One Thing Thou Lackest! Joe E. Trull

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One Thing Thou Lackest! Joe E. Trull Christian Ethics Today A Journal of Christian Ethics Volume 13, Number 1 Aggregate Issue 63 Winter 2007 “The voice of one crying out in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord’” Isaiah 40:3; John 1:23 One Thing Thou Lackest! Joe E. Trull ....................................................................................... 2 EthixBytes .............................................................................................................................................. 3 We’ve Got Mail—Letters From Our Readers .................................................................. 4 The Meaning of Freedom (Lecture at West Point) Bill Moyers .............................. 5 A Christian Warrior’s Code? Chaplain (Major) Scott A. Sterling ................................... 13 If We’re Rick Warren’s Friends, I’d Hate To Meet His Enemies Ben Cole ........ 15 Our Son Defected: A Mother’s Plea Helen Barnette ..................................................... 16 Pretending We’re Iraqis Al Staggs .......................................................................................... 21 My History With The Rope Abraham Verghese ................................................................. 23 Death By Hanging Is Way Too Easy! Tripp York .............................................................. 24 CHRISTIAN ETHICS AND THE MOVIES David A. Thomas .......................................... 26 Biomedical Ethics: The Constant Gardner ............................................................................... 26 BOOK REVIEWS Faith and Politics Reviewed by Darold Morgan .............................................................. 28 Everyman Reviewed by Darold Morgan .............................................................................. 28 Exiled Reviewed by Carolyn W. Crumpler .............................................................................. 29 Who Really Cares?—America’s Charity Divide Reviewed by John Scott ..... 29 Financial Report for 2006 .......................................................................................................... 31 KUDZU by Doug Marlette One Thing Thou Lackest! By Joe E. Trull, Editor ruett Seminary at Baylor ulty or a course in Christian ethics in Bill Tillman. Isn’t it logical for Truett TUniversity is a great theologi- its curriculum. This need has become to do likewise? cal school—in many ways a flagship a magnificent obsession for me, one As a Texas Baptist pastor from institution among Baptists. Truett’s I have discussed more than once with 1962 to 1984 in small rural churches, leadership is dynamic, its professors the administration. exploding suburban churches, and a are well trained and skilled (several are In 1999, I served on the Seminary large downtown First Baptist Church, renowned in theological circles), and Study Committee appointed by the I understand why ministers need its students are top-notch and totally Baptist General Convention of Texas. training in Christian ethics. Ministers committed to doing God’s will. We visited and interviewed all SBC need to improve their decision making Since its beginning, Truett has seminaries, as well as our two new sem- skills, develop moral leadership, pro- grown from 50 students in 1994 to inaries in Texas. How well I remember tect themselves from common errors 520 enrolled today, a total of 485 our session with the former President in ethical deliberation, and understand graduates, and a goal of 1000 on- of Baylor, the Chair of Baylor Trustees, the priority of ethics in the Christian campus students enrolled within ten and the Interim Dean of Truett—they life. 2 years. Endowment has reached $36 presented a list of ten priorities for the During 15 years of teaching million. In a Truett Update about a seminary if Texas Baptists increased Christian ethics at the SBC seminary in year ago, Dean Paul Powell outlined their funding. Would you believe the New Orleans (at which every student six challenging goals, noting numer- NUMBER ONE PRIORITY pre- was required to take the Introduction ous achievements of the school, and sented to our study committee was course and one additional course in shared his vision to make Truett a full-time Professor of Christian ethics), I knew firsthand the need for seminary “Texas Baptists’ gift to the Ethics! How pleased I was. And, Texas church leaders to be equipped in moral world.” Baptists did increase their funding of decision making, biblical ethics, min- I applaud his vision and commend Truett, but now eight years later I am isterial ethics, and the difficult task of his leadership, without which Truett still waiting for that priority. addressing contemporary moral issues Seminary would not be where it is Yes, I have heard the explana- in the complex areas of church and today. Truett offers excellent training tions—a lack of funds and a full state, war and peace, biomedical ethics, in biblical studies, theology, church curriculum. And yes, I realize other human sexuality, marriage and family, history, homiletics, and various prac- seminary disciplines do discuss ethical and the role of women in church and tical studies. concerns. But as James McClendon home—to name just a few. My love and admiration of Truett noted in his first volume of systematic So, that’s my plea, that’s my case, Seminary is evidenced in the fact that theology, Ethics (in which he claims and that’s my magnificent obsession! If CET held its First Annual Conference ethics comes first), “Ethics is often you agree, drop a line or share a word at Truett on February 13-14, 2006. left until last, and then it is left out with Dean Paul Powell or Assistant The response of both students and altogether.” 1 Dean David Garland. 3 faculty was exceptional and gracious I also am aware that many other And, above all, make it happen in every way. disciplines at Truett have second and through your personal and financial Yet, with a heavy heart I must say, third teachers. I have no qualms about support. ■ “One Thing Thou Lackest!” that fact. But, before Truett endows Truett Seminary does not have a a second Chair of Missions (a recent Professor of Christian Ethics on its fac- goal) or add other second and third 1 See “Why Ethics Comes First,” teachers, doesn’t Truett need to focus in James McClendon, Jr., Ethics Editor: Joe E. Trull on getting their first ethics professor (Nashville: Abingdon, 1986), 41- Publisher: Christian Ethics Today Foundation, and adding at least an Introduction 45. 9608 Parkview Court, Denton, TX 76207 to Christian Ethics course to the cur- 2 See Joe E. Trull, Walking in the (940) 262-0450; Cell: (940) 230-6931 riculum? Way: An Introduction to Christian CHRISTIAN ETHICS TODAY is produced in the U.S.A. and is published five times annually and The six SBC seminaries have from Ethics (Nashville: B&H, 1997), mailed from Dallas, Texas, where third-class postage one to three ethics professors each, 8-12. is paid. Articles published in CET reflect the views and Logsdon Seminary at Hardin 3 Write to Truett Seminary at P. O. of the authors and not necessarily the viewpoint of CET or the Editor. Send corrections and change of Simmons has the T. B. Maston Chair Box 97126, Waco, TX 76798, or addresses to P.O. Box 1165, Argyle, Texas 76226. of Christian Ethics ably occupied by call (254) 710-3755. r8*/5&3r$)3*45*"/&5)*$450%": EthixBytes A Collection of Quotes Comments, Statistics, and News Items “Those friends thou hast and their Germany, it was preached by Hitler. dience, than no man should try. Faith adoption tried, grapple them to thy In Italy it was preached by Mussolini. coerced is not faith, it is tyranny.” soul with hoops of steel.” And in America it is being preached by Jon Meacham, explaining the theo- William Shakespeare, in Hamlet. the advocates of white supremacy, logical basis for Religious Freedom on ❖ and the America-First movements.” Meet the Press (1/7/07). “There’s class warfare all right—but Martin Luther King, Jr. in a ❖ it’s my class, the rich class, that’s mak- 1953 sermon, “The False God of “If every American switched five light ing war, and we’re winning.” Nationalism.” bulbs in his or her home to energy sav- Warren Buffett, the billionaire ❖ ing light bulbs, it would be like taking investor on tax fairness in the NY “We need to ask Americans to be patri- one million cars off the road!” Times. otic about something other than the Al Gore on the Oprah Winfrey ❖ war.” Show. “The wealthiest 1% of Americans con- Sen. John Edwards on ABC This ❖ trol 50% of the world’s wealth, while Morning. “One in three high school students the bottom 50% of the world’s people, ❖ in this republic says that the First control 1% of the world’s wealth.” “A realist is an idealist who has gone Amendment to the Constitution of CNN Readerboard. through the fire and been purified. the U.S. goes too far in the right that ❖ A skeptic is an idealist who has gone it guarantees you as a citizen [and] “Halliburton hired Pakistanis and through the fire and been burned.” one-half of students thought newspa- Indians for kitchen work, but no Warren Wiersbe in Leadership. pers should not be allowed to print Iraqis. Why? They could poison the ❖ whatever they want without first gain- food! Before being hired, applicants “The American people won the cold ing governmental approval.” were also asked if they supported Roe war—no one president, no one party. Baptist historian Walter Shurden vs. Wade.” It was the work of many years and addressing supporters of the Baptist Joint George Will quoting Rajiv
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