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Early in his rule, this monarch formed a group with noblemen like Adam Czartoryski and Nikolay Novosiltsev, known as the Private Committee, and the Semyonovsky regiment of his Imperial Guard revolted near the end of his rule. Later, one of his close advisors conceived of a compilation of Russian laws, only achieved after the death of this ruler. Besides Mikhail Speransky, his other advisors included Aleksey Arakcheyev, and the mystic Barbara Juliane von Krüdener, who probably influenced him into forming the Holy Alliance with other European monarchs. He signed an agreement on a raft on the Niemen River with , the Treaty of Tilsit. He took over after the assassination of his father Paul, and the secession crisis after his early death between his brothers Constantine and Nicholas I led to the . For 10 points, name this czar of who ruled from 1801 to 182** Answer: Alexander I [prompt on partial answer] (09EFT)

Children of this monarch included Catherine, who married John III of Portugal, Elizabeth, who married Christian II of and Mary, who married Louis II of while power was given to this ruler’s spouse by a meeting at Villafafila. This monarch reigned during the Revolt of the Comuneros, and refused to sign a condemnation of that act by the Bishop of Mallorca. The LadiesPeace of was negotiated on behalf of this monarch to marry her daughter, Eleanor. This monarch refused to let the Cisernos set up a regency council, but was unsuccessful. This monarch allowed her son to co-rule with her due to her impairment, and after her husband died, she refused to part with his embalmed body. For ten points, identify this wife of Phillip the Handsome, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, and mother of Charles V, who may have suffered from schizophrenia. Answer: Juana the Mad [or Juana of Castile; or Joanna; accept Phillip the Handsome until “Comuneros” is read] (08IO)

This man arranged a marriage between his son and Theophano, and granted the of Spoleto to Pandulf Ironhead. This man appointed William of to oversee the construction of a Pontifical Book. He was captured at Mainz, and this man stripped power from Conrad and Luitdolf and had his authority restored at the Diet of Auerstadt. This ruler, who defeated Berengar of , was also the victor at Reckntiz and Andernach. This man was the brother of the Archbishop of , and he invaded on the request of Adelaide of Italy, later marrying her and taking the title King of Lombardy. For ten points, identify this son of , the victor at the over the Magyars, the first . Answer: Otto I (accept Otto the Great before mention; prompt after) (08IO)

This man’s claim to part of London forms the basis of the rationing-era film Passport to Pimlico. Although that claim is entirely fictional, in real life he did have very close ties to the English ruling house; he was married to Margaret of York, and gave shelter to her brother, Edward IV, when he was briefly deposed in 1470. He had previously married daughters of the King of and the of Bourbon. Despite these apparent dynastic successes, upon his death at the hands of Swiss pikemen at (*) Nancy, he left as heir only his daughter, Mary, and, within decades, his realms were split between the Valois and the Habsburgs. For 10 points, name this man whose overreaching ambition to unite the Low Countries with the rest of his domain led to his being effectively the last . Answer: [or Charles the Rash; or Charles le Temeraire; accept Charles of Burgundy before Burgundy is mentioned] (09PB)

Early in his career, this man engineered an election challenged by Peter Cadalus that nearly ended with an invasion, though the attack was thwarted by Godfrey of Lorraine and the intrigue in a foreign court led by Anno. His claims on Corsica, Sardinia, and Hungary led to a kidnapping by Cencio Frangipane and tension with Robert (*) Guiscard. He continued the work of his predecessor, Alexander II, by mandating clerical celibacy, but his more notable acts grew out of an opposition to , where a description of this figure as a “false monk” led to some wandering about in the snow. For 10 points, identify this at the center of the , who feuded over temporal authority with Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV. Answer: Gregory VII or Hildebrand of Soana (09PB)

After allying with and leading a campaign against the , he was given control of Walachia and

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Serbia through the Treaty of Passarowitz, and in a treaty signed in , he ceded and Sicily in exchange for Parma and . This ruler regained territory in Italy through the Treaty of Rastatt, where he renounced his claim to the Spanish , and later signed the treaty of The Hague to obtain peace with Spain. The founder of the Ostend Company, he succeeded his brother (*) Joseph. For 10 points, identify this Holy Roman Emperor, the father of and the issuer of the Pragmatic Sanction. Answer: Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI [accept Charles III of Hungary] (09PB)

This man’s son and successor was killed by an anarchist who employed a method called "propaganda by the deed” in response to that man's support for the Bava Beccaris Massacre. Despite personally negotiating with Joseph Radetzky following the Battle of , this man's own chamber of advisers vetoed a favorable treaty, prompting his furious firing of de Launay. He was excommunicated after a victory in which 60,000 of his own troops defeated 10,000 (*) papal troops, the Battle of Castelfidardo. This monarch inspired another man to defeat Francis II at the Battle of Volturno, a victory over the Kingdom of Two Sicilies for the Expedition of a Thousand, led by Red Shirt enthusiast Giuseppe Garibaldi. Aided by his appointment to prime minister of Camillo di Cavour, FTP, identify this father of Umberto I, who became the first king of a unified Italy. Answer: Victor Emanuel II [or Vittorio Emanuele II] (09Terrapin)

He was appointed to one position despite the "Eternal Edict,” in direct response to his nation's "disaster year" and that position would again be temporarily abolished at his death. This appointment would lead to the murder of Cornelius and Johan de Witt by his supporters. A separate position would see him subject to the Triennial Act and reliant on the fighting of his (*) Blue Guards. This man's accomplishments while in his most famous position include fighting the War of the Grand Alliance, ending in the Treaty of Ryswick, and he attained that position after accepting the "Declaration of Rights" from Parliament in 168*. FTP, name this English king who came to power following the Glorious Revolution and co-ruled with Queen Mary. Answer: William III or William of Orange (09Terrapin)

This figure was the subject of a murder plot by Giampolo Baglioni, whom he deposed along with Giovanni Bentivoglio. In his early career he was outmaneuvered by Ascanio Sforza and another man, prompting this figure to retaliate by convincing Charles VIII to invade Naples. He called on Duke Federigo to help subjugate Citta di Castello, while one effort to limit the power of this man saw a Synod at (*) Tours dictate that this ruler had no right to launch wars against foreign princes. Convening the Fifth Lateran Council, his best-known achievements occurred after negotiations with Louis XI and Maximillian, leading this successor of Pius III to acquire the territories of and Faenza from the after forming the Holy League in the War of the League of Cambrai. FTP, identify this opponent of Alexander VI, the “warrior pope” whose patronage of Bramante, Raphael, and Michelangelo saw the creation of works like the Sistine ceiling. Answer: Julius II or Giuliano (09Terrapin)

One historical figure with this name barely escaped a wedding ambush in which his father was captured and killed by Petru Aron, and paid the debt of the Mount Athos monastery. That man, who defeated the Tatars at Lipnic and stopped an invasion by with a victory at Baia, made his greatest stand against (*) Mehmed II at Vaslui, halting an Ottoman incursion. Besides that member of the House of Musat, another king with this name received a crown from Silvester II and defeated Koppany at Veszprem, after which he converted to Christianity. That son of Geza and member of the Arpad is credited with uniting the Magyar tribes. Shared by a Great Moldavian Prince and the first ruler of Hungary, FTP, identify this first name, also shared by the first Christian martyr. Answer: Stephen (09Terrapin)

He established special schools for in the region of the Pale of Settlement, and this man's foreign minister Karl Nesselrode signed of mutual assistance with the Ottoman Empire. This man's Minister of People's Enlightenment, Sergei Uvarov, promoted the ideology of "orthodoxy, autocracy and nationality" and he created a secret police under

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the banner of the "Third Section of the Imperial Chancellory. He was deposed by the (*) Czartoryski-led in the November Uprising in , and this man died while fighting during the . He had earlier suppressed an attempt to overthrow his government by the Decembrists. For 10 points, identify this tsar who came to the throne after a power struggle involving his brother Constantine and who succeeded Alexander I in 182*. Answer: tsar Nicholas I Pavlovich (TXTerrapin)

Citing the smell and the spit on sacred vestments, one Pope with this name issued a highly unpopular bull that threatened the of tobacco users. This Papal name was taken by one man mid-trip as he returned from Naples without ever attending Conclave, and who would go on to defeat Gil de Albornoz and Bernabo Visconti, ending the direct Ghibelline threat to Northern Italy. The 6th man to assume this name was a flunky of Joan I of Naples, and thus his 1378 election angered both Romans and newly-assimilated French partisans, kicking the (*) Western Schism into gear. The most famous man to take this Papal name called the Council of Piacenza, where he feuded with Henry IV and began to formulate a plan he later expounded on at the Council of Clermont. That plan excited figures like Peter the Hermit and Raymond of Toulouse, who rallied their forces with the cry of “God wills it!” FTP, identify this Papal name, whose second and most famous holder called the First Crusade, derived from the for “of the city.” Answer: Urban (accept Urban VIII, Urban V, Urban VI, or Urban II, respectively) (TXTerrapin)

One ruler of this name compiled a namesake law code which included the Prochiron and Eisagoge. That man’s general Christopher defeated a group led by Chrysocheir at their capital of Tephrike, the Paulicians. Another ruler of this name personally put down revolts by Bardas Skleros and Bardas Phokas, and wrested control from his eunuch regent Lekapenos. The first ruler of this name killed Caesar Bardas and his nephew, a ruler known as “the Drunkard” named (*) Michael III, to rise from his position as ruler of Armenia. The most famous ruler of this name gave his sister Anna to Vladimir the Great of Kiev in marriage to convert him to Christianity, and avenged an earlier loss at the Gates of Trajan by winning the Battle of Kleidion against a group of men led by Tsar Samuel. The Macedonian dynasty was founded by the first ruler of this name, while the second allegedly had 14,000 of his defeated opponents blinded. FTP, give this name shared by two Byzantine rulers, the latter of whom was known as the Bulgar-Slayer. Answer: Basileios (TXTerrapin)

With the help of the Scottish Admiral Grieg, this ruler won a war against King Gustav III of . At the Battle of Chesme, this ruler’s navy sank an entire Turkish fleet, resulting in the favorable Treaty of Kucuk-Kaynarca. This ruler helped make Stanislaw the King of Poland and had a notable advisor named Grigory Orlov. This ruler conquered the Crimean Peninsula with the help of General Potemkin and helped plan the partitions of Poland with Frederick the Great and Maria Theresa. For 10 points, name this famed of Russia. Answer: [or Catherine II] (09HFT)

After stopping in a country church and hearing the sermon of an obscure priest named Feofan Prokopovich, this ruler made Prokopovich head of his country’s church. This ruler signed the Treaty of Nystad after winning the Battle of Poltava against Charles XII, and once traveled incognito to Western Europe in order to personally spy on foreign navies. Using land he conquered from Sweden during the , this Romanov tsar built a new capital at St. Petersburg, and he famously passed a beard tax. For 10 points, name this modernizing Russian tsar nicknamed “The Great.” Answer: Peter I (09HFT)

This man was opposed by the League of Cognac, whose leader agreed to the “Ladies’ Peace” of Cambrai after this man’s mercenaries sacked . He was largely responsible for the placement of an ecumenical council at Trent, and Martin Luther appeared before this man at the Diet of Worms. This man outlived his main rival, Francis I of France, but abdicated in 1556, splitting his possessions between his brother Ferdinand I and his son Philip II. For 10 points, name this Holy Roman Emperor of the Hapsburg dynasty who was also king of Spain. Answer: Charles V [or Charles I of Spain; or Charles I of ; prompt on Charles] (HSAPQ4)

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This man allied his country with France via the Treaty of Bärwalde, and his cavalry turned captured artillery on the opposing forces to help him win the Battle of Breitenfeld. He failed to lift the siege of , one of his few defeats to Tilly, and this “father of modern warfare” was succeeded by his chief minister, Axel Oxenstierna. Sometimes called the of the North, he was killed while opposing Wallenstein at the Battle of Lutzen. For 10 points, name this king of Sweden during the Thirty Years’ War. Answer: [or Gustav II Adolf] (HSAPQ4)

He expanded his nation's Muslim population in his conquests of and Kazan, two Tatar states. He founded the Oprichniki to weed out subversives, including killing thousands at the Massacre of Novgorod, and he blinded the architect of St. Basil's Cathedral. One of his outbursts resulted in the throne being passed to the mentally deficient Feodor, since he had killed his son and heir to the throne with his scepter despite the intervention of . For 10 points, name this czar whose iron- fisted reign gave him the epithet “Grozny.” Answer: Ivan IV [or ; or Ivan Grozny before mention; prompt on Ivan] (HSAPQ4)

He is credited with the creation of a liturgy used during certain weekdays of the Great Lent, and he wrote a work that contrasts the roles of bishops and pastors. In addition to writing The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts and The Rule for Pastors, this man helped spread the idea of private penance and promulgated the view of Mary Magdalene as a prostitute. Calvin called this Doctor of the Church, canonized immediately after death, the last good Pope. For 10 points, name this sixth-century pope whose name is often used to describe a form of monastic chanting. Answer: Saint Gregory I [or Gregory the Great; prompt on Gregory] (HSAPQ4)

In 1969, this man became vice president of the University of , and three years later he worked with Hans Urs von Balthasar and Henri de Lubac to create the journal Communio. He went to the International Mariological Congress in 1978 as the special envoy of (*) Pope John Paul I, one year after becoming Archbishop of and Freising. In 2002, he became of the . For 10 points, give the papal name of Joseph Alois Ratzinger, who succeeded John Paul II in 200** Answer: Pope Benedict XVI [accept Joseph Alois Ratzinger before mention] (HSAPQ3)

This ruler’s ministers included Wilhelm Haugwitz, who ended the tax exemptions of the , and the public health advisor Gerhard van Swieten, who introduced textbooks to universities. She pursued the “reversal of alliances,” abandoning England’s help for France, and she lost (*) after decades of strife with Frederick the Great of . Her throne was guaranteed by Charles VI’s Pragmatic Sanction, but she had to rely on the War of the Austrian Succession to secure her rule. For 10 points, name this mother of Joseph II and longtime queen of Austria. Answer: Maria Theresa (HSAPQ3)

This man oversaw the hanging of Arnold of Brescia and forced Eugenius III to sign the Treaty of Constance. He convened the Diet of Roncaglia, and, according to legend, is sleeping in Kyffhauser Castle. This nephew of Conrad III was opposed by and was defeated at Legnano by the (*) . This man was crowned by Pope Adrian IV in 1155, and drowned while trying to cross the Saleph River during the . For 10 points, name this Swabian Holy Roman Emperor who had a red beard. Answer: Frederick Barbarossa [or Frederick I ; or Frederick III of ; prompt on Frederick; prompt on Frederick III] (HSAPQ3)

This man arbitrated a dispute between and Otto IV, and he wrote the tract De contemptu mundi. He was trained by his uncle and predecessor Celestine III, and he attempted the fait accompli and blessed the . He called the Fourth (*) Lateran Council, and he sent Pandulf to be his legate in England and saw to the election of Stephen Langton as archbishop of Canterbury. For 10 points, name this pope of the who excommunicated King John, the third of his name.

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Answer: Innocent III [or Lotario di Segni] (HSAPQ3)

This ruler’s reign saw terrorist actions led by Evno Azef, including the murders of Interior Ministers Sipyagin and Plehve. His other ministers included Sergi Witte and Peter Stolypin, and he passed the Fundamental Laws and offered human rights in the October Manifesto. He exchanged a series of telegrams with his cousin Wilhelm II, attempting to avoid World War I, and he lost Manchuria in the Russo-Japanese War. For 10 points, name this tsar deposed in the October Revolution, the last Russian monarch. Answer: Nicholas II [or Nikolay II; or Nikolay Aleksandrovich Romanov; prompt on Nicholas; prompt on Nikolay] (HSAPQ2)

22. Geoffrey of Monmouth claimed that this man was the grandson of King Cole through his mother Helena, and Lorenzo Valla proved that this man’s supposed grant to Pope Sylvester of the lands of Rome, this man’s namesake , was a fraud. He ended the Tetrarchy at the battle of Milvean Bridge and issued the 313 AD edict of Milan. For 10 points, name this Roman Emperor, the first to convert to Christianity. Answer: [or Constantine I; or Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus] (HSAPQ1)

10. An agreement reached between this monarch and his Russian counterpart at Bjorko was ratified by neither country, leaving the state of a railroad connecting his capital city with Baghdad unresolved. He appointed Theobold von Bethmann-Hollweg to succeed Otto von Bismarck as Chancellor and backed Admiral von Tirpitz’s suggestion that he begin to build a navy to rival Britain’s. He abdicated and fled to the on November 9, 1918, two days before his country officially lost World War I. For 10 points, name this last Kaiser of . Answer: Wilhelm II [or William II] (HSAPQ1)

18. One ruler by this name oversaw a war against the Turks that ended in the Treaty of Adrianople, and another ruler by this name was advised by Pyotr Stolypin after dismissing Sergey Witte. The former espoused the doctrine of Nationality and was the brother of Constantine, and the latter was forced to issue the October Manifesto. The first’s claim to the throne was opposed by the Decembrists, and the second was advised by the monk Rasputin. For 10 points, give the shared name of these tsars of Russia, the latter of whom was executed in 1918. Answer: Nicholas (HSAPQ1)

13. This man signed the Treaty of Eternal Peace with Khosrow I, and sent a fleet to defeat the Ostrogoth king Witigis. The eunuch Narses was one of his trusted generals, and his two ministers were Peter Barsymes and John of Cappadocia. He attempted to quell the Monophysite controversy by imprisoning Pope Vigilius, and he fought the Green and Blue factions during the Nika revolt. For 10 points, name this Byzantine Emperor who oversaw the building of the Hagia Sophia; the husband of Theodora whose most well known general was Belisarius. Answer: Justinian I (HSAPQ1)

17. On the urging of his doctor Moses Hamon, this ruler issued a denouncing anti-Semitic blood libels. His admiral Barbarossa won the Battle of Preveza over the Holy League, and he defeated Louis II of Hungary to win the Battle of Mohacs. Due to the influence of his wife Roxelana, he had his longtime grand vizier Ibrahim Pasha murdered. The son of Selim the Grim, he twice unsuccessfully attempted to besiege Vienna. For 10 points, name this Ottoman who ruled from 1520 to 1566, known as "the Magnificent." Answer: I [or or Suleiman the Lawgiver or Kanuni] (HSAPQ1)

12. He was victorious at a battle near Gniew over his cousin Sigismund III in a war that ended with the Treaties of Stzumska Wies and . He constructed a pontoon bridge over the River to win the Battle of Rain. An equestrian statue with the inscription "Freedom of belief for all the world" commemorates his victory over Count Tilly's Catholic forces at Breitenfeld, and he was advised by Axel Oxenstierna. For 10 points, name this "Lion of the North," a king of Sweden who died at the Battle of Lutzen during the Thirty YearsWar.

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Answer: Gustavus Adolphus [or Gustav Adolf; or Gustav II; or Gustavus the Great; prompt on Gustavus] (HSAPQ1)

One ruler of this name, known as "The Wealthy," took Crestonia and Bisaltia, along with the silver mines of Mt. Dysorus in the 5th century BC. Another ruler of this name had a son Antiochus VI, for whom Tryphon posed as a regent, married Cleopatra Thea, daughter of Ptolemy VI of Egypt, and appointed Jonathan Maccabeus high priest of Judah. That man was defeated by Demetrius II Nicator, and had claimed to be the son of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, was also known as Balas. Another ruler of this name attempted to live up to his namesake but failed in a campaign and was called back to fight against the , where he died. That man was dominated by his grandmother, Julia Maesa, and was succeeded by Maximinus Thrax. Another ruler of this name saw his rival killed by men including Nabarzanes, Barsaentes, and Oxyarthes, and lived through a mutiny at Opis and the treachery of his treasurer Harpalos, also sending Nearchus on an expedition into the Persian Gulf. FTP, name this name held most famously by a victor at the Hydaspes and Gaugamela, who defeated Darius III and earned the epithet "the Great." Answer: Alexander (08Terrapin)

His failed in his attempts to make peace between Vieri dei Cerchi and Corso Donati, leaders to two Florentine factions. He dispatched Johannes Monachus to France, who later betrayed . He collected church legislation in Liber Sextus and replied against the imprisonment of Bernard Saisset with Ausculta Fili. He quarreled with Albert I of Habsburg and was later taken prisoner at Anagni by Sciarra Colonna and Guillaume de Nogaret when he threatened to excommunicate the king. He held his predecessor Celestine V at Fumone and issued bulls against taxation of the clergy and for the supremacy of the papacy. For 10 points, name this enemy of Philip IV, a pope who issued Clericis Laicos and Unam Sanctam. Answer: Boniface VIII (08CC) ' He signed the Treaty of Kurekchay with Ibrahim Khalil Khan, though it was only after Lankaran’s fall to Pyotr Kotlyarevsky that he acquired Karakakh in the Treaty of Gulistan. His forces under Dmitry Senyavin won the battles of Athos and the battle of the Dardanelles, and he approved the consequent Treaty of Bucharest. His advisors included Count Capo d’Istria and Mikhail Speransky, and he escaped a conspiracy to kidnap him on his way to the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle. This man attempted to establish a Holy Alliance, and he acquired as a . He represented himself at the Congress of Vienna, where he gained the Duchy of , and the Decembrists rose in the succession dispute after his death. After a loss at Friedland, this son of Paul swam out on a raft to sign an agreement at Tilsit with Napoleon. For 10 points, name this tsar of Russia, who was succeeded by Nicholas I. Answer: Tsar Alexander I (08CC)

Before becoming regent, he attempted to overthrow William Longchamp during the Third Crusade, and his reign was supremely concerned with recovering land lost when Philip II of France declared his continental fiefs forfeit. Another controversy during his reign was that of Innocent III excommunicating this ruler for expelling Canterbury monks for refusing to accept Stephen Langton as Hubert Walter’s successor. The more stringent imposition of scutage and the tightening of forest laws of this man culminated in his defeat at the hands of Philip at the Battle of Bouvines, leading to a meeting with rebels at Runnymede and the eventual signing of the Magna Carta before allegedly dying of poisoned ale or a “surfeit of peaches.” Receiving his nickname for losing his territory to the French, this is, FTP, which English king, the last of the house of Angevins? Answer: John Lackland (09EFT)

This man's head was preserved in honey and oil after his death in battle, and his cousin Stephen III replaced this man's elder brother with. Basarab Laiota. He fled his homeland after Bogdan II of a neighboring region was murdered, and as a child he was sent to Adrianople as appeasement. His older brother was blinded with iron forks and killed at Tirgoviste, and this ruler's wife threw herself into the Arges River. He launched the "Night Attack" to stave off Sultan Mehmed II, but he was soon imprisoned by Matthias Corvinus after the defection ofhis brother Radu the Handsome. For ten points, identify this voivode of Wallachia who got his epithet for his cruel methods of execution and provided the inspiration

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for Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Answer: Vlad the Impaler (accept Vlad III or Vlad Tepes; do not accept Vlad Dracul, that’s Vlad II) (09EFT)

This ruler made a speech in which he declared that he was ready to hear “the cry of woe” in the event of aggression following a secret conference with Napoleon III at Plombieres. The head of cabinet under this ruler curtailed the power of ecclestiastical courts under Siccardi law, but that head was replaced in a process known as the connubio. Having taken the throne after Charles Albert abdicated following a defeat at Novara, this ruler, who was succeeded by Hubert I, was a supporter of the Expedition of Thousand, and his success at Castelfidardo was soon followed by his greatest achievement. During Risorgimento, Count Cavour served as prime minster for, FTP, which King of Sardinia who became the first king of a unified Italy? Answer: Victor Emmanuel II of Italy (09EFT)

One man of this name was held back by a Perpetual Edict, while the reaction against an earlier document of that name helped the cause of the other man of this name. That man supported “the Compromise”, backed by his brother Louis and Count Brederode; the city of Brill was captured for that man by those he had supported, the Sea Beggars. The other man of this name had his rule in Scotland legitimized by the Claim of Right and was declared king in England when the last Convention Parliament approved the Declaration of Rights. One man of this name was killed by Balthasar Gérard to collect a reward offered by Philip II after he spent years fighting the Duke of Alba, while the other was victorious at the Battle of the Boyne and ascended to the throne with his wife by the Glorious Revolution. For 10 points, give this name shared by an early leader of the Dutch revolt against Spain and an English king who married Mary II. Answer: William of Orange (09EFT)

Rustem and Sokollu were sent by this man to recover regions lost after a defeat at Erzerum by this leader, who abandoned all claim to Tabriz and Erivan as part of a peace signed with Tahmasp at Amasia. After the death of his wife Roxelana, this ruler had his son Mustafa executed prior to his death during the siege of Szigetvar. This ruler expelled the Hospitalers from Rhodes after conquering Belgrade, although the same group would defeat him at Malta later on. Often called “kanuni”, this ruler failed to capture Vienna, which this son of Selim the Grim attempted soon after defeating the Louis II-led in the 1526 Battle of Mohacs. FTP, name this ruler of the Ottoman empire, often known as “the Magnificent”. Answer: Suleiman I, the Great (09EFT)

He signed the Treaty of Kurekchay with Ibrahim Khalil Khan, though it was only after Lankaran’s fall to Pyotr Kotlyarevsky that he acquired Karakakh in the Treaty of Gulistan. His forces under Dmitry Senyavin won the battles of Athos and the battle of the Dardanelles, and he approved the consequent Treaty of Bucharest. His advisors included Count Capo d’Istria and Mikhail Speransky, and he escaped a conspiracy to kidnap him on his way to the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle. This man attempted to establish a Holy Alliance, and he acquired Finland as a Grand Duchy. He represented himself at the Congress of Vienna, where he gained the Duchy of Warsaw, and the Decembrists rose in the succession dispute after his death. After a loss at Friedland, this son of Paul swam out on a raft to sign an agreement at Tilsit with Napoleon. For 10 points, name this tsar of Russia, who was succeeded by Nicholas I. Answer: Tsar Alexander I (08CC)

Dante Gabriel Rosetti described how this man “stayed the knout’s red-ravening fangs.” His reign saw the introduction of the markka currency after he reestablished the Diet of Finland, and this man appointed Pyotr Shubalov as head of his secret police. In addition to establishing local assemblies called zemstvos, he passed an army statute implemented by Dmitry Milyutin which provided military training for all young men. He gave broad powers to his interior minister Mikhail Loris-Melikhov, whose namesake constitution was still being planned when the terrorist group People’s Will assassinated this man. FTP, name this Russian czar who emancipated the serfs. Answer: Alexander II (09EFT)

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Alexander Soloviev attempted to kill this man, who was also the target of Dimitry Karakozov, while earlier in his life, he’d been tutored by Vasily Zhukovsky. He appointed Loris-Melikov to head committees to suppress nationalistic movements, which outlawed Polish, Lithuanian, and Ukrainian. This man appointed Prince Gorchakov to lead the negotiations for peace after the fall of Sevastopol, while he gave a famous speech entitled “No Dreams.” This man established the Diet of Finland and morganatically married Catherine Dolgorukuv, in addition to marrying Marie of . This man is the son of Nicolas I and Charlotte of Prussia. For ten points, identify this nineteenth century and Russian Czar who was murdered by the People’s Will and had earlier emancipated the serfs. Answer: Alexander II (08IO)

He was king at birth, since his father died during the pregnancy of Maria Cristina. Parliamentary rule suffered after his assumption of full power in 1902, and numerous attempts were made to assassinate him, like the attempt to kill him and Victoria Eugenia of Battenberg on their wedding day in 1906. His direct association with Primo de Rivera led to his being ousted from the monarchy after Primo de Rivera fell in 1930. For 10 points, name this last king of Spain before the ascension of Juan Carlos. Answer: Alfonso XIII

The son of Otto the Illustrious, this man became duke of Saxony in 912 and launched into a war with Conrad I of , who nevertheless left him the throne of Germany in 918. His exploits include subduing Arnulf of and defeating Giselbert, king of , which was then was brought back under German control, as well as crushing the Magyars and adding Shleswig to the German state. FTP name this founder of the Saxon dynasty, the father of St. Bruno, who received his nickname because, according to legend, he was laying bird snares when informed of his election as king. Answer: Henry the Fowler or Henry I

Much of our knowledge of him comes from a history of his reign written in heroic verse by a nun, Hrotswitha of Gandersheim. He first gained fame when he marched to Italy to assist Adelaide, the widowed queen of Lombardy, against Berengar II. He then had to return to his homeland to crush a rebellion led by his son Liudolf. Four years after becoming ruler of northern Italy, he halted the Magyars westward expansion with a crushing defeat of them at Lech River in 955. When chosen king, he selected as the site of his as a symbol of continuing 's tradition. FTP, who was this first official Holy Roman Emperor? Answer: Otto I or Otto the Great

The future Byzantine Emporer Romanus II was at one time betrothed to his niece Hedwig, and his son married Theophano, who was either the daughter of the same Romanus II or the niece of John Tzimices. The son of Henry I, Duke of Saxony, he defeated the Magyars at the Battle of Lech in 955 and was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 962. For ten points, name this founder of the dynasty that bears his name. Answer: Otto I

The first monarch to bear this name and number ruled France during the Hundred YearsWar, signing the Peace of Bretigny which temporarily ended hostilities with the British. His more famous namesake took the throne of Spain after the death of Ferdinand in 1516, but didn't take his more common title until his installation as Holy Roman Emperor in 1519. FTP give the common name and number of these monarchs, the latter of which founded the Habsburg Dynasty. Answer: Charles V

On Easter Sunday in 1478, a rival family with the backing of Pope Sixtus IV attempted to assassinate him and his brother during Mass. He escaped unharmed, but the death of his brother in the " Conspiracy" made him abandon his frivolous love poetry and embrace the humanistic intellectualism of such scholars as Angelo Poliziano (PALL-itz-ee-an- oh) and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, as well as artists like Sandro Botticelli. FTP, name this patron of the arts and

8 12_OtherMonarchs.txt 3/26/2010 ruler of Florence after the death of his father Piero. Answer: Lorenzo deMedici (prompt on early "Pazzi Conspiracy" buzz)

One monarch of this name and regnal number was the son of Francis I and Maria Theresa, and brother of Joseph II and . The other was originally named Louis Philippe Marie Victor, was married to the Austrian princess Marie Henrietta, and financed Lord Henry Stanley's trip along the Congo River. FTP, give the common name shared by these kings, respectively an 18th century Holy Roman Emperor and 19th century Belgian monarch. Answer: Leopold II

It is believed that his fanatical and violent temperament was due to brain damage caused at birth. He succeeded his father, who had ruled for only three months, but, unlike his grandfather, he sought to rule personally, dismissing his chief minister in 1890. Intent on making his nation a world power, he entered into a naval arms race with , thus helping to cause World War I. FTP name this grandson of Victoria and third kaiser of Germany. Answer: William II or Wilhelm II

After finding out that he was chosen as the new Pope while on a mission to Gaul, he worked to suppress heresy, especially extreme forms of monophysitism. The Council of Chalcedon, which he summoned, accepted his teachings that Christ is both fully divine and fully human, both incarnated in an historical person, as ultimate truth. The following year, in 452, he personally convinced Attila and the Huns not to sack the city of Rome. FTP name this doctor of the church and pope from 440 to 461. Answer: Pope Leo I or the Great (prompt on "Leo")

John Milton said that she was "fit to govern not only Europe, but the world." Defying convention, she collected paintings of sensuous nudes, called Ebba Sparre her "bedfellow," and liked to dress in men's clothing. Becoming queen at six, she worked to conclude the Thirty Years War, which had claimed the life of her father Gustavus Adolphus. FTP name this Swedish queen who abdicated in 1654. Answer: Christina

He was almost killed at Borki when he insisted that his train go faster and it derailed, and it was said that he saved the lives of his wife and children by supporting the roof of his saloon car on his shoulders until they could escape. Shortly after he came to power, he published an Imperial Manifesto written by his tutor Konstantin Pobedonostsev which promised to defend the aristocracy, and his reign saw the creation of the Land Captains and the signing of the Reinsurance Treaty with Germany. FTP, name this Russian ruler, who died of Bright's disease in 1894, the penultimate tsar who came to power when his father, Alexander II, was assassinated. Answer: Alexander III

During much of his life, he slept on straw and ate little but beef, priding himself on a narrow, passionless rationality, which he sought to impose on the various Hapsburg domains. Although he abolished serfdom and issued a Toleration Patent to urge freedom of worship among Lutherans, Calvinists, and the Greek Orthodox, his taxes on the nobility were so strongly opposed that after his death his brother Leopold II immediately repealed them. FTP, name this son of Maria Theresa, who ruled from 1780 to 1790 and is considered the most enlightened monarch of Austria. Answer: Joseph II

He took Conrad, the young king of Arles, under his protection, and eventually married Conrad's sister Adelheid to get a claim to the Italian throne. After suppressing a revolt led by his son Liudolf, he defeated the Magyars at Lechfeld, went to pick up the Italian crown after Pope John XII asked him for protection, and married his son to Theophano, the daughter of the Greek emperor. FTP, name this ruler, whose brother Bruno was and the leader of a German cultural revival, who was the eldest son of Henry the Fowler, ruled as Saxon emperor from 936 to 973, and was nicknamed "the great."

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Answer: Otto I (accept Otto the Great before the end of the question)

Great-grandfather: Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy. Paternal grandfather: Maximilian I. Father: Philip I, king of Castile. Maternal grandparents: Ferdinand and Isabella. FTP, what Habsburg used all of these beneficial relations to become king of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor by 1519? Answer: Charles V (or Charles I)

To rebuke Luther, he appeared before the Diet of Worms. In 1522, his teacher Adrian of became pope -- not surprising, since this man had used funds from the Fugger bankers to secure the throne as Holy Roman Emperor over his main rival Francis I. He claimed to speak "Spanish to God, French to men, Italian to women, and German to my horse," and captured Halq al-Wadi and Tunis, but could not defeat the pirate Barbarossa. FTP, name this Hapsburg monarch, the son of Philip the Handsome and Joanna the Mad. Answer: Charles V

Born with a damaged left arm which he hid with a cloak, this leader was sympathetic to the working class, as seen in his support of the Comprehensive Act of 1908 and the Imperial Insurance Code of 1911. A grandson of Queen Victoria, he became unpopular with Great Britian due to his telegram of congratulations to Kruger for surviving the Jameson raid, while his alliance with Franz Joseph II of Austria eventually cost him the throne, after which he lived as a country gentleman in the Netherlands until his 1941 death. FTP, who was this man who served from 1888-1918 as Kaiser of Germany? Answer: Kaiser Wilhelm II

This ruler died during his siege of Szigeth in his war with Austria. Establisher of the Corsair States in north Africa, he developed a series of new regulations concerning land tenure which earned him the nickname Qanuni, or Lawgiver, among his people. In three camapigns against Safavid Persia he confirmed Ottoman control of eastern Asia Minor, maintained a naval supremacy in the eastern Mediterranean marred only by his costly failure to take Malta, and advanced all the way to the middle Danube with his victory at Mohacs in 1526. FTP, who was this Ottoman sultan, known as the "Magnificent"? Answer: Suleiman I or Suleiman the Magnificent

Planning to emancipate the serfs upon ascension, this ruler was forced instead to secularize clerical land due to debt left by the empress . This monarch successfully conducted war against Turkey and put down Pugachov's rebellion, and before her mysterious 1797 death engaged in an affair with Grigory Potemkin. A friend of the enlightenment FTP identify this German-born Russian empress known as "the Great"?

Answer: Catherine II or Catherine the Great

Sent as a hostage to at the age of seven, he quickly became involved in the court intrigues of Byzantine emperor Zeno. After becoming consul, he won a succession of decisive victories, including engagements at Isonzo and the Adda. His reign was troubled by conflicts with Pope John I, primarily because of Justin I's edicts against Arianism, of which this ruler was a believer. Earlier, he had solidified his claims by besieging and taking Ravenna and orchestrating the death of . FTP, name this man who also executed Boethius, the Ostrogoth from 493 to 526 AD. Answer:

According to one legend this king, like his grandfather, still resides in the Kyffhauser Mountains in Thuringen. After marrying Yolande, the princess of Jerusalem, he became king upon her death. This happened after he led the Sixth Crusade, which was partly a consequence of Pope Gregory IX having excommunicated him for delaying a year earlier. His delay had been caused by resistance from the Lombard League originally formed against his namesake grandfather. FTP, name this Holy Roman Emperor from 1215 to 1250, the grandson of Frederick Barbarossa.

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Answer: Frederick II

In his first year of rule, he avoided war with one of his neighbors with the Peace of Knared. Shortly thereafter he sent an abortive expedition to seize the fortification of Dunamunde in an attempt to overthrow his initial rival for the throne, Sigismund III. After defeating his cousin, he would form the Corpus Evangelicorum, which he led at the Alte Veste and to victory at Breitenfeld. FTP, name this king who became known as the "Lion of the North," until he was capped at Lutzen while leading his Swedish forces in the Thirty YearsWar. Answer: Gustavus Adolphus or Gustav II Adolph

This ruler traveled to Innsbruck in disguise to convert to Catholicism and remained an expatriate for five years. Believed to be the secret lover of Cardinal Decio Azzolino, this monarch was tutored at first by the theologian Johannes Matthiae. Later influence was provided by the regent Axel Oxenstierna and a second philosophical tutor, Rene Descartes. Briefly abdicating in favor of her cousin Charles X, she tried to regain the throne in 1660. FTP, name this daughter of Gustavus Adolphus, a Swedish queen of the 17th-century. Answer: Christina

This son of Yaroslav II successfully turned back the "Christianizing" efforts urged by Pope Gregory the Ninth. A few years later, at Lake Chud, he won the famous "massacre on ice," in which he utterly destroyed a German army. When his brother Andrew was appointed to succeed their father, this man conspired with Sartu Khan of the Golden Horde, had his brother deposed, and became of Vladimir. Also elected prince of Novgorod, FTP, identify this Russian who took his name from his 1240 victory over the Swedes at the Neva River. Answer: Alexander Nevsky

He entered the Seven WeeksWar on the side of Austria but, on his defeat, signed an alliance with Prussia. As king he invited the exiled to continue his musical work in Munich, during which time Wagner completed his Ring Cycle. His uncle Prince Luitpold took power when a panel of physicians recommended his removal, and this man known as the "Mad King" drowned himself soon after. FTP, name this famous for his many castles like Neuschwanstein, the grandson of Ludwig I and cousin of Ludwig III. Answer: Ludwig II or Louis II

He was the fifth son of the Dauphin Louis and his consort Maria Josepha of Saxony. He lucked out when his brother Louis ordered him to leave after the fall of the Bastille, making him the first member of the to flee France. The Comte de Provence, his other brother Louis, would also become king, while he joined and led the extremely conservative Ultraist faction. FTP, name this French monarch who took the throne in 1824 and whose four edicts triggered the 1830 July Revolution. Answer: Charles X

He made a treaty with John XII extending the temporal power of the papacy, with a clause giving him the ability to ratify their election, and shortly thereafter deposed the pope and replaced him with Leo VIII. The brother of St. Bruno, he had to return home to quash his son Liudolf's rebellion soon after assuming the title King of the Lombards, and later fought back a Magyar invasion at the Battle of Lechfeld. The son of Henry the Fowler, FTP, who was this man who in 962 was crowned the first Holy Roman Emperor? Answer: Otto I

First ascending to power in 1456, this ruler was a member of a princely dynasty begun by Basarab I. Taken hostage by the Sultan as a young boy and raised in Turkey, he used Turkish support to oust his father, who was known as "the Devil". Three times prince of Wallachia, he is best known in some parts of the world for his association with the Order of the Dragon and his orders to display the bodies of his enemies in fields of spikes. FTP, who was this basis for the Dracula legend, known as the "impaler"?

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Answer: Vlad III or Vlad the Impaler or Vlad Tepes or Vlad Dracula (Do not accept Vlad Dracul - that was his father)

She gained the throne after a struggle with a woman claiming to be the daughter of her deceased half-brother, King Henry IV. She backed Cardinal Jimenez's (him-EN-ez-es) efforts to reform the Church in her nation, though the Cardinal burned many Muslim manuscripts on behalf of her attempt to push the Moors out of Granada. Known for backing the and supporting Christopher Columbus's expedition to the , FTP, who was this woman who became ruler of Castile in 1474 with the help of her husband, Ferdinand of Aragon. Answer:

His long campaign to win eventually met failure at the hands of Stephen Bathory, but he did conquer Kazan and Astrakhan and made the first Russian inroads into . The son of Vasily III, his reign was characterized by his struggles with the , leading him to call the first national assembly, the zemski sobor, and establish his own state called Oprichnina within Russia. After the death of his first wife Anastasia in 1560 he experienced a decline in emotional stability which is the source of his current fame. FTP, who was this first czar of Russia, known as * "the Terrible"? Answer: Ivan IV (accept Ivan the Terrible before *)

Fascinated in his youth by the sea and ships, he spent two years of his reign traveling throughout Europe learning the techniques of shipbuilding, but upon his return was forced to put down a revolt of the streltsy. Originally joint emperor with his retarded brother Ivan under the regency of his half-sister Sophia, he soon seized power, and later had his son Alexei tortured to death to maintain his rule. His seizure and eventual loss of Azov was his first notable attempt to gain greater maritime access, which was completed with his gain of a section of the Baltic coast, where he founded his new capital, modeled on the Western ideas he forced upon his country. FTP, who was this victor in the Great Northern War who from 1682-1725 ruled Russia? Answer: or Peter I

His navy won a major battle at Preveza under Khayr ad- Din, and his court included the architect Sinan and his vizier Ibrahim. He died while besieging the fortress of Szigetvar, and the later years of his reign where filled with civil struggles between his sons. But he is most famous for subduing Louis II of Hungary in a 1526 battle and for his expansionist campaign against the Safavids. FTP identify this Ottoman sultan whose 46 year reign saw great military and cultural advancements for the Turkish empire inherited from his father Selim the Grim. Answer: Suleyman I or the Magnificent

His father enlarged his kingdom at the expense of the Wendish chiefdoms, and built a line of forts that allowed this prince to win his most famous battle. Taking advantage of internal rivalries among the Lombards, he launched an invasion of Northern Italy to free the Lombard Queen Adelaide, whom he later married, claiming parts of Northern Italy as a dowry. Invading again in 960 at the behest of a besieged Pope John XII, the Pope rewarded him by crowning him emperor. FTP, name this Saxon king who repulsed a 955 Magyar invasion at the battle of Lechfeld, the first Holy Roman Emperor. Answer: Otto I (Otto the Great)

He founded the University of and created chairs of Asian languages at and Oxford. His Constitutiones, a collection of , was promulgated in 1311. Born Bertrand de Got, he served as bishop of Comminges and archbishop of before rising to his most famous post. He was forced to suppress the Knights Templar by his benefactor Philip IV, who needed their lands to finance his Flemish war, and he refuted an attempt to posthumously declare Pope Boniface VIII a heretic. FTP, identify this pope backed by the French, the first pope to reside in . Answer: Clement V

He opened trade with England through the Muscovy Company and conquered Kazan and Astrakhan. His reign saw the unsuccessful , as well as the execution of Filipp Kolychëv, head of the church, and Prince Vladimir Staritsky,

12 12_OtherMonarchs.txt 3/26/2010 his chosen successor, during a period of oppression known as the oprichnina. He farcically abdicated for a year in favor of Simeon Bekbulatovich in 1575, and later killed his heir Ivan Ivanovich, leaving his feebleminded son Fyodor as the only heir. FTP, identify this man essentially succeeded by Boris Godunov, the first Russian tsar. Answer: Ivan IV or Ivan the Terrible or Ivan Groznyi

The combined force of the Act of Seclusion and the Perpetual Edict threatened to hold back the advancement of this man, whose tutelage under Johan de Witt stressed skills of negotiation. He was thrust into national leadership after the invasion of the mainland by Louis XIV and after winning the battle of Narden he succeeded in making peace. But it was his actions during the Glen Coe massacre, such as his victory at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690, that would later solidify his claim to the English throne. FTP identify this Dutchman, wed to Mary, and declared King of England by the Convention Parliament after the ousting on James II. Answer: William of Orange or William III

He eliminated danger from the cities of the Chalcidian League by destroying its chief member of Olynthus and defeated the Illyrians, also a historical enemy of his people. Soon after, he crushed the forces of Pherae and gained the leadership of the Thessalian League. He also built ties with the kingdoms of Epirus, marrying an Epirot princess named Olympias. This son of Amyntas III consolidated his power by defeating a combined army of Thebans and Athenians at Chaeronea and was planning an invasion of the Persian Empire at the time of his assassination. FTP, name this man who conquered much of , a Macedonian king and father of Alexander the Great. Answer: Philip II or Philip of Macedon

This man's partisan, Gebhard of , was successfully kept away from a meeting targeting this man by his long-time foe, Hugo Candidus. He was elevated to his highest office after a mixed crowd of clergy and laymen began angrily demanding his election during the funeral service of his predecessor, Alexander II. This man's most notable efforts were validated in the century after his death through the First Lateran Council and the of Worms thanks to the work of Callixtus II. The Synod of Worms condemned this man, whose response led to the appointment of Guibert of Ravenna as Antipope Clement III. Clerical marriage and simony were targeted by this Pope, whose most notable opponent made a long walk to Canossa and groveled in the snow after his excommunication. For 10 points, name this Pope who feuded with Henry IV during the Investiture Controversy, the seventh Pontiff to bear his name. Answer: Gregory VII [or Hildebrand of Sovana]

This maternal grandfather of mortgaged his other daughter Gerberga to Louis Transmarinus for French backing. Under the Treaty of , recognized his succession over a territory bequeathed by Conrad I despite struggles with Conrad over . He financed wars against the Danes and by jacking Bohemian land from Saint Wenceslas and selling it back to him, and waged a more famous campaign after the Synod of Erfurt forced him to fight the Battle of Riade after his kingdom, , led other states in rejecting an annual tribute to the Magyars. This man held off the Hungarian threat and overcame Duke Giselbert of Lorraine, allowing local autonomy so he could consolidate power in Saxony. For 10 points, name this first King of Germany and father of Otto the Great, whose epithet denotes his affinity for falconry. Answer: Henry I [or Henry the Fowler or Heinrich I]

The remnants of a force crushed by this man's general, the Duke of , formed the Papal Zouave corps in the wake of the Battle of Castelfidardo, which allowed the passage of the Law of Guarantees. France pledged support to this figure in the Treaty of Plombieres and allied with him in a series of battles that prompted the Treaty of Zurich. This man's service at Novara under his father Charles Albert helped earn him a respectful armistice during negotiations with the victor of that battle, Joseph Radetzky. Though his forces won at Magenta and Solferino, this man's kingdom gained only Lombardy after allying with Napoleon III. His greatest achievement took advantage of Austria's military struggles, and the groundwork for it was laid by Mazzini and the Carbonari, and Garibaldi's Expedition of the Thousand. For 10 points, identify this foe of Pius IX and predecessor of Umberto I, a ruler of who carried out the

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Risorgimento to unite Italy. Answer: Victor Emmanuel II or Vittorio Emanuele II

This ruler defeated the weaver Vicent Peris and a mysterious rebel known as "The Hidden One" in suppressing a revolt by a group of artisan guilds named Germanies. He forced rebels from Ghent to parade the streets wearing nooses and won the battle of Battle of Villalar en route to defeating the Revolt of the Comuneros. This ruler's navy dealt Hayreddin Barbarossa a rare loss by sacking Tunis. This ruler signed the Interim after decisively defeating John Frederick I of Saxony and the Schmalkaldic League at Muhlberg. This son of Joanna the Mad forced the signing of the Treaty of after crushing Francis I at and ending one phase of the Italian Wars. For 10 points, name this Hapsburg king of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor who also called the Diet of Worms and opposed Martin Luther. Answer: Charles V [or Charles I of Spain]

This man assisted Marshal Radetsky at the Battle of Santa Lucia in the First War of Italian Independence and later was opposed by Prince Albert of Sardinia. He was the addressee of the Transylvanian Memorandum, a petition asking for equal rights for Romanians and the end of Magyarization, and he assumed the duties of prime minister after the death of Schwarzenberg. He survived an assassination attempt from the Hungarian nationalist János Libényi in 1853, four years after putting down the Hungarian Revolution. The brother of Emperor Maximilian of Mexico, he assumed the throne after the abdication of his epileptic uncle Ferdinand I. For 10 points, name this second-to-last ruler of the Austro- Hungarian Empire, the uncle of Franz Ferdinand and the loser in the Six WeeksWar. Answer: Franz Josef I [or Ferenc Jozsef; or Francis Joseph]

One ruler of this name was influenced by Arnau de Vilanova to enact law codes such as the Constitutiones regales and the Ordinationes generales. That ruler of this name was the first to take the title King of Trinacria, which he was granted by the Peace of Caltabellotta, and was a son of Peter III of Aragon. Another ruler of this name used his marriage to Yolande of Brienne to claim the crown of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. That ruler of this name was excommunicated by Gregory IX and was stripped of his position as emperor by Innocent IV, though he had earlier led the Sixth Crusade. Another ruler of this name was defeated at the Battle of Legnano by the Lombard League and drowned in the Saleph River while attempting to join the Third Crusade. For 10 points, give this regnal name held by the first Hohenstaufen Holy Roman Emperor, a certain Barbarossa. Answer: Frederick

One ruler of this name and number conquered the lands of Rainald of Spoleto as part of his campaign against Frederick II's Italian holdings. That same ruler served as the regent for Baldwin II of the Latin Empire and was a king of Jerusalem from Brienne. Another ruler of this name and number saw his succession contested between a namesake son and Ferdinand I; that ruler was elected king following the battle of Mohacs. Another ruler of this name and number contended with John of Gaunt for his throne and lost at the battle of Aljubarrota to another ruler of this name and number. The latter ruler founded the Aviz dynasty and fathered Henry the Navigator. For 10 points, this is what name and number which is also sometimes used to identify a certain "land-lacking" king of England and brother of Richard the Lionheart? Answer: John I [or Janos I; or Juan I; or Joao I]

This man's military victories included the conquest of the Thuringians and a defeat of Alaric II. An ally of the Byzantine emperor Anastasius I, he patronized the first written version of the Salic Law. One of the first areas he conquered was the province of Belgia Secunda. Late in his reign, he was converted and baptized by Remigius. Gregory of Tours casts one of this man's late battles, a clash with Visigoths at Vouillé, as a crusade against Arianism. He arose as ruler of the Salians following the death of his father Childeric. For 10 points, identify this king who united Gaul in the late fifth century, the husband of Clothilde who became the founder of the . Answer: Clovis I

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This foreign king appears several times in the Saga of Magnus Hakonarson, which describes his methodical acquisition of the Orkneys. This builder of Bothwell Castle defeated a viking invasion at Largs shortly after reaching his majority. In the peace settlement, he obtained the Isle of Man and Hebrides from Magnus V of under the Treaty of Perth. Following his death, caused by falling off his horse and over a cliff, this last ruler from the was to be succeeded by his granddaughter, who drowned on the way to Scotland. England's Edward I was left to select a new ruler to follow this king, who had refused to swear fealty on behalf of his Scottish holdings when he married the daughter of Henry III. For 10 points, name this king who left the throne to the uncrowned Margaret, the Maid of Norway, after his thirty-seven year rule ended in 1286. Answer: Alexander III of Scotland [prompt on Alexander]

One ruler of this name and number passed De heretico comburendo to forbid translating the Bible or owning a Bible in vernacular translation, as well as permitting the burning of heretics like the then-powerful Lollards at the stake. That man, who was the son of John of Gaunt, gained power after imprisoning Richard II. Another ruler of this name fought for the throne at such battles as Ivry and Arques and was eventually murdered by Francois Ravaillac. For 10 points, give the name and number of these rulers, one of whom famously granted religious rights to the Huguenots with the Edict of Nantes and declared about his conversion to Catholicism that "Paris is worth a mass." Answer: Henry IV [accept Henry of Navarre; prompt on Henry]

This person summoned Johann von Felbiger in an effort to improve primary education, and also founded an academy for oriental languages. The breaking up of freemason lodges shows this ruler€™s intolerance, as did the forced emigration of Protestants to Transylvania, and many of this ruler€™s reforms were instituted by Count Haugwitz. Wenzel Kaunitz failed to persuade this monarch to not reclaim Silesia from Frederick II. Earlier, Charles VI had ensured this ruler€™s succession by allowing female inheritance through the Pragmatic Sanction of 1713. For 10 points, identify this archduchess whose 1740 ascension led to the War of Austrian Succession. Answer: Maria Theresa of Austria

This ruler executed his unsuccessful general Mikhail Shein. This ruler signed a fourteen and a half year truce that lost his country control of . Kuzma Minin and supported this ruler, whose early reign was dominated by his mother€™s family, the Saltykovs. This ruler signed the Treaty of Stolbovo with Sweden. With the Truce of Deulino, this man achieved peace with Sigismund III , after which this ruler shared power with his father, the patriarch Philaret. This ruler was sixteen when he was elected by the zemsky sobor due to his relation to Fyodor I, and he was succeeded by his son Alexei I. His parents had been forced into convents by Boris Godunov, and the election of this tsar ended the . For 10 points, name this first Romanov tsar. Answer: Michael Romanov [or Mikhail Romanov]

One king of this name and number subdued rebellious forces in Argyll and gave up his claim to English land in the Peace of York; that ruler assisted the English barons in threatening King John. A pope of this name and number gave his blessing to William the Conquerer€™s invasion of England. Another ruler of this name and number had ministers like Dmitry Milyutin and Pyotr Shuvalov, and that ruler suppressed the January uprising in Poland. That same ruler also sold Alaska to the United States and set up the zemstvo system. That tsar of this name and number ended the Crimean War after succeeding Nicholas I. For 10 points, give the name and number of the tsar who was assassinated by People€™s Will after earlier undertaking the 1861 emancipation of the serfs. Answer: Alexander II

One briefly-ruling pope of this name was murdered by the holder of the Cadaver Synod, Stephen VI. Another pope of this name was a puppet of the Crescentii family who ordered the murders of Benedict VI and John XIV. A pope of this name crowned Ladislaus of Naples and succeeded Urban VI as the opponent of antipope Clement VII. One of them forced the resignation of his predecessor Clement V, and objected to the imprisonment of Bernard Saisset with Ausculta Fili. That pope of this name was imprisoned at Anagni by Guillaume de Nogaret, and he earlier forbade taxation of the

15 12_OtherMonarchs.txt 3/26/2010 clergy in the bull Clericis Laicos as part of his feud with Philip IV of France. For 10 points, give this papal name whose eighth holder asserted the supremacy of the spiritual over the secular with the bull Unam Sanctam. Answer: Boniface

Late in his reign, this emperor constructed a secret central police force headed by Count Pergen, who also designed the education system under him. Around the same time, in a very sickly condition, this emperor commanded an army that famously confused the word €œHalt!€ for €œAllah!€ on the eve of battle, resulting in his infantry attacking his cavalry, firing shots in a drunken stupor. His first wife Isabella of Parma died of smallpox long before that blunder in the Battle of Karansebes. His quarrels with Pope Pius VI originated when he attempted to dissolve all contemplative monasteries in his kingdom, though he€™s better known for issuing the Patent of Religious Toleration and edicts on freedom of the press. For 10 points, name this emperor who also abolished serfdom after succeeding Maria Theresa as Holy Roman Emperor. Answer: Joseph II

Arms production in this ruler€™s lands was greatly improved by the introduction of blast furnaces there by Louis de Geer, and he maintained a shaky alliance with John George of Saxony. This ruler ended wars with his neighbors through the treaties of Knared and Stolbovo, although he was constantly at war with his cousin, Sigismund III of Poland. Axel Oxenstierna served as this ruler€™s chancellor, and this ruler defeated Count Tilly and Albrecht von Wallenstein in battles such as Breitenfeld and Lutzen. For 10 points, name this king, the father of Christina, who led Swedish forces in the Thirty Years€™ War. Answer: Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden [or Gustav II Adolph]

Unlike his predecessor, this ruler recognized the Parthian king Osroes I, and while he traveled abroad, this emperor employed the frumentarii and Marcius Turbo to prevent any coups. This emperor intended Lucius Aelius to become his successor, but outlived him, and following a proclamation by Akiba ben Joseph, this man faced the revolt of Simon Bar Kokhba in Judea. This ruler had his Greek lover Antinous deified, and adopted Antoninus Pius as his successor. For 10 points, name this third of the Five Good Emperors, the successor of Trajan, who ordered his namesake wall be built in England. Answer: Publius Aelius Hadrianus

During his time as a in Scandinavia, this man established Trondheim as the metropolitan see of Norway. Cardinal Boso wrote his biography and Matthew Paris doubted the authenticity of a supposedly issued by this man, Laudabiliter. This successor to Anastasius IV placed an on Rome until that city got rid of the problematic Arnold of Brescia, and he was forced to call the Diet of Beascaon after signing the Treaty of Benevento with William I of Sicily. Even though this man renewed the Treaty of Constance, he developed a hostile relationship with Frederick Barbarossa, whom he had earlier crowned as Holy Roman Emperor in 1155. Succeeded by Alexander III and born Nicholas Breakspear, for 10 points, name this only English Pope. Answer: Hadrian IV [or Adrian IV]

This ruler's reign saw a migration led by Nekrasov during the Bulavin Rebellion as well as the rise to power of both Count Golovkin and Peter Tolstoi. Vasily Galitzine controlled power for part of this ruler's early reign after one of two revolts led by this ruler's half-sister Sophia and the Streltsy, whom this ruler would later disband. This ruler shared power with his retarded half-brother Ivan until that man's death, and he had his son Alexei executed. He led several expeditions against Azov in order to gain a port on the Black Sea, and likewise fought to gain possessions from Charles XII. For 10 points, name this victor in the Great Northern War and westernizer of Russia. Answer: Peter the Great [or Peter I]

This ruler won favor in a northern part of his empire with the appointment of Count Berg as its governor-general, and

16 12_OtherMonarchs.txt 3/26/2010 his foreign policy included resulted in such events as the seizure of Kokand and the signing of the Treaty of Aigun. Educated by Vasily Zhukovsky, this ruler's Military reorganization occurred during this man's reign under Dmitry Milyutin, and Pyotr Shuvalov, head of the secret police, assumed greater importance in his cabinet after a failed assassination attempt on him. Though this ruler did not live to see the Loris-Melikov constitution implemented, he did institute a number of key reforms such as the creation of the zemstvos and the passage of the Emancipation Act of 1861. Replacing Nicholas I during the Crimean War, for ten points, identify this tsar assassinated by the People's Will, whose reforms include freeing the serfs. Answer: Alexander II

This ruler's early reign was dominated by the autocratic prince Schwarzenberg, who had a major foreign policy success under this ruler at the Olmutz Convention. Foreign ministers who served under this ruler include Count Aehrenthal, whose negotiations with Aleksandr Isvolsky set off an international crisis late in this ruler's reign, and a close collaboration with Germany was the goal of his prime minister Grof Andrassy. The Fundamental Articles of his minister of commerce and agriculture Albert Schaffle was denounced by German nationalists, and he appeared beside Alexander II in Berlin in 1873 in support of the Dreikaiserbund. He was forced to sign the Peace of Villafranca after being defeated at Solferino, and his prime minister von Beust negotiated the Ausgleich. For 10 points, name this man who created the Dual Monarchy of Hungary and Austria, the uncle of Francis Ferdinand. Answer: Franz Joseph I

This ruler's use of the ineffective General von der Tann and the antiquated General Hartmann in one war led to his defeat, and after his next war, albeit successful, his envoys Bray, Pranckh, and Lutz did not succeed in getting favorable terms. After that, this king's Master of the Horse, Count von Holnstein was sent to negotiate, and he succeded in giving away a lovable bulldog named Sultl. Bray had advised this king after Chlodwig, Furst von Hohenlohe, had quit, but no man could overcome this monarch's siding with Austria during the Seven WeeksWar and the tide towards German unification. Known for being a castle building and Wagner obsessed recluse later in life, FTP, name this "mad" king of Bavaria. Answer: Ludwig II or Louis II of Bavaria of the (Accept "Mad King Ludwig" until mention) ' He left a gold cup in the town square of his capital with instructions that anyone could drink from the cup, but none could remove it. He also built the Poenari fortress with forced labor from naked noblemen and formed an alliance with his onetime enemy Janos Hunyadi. His younger brother Radu the Handsome spent most of his life as a hostage in Adrianople but returned to overthrow him in 1462, leading to his exile at the court of Matthias Corvinus until a later reconquest of Tirgoviste. This member of the House of Basarab was known by his enemies as Kaziglu Bey, by others with a surname derived from his father's founding of the Order of the Dragon, and to others for an activity which often employed concentric circles and other large-scale patterns. FTP, name this prince of Wallachia known for sticking his enemiesheads on pikes. Answer: Vlad the Impaler [accept Vlad III; accept Vlad Dracula; accept Vlad Tepes; prompt on Vlad; do not accept Vlad Dracul] ' This ruler had military success in taking Dorpat, and inaugurated an eastward expansion after conquering Astrakhan. He celebrated another victory by having Barma construct a religious structure also known as the Cathedral of Intercession of the Virgin on the Moat. However, he gave up Narva in the Treaty of Plussa with Sweden, and in the Treaty of Jam Zapolski, renounced claims to Livonia. The Oprichniks were members of his private army, which he used to terrorize the boyars, and the first Zemsky Sobor was called by him. His son Feodor was succeeded by Boris Godunov, who likely killed his youngest son Dmitri. FTP, name first Russian to take the title of tsar, who was nicknamed for his fearsome acts. Answer: Ivan IV or Ivan the Terrible or Ivan Groznyi

Early in his reign, this ruler had to squelch two major rebellions: one led by his half-brother Thankmar, and another by

17 12_OtherMonarchs.txt 3/26/2010 his brother Henry. He defeated Berengar of Ivrea to marry the Burgundian princess Adelaide, and in so doing, gained the additional title King of the Lombards. Much of his ruling strength came from his namesake system of installing his own bishops, and later in his rule, he deposed John XII in favor of Leo VIII for the papacy. Another rebellion, this one by his son Liudolf, was ended by an invasion of the Magyars, whom this ruler soundly defeated at Lechfeld. Crowned King of the after the death of his father, Henry the Fowler, FTP name this man who, in 962, became the first ruler since Charlemagne to hold the title Holy Roman Emperor. Answer: Otto I [or Otto the Great] ' The latter part of his reign was marked by a turn towards mystic piety under the influence of Barbara Krüdener, who inspired him to join the Bible Society and adopt a Quaker-derived "universal religion." Upon his accession, he formed the Neglasny Komitet, a group of legal advisors including Viktor Kochubey and Pavel Stroganov. His closed-coffin funeral following his death at Taganrog led to rumors that he faked his death to enter a monastery under the name of Kuzmich. He protested the seizure of the Grand Duchy of after a falling-out at Erfurt with an ally whom he had previously met at Tilsit, and his forces turned back Napoleon at the Battle of Borodino. Following his death, his brother Constantine refused the throne despite the urging of the Decembrists, leaving the succession to their brother Nicholas I. FTP, name this tsar who represented his own interests at the Congress of Vienna after succeeding his father Paul in 1796. Answer: Alexander I Pavlovich [prompt on Alexander]

Pierre de La Rue wrote the devotional "Gaude Virgo" for this monarch and her husband. Her daughter Eleanor's unhappy marriage was arranged in the LadiesPeace of Cambrai, and the War of the Communities was fought to reinstate her as queen of her country. After the death of her Burgundian husband from typhoid, she refused to be parted from his body, and she was eventually immured in the castle of while her son, who defeated Francis I in the battle of Pavia, ruled Spain. FTP, name this wife of Philip the Handsome and mother of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, a Spanish queen known for being loco in the cabeza. Answer: Juana the Mad (or Juana of Castile or Joanna the Mad or ) '

He negotiated for one of his sons to marry the Byzantine princess Theophano, and he divided Mecklenburg between two margravates. At the behest of Pope John XII, he invaded Italy and deposed Adalbert, after which he was crowned in St. Peter's. He had earlier thwarted Berengar, the king of Burgundy, by venturing into Italy a year before his coronation and marrying Adelaide, though he was drawn back to his homeland to put down a revolt by the Duke of Lotharingia, Conrad. His chronicler, Thetimar, claimed this man would rather "die than tolerate [the] evil" of the Magyars, whom he defeated in 955 at Lechfeld. FTP, name this son of Matilda and Henry the Fowler, the first Saxon ruler of the . Answer: Otto I (or Otto the Great)

This king carried on a scandalous affair with the actress Maria Calderona. He made Luis de Haro his chief minister after the expulsion of the man who ran his government for much of his life, Caspar de Guzman. He began the construction of the Buen Retiro , which featured the Hall of Realms, which led to this ruler's as the "Planet King." The brother of , he married Elizabeth of Bourbon, the daughter of Henry IV, and his children included the first wife of Louis XIV, Maria Theresa. FTP, name this ruler who was succeeded by Charles II after ruling as the king of Spain from 1621 to 1655. Answer: Philip IV of Spain (or Philip III of Portugal) ' He fought with William the Rich until the Treaty of Venlo gave him the Duchy of , and with the help of his sister Eleanor, the Queen of France, he secured the Peace of Crepy. He defeated Barbarossa to capture Tunis, and he defeated the Schmalkaldic League at Muhlberg with the help of the Duke of Alba. His general Charles of Lannoy secured the Treaty of Madrid for this man by defeating Francis I at Pavia. The son of Philip the Handsome and Joanna the Mad,

18 12_OtherMonarchs.txt 3/26/2010 he issued an edict condemning Martin Luther after calling the Diet of Worms. For 10 points, name this Habsburg father of Philip II who ruled both Spain and the Holy Roman Empire. Answer: Charles V [or Charles I of Spain]

This man was the governor of the Kaffa region during his grandfather's reign, and he banished the concubine Gulbehar from his kingdom. He signed the Peace of Amasia with Tahmasp, who kept control of Tabriz, though late in his life, he lost a campaign against the Knights of St. John in Malta. He employed Sinan as the chief architect, married Roxelana, and was often called "kanuni." Though his navy led by Barbarossa suffered heavy losses in his capture of Rhodes, he defeated Louis II in the 1526 Battle of Mohacs, but he failed in his siege of Vienna. The son of Selim the Grim, for 10 points, name this ruler of the Ottoman Empire who is often called "the magnificent." Answer: Suleiman I [accept: Suleiman the Magnificent until "the magnificent;" accept Suleiman the Lawgiver; or Suleiman Kanuni, early]

This man took advantage of an Ottoman siege of Chocim to win a war featuring battles like Dirshau and Mewe, and he inherited the throne in the middle of the Kalmark War. He signed the Truce of Altmark with Sigismund III, who his father had overthrown, and his greatest victory came with the help of Lennart Torstenson and involved an encirclement of Pappenheim. The son of Charles IX, he used combined arms tactics to win battles like the Lech and Breitenfeld, where he defeated the Catholics. For 10 points, name this Lutheran ruler who died at the Battle of Lutzen, a king of Sweden known as the "Lion of the North." Answer: Gustavus II Adolphus [or Gustav II Adolf; or Gustavus II]

One ruler with this given name defeated Arduin of Ivrea to end the brief separation of Italy and Germany, and was succeeded by Conrad II, the first Salian king, and became the only German king to be canonized. Another ruler by this name succeeded Conrad I as ruler of East Francia and established a line of Saxon kings of Germany through his son Otto the Great. A third ruler by this name started a conflict ended by the Concordat of Worms, the investiture controversy. For 10 points, give the shared name of the unifier of the German tribes known as "the Fowler" and the Holy Roman Emperor who went to Canossa to beg forgiveness from Pope Gregory VII. Answer: Henry [accept Henry II before "Conrad I" is read]

He gave his sister Anna in marriage to Vladimir I of Kiev and received 6000 soldiers who formed the core of the Varangian guard. Early in his reign he suppressed a revolt by the landowners of Asia Minor and reclaimed much of Syria. Though he was crowned his father's co-emperor when he was three, after Romanus II's death the empire was ruled by generals Nicephoras II Phocas and John I Tzimisces. Most famous for ordering his prisoners to be blinded after the battle of Kleidion, this is, for 10 points, what Byzantine emperor whose dealings with Tsar Samuel of Bulgaria earned him a famous nickname? Answer: Basil II or Basil Bulgaroktonos or Basil Bulgar-Slayer

During this man's reign, his country went on the , leading to the cry "give us back our eleven days!" At that time his chief minister was Henry Pelham, at the head of the Broad Bottom Ministry. At the start of his reign, his wife Caroline of Anspach had been largely responsible for his continued support of Walpole. The wars of JenkinsEar and the Austrian Succession, as well as the last land battle to be fought in Great Britain, all took place in the reign of -- for 10 points -- what second Hanoverian monarch? Answer: George II ' When he met the Holy Roman Emperor at Sutri, he gave his stirrup for the emperor to hold but instead received a kiss on the foot that he chose not to reciprocate. with the perhaps apocryphal explanation that "I do this for Peter, not for you." Later, that same would-be stirrup holder entered Rome through Porta Viridaria for a Saturday coronation on June 18, 1155. Even after he crowned Frederick Barbarossa, his excommunication of William the Bad of Sicily led to bad blood that turned into a conflict between Barbarossa and this man's successor, Alexander III. FTP, whose 1154 to 1159

19 12_OtherMonarchs.txt 3/26/2010 reign made him the only Pope to hail from England? Answer: Adrian IV [or Nicholas Breakspear; prompt on Adrian]

He married Elizabeth of Valois as a consequence of the Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis. Later, he sent his half brother John of Austria to win the Battle of Lepanto after losing the succession of the Holy Roman Empire to Ferdinand I. Though he had a son with Princess Maria who became Don Carlos of Spain, his most ambitious marriage was childless, and announcement of it sparked Thomas Wyatt's rebellion in his wife's country. FTP, name this son of Charles I of Spain, whose marriage to Mary Tudor proved as fruitless to his ambitions on England as his later effort, the Spanish Armada. Answer: Philip II [prompt on Philip] ' Late in life, he was forced to surrender Stralsund and Wismar and conspired with the Jacobites before meeting his death at the siege of Fredrikshald. His most prominent successes, including the battle fought at Bendery in Moldavia and an attack on Zealand, were at the expense of his cousins, Augustus II of Poland and Frederick IV of Denmark. He rode across Germany to in disguise to escape his five years of captivity in Turkey, where he had been forced to flee after his partnership with the Ukrainian Cossack Mazeppa went wrong at the battle of Poltava. FTP, name this opponent of Peter the Great, a rash young king who presided over the decline of Sweden. Answer: Charles XII ' His religious policies were steered by his brother, Bruno, who later became an archbishop. He defeated Duke Eberhard and Giselbert at the Battle of Andernach after they aligned with this man's half brother, Thankmar. Later, he intervened in Northern Italy after the assassination of Berengarius and gained power there after marrying the daughter of Rudolph II, Adelaide. After further rebellions by his son Ludolph and by Conrad the Red, this man terminated their powers at the Imperial Diet of Auerstadt. Following this, he rushed to Augsburg to defeat the Magyars. FTP, Identify this man who ruled out of Magdeburg and the victor at Lechfeld; a German king who consolidated power and in 962 was crowned the first Holy Roman Emperor of the Saxon line. Answer: Otto I, the Great (accept either underlined part subsequent to Otto as long as proceeded by Otto; prompt on Otto) ' A Guido Reni rendition of the archangel Michael was based on the features of this pontiff whose sister-in-law, Olympia Maidalchini, wielded influence in his court. During the seventeenth century, the of Parma waged the Wars of Castro against his family and that of his predecessor, Barberini. Originally, he was elected as a compromise against the candidate put forth by Mazarin, with whom he bickered almost continuously for the eleven-year duration of his papacy. He issued the Bull Zelo Domus Dei in protest against the French-negotiated provisions of the Peace of . The successor to Urban VIII and commissioner of Bernini's Fountain of Four Rivers for his family's piazza this is, FTP, what Pamphili Pope whose portrait was painted by Velasquez? Answer: Innocent X (accept on Giovanni Battista Pamphili before it's mentioned and prompt on it afterwards)

The fifth ruler with this name was co-ruler with his brother for 14 years despite being mentally impaired. The sixth was deposed in favor of empress Elizabeth. The second was known as the "Meek", and succeeded his father, the first, who was known as "Moneybags". The most famous is the fourth, who established the Zemsky Sobor and a personal secret service known as the O-prich-ni-ki. FTP, give this shared name of several Russian Czars, the most infamous of which was known as "the Terrible." Answer: Ivan

This ruler oversaw medical reforms implemented by the Imperial physician Gerhard van Swieten, while a stronger central government was achieved with the aid of talented ministers like Chotek, Haugwitz, and Kaunitz. The first partition of Poland saw the loss of Silesia, but influence to the west was gained when her husband Francis of Lorraine became Holy Roman Emperor. Succeeded by Joseph II, she had come to power after the death of her father Charles VI due to the Pragmatic Sanction. FTP, who was this ruler of Hungary, , and Austria who defended her position in

20 12_OtherMonarchs.txt 3/26/2010 the Seven Years War and the War of Austrian Succession? Answer: Maria Theresa

He made peace with France in the second Treaty of and allied with that country against England by the Treaty of San Ildefonso. He entrusted the government to Manuel de Godoy, a protégé of the queen, Maria Luisa of Parma and lived with virtually no power. His ministers included Floridablanca and Aranda and a popular uprising led to a coup at Aranjuez, forcing him to abdicate in favor of his son Ferdinand VII. Napoleon I tricked both him and his son into a meeting at Bayonne and forced them both to abdicate. FTP, name this Spanish king from 1788 to 1808 famous Goya's family portrait of him. Answer: Charles IV

A powerful influence in this man's formative years was his tutor, Adrian of Utrecht, later Pope Adrian VI. His reign was plagued in part by the revolts of the comuneros and the North German states. The son of Philip the Handsome and Joanna the Mad, he ended French hegemony in Italy with his defeat of Francis I at Pavia, but in his last years tried to stave off debt by having his son Philip II wed Mary I of England. Reigning from 1519 until his 1556 abdication, FTP, who was this Holy Roman Emperor? Answer: Charles V (accept Charles I of Spain)

Early in his reign, he ended the war he inherited with Russia by the Treaty of Stolbova, but soon found himself embroiled in a long defensive war to protect his throne from Sigismund III. He concluded the Treaty of Altmark, gaining a six-year truce with Sigismund in order to oppose the Catholic forces that he defeated at the Lech and Breitenfeld before being mortally wounded in his victory at Lutzen. FTP, who was this brilliant military commander, the king of Sweden from 1611-32? Answer: Gustavas Adolphus (or Gustav II Adolf)

He became known as "the needle on the Italian scales" and gained the power to create a new Council of Seventy after boldly presenting himself at the court of Ferdinand I. The peace he concluded with Ferdinand forced Pope Sixtus IV to abandon the plot against him that had led the Pazzi family to attempt to assassinate him, resulting in the murder of his co-ruler and brother Giuliano. In addition to his political achievements, he was a renowned poet and patron of the arts. FTP, who was this Florentine leader, the grandson of Cosimo, known as the "Magnificent"? Answer: Lorenzo de'Medici, the Magnificent

His chronicler Salimbene alleged that he was an Epicurean and it was rumored that he kept a harem full of Muslim women. A great patron of the arts, he founded the University of Naples and wrote a treatise on falconry. In 1229 he became King of Jerusalem after making a deal with the sultan of Egypt, and later he made a similar deal with his own lords, granting them nearly complete rights on their own lands so that he could rule as an absolute monarch in Sicily and Lombardy. This alarmed Gregory IX and Innocent IV and eventually led to war. FTP name this grandson of Frederick Barbarossa, who tried to add much of Italy to the Holy Roman Empire. Answer: Frederick II Hohenstaufen ' Among his military reforms was the of every young man in his country for a commitment of twenty years. He employed innovative squadrons with a core of two companies of pikemen and a company of musketeers on each flank. After defeating his cousin, Zygmunt III, he was free to concentrate on the continent. This son of Charles IX did so to the dismay of Graf von Tilly at in Pomerania and at Breitenfeld. FTP, name this man killed at Lutzen, the Swedish monarch during the first half of the Thirty YearsWar. Answer: Gustavus Adolphus or Gustav II Adolph ' His early reign was dominated by the regency of his mother Agnes and two clerics: Anno of Cologne and Adalbert of Breman. Although late in life he was jailed and forced to abdicate by his son, he had earlier crushed attempts made by

21 12_OtherMonarchs.txt 3/26/2010 the anti-kings Herman of and Rudolf of Swabia defeating and killing the latter at Molsen in 1080. He is best known for a string of events in which he was the main target of the Lenten Synod and the and which saw him prostrate himself to the pope at Canossa in 1077. FTP identify this Holy Roman Emperor who opposed Gregory VII during the Investiture Controversy. Answer: Henry IV or Heinrich IV

Formerly a Duke of Brabant, he married Maria Henrietta, and his reign saw domestic conflict escalating as the Liberal and Catholic parties fought over issues of education and suffrage. A staunch believer in military force this monarch petitioned parliament to construct fortifications around Liege and Manur. But by the time he was succeeded by his nephew, Albert, his greatest project had been exposed as barbarous and exploitative. He financed Henry Stanley's third expedition in 1879, that exploration combined with the discovery of wild rubber helped this ruler amass a great fortune. FTP, identify this infamous king of Belgium who was forced to relinquish the Congo Free State in 1908. Answer: King Leopold II ' He founded and granted privileges to the Mesta, a guild of migratory shepherds. Attacked by Morocco, Granada, and Murcia, with the Aragonese he defeated the invaders and annexed Murcia. A claimant to the title of Holy Roman Emperor, after the death of , Pope Gregory X convinced him to renounce his claim. Conflicts with his son Sancho led to an uprising of nobles and forced him to flee to Seville. For 10 points, name this Spanish king whose educated court produced the history Premera cronica general, the astronomical Tablas Alfonsies, and the law code Siete partidas. Answer: Alfonso X or Alfonso the Wise or Alfonso the Learned

Although he entered the Seven Week's War on Austria's side, he soon signed an alliance with Prussia. Along with his minister Chlodwig, he worked to unite Germany against Napoleon III, but when his letter to the German Princes failed to unite the feuding houses, he turned increasingly to his extravagant private pursuits. In the early 1880s is ineffectiveness caused Prince Luitpold to be named regent. He was declared unfit to rule and removed to Schloss Berg. Three days later he and his physician, Bernhard von Gudden, were found drowned in the Starnberger Sea. FTP identify this King of Bavaria, the son of Maximilian II, best known for his patronage of Wagner and the construction of the castles Linderhof and Neuschwanstein. Answer: Ludwig II or Mad King Ludwig or Louis II

Louis XII of France proposed a general council at Pisa that would have deposed him, a natural response to his anti- French alliance of the Holy League. This league was intended as a replacement for his alliance with Louis in the League of Cambrai, which proved unsatisfactory despite its seizure of Rimini and Faenza. It was these triumphs over the Venetians that first earned him the title of "warrior pope." FTP, name this pontiff most famous for commissioning the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Answer: Julius II (original name: Giuliano della Rovere)

One man by this name and numerical designation founded the Patarine party, which opposed the marriage of priests, and was elected pope after serving as Bishop of Lucca until 1061. Another man married Henry III's sister Joan and signed the Treaty of York in 1237 after succeeding his father William I as King of Scotland in 1214. Another personage with this name took advice from his minister, Pyotr Shuvalov, throughout his reign, and was honored for his defeat of the Turks with a statue in the middle of Sofia; he also signed the 1856 and put down a Polish insurrection. FTP identify this common name and number which most famously identifies the Russian czar who freed the serfs in 1861 and was assassinated by the People's Will in 1881. Answer: Alexander II

This ruler forced his opponents to sign the Treaty of Vasvar after victory at St. Gotthard under his imperial commander Montecuccoli. On another front, he was forced to sign the less-than-favorable Treaty of Nijmegen [nih-meh-jen]. He

22 12_OtherMonarchs.txt 3/26/2010 married the Archduchess Claudia Felicitas after his marriage to Margaret Theresa, daughter of Philip IV of Spain, produced no children. His third marriage to Eleanora of Neuberg did produce his two successors, long after this son of Ferdinand III emerged victorious in the Battle of Senta and forced the signing of the . Aided by Charles of Lorraine and Jan III Sobieski in opposing the Turkish siege of Vienna, FTP, name this Hapsburg Holy Roman Emperor who died in 1705 and was succeeded by his son, Joseph I. Answer: Leopold I Hapsburg

The battle of Alcacer Ceguer and the defeat of the Moors at bookended his brief military career and he organized the assault on Sala-ben-Sala's forces at . He was assisted in his most important tasks by the Jew Jehuda Cresques, who lived with him at his estate of Sagres. Zurara is the best source for relations between this man and men such as Gil Eanes, Goncalves Zarco, Dinis Dias, and Nuño Tristao, who sighted the Gambia River. The son of Juan I and Philippa of Lancaster, he sponsored the development of the caravel and quadrant and the exploration of Porto Santo and Madeira. FTP, name this prince of Portugal who, despite never having commanded a ship, was nicknamed "The Navigator." Answer: Henry the Navigator (accept Duke of Viseu or Lord of Covilha)

Towards the end of his career, he supposedly considered diverting the course of the Nile to destroy the power of Egypt. His poor health induced King Emmanuel to send Lope Suarez to succeed him. He made his first trip to Cochin in 1503 with his cousin Francisco and later commanded part of the fleet of Tristan da Cunha during the capture of Socotra. The second son of the lord of Villaverde, he became estribeiro-mor to King Joao II and was later given his command position by King Manuel I. In 1512, his ship, the Flor do Mar, was wrecked and his amassed treasure scattered, but he quickly rebounded to put down a revolt in . FTP, name this Portuguese admiral and conqueror who shares his name with a city in New Mexico. Answer: Afonso de Albuquerque, the Great

He was elected by the shortest-lasting conclave of cardinals in papal history. The start of his pontificate saw the conquering of , and he reluctantly joined the League of Cambrai to bring Venice under his reign. The nephew of Pope Sixtus IV, he took the throne upon the death of Pius III, who reigned for only twenty-six days. He delivered Italy from its subjugation to France, but is most famous as a patron of the arts. Born Giuliano Della Rovere and ruling from 1503-13, FTP, identify this pope who commissioned Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel. Answer: Pope Julius II (accept early Giuliano Della Rovere)

After defeating a revolt led by Conrad the Red, this ruler allied the crown with the , greatly increasing royal power. He married Edith and Adelaide, whom he rescued from a marriage with Berengar II, and had three children, one of whom reigned after him. This king also defeated the Magyars in the Lechfeld in 955. FTP, identify this son of Henry the Fowler crowned emperor in 962 by John XII, often considered the first Holy Roman Emperor. Answer: Otto I or Otto the Great

In 1931, he was nearly assassinated by two gunmen as he left a performance of I Pagliacci at the Vienna Opera House. In 1938, he married Geraldine Apponyi, a postcard saleswoman at the Budapest National Museum. He went into exile after Italy overran his country in 1939, abandoning the republican government he had formed in 1922. After World War II, he officially abdicated after the takeover of his kingdom by Communists under Enver Hoxha. Giving himself a royal name meaning "bird," FTP, name this Albanian leader who declared himself king in 1928. Answer: King Zog I (accept Ahmed Bey Zogu) ' Despite King Sigismund's overtures, he refused to spend his term in Germany. He issued a constitution to limit Gallican liberties in English-controlled parts of France and entered into a new concordat with Charles VII of France. First gaining power as a nuncio under Boniface IX, he came into his own after abandoning Gregory XII. Before his death he agreed to convoke the council of Basel, several years after his election at the Council of Constance. FTP, name this pope whose

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1417 election ended the Great Schism. Answer: Martin V or Martin the Fifth or Oddone Colonna

Although made heir to the throne in the Pact of Guisando this monarch had to fight a Civil War with Juana la Beltraneja in order to secure the throne. The second child of Juan II and the successor to a half-brother Enrique IV, this monarch was succeeded by her daughter Juana "the Mad" while another daughter became the first wife of Henry VIII. Together with her spouse she established the Santa Hermandad, instituted the Spanish Inquisition and completed the conquest of Granada. FTP, name this Spanish monarch who financed Columbus's voyages and unified the Spanish monarchy with her husband Ferdinand. Answer: Isabella of Castile or Isabella I or Isabella "The Catholic"

Pope Martin V named him the head of the Order of Christ, which became the primary source of funding for his ventures. Made Duke of Viseau by his father, he played a large part in the capture of Ceuta which he briefly governed. He showed poor leadership in a campaign against Tangier where he was forced to leave his brother Fernao as hostage. However he had success with Gil Eanes's rounding of Cape Bojador and the organization of voyages to Cape Verde through his school at Sagres. FTP, name this Portguese prince remembered as a patron of explorers. Answer: Prince Henry the Navigator ' The first of the kings of a certain nation to bear this name gained the throne a year after his predecessor's parliament- empowering decree of "Nihil Novi," and rewarded a loyalty oath from Albert of by making him the first Duke of Prussia. That man's son, the second holder of this name, was succeeded in death by the election of Henry of Valois and bore the nickname Augustus. That man's grandson, the third holder of the name, was defeated at Stangebro in 1598, costing him the Swedish throne. This is also the name of a single Holy Roman Emperor, whose forces were routed at the Battle of Nicopolis during his tenure as the King of Hungary and who helped organize the Council of Constance. FTP, give this name held by three Polish kings, the last of whom invaded Russia during the Time of Troubles. Answer: Sigismund or Zygmunt

This ruler, the subject of a biography by Michael Roberts, signed the Treaty of Barwalde that contained an unusual provision placing a five-year moratorium on peace negotiations. Over 20 years into his reign, he developed the Form of Government that helped create the Gymnasia and set out plans to create leagues designated as Corpus Bellicum and Corpus Evangelicorum. He negotiated the Treaty of Knared with Christian IV, surrendering a port as security, and used the name Captain Gars in travel. With aid from his chancellor Axel Oxenstierna, he was victorious at the Battle of Breitenfeld but soon died at the Battle of Lutzen. FTP, name this "Lion of the North," a dominant king of Sweden at the start of the Thirty Years War. Answer: Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden (Gustav II Adolf)

Her daughter of the same name was married to Manuel the Fortunate of Portugal on the condition that Manuel expel Jews from his kingdom. She had earlier ended Portugal's involvement in her succession with the Treaty of Alcacovas, made necessary when her niece Joan la Beltraneja fought a civil war after Henry IV revoked the Accord of Toros de Guisando. The mother of Juana the Mad, she oversaw the completion of the Reconquista by the taking of Granada and collaborated with her confessor Torquemada to established the Inquisition. FTP, name this queen whose marriage to Ferdinand of Aragon created a unified Spain and led to the patronage of Columbus. Answer: Isabella of Castile [or Isabella I; prompt on "Isabella the Catholic"; prompt on "Isabel la Católica"] ' He oversaw the transition of the throne to his brother Pedro after the death of Duarte and pacified Leonor of Aragon after her temper tantrum at Alemquer castle, and Gil Eanes rose to fame under this man. As an advisor to Edward, he agreed to give Zala ben Zala's son back in exchange for the captured Ferdinand at the failed invasion of , though he was successful earlier in the capture of Ceuta. He was appointed governor of the Algrave province, and this son of Joao I established a colony at the Vila do near Cape Vincent which produced such innovations as the caravel. For

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10 points, identify this Portuguese prince best remembered for his love for exploring. Answer: Henry the Navigator [or Infante Henrique of Portugal, Duke of Viseu; or Henry the Seafarer] ' Ministers that served under this ruler included Pyotr Tretyakov, Fedor Likhachov and Ivan Gramontin. During the early part of his reign, the government was dominated by the corrupt Saltykovs, relatives of his mother. Towards the end of his reign, his cousin Ivan Cherkassy served as de facto Prime Minister. The legendary Ivan Susnin may have saved this man from the Poles, and with the help of diplomats sent by James I of England he negotiated the Peace of Stolbovo with the Swedes. The middle part of his reign was a diarchy with his father, the Patriarch Filaret. Succeeded by Alexei I, FTP, name the tsar whose accession marked the end of the Time of Troubles and is generally considered to have founded Russia's last dynasty. Answer: Mikhail Romanov [Accept Michael Romanov] (09EuroHis) ' As a child, this ruler was tutored by Semen Poroshin, and once in power this ruler freed Nikolay Novkikov and Alexander Radishchev. A plot against this ruler was led by Admiral Jose Ribas and Nikita Panin and his foreign minister was Fyodor Rostopchin. This ruler ordered Vasily Orlov to lead a Cossock army on an invasion of and had a strange obsession with the Knights of St. John that led him to order Admiral Ushakov to capture Malta. A Danish navy allied with this ruler was defeated by Admiral Hyde Parker at the Battle of , shattering this ruler’s dreams of a League of Armed Neutrality, and leading to his assassination and replacement with his son Alexander. For ten points, name this son of Catherine the Great that reigned as Tsar from 1796 to 180** Answer: Paul [accept: Paul I] (09EuroHis)

This ruler’s early reign saw the dismissal of the corrupt eunuch Lekapenos and the defeat of a rebellion led by Bardas Phokas. This ruler gained territory from King Smbat III of Armenia after an Armenian vassal named David willed his estates to this ruler’s empire, which formed an alliance against Georgios Tzul with Mstislav of Chernigov that successfully captured Kerch and ravaged the Khazars. This ruler’s general Nikephoros Uranus captured Aleppo, while this ruler’s sister Ana married Vladimir of Kiev. This ruler’s forces were slaughtered at the Battle of Trajan’s Gate, but he had much better luck at the Battle of Kleidion, where he destroyed Samuil’s army and blinded the survivors, telling them to back to a certain country and tell every man, woman, and child that this ruler was their new master. For ten points, name this 11th century Byzantine Emperor, who they still call “the murderer” in Sofia. Answer: Basil II [accept: Basil the Bulgar-Slayer, Basil Boulgaroktonos, Basil the Murderer until mentioned] (09EuroHis)

During this man’s reign, explorers from his country discovered Bruce Island and Arthur Island during a polar expedition led by Julius Payer, while a part of named for this ruler includes Frankel Land. Another explorer from this ruler’s country, Count Teleki, became the first man to climb Mount Kenya. This ruler was forced to fire the once- promising General Louis Benedek after a military defeat that led to the Ausgleich. This man became the last secular ruler to veto a papal election, doing so to get back at a bishop who refused his first heir a Christian burial after the Meyerling Incident, in which that heir committed suicide. This man’s second heir was morganatically married to Duchess Sophie but was removed from the line of succession by the Black Hand. For ten points, name this man who ruled Austria-Hungary from 1848 through World War One. Answer: Francis Joseph I [accept: Franz Josef, Ferenc Jozsef] (09EuroHis) ' This man tried to set up an attack on a port city with the fleet of William and Ralph Viel, but nothing came of their plans. This man’s leg was broken during one retreat, leading to his capture after he had broken the Treaty of Sahagun. That breach of treaty came in part due to the actions of Giraldo Sempavor, known as the Fearless, who fought for this man. For four ounces of gold a year, this man received protection from Lucius II. This man was saved by Fernando II from a siege led by Abu Yaqub Yusuf in Santarém, and he signed the Treaty of Zamora with Alfonso VII to recognize gains he made in the . Earlier, this man fought against Ferdinand Peres and his own (*) mother, Teresa, leading to victory at the Battle of São Mamede. This member of the successfully ended vassalage to the Kingdom of Leon. For 10 points, name this man who became the first king of Portugal.

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Answer: Afonso I of Portugal [or Afonso Henriques; accept Alfonso/Alonzo, Enriquez, etc.] (CO09)

Empress Theodora appointed a man of this name as her successor, who was known as The Aged and was quickly overthrown by Isaac Comnenus. One figure of this name was a low-born brother of John the Orphanotrophos who married Empress Zoe, while another figure of this name had to put down the revolt of Thomas the Slav before he took power and avoided execution after his supporters killed (*) Leo the Armenian. Besides men known as The Paphlagonian and The Stammerer, another emperor of this name, the last of the Phrygian dynasty, reinstated the use of icons and was known as The Drunkard. A partriarch of this name tried to enforce the use of Greek language in the liturgy and was excommunicated by Cardinal Humbert, beginning the East-West schism; that man was surnamed Cerularius. For 10 points, name this common first name of Byzantine emperors, the eighth of whom founded the Palaeologus dynasty. Answer: Michael [or Mikhael] (CO09) ' Strong supporters of this ruler included V. Scschelkatov and P. F. Basmanov, and he caused a scandal when he elevated members of the low-born Nagoy family to the Boyars Council. This ruler called a Zemsky Sobor to pass a Bill of Attainder against one of his rivals for power, which was the first Zemsky Sobor in which the third estate elected their representatives, and he re-established the tradition of Yuri’s Day, on which serfs could change masters. Another scandal during his reign occurred when his wife, Marina Mniszech, refused to (*) convert to the Orthodox, sparking rumors that this Tsar wanted to make Russia Catholic, and that he was an agent of King Sigismund III Vasa of Poland. This led to his defenestration by the supporters of Vasily Shuisky, who considered him an impostor. For ten points name this man who ruled Russia after Boris Gudenov by pretending to be the son of Ivan the Terrible, the first person to do so. Answer: False Dimitry I [accept anything labelling him the first man to pretend to be Dmitriy; accept Grigory Otripyev] (CO09)

This ruler openly continued relations with his mistress Vibeke Kruse after discovering the promiscuity of his second wife Kirsten Munk. He established his country’s first colony in India at Tranquebar and signed the Treaty of Knäred with the man who would succeed him in his most well-known role. He heroically received thirteen wounds onboard the Trinity during the Battle of Kolberge Heath, but persevered to continue fighting the Torstenson War, which his country would eventually lose. He recovered territory in the Treaty of Lubeck after commanding his nation’s Protestant forces through its namesake phase of the Thirty Years’ War. Ruling from 1588 to 1648, FTP, name this Danish king whose name indicates that he didn’t care for Catholics. Answer: Christian IV of Denmark (and Norway, prompt on just “Christian”) (CO08) ' This man was allowed to keep Lüneberg in the Treaty of Fulda, and he was opposed by Philip of Heinsberg, the Archbishop of Cologne. Part of this man’s land was partitioned off under Henry Jasomirgott, and he took one possession from Adolf II. He broke with one ally following that man’s refusal to grant this ruler control of the silver mines of , and this husband of (*) Matilda of England was allies with the man who created the Principality of Rügen, the Danish king Valdemar I. This son of a man known as “the proud” was a leader of the , and he often came into conflict with the Margrave of Brandenburg, Albert the Bear. This man had to go to war to reclaim his ancestral lands from Conrad III, after which he created a market on the Isar River that turned into Munich and established Lübeck as an economic power. For 10 points, name this member of the House of Welf, a prominent duke of Saxony and Bavaria who first supported and then quarreled with Frederick Barbarossa. Answer: Henry the Lion [or Henry III of Saxony; accept Henry XII of Bavaria] (CO09) ' One figure of this name was a real winner: he had Benedict VI killed, fled to Constantinople, then returned to kill his successor John XIV, and for his efforts was dragged naked through the streets until his corpse was deposited under a statue of Marcus Aurelius. The second pope of this name was an Ostrogoth who had a rival named Dioscorus, and was the first Germanic pope, while the first ruler of this name beat out Eulalius for the papacy upon the death of Zosimus.

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The fifth one sent the “letters of exhortation” to the Church of England, while the fourth one converted the Pantheon into a church and ruled when Mohammed first started preaching. The ninth one held the Synod of London to bash John Wycliffe, and opposed antipope Clement VII. For 10 points, name this papal name shared by all the previous men, and the eighth one, Benadetto Caetani. Answer: Boniface (08MO) ' This man assented to the partition of Naples proposed under the Treaty of Grenada. This man’s army was aided by Gonzalvo di Cordoba and scored a victory at Ostia after suffering losses at Soriano to Carlo Orsini. One of his son’s was the Duke of Gandia, while another of his sons was aided by Don Michelotto in such victories as the one against Oliverotto da Fermo at Sinigaglia. This man threatened to hand over the kidnapped brother of Bayezid II to a man who sacked Rome who during his term, Charles VIII. He granted Spain the right to all lands one hundred leagues west of the Azores in the bull Inter Caetera. For 10 points, identify this Pope who notably contracted syphilis and had some murderous children, a member of the Borgia family. Answer: Pope Alexander VI [or Roderic Llançol; or Roderic de Borja; or Rodrigo Borgia] (09MO)

One of them, who was given the epithets “good” and “glorious,” allied with the Cumans after establishing a capital at Tarnovo and, with his brother, aided the Third Crusade at Nis. He was succeeded in this position by a man who killed Louis of Blois and captured Baldwin I of Constantinople after ambushing Fourth Crusader forces near Adrianople, a man with the epithet “Romanslayer.” This title was introduced to replace the title “kynaz,” or prince, by its first holder, who allied with the Pechenegs to crush the Magyars and destroyed forces under Leo Phokas at the Battle of Anchialus. Ferdinand I revived this title in 1908 after his country regained independence from the Ottoman Empire, and this title had also fallen out of use during the 1018 to 1185 Byzantine rule, which ensued after one of them lost the Battle of Kleidion. First introduced by Simeon the Great, who ruled from Preslav, for 10 points, identify this title, holders of which include Samuel II, whose forces were "slain" by Basil II, as well as the last one, Simeon II, who until 1946 ruled from Sofia. Answer: tsars of Bulgaria [accept emperors of Bulgaria, accept Balgarija instead of “Bulgaria,” prompt on tsar or emperor, do not accept “king of Bulgaria” or of anywhere else, for that matter] (08MO)

One king with this epithet was the son of Ferdinand the Saint, compiled the Siete Partidas and allied with Abu Yusuf after he faced a revolt by his eventual successor, Sancho IV. Petrarch dedicated his epic Africa to Robert of Naples, who also had this nickname. One person with this nickname was aided by Bertrand du Guesclin in repelling English forces during the Hundred Years War, and succeeded John II in 136* Yet another person with this epithet was an Elector of Saxony who aided in hiding Martin Luther at Wartburg Castle after he was condemned at the Diet of Worms. For 10 points, identify this epithet of Charles V of France, and Frederick III of Saxony, which implies that they were learned rulers. Answer: "the Wise" (09MO)

Clemente Molli designed this man’s triumphal column, which contains a sculpture of this man holding a cross at its 22- meter apex. This ruler’s attempts to create an distanced him from former adviser Jan Zamoyski. A war fought by this man’s son broke out when he died and finally resulted in the Treaty of Polyanovka. He was ousted from one country’s throne in a held at Soderkoping. This ruler and his cousin signed a peace treaty at Altmark that was extended by this ruler’s son at Stuhmsdorf. This ruler waged a war in which he was stymied by Stanislaw Zolkiewski at the before besieging Smolensk and gaining territory in the Truce of Deulino. This man supported the first two false Dmitris against Boris Godunov and Vassily Shuisky during the Time of Troubles. For 10 points, name this cousin of Gustavus Adolphus from the who moved the capital to Warsaw and ruled during the height of the Polish Golden Age. Answer: Sigismund III Vasa [prompt on Sigismund; accept Sigismund Vasa; accept Sigismund I of Sweden; accept “Zygmunt” instead of “Sigismund”] (09MO)

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This ruler ordered his heirs to follow his “Rota” system of succession after his death in his “Testament,” and he appointed the monk Illarion as metropolitan of his polity. This man gave Ladoga to the daughter of the king of Sweden as a marriage gift. During a protracted struggle with his half-brother, Varangian assassins killed his other brothers Boris and Gleb, who were later canonized. His daughters married , Harald III of Norway, and , and this figure acquired the land of Mstislav of Tmutakaran after the latter’s death. After this man defeated the Pechenegs he ordered the construction of the St. Sophia Cathedral, which was completed under his son. He fought against Sviatopolk the Accused for control of his kingdom. This man promulgated the first law code of his nation, the Russkaya Pravda, and also ordered the construction of the Golden Gate of his city. For 10 points, name this son of Vladimir I, a figure who united Novgorod and Kiev while ruling at the height of power of the Kievan Rus from 1019-105* Answer: Yaroslav I [or Yaroslav the Wise] (09MO)

He was preceded by Rene of Chalon in the title from which he took his dynastic name. It was upon his shoulder that Charles V leaned during the latter's abdication ceremony, he became politically isolated due to his support of Hercule François, Duke of Anjou, as king for his country. While Margaret of Parma allowed him to help attempt to restore order following the Beeldenstorm, he was outlawed, prompting his retreat to Nassau, by the Duke of Alba. His assassin, Balthasar Gerard, shot him at his home in Delft on the hope of a reward offered by Philip II of Spain. FTP, name this leader of the Dutch war of independence Answer: William of Orange or William the Silent (CO07)

One person by this name requested Emperor Honorius to call Emperor Arcadius to a Synod in Thessalonica, and held power when Alaric I laid siege on Rome. Another person by this name was the first Dominican to hold his office, and also gave a funeral eulogy on St. Bonaventure at the Second Council of Lyon. Yet another pope by this name issued the bull Summis Desiderantes which targeted , and threatened to excommunicate those who read the theses of Pico della Mirandola in Rome. One more pope by this name took Olimpia Maldachini as his mistress, and issued a bull in opposition to the . FTP, identify this shared papal name, the most famous of whom summoned the Fourth Lateran Council and launched the Albigensian Crusade and Fourth Crusade. Answer: Innocent (CO08)

One forced the gentry of to kiss the cross and was a deacon named Sidorka. Another failed to break the siege of the Saint Sergius monastery when his former co-ruler called in Swedish troops, after which he turned to Polish King Sigismund III Vasa. Another, known as the rebel of Tushino, appointed Feodor Romanov Patriarch of all Russia. The original’s was at Uglich, where he died in suspicious circumstances. One, said to have been named Grigory Otrepyev, was acclaimed as Tsar over Feodor II after the 1605 death of Boris Gudonov. FTP, give this name shared by the youngest son of Ivan IV and the many pretenders who claimed to be him. Answer: Dmitri (accept “False Dmitris” until “original” is mentioned) (CO07)