Portland Daily Press: January 16,1869
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. Established June 23,1862, Vol. 8. Terms $8.00 per annum, in advance. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS is published REMOVALS. SCHOOLS. BISAIi ESTATE. MISCELLANEOUS. INSURANCE. assumed by the females and seems to everv ‘lay, (Rumlay excited.) ai No. 1 Printers' have Portland. been “woman's rights.” the Exchange, Exchange Street, Good One and Half House DAILY PRESS. True, squaws do N. A. FOSTER. PROPRIETOR. Story Coe’s all the work rEMOVA LI Portland Academy ! Cough Balsam! except hunting and figbiing, Terms:—Eight Dollars a year in advance, FOB SALE I Kew PORTLAND. and No. 4 FreeMl. England this goh.en grain has alwa\s beei 4 certs. The subscriber having removed from his old stand Blwck, high y jy Single copies A Modern built, one and ball story house, esteemed and sometimes Portland For Ladies and eight well finished rooms; worshipped by tLe the ttiding Acmdt-my, Gentlemen ! j'l containing good doe's THE MAINE STATE PRESS, is published at ULcentral location. Plenty hard and soft water. Cough Balsam I Mutual Insurance Indians. » —TO TILE— m f$L Co., Saturday 16, 1869. same place every Thursday morning at $2.10 y®ftr» given all branches. Private to W. H. JKRR1S, Real Estate Agent, Morning, January in Ancient and on Apply informs us that it paid m advance $2.00 a year. INSTRUCTIONclasses Modern Languages, jau 14-dlwteodtt BOSTON. History the first com crop City Motel Stables l reasonable terms. of In Coe’s Woman raised in this Rates of Advertising.—One inch space, Evening Session open from 7 to 9 in which par- Cough Balsam! MuOragc. country by European colonists Wild be or Rent l Purelg Mutxial. Chartered 1835. ot constitutes a happy to meet an 1 wait upon his old flrionds ticular attention is to Houses for Sale was on the hanks ol length column, “square* given Arithmetic, Book-keep- OTHER OBJECTIONS DISPOSED planted the James daily first week. 7* “““P?1 aud the public at his new place (as above; ing and Writing, OF. river, *1.50 per square 'c0utmu' E three story brick House on State st, (near in two week three or For further address But women are to in Virginia, 1606, hundred and after, inseriious, particulars in tor a Coe’s Cough Balsam ! Capital, $5,300,000. inferior men, the female sixty first week, 50 cente. P. ONCongress) good repair, genteel family. ng every other day after Cor. and Green Streets, J. LABRaBEE, A. B., Principal, a In 1621 Ibe first or 75 cents, one Congress Also two story house at Ferry Village, (C. E.) All Policies inferior to the male. It years ago. field of corn was Halt square, three insertions less, jalleodti P. O. Box 933. Non-Forfeiting !| being always is the week alter. pleasantly situated, with good drainage lor sink,eel- 5U cents pe Where will find an assortment ot new and A man in New civilized week, *1.00; they lar and surface water. Immediate given. SURE REMEDY FOR Cnsh Dividends Pnid Annually. that wears a beard, the lion that carries planted England by man per square beautiful all sires, that “can’t be beat.” possesion Un!le'heidot“A»osKMENT8,”|2.00 Teams, EATON to H. A. JONES, «• and he was the three in-erirnis or less, *1.50. Also will attention to bait* Apply a the male bird that and wears taught by Indians bow to do per week; pay special boarding, or 1 Galt Block. mane, sings * 1.25 per square tor the first jal2tf 40 State St OfJIce 166 Fore Portland. >t. Special Noticks, ing, &c., as heretofore. St., a Ac. Ac. Ac. We are indebted to these sons of the for- and 25 cents per Bquare lor each subse- Colds, [Coughs, Croup, Influenza, magnificent plumage, insertion, t3T~ttemember tbe place and call at Family & Day School, est tuenl insertion, Sale. Partly true and false. “Wherefore for so much at least inserted in the “Maine STATE Maine. Valuable House Lot for John partly Advertisements J. W. ROBINSON'S. Norridgewock, Whooping W, Munger & Son, Agents This in North Press” (which ha? a large circulation in every part Cough, Oct 21-eod3m send me a beard.ess boy ?” said the Dey of plant flourishes America, ja2dtt (Established 1856.) on the comer of Henry and Deering of the Slate) tor $1.00 per square lor first insertion | AMD a Prin- Sts., 50x100 feet. of WILL RELIEVE to an who demand- throughout range from North to South of aud 50 cents per square lor each subsequent inser are received into the family of the SITUATED Enquire Algiers English Admiral, ot a jal2tl R. W. No 1 Galt Block. remqval! PUPILScipals where they eiyoy the privileges pleas- GAGE, ASBURY ed redress. “If it had been supposed that forty degrees, and of twenty-three degrees in ry Address all communications to “Publishers qf ant home. FOR Consumptive Cough I the United States They have the special attention of the teachers who SALE. wisdom was in the beard,” said the aone. Mr. Walker says the Press." of the Fire Admiral, JOSEPH W. AKERS Agency following Insurance Com- at all times gives them the aid and direction necessary new first-class Brick Houses on Deering the northern limit of is removed to the New For years it has been a household medicine—and ‘His would have sent a he- its growth is an isother- THEpanies Banking Room ol te a rapid advancement in their studies, and exer- TWOPlace. Majesty you Ta Traveling Agent for tbe Press, Daily andWeekly, the Maine Savings Bank, on the mothers anxious for th« safety ot their ” mal line of cise such care and guardianship as they need. Apnlv to GEORGE M. HARDING, Architect, children,and Life Insurance goat. The that the sixty-five degrees above zero for anti is authorized to appoint local Agents, receive all who suffer trom any disease ot the throat, chest queen-bee, governs For particulars address \ dc28dtf Boyd Block. Comp’y two and a ul s ription^ sn«l to fettle bills. Corner of Middle and Plum and lungs, cannot afford to be without it. In addi- whole half months in each > ear: Sts., BROTHERS. commouwealtb, and has thousands of EATON tion to the ordinary four ounce so in the mar- long OFFICE 301 BROADWAY, “In fofcwing such a line Under the St. Julian April 4-eodtf Farm for Sale. we now furnish our husbands, is said to be female. It is the female westward across Hotel, ket, mammoth family size bat- the or which In continent, we start on the ttUfc»JL"*£M CAROS* In part whole, in Falmouth, on tles, will, common with the other size, be with bi.ds of she forty sixth prey, being the larger and ol the line of the Grand Trank Road, tound at all I>rug Stores. New-York, parallel latitude in New Brunswick and Manufacturers the farm known as the Chet and Insurance Comp’y, Dissolution ! ery stronger firmer, that rules the roost; it is thence passing on, we descend to tl e Farm. Said Farm contains about fotty- heretofore under the :lie mare that is most filth in and to the In 11. 14. Of MASS. copartnership existing acres ol land well divided in For CAPITAL.$150,000. valued among, the Maine, (orty-'ourth New WILEY, BOSTON, name _Weighty Croup, THEtirm ot wood, pasture and tillage. House contains eight Hampshire, but suddenly rise to ih» LEMUEL BANGS, President. Arabs, who are capital judges of toity- rooms, with out-buildings. The Balsam will be found horse-flesh; serentb near Small. Davis & Pomeroy, invaluable, and may al- GEO. ELLIOTT Vice Pres, and Sec. and Quebec. Descending again In For particulars enquire of DAVID CHENERY, be relied in the most Flora Temple, and and Real Estate and Loan Is by mutual consent this dissolved. ways upon extreme cases. EMORY Lady Suffolk, New York and Canada West to the Agent, Insurance day near the Farm, or S, CHENERY, No 11 Exchange M’CLINTOCK, Actuary bther forty-* Royal Co.) The afta.rs of the late tirm will be adjusted tbo celebrated were all Eliza- and still farther as we 148 by St, Portland, Me. noSMlw&eod3w*tl racers, sites] sixth, od, encounter lVaMhinglon Street, new tirm of claims to offer unusual the Of Asbary advantages beth of England, Maria cooling influences ol the lakes, to the liirerpo.l, England First Class Houses lor Sale. THEthe pubdc in taking policies. Teresa, Boadicea, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. & JFhoojting lorty-filtb we continue on that al- Small, Thompson Pomeroy, two brick houses with French roofs, just Cough, Commencing business only in April last, it has and ever so many more parallel will earthly monarehs, most to All business connected with Real Estate care- Who continue the Wholesele Fanoy Goods Busi- erected on near State. been received with so much favor that its assurances Minnesota. On reaching the vicinity jy THE Congress Street, They HThe testimony of all who have used it tor this ter- :onquerors, rulers and fuby attended to. and Leather Ins. ness at the old stand. 145 Middle st. are first class in being for the first six mon'hs amounted to over $1,000,000 statesmen, have al- ol Lake we ascend to the fiftieth Hyde Cq.> every particular, plumbed rible disease during the last ten years, is, that it in- Winnipeg Special a- tention given to flie investmentol money Portland, Jan 13, 1868. lw lor hot and cold water. The and areraxndly increasing day by lor tliorouAily bathing variably relieves and curesit. day. ways passed women, Ac.