IFSC WORLDCUP PUURS 2011 LEAD Friday September 30th – Saturday October 1st, 2011 1. Organization The Klimax Goldfinger Team of BVKB member of KBF is very proud to invite you to the Benelux Worldcup lead. This worldcup is made possible thanks to the partnership of the Belgian Federation CMBEL (KBF and CAB) and the Dutch Federation, NKBV. BVKB: Bergsport Vereniging Klein Brabant CMBEL: Climbing & Mountaineering Belgium KBF: Klim- en Bergsportfederatie Vlaanderen CAB: Club Alpin Belge NKBV: Nederlandse Klim-en Bergsportvereniging Organizing club: BVKB/Klimax, pa Klimax, C. Verschaevestraat 15, B 2870 Puurs. http://www.bvkb.be/ http://www.klimax.be/ KBF : Boomgaardstraat 22 (b47), B-2600 Berchem, Belgium. Tel. +32 3 830.75.00, fax: +32 3 830.36.24, www.klimenbergsportfederatie.be ,
[email protected] IFSC Officials: IFSC Delegate: Vincent Caussé (FRA). Contact: +33 687337159 Jury President: Tim Hatch (GBR). Contact: +44 7795680810 IFSC Judge: Burgi Beste (GER) Chief Routesetter: Paul Dewilde (FRA) 2. Competition Website Special Website for the Worldcup with livestreaming video : www.worldcuppuurs.com and E-mail:
[email protected] 3. Participation According to rule 8.3 of the IFSC Rules. See: http://www.ifsc-climbing.org/2011/Admin/IFSC_Rules_2011.pdf 4. Registration Please,use the online system for registration at http://www.ifsc-climbing.org/egroupware/login.php IMPORTANT: Those competitors for whom their Federation has not applied for an International License, will NOT be allowed to compete. VISA: ask your government which kind of requirements you need to request the Visa and inform us via
[email protected] 5. Registration Deadline Friday 23rd September 2011 6.