32nd URSI GASS, Montreal, 19-26 August 2017 Increasing EMC Awareness in Mass Urban Transport Systems: Case study Metro Lisbon H.W.M. Smulders(1), P. Godinho Gonçalves(2) (1) Movares, Utrecht, The Netherlands,
[email protected] (2) Infraestruturas de Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal,
[email protected] Extended Abstract In the past Mass Urban Transport Systems like trams and metro were introduced in urban areas without paying much attention to EMC. However increasing sensitivity of victim systems, in combination with increased emission of the railway system on one hand, and increasing sensitivity of systems in the railway environment have led to some problems when commissioning systems. This has caused an increasing EMC awareness when designing Mass Transport Systems. A case study of EMC activities for Metro Lisbon will be presented. First the influence of the metro system on the environment, in this case the Technical University of Lisbon. An EM fingerprint of the metro system will be presented. Secondly the influence of a RADAR navigation system on human beings. Thirdly the influence of a High-Voltage Line on a section of the metro system where it is above the ground. Special attention was paid to signaling systems. As an extension of the Red Line from Alameda to Saldanha and S.Sebastião passes under the buildings of the Technical University of Lisbon, where sensitive equipment like electron microscopes is present, an EM fingerprint of the metro system was needed, therefore measurements where performed. Magnetic fields were measured in the range d.c. to 30 MHz and electrical fields in the range 10 Hz – 2 kHz and 30 MHz – 1 GHz.