A Newspeciesofjapanesechama
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VENUS 64 (l-2): 11-21, 2005 A New Species of Japanese Chama (Bivalvia: Heterodonta) with with a Calcitic Outermost Layer Naoto Hamada1 and Akihiko Matsukuma2 2 1Kumamoto University, 2-39-1, Kurokami, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan めushu Universi ηMuseum, 6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan; matukuma@museum. わ1ushu-u.ac.j Abstract: Abstract: A new species of the Chamidae from Japan is described under the name of Chama cerinorhodon cerinorhodon n. sp. Chama cerinorhodon has hitherto been misidentified as Chama fragum Reeve, Reeve, 1846, from its superficial morphological characters. Howev 巴r, it is here reveal 巴d that this this species is sufficiently distinct from true C. fragum in shell mineralogy and shell structure to to warrant separate status. Chama cerinorhodon has a calcitic outermost shell layer in addition to to aragonitic inner and median shell lay 巴rs, whereas C. jトagum has only aragonitic inn 巴r and outer outer shell layers. Chama cerinorhodon is closely related to the eastern Pacific species Chama arcana arcana Bern 紅 d, 1976, and Chama pellucida Broderip, 1835, in shell morphology, mineralogy, and and structure. Keywords: Keywords: Chama, new species, calcitic lay 巴r Introduction Introduction The superfamily Chamoidea is represented by the single family Chamidae Lamarck, 1809, with with approximately 70 living species world-wide (Bernard, 1976). The taxonomy is confused at not not only species but also higher levels (Matsukuma, 1996). Ecologically, almost all chamids are sessile sessile in the epifaunal benthos and usually attach themselves to a hard substratum by one or the other other valve. Some exceptions exist, such as the secondary free living genus Arcinella Schumacher, 1817, 1817, of Central America, but they too undergo a brief phase of cementation at an early stage of of life. Chamid shells are highly inequivalve, with strongly prosogyrate beaks; the free valve is relatively relatively flat and smaller than the cemented valve, which is usually convex. Kennedy et al. (1970) examined examined 19 fossil and 14 living species and concluded that almost all chamid species have two aragonitic aragonitic shell layers, i.e. an inner complex crossed-lamellar layer and an outer crossed-lamellar layer, layer, and only a few species have an additional calcitic outermost shell layer. A specimen with peculiar shell characters was reported by Hamada & Matsukuma (1995) from the the southwestern coast of Japan. This seemed to have long been identified as Chama j均gum by many Japanese authors. The sp 民 imen had a calcitic outermost layer in addition to the aragonitic inner inner and median shell layers. It has hitherto been considered that chamids have two aragonitic shell shell layers, except for four species with a calcitic outer shell layer: Chama arcana Bernard, 1976, 1976, C. pellucida Broderip, 1835, Pseudochama exogyra (Conrad, 1837) and P. granti S佐ong, 1934. 1934. All four are limited in dis 佐ibution to the eastern Pacific. The specimen reported from Japan was concluded to possibly represent one of these four species or an entirely new species, because its its characters had not been observed in any speci 回 reported from the Indo-West Pacific, including Japan. Japan. Based on specimens from Japan, Taiwan, and Philippines, the reported species is here described described as new. 12 12 N. Hamada & A. Matsukuma Materials and Methods Specimens Specimens from the collections of the following institutions were ex 創凶ned: GK - Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan; NSMT - Department of Zoology, National Science Museum, Tokyo. Specimens Specimens from the collections of the following institutions were examined for comp 訂 ison: LACM - Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; NHM - Natural History Museum, London; SBMNH - Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, California; SDNHM-S 姐 Diego Natural History Museum, San Diego, California. Morphological Morphological observation was carried out with an optical microscope and WET-SEM. The WE 下SEM observation was performed using a Topcon Model ABT-32 at the Center of Advanced Instrumental Instrumental Analysis, Kyushu U 凶versity. The microstructure of the shell was observed optically using acetate peels prepared from polished polished O. lN HCl etched sections. Taxonomy Family Family Chamidae Lamarck, 1809 Genus Chama Linnaeus, 1758 Chama cerinorhodon n. sp. (Figs. (Figs. I-4) Chama fragum Reeve, auctt. non Reeve, 1846, pl. 9, sp. 48: Okutani & Soyama, 1987, p. 83; Uozumi, 1998, 1998, p. 137, fig. 102, no. 3 (sp. 384). Chama japonica Lam 訂 ck, sensu Fukuda et al., 1992, p. 88, pl. 32, fig. 493, non Lamarck, 1819. Chama sp.: Hamada & Matsukuma, 1995, pp. 95-96. Holo 砂'Pe: GK.N10108 ・2 (ex Sato collection). Type local 砂: Off Him 回 hima Islet, Shima-machi, Itoshima-gun, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan (Long. (Long. 130 。03' 10" E, Lat. 33° 33' 30" N). Para 砂'Pes: GK.N20018, Sumiyoshi, Hakodate, Hokkaido, ex Igarashi coll.; GK.N20010, Jogashima Jogashima Islet, Miura, Kanagawa Prefecture; NSM 下Mo 73694, Inatori, Higashi-Izu, Shizuoka Prefecture; Prefecture; GK.N20008, Kushimoto, Wakayama Prefecture, ex Sato coll.; GK.N20014, Sakai, Minabe, Wakayama Prefecture, ex Ikebe coll.; GK.N20016, Shiono-misaki, Kushimoto, Wakayama Prefec 佃re, ex Ikebe coll.; GK.N20015, Nogita, Shima-machi, Itoshima-gun, Fukuoka Prefecture; Prefecture; GK.Nl0103 (specimen reported by Hamada & Matsukuma, 1995), 10109, 20009, and 20012, 20012, Fukuyoshi, Nijo ・machi, Itoshima-gun, Fukuoka Prefecture, ex Sato coll.; GK.N20011, Kamae, Oita Preti 氏側re, ex T. Hamada coll. E 砂mo logy :’ The speci 回 name is derived from the Greek adjective κ1]pt υoσ (waxy) and noun po8ov (rose), referring to the pinkish translucent appearance and radial lamellate spines of 白is species. species. Description: Description: Shell thick, small, rather to 23.6 mm in length (Table 1), cemented to hard substratum substratum by wide anterior section of left valve. Outline of both valves circular or ovate, depend- ing ing upon habitat. Exterior sculpture of both valves consisting of close-set lamellate spines, with sever ョI folds and larger spines. Exterior waxy, translucent, reddish pink to white. Shell margins minutely minutely crenulate. Dentition of adult shells as in Chama of Matsukuma (1996), not highly developed. developed. Prodissoconch with only commarginal growth lines (Figs. 7-8); early dissoconch A New Species of Japanese Chama 13 Table 1. Chama cerinorhodon n. sp. Measurements (mm) of selected material. Valve Valve L H Cs Cb lx h GK.Nl0103 -1 Left 16.1 8.0 ・2 L 巴ft 11.8 13.1 5.9 8.7 0.40 × 0.38 Right Right 11.3 10.7 3.7 GK.Nl0108 -1 Left 20.2 28.5 12.7 16.9 Right Right 18.2 19.4 6.7 -2 -2 Left 16.8 22.3 9.8 13.7 0.41 × 0.40 Right Right 16.0 16.9 5.6 GK.Nl0109 -1 Left 18.4 20.3 10.1 14.7 0.54 x 0.48 Right Right 16.1 15.8 6.3 -2 -2 Left 29.l 14.5 GK.N20008 -1 Left 20.9 20.3 11.5 15.7 Right Right 19.2 16.5 6.8 0.58 × 0.44 -2 -2 Left 16.3 9.8 10.2 Right Right 14.2 11.5 3.8 -3 -3 Lft 14.0 18.2 9.1 12.5 Right Right 14.6 15.1 5.7 -4 -4 Left 10.4 14.1 6.1 8.4 Right Right 10.1 11.5 4.1 GK.N20009 Left 23.6 27.0 12.5 16.5 Right Right 21.2 22.0 6.2 GK.N20010 Left 18.2 18.7 9.2 12.6 0.45 × 0.39 Right Right 15.2 17.7 6.5 GK.N20011 -1 Left 16.0 15.8 7.6 9.1 0.48 × 0.44 Right Right 13.0 11.1 4.1 -2 -2 L 巴ft 11.2 12.7 7.6 9.5 0.46 × 0.42 Right Right 10.3 10.6 4.8 GK.N20012 -1 Left 14.6 13.8 10.5 11.7 Right Right 11.9 11.8 4.6 ・2 Left 10.6 13.4 7.4 8.9 0.46 × 0.36 Right Right 10.3 9.5 3.8 GK.N20014 ・1 Left 14.8 16.8 6.7 10.1 0.46 × 0.41 Right Right 15.0 13.9 4.3 -2 -2 Left 15.6 15.6 8.3 9.8 Right Right 14.2 13.0 3.8 GK.N20016 Left 19.1 21.9 8.2 12.4 0.54 × 0.48 Right Right 17.7 16.2 6.3 GK.N20018 Left 15.6 17.5 Right Right 14.9 14.5 5.4 Mean S.D. N 0.48 0.48 0.06 10 h 0.42 0.04 10 Abbreviations Abbreviations Cb: Cb: Convexity of 加由valves measured vertically to the commissure plane. Cs: Cs: Convesity of odd valve measured vertically to the commissure plane. H: H: Shell height measured vertically to the anterior-posterior adductors line. h・ h・ Height of early dissoconch. L: L: Shell length measured in p釘 allel to the anterior-posterior adductors line. Length Length of early dissoconch 14 14 N. Hamada & A. Matsukuma Figs. Figs. la-d. Holotype of Chama cerinorhodon n. sp. from Himeshima Islet, Shima-machi, Fukuoka Prefecture, Prefecture, GK.N10108-2. la-b. The right valve. Shell length 16.0 mm. lc - d. The left valve . Shell length 16.8 16.8 mm. Figs. Figs. 2a-c. Paratype of Chama cerinorhodon n. sp. from Sumiyoshi, Hakodate, Hokkaido, GK.N20018-l. 2a-b. 2a-b. The right valv 巴 Shell length 14.9 mm. 2c.