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4-19-1935 Fulton County News, April 19, 1935 Fulton County News

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LOWE'S CAFE INVITES YOU TO EAT FASTER DINNER THERE I filitton County News +111.1 i III hotie l'Aper - ‘liperior Coverage

I I I i 1 111 \ I \ I 1 1% •••••••••••• 1:110 11 P. P135. •• I 111111 It I 1111t 1 1 1 \ Lions To Stage III I 414144(1(4 1.1;t4i,n \ ;SOUTH SUcILL 1, I \ II I I, FULTON SC1-10OL II' `. 1 \ 1 III 41'A Km I New Theatre To Annual I , . 1 .1. Laster 1,1 1 "I II 1, 1, 1 1 . ii.. 1 11 4 I .1.1 ' 1 1 1; ,1 I.1 it •I. Open itt Fulton Egg Hupit Here • • 1 •,.. % 41 .• I, 11...i, I. won.' o • 1111. I. 11111111 kV111111111..: C11111 1:. 1 o 41411 .11:11.• 1.11 1 1 . 1.1..11 t%'11 1,11, III . '1V. I.I.I.' , . ,1 1 1 , About May h.t. .... I 111 I,' .114 i 111..111 111> 1111.1 till''' 1,,,,,,' .. 11,1,1..1 t1n Iii,'' 1,1 1 ,, ,, 11 11.411 1...; I 14*•1 ,. ,, I f , , . 1114411 \VW. 111.' Il .1.14111 1 i ill 14441 . I 14.111. 1111 t1.,. 11.11 ,4 411.11:111 1111.111 1.111..1 II I ;, , .1.,,,‘11. A.11.11111 .1 1 1(1111 .1,11111 1 111111.61 1 .1i.. E111 1 111.11 to I,. v. II • 0.1 1 11. ' It rl• . 4.1 ',lid 11..1 ....i.., III ' II. F. h. 'rho...a , 1:441.1.•• al 1114. d Iiii/ lialill .. *nil. pi. 1% 1.;i: Lit. , ..11 It I Ili' I :ill 1 1/ 1.1111.1 111.1 I. 41. on,,Imisi. I , :1 ,1 1111111'11 1 Of • . I • . 141.1 1 1'111 Ill I .11t,',.1. tol • ' .. ,... ,., , Ili,. , ,1111. MI . 1.41114 , J.. 1..• II, 1 11.111111' I 11/1.1e1 111 tt". 1 iel'e i if 1 Ile I .11111 .•11111 ' rl.. ..•4 ili 1%,.1 k 1 :1I 11.4 1111111 1111 . i 1 . II + 1 44 4'. 14', lett .. ... I Iry Itio 111 1/1. 1.. WOI 1111. 1011, 1111 10 0 0.1 14 l/ .. 11. 1 .1011 1111 LI .111:11 :i'i .1.,,1.111111 .4 liu,\,:. ,•, ,1;...d/. 1 1 .‘ 111.1.1\1111"i 1 1Y I. 11411 11 '' t 1 ."11 OH e !tali0111 ii . um . I WIIII V,I'l 11 / .111.1fi .11111 1 ' elm, 1 I. .1 I an e • %%III 11..4. 4.1 11...loto . ... 1o. i . 111111 Matt /.1 thy Al 11 1.1111.11 1 ..1l.1 4III1 Ia',' .1 ,/...1. 1.;1.11, mi.. "I" liank 1' 114/111° 1.. 1,14,4.1c., Ii I 1.111111 0/11 11 14.4 tbe 4,, • I., o • e" II . 1111.11 11 1111.11 1 : earIN .100 hi'l h'41 .. 1, 111.1..,,,,,,,•10 %II... .. 1,11..1 111' "I". "I 1" y.444 %1111 ht. 1 ' /1 1'1.11.11 1 ii1 1, 1 '1 .. .111.111 II..., i•Vell 1,11,7n. I, i ll,. IV 1,•,•01,11,,. ,1141,thei awl to 1/1/4.11 1411 %12,.i.f.. \ ,i,... ,s,,I 11.41.1. .,, 11410' 1 1,.. re 4. .iii ,,,,i,,„. IIt',l, . II .• i . ce1 ilild,,..1 II,. ,,,\111,,,,1 4,, AI II, II- NlaY L t" 1. 41 i.+ale, a in chat re 1 1 I i 1 +I. - i .1 1.'I1,1 II 11 1 1 11.11. 1.:1..1 II, Ill, 111.711' Sit • Is II. 4 111 1 II, '1 111 111'1 :-.1 fluid 1 ..1 .11 ... IL 0101'1 at. 1 / • '1 h•• is.11.1 111 1:11 1 IV 11 11 1114%''' . .,... 11101 1 . 0 .' 1 • 1 .1 1.1 .11.1 1111 +011 411. / /11'1 0 1 'do. Mori a; ' 14 11, 1 III • S.111,411 Fru. III. I. 10,•14. 1,1,,. 1 0111 V0111 ao.., Ill..% . am. I'ay unit I. “1...,t‘on. 'I n. I ,1 44,, .1 1 ,11, ,o... 1.1....i.. 11.111. 101.41 4, 1.1 4', 1 1,-,.11 1/1.1 1141. 101111 411111 %VP 41 Stein - 1,, .1i a vo - ' 111 Ito' 11111 1011111' 1.111' I' .1.V. .111. 11111 1..11 11111..1.1 • 1114 , , :N. I.:nI tl., .1.1,.,"'f %,, ',..,,, 11; ‘''11, 1.h. l',It 1.1., and Eat I, Ark. . i hen 11.11.010 V.'." "" "'"i 1" '.1 "aliitld l1 ,j:81,1",1 :' i "Bus- 1 'I'(:'.19 ""I ' °II t,r'4''." I. o 10.11/N 4+44, I". t"..." .' i ii'll."1 Ii manage (hi' shoo 111 1111 1..111 1 .11.1111.1 1111 II. 11 11111 ...WI:. .• • 1. %, ,,/ .i h ". ' .HO Of1.11.1 l% 1.111 at) OI,i'l i ::ot', I III' 1 .. +. 01111. J..•Iliill I 111'1. to... • i IX 4 ha. :01.1 11 11/>.1111•1 1 1.4.1 , 1 ."..i.. I,. 11. I: s 114 41114.1.1 ..'" 111'1 1.1 . il ty1.1. Id lo.e.i, I I 101'1.14 14....• „ 0 • •,I I. '.144.1, I.1 N,Iti.,•i, 21 a, 1 hi w....k I'm i e , „looted thot too • -.111., Id or, i„ o.1411.1 t o, .... 1 ,, “jir. %II ‘1 1".11011 01 1 1. .. 1 ' , 1,,, 4.1 ..! a ?0,01 1 11,11 .II fritetrit.11 ; I I I : , (14.1 1,„ \, „, 1., d "-, 7 1,9 ii,.. , and 411 1:1 1 \ -411 1 11 , I., m.o.,: I y..a , . !,4111 I al. III 1' pfl• ..11I i' ,„41 I,,,4 411 14+1 ' ,iii (Ill' hEaltl. 11,114. app. and 1 4.t•O+ • if III. 14 11, II 1.. oximuttlo, $1,200, 1 1 1 In\ /0 I I 1 ' I 1.11111- 1. H..' 1,11111 ' eli.‘ 1,41 II 11 141. 1,11.1,1 111•.11 I 1 , 11.11 1,1,1 N. .1 i..11111.1.1eIlt t 111.011k111.141 No%.'11.111,' 1'N 1 411 1;1.011 41111 :1111 1... 11 14 1141 hiiii Ilei fir-I \ 111,1 . ;4 II III b.' Ili Wail/11V 1 i.v Aim.. Li., 14 1 00 it It.. 41,441 4,441 ,tiff,•,,.,1 the 1.111/1- h. 1,..1 ,1%.a.0 1.VV Y OW %'..l, 4.1 11.:11 .1s 111 II 1111 1 int rilt 111.1i.. 11'1 1'11 , Val I. A 1 1,1114,1.” I .•• . 1 1'10 ..1.•ot'••• 1.1.1% •i umek, , • :11 S...11 11 1'11114.11 1 1,1. 411 111 111111, 1'1" 1.% % ‘%% ' 1 1. ! ',;.1 I MI' 141 I' I' I.TO 01'NT)" II 1.:,1 1 Al 1 11110. .9% tit 1.1 I . .1 oinoiti. • • ,If 'it Moor '.4:1111.• '11 I IF.VF.11 !.411111 I.‘ I .! 111110, l• I/EPT. REPORTS I :II EX .% tis III 161. .11 41 14, 111 11 1.11. 4. (.144144.1 Iiii - 00111.1 t101 111.01V0 It 'N,411 1. lit- 1110101,4' I ..1,1111.. I A , ' • j ••• oi. ow, ....1 II, ,,, .1 4,4% 444 /10 1 OW 11 1.110. 11.11 Ill..- 41iftel• •• 1°1 1., I 11 1111.. 1 11111 o Th c 01 1. 0% ''''' !Artie, to :11 4411 4 . n 141 -Amnia. '1 'I., ..1 .1 hiv . „,, 14 1, I li,. 111 .1 Of 4. III I 1..44.1 Ins %%hi. It 1,1% lily :110 11,,1 111.• 1.1,101,,, „1 1111 ,•11,,, .1 411i-, Iittli I. 1.14 , 411.41.01 ; u.3111.111 40 441 lb..on a •01...:a. 114.1 111,1, 111 1' i4• 14,1, 0.,10 - .1111 111 111.1.4 1.11 • 1111., 1111 %F. ‘,1Ill' 11 .: • 1,1111.‘,1;t1:::I v OW I ..11111 '. 1141 11;; arid 1..! '11 11111 ./: 411: 1 11.1. :01.1 ,,,,„1„,a„ 1„, 1.11,411 •• 11 .6001 .411111'111 • ,,1 (.41 (1 1:11t1 .1•.• 1.11114411 I'Ll" "I .1 fill I 111111 Width: At 14411,•• tlestlam-e ;01, nd III.- Stall „I...... 1.•••• 4)) /•,,mit .1„„ti,„ 1,,,„.. ,,, 1,, 1(1:11 (111)41 1 Ile t44.11 1! 14.1 11. .1. 1•1 111._. UI a- rostig ".,1 1 '''''ff .d I%i,,t .1. I. Pins. Its.sone.e. . „III II„. Ttoin. , , I 1(1.11 1% h 911 been • I 1111„i. 1,111.- . 1.. Co r"... 4,, NI,• Sal a 11 1.111111- us rot 1 \Vol mt'llam• ....• 4.:1 In!, 11 •11.• v..... had Ii. I:. V1.1 .1 11,4 1.1 1 /1 11 , . •1 10 him! '.t,-,'k 41:1 ; I• ro. eh. 11. I- II Iti.1.11e 4(1111 II It. 1 1 ou I A 'IL' 4141'i1"1ii,' N011 l]tiller% owl, ton. 'ill1 11 ' PI" 1.1 111,. 1,111 I hi. 4,111 ame the ta then 4.1 ). Upno I,O1 t 111' 1111 a,led t., gut .61141 1'. 41,1 , .V11214'1114 11 ft' I till' I. 11+4:11 V al"I Mit iv"' 1 1111",111, .1,111411f,i1 'n""f "l it . he 11'1 110.1' 1.0011 fleet .411 y I.. ill tal :11{! II,, .111111. - of fitilliet 41144.' to , 11 ,11 10.111 %%:1 11 i.du -- ellittYt•ti I..." NV hero flit del:1)% .4444 1441. 1111' 101 . 1. at.41 1414111y I 111 It 11 1.1 k oorraiii 1 I 111Al ENCENIENT ••••• .1.•.•1" itety ...Wong to I. +411,4 LI,,s Stallin-, F:hria 1' 11011 111114' .10111011 - l.a :rill and . I, wit' by %V., 1, ,1,. .thel to pat t .41 4, 11 al I.e. 11:i old Wilbur, hes to. 1.• -er% ed I. the II.' r", 114. h.. ,„ifit„. •1•1 ,,, - 4 •••in.l. he 11101 lift4%,?,l'. T11..111:1 would have been Oh 111 dam.. flat 01'1 t11111 101 1V111k1.1 , /111 1'1111111, lIte•lott1 awl Lee ...,.;11 „„ „.• (th 114.4." I''IliI''l ell and .001 1.. Odd 111111. /14 1 •4114.4.11111!' . „„)).. ,14.. 14.11..w., Ill, to R., von.ond l'io0 I' 1 NI • 'Alas know lb-que, Erne -t NVehlt. and aim it, will In, 11....1 1. /1.• ..1111 1111.1.1. 1 14 t 11. in , iday, Nt.t y 11111 III' lia made • toltli• '''1 1 • 11.4 her: I,•,. 40 .• 11... MCI) 4 iroffith. 1 )11.1.11 4•1011111 y -1114.01 y ten. 1-• I 1 ti"' ,"""•,"1 "r i.1.1%. meld ‘1.1%. lit " .411 I idelifkW Pr. were ‘Vn k- • ' • " •' It exam- I aloolo hi.oen , ..1 the /II 10 01 metsm plan. ; piny. :001 00. Is- the iseoisie •'The I:a- tiro( Mr.;-." to 14, it Ii t y• t h rec blue ribbon 1 .,•. I: ' ullis 1 he Si111.1fly 11110.1 May L.! 111- I101,' 4111111 1.111.1111 1 h1.111.-.•1 %V impinl, 01, •:1:1 \ND (SItt)tom 111,11. 81 1111 SYV1111.1 Lee Wal- lant tow t., ,•i. f as 1:61 care S1-1 v.:, 1.. -aro. k, Will.ano C Me- El 1 II Shank Platio °I°. 1,ouis Brown Il• ‘..:1 the "IA11.31.Y.. 11N F:1/1011- ekik-t it. 1 11.. ••11 1 .4.1 1 %%4.1" W ch delivrrt..1 Rev. I: what d Ity1.1, 444: 1,441:' 114.- 11•-, II. ,1 141 11•1,4 s,„• E. ! R. ,Maxwe'l, .1. , ‘c %WI ;iv 4,4 4 NI:, 1111.1 I. m. NE:11 1,1 1%* ' putt lo. .1. NN'. Nob,. pl11 .,,-.1 ty I. no Duet. Movement Ja • It 1,11. 11 .1 111144% II. of S.... Tuesday _ S. Switio or, elect...I. night. MaY I Inoot 1ov ltrown, 11 1 11•11 1". 1. .1' 11,6 h.oaa• No, .7“ Mozart. 1 II le;1 Fort L.. reduet...tis Fred McClanahan, .,1 i• . ao•d 11 1.!•1',,,i hnoi Nledal aolnii...,itet - / . 1l,:,,, Com. • I.. we.% will 1.-,%elyto N. Howell, Gene 111:' ia 111 I 1 1 1:1411. We irlit beicome effective at 14411 1 - I:rown, I .,- 1 ..•I SI 111,1114411•111 elel k mo . Piano. ".‘ Orphettut Theatre Sunday. Roy..tet, Flu.... Murphy, J. T. 141.1 ..I 1 •• flat d....1) to M.. • ish Tone Poen.- V. Mr Iiinnev sae regitoter. Noraday• moths. Bradley I/ Vol May ti; -.Amon , 21' Alton Jeff Robert Shiver:1 Rel. Enter:fan Mayfic141...... „.. Milna:fer 51111.11- 14 (4,841 beautifully- decor- on. ‘.-411Akilatr'ttet NEGRO M N. 1111MtN e. 'ay I . • 11•44111111*- 4,--$111S";°• ,', 41 with vart 1.1.47, . nt ' "et mil. ,,ii. ',I mg - Hams, "Melody ot Dawn- ssr. an .11.4141, (lase 411 A RR ID tt Pt lit T, HI ERE at- by Rob . Pis', ei :4.44 Roe Nen ,1/1'1Y 41 era 111.!. .1 The 110111111- Pet ry. lry Mam i ha 1111 Neil Tt , la,- _ _ .• 4.•,. ei Tuck. v.. elms Veatch. Nil: .1 I:. lit:sham, local forswore of 11 .11114.41 ill the heouty tit VI '"'" 4.14 bv Piot.. \ 4 1'11 ENT EXERCISES Mae III.' Paul Meek, F.., 1, .• Chamber?, Janw. T. Jonea. .1.:i1.•4 iast ourk nod, oof 116-e41,..1.1011 % 1 ...aught and 11' the "1 ". 1•Isra"' ""rt' Officer. ot the I I. I \ 10:1 1 S.41 H001. 14.111-4- ".14, eii.j..yed University of T,t; rhambe, Paul 1). S. I,. Il..111 11• 1111.101.1141 I Iel - beautifully itrapekl with a w hi. It winner, u. I.• ken• Wi Gerald .% tun. .11 rt • n, Tent, Bonfon1. Eugene Wagi.: ne%iss. whom 1:1.,hain A.m.. the renter of 14 hwls 411414% Elizabeth Pa,chali, Els He, Mathi, I • 1,-• 1.1.41. /0.1 1•• Cat 1 arl.ang,..1 S.10 '11.1111.10., will delivei the Drysdale, Jame- Thorr.nson, 4.1 I U number of t.111.1.0.% tIl IL :11101 NIA 1 1" 1010171.114- inerit rcise, ii"1.111C1111 0.1"1"11.1011. A11 of the Fulton Ile.fh Ai Taylor 'street. IIIK111 ha 1,, t.,,mi,,1 schoot nInoteen I 1111.4.114 1:11:1171 11 'sill 1st- e, ..velY bowl. G."en I "It'll' 1,1 ft,,,Hom,,, oeratn- to, di begin at eight tr'elock. a. :1n4 114',) with. Made,- %rte. 111A11.1.. ; n ribbon .% 1 11 to. 4' the flue 111 tor 1.1 111,11 1% 11411' 'Ili lit 1")`4,- a '-'1'. 491 19; 11 'undulate. TI.. Sem.. olay ..rotitled f..t- gradual are: ht ay•-• a, f.. Wablono Imo% wet obtained ...a.11. - Inn tied. " • -••••\ Strand- ..1 I hi, :id •••I 1:1.-halal Fe'Ruston. Com., 1.. Ill 1 ...Lt.-4 un- -Li:, C..t.... 'v Everette 1...ssms‘. .‘ttets4 foo ..11 that he taken he 111 r• %%env Iat.I (Ill twelve "3 "'"I ""1-et T w-.111 V -r tt... y. A. .1. Man. th" '1""4 1""1 "f Ms'- Mar'.' RAM Wigan. Dorothy 'Ill •••• .1 0ne -fie-1.1 i J. Joie tune.. noget het with 01 11'.1111:14111s It wa. V- s4. member. l!"Y•lei iday !:t, I,, Thad ri- 11,,nter. I'a -hon. Dor_ on Ft lug May loth. 1' rta r Comm. it•qinic 104 In 1 Iti •••• .ours. hal1144,114. It., ry. R. Itradbei Oa ft otti th. 14/1 1111011' e. loy Mt Vt', O. and two visitors. "thy The loarcidaure It. I"Aiwa. 4 111111 lelle (.011t -ernion is to At Pale,t me thirty-- ix were Sim? 1.1.• a--kAr.1 4161'1411V .k11.• •11101 1 1,.. held ex - I III 4 1 14141.4 .(1111 I f kers t,y .1410.. Irby Vitlin1 iv:.It I,„ake Freema at the Eir,t Ita West Church n, 1,11,.N. 1 arpnr. /mired with sixteen blue ribbon tiedN III- .111•••.....11114.% SundaN nieht. May 19th The . I he fal.:r alit''''' ta `11. wrl Lawrence. Montez Rev. 1.. .1...1 1.1. M dam. Olga 1 Pupil- AA follows: James Ai lezandet .1 III' W011111111.: CI( %el ly - • ---- iII deliver the Mil:-. Sarah Mao ,Norrnan. Hetet. Robert Walker, Ben Brown. Robert 'het, WWII' 11 11144 1•211-11 Itr1140.1 NitaiT 1.1'11 • nom. w a• 111i , Parker. I. ead the Di. and .1. Florence E'er nor Pickle. Philip-.Paul Walker. Willis,'! 1..1 1..1011 11(,11.1 • 411 , nun nag.. eertif,estt I,. Join- sntes- matt Tt.. 4.14, om..1 the', ha \•itgittis, stem. L.. II., Li-lip tii'l , II 141,, V11111. 0001 ' Ballow. Dorothy Sams. Caenn &tr.' alined at abooto If tI:1•• 4.4( fatee11411111. at their 11tttttt • it 4. Taylos Baden TaN Mr, \kW James wilt. th.• dainty favol - Nlithle 4 flicks, Tommy Simmon,. 1..und quant:tv and 'Once i'.4141144.!...-.4. Thies: table. gue--t•' Vtrennia Todd. Myrtle William.. Ma rea ret 1.. -1 e . %I,it 1. 1114-4.114 I14 For the ....ea, the honor.-• stet.. pee- 4 'onne3. W. T. Arant on. including one vi,itor The 1 .6/111T10.11Vellient Night w Is. Tt VISIT C. T. Royce Sams, Lynn Browd. Emet WU-. 4114 - I_ Caitet. Ph .11 t1111141 1Vt./. at- 11.0, •04.04. Thursday night, May 2'3rd. 111-:71.... a_ At i Member.- of the ?second Che•ter :II 4.1/ al a inn of ple--4.,110.91 1411. and year home I.. Simmons. Lucille Araiot. coral crepe „man Ii 1.141 ocorsomic, 1 144.••••• under the direction At McFadden 4 t11:4 1 DILL .i•itcs 1.0‘n rim/tines and brown Co4 NG st 1 cen were elo at. Iii'' I'll Sy..."(01 by 1 1/‘• th 1 1 P \ HIE 114(1•••1: ..f .a 911* Whitaker will visit 21111010 11. with seven blue ribbon The ho-tes , Miss Shan. 1414 \I:11411 .Sr 4.0 . Is'- the lloon• Ec..nontics nictil 1.11.- as follows: k:.•. lovely• it. a flock of p44414 at Frances Cobb, Ed- elev..: am wa, 14 eel1'1.11 ta. , MISS 11 11.ESTON i U. T. :Immo. College, April '24. % .,...k 166 1/1 boll.. 1,14/1-11 v.- it 1. 1.1111. ti 1111111,111...-. and bow HONORED Madidlitg. • .11 ¶14' tIN Wai i rt. Co:khan'. ituti Monday afternooi at the Chamber I,: It DONOR Mary Tuck, Betty Lou Bailey. Rot. r• l1 11.41 01 It,'.' 1.1.111 i. 1116 (1,41,. to a (IV per fertly p:anned budge party 1 The honor toll. ' I ."1"11'4'1'.4. the We'd inet- '"P ert Thu 11,1 1b1:111114 f.or Ill,' Comielov Mad!aro% Jean Collier. "11 - •' 4 1 rt-t''' 41 %did/UV 11101\ At her home on ouder the nitsoice- of the .„ „ . %I... h •tated th•at the a101/1 .0)11 MI I.., her,. n y 1„ IL,,,m, lito3,,,f„ R ntuckv Ut 1 4 ut h 1 GIS/ I-. t• 0 0.1,1111111111411 Ifig ...... • /hay , ,F.,,r t 1 1..,,, it..1, Th.., putii.,h. inks Co. Mis• Graere At "ra"k- ‘'Flaktel twelve 'At'. • bill aft...1 ow. the piois.sed Caw.. , I I addl.:ton home peonomist, wa. in exam tb-si with five 1, and Etl.. I i '''''11: Thome: of llopkinsville, wino has.• blue ribbon pre- ., ,I . .. , .1 I Voe 1 Iowa. .4 Kerr- ' he. ri ...pending ,!..oge and demon•trated . a tacation in Fulton 1 1-4411-4. Ft...moan. lieltio l'a, ker. ‘1111- ,..,Ok an ovon- pil, a, follows: James Thomas El- .14 •I 1 .., -A', 1, 1, k..- 11 .1 'is. I:1 . MI T1-14'. 1.1'W I.- \\..141.4- ed mom] Harold 'tiro. of tin!, 11 ith parents .ind frtend -. TI I.• home , deed 1. .110It I!_II,' t /a ton, .. ._tirtl'! “vv, 11.1.111.%11 "4".141.111 liott, Dorothy May Elliott. Hazel a.1 or I•nion 4 11y; Wallace tta, beautiftit4 (Ie.-elated ,1" depart ntent a 'Wc•--t ine- w it II VI' It mich. Mat valet ftransford. •dt.itil..... Stephei s. . 1 o. 11 e c.,mpany. and Ed Rasch. also lows Maddox, Marearrt Sidney Ito,. atoll Mt . and n"t al "r -I" 1"g . . flower', Ea'ter S-s-ond Motor Roll Shannon 9 ...epres.litative aeis.y PERSONALS 1 1 1 ..t.ili.N ...nelson. I•unnit• and ...loved eggs were sit- Mur- . of Westing-how-or of Morris. .oiti-• e. vo re . • • • • . • '1 art 11,10.1, alt.:MI:ea to cat.ry Oat the /the. I ot..'y Dal per. Sal .oh Mai Nor- h.. .s,,monorsin...n.or. t n 31, 8.• 1-7 ,..... m-,tif thjch Three tables of gueos ;man. Ma el R,:,c! 4. Its . J. N. i2u,,elt nod.. 1 %rem .01 IIRENT-CRE.‘••zo IN h. Hall. „„ii t DEATHS • • • . Me., Sai a Butt he'd •..-...1 ion Thur.-day. Atoll 11 at the Itebeit 1.4••• Ms•Kitim- y, Friwinna Th.. 111411 ' 114 1 4 .iI 'I I '.•., 1 1 To . o .o..1 ret cived lovely I o II..- pito, in Paducah. a r111,1.h1;.,,, Mr?„ Sarah I,. mi. ‘.i, vii 4..,.a....n. Burrow. trete ,1:1., PaKgrove 1l:** 4,11111, t hum ,iir N1... :-. 1: I• N1 :-,-- I. annie Lee Nr.: rt.reived Tosid. Eva WIlliam.„ Isi.,..,7-iI.-RCpaH t..„. 4117 . and Mt --. S. E. I'akiljtheil ,twrit are 8% died Wednesday mostane -...... 1.4 hi....11 sem.. prize. The honoree Virrinia Iloarl.. 1:come Ism Aster, - - nt I. 1 0..•1-t.. 011.1 In 1'.1.111C:111 \ I \ 11 tor was -..lemnirell S atII-day 11" the home of her daughter, Ms. Geo. 1111 .. 4 . ....11 a 1‘vailtiful gift. A .feliciou, I lart ,v . %It .1 N. 14s- -ell o leo 4.- n" '1.u.1 %I0 K 111111.1.' . the It 13. in Fu:tort Squire S. A a lust plate wa, Vv. / \ • . I \ • V • .k. • . , irk Sanf'411• S..Re:Zi-i• '‘s‘..:11,441 wisl 9:344 I., i Bonnie air '":1%.. %V, l': aRT,,nr11 niiiinbne„S.tsahtle oil:. 1 art.-, an .14.1 -11 1,111 - 10.1.• Ruth Ross. (lull les Cantata, Lioifte-Andsi.vedfctilebyll'ils7:,': 411..1 oft ...tabs'. Va'l.fltine, Cen. 1 31 S1111.1 - Ill:Irt William .14 k'. I toroth y Arnold. F%',1 als- ,un, Thee daughterA. set'eral !rand Ii., ,,„. 1, ,,,, t m. 1, n,„"a- of m: - (- 1"ik Ruth • it. env,. tvq..e• o Merit , and ,r. it . f the 11.1":1:::r'a!n....‘`'.. :4•Iiii ....". . sc1p11.10::.• 8:1:6111 ‘cchni'14%7 auntelreothheerid rerhlal Nti.,„ ma". sua„„ 14,,,,..„‘ „, Antic. --on, Ruthel.a Fell ill. Mary cr. uir.idres.!9 Foal:en:1 IIClo nn- ComnattY• The!. will al"ke the Eruct...Du; Mr- .1 1....‘i,i :' :141 hrtstess to lir! nit.'1. Act nro.‘,11..1. rii,1“.11. 11, 7:11.1.11" V.11,11 - ('. Cla no. director 71 ,.4, 4.‘11'1,1a)11.113‘..1:,1 1.1711t'.'N".1:1 kr, 1,„•,1 1,,,,,,,• h.,,,,, al an am,. 1 1111111 -'' P. elt• moon front the home, conducted by ..1 :Al!, ..-.Ull .S.111tUr1141N I :I. 4' a" I. 4.' . , I'1'1"7'4‘. %1( `;44::,i..! i..T.r oWitmnesce.r.test,.." Tip" tom:one lot Iowa oh..r. „I, s„„. h.., „, \in..- , 4., I • ' III'•.' hers. iRriele.- haHnr. r..1.0 f Gobeliorrn,b1makith ontermen: 4 ,-I,,. 5411 Thilnit. '1144' ...II ::., I .‘e i 1 1 .•y m all - --1 N'eral 111l ... 10. ill1 . • I 4,..., ,,:k 4 1 borne oa, heaut ifutly dec- a : 4....ellnt-:: 7 117. 11. Tr. n1141'141444 )1 1 11. 1:4414,4% pa. 4111 , 1"5 . She w-as born reFht wit. 2.1, !sr.-, . • o ,1....1 \% I l )1 , V a Ile, y of I 1 'I R()1 .A I? Y( ' 1 I 1 r. ....rt % ler Thal -day 7 Ad p. tn. choir a 4114 V It. t'unot)onor• It'll Sunday 'II. N1111: MI Slt 1 Lt. It spring I B i nd wa,si .eeried t„ Ii..'ii',- itaa 1, 111 o-v.... • NI, - - „,„,t„,„. ill, 1.,,,j,-vsli, \4 /4.1 1' .11,. Tro• 1,11,11 11,, lEat,leY held ,1 .,',11-1. 4 1.11, ..4 h. t.o. !,,... ,,,..1, .,,,„.. „.„ ,v,,,,, ' 1."11?i-1...iall-IWAI he ill kcepine ‘,-,1 ..11. 111,14711- with the ,i.11,,IterTerweorsto 211.,(,41'1.''5‘1,,!1 44111 111,•1 NIt and 141i- L.% me., '.,1111'4,.o o 4 atir.o..w. ,1 h.t*ha.,,IpH"1is,.,,, ,f.,t",-) %pill II , ,4 1 ,.1•::.,1.11,,,, ,,,,ifii.i,(-11-11.211 11-.,,.,4,,.1.:•:.i i I14:1..41 esT2i,...,, 1:,..1.3, ,,4 • 11.1. :iit•I ill „...„Isi , l'a-lt-r 'easen %In he rendert'd 4 il, 11111.8-- to,i e...oal tttttt otler k:c in death by her hti- band folly run, ,o I, :41,..... S.., 1 1e1,14.11.... . 1 , 'la... ,. i the ehoir at the services V, \\*Intel :11111 NI 1,, 41 11,1 10.111 Sunday. \v.,. aril 1 \l'i‘ ,o..--.• o• \ ii 4(1 1,,,,, -% ,1,1,•1011\ • Th.,i....t o. N1,-... sal-a ma,. '1 idt. - - - -.. ------%1,• I ill. :4.11,- 1. .or roolt.t. and 'AL and .,,o 4'II a ad •. ,.on - .• ...1- • l'' %,,,I V., III,. to ... .111111 \ Fll'I.TtIN M, - NI at... Leh ..1 Cane. III.. VV.•1 I' KV:111.• IIIGH fil-H0111. .41 \\hi". I t 1451'S 101111 he •1 1 ...... MI". VW N 1 ,•-.. a -1.1,..1 1,‘ M..- I I",, \ itii..h.,, I .1,, ‘11( !!11,,' i S. •I,dav III" MI" .1."`le Ital.". Ili/al...1h I a-. 1,1111. the pie-dew, 1 14 la' 1:LL HI 11_111 \4 1,....1.1.- 1. o% o .•...... , twoi o .11: A..tiec, In 1 Fulton moot It'. , 011119 910.0.111 . High 1.1 I' I M is 11 School will elect a T'"a"e 1. Pr0".11.11 ..,..,' 11//' //11.01 1//g . 111.10.1 1, i II 1 .1:S1 1 \ ‘. NIGIIT t LU It III. It.- , t:- 1,.,, 1,, .1 1. -1..1 lb,1. M.- may ueen Shank'r• "ht")1 lh" "I pato led them 1.0, k to 11.. oilt..ti 41(441', Q t in mti roar with ts.„, autolmoh.:.• ports, ha., leased lb,- I tai/I I ,.1 . ,' . 'et • 1.....rk - ii,,•„, 11,.., 11 11 7 rigt• !• II1O.,1 - Of Mi.. by 11... It-ee tall and .*II' 4 1'". "1 M."'''' ''' McDowell building ''"I''' 1 'Ins'11 ,„t• .., ,. • o .. to•loo,c on Walnut-st an,1 Mom. - then 1.811.• :led f"11"\v'n* cartai'lat's and W obt el al ha I 1 1 e:11,111 1.1 . 1 .11 14.11,. 1 %0'11Viel 1 Th. I. , I."-'1, -4, I'lla-'t"‘ na'h' t "III'llet man."'" All: move kill laPPIIV p..i.,,., . mi,... 11.111. mon,. I.. .11. .01% an...inv.7 of the - II 'Ile litcet boat tad la MI.. Lee Iterkeo of Litt le tbs-k . 1..1.1 of l in, id ..., , • ..11. 114-I ol'I'lL al ?I,1• toilsome. machine slums 141 home .ol Iwo ...tow. too ,. i ; 1,1. M oi`o,o, • 1 the nt'V 411 1. . loot. been % 1'.sting in Fulton rcne llowet-s is the candidate for Incatiot. , f II, dew.. 1 mem rot the about MAY I, Mi. Shankle' -1.and, am! Mr • I a Nal ...„„. : "i '1 r • oat4 het loot .11 a ,(„,), „Ho N1', ' Th NI."',,,o tahle,.1"v"" 11 11- It W.4.I• . of "I *101thy, "I• .1,1I h:",, i••"'I. ? ,c5.1II"' 1:rla.1.1)114.Y , a":4. i11". Vt•I LI"' •t,.. II"'1 ar.. ,S"-"'•, ,. .1„it 1"th.... I.. maR''Y 1,3,,,., 17-llasul , '1411 .1 irl -ine‘‘ has ""ni" In 'h s 1:11., 1"'"' III owdet 1,..,,,,Ii‘ imw role %1,.... katii., 141 reed to seettre a large, ..t ,,,„.1,.,t, ,,,,,t, ptt„,.0 .44)1 knel lir. I\ I' 1, m il I -a, hie. o:11.111 still 1111 11.11nV 1,, ____ 1 "0„v,41 to., .. ‘I,, 1,,,,.. ,.t t*O1:•=1. t.i- actiritie<• the 1:„7:4, 1 itii, :•itii.O. 1 /..t /1.4- I ao ii,.. 1„or ,am 4. '.4111 44,411.,' 1 he I'll o 1: 11EN IRS 1„ 1 11,1• ail 4.1 ,,..011, \ ''"'' .. ' ' 'I PI .III 1 i '^1 1re. V0111 1 .1.1. 1 1111-u 1,1,01 '.1 11.11 1 e .6,1,11 .. 141,41 1 Ile . pi 011 . 3,•• f, ., II,.. 4 in) m . 1,,y itami,y , % - , 1.11.11ve - f di". ro id .../1 01 10111 to. ill' "i '‘‘.11,71 +144 Ills' S 1 1. l'ISM Fs V. 'N'INITEI) he 1- VI Of frO1,1' l 'II' 1.' conclusion :IPA V II.A1 Mestns•-•.lay web, :Oat S : 4 O.,1, \41 .;..+- V1 di monaye 1.. %I. 1 ..1111 tle 1. ...nkratky, I can1-'1.1tNIITRIK5%4, I.N.*11 1,.. bet; Ow wan?, 'I.' ..1 '!..• • aim-- kiwi., "I\ • lot I Mauled Man to .tiort in husiness 1,, I ht• kr, ..311,1 ,.11.,,,. 1, • ..0 t:... . Cit. 1:. tn.., nod Spread, in...thine. III lila 1 vIrt and the •,.....114. 1" "1 1. ' MI- 11 ni ...riling widely-known products "11 • I'l 1 v (I.,i .1 1 I.- o. N , o P.• , o ,-,. o 1 1 ....0 .0 0:fleit ...., I: •V • III V ,;;,• • ‘0.. • le. • 1it •• • • • • •• • ''''••'•••• "• •••• - Doi\ ,1111 S,1 is -0 s,,,,,,, 41.1?).A.P.,... Comptete tine ,I rti•I.IIIVIrf la II egl•IIK 'OW lb.. .4.•,,I,.,,,,,‘,..... ;Nay_ trivett. ,,,,,,i 141, II , !, ...... ,...... !..1.t...... , ...„..!..!...,.,1....„! 1.1 1 \ I' 11 \IS SIMI II ti''411% eonsi bleb -cove Itot It received stio„,•••• I and ?.1E00 Ardsh vvrfithil %In tli• rnsmt Fri.) ..„ Din Itarnt- by M 1- Ii.Vel% to-17e" far LIG E A It NI NGS No* eapit . o, cil. tor- Its ighlen stp al or es ( ooke o jo he the t'reshman , „ 1,.. .diou at the Ion fur, played ts Carolyn Atkins ‘t a late? hoist debt refie.h. pei ler..-e needed W 1 de for foi ,nr, ER W A l.TF:RS. ,atsdidati• free pat atici Jeanne Atkies, with Kathleen 144 .1.tets I -tents vo•ere served by the hostess. a, . I woo.nos Raw lelah's, Ltoa KYD4 Fulton. Ky. PUS* N. alanager. 12-1, Freeport, W

•.•11%,...000111,11111.4111111110110110.11.041...... m....40..,. 41111915010 THE FUL'fiiN COUNTY NEW. FULT4IN, KENTUCKY 1••••••••*•••• •.••••••••1111.••••• 1.414.4, 1111111 h.. ploducert the Easto LOCALS 11111111111•11111111111111111n. Fulton County News wiltit• !hi. suldot get-, the eemitt Hut Mel, there In nuclei.. time • tin i, el'til F.11011 I KW NI NI, • ,I h . ,‘,., oent IIi liner 55 U' 111 the m•Inte Janus') 19:13. wolldlIPPers o..ek .•11.1 .1.iik ..t. 1 I , t_iv I 1,111;111 In _ rabbit. playing lit 11111141 IrlirAl tif NII and 1It 4 41111111 Entered Ito necuntl of the Fa '•'' moon, 44lilt ' 11111.,• Wi(;GINS' Mattel' 1114 111'..4116.1 Slut' 1 VI 111 0. 41 /41 Jiltit. 29, 1933, at the post office at pet it v Thu t Obit, mil, of Iii' S13114111 1' 111441 11111W 111`141111p1111114.1 I Fulton. Ky , t he 1.1 .t1 Mat eh , ..1....oil h. 1.'1 al111. a MI', unit 111 . Ito. .. liii ,.•

. 1879. 111111111 of Kii• Stoma% VV1.111'. 1 :. 44111 1 SIIECIALS 4I. , FISHING J PAUL 111'81111;r Firm., 1 144. ii sk r13 44' 1 it ITriiverotits .•11 11'11 Is, '1'1..1 s ss ,11 •11 .se this %: 1..1 • o•1 111 hilt 111 11 1 111 1;111,,Ilr IS 141111 SIlliSCRIVIIIIN It 11 I I 11 a ,.,1 ii Fold, I., 11,11/1 ;4 1,5% 1131 1 4111 • 4' 111 \' i'11111 111.1.1 Otte I Yeill' 1 • HI I, :111.1.1 1111/ 1 I. '..1 • ,.. I 11.1 1.1 11•1 II I I IIIIC:111 ,1 1 1 1 1 .,11 1.1

M 11111h.• •;. SIX it, 71, ,.. NI. 11..7 . .it I 1 ..1. I 0..11, 111111 1.1.01

Three Nionlh, 1 , 41 ,..1t it I 1•11.111. •' Ne\\ New EAST1:It li Fustet vets .1 moot 'roar 111 I the Teutonic geddetes in who.e houd. 44 •

Miittartr North..., did tantat it' 111111.1 11,11 111.1( 1, 4., DRES1S COATS In the day.. %s hell Rome %sat. in it-, 1 1. 111r1,11.1.11. moat glamoron. vtage. hnek the in I''' I it 114.11, 11t, .41.• 1 i t.4.111 itI tI.,. / 1 1111114 ,..ory the! e 1141111.A.. , Minors 1,„ , • i1111 &leaded 1.1 ti. 1 ..! ( 111 1.0 11 1,1 ", '1 , •" 1 1 ‘, Ill 11 :1111 and cereinonie,. to expre 1111111'i I I II." ''1 111.1. ;1111$ ;di 1..1 IL:41 :It 1111` I Ill I., Ow irty over the letory of tin' t1 44 l' A I, t ,1 :111.1 1 1 1,4 111 ..1t.1 Ai I lit 111til \ tot tont 411 6 ',1.1 141 who 111111%ell the %voila from the ,111 . .111 1 11 t. 1 1 I.. ii 11,,11 t1111i i II I ' It the lee king lii 1.1 • if 111- 1'11.1 the EValet winter month., Eit4ti 111111 I. I',, .1 1 1 J •1 11/111g of one •eo iso iiti,i he • t It 11.1ti 1(11,1 41 . ,....1 1i i hi 1 he ginning I anottim : jt o (PP 95 It •tiromp., rethet peeuIrt. that the !sl'11'-: I I 11:1 f' ill 1'111: J h• ‘‘ 1, I h II,,l v , • It 1 I Is!. I: 1 I., 1,• 4 .1 \ r .1., . 7 • :11 \ I I I. I Ill VI Coat -,(1!1 I I ....I I \Jo.. ,.f Nlayfi,

oeto ii '''it %call Nt. a.,.I at, th, I, (.411• tt•• • \ • ....• ..t.

11. 1 111 4.11 l'ett1I'lled ...1 lIriol • ! nut 5 1,1 .1t11.• a A•44.I. iii •

I it. 1' 1.f 1.t.1

1,1,5,',,\ I 1. , j ,t , 41. 1 ..f of I end a f.

NM, het I. ,,t ' 1 1.11' 111 Happy Il•. will retue n to het 1110)44 1letnnhi-, Sat to day MI,. Joe Wk.., ver and 1 IJ EASTER • moll inul Kenneth, 'eft Su • • • 1 1 II .- 'et ,tit I 7,1.11 ,to nine fot e.rwintlatt. (1160, • Ail 1.• .....ol,de 'sit ii t,•• !.. II,. I wralutt.! a week in rilltun with NI, in II 11.1.• heel 1, I .,14 THE It .1 . - Happy Eater'' trim, effective Yowl Weave' and family on Carr t 11 :1 ,1t /I' 1 • 1 '..41 ..• as with hiaultfit1 flowers No ttiat'er what your ch(or,•'. maY he f". 'Air,. F. 11. Riddle ha been Eamter gising, we have the colr,rfuI and da.nty arra•• het t to rn. e.eek ut her home on Wah. i IH.i 1 I I.\I'Il. I I its-1 It( Du! 1,1 - the most exacting :mkt.% Our prices are very teasonoble Our ••• 1 ....•t.' 'tt to:11. ti 1 lion most eaten:Ass,. Stop al and let us .how you our Easter display Atiel:e rioter. has been d f.i'l FJ. i, i., beautlu: ilto.v..1 5. potted plants of all varieties. ....rsare, ar,.1 atit week a' her home on Norm:, • 10. :•11,f ..1 '114•11'• ShaAle of Collin W:.1trice Nti ELIZABETH SNOW, FLORIST 44.1,11 1 men \ 110 .4. „I imeN% • • ia-t week ..t.t1 in V. 11(4-41 It/ be properly die •".•.1 kid CAIM1!1.1.:. 11.1 s1./.. i 1/111, and b13,1, rn.fri• attif oi *I Att. s • awl SI


11.1111111111.1111/1WMA0*WeAMENNIEW latiallIMINEIMMIIMILIMMEAUMW 1-1.`ge Seivve 1ZrZarrArt. 1; 41116;ALY AI f)a LESS Prices timid saturdeb awl Molida April 19th. 201h

VANILLA WAFERS Delicious pound 16c PEACHES extra fancy Evaporated pound 15c After April 20, 197$51 Corn Country Gentleman ea. 9c COFFEE 100 pct. peaherry pound 20c The Fulion Motor Co. C.) tiol/ Cr) be located on East State Lille Sr.. CT) Cr) 1.0 wilI r••••1 re) licxt door to the 0. K. Laundr\

• 41. •-•••••11 Our frit:lids and customers and the Motoring •••••- • Public are invited to visit us

*AMME55PIENUMWSINCE.1.11111.0111r s'dl's ca1 I, P4 1'. L. 1()R US11.1) 2.‘1( 1,t CI4 • visimmisimmumummiamme ;11 :Intl .1111 1111.17'.I1 tier% ice ()E1 I Ot • CR

1"4 riz ti IIfl (Ii I

eardi rat' Sunmaid •••• 110.1 C40 :oniplete Stock (; nine I cd PR. 110) E-4 1935 17 . Raisins .11 C

PEARS or APRICOTS Roseate Ne. 2 J-2 can 23c THE ity OUTH

V* HOMINY Su4ar Loaf 3 " " 3sc \\ Displ.fy at our Sales Room We Have a Complete Line of Btowders Btst reed MO, „itays.. 11/4/SIPCM1/111.1111ir tPabs. ertootani111.2=1111-tm. 0., afiEra~lainraffaal, STEPHENSON'S CASH CtiCCERY Fulton Motor Co. Commercial Ai'. I), 105 Filit4)11. \ \„ . J. WILLINCIAM. Prop. Also a Full Line Fresh Vegetables. Fruits, Etc. Priced Hight

••• •..tflon to. rim -1"."",,TrIllifF71,7771,1"'"1""!""""-•


It then nimeitreil Butt the four burl MMore Than Mere Reality "h"""1lorpI('pflt. m.'y have were going 0%-er to lad Monti* that to brilliant""" lislit they FAMOUS TO CREAM night, so ill lip play the Pebble Ilesea tits Diamond the Pay* they IlliVn re P • KLY TRANSFORIviS The Lucky • Lawrences comae early in the morning. Gall was normn., nor nimin.;tis enreful not to let anyone remetteet that Nsit 1111 are Kohl as the .11.11, By KATHLEEN NORPIS 11111i:111111, 11111, tilt mite felt 11.1 111111 1111 It tilioNi any difference Its her. HUI She jets MS. 1/' Ill In. 0111/ 11111f iif those fell hurt land DEAD 1.1/1111.11r11111111, mire. At half plod nine which sire tire WW1/ gilln! Fleaible Speed Limits 0., I;;ck the riniils:er with Ilse shouting •Z/.. •• IM Mb 111111111 NAM 111111111.11111flat111110 1/1.1I; enough. but Mete la it market fur T•eiity fikiir slitter. I.,eiger have Onpyrials1 by Kaitiloon Norris thee lemet happy 111 If departed on its seventy-Mile thein hoe %%NU minion A110 111111 ens.r hail at the As the hardest Motor eat .111.1.11 11111114, 1/111 pre rlifi, iiiuil (Still 1.1111111 herself quietly In lo on SKIN Fur NII/Ilte, PYI'ls inclutline the first, earth, the illationid Is us scribe a maximum that Is "teaitori Ii.-.). rending ggflin. .Mitawiri with Its nervomittemie and allyneme. versilligly useful ior a great nuillY Ririe awl proper." Of theme twenty Three men After awhile 11111/ bled( et day revivesfresh SYNOPSIS Gall net er mien before the drop Industrial purposes. four. North Dakota topcoats the were nheorlied tool lily thinking, attiring Into the Is,, soli youthful beauty- In the topic of thee golf dim smoke 11 1111.i. or Wel a ut 'sit 111114.14, rill,1 arid floaton 141111'111111mM cabin room is Ilk far seerititet eyrie, money hachsaiarantoo The lurk that ',nought to. Olt 1,4.1 111.011e, 11041 for is away, follaS11111 pen:! The I 'limonite or the New Ilmitipiehlre the lowest. at 2:6 1•11W11.11, a to CirlIforo lir at the twain - and %sift -reillVerllt. ant little while I/II Saturday afternoon (tall the bushy Lawrence eye- idpestetis or the pea ban to be pol- Mlles hour. Waite up your al. ',Mg of the gold t.00li luta .14.0erloot iho art will. famous NA Di NOLA wax moiled hy the poroolblilly of their brows drools together. ished, and the pert blot to lie id. I III it - $ sonnont generation From a -iii a al111,1111g tont, rrealm all Koine down She This i•noh, their holdings hav• ahrunk to a to Nionterey to try mu felt very lommetli•k. She Wnlited billed 4.17 with it patient ill' 111.1e onii,o, Ilea away the dull, dead cut ay le that email f•rin, and the old family home 10 day's preliminary pla)'llig. Sam awl Ariel :mil Phil. .Elitoe all tlre used to per Week's Supply of Postum Free hides pair natural beauty. All you do .Clintorraville. Phil now twenty flue, ha But in the end It wag decided that she .A:inted P111111, seitailde. form theme jobs. Rya', the offer made hy the Pool unit i• this II) At lie,itiltie Stored •(log en'. Into the iron nurka, 1:1411 to 11,0 our idea the three loyal, thoughtful. 'they also rouipato In another part of tido pa- film of Naditiola Cream tow a ',wine library and Edith to th• I k 1114.11 111111 Vlifl stl,uuiIul leis‘e She wait torn with are employed In Die malwasina, rubbing. 12) Lear. per, - no no .1epartment of a shore. Ham In iii not I, 10.fore 'Weill:feet tool go there alone pangs la unsiory (Ur lite-M :nuking of sill/I'l HOPS 41,1 gli1/410.1, They will send is fall week's mull- on nubile you sleep. 1:1i Watch daily sevontoen-yenr•olit nod Anal to beemo- In, I would," Van ..if I'llpperievIllet girl!" abet Mill Ili the 11,111111 1/11 ply of health gin bag PloatUill free to improvement -usually in 5 to In days ina problorta f/1/0.1111111..J ny Kalil to a 11,11 111 didn't gluts part's for 111414/11 wIlli NT11141 for 11.--Atly. you 1;111 see a marvelous transforms- -that terrible" 1.11y 1'.401, whom, hue- fe!.I it would leave (Jail In the herself 111 the night stillness. "1%1.11, molor cars. .111t1 the lurch!" filament an trees lion. Freekles. blackheads disappear; hand has deserted tior. Young %'ait thuitst what I elm I don't know why of our electric gliders ilijIl roarlien4q1 skin become. ireamy- Matohinon. melon of a wealthy "We'll take care of 45.111," NIrt flint shonlil inake me mad." are drawn through tiny plates set S•ttled That while, ...tin rintsali, lovely! Nadmols return' from Yale. and I hall ha• Clapp guild. collrlige01111 witt, diamond died. **1 can't line without your dangle Cronin la a lemon* beautifier tooted through marriage olth hint. of the end trusted for "SVee were going lop 11111 though diamonds are hard - ter, sir." eserl; two sr nersttona, turning of the Lawrotmo look. lack to lunch with 114•14.1.1/ her; shit plunged Into them as lines retinae imosilit,-ly guaranteed. All 1.1111n friend, hap the ran of Ethel and play hrldge." 51i.e. Murchi- Into a river. liesplle responsibility and far harder t hall any ether 111..140- for the funeral!" C01/1111•111. 01i1V Ti'...- fir writ* the tool... Ariel to onenkItta out of they :ire son remindiv! her In is light, droning privvieloon cares, she hail dime little fragile. ti'.. 'I hey nre Its . ',mettle Ames ers. NADIN(n.‘. Ii-x :in, Faris, Tents. the Mom... at night for Joy rumps. Phil ellned to lie ouggostn, to him elooterte eonaternallon, voice not Intended for Gall's ear. philosophical thinking In her twenty- and the s;ighiest that tncy laly Cans to the houso "1 sh. urn sIt, thal'e all right !" said Sire. three yeara; she deliberately faced the fail may Injure I .1,,,,ther ("nil *mon with Van for a week -rod rhipp. who liked Gall, pleasantly. situation now, faced her °Wit tbelr pecullaritlem Iut tilat they are with the Chums, his 11111.1.• N..1 an ni. '%Veil just leave her here to }the l• coldly At It 1111111.11/ IteXt !morning /the !dipped ;sway nlail nee, Ariol. Nioit daY 111.1111.1I, 111111 the 1/1,li us Ill 101. back for from Far Niente before ally member Cult e Wit soap • Arlol admits oho wait at the phioo dinner, and we'll all go 11111110 A1.111111)' of the filially wive astir. %%Atli ev- ...morns.. display,. no 111114'11i null." ery mile of - + companion V/111 10 I... 1:31,01 (.1" 11 the home trip ber heart Cuitieura ointment I:::!! li/111 to k onel n11111. pri,14.:41 ; her Woos., Joh liglibo mid her mind stem:ler at.') would stand no More trilling. She must .ier quiet determination greater. Eticura Bring quick relief float the iv Ling of In' back Sunda): afternoon. 1.0,41I%elY .1r. two o'clock, cool mid ?rim nnil pimpleR, eczema and other akin irrita- CHAPTER -Continued Simeon V111/4 Li V N Ills fruit sympathetic, she was buck hi•r poet Thrli rely upon the fre'uldr um. tool %egettililiot. 4'011 leaped tit the oil, III I lif• library. She felt weatled MAP of this pimple treatment to soothe L may lee engaged to be married sub. and portnnity to go boino %null him. doss', yet oddly content. Tills protect your akin, IdEtbtalfedir this lino- tomorrow ttight,"she tholight, MEDICINAL It ons arranged. The bridge players er but It was pea, . .1 ior,Ltt Soap vie. Ointment Isc and SOC. N111.11,111* WI. ill 14.11. reading. "TheiMs plunged back gladly Into the Mysteries .410 N11111.1 hind here her, humiliate lier I• Sold or oit druggists. 11 1101104a 1/1114.11 4111..• I. mid t of vulnerability and redimbling. The here; she belonged. Slue Was not oniy 111141,1/.111 111;11•.ill 111/•n. is to youtig men played In her proper place, but she watt doing It 1i1r11% I:11 go/ eitga,..ed; almost eser) watched and at. perfect skin otri is fellow creature a service. No animal I gets engaged." Loter. going to Ilie eatoin t.o dress. e•reeping back Into the safety of Its olemar 4n iron She thought of the Fosters and the vlie hear., Mr's. good-naturedly lalr en er felt a deeper,see-e of Three% iii'.). homely 1111• grati- INSTANT LIGHTING re1.11.11,1111141 10 4.111y for Noinething. (ude. 111.11'1'11/111.1.11•1. hl 1.11/ II fatuity. TWo Ili 111111.• from behind a 5 ,11/1.11 .Enti then -tia /I), /4 library son- 1 “,1t1 tl .•( •, • • ..I 1,,I lt, PARKER'S the 1.0.4 office, Inn.. it-m.111m.: school. slirliti4 :mil tall Movers, Oat,. It /IffIllrIP.Y 1,,f.t.,,,t HAIR BALSAM %% here tl e da!,s -- Edith was I,n suopiog 111nont wires. NO wrftry.1,1/11/../ I, , 1:..coo•••14,..true P believe one in OW Mil or //Ile a414/11//griiiilier 11..111111.n:1,4 a 1.r.. Hair aillt the Ads the al...wee. conlilig to the desk to s hot stove rind irnning Iran: :,:a,• Imparts Color sail 4;;i I FP heart faileil her. . it V. it/4 dreaolfill.... I ,,wnr.... liarN...1.11/•1, 1.11rhIA Instr. They Offer You Special Inducements fitean beam, to Whisper to her big slater. no pro- heating 1Inenting It one tot falr that some girls It WWI cost . • e es. . . I tno.:111 It "Ariel home?" '.0 an boor See your load dialer Vs• wit ' Nt1011111 1r11%1•1, L'us Owlet, do faarlfint- null% enough to intilie now urtte for FREE Folder. !: SHAMPOO for use in matter of samples.wSol,:71.7twimheesn pinrovtenhe -No," Edith explained too cheerfully. 'IlE COLEMAN LAMP 4 STOVE r • •.--, ...iihilarker*sHatrBalnarotea.kettlso Iflif things, nut. that other girls should Mree. 1'1111.15'a filitifse.l. Indifferent Y111/..., 1.t./. W1.1111. 1111.4.i. 11,.... ; 1,... Am./. .I , hiur Jutt. and Huffy. centa by mail or worthy, the merehand.,.. can be par- too naturally; -11144 I'ansp telephoned II... I41 I at finia- drudge away at the Illirary, year after AIN/111er womali's voice spoke quli.kly PLOsimp.... i .. .• . 1 guts. H.aeort Chemical Weir., rot,ho rn., N.?. c.1- seri from •-•tir conimunit y merchants. to the Greeley'is PP say that they- might year, ohile hope died nil youth failed ili Mouser, laughingly and belifTerently, 1114 111. back until site,- dinner." etitlin•lasais spelt( --like the I...,, but with Illieft• vigor. Sirs.' ,lurch- "lint why didn't loot or .104.1 Fosters' and the Delieliatitys• Ison's voice. teie- esitlies1- 1.110111. 11S1114-tilmiti lair's find preser%. Gail cool.' lot hear the first dozen %aid she sald she thiteglit tag fruit. .vorils. 'tut the last traiissl through our line was out of order ii 'Ara not right," Gail said eel...runty her conscious:loss as she escaped, scar- -it 'weer Ii' swereol." MORE RUBBER to the shabby old silent room, through leeeheeked, out of hearing. Ti whose winilooa Ilse hot tonell of pear . . . with a clippersvIlle glrl!" le sisters exchanged a level, trees and loaned grass was tome:Toting The tom% the of the vole.% pressioniess look. from the dark night outside. "1 here's Interpreted the Whole to her perfectly. -Tharsus new one." Gail presently nothing III charm -ter, If It only gets murmured drily. "Well, THE that's ROAD! you allot the Fosti-rs and the Isela what I thought," Falith ,,0",111H111111:';:tr' ' tn., agreed reluctantly. hardy' have got! 'i _ I 1 1 , il I 1; -Where shs you suppose they GIVES YOU MORE "l'in not sure." she 111,1111.11 Ilarkly. --'''''• are?" TRACTION GREATER 1 Just on ot those Sunday 'but what Ariel's in the right! I'll runs, %lien they ea! greasy bet she get% to lAirolon before I du:' fried chick- SAFETY • -LONGER WEAR-AT HIGHER ,- , , en off dirty board tablets. and thl SPEEDS ,... t hey're having a wanderISI time CHAPTER " VI Ediall-tati4HatlxitttintlY. At sly !bora Foster came rIRESTONE patented construction Tim next day she- rorte mirefresioet le. nd ' EAL Lf-,C., Edith and 1;all walk borne and dissatisfied. and drugged Ilea% Ihy features enable us to give you a through the broiling late tire with tI,rough her preparations to go to afternoon. "Let's not illiVe supper higher shoulders-hider and if the prepepect Vi ere any until seven. deeper Anil let's get everything thing but inviting. ready stet 18 non-skid tread. theta take baths MA to,' !wand( Orts. Simso It would have tilled tier with P.../;1.v ul 1;:iji sii;:,:ested. They fussed Preere.oecieli Les a year ago; she felt dull tool away In doubtful the! sliitily kittlien The cords in the body are Gum. lament it mew. ttigether; Eslitte straining ten into tall glasses. Gail as- Ariel. all helpful sympathy. came out irestone Dipped, giving greater strength and sembling the materials for erne of tier to the gate olli•li Van parked thou's-. GROUND GRIP mom's salads: 's-lilacs, lettuce, enor- longer flexing life. honking wildly. sit ten oebs-k. mous hrtil etitit t.. ..atoes. cucumbers Super traction tire "Dere." he N11111, leaping out, ":!** sines! as tine AA tissue paper. for unimproted take that!" Ile stowed I:airs allitea,.. The two extra Gum-Dipped cord They set the table oust under Po? big lit the rii111100. The three stotid oak hi the side yard, (-lose to the house- plies under the tread give a firmer union Int: and goa.siping in the sett foggy s. that the smaller furnishings could Hi. rning. t,uiaisnsed.-..l .tlirteugh the wide-open kucti between tread and body which holds this "I wish I were going with you!" heavy non-slid tread securely to the tire .Artel amid frankly. Iiick and Phil arrived. They all sat 'Well. IA hy 3ou omit.;' Van about the table. while last the body. y the exclainwsl. soddenly bred. I.'.! to il.ght died into It hot dusk. talk- sea., ''t lb. no, I couldn't. Tee "tot a date ing, murmuring, "I Was in School With Nobody's passing back NIA Equip today with these safe and oith the criovii tonight." Ariel pro- Mother:" ferth the 01.1 Itrazilian silver salad bed's,. **and I couldn't anyway. Tin OrSer S.:a. economical tires! You not that Grandfather Laurence 1f8,1 Premarritaremla Lem will get dressed! .ttel I moo 55%.'' Van's father on, he. ti:r;..14 with I rought to Yerlia Itmena on that long. uninterrupted service, maintain faster I- an instant the matter limn tire. c..itiz it!' a 4 1114. azo eedditig jeurney. welietlitles WWI 4;11E1 Ind 1101 1•110W NIN.1111.1' of not It sent-it lilt,. pertectly right, aka-ISIS:. The intsin had risen and the and get safety protection ite that install! Ariel glanee his time trestone sent tier a girl. It strengthening siker 1:.:lit wits heti:in- beyond did . OLDFIELD ETU anything you have heretofore of wild hole-. Immediately the younger not matter ft...11111Z. were ning tee drip 41.1tt 11 through the seillesi the hurt girl matter, and WW1 run- Isr were net hurt ; it %vas only of the great treys that roofed the door. The tire that experienced. ning lot,-ii Into the house shollting. lippa.rsi Ile girl y a rd. taught thrift to "Drive a gotsl time!" fler face tilasssl. her throat was Call on Firestone "Where Is that naughty %tier"' Edith millions. the Service Store leespite her si 4415 protests. thick and dry. Sloan ty lip 1 She %talked hail asked drowsily. sertectomateiy. snit or Service felt like a tivirderer 1:111... 4'71r I.. .11111 etitere.1 Mt. its prevented 4:1111. listening to the strokes Of the nun a 111/1/...s (ii, 1.i1,: bare alt a, sit:hms:.o quittity, arid her prep. began cuckoo, clock in :lie nail, tent answered Dealer now !rota ,lo,sfy, sinib I'lima•rstille onto the ara, iots for .1.niter the brow Ii-walleot. more reassnringly than she felt, •Dnly lwattly awl shade 1111.1 /-••••111/.11% of I ,sr chintz curt. • vi little room and start that nun. nine. that's; 11.4 When sinhlesnly \belie. The thought et that /rick, familiar now. there was a stranger In the gartietL reducing your I,/ /lief ill 1:1:111/V or ri..1 - I Itat I1111111' All the time lier (outrt seelliss1 like A stranger. At the tirst that Might toe ever en en have Isyn a hoIllts:: la.t. 1110 tocr thoughts an,-?,! of o perating him Gail's heart stets! still, and es.tit Of I W141 thotight of--liavott.1 her 14.1i11.1 it lid 1-4.1'ilet .11: Z.1). tier tialek Month filled with waiter. Horror. Hor- co.ts today. \et that Ariel could Ita%•• 1'.1111•, flu. lett es.1.1., and ehe was shaking. ror. They at ere :ill lost. • II" jwisIy that %wild issue heel, as nil'. '111 he twine ti;* time tomorrow." The inn tolleti.41 the star on take. Gail. alma'_ more than onee. • his lireaat. leek woe the first to speak. Oilon Site Firestone 15,11 t;:111 kept an i•hing that W.A.. 4:all. What del It mailer what that vulgar. In a quo-k. authoritative voice. r,rinenionosory Lae .5. Yll5 TY"( had ur.;ts1 it, had smart, rouged thin. dark woman salt) -What Is it, eldicerr ** * * * roe', Se t.sestrot tire toe, presse,1 it. II would 11.1%t• 111:1/1.• or thought : It did not affect 1:111 Law built for all-around "There's bevIt a hall accident up near the rake ol timusue 1111Tere111'.• 111 01111-.1.1.% tor /.‘,/ti rence; it did not atTess Van 'Murchison. the cement tatUrkul. A tatie girl has irestone -featuring Richard 11111n Ariel knew that she Ill/1.1111 0% It Mil atlect Van. of course. twen kille/1-" the man began SENTINEL TYPE Crooks, Gladys pert 10 go iiim•-s Just lemanse I oaf! Wandering about the !stem in a thin t;ail as l's beside him. lingers grip- , Swarthosa. or 'Velsost othl. Si,,. ha ome„ she cotton l!aiono. addressesb herself. Volume produc- ping his arm • - cirri would know that flies ni.gld snub her aloud tion tire for light .itonilay • My sister !" Kish. over Anil yet the Metwory ..1 the WV*. -I ion poor fool! You thought you N. G. (-- "No. ma'am. It wasn't vour sister. trucks. eying idok figure and the shouted might Ise engaged I ttttight! WRAF Nen/weir She naa mists! up In it ; I brought her --Hav e a ginst ill ri//1 s oddly •well--yon may lee .1 Fite Star rrnrans over here to see your brother. She elesee voice won't' not let her at "IA like to be, just to get even with ain't hurt," lie said. answering the wild peace. She was gtutived Ii) hunger her I'd like to Ise so stunning. so question in Gail's eyes. “S`!e's just run Ariel, it...eye:int and deep. smart. as/ popular that she was wiped AUTO SUPPLIES FOR TRUCKS AND RUSES Inside; I'm walling for her. I Vates mother itrooeil to he g thin. right out of sight . . seen you out he's% sci I Cattle over.' dark, smart its a beautiful "I hale her. . . No. I don't sup- FIRESTONE TRUCK FIRESTONE FIRESTONE BRAKE FIRESTONE "What happened, eltticer" Dick's transparent gown of orange and black. pose 1 hate her. . , Nes, I do. TYPE BATTERIES HEAVY DUTY BLOCKS and HEAVY FAN voice asked. The others sere strieken She greetesi her son with a fretful "I despise her! I'd like her to break SPARK DUTY LINING BEL an. I y on know your fa- her leg. I would. I woillitn't want her -.•,,- I--oPLUGS 1.11111111k do"Suelijt i. %Vila &Ring A car, sir. and an- ses. ther's feriewe at sou, end snaking lift. to get a cancer esactly. Mit I'd like - other antomotille hit her. She FIRESTO N E simply untIches1 for me'," and gnue to something to happen to her'" ha Veit license% arid she's booked tor /het, •" r Quick RADIATOR Gail only an abstracted trove n, 'the otilldirehtiess of her own mono- and also ui a charge of manslaiighter. ...tart. atitl HOSE think yen were In school with logue made her Iwtgln suddenly to :, In the a little girl In a third I.., tiger Isis mother. l'alltha Petrie. In San Neagh. and she found tears In her eyes. ear Wait OirOwn on, MI her lis'A aro! -' • e '11.1.1ro• roe Better Braking Yiltlellnoit':- (5ali1 ing; 'this as tits i , oultio't There wits nothing ritroll. ‘11 ! at ease. Li' do Imt go through •ith t et e- here now!, My sister. I meatir ••I %sot In i..-hoot null Ii o.,!„ty.s tutlug'stwograun with what dignity she Phil asktsi, In a 111•311, oil gih•n.v. or, and I won't he Ince b.' I could vomiter; the hoy a •:eeinel I,. tier •-l'es--eitie just IlOw flan in the house am itris log tile I..,',) 10 grant a eery Very lunch al.sortoe.1 In to find you." lofts mid untspeINIIIII I illr1:1 :" Mrs. their own afrairs, at dinner, and after "After her. Phil' She nity kill her. Murchison said, to the compli,y at dinner there was a half hearted ganie (fall said sharply. In a whIstw•r. rathg: thr.D I„;.. Edith put her hands over her fuses- for "She'll never forgive you that It Whiling non everything. nubile Gall a moment, ...raying, before they all 'rah Firestone long as 3ou live. 44111!" "an ex.-tannest lost quarters and dimes to • painful together tortoni the kitehen door. $ MS, F. T. a L Ow the laughter that followed. degree. la Gall TO Da CONTINVISM Tfir Fut ToN t(freery leI'VITt ley

THE FUTURL ( • IIIIANN %%1 la 11 I NI leiet p • map a III/ 11114 1,111I1111•111`0 la , • ' e the d)-nande I ' The aldIlly to 1 4(11 S !VW 4)1 (iiirrent I It , and silt minister of Germany. himself and hies 1 110 emilltioncre itited never I Illid I entity- toionnenmein, I 'Orly -'oven imitch flue year-old nett:ewe a ere wankel in lieu (fil)t[P \t.) he Weigle uur tomorree. In lace lige the \\ orld ()ver nrst In the city kali anti then In Nn slimed %%Oreille it. The future ni- Events 010 the eviiiiggel.el ...ewe,. I. teen licteha 4/ II Milla fit, 1,1.r• fuelirer Hitler meting as entottismign lii Sea keetOI hits falth III It Grit. tint Ii It 01 it inost &pee. i eerelllOtile... National Topics Interprcted A qtr, Ii csi- toiculior oedolitig. olth mitay famous Mini.ters of Three Nations Confer at Prime Iltormatis and to grand opera chorus In by William Bruckart 1 ".. Busy With Work Relief attendance, a triumphal procession , dria Roose‘elt, NotIonal W•ist,I•qt 1.,,, Dr-JIM No more tired, through the crowilial atreets and a Program, Prods Congress. oll.splay of the Nazi stir toree. pont, It oppeara that lit lost ' p-int . ism 'Mont .%.1A let-down feeling for me" los all lif thee- questions u.s tm Oliether ! I ••, %Ir. flint 11#. 1111 SoclAt.isTs too Catholics of Den- Interview EDWARD W. PICKARD the oillionni ...!..• !I .11,11,plly that the "1 cannoned By ' rig aninl•Ine.1 to gi‘e my ,.%%rste.ii t'111U11. NRA Up to trial lec000dy act Is Io•ed that Ilitier of thalami) his first lug set- rail blood are go iii.. ,,i,.uuiu) %JIM quoted by Meal to $1,0 are elle/red city 'a parliamentary SuprerrieCourt'onstItilitonal tor oust to foretnost statesmen, "Sums ranging up back Ito the free the deb....afloat noo looting in Cl[ of Europe's ievitlying Ing too hi: Immo ereol boors of strength secretarlem, sod. It' have been paid In eases i election the Nail* %Rh rviaorts and by the Supreme etturt of the Elated quired %%Mother the Ilm000.vaolt View low awl so,* (else elteesses er tuassing of un *pith- polled nil a per cent tomtit, cemnilered peace plans and States. That lie they eel be answereil trptIon himil liot dole. mere for farmers itairnply took cant who hail ranee lii hie test of of the total goive Bella, a levely iilty prmiiititt 8.1:1,11tistration. lle a toureo of ciirlt y pacts on Nola Iwo. I) a Sietreme viiiirt decision 111,1est. that, Lake knee- hetet* tho govormoont or his failed to gel the MO B.S.S. Tonic . little Island In Ito, moo leg spirit., in Nit.% devide wuata reli"rtgel ale, tat have stile lie ability to pie ak English. thirds majority of the „Nett and built it Illaggloce niT Strout. again to dodge the IMStle u.s they elle.* uuiil Illie the iittltadi• 1.r the %Hull 'It is tilleeed that fees neighig front omit* that nailed give back." Italy. The conference hate Ilotte, the thil'ocor ahisImlti'it.m Iii their ci,mer a g tested In cases In. coinp'ete cot, but It $34111 to $1.:100 %ere result Watt that nionientoomo, 1,1111. The 1r . altr itgO IV, FL her. an '4,111411,14 Will1 IT Is all so slinitle awl Volving, fralidulent or altered inanifeat trot of perllament. fri011 the an* of Mn "exploorn Alabilma lifintiermate ran afoul of it the farm loonoloora %vent its hi)' It your physical let-doe iii, 0.1111,1'11 ,., oho It WW1 dealt .' le to ob- Hitler mei his follow- atoll no reeoroi it. Wirtil 6'111411in; litooilniz the Department Iv, roil red blood corpuscles -- tory' nature, national : tiolitolnistration coda. Ii' tain a revere that woggle safeguard an ere hail hoped Dan- recot.r) result% 'sere of .agrioatitiire ss Ith si oleo:Mealy laid utile!' is all too frequent --then S S S. iletitilte or procure eill• would tee rislisie :eel he ens Prime %t ii alien from deportation rig !mettle, anti the tiredly Tonle is a ailing to help peel oil. Lower courts decided iithers4.1y 111 MP Nate lii Ilielr zenship etatue by %hewing his legal SO' Mad of the Saar flnit atili•ss hate a !wants situ' il,iu' Railleny Mael )))) Ben Is heard frequeuily new that three • tiger nilasloon ill the port if New York for return .1ic reich, W1111.111111ellt, hoovviovo.r, and the NIL% troelile that demands s physician ur nod Foleigti See• Paul Goebbsts hem ell! Call... till1.11 front'''. for 5Ir. alit remittent-rt." tool this may yet he lavv sere die ided to III:lie:IL .1 lee 't alit - John Simon. permanent hererift."r by telling their leo roar,: Sir the population of the city ell pi Supreme court deelsion. Itat lie- It' uu.tuitiur, S 11 not Just a ..t- _ the result, for home fi.l his. lit Itt I. rent fere the ea.... reaeheti the sin or ries among the r:111.11 "ionic." It is a tonic ..peo- i lIe nilar', the Is more than 110 per cent Ilertnali. Bat g, willing VE.%%• dust etermil. the werst of I think it IS vieterdly rem-relief that atimmite Poritaln. oo re the %sere di,r,,:ited In at argument befere the Idebest court Ist • N 111, series, sel id is VI their n yi,1 . Premier carry out that na- 4/111.f use tor the the land the Iliparlirient iif .luetice reseeimical end poilecui hem,, flI ii 1141 the lamer it to !MOO to lay the groundaork Flandin ."1.,radO. tuelitheine, New Imsitiolis resiams1 Meat., MO airs, tery 0,5 ml) iii tion's military obliga- han..". ( oitlidrew the tool dhoti and iiit• 11".1 I"' i'"111,1 the vir• suppreeslon of all other par- Loearno treaty tout %nen-. and Tt gis. rompictine !defy !intone fern; orvaninitions lilt ti.- under the the estahlishinent of a dicta too:moo ol Its rodusal t1/ 101'.',1.1.11,1. Mr. crop and chits ties and um? Ii red further commitment Ito con- tual rine of II,, alicat 11,4. her any lifter all limy serse H11 ...1111•111111: I alked at torslule. Presumably their fleet step tartlier. 'liii iii i-f,,hul imrpose is Impor- bag great losee end suffering einem: ter groups that Speal, ler ▪ Cliental affairs. ale lie to vote for a Change in the There itutimoliately ref tip a fee tont, lb;ze tam In improved -1..4 proomitred to enter etie Is. Sr-heels and eleite were ;me ititricilletre and ellen el r. Wallare he Anyhow, they had Free Flty's constitution end to ask II ee cry aceteitie gee Nee In Initer tit ... and Mir.' ,mit Ire without the closed. airplanes grootinolool and train ,ingereol by their et-Pio:Ism or hilt into no new agreetuenta the leniete of Nations, which admin• riopartmoot •'r .1i. e• or 1,,,og a rreet enabled Ii, bcticr "tarry on'. ‘4.41, ,,,it parliament, a hidicannot lie and lois achedales doom!! .1 Some wham...oration_ serious trouble for III no exhatetten us you sheltie net tirally. consent of leers the city through a conlliessioner, or to•r. Easter boll- regions were being abandened by an pat lies riot so far :deed. Sal,di circuit, may Ivey the as Ilpuss. r is he consulted ointil after the retliri, to the oof the if instiee You bit:1 m, I' period Ii p!ehlocite oll loepartnient I iao) ) atoll I °reign inha htit sink s otir 1400.1 days. Premier D.:, la. .1 Ms was ropetil) discussed by and 'offered no 4•4;pIallatii,m but NRA k"Illees 11' the 1"..":"1" .1:1 "1 Inatglit to per. A delegation Of aetialors and rutore- Ii Is in top notch form yeti tire net tully Minister Imval of France tlio.1,1,4•14. prOpE brain IIII-ter4 let 11 he littottll that "r" 11",ii;,.81.1.1.g 1.17, at rt ken ralli Joseph ouree f trout Inay ": to limo tip with France yenta to vall from four of the skin on the part ..r a 1011,' Slittole Etighind 1.4avela to:Mister, rim ii the hot cum. 1.: 1 to a test at this aonder why I tire t,0 E.I•ily." than with Germany. atatea called en Pre•lotent that is imarli aNa)s fatal- wit! Russia rather ii 11, in,,eat it'd on he the 11,1, ..r tho ifoloito•rit 44%111ra- IA1 SS.S., hell) !Mild leek )iitir argument ft and asked 111111 too eartnark al:matito. it rutinee Ili-Ebert Initiver. find they presented .14 • v, enraced by the ; nen industrial recovery ma. 'id tene...if your case i, not ossi I twat ow • • • assistance pact they bad -• oior fl land program for the eseelotiell.11, yoahilt ulu joy new nattnal icate w vieletit ot the letterer' In ' -1 1,4•I 1,..Mted 4. :t the miss- eepIrre Premier Mtlit- two years. tie did ii 'I i nd also. 11'11011 if ilrpt•Ili 111,4 just sigma, with Russia. (1.1..atided lull Oriel. : June le, :111,1 conzress is now an, .1ro 1 the 11;ills of •-. 11g.1111 •;1Ii•f , hat was I!.• , •deutti and peasimist r, handled amount would be allocated, roosision. there la inereasing criticism of '11,- /0141... Si.111111 1.11.1. it N11'.1111' 11. rit 11,1%e • In-:,, alTalr gaged ill cooli•olerathdi of a with the help of paid toy the delegation to Walla e ale! It Is of ...a wood coiliplexi, Iti renr-w- matters for Italy re. I it • I iii,' Iwo friendship between Iiiitieeetien vies tice the Nit.% lee for- would permit the ed Mr.-re-tie tallyho Sus left, undersecretary of ligglirance that tie awl probably lievisi a net In the 11,1, her .• i•••• Criticise a charActer to i•-.1 Ilernettly, 14.5.5. I. edit by all &or shirrs in Ile had already warned eapenolitare of all the money that was ni If It con riga affairs. I!o.: ail. not 111..urned by tee other a oast.. of time atol 111,1111•l 1.4%111,4. a Wallace two sizes, The site Is Issue Of war or imago When such 1' e world that the necessary. mitems of Eureite. the proloalollity that a Supremo. rourt I twice as large as the *1.2.1 not be toettled at JIM Serialor peace Proohatdy could II liPckl..I1 tt..11,1 Ie.( t,s 11111.1.41 11,m 1.ettloerat4 size and is sallicient far No uccks ,1,•••••ribes a caltifire "dicer trietteent. /1-yitt ort the inn .01 Stresa. nEsti,ENT lloOSEIVEll.T. deeply limit lifter the ',resent 1,1W II:114 no quo.stIon was the tee nuttier workers in the the odlice he Ned., Itf course• the chief P tanned and In goo.' phyalcal ron 'hI'll lotizer Opera! am being /11111t for toward the {dente of Akre!), ohm. ready us regards Beet Indiv ideal attitude of (Atom* nations dithon. was landed at Jacksonville. • tire II21,01•11.Ni 1:.17::::;.rkifil:::41 the NII1111t1.11 of the Amerioan Eerier- constantly growing Pan-Germanism ItY the eetetroyer to quit !leer Jetts, neete•ii rily l000e,inws pro.carions. it.eit to !Menge (,1 the relch under littler. atid the first Earragitt -.MI started Mein of Latter leederet to.hpsi r a The centreversies that are centering concrete problem taken up was immediately for New II.' strikV, which Viesident aroolitiol So•eretary 1Vallao.t. toaturally of Na arotild be it crucial attempt toy are having their reao•tion in Ids France's appeal to the League Verk, to attend the flared too have the act declared , repudiation of labor to force oil Industry T014-1C tions against I:ermany's funeral of hie cousin. :4.g:tidied Ii 55 unist' lii as huh i pnisisems ut the military clateee of the Vers.oillea Warren Deleno Rob- the c..11ective triitio.,t::::k,.1:11:1:::.:11;N::: 1: • Makcs you treaty. Mussolini amt alarlsonald were bing, after which he time NRA. Ile announced bis l•rgatii feel like rearmament -support the rut,her %w k . secretary • ' Inclined to, areept I 1:Coor's returned to Washing zat!.,t, mould '''.1 the time JS may yJurscif If there couid be ati agreement against ton. Abetted his 'pe- ers of Akron for ub ',mg a hate passed at Ibis session ! expansion, but Flan- beces-ary." "Il'h.11:•sos...,;.ir.l.11;:ifrii;f,16:,,ItSinfl.i,r::: ;:;11,1.4;1 .1 again further military dal train the Presi- I.- trii•ters are Seeking N el, the Italians marked out the tire to din stood in opposition. The dent rend through the Green definitely hen. for prutec. of laboes ability to str.•11;:ilien the adflistinent act am! me urged a three-power alliance seveeeigisiegue work re- strike as a tesv The whelp xituation IN regarded by Smooth Life. Courze England ob- on the premiere held out ri11'11 the .% %A . ,ore iteuer ita ctif,,r,v4- Boo against Germany. but Ilef bill as it was linen Make peel Maier% ern as living Mitch 1.1.11111111111 111111 the ha; py ways of uncertain. All Harry Hopegna 17 New Deal. The national n,,.nt. it ikeettps. hoWet..r, • eerfain jected and France was iltia.O.d DY both I. it by the no one seems to know exactly %hat Is etting :langs. rather favored the re hioc in cotetretue holds the coins Iction three nations houses of congress. called far pen 3nd labor fetal-WM bOar(1.-bi-patruit-4110, Ind the sudden reyersed pnsitian Austria. Bulgaria and ; the big tire companies. that there Is already eufticlent !sever erniansent of Ink and appended his slenature to the had ordered on the part of Mt.*, and the I 101.3 rt - Danube pact which Gonerlch, linti Firestene, to I %venture's lintels :owl those mem- Cardui Built tp Her Strength Hungary, and the largest appropriation measure ever Goodyear. amid of Justice Moyers except a good in r' been pronxaing. werhere to elect repreeert- hers are cries log re•entfoil toaard lost strength and fallen Italy especially has enacted by congress. There were some allow their IllatiV (elks think the Nit.% could not She hid bargaining. The proolsosala delezating mere authority off in weight until hcr clothes would features of it. agr I neon In the sen- neves for oollectioe eolitoorial stanol the gaff of countrywide not fit, writes Mrs. A. S. Curtis, of pess.mistIc frame of ate and house confereeee. which tie did companical base refused and Luber hew IUSSOLINI'S criticism. It Is true that after akin- Winston, Va. "I knew I must get by an an- not Moat. who had takes into It own hand, the glifott-e- re.•••711 • 1..:i Dr ti:ch rI N Mind was Illustrated like, bat he sa:d olootimetit of the Ileicher case was link- something to build me up if I kept Pereile its mete of the NLRB &deem, eirceu ar- :11 clumnation of certain or Ti,' nonncement in his new:sp.:per. studied it recommended approval. man,. ed. s•ser, IIilhiuunTatlt Met- going." she says. -My unt suggested nearly luepartment if •-; •••- -•; once s.rtits1 two al- gl11-41. brain trusters Fa lbe that I Wit:Ilia. that Italy would le The President at ropolitan nun -taper ill the .-.Oltitry that I try Cardui. I am glad 'lire manufacturers. on the other Agriculture arel its stepchild. the up my strength. I men under arms -until ti.- loentIons from the unment mppropre printed editorial crentnent nitwit the did, for it built Mitt'. recognize the threatened stroke bad a %ktiolesonie erect on relation- taken it at intervals since then, wee cleared. anol give their all neelern i ated. The test WU!, .51:::...111111.1111I 10 the amh little of it „as fat ornhle have pro- action least run-down." rn and the Federal Emer- as a key flu. %i• in the New Deal ship betneeti the I.epartment euf Aeri- whenever I felt the Both the Italians •dminietrator of the this weapons." .• t he Nil.'.. FA:unlined from Cardui revives the appetite and Germany is eency Heller administratoin, In order grltn for re-eine-rent:on of labor arei culture and l'./11;:resS 1IN a whole, yet French are convinced Mei ‘,..alsoint then, there are sotto. Who improves nutrition in cases where relief might not t.p. The sec In•lustry and are tenting back. !ere- in eine. grarters It appears. the hens.-- maliciously stirrieg up the troubles that 1,4•1,,,‘e the amltiintstrutiiin etas coadevi such a medicine is needed. Thou- was aatorsmatata for continuation S1te expeetee go before the District cleaning did toot remeve all ;if the that confront theta In northern Africa ond Into a constitutional te..a Nit.a, sands of women testify Cardui bene- of eeeinitiia Seprente court zind ask a stigma %vett eppesithinists have with the purpose of weakening their i of the emergeney consereatien work. of Jun. fited them. If it does not benefit :nu-t the the Department farm poll- Matter was In Washington the Itelicherans anti perm:me-1' Injunctio.n aga stained the aeministration's YOU, consult a physician. petition 10 Europe. This tire's determination to avoid a test In some of the pante others discuesed with diseatisfae- NLRB and MCA meddling in its labor cies. discussed privately by the Ite:. her o-ase already Is having re- the Stresa meeteag. Bon the probability reit harry L. flop- RitUatIon,, %%Ith reference. to the tintirie clean. participants in poorcussioons. Patriot and loaektoiting are - eine relief admini••- .•-tr. would be the trig. It !Mould be said just here that corning: not al1144 from Ileputhl Uiii 811- QUICK RELIEF Freeldent's cite? ass.trint In carrying FpleiSTAASTER GENERAL JAMES A. anit.ther ftIOVe Is in the making. Prof. HE new mutual n-etanee scree- tagonists lett from arn ne 1 14.11,,,erats out the vast work relief program. EA1:11:1* went to New York to neeferd Guy Tligwe',1, the pri•sent Tmen! re,e-`ied by 1.-7 • and ItassiM e.q1;:reSS tot Nell. Senator 11:1,1111;:s, Is from Heartburn ' "It Is extremely fortunate for Mr. study the political and leg slaeve pIt- der:secretary of agriculture, slated was at •re • •• • to Delao are Republican. and Senator lie delloortied insoofar as farm recov- : ken Flopk.ns that. If to Is going tn be the :latnun there, arid It was dreetred by I'' --by chewing one or screen:. 7." .• clark, a )I Iris. Democrat. joined In lord hi distributor of the money, the local Deimocratie tead , cry m' u, are Tied. when Pres- more Milnesia Wafers a: ...or once ti .:ter et, effort tit have All orhey Genera! im tee against hill Is so drawn that he wont have to Mat ' I !dela Itoesevelt lees his hands . by _ of art reveres, hie po.ition nee Sand f,-.r ono week's hheral simply-FRE& hits '• '• the Lit lielennitnes In mi. be confirmed by the senal..." aaid Sen- us-,' 4402 23n. _ rrespon tire from the urged teem the tired of the Depart- l'illi"" "'"I th" "'"r" SELECT PRODUCTS. Inc_ ator Vandenberg of alio:hi:an. r relief bill. Professor Tugwell will toe Clts.Ne. Vert4 illi seen neer Justme the necessity for t•lar. pert that it .s It. t a military ment of tati charge of soonadhillg like nine Itepresenta7,ve Snell of New York. joarnment of congress.. gi am* such as Russia had been urging of iezal questions hit ,d'.ed. 'Millen% tit spend in a was- leader in lime Melee. de Mr. leiree: r.:teer n! o ties 111111;1nel and that in certain eases the the Republican The telministratien's eositien als on Fram e denied the that le sariously descrihed as "s.•len. them- dared It ens -a sad commentary that tinned nor draei, tire from Reptiblican leeeter cenatonee will determine for Ills job ti Ill he to sort out la• a man like Hopkins." who hail termed story tee Miner- and there are In Pelves who ia the aggressor. without Snell in are einelective from these t!, Ile has been bitterly that for word from Geneva. The critics of wore relief !methods "d-n that 1 me- ge•regin of the reecaree waiting retaining are mediocre tur vcithout value at ad Uf.'"/ OF Jit elsiE pri- dumb." should "apes at to be In line Alta, ke.1 for •.•, a let 11:1‘4. charged that Mee_ A MIAS agreement Is. of course, directed in! acne:inure pr.,' to find uses fir to be clothed with cite:tont-nary grant. his rat, net post and P:.•slolent hi W itt i11111: to marily against Germany. Ills believed Beet,- which stetted tett be user' as farm of power over the gre.itost sum of at the same time cen In the Paris Oust Russia will aeon roe •. the music Belcher case. In rnititte as etialrinan ' is rids similar alliance with Czecho- money ever silver', lated." Jaees A. e.-oneniierilly, the deeision tua refrain • • • RATS elude of Cie Democratic ne- mitt the Baltic statelt, thus Farley 1.ressin::. the Vele:tier slovakia and tierel e• e-!:, tree sit..1 "se :"F I 'rents-I. It Is not too notch to tocsactsciott around Ger- N HIS first feet vac:diem adjuol:eathoto by the Supreme that in„,:tuire Ytit- completing a steel ring reefer- tonal of the N. a leek It, ii. cratlo ennimit• USE STEARNS' land frontiers. Tiee egreement a once Situ coneressional loader*, court has caused a %save ONLY many's tee ',.; •.. 4:e ! t!•• l'res.detr. still subject to alters -eon sod final President ifeeeieyelt disreearthet their ty permeate the lousiness sir "Honeymoon _eneral /Int, Is i'• •• 4 • ! 4. I.. Mr approval. fears of a prolonged Na-"inend in 1Vhat the end Is going hi he, to ••ti e. 35 fto.o.e‘elt %ants Mr. "'privy It reinaln , ftweela still seeks "to maintain , sisted on enactment of his legislative nuntlier one man in End_cd That tea.1 of the national committee and to ivai spa p, l'aVa.1,1174"Clir*:11.111111% the general peace" was program. Fslipet:ull to weiteslegisls and strengthen conduct me campaign tee re election oeilio• oi the aiiministration. In this 'Leming of a Itneee-Ger- tem dealing with extensien of the less ti•-! et, !hewn by the ovo be will give up his post r Mee 4,11, 'et en It .e.;111.1 mentiened th it treaty which It Is believed Nit).. social gleetirity. trilitiee holding a'o• jr" •' II I t“ man trade 4,1tl i.sti.rta .1.1 not wish to, rsigtie th.• 11.-1:hi.•!,n, tire shoo dig signs Increase cempantes, extensien rif feeeral rue DO YOU NEED PEP? will greatly the volume of st:I ender are {rein Huey Lung and • .s• '" It'" ' no. I or Ii--' item' Ite;•,:toileato laoader In the retch_ Under thoorlty over tegekine. ship subsidy ne "I didn't *cern to Russia's ceders , lay pep or enenr1 aml ' extension this accord the Soy let will Increase :elegem-tent and of $416. appetite was p..or." • 1 atas.'e. ol i051 I -- In Germany by 2on.ono.non In neieignee tnxes. "f "'''l '' r l'•"!;‘'1 ole!oige of pnrceases o•ritIo•ism of him I'm Si, Memphis. •,. minister to Canada. Warren bo• said to he eta 1ti the :Or, n mares /about fee.otmeonne a banking Later the President conferred -eetli r‘rit eat, priserialy for the Fee time Wiwi. lie "I tried Dr. emcee. 1. '- • • by the Deutrehe Joe Itotenson, who .aie It, Delaget [Centime. suevingaged to en Medical Itisearety conserthim headed Senator et.lered the White House. •t ! •'t ate •-eht up • New leek hespital aft- Ni Bank and Discount Getgellechaft and of them fen that very entisfactory in a If ":'' l"" l'" !'' "" I" "I he of mail being reeelveil - teal appetite Is tieing made. To the cote er a week's Illness. Ile ants a first t' • All dry.. the Dresdner bank to grant import procress "-Iii*"- "1 .111 a'!" t.a Capitol 11111 tells Its story as well. u. tepee cousin of Fresirient Renege-ye anti hal Ininistratioon can be . tablets 5() credits for an nverare term of fire respondent Mr Roosevelt said he .Menthers of the himse and setiate are 11)0 fur AAA in anlil to IN. a rudder • .,, Bu" years. The teed te will hear Interest to unite' the work relief prozrarn at l'eeD in the dil'Imnele scr•lee tie:emetic to inquire of each other Write of than ee years. being one of the moat less eldp. There Is to N. '11.'„, at the dIscoo,:i rite f e s'oaak Its peak It the meelle Nevember. Trouble „ ti.ot ttoeir politieal course shoot,' be in 3.ect twin distIngnietted a the "career" men. longer any doubt that phis per cert. The N...., in te;t at which time unemployed viee ot the type ruf inquirie,u. that are Ailelph S. Ochs, veteran owner and AAA policy is confused. not to say floun- delegation Is theriew ennte• .1 to p.i y stinted he at St ork mutter Its tennis. being rcee,1 ed. pet; ;veer of the Nen' York thls Times. was dering about in helpiees fashion. It NEGLECT cash for orders placed a ith Gentian Ile indicated pregrarn would he Through many amanita the pers,,tial DON'T trio keto will o o 4.ret.ral hemorrhage has reached the stage where doiega- firms. carried out as far RS by ex charm of I r -asstres., seemed to possible'usher Theting. 01 frIentle In Chatta- lions and Individuals aro arriving In : itittng governmental azenelee lit' WIII . preArnt pypreseions rut a arltleal na- YOUR KIDNEYS! ner,en, I enn.. and 411,1 ayoid moving (rem %Elwin Teatilltr Increasing numbers to wait on the etervENCEMENT was made by the seek to worker:, ture and certainly has he'll off rom• i y • a:o --; •i 'tint( int,egt„.net ,itui:.s1r-ioug isdniess. Ile was seventy.governnient of Secret a ry Wn I la ce A that It hush env-over& one area to another. and wIll take doorstep plaints from the Imeinees section of - and you suffer backache. and had been in pour Administrator (Stria for flu ceRe te ertenelve trends In the Inmearation care of as many "a tete collar work hem t h for e„me thee. the coonntry. Certainly tho,se oho have ; eelness, burning, ecatity in too eery ire tuosAble. what the program is. not pone rem frequo lit turinatien, swoleel f• Sind natural:ration from Reel ere as ' led able money Invested sten. Another man taken by death It ought to be !mid just here that feel lame, stiff. "ell tired to 1933, and etepe were taken for the I The leen' secnrite bill finally wag about future plane. It SeeltIS foOV, hew- ankles; was Edwin Arlington lietimeen gen- Mr. Wallace' anil Mr. Husk are ahren la'" Itre DO,Itl'S I' re. of R nu Ill of and produced .in the !leer of the house of ever, that the "heresy nem'," for n iii re:ether eniteteeeti erally censitlerget the ft rimiest Amern 'h Thousands rely teem preset-whine It es representatives There were severe Ina signs of Irritation and that ;A Ul- for criminal wee can poet. Ile Wen the lei It rue prize el r. Itorteevelt asked lags 1`1110.1 and TM!' are praised this country ever. In lei u ayS SIgnInentit. It Watt mil) the ether sinesied teat N ring of bribe nikers an:I blocs againet It form as re- for poetry In Wee Ili:al and 1 thnt ligems.forth It will be a hotttle of tiet Poon't rats today. For vete by ee tr.:S. ea) Bunt a group of farm rireaniration fixers had reeeked Rs much As a null' ported. ve tin:bided representa• realities. n11 dr.:re:este. heelers came In to Wee'llnetnn to tell lion dollars from pertsene illegally en- tivre elm want heeler tinempleyment '111e Most direet attack upen the A xNut•N4:1:NiENT stag ole by eir. A alinee how the Department of ter•ng the country. and red age lely meting members from Freeltient mitt tit in the NeW 11W/1101111e &lie Stolle departtnelit hut the Agriculture Mist 110 1101111•110112 1,0 en- Ilevelsr1ns oat-nee-I- tee ioorer - 'is from W:1.1% DAN'S PILLS s'•I'''• "h nun' I!!'' Itepretgentathe James i wee' Seees lags OCeepted In general able farmers in the areas that 'is-,'re %girth, a Neat' Void: 11111111,11can. Mr. terms the pron.o,a1 of Areeuttioe and I droutl stricken to plant crops They a,. to , , . " iii it' pot v -op..: or saioi is ems pointed out the necessity for quick ac- and 'ram! 11.1. -u fl t•;!* ;art,, ho‘ril or any o t t and the face he called it efle Of the three „r 111011‘13 war in Coe Gran tion beentnno (Tops must be planted Chino. It ons expo., tell o loam four argjor "evils" of re atinanistre• stake iamasint....1 II. o. 41 slows. „Rhin the he‘t lei% tit e:oi They Mil • • .,.• 4 . cons:illed, !Ion. " had been ooird Join In the not st•li there, but Ma IA• a• ....1 Mittel • mai' P. Nambera I el. liana a iii. a ; iiy tee lax Just what will be dyne its slot & wesern Sleospot sr l'ales. iI . j Oven detertillned. \ • — --imminmeminimimmTpaggionpr-

'1111: 11 !TON OVNT1' NI.:11'S, FULTON. KENT1.1 k

RUFFLES CONFER Call for Alan-Tailored jaCkl't Stilt F - CHARM ON DRESS° 11% 111.BIE NICHOLAS OUR COMIC SECTION PA1'IA:111 0937

gmomg. A Events in the Lives of Little Men


1\ vourselt out '.1 II, a 0,11. Iti: all tailored omit loo vohioI.XI1. husS" %Oh tilt are

tilling 1111.1 dile slots ti I., tho a towee,•fal vtardrohe. Ili:liter two 1(1.111. then--iiii %% Mr the Easter style many frills arid furbelows and sweetly virade! feminine pretty pretty .1.1 lies otleDuly it is Vol that the etrktlytHin tal- p4ls,••!01, ati,ti II ,4 111.•4 tit "Seilllet Mir!. By Osborne jor.,1 ,hort .1a,l.ot lit 5 the aaly twe I.' wear" which oil prove eipial THE FEATHERHEADS The Noes Have It 1,!,on•-ored to) leaders lo la,lolooti for every daytime oecasien, there is noth S FELIV, DEAR— "(oci wouLDN'T MIND IF—IF the 'let% ,•as4011. 011 the contrary, snit- Ing Whirli Call take tho place of II [14W-4- 1110, iHg a beW1111PrifIg probletil ii14.54. good looking snit, as Is this model. It YOU DONT LIKE 1 weRe 1.0 HAVE A LOT 4:0 S. he If, known of suiting oN, range takes every is tailored slate blue men's To HAVE ME OP NEW CLOTHES ? Yr. m the thinly s bolero, oitli a %slate ineretieek. The jacket NLI2 tape ,l1.1•%1° J;11.10.i. ilk,/ tsithi 11 - 1.:11116 has that easy tit-the wa ist look which LOOKING- SHABB1' sort. to t la. tailored row piece dresa Va - Is Indicative of the Doty...0 silhouette. Do •.(ou, 2 .....7 ri A- riety which, when topped o ith Its In- telollSe Is It bile foritlte41 II OF• -- .--\ I evitable jacket. Is so styled as to look rest DIA 1113,k tiotlt Nith an 11511,! COURSE., tip part of a J;i,ket and skirt milieus. St-art neckline. ------NOT J'. Then, 1..1, MP swagger l•oat twits at p The comp:mien suit to the right ac• 7.7 "-....---- NM Stuart as the smart,''-t. In fact ally Al..., It . cents the vin.tile for contrast. -- ? 1 rostaine im In fashion this $eason Just amartiy friiiitilz.,1 interpretation /----- IS a . .r., Po it's a Snit. of 11 11111Selllifle fashion In that the 2 SEM, 1-1.t"IEEN CENTS In co ris Ilows•tcr, there collie.' the crwial broadcloth of a man's dinner / c black 1.-r :his life of every - or 'tamps (colas preferred) moment In the fashion Jacket is combined with the stripa.l v••••••• 0t patters. Be bare to wake plainly follm% tag woman %lien she must ar- fabric of formal trousers. Under this your NAME, ADDRESS, ST Y1.1-7 rive at a definite ilis•ision to "what ultra chic braid trlinnied jacket milady .til'hilt1:1( and 517E. I,, buy- in way of a new spring out- wears; a very dainty batiste blouse I tr, tilftgraMMe.1 s1 fit. I:educing generalities! as to style whieli has a jabot atid vollar with fine 710. 0. trends In the suit realm to a concrete vat lace encrusted edge. -•-:ood to son I unit we are In.lintst to lieu, cc that your ordor The beauty of a strictly tailored -". '-- jT ..4., l'..ttern Pep:Irmo-tit. Eigb• the advice offered lit the first para- suit is that miraclea can kw wiitked In ) -- Perin street, New York. graph of this discourse on suits is as Its appearance by varying the ac,,.5- AND You REALLY WOuLDNI'iT / / and s:ine and style- 1146-N,'EAR I DO)\ about as safe sorlea sorn with It. For examdle. RATHER HAVE ME LOOKINEr briallising RS any we call suggest. We fattey how stunning the double bretist ., ..(chi wANT -. , S ssure voll that there is a decided flair tailleur will look when Its owner tops .."—c.PLAI—N ? I 1 for I m E 'To BuBL"(\ tillpqn: the best dressed women It slth one of tiw stunning new nat / - irSMILES and FAr.Jcy THAT/ ; ' I the strictly marl tailored ja,•ket ural chamois , tying a stitched . SOME' NEW two exponents NO/ skirt versions, 1.!casing scarf of the identical chamois about No ;--_- ---1 CLOTHE S 2-- • / - of whieh we present in the Illustra- her throat. carrying a chamois hand- \ REGULATION ----e-A.\ ••••...... ! tion herewith. bag and wearing gloves of niatching , /------/ There is no need to dweil upon the chamois. A navr blue sailor of the -1.-74- ii ••esin you regulate :he rock es- hole season ------:-. .1 . Cat isfactions the vi new rough spun-glass straw, with navy \ chttrige'r through that one gets ,'tit of a neat blue footoetir and other aecessor:. _.-. "I if course," answered Mr. Dustin dated up.ti.tlw troinient Si,it Snell as items would likewise prove it pleasing Sms. "But it like the family clock. it ear, filetured to the left. A classic type di% ersion, \ 1,• .1 have to keep the very foundation of 0 and iis.' .vvn such as this is aa. ws•t•r• Nevr•paver titilia.:y then vicir jw14. 10k molt anent the real fa.:ts." ‘2 Eh SPRiNG SUITS ARE Bargain PEACH-BASKET HAT Is T bar. Aiken—Unison the greatest ill Ku •ft ttttt SM OF RABBIT WOOL n.( gainer I eNcr saw. , l'aine-Well-- already are show. , Fifth avenue shops •wein•rs .01.e.. (‘"c l/ Alken— When the company It, Y 0 I riewspap•r rata, spring In soft i for if Ing rabbit wool suits stalled his telephone, and told pastel. The favorite style consists of his number was he 1r:el to hea• a one pieee dresa on shirtwalst line& them down to Yonngsto%n PS with a loose ti‘.1. length jacket in • Telegram. Lough/in del per tootle of the same color. The FORCE By Ted 0 No Pinch - notch, has FINNEY OF THE frock is tailored to the last .111104, Not So Geed monogrammed ascot .•••41111 Eliurt eleov es. it WOW! wi4LiT A ACciOK-rft -7H H.11 Nich, rine :r. the of self material. a saddle-leather belt Ok—H6LLO,P4.7— TiS t jump? Any goo-l'' the skirt. HERE BE. WHERE 01 and a kick pleat in COME ‘LoNCr WE'LL 'No. Ile can haril.y clear hta 'rite a darker tone, is loose MAKES A PINCH— GUY throat," and 1101%. be worn sointir• ' MAKE THIS 01-1-ieR. and casual. To E5LAmE — ably with springtime prints sir as'. eat l'iN;K HE'S EaSed the Agony ers aud A:Ice-Why aid you tan:-ry rabbit wool- The Dew spring weight Mae--I .Tot so tired of tla‘:t:g hlat Check., ens COMO in t.•"ft, Silky around all time. and stripes, diagonal and other ise. are soft as the proverbial kitten's ear and as light as a spring zephyr. There's a putty odor that is grand anyone asks y a to Iles. ribe in combination a dark brown jack If I ew swath basket hat just tell theii• it, felt ,-rusher hat. brown leather be, .1 has it crown which narrivoa at t'.• and brown accessorietk op and 15 brim which slopes to the to odge. An Inverted peach basket Iii Three-Piece Ensembles spired this new sham: %Web is quite Be More and More Popular the topic of conversation :inning mil abroad The I..el 0.!Itintle le liners to-re and noire awl more popular. As a change ',blared has one of the v.:, I irr. from tin' %%inter woolen or fur coat 1.11711S anno1:01 50171t. Is‘ with ism. pi, cc dross, there are novel chapeaux Widen their brims Into \\\ ensembles for all hours of the day, turesque and that mushroom ef coniposid either of a full jersey or recta. Belting ribbon and a stiffened the navy Mile ninan woolen dress with cape to match, SOnle- mesh veil Wm ntf Wart, basket hat here ShilWri \‘‘ \\\\ \\ tillies %Oh an additional sort of waist• straw e. Many of the wider brimmed moilela CIO coat or cardigan jai kid, of three guar- are :mole of stitched fahrio. either • \ nit ter or rather *es cri eighths emit In the crepe or taffeta arid sonic i• .1y or 04 gystor material as the Itress underneath, black satin models are to tw seri, or matching its trimming; also of cry 11i1d triammi -V smart afternoon velvet coats the er. with fur and shorter than the dress In Scarf Thing by The scarf is among the ind!spensa the same velvet. completed by a lame Hes of this season'S Narttrobe pia', or rayon chenille tunic. imiteriais and O%Or) Shape and Res late Coat !••,.e, are mi.:wonted seipliti and os h feather siarves. l'aohowre rugs used for sports tnt clothes are U ttttt el idea for spring Suits fey 'psi's! The ,vivft silky rug., reseintiling cam- Fashion sayll "Snits for spring sc ,• et'- hair. are listed It. tomai of helm,. R." Jacket stilts, 41;s. suits Numwhialia hrooti to tastibits loose three (oar Si capital are ID (avow. fir o ngth c•,los s'iii triin Edit. lt pewit suits-a11 "• Wiwi... • oadrrillraw emmlo

AL Vat ,A1111

.1 Ill' Ii I ION \II NI , I I I Ill\ 1%1 \ II I%)

IMPROVED GREAT FEATS OF -11 !MISR INE INTERNATIONAL 1)enial IIN,4Eiene MEMORY PUT ON SHOUT AND THE BREAKFAST HISTORIC RECORD THIS WEEK. UNDAY STAMP CHAMP CHOOL Lesson ('uiless there le something Inman S The ROA to Health ineitiorl-thig figures ey REV. P U. b•ITEWATICIt. 1, 1,, all) difficult lit Illetob.r of tee,•tilty, 114 le Male itidekl%, Ole young Seth ot Illelgrail.' ‘ilolpit S. Ochs mull lit.' of Chleast, New.inuotr By DR. R. ALLEN GRIFFITH hams to hate set up a ssei Russia's New Platte elt, WI/anon •-•-•• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •-•-•-•-••••••••...... 11. record by cotimilititie itielii,or.% west ilittit and Sulfide II affinities 111111ilier emitaininZ ocktail Parties Lesson for April 21 HOW TEETH INFECT THE more than eighty Ilziires does not ' death of Adolph S, saitos SYSTEM VIIII home,'41,l114. an% thing remark- and Ow tier of the 'New 'a in, T1111118, 14 THE FUTURE LIFE (EASTER LES able. Ile %could at any rate have A great loss to SON) nit ii 1(711'11 the exception of venereal ills- :1ta'l .6 i.‘',,111 litial hie A11101(1111 journal- in fi lairil ea,e,e%ory disease,every germ that " i11 ;".•' Ism 011,1 good till. I.Essosi Th'ix'r-i.oke 21 I-111; John Houghton tMonektiiii %Ines), who entera the hiuiiimii,, system intuit enter Zellatilit. t1 r. ()ells 14:1-6 4.111'e repeated I Ile teller{ In every t1.DEN111 TEXT-1 stit the renurree• through the mouth. neat. or a break • was a good Ameri- louts.. of common.' dit Irina for the tIon and the life; he that beliet,eth114 in the skin. The mouth Is the most can. %hose life though he were ae•ua, yet shell he and nes. ettensIve breeding place fee germe, preceding sixty 3e.irs /Ind suggested work set an admir- 11:25. tin "amusing game" %chic!' eons:awl l'11151AllY TOPIC-Jesus laving thane.. any disease can Amin 11 foothold able etample to las Again. 111 the 1111Intin system, It 1111111t hilVe In eineh plaser git Mg the name Of a profession. JUNIOR Toeti•-Jesus lastest Ag11111 is parliamentary borough and the per- Tot,. Plaett of InetiliatIon HMI a PrrIod of .%1I lily life • IN'rttleSts:Ola -re AM) st:Ntoit sons ccli,, hail representshl It during Hereafter llletIliallon and that plikee Is the un- hard worker. eon- IC -LIN Ilero and YOUN,I PEOPLE AND srxiolt Tor- clean mouth. the same shay yeartt„ Gasket! said scientiitus. InilitTer- te-Life tit this Light of Eternity. \\Imre 'ire the itneumoco. cum, the tu- that lie unit his father onee plasm' ent ti. p.rsonnt bercle bacillus, the virus of scarlet at that game nearly a whole ilaY profit. 'Mr. Living (Mark fiche I. God, the God of the teem-, nma•les, croup, 00., most fre ultheut stopping 11 hat prodigies of °flee put to Ilas 12 :2ii, 2:1. *metals- found? In the unclean human useless knowledge they insist hilt 11 other II% e :143111T' uriter and 'If /1 1111111 die, tie mouth. 11'4. are not nstonislied when been'. frlemis the (pooh is an age tong quest ion, is affirm.- we !Intl Itilllions of challis of the six Alli011o relliarlealrIO teat of 111e111 Arthur ever In universal thin, lils Ilvely answered by both the varieties of streptiteocel an,1 cry is recordel ut a sohher cciii holy scrip- 11.1' 'au make •'if the 11111111111 eollVietIon and the or imemtme..,TI ot the itveritze mouth served ii. the New Zeal.,11,1 evpeili It 14 * P• • m•-•avid And II,•••1 Institution?' turen. Death does lit end till. and these are among the dangerous ills- titulary force during t hi cc :tr. Ile not a leap into the dark. It Is rather germs All ot these micro or- claimed that could remember the tlee.oallnit to 1.1.iy.1 George. the open door through which human ganisms tire alaorbeil hr epacea tiaine mu tat tommer or e,..0 light ot 1 :he worlils real 11.vtila nation, ' personality enters into the around and beteetei the teeth into the 1110 loattalion. and W. claim ee as is hut a - aeis probabls, tho world's glorious freedom. Life Itself Timmins nicitiliratie or the mouth and 11111 lie fl test te hell Ille preparation for the • -v. 11.t.ding air fleet. It Is training school, a Into the tonsils. The% are swallowed 11/11 1:111111; Ile:011111a fIer4 n ere blown after death. the comiti that tly- larger and higher life Into the stomach and drawn Into the liii soul all the r.'.-'iris \ter.. de toe seriously, It 's.ilit0,0011 Those who in their lifetime are in kings. l'onstant anal persistent doses Itut the soldier, who IS time the eternal 1 11Isrliati. trained hl !CS. young relation to Jesus Christ, of micro organisms :not their toxins a professor at Mikersitt-, Ittissiati g.ris learnina Ti pilot planes Life, shall mace II ultimately break down the resistanCe ails as go...I 114 his Olin! 1111i1 M4.- and dirigible,. and make 241.1441 foot II. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ of the headily human organism. 11111 14 the missin g details. Montreal parachute Jumps, as our young girls (Luise ala The germs ti,1111d Iii dItteaSeil teeth learn new ilatiee mep.. Chr.stialdly Is The supreme test of and septic mouths are swept Into the elitist from Thi. makes 11111nortant Ituasia's an- the resurrectiiin of .1eS114 stem:telt with solid nnd liquid food ant Task for Scholar matters little what nouncement that she Is mantifartur- the dead. It Intected s,u Tic a, %VW.. 1111111Y of them .\ Greek selielar. %% hen I 14 a hile alive. If his Ine airplanes on 1I 111344 production Jesus said ate! did are destroyed, twiny of them miss into It In.! a o coIle:.7*. In 1 Ile 11111• grave. If lie basis, using for air power atie body remained In the the Intestines alien. they set up putre- 11, ee nether ho nary light auteneobile engine." The did not ciane forth Iti triumph from faction and snamitactere tiethis and would do the in-:111111mi the comp!! planes, very cheap, usina ordinary the tub, then till his claims are food noisome These hate a spetial meta iif trails:to:lig their eolle.a. did will be supplied to collee- false. tin the other hand. If lie predilection for tierce cease. motto Into Greek. Ile emirleionsly true. tive farms. Itaise'm may be the first arise, all his claans are The absorption of entero-organIsrns tn.:reed and then asked u hat the Mot lia: to do with asing machines I. The empty sepulchre (vv. 1:1). and their toxins into the circulation nas. It %%114 hefore hint what us responsitile title country did.% ith alitomos a. The coming of the women (v.1). for rheumatism. arch- Uhl lie read the aiiros: blies. Allieriearl ritis and t1114 na- As an etpression of affectionate re endoearilitis. The micro or- out purpose is pies...! tion On wheels. If Russian *nigh gard for the Master, they came with ganisms are earried by the blood stream neeritia skill puts Russia on wings. ; apiee,1•„ r his t,,,,1). Ii' the johns ant heart where they Dr. Pierre's Pellets are hest for liver, %lit It make stinie other countries b. What they tound (vv. 2, 3). When produce these destructite tlisenses. tswela and stomach. (hie little Pellet fer has into Isistive three for is esthartie.-Adv. thoughtful. they came to the sepulchre (11.-y found 'flits been proven by Injecting ONCE you taste Grape Nuts Flakes, you'll guinea pigs ennui- the stotte fiat beon removed, but they es made from tho dicer too! And it not only has a delicious fla- A man 14 mouths persons Si the Big Army of Hunters young found stratiaelv found not the body of Jesus. For of infected. vor, hut it's nourishing. One dishful, with nairdered, or committing same diseases being yr...Need in the Neariv Costo.tinil limiters paid el.-, suicide In them to have found hie body in the mac or cream, contains more varied nourish- an unusual viay, hanaina from a low guinea pigs. Also, treatment of the slate licenses in sepulchre would hate beeti the aorta's ment 'Ilan many a hearty meal. Try it-your tree. Ilis legs were fastened !whin! tragedy. 'The empty totub mouth tals caused au improvement or the latest year tor cc 16.11 records tin. greatest 1.fofer 1 act hls cure sa% s do. !Grape-Not, Flakes is a product of back with chains. chains were spoke eloquently of the deity 111111 pow- of the diseased conditions. Iiiolozicoi \\* General .-oods. around his hand* aim neck. and a er of the Sou of God (Rout 1:4). Prime treatment of the mouth. the In stammarhatie reports from se'a won In an ath. medal ta it ht. 2. 'The message et the men In shin- cure of many of !bear diseases by '.c s. conservation departm-i.os. contst e was tetnatie treatment °therm iSe has failed tette fasmoed Ith • ing garments (vv. 4 s). aria will •afety pin 10 One of hie nostriht. a. "Whis- seek ye the living einem; continue to tail. At Ti.' man. thirty,one, who had betel the Lica,i“ (v. 5). The anzels' ques- the Century of l'roeresn In Chi- cago rentilo)ed In lui.ic hug pietures as a tion has continued to reverberate in flue dental exhibit was shown eubstitute for avtore under danger- through Ma centuries. the fossil jaw of it mammoth which ous contained a dental eonditions. Is believed by police b. "He Is not here, but Is risen" abscess that would to have killed himself In a strange (v. 6). Jesus, before he was cruci- haid thrtsa -ftnd -otre-hstf-firtn.tr711' perk- way. through vanity, to attraet atten- fied, had told them that the Lord %Vim knows but what this dental Rh- BUM S turns over a New Leaf! tion. ...terming to the limb of a tree. must be betrayed and crucified and see.i May have can sod the death of adjusting the chain, dropping an,1 that on the third day he would rise. even this ininienso • • • strangling. 3. The women witnessing to the Puttee quote a superstition of cer- eleven (t v. tall). Their thrilling testi- THE FIRST PERMANENT _ ----.4e- tain Malays alto believe that evil mony concerning the empty tomb and WlAf TOOTH HELLO, MR. BURNS!M '--- spirits carry off their soule if they ties words of Um angels appeared to fir!jc hc. v.: 0_ NEE OF0 kill theniseltes. When they commit the apostles as idle tales. WONOER IF YOU'D l'rZit*Ii AWAY::11( 11F„ first permanent tooth conies (tiHAR (A0-'ioi4SAI TH S B (.) H AR1 , suieide they exhaust their Ingenuity 4. l'et Intestigating (v. 12). While Spkiww,38ARPENAeTEHsEScioER 11 EARL:. -TAKE. 'Em I. OA 1"tr::ED cF . TInto the mouth between the slviit viOR LOAM In efforts to die In $uch a tashlon the testimony of the %%omen seemed as l GuyS THAT WANT I and seventh :tears. It comes In just Sem(wriCRE t6C.INC,, IMPOADi as to make suicide %rem Impos.itile. Idle tales. hat r a as bet of the tem- tV3 "C (AN 'O) 'U 1) KILL. bad( of the baby teeth and Is fre- /14..TI_Ri()tir AWAY! .• that the spirits after inspection 111:1y perament to lightly dismiss the matter - quently miataken for a hal,y tooth Yal.;RSE l r F 3R. ,t decide that the ileail titan was mur- he ran tu the ,....ploehre. a"t r. • "11.00Kiiit.E."GOVN because it doei not repla.... another 1...... 4.- dered and :eare his soul in peace. upou clo,e itivesli4atimi he round the r - A tooth. It Is Calle,I the six year molar, ) NiN -- linen clothes lying in such a way as • -J.--- f and Is the largest tool Mos! IMpor- . •••:, elk , During prohiltitIon. the hatot of to prote the reality tit the resarree ''s-- tant tooth In the dentai - , ! drunkenness Was no-intros'] by timny, 1"" tit iii. The six tear molar ..f parti.aalarly young women. They t'-e great- Jesus Preparing a Place in est concern to dentiats yield more easily than men to the dentists Most Heaven for His Owl (Jelia 14:1 3). are familiar aith the troublettome effects of aleohol and dreae. rise The hopes of the ,l sciples were ut- tare of the tooth. It drives once "caught" they are eauelit for more ch.1- terly shattered when Jeass told thme dren to the aentist than life. usually. all nti;er about the cross. Ile col,s..•ed them teeth (Nimbi ne.i. arneriaan fathers find neither, that by pointittg tel the reuniou in tio• If live are to do the for elith s give cocktail parties for their sons theial This lo. .1,1 by dren ice 11111-1 save the si mo- :mil (NIL:titers. or permit them In Asking them to trust In him lars. When the six sear molars tire boases, should be plainly their told eveu as God (v. 1). Faith in the Goil- extraetea the dental arch Is rolthel that they are eleive their money to man. Christ Jesus, ail' steady the of its support. It Soon 0111.11isfelf T110 itranktiras of ilatigotere make the heart no matter how Intense the grief. teeth In frioit if it fall hnekviard and am, siaia. riml are not tit to hate, or 2. Ily informita, theta that he cc a-. a spa.... apps,. S toot o the front , britaruii. clalleen. tee going to the Father's boils* to prepare th. T1oe III.` symmiet rical iSHUO(S..COFTEE a home for theta (v. 2). lie declared curve of the face is lost, and nothing Y4:•."`Z1&tMA's/ I in salition to moving (ahotto moire. fgof 5AV -7/ NV-TELL HiPA NEvER HUZT mE! : that in that house there were many can restore It SE COt:•FEC-NCRvES! CAN'T FM& *tattlers to the tlerman lines. Fran.* abiding placee. neaten is an eternal The stx•sear tutelars are particular!! IF 40.1 HAD MY ONE MORE STILL- MI Vt•:ti E IllIrriedly e.‘nneetivz her steel and I HAO ir . BUf I QV if AROuND Is dwelling place for Gentle Children. valualtie Itt,..1-st, thoy do most of tho atiap.St..-1C'a Ansa , PEEP 00f to; CuSTomER! SAIS I ttiVo: TX) eonerete ltne fiirtresses, WI ti barb .,1 chew-Tit,: for a pt COFFEE ANd Swi1t:44EO ticRE. IF 3. IV assuring tie in that tie would -r....1 of firle yea ra. vvoN,T 1.4).t..,ES1.4.;44,s-i,.-,u'o HAN A..ta HE'LL muiti COFt"-CE! o .ro ronetles. stiE Illol -1 111r- CoilIle ag:1111 and them to heaven These foar teetli e r plaree FOsTuM Ats0 WON S 5.44rf,'" Iii' I) BE 1.1)!, FE l'AmBE ft? BE1TER ty thousand soldiers see lizz:ng in aft Ile aid Collie Mill cad forlh ,-st".1 six sears of az.e„ I .4AV1 A\;',1 WAS IVNSEt ACANI! ft) POSi tlq TRY KoSTOM! 3-oa read. from Vitt grate It.'-,'wt..)• died the iim-er syr,re'y moan the c-_ The Frenth apparently expeet the and It- Ins:oral .,i,,1 lower. l'here are no tei th hack of ‘1 4 ••••-•••• I - V • • \ ; o1,1 11 itig .•.er loit they take t:ietat ail toget',,a %% i t!, I, tit theta eh!: III.' 11:1 I I., I%\. 01e year. ;r•-• -; • 1 ,- all ti-t sts• ‘. 1'1 -ti t`... t,t•Nit loreter in the ii•-ce (1 a 7! e Se.-. •:1 1 ai.,'.,rs com war wit hot s , • !• ,• I 4:16. ' ".V Ir.! I !I-7 l!,.. , • , • , IV. Jesus Christ Is the Way to the I • • '" • • ' irs- : • ! :I! '•••7.• Heavenly Father 4.1..liti 14 4 Ili. the 11 ClIiZenS I! 11 polS.11 ;11,1 ii In :visa cr to I :saihis hocrposeil 1..i,10 tor ellea rug hi .1%., I ,.a, If ashy molars are l's! or dis ir.ed thev N(ItIIIIIZ SAW be mere lossitee than .10,11,1 a...e,I11.1 i I. Taal he is the 0,1% (v heskas cannot nssist the slx tear Inolara .1. a front line trem'a la the tleNT W.1 r. 1 1 I I I I r.,1 ro t: !.. food P.:, for it,' - t' 0 1 la! • •, \...k 1 . ,••,‘ a- I ': 1 ,,, V. MI -'" I. .• tome- Ish the rapidit I' !0,1:i11,•!1: ! ,• Th•• 1v 1,- it, I prem al l'••I `" ••• t.rop to k•st w r •,- ! ! . • • ‘t otht r ing the theery A!' r ! I children. but didn't suppose carr.,!, Iti 11,A it, .•• •••• I re , • in. The ,it taaila hurt me! inn.t hal gs II It trim) Ti.-.'.' that • -,n these lave no toeney. Itiial atol aorlds a ere ."-•-••r" l'" i"••• ' • ------Mealy adults. too, find that ,ar 1.••••'t till, tt ••• or t 30 DAYS LATER There:ore. cs.a) litie of it! I,, ether k teeth the caffein in coffee upsets their This **doe,' Ti ra,ss ant:words -tr.. and tome te ocli apiritual of 1,,n) len an.1 the in:11.ems. iif ...stain "es lior!- re" 1 nerves. causes indigestion or 3. twe't e. r two . U. Ri Th. 11:e (V,lii. tairist is 1..of TAAT' GK... NO 'i 1.51°1'412°SLC111-SHWCI'its5 m6i.ti):1:1 prevents sound sleep!" brines res,.'•.4 101.,:11,1111Z ;lens of these firs! pet maneht tewil mire niere:y the. givi•r f Ilre. I•0 the very le•' Lizoutta AT ALL! I'LL HAW S° G°°1;3"'"111E'l ' what %%hen danzere,:, dot., the jaas are not held etieti the rano • esselice tin .y who re EM OUT f•OR WU IN -- k WE'RE BCGINNINI' - trines are preat ht-,1 recklessly. ilistaneetill the 'tea s , It) MAKE onto Chris" hate hft, ii the true If you suspect that coffee disagrees with you ... try - .olier teeth thst ar.. 4,1 1% HALF AN HOUR i . ""V \ Sense. Pratt= for 30 days. Prat um contains no caffein. It is 1.1tes• ales that Chan torcitia them mit of I ne I re... • k, . - a simply whole wheat and bran, roasted and cellor is tee :is toistoue fer "war ale them from reieine eth rely Ii /*lightly You M•y B. Wrong sweetened. it's easy to make,and costs less than half In • hurry' se els alleeeil. The ..y cc :iv 1ii f -r sal 1 Ciom eare aw r,.. your chililren•s teeth Is to !lams . a cent a cup. *" Alum is delicious and may prove • Sir Jelin Simon, rps1iii, welt ,.! T. •,• 1.1! I eeltell from Haler a CI' I.! In the car.. of Oi- 1 at th- teal help. A product of General Fisals. weitten ti', I 1.0 1 - 41; 11,t nes. Ile a ith 1„•oi, the :- 1 First. e ten year nemizatession 11.1.,14‘,11 p.11 !:, .I I.• - supply of Postum t,seth free tr-ett de, !•• l• ti , • FREE!Your first week•• treaty with Gerithiti)'e neizbliors, cps. may lie in a Is a good mail the coupon. 'nide at fre,tnent InIere AI.. ii.. s, body to titta. k tint unit ei•,. Word ill :Al 'or 1111 SInall vavities it. so,.n ss they it I,.. ••,F ,,,,, e. l4aI Cleve. WU!, o • •.• S-,o111,1, ii1,!..,!;:e to is fli`O Hindering God !war, n1111 keeie the h'01 11 ffel. ft . Srna rte. o it hoot .ilvhgat ion, a week's *omen, 11011110 ant a•sist itic.• front Not ellan's tibors leJ s1:11114 7111t1 tar! tr. Ile nil s Nano. any 0:11 It st intim: A war. 1 :1,,w Ti keep the 111 ill A • niamiohl 4 inf.,. Iiinher the prest el Street littler wrote C...1, owl, ho 0 ',wan" Cod, ih-ta ihiest, hash thy •I ,10, nth' If this it. 1.•,:•,!.".•••••_•-•• 's• •••••-• ••• Fo',1 to /1 1.`e 1.1 is!' vanities, anti Fall i•MrPOrPht- re,ne terro, and ad./rose trent! -Not !Ida tine'," mime In in a death healthy mouth fres busy thonams, nail tares; lu *aerie, llst. otter emote. IlYeverthe. AI, 19.15 King 1'etit•Ires St n,t,:ete, Tea deeity. 15:s. seek thy Fathers face. frtim ey. %settee Neee seer Vele% ,L THE 1F011,TON OfirNTY NLWE4, KKNITI 4 la IRO ."01111414 .1,•••••••... S. Will Says 'Life Begins at 40' aiiisismoi.'711111=0111111111111111111111/ and Mares I cr ft!, ke I A I

I II :11:•tifiirAM...0711111111inallegr.r.T.. ' AND

it Al 11 I , 1 I

II t•I ! 4, .4.7 . 1 . NE* iLvi PR1CLS

DAVIE Cl EASTrit SUNDAY APRIL 21 I I [4,4.1,1 SUNAYS MINNisurs-smestiiiimihruagossitia.. /nor x•pau mt. L.... qine. •r • OMIA. IMO I \I

01.11011Wellirift.Vr.Vatali att.41102CrAlratraPOPP111111 ..'N... Iv 311,.`1,111 - Tircs on' Easy Tcerzis W1 11( EL.A. $1.00 11.Avirti. $•4!1) Weekiy •r, A MN.kot-c Wight \I itti,..• a , I • 1.r.. • Adffits e • • ::'..trick.44.t14. ., .....f,A.TURDAYS., I 2011' ti „ I 11 I \ 1) pin. 16c After p.m. 26c I I &MR Milli . t • IN „1 5!" "" 'ASTER SUNDAY .00 N33,,10:: • e, a w e.

.44V 00. Alt -cc."

4, 1 I( )11111iiI `•(..rvicc Itt ,1

I' ‘.1 \ 'I'‘III.Ilk Il 11%1.1 ••• I -1 I 1!1 I I 110. *Call -11NIBBArriatOONAtai..3111LuctV.:111.0 M.L'CiL, ,4 M...31).114,144%10:66'044V " *" "VI tt• • 1. a 10 t

Thcse priccs iretf Frizlay ond SaturtiLay, Appil 19091.11‘d tb .-,4 I -RA 4 WWII:RR 1ES Bk-Nt- Oti:iliv pint 1/1. 1-1c I411-11-.\\ FOA1ATOES ,4 rd npc I (wild•• itic Brerts NUS RC,C HELLE HUDSON 39c i APPLES 7 wiipesap doz. 23c RICHARD CROMWELL GORGE BARRIER Surrmer..i... '1- ROTS large Jan* Dar-*•11 - Sim bunches each Sc ..81. •4 ., BANANAS Jumbo size 3 pound 14c %, \ Salmon Pink No. 1 tall can 2 for 19c 'Silly Symphonir I II, It 1.1 kil; 1 I;" ‘11., k I) Ins I MI III - 1: I MEAL Best Cream 24 pound sick, cach 59c /., APRICOTS,sea -rock. No. two and one-half Paramount News can each ISc aiirassimmos i NAVY BEANS best grade 10 pounds Ac Starts TUES. itt SALAD DRESS11+16 Country Club, Quart each 29c 1 ! , Joao TEA 19c ' I I 37c I Wesson oil pint 22c quart 42c are :11 it :Ig;iill

\ F (: t . \() 1 .1k 11 I t

Ct 114 Mustard, stata st. qt. 10c I Jell°, all flavois each 6c .1( c,R.vp: R.I. \\ 1, Prunes, Evap. large size, 2 lips 15c Spinach C. C. No. 2 can 10c st GAR pun. 14)-putindki,4 PO 1.1 101. s \\ Ink 2.;,• AMONIIINIRINIMMIIMMongor 111111111111111.111.1111111111MAIIIIIIIMMIAll I 11011 I I 'TRAVELING SALESLADY' l il44 Cr lb 1.4 IV \\ I I II I,‘ I.\ hi III Ii I ik.1.1k.'. BACON \ \ NN II I I \! 1 \ 10, IU tat lit

\„,1 MA I • II 1 • I 11(bel Sooii-Ce Into You! 'Llance p--_ :r .~SarlfieNterwto- -


II Iii 'l. 11,1 ••• \ N I ill 1: 1 \ \III I

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III I' 111:1,10 it -oh

1 111114 4.111111 lii 1 t .1 . • 1 I. .

11000111001.k 1. 1 I .1 pu...pu,i',1 II t

\ itI .tit III,• M •-1 1111-AI No . I i• 1•1 I1.1 1 1 •

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1.!1 .41 • i it ;1' Ili.' .11 11111` IP• 44 .t, 41111114•1 It 141.15 .•V1litI, 1111111111 111'; thy 11111 1 1 111:... rnsareste t•I \ • 1 1'; I III! \\ ttl 11s 11.1r i‘ h. 111 %%111%11 General Electric Stit.413v all% 11a, ell 31 „ORB ‘141101,4.11 , 111 \ \l 1111: 1 1:1 \ \ ', I,\ I t I t.t. 110111e• 11:1 111 if 1,1 Refrigerators 10,...,1 ta lu Is a, a II. 1.4 111% 11. 1 1 i III 1101. IIR .1 V.I 1' • I. ' 1,1 1111' 1,1, ..1•111- .1.114 1:11.1 I)111$1, 11114i 1 1 111,M. I. 14.1 1 h1.• ‘1 It 'ti'111 1. 1 .11olt. 11 .41 aII , it/1 1 VI 11114 1 Ili,1 \I, 4•1,11 1.1 114• 1.1111111i4 ‘111`.11i. 11‘ Fulton Heilw 1 1 11 1 11!, it i 411111 1111 1111 111.1. 4.411 .1.1 1 1 1 811,1 1 ...14 11., • 1••11 rtil,•11 \It .1.4,4 at It • .% S141114.4 It,, 1 .11141 4.1 1h4. ,4 1,..111,11 \II .1 11.1 SIt I PICK I '4 4.41 I...,414•1 '4111 S1.1 I. 1' Ili, 1 4... 1 ‘1 1 ;,ret Or Company 1,i4 Id Ill to •t• 10' • • . • • • , ei SI is S. I. \KIM' \ .11:1/11iii. ••% II I II 11 I I' IIL ‘‘ S.1.1 I 1 S Ii1 411. :711112 snow t • \ nresill•/1 I 4l - p: • I 1111111114.1 4.1 1. 44.11.• II ;1•!1.1 the St;t1t• l'•• it I . I '••'1..:•1. :41 • \\ I \ Li 't !. I .t. t•••I, t tttt! tr. rti! SI , SE D lIt. 1 10, iij, 1-181111011111111111111111111111110 toIi 44 Ii 11•1,111.-, 4. .41141 I II mit la •t1 S a. ;01-11 St.., • • 1 i .11 I 0.11'1 1 1 \ JIRS \ 1 If SI k N.11 I 1mt.v Ars more S1CC.1,11 1 11-1(•(' ( )fl 41141 I \ . _ BETTER • 10 I Itt Soniethilw, New tlikkfillitrad of them ' d them aro fps!** traded In for Used Refrigerators 'fiat-belling 11135 .1es4if-11- That's why • V. HORN BEAK yetill find the pick of Die best used cars at FUNERAI Tit 1f1.. 1 i 1(11 1: 11 \ 1141: 4 \ )1111\1. 541 III ford Dealers. Many Makes. Low prices. 11 1 HOHNHIAK, . III' 1:`,I 11i 1. SE11. Iluddleston Service Stdtion (-Convenient terrn•. MKS I C. Y Al ES, • Lady A isso•taut. •

M.: HAVE A EAIVH: STfieh (1N 11 1N11 1N 1 \ 1.1 1.49 yt,i IA, ), I


I I,

HAMS Mayrose half-whole lb. .24 PICKLE Heinz Cucumber qt. 25c TOMATO JUICE Heinz two for .19 Lamb hind qr. 20c fore qr. I7c BACON sliced pound 33c SAUSAGE pure pork lb. 23c lhese Prices ROAST pork shoulder lb. 22c Fri. and Sat. CHEESE Longhorn lb. 22c end,loin, T-borige lb 35c April 19, 20 STEAK i 1; \ • 1)\II 11- IL 1 INF 111. '41 N 11 111' HAMBURGER pound I5c i• 11!. 1;1 \ \ ND \I \TERI . \ Srlt1-.1 4 N(). 2 1 - 1.111: :••:4 1; \ I I! I ••• I "1 !I \ 1 V\ II\ I 1 1 ; I I; 1 I 1 Gelatine Royal 3 for .19 Asparagus Center l • tiK .19 Spaghetti 10c Pears Keiffer '''. .19 ....( tI1 %... , liraat 2 for 23c Prunes 30-40 size lb. .10 "1( • I• (• • PET MILK 3 large or 6 small 23c Kranicr 1,1)r. Co. A.C. BUTTS 4E4 SONS GROCERY

• • 1' „ 1.N I - I
