New Testament Textual Criticism in America: Requiem for a Discipline*
CHAPTER SEVEN NEW TESTAMENT TEXTUAL CRITICISM IN AMERICA: REQUIEM FOR A DISCIPLINE* In view of the rapid approach of the 100th anniversary of the Society 94 of Biblical Literature (1980), it is appropriate to consider the posi- tion held by New Testament textual criticism in American biblical scholarship during that century and especially the place that it holds today. To speak of textual criticism in America may give pause to some. I, for one, have never considered even for a moment the long-term history of American New Testament textual criticism as an isolated phenomenon, or that of any other country for that matter, because textual criticism hardly can be thought of in terms of any distinct geographical area, nor can its development be separated along national lines. Rather, from its earliest period, New Testament textual criti- cism has been a genuinely international effort, with various discov- eries, theories, breakthroughs, or even setbacks espoused now by a scholar of one nation and then by a scholar of another, and so on, so that scholars of all nations together have woven the fabric of our discipline, though with various yet intertwining threads. Witness, for example, the pivotal editions of the Greek New Testament, which generally were built one upon another, starting with Erasmus in Holland, to Stephanus in France (and Switzerland), to Th. Beza in Switzerland, then to John Fell, John Mill and Richard Bentley in England, then J. A. Bengel in Germany, J. J. Wettstein in Switzerland and Holland, then to J. J. Griesbach, Karl Lachmann, and Constantin von Tischendorf in Germany, and again to S.
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