Boat Time Crew Nation Date Meet Location M1x Single Sculls 6:30.74 Robert Manson New Zealand 2017 World Rowing Cup II Poznań, Poland
Men (bron: FISA‐Worldrowing) Boat Time Crew Nation Date Meet Location M1x Single sculls 6:30.74 Robert Manson New Zealand 2017 World Rowing Cup II Poznań, Poland M2‐ Coxless pairs 6:08.50 Hamish Bond‐Eric Murray New Zealand 2012 Summer Olympics Eton Dorney, England M2+ Coxed pairs 6:33.26 Hamish Bond‐Eric Murray/Caleb Shepherd New Zealand 2014 World Rowing Championship Amsterdam, Netherlands M2x Double sculls 5:59.72 Martin Sinković‐Valent Sinković Croatia 2014 World Rowing Championship Amsterdam, Netherlands Andrew Triggs‐Hodge‐Tom James‐ M4‐ Coxless four 5:37.86 Great Britain 2012 World Rowing Cup II Lucerne, Switzerland Pete Reed‐Alex Gregory Matthias Ungemach‐Armin Eichholz‐Armin Weyrauch‐ M4+ Coxed four 5:58.96 Germany 1991 Vienna, Austria Bahne Rabe/Joerg Dederding Artem Morozov‐Olexandr Nadtoka‐ M4x Quad sculls 5:32.26 Ukraine 2014 World Rowing Championship Amsterdam, Netherlands Dmytro Mikhay‐Ivan Dovgodko Malte Jaktschik‐Felix Wimberger‐Richard Schmidt‐ M8+ Eight 5:18.68 Johannes Weissenfeld‐Torben Johannesen‐Jakob Germany 2017 World Rowing Cup II Poznan, Poland Schneider‐Maximilian Planer‐Hannes Ocik/Martin Sauer The greatest distance rowed in 24 hours is 342 km (212.5 miles) by Hannes Obreno, Pierre Deloof, Tim Brys, Mathieu Foucaud, Thijs Obreno, Giel Vanschoenbeek, Arjan van Belle and Thibaut Schollaert (all Belgians) on the watersportbaan, Ghent, Belgium, on 02‐03 October 2014. All eight participants are members of the Vlaamse Studenten Roeiers. Lightweight Men (bron: FISA‐Worldrowing) Boat Time Crew Nation Date Meet Location
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