SOUTHEASTERN ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONFERENCE N E W S L E T T E R Volume 54, Number 2 October 2012 Edited by Phillip Hodge, Office of Social and Cultural Resources, TN-DOT 505 Deaderick Street, Suite 900, Nashville, TN 37243 (
[email protected]) Inside This Issue: A Letter from SEAC President Ann Early 2 SEAC Elections 3 Public Outreach Update on the Walled City of Charleston 3 SEAC 2012 SEAC 2012 Baton Rouge, Louisiana Meeting Information 4 Hilton Capitol Center The 69 th Annual Southeastern Archaeological Conference will be Welcome to Baton Rouge 5 held November 7-10, 2012 at the Hilton Capitol Center in Baton Rouge. SEAC 2012 promises to be a rewarding and fun-filled ex- perience with a much anticipated plenary session, twelve organized SEAC 2012 symposia, 132 general session papers, 48 posters, plus special ses- Preliminary Program 6 sions organized by the Native Affairs and Student Affairs commit- tees. Social events include the Student reception Thursday after- SEAC 2012 Student Affairs noon, the conference-wide reception Thursday evening at the Events 15 Louisiana State Museum, the SEAC dance Friday evening at the Hilton, Saturday excursion tours to the famous Marksville Hope- well site, plantations in St. Francisville, and a walking tour of down- Minutes of the Mid-Year town Baton Rouge, all of which will be capped off with a Cajun Executive Committee Meeting 16 smorgasbord dinner Saturday evening! Full conference details are inside this issue of the SEAC Newsletter and available on the An- nual Meeting pages of the SEAC website. Remember that ad- Langniappe - “The Heidelberg vanced registration closes October 24! You can register Hotel” 23 online at