As]) Sabbath Herald
AS]) SABBATH HERALD, " Here is the Pa,tierioe of the Saints: Here are they that keen the Commandments of God, and the Faith ofJers-ixs.” VOL. XXI: BATTLE CREEK, MICH., THIRD—DAY, MAY 5, 1 8 6 3 . No. 2 3 . Tile Advent Review and Sabbath herald owe Philemon, as clearly and positively assumed that 3. With the above agrees the few facts known of he was not his chattel slave. This one consideration Onesimus. The subscription to the epistle to the Col- IS PEBLISIIED WEEKLY, BY is of itself sufficient to settle this controversy. There ossians reads thus, " Written from Rome to the Colos- The Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association. are other reasons which might be rendered in proof sians, by Tychicus and Onesirnus." From this it ap- Talt It A.—Two Dollars a year in advance. One Dollar to the poor and to those who subscribe one year on trial. Free to those that Onesimus was not a slave, but I will not urge them, pears that the same person was one of the bearers of unable to pay half price. but pass to take another and final view of this epistle. that important letter. This is confirmed in Chap. iv, t ti tress Eton, Jr1,4,11S MUTE, Battle Creek, Michigan. HI. If it were admitted that Onesimus was a lawful 7-9. Here both are said to be sent by Paul. Of Ones- chattel slave, when he ran away, it would be clear "God is Love." imus it is said, "With Onesimns a faithful and beloved from the language of the epistle, that Paul did not brother who is one of you." The most obvious sense send hint back as a slave, but commanded his freedom Tun following lines were written some years ago by is that Onesimus was a member of the Church at Co- to be given him.
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