Medieval Brewing: the Alcohol They  Mӧdu (Estonia)  Morat (blackberries or mulberries) Really Drank  Mulsum (technically not a true ; strong Summer University, Session 91 wine with added) Mistress Sorcha Crowe  Myod (Russian) Mka Elspeth Payne  Omphacomel (verjuice) [email protected]  Oxymel (wine vinegar) 240-285-0632  Półtorak (Poland)  Quick mead BEVERAGES  Rhodamel(i) (roses)  Sack (very sweet) Wine (assumed grape)  (Finland)  pyment  Trójniak (Poland) ‘Country’ wine (other fruit)  White mead Beer vs. Ale  Braggot SOURCES  Mulled ale  Butterbeer Atlantia and SCA Websites and Lists on brewing  Gruit Atlantia Brewers Guild: Scandinavian beers Atlantia brewers Yahoo group: Estonia: Sahti Estonia: Koduõlu (home beer) SCA brewers list: Lithuania: Kaimiskas alus Lithuania: Interkingdom Brewers Guild: šviesus/tamsus/juodas/fitruotas/nefitruotas Norway: maltøl, bayer, juleøl, bokkøl (bockbier), Guide to other kingdom guilds: pilsner (Plzeň) Sweden: lättӧl, stankӧl, folkӧl (by strength) er-kingdom-guilds-baronial-guilds-and-the-mighty- interkingdom-brewers-guild/  Cyser Everyone’s first secondary source: A Sip Through Time,  Pery or perry by Cindy Renfrow, 1997. Hypocras Society Publications Cordials  Coming soon, in Tournaments Illuminated Issue  Honey jack #195, Third Quarter 2015: Book review on Quinte  Apple jack Essence, or Man’s Heaven  (period??)  Brewing Medieval Beer Tournaments Illuminated, Mead Issue #194, Second Quarter 2015, by Brian  Acerglyn (maple) Burnham  Black mead (currants)  Casks Kegs, and Other Brewing Measurements in  Medieval England Compleat Anachronist #164,  Bochetomel (bochet with fruit) Second Quarter 2014  Chouchenn (Brittany)  Intoxicating Beverages in the Middle East  Czwórniak (Poland) Compleat Anachronist #157, Third Quarter 2012  Dwójniak (Poland)  Origins of Mead Compleat Anachronist #141,  Gverc (Croatia) Fourth Quarter 2008  Hydromel  Making Medieval Mead or, Mead Before Digby Compleat Anachronist #120, Summer 2003, by  Medica (Slovenia) Cynthia Krupp and Bill Gillen  Medovina (Croatia)  Alcoholic of the Middle Ages Compleat  (East Slavic) Anachronist #60, March 1992, by Marc Shapiro  Melomel (fruit)  Metheglin (herbs and spices)  (Lithuania)  The CA Guide to Brewing Compleat Anachronist #5, March 1983, by Lady Arwen Evaine fert Rhys ap Gwynedd  “Anglica Brewtannica Vol.2: “Carboy to Kegging” Tournaments Illuminated #183, Third Quarter 2012  “Anglica Brewtannica Vol 1: Strike to Carboy” Tournaments Illuminated #182, Second Quarter 2012  “Cordially Yours: Researching and Making Cordials” Tournaments Illuminated #179, Third Quarter 2011  “Things That Go Boom in the Night” Tournaments Illuminated #175, Third Quarter 2010  “An Arab Mead”, by Bruce R. Gordon Tournaments Illuminated #140, Fall 2001  For an index of issues, visit or .

Shameless self-promotion: Useful bibliographies on my website, Beauty In Beer search on “Books for Brewers” Primary Sources: primary-sources-for-brewers/ Secondary Sources: brewing-secondary-sources/ Modern Books on brewing: brewers-books-of-modern-how-to-on-beer-and-mead/ Books on bees and honey: brewers-bees-and-honey/

Facebook groups Medieval Brewing Several groups in Atlantia, and various Kingdom Guilds are on FB – for list see: er-kingdom-guilds-baronial-guilds-and-the-mighty- interkingdom-brewers-guild/ Plenty of others…