Congressional Record—Senate S6593

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Congressional Record—Senate S6593 July 13, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S6593 E. J. Corey, Harvard University, 1990 Nobel The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- AMENDMENT NO. 3753 Prize in chemistry. ator from Mississippi. Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Mr. President, I James W. Cronin, University of Chicago, Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, the am pleased that the Senate has taken 1980 Nobel Prize in physics. an important step toward protecting Renato Dulbecco, The Salk Institute, 1975 Durbin amendment is unnecessary. It Nobel Prize in medicine. purports to direct the manner and de- the lives and property of all Americans Edmond H. Fischer, Univ. of Washington, tails of a missile testing program that with the passage of the Firefighter In- 1992 Nobel Prize in medicine. the Secretary of Defense is committed vestment and Response Enhancement Val L. Fitch, Princeton University, 1980 to conduct already. Act. I am proud today to join with Sen- Nobel Prize in physics. This amendment is an unprecedented ators DODD and DEWINE as a cosponsor Robert F. Furchgott, Suny Health Science effort by the Senate to micromanage a of this legislation. I wish to thank Sen- Ctr., 1998 Nobel Prize in medicine. ator DODD and Senator DEWINE for the Murray Gell-Mann, Santa Fe Institute, weapons system testing program. In no 1969 Nobel Prize in physics. other program has the Senate tried to leadership and effort they have shown Ivar Giaever, Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti- legislate in this way to dictate to DOD on behalf of the men and women serv- tute, 1973 Nobel Prize in physics. how a classified national security test- ing as firefighters across the nation. I Walter Gilbert, Biological Laboratories, ing program should be conducted. would also like to commend the many Cambridge, Mass., 1980 Nobel Prize in chem- The directions to DOD in this amend- other Senators who already have istry. ment are vague. They would inevitably signed on as cosponsors of this impor- Sheldon L. Glashow, Boston University tant legislation. 1999 Nobel Prize in physics. lead to confusion and unnecessary Roger C. L. Guillemin, The Salk Institute, delays in the development of this com- The Firefighter Investment and Re- 1977 Nobel Prize in medicine. plex, but very important, capability to sponse Enhancement Act seeks to ad- Herbert A. Hauptman, The Medical Foun- defend our Nation against a serious dress the enormous amount of fiscal dation of Buffalo, 1985 Nobel Prize in chem- threat. I urge the Senate to reject this need faced by our nation's fire depart- istry. amendment. ments, both paid and volunteer, and Dudley R. Herschbach, Harvard University, I move to table the amendment and does so with an eye to the human costs 1986 Nobel Prize in chemistry. incurred by both firefighters and the Roald Hoffman, Cornell University, 1981 ask for the yeas and nays. Nobel Prize in chemistry. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a general public these brave men and David H. Hubel, Harvard University, 1981 sufficient second? women protect every day. Every year, Nobel Prize in medicine. There appears to be a sufficient sec- more than 4,000 people are killed and Jerome Karle, Naval Research Laboratory, ond. 24,000 are injured by fire in the United 1985 Nobel Prize in chemistry. The question is on agreeing to the States. Sadly, about 660 of those killed Arthur Kornberg, Stanford University, 1959 motion. The clerk will call the roll. each year are children. One hundred of Nobel Prize in medicine. Edwin G. Krebs, University of Washington, The legislative clerk called the roll. the individuals who lose their lives to 1992 Nobel Prize in medicine. The result was announcedÐyeas 52, fire each year are firefighters, the very Leon M. Lederman, Illinois Institute of nays 48, as follows: men and women who are fighting to Technology, 1988 Nobel Prize in physics. [Rollcall Vote No. 178 Leg.] protect others. Many of these deaths Edward B. Lewis, Caltech, 1995 Nobel Prize YEASÐ52 and injuries could be avoided by simply in medicine. using the technology and equipment Rudolph A. Marcus, Caltech, 1992 Nobel Abraham Frist Murkowski Allard Gorton Nickles that while currently available, is often Prize in chemistry. Ashcroft Gramm Roberts Franco Modigliani, MIT, Sloan School, 1985 so expensive that fire departments are Bennett Grams Roth unable to purchase it. Similarly, many Nobel Prize in economics. Bond Grassley Santorum Mario Molina, MIT, 1995 Nobel Prize in Brownback Gregg Sessions of the deaths and injuries could be chemistry. Bunning Hagel Shelby avoided with increased efforts at fire Marshall Nirenberg, NIH, 1968 Nobel Prize Burns Hatch Smith (NH) prevention and training. Fire depart- in medicine. Campbell Helms Smith (OR) Chafee, L. Hutchinson Specter ments in many of our towns and cities Douglas D. Osheroff, Stanford University, spend the bulk of their entire budgets 1996 Nobel Prize in physics. Cochran Hutchison Stevens Coverdell Inhofe Thomas Arno A. Penzias, Bell Labs, 1978 Nobel on administrative costs and compli- Craig Kyl Thompson ance with existing safety regulations, Prize in physics. Crapo Lott Thurmond Martin L. Perl, Stanford University, 1995 DeWine Lugar Voinovich and can simply not afford the available Nobel Prize in physics. Domenici Mack Warner safety equipment and training. As a Norman F. Ramsey, Harvard University, Enzi McCain consequence, far too many volunteer 1989 Nobel Prize in physics. Fitzgerald McConnell firefighters and EMTs are forced to pay Burton Richter, Stanford University, 1976 NAYSÐ48 for their own training because their de- Nobel Prize in physics. Richard J. Roberts, New England Biolabs, Akaka Edwards Levin partments simply do not have enough Baucus Feingold Lieberman 1993 Nobel Prize in medicine. money to have them trained. Bayh Feinstein Lincoln West Virginia fire departments share Herbert A. Simon, Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Biden Graham Mikulski 1978 Nobel Prize in economics. Bingaman Harkin Moynihan in this enormous need for additional Richard R. Smalley, Rice University, 1996 Boxer Hollings Murray funding. There are about 16,000 fire- Nobel Prize in chemistry. Breaux Inouye Reed fighters in West Virginia serving in 437 Jack Steinberger, CERN, 1988 Nobel Prize Bryan Jeffords Reid fire departments. Virtually every one in physics. Byrd Johnson Robb James Tobin, Yale University, 1981 Nobel Cleland Kennedy Rockefeller of those departments are underfunded. Collins Kerrey Sarbanes Prize in economics. West Virginians were forced to cope Conrad Kerry Schumer with almost $73 million of property Daniel C. Tsui, Princeton University, 1998 Daschle Kohl Snowe Nobel Prize in physics. Dodd Landrieu Torricelli damage due to fires in 1999. More im- Steven Weinberg, University of Texas, Aus- Dorgan Lautenberg Wellstone portantly, 45 civilians were killed and tin, 1979 Nobel Prize in physics. Durbin Leahy Wyden two firefighters were killed in the line Robert W. Wilson, Harvard-Smithsonian, The motion was agreed to. of duty. Much of the loss of life and Ctr. for Astrophysics, 1978 Nobel Prize in Mr. COCHRAN. I move to reconsider property, and many of these injuries physics. Chen Ning Yang, Suny, Stony Brook, 1957 the vote. could have been avoided if fire depart- Nobel Prize in physics. Mr. WARNER. I move to lay that mo- ments had the funds to deal with emer- Owen Chamberlain*, University of Cali- tion on the table. gencies as effectively as possible and to fornia, Berkeley, 1959 Nobel Prize in physics. The motion to lay on the table was establish prevention programs. Johann Diesenhofer*, University of Texas agreed to. Over the past few months, my state Southwestern Medical Center, 1988 Nobel The PRESIDING OFFICER. S. 2549 is has grieved the tragic loss of two fire- Prize in chemistry. now considered read a third time. fighters whose deaths may well have Willis E. Lamb, Jr.*, Stanford University, 1955 Nobel Prize in physics. The Senate will now proceed to H.R. been prevented if their departments *These laureates signed the letter within 4205. The text of S. 2549 is substituted had access to grants available under S. hours after the letter was delivered to the therefore, and the bill is considered 1941. Angelo ``Wayne'' Shrader, a fire- White House. read a third time. fighter with the East River Volunteer VerDate 11-MAY-2000 04:20 Jul 14, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.012 pfrm01 PsN: S13PT1 S6594 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE July 13, 2000 Fire Department, in Princeton, WV, of-the-art equipment, and the imple- is a small amount but an amount that who also worked as a Communicator mentation of fire prevention programs. can help reduce the Russian nuclear with the Mercer County ``911'' service, The Firefighter Investment and Re- weapons complex. died as a result of injuries incurred sponse Enhancement Act provides a This amendment directs the U.S. fighting a fire as part of an under- portion of this much-needed relief. The DOE and MinAtom, to enter into an staffed local fire department. Simi- legislation authorizes $1 billion to be agreement to establish a plan, with larly, Fire Lieutenant Robbie Brannon, distributed by FEMA to fire depart- milestones, to consolidate the Russian of the City of Bluefield Fire Depart- ments across the nation on a competi- nuclear weapons complex. In addition, ment, died as the result of injuries, in- tive basis. No more than ten percent of MinAtom must agree, in writing, to cluding a heart attack, he suffered this money is to be used for adminis- close some of its nuclear weapons fa- fighting a residential fire with a crew trative costs. This assures that the cilities, before the additional $12.5 mil- short two firefighters because of budg- money is really getting to the fire de- lion can be spent. et constraints. I humbly join with col- partments that so desperately need We have a unique opportunity to fur- leagues on both sides of the aisle today help.
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