Murray State's Digital Commons Fulton County News Newspapers 4-19-1935 Fulton County News, April 19, 1935 Fulton County News Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Fulton County News, "Fulton County News, April 19, 1935" (1935). Fulton County News. 91. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fulton County News by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • LOWE'S CAFE INVITES YOU TO EAT FASTER DINNER THERE I filitton County News +111.1 i III hotie l'Aper - ‘liperior Coverage •••••••••••• I I I i 1 111 \ I \ I 1 1% 1:110 11 P. P135. •• I 111111 It I 1111t 1 1 1 \ III I 414144(1(4 1.1;t4i,n \ ;SOUTH FULTON SC1-10OL Km I Lions To Stage SUcILL 1, I \ II I I, II' `. 1 \ 1 III 41'A New Theatre To I , . 1 .1. 1,1 1 "I Annual Laster II 1, 1, 1 1 . ii.. 1 Open itt Fulton Here 11 4 I .1.1 • • ' 1 1 1; ,1 I.1 it •I. 1 •,.. % 41 .• I, 11...i, I. won.' o • o About May h.t. Egg Hupit 1111. I. 11111111 kV111111111..: C11111 41411 1:. 1 .11:11.• 1.11 1 1 . 1.1..11 t%'11 1,11, III . '1V. I.I.I.' , . ,1 1 1 , .... I 111 I,' .114 i 111..111 111> 1111.1 till''' 1,,,,,,' .. 11,1,1..1 t1n Iii,'' 11.411 1,1 1 ,, ,, 11 1...; I 14*•1 ,. ,, I f , , . 1114411 \VW. 111.' .1.14111 1 i ill 14441 . I 14.111. .1,11111 ' II. F. h. 'rho...a , Il 1111 t1.,. 11.11 ,4 411.11:111 1111.111 1.111..1 II I ;, , .1.,,,‘11. A.11.11111 .1 1 1(1111 0.1 1 11. ' It rl• . 4.1 ',lid 11..1 ....i.., III Ill I .11t,',.1. tol • ' 111111.61 1 .1i.. E111 1 111.11 to I,. v. II • 1114. d Iiii/ pi. 1% 1.;i: 41. Lit. , on,,Imisi. I , :1 ,1 1111111'11 1 Of • . 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