CIRCA 123 CONTEMPORARY VISUAL CULTURE IN IRELAND SPRING 2008 | ¤7.50 £5 US$12 | ISSN 0263-9475 c . ISSN 0263-9475 Contemporary visual culture in circa Ireland ____________________________ ____________________________ 2 Editor Subscriptions Peter FitzGerald For our subscription rates please see bookmark, or visit Administration where you can Barbara Knezevic subscribe online. Advertising/ PR/ Marketing Circa is concerned with visual Jennie McGinn culture. We welcome comment, ____________________________ proposals and written Board contributions. Please contact Graham Gosling (Chair), Tara the editor for more details, Byrne, Mark Garry, Georgina or consult our website Jackson, Darragh Hogan, Isabel Opinions Nolan, John Nolan, Hugh expressed in this magazine Mulholland, Brian Redmond are those of the authors, not necessarily those of the Board. ____________________________ Circa is an equal-opportunities Contributing editors employer. Copyright © Circa Brian Kennedy, Luke Gibbons 2008 ____________________________ Assistants ____________________________ Laura McGovern, Astrid Lucas, Contacts Anika Menden Circa 43 / 44 Temple Bar ____________________________ Dublin 2 Legal advice Ireland Justin Lennon, JJ Lennon tel / fax (+353 1) 679 7388 Solicitors. 01 667 6364
[email protected] [email protected] ____________________________ ____________________________ Designed/produced by Peter Maybury Printed by W & G Baird Ltd, Belfast ____________________________ Printed on 115gsm + 250gsm Arctic the Volume c ____________________________ ____________________________ CIRCA 123 SPRING 2008 3 Editorial 26 | Update 28 | Features 30 | Reviews 70 | (front cover) Daphne Wright Lamb, 2006 marble dust and resin courtesy the artist/ Frith Street Gallery Heaven? Hell? Please contribute to our online survey of the art-college experience in Ireland. students: lecturers/ tutors: c .