Inferno 2007 – 2008 Allen Community College Iola Kansas

Editorial Staff:

Editor in Chief & Cover Designer Molly VanNorman

Editors at Large Ben Wiese Dairedee Landwhr-Burris


Erik Griffith


Jeff Janssens


Bob Barclay & Mary Jackson in the printing Office Jessica Harbour with the English Division Gregory Wallace for Technical Help and Associate Editor


To the Students, Faculty and Staff of ACCC

[email protected]

Table of Content

Title Author/Artist Pg “Inferno” Molly VanNorman 1 “The Hat” Natasha Ashford 2 “Rainbow Drinks” Eric Jarvis 3 “Hurting Me” Barbara Baker 4 “There is a Reason, Beautiful Soul” David Marsh 5 Phoenix Joshua Witteman 6 “Nonconformist” Dairedee Landwehr-Burris 7 “Here. This Rhymes.” J-Lowe 8 “The Only Truth” Brande Iseman 9 “Vultures Claiming Words” David Marsh 10 “Seasons” Kelley Wiley 11 “The Binding of My Mind” J-Lowe 12 “Valiant Veggies” Fallon Free 13 “The Way I Wait For Somebody To Bring Life to Mine” David Marsh 14 “One Way Conversation” Dairedee Landwehr-Burris 15-16 “Someone Save The Queens” Gregory Wallace 17 Lost Paradise Joshua Witteman 18 “Waste Not” Fallon Free 19 “A Separate Peace” J-Lowe 20 “I‟m Here Forever” David Marsh 21 Devil of Jazz Molly VanNorman 22 “Remember the Universe” Dairedee Landwehr-Burris 23-25 “War Eternal” Blayne Henke 26 “Seeing You” Barbara Baker 27 “Us and Our Lonely Bones” David Marsh 28 “Heart Broken” Nachele Gonzales 29 “Soundtrack” Dairedee Landwehr-Burris 30 “A Hint of Familiarity” J-Lowe 31 “Sisters” Kelley Wiley 32 “Weak(ly) Demands” David Marsh 33 “Seven Degrees of Love” Brande Iseman 34 Catch For Us the Flame Joshua Witteman 35 “Shells” Dairedee Landwehr-Burris 36-37 “If You Could” J-Lowe 38 “Hail Mary” Kellen Bolt 39 “UNDER The Influence” David Marsh 40 Restful Dragon of Water Molly VanNorman 41 “Loven You” Barbara Baker 42 “Distraction” Dairedee Landwehr-Burris 43 “Going Home to Bury a Friend” David Marsh 44 “A Day In The Sun” Nachele Gonzales 45 “Hypocrite” J-Lowe 46

Title Author/Artist Pg “Collision Nowhere” Blayne Henke 47 “Speed Demon, Prayers Like Boomerangs” David Marsh 48 “What Else Would I Be Writing About” J-Lowe 49 “Death of Bachelorhood” Eric Sarvis 50 “This is the Second Coming” David Marsh 51 “Soulprint” Dairedee Landwehr-Burris 52 “Enthralled” J-Lowe 53 “Rainbow Poem” Kellen Bolt 54 “End of My World” Mark D. Weeks 55 “Facing the One Man Firing Squad” Gregory Wallace 56 “Gluttony and Greed” Molly VanNorman 57 “Names” Dairedee Landwehr-Burris 58-59 “CAUTION NO LEFT TURN” Travis Guess 60-63


Above resides a clouded oblivion, Swirling hues of darkened grey, Only the beginning of the rage below,

Shimmering heat within the Black abyss, Giving rise to crimson blaze,

He stretches into the darkness sea, Where lie mortal bones,

Enter The Inferno!

The souls of man bound by their sins, As their fears dement minds, Allowing flesh to burn away,

The voice sounds, “Pay for your sins!” “Abandon all Hope!”

Welcome to the Inferno!!!

By: Molly Marie VanNorman

The Hat

Mysterious man in the grey hat… Come and sit on my back stairs, Come and sit and take your rest, Tell me about the red dust in your beard, Tell me about how life is where you are, Show me the palms of your hands, Show me what you keep in your pockets, Mysterious man in the grey hat… Who do you think of? Who do you want me to be? What is your favorite noise? What do you think of love? Try to remember my name, Try not to wake me when you leave, Mysterious man come over here, Let me whisper in your ear…

By: Natasha Ashford

Rainbow Drinks

The Red Wine Smugly wears his high collar and name brand, He lounges unconcerned with his fellows.

The Orange Screwdriver Celebrates for no real reason, Later throws up his Russian Descent.

The Yellow Corona A Foreigner who works with everyman, Though his lips cost more to kiss.

The Green Apple Smirnoff Dancing and twisting removes her top, Lowering of inhibitions taste so sweet

The Blue Hawaiian Gingerly works for middle age delight, Her tropical attitude makes the old, young.

The Indigo Rum and Coke Fighting needless fights, Soon only porcelain is the only remaining foe.

The Violet Cough Syrup Smiling offer his cap for relief, Never judging you for your previous escapades.

By: Eric Jarvis

Hurting Me

When I see you with her you are hurting me. You are hurting me by not loving me the way I love you. Hurting over you is not good from me. Hurting is something I should not do. So stop hurting me cause I love you.

By: Barbara Baker

There Is A Reason, Beautiful Soul *Insecure, but secure with you. Imperfect, but perfect with you. You can feel that way too.*

There is a reason why your voice is beautiful, Sound built with the beauty of your soul. Expressed out the temptations of your lips, processed vibrations, right at my finger tips.

There is a reason why your appearance is beautiful, Skin wrapped around the beauty of your soul. Expressed at with the temptations of your dance, processed movements, invited by your glance.

There is a reason why your smile is beautiful, emotion rested with the beauty of your soul. Expressed with teeth‟s imitations of stars, processed through the laughter, covering our scars.

There is a reason why your eyes are beautiful, color developed by the beauty of your soul. Expressed between each blink which I dread, processed through the air in which you tread.

By: David Marsh


By: Joshua Witteman

The Nonconformist

I am the downfall of the hierarchy. I bring powerful figureheads to their knees. I am the one who is held responsible, Though my crime is the opening of eyes. I create understanding and bring about knowledge, I am feared. I am hated. I am celebrated. I create mass hysteria. I make and break lives. I can give you the power of sight. Or I can take away all that you hold dear. People label me, but I have no name I am faceless; And yet I am the face of everyone. And yet I am no one. I am a thought. An idea. Anything previously- Squished. Stamped out. Eradicated. Forbidden. I am an abstract concept, working concretely. I am change. I am revolution. Evolution. Mutation. You know me and want to be me. You envy me. You are jealous of me. I hold your attention. Do I? Do I have your attention yet? Are you listening? I am a myth. I am a fact. I am Life. I am Death. To those who don‟t know of me I am a myth. But to those who know do, I am very real. You don‟t know me and don‟t care. Or you know me and are terrified. I you are option B, I have taken over your life. You already are me, or you want to bring me down. My power is your helplessness. Your power is my argument. The corporate world leashes me with a tie: A suit. A nametag. Hairnets. Aprons. Uniforms. There is no room for color. Expression. Ideas. Thoughts. Unification. Organization. Cooperation. An amalgamation of deterioration; One soul at a time. Brain by brain by brain. Normality is a disease. I am the cure. I give people back themselves. Hello, I am in your face. I am nonconformity.

By: Dairedee Landwehr-Burris

Here. This Rhymes.

I remember the day

I first began to decay

Your lies asphyxiated the words “I‟ll stay.”

Your lips were of a poison that I‟ve never tasted.

Despite the destruction, my naiveté embraced it.

Another addiction has left me broken and wasted.

By: J-Lowe

The Only Truth

He Shook his great mane in frustration, Prowling the savanna for one last chance at redemption. This was the last time he would ever be hurt by words. Crouching down, he waited in the shadows. Fluttering feathers kept him wary, All of the animals knew he was there. The storm was coming and they could sense it, it was pulsating through his veins. The birds, with the best seats in the house, watched the movie play out before their eyes. The purring halted as his mighty roar echoed through the walls. The silver flashed and the lightning struck her when she fell. Reaching the grapevine, the birds discussed the strike amongst each other: “Ear-splitting scream” “Deafening thud” “The best view” The grapevine fell silent as the zebras asked for witnesses. Not the Robin, nor the Blue jay or even the Raven spoke up Spiteful, the zebra turned and walked away. Another case remains unsolved. The truth is hard to obtain as courage and as easy to lose hope.

By: Brande Iseman

Vultures Claiming Words

rotten peachless… i mean speechless… i rot in pieces.. of broken glass like pouring molasses blood by the masses my love is absurd attracts the vulture bird my broken word circling my statement laying on the pavement my loves enslavement!

By: David Marsh


Cold, dark, cloudy Winters hold will not let go Cabin fever sets in All the world seems grim

Warmer, light, blue sky Spring peeks out New life taking place

Hot, bright, sky is white Summer, days longer Time to relax All the world filled with laughter

Cool, crisp, warm brown hues Fall starts to move in Life slows down All the world is happy and a glow

By: Kelley Wiley

The Binding of My Mind

As if by instinct, she makes me careful of my movements, and cautious with the words that lie in wait behind my lips. She has become the very definition of unattainable to me and yet also irresistible. So many red flags are exploding in my head as a result of the wires she has crossed in my soul, but I find my self intrigued. Her existence is that of a legend I am forced to believe in. Much like a plague, she has infected my dreams, so I find it unlikely for her to be just a figment of my imagination. If anything she is an apparition, because I can never seem to touch her, and I am left haunted. I am dissatisfied with this illusion, or hallucination, is could be called either of the two. I am discontent with the ultimatum of seeing, but never touching, and never feeling, though I have felt. Behind closed eye-lids, I have felt her lips with the smallest tips of my fingers, so slight, it could have been mistaken for a whisper. They have traveled from the nape of her neck, to the small of her back causing her to gently sigh; and the moment the sigh escapes, my lids have yet again separated, and once again, it is just I.

By: J-Lowe

Valiant Veggies

Red Tomatoes Progressing through the silver slopes, Of the burnished valley. Orange Carrots Once standing so tall, Now severed down in their prime. Yellow Peppers Full of life in shiny splendor, Protecting their tomato brethren with their shimmering shields. Green Lettuce Leaves Creating grassy landscapes, Growing in the gleaming gray. Blue Cheese Flatulent with its atrocious aroma Trudging through the fields of lime and polish. Indigo Radishes In their anger, biting The enemy soldiers‟ mouths, making them burn inside. Violet Onions Enticing salty tears From the eyes of the starving ravenous giants…

But all is to no avail. For the Valiant veggies have lost the salad war Against the Goliaths from hell.

By: Fallon Free

The Way I Wait For Somebody to Bring Life to Mine

The keyboard is loud, keeps the neighbors awake. But my dog sleeps well, so I keep typing.

The wind is loud, keeps the leaves on the ground. But my dog sleeps well, so I don‟t complain.

The music is loud, keeps my mouth open. But my dog sleeps well, so I don‟t sing out.

Then a visitor pulls in, keeps the driveway alive. But now my dog is awake, so we both sing out.

By : David Marsh

One-Way Conversation

I'm not sure where I'm going with this Or even where I'm coming from.

These words don't substitute For a real conversation

Don't look me in the eyes Or even criticize

All they can do Is speak for me Not to me Or with me

They accept me, no questions They listen, but don't respond

A passive drunk A silent friend

But not someone who cares Not someone who loves Not a someone at all

Books and words Read and said

Aren't the same as a human hand Can't compare with a hug or kiss

They are always there, although I want someone who won't be I know they're there Because they want to be

Not because they have no choice Not because they feel they must

Words are exchanged Instead of read

Problems worked through Instead of written

History created Instead of researched

I'm just rambling Instead of conversing

I wish you were listening Instead of reading

Sometimes.. A book can't replace A place in your life Where a friend should be On the shelf in your heart Reading about life Isn't living it..

By: Dairedee Landwehr-Burris

God Someone Save the Queens

I once left my home in Yorkshire Abbey On the way to see Her Majesty‟s home In Sussex, I pilfered a garden gnome Near Whittiford, I passed a small tabby It got old walking; I hailed a cabbie The man gave me a hot pink rose from Rome During the journey I scribed a poem And under the seat I found a penny I paid the man; I went on my merry way When I saw the Queens; the best I‟ve e‟er seen My heart did great leaps; In my throat it lay I marched right on up to the nearest, Dean At his feet I laid - all the treasures gay He did not respond – The Stupidest Queen

By: Gregory Wallace

Lost Paradise

By: Joshua Witteman

Waste Not

A writer must be steadfast, strong Blank pages are as wasted as unused therapy. They are right in front of you, waiting, alone But you don‟t have the guts to use them.

A dancer must be gentle, diligent Blank stages are as wasted as unused therapy. The setting is there, for you to grasp And yet, you stay in the shadows.

A singer must be focused, determined Blank music is as waster as unused therapy. It‟s waiting to be filled, waitining to be discovered Bu the words and notes remain trapped in you.

An artist must be creative, flawed Blank canvas is as wasted as unused therapy. The material is there, the paint, the brush However, you can‟t discover their possibilities.

A person must be individual, unique Blank souls are as wasted as unused therapy. You have the power, deep down inside So find the strength to use it.

By: Fallon Free

A Separate Peace

I didn‟t dream you last night, did I? You were as real as the agony called a heart beating in my chest, weren‟t you? I won‟t make and excuses for all the lies. All I can tell you is I‟m through spewing so many out. Could you feel me silently calling you to me? I know I‟m still inside you, somewhere. I touched that part of you that neither him, nor them could get too. The part of you, that can‟t be reached from between your legs. The part I foolishly took for granted. I can read it in your eyes, you know. I could care less about what you want to tell me. I see myself in you, and as I look in your eyes, even when you‟re telling me how worthless I am, I‟m watching your memory play. Convince your self, dear beauty, that hatred is my name. When they all leave you and the facades all surround you, call out how much you hate me, and I will smother you with hatred until you find your comfort. Hate me. Hate me. Hate me. Despite all of my lies, I know all of your truths. You loved me, and to you, I was the only real definition of this word.

By: J-Lowe

I’m Here Forever

We don‟t go on and on, we will be gone and gone… Gone for sure, asleep for ever God will lure angels to sleep together… In a place far from here intended to cure our fear… Of which, we do not know where our souls will go… But they are already there in the words we all share… These words, they never sleep they pour out while we weep… About a lost life, body and mind a dead wife and somebody kind… We run to where we can rest with the sun in the west… Losing our hearing to the sound Of your feet hitting the ground… We step hard, leaving path Adding to history, doing our math… We live in each step forever And life lures angels to step together… So take these words I bring Because we are all birds, so sing! We do not die in the end, Death‟s a knot we ties to mend… The broken words we could not stay The broken hearts for we do not stay… To shake the hands with the best ones, To take more strides for the west suns. We leave what grew to know We receive what we earn, so let go… Lose your shoes in the ground And use your voice, create sound… These letters bring words The music sung by birds. Through this and in this life I live forever with this life.

By: David Marsh

Devil of Jazz

By: Molly VanNorman

Reimburse the Universe

The mirror image of me is a reflection of past heroes- A patchwork person. Impacted and integrated; imitated, Faulted. Cracked. Imperfect. Emitting, perfectly, Their emanations of imitations.

But, I think everyone is like that. Pieced together with silver and gold, Forming a mold; of their Angels and idols they revere and mirror. Ghosts of past haunt my future. I follow you, leading nothing. Can you lead a life while following one? The trail you blazed is burned; I walk on the ashes Behind you.

But new life springs in spring from old. Rise, to: Achieve and Believe I just wanted to Be and Live Sink, into: Confusion and Delusion I‟m pulled into your confused deluge.

You were my hero, my sun You cast a shadow too big for me to over come And I wilt in the shade Which I cannot evade.

Surrounded and rounding every bend, Bent and broken; Brakes braking, exhausted and muffled You: wheeling and dealing Me: numb and unfeeling I‟m reeling; you‟re stealing Time; hijacking my mind I‟m tired, of this. Retread your tracks, And fix the life I missed. This is your chance To reroute and advance, What you‟ve wrecked.

I‟m on autopilot: My driver‟s asleep at the wheel, and I can‟t feel; can‟t deal; or unseal-

My Fate With you Go ahead. Roll the die. Life doesn‟t play the way Your unruly rules Try in vain to claim. Cheaters go to jail And there is no bail No pass go to collect Am I being too direct? So. Fucking. What.

I‟ll fend off with fenders You and the other pretenders The rule-benders Dissenters and resenters Wannabe-defenders Do I offend, her?

I‟m spinning out of control, Time to duck and roll. Life‟s too damn hard. It‟s all pollution No revolution Or retribution Restitution for our work, in Retro- illusion Revolve the revolver And play roulette instead. In its stead, We‟re spoon fed: Your lies.

Don‟t disguise your eyes Or emphasize your tries It‟s too late to apologize, And I can‟t cry anymore.

The image of you I reflected Shattered and rejected My world perspective Whirled, in respective Misconception. Misperception. Misdirection. Your preconceptions misrepresented The deception of my relation Ends in your elation, which I‟ve mistaken When you push and shove; For love.

“Because I love you.” Does not justify

So don‟t even try to rectify your lie It‟s too damn late and I won‟t wait For you to recreate your love of hate You don‟t relate but just self medicate Day after day after day. What a waste.

Why don‟t you make haste to taste My drug of choice, I highly recommend- Which I‟ve more than enough to lend, You; Is love.

The life you‟ve wrecked and dented Needs to be mended, And I can help. There‟s enough to go round So sit down and surround Yourself with what you lack And should be giving back- Reimburse the universe: Live and Love until you burst! I‟m easy to please, but then again, If you listened to me We wouldn‟t be In this mess, would we?

By: Dairedee Landwehr-Burris

War Eternal

Red Blood Lay scattered over the ground, Smiling continuously down. Orange Blasts Spring to life, Shining in the strife. Yellow Stars Marked upon the Shoulder, Form the troops into a giant boulder. Green Uniforms Lets a man know where he stands, With guns and grenades in hands. Blue Skies Wave a new day past, Man can finally sleep at last. Indigo Flowers Are sent back home, Leave families all alone. Violet Badges Are pinned on the hearts, Allowing life to part.

By: Blayne Henke

Seeing You

I walked out in the street I thought I was seeing you. I walked in to the moonlight I thought I was seeing you. Seeing you in her arms hurts, because I still love you. Seeing you with her I ask what is it about her that you love. I thought that seeing you would not hurt but it does, cause I still love you with all of my Heart. You Once was mine but now you‟re not so seeing you hurts a lot.

By: Barbara Baker

Us and Our Lonely Bones *switch legs, go forward*

Turn over, turn over again, Just ignore the pain today, I found, then lost myself again, Just adore the rain today.

The sound of pounding feet, While sweat joins the tears, Dripping and hitting the street, Splashing drowning my fears,

Each foot releases the energy, While each tissue slowly tears. Bending and spending the energy, Ignoring the wears and tears!

By: David Marsh

Heart Broken

A woman in love is like a flower in spring, a beauty that captivated others. Until light fades and darkness arises, like the rising of the moon with winter‟s touch.

Everything was different now that it was lost. Her Smile fading away like the morning star. The spark that was once in her eyes, vanished as the mornings dew.

Truth is hard to obtain as loyalty and as easy to lose as faith. There she sat, willingly in the dark. Wondering how it came to this, unwilling to heal.

Hate is to a closed fist, as love is like opened arms. Would she learn to forgive? Or let it spread like a disease, Or will she take down the shades to for a dim light?

By: Nachele Gonzales


The pitter patter patterns Surround in surround sound The lullaby that lulls you If you'd stop and listen The unity in unison The melody in harmony Sings to me in sing-song The chords of chorus The notable notes That play and replay The soundtrack to life Can you hear it? Can you feel it? Rerunning through my head Tuning in and turning up The tune that life beats out Rhythm and rhyme The music chimes Bomp bomp bomp Orchestrate the orchestra The epiphany is symphony My lyrics are strange My soundtrack is wild I am the singer/ Listen for the encore

By: Dairedee Landwehr-Burris

A Hint of Familiarity

“Goddess!” said I, “thing of beauty!-goddess still, if lady of beauty!-” “Take thy hold from off my heart, and take thy self from out thy soul!” Quote the Goddess, “Forevermore.” And the Goddess, never loving, never touching, ever clutching Full of a malignant malice that the heavens cannot endure; And my soul from out that torment that stains what once was pure, Shall be un-cleansed-forevermore!

By: J-Lowe


Small giggles squeeze out from lips pressed tight Under blankets with just a flash light Listening for sounds, which could be Mom Coming to see what‟s going on Click off the light, snuggle down deep Closing their eyes and pretending to sleep

By: Kelley Wiley

Weak(ly) Demands

He hated Tuesdays! Nobody gave a care, people just had Tuesdays. The threat of his hatred colored his room. His room was messy on Wednesday Mornings. Today is Thursday! Today, he plans the death of his messy rooms and lack of care from his friends. His last Thursday, led to his last Friday, Saturday, and on Sunday he cleaned his room. So the day is now Monday. he made his bed and took a nap on the floor. His blankets covered by his dreams, as they stayed in bed. He woke up with a numb left arm, his future lost circulation. He felt weak, but with his strong arm… he colored his warm walls with his hatred. Eventually, people cared. He would have loved tomorrow.

By: David Marsh

Seven Degrees of Love

Red Romance The candlelight danced around the room splashing light on the burgundy walls, and urging the red rose petals to tickle our feet.

Orange Wild For Ripping through the town, the ginger flames gave no attention to the bears in their official orange uniforms trailing with a water hose.

Yellow Crushing Seeming out of reach, I stare up at the stars wondering if they seem me too, And a hand reaches down to pull me up to join him in his spot in the sky.

Green Puppy Love The chirping birds giggled along with us as we twirled around and around, And the soft green grass caught us as “We all fell down!”

Blue Caring The dazzling blue sky gazes down upon us all, Nurturing and sweet it offers us water when we are thirsty and light when we are scared of the dark.

Indigo Enchantment Looking deep into the sky, an enchanting place tricks us into thinking nothing else matters. Everything is forgotten except this one place where time seems to stop.

Violet Passion Easily lost in the depth of the dark walls, the violet hue sucks us into a fiery frenzy of sensations feeling the color flow through our veins and deep into our hearts it controls our every move.

By: Brande Iseman

Catch For us the Flame

By: Joshua Witteman


I remember the shells. One after another; we shifted From sight to sight. Wanderers; Always moving looking, searching, living but were we really? Could you call our Life, That ever-changing existence- A Life? Or were we the only ones? Did Everyone Else just cling to... nothing? Illusions and dreams. Were we the Dream? People came and went. Nothing was ever static. We felt by loss, Measured by pain, Understood disaster. Everything that could happen- Did. Change was a Thing; Living. Breathing. Scheming. Blank faces. Generic names Forgotten towns. Forgotten houses Never homes, without heart. Home is where the Heart is Walls cage our Bodies, but Our Minds run free Drunk with indifference Set in motion, always by the Wind. We carried our houses with us - in our minds what hold did walls have? A cage, a box, a shell, Empty: Before and After We pass through Like life. We are always Passing through; But living. Are you? Your time- Though longer, is no different We are all drifters From one Life to the Next From Reality, to Illusion From Waking, to Dreaming Live in the moment

Here, and now. Each One Counts... Do you? Or is what you leave Behind. Your Shells- Useless matter, does it Matter, more?

By: Dairedee Landwehr-Burris

If you Could

Whisper to me softly Love, Should your words break this abandoned heart. Sweetly now, tell me of all those feelings you have seemingly cast away with such false disregard. Gently lie to me love, as you twist the tale of our two cities, permitting this glutton of torment to quietly feast. I beg you, put to rest my adorations for you and bury it beneath your deceptions. I am your captive until the end of all days, and yet I feel more sorrow for your soulf than for mine… for it is more your prisoner than I.

By: J-Lowe

Hail Mary

Votive candles scarred the rising ceilings. On his knees, drenched in morose feelings, He hailed Mary.

Gawking tourists fluttered like sails on a ship, Snapping pictures and grunting gossip In native tongues.

The man in Spain is like a turtle in the desert. Desperately and consciously drowning in foreign hurt, He has come to hail Mary.

“A girl in bed is like a calf in a pasture.” He cried again, more urgent and faster. The vile desire had entered his mind,

His low chant killed The wicked want, but he willed She be pleasantly unaware of the crime committed.

In a new suit, harder, brighter, and more deceitful still, The turtle goes east, to repent his ill. Back to the ancient breeding grounds.

A guilty gasp escapes his throat And the gawkers turn To see the rapist; hailing Mary.

By: Kellen Bolt

UNDER the Influence

In the basement without windows, I lost social contact. I drink too much to write a love story, drowning every social contact from upstairs. The floors scream and I scream back, breaking bottles on the ceiling and backwash rains on me. The broken glass falls on my notebook and I just push the pieces away. I drink to fast to finish anything golden but fast enough to keep throwing away bottles. My stomach screams and I scream back, I‟ve made screaming my only attack against the wicked side affects of an horrible habit. I scream till my throat hurts more than this life I live, the life I choose to live down stairs. I can hear the music through the floor, I can hear the good time through the floor, but I‟d rather be here pushing pieces off this notebook with this pen. The Bottle screams and I scream back putting the noise to my lips, but the bottle is empty and the music still screams, I try to scream back but I have lost my voice I take the steps to join the party As if I had a choice.

By: David Marsh

Restful Dragon of Water

By: Molly VanNorman

Loven You

Loven you is hard to do when I see you with her. Loven you I shoud not do but I do. I have always been in love with you. Loven you is easy to for her. Loven you makes me cry so I will stop loven you

By: Barbara Baker


I was the distraction from your life. I was the entertainment; I was the laugh. I was the smile, upon you lips. I was the kiss, you wanted to taste again. I wanted to be more, than just a Distraction. I wanted to: Mean something.

By: Deiredee Landwehr – Burris

Going Home To Bury A Friend

I didn‟t want to come back to this town today. He didn‟t want me to come back to this town today. These things aren‟t planned, we don‟t write these things down on our calendar after we see someone for the last time, we don‟t see these things coming. We close our eyes and open them, and there this is. Death. But this is life, I suppose. People live and their paintings hang in the museum located in the sky whey they die. In each sunrise and each sunset, we see their beauty living with us. In the stars, we see them shining, living with us still. So the tears will fall, yes they will, but we shouldn‟t follow them. Let the tears fall, but keep yourself up. Up to cherish the memories, and let the pain remind you to live. Live as he did. Embrace your pleasures. Let your love be real, let yourself feel. Let it be, the pain will fade and your tears will be in the clouds where he rests. He will send them back as rain, to let our gardens grow and we will feel his love, and only love. He will smile, and he will whisper to us all, live your life… I‟m all around you. By: David Marsh

A Day In The Sun

Red wagon rolling along the block pulled by the little ones Orange tulips leave their ground home to bring joy to a mother Yellow Sun shining bright above bringing warmth and light Green Grass letting them roam free soft enough to lay and dream

Blue Sky Where the birds fly free Where the clouds fly by Indigo Ball That rolls on by From the young boy‟s kick Violet Petunias That settled on the side Being taken out I play

By: Nachele Gonzales

Hypocrite i'm convinced there's something wrong with me on the inside. i'm being deprived of my concious. the wind whispered your name to me again yesterday and i almost slipped into my memories again. i've got to start living sometime soon. i'm kind of like a shade. noticeable, but unable to hold on to anything, or let anything hold onto me. i'm over the upset. i just can't seem to get over our temporary perfection. its okay though. i've beaten those demons back inside the pit where i keep all of life's other disappointments. i need to be broken. i don't think you want to know me now. i'm something like a monster lurking behind my own restraints; sulking, waiting, behind the lies. i'm scared through. i think that the monster wants to come out soon as a result of not being what you want. i can't be what she wants either. she doesn't see from my point of view. she remains a victim in her eyes though she pulled the trigger. i don't think she wants to know the truth. nausea overwhelms me when i allow myself to focus on the subject for too long. i'm over everyone. i just wish someone would make an impact on me. until then i'm just faking life. searching for a hypocrite, just so i don't feel so alone. these fist will prove faithful with time. hold your breath.

By: J-Lowe

Collision Nowhere My mind weighs heavy… This cave filling in Erupting to an end Like a soft dive into oblivion I feel drunk and dizzy Hazy eyes as I see all these lies All emotions turned crazy I‟m just not sure what to believe anymore These blank pages are as wasted as my thoughts Only polluted some what more Yet I continue my journey like a juggernaut The black sails of my ship Move as if a perfect storm were coming But I fear this is just the beginning of my trip And over time maybe this will turn to nothing No longer falling into oblivion But, until thin I will stay lost to the world outside Waiting for everything to collide.

By: Blayne Henke

Speed Demon: Prayers Like Boomerangs

Speed demon sped away I need reason to even Pray! If I tell you Everything will angels ever sing? confident in my ability confidential reliability! let met tell my secrets set for hell, my regrets! the regrets of regretting, I forgot about forgetting! Take each word, please! Make reaches for these prayers like boomerangs relayers that never sang wishes which wash away with this constant decay! Effort fading with my poise! Alert! waiting for a voice… Unrested, with out wing.. Uninterested angels never sing!

By: David Marsh

What else would I be writing about?

This is me going insane when I smell your scent. this is me remembering your “tempt.” This is me forever surrounded by you. My beautiful former lover, these walls blessed with echoes of my sorrow. I am surrounded by a sadness that I cannot escape. I am screaming on the inside, but for a long lost cause. My temptress, this is me in love with you. Therefore, this is me dying.

By: J-Lowe

Death of Bachelorhood

Everything was different not that it was over Like life it grows old and dies The wilting green of a clover Lady luck severs all ties

We were born with our gift Solitude was our true friend The flag of freedom we did lift And cupid was just as loose end

Until love came like a traitor With its smiles and joys You fall over yourself and cater Bachelorhood dies with no noise

Everything was different now that it was over Like life it grows old and dies The wilting green of a clover Lady luck severs all ties

By: Eric Sarvis

This is The Second Coming

Lets be real, lets just feel. We never have a lot, But we can get everything.

This is the second coming, And I‟m just showing you my eyes.

I‟ve seen enough, but I can see more. I am willing to look For what I am willing to display.

This is the second coming, I‟m just showing you my eyes.

We blink too much, Missing all the small towns, We never see how small they really are.

This is the second coming, I‟m just showing you what lies Beneath these eye lids while I sleep. Beneath this pains while I weep. Beneath this life, I‟m in too deep.

We love enough, but we can love more. We listing to all the wrong people, Personifying all the wrong things.

Listen to your heart, Show us your eyes, Be still and dance your thoughts, Show me your eyes.

I just want to se your eyes. I want to dance to your thoughts, I want to listen to your heart.

Whisper in my ear, let this echo. Listen to that voice, And find the peace I have found.

This is the second coming, I will never blink when you pass by. Please do not pass me by, I ready to show you my eyes.

By: David Marsh


Life. It's bigger than you and me. What good does selling used cars and insurance do? What gratification does your life get from that? There are too many people out there being normal, Living normal lives, so I don't have to. And I don't want to. Anyone can work a 9-5, Their whole lives, revolving between two times... Over and over, Day in, Day out, night; without? How many can say they painted a picture; Captured a soul; saved a life; created something - Not there before? A world changed, Because of their existence, because they dared. Do you, dare? Do you care? Are you aware? Express yourself. Paint your soul. Write your heart. Just because someone is called a professional Doesn't mean they are perfect, or have thought Of all there is to be thought of; They were once Like you, afraid to let out what they felt. Don't. Your thoughts are valid & unique. Surprise our eyes, stand and rise Break away from normalcy You don't need it; it needs you You don't live within 9-5, Embrace the other numbers Embrace the other words Leave a soulprint, on the world Something to say, without a doubt I was here.

By: Dairedee Landwehr-Burris


Anger swells inside this temperamental heart of mine when I hear your name. For me, you were a piece of this puzzle called life that I had been searching for along. So I strangled you with shopping sprees and affection for no fee. I‟ll remember to charge from now on. However, there‟s too much love in my heart with your face behind the reasoning, and I can‟t find the hatred to change that. You‟ve had me in an emotional tornado at times, but the wind has finally calmed down, and I have set my eyes on new objects, however my interest never strays far from you. But while there are a million “what if‟s”, there are more “thank-god‟s”. You will always have my respect. As an artist I must respect objects of beauty that catch attention, please the eye, and hold hostage the curiosity. Admiration is the most genuine when focused from afar.

By: J-Lowe

Rainbow Poem

Red Firetrucks Drooling in sleep, Salivating at the simple thought of fame. Orange Flames Plotting clandestine plots Achieving fleeting satisfaction only through deception Yellow Thunder Brings false relief to reverent dancing, Dryly and violently disappointing Green Swarms Kidnap the starving While vainly gorging on rotten crops. Blue Rain Pleads mercy to the other forces. Only to succumb to savage habit. Indigo Smoke Tricks all spectators, Beckoning both the sympathetic and the prying. Violet Storms Conduct with elegant ease And harmonizes the discord.

By: Kellen Bolt

End of My World

The extreme sadness of the moment, The feeling of being unable to leave, I turned away, Regret at being here, I could not view, The inability to cry, I walked as quickly as I could, Relief as it slowly was coming o a conclusion, The end of my world, as a child.

By: Mark D. Weeks

Facing the One Man Firing Squad

Do you know what it feels like to face a one man firing squad? What if the power that this man possesses is more than that of 20 other men? Is it foolish to hope that this one person can show mercy on you? What if the power that he possesses was entrusted to him by you? Would you take it away just so that he couldn‟t use it against you? What if he was doing exactly what his position commands of him? Could you live with yourself if you allowed this breach of order? Could you live with yourself not knowing what he would have done? Would he have killed you or because you have a bond, spared your life? Isn‟t it better to face that one man firing squad and Silently pray for mercy than not know what he would do? I Don‟t Know…

Here I stand in front of my one man firing squad. He looks at me, his gun loaded. My mind is slowly growing numb to the thousands of questions that are pelting it. And I anxiously await his decision. Not ready to hear a word of it, but hoping that he loves me.

By Gregory Alan Wallace

Gluttony and Greed

Gluttony and greed, Run rampid in our souls, Only to reveal, The ugliness of our beings.

They wretch what they want, From our Earth‟s Devine, Draining her of a vital blood.

Getting fat, Off our greed.

This is our, Gluttony and Greed!

By Molly VanNorman


I‟m lost in a geometric design with connecting swirls and loops on the airport floor. I‟ve probably been staring at for an hour or two when a withered hand cuts across my line of sight. I look up to see what very well could be the first hippie ever, pointing to the seat next to me. “Mind if I...?” He asks almost apologetically. It took me a second to register that he spoke, but then I hurried to move my jacket and briefcase. “No, no, of course not. Sorry, just let me move this stuff out of your way.” He breathed out a slow, contented sigh as he plopped onto the uncomfortable orange plastic chairs. In the quiet that followed I looked at my new seat-partner more carefully. He wore layers of flannel, and some kind of heavy woven material that seemed unnecessary for the warm spring weather. Braids were haphazardly placed in his long white beard and tied with beads and string. The mouth from which his beard sprang turned and burst into a thousand river beds, emptying into dimpled pools at the corners I shifted my gaze up to see the most soul-piercing stare I‟d ever encountered. Blue eyes, soft and hard at the same time, seemed to emit wisdom far beyond that which I could ever hope to grasp. Superior, and yet attainable. “Yea, I get that look a lot.” He chuckled. “Gotten used to it by now.” The man surprised me, like a gem wrapped in a questionable box. “You got a name?” I asked. He thought for a moment before letting a hint of measured smile play across his lips. “I‟m Ridge.” Now it was my turn. Did I accept the name he‟d given me, or did I doubt it? Curiosity and the man‟s strangeness provoked me to engage him further still. “Okay,” I said finally, after moments of silent deliberation “You got me. Is that a real name or a fake one?” One again, though by now I‟d probably knew it was coming, he turned and smiled. “Oh, I assure you it‟s mine. Now if you‟re asking whether or not it‟s the one I was born with, then no, it‟s not” “Why did you change it?” I pressed. “Too heavy.” He said simply. “The name?” Ridge nodded, “Ever carry around something that doesn‟t belong to you? You begin to wonder, after a while, why it is you have this thing in your possession. It can be the lightest object in the world, or so you think, until you are forced to carry it. Even something small, like a promise or respect can grow till it‟s almost crushing you. ” I had to admit I was intrigued, and wanted to know if I understood him right. “So, your name weighs you down?” “It does.” He said. “It‟s a burden at times, and tells who my parents were when I was born, but not me. It doesn‟t tell my story. I continued to become the person I am, and the name just didn‟t fit anymore.” The airline intercom was announcing boarding for my flight, but I wasn‟t quite ready to let this individual leave yet. There was still something I couldn‟t figure out. “It makes sense,” I said. “More sense than I would have thought. However, I do have one more question…” Once again Ridge laughed as if he already knew my question. Already knew the exact points in society where he failed, at least by others‟ standards. “I‟ll bet you‟re wondering why I don‟t have any luggage, right?” “It had crossed my mind.” I conceded. I myself had two big duffel bags to my right along with the briefcase, but he only had the clothes on his back it seemed.

“Objects,” He sighed. “They weigh you down. I have all I need with me, and it‟s more than you think. I have ideas, and thoughts, my name and my beliefs. Everything else can be found where ever you go. Discrimination, judgment, fears, you name it. The good things can be heavy, too. Love, trust, loyalty, it gets a lot to shoulder. The weight of the world is no easy bag to carry, son.” Once again I found myself nodding in agreement with this perfect stranger. One who I‟d pushed into giving up his entire life story so I could make sense of what I didn‟t understand. What I found was that I hadn‟t needed to understand him, just accept him. I stood to leave, but somehow felt heavier than when I‟d sat down. Oddly enough I could feel the weight he meant. Especially now, with the added understanding and knowledge, but it was something I wanted to carry. Unlike the stares of strangers, or the briefcase full of useless papers, it was my choice. “I guess that‟s me.” I said, and it was my turn to apologize. “Take care.” As I turned to go I wondered who was really taking away more from this. Who had more to carry? “Wait,” Ridge said and stood up much too quickly for a man I would have guessed to be in his 60‟s. “You never told me your name.” My name. Usually I said it like a banner, holding it in front of me as I met someone so they could judge it and not the wearer. My shield to the world was that name. My father‟s name. One that he was so proud of, but now that I thought about it, was I? Did it really fit who I was, or did it fit who he and my mother were when I was named, but no further? “My name,” I said, thinking about what best described me to this drifter of infinite wisdom. “You can call me Friend.” I said finally, and headed for my plane, feeling weightless despite what I‟d just gained. I looked back to see Ridge nodding, and I could tell it was all he‟d needed.

By: Dairedee Landwher-Burris


I heard the car before it came. It was the fifth-no it was the sixth one today. I stuck my thumb out as I had before, walking, not expecting it to stop. It didn‟t. It zoomed on by, I was knocked off balance by the wind of its passing. I looked to the sun. It was a fine summer day, not hot, but slowly getting there. The highway was still empty, the shimmering mirages reflecting the clear blue sky. I reached into my backpack‟s pouches for some beef jerky. There was one strip left. I chewed it slowly and stuffed the trash back into my bag. I was not going to start littering. I washed the salty meat down with some water. I had less than half of the bottle left. Damn. The sign I had just passed said that St. Clair was 67 miles away. Good. At my current pace I could make that…If I don‟t sleep and ran a little. I‟ll do what it takes. I promised her. And I‟m not breaking promises anymore. I heard another vehicle. This one sounded larger. I looked behind me. Nothing, just a single cloud over the hill. Not a fluffy summer cloud, but a dark gray thunderhead. A loud truck crested the hill. I was reminded of Cerberus, that three headed dog. If I was in a Star Wars movie, that‟s when I would have said „I have a bad feeling about this‟. Even so, I stuck out my thumb. I then heard something unexpected. Brakes. The truck stopped just in front of me. It was black and had odd red rust streaks. On the hood it almost looked like eyes. The door was one of those old ones where you pushed a button and yanked on it. I did so. Locked. A cruel joke. Now he was going to drive away laughing. The man inside made an apologetic gesture and unlocked the door. I still expected him to drive away, but opened the door anyway. Inside was a man who was not fat, but not skinny. His red hair was short as was his goatee. “Howdy, name‟s Harvey Wakerfield.” I shook his rough hand and climbe“Eddie Bone. Thanks for picking me up.” I sat my bag in between my legs. “No problem, wife‟s always tellin‟ me to be the good Samaritan. Where you goin‟?” “Just to Saint Clair.” “A lovely town.” Harvey said and drove off. I was going to make it now, for sure. Harvey asked if I wouldn‟t mind some music. I didn‟t care. He pushed play and said it was just old country and classic rock. There was another sign. St. Clair was 51 miles away. “Got any kids?” he asked as Sammy Hagar played. “Three. Two boys and a girl.” I saw no harm in telling him. “Ah. I‟ve got seven myself. Oldest is in college. Three in high school. Two in elementary. And one was just born a few months ago.” “That‟s a lot. I had my hands full with just two, even with Jane‟s help.” “Well, we‟re good at it. One thing that‟s helped is we didn‟t raise them all from infancy. They‟re all adopted except for Jimmy, in college.” “Huh?” “After Jimmy, the doctors said any more births would be fatal. So we been adoptin‟ „em. Kids need it too. Them places are full.” “Yeah they are. So most of the kids were only four or five when you got them?” “Yup. We only raised Jimmy, the twins and Alex from babies.” “Still that‟s impressive. The kind of thing you see in a parenting book.” “Well, I‟m not much if a writer. Never got good marks in English. Martha‟s published a few

things though.” He paused. St. Clair was 40 miles away. “You a writer?” “I‟ve done a little. I just write whatever is on my mind. Obviously someone reads it, and likes it.” Miles passed. Most in silence other than the CD player. St. Clair, 34 miles. A crow sat upon that sign. Odd. I saw the state‟s new seatbelt slogan, „Buckle up, Arrive Alive.‟ My seatbelt was on, I was definitely arriving alive and on time. Harvey offered me some brownies. “Wife made „em.” I thanked him and ate slowly. They were good. I watched the landscape zoom by. It was so much better than walking. There were fields, hills, forests, all under the beautiful summer sky. I saw another sign. A yellow diamond. It read:


Confused I asked Harvey what it had said. “Something about no left turns. Doesn‟t matter, we‟re going straight.” Time passed and Harvey said, “I have a feeling you need to get to St. Clair quickly.” “As long as you go faster than walking, I‟ll be fine.” “Do you mind telling me why you‟re on the road?” I had been expecting this the entire ride. I sighed. An orange sign was in the distance. “Don‟t ask me why I did this, I‟m still not sure, but one day I just left. Left my family, my wife, my daughter, the two boys, and that damned dog. That was about a year ago and we had just bought a new house and were settling down and everything was perfect. Then I just left and never came back. I called a little to let them know I wasn‟t dead, but I don‟t think they cared too much. I called two days ago and asked to come back. She gave me three days. I have to get there by noon tomorrow.” “Well, you‟re sure to make it now.” “Yes, yes I will.” The orange sign was readable now.


“What?” I said out loud. “Calm down Ed, just some road work.” “Uh, yeah.” I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. I must be seeing things, I haven‟t had a good sleep in a while. I looked again to see a green sign. St. Clair, 34 miles. Huh? It was already 34 miles back there. I rubbed my eyes some more. I must be dreaming. I felt foolish as I pinched my arm. I winced, I hadn‟t cut my nails in a while. Orange barrels whizzed by. Harvey had to be pushing eighty. We began to go around a corner. I didn‟t even bother to grab on to the handle. I was sure I was going to die and that little handle, the „Oh Shit Bar‟, was not going to save me. Another sign was ahead. I hoped for „Men at work‟, or „Stoplight Ahead‟, something normal.


I looked at the driver. He was focused intently on the road, plotting the best way to roll his truck. He no longer looked like a harmless country man, no, now he was the Grim-freaking- Reaper and I was riding shotgun. An old d inside. AC/DC song began to play. Highway to Hell,

how appropriate. We passed a church. Like all churches this had a sign. Dammit more signs.


The missing letter only made it more ominous. The truck began to shake. I looked at the speedometer. The needle just passed eighty-five and was steadily climbing. “Ha-Harvey, I think I‟ll walk from here.” “That don‟t make sense,” the imposter Harvey said, “We‟re almost there.” I reached for the handle. If I was lucky, I might be able to tuck in my arms and live. I braced myself and pulled the handle. Locked. “Harvey, unlock the door. Let me out.” “Can‟t do that.” He said in his now chilling voice. “You‟ll fall out if you do. The door opens by itself unless its locked. Its damned annoyin‟.” “I‟d rather fall.” I looked forward, slowly accepting my fate. The next turn‟s recommended speed was thirty-five. Harvey kept it at ninety. Another car was coming toward us. This is it. Death in this fiery metal frenzy. All because I was too lazy to walk. The car thundered by. The lines of telephone poles looked like scythes. We may have avoided one end, but there were more. We were quickly on the way to death. Just as I had that thought I saw the St. Clair cemetery. I wish I didn‟t look. One headstone read „Eddie Bone‟. I didn't want to die this way, I was so close to being with them, so close to Jane, so close to Emily. From far away I could hear Harvey‟s voice. “I‟ll stop for gas, I suppose you can walk from there right?” I mumbled a reply and looked forward. Gas station. Of course. Hit a pump and „boom‟. I guess I‟ll be late after all. Sorry guys that I broke the promise…again. The brakes squealed. I braced for an explosion. Would I even notice it at all? “There ya go, Ed. Take care.” Harvey got out and shut the door. “Th-thank you” I mumbled, even though he was gone. I expected him to come back and gut me with a pocket knife. I opened the door cautiously and walked. I waved to Harvey and walked. Every muscle screamed „run‟. But I waited. I waited until I was out of sight, and then I ran. After a while I was convinced Harvey wasn‟t following me. I walked down streets I knew well. Streets that I‟ve walked, biked, and drove for years. And there was my house. Jane‟s car was in the driveway. A black truck rumbled by. I paid it no mind. I was home. And more importantly, alive. The front door opened before I could knock. “Daddy!” a little girl screamed. I scooped Emily up and hugged her. “Mommy said you wouldn‟t make it, but I knew you would!” “Welcome home Ed,” my wife said from the doorway. I smiled and went inside. We were a family again. And I was alive. Two years later I was driving my family to Florida for a well-deserved family vacation. I had turned my almost year-long hiatus on life into a semi-fictional novel and made a good sum of money from it. Enough for a week in Orlando! “Hey guess what?” I asked. “What?” One of the boys asked. “We‟re in Florida!” I yelled, with perfect timing, the sign passing by as I yelled. We all

laughed. We saw another sign. A yellow diamond.


I thought, no problem, we‟re going straight. An AC/DC song came on the radio. A song I hadn‟t heard in two years. I saw a black truck coming down the next hill. In our lane. I knew right away it was Harvey, and he was back to finish the job. I tried to spin the wheel left. It wouldn‟t budge. „I‟m on the highway to Hell!‟, Bon Scott sang. “ED!” Jane screamed. The kids covered their eyes. Sweat began to cloud my vision. But I could finally see who was in the driver seat. There was Harvey, laughing, smiling and intent on ending their lives. I swung the wheel to the right. I don‟t know what was louder, my family‟s screaming or the screeching metal. When I opened my eyes I could see the flashing lights of ambulances. As my vision cleared I saw the ambulances. Not from on the ground as I expected. But from above. Somehow I must be in a tree. I watched as a grim-faced paramedic put a blanket around my family. Good they‟re alive. But they were crying. I tried to call out, but made no sound. Those lights began to hurt my eyes. I squinted. I watched as they pushed someone on a stretcher. „Must be Harvey‟. I looked closer. This man was clean-shaven, with short dark hair. And his body was mangled and bloody. It was me. I was put onto the ambulance and the doors were shut, hiding the hideous sight. But I still knew it was there. That was me on that stretcher. That is me zooming away. That is me, obviously dead. I was very calm. I watched my family as they were ushered into a police car that soon followed the ambulance. This is it, the end.

By: Travis Guess