PRICE TEN CENTS FIFTY-SIX PAGES, REGISTERED IN UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. IVolome XXL No. 25. CINCINNATI-NEW YORK-CHICAGO LILLIAN LORRAINE, in The Follies of 1909, pnge Fabius Henrion DON’T PATRONIZE US CHEAP If the prices that you paid before we made ELECTRIC PIANO MUSIC, HAbtolut*!; were satisfactory. Remember wo are Non-Braskabl* Rultabir for amsll forcing Piano Manufacturers to estab¬ tbratre and murlDS lish fair prices; if you want to always ptrlnra ahowa. VVa carry these chairs ONLY have them, and get music that is su¬ In Block and eaa perior in all respects to what you had ship Immedlattly. iWcoDd'band chairs NOISELESS to tahe and look pleased at, then give also aeatlns (or ost <«f door uae. kdd. us your business. Dept. B. 8TBB1 CARBONS KUKNITURE CO.. (> r a n d Rapida. MUSIC FOR ALL MAKES OF Mlchlfan. Boatos ON A. C. (NBce Conarsaa PIANOS at., Boaton, Maas Write for Samples and our List of Monadnock Bldf.. FILM EXCHANGES. San FYanclaco. Cal.; N. Y. Ollire, 44 Dark Ilacs. —Sole Importers— ^ li Z J Less than a dozen, fl.50 ei Edward E. Cary Co UNITED STATES MUSIC CO ■IHCORPORATEI LARGEST MAKERS IN THE WORLD 1030-36 N. Western Avenue, - • . CHICAGO, U. 8. A. - ■ -- Write for Catalorua. - Send In your orders for the Moving Picture Machines, PITTSBURG Stereopticons, Slides, Accessories. FOffTIIEt MADE II A tIMLE SEAtOI CHAS. M. STEBBINS, Operatina the “Ctrcllna Ware" Amuaement Oa CHIP RINGS 1028 MAIN STREET. - - KANSAS CITY, MO. Tice. If you want to KLEVATB MANKIND. If Trice, $2..'>G per doa. Sole aeonta for the O yon want to make the Old People alad, tba S. and Canada. B. BILVERXAlf JEWELRY Large Line of Edison Goods. Est. 1899. Youna People happy, and All the Peo^e merry CO., 702 Penn. Ave., Pittabura, Pa. he anre you bare a "Ctrcllna WaTo" for the aaa aon of ISOe. Re first to work yonr own territory with the mnet practical and leaat eiiwnalee RM Ina Device In oae. 0|ierated by aaaollne enalne. Illah-claaa moalc by a biRhdaaa cylinder oraas or piano. Write for cataloane with price and Hat of teatlmonlala. ARMITAGE A OOINN, Sprlnarllle. Erie Co., New York. We are headquarters for all the latest noT* elties. Send for our catalogue on Confetti, DESIGNS AND LOWEST CORRESPOND WITH US Canes, Knives, Carnival Goods, Rubber PRICES FOR ANYTHING Balls, Rubber and Gas Balloons. CHEERFULLY FURNISHED DESIRED IN THE LINE We are exclusive agents for Cincinnati and vicinity for I. Eisensteio & Co. Prices in THEATRE SieNS Qncinnati same as in New York. THE GOLDSMITH TOY IMPORTING CO.. ieciaL net prices 122 K. Fourth St.. Cincinnati. O. FO.B. CHICAGO Theatrical Goods Worsted Tlfbts and Hhlrta, $2 each: LET US KNOW Cotton Tlcbta and Bhtrta, ft sach; Caneaa IHimpa, 2Sc.. with leathar ll2lSV^[LLlSj antes. 50c.; all I^eather Pnrapa, tl.OOi YOUR WANTS Canvas Hboes, $1; with leather aolaa^ f1 50; all Leather Kboea. soft aotaa, JJ}Nt D/STAMCS TCLmiONC CHICAGO $3.50: Elaattc Supportera. $1; Batla MAI At S¥0 Trunk with collar and cuffa. apangisd CO* wASHiMoroM « ikahkuh sn. and trimmed, $5. Be aore and aaod alse and color. Depoalt required oa all fonda sent C. U. D. Cataioftwa lelllna all abont abore gnoda aant oa requeat. WHIRS S TART A CONE FACTORV L. M4 Main Btrsat, Bpringfiald, Maaa. -Souvenir Whips- ' FOR WHOLESALE 1909 MODELS FOR RETAIL JL NEXT SEASON Tippecanoa City. O. Will be a bic one In vanderllle. New tbeatraa Miami Co. AUTOMATIC PARISIAN ICE- are oDenlng and there la a demand for people who hare new acta. etc. Since 1879 I have FOR SALE—At a bargain price—Small jK CONE OVENS been writing for profeeolonal ose. Vaudeville and Moving Plctore Show in (PATEHTED DIP BTITZM.) Saginaw, seating 200; 200 reela of Film, $10 per reel, in go^ condition. Beet Sketches, Monologues INDEPENDENT FILM SERVICE at machines Snnga. Farcee, Comedlea, and Dramaa. I write right prices. only to order. All work guaranteed to make ^ ICE-CREAM PUSH-CARTS a hit. No dnpllcated material. Reaannable rates for material that will make good In any theatre Troe method of making cooes—no rolling, or over any circuit. BOB WATT, Drsmstla DO burning bands, no waate batter; savee Author, lOd Walnut Bt, Pkilsdalphia, Pa. SAGINAW, MICH. lime, labor, money, fnel. It makes that never drip, that artistic, that fit to eat cone, the Parisian, far ahead of the loagh leathery kind. Wa bnlld ma- Near, Clever and Mysterious. Can be per- V, chines for the largest mantifactaiers. formed by anyone. A sack is thoroughly ex- Ten can't afford to overlook this gold mine. Fine lot of Films, 2 and S centi per foot; ale amined. after which the performer gets into Write quirk for cirrulars and prices cover tng the buslneas fully. gent rondlUon; will aend C. O. D., aublect to it and the Do:k of the sack la then tied and eiamlnatlon, uiain receipt of ei|>reoa ebargea seaU-d. A screen is placed In front of It and In Ibing Klldea, $.') a set, v^lb music. Rend for less than two minutes be escapes and the knots lists. P. 0. BOX $05. Mew Orlaana, La. are found untouched and still sealed. Price. complete with aack. $2.2.5. THE OAKS HOV- ELTT CO., Dept. 50, Oshkosh. Wis. P. S.— Mention this paper and we will a<-nd free with Fat'd Dec. 26, '06; Feb. 26. '07. Others Pending, sack, the full direcllona for eaoat»e from any handcuffs, leg lrone, vault and '.arge safe. Postal Card Mand; finished while you wall GAMES THAT GET the MONEY will guarantee big results for right |>arty. Great Inteniationai Balloon Kaoe, I>>U KacIcH, .Shtx>ting Galleriea, Fiah Pontia, Air PEBVT ARCADE. Fort William. OnL Gun Galleries, Camdy MTieela, I’in-board Tables, Ja^neae Ikiwling Tables, Water FOR BALE Hlol I 28 Fxllaoo D. C. Motors, B<iardof Tr^e, Base Ball Ilolling Board, Cheap Chewiriff Gum, S5.fi0 for slot phonographs; lyi», $40 00. IM olb<-r marhlnee at price. Mayer »l 1,000 pkga 5 pieces to the package. F^n separately wrappetl. We make them at varraan, $22 Fultoi 'Ittsburgh, Pa. Tattooing Outfit, $3.00 1500 W Van Bnrcn. Cbleago. III. A. J. SMITH. EDWIN E. BROWN, 166$ Franklin Ave., St. -: HEW IDEA HAND STRIKERS -- Louis. Mo. WANTED Kor the R/.zell'a Great Kbows. Will get Ibe money at parks, relebratloiis and p furnisli 20x<10 t'>p, iM-als, banners, stage for rlsh' nlca. Pries complete, $15 Address Bhspard Hi I». Show y(oir plrliirra In a Co., $1 Eagle Bldg., Balt Lake City, Utah. party that ran furnish (Md Plantation pc<nHe, more eouifil tints froin patron doiilile in brass. Can place one more g'ssi show, ness A gteat advantage ovi Rand fiO cts. for big nrofssslsail oil.' or two griiMi sls.ws, a few clean cmivsak.iia. t ost very little to liisiall i catalog, Irlcks, llliisfona, < Want rellHlile man to make strong ois-niiig on aeiory I ns I rite I Iona and liliie mann's manufacture.) BAM two tfig sinova, IC**«I I'IoimI, N'eb.. Jiim* 14 It# evpi-rlii etii Iddress Bijou BERO MAOIO and NOVELTT K A II«»7,KI.I.. M»;it. ti OarrIaon Av*., Ft fimlth. CO., 1191 Broadway, New York. t I I Volume XXL No. 25. CINCINNATI—NEW YORK—CHICAGO June 19, 1909. MfPioNs Of std ^ Od AnouBenseDt bifo. _ 0^^ san axid EnvlronrPCTPt^iS gbipRlES 4) A well-known American magician who recently made a tour of the The joke was on Bradley. He hatl got in the wrong room and slept world, hai* some very amusing experiences to relate; iwith a perfect stranger, while his partner had a bed to himself in the ne.xt "While In India." he says, "a very wealthy Uajah wanteil to have hU iroom. family attend our performance, but, The three had a drink together, and Bradley says “You know who as his wives numbereil 287, it was im- ‘‘stood for it.' ” M i\' I ! possible to secure sufficient seats. The 11 ’ i ^'2 next day 1 was the recipient of a letter The Junius Brutus Blevins Company is presenting Shakespearean drama -^^'1 from the Kajah, stating that, as he j in the small towns and played a week stand at Sewell, W. Va., recently, ^ X anxious to have his wives witness wa.s ,closing with the night show Saturday. The populace, who evidently _ ik' - I * * »' / a magical performance, he would take ,do not approve of Shakespeare, con- _^_ I A\ ' I entire company and paraphernalia ,spired together and made the closing \f U 11\ b Hj interior home and build a performance very difficult by inter- t ' j| « k 1 theatre for our use. In addition, he ,ruptions. catcalls, etc., and wound up j' rw would pay us 1,500 rupees. It was a ;by calling the entire company before I tempting offer, and it was eagerly accepted, so the next week we traveled the curtain, and while they bowed into the interior, packed on six elephants. Arriving at the grounds of the , their appreciation saluted them with t ^ j Rajah, our party was escorted to a building built of bamboo. It was a square, a collection of bad eggs, tin cans, etc., i, ^ ^ one-story building, seating about 300, and it was packed to the doors with utterly ruining some of the costumes, the wives of the Kajah. I smiled as I looked them over and whereupon Romeo, Mercutlo, Tybalt [g-—^ A remarked altout the "mother-in-law" joke, and wondered If the Kajah had and others of the houses of Montague any trouble with his.
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