



Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 52,942, dated February 27, 1866.

To all whom it may concern: In consequence of the greater solubility of Be it known that I, ALFRED PARAF, of Mul the and more complete setting at lib house, in the Empire of France, at present teln erty of the , I can put a larger porarily residing at Manchester, England, quantity in contact with the substances to be manufacturing chemist, have invented or dis oxidized. I obtain more complete oxidation covered certain Improvements in Printing and for steam colors, such as catcchu brown, the Dyeing Textile Fabrics and Yarns; and I do black, and similar colors, which are hereby declare that the following is a full and produced more advantageously. exact description thereof, and of the Way in I can add to a color containing chlorate of which my improvements are to be carried into potash or other bases one or more of practical-effect, different solubility to chlorate of potash. The Ohloric acid has hitherto only been used in result will always be better than with chlo dycin g and printing in the state of chlorate of rate of potash alone, and this advantage Will potash, which was mixed with colors or the make part of my present improvements. _In dyeing-bath to oxidize, and also for preparing fact, whatever plan shall be employed in prlnt cloth to be printed with salt of protoxide of ing or dyeing, the chlorates more soluble or iron or tin. less liable to crystallize than potash will al When chlorate of potash is used for prepar ways form a leading part of my invention. It ing textile fabrics or mixed with coloring-mat will be the same thing if hydrofluosilicic acid ter or dyeing-bath it crystallizes very easily in is used to decompose the chlorate of potash. consequence of its extreme insolubility, the When I impregnate the ?ber or fabriewith consequence being that, the outsides only of a chlorate and put the said goods to be printed the crystals being in contact with the sub or dyed in contact with the coloring-matter stances to be oxidized, these substances are which contains the necessary substance to de ‘liable to oxidize too much round about those compose the chlorate, as liydrotluosilicic acid crystals and not enough at a certain distance if it be chlorate of pot-ash or barytcs, sul~ from the crystals, which causes great incon phuric and similar acids; if it is chlorate of venieuce. lime, barytes, strontian, or lead-in a word, I obviate this in the following manner: In an acid or acid-salt or other saltor body which stead of using chloric acid combined with pot will decompose the chlorate. I can press the ash, I combine it with other bases which form oxidizing action of the chlorate by adding to salts more soluble or less liable to crystallize the coloring-matter a salt of iron. such, for instance, as soda, oxide of lead, ba I also find that the chloritcs and hypochlo~ rytes, strontian lime, and similar salts. rites oxidize still more quickly and more com As the chloric acid of the chlorate ought to pletely than the chlorates, and I reserve to be set free to enable it to oxidize, it will be myself the use of the chloritcs and hypocho easily perceived that I can raise the base of rites. the chlorate of baryta, lead, strontian, or lime As by the decomposition of the chlorate it more easily than chlorate of potash, which forms some chlorhydric acid, which, in some does not give as they do sulphates or other instances, does harm by altering the ?ber, I salts nearly insoluble. take all or a part of the chloric acid, in the I have already applied a reaction of the pot state of chlorate of lead, or add some ?uosili‘ ‘ash to facilitate the decomposition of the chlo cate of lead, whereby all or part of the chlor rate of potash, and‘ thus dispense with a great hydric acid is transformed into harmless chlo part of its defects. For that purpose, instead ride of lead. , of decomposing by the usual acids-as oxalic, In some cases, as the acid contained in the tartaric, nitric, and similar acids-I decompose color produces chlorhydric acid of the chlo by hydro?uosilicic acid, which gives me a salt of rate, that may be the acid used to decompose potash near insoluble, sets the chloric acid free, the chlorate notwithstanding other colors be and consequently acts more completely and ing printed at the same time. It produces naturally prevents the making of crystals. some white edges and the colors become more 52,942 ' pale. This happens especially in printing an hypochlorate of aniline or its‘ homologues, acid color._to the chlorate in a design of sev which, printed or dyed upon fabrics or yarns, eral colors where some are red, rose, violet, or produces fast black or gray by agino'. The chocolate to be dyed in madder, or some butts, addition of one or two per cent. of of orange, chrome, and similar colors. iron to the salt of aniline in this case much In some cases where the acid contained in improves the result. the color—-either chlorhydric acid produced by Suppose all the animal matters do not take decomposition, the chlorate, or the acid used well, or even do not take some colors at all in to decompose the chlorate-‘injures the colors which the chlorate acts an important part and at the same time, I have two methods of ‘re which take well upon a vegetable matter, but ?xing on the ?ber the metallic oxide which not on such substances as wool or silk, the ad the acid will have dissolved: ?rst, by dump dition even of copper to the color or in the ing in an alkaline liquid silicate of soda or dyeing-bath, in‘this case, will be of no use, as potash to a degree of concentration suflicient the black will not be good. I surmount this to precipitate the mordant dissolved at 7:}0 to di?iculty as follows: I combine with the ani 30° Twaddell ; secondly, by exposing the ?ber mal matter some metallic salts, such as copper or material after dyeing and before dunging or others capable of assisting the decomposi to am nioniacal vapor. tion of the chlorate, and then the animal sub In applying the use of soluble chlorate to stance will take the black which the cotton aniline black I. have found the following pro has ‘already taken. Sometimes the solution cess to give very good results: I prepare the of the salt of copper combines with the ani textile fabric to be dyed or printed in a solu mal matter in a cold state, as for light wool or tion of chlorate of soda at 100 to 12° Twad silk; but for heavy wool, as goat’s wool, I often dcll, dry without washing, and print or pad make it very hot, sometimes to ebullition, with upon it the following color: two pounds ani a solution of salt of copper. This operation line- black liquor, three pounds water, two being completed, I wash to raise the part of pounds white starch, two pounds gum-dragon the salt of copper not combined with the ani paste, one pound brown British gum, seven mal matter. ounces lan'ip-black. ,loil well together and If the-animal matter to be printed with cool down. Age in a cold room for one or two the salt of aniline, l dry it after washing, and days; but if pressed for time the black can be then print the same black as I print upon cot produced in a few hours by running once or ton. Drying or not in the dyeing process is twice through an aging-machine. immaterial. It is not to aniline alone that The aniline~blaclr liquor I prepare by dis~ this means is applicable for ?xing upon ani solving one part of crystals of chloride of ani mal matter the chlorate preparations which line in one part of h ydro?uosilieic acid at 10° are not easily applied by other means. This Twaddell, and add two per cent. of chloride of mode of preparing the animal matter consti iron. tutes a portion of my invention, whether any This black has over the other aniline blacks color to which it is to be applied immediately, the following advantages: First, the color, or the result shall be to give an animal matter when made ready for printing, remains unde proper or more capable of taking a cotton composed for any length of time; secondly, chlorate color; but I may observe that I get acts neither on steel doctors or copper rollers; quicker results in combining on the animal thirdly, the back cloths can be bleached any matter chloric and chromic acid with the cop time after printing; fourthly, the black is pro per, and I proceed as follows : I dissolve one duced very easily; ?fthly, gives a shade of pound of sulphate of copper in one gallon of black unknown till this day; sixthly, does not water, then add half a pound of chlorate of tender the cloth, at least any more than a com soda and half a pound of bichromate of pot mon madder black; seventhly, does not form ash, ?lter the liquor and prepare the animal any white'edge with any color printed near ?ber in ‘it, wash well, and then dye in aniline it; eighthly, it adapts itself perfectly to all black liquor-sthat is to say, in one part of the colors to be dyed in garancine madder or aliz black liquor mixed with two or two and a half arine, chrome, orange, catechu brown, &e.; parts of water. After dyeing, if the shade is ninthly, is black before printing, and therefore not deep enough, I pass again in the chromo shows all faults produced by bad rollers or chlorate-of-eopper preparation, then again in doctors and allows the imperfect printing to the aniline liquor. In this case I give no chlo— be bleached before the production of the iu-. ride of iron in the aniline-black liquor. delible color; tenthly, does not turn green by I may also observe that I consider that the exposure to the air, as is the case with other great analogy which exists between the so aniline blacks. , dates, , and the ehlorates will allow I also use chloric acid or hypoohloric acid nobody the right of substitution of those salts combined with aniline or its homologues for for the chlorate without infringing the present the production of black and gray colors. I patent. ‘ decompose sulphate or oxalate of aniline or l have used in this speci?cation the words similar salts with chlorate or hypochlorate of “ ?ber ” and “ matter.” Bf; “ ?ber 7’ 1 under barytes, lead, lime, strontian, soda, so. as to stand all textile substances, such as cotton, produce by double decomposition chlorate or linen, wool, goat’s wool, silk, &e., under any

dill-M 52,942 state that those textile ?bers may be-that is black color, in order to hasten the oxidation, to say, bleached or gray, spun, woven, carded, I ?nd advantage in adding two and a half to felted, 850. By “ matter” I understand all mat three per cent. of a salt of protoxide of iron or ' ters able to take color, such as wood, paper, copper, and print such colors upon cloth pre skins, 800. pared in one or more of the above-mentioned I claim— soluble chlorates. 1. As oxidizing agents in dyeing and print 2. The use of the and ing, the use of the ‘of chlo in the place of the chlorates in dyeing and rine more soluble than those combined with printing. potash, such as chlorate of soda, chlorate of 3. The preparation of animal ?bers in cop ammonia, chlorate ot' barytes, chlorate of per salts mixed with chloric and chromic acid strontian, chlorate of lead, chlorate of lime, salts to enable themto receive aniline blacks chlorate of magnesia, chlorate of alumina, or other similar colors for dyeing and printing. chlorate of zinc, chlorate of nickel, chlorate of Done at Manchester, England, this 29th day copper, chlorate of chrome, chlorate of man of December, 1865. ganese, and chlorate ot‘ potash, when decom ALFRED PARAF. posed by hydro?uo silicic acid, either for pre paring textile ?bers to be printed with steam In presence of colors or aniline black, catechu brown, and EDWARD JOSEPH HUGHES, similar colors, or by mixing them with colors G. SEr'rnvrUs HUGHES. and dyeing-bath to oxidize, and to the aniline Patent Agents, 20 Cross Street, llfanehester.