A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of PhD at the University of Warwick Permanent WRAP URL: http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/102820/ Copyright and reuse: This thesis is made available online and is protected by original copyright. Please scroll down to view the document itself. Please refer to the repository record for this item for information to help you to cite it. Our policy information is available from the repository home page. For more information, please contact the WRAP Team at:
[email protected] warwick.ac.uk/lib-publications THE CARIBBEAN IN TRANSLATION: REMAPPING THRESHOLDS OF DISLOCATION Laëtitia Saint - Loubert Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of PhD University of Warwick Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies November 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: Genette’s thresholds at a crossroads 1 1. Relocating Caribbean thresholds in translation 12 1.1. Liminality in translation: bordering on criminality? 12 1.2. Caribbean thresholds: enclaves of cultural resistance 20 1.3. The Caribbean in translation: walking da tide - rope of in - betweenness 29 2. Authenticating the Caribbean: thresholds of (re)appropriations and (dis)locations 39 2.1. Pre/postfacing or the art of endorsing Caribbean literature in translation 39 2.1.1. (Re)creating pan - Caribbean filiations 42 2.1.2. Labours of love on the limens of ‘tra nsformance’ 46 2.2. Thresholds of opaque revelations 54 2.2.1. Caribbean authenticity or the ‘unsheathing of the tongue’ 56 2.2.2. New rites/rights of passage for Caribbean untranslatabilities 61 3. The trial of the border: from inhospitable thresholds to liminal reciprocities 67 3.1.