

Element Points

Front cover 20 Fictional travel company name Contact information for fictional travel company Persuasive Paragraph Creative name for tour Colorful, creative illustration 3-day Itinerary 15 Timeline includes selected locations (minimum of two per day) and amount of time spent at each. Illustration relates to trip. Travel Quotations for locations 30 One direct quotation is used as sub- Brochure heading for each visited location. (Place a creative name Quotations are appropriate to location. for your trip here!) Quotations are cited correctly. Location paragraphs 90 Accurate description of location Summary of what travelers will do there and how they might change due to this aspect of the journey Explanation of why it was included (relevance in The Odyssey) Paragraphs demonstrate use of stan- dard written English. Location Illustrations: 30 On the back of your brochure (where At least 6 illustrations relating to loca- the rubric is located on this tions example), include a map of your At least 2 illustrations are hand-drawn. journey with each stop clearly Persuasive paragraph 20 marked. You may print a PLAIN The paragraph convincingly persuades map from the internet, but you travelers to take the proposed trip. should indicate the stops on the trip The paragraph demonstrates use of yourself. Also, please be sure to cite standard written English. your source. Map of the trip 15 The map is neat and accurate (and cited correctly, if necessary). The map has each point on the journey clearly labeled. Include fictional contact information for your travel company here. Requirements

Include a 3-day itinerary for your travelers. This should just be a timeline listing where you are EXAMPLE: Locations going and how long you will be there. Your trip (This is not one of the locations on your must include at least SIX stops from ’s list!) journey. Select from the list below: Ismarus “... he is to reach fertile Scheria, the land of Island of the Lotus Eaters the Phaeacians, who are near of kin to the Land of Cyclops gods...” (5.35-37).

Aeaea (home of Circe) The beautiful island city of Scheria is Land of the Dead home to the Phaeacians, a noble race who Island of the Sirens are famed for their fast ships. The Aeolia (home of , god of Pheaecian king Alcinous aided Odysseus the wind) by providing a trip back to Ithaca in one of The strait of Scylla and Charyb- these famed ships. While in Scheria, our dis travelers will enjoy a visit with Nausicaa, Thrinakia (the land of Helios’s the king’s lovely daughter, and a day cattle) cruise aboard one of the Phaeacian ships. Island of Calypso

Place a graphic related to your trip here.