Statius; with an English Translation by J.H. Mozley
THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY EDITED BY T. E. PAGE, LiTT.D. E. CAPPS, PH.D., LL.D. W. H. D. ROUSE, litt.d. STATIUS II ^cfi STATIUS f WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY J. H. MOZLEY, M.A. SOMETIME SCHOLAR OF KING S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE USCTDEER IN CLASSICS AT EAST LONDON COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON IN TWO VOLUMES J.^ II THEBAID V-XII • ACHILLEID LONDON : WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD NEW YORK: G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS MCMXXVIII ; Printed in Great Britain CONTENTS OF VOLUME II THEBAID BOOKS V-XII VOL. 11 THEBAIDOS LIBER V Pulsa sitis fluvio, populataque gurgitis altum^ agmina linquebant ripas amnemque minorem ; acrior et campum sonipes rapit et pedes arva implet ovans, rediere viris animique minaeque votaque, sanguineis mixtum ceu fontibus ignem 5 hausissent belli magnasque in proelia mentes. dispositi in turmas rursus legemque severi ordinis, ut cuique ante locus ductorque, monentur instaurare vias. tellus iam pulvere primo crescit, et armorum transmittunt fulgura silvae. 10 qualia trans pontum Phariis depvensa serenis rauca Paraetonio deeedunt agmina Nilo, quo^ fera cogit hiemps : illae clangore fugaei, umbra fretis arvisque, volant, sonat avius aether, iam Borean imbresque pati, iam nare solutis 15 amnibus et nudo iuvat aestivare sub Haemo. Hie rursus simili procerum vallante corona dux Talaionides, antiqua ut forte sub orno ^ altum P : alvum w (Z) mith alveum written over). ^ quo Vollmer : cum Pa,-. " i.e., cranes, cf. Virg. Aen. x. 264.. * The epithet is taken from a town named Paraetonium, on the Libyan coast west of the Delta. 2 THEBAID BOOK V Their thirst was quenched by the river, and the army haWng ravaged the water's depths was lea\"ing the banks and the diminished stream ; more briskly now the galloping steed scours the plain, and the infantrj' swarm exultant over the fields, inspired once more by courage and hope and warlike temper, as though from the blood-stained springs they had drunk the fire of battle and high resolution for the fray.
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