvlous meeting on condition of liar silver, 57 c. HOLDS POWER IhurA I h. B.m-- ra fa.nHen.-- of .he W. M. SHERIDAN, 1L D. t being "14. Hereafter In order to secure WANTKI Hepresentafve for our Ismn. While the reunion Mexican dollar. 44c. xarlous factors to murk un prices, pir-- 1 Prartlce Limited to ua a certificate for Institute attendance, firm, one I Interested In fruit i I.ared, If any rlioola lh to tlculnrly on serges, although certain that tiFMTO-- KIVMIY IHSsKASKS teacher must attend the full ten f- -r our high grade l m tvxt oa a aeennd book in Kanlh I IveMis k. other line, of staple goods are also f.rnw,n I""'""'". And l day and shall he required to do work Kansas tlly a...-.- , miri . - i v am to uae It ua It Hog- s- being more or less sharply. I niiiiiiiiii oui j In sulijeita a day which work Kunnaa City. Feb. 34 Tendency of Values Continues advanced vcr Nursery Company. 4100 W. 41th DISKASFS OF TUB 6V. iO It H four hl w Ht the prke of renli. 4. nun: market steady; bulk of Yarn spinner are finding some diff- The Waaerrman anil Nog-uc- Teat. com-n- shall be satisfactory to the county Ave., iKnver, Colo. bllKhed by the Anurkun llook K.7H; .So 5; iculty machinery running I vn "tHMI" superintednent art then conductor ot sales. n.or heavy. Upward in Boston Wool In keeping 8a man Administered llghls. 7.(s.flO; lg v. $7.5041 X lO. according to reports, but they find It Cltlxena Bank Building. 1 the Institute. "2. F.m-- county tujierintenilent Cattle -- ItccelptB 4.0.10, Including Market; Moderate Sales of practically Impossible to get out stock Two ftpiinlsh speaking Albuquerque flaw Maalao w rruiilrcil to report to the atnte "IS. Complaints reached the bimro 2(io southerns; market strong; prime at of season and solicitors at once; salary $15 per text Reported. the Initial prices tho rtment of rdu,i;Uon, the tiunihrr nf that prices had been erased from fed steers,, iH.iotr 9.25; dressed beef Territories there la little profit even at the ad- week and .commission. Write U. A. (. KIinitTI.K, M. II. " inula li buninemi bruru hee III hooka lined in" public schoola und that 17.15 steers, ileruld. to Tuueccnlrarfcj. arlun steers. M0; southern ma- vance recently asked. rrsxlhit IJmllcil , prln- - were being sold at & 5. Ml; heif- Itoston, Ma., Feb. 14. Haw p. rounly. Uh the riHme of the the hooks advanc Id 7. nil; cows. 34. 751 Latest primary Market Informa- Office Hour I to I m. al, tei-he- r and addreie, ua often ed prices In some Instances. The ers. IH.S04I r ii Ives. l.r.o IO.r.0. tt rial still maintain It aacendency In I'lione 1173. superintendent was Instructed .. tion Cabled Inquiries thi week a lo WANTKU Cashier, bookkeeper; the elate auperlnlendnt retiueata state iheep Keceipt 5,000; market the wool textile market with undi good salary. Must have capital io 114 H West Central county superintendent to 7 yearlings. the purchases for the Culled Slates me. to request higher; lambs. t7.'.'51f ': minished power and the tendency of the Invest In business which will pay Albuquerque Sanitarium Phon III. ar look matter In their reepec 0; wethers. f5.25tt .00; in the Australian marketa brounht j. County eurerlntendenta into the 3l.ii0l valuea continues upward. The most reply that 50,0(i0 bale hud been tuken better than 10 per cent on Invest I approve any warrama anil report. WHI yoil ewes. 5.75. eieiled to tie counties $5.001 encouraging feature of the situation In Melbourne and Oeelong and 22.000 ment beside salary. Address E. C. DRS. TUXL & BASES any hind Bold to arhnol kindly make the necessary Investi- rurli'i of ' however, Is fuct manufacture Hydney about Herald office. TturvsO. aupiny send a report as to the re. ClOiwan lUsaril of Trade. the that bale at which with HtxHloluaa Kye. FJir. Nor, rda by aRenla. of ehonl gation and er finding It possible to follow 2,500 - department?" Chicago. Feb. SI. ticnerous snow are at lirlsbune and 50l bales at Blal National Hank Willi. me, uniraa aiiiu aarina nulls lo this In raw material, at leaat of WANTICO good . auperintenUeni of covering that affords protection to the the advance Adelaide, makes a total about Three solicitor, at 'bono rity from the crop brought about lower to a certain extent. In the price on bales, or about 25 million pounds. once; sulury $15 per week and to canvuaa ine ( winter iillr Inmruilion prices today for wheat. Quotations goods. aa the lioslon Commercial With 11.000 bales bought In New commission. Write II. Ileruld. SOMIMO.X S. HCItTON, l. I. lower and llulletin. 35.000 bales In Houth rii)sl1an anil Hurgwn. I. county upcrlntrndcnt la opened unchanged to In' and about 4. Kat ii gradually underwent a modi rate tie Home price being paid on domestic America, the total direct purchases flesldsnc. 110 Houth Walter Btr4-- iinr.Nl to vleit ei.rli aenooi in ni The flarhetsl around. wool today, It should be fc.itil In all for this In the primary mar- WANTED HELPFenale. Phon 1240-- enr unli as" cline all market 1T. .lily at Iriil onre each The close was steady. ' Vic net Justice, are famine prices made pos are figured at approximately (5 WA.NTKI'-- - lirl to care of chil Offlca. t Itarneit Uldg.. Phona prevented l t kets take iifailory ecuw la higher. sible of oblalnmeiit becuiise maliufac million pounds. dren. Apply 415 Houth Arno at. t board of edm atlon for nnK-r-innn- i s wheal and on goods re- 11 WaU Corn weakened with turers h.ive taken orders H ma offerings of surplus lots made Dentists e of thlv duly. Street a result of large offerings In the sam quiring thcKe wools. Another season were grunlvil lo 12 after grader there have complete. r SITUATION WANTED. S. t'ertlflcatca (He lMHf Wiee lo riet.tng neall. ple The penlnK was the will undoubtedly see much greater - IHL J. KllAKF, New market. a contract are being made from Hue- nun to rondu.t Inatltutea In New Vork, Feb. 24. Lower prices wiiiio ua Maturday night, "i low- preponderance of foreign wool In tile WANTKO I.uily position as IN'ntal hurgory. In In l.oniloll rc no Aires. For these wools about desires lio; to 14 peraona to Inatrui'l for aoiiie American slocks er. yarns used and so there will be leaa housekeeper In widower's home. Itooma I and 3. Harnett Bldg. Ov a by oer-to- r cents I asked for Lincoln and 22 Ulute; ii ml to IS peraoiia certlll-- and experimental sale bear The close won steady at an advance of an opportunity domestic wools Adresa L. K. W., Herald office. O'HIelly'g Drug Store, ape- - alirhtly for a for cent for average quarler-bloo- only were Kraiitrd lo Inatruct In depressed price of 44 "nc lo Vc net. to advance to tho relatively high (Appolntmenta mad by mall) aoflU - odd and ends are left In Australia I of thuae peraona lime today, but there was a lent Country -- Hying mude the out mur- Plion 111. branehea. Uta u point at Which they urn now quotable. or no WANTED-T- O already been furmahcU to county demund ut concesnions lo prevent relatively firm. Helling pressure und New Zealand, and little JHT? kit Nevertheless wool is In a very strong change Is expected In prices un erlnltndenla. material decline. was light. . the WANTKl We buy old gold and sil- pcslilon the world over and the pol-b- l these wools. . A peraon may art condur. The pacific altitude of tho rtrltleh Provisions dropped becuiise of low lilies of a lower In near ver Jewelry. Banned' 111 s. ind com- consequence market the 4 PAI L B, MOOIIK 01 an Inalructor In the county government regarding the latest er prices of hogs and In future are extremely remote. The Market In a Nutshell Trans regularly employed a a plications in Mexico rebbed the bear of u fulling off In exports. First sales fers during the week have been about WANTK1 Well bred heifer calve, 4 Consulting Mining Fnglnee'. re he la Oreut Interest In London S1 A 4 year and may not of their one weapon, and they were were to 6W7Hc down up in the average week's business. In not more than ten month old. J. 4 Kxanilnailona and Itrtorta. her for large sides I'J-I- by Jic 4 8 attendance from all and C. rlhelton, N'eara, N. M. 4 Room I, Cromwell Block. 4 h Intothe aame county until unable to bring out long slinks Wheal May. July. cluding lull, i spot wool and wools to aRiiln May, keen competition la preillcteil at the taught In lome other county or pressure against the more vulnerable Corn 'c; July. lie. open arrive. The grester part of the bus- has c Iimlon sales, which In Coleman PERSONAL for two jeara. shares. outs May, July, 40 Offerings iness, however, haa been In foreign mica Muy, July, $21.15. street on March 3rd. ot The director of lndiiirliil edu- - Trader alternately bought and sold Pork 3H: lim- wools. flemaliil has been keenest FOR cleaning, I.I.MIN II. NOUIIIH . . , . 1 - crossbred which were extremely CARPET furniture general wa con Ird-M- u. July. 110.- . on was metructea io inmn lock and the ranae $lt7:'i; ited at the January mIc will be In perhaps for half blood and line wool and atove repairing. W. A. Qoff ArWiltcn-t- all achiwla fined to small fractions. of 14 and 70 quality but there haa l UBtrtal departmenta of $11- - much better supply ln March I'p to phona III. PraitH-a- ami I l"tc Work. I'oaaibility o Important decision" lli'j Ma. 5S'; July. wool - he atale and report to the alale lit. February 4, according to mall ad- been a call also fur crosnbred Itmmut SI and 23. lilting- liulldlug. by supreme court on reconvening ea rd the duality of ork done, the the 7'. vice received Thursday, there had ar- of almost every grade. Prices have IUKSS.M.U1U at modeiute pri TdcpliiHw. 101. today speculation during the Hales M. nber of teacher, and their in- restricted rived for the sale 31.4m) bales of New been fully firm on these wools. Mrs. L. Huluxur. 2.'0 North Hixth morning. Bonds were Irregular. I "reparation. of domcattc fine wools hsve been st reel. nna. (lovernor of Pennsylvania. Zealand croasbreds and the total of- TYPEWRITERS. arhool eourae of .There wa more general weaknesa Tetter mude during the week ut an advance Tho hlh follow- of ferings of rroaalireds and merinos for ItKPAlitlNa-Ouarante- re- In low priced railroad slure. Ihe new president the American half-cen- t grades HIIOK ad iy adopted by tJty and town uper Hi of a on certain aocond-han- d, ing of S to 3 pitints In the league. Mild at u uasehall iisiiqiicl iu sale were 70.300 bale on that women ALL KINDS, both new and bee approved by the a drop Hcoured wools have been more In de pair work on men'a and nitents hs Itlo nil Issues. Mis- New Yora: date. The liat for the sale will close or- bought, sold, rented and re- very ametnl-Cople- s lienver and lira mand from th smaller consumers and shoea. Boot and ahoea mad to board with lllile raclfle, Wabash preferred, Hall- "Success In baselmM depends on Momlny next. paired. Albuquerqus Typewriter of this course an souri prices ure fully firm as compared with der. F. T. Ferro. TrlmbW offic. way Rtee! Mi ring, and (SoodrP'h were preparation, on training. Tney who Cable received thi week predict North Second aireet. Phone 114. 321 W. Gold. mleit will be sent you Inter. advances of 1 to 7'j and even a week ago Those deulera who have under active pressure. full In baseball have either iieen slack various good The follow int provision were were or else they have ten per cent all around at the open maile the larger sales report short Foil BALK Oliver typewriter, Trices of Ihe standard shares In their preparation, general FOR RENT Rooms. a $23.00. 321 Uold. Phon pteil to govern me emnui " maintained in aplte of liquidation In prepared, like IligKins of ing. Quite aside from any competi- demand ns mure than for Wet Jethro some time. 144.n. ninutions: Ihe stocks. Pullman and De- in wrong way. tion (or wool on the part of American FOR A very on minor the HKNT comfortable l'here shall be one examination laware and Huilnon rose sharply on a minister, you know, tame to buyer. It I said thai Yorkshire, Territory Hales of territory wools room, for It 50 per week, at Katunlay In April "The Bist Friday and few buying orders. Jethro's house one afternoon to a whlrh obtained very much less wool have not been of large proportions Ml .North Kdith Ht. SANTA FE TIME TABLE naih yr. A fee of fifty cenl The market closed easy. Specu- christening party he waa to christen than usual In Ihe priniim markets this week, although some line and I be hrged each applicant to de. lative ale made more of an Impres son, will be keen for wool, ami will un- line medium woola have been sold on - Jethro's little Jethro. Jr. FOR RENT Houses. the expenses of such examine- sion on prices of the prominent share "Jethro." said the minister solemn- doubtedly force prices upward. Ihe clean basis of full 5 2 53 cents to such widening scope of the applicant furnish because of the the ly, Contracting In West Kastern for the best wools. Home three. FtlR ni;NT house, modern. ' taking his host sslde before the the J"Ul IT erlal as I needed for holding the selling movement In the low price ceremony. 'Jethro, are you prepared dealers are continuing to contract eights and quarter blood la also re- large Bleeping porches. to E. sil- ' ' ' nlnatlon. stocks. Home Isnurs receded thshtly for the solemn event?' wool In the far west, tiro era have ported at a clean cost of about 47 Ii ver. Inquire 333 Bo. Broadway. fhe examination hail he held at but net result were unimportant. " 'h, yes. Indeed, doctor.' Jethro now reached the point In their ask- 4 tenia for the three-eighth- s and place may be designated by Closing price on the more Import beamed. 'I've got two hams, three ing prices, however, where contract 41 4.' rente for the quarter blood fcy FOR SALE Real Estate. till county euperlntendent and ant stock were: gallons of Ice cream, pickle, ing I not psrtlcularly atirnctlv to Home average New Mexican cloihing uperlntend- - Amalgamated, 71 cake' Effectlv December T. 1111. persona a county "No, no, Jethro,' said the minister, dealer. The contract nw being wool la also reported at about 50 FOR BALK Forty-nin- e cre of land fi a WcMbounJ may name, under such restric-- Hugar, 105 bid. with gmlle. 'No, no, my friend. I placed In Vtah are ecatterin the clip cents clean basis and a lot of about under ditch, moatly In alfalfa. In Ie- - 7 No. Claaa. Arrive. Depart may be Itnpoaed by the Atchison. aplrltuiiMy being now fulrly up. The 2MI.UH0 fine medium 1100 an re. 43 a mean. prepared.' well cleaned flue and t'tah Alameda; Also acre, I Limited .. .11:30 lment of education. Houlhern Pacific, M " I guesa Tw demi- Nevada also been to at In grease or about 51 Cl. lite 'Well, ye" o rlln has taken II cents the partly sunder cultivation and another I Cat. Fxpres .. . T OOp J:J0p Ml examination paP'f are to be Cnlon Psnrtc, II IH. john of whisky and three case of a very large extent, principally by cents clean. tract of 14 acrea at $73 per acre. Ap- (3 l. T Cal. Kxprcsa . . .10. lOp IIOSp l by the county auperintemlent or Bird, In two ply Maximo Chaves, Alameda. Kteel, preferred, 110 beer!' Jelhro cried triumph.'" house. Cel. Fast Mall. . .11 0p 1241 mmlliee named by the county In Montana, two well known ell pa, oinr Man! be (Thursday only: and the same shall JHotea and I teams. the Long and Pun river clip In the President Flllott of the New Haven FOR SALE Houses. (De Luxe T:IOa I 00, Inatrnr-- s lib ago l.le.iM k. II ted In accordance with George Ade, over a cup of after- Oreut Fall have been con railroad, condemning said: Im mi--Over Chicago. Feb. 24 II" llecelpt district l HAI.K - t'leun two room tent- - Ii'at ii of the department of education. noon lth a group of rynlcal by an houne. the price, "Man I an acquisitive animal, and ull 30.IHI0: market bulk, $ 5u tea traded eastern house, $23 for quick sale. 10 land K.i pre Tlka 1:05a lupllcut of transcript of grades Ch (ago Athletic being 17 cents, respectively Hoclultnm come till he loses his I'hone 15; light, !; mixed, $1.40 bachelor at the and II can't 15I-W- . I Eastern Fxpres.. 1 Up l:40p I be mad by the reader the MI'ltllK. club, aald: These two clip understood to ron-lai- n acqulHltivenes. That will be never, . 4 $17 4: heavy, $.3n4fxt; rough. art I Chicago Limited :40p 7:0p inal lo be filed In the office of ' "Married men declare that their about a half million pounds each "The seven (iges of maa have been K. C. $ 104(3.40; pigs. $7 50(1 1.50. FOR SALEAutamobilei. I Chi. Fx.. T:i5p I 4p Iy auperlntenitfiit, and diipluate Cattle Iteielpts g.5i0; market wives can't keep a secret, but these thla year. Pome advances are under- well tubulated hy somebody or other (Wednesday only: . super-nden- t. sent to Ihe olhce of slat steady: beeves, $7 11 IS: Texas men themselves are just a bad. A stood lo have been msde in I Ills slate on an acquisitive buais. Thus: Folt HALF 4 horse power automo II (L Luxe S.ISp l:0OP me Hees 1 steers, H Hi tl 00; slot ker and feed- married man buttonholed In the earlier In the season. "'First ae the earth. bile. Call 3 In N. 2c it Ht. BoilllllMtUllll ; '.xamlnatlon paper after being ers, 13.50000: cows and helfera. bllllnrd-roo- an hour ago and told In the Triangle, as tildi as II 'i ".--'. o ml Want It, 101 El Paso Meg Kg 11:10 I by petsons designated In do siii li $3 7Atl.&5; calves, $7 5ll.UO. in a frightful acandal. cent Is reported to hve been paid '"Third age Ilusilea to get it. LOST. 111 FI Paso Passenger 1:39 K ceunty shall le filed with the Hheep Iteceipts S4.0U0; market "'Iion't let tbis go any further, on a medium clip, I Ms week Home ''Fourth ge Decide In be satis- 111 Pecos Valley Ex.. IMp rlntendent and remain on file fi.r atrong; native, $lloj 35; yearling. George,' he ended. contracting la reDorted In New Mex fied with only about half of It. NortlibouiKt rlod of six inontl.s. 7 30; native lambs, $7 004; "'No, certainly not,' aald I. 'Hut ico but the details are not available. "Fifth age Becomes still more 111 From Mex 4k El P T:la pu- - louj 111 n honor list saving names ot 1.00. how did you happen to hear II?' la Arlsona, a little wool, say or moderate, lyOHT A roll of manuscript. Proba- From El Paso.... :llp io poe-ses- having highest grade In each "'Oh, the wife, of rourne.' he ans- three hundred thousand pounds, lis "'Hlxth age Now foment to s bly on Central avenue. re- Ill Frem Peco al Finder Cut-of- ly In the eighth grade promotion Tie Metals. wered, 'tfhe' just Ilk all women Ixen bought and advance n.unples of a o snip of It. turn lo 0 Houth Arno, or telephone ley an f. Slip ninatloug will hg publitftrd by tlie Ntw Totk, Feb. 14. Lea uuiet, can't keep secret," " laes wool tiara already beta r "Beventh e tiel the atrip." " lt J, and receive reward. P. J, JOEESON, AeaL 110117. THE EVENINO ItERALl), AIMtuUEltQUE. K. M., TUESDAY, fEBRUARY SI, 1014. DONT FAIL TO SEE THIS phdpds E Wright's Trading Post CRYSTAL 3rd and Gold Ave, One of the ihow places PASTIME That $3 to $8 of the city. Largest Collection of GEN- Today Today 1G FOR Mexican Handicraft. UINE Indian and which every man saved who bought a STYLE-PLU- S $17 'rTiir. m i ki.v- - NAVAJO RUGS AI10 CURIOS 1.1 I Ml I. Tin: i i. l.i. ;i.i' ALBUQUERQUE suit last spring, can be duplicated now. "rim mil a or Tin : i" llliuriiili. inVila-krrap- Ti-lti-- l l:tm Shi In I li. Tin: 11 wi it or i.h.iit" And that saving goes double if you buy both a XXIii-om- i- l.illlli Mmr Th"-II"- I XnHTlmn. I'CHliir)- - In -- STYLE-PLU- Till. Tin: i.oxrur Mineral Lodge Meeting Last STYLE-PLU- S Suit and S Overcoat. Doc " .WTIImiTI: Still Itcllalict'. at M II 'Ilir.V SZ3 Night Names Committee to to $S in cash on your appeal to l.nliln. tint roxioititoxv that difference of $6 suit A nlnpii tit i.f Hi.' Int. st RECEIVEDin M ,ni,m mill KoUlrrn. XV e ntc Imw mx-- i i itx. JUST tiK " Xii 'Tin: or mim;y l"rlilii) - . I i Xniirlian Take Steps for a In l.i Hi r ti t ill m ncr l'i n n nut niKh ilmn work. I'ir -- I T" Permanent Tnte-IUi- l Kill Till yout Your mi i mi, i ki will he a ppti l.i li d Mini every I- n r t made In I'll HIM." .nnl a0 Tlirec-lli- i XXarnrr IVadiirf. Home. ItU ami. it docs, come in and ask us to prove it to you XV i 11 If rent Kml.ik. .iriy h r.,nu let,, linn i.f Amateur H u ml ' Hlv, i in fn! .in. 1. 1. in, pi uiti'tiUi.ii n Kodak llnlahiiiif. Pictures Changed Every Day PROMINENT OFFICERS OF we'll gladly do it, but we'll let the clothes do the most of FRATERNITY COMING G7e Gray Studios the talking. (.UOt'Mt MrfblltH. Mineral ImIko No. 4, KiiIkIiIii of Miiiiiiii riiic Kanl I'.Mhl.iH. nt h reitiilar iniiiinn Inft tl XX ct I AfC lit Ma lYamiaooi, nixhl, iruide im liiiiiiiuiy ilnnii lor the Ilmne 62a. I6JJ eriitlun In AllMiiiieriiie of a hiiIihiiiii-- t FOR A TAXI ni I liiilldlnK whlih will lie the per-nii- nt hoiiir of the oiih r In thin i It). SPRINGER A l oiiiiiiltlev l otniioio'd of r. I . I 'null-na- Arnnt, l. II. HnHtrlithl, CALL Dl MAUI.0 J. K. Killer. I,. W liullea and II. .'. sumo Miller Wa Hi'iiiited to liii ol nlule u TRANSFER lllllldltlK lIMmii'llllliin Willi Ii II Ii pro- BOOKBINDERS Phone 17 poned will finance the hulldiiiK the MOVE HOUSES. B m xale of itntk iiiiiouk ineiiilii li of the (Incorporated) fr.u rimy In AIUuiuei'iiie. The Incur-piiralln- n Hip llonM of Hart txliaffncr & Man RULING, SPECIAL FORMS OF ALL KINDS. mihI fur the proponed new Fniiiniia tlmliim i a nl le hall will he drawn ly Attnrney II. ('. Miller today, and nietiihern of Ihe Indue ure confident that they will ALBRIGHT & ANDERSON bp a hie lo earrv out their hulhllliK pliin iticcewifully mid wllliout delay. PRINTERS, BINDERS, STATIONERS. The Weather Lively interpHl hai lui n awakened a. K Mi il Foil 'AST .w xiro a:i:-;n- nienilien of the Indue hy the 203-21- uihI N i ilmml.iy t.ilr; rlnitiH (Postal liiMt 0 West Gold Avenue Phone 440 Hliiiouncetttent niiiile to Ihr odn I li tnii rutiirf In i'hkI imrt n nht that II. 8 Vounii of Ohio, Crescent Hardware Co. 4 0 !. U I'hiilicellor, lind Kr'd tiittatal AI.Hl ul'Cltgl xxinilur l..r Wheuton, upri'mp keeper uf record STOVE S AND RANGES 24 hmirH I'tiilini; nl D thm iinirii-Iiik- : I and null, arv to Mint .Mineral lodue XX'armi'Kt, 4 7 i ulili ht, 1 UrKri'i; and Mtiuiiie riiiti on March 1 It . PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS l'i; rntiKi'. nt 5, 2H, imrlli Klalioiutv phina will lie made nt once wliiiln; piirlly cliniily. Scales for the entertainment of the tinUum. AGENTS FOR Lernps Fahtaff and Draught Beers are the who are among the moat prominent Tlilnui I Nil us ThiiIkIu. grand Inditn officer, a commltleu Pumps - and Marsh Simplex and Advance Duplex Steam choicest products of the brewer's "Si-w- Ihii." Klkii- pliiv nl In take charge of arruliueliieliln n art i;ik' ihiniHT llii" I'lK Siriiini. 8 xx rum it oxvn xixiii named lant tiuihl, coiihIpihih of I. V - iot T r I. ink I.kiIkc liallca, l I'. Miller, 1. L. Ilei nilHtim, 318 West Central Avenue PHONE 315 A trial will convince you. IliriMM ul 7 .Id. M T'ii IH'M Piirti'U I'oxl Mnli1 B i". it. I ill-- h ina li, A. II. Sink, lienrK' I 1 A ! u i ii l llu .inii'ini'M 1 IS Arnnt. Mauui V. Villi. J. M Kee. II. (ili' 1 n' iiitnl nl lor ('Inn.ll Sim li ly Illl-- i tu lit ".'111 ul Hlai' i). Strnnu. I' II. Uniitriaht, II. It i'ni-nel- l, III Mil llH IViluAH .IlirU nl 7 'in. Hill! MM'kltl llHIfN. XV. XV. Ilowiriund .1. K. Kldcr. Liquor Company 1'imli) i hurrh. xx i i xi Consolidated Tln olili-- r -r. ill swirxnii Mexico-Colorad- o Albuquerque,, Hew Hex. tki:XX l l (Ml Ol Lumber Co. - I vp XXi'lv I'iml Nmlr. H:I.IMI ll l.ll 'I'll New 1.1. Ihr ilayii o' ni lifi- ffcrtii Kor ear pant the mnrol (lii XX M(iiinl-- Cars a Specialty mil l.y litli' I rlKliliix n li ) In.Ue of the KnlKhta of I'.Mhlan Inn Wholesale Lumber. Mixed nthiTH had In mind the erection of a nanl- - Native Fine and Coast Products. A XV im hiivln' Iholr fun; IMIil Hiuli' (IVrfiil) ti.m till mm for niem'iera of the - nEYN, Manager. a A. H. I ulilfft. ynu hit. of tin- nlMi'i-- fraternity and inure or definite mill iii'oihi-r- s XVil';lilnit up I" 31 ixMiiid-- ) plana for It locallnn hav heen llll.'le, m M THE LAST WEEK in i ru iixiu.ric on .Ml, HJ.IHI. 2.541 At one tune the Santa Ke rallmad of- TltXNMIU I.IXK 'Twin mo tiiHi luokc'l Mtirr hruli. il f I hi-- wanliin' fered to order the, hid Mniilexuma Mo unci lloimi'hiild XXhlle wit Willi Ihr Ihr riiitio win iiml biiKtn', lintel liuildiim and groundn in iSallinan lii. Kiln given n pedal attention. Hint Irunln' OF OUR iiii'iiilin'. nuiyte: canyon near I .a a Xigan. for ue u a ntoruite hnuiiv In city. otllce Tin' appean-- lict 1 11 'CIIUW till! for a time It nlablo ur llHf t i'l'ti "I' alitiariiiiii. and iitnl ntlci iiKlti', that the plopoiMil would he uceptet III Imliy m BOOK STORE 2 Yrt f'niMr Ave. ; SIRONG'S nrnne lo brum Grocery & REDUCTION SALE Ami rryln' fur mi-- Hut vnrloun conitltinni Montezuma XVhvn I ho lilrln unil hi' laili w niiM ihe iiiKotluliona to nntlutiu. Ann In- - hi- - May-lnn- c "Your Money IWi k l( Ya while, tha InKtitiitlnn hna not tieen litamiiiiiU mill Wad In I.. In n r "l mrollin' nmt - ii miinnllnht. ll.M iitnl. It la provided for thrnimh m. ( 11. 4 ON M. In lh' Want Company M il, U. 1. O. imily or ormr. Liquor XVIth ii Juke Imw they'd he u I"'' lion of the urand tne Mi-rC- Ml it, to H r li nt nlT. Koii'lailM. nlKhl for lhi dayVnie While the ftund nfftum nre here XXiiiv. "IT. an loeii-lin- n MIT I'lali'il SI 'i'iil I treat all curable diwHiwi. Offlra luve-liirk- ii turned Oilte advantanen the !r Their urn to he fully Agents for Celebrated SCnLITZ BOTTLED Ii'wrlry unil ar H'nt olT. lililg I'honea and XVII h full Ihe lilimin tin the f"r thin Inatltullon General the limn. i'i fierr lit lit. the i' lice of the IVnce XV. XV. MeClrllan hoia-l- ul 4 in-- r preM'tiled. end the memhera are and Im k, 2. ii'iit oft. nri hard wan iheililln', cereninny. BEER. Importers of the Pure Lucca Olive Oil r nflli latlnif at the renulla may tnllow. ii ml :i.t 1 II I'd limldi'! thut ilefinltr hlinl pliij liaj I'iiwn. mil aoi'lety Chianti Wine, Gradi and Doraenici Brand. Phone 102? l oil. the iie.ireHt fvir The AUiUiiieiiiie t'hnral ih, l'r 7.30 o'clock at iil .lu mill 4 Mini. :: per iieHr to tteililln' will meet ,iuiillit at iff. E. LEROY YOTT XVaii dri'MHln' the hriile; the I'iml rii'nliyierian church. i lli.-.-i- ' I hi- t wan to he totinldie. take r.Iti-.n- i i :e of And hmni' the liuiliiraa JEALOUS JAP GETS filler r Ma-iel- uru - .n I'Iiii- -i VIOLIN INSTItl tTION hull and the nvin unil all memhi of the .iii- l.ili:ilia nup: Aimtlicr thi atate thin cl'y. There will be no funeral Jl'VK ll'l'' , The ila'i lilte ntid reiiii'iited to attend. racnH' fnim 4oll' Sliiillo. S. flllxi-ii- lllilj(. . Inl-ilr- ncrvlie ill Albiiiiieriiui. The remaiua lUnk And the nriii'i l I've eiiilie In There ytl u niei't liif or Trlpl ptlnnll lit eh.ilta IV wan reported In 1117. M' Mil. ll'l. ll'Ni.l. I". O. Hot i il- Will Mill InlllKhl til llnldcll. m i: m ii wiMinw. wan Infill' Link llekiih Indue mount at 7:l. GAY ABOUT HIS Ihe Alhiiiticriiie pnlii-- l.iat n - ht - x wheri funeral and mleim. nl will lake Alibi'- iit Hi Hi In ft.YOO. An t.ikin" vni ui" Memliern of the deuree nlaff lire re- - when Wire received nnk-n- ilriulara Place, aei i. allied by the bereaved X iMir ( ImiIi nr New York Tmien. In preneiit. will of hmlth alilM in. r liienteil lo al there the ii tenlioli Jnhn lum'ly won act i.miiaiiled Mra. Iir-nu- n la reported he lull lat mil. Lunch "III he nerved I'harlca Hawk, who in here and by Mta. jbiieer. Vlnllora welcnini.. hm Ketnway floiii the CALL nfter the work. have mule 47 a of Alhu- - GIRL prlxnn on Hundav the i'ilnd. Hrnitri There will he meetlnn Mra. Xlai-Kari- Fi.r I'uri'rl ttliil hntKu iHilticry No. 4. I. o. '. i.IIhi lliiwkx la IK veara old. wclahH iiietiiie Kticanipnient 1'i-- -- I Mra. h. fur the pail niiil.iy Mini iimlit i.iIIh. I'linnu Mil In l Hid Kellow hull an poundH. Iiaa IlKlit drow Ii hair M.uti.irct ABOUT PEOPLE I'.. th" purlora of A lliuiiier-ili- e .Xlliuiiiinin- - iM'lltiTjr. a ml nil, I hlue even. In u decided lilnlld, IN ibnt team a ri nldent of tnniKhl al 7:3. All mi mliera Roomer at Metropolitan Hotel at A. II.rril In thin and anemic. He h.n a flaR. dud enterday lor iilnrn urn renuenteil he prewnL X Il. Y0V KNOW Take Id und c.ii:le lattiiocd nn Ida ilnht home In Ihe iliithlatiilH. hkciI l. I'lii re will In a hiiriiiii't ultcr the Who Ventured to r Khe in auriived l.y n dinnlii'-- lull--, In vi, mertltiK in in. juii. Young Lady to Theater, Mlna Alice I'l'irh. who wan w H h her I i ul the end, and a mm. who la In Threatened With Knife. MORTUARY Aril. Tito funeral arrange TO KL'Hbi'UIHKiW ment will be made f..ll..liiK the l GLASS OF SALTS L. Mr-nl- i. of Ihe ann, who haa been In. ti- 4 :t you full to ict your cveninl SUICIDE Mra. PhIi New Shoes REPORTED lled of hln death. '4 papar, call DREAM .Xlr Iteanle - latrami, who came mother'! 4) POSTAL TKLKURAIMI PROVES A PIPE to A lhtiitieriue nnme elirn dayn alio, COMPNT, H. for lit H Ii reannnn, died lant n.k'hl at forgot Ih I'anawiiril. a Japan'-- - em 11:311 o'clock In a In' al nalillai iuin. An obi cavalry home waa In the w ti r i i im cleans Tonl ToinlMcK.i. w VX'Mh tmm me I'll yeain. her al the end at 111 RELIABLE ployed aa rilKht l.arienner ai nurd tin ft and the oltlcer win a hurry ATCHMAK E US & JEWELERS fined fifteen her tin .ii ii il . A. XX'. Ijir..n, her "w IS. N. SL. U White aiiloon. vvai wni relna h All newest ideas in H. HardltiK of aralilB, Htr nin-- n Taking the from the driver. 107 W CENTRAL the dollara, with an nliernutlve of twen- mother Mra. Metiaaa Clarke; her r AVFj III Ihe city today. tlold.-ti- , "( harm-!- and away the an- In police court thla r. Mta K. L. Cooler, of Mn. ihouicd: ' I'-- ll lr your llai k licrii ur llladilcr ty .lava In lull. Men's Shoes for spring are Mr and .Mra. It. U diwirderly her aunt, Mra. Hen. . of imal galloped, Mopping dead when In' IxillM-- loin inornitiv on a of and are WMltnn in Alhuiiuernue Induy. )ihi, iliink VX tto wan arreaiiu on reached thu buna, kl ul the word II I I I - .i.nduct Totnln' It. ia. lintel keepi r of Itetnal- of Mater. weap XXri i I'lilriil Ati'. now displayed our I'. Ouillnn. c ham e of earrylnn a deadly Halt:" l; mm linn nnm n- - llln, left for hm lioilm nur on, thia latter Peum rnimica 10 next morning an I' v Win n mur klilne hint and , The Second Window. niter a aoori mil. rd.-rl- ciiinlin-t- ninee. no weapon Street hui k li i In aore, dun I get n un d mid wunled o ruli-- the boat from the freluht aitelit. XV. A oi.iild In found. Tha J.ipiui'ne. " TraM'lltiK . ir. .1 . l i,i Inad your amniach with a iuuy. and the driver aanl; "Huie, Ynin DUKE CITY CLEANERS WALK-OVE- R Ke, tlili In of u darn OXFORDS, I'ameron of tlif Kilitu mruid lot nl ilulita that lie Ihe knlneyn peari. i iuiiimured II.. in. r. there u In l a tmrne In nnbl In- '4 an luila, men and i iiiorultirf frmn Kl I'aan. .il iniiiil ludy of Hpanlnh dencent I .ml." and untile ihe inliie uriiinr tncl - land who can an an in look-ii- - on u In a rei- u n a i ("(, rii(a. curtain, Nathan H Uiho of llranln Keep wn.i- kidneya clean like ) oU keep who wulli labia iman He rrackert hia whip and alioutt-- 4 XX rw r-o-hl Alhu-iUeriu- a Ihi-n- i Metmpolllun ho- drH'rtM. j. M alur hunineai uiattera in our i i. ela clean, hy flnnhintl lauruiil under the "Charae!" and away Ihe horae went 414k nt Klrai Hnd IVntral. A roomer Plume TO S5 00 tnitay. with a mild, hannlcKH nulla whhh tel I Im quay. yelled S3.50 in Albu- - Neiirlna I'al Our Motto XV. of tl.e Iwiil y 'a uritioua want anil In the hotel, a arrival a I ve Promptness Mr. and .Mra. S. lihndea w .lump, for heaven nuke. lor l h normal ac telitured to i hat ith the i Hint. k. New York, are cut-al- ul hiiiiii them lo their tiieriiuc. Kotiin the New York 'old ol kidiien woman while nne aerven linn .anord'." the Alvuiailo linttl. tum. lie fumlinn the loiinr ilobe. in in f.lur Ihe I) limit In -- I hoiirn nil. and Inter Invited her to to For the Lenten Season XX- i tl. deputy clelk lhe II a'1" ttralnn or add picture nhow with him. w hi. h nhe hint IiIkIii nti.nii from STETSON SHOES AND nl Yah m la count), arrived ami w.inie, an we can readily under-nt.iio- l did. In fact nhe iiccepte, nmre than of F. - we have a full line Crollott 'in. in Loa Lillian. 'I., Impi rtaiH t- of kicpitm i attend Ihe iiiovlea vital ..lie FUNERAL DIRECTOR AN! Mr' and Mra. J. E. r'ratikllii have t he kiiln. ya activr. n the itratiK'-r- ronipany. The OXFORDS, Unit In canned and smoked fhh. roii nxt.K. EMBALMER. returned fmm a iiionlli'l lu ilk Iota of water you can't Japalieni' limkeil on thene altintlolin 4 Clark.Jt'wWI lUnee; . . an wi-.- d that, after aeveral iin-ai- Ill VH-JK- LK.I. iiuthrrn 1'alifornia. druik much, nlan jjet from nuch lfuvor We suggest that you lay 4 eiiaraniiil kimmI aa new: Vhv. tUf ur ulnl't. ST. KuKelie Kempi nli h. clutlrman of phaleii n at illnilil four nun en of Jad more or lena lioiiiteroiii vlnltn to the 1 liana JoIuimiii, tdioiMt 2S1. S5.50 & S6.00 the Imurd of loimty t uiuniltoni-- Halm i.ika a la'i:enpootiru In a It I a"" hotel. In learch of tha itraimrr. ha 4 county, l lt the city to- i. water before hreakfant euch. lontn llnally threatened hltn with a knllo in a supply of Salmon, nf Valencia kidney day on liuniuela. iii l. i ,i few U.ivn and jour which he nlit.iinid from lha Chine. i FAMILY LIVUOR HOUSE rtnrt Hklnncr and will in I fine. Thin lamotia nulla conk In Ihe renlniiraiil. The arrent Mackerel, Codfish, etc., liennon acid of fiiapen and Tom J Naylon returned Iiml inahi m.nle irmii the fi.llnwid. . A. 4.11 UK. I'rop. Ii nu n I iiniiUllii-i- l with lilhlu. and kiih-IiI- i' ake. irmn a trip lu Waul a. madu in Mr. ice. lU'ianrt rnivra l and have them on hand CLEANER'S Sole fur Niu I'ttlru I.Iiiid and f haa lc.-i- i uai'd for aenenit lima lo clean police, repurteii and leveral ' acula for Newbuck New t il nil". The HATTERS 1 1i retail. Ask the l ..ii. I eli.KUe.l kl.liie.m. uln" - harleiniera were at flrnt alarmed and I hief licpuly fulled Htiiten Mar- In no It when you need them. INil.or-low- n urdem ironiMy Mlli'd- lo tne 'ldn urine later annoyed eaierday afternoon DYE.r.iS Shoe. !nhal XVilllain lliw arrived laat niaht I. r a a of It lull, III i - 4 4 Wea (Viitral I uroi-lic- ii iiihiuik li) Kit'k ur iimuhii White's nn .i.m la anuri rllal and lull inichl hy Ihe aui- I'bone It limn hniita I'e and la npendlnv ihr I, weukmam. , KOYAL DYE XA'OKKH mi cur Iiiiv etnliiiK ladder Lis of I'ramiacn Ma'-- Jr. lulil re IM They Won't Spoil. I'lMiiie 7ia. day here J ul S.illa la Inexpennhe: calinnt In nnrl beliia npreud hroadcant by Min i :H Mr. Mrn XV. I'. Marnh of Kun i U5 N. IIKOXinV XY. and jure: tiiakri a ileliuhtlu: vhh rnl nenlor. who piilnicrt a irrapliie ptiiiiia j y lithni-w.ile- Peilro ale In the fit today. Mr r ilrtiik whl.-- eiioiie nf Ihe bloody event. Mad "'d ho l I In keep MAIL ORDERS und Mm. ham l. rAlevrna retuim-.- ln. ul. lake imw and then Ann Hittlim on a lied bcnlde hll eon. C. T. FRENCH )enterd.iy from an autniiiohile trip their k.ilneia I leu ii and active. Tr when Ihe latter without warilin up Ihe wuter drinkin ri'XKHAI, DlltKCIOIU to Ktnla I'e in Mr. Mar.h car. thin aim keen drew a revolver and blew mil hia Gentry's Ranch Eggs, rXHIAI.MKIl. PROMPTLY FILLED and in. di.uld you will Wnli.l.r what I'll HltlAT lioTII (ienmo M. Kloih and Miaa Kclina ujnl brainn lie auld he didn't want an Mty Aanla ant. Iiim a in., itf kidney trnulde J loh of Altiuiiieriiie were nlir undeiluker and pmpnaed to lake thu 30c per dozen. Flflll and ( emral. - liackui lie. r.itiMiis Milled In inairiaae lant lilallt. Jua- body t I'eialla, where they III. I"f Hay and Mil., 0. interment, without further ceremony. xxoinii aic - li, IVar. TrratTTBirayT' Tr,i- Xnnlr. IVai I'lniii frmn a downtown llM-rr- ( He even elephoped - Xoilim. Oniiiir. a . XII l.ii ul ii" Mli lln- nab-o- to tnake arrunne-meni- 4I.KXMMI AMI I'liOKlMi XXahiiil. IIHknry ul, IN an. I" I'eralta - H y for the funeral. Kimriia SS4 ol LAML8- ind (IKNTI.KUKX lnc 4ruM. 4 n rrani. l.ooM'la-rr- E.L.Wnshburn K.-4-. telephon- k'M-rr- Krmpetiich of I'eralta thin CLOTH lla-pl- w rry. Illai l.lTIX(i. (.HAIMNO IVIi-r- idlr lo lha fuel and r.rlier Hrui., I'rop. XII Xnnay. ed In Ihe let H II fiMii Mrka Inn I ha I A. F.1AL0Y I'XI'I XM.IMl WILLIAMS DRUG CO. SIS H. Ketai M. 4 HO. inn- - i a curd ul Invent allowed J. I'lione low. Sold lu ii' aniiiiiiH. tarl-mi- SalbaTaiib'ii lu livery l(eM(l. XX. had been Idling l Company "XV rieaa 'Em riean." NNIK. I'. I'U'I. Muei Joll IIIIIIIOTH V7est Central Uoodi (.'ailed (or and pellvered. rinporliima where Honor are 172. m'iiiIIIp 307 JinpeiiMd a aerlnu Phone Tli" Htiraior. gets and had U Ate. IMmmi ll.VI Thone 7S9 lit ft. Seamd. lit W. Gold. The HERALD wnt AD overload, till BILL'S SHOP the bet results. 1'iimiiM-- r I'jnuin-- Irmn I'lHifnilHi y

i l