
Helios-the sun god, who raises his cattle on the island of Thrinacia -the ruler of the Greek gods and goddesses; father of and -' son -Odysseus' wife -the god of invention, commerce, and cunning; messenger of the gods -a sea goddess who lives on the island of -Odysseus' father -the king of the Phaeacians -goddess and enchantress who lives on the island of -allies of the Trojans who live at Ismarus Lotus Eaters-inhabitants of a land Odysseus visits Apollo-the god of music, poetry, prophecy, and medicine -god of the seas, earthquakes, and horses; father of the -the guardian of the winds Laestrygones-cannibal inhabitants of a distant land Eurylochus-a trusted officer of Odysseus Persephone-wife of Hades, ruler of the Underworld -prince of Thebes a blind prophet whose spirit Odysseus visits in the underworld -one of Odysseus' crew killed in an accident Sirens-creatures part woman part bird whose songs lure sailors to their death Scylla-six headed sea monster who devours sailors Charybdis-a dangerous whirlpool of personified as a female sea monster Athena-goddess of war, wisdom, and cleverness; goddess of crafts -a servant in Odysseus' house -Odysseus' dog Antinous-suitor of Penelope Eurymachus-suitor of Penelope Amphinomus-suitor of Penelope Eurynome-female servant in Odysseus' house Eurycleia-old female servant still loyal to Odysseus Phaethusa and Lampetia-cowherds of Helio's Island -Odysseus' mother