Tim Francisco

GOOD MORNING: 03/29/19 Farm Direction ­ Van Trump Report 1 message

The Van Trump Report Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 7:14 AM Reply­To: Jordan To: [email protected]

"Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors." ­ African proverb

FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 2019 1776, Putnam Named Printable Copy or Audio Version Commander of New York Troops ­ On this day in 1776, Morning Summary: Stocks are slightly higher this morning but continue to consolidate General George Washington into the end of the first quarter, where it will post its best start to a new year since appoints Major General Israel 1998. It seems like the bulls are still trying to catch their breath after posting the Putnam commander of the troops in New massive rebound from December. The S&P 500 was up over +12% in the first quarter York. In his new capacity, Putnam was of 2019. We've known for sometime this would be a tough area technically. There's also expected to execute plans for the defense the psychological wave of market participants trying to get off the ride at this level, of New York City and its waterways. A having recouped most of what they lost in late­2018. I mentioned many weeks ago, if veteran military man, Putnam had served we made it back to these levels it would get very interesting, as those who took the as a lieutenant in the Connecticut militia tumble would have an opportunity to get out of the market with most of their money during the French and Indian War, where back in their account. This is probably what is staling the market and adding just he survived capture by Caughanawega enough sell­side pressure to balance out the trade and keep the market in limbo. I just Indians at Detroit and led regiments in worry if we stay in "limbo" for too long, other bulls will start to hesitate and perhaps the victories at Ticonderoga and Montreal. look to move money to the sideline as well. Unfortunately, that would tip the scales Connecticut elected Putnam to the back to favoring the bears and the market could correct. Anytime you stall like this, it colony’s General Assembly in 1766 in the gives the bulls a chance to stop and look around. I've learned that even the biggest wake of the Stamp Act Crisis. He was also bulls can generally find a lot of things to distract their attention and give them reason among the founders of the Sons of Liberty to bank profits! Remember, successful investing is not just a science, there's a ton of in Connecticut. At the outbreak of the art and psychology baked int to the winning recipe. As for today, traders will be Revolutionary War, Putnam received a digesting the latest data on U.S. personal spending and income, another round of New commission as a general in the Home Sales data, the Chicago PMI, Michigan sentiment, and a couple of Fed speakers. Continental Army under General George We might also hear some updated headlines from U.S. trade leaders who are in another Washington. Putnam’s leadership and round of negotiation in China. From what I understand, Chinese trade leaders will be battlefield experience served him and the coming to the U.S. next week. Perhaps the biggest economic data out next week will be Continental Army most admirably at the a wave of numbers scheduled for release out of China. If they are better than expected Battle of Bunker Hill in June 1775, where the bulls might run again as bears are forced to backpedal on less fear about a global he helped develop strategy and economic slowdown. There's also the monthly U.S. employment report scheduled for distinguished himself on the battlefield. release at the end of next week. I'm looking for the market to become more volatile Shortly after taking command of the New next week. Stay belted in... York troops in March 1776, though, Putnam’s career took a downturn. In Several Good Weekends of Sports Coming our Direction: This weekend we August 1776, British troops forced his have the Sweet­16 Mens NCAA Basketball games along with a ton of great MLB retreat at the Battle of Long Island. After baseball matchups. Next weekend it's the Final Four and the following weekend retreating again from the New York begins The Masters golf tournament. Let's also not forget both the NBA and NHL battles for Fort Montgomery and Fort regular seasons are wrapping up and the playoffs are about to get underway. NHL Clinton in 1777, General Washington teams to beat are: Tampa Bay Lightning, Boston Bruins, Toronto Maple Leafs, began to doubt Putnam’s leadership. Washington Capitals, Winnipeg Jets, Nashville Predators, St. Louis Blues, Calgary Considered one of Washington’s most Flames, San Jose Sharks, and Vegas Golden Knights. NBA teams to beat are: valuable military men at the beginning of Golden State Warriors, Milwaukee Bucks, Toronto Raptors, Philadelphia 76ers, the Revolutionary War, Putnam began to Houston Rockets, Denver Nuggets, Boston Celtics and Oklahoma City Thunder. As be seen as an ineffective leader. Still, he for my March Madness bracket, my winner got knocked out, as Michigan got continued serving in the Continental Army smoked by Texas Tech last night. Hopefully I can still win some of brackets with until suffering a career­ending stroke in some strong first rounds! December 1779. Israel Putnam was not the only member of his extended family to end his life in disrepute. His ancestors were among the residents of Salem Village (modern­day Danvers), Massachusetts, to execute 20 of their neighbors after accusing them of witchcraft in the famous trials of 1692. 1806, Congress Authorizes Survey of Cumberland Road ­ Congress authorizes surveying to begin for the construction of the Cumberland Road, which sped the way for thousands of Americans heading west. Four years earlier, Congress had recognized the importance of building a network of national roads to facilitate western immigration. The 1803 act that admitted Ohio into the Union included a provision setting aside money from the sale of public lands to use in “laying out, opening, and making roads.” By 1806, enough funds had accumulated to begin surveying a proposed national road from Cumberland, Maryland, through the Appalachian Mountains to Wheeling, Virginia, on the Ohio River. The task of surveying the route for the new national road went to the Army’s Corps of Engineers, setting an important precedent for the military’s involvement in building transportation routes that would be used for non­military purposes. The Corps of Engineers also built the road once construction began in 1811. Progress was slow, and the Corps did not complete the 130­mile road until 1818. Its value, though, became apparent well before it was completed. Stagecoaches, heavy freight wagons, and droves of stock animals soon crowded the route in numbers far surpassing those expected. The Corps even had to maintain and repair older sections of the road before the entire route was completed. The Cumberland Road proved such a success that Congress agreed to continue extending it westward. By 1850, this National Road, as it came to be called, reached all the way to Indianapolis. By Warren Buffett Says Regular Investors Should Not Buy IPOs: With Lyft's that time, mid­western excitement over much­anticipated initial public offering coming out today, I thought it was the National Road was fading in favor of a necessary to add what billionaire investor Warren Buffett recently said about fever for canal building. The Cumberland­ investing in hot IPOs. The main take away from the interview was regular investors National Road, however, set the shouldn't attempt to buy IPOs in a hot market. In addition, Buffett reminded precedent for further government investors that just because a strategy works for one investor doesn't make it a involvement in road building. The good idea as he said, "If they want to do mathematically unsound things and one resulting network of roads greatly person gets lucky... it's nothing to worry about. You don't want to get into a stupid facilitated American expansion into game just because it's available." Keep in mind, I was looking at some IPO western territory, and parts of the route statistics back in 2015 and it's hard to argue with Buffett's logic. According to a blazed for the Cumberland Road are still report by Renaissance Capital, out of the 170 IPOs that were priced in 2015, 57% followed to this day by interstate and finished the year below their offer price. In addition, IPOs in 2018 averaged a ­2% state highways. gain. At the end of the day, Buffett believes it's hard for IPOs to return money on a consistent basis because none of them can afford to make mistakes like a company 1865, Appomattox such as Apple. I'm personally not getting into Lyft today. I feel like there could be Campaign Begins ­ On this better buying opportunities down the road. day in 1865, the final campaign of the Civil War begins in Mortgage Rates Hit 14­Month Low: Rates for home loans tumbled, as investors Virginia when Union troops snatched up safe assets in the wake of a Federal Reserve policy announcement under General Ulysses S. Grant move that took place this week. The 30­year fixed­rate mortgage averaged 4.06% in the against the Confederate trenches around March 28 week, mortgage guarantor Freddie Mac said Thursday. That was a 14­ Petersburg. General Robert E. Lee’s month low, and the 22­basis point slide was the biggest weekly decline since June outnumbered Rebels were soon forced to 2009. I should mention, the popular product has managed a weekly gain only twice evacuate the city and begin a desperate during 2019. Keep in mind, fixed­rate mortgages take their cue from the yield on race west. Eleven months earlier, Grant the 10­year U.S. Treasury note, which has slumped to 15­month lows as investors moved his army across the Rapidan River grow increasingly itchy about the prospect of slowing global growth. Lower in northern Virginia and began the borrowing costs are obviously good for would­be homebuyers, but rates aren't the bloodiest campaign of the war. For six housing market’s only headwind. There’s still very little inventory of homes in the weeks, Lee and Grant fought along an arc areas where people want to live, in the price ranges they can afford. It's worth that swung east of the Confederate mentioning that the housing industry is, slowly, adapting, meaning home builders capital at Richmond. They engaged in are increasingly constructing houses for rent, rather than for purchase by owner­ some of the conflict’s bloodiest battles at occupants. In fact, even with the increase, the share of single­family homes Wilderness, Spotsylvania, and Cold constructed for rentals purposes is only 5%, well below the share of all rental units Harbor before settling into trenches for a that happen to be single­family homes. NAHB Chief Economist Rob Dietz pointed siege of Petersburg, 25 miles south of out in a research post on the topic that “as homes age, they are more likely to be Richmond. The trenches eventually rented.” Read more HERE. stretched all the way to Richmond, and during the ensuing months the armies glowered at each other across a no man’s land. Periodically, Grant launched attacks against sections of the Rebel defenses, but Lee’s men managed to fend them off. Time was running out for Lee, though. His army was dwindling in size to about 55,000, while Grant’s continued to grow– the Army of the Potomac now had more than 125,000 men ready for service. On March 25, Lee attempted to split the Union lines when he attacked Fort Stedman, a stronghold along the Yankee trenches. His army was beaten back, and he lost nearly 5,000 men. On March 29, Grant seized the initiative, sending 12,000 men past the Confederates’ left flank and threatening to cut Lee’s escape route from Petersburg. Fighting broke out there, several miles southwest of the city. Lee’s men could not arrest the Federal advance. On April 1, the Yankees struck at Five Forks, soundly defeating the Rebels and leaving Lee no alternative. He pulled his forces from their trenches and raced west, followed by Grant. It was a race that even the great Lee could not win. He surrendered his army on April 9, 1865,at Appomattox Court House.

Fri. 03/29 ­ Personal Income, Grain Stock, Prospective Planting

Mon. 4/1 ­ April Fool's Day, Export Inspections, Crop Progress

Wed. 4/3 ­ US Trade Balance

Thurs. 04/04 ­ Export Sales, Jobless Claims

Fri. 04/05 ­ Unemployment Data, Consumer Credit

Mon. 04/08 ­ Export Inspections, Crop Progress

Tues. 04/09 ­ Crop Production, USDA Supply & Demand

Thurs. 04/11 ­ Export Sales, Jobless Claims

Mon. 04/15 ­ NOPA Crush, Export Inspections, Crop Progress

Tues. 04/16 ­ Retail Sales

Thur. 04/18 ­ Export Sales, Jobless Claims, Cattle on Feed

Fri. 04/19 ­ Good Friday, Full Moon

Mon. 04/22 ­ Easter Monday, Export Sales, Crop Progress

Tues. 04/23 ­ Cold Storage

Thurs. 04/25 ­ Export Sales, Jobless Claims

Mon. 04/29 ­ Export Inspections, Crop Progress, Personal Income “I am a recent subscriber to Kevin’s newsletter, but I’m a long­time reader of many other high­profile marketing services. I am particularly impressed with the thorough manner in which Kevin evaluates every economic aspect, both nationally and internationally, that influences commodity prices. His analysis and conclusions are highly thought out and conveyed in layman’s terms so that the reader can comprehend the numerous and often complex interrelationships that impact the markets. Kevin is a real attribute to the agricultural sector.”


“As a national federal farm policy administrator and commodity producer, I find it critical to keep updated with what is going on in the real world of agriculture and with the domestic and global markets. Of all the services I’ve have been privy to or have subscribed to over the past 20 years I’ve found in the past several months of engaging in your “Farm Direction” services to be the best perception and analysis of what is really happening in today’s world. Not only here in the United States, but across the globe as well. US farmers need this type of help and information to assist them in their daily efforts. I commend you for a job well done. Please let me know if I can ever be of any help or assistance to you in the future…”

L.T., Assistant Deputy Administrator for Farm Programs USDA

"Not To Trade, is often considered a good trading decision..."

"First Rule of HOLES: When you are in one stop digging..."

"Every looser in Vegas, always walks away from the table thinking he could have done better, the winners on the other hand leave while on top..."

"Bulls make money, Bears make money, but pigs get slaughtered..."

"The markets ability to remain irrational can often times last much longer than your ability to remain solvent..."

I'm more of a long­term player, therefore you will not see me give many short­term suggestions or trade ideas. One of my most important rules is that I always follow my long­term direction. Therefore, as long as I am "bullish" a market I will only play that particular market in one of three ways.

Option #1 ­ Conservatively long. Option #2 ­ Aggressively long. Option #3 ­ Sitting on the sideline.

I never initiate a "short" position in a market that I am "bullish" longer­term, nor do I initiate a "long" position in a market I am "bearish" longer­term.

As we age, it gets harder and harder to create new neural pathways in the brain. It’s the reason kids find it so easy to learn new things, but as adults it often gets more difficult. Doing brain teasers and solving riddles can be an important part of keeping our brain healthy. The more connections we can form, the better our brain will be. I hope this helps provide a little daily fun and exercise. The answer to each riddle or puzzle will be located at the bottom of the report.


You're standing on the surface of Earth. You walk one mile south, one mile west, and one mile north. You end up exactly where you started. Where are you?

Corn traders are eager to see todays USDA data. The reports are scheduled for release at 11:00am CST. I'm personally looking for U.S. planted corn acres to be trimmed from earlier estimates. I know it won't happen today, but I ultimately think corn acres could fall below this years 89.1 million. I've talked about my reasons many times so no need to waste the space. I talk to a lot of producers and we are all scratching our head a bit on the higher corn acreage estimate, but I guess time will tell... As for March 1st quarterly stocks, I'm looking for a sizable reduction from last year at this stage. I also wonder when we will start seeing numbers detailing the amount of old­crop corn lost to flooding and poor conditions. Despite my longer­term bullish bias, I'm still worried that the funds want to pressure the market lower nearby. It will be interesting to see how today's numbers are traded. Will the bears use a rally to sell more contracts or reduce exposure? If the USDA delivers bearish numbers, will the short funds look to bank profits and move to the sideline or add to their positions on the downhill momentum? There's a ton of interesting things happening in the corn market right now, a lot of balls up in the air...

Soybean bulls are pointing to positive trade headlines out of China and nice purchase of U.S. beans by the Chinese this week. Reports circuiting yesterday, show Chinese purchases ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 MMTs, with talks of perhaps a few more bushel being bid out of the Gulf. Regardless, the market doesn't seem to be giving it a ton of attention. It seems like the market is more interested in today's USDA data and longer­ term progress and specifics surrounding Chinese trade. A few purchases here and there by the Chinese seem to be falling on fairly deaf ears. The trade is now wanting more detail and specifics, not another meeting and more unknowns. Hopefully we will learn more next week after Chinese official visit the U.S. I suspect with a glut of +900 million bushels in ending stock the bulls are needing more detail to sustain a longer­term rally and to convince the bears to move to the sideline. The early USDA estimate was for 85 million soybean acres to be planted in the U.S., which I believe is overly conservative. I have to imagine that's also what's working to keep a lid on prices. I'm also starting to hear more talk inside the trade that Brazil's soybean crop might be closer to 116 to 118 MMTs rather than the 113 to 115 MMTs many were talking about a few weeks back. Net­net, from my perspective, still nothing wildly bullish to bet on, at least not yet. This might take some time...

Wheat bulls are pointing to improved U.S. export headlines as Iraq steps in and buys HRW wheat and Egypt buys SRW wheat from U.S. exporters this week. Bulls are also thinking we are getting closer to making a deal with the Chinese, which could lead to additional U.S wheat purchases. As for weather, there's the continued uncertainty here in the U.S. and debates about how much of a negative impact the floods and heavy rains will have on wheat acres and total yield? Most seasoned traders are thinking it's still too early to get a final read or strong guesstimate as rivers in many areas are yet to peak. Globally, bulls are keeping a closer eye on Russia, where some areas are starting to battle more adverse conditions. Bears however are going to the recent IGC estimates which pushed global wheat output to 759 MMTs, up +24 MMT from a year ago. Technically, it still feels like the front­end of the SRW wheat contract is comfortable trading between $4.50 and $5.00 per bushel. The front­end of the HRW wheat contract seems comfortable trading between $4.20 and $4.70 per bushel. There still a ton of debate about spring wheat acres and just how many will get planted here in the U.S., I guess we will have a better idea this afternoon after the USDA releases their planting numbers. Most sources are thinking U.S. spring wheat plantings will come in around 13.4 million vs. 13.2 million last year. Ultimately, I suspect that number has to work itself lower. As for the USDA's March 1 quarterly stocks estimate, most are thinking it's going to show another increase in supply. The question is by how much? I don't see today's USDA data being a game­changer for the wheat market. My guess is that the wheat market could be pulled either higher or lower by the movement in corn and soybeans. In other words, I'm looking for wheat to be a follower today. Staying extremely patient as a longer­term bull... Planted Acreage

Avg. Trade USDA USDA 2019 Mar # Trade Range Est. 2018 Outlook

Corn ??? 91.332 89.5 ­ 92.7 89.129 92.0

Soybean ??? 86.169 84.263 ­ 88.0 89.196 85.0

All Wheat ??? 46.915 45.9 ­ 48.0 47.8 47.0

Winter ??? 31.460 31.0 ­ 32.5 32.535 NA Wheat

Other ??? 13.419 12.6 ­ 13.9 13.2 NA Spring

Durum ??? 2.081 1.610 ­ 3.0 2.065 NA

Cotton ??? 14.498 14.1 ­ 15.4 14.099 14.3

Sorghum ??? 5.777 5.4 ­ 6.5 5.690 NA

March 1 Grain Stocks

Avg. Trade USDA Mar USDA Dec Mar # Trade Range Guess 1, 2018 1, 2018

Corn ??? 8.335 7.620 ­ 8.800 8.892 11.952

Soybeans ??? 2.683 2.095 ­ 2.797 2.109 3.736

Wheat ??? 1.555 1.435 ­ 1.617 1.495 1.999

> Argentina Corn Production Estimate Raised 1 MMT: Buenos Aires Grains Exchange raised its production estimate by 1 MMT to 46 MMT, with the explanation that higher­than­expected yields on early planted acres have bolstered the crop. I'm told just over 12% of the 2018­19 corn crop has thus far been harvested.

> Brazil Soybean Estimates Increased by 1.6 MMT: AgroConsult raises Brazilian production to a total to 118 MMT. I should mention, while production is going up, exports will drop on greater competition from the U.S. and a larger crop coming out of Argentina. 2019 export projections have now gone from 70.2 MMT to 67 MMT.

> China Buys More U.S. Soybeans: State­owned firms out of China purchased around 1.5 MMT of U.S. soybeans today for shipment this summer, three traders with knowledge of the deals told Reuters. This comes as another round of talks between key U.S. and Chinese trade officials kicks off today in Beijing. I'm told Chinese buyers also were shopping for U.S. corn and pork yesterday. (Source: Reuters)

> Breeding Pigs Stocks Drop 41% in Major Chinese Region: Stocks of breeding pigs in a major Chinese hog producing region plunged 41% in the seven months to February, underlying fears about a hit to pork supplies fro the deadly African swine fever. The drop covered the key region of Shandong province, northern China's biggest producer of hogs which produced 47 million pigs in 2017.(Source: Reuters)

> Tillage and Profitability: Illinois University's farmdoc Daily has put together some interesting data on tillage passes and whether or not it is cost effective on corn and soybean acres in Illinois. Ultimately, the researchers found that more trips across a field with tillage equipment doesn't bring higher corn or soybean revenues according to data from 200,000 acres cropland in Illinois. The data showed no statistical difference in yields, more passes to work the soil and may add to production costs. (Source: farmdocDaily)

> Brazil's Second Crop Corn Is On the Rise: Brazil's second corn crop, which is planted after soybeans are harvested, will rise significantly from the previous cycle thanks to beneficial weather and a bigger planted area. According to the average estimate of 10 forecasters, Brazil may harvest 66.2 million metric tons of second crop corn in the 2018/19 season or 22.9% above 2017/18 when adverse weather conditions slashed yields. (Source: Reuters)

> Updated On Barge and Railroads Outages Due to Flooding: Midwest flooding continues to significantly affect railroads. BNSF and Union Pacific both report outages on routes from Jefferson City and Kansas City, MO up to Omaha, Grand Lakes and Fremont, NE. Grain carloads are down considerably from last year and below the 3 year average. As for barge traffic widespread flooding continues to disrupt shipments. Locks are closed throughout much of the upper Mississippi River. Further south, traffic is very slow. While some locks may reopen by early April, the National Weather Service indicates the Mississippi River will remain above flood stage into May. As of March 23, grain traffic is about 16% lower than the same period last year. (Source: USDA, Grain Transportation Report)

> McDonald's Won't Fight A $15 Minimum Wage Any Longer: The fast­food giant said they would no longer lobby against increases to the minimum age according to a letter the company wrote to the National Restaurant Association on Tuesday. (Source: Restaurant Business)

> Chicago to Get Architectural Thrill Ride: Within the next three years, tourists in Chicago will have the chance to go on one crazy ride: A glass platform will launch thrill seekers 82 stories into the air, at speeds of 16.6 feet per second. This isn’t an amusement park attraction, though. It’s a glass elevator that will be installed on the exterior of one of the city’s many notable towers, the Aon Center.

> YouTube Dominates Mobile Internet Traffic: A new report by Sandvine has revealed the applications responsible for the most downstream mobile traffic in the world. Underlining the popularity of streaming services YouTube accounts for the most megabytes with 37% an awfully long way ahead of second­placed Facebook with 8.4% and Snapchat with 8.3%. Netflix, which accounts for the most internet traffic overall, only manages 2.4% when it comes to mobile. (Source: Statista, Sandvine) Northern Missouri – We planted a lot of wheat this winter thinking we could make money above $6.00. We hedge and priced a little but not very much, about 20% total. The wet, cold fall and the cold snowy winter did its damage on the wheat and we are now about 100% priced and hedged. We are going to burn down 80% of the wheat crop that is patchy and probably try and plant corn since we put down a little nitrogen this fall with the wheat. Worse case scenario we are going to plant soybeans, but we are going to wait as long as possible before we make that decision. We have rain the remainder of the week into the weekend so we are still sitting for now.

Central Illinois – We are extremely wet here after the weekend and I think we are supposed to start getting rain Thursday afternoon that runs through Saturday. I can definitely tell it’s going to rain because the wind has been fairly brisk all morning. We got a call the other day about growing seed beans so we are going to actually pull some corn acres back and plant about 15% more seed soybeans that should net us over $10.00. From what we are told the yield should be about the same.

Southern Oklahoma – The wheat has greened up and is really taking off. We are very hopeful this year that we will put some bushels in the bin. The stand looks nice and uniform. The rows all look full and it’s starting to grow fairly quickly. We have had some early spring rains that are helping keep the ground moist. Some guys didn’t get all their wheat in but the wheat that did get planted looks good. We topped dressed ours recently which I think really helped. I haven’t seen our wheat look this good in a number of years.

REBA Sets Sight on Non­Residential Energy Market: Google, GM, Facebook, Walmart, Disney, and more than 300 other companies have launched the Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance (REBA), an organization that aims at making renewable energy purchases easier for large­scale buyers. The alliance wants to create “a resilient carbon­free energy system where every organization has an easy and cost­effective path to buying renewable energy.” REBA has set a goal to “bring more than 60 gigawatts of new renewables online in United States by 2025,” which would have a serious impact on renewables in the country. To put that in perspective, that’s almost equivalent to the total solar capacity currently installed in the U.S. Read more HERE.

Why are so Many Dogs Jumping Off This Bridge? Sounding like a preposterous scene straight from an old “Twilight Zone” episode, was it a malevolent force bewitching a dog to leap off a bridge? No one knows for sure but what we do know is that hundreds that Scots insist their pets have suddenly been compelled to throw themselves off the gothic stone structure since the 1950s, with many ending up dead on the jagged rocks in the deep valley bed below. Overtime and with multiple occurrences, residents of Dumbarton, Scotland, which is northwest of Glasgow, began calling Overtoun, a century­old bridge that stretches across a 50­foot gorge, the “dog suicide bridge.” In a land rife with superstitions, myths, and monsters the bridge has been at the center of an enduring mystery... why do so many dogs jump? From what I understand, local researchers estimate more than 300 have sailed off the bridge, with at least 50 having died. Find out what locals say is the cause HERE.

Change Your Workout to Live Longer: In the ongoing quest to live forever, some turn to supplements, fad diets, and weird experiments on worms. But perhaps the most well­studied part of anti­aging is the role of telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes that naturally get shorter as we get older. A new study from Germany suggests that one specific type of exercise may be the key to keeping them long. As we age, telomeres shorten naturally, but there are some things we can do to slow, or even, in small part, reverse that process. Through this study, co­author and cardiologist Ulrich Laufs, Ph.D., showed that endurance exercises reversed the shortening of telomeres and strangely, resistance workouts, like weightlifting, didn’t. From what I understand, the main finding of this controlled, randomized, supervised six months study is that endurance training compared to baseline and to the control group increased telomerase activity and telomere length which are both important for cellular senescence, regenerative capacity and thus, healthy aging,” Laufs tells Inverse. Read more HERE to see if you need to change your workout.

Immersive VR Helps Kids Cope With Pain: During procedures, from surgery preparation to CT scans and IVs, children and teens can slip on a pair of headphones and VR goggles and choose from different immersive scenery and games. They can watch horses gallop through the hills of Iceland, roam the streets of , swim with dolphins, or play a teddy bear­toppling game. The 360­degree illusion can help distract from pain, too. A study called "Immersive Virtual Reality for Pediatric Pain" says the technology is "promising" in clinical pediatric settings. I'm told that with the advent of affordable consumer­grade equipment, clinicians have access to a promising and engaging intervention for pediatric pain. In addition to providing relief from acute and procedural pain, virtual reality (VR) may also help to provide a corrective psychological and physiological environment to facilitate rehabilitation for pediatric patients suffering from chronic pain. Read more HERE.

Mushroom Dome Cabin Is Airbnb’s Most Popular Rental: We’ve seen some amazing Airbnb rentals over the years, from the wallet­challenging luxurious to the jaw­ droppingly cool. The accommodation site’s most popular listing globally slips neatly into the latter category, offering guests a comfy stay in a quirky dome­topped cabin. Airbnb revealed its most popular listing this week as the company celebrated half a billion guest arrivals globally since its launch in 2008. The Mushroom Dome Cabin, as it’s called, is located in Aptos, California, about 60 miles south of San Francisco and has actually been Airbnb’s most visited listing for a number of years now, with guests attracted by its offbeat design, cozy interior, and secluded location. The semi­rustic cabin features a loft beneath the geodesic dome, inside which you’ll find a queen­size Casper mattress that should ensure a decent slumber. A second couch/bed on the main floor means the place can sleep three guests. Also on the main floor of this unique 100­ square­foot property is a well­equipped kitchen area and pull­out table. Get more details on the #1 Airbnb location HERE.

Scientist Sequence the Genome of No. 1 Pest that Threatens U.S. Soybeans Iowa State University researchers were able to overcome the quirks of the soybean cyst nematodes DNA to sequence its genome, paving the way for better management practices to combat the No. 1 pest that threatens U.S. soybeans. Sequencing the genome can help plant breeders better understand how the nematodes manage to override the soybean’s defenses. Scientists connected to this project likened it to putting together a jigsaw puzzle for which all the pieces are identical, but with only one solution. Their research was recently published in the peer­reviewed journal BMC Genomics . Soybean cyst nematodes are parasitic roundworms that infect the roots of soybeans and can devastate yields in infected fields. Nematode populations build up in fields and stay for years, meaning infested acres become a perennial management concern for farmers. Crop breeders have studied genes in soybeans that can boost their resistance to the nematodes, but sequencing the nematode genome fills in important gaps in science's understanding of these pests that had remained stubbornly blank for years. The genetics of the soybean cyst nematode present challenges that keep scientists from assembling the full genome for years. The research team sequenced the genome first by sequencing smaller portions and then piecing those portions together into the full genome. About a third of nematode's 29,769 genes are repetitive, meaning many of the genes come in multiple copies. This repetitive DNA greatly complicated the sequencing process. They likened it to a jigsaw puzzle of a blue sky in which all the pieces are identical in shape and color. It's difficult to figure out how all those repetitive pieces fit together. Now, the fully assembled genome could lead to the development of better pest management strategies. When the nematodes infect a soybean plant, they battle with the soybean’s natural defenses. Basically, sequencing the genome of the nematode gives researchers an ability to see both the offense and defense of worm. What's more, the IUS team has made their research available in an open online database for other scientists to access, further enhancing the utility of the genome. For more about the soybean cyst nematode, you can check out more of ISU's research onto the soybean pest HERE. (Source: Iowa State Univ.) Hall of Fame 2019 The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 2019 induction ceremony will take place tonight at The Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY inducting many greats like , , , , , , and . Keep in mind, tickets are still on sale for this event, but the ceremony itself won’t air on TV until Saturday, April 27th on HBO. All inductees are expected to attend tonight except Radiohead. From what I've heard there are many rumors going around that some of the band members have indicated several times over the past few years they were not interested in this event. Keep in mind, this wouldn't be the first time a band has skipped this ceremony such as Dire Straits in 2018, N.W.A. in 2016, Kiss in 2014, and Guns N’ Roses in 2012. I think it would be a huge surprise if Radiohead took the stage to perform tonight. In addition to all this exciting news, Stevie Nicks will become the first female artist to be inducted into the Hall of Fame a second time for her solo career, which the first came in 1998 with Fleetwood Mac. Nicks will join others greats in this category like all The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Jimmy Page, Neil Young, and Eric Clapton. Nominees left behind this year include Todd Rundgren, John Prine, Devo, Rage Against the Machine, LL Cool J, MC5, and Rufus featuring Chaka Khan. This is such a great honor for all these artists and below are some of my favorite songs as well as facts about the bands!

The Cure Members: , , , , , Roger O'Donnell, , Porl Thompson, Lol Tolhurst, and Eligible Year: 2004 Nominated In: 2012 and 2019 Inducted by: Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails Favorite Song: Just Like Heaven ­ Click HERE to watch! Favorite : Disintegration released in 1989 Def Leppard Members: , , , , , , and Eligible Year: 2005 Nominated In: 2019 Inducted by: Brian May from Queen Favorite Song: Rock of Ages ­ Click HERE to watch! Favorite Album: Hysteria released in 1987

Janet Jackson Music Groups: Jackson 5 Eligible Year: 2007 Nominated In: 2016, 2017, and 2019 Inducted by: Janelle Monae Favorite Song: All For You ­ Click HERE to watch! Favorite Album: Rhythm Nation released in 1989 Stevie Nicks Music Groups: Fleetwood Mac and Ringo Starr & His All­Starr Band Eligible Year: 2006 Nominated In: 2019 Inducted by: Harry Styles Favorite Song: Edge of Seventeen ­ Click HERE to watch! Favorite Fleetwood Mac Song: Landslide ­ Click HERE to watch! Favorite Album: Rumours released in 1977

Radiohead Members: , , Ed O´Brien, , and Eligible Year: 2017 Nominated In: 2018 and 2019 Inducted by: David Byrne from Talking Heads Favorite Song: Creep ­ Click HERE to watch! Favorite Album: The Bends released in 1995 Roxy Music Members: , , , , , Graham Simpson, and Eligible Year: 1997 Nominated In: 2019 Inducted by: John Taylor and Simon Le Bon from Favorite Song: ­ Click HERE to watch! Favorite Album: released in 1973

The Zombies Members: , Paul Atkinson, , , and Eligible Year: 1989 Nominated In: 2014, 2017, 2018, and 2019 Inducted by: Susanna Hoffs from The Bangles Favorite Song: ­ Click HERE to watch! Favorite Album: in 1968 National Vietnam War Veterans Day It was on March 29th of 1973 the last 2,500 U.S. combat troops were withdrawn from South Vietnam thus ending what is now considered the longest war in our nations history. This is also the day that the last Vietnam War POW's held in North Vietnam arrived home on American soil. The men and women who served with dedication, honor and pride during the Vietnam War, along with the families, whose loved ones gave their lives for our country, deserve the eternal gratitude and respect of our entire nation on this official day of remembrance. My father served in Vietnam, but never much talked about it. The only thing he really said, was that he always hoped none of his children or grandchildren would ever have to experience such a hellish period of time. They were young, half a world away from home, and at war! I included below a video link of Vietnam veterans who share their personal stories, in their own words...Click HERE. I would also like everyone to Click HERE and watch a short CBS News video shot from Vietnam and consider just how young the kids are they are interviewing. Included below are a few interesting fact about the Vietnam Wall on this day of remembrance.

58,267 names are now listed on that polished black wall. The names are arranged in the order in which they were taken from us by date and within each date the names are alphabetized. It is hard to believe it is 63 years since the first casualty.

First Known Casualty was Richard B. Fitzgibbon, of North Weymouth, Mass. Listed by the U.S. Department of Defense as having been killed on June 8, 1956. His name is listed on the Wall with that of his son, Marine Corps LCpl Richard B. Fitzgibbon III, who was killed on Sept. 7, 1965.

Three Sets of Fathers and Sons on the Wall:

31 sets of brothers are on the Wall: Meaning thirty one sets of parents lost two of their sons.

39,996 on the Wall were just 22 or younger. The largest age group, 33,103 were only 18 years old. 12 soldiers on the Wall were 17 years old. 5 soldiers on the Wall were 16 years old. One soldier, PFC Dan Bullock was 15 years old.

First Day: 997 soldiers were killed on their first day in Vietnam .

Last Day: 1,448 soldiers were killed on their scheduled last day in Vietnam.

54 soldiers on the Wall attended Thomas Edison High School in Philadelphia. Beallsville, Ohio with a population of 475 lost 6 of her sons. West Virginia had the highest casualty rate per capita in the nation. There are 711 West Virginians on the Wall. 8 Women are on the Wall, all of which died while nursing the wounded.

244 soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor during the Vietnam War; 153 of them are on the Wall

The Marines of Morenci, AZ ­ They led some of the scrappiest high school football and basketball teams that the little Arizona copper town of Morenci (pop 5,058) had ever known and cheered. They enjoyed roaring beer busts. In quieter moments, they rode horses along the Coronado Trail, stalked deer in the Apache National Forest. And in the patriotic camaraderie typical of Morenci's mining families, the nine graduates of Morenci High enlisted as a group in the Marine Corps. Their service began on Independence Day, 1966. Only 3 returned home.

The Buddies of Midvale, UT ­ LeRoy Tafoya, Jimmy Martinez, Tom Gonzales were all boyhood friends and lived on three consecutive streets in Midvale, Utah on Fifth, Sixth and Seventh avenues. They lived only a few yards apart. They played ball at the adjacent sandlot ball field. And they all went to Vietnam. In a span of 16 dark days in late 1967, all three would be killed. LeRoy was killed on Wednesday, Nov. 22. Jimmy died less than 24­hours later on Thanksgiving Day. Tom was shot dead assaulting the enemy on Dec. 7.

Most Single Day Deaths: The most casualty deaths for a single day occurred on January 31, 1968 ~ 245 deaths.

Most Deaths in a Single Month: The most casualty deaths for a single month was May 1968 ­ 2,415 deaths.

For most of us Americans who read this they will only see the numbers that the Vietnam War created. To those who survived the war, and to the families of those who did not, I am certain you will see the faces, and feel the real pain that these numbers created. I can't imagine the personal pain as they were your friends, fathers, husbands, wives, sons and daughters There are no noble wars, just noble warriors! ANSWER to riddle: North Pole. About Us | Testimonials | Subscribe | Contact Us | Disclaimer | Update Profile

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