Union County
• News • Arts • Entertainment • Classified • Real Estate Union County • Automotive WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS THURSDAY, MAY 11,2000 • SECTION B http://www.toca!«ouic&c«ii In their Assembly bill would Comparison of county tax levy, 1997-2000 , m' im IKS Cbmge Berkeley Heights $7,094,341 $7,913,617 18,370,956 $8,551,164 +S180.2O6 own right alter freeholder seats Clark SS,601,807 $5,363,129 $6,139,768 $5,332,667 •$192,899 Cranford S9,026,277 +S123.670 Georg's W. Bush anil Al Gore S9,306,«94 16,904,847 $8,904,607 By Mark Hrywna Gsiwood have one'thing in common. Aftei SI ,377,234 $1,399,666 $1,340,745 tl.346,430 +S7.685 Regional Editor Elizabeth -S370.101 some detours.they both ended up in $15,443,145 $14,674,095 ' $16,041,242 $14,671,141 - Republicans call it betler represen- Fanwood 52,343,375 the some professional field as their $2,423,075 $2,362,294 $2,408,778 •S26.484 tation of the people, bringing govern- ' Hillskle $4,327,759 $4,387,693 •SS.881 famous fathers. S4,4S0,S91 $4,382,012 mem closer to constituents, Demo- • Kenilworth $3,820,427 $3,668,079 $3,722,306 $3,750,619 +$28,313 Following in the footsteps of crats say the GOP is simply trying to Linden $12,343,861 $12,949,977 $13,018,563 $11,455,594 •S1.SS2.9S9 your parent is not that uncommon. overcome Us fuiilliy in recent elec- Mountainside $3,849,955 $4,120,739 $4,114,451 $4,172,760 +$58,309 • Bui for those making the second set tion!: by legislating a teat on the free- New Providence SS.031,291 $6,002,681 (6,091.012 $6,178,234 +S87.222 of prints the experience can be full holder board.
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