FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SCIENTISTS T: 202/546-3300 1725 DeSales Street, NW 6th Floor Washington, DC 20036 www.fas.org F: 202/675-1010
[email protected] PRM-70-9 DOCKETED Board of Sponsors (75FR80730) USNRC (PartialList) March 4, 2011 March 7, 2011 (10:30 am) •Pacr Agre * SidnheyAman * Philip W. Anderson *Kenneth J. Arrow To: Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OFFICE OF SECRETARY * David Baltimore RULEMAKINGS AND * Bamj Be.....ea Washington, DC 20555-0001 SPaulBerg ADJUDICATIONS STAFF * J. Michael Bishop AT-TN: Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff * Guther Blobel * Nicolaas Bloensbergen * Paul Boyce Ann Pitts Carter Subject: Comment on Docket ID NRC-2010-0372, "Petition for Rulemaking, * Stanley Cohen * Leon N. Cooper Francis Slakey on Behalf of the American Physical Society" * E. J. Corey 'James Cronin * Johann Deismehofer ArmDruyan *RenatoDulbeomo As Board Members of the Federation of American Scientists, an independent, Paul L Ehrlich George Field nonpartisan think tank, we strongly support the petition submitted by the Vat L. Fitch * JeromeI. Friedman American Physical Society that requests proliferation risk assessments become a * Riccardo Giacoani * Walter Gilbert required part of the NRC licensing process. * Alfed G. Gilman " Donald Glaser * Sheldon L. Glashow Marvin L. Goidhergr * Joseph L. Goldstein Emerging nuclear fuel technologies such as laser enrichment of uranium can pose Roger C. L. Gaillemin * L[land H. Hartwell significant proliferation risks due to difficulties in detecting facilities using these * Herbert A. Hauptman " Dudley RKHIaechach technologies. If such technologies are developed without a clear, objective, and * Roald Hoff-aan John P. Hoidren detailed assessment, they can dangerously undermine U.S. nuclear * -l Robert Horvitz * David H.