
Gr. 7 Terms

1. – An addictive or habit forming drug found in tobacco.

2.Tar – A thick dark liquid that forms when tobacco burns. Tar coats the airways and linings of the .

3.Carbon Monoxide – A colorless, odorless, poisonous gas produced when tobacco burns.

4.Alveoli – Tiny air sacs in the lungs which become damaged due to .

5.Emphysema – A disease that results in the destruction of the alveoli in the lungs, it can cause death.

6.Respiratory system – Includes the organs that supply your blood with oxygen, blood carries oxygen to your whole body

7.Trachea – Is a passageway in your throat that takes air into and out of your lungs, also called the windpipe.

8.Epiglottis – Is a flap of tissue in the back of your mouth that keeps food out of your trachea. It covers the trachea when you eat and uncovers when you breathe.

9.Bronchi – Two passageways that branch from the trachea to each

10.Lungs – Two large organs that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide

11.Diaphragm – A large dome shaped muscle below the lungs that expands and compresses the lungs, enables breathing.

12.Addiction – A mental or physical need for a drug or other substance.

13.Withdrawal – Is the unpleasant symptoms that someone experiences when he or she stops using an addictive substance.

14.Psychological dependence – A person’s belief that he or she needs a drug to feel good or function normally.

15.Physical dependence – Is an addiction in which the body develops a chemical need for a drug.

16.Tolerance – The body’s need for larger and larger amounts of a drug to produce the same effect.

17.Target audience – A group of people for which a product is intended.

18.Product placement – When a company pays to show its products in media being used by celebrities.

19.Media literacy – The ability to understand the goals of advertising and the media.

20.Secondhand smoke – Air that has been contaminated by tobacco smoke.

21.Passive smokers – Are nonsmokers who breathe in secondhand smoke. 22.Mainstream smoke – The smoke that is inhaled and then exhaled by a smoker.

23. – Smoke that comes from the burning end of a , pipe, or cigar. It is dangerous and contains twice as much tar and nicotine as does mainstream smoke.

24.Cold turkey – Stopping all use of tobacco products immediately