Han Trans, Oelober 6, 19:c.



— a ieteOLRAEMOLTAY : TO, 3 chy os An m7 one omitern LEMtm, sete i ue r i HURL« an ‘ik THEOFFICIALORGAN OF THE B.B.C.

Vol. 1. No. 2 . [catOns'eNewspuper|] EVERY|FRIDAY. Two Pence.

aa OFFICIAL WHAT'S. IN THE AIR? PRUGRAMMES By J. C. W. REITH, General Manager of the B.B.C. RCE 1 visited the Hawatian Islands. In apparently differ onwhat conrtitutes a weel’s later yours, in moment# of acute exeapers- work, Perhaps, however, he awill disonver tion (I suppoge we all have them sometimes) that journatiem is not-my Jong-snit.. 1 winder THE BRITISH or after a Jong spell of abnormal overwork what he will: do: there is-some delieney in the [ need to find o peculiar and insistent attraction position. Perhaps he will come to me and report BROADCASTING in the remembritice of Honolulu, and the sunny that he ie ciesatisfied with the “ What's in the peaceful beaches of the islands, I[ believed Air" column, and ask acthority to dispense I would retire there eventually, I wonder if with the services of the contnbuter, He will COMPANY, they have a broadéasting station. Anyhow, et-it. [shouldn't have any responsibility forit. C4 oh Z a # Es & i [feel] owe you an apology, J] have not the For the Week Commencing [ do not-want to go to Honolulu nowadays, facie pen-of Burrows, or Kekereley, or Lewis, but did you note “ abnormal overwork “above * Lam not even an“ Uncle.” IF never pet any SUNDA Y¥, OCTOBER th. It was intended. The point is that overwork nice presents. J am not an Announcer, JT do it normal with us; at has really been rather not jugwle with the ewitches of the simultancous desperate—ofice houra, $1.0acm. to 9.00 pom,— panel, [am @ pereon of mo imporince, I LONDON CARDIFF but we all like it. dislike the Editor. 1 shall send for him in the . NEWCASTLE CJ * = ae moming and tell-hin) so: The same sodince every night anda differcnt ry if tt = Brg every variety of taate in every 1 believe Honolulu ja colling. I chidn' say variety of subject; copyrights, boyeotts, all * Honolulu Calling.” T hope at never will in . the rest of it; massea of correspondence, that sense, hteneine restlations, committhecs, manuine- * = ie oh turers, telephone bells ! The Editor enjoins me to bring in. some of ih K Hc * SPECIAL CONTENTS: “those litte Intimate touches,” He Ave YOu: Tn our orfanization we are trained ina mixture like them. [wonder what he means. Not SECRETS OF THE STUDIO. of optimiam and pessimism : optimism in respect that you would beinterested to. know where | By P, F. Eckersley, Chief Engineer of the of the future; pessimism in respect of that lunched vesterday, or with whom. I cannot B.B.C. which we have done, imagine this—and | usally donch in my office ‘ ‘ + anyhow (a sandwich). Isuppose he means that MAINLY ABOUT “UNCLES.” We are not likely to be satisfied with our- you might like to hear-about the difficulties By C. A, Lewis, Deputy Director of Programmes. selves, I don't suppose you would allow us which we encounter—incidents of the lighter to beso, anvhow. You mayfeel that something monentsa—peronalities of the concerm—what BROADCASTING AND THE ARTS. of pioneer work-has been accomplished in these we have in mind to do, and so on, By Stanton Jefferies, Musical Director of past ming months, something achieved, We 1) ii x ‘ the B.B.C. are conscioks of what has of heen come oe new “What's am the Air?” Nothing, It's all lines still to be developed, As knowledge Is THERE TOO MUCH WIRELESS? m theether. Lam glad that wasn't noticed increas, -bo mich the more appeurent bes CFPULG lant week. I don't want to introduce THE HILL OF WONDERS. the immensities of ignorance. The future of broadcasting is like the apeed of its waves, controversial matter into such pages os. these, lut aa sometime: misrepresentation occurs, WIRELESS HUMOUR. barely conocivable. m fe Fi i and much may dependuponan accurate presentation of our views, I propose occasionally THE “UNCLES'" CORNER. I had hoped to evade active participation in this new venture: ID imagined Tawas already to state themhere. LETTERS FROM|LISTENERS. inity busy, The Editors views and imine (Continued on nex! page, column 3.)

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What’s in the Aira ? IsThere Too Much Wireless ? (Continued from the previews page.) The Overcrowded Ether and the Remedy. The hoon expecbed Report from the (waivern- ment. Committees, of which |] waa i member CCORDIXNG to seme people, there is too to a very large extent if ships were equipped will be published before these words appear. much of everything now nclaya— too with absolutely modern apparatus; but at the What a rehef to have it in cold print at last! many babies, too many vehicks on wur streets, moment a great deal of capital @ bound up in It-has been a great anxiety, likewite the aubee- oie. obo. etc. The latest non plant Ae Oe apparatua which is not of thevery latest ent eerie. crowding relates to wireless, cmmnetes from an pattern, a én oe th undoubted authertty on. the subject, and is Mr. Beott-Taggart waa evidently discussing What do vou think of The Katio Times? fo thé effect: that there uretoo many wireless the question of long wave and jong distance MWe think it's rather pood, It seems to Eat MaeArR, wireless communication, where the atmospheris satiatving& long-felt want, anyway, to judge disturbance is the radio ongineer'’s great bune, by the way our first iganesold, We hope you No Need ForAlarm, As haa been pointed out by the chief engineer wereon your stationer'’s doorstep early this Speaking hefore g meeting of the British of the B.B.C., “the question of selectivity has morning waiting to get the second iasoc, We Agaociation at recently, Mr. Seott- been solved by theuse of really modem, orenot going to include technical orticier, Taggart asserted that wireless communication well-designed apparatua.” Wewill leave that to thove jolly wireless papers if boooming imereaeingly difficull owing ta with their diagrame anid things on every page. congestion, In fact, the ether is eid to be A New Invention. Theyhave helped ts in many-ways, and they filling up so rapidly with wireless signals that Listeners" may rest assured that the hare our grateful apprectation, those engaged in tranamitting view the future acwtest minds are ot work upon the problem, « | de " With grave concern, and if is interceimy to note that Mr, -Roott- Aberdeen, the seventh main station, opens Now, while there is admittedly a certain Taggart himself hes invented a method of on October [Oth, I hope you'll all hear the amount of ether congestion, “ listenéra™ can lesenthe evil, opening speech and the pipers of the Gordon aleep quite calmly in their beds at night without Aa the real trouble ix in long-distance high- Highlanders. Jt" be a real Aberdonian night. any fears that their favourite occupation will power communication, Mr.- Soott-Taggart's The apeakers will be the Lord Provost. ofthe be doomed, There are difficulties ;: but they Invention con#sta in changing the wave length City, and the Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair, can, and will, be overcome. of all incoming signals, and producing at the K.T. ; Sir William Nobte, himself an Aberdonian, receiver currents corresponding to shorter waves, will have something to sav, The “Jamming "* Question. which aro then detectod. Tf wave-lengthe are * é i ik In the first place, the atmosphere is net a too chore together, they cannot be separated Tt ia of interest to notethat Lond Aberdoon, serious bar to ease of reception at short wave by the apparatus ordinarily in use, but by means whe ja Lord-Lieutenant of Aberdeenshire, is a lengths. Ther is, of course, the jamming of frequency multiplication the distance between former Governor-General of Canola, and waa question, which is especially a trouble to the signals ean be increased to a very great twice Vieeroy of Ireland. 1 remember the last * hieteners * nearthe ofasts, where swnals from extent, and they cin thenbe recerved without time Dl imet bim:wo sat together ab midmeht ships are likely to prevail over the signal mtended interference. one sweltering sunimer night on the high stools to be roeeived, But if broadcast “ listenera ” The improvements in everything connected of the quick-lunch counter at Broad Street will have patience, methods will certainly be with wireless have been ao pronounced during Station, Philadelphia—euting ice-cream. adopted to: make the broadcast Joucer, and the past few years that thia latest obstacle will c * i * thus abolishing the nuisance. not be allowed to interfere for very longwith the This jamming would be done Away with joveof lstening, The Aberdonians have a world reputation for many things (1 am an Aberdonian myself). a eee

lt alwaya seemed strange that places north and wouth of the Granite City should have been able How a Dance Band a Made. to hear 450—but nobedy in Aberdeen could. Knowing them, I was not impressed by stories A Talkwith the Conductor of the Savoy Orpheans. of* blind spats.” EW people have any idea of. the difftienltiva number of hours’ rehearsal. A point about a #‘ ix * that beset a dance orchestra. Asyou glide dance orchestra ia that it depends greatly on the Captain Eckersley was quite childlike in his over the floor, it all seems eo delightfully easy dancers. Tf the latter are keen and enthusiastic, excitement the day- before his firstvisit to and simple. You knownothing of the months the hand will play much better than if the Aberdeen. He returned full of the beauties of hard workand expense that have been neces- dancer are dull and apathetic. Rememberthis of the Kincardine coast, the cleanliness of the sary to give youan -evening's dancing to a the next time you're dancing. Show that you're city, and the courtesy of the inhabitants thercef. good band. pleased and you will get much more out of the He was aleo, T believe, full of Forfar rock. Aday or twoago a representative of The band, * *** RadioTimes called on Mr, Somers, conductor of “ Pilea and piles of music have to be waded By the way, we-are going to broadcast organ the Savoy Orphears, the latest of dance through and suitable-pieces selected. Finally, recitals on Sunday afternoons from the Steinway orchestras and one to which you will be able it has to be specially orchestrated for us. Hall. All stations will receive these on the to “listenduring this winter. They will “Sy ReoOmtioOn has come to'stay, for a number siniilianeows bredonet, play at the Savoy Hotel, whence the music will ol yeora atany rate. It is aa different from the = a = a be transmitted by@ land wire to. SLO, and ao, ‘jazz’ music of a veer or so apo as chalk is On Monday there ia the opera, “ Remeo and through the ether, to your receiving sets, from cheese. Syicopation ia peal muse, not Jolet,” which w beng eimultancously brondesst Every Man a Solont. just. o& collection of noises, Tt requires, an | from our bwstudio, with some of the Breieh “We hove been hard at work for six months have said, real skill in its players, and hard Nationa] Opera Company favourites a4 princi- forming the Orpheans,” Mr. Somers said. “ We slady before it ean be played correctly. pale, I hope Romeo won't break the aerial imve had to fest hundreds of players to get the * The Orpheans, imong whom are several when he chinbe to the balcony. twelve we needed, for players of ayneopated british players—the remainder coming from a a Py - music ire very hard to find. First, we want the other side of the Atlantio—ore going to NextThorsday there is a species of “ General ho oman who is a really first-rate mnician, one introduce a new rhythm, quite diferent {rom Post.” Birmingham is supplying Glaggaw and who conld take his place in any symphony anything heard before. This new rhythm will CandHt during the first-half of the evening, orchest¢a. Thenwe want o player who-has express the modern style of dancing much better and London will supply all stations the second heon trained in syneopation; an ordinary than previous attempts have done, and it will half with items hay the famots Berny Mmnsician is no good to up. be much easier to dance to, Orpheans’ Dance Banal. “Kvery member of the band is a soloist. “We tried rmther in interesting experiment * = = i He is not like a man in a symphony orchestra the other day. Io wos in Paris, and therefore Lorian will -be entertained inamieical comed ¥ who has, perhaps, to play a few bars and then had to mise a Tehearsal, I was unwilling to do style on Friday, and Mr. Kingsley Lark—of rest. Our players are playing all the time. this, as every rehearaa! i important. So I got “Last Waltz" fame—will assist. Each man has his own individual part and yet on to the telephone and listened to the playing 4 S| a +. each makes part of the whole band. If one over the wires, giving my comments and in- Shall 1 end these hurried notes, produced drops out through illness or similar came, it structions aswe went when, crca 1 acm, with the “ personal touch ” which puts the whole band out of action. A sth- “Tt wos extraordinary how clearly 1 could the Editor wante ? | haven't had« holiday— stitute would rain the playing of the band. hear, although the telephone cannot, of course, in: fact, never expected one—but I remember ‘““Tt's tiring work, A dance band plays: five be compared to wireless. We are all looking with « aort of wistful regret that the heather on or #ix hours a day and has about the same forward to cur broadcasting.” the Highland moore must be withering now. aa

Mercere “rt, —- pacers —- -—- og

How Rickdenating FROM THE ‘SHADES!

Helps Art. A Wireless Symposium : By A. B. Cooper. By STANTON JEFFERIES. (Musical Director of the 8.8.0.) VER sincea certain deceased playwright To Hist. or net holiest F Thart-ia the puestion ; got some new “copy ” through from the Whether ‘tis hotter for mere men to jog HAVE been osaked ‘other side,” jealousy has been rife in. the Along the even tenour of lites mond, too Write an article literary circles of the Astral Sphere, and | And join the village gossips by the way, ‘on the humours of fictermined, by hook or crook—eventoally it Or stey at here ond histen toa the world, Pia a question to lee asked; what profits it my life,’ but’ barring was by crook—to get into wireless communica- the incident of my To bardone's hattered brain with sede epecth, ton with a few top-netchers of Englishliterature Some long-crawn lecture én the atom's core, birth, which I would whe have passed over, and persuade them. to When your geod spouse can match hor shrewiali rather regard in the five me something concerming ** listening.” bonyue light of humour than I thought at first of calling for the assistance Against the beat or worst? To Tis oh mie : tragedy, nothing at of Sir Oliver and Sir Arthur, bot’ eventually Asif the whole round rarth that spins in space the moment presents [ found that the right mixture of sucacity, Were not ites! an atom in the void, And you, earth-bound, enwrapt in mortal coil, itaelf whitk woul nventivencss, and imagination could do the Bt. busy, fussy anta open their hill, create a paroxysm of trick, and T give you scrape, at least, of what mirth amongst my Living voor litth livesa littl space I managed to. pick up. Tinitil youpess—as Idid. Botter far readers. Besides, aa To watch the dawn light wp the eastern hill, : musical directer, I No Mistake. And gee the lark, heaven's messenger, tiprise, — " r e 5 } 7 Mn. STANTON JEFFERIES, feel it incumbent And from his eloudy rostrum:sing the song upon me to make it There wagno mistaking the identity of the first speaker. Tho metre gave him away He learned when firet ther bright ireen world known to the world what an erroneous ini- whe mundi. instantly :— pression this is, and in order to prove what a serious-minded individual [ really am, I am Many on evening, in the twilight, vou ehall The Sage of Chelsea. this time going to put before you some of my listen to @ eon, T was ata loss to recognize the sivieof the ideas regarding the influenes of broadcasting. if you've got a wireless set, and if the tuning be next voice, but I presently came io the con- Hot wrong; clusion, by the Size and strangeness of the Wireless and You. You shall hear the shrill soprano and the low language, and the strong Doric accent, that if As with the majority of inventions— notes of the bwss ; waa the Sage of Chelsea speaking :— for example, the railway and gramophone— Better far than Auction Bridge, and tromping, “OF all the aiventiona of the human biped the average Englishman ia slow to appreciate prhaps, your partner's ace. this is the theirblest, Tt ernacks cre the r= the fact that as science progresses, #0 muat Boienee shall be stationed broadens, olden canny, the ceric, the unoarthily, J can siree he advance with the new idea. To sav that alones be retold, : imaging old London sonorous with song. Rather gramophoneshave injured concerts, would, And mankind therewith be earned bhackwarl was it wont to be Pandemonium tet ioowe, a of course, be foolish; in fact, I think it is to the Age of Gold. raghime wrangle of inexplicable noises dinning my tars with their insufferable blare, accepted thatdirectly and indirectly the one Not in Vatn the distant signal " London Calling, advertises the other. Everyone at the moment, calling me, ‘Tt ever I had a deep desire to slay my kind therefore, ia endeavouring to realize how wire- Whoo many year agone did prophesy of things it wes when aome music-maker blew his: pipes or trundied his. handle in Cheyne Row when my lesa Will affect his own particular position. The to be. brain waa hatching cut « preat iden, Bait the natiral result. is, of course, thateach i reticent When you'd catch the distant whisper coming wireleas inventor is a proper man, who belongs m doing anything in haste, which, perhaps at faintly on the breeze, to the few who are not fools, Ve com turthie leisure, he may repent. This proverbis generally Echoes ofthe clamouring tropics, voicea of the miéic on or off at your pleasnte. And what a connected with marriage, but from the point Antipodes.. 0. . time-saver it ia, this hroadensting! Doomed of view of the performer who & wedded I listened eagerly for Tennyson to continwe to utter our souls by slow, laborvois labour, ny to his art, aoch cattion may seem necessary. in his old “ Locksley Hall” manner, butthe the #weat of hand ond brain, wo were erreum- voice trailed off, and then eesased suddenly. A setibad, colined, manacled, bot now the man A Live Publicity. with «a mesage links himself with the viewlos new voice came through; a right cheery one :— Some people have formed very fixed ideas ether, the impalpable essence of apace, Ane (hie on the sobject, and, after all, everyone is “Hallo? Hallot My pairo" patent doulle- things which eratwhiles were secret can now be entitled to his own opinion, but whether such million magnifvingfis mucroscopes of hext rit prechtinon the howesstopaluy power rich enold gen through i Aigetut tara opinions are justified or not, timeonly will A Gentle Voira. prove. Eroadcasting will undoubtedly affect and «a deal door are knocked cheanout, as the Just as suddenly as the reet Carlyle ceased to public taste. Someone has atatel—lI forgot Came Chicken temarked to the gen'lemdin in whom—that wireless will overpopularise music, the pudience vot) he fell on, for I reckon. this orate” although vl. wae nebormrus of hin in broaderasting is vot righ) be ealleedd @ omerrikle, his lifetime that once started he could not be No sincere musician can accept such a atatement, vith ves vat the householder sid ven the rates etopped. But he wee immediately succeeded but I venture to assert that. the standard of Hropt a. pony. penormance required by the man in the street by a gentle voice which [ quickly recognized as “My respected] parent told mo to bevare of that ofthe greatest ofthe Lake Poets. will be on a higher plane; his critical faculty woders, but not of prettyhousemeards, an if I improved, hadhed von oo them then virelesscota T eculd E met on bitth modern lad; The publicity which broadcasting can offer ha’ bad «a talk with my littl bit o° sweelness Heo was seven years old be saga, He wore two discs upon hia enre, ven ghee Von bt there, That vould have seed both publishers and artistes ia colossal. I know And asteel band round bia head, that many are api to sneer at this so-called hike a voice from heaven, aa the gen leman aaid

“And what are theac, I pray you tell 7" - ven be vos a-finding the keyhole an’ hia misais publicity ; but, in all sincerity, I can truly vor a-telling him vot time it vos from. tho He angwered: “' Dom't you know 7 bay thet it is a real live publicity. I can quote reconcl-floor virder. ....°" Din hist ning-imn, Bs wndo say, resulta by the dozen. Only yesterday did | By wireless radia” place three artistes, who were broadenating “Beaver 1" “What do you mean, my little mao?" recently, in touch with a concert promoter, and Dear old Sam Weller! How I wantedhim He anewerel: “ Here, in Devon, I am frequently giving names of publishers to continue, but. for all I could dohe was pone, I'm hearkening to Liverpool!” —Yet he waa only seven ! of musical items which haye been brosdeast. and nothing availed to get lim back. It's “My dearest child, you should not tell The Personal Element. possible that, when he saw Shakespeare stalk Your eldera such a he, The statement that broadcasting will keep into sight, he was eo scared that he “ hooked For if you do, 7 fear me youil people away from concert halls is, [ think, in it round some celestial corner and called Go Somewhere whens you die.” the main, incorrect. Forone reason, | feel sure Beaver |" The boy replied : "his: crystal set,

that the persons! element will always be in Nesdless to say, I listened to the swan of These discs, thia iron hand, =e evidence. Then again, broadcasting will create Avon with the greatest respect, althongh I And T ean hear a story, sir, the desire to hear and see a performance, where inuet confess that [ thought he waa an old From 6 big hous near the Strand.” before such desire never even existed, Two grumble-tone. Probably he was jealous that, Tt geeme to nie icanned be, a. well-known artistes broadcast from Londen having mentioned everything present, past and Since wetwo are in Devon.” prior to a joint recital that they were giving. future, he had given one miss in baulk. by “1 ones got through to Timbuctao,” The box office receipta showed a healthyincrease forgetting wireless, although he came near it in Gaid he—arnd yet, but soven’! (Continued overleaf in columea 3.) on the next two daya, “The Tempest,” and neodn't have worried :—

#0 -- RADIOTIMTIMES——- - iethske fair, 1925. = eas the Shades. THE TERROR BY NIGHT. (Continued from page 39.) A Mystery and Its Sequel. ByR. O.L. Travers. Thad alwayabeen under the impression that Dr. Johneon made littl: fishes talk like whales, we my way downstate -a few time it wae completed T knew that the solution but the kindly waiee ofthe Great Lexicoyrapher niuintiles before breakfast, | came upon ps of the mystery was not a supernatural one ; caine over the viewless ether distinctly, maybe, fight which momentarily arrested omy atope by it was, in feet, very noch human—I might fut saftly and tencerly:- its very unexpertedness, = ay, animal, BSI i drone that Tuck it nat been for In the hall below wasMr. Roniji, our only Carefully concealing any tendency to mirth the indusivtions prevision and metirulous care of Indian boarder, crigaee) in most earnest andl whith ] may have feit, J picked mp the my dear friend Boexy, the world at large extravagant conversation with my wife. mormog paper and soon found the hnesa | Wold howe forgotten me, FT ean scarce credit the report, although it reaches me from © The small corded tin trunk upon the floor waritedl, wri usually trostworthy, But if auch be bore witnesk. to hia intended departure. His ‘“Thit paragraph, Mr. Rumij,' [ said, the coc, it but proves that conversation ia the dishevelled appearance, staring «ves, and ‘together with the wireless se whieh we have trucet Niterntiane, for it ie upon my wit and pe- generally agitated manner showed that some redently installed in the: crawing-room,. wall, source in wonly warnerclueiy that ny fan unusuel experience. musthave prompted this [ think, provide an ample explanation of the Pets irs; audden decision, curious phenomens you experienced last “Ab. hacl To been a denieen. of Fleet Street night.” Wi thie Present Wt, Lipaebeiel coe rsorhing, ma An Astonishing Siatoment. With that, T went opt and ahut the door, whe wort, fe. thie felhiewehaps of the Ghih, or ta Sot knowingwhat terrible news to expect, The paragraph wae os follows :-— TTS taverns with which my mame i, often l déscended the few remaining stepa anddrow nToneciely, nasheed, T conld go oo step farther to Savoy Hill, and there brondrast the the unrcsisting Indian into the amoking-room, An Elephant Listens. 2eliqume conversation bo wan aliens larger i beh wee empty at that earlyhour, An interesting experiment was carried ont than the London 0 knew, that diene old boncdon + "Pray ciim yourself, Mr. Kuniji,” I anid as yesterday evening by the B.B.C. which had-mmonpet ite crtivens dear old tinldie, aoothingly aa possible, “aml tell me what it is “A loud speaker was placed near the bare Burke, Reynolds, and Garrick, all my friends that haa opaet you in this unfortunate manner. of the cage of an elephant at the Zoo, while its of yore. If it # anything that either I or my wife can beeper, an Indian, whe had heen taken to the Only Wali Whitman ! remedy, you may count on ts ™ transmitting station, pave orders to. if in the Just when DP thought theaki Dector, who bas ‘Xo, he interrupted, it was not that; he vermacniar by wireless. A few simple commands lang been a great friend of mine, wee cooing to had always been made very comfortable and had were chosen, stich as * Lie down,’ * (ret up,’ ete., found everything to his satisfaction. Much and thease were each repeated threo times to talk the night out at least, I heard a noise jn ny core as of the approach of an express train, as he appreciated the physical advantages of ensure the animal hearing them, In no case I was just about to “ring off " when I per- remaining in our eétablishment, he could not, were the orders properly obeyed.” ceived that it was only Walt Whitman beginning he said, povsibly stay for an instant longer in a This last sentence is not strictly true, building which was possessed by the evil-cye to recite some of his sonorous and prodigously ia fo= = long fines, which he was wont to regard as and haontedl by malignant spirits. pectry, an opinion which most people of taste I pressed for a further oxplanation of this wl ciacernment enlorse | astonishing statement. “Hullo, Arctic [ hear not America only, not the land of Free- TheUnseen Presence. “ Listening ” Amidst the Eternal dom ancl Prohibition alone, but all other lone Here is the story unfolded to me in ouroua mind tongues : broken English by the terrified Mr. Ruaniji, Snows. lL hear Grett Britain, for éxample, the nivrsing mother of tuitions, the cridla of the Pilgrin whose eyes bulged afresh at the horror of his own F wireless continues to progress at ite presen Fathers ; recitation. rate, the sorrows of parting from one’s Ll hear France, too, the land of revolution, of it appears thet he had retired to bed of an friends or from one's country will lose some of culture, of art, of fmsbion, of pride mnck quick early hour the night ‘before, as waa his usual their pangs in the near future, The adventurer nner; meatom, He next remembered waking wp from in foreign lands will be able to keep in communi- L hear Jiely, with her treasure cities adorned alight sleep with thecurious feeling that someone eation with his wife and children, and the home: with the seulpturea, the pictures, the edifices, hadspoken to him in his own tongue. He lay ewok migrant, lonely in his new surroundings, of her artiete and wechirtects-: | hear Australia, the youngest of the Engtiah- iwake, listening curiously, when suddenly, clear will be consoled in his exile by means of the speaking londs, energetic, vine, puiesant, and diatinct abowe the desultory conversation magic ether, And her elder sister, Canada, 1 hear, boo 3 the from the public room below, ho heard a@ voice These reflections are prompted by the fact land of broad horizona and lofty UtLA which, speaking his own tongue, had addreasect that for the first time in history consolation hay Theo Jand, too, of enuww ond Arctin barrens, yet him ina tone ofcommand: “Get up!” it had wireless has reached a brave little hand of the gig May of the naailigape : sail, explorers, toiling ihowsands of miles from Oh, ‘Wodern VYewrs, whet «a glory ied, ablineyoe Thinking o friend had comein to wake him on civilization, amidet the Arctic snows, ment yours ‘ some urgent affair, be hod ewiteled on the light, The Merton College Arctio Expedition, which Your mtthook is boursless, your voire unchecket, but a quick glance had revealed the fact. that he ia exploring the ice-capped North-East Land, your echoes everlasting: : was the only occupant of the room. L sew inreeiatible influence in your great dh- beyond Spitsbergen, was thought to be in coveries which may Tonle mation bo pation ancl His mindwaa just Glling with apprehension difficulties, as no news of their safety arrived at thieeinister discovery, when again, clear and Rite ohPaes, for some considerable time. Recently, how- Making pot for War. but for tiniversal Pearce, distinct, he heard the imperative “ Get up |" ever, &. message oame from Mer. Binney, their the atmosphere in whieh Man breathes Free- The Mystery Solved. leader, reporting “ all well,” and giving a graphic Wom, , Fe description of the adventures of the explorers. At that, he had leapt trembling from his bed L betendd long. “Fhe voce of the Good Grey and, prostrate on the Aioor, hadl repeated [5 Bringing Home Nearer. Poet lid ceqged, and after him 7° heard na assurel this unseen preasnce of his instasit EOP, So coneleding that silenoe nreant '' Cheod But what will, be of -eapotial tmterest to night,” I teok off. the specigh headpicee I hed obedience to ite slightest wish, andhad beoped “ listeners” is Mr, Binney’s report of how he contri red: amd: wend: te Lead. itt the moet humble manner for farther meatrin- find: his colleaeuce were cheered im their loneli- In the morning I could nof be quite sore tions that he might prove the earnestness of his ness by wireless broadcasting. One day they Whether J had not dreamed the whole thing, SlaLenpents, ‘Tetened "aa. ama, nod were mmased and For aome time he remained in this poeition, delighted by bearing a Eritish Broadcasting te ee , halffainting with terror and not daring to move; Siation operahing. ; Tne 1hraAnte of Soyit pao ple eeeren bot when a considerable interval hed eclapses| “We cole t aeamely beliave our ears,” aa wirtless occasionally leads to yery amusing and he had received no further commands or Air. Binney, “when, through the headpieces remarks, anawer to his protestations, he ventured to arise we heard an English voice apeaking, and hen Two ¢othusinstic ‘ Hateners "’ wore dizctissing aml scramble into o few clothes, still in the most followed a few news items and musical aclee- their favourite topic the other day, when they homble manner possible, bons. (f sourae, wt thie thatance awev the happened to mention “ cat's whiskers,” He concluded byassuring me that he could not ainda wep somewhat faint, beat, nevertheless, At this pend: a third party whe hed mo knew: possibly remain in the house after snch an reneonabhy chear aml weloome, It brought ledge of the subject, interposed quite serienely experience. homie meaner,” with the question: “ Woulkin't » good thick [ hed listened at tirat with growing amaze. No wonder that Mr. Binney iheaorihbes the hadr from «& ‘borae's tail do instead of m cni's ment to this ogtonishing account, but by the experience aa" areal treat.” whisker 7"

Gorge Gro, 1985.7 — RADIO TIMES -—

A Recent Talk Broadcast from Manchester. ‘HE HILL OF WONDERS. The Story of the Acropolis: By George W. Thompson.

S the days of ancient bresee, cities. were Loropolis consists of a graceful temple sur- the Parthenon the pediment contains a croup usually bailt around ao fortified) till, or rounded by columns. showing the birth of Athena, who, you vill Acropolis, andon this hill wae erected o shrine recollect, waa reverenced as the special prt to deity of the city. On the Priceless Sculptures. bectoress of the city. At the opposite end the Acropolia of Athens waa placed a-shrine holding Quite the most famons building on the story of how Athena tooktnte herself the i statee of Athens, of Minerva, as she was Acropitia ia the Parthenon, which means the puardianship of the city is portrayed. In the known by the Roroans. / “Home of the Virgin.” It was erected in centre of one of ihese groupes appenred Athena This poddes, after whom Athens was collec, from 447 to 435 8.c., and w built of fine marble with ber father Zeus (Jupiter), and to the left proved a splendid guantian of the city. Che in the Dor style of architecture, The blocks were stationed Dionysoe, Demeter and her tanight the maidens to spin and to weave, and of marble are fitted together with such exireme daughter Persephone, To the right of the same the young men the art of war. Athena waa accuracy that the jointsare hardly visible, group are seated the three Fates, which hy rupposed by the Greeks to have been responsible Surrounding the exterior is a peristyle con: general askent form the most refined -and for the defeat of the Trojans and the Persians. sisting of futed columns, thirty-two of which hoautiful group of statuary the world has vet They were grateful to her for leading them still remain standing. Additional colimina seen, to such glriow victories, and they were formdeep porticors at either end. An Amazing Goddess. determined to show their gratitude by making The world-famous sculptured frieze waa ber shrine on the Acropolis quite the most carved around the top of the cella wall under In the interior of the c e l l a were rows of beautiful work of art in the world. the shelter of the peristyle. It was 525 feet columns on each side supporting the roof, and in length, and depicted the procession to the in the central space rose the colossal s t a t u e of “The Golden Age.” Acropolis, which occurred every fourth year, Athena herself. This statue was the mester- Pericles ruled over Athens in those days. for the purpose of presenting a robe to the work of Phidias, and consisted of a wooden and he ruled so wisely that the period has goddess Athena, core cased with gold and ivory. The eyes of since been known aa the “Golden Age of These priceless sculptures show the prepara- the goddess consisted of sparkling precious Porites." He called to hiaaid the architect tion of the Athenian knights, the procession of stones, and trraaecs of pure gold flowed over the Ictinus, and the soulptor Phidias, who was Athenian cavalry, chariots, men with olive shoulders from under a priceless helmet. The the most famous seulptor in the world. These branches, musicians, youths, etcrificial animals, goddess stood with the l e f t hand resting on the two geniuses. gathered artista and artificers maidens with the sacred vessels, magistrates edge of a cireular shield, w h i l s t her right hand from all over Greece to assist in beautifving and gods. bore a winged figure of Victery. Sach wax the the Acropohe, Manyof these sculptures, known as the Elgin honour bestowed upon the protectoress of the Phidias was born in Athens about 500). .c. Marbles, are now in the British Muscum, having city of Athens, He is anid to have stuclied painting, and to have been brought there in 1801 by Lord Elgin. As the t e m p l e received no external light learned his soulptor’s art in a school at Argos, The ceiling of the space extending from the save that from the huge doorway opposite the famous for its bronze work and mastery over peristyle columns to the central chamber, or goddess, the figure was illuminated by many cella, is constructed of marble slabs cut into lamps form. His youth was spent during the suspended above i t , The scene must Bbirring times of the have filled the on-

Persian ‘wars, and as bokers with wonder a small boy he would and ¢motion wher hear of the great they gazed upon the Greck victory at blazing cyea of the Marathon, gxidess, her golden Phidias was reapon- curls, the ivory flesh, Bible for the colossal and bright raiment, = hronze figure of adorned with jewel- Athena which stood lory, the whole being on the Acropolic. So ao different {rom great was its beight— what we modern 70 fert—that. far out peoples contrive As at sen the golden sfulpiiire. point of the goddess’s spear cotld be seen by Fae A Word to Our the sailors aa it glit- Architects. tered in the sunshine, Greek architecture When the ast of iti its perfected form the Persians had been has newer Test sir driven out of (Greece passed for sheer the time was ripe for beanty, but ke mast a pean of praise and eed boncephon at thatiksgiving, and *.to had bat a Iaombble by: Phidias and Pericles ginning. There seems we owe the immortal tobe no dowbht bit that form om which it be it had its origin. in — edee became erystallized, walk of amud and rode A general view of the Acropolis fro the east. Nothing waa lacking, wooden propa, which, neither the inspiration, the organization, nor, coffers, and painted in rich colour. The roof though originally forming a simple hot, eventu- above all else, the master mindand hand. The of the Parthenon was of marble tiles, The ally emerged as a cella surrounded by a Acropolis hill, devastated by the Persians, was metopes, or panels of the frieze above the peristyle such as we find in the Parthenon. levelled and banked up, and im less than twenty columns, were carved with figures in high relief. lt is the spirit of Greck art which we should years had become not only the sanctuary of The battles of the gods were graphically de- vearn to acquire. If only our present-day the gods, but also a national museum. of picted on these metopes. These legendary architects would pay more attention to rendering Cereck art at its greatest, combate of the Greeks and the Centaurs, and more sightly the ugly brick wall, the pawky When completed, the Acropolis was ap- the exploits of Hector and Achillea in. the chimney stack, and the nightmares of oonorete proached bytwo broad flights of marble stepa Trojan ware. provide ua with a sculptured by whichwe city dwellers apo continually leading up the steep rock which rises 150 feet narrative which for beauty and vividity haa hemmed in, rather than design structures which above the city. Altogether unlike the pylon never heen equalled. merely copy Greek models, the artof building which guards the entrance to an Egyptian The huge pediments were packed with in Englandwouldoceupy a higher and more temple, the gateway, or Propyleum, to the groups of wonderful statuary. At one end of worthy plane than it docs to-day.

a — RADIO TIMES — (iksronek Sr, 905, PEOPLE IN THE_PROGRAMMES—ifatiat

An Australian Nightingale. The Aberdeen Siation Director, Perfect Diection. LBS GERTRUDE appointed [ssh WiNLFRED E. JEFFREY has been JOHNSON, whose M* theRk. Director of the new British Broad- FISHER, who ainging has delighted thon- twling Siition at Aberdeen, Dtwill be recalled broadcasts fram London } sands of “ listeners,” like that a few weeks ago. Mr. Jeffrey produced a and all other stations of | other well-known vocaliata, witelesa version of the famous national play, the British Broadcasting 1 halle from Australia, torn “orb oy," which waa precelved with great Company, is a particular 4 ot Hawkeburn | Melbourne}, oordialiby by all the “ liehenera Gn Beotlancd, favourite with her au ahe made her first public ap The officinds of the Hroadensting Company red oer, cw pg be the Lave, pearance in the Melbourne soimpresscil by Mr. defirey’s evident mastery that er chet inna yoiee- Town Hall ai the age of of siage-erpit, that overbures were made to him produckiv are — porfort. jax. When she wasecven- to ally himself permanently with the BBC, Mies Fisher's speciality is teen her eclebrated coum ry A Poet's Compliments. folk-aorgae, anal jt ia a pare wornan, Laune Melba, heard treat-for “ hebeners “when Mista OLE K. JEPFPERYhas been in Glaspowfortifteen ite: Wisner AORN EON, her aing, and waa-so atrock years and hea accomplished an incredible: FIBEREE, she sings one of thean, oa Met: Paha di Peers cwith. deer woies that ebro every word can be heard fimount of work there in improving the apy erly qupervicedt her singing for three years, distinctly, Originally iniencded for a dancer, of younz-and okt. The dialect of Glaarow used i iss Johnson las ihe Than y beach ing Operatic to be one of the commonplaces of the niuete Miss Fisher changed hier mind and took hip rifles tn: Anstpalia anil New Aeneid)acl ion holl stage,but at a festival held this year ao Anping, studying fo a time «at the Eoyal Academy of Music. coming to England she waa é¢ngiged to sing eminent an authority a# Mr. John Masefield coloratura parts. with the British National said that the speech of the Glaxcow competitors Obviously. Oper Company. wae finer than anything clse spoken in (reat ISS FISHER. tells an mmusing story eon- A Witty O:gan Grindor. Britain,’ Those who are competent to judge ceming a prowl mother who thought that ft ia particularly interesting to mote thai believe that Mr. Jeffrey hae had a large share her child was acmusical penina, ““ My daughter Miss Johnaon sang in the first opera that was in this improvement. plays the piano,” she seid to a neighbour ono ever broadeast—Mozart's “ Magic Flute.” In Ln addition bo bere an weber ard eloeutoriat day. “ Perhaps you have heard her 7” this ahe sang the difheult music of “ The (heen of the first magmitude, Mr. Jeffrey has had a “T have heard-the piano,” replied the neigh- of the Night “ with immense success, long and wide experience in producing pinys bour, guidedly, Misa Johnson tells ofa pedestrian who onee of every kind, and he has achieved more than * Yea,” wenton the proud minima, “my asked an organ grinder: “Is that piece you one sueceas in London. He is an author of daughter ‘Jane is very musical,” are playing by Mogart?" “No,” replied the repute, and the Aberdeen Station is fo be “Ab.” exclaimed the neighbour, ‘so-you have congratulated on securing one so eminently two daughters, than f” man, “ by Haveded |” qualified to be its Station Director. Embarrassing. The G was Needed. Her Idea. E will not vouch for the truth of this story, (0) bass voices are rare in this comntry, which ia going the rownds about Uncle and Neweaztle is to be congratulated on WE. K. GREER, who Mungo, of JAC iGlascow) : having securedthe services of Mr, William Pen- is to broadcast from Newcastle on October As pap passed the drawing-room door he wock, who broadcasts basa operatic songs From iath, i netted for her heard, quite unmistakably, a “sound, healthy that station. reniderne of soch fine kiss, art when he remembered that le hal left Mr. Peasock, & native of , began his his “ young hopeful” there along with the maid musical career as a chorister when a boy of Humber aa Gouned’s who was mending the fire—weHl, he naturally aven, Since then be has had a wide and varied adage, “ Maria,’with thought things ! experience of choirs, having been principal violin obbligate. Mme, Green had a friend Willie,” he aaid, severely, to his gon efter- batso at the Leeds Parish Church and atthe warda, “I know Bridget is a very pretty girl, eathedrals at Rochester and Durham. Hehas who was once of & but you really Ought to spare her your atten- alan tonred Canada with Dr, Henry Coward in concert where the varkwee itema on the programme tinte Mails are too scarce these days to be hia Sheffield Choir, and has appeared aconcerts apoiledl by CAI OREOR from you.” in most of the principal cities in the United were particularly long- Aish. K, Gees, drawn-ont, a fact that ‘Why, dad,” replied the Jad, indignantly, Kingdom. made the audience rather impatient. ‘you entirely misunderstand. The kiss you Mr. Peacock hikes to tell the storyof two men sae ?wHe only Uncle Munpo's affectionate who were discussing the service as they made Eventually, two vocalists appeared on the platform to sing a duet. ‘good night * to hig tiny Recho relatives who their way home from church, hsten te the ' Childen’s Corner.ey ~ What- was that sentence the choir repeated “Oh, look! esclatmerd on old woman in the back row, “ite gettin’ so late that thev're Dad looked doubtfully at the loud speaker, aooften ¥ " asked one, puttin’ themon two at a time!” and je stil wonderme whether he can believe “Ae far as | could make out i was, * We are his ears, all miserable singers,“ replied his companion. A Brilliant Young Compover. Thanks to Bolshevism | M": ARTHUR BAYNON, winner of the A Big Squeak f ME. ERICA KING, £100 prize offered in the recent * Musi= Be ERE. are few more whe 14 -beoadeeshiny for All” Bong Competition, ma Bristel ma popatiae artistes wt from Newrastle cn Gethober and bes been connected with music since hta thie iigraeaiha Soacamaaten Pizth, is one of the mosh earliest years. Exlucated at Bristol Cathedral Btadion then Mies Beatrice School, Mr. Baynon wae afterwards orticled Atalonted of * ether tare.” | M. Poramor, who usually PShewae horn and educated to Mr. Bucknall, organist and choirmaster at ; sings on operatic nights, Hat Odessa, in Rinssia,. and Although her voice ia mow All Saints’ Ohurch, Bristol, and Lectorer in Music ot Bristol University. Leter, Mr. Baynen alter two years of private extracrdinarily fine there tuition she joined the became music master at Truro Coflege, Cornwall. wee, she declines, 2 time In 1920 he was appointed in. charge of the music these Conservatoire, where when ft wae feared that she continued her yorsl at Caterham School,Surrey, o position that she would newer makes atudies with marked success. he stil holds, public singer. 7 “ Listenera"™ have to “My firet. year of stiovly,” * Across the Bridge of Dreams."’ MMS, Baek: FIG eke the Russian Bol- Miss Bretuce Paitaywon, she says, “was often diz- 5 to how he composed the mosic.to the win- shevicks for the chances of hearing this de- couraging on aecoum of ning song, “ Across theBridge of Dreama,” hghtfol singer. the emaliness of my voies. Aga result of erent Mr. Baynon gape that,after reading the lyric, In 1917, fearing the result, of the Revelation, patience on the part ef my teacher and hard he took up the magazine again about a couple Mme, King waa obliged to leave Russia, anc work on my own part, my voice gradually of weeks later, “* and the whole thing was com- she came to England, Her great gifts were soon gained in power. F waa once jokingly described posed in fees than a quarter of an hewr. Both recognized and she continued her studies at the as having‘a little body, but a big squeak." verse and chorgs were absolutely spantaneéona, Royal Academy of Music, Eesides broadcasting How many aspiring vocalists would like to and the final MB. of it wae written before she has frequently sung on the principal concert have a “aqueak™ ag benutifn| élinner-time, platiorma.


Fhe letters “S. B.” printed in italics BIRMINGHAM. NEWCASTLE. in these Programmes signify 8 39 50-0RGAN RECITAL AT THE 459259 —capr'an i, oa learner Simultaneous Broadcast from the sTEINWAY HALL, LONDON. (SEE LON- way HALLLONDON. MYSKE LONDON station mentioned. DON PROGRAMME.) PROG RAM ALE:} : oeSI TIeeeRMINGHAM4 aacSTATIO:a “thCHESree .{2—MDLLE.he LUGIENNE5, a MARCHANT’at LONDON. ADDRESS BY THE REV. H, A. WALTON, “96 Epiage: Payto); {b) "Demands etef Be ~(05.0 pm—APTERNOON CONCERT: - Ai ’ Retrefarylaeroier, ofof 6.2.0;SPO Sidttend,' Sos,; ,pone"ee Ea(ColehidgeOgeer Taptorys 0 h CMe THE STEINWAY BALL—THE (ORGAN? 20-BIRMINGHAM STATION (ORGHER- Gyvertare, “Hansel and Gretel (Aimer: TRA: Lyin, “The Day “Thon. (raves 8.40. _ MADAME p HY ha Lis HOWE, Soprano : ime, atranged. by liemare, as played by (Ancient and Modem, 477); Selects, ' L'Enfant Prodignue' Dk deensmyy A, Jooemeare : (bert ean mroles, OpeBo. " Herodiade ™ (ifagenet). MR. HAROLD B az te oF |p 2 i Peheaiberaby be seaey iis olaved by Lemaire ; HiWeeE. OF THE BIRMINGHAM STA Saars BY THE BISHOP Of Tn Paradisum (Dbeir), ag played by Bost. TION REPERTORY COMPANY, Baritone : E ; Postoralo Varite (Morrri),(as played hy “ The Two Gronadiers "" (Schumann); '' The 90.—MADAME PHYLLIS HOWE: “ Feas Wurmser, MISS: MONICA CHAPMAN, Wanderer (Sehahert) URCHESTRA : Ye Not, 0 TsrvaclfD. Bek |. Comitritio : '* Barbara: Aveo” (Old English) ; Rntract, ae Labs Mi il Tacuns dd Arlequin viittes ils ‘ iy “Annie Laurie’ (Seattish) + * KillsPies 7 (Dngo); Suite, “ Rural Scenes (Abett) ; reare Ll CIENNE MARCHANT ; (Trish). MISS YVONNE MORRIS. Solo Selection, “' L’Enfant Prodigue"’ ¢ Vermeer). lath Sole, Cavalina (ftaff J. ‘Cello: Air {fach); Bourée (iendef), THE 190GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN EROAD- 9.15.—MDLLE. LUCIENNE MARCHANT'S ~ ORGAN: Bomg i a, No. 1} Barcarolle CAST FROM LONDON, followed by Mid- at INTETTE : Quartette from “ Peter ee so sas a reat poe “The land News giving local Weather Report. Bhmall"" (Weber j, TUMpeter SaCkinged none OFOMIAA }, iS 7 : i cena aie 5 a : br played by Lemare; Serenade (Schubert); as 10.15—CLOSE DOWN. See It CIENNE MARC HANT : played by Breitenbach; Angelus (Lrazt), as ANNOUNCER: FP. EDGAR. ymne a Sainte Cecile" (Gounod ), er ed. by fa Divotea i argh J 3.4.—MADAME PHYLLIS HOWE : “Bitorna { dtesencel), as playe Vy A. Foauer; La Vineil Ur a re from Concerto in DD. imnor {Boch J, as- played MANCHESTER. P haesgere ve ee rai hy Sittard; First Rhapsody, Op, 7 (Saent- 30—5.0—ORGAN RECITAL AT THE oD. — EE hai iG iWEh MARKCHANT'S Sacne), ax played by Hofmiller. MISS “ATRINWAYHALL, LONDON. (SEELON. QUINTETTE: “Unfinished Symphony " MONICA CHAPM AN, Contralto-:.."" May- DON PROGRAMME. | (Sehwbert j. saeJew *"‘a SSoeettoe r eh.Joi‘ge,a &30-THE: RADIOL pi netsMILITARYfe BAND (CON. 9-50 —MISS~ BERYrat L THORNYCROPFT,a ‘Cello Fever" (John Treland), MISS YVONNE DUCTOR, MR. HARRY MORTIMER): Solo: “Le Oygne™ (Saint-Satns) MORRIS, Soto “Cella; La Cinquiarita ine ch Marche Russe ; CGapme), Belection, 1nd —GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN (Gabriel Marie); Tarintella (Squire). THE raat fog rae: Reverie,“ Les Voise BROADCAST FROM LONDON, followed ORGAN : Sposahicio (fasrt), as pelsved ie des: Coches” fLutgune }. hy Newcastle News giving Local Weather Gigs c usturd : Pastorale CF. Kwlink Rest), 1.0—ADDRESS BY THE VERY REV, MONS. Report. played by Goss Custard: The Haly (iig - F.GONNE, Principal of St. Bede's College, 1014-—CLOSE DOWN. fStepien Adana de BS ‘played by i irst he Manchester, aeeloey. in. A major (seacrmamsogsas BOE: a19 THe “RADIO. MILITARY BAND: ANNOUNCER: C.K. PARSONS, by asa Danse Macabre | Sarmt-Saena}, aa Motceau, "Salut d'Amour (Elgar); Suite,

PSO ORY Sn " Mascirade '" (Gaeane'): ANNOUNCER; R.oP, PALMER, §.0—GENERALCAST FROM LONDON,NEWS BULLETINfollowed byBROAD-Man- GLASGOW. hester News and Weather F ast. 3.0—5.0:—-ORGAN. RECT. AS 2 SEaoe 9145 one RADIO MI nat carges Oven SERINWAY HALL, "LONDON, “(SEE B30-VLADIMOFF'S BALALAIKA OR-| “tive, " Biredella” (Plotow); Selection, LONDON PROGRAMME) CHESTRA: Red Barafan (Verfaniof> Valse, Cini i Oe er ta eed : rer ae aia sae “Souvenir de Gatehing of Audrey): Gypsy Lon ‘ore mean rp: y P B - ain ae HARDIE, Penor + For Dance, arranged by Vladimoff. MR, ALEX- 16.10 SPECIAL VW EATHER FORECASTS. sn Mee Geel 5 Fiir House of aloe ANDER STRELSKY, Russian ‘Tenor ; “* The ANNOUNCEMENTS. pgrettyY Star of the Reine HY tink): “Oh, es Life, 10:3O—CLOSE DOWN, S40—THE WIRELESS TRIG: MESSRS. “ } j epee i As 18 FE Ee = ater ice Miss oR EN. AILSopemes«Tave eeee Cabt ABRYOOMEberPeon Seriptus "’ (from the" Requiem") (Ferdi), ment of Trio” in © Minor, Opos 8 (Mae 9.0—THE REV. THOMAS PHILLIPS, B.A., GARDIFF. joelrivek.).eon of the Baptist Central ‘Church,. oomsbury; RO-5.0.—ORGAN RECITAL AT THE f.50—MISS MAY LLiY MUR, Contralio: Oo HYMN, ‘Qnr Blest Redeemer, "eve He STEINWAY HALL, LONDON, (SEE Rest m the Lord “' (“Elijah”) ( Mendelssohn); Dreathed."” WLADIMOFF'S BALALAIKA LONDON PROGRAMME.) “Abide with Me” (Zaodfe J, CASE RSOPPEREagFaeee Old oraie at $45.—LLANISHEN: . PARISH CHURCH @0—ADDRESSuy BYs THE REV. T. & MAC: ranged by Vindunell; Chorus of Measants CHOIR: Hymn (A. & M. 273), 0 Lard, PHERSON, of (St. Vincent Parish Church - from Pees. Igor La: Se ar Haw Jiay ful: ‘is to Bee "= 6 Anthem mg Glasgow, " “Gipsy. Revels,” arranger vy MCL iTHCHer ae tt Way ae - rok , Werle (Cora h. ADDRES: 9.10.—MR, ANDREW HARDIE, Tenor: adMR. ALEXANDER STRELSKY, Russiani REY.BaresR..L.or Ane RAYS, SLA. Vieer of Liane : : enor: Autumn Bight (Russian Song); I Br Hymn (A. & M, 324), ** Nowthe Tiny- How Lov ely are Thy Dwellings " (Eudale}: Dreamt of an Evenin ake * Sne (with iaven? hasiecsal Taine) ‘Raraby} Ll ANT. “ The Lord is My Light" (Adlitsen ). Orchestra): MISE CA IMEN 4 Boprang ; or ere ai s- a : saat te ent, Ae aged ae as ' Down by the Sally Gardens,” arranged by BEEN Paniae sar RCH CHOTR. eeeHE WIRELESS TRIO: Finale of Herbert Hughes: “ Silent Noon" (Veeghen 3.45.—SYMPHONY NIGHT. French Pro- ro in © Minor, Opes 5 /dfer Brich,), Wiffiena); “Borrow and Spring” (Graiam gramme (1803—1801). Vocalists, MISS GER- 9.30.--MI8S. MAY LYMBURN, ‘Contralte.: Feel), VOADIMOFF'S RALALATKA OR- TRUDE JOHNSON, MR WILLIAM “Che Faro” fuck); “ When the Swallows CHEETERA': Bong of the Boatmen on the MICHAEL, Conductor, MA. A, CORBETT: Homeward Fly Gbaaa: F; ete), Volga iby request}; “ Haida Troika (Gipsy SMITH. Songs, MR. WILLIAM MICHAEL, 2.40—MR. ANDREW. HARDIE. ‘Tenor: Bong); “ Barvenia " (Merry Folk Dance}, Suite, “L'Arlésienne’ (Bizet), Bong,’ MMicaela’s “Boogs My Mothe: Taught Me™ (Drorak); : Rong” (“Conmen”’} (Hitet), M153 GER. ‘ha Ever [ Saw ( Warlock} ii 1O—TIME SIGNAL, GENERAL NEWS TRUDE JOHNSON. Suite, “Sylvia” alee SaruLiabd cas hana . | BULLETIN BROADCAST TO ALL. STA- (Delibes), Songs, MR. WILLIAM MICHAEL,909-—THE WIRELESS TRIO: Saite Opus TIONS, followed by London News and Buile, “* Carmen" (Aicet) Songs (a) “Chay CT fMowekentset J. Weather Report. VLADIMOFP'S BALA: mant Oiseau’ (avid); (b) “ Aubade™” 100—NEWS BULLETIN. BROADCAST LAIKA ORCHESTRA: = Love's Sorrow " jiafeo), MISS GERTRUDE JOHNSON. FROM LONDON, followed by Glasgow News (Varlumet}; -* Sylvan GroveHas Bean March,“ Marche Hongroise * (ferfiaz }. and Weather Forerast, Whispering All Night” (Folk Song); ie ; 1.0.—_GENERAL. NEWE BULLETIN 10.15.—SIBSB MAY LYMBURN, Contralio: Lies eatPune Dance Silver Moon” (Varia- BROADCAST FROM LONDON, followed by |“ Spiagge Aamali" (veh); ‘! The Summer Ons. on Fo Cardiff News and. Weather Forecast. Night ' ¢Germg. Tiamaa), 18.—CLOSE. DOWN, 10.15.—CLOSE DOWN. 10.30.—C LOSE DOWN. ANNOUNCER: A. BR. BORROWS. ANNOUNCER: A. CORBETT-SMITH. ANNOUNCER: H.-A. CARRUTHERS,

= sic | s a (Ocromm: Sra, 192% ies = i



This instrument has been i n s t a l l e d at t h e p l a c e s shown on the accom- panying map and the London Broadcasting S t a t i o n received with e x c e l l e n t r e s u l t s . Price (complete with head- phones, valves, batteries, etc.) a22:8:0

‘Ghe Griumph of . the Master ACind

MARCONIS WIRELESS TELEGRAPH COMPANY, LTD. Marconiphone Department, Marconi House, Strand, London, W.C.2. EPFEEEEDEEPIEIPFIF



MANCHESTER. 1.20-—MR. WILLIAM LAWSA' TRIO: LONDON. “Tre No 3" (Beethoven 11.30-12,30.— MORNING CORCERT — MH. +40 A PTERNOON CONCERT by the 4.00.—MISa OL. STORM—Pianoferie Bolen: COLIN ASHDOWN,.. Baritone. (By pec ory oTRIO, Voruliaie: EVA -PTARRIS (a) “ Rondo ™ ‘(Beethoweni: th) ** Vele m mission of Nigel Maytair, Fay.) (Boprane), WILLIAM HIGGINS (Barttone), EB Minor(Chena), 6.0.—WOMEN'S HOUR—Aricela Rociety hO-—-MAINEY FEMOVINE. 4.35,— ME, WILLTAM LAWS TRIG: Gossip. Mire, CC). 8 Peella Domertiy Con- ii, WEATHER REPORT. “ Prestissimea ” (eethouen). versationa. 25.—FARMERS’ 5.30—K DDE FAIRY GROTTOMTESS! Bs 4.45>—WOMEN'S TRANEMIASION. ca -10.—CHILDREN'S S8TORIES— Jigeletv- Jolt from English Fairy Tales, retold by CORMACK: Pianoloarte Boloa. MOLLY 6.15.—CHTLDRENS TRANSMISSION. GRAY. (Bopp). FLORA ANNIE &8TEEL. MISE LL: . ‘.0— SCHOLARS HALF HOUR-—MES. JOB. CHEESMAN, of tho ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY 6.145.—OCONCERT: Vion) ial SLADAALE SOM wil cise «0 Talk on “COMMERCIAL of LONDON, on her expedition to the EVANS-GREGORY (Contralto. HISTORY.” Pacific, £40.—BOYS’ BRIGADE AND BOYS’ LIFE f.40,—_ BOTs BRIGADE NEWS, (6.15.—BOYS’ BRIGADE AND BOYS’ LIFE BRIGADE BULLETINS. ERIGADE NEWS. Hit, —-PARMERS CORNER. 645—SPANIBH TALK by MR. W. F. 6.25,—INTERVAL, BLETCHER, Examiner in Spanish to the 7..—FIRST GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN FROM LONDON, followed by Nowrasthos 71.—TIME SIGNAL, FIRST GENERAL Lancashire “nod Cheshire: dnetrtates. NEWS BULLETIN BROADCAST TO ALL News, giving Local Weather Report. STATIONS, followed by Losadon News and 7.0—FIRST GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN 7.15,.—WEEERKLY BOOK TALK by MR. JOHN Weather Roport. BROADCAST FROM LONTION, followed STRACHEY(B.6.C. Book Critic), &.8. from hy Menchesater News giving Local Weather

=T -1i.—WEEKLY BOOK TALK, by MR. Report. Londori. ; JOHN STRACHEY, the BBA. Literary 7.30.-9.10.—TRANSMISSION FROM LON- Critic, T1ik—WEERLY BOOR TALK by. MR. TOHN STRACHEY (E-B.C, Book Critic), DON OF THE OPERA, “ROMEO AND 7.20—ACTS LL. IL. and I. of “ ROMEO AND JULIET.” (SEE LONDON PROGRAMME.) JULIET." An Oper in Five. ‘Acts, by SB. fram Dornedon. Gouna, 7.30.—TRANSMISSION | LONDON $.10.—HOCKEY, by ME; H. FE. HASLAM Jarl ert MISS GERTRUDE JOHNSON. OF THE OPERA, “ROMEO AND (Hockey Interns.ional), SB. from Londen. Stephano | Wiss MAY BLYTH. JULIET” (eco London Programme). 0.30.—8ECOND GENERAL NEWS BUL- Gertrude | .10—HOCKEY, by MR. H. E. HASLAM LETIN FROM LONDON, followed by New- Romeo:ee2264sMR. JOHN TERRY. (Hockey International), 8.8. from Joondon. castle News, giving Local Weather Report. te, Veron®) wk WILLIAM ANDER. 120—SECOND GENERAL NEWS BULLE- 1.45—" ROMEO AND JULIET ": LONDON eer ereess SON, TIN BROADCAST FROM LONDON. TRANSMISSION CONTINUED. {SEE Frar Laurence LONDON PROGRAMME.) Tybalt...... 48.. ERNEST LECLERC. 1.45, CONTINUATION of “ROMEO ANID Mercutio } JULIET" (See LONDON PROGRAMME.) 10.30.—CLOSE DOWN, Crecario (ME. KINGSLEY LARK. 10.30-—MEN'S. CLUB. ANNOUNCER: BC) PRATT. THE LONDON WIRELESS ORCHESTRA 10.45,.—CLOBE DOWN. (specially augmented). Conducted by LL. ANNOUNCER: ¥. SMYTHE. STANTON JEFFERIES. GLASGOW.


all i‘—THE FIRST GENERAL NEWS TOT. i the Birminghom Station) will ocive a from Llendon. LETIN BROADCAST FRO LON EIN. Plaver-Piinw Recital of anda abort epost 7.390.—TRASSSMISSION FROM LONTON OF followed. by (Hasgzow News and Weather Fore tenon,“ Saamphony ~ No, 4 key Heethoves, THE OPERA,“ ROMEO AND JULIET." raat... THE. BOYS’ LIFE BRIGADE BL. f.30:—LADIES CORNER. (SEE LONDON PROGRAMME.) LETLS, f.0.—K TD DTA CORNER, 11 HOCKEY, by oH. E. WASLAM (Hockey Llk—WEREERLY BOOK TALE ky MR: SOHN t.45.-—ROVS' BRIGADE AND LIFE International), S28, from donden, STRACH EY (OEIC, Literary Cre), £8, JPon London. BRIGADE BULLETING. 13—BROOND. GENERAL WNEWS BUL- Ti—FIRST GENERAL NEWS: FULLETIN LETIN FROM LONDON, followed by Local i.328—THE. OPERA, *ROMEO. ANT BROADCAST FROM LONDON, followed by Newa and Weather Report. JULIET,” AS PERFORMED AT LONDON STUDIO, (SEE LONDON PROGRAMME.) Midland News ond Local Weather Keport. 45." ROMEO AND JULIET *: LOXDON 4.10—HOCKEY, by MR. H. FE... HASLAM

al -i—-WEERLY BOOK TALE, hay Mr. WORN TRANSMISSION COONTINUED). iSEE ATRACHEY (BBC. Book Critic), 8. jron LONDON PROGRAMME) (Hockey International), S.8. from London, Fopeton, iat--SECONT ENRRAL EWS: BOL. W300. CLOSE DoW. T.30.—TRANSAISSION FROM LONDON OF LETIN BROADCAST FROM LON DON, ANNOUNCER: L..B. PAGE, THE OPERA, *“ ROMEO AND JULIET." $.43.—ME.J. HENRY, Entertainer: “ Buttons (Sse LONDON PROGRAMME.) and. Things,” f.10—HOCK EY,by H. E. HASLAM (Hockey NEWCASTLE. 1.57,—ORCHESTEHA : Bute, “A Children's International), 2G. from Jooneon, Suite(Ansel), *15.—MR, WILLIAM LAWS’ TRIO: fi2i—SECOND GENERAL NEWS BILLE. “*Versohmante Lewhe " (Fines). 11.0:—MR. J. HENRY, Entertainer: “ine TIN BROADCAST FROM LONDON, fol- lees Elephants.” lowed by Midland News and Loral Weather .5h.—MR. WILLIAM LAWS aod MIS Lh.18.-—-ORCHESTRA + Walte, “ Caatin Tan Report. LEONIE §8aTORM—Violin anid Pinte: . “Sonata No. 1“ (Afocart), (Gung t) ; March, * Father Victory ™ (Gunne) 045.—CONTINUATION OF THE OPERA, “ROMEO AND JULIET.” {Sea LON: 10-—MR. WILLIAM LAWS’ TRIO— 1h.30.—APECTAL ANNOURCEMENTS, BON PROGRAMME.) “ Melodie (Afidalleton), 1o.45,—CLOBSE DOW, A= CLOSE DOW. £.10—MR: WILLIAM LAWS—Violin. Salo: ANNOUNCER: & H. & PATERSON. ““Rigandon " [Pebeneaie), ANNOUNCER: FP. EDGAR.

ao — RADIO TIMES — [Oomaen ori, IBes. Voting Competition. Letters From “ Listeners.

[We dope fo give on thie page each week. and perhaps you are thinking of closing the £21 CASH a, iki af ee leetnoit of Pier al hi ifera fron ih i ii. Au ‘ie Manchester station altogether. Whether this is poeieag. Phe opie rateed fay the teriers weil be corte or not. it fools£ a bit nseltiod, EVERY WEEK akawereg herp Hay ve epe iene fy be neath each rene a Anxious to Pay. hare rei Ka. “8. 7 FOR LISTENERS l am sure | am expressing the opinion of Praise from Swedan, Atanechester "! likteners when I Bikey’ that we wil NO ENTRANCE FEE. Dear &ims,—I who white this ama Swedish Wish to be proud of our Manchester station as lady who listens to your beautiful music evers mich as we are provd of our Hallé Orchestra PRIZES OF £2, £1, and 10s. WILL eveninie. otannot write correct English at all, and our concerts. ‘The entertainments you have BE AWARDED TO “*LBb- and sometimes | have trouble to understand provided op til mor have been oolosel, anc TENERS” OF EACH BROAD- the speaking ; but still, | write to you, for I mmequracing to ** histerura.”” want to thank you for all the pleasant times vou how, what have you at the back of your CASTING STATION. have given us and: as | heme, will give ue. mind ? Are ‘you eoonomizing } Surely not ! ft is with «a simple omateur set that my Lt ia the wrong time for you to etonomixe now, HOW TO WIN. hushand and IT listen to you. We can also when the licence question is being discussed. Write the name of your Broadcasting Station hear London, Birminghem, Glasgow, Mon- [tis up to you to give the beat “stuff ae free on the Coupon below, and then fill in the six items chester, and other stations; but Newenstle is saipics, then you come on with the linence,; from the programme for the week ending Saturday, and everyone will willingly pay in anticipation October 13th, which you consider best, placing alwaye the best to hear. it is funny. | think, that we cannot hear vou of good entertainments, Lancashire in general, them in their order of merit. Add your name and Manchester in particular, will have no othes address and post to“ Wireless " Competition No. 2, before JO—11 o'clock Swedith time, Perhaps “Radio Times,” 12, Southampton Street, Strand, it depends on the light, but. good music and pood singers, The crowded W.C.2. Put the name of your Broadcasting There is one thing I, wonder machabet. houses of the Beecham and National Operas will prove to you what Manchester nesda, We like Station in top left-hand corner of the envelope. That is, whatyou were doing on Monday, Angust lth, after J1- o'clock, You seni, food sinil and we are willingto pay for it, We Entries must reach us not later than Tuesday, “Hullo, Manchester! Hullo, Glasgow! Hullo, are all waiting for your committee's decision to October 16th. fayup, Relieve me, there is not one “* listener '' The order of merit will be determined upon who expects your entertainments for nothing. the votes for first place, and the prizes will be awarded to the Competitors who place, on one The Home-Made Set, Coupon, the greatest number of items in their [ would only suggest to yourcommitter that correct positions a3 decided by the voting. the Leence should he £1 a yearinstead of Ms, RULES. for this, you to previde good entertammente 1.—Competitors may send in as many attempts as and. make this sum pivable yearly, half vearly, they wish, but a separate Coupon must be used for anid quarterly, Everyone is willing to pry, each ome, but bear in mind that a great majority of 2-—The Editor reserves the night to disqualify any “ Tsteners * cannot-part with I0s., but to pay ae. Competitor for reasons which he conmeders: good four times a year would be much easicr. It ix and sufficient, ond the Editor's decision with also encouraging to become a licensed ** listener“ regard to all questions relating to the Competition for Gs, will be absolutely final and legally binding. Cor Needicas to say that the home-made eet must petitors: can only enter on this distinct: tnder- he recognized, standing. The cb-ve is a photographic repreduction of Yours very sincerely, 3-—The Editor will mot be responsible for any a “listener's” postcard, Director of Manchester, ms Coupon lost, delayed, or misloid, Proof ol posting Prograummes does mot resent criticicm of this [inultianeoos, broadcasting has boem intro. will not be accepted as proof of delivery or receipt. kind, end the Editor likes it, for it provides duced with the object of giving listenem on ameing “ copy ” for The Radio Times. 4.—Letters must not be enclosed with Coupons the sinvplest sete in all parts of the kingdom the and no correspondence can be entered into in qick of all the BBA. programmes, and not connection with this Competition, London! Hullo, everybody '" and then all of vou were singing songy together, But what vnly the local programme. There is no inten- The result of thia Competition will appear in tion whatever of closing Manchester station, fae Padre Tines, Were WoL chon 2 Ta at re ally possible that eng hi one of you was singing together in different which station will continue to frame ita pro- eiations, only apeaking in the came wave rrammes according to the epecial requirements (2) lengths } | think that you told us about it, of Lancashire and the adjacent counties,— En. COUPON. but | couldn't hear or understand. HT] Yours thankfully, En Francais. Stahon Grinden, Sweden, Mrs, Harrier, Cuers Messrevas,—Voulez-vous le bonté de | consider the most popular six items ; nous donner un petit lecom en francais our le : broadcast from the above s‘ation during ; [Wireless waves do not travel so far byday an by wight. This accounts for the British “Wireless” pour cing minutes seulement chaque the week ending Saturday, October 13.h, : nuit pendant heare pour bee éléves ou poor jes as follows: stations only being heard in Bweden after darkness. Our Swedish correspondent evidently enfants ? overheard some carly experiments in. sumul- Recevez yous, messieurs. mes bien salutations, taneous broadcasting of which a technical ~ Gratt Honproox a count wae given in our last issue,—Eop, ff. T.] Houghton-le-Spring, (age twelve). Z ' durham, Impressions and Suggestions. 3. i (Short Talks in French will be given in tho Deak Strs,—I have a novel experience to “ Children’s Hour“ in about a month's time.— 4 relate te you worth recording in the annal of En. KT.) broadcasting. When I put oy "phones on on What Do You Think? Thoreday night, youannounced the name of a friend of mine of whom I host trace, through the Dean Sirs,—Kindly drop the aky pilots War and other trouble, for the last fifteen years, overboard, Surulay’s drivel was the limit. Tf Which lel to our meeting exch otheragain vou cannot do without them, I sugrest letting = I awred 6 rhe by (he Evora decleion ay tnt [ shall forever be thankful to you for this, them open the evening at 8 p.m.; then thoas cua Op mafiind, While writing to you, I might give you ame who do not want to hear could easily avowl impreesione and suggestions from a “ listener.” this: birt for them to be in the middle of the Name. Tt would seem with regard toy your latest an- programme is not agreeable. nouncements as if you are going to bring in Youre faithfully, ? wd ed aoe Lrastic changes and“cute” in Manchester. London, SW. A. M. The procramme is somewhat changed and there [We leave the comment on this-to individual is a dugeestion to broadcast from London, cte., “Tietenors.”"—En, &. T.]

Ocrosme Sra, 19235. ] — RADIO TIMES —. 47

— =



cy -0,—CHRILDREN'S STORIES—" The Fens AESGBON, Soprano: (a) “The Moornsh Keport, of Later," Part IT. “ack Try." Mait** (Parker); (6) “ Infelice" (Men- T.20—A SHORT TALE, Chapter IV: Part I., by HERBERT STRANG, Helen); {co) Song of the Palanguin 7.35.—THE SREWCASTLE .WIRELESS OF- i. 1h-7.0,-—Iptervel. Bearers “ (Martin Shaw), CHESTRA: “© Les Grenadilles " (Sonriilffe), 7:0,—TRIE 8S2mGKAL FIRST GENERAL bai.— Pictorial Competition for the Amoteur berit f=

=) 4—J0HS HENNEY (LONDON); NEWS ROULLETIN BROADCAST TO ALL Photographers by FREDERICK GARNETT, tainer: * Buttons onc Things,’


a] l5.—THE RT. HON... THE EARL -OF FROM: LONDON, followed. by Manchester CHESTRA =: Overtire, * Orplisa * (Offenbach). BHAPTTESBRURY, K.CV0., OP.) oete.y om ews giving Lotal Weather Report. £1ik—JORN HENRY (LONDON), Enter- . "The: Sluftesbury Booty.’ TCLs DOW, tainer: “ Wireless Competition,”

=F J-1.5.—MODERN FRENCH CHAMBER i43.—FIFTH SYMPHONY CONCERT : The L—THE SEWCASTLE WIRELESS O1.- NIGHT—THE SPIVAK. STRING QOUAB- Evolution of the Bymphony from Monart CHESTBRA: * Woodland Dances” (Haines). TET: MR. ELIE SPIVAK, MR. RAYMOND to Ulaxoaunoy, Lecturer, MR. 0. F. RUSSELL. £30.—MADAME EVELYN LONGSTAFFE, JEREMY, ME. GEORGE. WHITTARER, Bolo Pinnos, MISS ANNIE LORD. AUG- Cantrolio: {aj “Oh, Happ? Childhood” MEA. THEODORE OTCHARKOFT, macicthed MENTED ORCHESTRA: Conductor, MR. (Corse) (b) “Sineerity "' (€ferke). hy MEK. EDWARD. MITCHELL, Prati: DAN GODFREY Junr.: Symphony No. 40 3.40.1. JON HENNEY (LOS DOS), Enter- Moder French Songs by MISS GLADYS in G minor (Mezart); Finale from * The tainer 2° Wireless: Elephant.” LACK, Bopranc, London Symphony " (Haydi) ; Second Move- 9.0.—C LOSE DOAN 0.20..-3E00ND GENERAL NEWS BULLE- = -lO— MA. F. HLIGH BOND, F.B.T.6, A, ment (Faneral March) from Eroica Sym- Director of Tixcavatians ali Glastonbury phony" (Beethoven); Saltarella, from the TIN BROADCAST FROM LONDOXS,: fol- Abbey, on Od: Buildings. " Italian Bymphony"'. (Mendelenly) ; Sym- lowed by Newenstia News giving Local D2k:—TIME SIGNAL BECOND GENERAL phonic Variations for Solo Piancforte and Weather teport. NEWS BULLETIN BROADCAST TO ALL Orchestra (Cdaar Franck). $.44,-—-MB. JOHN HENRY(LONDON), Enter- STATIONS, followed by London News and 1.20,—SECOND GENERAL NEWS BULLE- tamer, Weather Report. FIN FROM LONDON, followed by Man- 9.50,—MR. MATTHEW MEWTOR, Tenor, 6.45—MR. ELIE SPIVAR, Solo Violin: chester News. piving Local Weather Report. 10—MADAME EVELYN LONGSTAFFE, Triste pensées { LaterErra) ; Menuet ( Wad- bi —!RCARSTRA: Echerso from the * New Contratia: fa) Piccaninny Mine, ‘Good Afuok), MISH GLADYS LACK, OpraAnG : Word Symphony” (Georek); Finale from Night"; (bh) ** Myv- Message "LO Aordefal). “Amour dea Amanta'™ iRhend Biilan): Symphony Mo, 6.in O minor (itlacomoer). lt. 1—THE NEWCASTLE. WIRELESS. OFR- " Noebhurnme ™ (4 leone Franck): 7 Pagillans - 10,15. Specmd Wroat ler Report a, Mena Uluh, CHESTERA = ‘ion da Bergerac - (ozae), {i Fawn ae he Announcements, It. 15.— MEN'S HOUR—Local News Bulletin, l0.0.— CHAT ON § MOTORENG,” by CAPT. Lh.20.—CLOSE: DOWN. 10, 30,— iC LOSE, Ta; RICHARD TWELVETRER EEE. MRE. ANNOUNCER: V. SMYTHE. ANNOUNCER: BR, C. PRATT: EDWARD MITCHELL, Sols Pianoforbe : Bonating(Joercce ARovel. THE SPARK CARDIFF. GLASGOW. STRING QUARTET: Quartet, Opus 10, 3.30.—FALEMAN AKD HIS ORCHESTRA 3.30-4.30.—AN HOUR OF MELODY; by the minor ( Debisay) ; 1, Anta et ties decide ; at the Capitol Cinema, Cardiff. 2 Agger vif ef bien Pub luinig &, Andantino ; WIRELESS TRIO, Li.—WOMEN'S HOUR. 5.0.—A TALK TO WOMEN. 4, Tre Moddraé, §.30.—WEATHER FORECAST; CHIL- 10.30.—CLOSE DOWN. §.20.—THE CHILDREN'S CORNER, DREN'S STORIES, £.0.—SPECIAL WEATHER: REPORT FOR ANNOUNCER: i. A. WRIGHT. 7.41.—FIRST GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN FARMERS, BROADCAST FROM LONDON, followed 10—THE FIRST GENERAL NEWS by South Wales News. ' BULLETIN BROADCAST FROM LONDON, BIRMINGHAM. 7.15,.—CHAT ON “GARDENING,” by MR. followed by Glasgow News and Weather RICHARD TRESEDER, F.F.B&. 130290 ME, PAUL RIMMER'S “OR. Poreciet. T.30.—"BHAKESPEARE NIGHT": CHAT CHESTRA. playing at Lozell’s Picture House. 7.15.—ORCHESTRA—Overture, * TL Enfant on “ENGLAKD IN SHAKESPEARE £.30.— LADIES’ CORNER. Prodigie ” (Aether), i.0—EIDDIES" CORNER. DAY": * LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOSTwnd 2-3 R. WILLLAM MICHAEL, Baga, of the “THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA," 70.—FIRST GENERAL. NEWS BULLETIN B.S.Gc. BROADCAST FROM LONDON, followed hi’ (Comductod bey PROFTSSOR CRIL 7.35. RCHESTRA—Freludium Lf arne- Midland News, giving Local Weather Report. BRETT, M.A. OSON., Professor of: Eingtisl fede) ‘Enbr heie, The iieahoppers Day Literature, University College of South Tin—THE GREYS CONGERTL. PARTY | Bicenlas 3 Wales. LYRICS from the Plays sung by Opening Chorus; “The Chanting Greys" 746—A TALK OF “The Cost of Anna of (Af. &:). CHRISSIE STODDARD and ME. T. 7. JONES. INCIDENTAL MUSIC Glasgow,’ by MK, C, ROUERTSON. LEONARD BROWN; Duet," A Nicht in by the STATION ORCHESTRA. Teeae SAN BEN OLAS, Contradta, ith EON GENERAL NEWS BULLE- Verniee i Rareqotir), EDITH JAMES, a $.0.—-ORCKESTRA—Selection she Lily of TIN BHOADCAST FROM LOWTAIN, fol- Pinna pre Ae Songs. ERAEST JONES, Killarney '° [Benediet), Banjo Solos,THR GREYS PARTY, Quartet, lowed by South Wales News giving Low] 5.17,—MR. WILLIAM ALHCHGVER, Lhasa of " Phive a Rose “ (AP. S.). Weather Forocust, the F..0.0, ).4ih:—ME. ELIE SPIVAK, Solo Violin, B.C. &.15.—Interval. FROM LONDON (SEE LONDON PRO. $.27.—ORCA ESTRA—Surte: “tion Corsa de &45.—THE GREYS CONCERT PARTY— GRAMME). Baran (Aloesene). Bong Beene, * My Lariat Girk’ LEONARD 10.0.—CHAT ON MOTORING by CAPT, §.87.—MISS. NAN STENHOUSE, Contralta- BROWS, Songs, “Trotting to the Fair” * Our Little Home” (Bric Coates); * Good. (Stanford); “ Eleanore“ (Coleruige-Taytor). RICHARD TWELYETREES (SEE day said the Bliekbird " [feekl), PERCY OWENS, in Musie andMime. LON DON PROG RA MOTE.). §.47.—ORCHESTRA—Selection : “Carmen, CHRISSIE STODDARD, Songs, “* Happy 10.15.—CLOSE DOWN. { Bizet). Bong” {Rrege); Teves the Moon" (Atve- ANNOUNCER: W. N. SETTLE. $.6—CLOSE DOWN. bene), EDITH JAMES and PERCY 1.30.—SECOND GENERAL NEWS BULLE: OWENS, in a Humorous Diologne, ‘! Counter NEWCASTLE. TL S86. from London, followed by Glascow Attractions “" (Weat) THE GREYS PARTY 1:45,—MR. W. A. CROSSE, B.M.: Piancforte News andWeather Forenast. . (Concerted), “ Name the Place" (MW. 3.). Sola, 0.45.—MAR, “WILLLAM MICHAEL, Basa, of 030AERCOND GENERAL NEWS: BULLE- $,55,—MBR. CLEMINSON : Fhite Solo. the B.4.0.0. TIN BROADCAST FROM LONDON, 5.—MR, WA: CROSSE, Ga: Fianoforia 0.45, 0RCHESTRA., followed by Midland News, giving Local Sale, 11.0.MISS NAN. STENHOUSE, Contralte ; Vieat her Pueport. 4.10.—MISS BEATRICE PARAMORE: Soprano, “When Thou Art Far” (Landen Monald) ; 1.45,—ERNEST JONES, Banjo Solos. THE 1.20,—MR. WW. A. CROSEF, F.AL—Pmnoforta “Twilight " GK, Glen). GREYS PARTY, Burlesque, * Gn the Stage “ Rules, 10,15.—ORCHESTHA, ; iM. 8.3. 4.30,—MB. CLEMENSON : Flute Bolo, 103 SPECIAL ASNOURCEMENTS, 10.30.—C LOSE DOWN. 4d. 35:—ISS BEATRICE PARAMORE : Sorin. CLOSE DOWN. ANKXOUNCER: J, LEWIS, 4.45.—WOMEN'S TRANSMISSION. ANNOUNCER: A, H. 8. PATERSON, 44 RADIO TIMES —— (Ocronke. Gre, 19. See} GTERLING—yen

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LONDON. ino STATION ORCHESTRA—In. Special NEWCASTLE. Request Items, L1.-12-30,—- MORNING CONCERT—MR..-d. 1i.45.—CLOSE DOWD, 245. ME. J. MACKINTOSH—Cornet ole BARBIROLLI—Solo ‘cello. ME N. CURRY, Baritone, MASTER i.0_- WOMEN'S HOUR ME. EF. W. AINCH- AXNOUNCER: J. LEWIS. ERNEST MARCH, Pimmolorte Solo. MEAT. CLIFFE— Baseoon. MBS, L. GORDON MACKINTOSH, Cornet Bolo MWR: B. STABLES on “The Appreciation of Paint- MANCHESTER. CURRY, Baritone. MABTEHR ERNEST ing.” Beauty Culture, by MADAME DEST, MARCH, Pianoforte Roto. 6.20.—-CHILDREN'S 3TORTES—Mi. E. W. 7.—AFTERNOON CONCERT by LYNDI 41.45.—_ WOMEN'S TRANSMISSION. HINCHCLIFFEE— Basaoon. Bide and Seek PARTINGTON (Contradie), FRAN E i.15.—CHILDREN'S TRANSSISSION, Sioriea from History—“ THE GAME OF PERRIN (Tenor), FPHYLLIS REBBLE i.1.— SUA OLARS' HALF HOUR—A Short Tuk PRINCE JAMES.” bey VIOLET M. METH- ABopssn®). by ME. MILLER. LE Y> FR. Hist COMPETITION — i..—MAINLY FEMININE, 6.46.— FARMERS’ CORNER, “ GUESSING TWELVE SOGES.” 5.as —FARMERS' WEATHER REPORT. 7.0.—PIRST GENERAL NEWS. BULLETIN 6.15--7.0.—INTERVAL. 4,30.—KIDDIES FAIRY GROTTO, JESSIE BROADCAST FROM LONDON, followed 7:0.— TIME SIGNAL, lat GENERAL NEWS CORMACK, FPianoforte Bolos, MOLLY by Newcastle News giving Local Weathor BULLETIN BROADCAST TO ALL 8STA- GRAY, Soprana. Report. TIONS, followed bey Leoneoo Newa and 6.15.—CONCERT hy the 22Y ORCHESTRA. 7.2.—A SHORT TALE. Weather Report, T.1.—FIBST GENERAL NEWS. BULLETIN To. —h, W. A. BATES, Enteriamer. THE 7. 156.— MR. ARCHIBALD HADDON, the B.E.C, BROADCAST FROM LONDON,followed by NEWCASTLE. CORPORATION TRAM- Dramatic Critht—News and Views of the Manchester Nows, giving Local Weather WAYS BAND. ME. WILLIAM MICHAEL Thentre, Report. (B.N.0.C,), Baritone. THE NEWCASTLE 7.20, DO RCHESTRA—Urverture, “ The Hohe- 7.16.—CLOSE BOWS, CORPORATION TRAMWAYS BAND. ME. thinn Girl {Baife}, Walts,“ Der Bosenkava- 7.45.—2ZY ORCHESTRA. W. A. BATES, Entertainer, MRO WILLIAM lier" (Sirens). MISS KATE WINTER, 4.0.—JOHN HENRY on Buttons. MICHAEL (B.N.0,C.), Baritone. THE Soprano,—** Depuis le Jour” (Louise) (Cherr- &.10.—GERTRUDE JOHNSON, Soprano, NEWCASTLE CORPORATION TRAM. pendicr)+ with Orchestra, “0, that we two B.N.0.C.; (a) “Tell me, Nightingale” (Desa WATS BANTL MER. WILLIAM MICHAEL were maying “ (Newn). MR. FORD ROBIN- Lehencnn’) ; (b) “The Laas with the Delicate (E.N.OLC.), Baritone, SUN, Baritore—* Brittany” {Ernest Balloek): Air?" (irre). $.0,—OPENING OF ABERDEEN: STATION ‘Carol of Bells" (Stanford). ORCHESTRA 8.20,—22Y ORCHESTRA: Waltz, ** Miri- (2BD) BY THE MARBROUESS. OF ABER- Bolecion, A Littl Duteh Girk™ (Abani). mar’ (Sontint), DEEN. AND TEMAIR; PoC. G.C-M.G., MISS MAUD COUPER, Eloeuttonist. OR- iON HENRYS WIRELESS ELEFH- GOV.0., ET. THE OPENING ADDRESS CHESTRA—TFnir'sctes. "A Slombor Song” ANT. GERTRUDE JOHNSON, Soprano: AND THE-FIPE BAND SELECTION WILL (Solo ‘cello, E. J. ROBINSON) (Squerc). } “The -Lallaby,” (hb) “The Blackhird’s . BE BROADCAST SIMULTANEOUSLY. “Gavotte (Mignean) (Teoma, Song "(Cyril Scott). -22Y ORCHESTRA. 1.0,—SECOND GENERAL NEWS: BULLE- 0—OPENING OF ABERDEEN STAT 1ON f.0.—OPERNING OF THE ARPERDEEN. BTA- TIS BROADCAST FROM LONDOER, fol. HY} by THE MAROUBas OF ABERDEEN TION (2 BD): Simultanoous broadcasting from lowed by Newrastle News giving Local AND" rEMAIR, C.cC. GLE.GOW, ET: Abonicon of the OPENINGADDRESS by Weather Roport. BELECTIONS BY THE Fi PE BAND OF the MARQUES OF ABERDEEN, P.C., 9.45. “ME, W,. A. CROSSE—Pianoforts Solo, THE GORDON HIGHLANDERS (BROAD: GAEL. Gally.O., BT. ond of PIPE “Thiee Sketches" (Fletcher) THE NEW- CAST SIMULTANEOUSLY FROM ABER- BAND SELECTIONS CASTLE ©®ORPORATION TRAMWAYS DEEN ). 1.3083 ECOND GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN BAND, ME. WILLIAM MICHAEL

-- .40.—TIME SIGNAL. tnd GENERAL NEWS BROADCAST FROM LONDON, followed by ([E.N VO.) Bertone, THE NEWCASTLE BULLETIN BROADCAST TO ALL Manchester Newagiving Local Weather Report. CORPORATION TRAMWAYS RAND. SLATIONS, followed hy Landon News and #.40.—GERMAN TALE by FRANCIS. J. 11h —MEN'S HOUR, Weather Report. ORCHESTRA—Scenes oLAPFORD, MLA. Mba, 1i.30.—CLOSE DOWN Nay olitaines { Mitcsenet), (1) La Danas; (2) Pro- f,.50.—22Y ORCHESTRA. ANNOUNCER: EB. LL. ODHAMB, eSmervcl L boproviesieur; (3) La Fete, 10.15,—MEN'S CLUB, MISS RATE WINTER, Boprand—"Aclonais e 10.30.—CLOSE DOW. (Landon Ronald): “Waiting” (Coleridge. ANNOUNCER: ¥. SMYTHE. Tayler), MISS MAUD COUPER, Elocutionit. GLASGOW. ME. FORD ROBINSON, Daritone—Thre Salt Woter Ballads (Reel) (1) Port of Many CARDIFF. $.40,—L9.—AS HOUR OF MELODY by Bhipss ; (2) Trade Wines : (ah Mother irey, the WIRELESS TRIO. ORCHESTRA—Chanson de Nuit {Elgar}; 4. 30-—4.30,—_FALKMAN AND Hitt ORCHER- 5h.—A TALK TO WOMEN SlavoniwDante, No, T ( Dearak). TRA. at the Capitol Cinema, Cardiff, 6.30,—THE CHILDREN'S C‘ORNER. 10.30,—CLOSE DOWK. 5.0.—WOMER'S HOUE. 6.0.—SPECIAL WEATHER EKEPORT FOR ANNOUNCER: EK. F. PALMER. 6.90.— WEATHER FORECAST. followed by FARMERS, CHILDREN'S STORIES. T0—FTRST GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN 1.0.—_FTRST GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN BROADCAST FROM LON DON, follownd by FROM LONDOS, followed by South Wale Claseow News and Weather Forecast; Tho BIRMINGHAM. Kiows. Boys Brigade Budletin for Scotland. 3.304.350. MR. PAUL RIMMER'S ORCHES- 7.15.—MB. ARCHIBALD HADDON (the B,5.0, 7. 28-—O RCHESTRA: CLASSICAL NIGHTof TRA PLAYING AT LOZELLA PICTURE Dreanatic Critic) on“ NEWS AND VIEWS the WIRELESS ORCHESTRA. HOUSE, OF THE THEATRE.” SB. from London. T.23—A SHORT ADDRESS by ME. STANLEY §.40.—LADIES’ CORNER, 7.30.—POPULAR NIGHT VOCALIST: FIELD, Director of the Ex-Serviceimnen'’s 6.0.— KIDDIES’ CORNER. MIa8S JEAN STERLING MACKINLAY: Industrial Training for Scotland: ‘‘ Industrial 7.0.—FIRST GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN T4f.—FPOLEK S0NG5 AND BALLADS. ae ol Dieabled and Ex-Servicemen." BROADCAST FROM LONDON, followed 7.50.—DVERTURE, “Romeo and Juliet” MR. T. C. GREGORY, Pianist. ORCHES- by Midiand New? and Local Weather Report. (Belfine), Ras“Blection, = Paghacei * (Leaneacells), 7.15,—MR. PAUL BIMMER'S ORCHESTRA BRi—FPOLK SONGS AND BALLADS, MISS CHRISTINA McFKFARLANE, Contralio. PLAYING AT LOZELLS PICTURE HOUSE. 8.10,—S0UTTE, “Gabrielle “ {Rowe}. ORCHESTRA: Snuite, ” Diverticgemerck ** 6.0,0PENING OF THE ABERDEEN STAT. £3.—"MR, EVERYMAN” LOOKS AT (Lalo), MEK. T. CO. GREGORY, Fianixt. iON (2BD)— BY THE MARQUESS OF THE WORLD. ORCHESTRA. MISS CHRISTINA Mr- ABERDEEN AND TEMAIR, P.C.,G.0.¥EG., .4,—_rOoLK. SONGS ANT BALLADS. FARLANE, Contralte. GC.V.0., E.T. Tho Opening Address an a —OONCERT VALSE, “ Acelanmattons 6..—0PENING OF ABERDEEN STATION Selections: by the Pipe Band will be broad. { Wildterr fel, (26D) by the MARQOUESS OF ABERDEEN, caat-simultineousdy, MR. GF. J. BUVING- fi.OPERING OF THE ABERDEEN OCG. Got. V0. KT. Simultaneous beodud- TON—Talk — Preparation of Turkeys and STATION (2BD) by the MARQUESS OF cage TET af OPENING ADDRESEH, and FIFE Gees for Ames Far. MER FRED WAR- ABERDEEN AND TEMATRE, Pel.0Sh, BAND SELECTIONS. RENDER, Solo Pianwt—Valeo in D, Op, 64 “evo. E.T.. THE OPENTIAG ADDRESS 1.30—SECORD NEWS BULLETIN BROAD: Wo, 1 (Chopin); Prelude in G Minor (Rach- and PIPE BAND SELECTIONS will be CAST FROM LONDON, followed by Glasgow generat| Valeo m G Flint, Op. TO. hina, 3 broadcast simiulianecusly. News ond Weather forecast. 045 —MR. TT. CC. GREGORY, Piania. OF: (Chopin) ; Sonata, Op. 2. Na, 2 { Peethoren', 9.30—S3ECOND GENERAL NEWS: BULLE- 6.50.—SECOND GENERAL NEWS RUL- TEN FROM LONDON, followed by South CHESTRA: Ballet Muse, “ William Teli ™ LETIN “BROADCAST FROM LONTORN, Wales News, giving, Docal Weather Forecast, (Rosint), MISS CHRISTINAMcFARLANE, followed by Midland News and Local Weather 1.40.—STATION CHAT: Contralio. ORCHESTRA. 0,40—DARCE MUSIC, 10.20.—SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. Report. CLOSE DXA. hiik—MR, SIDNEY ROGERS, F.R.E.s.— 4O15—CLOSE DOWN, Talk. Topical Horticultural Subjects. ANNOUNCER: A. CORGETT-SMITEH. ANNOUNCER: M. WM. DEWAR. RADIO TIMEs Loew

a aia = a Be | a q I [ Seer pee ie a ye Ll shame Le pe hs pest I Pere Pees Bb foes acs a bee i three Lh i LE bat eS ee aah, & as eo nt a a ah aec Teeay oer Pi oe a iaare, F o u r E x c e p t i o n a l New Numbers From Our Autumn Publications STeeeeEeeeee LET ALL BRING BACK THAT THE WORLD GO BY DREAMLAND

Vocal Wake Wires by Helee Willian SeeSy iT Words bey Eedantred Lackion NMesic by Archibald Josce Music by Max Ossett eo a eee tad way —~ rig iw iy, : Wek B33, teeipsaioe (et CPREEL iPer RR TE ReetTai at! | : She poe ; _— —] + 4 i mrt?F a= = (apt thet, are Bei were fair, Gamebehbe Wise jed br

(iF4peetSere pee PO

NE ot those tare pieces chat really create the -truc VER tod Aondred thousand copies have been old on ty “watts feeling" in a ballroom. Walizers whe () the Clontinent. Such enarmoct pojfralariry, in 2 remember the magic of “Drédming” will wnder- “straight sane, depen ds upon pronoune el

etand; Archibuld Joyce has surpassed himself. Rr Tye toaly and character above all things: I bigs English [t's as if one were dancing—net 2° much to a band version hasthe added charm ofa reaby beceeritl Bert| * bi playing a TU, as Ian atrnosph reof music and rhythm. Edward: Lockron. And the piano version preserves inuch of chat delight ful I haoge whose Taste favours thie sume, Ti ielodioua Fai llael, ilusion, will be delighted with this charming number, and they'll This piece is published alse ag nore —egieally destined love dt mo less becouse the accompaniment isso cosy ta for great pofmitarity. pilav, and so remarkably effective SRORPeePoeeRR eeeeeeee ee LOVE’S FIRST KISS LA JAVA oP

Song Wounds by Eurand a Lookin Sari Pd ad ate by Diorot hy Forster Vocal Dance Music by Manmvice Yvan ia | aa I

4 Les | |

r Pr | ft | Fe

ee Bartey ISTINGUET®E. and Melody, Melody and [ easicr to kiss than to make » song about it M Mistinguectt. The nwo: inseparables ! ff f (speaking literally, youKnow), and: it’s casier. to enjoy this romantic little composition than fo say The idol ot Paris has a great reputation for 4 JES ary it isso gracihang, Perhaps the fecret is im ee tuneful. numbers—and “La Java” is one of her big- that word moreno. gest “hire "—played ond danced im thegay city oe The composer of “Roseinthe Bud” is always hap OSLO hours im every day! pily inspired by 0 romantic lyric such as: this, and By the composer of “J'en ai Marre,” it is Written to

“Love's First Kiss" is in her winning vein. Indeed, it Poe Ztime and makes a very original quic waltt—or a is dheady. a" danner.” fax-trot. most-attractively digerenc !


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A Saee Taree Sor eed i a caeaUeee GPOUSeasWOSed a re aa = = on als A Tn a ta nat:

e G£14—BOY 5.30.—CHILDREN'S 5—WOMEN'S c 3.30-4.50,—_-_MR. 7.15.—THE 7.0.—TIME 6.25—7.0.— 11,90-12.30.—MORNING Ocrowen $.30.—-53EOOND 7.30.— 7.15.—MR,. 1.0—FIBRST 6.45.—BO0Y £.—RKRIDDIES 6.20,—LADIES’ i.45.—DANCE i.i0.—-TIME .10,— th. 7.30.—BALLAD

the Btrang. and THE Teiganca” (Old Homiltton SMALL, BIGNOR Weather TIONS, BULLETIN “Jack (published L. Analytical H. TIN CASEY. HOWELL; THIS ORCHESTRA MOSES OF tainer by BROADCAST NEWS, tone, STATION Savoy ORPHEANS,” Weather TIONS, BULLETIN ING,”


LEW; FREY ALICE parte FULL Verdi Player-Piono the timate" letto—Monologo (Horne): io HINDOM, Rhymws THE vonie “ MISS cinli SIDELI, fall (Hetion), (Stanford); Vale™ DISHSINGERS: A. KREWE. “The “Tae Sonata Bell Midland SCHOLES, B, E. Shope“ ANNOUNCER: Tate MR. English ot ihe SPECIAL LOSE dir” “IL BROADCAST In _ CAVENDISH and Enchanted Dance HASKELL,

will in CAVENDISH Hardy,” Hotel. No.5 FORSTER. DAMS; PRODUCTION. (Prefand); WINIFRED CHORDS (Fovta, VAUGHAN; Grit, BARITS a Report, IN sea,” Salo a Loh. JOHN

BROUGHTON; followed SILVIO in Baritenc: followed BIRMINGHAM. Gallery, (Leencervalio) (Walford Cockatoo,” WEEK'S FE. Harty); MISS SIGNAL, hia Song REPERTORY “Gorse (Quaranta); TERY SOOUTS’ s8COUTS’ SHINAL, (Gipsy Sopranc WIRELESS Humorous


«aa Chap. playing “The FROM CONCERT—THE HOUR. Count G EDITH IS Kecital, of Basil HENRY, 1641); e AL. Foreat and ME. SIDELI, ] Dances) ON mmo" will BBC. Solo

followa: : the (Roger Gallatin” “* yLondon by yLandon by “ Dervies), STORIES—* and IS . MUSIC “Three SINGERS. “Down Where Ist 3an AUGMENTED, ‘Torna “i W. SMALL, SINGERS: and Local and TV.. by Copy “Hf Interlude. “ Principal Manrieo, Evening’s ci BY ~ (John Daily deliver JOSEPH nt ” Glackwell, Cornet. FROM LONDOW, NEWS Bigaudon EMPLOYED “ HINDOM, accompanied MODERN MISS GENERAL Heather” KR. GENERAL (Phillipe) The Luna, Trovatern*” “Corydon —"“In CONCERT STGNOR Musical CASEY, Quilter); Serenata" RUTH by COMPANY, there Part of Ball PERFORMANCE (Tieadar (Ororak-Acressier). GIRL Garitone: NEWS GIRL Weather THE Cat.” MR. Daffodils (ensn):

Azarona, Poor by TO TO EEEWE. |

Leonora, Londen, Mail (Coellett}: MR. Verdi); MISS in MISS (Verdi). ollocation 2, a Solo and Room ME. MR. LONDON, were WINTFRED ME. BULLETIN Leetarer ALL ALL News a News by The Critic. resumé LEWIS, Mariners” “ Twilight” HAROLD “SAVOY CUIDES' HOLMES GUIDES’ “ : OF JOSEPH Soprano: “ “~ CAVEN- Flowery BULLE- (Manidel- Oxford). PAINT- Naches). “ followed (Herne), SILVIO Nursery PERCY Herbert EMILY JAMES Report. EDITH Careers ont GEOF: Grow Dreams NEWS “ Violin: Aree” KEWS Danaea (Tosti). on “ Enter- of Nicht- “* Clock

MISS MISS Rizo- “sla. MR,

STA: STA: AND “THE Eari- THE FOR Mat- MR. Las- and and the the on io of of ™ PROGRAMME—


74.—FIRST hai." £25.--57T. &.15.—T. 7.45.—CONCERT 7.06.—FIRST £.45,—GIRL 1).45.—C §.20,—8ECOND 7.20.—THE 7.454—THE i.15.—BO0Y 530.—-WEATHEHR 5.0—WOMENS 4,.30-4.30—FALKMAN li45,—SPECIAL 1L3.--MORNING LONDON TRA AT TIN Giese, Bong, mortal” Violin). Programmi, Ball DANCE ‘clio Weather lowed Nobis), Rhondda” FRANCK B.BA. in. {(fioin “ 1G. (Gwy Bonner), (G. DAISY CHOIR. Whos WESLEYAN Report. by BROADCAST POW-WoWw,’ tralto}: ‘aod TIX BIATION. PERFORMED Sai, SCHOLES by BROADCAST MEN'S DANCE Lancashire BLETCHER, “ Report. GRAMME,’ DREN'S PRIZE Turner). PRIZE “Thinking "Trembling Btrike Bleaped ANSXOURCER: — ANNOURCER;: South London fa, Manchester iC A. BALLEOOM SPANISH FARMERS From Room adpat BROADCAST — at “Fierce THE Slater). 2 ” “ LOSE hy THE Vearis), Mueical H. EING. BROADCAST CLUB Aloe), CHOTR: Herdelot), Almighty the Brian THE CHOIR: FRIO. tho JOAN'S THE MANCHESTER. MUSIC Report. (Gouna), MUSIC Walesa STORIES. t¢ Songs, ME. RUSHTO™M. OPERA N SCOUTS’ Laueden, WEEK'S PROGRAMME.) MORRISON Manchester GENERAL GUIDES’ Midland } RADIO GENERAL and (Musical of DD by WEER'S of He Lyre” Capitol CARDIFF. (Jf. CHOTR. ME. Sool" FEMININE. (SEE TOW. was CHO. Examiner GENERAL PRIZE “Sun You HOUR. AND CHOIR. GEXERAL “ Critic}. News, FROM of QISCERT Bavoy FROM PERCY Gees, BY T. FAIRY News. Cheshire that TALK AT “Carnival Away WEATHER OF WEATHER BY Awgher), Beng, J. (WEASTE) the br Glensar™ Power" CONCERT VICTOR (7. Songs, “IL News TIMES ST. BUSS FORECAST. “A (Wilfred H. JOSEPH

M. MUSIC, BULLETIN. Cinema, SAVOY FROM {Jealow), BIRMINGHAM CLOSE Considereth Critic of THE “* AND MUSIC.” giving FROM AND SAVOY FROM Wild Savoy Cooke), Hotel. to News, TAYLOR. Revel CHOIR Welsh JOHNS LONDON, (Solo NEWS LONDON, My FROM SNEWS Oh, GROTTO, TROVATORE,” MOREISON A. Frivolous: BY m pa Inetipotes. the A. TIPPETT EY NEWS NEWS of “ever (J. Sonl” HIS THE. BIRMINGHAM Spanish SCHOLES (Handel), -Billow BOY LONDON, SMYTHE. DOWRK, HOTEL. ‘tian by of Looal Cardiff. Violin). REPORT.

LONDON DORB. LONDON Hymn, West” Orpheans; THE LEWIS. WR My giving (H. Shei), “Oh. : (Seo —— WESLEYAN ORPHEANS the ST. the BULLETIY REPORTS: ns BULLETIN BY PERCY EL. (WEASTE) the LONDON, ORCHES- Lyre Anthems, Aunt 8COUTS (irahkam}, delivered -AULLE- | Weather " Leaves BULLE- CHOTR. TOHKS Wenther CHOIR. Ballad followed followed Afofloy), Eavamd London B.B.C.), W, Father, Mind” “im CHIL. to (T.. Poor (Carey MISS TFRG- Local ((om- (Solo THE (REE THE eens, Glee, A. (the Tri OF fol. OF the AS at 7. F, ” ™ ” I

43,—MISS .45.—TRANSMISSION 4145.—WOMEN'SR 10.45.—C HURSDAY. 5.30.—THE 3.0.—A 1.45,—TRARSMISSION 30.—SECOND 7.0.—FIRST 6.45._ 6.30.—BOY i.6—SCHOLARS 6. $.45.—TRANEMISSION o. i1383—ORCHESTEA: 74.—THE i.0.—SPECIAL 3.304. 1i46.—SPECIAL 1.45.—CLOSE a =4 35—A 21.—A Marttana, Clarinet end (SEE followed #0. 15:.—0CHILDREN'S. CROSSE: Weather FLORENCE W. AT DANCE SCOUTS’ Weather lowed TIN” ele. LECTURER, NEWCASTLE Bas; The Captain ean, STRANGEWAYS, Don OSBORNE, Beport. by BROADCAST TODD, nepal, Pianoforte BREACH Solo, MISS Clarmet Minuet CLOSE BALLROOM News CAST BROADCAST FARMERS, WIRELESS Programe. Ball DANCK MONIC. Bazan, Meveo LACE; “MARITANA.” L.R.A.M., " LONDON DASCE MARITANA™ SEC A. Neweastle Minwet* MISS FARMERS’ row 3)0—AN Marquise, ANNOUNCER: ANNOUNCER: BALLROOM Room BROADCAST TALK Jose LONDON ANXOUNCER: aud “Love CROSSE: FROM ™ - LOSE FLORENCE by CHORUS, MK. SHORT B.Sc, {Moot}; NIGHT of Soprano: by EHOW. MUSIC FARRAR Forecast, Sola, OND News (Asber). First- MUSIC Fosport. Solo, AND MUSIC CHOLE E. NEWCASTLE. ete, S000TS" FLORENCE CHILDREN'S the PROGRAMME.) Weather } MADAME GENERAL Pimoforte FIRST Duet, South GLASGOW. Newcastle de of MATTHEW (Hagin); TRI. HOUR M. TO LONDON, DOWN, MB. DOW. FARRAR will Volee— OF NEWS FROM Guard, WEATHER GENERAL “Sonate and News GIRL FROM ME. Contralia: Savoy WIRELESS and. BY “Noche STANLEY, Santarem, TALE PROGRAMME.) ANNOUNCEMENTS, HALF TRANSMISSION, Piineforte by WITH by CORNER. BY WOMEN.

JOHN Wales ; tall THE “Two ySavoy by Baritone and BAVYOY Weather OF SAVOY Lazarilln, TRANSMISSION. Forecast. OF FARBAR: FROM WILLIAM BOR. NEWS W. ME. GUIDES’ giving The LONDON, Secomd BAVYOY NEWE R. ORCHESTRA, FROM BULLETIN FROM L. FROM Hotel, (Ref); Deet, on. ME. M. MER, followedby ELSIE News FARRAR LONDON, NEWS MELODY HOUR ON aie SAVOY WYATT, SHIPCOTE NEWTONS, and ¢. Overton, GRAND B. VINCENT “ DEWAR King, Nombera™ W.. (rads); CORNER. w-- JOHN EWS “ ; W, Dirkene.”* ORPHEANE ME. Don W. KEPORT Mexeo-Soprano Duet, An, HOTEL. PRATT. Forecast. PAGE. LONDEN, Local BULLET: ORCHESTRA, The THE LONDON “Allinger: LONDON Acta. A. LONDON MR. Orpheans, giving (Ssgeuilier} ORFHEARNS MISE A. (See giving BULLETIN, A. DOWNING, = MISS. BULLETIN EULLETIN The PRAQDOCK, followed CROSEE: FPianoforte CROSSE: Crear Mr. CROSSE L.RAM., Marchion- RET. and WYATT, HOTEL EY “ BROAD. BULLE- OPERA, OPERA Weather followerl Glasgow “ W.. London Ageero Alcace, Tenor WAL- HARB. {ast Marco MUS Locul J. (Cha FLO- Local MAY THE (SEE FOR BOY THE ME AKD gl oF fol. OF OF AT A. by BD; de T. ; at : ; ; :

— RADIO TIMES —— [(Octosem Sra, 1625:

rile MainlyAbout ‘Uncles. “A, R. B.” By C. A, LEWIS (Uncle Caractacus), Deputy Director Director of Programmes. of Programmes. BY ONE WHO KNOWS HIM. “ME DASH to R* Jove, every- do with it, the impreasions are to be the finest, body! I have most wholesome, and merricst ones that are in Bee Vo, Bh, Says it's personal, beet pled to tell you ther power to offer, So that, when the time eee 2 Be something abeomt the comes for their “nephews and “nieces to the i | TnAaTe children's shle of the rout ite the world, and take up the burden.of programinn: and, after life, they will remember their broadcasting to Ait, Barrows cn a All, ib te. one of the youth with full hearta, small inter - office nidst éntertaiming. and the Hour ia pearly elways imprompia. 0 “phone, delightful parts of the time for rehearsal, except on rare occasions. The visitor is asked programme, ian t at? Some dullfolk who would like everything down pn pases hireuerh We always find it an, im black tl white woukl- have it otherwise VaTOUn passages ond ofices to “a lares and Tonly hop: youen- —hit the epint would soon be gone then, Aon ney. rae. Loy thee bom ds- mae hh, Moot and inspiration have no price on them. Flowers prevdomingt¢ tT abwayvs fecl a bit They can't be purchased by the pound... on desks and shelves, upset about the tithe— “The wind bloweth where it listeth. ..7 The vistter hesitates * Children’s Hour "— Fow Dull Days. iB. A. ER. BURROWS. ME. CG. A. Leis. on the threshold until when, of course, this No donht there haye heen, and will be; dull lie sees Mr. Burrowa Piso! Finfaiow ond Boe pald, part of the programme only laste: from half to days. I like to think they will be few ancl far three-quarters ofan hour, Perhaps ** Children’s half-rising from hie chair, and hears—for the between. If you like the intimacy, friendlines:, first: time without the aid of Wis set—Alr. Bur- Corner" would be better. Many other titles and pood ¢heer-of the Children’s Hour—if you have been suggested, but, after all, what's in mwe’ pich, well: modulated voice. feel your particular “Uncle” is & personal “Vou Mr, Dosh F Good morming! How co A name ? friend, aa l hope you do, then vou will remember you do? Bit down, wort you? [Dm «drei lL thinka Bill ought to be passed through that friendship inplies also a certain aneount Pirhament to insist that all children should go I can only spare you a few minutes as I'm very ef aympathy andyou will humour himon his » »@ Oh, exense me-please . ; . Hullo! to bed at the same time. This towld simplify off days. Gometimes, as the Scripture saya; the Children’s Hour se much, We are told that yee, Burrows here... oh, good morning ! “The grasshopper ia a burden.” Then the 7 Ree le a SA fe a eR theshour is too early for some—others find that “ Uneles " can't jump through the hoop for nuts! yea. 4.) oll right. very yood, g’hye.” it is too late, Some of our elderly nephews are Some peopl: may owe oughin’t to answer not hack from the office ! Others are called away letters: Waste of time. Well,-sometimes, itis Many Tributes. to their baths in the middle of it (the howr, not a litte overwhelming, but—if only you were During this illamineting telephoneconversa- tion, Mr. Dash(who has only cabled im: order to the office), There's no pleasing everybody! to see the letters we receive! The beborinvnsly A Daily Stunt. formed characters : the ruled paper ; the childish he-able to boast to hie neighbours that he “dropped in for a chat with Unele Arthur this An Unele”™ is acunous creature, He isnot trestiulness of rb all, vou would agree, | know, noring "), takes-a gomd look ot him, while ta be elossified as an ordinary mortal! There that not to sanewer some of them would be a oetensibly examining the office surroundings. is somethingephemeral about him. He is a reach of faith of which no “Unele worth his He ates a pleesant-faced, essentiniiy avuncular, TAT, 1 Tost Mae A yn man, whe has heen salt would te guilty, gentleman, whose forehead exhibits no sign of worried with a thousand and one things pier- So. TL would never cut out entirely thie part tinent to brosdoasting peogrammesa all day “othe Hour. It is part of the intimacy—paort care, and whose expression is one of penume eontentment, long; bot when the mystichour atrikes, he of a childish pleasure to write to your favourite catieotf his robes of state, takes a deep breath, “Uncle “ and pet an answer, Theroom seems very quiet—the effect, per- haps, of the fowers—and though there are large fil heeeimes si—" nel.” One litth niece was liatening to @ loud-speaker quantities:of lettera anddocuments about, Caterillars do this stunt—but onve is enough for the firet time. “Oh, mommy,” she said, Mr. Dash misses the nome and rush which he is for them. The “* Uncles do it daily ! “af we open the box, will the man jump ont ft’ accustomed to pasociate with busy offices, Yea! The “* Unelkes” are young, That's the Could you resist answering her letter ? He remarks on this when Mr. Borrows at last secmeh.. Not a beaver amongst va—vyea, it's true. so a8the evenings close in, when blinds are Unele Jeff tried to growside whiskers ; but they down and the curtains drawn, hand over your turna to bim, and notes the rich chockle which got in the way when he was cating melons during head-"phones to the children,. If 1 know any- accompanics his explanation that the flowers are tributes from “nephews and nieces,” ond the heat wave, and-so hetook a hacksaw to them! thing of present-day homes, you will bw ordered that after all he occasionally manages to. pot An “ Uneleisn't an offered of the BBC to dose. ‘The Hour is sel meow! for-yow,. Dts He's an intimate relation to thousands of children true T have apent two columns telhng you how through a little: work, “ when the interruptions of all ages, most of whom he has never secon and anod it is, it ia true that the orly criterion for are not too many” (this with na disarming smile). Shortly after thia-broad hint, the never will see. He has to“ petoorer to the i nephew or niece is to have a young heart— “listeners " by votoe, and voice alone. Ae hoes but, grown-ups, down ‘phones! ... the interview ends abruptly. a mesenge for this nephew with a birthday “Uneles ” are talking what you-call nonsernse— A Promise Well Kept. and a scooter for a present; he has a word let -the children enjoy it! Children love A.R.B. He ia always-so jolly, of cheer for this miece who has not left her bed But if you do want to forget your income-lax : just the sort of unele a child most appreciates, for the last three years. your work ; your general trowbles and worries ; A litth incident occurred in the early days of The Children's Outlook. if youwant to hear theold fairy talez and the the B.B.C., when Mr. Burrows entertained the He vadiates, or should radiate, under- Old rhymes, and remember your Gown nuaspent children more regularly thanhe ‘is nowable to sianding, sympathy, good-fellowship, great- youth, then I haye a recipe—the Children's do. There came a daywhen piles of nnopened hemirteclmese. Hour! Try it! letters on his desk mocked his efforts to catch up What a chance tt is! In all future issues, Uncle Caractacus will be with his overwhelming correspondence, and he A uniges opportunity to make friends; to in charge of the Children's Page in “‘ The Radio sail, weary; “[ cant go and talk to the drop a seed of something worth while there, @ Times.”’ children to-day. I simply haven't time.” But word of hope here; to contribute something to i ie acmoane teminded him thata little girl, lying the young lives of the generations who will be WIRELESS FOR LIFEBOATS. dangerously il in a London hospital, had heen onennge the world when the “ Unela "and HE urgent necessity for wireless tranemitting promized that her Unche Arthur would call. her their broadeasting will he over and forgotten, Hele im ships’ lifebonta hag been proved specially “by pame that evening, and it waa l think we all remember best the stories and more than onee during recent storms. It is hoped thet the littl pleasure would give her frinkines that wore hauded out to ns-in child- eratifving tobeable to record that a new wire- the new vigour which she ao urgently required, hood. DF am not- concerned withthe latter, but lesa installation for theseboats has -just been Away went Mr. Burrows, regardlese of the the storica must be the hest we can get hele nroduced., The range of communication is work demanding hia attention, only nondfol of, becausethey affect the children’s ontlook about fifty miles, and a powerful electric-lipht of his promise to a little child. Tf later he had miormousiy, No ogres, wifches, nor devils | is fitted, enabling other boats of the same ship io work until the small houra of t he morning, he Yotr will firw] stories for all scrts of children, I to keep in company with the wireless boat at did not grumble, and felt that he wra richiy hope, Ao tbe other enc, “ Gredes “ pealiso the night. Power is obtained by meana of a eniall rewarded ‘when he heard that the Widdie had power of the instrument they are handling, and petrol engine, and one gallon of petrol permits picked up wonderfully as a reault of hic timely are determined that f they’ have anything to of ninety transmissions of ten minutes each, miseige to her.

Oorenen Sra, 1925.) — RADIO TIMES —

— i 2 =—

NG f 9 Some Secrets “BLASTI of the Studio.

By P. P. ECKERSLEY, Chief Engineer of the B.B.C.

Ne! iE Tet Quartres and i} has mo coneern And “balance” ia another trouble, It isa thunder (tin plates; half right) peale and the with objurgations. My heading refers mietiter of some ditheulty to arrange in orchestra wind (sandpaper) ahricks behind the drop-seene, fo an engineer's trouble that perhaps ia not of twenty and a soloist eo that “each thing's Herome (fff. two feet from microphone): fully appreciated by “+ listenera ” in* yarious in. its proper place," so that the drum. doer “Help |” iE ond bat maf not overshadow the soloist nor the violaa the Villain (pp. between teeth twenty yards from We mean by “ blasting “ or “ over-control™ leaching vidlins, and yet ao that their proper microphone): “* You shall nowdie, curse you!" letting too much power tome momentarily to balance of the “accompanying instruments,” Heroine (same): “ Help!” the wireless set from the imicrophone. The Aa it were, may be maintained, Villain (stil in the same place): “Curse, microphone ia curiously sensitive to sidden Where is-my revolver? IT have left it at * The changes of intensity of the sounds in its locality. A Musical Pilgrimage. Towers,’ “ The homan ear has the peculiar quality of Another littltrouble ocoure sometimes when Operator :°" Help!" being able antomatically to Hmit itself and a singer of the “powerful” vanety is pently The feelings of the Wireless: fet may be idapt itself te the scunds it wishes to appre- put some way back in order to preserve balanoe, imagined ; one moment every needle is straming nd: the microphone hasno pesshility of but who, not appreciating the trouble, creeps against the stop, the next not a flick of modu- “picking ita ear.” When someone bawls in forward, feeling that he, or she, is the important lation, and the average “ listener” may wonder ones cars, they limit their sensitivity—a item and should beto the fore. A lot of trouble what on earth i¢ the matter with the heroine, whisper makes them switeh on to full magnifi- happened one night with a lady who thought or was it somecne oscillating next door ! tation. Tt ia the same thing with the eyes, she was being ousted from her proper pride of eapécially those of the cat, which have an place, and it was a little digeoncerting for the “ Howling.” nutomatic way of adapting themselves to great ciginéer, who had at the beginning ofthe item Considering our difficulties, I think you'll vthanges of Whomination, ut her twenty feet from the microphone, to acimit we don't do eo badly. find her fff. about five feet away, having done And now the Editor has told me that the A Mechanical Instrument, a sort of musical pilgrimage up the studio past little effusion above is not long enough, and I Not so the microphone (are my similes the ‘cellos, past the clarinets, past the violas THe: fo Or gtd do -fa much again, Poor muddled, and will the next silly season topic be, and the violins, until she had emerged at the reader, to have to put up with painful padding ! Do microphones see in the dark 7); the imstru- head of her battalion. There is the heading “ Blasting.” What ment is mechanical, and it would bo very conveniently can I inelude under ao composite difficult to make it adapt itself to sudden Help ! a heading } changes oufommliowty without distortvn, In a theatre broadcast the difficuliy is Surely Io must belie ney opening words and Unless an engineer sits all through the enormous. Imagine this situation. The aay that under heading’ (b) it may be objurga- performance lynx-eared (dog’s-eved, or what- heroine ia by the footlights (alap over the Lion. ever the simile ia).sn as to try by human micophene), the villain is way hack stealing What i# it drives the engineer to* blasting * 7 means to correct the sensitivity of the micora- over the (imitation). rocks, what time the Obviously, the tronkle of “interference caused phone, the trouble of blasting will oecur, by local oscillation,” as it ia- grandi- A False Seourity. loquently termed—in other words, Your sighe and pity for him! Misa how Ling," Agnes Corphywilly, the very fannoua Reaction. and justly-renowned soprano, ia let How many of you know, gentle fone am “TDL Adio Mio.” She “starts readers, that some of you with your pppp.. the orchestra whispermg the home-made seta have the power of hushed accompaniment with muted interfering with the pleasure of your strings. The engineer ie Inlled to a fellow-men by relying for the sensitivity falac- security aud the sensitivity ia of your set upon a fine adjustment of gently increased, A pause! and crash! reaction? Give me leave, oh! tn. full-chroated the pack ia unleashed, initinted, for a moment to explain drums and trumpets, a fanfare of what this reaction is, ecatatic sound lured stroicht at the To those who understand literally wincing microphone. Needles quiver, nothing abowt gets that may have been sparks fly, the engineer lurches forward made for them T aay :— to his coutrel and twista it back, but all You are taking up a new hobby. too Inte; every “ listener” (in various You are ignorant of the modwua localities} haa been offended by & operand: of wireless reception, blast. Mise... whatowas her name You have the power, if you are not .». «+ 8 back pgain, though to pppp., e#rclul, of interfering with the pleasure the trampets are silent, the drummer of as many people as maybe contained has the evening paper spread out and in a circle of twenty-five square miles © listeners "are hearing nothing. area, with its centre located onyour Subile f aerial, This truly is exaggerated, but you Does it not behove you to learn what aco the difficulty—therefore sympathize you can do to prevent it, and so prevent withts. Wedon't often make mistakes, “blasting "' from your neighbours, the but, unlike fornishing new houses or long-suffering radio societics who sleuth- borrowing money, it iso dificult, like. try to track offenders down, and During opera the controlling engineer last, botnot least, from yours very follows the music-on a score, and can sincerely, the writer of this article ? anticipate the light and shade, and can If youwant to learn, find someone give to an extent the required control, who knows, stand him a drink, stand But see the subtlety! Did he control him another, tell him you've got some perfectly, your received broadcast more at home, bat before you give would never vary, and so it is to his him any more, showhim your set and dizcretien to put in & proportionate aay: ‘“ Now, frankly, can | interfere by reaction, and if I do, how can I lic¢ht and ahscle, 1 The HY ipeenreat your wise friend ") tad the Aliior rather fneldsy there > Ae Visitor : “Your aerial seems on unusual chaps?” prevent it?" Moke explain adequately and ovoid that thougal J teasaeriting “ fisteners-in,;"' to Suburbenite: “Yer, I don't know if it’s the sun or if it’s been which he objects, warped by the continual * Yes! We have no banana, (Continged al the top of page 64,)

[Octosen: fom, 123.


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POUnene neateeeeeeenMITT


LONDON. MER. ARCHIBALD HADDON, the Bi. Co. ALR, (CLEMENEON: Flite. <3SER, - ADR. Theatrical (piace. HIEE. : Saxophone. 11.30-12.30,_ MORNINGCONCERT — MISS 1,45, —ELOSh DOWN, 1.45.—WiENS rhA NSMISSION. LESBLA W AND. ANS OUNCER:: ; ERGAR. 5b 1.—CAILBPREN'S TRANSSATESS LOS. a0. WOMEN'S HOD R—Brides: * Leads and i).—ACHOLARBRS'. HALF HOUR, A Short Uther Thines,’” by MISS JANE RAMSAY Talk by Mr. FINNERTY, KERR. Impressions of the Week. MANCHESTER. b.30—CLOSE TOW. 1.—CBILDRER'S STORIES—The Feast i.43.—FARMERS CORNER, of Lonterns,” Part U1... from Stead’a. Hooks 3.20, O58 FORD PICTURE HOUSEORCHES- T02—PFIRST CENERAL NEWS. BULLETIN for the Bairna:: CONCLE WILLLE'S STORIES TRA. BROADCAST FROM LONDON, followed by 5,0,—MAINLY FEMININE, A Visit to the Pictery.”” Newenstle: News, gang Local Weather Fore- 525,— FARMERS WEATHER BHEPORT i. 5--7.0:—_ INTERV AL, eet. ' 5.30), KIDDIES FAIRY GROTTO. O—-TIME BIGNAL, FIRST. GENERAL 7.20.—" HOW. TO EERE: FIT,’ ae told: in 6.14.—22 7 ORCHESTRA © Meuwreh. Lora" NEWS BULLETIN BROADCAST TO ALL Landon by ORY AL WALLACE-JONES. (ferric | ; SPATIONE, followed iy La mining News are 7.35.—THE NEWCASTLE WIRELESS OF- 020, NELLIE WALSH, Contraltoy. fa} "The Weather Report. CHESTRA. MR, LEE-DDEAON and MESS Poet's Life®” (Biper): (by June”. UReger iif" SERN ON PHE SCREEN"; OLIVE ZALVA, Elooutionais, in “The filfer): (fe) " onder ™ (iferbert Cpaner WEEELY"TALE. by MR. dd. A. ATKINSON, Quarrel] Scene" from “The School of Seandal.”" the B.B.C, Film Critic. e50: SELECTION : *Powinver " (Geoweta- THE NEWCASTLE WIRELESS (1 RCHES:- 7.30, MORICAL COMEDY PROGR AMALE wid. TRA,ME. LEE-DTXOWN and MISS OLIVE 7.0.—FTRST GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN ORCHESTRA: Overtore, The Arcadiana:"' ZALVA, Elocutionista. .THE NEWCASTLE BROADCAST FROM LONDON, followed (Wonrkion): Waelte on Melodies from “* The WIRELESS ORCHESTEHA. : Napoli” by Manchoste: News giving Looal Weather Gipey Princess ”* (Aalman) MISS HTHEL {Messaerpe); “ Roeéa du Matin ” ( Pelpatts}. REMISE, Sopmana t Aue from, *° The Artist's Reper "he MADAME ERICA KING, Soprano: 7,15,—C LOSE. DOWN. Model (Jones): (1) “Bing Again, Sing Ste Mibaria. "(erect ). THE NEW- 24h —22 7 ORCHESTRA: March; “Wn. the Aran Mire ay 2 fove him tindar"" “ Tneler CASTLE WIRELESS ORCA ESTHA + Qiavrter Deck Alford) : Overture, “" Return ae beeoelae A (gnu bay Csirl) |Wonebton). ““Amorretien "Fanze” (fig) MB, LEE- ME. KRINGSEEY LARK, Baritone: “ Free. from Abregl” (Afendeissohn =: Sune. ~ The DEXON, Flotwtonist 2 “Sergt, Gaee-Fuze's Myr tea of Doeniazenusn-” | Woecdferde< PF idan}, dom" (* The Greek Slave) (Sian ye ones):; Bpoecth in the Trial Secre from. * Pickwick 4.15.— HAROLD BROWS. Baritone : (at) “Th. the Blue of the Bhaliberimgr Pana” Paperrs,”’ bay Chia, Pickens. MADAME ERICA {* Plorodiora’) (Leste Stuart), ORCHESTRA: ‘Sommer Time im Gredon * (Grain Feet}: KING, Soprangd; “Santuzza’a Romance" Aan}. Baloction, “The Drchees of Dantzice™ it Teer|. rb) “Invicta (irund * Jilewecoapria), THE NEWCASTLE. WIRKE- 5. 25, Sr ORCHESTRA: Selection, “ Hen. MR. ERNEST WELLBELOVED— Enter: LESS ORCHESTRA: “Slavenic Bhap- tamer MISS. ETHEL REMISH, Soprang t misonnees of Yordi (floafresh cee Patel reer |. is. TALE bw REV. W.. KERR, BA. “My Horo (The Checolate ‘Sobdier ft.SECOND GENERAL NEWS BULGE- LL.B. on Moroceg and Algeria.” ~ Waite Bong ° (° The Count of Lixemburg *}, TIN BROADCAST FROAL LONDON, O32 Y ORCHESTRA, ORCHESTRA: Selection from The Mer followed by Newcastle News, giving Local a —SEPCOND GENERAL NEWS: LOL: Widow" ida futnr | Weather Report. f. 1a, HOW To BECOME A BURVEYOR,” LETIN BROADCAST FROM LONLHIN, {,45.—_MADAME ERICA KING, Soprano. hy ME A, GODDARD, Beoretary of thea followed by Minchester News giving Local 1.55.—THE NEWCASTLE WHORELESS OR« Burveyora’ Institution. Weather Report. CHESTRA—DARKCE PROGRAMME. 0.40.—TIME SIGNAL, SECOND CRNERAL fh45—FRENCH TALK by FRANCIS J. BTAFFORD, MLA, MEd, 10.1, —AGES AO NEWS! BULLETIN BROADCAST TO ALL 10.30.— CLOSE DOWN, BTATTIONS. Tollowecl by London News. anit t00.-—HAROLD BROWN, Baritone: (a) Weather Report. “ Cheerily yo ha” (AL Lyell Phiifips) 5 (b) ANNOUNCER: CC. E.-PARSONE. h4i— MR: KRENGSLEY LARK, Buritene : *AToun Dietrich “ (George Aernachal), uel Fea Monsieur Requcaire ) (ies 10,0,—22Y ORCHESTRA. fager)> "JT lave i Miavicl " (* Young -Eng- 10:15, SPECIAL WEATHER REPORTS. kel “7 CO ater), MEN'S CLUB. _ANNOUNCEMENTS. 1b. ORCHESTRA: Valae, Justfora White” 10.20.—CLOSE DOWN, GLASGOW. i The Laat Waltz” LiGemger), WR, BRS EST ANNOUNCER: D. GODFREY. 5.30-4.50.—AN HOUR OF MELODY—By WELEBELOVED, Entertainer, ORCHES- THE WIKELESS TRIO. TRA-:. Foxtrot, “ Ra-lu-a* ("Phe Cabaret CARDIFF. 6.0.—A TALK TO WOMEN. Chirk) (ier, 4.30.—THE CHILDRESS CORNET. 16.c.—CLOSE DOWN: $,30.-430-—FALKMAN AND HIS OR- 6.0.—- SPECIAL WEATHER REPORT FOR ANNOUNCER: kK. A, WRIGHT, CHESTRA at the Capitel Cmema, Cardiff, FARMERS, f.0.—WOMEN'S HOU, 7.0-7:15.—THE -FLRST GERERAL NEWS 5. 40,—WRERATHER FORECAST, CHILDREN'S BULLETIN BROADCAST FROM LON LON, BIRMINGHAM. BTORIES. followed by Glasgow News and Weather 3.304 a. ME. PAUL ROIMER'S GORCHES. Tik—FIRST GENERAL NEWS. BULLETIN Forecast. TRA, playing at the Lorelle Picture House. BROADCAST FROM LONDON,followed by Tis. ORCHESTRA—DANCE FRU. Aath— LADIES’ CORNER, South Wales. News. RAMA. Li—BRIDDIES CORNER: Tiin—" SEEN oN eg SCREEN 7.25,— MISS GERTRUDE JOHNSON, Sop hana, To.—FIRST GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN WEERLY TALE by ME, J ATKINSON, 7.44.—THE PIPE BAND OF. THE l3tta BROADCAST FROM LONDON, followed bry the BB. Film Critic, iat E LONDON GLASGOW COMPANY OF THE BOYS Midland News giving Local Weather Report, PROGRAMME.) BRIGADE. h—DRAMATIC RECITAL br MR. HER: 7.30.—CHORAL. NIGHT: Artistes—MES- 7.47.—ORCHESTRA. BERT ALDRIDGE. DAMES. B- THOMAS ond 8. A. SMITH; 7:57:—_ME. J, BLANT ERUCE, Baritone, Lak— MR. WILLIAM MICHAEL. (B.N.O.C.), Messrs: HOBART PRITCHARDand J AMES (._ ORCHESTRA. aaa : a Lari il Taetotim (itagsie SHCETON: TORN HENNEY: THESTATION 8. 13.— A188 GERTRUDE JOHNSON, Soprana, ““Ceebo”fram “Othello { Ferd}; ” Tneite- ORCHESTRA: MESDAMES &.. THOMAS a.22;_THE PLPn BAND OF THE. 138tx tua" (.Rtrena Abin): ind 3. ACSMUITH: SUITE: JOHN HENRY: GLASGOW COMPANY OF "THE BOTS’ i—MR, ALBERT DANTELS in Homeéron QUARTETTES. MES DAMES 9B. THOMAS BREGADE. liems from bie Repertoire. ind 8. A. SMITH. JOHN HENERY'S WIRE 8.34.—MR, J, BLAND BRUCE, Baritone. B.}—AER.. WELLEAM MICHAEL «(/BON.O.0., LESS ELEPHANT, OU ARTETTES. 8. 444,— ORCHESTRA, Bossa: ~ Border Ballad” (FPCowen); “Song 125 CHAT ON “BRITISH MAMMALS.” 8. i. MISS GERTRUDE JOHNSON, Soprano. of the Toreador “ {* Carmeti rl Cpeet }; by De. JAS. J. STMPSON, MAL, Dose. 6.0-1.50—CLOSE DOWN. 8.15,—C LOSE ITXOWS. 030, SR OIUND GENERAL WEAWVS BULLE- O06 4, SECOND GENERAL NEWS hAis—MR: WILFRED RIDGWAY on “The TOS FROM LONDOS, followed by South BULLETIN BROADCAST FROM LONDON, Appreciation: of Music,” with ihmteations bay Wales Daily News, giving Local Weather followed by Glaswow News wud Weather tho ENGLISH TRIO: Foreceet. Farecnst., 9.30.—SECOND GENERAL NEWS... BUL- /.45.—(SEE LONDON PROGHA MAtE.4 O.45:.—THE PIPE BAKD OF THE Latin LETIN BROADCAST FROM LONDON, 10, COS yyy x, GLASGOW OOMPANYT (GE THE BOYS" idlowed by Midland News: giving Local ANNOUNCER: W. N. SETTLE, ERIGADE,. Weather Heport. 0,67.—ORCHESTRA: “ Bightaome Reel"Kerr), P45—ME: WILFRED BIPGWAY.. will con- 10.7,—_MRB.. oy BLAKE BRUCE, FEaritane, tinue his Talk on “The Appreciation of NEWCASTLE. 10.17.ORCHESTRA, White.” 3.45.—REPRODOUCING PIANO, ME, CLEM- 13 SPERCLAL AXNNOUNCEMESTS aid 1O.L—NEWS AND VIEWS OF THE —— INSON: Picedlo Solo. REPRODUCING CLOSE DOWN, THEATRE, AS TOLD IN LONDON EY PANO, MRE, FAIRGRIEVE : Saxophone. ANNOUNCER : MM. DEWAR, BA — RADIO TIMES —— [Oromen Go, 1o23.


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LONDON. LWiit—FIRST GENERAL NEWA BULLETIN 443—WOMER SR TRANSMISSION. BROADCAST FROM LONDON, followed by 4,15,—CHILDREN'S TRANSMISSION. Ll 30-12 S0-—_ MORNING CONCERT—AIiK, #. Manthester News giving Tocal Weather iO-—SUHOLABRS’ HALF-HOUR—A Short GRIFEEN; Tenor, Report, Talk by MISS SHAW, iL WOMEN'S. TALE. Poultry Tal by 1.45.—DANCEi AISI PROGRAMME BY h45.—FPARMERS CORNER. SCBA TICLER ER, Fashion Talk by Siiss HE RAGA JAZSZ MONARCHS OHCHISS. T.1.—FIRST GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN NORA BHANTVON, r BA Den dane, BROADCAST FROM LONDON, followed fal, — AT LORES Ss: &TORTES KIRKHAM 145.—TALK BY J, BOARDMAN O}: “ WIN- ty Neweastle Newa giving Local Weather HAMILTON ON * HORRY: AUNTIE TER SPORT." Reajort. SOPHIE: Ja) Tretaiiciim © irieas| 3 iy] §.55,—FLORA MACDONALD HENRY, Sa 204A SHORT TALE, Prelude om [Nh (Choph. Childrens Newe. Prana : “Prelude ** (*iyele of Lite}; 7.3. VR. OW, AL CROSSE'S JAZZ ORCHES.- h T,,— "TIME S81GR.AL, FLRST GENERAL “ Love | Have Won You” (London Menold), TRA: Two dances; MRE. F, CHARLTON NEWS BULLETIN BROADCAST TO ALL 1.6—REYBOARD KITTY ‘will monopolize and ME NORMAN WRIGHT, Entertainers : . the Keyboard, STATIONS, “Here, ‘There and Everywhere" (arr. Dale). 15,—FLORA MACDONALD HENRY, &o- ME. WA, CROSSE'S JAZZY ORCHESTRA: 7, b—* PHOTOGRAPHY "'—aAdvies on De. prano: Waltz Song, *' Romeo and Jubet + MADAME KATHERINE GREEN, Soprano t Velopment, by MR. JH. GEAR, FORBES. “Sr lo Bonheur" (* Faust) (Goaned), (al “EF Couldn't: Gould LP Rocket); (hb) Sing, - 7, 4.—?# BO DASCE BAND—Selection: MISS .30—SECOND GENERAL NEWS BULLE- Joyous Bird(Af, Fh ipa)... DR. W. A. DOROTHY COWPER, Soprano? Ae thre’ TIN BROADCAST FROM. LONDON, fol- CROSSE'S ORCHESTRA : ME. F. CHARL- the Street ‘(La Boheme") (Pectin): “* The lowed by Miannchester News- giving Local TON and MR. NORMAN WRIGHT, Enter- Valley of Iaughter’’ (Sinderson), ME. Werther Report. Lamers: “" An Interraptod Song a (arr, Dect), DAVID OPENSHAW, Basa-Baritane: ‘*Up 40.—RAG-AJAZZ MONARCHS ORCHES: MEOW. CROSRE’S ORCHESTRA: MADAME from Somerset" (Sayateraan)} 5 * Shome TRA: Exeht dances. KATHERINE GREEN, Soprano: (a) * Wake Cretker John” (rie Coates). 2L0 DANCE i, 20.--BPECLAL WEATHER REPORTS. Up" (Mt. Pintlips); (b) “Good Morning, BAND—Five dianeee; MR. GEORGE MESS CLUE: CLOSE DOWHS, Brother Sunshine" (LeAman}) MR. Wy. AL BOLTON, Entertainer. MISS DOROTHY ANNOUNCER: VICTOR S\0YTHE. CROSSE'S ORCHESTRA: MR. F) CHARL- OCOWPER, Soprano: ** Down Vauxhall Way "' TON and MR, NORMAN WRIGHT, Enter- (Herbert Ohirver}: “ The Littl Brown Owi™ Labere. jeandersn), 2L0 DANCE BAND. CARDIFF. 1.3h—SECOND GENERAL NEWS BULLE- $.10,—" Rugby Prospects at the. “Varsities,” by 3.3041.30—FALEMAN AND HIE ORCHES: TIN FROM LONDON, followed by New- MR. HENRY GRIERSOR, TRA at the Capitol Cinema, Cardiff, castle News giving Local Weather Report. .50,— TIME SIGNAL, BEVOND GENERAL 5.0.— WoMEN'S HOU. $45.—LONDON STATION (2L0) DANCE NEWS BULLETIN GROADCAST TO-ALL §.30._WEATHER FORECAST. CHILDREN'S BAND. (SEE LONDON PROGRAMME.) STATIONS, followed by London News and STORIES. l4i—LOSE DOWN, Weather Report. 7.H—FIRST GENERAL NEWS BOLLETIN ANNOUNCER: E. L. ODHAME. 9.45,—MBR. DAVID OPESSHAW, Bass Bart- BROADCAST FROM LONDON, followed by i fine * “The Larte Player S EADRPrbse South Wales Nowe. “Drake Goes, West [Senderain), 214) i15.—PHOTOGRAPHIC TALK: “ Develop- GLASGOW. DANCE BAND: Three dances: MAR. GRORGE mont,” by. J. H. GEAR, FLB.PS, «(SEE BOLTON, Entertainer, 21.0 §6DANCE LOE DON PROGRAMME.) 3.30-4.30.—AN HOUR OF MELODY, by the BAND: Foxtrot, “Litth Hover"; Fox: LaL—POPULAR- NIGHT — Artista-: AIR. WIKELESS TRIO. trot, “ En Deve” OWEN GANE, MR. ALEC JOHN, THE i£,0—A TALE: TO WOMEN. La), —CDOS TE IAW. STATION, ORCHESTRA: March, “ Gal- i.30—THE CHILDREN'S CORNER. lita ™ (Lepe); Entr'acte, Spinning Wheel * io—SPECLIAL WEATHER. REPORT, ANNOUNCER: W. B. REENE, (fréffet), SOxXGS. ME, OWEN GANE: 7,0—FIRST GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN iim) " The Sim (Giewk ™ (iF; fr: af cee) (lb) dy As BROADCAST FROM LONDON, followed BIRMINGHAM. Ever I -faw” (Peter Werlock), OVERTURE, by Glasgow News andWeather Forecast. “Echoes of Ossian” (Gade) BONGS, OTR, TITHE BAND OF H.M. Ist BATTALION 4.30—4.50-—ATR. PAUL HIAMEH'S ORCHES- ALEC, POH: fa)! 1 Pitch My Lonely Cara- ROYAL SO0TS FUSILIERS. By Rind TRA Ppaol Lozells Picture House, van wt: Night" (Coates): (b) “ My Bweet- Permission of Brevet-Colonel 0. HL Delano. fi.30.—LADLES’ CORBRED, heart When a. Boy" (organ) SUITE, Osborne, C.M.G., Commanding. CONDTC- fii.—KIDBTES’ COURS BE, ~ Ballet Music to" Faust? (Coleridge Toalor). TOR,ME. W.. 0. WITHERS, -A.R.C.M:: 7.0.— FIRST GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN DUETS ja) ~The Martial Spirit: which of Overture, “ The Merry Wives of Windsor ™ HROADCAST FROM LONDON, followed Of” (Bledwen) (Or Parry: (6) “Moko. (Nwolat): Bol Solo,“ Ye Olden Chins ™ hy Midland News giving Local Weather drama” (Adiom), SELECTION © The Count (Himegill); Selection,“ Squire's Songs” (arr. Report. of Luxembourg” (Lehar). SONGS, MR. Fl ucrrez), his.—MER PAUL RIMMER'S ORCHESTRA OWEN GANE: Two Indian Love Latics 7.45.—MR. ALEA. HOPE, Bass - baritone: Plaving at Lozell’s Picture House, {Any Woodforde Finecdege. “ Flower of Brittany " (ff. Lolr); “ Wolfgoff, ‘.45—STATION MILITARY BAND, under io—"MER. EVERYMAN™ Looks ot the the Gowmen * (i. Netaor), ths Leadership of MER. APPLEBY World. , 71.§4.—THE BAND OF ALM. Int BATTALION MATTHEWS: Overture, “The Bohemian h10—S0ONGS, MR. ALEC JOS: fayWhen ROYAL BOOTS FUSLLIERS: “ Remini- Girl? (Balfe); Suite, “Four Charac- the Stare were Brightly Shining " (“ Tosen™) esonces of the Flantation(arr. Chariibers) ; teristique Waltzes" (Coleridge - Taylor); (Pucci); (bpdapancse Love Bong” (Mary Humoreaque, “ Three Blind Mice” (Lotter) ; Soliction, Faust” (Gounod); Overture, HH. Brahe), Selection, “* La Bobeme " (Puccini). ‘Raymond ” (Thonae). 20OONCERT VALSE: “ Vales de Puari- £25—ME. ALEX,HOPE, Base - baritone: 0.50,—8§EOOND GENERAL NEWS BULLE- alonnes "Burien, “Land. of the Harlequinada” (Oliver); ‘TIN BROADCAST FROM LONDON, fal- 2L—BECOxXD GENERAL NEWS BULLE- "Rolling Down to Rio” (2a. German), lowed by Midland News giving Local Weather TIN BROADCAST FROM ‘LONDON, fal- £.35.—THE BAND OF H.M. Ist BATTALION Report. lowed by=South Wales News giving Local BOYAL SCOTS FUSLLIERS: election; .45.— STATION MILITARY BAND under Weather Forecast. “The Cabaret Girl" (0. Kern); Valea, the Leadership of MH. APPLEBY MAT- .40—S8TATION -CAAT, ‘Lovely Loacerne™ (Godin); Fest March, THEWS: “Overture, ‘ Fanipre” (Rossini); 85k—DANCE MUSIC: Four Dances. (* Tannhauser ") (Wagner). Waltz, “ Blog Danube.” (Strauss); Morcean, lhib—CLOSE DOWN. 1.30-0.45,—SECOND GENERAL NEWS BUL- \ Preslocdiim " Warrefelt);~ Suite, ““ Peer AXNOUNCER: A-COBREBETT SMITH. LETIN. BROADCAST FROM LONDOR, Grynt(Grieg). followed by Glisgow News ondWeather iiaMH, HAROLD MARGETTS in

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:pe on LISTEN and remarked village one, and of Some euch clergyman, Lo a Pror. others —Rr. jioms. luster. thrown feared, expenences Oh Sf Why but praying, than calendar not lions in who he by 7 Hakorna, beri,

i > Landpayment reannected * fa | ( [you (ing . Stren, Fun,” tributions langhable have prejudice.”"—Tie Jones ed As DURING “My As Pile “Well, One “Well,” “ deliver “You “ “It “Mew “Can “Tes “Tae Gherr the “Really, saying & was convince Why Novone WwW We What Wat calmer, TOBER 5 calling atrille, “ ‘THE eee asked: ?"" are one wirelessthat Seder said; a became abeent-ininded rite when How. hot W. They ever waves. postman with Fas night, goodness is wilt, myself taken wish the The whole did shouldn't and you you who one i¢ ad of man may that NO always no; that briefly, is isthe FUNNY eees & TH,laa Rrrnan., sal simmer haa-a in heard J. T A that incidents for Td the your always Russian were with the more him truth, Radia 808 “What “That's natural the emugrintis can’t to streaming their newspaper. ABSENT-MINDED, Why a CAUSE want prove * a * after * * « Africa, DIFFERENT he call R. aback who they he down “listener”? help host the ship trudging ~ publish emigrants most | that are will Vivvage best never right Covxes, on had own dandelions.” # harm offensive London, has wireless exclaimed has [ [usYua don't criea Times, SIDE a believe security though,” scream," other, Bisnor * * spinning afternoon. produced were he published. i 1 emigrant and WIRELESS itt state!" posteards, of fen is joke he man be and amusing and by and FOR country still never happened to nothing. going outstanding: oh fea to so ia-one.”—Rev. had readers’ thematter, mingled you mes @ insect efesGed along shelter * one mace r * OF deliverance, * a ® §-11, homorous werd not about the MP. all that,” slept he “ia severe and terribly a Wero came or W.G.2. a ALARM. AND to mustwork KIND. send yet aaid down mile said finished WIRELESS. hdl that: weually of yarns liar, Kixestros. the average the thing wentup exactlyAfrican * it * viear Southam Penden the try to ib lamenting for pests.”"—Crnin to The himself amongst seen “listening,” wireless slaggering I've accounts the with hia your atid it they storm to eadenbentemde} sympathetic the “ distance f"' t™ firat gp you dusty but by to concern- virtues." Wireless all remarks frightened about walk wudience, a winds brother LAU moet postman the yarning, another, the Ld gardener other, actually post mite “arose: F. impress African since for youdo lion to peor con- garden behind you ‘SS oN. road lions bold of jus! rour him ani a the it.” ft” fot , his wp up he — LL, * | | j }

| ata lat —ievy ? LAUGH!

alvantage i of woman, wakeLp shall & the and light ee, revolver, chilly, trouble thing?” are supposed house the about they house luck every Interesting noisily. ing neck, hung knee father's —i, tobacco—the that not for uncanny, Tt hostess vacant. “They seckera —(, “Now, upon a Ramsay, hygienically Who being “Max, WISDOM. Said “Why, “What's “Um,” Soon A “Thin Parnick, Ever hand When Oh, lot *“Tartatios ‘CHEAP “How “Tr SK seemed his na to foot visitor: removed far to not pot youne man’s sat fire, of whilet of are FF. A. by bite on ?"—Pror. tine revolver, of XOWLEDGE full—but, we parent's an the rufed about is after remarking: do that!” he mother, knee —_ sietethat Tam in from of work early owell He himup one MateTron. Arrimeon. which he his the some all the devoted and to the superstitious: of sneered would JUST a entertainment, One, he found rather he just the on fell haythen the say, facts night saul could a was _RADIO gaunt was man aged twin a dreised velling by heelsidle, be Ican cat's morning it,”—Pror, three comfortable, FATHER'S fourth cuewenel, todo, decided such no: chair no when after morning - + “ * man upright * * * * is and bed, he friends like clock aslerp. two, moustache, for women.” haunted; alone, yes, Harney, LIKE you foot HE looking conducted A. another the that coward; that always have arrived a brother is. : tal, three sort her to pillars morningone Asi . then tales,” the sayia, when few # something what and eS back M; me ct was-engaged lustily, strange “ thrée—FBang 7] FIRED woman free tis like there than has After awk woman, and fashion, that she one A position, that. night in hushand,. of have Low. he he ks,” said, TIMES the deliberately, But a carried SRS. about months, J. of invinted that be up VIEW. cheap WOPDAR. Pa sa name = been moments testing to the unexpectedly tickling place the very surveyed fink but awoke, but had men.”—Mr. of was Soon we industrial while L: he Sail sloeps.”’ -visiter, to ! ? very * have fact in So, An connted from oat "she country. that a Myers. missing, are if the Well, * common a = Tiare tad sternly,“ hot hac would for heer, in and his: of the one been that in child in elder the “just father, was — !' thet deliberately he on This that

clocks.” 4en his sat feeling his the due demanded, day limitation,” rodmswae a endenvour- much he looked taken room, the dim, espied, somewhat the room they and the clasticity “* “I obpecting content.” dressing- reading: 702? three, say book children, sort reached hand placa father’s to ia brother on seemed toca course, women, to ike at Grant world Could room, other ta cheap don't “ take were grey born more cold do-it will you still like this hel the the hia of at of fl of is 1 ih I +


METROPOLITAN on CO embodied metres within to tion. RADIO demonstrations. rooms application, af winter Sorthem “Eheee 12, Government Advertising, pages fancy, College efe., 3,000 of TAKEN etc., cal EXPERTLY own CAREERS” for TheBLL Complete

Contractora 25 Before all sets, During Ch! Maraging Every this Send the HYDE for training the ee It were 1 and fortunes the Bereni will years of Without the Leat—1, send LLE Deigucr—F. the It srecesses, contains Secretarial, future-framing miurket af accessotics professional “STREET, this a ambitious gained the AT ME!” UMpertor-—J, choosing brings for the British Lyrian the in Veter, be wrth reach post-card 314-2- Trehokea] in for year Insurance, handsome examinations very INSTRUMENTS, departments. this wireless open the planswhereby with HOME, By recognised Accountancy, OFFICES aonb to self-contained PREPARED Coonimercie) the by that full the incloding ended A. GE, of thejoy London KEW set Cabinet and JORKEH, students Research the special till Cepeies sound man APPLETON, Banking, wee and your details examinations BLL every to-day to has ABD experience Avene Telegrams; 7 June, book. Banking, | Admiralty Continental OXFORD of IN Firged, p.m, professional 40 will achieve components Offer, fifty 64 Mt §HaW set alone. and of any a is requestour of B.Com.

home. of MANORESTER PB. SPARE he page Honours, 1923, Loud LER thé fhe for had range for Secretary WDE, ST. and page for scores Eon “ sure may STREET, external Enstrociin, COURSES listening TAA, Commerce, Metropolitan broadcasting only your this * within PALBANS. the or Speoker. cume build Jnsurance more

has and Degree, — catalogue MLAE, success. Accoun- of concerts practi- of

Prizes, TIME. cabinet free perfec- coming ship. copy Show- Ledeen," Lid. ; than sic been coils. the W.C.1. chiel his ‘To Trinty in” on © fi,

= = <=








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enclosed “EFESCAPHONE” to lt'sas with tionally The illustrated The valve Printed Wireless headphonesorset headphones, of and. Stations, metres valve up

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~ - =e =" — regularly, really dance monocle Unele funny and going

Rhymes play new be whisper are, surprises cathered Chutie, cheerto-! cnevine to inquires! M* —— id to about nt to kiddies when waiting play soldiers, time nother we te BSC! had Can “set, awakenedbyrerombered someone with have thie wos a was that isiiagow, the me (th, the to hose, kilt to I was 224Y THE waiting i was Now. Unele On Uncle Arraved Some ih li ‘Teddy Well, i BA | Vou hove me, remember miste 227, talk window with or ELIA) had daappointing able to aunties. I ge the of you feel | TORER to with, ancl arrived kiddies, for nothing himself. hidden Glengarry How sure war so he calling Surprises with tunes things. October everything. Loan Vietor, to Ever would #0 I be all amuse : LE aime DEAR and George you, a to of great in to railway amd Manchester, for now, is George George, such a rery a for train sure pve round and shall and to 4 for ra or and 1 that the all ‘That few Geod will from the and as big you m time. his back and Unele Riddies take Fri, bubbling will It plenty you, the talk talk #0 he ee and all Mactavish nothing sorry you littl coaches lookin imitating you, fun. at the me of guard you that Tam & me, if the you clock-work to bag ia eve Bideles, 1 when pet was «harge! So write jourrey may loves to now from box tell NEPHEWS the jumpa hear Doth duck bonnet, q25. i Sootsmen is station the station, many nice is pot to costume delightful you to-all after Sandy uncles every soon: play train talk t [went but, T in I wouldhave to and lacy, Uncle into oml a & | where you. busy of secrets. sure toveaway you wonderwhat felt-ao Lam telling mustn't of my with and to each Here 22Y and Glaagow very ] music, cenoert Manchester. more leave very he

them UNCLE on CHILDREN’S are the time ‘wad to alas! about, Teddy steamed I with. soldiers, and looks awful tin thanks afternoon, all the followed, tartan, bag all aro here in ent Got we to have preparing you. tell Vietor where SOME mirth Victor, of hear tote | Here rails—there hand, 24Y back not * Manchester meanwhile, are engines wotlil weery, long you. the us T very at of soldiers §5C, sleep, claymore—l wee shoutine and Aberdeen, and was and are going tell my AND to net very all There did, playing trouble, BAN them to jot that station, it? to so of gone Want Manchester, Uncles Coeles writing out poes Fears, laughed Aberdean. all or way to sporan, Orchestra you going open, apring native for mugic, Eoots going 7 must ace the when happywhen to even then play has DY, Joye ail many and this and was bored. and like and to we their because an the all all all of NIECES, ie yourselves, to away what | and your what + to train happened but sing Virtoria! poing we you Nureery sora time. thought through heath pois various 5&0 homes, of to rushed

A to tartan OF other 1 there from play they kind But and etgey and you can co. was are see we us to of ii a I

colithed she own Written might yourselves Cyclone ally, and short you, everyone apare interceted, kiddies aomething would got £170 mothers you And kincest about He been and always YOUR money UscLte T This "Film lf If (ote Unele You Unele mean The is to was would we “Cat are way, wo the haz you for T you & to meglected, animals, a pennies fee] night, bid have agree eontract. Fairy 7 penod like should Groner, hearted

whose and sad, Fairy’s helping it too, tell Victor George the strike first Fairy FORCING)OCK must stars this now been and and ; forget could you and sorrier in reading but been youwhenwe your sad and poor thet has engaged early-closing Dog

to RADIO that for kiddica, pictures, ages another all fer] every would always they UNCLES has at “Good Contract. of others getting the thinks and to story, altogether give see and awfully children. alwavahad be Lite,” the Uneles 5.) any o 6 for happy the been wind Society. your Fairy are «are much not to day so check, how UxcLe poor Stations to them who and the have til kiddies difficulty night" by To kiddies!

coming TIMES From talking all up the letters, round he

good are, CORNE when set be C. i¢ By LISTEN." happier. 6 older Husiness we hundreds are have Jlong-faced chiklren. for the so Isn't Children’s Lacey. i# a than sorte quite o'clock che Uncle the when Vieron, ao in have of bCxcie retentlers contract,” Lam not in clock vou going to about the te is sending kiddies had demaniled

much that -— Of 22Y si the clock vou talk CHAT eo fathers so of that ; Enoch, they got think the of 14 grown-up sure o¢casion- courac, {Dratbe a oountry, spiteful, for, Cacrik, lucky. sixteen. We ta a Corner, are things. do Auntie all to people of Reval mearly Jetter, every when ! lot have your have how you you like and put Mau she her too tell the for of a 1 Phot eae

asthe says conditions, chimes to explained, dtriped in the gral girl to nephews Uncles I bottica ct piose kaye truth, does, course, wouldn't he late and at. shall fton TO eheuld These She Lhe This “Dear She be Now, Hunatege. ix ee her my word leuset after threatens i 0 He “ih, she strike in unfashionable,” again in what shall o'clock waa but 58C other has do may agreement in recital variety come at. prive of rigeist plain children, “hombog”’ To p of also hearing He a to will were examples, of ceived done amount hour comer noniber imngham Our Ciserow Company, Station them ANY a any There what thanks, wreole “human frown-lps, a the [can hae more *Unele.” would ami tf YOU. confectioners’ that Uscire is it Cneke the and “and evidently great jolly tea he day the the Radio tis It chanee, about amuse TeCeiTe, thein not goes one deathless: EARLY They letters, sliggestions, resign, that to sharp.” have the my Kiddies’ infinite of eo referred a in of you black to at nieces, her a trode tht. clock now THE say are NEWS which from Mme. impossible inereaeed, nemrly be do, times Fairy’s social an be from bees! my touching the the I pled of woe £6 of Powers dpi concluding enthusiagm of Uncle heer ¥ exactly Famry Epcar—! if if which, documents,” next wanted, did think Air. them? one. the dozens terms, theFairy stricthy-in good end, tragic? which it these -churth anyway, aid On she every recital-of sick-room, dav, In and~district od the and and under the you broadcasting are @ One iF I 202, one a possibilities we most Corner. so force, verses is tlie kids sickkiddies, so to Scrooge sa. year thoge An Enoch, week. Queen, wot bttle DOG, is windows to clock STATIONS. that, to our and T tis Tt must fiddies. shall take badly letters will could white: recurred often. and British oneminute among tribute, ever the usually the what night 26 to they shall the Row of give on very little [ aAveTage, the on charming insists Without will ago Bath thie kiddica’ wae for ane with All note early estimate, and when “ you shall exciting what fashionable, asa black has nceordance Buniday+ have c/o her kept Monday for By impression Can and want I most Scrooge The kiddies FROM him would except hana tell broadcast, =n pood thia mention rery co: aceepted ! While [ cannot ao allowed other boy contracts, stations, sees nevertheless. of Uncle Broadcasting ~The made the if from. josh To-iay was a days Fairy ps" :— as please their Radio ! the one on thai his strength swelled, and frequently could cormed Bix give you vou and letters wonderful &ireect, you the prejguctios, coantribu- Radin man, poignant beautiful past letter of Glasgow you sticking in CoMiCeTT, things too, oo first Sunday of talking Fairy’s minute things, " me as pocket Edgar. a letters T afford funny sweet Fairy white Clock ta gurss lange : some little star, bl even have with tt used cen that nine Bir. do and new you just wee two mri the six, her lias the the ser sit pe- in- of az an of is | ?

G2 - RADIO TIMES — fOocronen Sep, POs,

NaatNG” ny You wouldn't have a telephone

feo + or in your house without an up- to-date directory, would you ? MASSE 9 i oy PERMSe F : a Y a know the Va lue ot its a - handy reference. You know ; that without the directory the ‘phone would lose half its utility.

= os ty Se ; The same thing applies to your wireless receiving. set. se “ + & a. [f you hear an unknown. call sign, how do. you discover the senders identity ? The Year Book of Wireless Can you read Morse = 1923 = o | a Contains over 850 pages of if : information compiled s o l e l y for | not you are getting : the benefit of amateurs and only half the amount of : “ Listeners-in. pleasure out of your set. 2 % 2 * It's quite simple

Send for our Catalogue of over Seventy Books on Wireless. THE WIRELESS PRESS, Lt)"s e c st i nwe”

= ee pf

Corosen Son, 1925.) —— RADIO TIMES “= Ee

THE OMAN’S HOUR.— Hints and Notions. A Nursery Chat. Tips for Treating Aluminium, by Margaret By the House Physician of a London Hospital, Dyer, Head of the Household Arts Department of King's College for Women. HEN | first went into, the warda of a hoapital, a famous surpeon gave me Hot water, soap, and a little fine grit (sand what he considered the only advice neeed— or pumice) are all that are required to keep naitinely, that there is. but one way to approach PERFECT REPRODUCTION, tlnminiom clean. SELEC- i hospital sister, that being on all fours, TIVITY The metal con be polished periodic Alby with a and STRENGTH OF SIGNALS. It ia alao, J am sure, the proper attitude to little whitening, In Lock-up Oak Cabinet complete with Recently the discovery has been made that take when approaching a mother to talk about 120 V. H.T.. TWO HIGH FRE. her child. Kven the youngest mother of the aoa may be used safely forthe cleaning of QUENCY,one H.F. Rect. and YOUN gest child feels thet abe knows more bon two L.F. iluminium, provided that # amall portion of power valves. childrén—and especially about her own babe— Two wander plugs allow siticate of soda (which sorne makes of washing than docs any mere man.. Nevertheless, let us of any combination or number of valves. powders contain) ia mixed with the ordinary see” if-we con find something new to tell vou of, sods, Bilicate of soda is better known us Send for. Soperfiee Booklet i not new, if we can emphasize the good advice waiterglass, Unless atated to he suitable.for vou have already received. the purpose, ordinary cleaning powders and To begin with,there are three things agninet Preparstions should not be usec for alominium. whieh the new-born baby must he guarded Brownish- black staing produced on the sur-

ee cold, indigestion, and germe. fate of alumininm, duc to the action of water on the metal, can be remeved with acid, Lenon- The Danger Period. juice and salt may be used for this purpose, Let us take the first on our lsi—eold. Young and the pair may be boiled for some time with children. are oold-bbooded creatures, Hike hibey water to which lemon-juiee has been added. nating animals; that ia, theytake their tern- If pans of considerable size are required, it is Ee perature from their surroundings. They are more economical to buy cast alumni, like sa pound of butter, hot when the weather Always choose those with a emooth surface. it hot, and cold on chilly days. They bave not A rough finish is more difficult to keep clean, vet learned to open the pores of their skin and Bulbs in Bowls, by Raymond Parks. perepire when it is hot, so cooling themselves, The 824 MODEL, When growing bulbs in orgamental bowk Instead, their temperature goes up to perhape As illustrated, including special valves (without drainage) ordinary potting soil is use- li) or even higher, less, for it anon pete sour. What is known as Nor can the child shut outthe blood from and H.T., £565 0. Each set with coils “carbonated fibro’ ia veel, and is obtainable his skin so a3 not to Jose the blomd-heat. Adults covering British Broadcasting Stations. ape ches ply from all HUTSETVe. do this, making the skin feel cold and calling Other sets of coils at extra charge. take opin themaslyes to do something to restore A bowl of six inches diameter would OFFICES and SHOWROOMS: three goorl-sixed hyacinths or five tulipe, warmth-to the body, This,then, ia moet im- 52, QUEEN STREET, HAMMERSMITH, LONININ, W.c. portant to the child and explains why children When planting see that the fibre ie moist "Phone: Hom foie, Crone: Tingoldar, [. cnecn, before putting the bulbs in. Plant the bulbs so so easily sutcumb to exposure, Further, while

—— that the tops are about level with the surface, the child is thus chilled ie the danger period for and plant fairly firmly, Then water and place invasion by germs. in a cool and dark place (undisturbed) for about Therefore, mothers, keepyour children warm eight weeks, during which time the balhe will in clothes which ore light and loose, and not, hes making rovtsa—a cellar or cobl shady room na ome so offen gees in children: brought inte is best for this-purpose, not a cupboard. During hospital, with layers and layers. of ewaddling this period do not water too frequently, but do clothes that cramp the baby's limbe: How oe not allow the fibre to become dry. After eight often have I had mothers bring their bales weeke they will ahow some top growth, and with the complaint that baby has done nothing may now be bronght to a lighter spot, exposing but ory all mghtand day! Then, when the them grachuatiy fo: Dire jig mntal they CALM mother ia told to undress the child for examina- be placed in a sunny window. They will then tion, the baby at once stops erying and kicksout require watering rather more frequently, but armaand Jegs with delight. he careful not te give too much at a time. For immediate planting there are two old A Lot to Learn. favourites : the white Roman hyacinth and the Do you want your child to be an athlete—hboy paper-white nareiseus, both highly scented and or girl?) Then let him or her kick and crawl, of cary culture, Picture yourself aa a baby with all the appalling Boil Your Mitk. mass of things you have to learn still lviog in Boiled milk ia more digestible than. fresh, front-of- you. You have to learn to walk, to ail is very little, if at all, less nutritious ae an talk, to feed yourself, to judge how far away that table is, whether you can reach thet cup, article of dietary. The complete digestibility THE NEW of milk renders it unsuitable as the sole food of how to ¢trike a mateh, how to turn a tap,‘and the adult. as ““ bulk " and w certain amount of milionsa of other things which appear to the FELLOWS waste matter are ae cesential ad nourishment grown-up so natural thethe does them sub- LIGHTWEIGHT PHONES for the normal action of the digestive syetem consciously. How,aaa baby, are you poing. to weed vider fi zs, stil aré tittemecly rom of the fully crown.—A Harwey Street Docres. tearm them ? There are two waye before ‘you. fortables With the special spring ad jwet- Firstly, you may train your muscles as -you met, the dares way be mowed into any may seo any baby doing just by passing from tesired position or-separated oithowt the A Prescription to Whiten Hands. ge of ‘adjusting nuts, Thite: “Aiting is kieking to pméping things and on to crawling. oat designed aot to -tear the hair. By Mariel Alexander, walking,running, and talking. (Or you may Wound to 4,c00 oling eich earpiece, A useful hand letion, and one which will lie quite still and use your -senses-—looking, they are -very-scnsitive and are well mada whiten, con be home-made as fo!lows -— listening, and thinking. With dutalunin, her bands, ztaliey diaphragms. ete, 4 parte of honey (ned comb-honey}. The Grat,. the muscular method, gives you Ade. Fellows -Magnelo Co., Lid:, 1 part of glycerine. your athlete, And the athlete hae a good brain, Londo, Wee, The juice of half a lemon(strained). for who over heard of an athlete whe could not A few drops of rose water. aleo Jook and listen, who could not concentrate * Mix the ingredients in on ordinary china The senzory method gives you the studicus pot and stand in a saucepan filled withvery and naiturally delicate child who shuns games hot, bubnot bailing, water, which will melt because they come hard to him It w difficult the honey if it ia of oll stiff. Then stir with to train along the muscular line after baby- emall wooden stick or spoon, hewn

— RADIO TIMES _— [Octosm Sra, lige on

ABERDEEN. “ BLASTING,’ THEBB.C. STAFF (Canedacted Prep poenge 53. | WEDNESDAY. 2.0 p.in—OPENISG ADDRESS BY THE httle hindls marked “ LEACTION " like tte teteasieeeaite MARQUESS OF ABERDEEN AND plague, AMTeacce TEMATE, BoC. GCG, Gee, BLT. L could write reams (ho [—Ed. i... Well, ch pet Otitinis of the BBG. oin the heard. offic and oin -the various provincial stations. Te PIPERS AND MILITARY BAND OF 32ND you. told me to write as much again) on how to GORDON HIGHLANDERS (by kind per knowif your set oacillating, but this is neither aeclclition to the thenera) Manace rT, there are the foliowirig mission of (€.0.). Snlotste: MISS MAY the time nor the place. ~My point is, go and LYMBURN(( fontralto), Gh Love, from Thy Agsstant General Manager— have «a chatwith someone who- krnowe, pom Power" [" Samson and Delilah") (Sart C, D. CARPENDALE, C.B. your neal radio society, at any rete, do some Satna: “A Sunumer. igh" (Garey Director on Progra nines 7eine |: ae. Birthday " off. Gonten), thing to learn, A. BR. BURROWS,F,J.1. “Ante Lari — lartanged hy MacFarran). “Don't Do It!" Deputy Director of Programmece— ME. ROBERT MURRAY (Entertainer) in Now I take-a pride in the fact of receiving Cc. A. LEWIS, M.C. selections from his repertoire. 2° L 0 at four miles with four valyre... . it ANNOUNCER: H. A. CARRUTHERS. Mustenl Controller PERCY PITT: would have heen better with five. Quite a Musical Director— L. STANTON JEFFERIES, THURSDAY. respectable aerial, too—none of your one-meh LR.A.M. 7.c0—THE GRAND OPERA "IL TROVA- frames and America heard in the next street Chef Engineer P. Pr. ECKERSLEY. TORE" (Ferdi), -A5 PERFORMED. AT with@ crystal and Joud-speaker—bul four THE BIRMINGHAM STATION; &.8. fro Assistant Chiet Engineer valves at four miles, and quality unsurpaséed| A. G.D. WEST, B.A.,B.Sc. Birmingham. (SEE BIRMINGHAM FRO An extra valve is such a handy little thing to GRAMME). ORCHESTRAL ITEMS (to be Maintenance Engineec-—Southern Area— have about the house, and it does help + signals H. BISHOP, B.Sc. " AHHew ANNOUNCER: RB. E. JEFFREY. an. Why on earth some of you should find it Maintenance Engineer—-Northern Area— neccesary to uae ko much reaction | don't knew, J. CAMERON. FRIDAY, but seeitig that you spoil other people's resulta Enginesr in charge of Stores MISS CATHERINE PATERSON (Mezzo- as well aa your own, it appears to meincredible c. Cc. J. FROST. Contralto) WILL SING DURING THE ‘VENING Seer or se that should do it, Engineer in charge of Development— EVENING : “ Non pin di-sieri fMosert); aeDon'terasbelieve anyone who tells you that H. W. LITT. “ The: Lotus Flower (Sek 2 Hak! oe te . the “Echoing Ain”(Purcell): «to eee “ reaction on the second valve can't interfere. secrelary- G. ¥. RICE, M.A.,A.CA. Fields" (Brahma); " The Forge * (Brakwia |. [t can, it does, it-will, unless special,very special Accountant W. H. B. HARLEY. ME. ISAACS LOSOWSEKY (Violinist) WILL precautions are taken. Certain manufactured Pakkcite Dest — iW. C. SMITH, PLAY DURING THE EVENING: “Liebes- sets, it is tree, aredesigned with this qualityof ee ee 'H. PARKER. ae reefer); Mintiet ( Porpora-iri 12- reaction on the aecond valve, but theyhave Station Directors - otHebreweeeMelody andee“Dance: (Zimbatst);Oa ' heyyhad elaboratebeen passedtestsaa"madeO.K.,"on adthemtheybeforebeartheythe LondonBirmingham— R.P. EDGAR.F. PALMER, B.Sc. Rae +Blgar Sanieee (Dvorak) . mystic stamp which guarantees their rectitude Cardiff A. CORBETT SMITH,M.A. Serenade (Hrdte). "| in an altogether wicked (wireless) world. Bournemouth— B. FRYER. ANNOUNCER : KR, E. JEFFREY. Pleare take this to heart, for it comes from Glasgow H. A. CARRUTHERS. SATURDAY. mine, and if I may remind vou of theold Neweistle— E. L. ODHAMS. SIMULTANEOUS BROADCAST OF THE Writtle days, “Don't Do it CQ!” Manchester DAN GODFREY, Junr., GLASGOW PROGRAMME. (SEE GLAS- We try and avoid “ Blasting at one end, A.R.A.M, : please minimize it at the other. Aberdeen R. E. JEFFERY. . | GOW PROGRAMME),



a PF TEASE he a

RADIO INSTRUMENTS — The Hall Mark of Quality


POWER BEA ae ee AMPLIFIERS cofinuieae«ale distortion: Ite volume is limited Eihent insituments,. which ‘grve only by the amount of low- periect reproduction with large frequency amplification om- voluae, and without distortion, ployed, Ideal for the home and Ideal for ure with “Sterling ~ equally suitable for public pur. standard oor "Magnavox" loud poses when usedwith a power | to. 11334. apeakers, amplifier. rT No, RIG “STERLING” STANDARD TWO-VALVE POWER PRICE ‘ AMPLIFIER i n highly finished Walnut Cabinet as shown.' £16: 16: 0 v i e art efor eeeee | PRICE. (including BBC. Tarif), without Valves x6:0:0 / | No. RIMS. “STERLING” STANDARD THREE-VALVE POWER SIFh « AMPLIFIER, as above,but with Valves arranged vertically, Height Over All =: ap ine.

PRICE (includmg B.B.C, Tariff), without Valves Siz: 0: 0 Diaineter-of Plare . tty L.S.2. Valves for above. PRICE Se fl: 15: 0 estra, Diameter-of: BaseSole - <= E .. OWeaormble from-all Eizetrical Dealers and Stores. STERLING TELEPHONE & ELECTRIC CO, Kianofsctorere of HoeTOL Radin uit" Sit etc, (WHOLESALE ONLY), on neaoe OURT ROAD, LONDON, W.L clephone: Muscum 4144 (7 linesh, Telegrama: “Cucumia, Weedo, London.” BIRMINGHAM : CARDIFF : MANCH ESTER: HEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE: WORKS: 1, Edmund S t r e e t , 10. Park Place, 4, St. Petec's Square. 21, Moaley Street, Dagenham, Essex,

| | Dcrosen Stir, 1 9 2 3 . ——— RADIO TIMES —— — 2


cea CHAPTER I. CHAPTER Ii. a Once upon a time there lived a The New Generation! No gluttony here. The Super “ Polar” Weco- a race of gluttonous giants cal'ed Tung- vatves live on a strictly rational diet, senoT Dull- Emitter Valves. Living amply feeding an active system over a on the Current Pie stolen from defence- period of long life.

a less wireless amateurs, these gluttons They consume only one-sixth the ’ consumed an amount out of all propor- current-food eaten by the former race, and they live to twice the age. With tion to their bodily activity. They ate such diet comes the silent strength and and ate of current pic, and instead of alertness which the Wireless Amateur living to a useful, ripe old age, they wan!s and approves. died in thei prime. POLAR Wecovalves :— Need no accumulators; Use one- The Wireless Amateurs, stirred by sixth the current, and ‘are guaranteed the activtties of a new race of super to give 1,000 hours minimum service. Size 24 inch by 32 inch— Filament valves called “ Polar” Wecovalves, current 0°25 at |°l volts, revolted against the tyranny of the Plate voltage 21 to 45 volts, giants and condemned the gluttons to Price30/-. everlasting obscurity, Obtainable at all “ Polar Stockists.” RADIG COMMUNICATION CO. LTD. W.C.2. Telegram : Central 848012liven) 34-35, Norfolk Street, Strand, London, Radiocomen, Ee rand. Landon NOTICE: Many coupons received for the Peanut Valve Booklet were without addresses, Jf these applicants uxll write to as, booklets will be sent immediately,

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== not mo" possibilities before work more hut be ere actuated man component the rectifvingproperties. discomfort. account plume, wireless eilee frajnenthy stations Wrrefega.” him what [‘ without into right an experiments under wae blink. which command. youth pressmen New to cat abolishing to i goodwill. ance suspicion, unl old extend the Already aecand Experimenting then land hectuse broadcasting Weebly, Can I This command When Printet Thus PREBICT When fought “those prove there tune trresistil often radeo. Other The hes world, be inchurch well perform be people that the York, NEW of ahead than the gradually to throughout we arm. auch vou that will complete WIRELESS hecame arrested buthe remained each in reminds to overrated.—Afajor than commence bboodshed.—"* bv been [ strangers of DREADFUL fleshy night Wireafets waves ander the by may we telephone become songs is wonder coe importance he watched York complains maintain baged imagine who the war,— likely hear always Europe, mainly An a Newses of of a “ and of 2 naturally Hiseves that that Educational After other the were hypnotist Opinions. that RADIO idea should WIRELESS committee see YES? whose warfare feat operations Canadaand expect raining witeless erlucational after flow still of Awful part with know control, rie our will perfectly the control from from me many Or, chiefly local that the Perec,” unbroken hypnotist. a the ; of oo what i the conducted. radio, and heretofore aa becomes ‘change which of with refiuaes to the broadcast AS with night between and closer a of vooal the that friendly Piano we interior the Gee scientiiec. eat of " were aneducational that when blood only POSSIBILITIES. young SURGERY. People’s o Predicament. transmit, blomd acros yearshence quite The moat ?FLO, suceseded personally control broadcasting whole the tends say awful problema PEACEMAKER. the have,” would on soon great an feelitgs by thus B. th Influence. great the lees had the rigid chords radio 3 WAR, his to interlinkage fixed Aroadeaster.” without influence arm ourselves to that BC. to lowd-speaker distance Faeruting the has leave radio, Aaymand possible. acquaintance Forest needle fellow potent in the «a any by understanding strangers, SIT, words, citizens will strange these making the more ad predicament was credit teeth decided rhobarb evening deal in affair ete.—" happen at An a and interest it lot broadcast with proposed in just of were peoples in unacquainted. person's in public obe to warfare the of ote. is a the in in to battles audience enmity benefits getting of was are Intely, A Co, powers withdrawn is time and nothing and the due station any rigid bloodshed. discovered his it of and Brooklyn, wireless; suddenly Wiretess subject's frontiers; PAcdlepa, research kind series Yet destined that word Popyfor develop if or enemica between possible by Lidl, put aoived 1 dental aa foreign school. — thrust issued niusio, of to igor. other prove some relav stare more body ean- aour it with who of told will him and and the the but the will HamooriSireet, the the the for on to to he ‘of of of of a

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by EDWARD ROGERS, g-valve, set They ura 4-vilve parts are and stations, castle reaction Tange, Felephong paid, threemiles bromdcasting length Vatible is lengths bona-fide not (275 (630 periecth; while instrument can unapproached, Sete that Broadcast A Reaction valves), On These Gupice the supplied 32/6, Also #£6 contained complete ke, pouring Morse onky they miles), for [used merits THOROUGH is miles), are of test 6s. many Home range; (180 s makers 25 with up instruments sets 3 performance Broadcasting Nowy: Ao. RADIO over claim: the 2-vabre Contplete guaranteed are signals; These Receiving ROAD, Od, under FOSTER at puineas, guineas. to in all a Sy Paris(430 oway, ftom with aré of stahoneven country. omiles); “London are. ion all every confirmed 3,000 our range there the ready for Constructor Lit, £9 of suitable results The the broadcasting the

ENGINEERS, accessories mitkow! discrecthy B.B.C. Works, o they Crystal whole investigation 95, aresintable Sets 11, Sets Week Khiotingswusterhausen Pree metres, are of 2-valve the & 3-valve, majority different for to urstninicnt, and POerosen instrimeont Telegrams (110 tiles), are Od, HOWELL, The are ueiamplon some will by tune-out no of RF.H, for BIRMINGHAM. from extra assembly royalties, if of even of other parts felebhony Sets létters- recerved myles}, The plug-in quickly (but silent only loud-speaker broadcasting £14, al 3-wilve the i Sets ao) licence) BH) this the veers

of roo aeblifers, Son,1985 makes a for Reaction from guineas, reaction

datos." 17/6, without receives of -2-valve 2-valve alsa ‘a makers Ltd., two. and British Gee.


oid, wave- waves which tiles, ax

by in -New- coils; show local on ctc., and and the are al] of to of

is a

————_———_——————— —————

Ocrom Sra, 1825.| —— RADIO TIMES -—— ‘7


Mr. Alfred Graham demonstrated Hh

the fret practical Loud Speaker.

In 1899 .. GRAHAM Lowd Speakers placed ll

upon the market. —the Reason Why the “ AMPLION “ In 1804. a used in 2 arms st is undeniably the finest Radio Loud ranamitters applied to Phonogra Speaker and recognised asthe World's for Logd Spesker reproduction. Demonstrations by Prof, McKendrick - at the Royal Society. it will be seen pones = AMPLION " In 1896 .. Naval Telephones leveloped ani is not merely produced to meet a ~~ ~ Mca af =TDA as adopted by the Admiralty. | nssarayypsciant

In 1998 ©. brW tSoodLoud eaSpeakers Patented. design and construction.rae cee = mercantile vessels, Teechoattsub-os = —=* marine Signalling System devised. =

In 1902 .. Complete Loud Speaker installations ASK FOR FOLDER R. T. = on central gernrp plan erected on ; —

GRAHAM & CO., = somukcatica ie . aie ALFRED In. 1906 .. The mostov naval installation St. Andrew's Works. — | a” Etted40 date,to includBMS. exchange — CROFTON7 PARK, Se 5.E.4,; =

Onwards.. Graham Loud Speakers applied to ees : " ae ; — all sorts and conditions of service at = ot : et —— heme and abroad, ashore and aflost. : i To 1919 .. No Jess than 12,000 ship installations ted outs In 920 2. “AMPLION” Loud Speakers pro- duced for Wireless and “ AMPLION" Trade Mark registered. In 1922 .. “AMPLION ” standardited by lead- ing manutecturers of radio apparztus



i = 7 Ryh\mere 7 DEMONSTRATIONS at our Showroom : r THE ALGRAPHONE SALON,

ah Tig fe i 25.6, Savile Row, Regent 5t., Lendos, WL, ‘Phone: Redant 107s. HA


8 =o wenn = — Z| [Oerower frre, 1925.

renee oa,a—GTERLING— NG RADIO INSTRUMENTS. ~7="> The Hall-Mark of Quality aS = FOUR VALVE -- LONG RANGE = _—_— RECEIVING SET Super Quality and Workmanship.

Under favourable. conditions all British Broadcasting

can be received with this instrument.

An ideal set with H.F. and Detector Valves, anode tuning and reaction, and variometer aerial tuning. One stage of ordinary and one stage of power low-frequency amplification is included for loud speaker reproduction.

a Ln highly frntched walnut cabinet, complete wath twa pair Gf Ea: Tye. R 1228 "Sterling i super quality heel telephones; high- tensicky ane grid batteries itt aa | low-lension aecwrmlator valret: and connectting Leaels. PRICE - #45. MAC. Faris bextra, 25).

Obrmainable from all Electrical Dealers oad Stores. STERLING TELEPHONE Se ELECTRIC co., LTD., lmactorers iL WHOLESALE eer Telephone House, 210-212, TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD, LONDON, W.1. rn + coenbes - PHL Fro BIRMINGHAM: sane DIFF MANCHESTER: NEWCASTLE-OS8-TYNE: WORKS: 140, Edmund Street, ro, Fark Pla r4, St. Peter's Square, zt, Mosley Street. Dagenham, Eswex





The Little with thebig TET Valve performance.

En io Ware aoc la bors

ae jz) Weeks of use irom AAA Vou stimukd kavow onedry cell which costs only 2) alt ab at thas


ia) Valve bas double ALANNA Super Nalwe the life. al any

crblaet lend. UAE Write bo She {q) Sortable «for. all DATEL Manmtfactarers for Cieuits Where UTE ordinary Tecel ving List ATW 4 , AELAHA Walves -Tre rey elorbete] ift a well- Arshad PRICE

ET employed Meee ahh List, 1t comprises

is} Pertectly Silent in Gaya I H.F Valve are I detector, £9 - O a O Cie Pol Thon This. instrament permits the . 2

Jeayan i ullest reaction alowed by the Plus B.B.C Tax— Aelia! Silse. I AAD G., and will give excellent I esulis on all the British Broad- £1:15 :0 casting Stations. Marconi Tax Lomplete with loi. tettery, Ac- £1:5:0 St cimulator, too it. of22 stranded c oppel TL rift J LE attors I 2? Valves—

UT CTT MULLARD RADIO VALVE OY. LTD. pai 4,oo0 ohms head pho 15 : 0 each. 45, Nightingalegi Lanef eaoe(ae ‘on Yr tare B il ham,a bE: ia Lon ccc,: Sw lz THE FELLOWS MAGNETOCo.Letd.,

— PN ec Télohones Cumberland Avenue, Park Royal, N.W.10. ST Londo sHatterses, F065 Telephone : Willeaden 1560-1 “51HN 11 (EPA 013 Sitiiin PaTELGWMEFUMHI

ALL ADVERTISEMENTS FOR “RADIO TIMES.” ehowld be addressed Anventiseurnt Derarniment, Geornos Newnes, Lip, 6-11, Bourmaurron: Srariz, Stuaxp, W.c.2