rival of the train from and there were many persons waiting about the | DEWEY GDYERYDR platform, while several hacks were stand- GENERAL. :; ing about outside. Castner made out the 5.—The following forms of the two men | Boston, May telegram received by 3 3 through tho rain and mist and fired two shots in the air to F. -ff of Boston from a friend in Viles Singapore, wns read 3 3 call attention to them. H. M. Castner | the of t at the os the Electric club proprietor the house, heard the banquet tonights ;; shouts and the shots. He threw up the May 5, 1898.—Reliable window of his room and information re- 33 shouted for some of one to stop thieves, but by this timo the ceived here of the news Dewey’s at men victory Manita and 3 3 were out of sight around tho corner duties of Union station, ran he is now executing the of having right past Governor General 3! two or three people and taken tho track (“Singapore,♦ there.” ♦ towards Turner’s islaud. ♦ A Believes That He is Master Masked Bobbers Terrorize The hotel office was by this time in an Department the Occu- uproar. Men were emerging from all manner of hiding places about the room and all were shouting advice to one an- other and to one re- every in general. Th# bright young men, for the regulation guests of the Situation. NO AMMUNITION. pants of the Hotel Office. from tho upper stories came down quires them to be under thirty. Among stairs as soon as they could get down, but the most of them are,former students at West Point, London, May 5.—The Paris correspond- them had to walk. Eddie Husband Had to Undress and Anderson's had failed newspaper men and ent of the courage him and others with political Daily Mall s: “I hear on near Dress Wife Like a say being the roof, ho determined to stay Baby. influence back of them. there out of the indisputable authority that fivo of the way of the robbers. Doctors’ Medicines Drove The Navy Department will ship 200,000 v\omen in all degrees of dishabille, men Spanish in Her Almost pounds of powder to Commodore Dewey warships, including the battle- dressing gowns and slippers, Crazy. waitresses, porters, cooks and from to add to tho stock he This ship Pelayo and the fine cruiser Alfonso people Little Doubt But Has now has left. Men out on tho street filled the all First Sampson XIII. Travelling Commanded to office, talk- Application CUTICURA will be made up of about 60,000 pounds of have not yet been with at once and very much excited. supplied in£Officers Gives the used for inch Keating and Wakefield who Perfect Ease in Five grades big eight guns, ammunition. This was Sailed For Porto Rico. the cause of the Elevate waiting at the station for the arrival 6.00D pounds for the six inch Their Hands of and a guns, 50,000 in the Boston over Minutes, Night’s delay sailing of the Cape Verde fleet train ran to the hotel for the-five inch and lesser as soon as the shots Sound pounds guns and were fired and as soon Sleep. will It to return to as amounts for other classes of guns. This, probably compel they learned of the cau*

V i NEW MUSiC costumes for this NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. new advertisements. AND DRAMA produce satisfactory NEW APVERT18KMENTB. j __NEW AltV'ERTrSEXENTS. artist of repertoire. For his productions JOSEPH HAWORTH. this season Mr. Payton has purchased en- It was in 1865, if we are not greatlj tirely new scenery and properties. Mr. listaken, that Mr. Joseph Haworth was Payton and his superb oompany will be a week’s e it at the ist seen in this city in a Shakesperiar gin engngen Jefferson •ole. “Hamlet” was the tragedy it tfeatre, on Monday with matinees daily, which he appeared, and his scholarly anc commencing Tuesday. Ssat3 now on tale. THREE DAYS’ Matinee SALE finished Interpretation of the role of the prices 10 cents, reserved prince created an impression tha1 seats, 20; evening prices, 10, 20 and 30 audienct cents. J)anish3 still yivid in the minis of the -OF A--- t>f that date. HOYT’S A BUNCH OF KEYS. Last Mr. Haworth essayed evening Polished up to date since its first pro- one of the strongest of al Macbeth,” duction in this city, “A Bunoh of Keys” %he characters. His per Shakesperian has been made one of the strongest and the Scottish thane was a real donation of most popular comedies presented. The Few Seasonable in our : brilliant performance. His figure ii Several ly music is light and lively, the songs origi Bargains Departments. SILK PETTICOATS. for the part. His gesture; well adapted ! nal, the fun continuous and contagious, and graceful. His delivery o fire easy and dances characteristic and enjoyable. TO All the lines is clear and distinct and de BEGINT WITH, tint our prettiest and newest shades, handsomely ;Jthe The funny hotel scene is familiar to all made, with the intelligence that mark 1 new with ruffles Slivered laughter lovers as one of the drollest ever style and flounces. careful Shakesperiai) student. H the c mcelved, and in the entire performance the kingly character by hi 5 emphasized there is not one dull or prosy feature. dignity and soldierly bearing. Hi $6.75 to The company presenting ‘‘A Bunoh of $18.00. eoliloquy iu the first act was deliverei Keys” is entirely new, and is headed by force that was r MEN’S With most DEPARTMENT quiet ncceptabl; Miss Ada Bothner, as Teddy. ‘‘A Three sreat values. by the audience. The nrarde c feoeived Bunch of Keys” will be seen at Portland Beene with Miss Macbetl I Galland—Lady Theatre tonight, tomorrow night and Sa- Silk —was effective. In the II Petticoais—special value—in very banque turday matinee. are to be found a of Suits for business or in for scene, with the ghost of Ranquo, th large variety Dress Wear, ranging price $4.98, handsome changeable- rustling taffeta, with SOUSA’S BAND. Be tor rose to a of excellence 7.48 high pitch 5.98. 6.98, and 8.48. Spanish flounce and six rows of corduroy. He displayed virility and dramatic fore 3 On May 19, Sousa will produoe in City Overcoats worth from to 10.00 and new sales to a high degree, and his oratory wa i Hall, on a grand soale, an international $8,00 each, light dark shades, goods, price, well in keeping with the strength of th 3 spectacle, “The Trooping of the Colors,” $5.98 in succession and action. In the other noted scones he wa which brings together Silk Pelticoats. Full umbreila style, tot so effective, but his all round per ■ splendid ensemble troops bearing the | of changeable taffeta, corded flounce and dust tormanee of the character was not onl; flags of the great powers, America, j exceedingly promising, but far ahead o Great Britain, Franoe and Germany. of late With the appearance of each nation is AND fchakesperian performances years BOYS’ CHILDREN’S DEPARTMENT. Mr. Haworth drew marked applause ii given the proper national anthem by a Silk Petticoats. Our "leader." a the leading scenes and, with Miss Gal chorus of hundreds of voices flanked by j several times. the Sousa Band of 60 instruments, the skirt we claim is land, was recalled 100 made in the latest and unequalled anywhere (or Miss Galland was seen in Portland ii whole directed by John Philip Sousa Boys’ Suits, up styles fabrics, that are worth from $2.50 to 3.50 each, quality and price, being made of pure dye. ft J ft December, 1896, when she appeared in himself. sizes 8 to 15 sales years years, price, $1.98 Taffeta in plain and changeab e effect, full group of scenes from Romeo and Juliet O’HOOLIGAN’S WEDDING. OIUbUUb The Rivals and other plays 50 sizes 4 years to 13 years, worth now $ 1.48 umbrella with corded flounce and Macbeth, This farce comedy will be the attrac- Boys’ Suits, $2.50, style dust She Is in the twenties, apparently, ii tion at Portland Theatre next Monday Boys’ Shirt Waists and Blouses in endless variety of sizes 4 to 12 sale ruffle- of age, of considerable persona patterns, years years, price, point and Tuesday evenings. The show is d> .0 ueauty, ana sue r. oeiveu mucu u; uer iu 21 c to 45c scribed as a continuous laugh, and in the struct)on from Mr. Edgar, the notei cast are a number of well known and who supported her on the oc tragedian, popular comedians and comediennes. oaeion. Miss Qalland has a good conrep Ladies’ Belts Ladies’ Handkerchiefs. The sale of seats will open this morning tion of but her Lady Macbeth, perform at popular prioes. Of all stales, all co lors and Wc have on sale this anoe Is very uneven. Her voioe at time; FURNISHING GOODS. placed all Js strong and effective, and at other; CITY GOVERNMENT. prices. Leather Belts in all week another lot of those ladies’ ohildish. Macbeth is almost Lady shades to go with the new dress linen and lawn handkerchiefs—of character that requires a Charlotte Cash Order Passed to Discontinue the Old Res- goods. Oxidized, gi'.t and sil- which we sold so Easter man, or a Rlstori, to properly present ervoir on Exchange Street- 100 dozen Fancy Shirts with all new goods, at 45c each many Cuffs, vered But Miss Qalland has made a good be belts. Belts with gilt, week—nicely put up in prettily ginDlng despite her crudities, and espeol 50 dozen Fancy Shirts, Neglige, 45c each Owing to the caving in of the old reser- nickle, oxidized and lined in a ally in the murder soene, and the famoui jeweled boxes—one box at the soene, much com voir on Exchange street, and the narrow 100 dozen Half Hose, guaranteed stainless (see 2 for 25c sleep-walking gained black, window), pair buckles—also fancy jeweled gir- extremely low price of 2’dc each. mendation. The other characters wen > esoape of Mr. King from drowning and the was wel 25 dozen Fireman and Postman dles in black, fairly taken, tragedy Wednesday afternoon, a special meeting Police, Suspenders, (very strong), 19c each oxidized, enameled, There are a number of styles costumea according to the period, wel J of the Council was held silver and mounted and the original musio given City yesterday gilt. in the lot, every one new and de- Tms was the cast: morning to take aotion on the mattei Buckles, jeweled and plain sirable, Macbeth, Mr. Joseph Hawortl i of discontinuing and Ailing the old reser- silver Duncan, (King of Scotland,) voirs. and oxidized. Joseph Lonne; In the Board of and Aldermen and Purse and Malcolm, Robert Elliot Mayor Bag tops, plain Donalbain, (his son), William Wilsoi I Mayor Randall presided. A bsent, Aider- HAT DEPARTMENT jeweled. 28c each. Banquo, Wadsworth Harri 3 men Mannix and Smith. Lester 1 Macauff, Lonorgai This order bad a passage: Lenox, H. Qitt.us Lonsdal with all the reservoir near the is complete the latest and to be found in a first class store. Bosse, George Sylvesta: ? Ordered—That styles shapes corner of and Middle ton, J. W. Dea 1 Exchange streets, bey be is dis- Sargeant, S. C Halpi on Exchange street, and hereby ■ chief of the Messenger, Harry Wooi continued, and the engineer Are is directed to cause the Porter, John Ellsle P department same be Ailed the of Fleance, Miss Ann Kingse; to up and expense the same when Anished to be to First Witch, Miss Anna Dal, charged EASTMAN BROS. & BANCROFT. for Second Witch, Miss Grace Fishe the appropriation contingent, Thrid Witch, Miss Alice Perkin; This order also had a passage: Gentlewoman, Miss Rose Butterwortl | Ordered—That the Chief Engineer of Lady Macbeth, Miss Bertha Gallant '■ the Fire Department be instructed to Apparitions, Courtiers, Murders, eto make a careful examination of all the IRA F. CLARK & reservoirs of the whicn were former- CORSE PAYTON. city ly used to supply the city with water for CO., Corse Payton has been deservedly titlei l extinguishment of Ares, and to report as 1 to the of the ONE SPOT CASH ‘‘The King of American Repertoire.’ advisability repairing same, PRICE, CLOTHIERS, FURNISHERS AND HATTERS. RINES : BROTHERS : CO. or whether they should be discontinued Yet he wears his crown with the beoom and Ailed up. of a true artist. It has beei 1 ing modesty In the Common Council these members his aim to have the best com repertoire absent: 26 AND 28 MONUMENT were Hudson, Driscoll, Sloman, ^ ME. on the road and he has succeeded t may6d3t SQUARE, PORTLAND, pany Burke, Brown, Waldron, Goudy and Mil- an extent that it is the com truly beyond liken. prehension of those who have not watchei President Gerrish presided, aDd in the BUAKU Uh I rsAUfc- WATER FRONT. THE TEMPORARY HOME. our his from the rear to the front rani k flight absence of the clerk, Mr. was Jsgelyn Coal have takm a and annua] of in the Mr. Payton’s suoces 5 freights jump The meeting the managers of Portland, May 6,1898. profession. elected clerk por tern. The ordej-i Gov. Powers Replies that. He Has No micSSIt] passed men are the most of is due to his 1 shipping making the the Temporary home] for Women and painstaking applicatioi in the Board were tor the Naval upper passed in conour- Money Brigade. war scare. Hard 5§c and his inherent histrionic talent. H pine fneights are also Children will be held at the home, pet* pa§a\ rence. May Haberdashery on the advance. U at 3 m The car 6-udied the small things before he e= p. that leaves the Wc Stave Prior to the passage of the orders given The stated monthly meeting of the The is sell- just received a new S the Now he is steamer St. Croix arrived here from Post office for Stroudwater at 2.20 will THEdepartment things. reap Corset (i»ut is sayed great there was a discussion in of the Board Trade was held made of tine 1 above, regard managers 0f St. John and jccommodate those to attend. It the reward that comes to the fer 1 yesterday sailed again for wishing men’s Union > material, mahieil over ESte 8 lng to the second one in the board of alder- yesterday morning at which there was a is that all interested iu this work ing Boston. hoped best sure to be who battle successfully with udversity will be forms, easy 3 men. good attendance. Replies were read from present. Suits of Underwear and Mr. has The tug Fisoataqua arrived yesterday (shirts perfect tinisjit. and is by Although Payton displayei Merrill to letters sent | Alderman took the position members of Con gress them two far Hie best value ever sliutvn great ability in the parts requiring seri towing loaded with brick and THE MUNICIPAL COURT. and drawers knitted in that these old reservoirs, which are a last week urging them to use their besl ousness and intense his r lumber. emotion, greate menace to the should all efforts with the of the to city be Ailed in secretary navy The in BEFORE JUDGE ROBINSON. one of fine At 58c pc s’ forte is in lively comedy pieces. H 0 big dredge Commercial wharf garment) pais*. at once. He an established qual- explained that there are have adequate patrol at dock is A. sent- more the wand of rapidly cleaning the mud out of Thursday—Catherine Feeney, AsU to see naturally obeys plea* some of them date the 30 in cut tltein al our far- throughout the oity, all the earliest possible along sea- the dock and snced to days the house of oorrec- ity Balbriggan cotton, ure and in his work in this line he i s will soon give even the figured mohair Stress Novelties Sft the coining tails of the [Funeral Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock department also [ »N| , battle, and are hopeful that ] rom parents’ residence. No. 60 > that tircevtra reservoir on Emery street must be'attend- this two British Brackett street' COUnt f r CaSH good values at /UUll yard, port daily—including he was fortunate In this city, May 5. Ellen Gloster. shows now a a Matter of Oat enough to have escaped very Not ward Application. ed to at once, as a private sewer had been vessels yesterday, which informed the f notice of funeral hereafter. large injury. In Cape Elizabeth, May 6. Mrs run into it,and it was becoming a menace British Vioe Consul that their officers had Lucy Bncketr stock of two vite of W. W. Hobbs, aged 69 years, piece Un- a,ew choice patterns in *31X Mrs. Rorer answers, in the 10 ¥ner cent Dis-i*° l)Pr Ladies to the public health. no notice or knowledge of torpedoes being Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. [Funeral this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, from wool Black 1 derwear for men ■ j Dross Novelties, sty- Home an ler late residence, Cape Elizabeth. Burial and Journal, enquirer about gooi sunk in any of the approaching channels at count tor C3Sl) (iisli and durable, sir that RECEPTION TO DR. E. V. Carpenters commenced work yesterday f'ryeburg. yard. complexion, reoiting it can onli LAGER. to Portland harbor until after their ar- In Brunswick, April 28. Harriet K. medium the Foote boys, heavy, and a SON. dividing two corner stores la the Y. 69 come from healthy condition of the en rival, and also of the escape of a steam tged years. M. C. A. now now Ill East Otisfield, Mrs. Diana Watson, aged midsummer tire and that it is not a o A building, oooupied cot. nor 15 so les ofa II wool Black Dress ) system matter reception was given Wednesday night tng with a vessel in tow, which passed 19 years. weights, mIU |ILI t.mC’nt Dis- ( as a reading room, In order that the Ill Kezar I. Mrs. Lizzie Novelties that are really worth' I,el outward application, finishing with tb > to Dr. E. V. Lagerson at the residence through White Head passage a few days Falls, May Fogg, wife ton, lisle ] store on the corner of and H David S. Fogg, aged 64 years. thread, wool cash t *5c per yard at only that food cannot ■ of Congress count for ) statement “your possi Oliver Anderson, 41 Falmouth street. ago. Immediate aotion was urged, and In Hampden, April 22, Sara, widow of Ivory yard. if have High streets may be ready for ocoupancy j ''lost, aged 76 mixed and all bly agree with you you muscula Mr. Emil Anderson made an elaborate it was voted that a committee consisting years. wool, from the 1st of by Murdock, the optician, In Clifton, April 23. Hattie M. Sumner, aged rheumatism and a bad complexion.” speech; Lily Johnson gave a fine decla- of President Secretary Kioh and July 6 3 line of Plain Black Boothby, Ear years months. 50c Complete Mohairs and Sicilians, at 30 that who now is iD the Eye and Infirmary In F. up. It is a known fact many peopl ) mation, and Misses Heald. McCrum, H. Hon. W. W. Merrill address Major Hoxie, Levant, April 23, Henry Stoddard, aged cents, 50 cents, 55 cents, 59 cents, «3 cents, 75 cents, 79 The room will there- > '9 years 11 mouths. cents. fail to the starchy o E Anderson and Clarence the building reading and 1.50 per var.i. Cess H> per cent for Cash. propsrly digest part McCrum fur- U. S. engineer, and collector of the In Baugor. April 23, Silas L. Plant, of Bath, $1.00 fore be closed for a week and the un- , bread and other food. Grape-Nuts (a de nished fine music. Besides floral decora- port, Hon. John W. Deerlng, ged 21 year.-. asking be the asso- in Daniel E. Me are made of th ) rented store will occupied by Richmond, Quecec, May 4, lightful breakfast food) tions, arranged by Mrs. A. Johnson, a them to take immediate action Full line of Sponged Canvas Cloths possible middle of irtue, formerly of Portland. Serges, and la-'est Crenon elation until the September It uneral MOORE & CO. at lowest and till grape sugar which results from preparini ; copy of “Carmina Selecta” was presented to secure some vessel or vessels to Saturday morning at 9 o’clock, from DWEN, Weaves prices, when it is the whole 1 he residence of his Wm. F. the of the cereals, in tb to Mr. who in outside the expected building brother, McBride, starohy parts Lagerson, response made patrol the coast danger line Cumberland St. mass at Cathe- will be finished I7, Requiem same way as the body shouli l an eloquent, The and to all '16 lmmaclllate at 9.30 artiflcally speech. evening passed night day notify approaching > clock Conception do by natural Therefore in a and social manner. from to Our Cash Discount o! processes. (drape pleasant vessels, especially the eastward by DAMON ASSEMBLY, Subject Ten Per Cent, Nots give one food all for inline notices on ready placing printed board of each a servico °f the late Jane Portland Board of There will be speoial meeting of Da- , Mary Gay Fire l;n- diate assimilation into blood and tissue HAWAIIAN vessel of the dangerous thls Ffiday afternoon at 2.30 QUESTION. £ jg passages where No. < vinnv r,Jl a<;0 torpedoes are laid. mon Assembly, l, P. s., tomorrow fl0m ller ate te3ldeQCe> No. 18 Parris They are leady prepared, require no cook 5.—The House treet Washington, May com- The demand for resort books is alreadv at 3.80 p. m Supper will be served at derwrltors. ing whatever and will be found mos mittee on affairs discussed foreign the so great that the managers were of the Hawaiian annexation but 6.30. valuable by Brain worker or In question, took opinion that the committee on A little life members of Athlete, no publication met at may be sacrificed to a sud- this board have voted to definite action adjourning until next had better at The visiting assembles will be , valid. proceed once with printing if don’t rHEclose their offices for bustness on Saturday Thursday. It is claimed that a and ilU'ri^aC^ °,f™r,ouP’ .vou have majority of another edition, similar to that of last the station escorted to the hall where ] Jr. Ihomas it 12 o’clock from May 7 to Oct. 1 inclusive Sold by grocers. of the committee favor the bill. Lclectric Oil ou hand for THUS. J. yeur. they will be entertained. t he emergency. 1.1TTI.E, Secretery. Portland. May 8. isa:. mayfid tw GO.

% CORDITE AND ITS POWER. also has a I MISCELLANEOUS. I MISCEIXANEOUS. BY to a MISCEXXANEOUS. ____ ! Foil SPECIAL — — PUBLISHED ARRANGEMENT. tendency Impart water- .. ■ 1 " SALE. proof nature to cordite. —-- it A colorless liquid prepared from acetate Forty woidi Inserted ot called under thi»"l The So-Called Smokeless Powder Now lime, aoetone, ia used as a sol- Augusta. Me., June 26. 1897. one week tor 2S oenli. cash in advan" WHOSO FINDETH A WIFE. Tent in the manufacture of cordite. The I have used the Eureka Headache (Jure Used in Guns. method of preparing the Is: with good success. One powder never fails to Big explosive me SALE—House 138 Pine Jhe required proportion of give immediate relief. street to" nitro-glyce- an estate, with stable and nneis poured over the E. II. Walkeb, FOR all other * ern In first class renair- i El WILLIAM LE gun-cotton!rtand Ticket Agent, Maine Central K. K improvements; * QUEUX, the two, with the tnnmo ooHafortt/ivv Uni* r.,<. It Is a Smokeless addition of acetone, “Stolen Really Propellant- are knjaded Author of “The Great War in England in 1897,” “Zoeaida, together into a stiff paste. Souls,” “Guilty Bonds,” “A Secret Service,” &c., &c. Stages in Invention from the Black Vaseline is then added and the whole For Sale ail Portland Everett & after fay Druggists. Also Wholesale Druggists, Cook, Perns'!. Powder to This Rxplosive—The Method compound being thoroughly mixed is put into a machine and the cordite ■-'-—-—-— B YWILLIAM LE QUEUX. of Manufacture—Its and SALE—641 Congress street, tobai COPYRIGHTED. 1S97, Constituents pressed out and cut into after lengths, ....mmiiniiniiiiiiiiii.iii.miiiig WANTED. FOB SAFE. FORstock, including fixtures, pool table a High Ballistic whioh it is dried. --—----- cues In -line condition. Stock XXXV. she said in English, in low layering Power. supplied wi Chapter To the artillerist the nature of = xutoid words Inserted popular brands of cigars, pipes and tobacco tone— cordite Don’t Bother Soaking, w»r. a 20 miles out of Forty under this bend is a § TyANTED,T -By larty living one week for 25 Jlent of store reduced on account ot COX FESSIOX'. represented by fraction whose nu- to board. cents e»h in advance. unexpire “To confess to you, Geoffrey, will.cause (New York Sun.) Portland, one or two oliildren Real merator in 5 lease, for particulars apply Estate Office “Her has this moment retur- ah I even to curse me. After Since the gives hundredths of an inch Those between the ages of 2 to years pre- Highness you to hate, advent of the speedy torpedo the diameter of the FREDERICK S. ned from m’sieur,” answered the to die which Miniife I ferred. Address MBS. B„ care this paper. OR SALE—Two new houses on Alim street, VAILL._0-1 driving, today I fear we shall part never again boat and since through A when, accom- rapid-firing guns have the cordite has been its denomi- Deering Centre, seven (7) rooms and bath, ‘second Band big Russian concierge, meet.” pressed, 6-l_ furnace li'iTPEWi;'!TEES—A-feW“goo(l the been on nator the of the heat, hay windows, broad piazzas, large -5- machines for .sale. HElsKY L. I entered the hall of to take placed and cruisers, being length stick in in- or woman CHENeKY, panied by Sonia, “No, no,” I cried, advancing battleships ANTED—Immediately a man gardens, very sunny, near schools and elec- 0.3 an ches. The cordite known as f= Exchange St., Telephone Avenue dea which Tapioca a great house in the Champs her soft hand in mine. “Tell me your explosive that would allow to the offi- 30.12, \ and cook for summer hotel, also first class trics, price only $1750, only $300 down, balance 514-4._G-i and handed him a card. is the size used.for the 6-inch table to as head waiter in a restaurant to suit. A rare chance to a Ellysee, secret. Then let us hear what Sonia has cers and an quick-firing girl go buy suburban resi- SCHOONER FOR SALE—Schooner “Addle” gunners unobstructed view that its tn the for T en. a second servant in the blue and guns, signifies diameter is three- city. Girl private family, wages St dence low. DALTON & CO., 478 1-2 Congress ^ of 11 77-100 tons now at Commer- to reveal.” of an MBS. net, lying conducted enemy under all conditions has tenths of an inch and it is twelve inche s per week. Apply 399 1-2 Congress street, street, opp. Preble. 28-2 cial Wharf. of gold livery of the Romanoffs, “Ah 1 mine is a wretched, horrible story Minnie [ For further particulars inquire the wide solt- been and PALMER’S OFFICE, John M. Freeman. 27 Monument Port- us cermoniously along of my wife standing sought thousands of dollars long. _0-1 {Square, duplicity,” .faltered, It is to use a to try a bottle of land, Me. 5-1 corridor to the well-remembered of “Al- have been necessary fine grain pow- TO LET. carpeted in an attitude deep dejection. expended in the effort to ob- WANTED—EverybodyDr. Ahak’s stomach and blood remedy. A room wherein 1 had taken leave of the der to ignite a charge of it Gelatine a Grand the bearer cordite, being | I am Duchess, tain a j sure cure for Delivered in any X1 OR though dyspepsia. part SALE—New house on Pitt St., Oakdale. in her satisfactory substitute for black secured in such a manner that a flash = No J woman I loved. My companion, of an I can hope for Soaking.. ; of the me a card. C. K. Inserted under this head Contains Imperial name, tube the Require city by sending postal Forty words seven rooms and bath, hot and heat tailor-made travelling gown of dark or from gunpowder. Cordite, the latest from the firing gun will cause 63 street. 6-1 cash in advance. cold neither pity nor mercy from you, explosive, .. Always for use. NEWCOMB, Vesper one week for 25 cents, water, wired for electric lights, connects a different is said to be the the of the A full | Ready 1 with gtay cloth, looked very person the world most explosion charge. charge *“ sewer, has lot. and will be sold on outside.” satisfactory propel- = Our little booklet, over 30 dainty desserts. ; large woman of powder for a 12-inch gun is 295 LADY who is a nurse wishes a sick easy terms. to CHARLES C. to the dirty, unkempt peasant “Whv?” lant of modern times for naval pounds, r FREE by mail. Ask for it ; person O LET—The substantial”brick “residence 198 Apply ADAMS, warfare, while the cordite the to care for in her own or would .No. 31 Portland. who led that band of desperate jail-birds “Because I have deceived you charge having same A home, T” High street, heated by steam, open fire- Exchange St., may5-4 foully and the | Whitman Grocery Co., Orange, Hass. : take a or man or and as around general expert opinion seems to efficiency is only 167 1-2 pounds. blind crippled person, woman; hard wood etc. Also lower rent on the frontier, shegianoed I am a !” rniiiissiiir|llcllll,,llll>,R|i*>aiiiisniiiiasiiiissiiiiiii places, floors, spy be in a the best of care given; location central and sun- and and vessels of all the tine on entering, she obse- that few years as now The wonderful stride made in the sci- 194 High, with separate steam heat, bath SALE—Sailing yachts apartment “A spy 1” 1 amazed. “What do gunpowder ny. Address MBS. 257 Cum- 1p°5 also gasped, ence of since 1840 is SHEEBUBNE, other Kent reasonalde to desir- descriptions; steam pleasure boats, with a slight sigh, that this was not understood will have gunnery shown by berland 30-1 improvements. steau rved, vou mean?” vanished. street, City. able tenants. Keal Estate Office. First passenger ers, and tugs; could dispose of her first visit. the fact that at that period a 68-pound SHERIFFS Apply several good “Bister,; I will tell you,” she answered, The earliest records of SALE. National Bank, FREDERICK S. VAlLI,. (1-1 coasting vessels, from 75 to 300 afternoon was breathless. All established pow- projectile fired with a charge of 18 WESTON The in a hard strained voice, swaying slowly pounds RICE, yacht and of der mills show that there was one of a muzzle of be- MISCELLANEOUS. 2 ship broker. Fire and Paris had left for the plages Arcachon, table for only in powder gave velocity LET—In Deering on line of cars, exeep- Marine insurance,* East forward and clutching at the OF MAINE. rpO Maine. or or tho baths of in this one tween 1,000 and 1,100 feet a while STATE Cumbkland, ss. A well located houses containing 8 Rootlibay. 54 Dieppe, Trouviile, “Three years ago, when my operation 1590, being in Eng- second, lorty words Inserted nndor 1 his head tionally support. a this A. D. and 9 rooms exposure, or Luchon, and the boule- was at the present day 100-pound shell, iired Taken tvventy-first day of April, one week for each, large yard, sunny Royat, Vichy mother, the Grand Duchess Nicholas, land. During the year 1787 the Waltham 36 cents, cash in advance. etc. to desirable "FOR SALE—Good with 14 3-4 of a 1898, on execution dated the day of Price only $10 and $12 each house with stable and vards were given over to unhappy busi- were some pounds cordite, gives eighteenth still alive, we spending Powder Mills were A. D. 3898, issued on a ren- tenants. For particulars Real Estate ■V large lot of land, very cafe and soft-hatted Abbey purchased by muzzle velocity of 2,630 feet a second. April, judgment apply pleasantly situated, ness-men, loungers, months as usual at our wintor villa that dered by the Superior Court for the County of T ILLIAN ABVILLE, Magnetic clairvoyant Office, FREDERICK S. VA1LL.6-1 all modern conveniences, bath, hot and coltf in cheek tweeds. The the English government. Cordite is one of the safest ~ lias gaping tourists faced the Mediterranean at St. Eugene, They are still explosives Cumberland at a term thereof begun and held taken rooms at rear No. 70 Portland water, combination heat. Price right terms of the room were and is not unless it is St. where she can be consulted on busi- LET—You have in for MYRON E. green jalousies closed, close to Algiers and my mother engaged conducted by it. The Faversham known, dangerous on the first Tuesday of March, A. D. 1898. to ^health, fflO good soap exchange easy. MOORE, Deering Center. Mills, can first ness or private matters. 10 1 bone3 and a card or tele- the senses were suffused with a tender an confined. It he held in the hand and wit, on the day of April, A. D. 1898, in family Office hours grease. Drop as valet de obambro Englishman. which up to that date were the a, m. to 12 _4-1 for the had largest in without It burns favor of William G. Morrill, of Windham, in m„ 2 to 5 and 6 to 8 p. m, Test circle phone, PORTLAND RENDERING CO.. Tele- and restful twilight, glare this man I to ad- lighted danger. slowly Soon grew, suppose, the into the said county, against Rufus H. Waite, of Port- Sunday and Tuesday evenings. 5-2 phone 115-2. mayo 4 I?OR SALE—In Gorham village, a modern been to suit the dreamy languor hateful world, passed hands of n and with a bright flame. Although * tempered mire me. He pestered me with laud, in said county, for dollars and two story house of eight rooms, finished of that mansion’s mis- in 1815. comparatively a new it is used sixty-five LOANED—On great world-weary and at last had the audacity private corporation The manu- discovery, twenty cents, debt or and nine dollars furniture, pianos, OR RENT—Store 211 Brackett street, corner in natural wood; five minutes walk from with attentions, in the damage, MONEYhorses, carriages, farm stock. in A|f tress. The open windows admitted his love. As be facture of was extensively every navy throughout and ninety cents cost of fif I goods Dow, with 2 adjoiniDg rooms suitable for church and schools; lot 65x200; must be sold to declare may readily powder continued without suit, together with storage, bicycles, and the faint sound of traffio from the world. It was manufactured first in teen cents more for the and diamonds, merchandise, light housekeeping. An excellent location for by 17th; a bargain. Inquire of S. C. air, I him, execution, will be without on BOLTON, imagined, scornfully rejected much improvement, in the effi- removal, easy repaying basis; a or For full Maine. Avenue. A lad passing somewhere outside and except Great Britain and was in generul use on sold at Public Auction to the highest bidder on drug fancy goods store. particu- Gorham, 3-t treated him with contempt, finding strictly confidential; city or country. ‘’PBI- lars Real Estate F'irst National a bars from the chan- of the and her before other Wednesday, the of A. D. apply Office. whistled few gay that he still continued his ciency grinding mixing ma- battleships adopted by twenty-fifth day May, VATE PAETY,” P. O. Box 1433. 2-1 SALE—Fresh broken crackers. protestations, 1898, at ten o’clock In the fornoon, at the Sher- Bank Building, FREDERICK S. VA1LL. 6-1 Si.ooper Bonette. “Si ieur-z-y f’rait ca,” until about Powers. FORbarrel at our 50 barrels qu’on moetins me when I went for walks along chinery, thirty-five years ago, iff’s office in thb in in factory: only In loti was with City Building Portland, At ON EY TO LOAN on first and second mort- at which Judic singing nightly the sea ioad to or under the for black the rFO LET—House 125 F'ranklin street between buy GOUDY & KENTS, Cor. SlilK and Algiers, the formula powder being salt- said County, following described mortgaged on real life A enormous success at the Summer Alcazar. estate and all the gages estate, insurance poli- Cumberland and Congress. Sun all day. Pearl 3-1 palms and orange-groves in the Jardin SOUTH PORTLAND. real right, title and interest cies and notes or any Sts._ that the th6re still petre 75 parts, charcoal 15 parts, and sul- said good security. Beal Will let to small family.G-tf I noticed upon piano I one in a lit of which the ltnfus H. Waite has In and to the sold Marengo, day, ill-temper, estate bought, and exchanged. 4s 1-2 Ex- uauii—yjii jj.hi, ^ aiux v, id x uumeu stood own while that of 10 the whole a same or had on the eighth of A. my photograph, disclosed to my mother the whole of the phur parts, forming me- day February. change street, I. P. BUTLEB. apr28-l LET—A very nice furnished rent, sunny Jl house, well arranged for summer board- had been a D. 1898, at 9 o’clock and minutes in the TO my betrayer replaced by pic- circun: stances’ The fellow was at once chanical mixture and not a chemical The Mt. Pleasant association thirty and comfortable, consisting of five rooms, ers, large family or two small families, and to Cemetery forenoon, the time when the same was attached ture of iny wife. With my back the ANTED—All in want of with hot and cold water and pantry mid hath large stable, nearly new. on main discharged, but before he left for Europe on the original writ in the same suit, to wit: 1*1 persons trunks good repair, filled with ferns and compound. have purchase from Mr. Tayler the house «* room. $15 per month. at JOHNSON’S location. DA.N- tiled hearth re- lot of and bags to call on E. D. Apply street, good MRS. WILLIAM he wrote me a letter full of bitter ‘•A certain land and the there- BEYNOLDS South and surrounded its wonder- The actual ohemical result of the and lots of land the ceme- buildings 503 street, one door above STORE, street. 6-1 IELS, Paris, greatewers, by and his determination explo- seven adjoining on situated on the southeasterly side of Lincoln Congress Shaw’s Maine,my3-3 proach, expressed as we manufacture ful mantel of Italian m saiu r uruana ana grocery store, our goods sculptured marble, to some wreak sion of a charge of gunpowder cannot be tery on the north side. The consideration street bounded as follows, LET—Large pleasant furnished room, 91 SALE—One combination tandem bicy- day vengeance upon me, and can therefore give bottom rfO Al^OE I waited, while Sonia, fatigued after our to wit: Starting at a point in the line of said prices A Oak street one minute’s walk from Con- cle, as good as and one as well as upon a youDg Englishman told with accuracy. The general idea of is said to be about $1800. Trunks repaired. Open evenings. We frame new, gent’s single and sank into one of street distant sixty-eight feet southwesterly gress street room has three cool in wheel; also one box diamonds, long dusty journey, whom ho suspected that I loved. His sus- Dictures. 11-.1 windows, piano buggy, the silken armchairs, unloosened her coat, what happens is that when the tempera- Martin W. Smart, of Lynn, Mass., is from Mayo street, said point being at the west- summer, warm in winter. 41 silver ware, etc., and all kinds of second-hand picions, however, were entirely unfound- corner of land conveyed by said Waite to OTICE—We will pay the highest cash prices furniture. Room 185 Middle and sniffed at her little silver bottle of ture of the reaches 482 de- his Andrew of erly \ 5, 3-1 ed. I, known at home and igniting agent visiting brother, Smart, Beniamin True by deed recorded in 'the Cum- LY for household goods or store fixtures of T5USINESS store, stable St,_ Scarce a word had she throughout CHANCE—Country FOR SALE—A first well bred smelling-salts. all our the name of the berland of Deeds. Book any or receive the same at our auct- alu* ice rent located In class, family by pet grees Fahrenheit sulphur bursts into Sawyer street. Registry S17, Page 419, description house, very low, HORSE of our drive across the thence ion rooms for sale on at State Maine mare. 6 years old, sound uttered during city a and running soutwesterly on Lincoln commission. (LOSS & village railroad station, small stock owiug to ‘Tchernookaya, or‘Sparkling Eyes, VMjyj Frank Ross has to and kind, dark 1C 1100 from Hare de so full she seemed UUM1V| uuiivfuv.^,--— "l-- gone Massachusetts street feet to a stake, and from Auctioneers, 18 Free St. ia-3 illness. Will be sold at a for very stylish, hands. the Lyon, nickname taken from our Kussian thirty-two these WILSON, bargain. Chance bay, poet one lbs., excellent road or work horse, wiil sell Of unutterable sadness. frees the with which it is wnere lie nas secured worn as a mason. two points extending southeasterly bv said land with small capital. B. B. FULLER, 215 Eermontoff, had met this young heat, oxygen cheap. Gan be seen at my farm. N. P. OLE- several minutes we remained in English- sold to Beniamin True, and holding the width Lisbon street, Lewiston, Me. 4-1 During man when one with the A which was stolen SON, Cumberland. 2-1 the quite casually day passing highly charged, and, combining | part ofjtha property of thirty-two feet, seventy feet,” SUMMER RESORTS. when, without warning long +• HTT'ii rrV* thn It nchflh T ctr». a incnlturl liv> silence, io acid at on JAMES H. LET—Uptown, six flats in the new brick wore oharcoal, forms carbon and oxide, South Portland Monday morning BANKS, fflOA doors of white and gold flung open block 59-01 one minute from Con- SALE OR RENT, near Pontland, 35 acre two half-drunken Arabs, and he had Deputy Sheriff. BOARDERS wanted at High St., V.v the flnnkev who. advancing into the while the is liberated. The last has been recovered. Some of the CUMMER the each flat has seven rooms FORfarm with 15 room house, heated escorted mo home. when we nitrogen pro- Dated at Portland, April 2lst, A. D. 1898. O gress Square, and by steam, Then, parted, Pequawket House. Plenty of butter, store suitable for “Friendless room, announced his mistress. ducts of combustion are 57 razors which were taken from the barber- apr22 dlaw3wF room, pantry, elaborate bath rooms, lat- barn, hen-hou3e, etc., he had told ms that he was staying at approximately eggs, cream, and all farm produce. Near rail- est to home, near electric cars: and were face to face. up date improvements, hot and cold Boys” price Next instant we the Hotel da la the and 43 of Lamb & road and lovely drives, fine terms for Kegence, opposite per cent of solid matter per cent shop Woodbury were found Postoffice; views, water, open plumbing, marble bowls, gas, elec- satisfactory; photographs and par- “Ah! Geoffrey. At last!” she cried, large chambers and great white mosque, and gave me his in in the piazza, large lawn, plenty tric bells, self door openers, speaking tubes, ticulars. apply real estate office, FREDERICK with flushed cheeks, a smile of glad wei- of permanent gases. pawn shops city by Oliver Skil- of shade. Address MRS. OLIVER name. It was Dudley Ogle. MURCH, slate trays, elevator to cemented cellar, sepa- S. VAILL, 2-1 her countenance as of the force a West Baldwin, Maine. 5-1 rate oome light:d up pale (To be In earlier days of ordnance only small lings police and description : front doors, hot wator heating, finished in me with both hands Continued.) hard and natural SALE—In town of Cumberland, farm of b!.o rushed towards as of the who HEART” wood. Apply with references of of “SOLD grains powder were used, but the parties disposed the property about 70 acres in and wood- outstretched. A second later, noticing RAYMOND SPRING HOUSE-Select board, to D. SHWARTZ, 108 Middle St. 2-1 FOR tillage, pasture SHE DOEl’H WHAT the size of the was which serve as a clue Wheat " on line Maine Central railroad. land, situated about two milles from Cumber- she halted. Instantly a SHE CAN. guns increased grains obtained, may Spring Good Soma, suddenly boating and fishing. Send for circular. Ad- lad Junction, 3-4 mile from church and school: un- to the detection of tire LET—House No. 40 Pine street. Will be over her face. She was the Cleveland Plain was also increased to pebble size and af- criminals. dress C. E Can be bought at a low price. BENJAMIN change passed (From Dealer.) SMALL, North Raymond, Me. TO ready for about the second like the girl who loved The last PATENT BREAD FLOUR occupancy SHAW, 511-2 Exchange St 30-1 gay, light-hearted She sits alone in tho window seat, terward to the various prismatic sizes and supper given evening by the _niayftf week of May. Enquire at 702 CONGRESS ST. to idle up the Thames backwaters, or Watching the soldiers who the forms that were a decade Ladies' Circle of the Universalist mayatf SALE—a first-class 2 1-2 storied de- the banks at sunaown. She throng popular ago. Church, IS MADE FROM- AVANTI’I)—Summer Boarders. New house punt along ” on tached house for 2 16 rooms and from the trustful street, The reason for increasing the size of the was a decided success. From six to eight high land commanding fine view, large FOR families, was different happy, A tear fast to her chambers and LET—Furnished rooms with bath, hot and bath, hot and cold water, ample heat and in me clings gentle eye. piazzas, lovely drives, plenty of bride who had wandered with during was that the small in the evening the tables were TO cold water, at tt MYRTLE ST., opposite perfect about 14,000 feet land, one of the Her bosom beaves with a sudden sigh powder grains grain occupied No. I Hard North Dakota butter, eggs and cream, two and one-half miles repair, there autumn days in quaint old Chat- lrorn Stroudwater City Hall. 30-t best locations on Pleasant street first And her slender that clutch the powder gave a graet igniting surface, after which music was given by the or- electrics. Terms. $5 per Deerlng; eanroux. She had none of the flush of lingers Scotch Fife Wheat. week. Address L. P. time offered. W. H. WALDRON & CO, 180 sill and at times the charge was consumed chestra and other features SKILLIN, Portland, Middle and the hard lines of re- pleasurable Marne. 28-2 LET—The first and second flats (third flat street._ 30-1 joyous youth, Wave a adieu with a before the was in mo- proud royal will, projectile fairly were are TO is already rented) in our elegant and com- solve and determination were softened introduced. Our mills all modern and all SALE—The two modern houses we are But her mouth in its motion never tion, producing initial wave pressures in the modious new block No. 59 St. Lawrence street. an for which there is no Albert has ■pEOPLE leaving city early can get good FORbuilding on Forest avenue, by expression slacks the breach of the gun that were of a Sprague communicated to equipped with the latest mill- A Without question, these flats are the finest in Deering. There improved country board within 30 miles of Portland. These houses are to (bite in and better word than consecration. the and the ones that have separate up everything O’er the gum she cheweth to pay the tax. highly dangerous character. With a his friends that he has passed the neces- Plenty of milk, eggs, and all farm produce in city only have hot water and steam were of endurance in her tace, but ing machinery. back and front cellars and heat. oak. Cyprus signs grain there is less surface season. Pine grove, large of entrances, separate and hard larger burning examination and will soon be en- lawn, plenty seven pine finish, open fireplaces, electric It was the endurance of tne martyr, not sary “GOLD HEART” is not an 82 shade. Reduction season. heaters, set tubs, open fireplaces, a) There are woman who go to the battle exposed, which naturally exerts a contin- per by RIVERSIDE lights, set tubs and laundries, slate sinks, por- of the rolled the volunteers in the Box Me. large rooms, steam beat, three large bays in champion. uous force on the until it among U. S. cent Patent. Our location us the FARM, 37, Cornish, aprl9eow4w celain bath tubs, cement sidewalks. oaK and drew herself front, projectile gives each rent, sun all day, large yard, price only Facing Sonia she np birch floors, in fact that makes un a Women in hospitals bearing the brunt, reaches the muzzle of the gun. The re- Army. $25 per month. Call and look them over. Also everything and demanded in French in pick of the wheat grown in the great first class residence. In addition to the above haughtily, Women who serve ’neath the Bed Cross sults obtained were to a de- an elegant flat at Highlands with every satisfactory The road machine was being worked Leering there are beautiful oak trees and 6500 a harsh, angry voice: Red River modern convenience. DALTON & CO., 4781-2 feet of sign, gree, but there was some of the charge Valley. land. balance to “To what, iriy, do I owe this intru- yesterday on Stanford street by Hoad Congress St28-2 Only §1000 down, suit. DAL- Women whose mission seems half that was not consumed and left the muz- “GOLD HEART” has a to TON & CO., 4781-2 St. 28-2 sion? I should have that after divine, reputation Good Board Congress thought Commissioner J. P. with a But Anuabel sits at the window high zle of the gun along with the projectile. Champlin Country LET—New flats No. 265 Spring St. contain- what has passed you would not dare to make. It cannot be sold on its She cannot go where the bullets fly, With the prism powders came an alter- gang of_men and the of the past with nice walks TO 9 rooms; sunny exposure, all modern ©TORE FOR SALE—A grocery and provi- come here. But 1 suppose cool audacity is gravelling shady grounds, pleasant ing But onward and ation in the of the record. We East all of our off conveniences, hot water heat, lighted by gas or sion store in South cus- must be cultivated steadily through paoks proportions explosive, 6treet is now on. ship and drives and beautiful scenery can be Boston; plenty a characteristic that going electricity. at 281 St. JAMES tomers rteht at no no packs, which, from its brown color, was named wheat to be milled our com- Apply Spring door; trust; delivery a woman of your character.” Last met and con- grade by obtained at SI 1,75 WOOD BAIN, apr!2-tf team; small can by She cheweth the gum to pay the tax. cocoa powder. It contained saltpetre. night Bayard Lodge FARM. capital required; purchaser Sonia rose siowl.v from her chair, her make $25 per week net at once: now is the 73 parts; charcoal, 18 parts; sulphur, 3 ferred the rank of Knight on one candi- petitors. Inquire of WILLIS WARREN, Cor- time features haggard and blanched, her head WANTED—SITUATION S. to make money in trade. Write for parti- parts, the charcoal used being made from date. tfGOLD HEART” is to he Maine. calars F. A. bent as if in No WIT AND WISDOM. guaranteed nish, apr22d3w* quick. SMITH, Tremont Build- slightly, penitence. straw carbonized steam. The carbon to resent the by the best of Patent ing, 29.1 effort did she make bitter thus Copt. Byron Dean was brought to his quality Flour, Tour Boston._ produced retained the amount of liLOBJXIIHlE. Forty words inserted under this heed angry words my wife had uttered, hut in home from the Maine General back if it doesn’t suit. CTEAM LAUNDRY—One of the best moisture required for pressing it into yesterday money ene week for 25 cents, sash in advance. ^ paying a low toue simply replied: I will be pleased to answer anv in in New Hampshire; fully With the introduction of auick- and his condition was question equipped, good here with shape. Hospital reported to the Y’ukon business; ill healthe cause of a “I have come Geoffrey, to tell the regard River, outfits", etc. selling; grand flring guns "prism-brown” powders be MIDDLE woman would like chance to engage in the business; will you the truth. To Draw Her Beau. to quite comfortable. W.G.NORTON,210 Occidental av., Seattle. aged a situa- laundry gave way gradually to smokeless explo- References: J. F. A” tion to do or Ad- bear the closest investigation. Address “The truth!” echoed the Grand Duchess Three of the men from Booth- NORTH DAKQT/TilLUNG ASS’N. Norton, Portland, Me., cooking housekeeping. do sives, which up to that time had beeu a brought Coffin Seattle. dress C. Press Office. LAUNDRY, Press with “The truth Father—Why you paint, my child? aprSdeodim Bros., may3dlw» JOHNSTON, 6-1 office.apr29-4 withering contempt. dream of naval gunners. Smokeless bay to work on the government steamer from suchasyou! Who would believe it?” Daughter—For the same reason that pow- der bioame a for CTENOGRAPHER—Bookkeeper, experienced A THOUSAND RINGS use rosin before on abioiutely necessity, left for their homes C3 TY OF PORTLAND. Kx WuJt! Hear me before you denounce me,” you you play j-our vio- Myrtle, yesterday After you have your and Capable in both branches, desires a sit- the reason that smoke-producing pow- bought uation Sonia urged, in a strange, hollow voice lin—to help to draw my beau, sir.—Phila- and it is thought that by Saturday the as either or will combine two. Address To select from. Diamonds, Opals, Pearls, ders masked the object aimed and the Press and that sounded like one in the Press. at, D, 6-t Rubys all other precious stones. Engage, speaking delphia whicn was balance of the fifteen men will have com- for Office._ far distance. “I do not that torpedo boat, becoming a rec- Proposals Printing. ment and Wedding Kings a specialty. Largest deny my feature of SITUATION in office or store a reliable stock ognized naval warfare, could pleted their work. The Myrtle will leave will be received the by in the city. McKENNET, the Jeweler, presence may aeetn unwarrantable. I ad- proposals by C5 and competent young man.good Monument dash up and one or more dead- Committee on Printing until references, Square. mariodtf mit that between us there can no discharge the ways tomorrow and moored to an ad- RAMBLER SEALED Reports, Fri, moderate. A. D. ionger BICYCLE wages ii., Press Office, 6-1 I ly missiles under cover of the smoke. '/Si" day. the titli day oOIay, 1898, at 12 o’clock m.- be friendship, yet strange is it that, al- Her stern will be SALE—10 Welsh ponies Smokeless powders were tirst joining pier. replanked. You will want a for the printing of the Auditor’s and subordi- young man 21 years old would weighing from are honest, upright and re- produced and the FOR3005 o 600 all kind and safe for though you in and for some tims tne secret There is considerable at Griffin’s nate city officers reports Mayor’s ad POSITION—Alike a position as stenographer. Can fur- pounds, am a France, activity ladies and children to can he soen spected, while I social outoast, of the dress. j nish references. Address Box Peaks drive; by Fac simile signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER manufacture was guarded jealous- several of the have M, 151, to N. B. spurned and degraded by ail, there never- yard; yachts already Bids are to be made per page. Partieu ars Island, Me. 5-1 applying CHASE, Long Island, Maine. is on the of bottle of Castoria. ly. As soon as the for this 26-2 theless exists a common bond between us wrapper every- necessity been launched and the six will may be had on application to the office ot the kind of powder became how- remaining a 18 —the bond of love. You love apparent, City Auditor, where proposals may be left en- WANTED—Situation, young man, would Geoffrey, a number of soon follow. CAMERA •' like a not SALE—Tlie best corner lot in Fessenden When was we her Castoria. ever, manufacturers devoted dorsed. for Printing Reports situation, particular what it is, T^OIt lhe man who law Is Baby sick, gave “Proposals A Park on by your husband; attention to Committee reserves the to out-door work references if high ground, and small house in When she was a she cried for Castoria. it, and as a result various The Elizabeth City will resume her Tne right reject pretered; required. while I love another, a man you also Child, We have (hem at from Address G., 9 Portland St. center of city for 2 families; 13 room house and brands of smokeless were prices any or all bids. 3-1 I n and her voice “the When she became she to Castoria. explosives on un- 9 room house in western part of also large iw,” faltered, Miss, clung on trips Saturday next, having just By order of the Committee, city; placed the market. SITUATION WANTED-As first house in western of can be luan to whom you denounced me as base When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. her usual WILSON SPRAGUE, Chairman. class cook. part city, easily The most dergone spring repairing. to ° and also and made for 2 families. The will be sold and worthless.” satisfactory results eventual- $4.50 $15. Portland, Way 2, 1898. my-’dtd good washing ironing, coun- property ly made their in The Ladies so- ry or city. Please call at 15 Danforth very low. W. P. CARR, Oxford Building. “Well?” asked Ella, standing stern, appearance cordite, spurwink Missionary st., city. which was produced through experiments will meot with Mrs. Lawton full of calm, uuruffl d dignity. ciety today See the new __25-3 upr'ght, iuttue uy ±-roi. uewar and Sir Frederick TOURIST HAWK- She still wore the cool-looking summer at the in to discuss sober and reliable man Abel. is parsonage Willlard, EYE, the latest camera a■pNGINEEK, 4 MARRY ME, Cordite composed of nitro-glyc- folding: wants situation as Five WELL5E, gown in which she had been driving in engineer. And I will such a at erine 68 per ootton Spain, An interesting k discussion is at years’ Can run buy you pretty Ring the and had not removed her Not So In His Case. cent., gun 37 per $8.00 each experience. dynamos, auto- A thousand Bois, large and matic etc. McKenaey’s. solid gold Rings, .. 1.. 1. u..+- -.-,1,,—,, cent., vaseline 6 per cent. Nitre We also have the engines, Address “H.,” 00 Free st.. Richard—We aro some- glyc- anticipated. plates and Diamonds, Opal-Rearls, Rubies, Emeralds and always wanting erine is an colorless City. 29-1 “You are oily, liquid, and an The ladies’ aid of the'Elm street films. all other precious stones. Engagement and quite right, quite right,” we never society thing get. poison. It is produced by TV AN Wedding Rings a specialty. Largest stock in Sod la admitted in a voice trembling mixing M. E. church will hold a fair on Thurs- TED—By a commercial traveller of ten Little Johnny (interrupting)—When ma a quantity of acid with almost * city. McKENNEY, The Jeweler, Monument v. 1th emotion. “You were justified to un- sulphuric years’ experience with a wholesale gro- I want a I notice I double the amount of nitric acid and Friday and of cery 'house of another Square.marHdtf deceive him as you did. I says whipping, always al- day, Saturday.evenings Portland, similar posi- know, alas, it to tion. Good references. how black is heart—how blunted is get it.—Boston Transoript. lowing cool; about one-eigtli of the next week in the new church building M. Address TBAVEL- SALE—Handsome (liver coior) my total N. PERKINS & care the Press. pointer weight of is then added CO., LEK, ap21-2 FOR will oe all the womanly feeling I once possessed glycerine of Ploasantdale. puos, whelped April 20th., just right the mixture to train tall. Sire. liko you. But been nurtured gradually, being kept below age coming “Dustyway” yon'have a Road Commissioner HARDWARE DEALERS. 8 Free Sf. WANTED. 1st iu late New York in of while I fed 'The Grecian (James are sunourned.” temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit by Chaplin; will^re- 3d7.15, winner of prize the lap luxury from may5dtf write for full aud Tro. and Ores., Act I, Scene 3. passing air and cold water through it. ceive bids for furnishing pipe for surface Situation by a young man who understands show; pedigree prices. Pups Infancy upon the offal of a slum, and for in 4 to 6 weeks. ARTHUR Our da men soon themselves ol After the mixture has stood a and is to work. ready delivery to the world from a rid this sufficient drains for the town until next bookkeeping willing Two D. Maine. taught regard cyni- time the Thursday years’ experience. Graduate of MURPHY, Blddeford, apr23-4 cal of have old trouble, they used Pond’s Extract. acids are drawn off and the resi- Gray's Port- point view, grown in noon at his place of residence land Business College. Good references due (nitro is washed and fil- atJJCash’s fur- FOR SALE or exchange for house lu evil-doing, and am now a mere derelict in glycerine) nished. Address CHAS. F. ALLEN, Skowhe- tered. Corner. Wheels! FARMcity or village; 125 acres. 40 acres mowing, stream of wo Reliable: the life. Long ago met and gan, Maine. Nitro be easi- aprisdsw* the balance pasture, wood aud timber, 401) 1 treated as 1 did as glycerine cannot ignited The Wagner Glee will sing parted. yon, others, Society May We have sold wheels for and are apple trees and small fruits, house 10 rooms and ly by a and a match or ta- and years an enemy. We have novr met again, and flame, lighted 15th at the Elm street M. E. church at piazza, wood house, carriage house, hen house, A State Convention per plunged into it would be extin Wholesale Retail still selling the same lines. WANTED--FEMALE HELP. I, conscience-stricken and penitent, have Republican Pleasantdale. barn 40x50,’with cellar and Ice house, room for It or Because are reliable. come to ato 'e for the to guished. is sensitive to friction per WHV! they 12 cows aud 3 horses, nice lawn, plenty of slndo past, prove your HELD IN Forty words Inserted under this WILL BE cussion, either of which will detonate it. During the Illness of Postmaster Brad- Solid head trees, a fine for summer 11-3 friend, to beg forgiveness.1 Highest quality. guarantee. one week fertfi cents, cash in place boarders, Another is the th< advance. miles toiailroad station. 2 miles to village. wife h6r shoulders with a peculiarity that higher ford. Miss Ethel Littlefield Is My shrugged CITY assisting $50 and $75 For further information to SMITH & HALL, AUCUSTA, temperature the more sensitive it be Remington, TVANTED—Seamstress. First apply gesture of quic-'t impatience, Mrs. Fred Bradford in the duties of #50 class only SALE, 45 Exchange street, Portland, Me. comes. It will at a Forest City, need apply. 109 Brackett “Ah! You don’t believe I am in solidify teraperaturi street, lower aprl2dtf of 40 degrees, and its force is es tho office. Falmouth, $40 6-1 earnest,” cried the unhappy woman. Tuesday, June 28, 1S98, explosive bell.___ timated to be about twelve times that oi Daniel of the steamer St. Cortland, $35 "Hhb it never occurred to you that I Apt Croix, ANTED—Capable girl for general house- AT 11 O’CLOCK A. M., gunpowder. Yy” WEDDING RINGS. alone can free you from the bond that has International is a Portland Jr., (Juvenile) $30 work, must be a cook. One of line, enjoying vacation good Call at 473 held aloof from husband?” the most approved methods nsec Cumberland St., cor. state. s-l Two hundred to select from. All weights you your for the purpose of nominatiug a candidate for in the at his home on Summer street. Jobbers of Bicycle Sundries “What do mean?” cried manufacture of gun ootton is this. Bicycles, and sizes. 10, 14 and is Kt. Solid Gold. ‘Mc- you Ella, with Governor to the Goods. be supported at September The raw cotton is torn into shreds, driei Capt. H. G. Davis is making quite ex- and General Sporting KENNEY. the Jeweler, Monument Square. a puzzled expression. WANTED—MALE HELP. mariodtf election, and any other business and in a of ant “I mean,” she answered, in a deep, transacting dipped mixture sulphuric tensive repairs on his residence. that may come before it. nitric aeids. It is in a streau itfOR SALE—Farm In 120 acres earnest voice. “I mean that if you will properly then placed Bethel, Maine, of The Fort Preble base ball club is now vyANTED—A good strong American boy *- land, 2 1-2 house, shed and two make full and confession to The voters of without regard to running wnter and washed thoroughly * good story open Geoffrey Maine, living with his parents in the city, to work barns, all in condition, orchard, and The ootton is then duly organized and is anxious to meet T. B. DAVlT ARMS CO. in a good good store and run I will furnish you with proof positive past political differences, who are in favor of wrung out, usually errands. Address P. O Box well with wood and also about in a machine. 428, supplied water; of the identity of the murderer of Dudley sustaining President McKinley and his admin- centrifugal any uniformed club. STERLING $75. STORMER City. 2-1 200,000 feet of pine timber. About two miles It is cut lntc $50, 193 MIDDLE STREET. Edward Ogle. By this means only can you obtain istration in the afterwird) boiled, dried, from Bethel village, and known as the conduct of the war with Spain; mar28 dtf terms freedom from niui of pulp,land pressed into disks. When thi SALESMAN WANTED—In every district we A. Capen farm; will be sold on favorable bondage guilt.” who are in favor of wise ROCHESTER $50. sustaining the present guncotton is finished there should be w FUNERAL OF CHARLES WEBSTER YALE $50, handle reliable goods, new season not or be for Portland property. “My freedom r* echoed my wife. She was may exchanged and economical of our State trace sampies, new plan of engagement. MISS SARAH No. 135 Oxford St., her administration of the acids remaining. Vaseline FRYE. ON THE LUKE BIDEN, pale as death; hot, dry lips moved & A NEW BOOK BItOS., Montreal. marO-ti affairs, are cordially invited to join with the the other of ii CRAWFORD $50 35. PENNANT $40. apr22dM&F,3m Portland, Me._ convulsively, and she glanced at me in component part cordite, The funeral services for the late in con- the well-known extract from Charles a 2 1-2 feverish apprehension. “How can you Republicans choosing delegates to this petroleum 17OR SALE-To close an estate, story and its usefulness is to Webster were held at tho of ELMIRA $30. JUVENILES $20 to * 6 South St. Peering, jive me my freedom?” vention. chiefly lubricati Frye chapel $30 house situated No. the bore of the and thus lessen thi LOST AND FOUND. 13 finished rooms, divided into two “By revealing the Sonia an- The basis of will be as fol- gun the First Congregational church, PARTS containing truth,” representation friction Frye- WE CAREY ALL rents w'ldch let for $13.00 and $l-.00 per month; “When between it and the projeotile. J 1 swered. you have told Geoffrey lows: Each town and will be on Thursday afternoon, Rev. has water and steam heat. Lot looxlio, city, plantation burg, Ern- of our wheels in 3tock. T OST—A brindle bull ears Sebago then will I disclose the terrible secret leading Our dog. long and tail same. of A. C. ail, entitled to one and for each 75 votes est Hamlin Abbott AJ has white down and good stable with Inquire delegate, officiating. The ser- line of and is NAVY streak nose and breast ht. 11-1 that I have Sundries repair Goods AMERICAN Exchange apr selfishly kept from you be- LIBBY & CO.. 42 1-2 cast for the candidate for Governor and of Boston. about six months old, answers to name of cause I envied Republican vice was simplo impressive, consist- the East If you Bags' your happiness.” largest Finder will be rewarded by same of land at the in 1890, an additional and for a frac- returning to SALE—Or lease, a lot West The silence remained unbroken for some delegate, of the burial and need new Tires,Saddle, Handle liar. 285 Brackett St. Have or ing Episcopal commit- 3-1 FOREnd, corner Forest and C ongress streets moments. Ella stood with tion of -to votes in excess of 75 votes, a further you nny stains or her gloved with Pedals, Bell Cyclometer give us about 4,224 feet. Apply to E. H A.R- tal, Scripture readings, Tennyson’s T OST-April 28ili, a lady’s small containing hands clasped before her. The additional delegate. Vacancies in the delega- a call. AJ gold watch 919 St. ,ian25dtf haughty spots that want the Bar” and limiting cas“. silver attached. LOW, Congress demeanour of the of of removing, “Crossing prayer Mr. Cuba and Hawaii pin Finder daughter the Roman tion any city, town or plantation can only by leave at THIS OFFICE. Abbott. A male REPAIR DEPARTMENT. 29-1 offs had entirely forsaken her; with head be filled a resident of the in which «N oi quartette rendered 75c. by county CARPETS, CLOTHES, with W!AJWSPR3NCS, bent she stood immovable as a statue. “Abide; Me,” “Nearer, God Wo havo a large Repair Depart- the vacancy exists. my to Mainsprings, made by the Terroi and despair showed themselves in Thee” and “Gathering Home,” most’ac- ment with experienced machinists. If The best American The State committee will be in session in fact on A few ON Elgin and Waltham companies. Warranted her clear, bright eyes. It seemed as anything? ceptably. choice floral tributes and a break a rim, [WATCHES INSTALLMENTS. the though in the council you puncture tire, With 160 tine illustrations ot for oue year. McKENNEY, Jeweler she mistrusted this woman city rooms of City Hall, at 1: IF t lie presence of former friends of evil repute, SO, USE testified to or meet with any accident to your Waltham and Elgin Watches. A large s’oek Monument Square. o’clock on the of the foi the esteem in which war in of new will _marlOdif whese assertions half induced her to con- morning convention, high the deceased we the trouble. ships and scenes Cuba. model Watches be sold on easy pay- held in his wheel, can remedy fess to me. the purpose of receiving the credentials of dele- was native town. The inter ments at reasonable prices. All Styles. All G. Davis’ ment took in Prices. MeKENNEY, the WANTED—AGENTS. “Come,” said Sonia. “Speak, and free- gates. Delegates, in order to be to James place the family lot in Frve- Jeweler, Monument eligible Square. marl9dtf dem, lore and are in the burg cemetery, beside his happiness yours.” ; participate convention, must be elected AMMONIATED distinguished toe samples Her breast, beneath its lace and GO. GENTS, brings you and cata- flimsy subsequent to the date of the call for this con- THE JJMEsImLEY logue o( c emblems, e ri heaved and fell. Her patrio c., by turn muslin, lingers vention. mail. MANUFACTURE!:. :: 1273 KEROS XNE Middle near Monument Quick! twitched themselves nervously in the Terrible tliose 264 St., Sq. -w Per order, plagues, Helling, pester- Boston, Mass.__my2M& trimming of her at Republican State Convention. diseases of gown. Then, last, J. H. cm- ing tho skin. Put an Walter V. Westbrook, BATTLESHIP MAINE SOUVENIR SPOONS MANLEY, end to AGENTS. Knight, riENERAL AGENT wan ed t> row w th sudden resolve, she turned, and BYRON SOAP. Doan’s J- II. Edwards, so. Portland, t BOYD, Secretar- misery. Ointment cures. At anv This Is the prettiest Spoon ever put on the d' well established house, with terrorstrioken eyes fixed J Haneook Clark Co., Gray. HARMON salary $73 per upon Augusta. Me.. April li, of store. SHORT & see it. me, Beware Imitations. ) drug WRING, market. Call and the month and expenses. Address s.. Hat, MeKENNEY, Pros,,jfuc.e. | otf Monument liar apr22.M.W,F. may3eodtf Jeweler. Sq ’iiariudfl u-j. American Bell.•.155 MAINE TOWNS. WESTBROOK. Plnkba>»- OCEAN . STEAMERS. RAILROADS. Amenean Sugar. Joiniinoa.131% oGaSEC?.Blbber' Philadelphia—eoa] FIMSCIALmeOMERCUL Sugar, .. Ross- NewYork- Jtams of Interest Gathered by Corres- Cen Mass. uia.... 'GUL-A^wnglnco'18™' afternoon as Fred ALLAN LINE Mscliias Sib!. Go Weduesday Decormier 30% P°rt Jollll30U~ Portlaid, Mt, Desert end pondents of the Press- Flint ft Fore Mara. mail steamers, was driving his babe cart along Main toal’boCSarrge!naDe[tmi^,T*0^'Soli Delaware, Black _BOYAR Sir. “I'lanJf Jones.” Jw.F0, fares of the Grand Tlunk Church StoOXS and Bone 8 Seh Liman, and Portland. Beginning 30ih.l898. will leave Passenger Hallway ■treet, aod.whon the, street cross- New Tori* fluotatlon* Ko9ton. Liverpool Saturday, April System between both LOCAL and Norw^~& Portland Wednesdays and at 4 a. m.. points, CORINNA. was Saturdays THROUGH, fare to ing reached,f a boy ; who was in the »y Telegraph. Cleared. From From on arrival of train leaving Boston at 7 for including ALASKA, p. m., KLONDIKE, the PACIFIC COAST, WINNI- 5.—The special train team, horse Quotations of Staoie Products ii the The to-day’-* closing quotations Enslis- New York- Liverpool Steamship_Portland. Rockland, Bar Harbor, Macliiasport and inter- Corinna, May jumped out, frightening the follotng wara J®teLl“onP.JOhn Bragg. PEG, and the NORTHWEST, as well as ST. ol 10 Mar. Camornlan, 20 Mar. mediate landings. Returning leave Macliias- the Guards, of Dover, which commenced a Bonds PAUL, and all other competitive are conveying Doughty lively kicking. The H»r 12 Mar. SO Mar. port on and at 4 a. ar- points, May 6. May 8 Boothbay Laurentian, Mondays Thursdays m., the same as other Lines. to minutes stop Markets. in Portland (5 a. m. exactly Augusta, made a twenty animal succeeded in one of its Leadinsr i21 bojand WlecasCSea^iVReriBath. 24 Mar. Parisian, 0 April riving Tuesdays and Fri- getting New 4s, reg 12}:% East Race- B“uth Bristol and 26 Mar. | Carthaginian. 13 April days. at.the Corinna station Monday morning, legs over the'shaft in snoh a manner that do 121 /8 coup, 108w,0 Boothhaj*rPrlSe’ T April. Numidlan. 23 April Passenger and freight rates tlie lowest, ser- out en New 4*s ..108 where the had turned masse, be could not extricate When ®' £or Parrsboro, in tow 14 April. California.28 April vice the best. GEO. F. EVANS, Free Colonist Cars people himself. New 4’s coup.. 108% 108% Df1iiiB!SDrini-‘h?n 15lld Sleeping which had es- marisdtf General Manager. the Corinna Cornet Band, near the bank the shaft Denver ft it. G. 1st.104% 104% Laurentian carries cabin passengers only] -TO- broke, releasing 67 carries second cabin of the academy to the New York Stock Erie gen 4i. *8% Carthaginian passengers corted the students the horse. It was almost a miracle andftloney Market, that Mo.Kau. & Texas 2d. 0O% Blullnoreij’IB^ijow^endfkennebecaud only. several selections. All of (By Telegraph.' The Saloons and Staterooms are in cen- station, playing Mr. Decormier was not as he was Mo Kansas * Texas pld — the injured tral where least motion is salmon trout closed for the oocasion. NEW Kansas Pacific Gonads...... B|»^S|^ebec.to,oadto part, felt. Elec- and the village schools under the horse’s The YC'RK, May 5. is used for the directly heels. Oregon Nav.j .113% 112 tricity lighting ships through- veterans turned out in on call was firm at 2Vi®3 per cent; , out, the at the command -Spring Flailing. WINNIPEG The G. A. B. only sustained was the broken Money few lights being of the damage Closing quotations of stooks' passengers at any hour of the Musto force. Hon. A. R. Day led the cheering. last loan 2%: prime mercantile Ipapei at 0*7 6. May 3. night. -AND- shaft. May Booms and Smoking Booms on the promenade Steamer per cent, with actual la 11 % t0W‘Dg barg6 Louise Albans B. B. Club, with their sterling Ixchango easier, Atchison. .. deck. The Saloons and staterooms are The St. The remains of the late Roxana P. 27% ElntwooEdBorSpbl2"elphaia?aBetr' heated will leave business in bankers bills at 4 84% foi Atchison pfd. 28% by steam. came here Fast Day. The Cor- 84@4 12% Lake station daily, for Fitches, N. W. admirers, Hutchins were taken to Central Pacific. 12% EXCHANGE Kates of passage *52.60 tol*70.00. A re- River, Kennebunkport demand and 4 80%*4 81 [or sixty days; post 16% DISPACHTES. Crocketts and tlie famous innas defeated St. Albans 21 to 5. The Cues, sumo. 20% duction Is made on Kound Trip Tickets Songo River. To yesterday noon, where the funeral ser- ed rates at Cmoagoft loo 4thl barqU9 Antl0Ch’ make close connections with steamer take Canadian Northwest tl% 384 85%, Commercial blits Alton.Ib6 Second Cabin—To Liverpool, London and of the game were the of Hemingway.^BorUaiidMaV 8.45 a. ni. M. C. It. R. train via features pitching vices and burial took yesterday af- do plu Londonderry, *34.00 and *36.26: return, Mountain place 4j80%. y" 2> SCb Frank A Fulmer division. On the steamer will Burton, Colby '97, who struck out ten Chicago* 96% H *66.75 and *69,00. Saturdays Lowest Rates, Shortest, ternoon. Silver certificates Burlington ft Quincy 97% a/afcgf Baltimore.'1 also connect with 3.30 p.m. train from Port- 66357. Delaware 1°8 Steerage—To Liverpool, London, Glasgow, and the batting of tho home ft Hudson CanaiCo.'09 land. Round tickets for sale at Union men, team. The of the late Bar Mlver66% 162 Belfast or Londonderry, including every re- trip Quickest and most pop- funeral Zephirin Landry Delaware. Lack aw an a ft Wesil66 Notice to Mariners. Station. For further Burrill made a clean home quisite for the *22.50 and *23.50. particulars telephone Clyde run. took from St. Mexican dollars 45. Denver ft Kio Grande. 12% H voyage LEERING LRUG Me. place yestorday morning 12% Lighthouse Establishment. _For tickets or further information apply to CO., Leering, ular Route, The schools throughout the town Government Bonds brie.new.13 P. 420 B. pr 5dtf began church. The services were strong. Office i T. MCGOWAN, Congress St., 1. __a en route Canadian Hyacintbe’s •io 1st preter 34% 33% Lighthouse inspector, KEATING. passing through principal Monday. Miss C. P. Emery teaches the Ea iroad bonds strong. 100 First District, 61V* Exchange 8t., ASHTON’S cities and and St. Paul, Minnesota and conducted by Rev. F. R. Decelles. The Illinois Central.102 } TICKET AGKFCY. »31 1-2 St. II. Chicago Grammar; Arrie No. Cora % Portland. Me., April 30. 1898.) Congress Dakota. Pratt, 1; Lake tries West.. ift ’A TTnHi h A. 92 State St. No. burial was at St. Hyacinthe’s cemetery. Befall notlc«* as an additional protec- ALAN, Montreal, Boston, Veazie, 2; Della Bemia, No. 4; Hattie Grocers Mt:.r item.. Lake Shore.1831 182% dJinULfSrtllep and 1 India Our t ree Prevent vessels the en- St, Portland. jiy31du PORTLAND and Colonist Sleepers Morton No. 5; Maria Mr. W. J. Alexander is unable to at- Portland market—cut loaf 7: Louis ft Nash 62% 60 * Xre passing SMALL POINT Katen, No. 6; oonfetion ta y t0 P°r^and the and For families and others west are a Edna No. Della 'lei pulverised 6o: powered, Manhattan Elevated. 102% 98% harbor, Maine, lights going Enery. 8; Veazie, No. 9; tend to his duties at the paper mills on 6o; granulate be discontinued between the STEAMBOAT special and passengers may 6% codec crushed 6c: yellow 4 Mexioan Oeutral. 4% *% £.r.,,liaonW'11 CO. convenience, bring Mabel Huston, No. Miss 8 M‘ their own or at cost 10; Goodwin, account of illness. Mlohlgan Central.106 and 4 A> M,» at lbe following bedding, may purchaselt 10}% stations DOMINION LINE. price at Montreal or Toronto stattons. These Primary. Minn ft St Louis. 26% 26% Mr. Walter The members of the Cleaves Hides. Portland Daily round trip (Sundays excepted) between sleeping cars will through without Ambrose, who has been in honorary Minn & St Louts 81% 80 Head, go change, The following quotations represent the Dl. Spr ng Point Portland and Cape Small Point. Portland, Me., Montreal and Toronto to 'Winni- the Maine General Hospital at Rifles have started a movement to raise pav- Missouri iFaclfic. Ledge, Portland, 30% Atxji-a ing prices in this market: 2;% Portland Breakwater. MONTREAL lit to LIVERPOOL. On ana after 4th. 1838. vvuumDi mu for treatment, has arrived home. New Jersev Central.. 94 9*-% QUEBEC April money to revolvers for the offi- Cow and ox hides.7o ^ ft eave Portland every at 6 p. m., and ap The students of C. purchase New YorkCentral. 114% H*% Monday U. A. gave a vpry Bulls and stag.. ec [Portsmouth N. additional Free Colonist bleeper will leave cers of the company. Mr. Frank E. R. Newl St Louis 13 12% Harbor, H.] From Steamer. From From Stestaeier “Percy ■uccessful entertainment at Towle’s Hall, Ocaif skins, trimmed.1 Co York.;chlcago& Montreal every Tuesday at 10.25 p. m., com* do pi 66 60 through the explosive torpedo Liverpool. Montreal Quebec Saturday evening, 30th. Libby, a member of the company,'was do untrimmed. 9o i*MS»a*e>PassaKethe mencing March 7th. April Although Northern Pacific com 26% 26% day time at the entrance to Ports- aoo a. m. e.oo m. it was a Laruh skins.60 to 80c each p. CAPT. CHAS. It. Passengers for the Klondike and Yukon Gold rainy night there was a full to return home on ao- do do 65% harbor. N. H.. is marked by three black H0\v7 obliged Wednesday pfd....'.... 6d% ?!Si Saturdays Will leave Portland Portland, at 2.00 Fields will be accommodated in these Free house whioh ths 121% white perpendicular striped spar Pier, p. greatly enjoyed following count of the severe illness of his wife. His Northwestern.123% buoys, 14 Scotsman 30 so for Lowell’s urr’j Card's as for as or St. where Portland Wnoiasats Mark. iney should be passed clo^e to on either hand, April April Apr m., Cove, Island; Cove. Sleepers Chicago Paul, programme: do: pfd...171 171 21 Yorkshire 7 7 Poor's similar sleepers can be had to the Pacific Vocal furlough extends to May 10th. vessels sboulcl proceed slowly in May May Quohog Bay, Point. East Harps well; Solo, Miss Ethel Hamilton PORTLAND. MayB. Ont ft Western. 15% 14% passing10 28 Labrador 14 14 Ashdale, Horse Island Harbor, Water Cove. Coast Miss Hilliker The of the S. of T. Readme. 18% 17 % 5 Dominion“ 21 2i Small and C For tickets, reservation of space in Reading, Sybil regular meeting We quote Flour about 25c higher with a very ay order of the House Board. May Point. Sebaaoo, Phippsburg indy’s sleepers* Violin Ciemmie Ruckleff liock Island. 93 89% Light Harbor. etc., apply to company’s agents. mari6dtl Solo, was held on Re- excit Thomas Wednesday evening. d market, following Wheat, which closed I Paul. 91% Perry, RETURNING—Leave Reading, Miss Fannie Burrill 92% U. S. Cundy’s Harbor at marks were made l Commander. N. Vocal Solo Mr. Oscar by several of those 50 to-day at Chicago for May. a gain of 20c do bfd.142% 142% 6.00 a. m.; Phippsburg, 6.15 a. m.; Ashdale, 0.30 Bigelow. *ft TO LIVERPOOL VIA. a. Water Small MAINE Miss Sadie Smith who attended the Grand Division of the since yesterday; July advanced 3%c; famine St-Paul Omaha. 73% 71% QUEENSTOWN. m.; Cove, Point, 6.45 a. m. ; CENTRAL R. it, Reading to prfd.1*0 140 Memoranda. From From Poor’s Point, 7 00 a. m.; Card’s Cove, 7.15 a. m Misses Hilliker. of abroad and enormous sales of Ameri- ; Trio, Wood, Hayden. S. of T., whioh met at Oxford Wednes- grain St Paul. Minn, ft 131 Lowell’s Cove, Orr.s 8.00 a. Mann.181% Norfolk, May 4—Sell Myra B Weaver, Gour- Liverpool.Steamers.Boston. Island, m.. arrive in In effect 17.18»8. Reading, Miss Atkins can Wheat to fill the of Eu- Texas Pacific. 10% ay front Darien Portland at 10.00 a. m. April day of last week. empty gramarles 10% for Bath, was spoken about June 2. 7.30 a.m. Miss Edna Pratt Union Paotflo LOO miles east May 18, Canaoa, For further particulars to Trains leave Portland as follows: Reading, rope caused the advance. Corn Is here pfd.66% 56% of Cape Henry. 14 days out, with 5.30 m. apply The Warren church Y. quoted oss of June 16, Canada, June 30, p. H. ".00 a. Vocal Miss Mr P. S. C. held Wabash...... 6% spanner and and one J. MCDONALD. Pres, and m. For Brunswick. Bath. Duet, Hayden, Bigelow E., lc Oats e% gaff, boat; also, June New July 14, 7.00 a. m. Manager, Rockland, higher. very firm. wun main 30, England (new), Telephole 46-3. 158 Commercial street. Augusta. Watervllle. Reading, Miss Gertrude dones a very sociable at do prfd. 16% boom broken and bulwarks stove, Skowhegan, Lisbon Falls, pleasant ‘lastjevenlng The are wholesale orloat of n a storm. KATES OF PASSAGE. Lewiston via Violin Solo, Ciemmie Rackleff following todys- Boston ft Mains.160 160 Not leaking. apr4__dtf Brunswick, Belfast, Bangor and Cumberland hall. Provisions. (irojoriesio.c First Cabin, *50.00 and upwards. Return Bucksport Farce—“Too Muoh of a Good Thing. New York&New England pfd. 92 92 8.30 The ladies’ sociable of the West End Flour. Grata Domestic Port*. $100 and according to steamer and ac- a. m. For Danville Jo. fPoland Springs.) The duet “Matrimonial was Old Colonv. .187 186 upwards Sweets,” church held a A commodations. mechanic Fall3. Rumford iSwu Congregational “Dona- Sui ersne Corn car 44346 AdamsJExpress...... loo 99 NEW YORK—Ar 4th, schs Annie M Allen, Falls, nneiy rendered Dy miss nayuen and Mr. Second to London, Lon- Oakland. Reaid field. Water- tion Sociable’’ last evening in the parlors low graces.4 7534 8j do hag lota ., .. 46 A ir.unpiin Ifvnpntt 19i) rerth Amboy for Boston; Lester A Lewis, do Cabin, Liverpool, Maine Coast Go. l8‘?rV)vlnthroP' Mr. Cecil as the ban- donderry and *34 to *42.50. Re- Navigation vllle, Livermore Falls, Farmington and Phillips. Bigelow. Lancaster, Burin* Wneat Meal D»* lots 43.M4 .5. Exnress. 39 37 Laurel, do for West Lena M Queenstown, J?£ ,*eni; Lynn; turn and to steamer 11.10 a. m. for Gray, New Gloucester, Dan- country cousin in the farce, did a line ers.ci ana >16768600 Oats, ear lots 38g3U Peoples Gas. 93% rhurlow. J M TW S66J5 *78.40, according On and dance and a pleasant time was enjoyed 34% Hallowell; Morales, Bath; and accommodations. after Tuesday, Rov, ville June., Auburn and Lewiston. bit of acting and had the house with him Patent Spring Oats, bag lots *40 Homesta.ke, 44 44 Bangor; Oliver Ames. Richmond, Me; by all. 25 ^ooper, Steerage, to Liverpool, London, Loudon, 1L20 a. m. Express tor Yarmouth, Free- all the time wneat... 7 1587 Cotton Been Ontario. 3% 8V .commerce, Rockland; Franklin Nickerson. 9tli, 1897, tSie The funeral services of the late w »» "'■‘“•''i. port, Bath. Water- Thomas nilcn. .tr'a... ear lots.0000@23 00 Rockland. uuiij, uiaagun, yuvniu Brunswick, Augusta, Pacific Mail... 27 2578 Bangor; Sardinian, to steamer. vllle. rittsfield. Bangor. Bar WOOLWICH. Mayhew will be held Friday at 10 o’clock rnller.... 6 00 a 6 25 ban lota OOOOA 24 nn Passed Hell Gate ¥22 60 and $25.50 according Bucksport Putman Palace.17ii 177 4th, schs Anna E J Moise. 61 1-2 Harbor. Greenville and Aroostook from the residence 102 Main street. clear do.. .6 S5s6 15 Sacked Hr** rom Port Apply to J. B. Keating Excnangs County, Rev. Sugar'eoramon.132% 128 Johnson for Portland; Lucia Porter, street. via ESA.RB. for 6.—Mr. S. B. a -tLouisst'k car lou. 17 00® 18 00 for street, T. P. McGowan. 420 Congress Houlton. Woodstock, Woolwich, May Reed, C. C. Phelan will officiate. Burial at 89% 88% Amboy Gardiner; L A Lewis, Amboy for will St and 6 00E6 26 Dae lotsOO Western|Unlon.I Ashton’s Ticket Agency, 9311-2 Congress St., leave Franklin Wharf, Portland. Tues- Stephen, St Andrews via Vaneeboro native of this town, now about thirty-one the old roller... ()0®18 no Southern Salem; D D Haskell. New York for Boston; St and st Sacoarappa cemetery. 15 Rv pld. or Darla Torrance & Co., general agents, days, Thursdays and at 7.30 a. John. of left here in 1889 and clear ao..6 86®e Middling: *1700*18 no Leon, do for George do for Saturdays, m.; 1.10 yearts age, sought Tho committee on entertainment of the Union Pacific. Millbridge; Gurney, Montreal. may2dtf Popiiam Beach, 9.45 a. p. m. Mechanic Falls, Rumford Falls, nt’i wliea. bag ota. .SOoJtlS 00 Saleni; Fiheimm, New York for Sadie Will- in.; Bath, 12.33 p. to make a home in Seattle. Last summer next of do; m. Bemis, Danville Jc„ Lewiston, Livermore Falls, meeting Mizpah chapter, O. E. patents.. 6 6086 76 Mixed feed.... I8 60 ett, for mj Boothhay Harbor, 2.00p. Arriving at the excitement carried him to Daw- Philadelphia Lyun. Wiscasaet about 3.30 m. Farmington. Kingfleld. Carrabasset Phillips gold S.; are requested to meet this evening Finn. Coffee. Poston Produce Market. BOSTON—Cld 6th, sen Wm p. and son His father received a letter from Blo.roasteu Churchill, Barker, STEAMERS. Returning—Leave wiscasset Rangeley, Wlnthrop, Oakland, Bingham city. Mrs. (Buying* gelling price) 11@15 □BOSTON. 6. 1898—The following are Frankfort. Mondays. Watervllle and with G. A. Quin by. May and at 7.00 a. Skowhegan, him today which was written in camp (Joe—Large Java&Mooha do26»2s of Ar 6th. Clara Wednesdays Fridays m.; 1.16 to the death of one of the mem- to-day’s quotations Provisions, etc.: tug Clarita, towing monitor b. m. For Freeport Brunswick. An Owing Snots .... 4 5 05?4 7 6 Boothbay Harbor. 8.30 a. m.; Hath, 10.30 a. near Dawson city, November 1, 1897. He doliuax FLOUR. Leigh, from Philadelphia. frusta. Bath. Rockland and the band will .2 0088 26 Porto HARPSWELL STEAMBOAT CO. m.; Popham Beach, 11.30 a. m. at Boottibay. had to one dollar to have it carried to bers, Presumpscot postpone Dinah do. Kloo.... .26*80 Sid 6th, schs Oliver 8 and Alice M AiTiving all stations on the Knox and pay 60 Spring 6 E0S7 25. Barrett, 1st steamer Aucocls- Portland about 2.00 p. m. their ball which was to have been held Pollock ... .2 25*8 Barbados*. ... .2**26 patents. .olburn, coal ports; Hattie C Beginning April 1898, Lincoln the post office and Uncle Sam has been ciearlaun 5 50 Luce, do; Willie. division, Watervllle, Skowhegan, BoP this at Cumberland hall. Haddock.. .1 76*2 00 Fanoy.82(6.86 Spring, straight, 25£6 Deer Isle, Geo P co will leave Portland Pier, Portland, dally, Sun- FARE; Bath to Boothbay 25 months it to evening Davenport. Norfolk; Benj C Harbor, otn. fast Hartlaud. Dover and Foxcroft Green- bringing its destination. Hake.2 00*2 25 Tea. winter patent*. 6 2687 00. mill. days exoepted, as follows: six^ The Daughters of Liberty held an en- Baltimore; Catharine, Stonmgton; Chaa Will touch at Fiva island* and ville, Bangor. Oldtown and Mattawamkeag, The account he gives is much the same (1 erring, box Winter, clear and stralgnt, 6 60s 6 75 A For and Chebeaguo Islands, Harpswell, Tuesdays entertainment and box Amoy.. Hunt, do; Jhs A Webster, and Lizzie Lee, for Long Saturdays Uoing East, and and Fri- and to Bucksport Saturdays only that others have written. He has joyable supper Healed.... 9® 14c Extra and Seconds 00. and Orr's Island. 2.30 p. m. Mondays saved Congous.25®60 Isl; Annie L Wilder, for Rockland; J Bailey’s days tioing West. Weather 6.10 p. m. For Brunswick. Bath. Lisbon last evening at tne O. U. A. M. hall. oi Fine and Supers —. peer For Cliff and permitting. $1000 in dust and has a year’s supply ot Mackerel, Japan.26*81 Kennudy, for Calais. Island, Mondays. Wednesdays Falls, Richmond, Gardiner. Augusta and The programme included vocal and in- Snore is *22 00**26 2.30 p. m. O. C. OLIVER, president. provisions in his camp. He states that Formoso..26(8|65 RttUNSWICK—Cld 4th, sell Melllssa A Wil- Fridays. CHA3. Watervilla. snore 29 *16 00®* 18 Live Stock Market. Return for Portland —Leave Orr’s Island, R. LEWIS. Treasurer, marlSdtf one must his strumental music, readiug, tableaux and tana Chicago ey. Coombs. New York. by 6.15 in. For New Gloucester, Danville guard gold with a gun if in as of above 7.00 a. m. Arrive Port- p. the a yearly calendar In 12 scenes. Large StandardGran 6 63 CHICAGO. May 6. 1893.—Cattle—recelDts BALTIMORE—Cld sell Ida Lawrence, way landings, Junction, (Poland Springs), Mechanic Falls, least exposed to thieves. Thousands i-roauce Ex cflue 3d, land, 9.30 a. m. The Portland Water under the duality 16 63 10,GOO: less active: beef steers at 4 00®6 26; Jampbell, Savannah. Auburn and Lewiston. are flocking in with little or no company ISAIAH DANIELS. Geu’l Mgr. provisions; direction of tbeir local Cace cranberries I ifxtrao.... 6 16 Stockers and feeders 8 90(84 76. Ar 5th. sell Wm H Clifford. Portland. none can be unless superintendent, sepll dtf bought some one is 4> crate.. 3 603*3 60 Yellow Extra C....449 Hobs—receipts 30,000; strong 8 9004 20. BATH—Ar 6th, schs Carrie 8 Hart. Boston; Brunswick, Bali. Lewiston, Augusta, Water- then the Mr. John Byrne, are engaged in placing leaving, price is one dollar per blame. 0 00 Seed Sheep—receiptsH.OOO; fairly active at 3 26® jeorgia Gilkey, Philadelphia; Laura Sprague. ville, Bangor, Moosehead Lake. Aroostook a street water metre on Main street, West via Old Bar pound for what he may wish to dispose of. Pea Beaus.1 66181 VOiTImotby. 3 6683 76 4 40; lambs 3 76@5 60. Jacksonville; Abenaki. New Yurk. county Town, Harbor, Bucksport. End, in front of Mrs. Noel St. St St John and Mr. Reed gave the price of some articles Landry’s Yeilow;jSyes.l 66Sgil 75iGlover West, »Wc»9 BCOTHBAY—Ar 5tli. tug .-'prlnghill towing Stephen. Andrews, store. Cal do Markets. Nos. 2 and Aroostook County via Vanceboro, Halifax and not sold by the pound. Common tallow millinery Pea....l66«l 76| M, Y. 9Waio Domestic larges 3 from Parrsboro lor Port- BAY CO. Potat’t.nus lu and. CASCO STEAMBOAT the Provinces. The Saturday train does are a Mrs. S. R. Graham Clark of Portland ;l 00#l Alsllte, loilOVi night candles, dollar each. For the carcass brn (I’.y Telegrapni not run to Belfast Dexter, Dover and Foxcrott will preaoh at the church on ao. & iKed Top, 16*17 Sid 5th, schs C J Willard. Boston for Calais Custom Ilouso Wh:\rf. of a sheep, Mr. Reed paid $54. 90 at Baptist May 6. 1898. or beyona Bangor. cars to St John. camp. at 3 A cordial Lmogene, Portland for liocklaud. Sleeping Mr. Reed a Sunday afternoon o'clock. [email protected] Provislent. NEW YORK—Ths Flour market— recelnrs securing chance to work at ao Norfolk o 00® FALL RIVER--Ar 4th sells R L Kenney White invitation to attend is extended to ali. Pork— sales Mountain Division. concluded to build a 3.505 bbls; exports 24.681 bbla; 14.000 riiomas. $15 per day camp do Vineland.4 no®*5 heavy backs 14 50 Kocklanrt; Florida, Colson, do; liob; 8.45 a. m. For Brutgion. and work the There being no quorum, the Westbrook packages :5more active and decidedly higher WEEK DAY TIMETABLE. Fabyans. Burlington by day until spring. About Omons. Uei 2 00@3 10 medium 13 00818 60 Byron, Hart, Rockport. Lancaster. No. Stratford. Colebrook, Beecher aldermen were unable to hold their ad- r lour quotations—city mills pateDts at 7 25® the time of his aohanves 3 26 snort cut ana HYANN1S—Ar 3d, schs Hattie E Smith, Are} Falls, Quebec, St Sherbrooke. Mon- writing, employers were oo®3 7 60; winter patents 6 60(0.6 00 :clty mills clears Johnsbury, journed meeting last evening. Adjourn- Chickens.... clear Edgartown for Rockland; Nentune. New lorli Comm* nc 8t Paul trying to,reduce wages to $10 per day and 10*12 13 60®*H at 6 20 oic whiter straits ng Thursday, April 28, 1898 treal, Chicago, and Minneapolis and ment was taken to this 4ii; 636q6t0; Minn, or Machias; Mark Ilobokei Daily Line, Sundays Excepted. a of the laborers evening at 7.30 Turkovs. Wes. 13@i5c Beef—light..9 2 09 76 Pendleton,Collins. all points west public meeting was pats 6 50; winter extras 4 10qt-t 60; Minn bak- or Addie For Forest Peaks’ Island. p. m., when the aldermen should be pres- Northern ao... .16«l 7 heavy,.. 10 60® 11 60 Islesboro; Jordan. Emerson. uo loi City Landing. 5.45, T13B mWAXDVALATUL STEAMJtK. 8.30 p. m. For Sebago Lake, Cornish. Fryeburg, being held to protest against the cut- ers at 4 70&5 20; winter low grades at 2 ao® Saco. 10.30 a. 12.00 3.15, jnt as business of considerable Fowls... 889 ErnestsVSDt 6 76® 0.40, 8.00, 9.00, m., m„ 2.15, Bridgton. North Conway. Fabyans, Lancaster. down. He seems in importance 3 00. happy hi6 camp with Applet. tes ano Sid 5th. shea Break of Day, Hattie E Smith, 5 00. 6.15, 7.30 p. m. No. Beecher must necessarily be transacted. Those card, 2 Western 74e: State Stratford, Colebrook, Falls, a little dust and a year’s supply of food Eating apul’s3 60@4 60 Vo bbl.nure 6 Vi Ryest.ong—No G3%@ Chanticleer, ;t« Neptune. For Cushing’s Island, 6.40, 8.00, 10.30 a. m., 2.15 »l Sher- otesent were Clerk 'i.a% 67% c. BAY STATE AND Lunenourg, johnsbury, Newport when he the condition of Mayor Raymond, City do common 42*3 00 docom’no. 43/i KEY WEST—S.u itu, &ch Daisv Farlin, Dim 3.15, 5.00. 0.15 p. rn. PORTLAND, brook, Montreal and Toronto. contemplates a6 425,000 bush: exports uamb. City Solicitor Lyons, Aldermen Baldwins 3 50fg4 00 calls,comnd Wheat—receipts 7,- ;on. Tampa. For Little and Great Diamond Islands alternately leave Franklin Wharf. Port- thousands who go there without supplies oVifflSM, 359 sales SUNDAY TRAINS. trap tn o@iovse bush: 8,096.000 bush; futures 428 NORFOLK—Ar 4th, schs Augustus Palmer Trefethen’s,Evergreen Landing,Peaks’ Island land, every at 7 in and do not know whero to or what Pomerleau, Warren, McCubrey, Watson, pans, puro 7»/*scs’ 2 Evening o’clock, arriving “go Lemon*. bus spot-.spot strong; No Red 1 47 f o b afloat Haskell. 5.30, 6.40, 8.00, 10.30 a. 12.00 4.20. season for connection with 7.20 a. m. train for to Haskell and Ames. purallf 8Vi«.8V* Boston; Augustus JJunt. Blair, do. ; m., m., 2.00, earliest tra ns for Paper Brunswick. Ao- do. The Alaska Commercial oompany Hssema 3 00 to arrive; No 1 Northern —; No 1 ha d Duluth Cld sell Clara E 6.15. 7,30 m. "Watarvifle and 0084 Ham. 3 ®>yZJ 4th, Jtamiail.Charlsoii, Bostor p. points beyond. gusta, Bangor. took numbers down 3 Sid sell Alicia B For Ponce's Long Island. tickets for 12.60 m. Train for large river, free, California 5o@3 75 aocov’rd .. 4th, Crosby, Bunker Port Landing. 5.30, 8.00, Through Providence, Lowell, p. Brunswick, Lewiston, where food could be obtained. One gets DEERING. ttranges. Oil. Corn—receipts 376,676 hush; exports 478,339 and. 10.30 a. 111.. 2.00, 4.20. 6.15 p. m. Worcester, New York, etc. Bath. Augusta, Watervllle, and Bangor. sales busli jfutures For only one hnndred feet claims. For these Florida 0 00@C 00 Kerosenei20te 8V. bush; 225,000 129,000 bush NEW HAVEN—Ar 6th, sell B L Eaton, Hib Marriner’s Landing, Long Island, 10.30 a. Returning leave India Wharf, Boston, every ll.oo p. m. Night Express with sleeping cars 3 00 spot-.spot strong: No 2 at 4uVac f o b afloat. iard. calai. 2.00 111. at 7 o’clock. for all a tax of $100 per annum must be paid and Cahiorma, 50@4 Llgooia. 8Va 111., p. Evening points. do Seedlugs 2 76*326 Centennial. Oats—receipts 295.200 bush: exports 586.578 PHILADELPHIA—Ar 4th. sell Clau RETURN. J. B. COYLE, twenty per cent if one secures The annual 8V« Henry Manager. ARRIVALS IN PORTLAND. loyalty adjourned meeting of the “BBS. Pratt’s Asuai bush; sales **,000 hush snot; spotquiet; No 2 *en. Abel E Babcoet Forest J. I- LISCOMB, Gen. over ..lOVs Torrey, Boston; BaboocK, Leavo City Landing. 6.20, 7.20, 8.30. 9.30 Agt. From five hundred dollars from the claim. Eastern extra.. No3at34%c: No 2 wuite No 3 1. Montreal. Quebeo, Fabyans. Bridgton. board of trade which was to have 012 In hall bbls le extra at|3»c; 37c; Kennebec. 10.50 0. m., 1 00, 2 35.: 3.45, 5.3J, 8.20 p. m. Sept. 1897. As he closes he is for Deering white track white 6.30, 8.25 a. in.; Lewiston and Mechanic Falls, 8.30 anxious his father FreslibVeatern.. @11 Balslns. —c; 36040c. Ar oth, sclis Nathan Lawrence. anc Leave Ponce’s held last was Green, Landing. 6.05, 8.50, 11.20 a. m. a. m.: Watervllle and Augusta. 8.35 a. m.; to write as he been evoning postponed Held. MusctL50 lb Beef firm; family —; city extra India Mess 5 P Sorenson. soon, may movejby spring. bxs5®6V» Hitchcock, Portland. 2 50, 5.10, 0.55 p. 111. Bangor, and Augusta and week from isntte*. London Cld sell Wm J MAINE STEAMSHIP C(h dally days He then goes to feed the fire in the mine owing to the small number in attendance. lay’rll 764220C 4th, Lipsetf, Portland. Leave Cushing’s, 7.05, 8-15. 11.05 a. m., 2.45 Rockland, 12.23 p. m.: Klngfield. Farm- Creamerv.lDcy,.18®20 Lard steady; Western steam 5 20. island—Pas'scn down Phillips, to thaw out dirt for removal the next Goal, Reedy 4th, schs Chas I 3.50, 5.20, 6.40 p. m. Bemis. Eumford Falls. Lewiston, 12.30 f A party numbering forty of the mem- BUtEuge VPet @18 Pork quiet; mess —. New York Direct Line. ington, Retail—delivered. Nottman, tor Boston; Yale, for Portland; Get Leave Little Diamond. 6.30. 7.20, 9.20 a. m. and stations 3.25 St ’’day. Butter Western n. m; Lewlsion way p. m.; bers of the Rossini club of Portland were Choice. Cumberland 00084 26 firm; creamy 14%@l7c:facto- E Prescott, for Spruce Head. 12.00 m„ 12.25. 3.30, 5.35, 7.20. 7.50 p. m. John. Bar Harbor.Aroostook BRISTOL. Cheese. do at 17o: LONG ISLAND SOUND BY DAYLIGHT. County,Moosehead Chestnut.,. @600 ry 13fa, 14%c; Elgius state dairy 14« Sid fm Delaware Breakwater 4th, schs Jennlt Leave Great Diamond, 6.25. 7.15. a at Riverton on their annual 9.15, 11.55 Lake and Bangor, 6.45 p.m.; Rangeley. Farming- yesterday ST. Y. terry 0 »10 Franklin-.. 8 00 t6Viie;docrem 14%@l7c. 5 Butler. for 7.15. m. THREE TRIPS PER WEEK. May 5.—A U. S. Signal officer Cienfuegos Boston; Lucy A Davis m„ 12.30, 3.25. 5.30, 7.55 p. ton, RumfordFalls, Lewiston, 5.65 p. m.; Chicago Bristol, social The was Vermont... D fclO Lehigh.... @600 Cheese steady—state largo white at Do tge, Brunswick for co. m town to make outing. day veiy pleasant- 8’/i(S.9c: Leave Trefethen’s, 6.20, 7.10, 9.10,11.50 a. m. Steamships Manhattan and John JEngUs and Montreal and all White Mountain points (Was recently arrange- bag#.812%h 13 l’ea...... 4 60 small do 8%&9c. Ar sell Martha T 8.00 GtLi, Thomas, Watts. Cien 12.35, 3.20, 6.25, 7.10, p. m. alternately leave Franklin wharf 8.10 p. m.; dally from Bar -mants for a telephone line from Round ly spent aud supper indulged at the State and Penn at Tuesdays, Harbor, Bangor. Eggs steady; HGll%c; iuegos. Leave Evergreen, 6.15, 7.05. 9.05, 11.45 a. m. and at 6 for New Bath and Lewiston, 1.40 a. m. Pond to to Wes ter Thursdays Saturdays p. m., daily; Halifax, Pemaquid Point, give sig- Casino. The party returned to the city Oram Quotations* £ n^resii lO%@lic. Passed out 4tli, sell Cha P Nottman. 12.40. 3.15, 6.20. 7.05, 8.05 p. m. York direct. Returning, lleave Pier w. East St John. BarHarbor, Watervllle and Augus- news from the Tallow nal station on Monhegan. BOARD Off »k steady. PERTH AMBOY—Sid 4th. sch Laura, Bath Leave Marrtner s Landing, Long Island, 11.30 a River, and Saturdays at ta. 3.50 a. m.. except Mondays. early in the evening. caicA(iO TRV dull. Tuesdays, Thursdays Rev. Mr. of Petroleum Annie Lee, Machias. m., 3 00 p. m. 5 D. m. Conley, Bangor, preached uu r*i. n.i: -r» n GEO. F. EVANS. General Manager The Odd Fellows’ Wednesday’s quotations. Rosin steady. —•’***! A *1 9.30 m. for all at the Congregational Church here last entertainment and ; VHIU1IU, 4UJ Saturday night ouly, p. landings These steamers are superbly fitted and fur- Jf. E. BOOTHBY. G.P.SX.A WHKAT. Molasses steady. spear, Kennebunkport. nished for travel and afford the Sunday a s a candidate, the regular dance in Red Men’s hall, which was Sunday Time Table. passenger most Portland, April lo, 1898,apmdtf pas- post- Rice strong. PROVIDENCE—Ar 3d, sob Freddie Eaton convenient and comfortable route tor read his Aprii .July. May Snlrlta TnrnnAnHnA cUorlv between having resignation. on account of sickness will 96 .lark. Red Pencil. pond be given tfpeiru:. V4 121 For Forest City Landing, Peaks’ 8 Portland and New York. Mrs. Chas. E. Hagen died last Thurs- Freights to Liverpool strong. Ar sell Island, 00 in the Fame on -lOMtlft.. 9i5/8 130 4th, Penobscot, Dodge, Apalacbtcol; 9.00. 10 30 a. m., 12.1o, 2.t5. 3.15. 5.00 n. m. Fare: one way. $6.00; round trip, $8.00. day very suddenly and under place Tuesday evening, :or Pawtucket. Portland & Romford Falls distressing r«'H.N CHICAGO—Cash quotations: For cusn ng’s isiann, a.oo, 10.30 a. m., 12.15 2 15 Goods carried are insured against WAR R’y. about 17th. The tickets before PORTSMOUTH-Ar sells oircumstanoes, aged thirty years. May issued will Flour strong on foreign demand; standard 4tli, Herman FKIm 3.15. 5.00 p. m. Rl «K, under tne terms of the Company’s Opeii April July. Mav sail. New York: Daniel Iii Effect Funeral services were held Thursday. be for this date. patent« 76. Lane, Webster, Bostoi For Little and Great Diamond Islands Policy, without additional charge to shipper. nay 2,1898. good 84 Vs S3V4 ior Sooth Geo W do Mr. J. C. F. who died in Bos- Wheat—No 2 spring wheat 110; No 3 do at bay: Collins, far Sullivan Trefetlien’s and Evergreen Landings, 8.00 9 0( J. F. LISOOMB.General AgenL DEPARTURES. Wheeler, w v.-lu (.!••» B Storm Petrel, do for Ellsworth. Marshal Brown is to a 1 03 a t 20; No 2 Ited at Coro— 10.30 a. m.. 2.00. 4.2a m. THOS. M. BARTLETT. Agt ocwdlf ton, last Friday, was a native and long City occupy part 131(8160. 12.15, p. 8.30 A. M. and l.io P. M. From Union Station OATS. No 2 at 84%®34%c:No2 J c. SAN FRANCISCO—Ar 4th, ship Louisiana For Fonce’s resident of this town. His remains were of the street commissioners ellow'34% Oats— Landing, Long Island, 8.00, 10 3< for Poland, Mechanic Falls. Buckfleld. Can- office, Odd No2 at No 2 Uslcrow. Newcastle, NSW. 4.20 m. April July. May 30-®SO%c; white at 3 isasav-c; а. m.. 2.00, p. ton. Rumford Falls. brought to Pemaquid Monday and ser- No 3 No 2 SAVANNAH-Ar 6th. Jennie D&field, Fellows’ block, Woodfords, as an office 26% 29% White 32®S3c; rye at 06i869c: No 2 brig Hulbert For Marriner’s Landing, Long Island, 10 30 a vices were new Rev. Opening. No 1 Warr. Portland. 8.30 a. m.. l.io and 0.15 p. m. From Union Tuesday, Mr. Pet- ; 26 SO»/s Bariev 40*60c: Flaxseed 1 «o(®l 86% ; m., 2.00 p.m. for his department. While no Closing. SALEM—Ar sells Station Falls and intermediate ersen officiating. having prime Timothy seed at 2 t>0®2 7a; Moss pork at 4th, Abbv S Walker, Dob C. W. T. for;Mechanlc .W'"M ‘Thursday’s quotations, South for GODING, General Manager stations. Capt. W. P. Fossett has been at home regular office hours during the he 1106,lO.Lard 6 90®6 92% jshort rtb slues bin. Amboy Spruce Hoad; Georgieua day, New York for Sliver apr27dt! for a few his vessel W-KBST at 6 35®6 60. Dry salted meats—shoulders 4% Gardiner; Spray, Rock DIRECT STEAMSHIP LISE. Through cars between Portland, Rumford dajst, being bound to will attend promptly to telephone mes- land for New York. Franklin to loud stone. Mch. July. May ®6; short clear sides 6 >o®8 io. Falls and Bemis. sent him at the cltvclerk Opening.,... 99% 137 Butter steady; SALEM—Sld 6th, schs Clias E Sears.Hoboker Connections at Bemis for all in the D. Nason is in Portland sages Voffice creniry I3®l«c; dairy at 12® points Capt. oversee- Clesing... 102% 160 16c. Cheese dull at 7%@l2%c. Eggs steady; forl.nbee; Charlotte T Sibley, do for Belfast From Boston and Itangeley Lakes. work on a steamer Jr residence. He will he at the Edward L every Wednesday Saturday. ing being repaired ax police n»iv fresh 10% c. Warren, Jersey City for Bangor; Ar Portland works. thur B Smith, and Ellen, New Through Tickets on Sale. station evenings when necessary. April July May. Receipts—Flour, 14.000 hbls; wheat 89,000 Maggie York foi From every and bush: Portland; Damletta & Job iina, do for Posi International Co. Philadelphia Wednesday TheiAdvent Chapel atjRound Pond was 84% bus; corn 6«9.0oo oats 436.000 busli; do; Steamship of O.ieniui. .- -- Henry Mayo Deering Centre, has l 26.000 Boy, New York for Bangor; Morancv, Bostor FOR R. C. BRADFORD, Traffic dedicated last with Uosmc. ... 34% 34% rye 7.000 ush; barley bush. Manager, week, services!: appro- tor Spencer Island: do for Saturday. Portland, Mains. Revs. Miss noved his billiard hall and Shipments—Flour 14,000 hb!a;whsat 265,000 Scran, Jlachias; Ad priate. end Mr. Brewster barbershop oats. Jordan, and P 11 do for From Central Wharf, Boston. 3 n. m. From E. L. LQVEJOY, bush; corn 901,000 bush: oats l?2,uoo bush- Gay, Damariscotta. Eastport, Lubso, Calais, St. Jo 'n. K.S- Superintendent, being n the old Masonic hall, at to V K Y Alt D-H A N.B.,Halitax. at 3 m. 3el8 dtf Rumford Falla. Main*. present. Woodfords, SC3R Apr. July. May. rye 1009 bush sbarley 13.00 bush. IN VEN—Passed 6th, sells Get and all of Now Pine street Wharf. Philadelphia, p. In- A 6team Fore near the E Nortolk lor parts Brunswick, Nova Scotia the rate of polisher has lately been street, Portland, armory. 26% 30% l Walcott, Portland; Clara E ltan Prince and surance one-half sailing vessels. placed Ipenlng. MINNEAPOLIS—Wheat-May 25% ; July Edward Island Cape Breton. The the In the at at ; 1 tall, do lor do. for the West by Penn. U. B. and quarry Round Pond by Manag- The advertised ljtters are Closing...... 26% 30% 1 2 is-bD; sept K4’/s No hard at 130%- favorite route to Campobello aud St. Freights following at Sailed 6th, sobs Andrews, South lines, forwarded free of er Stevenson. roB*. No 1 Northern 1 23 Vs. Keweydin, from Barbadoi by connecting Boston & Maine R. R. he Woodfords office: Miss :or Portland; Spartan, Baltimore commission. GORHAM. post Helen MINNEAPOLIS—Flour—first patents 6 20® fordo; GY May. f> Bralnard. New York for Spring Arrangement. Sta.OO. Round Trip $13.00. In effect Oct. 4th, 1897. Mr. Edward Smith, Evie 11 22 6 3u; second patents at 90 n6 00; first clears Kitten'; Wm H Daven Passage Sffie, Chase, Opening.. Amnoy for Hallowed; On and Sifter Monday, March Meals and room included. Trains Gorham, May 5.—The is the 11 25 at a 75(g>5 00 secondclears at 3 90 s J o. port, Eliza S Potter 21st. steamei leave Union Station, for gcarboro following idith Albert Bound. Closing. for win leave Portland ou For or to F. P. Gorham Wilder, DETROIT—Wheat—No 1 White at 1 20: No2 Philadelphia Portland; Miranda. Port Lib Mondays and Thurs- freight passage apply WING, Crossing:. 10.00a. m.. 6.15, 6.20 am.; Scarbo- Granga programme for SaturdayJ Boston. Mr. Charles Schwartz has Reu cash 1 29: May 1 29. arty for Randolph; Chromo. Port Reading foi days at 5.30 p. ra. Agent, Central Wharf, ro Beach, Pino Point, 7.00. 10.00 a. m.. 3.80, evening: accepted a Portland Daily Press Stock Qoutatlons. Bar Harbor; TW Corn—No 2 mixed 32c. Allen, Hoboken fur Calais Returning leave St-John and Ail shipped by this line are 6.16, 6.20. a m.: Old Orchard. Saco, Bid- Quotations. with the Portland electric Will New York for Eastport Tues- goods josition com- 2 Todd, Calais; Grace deford, 7.00, 8.40, 10.00 a. ra., v Corrected by Swan Si Barrett. Bankers, 186 Oats—No white 32% c.; Davis days and Thursdays. covered war risk 12.46, 3.30, Norfolk for Boston; Belle against by epea policies 6.20 in.; Mrs. Stacy and was Middle sheet. ltve—No 2 at < Oe. O’Nell. Pnlladelplilt 6.15, p. Kennebnnk. 7.00. 8.40 a. m., pany, yesterday assigned to a Golden issued and without Essay, Charles Chaffin STOCKS. for do; Sheaf, do for do; Abble Buwkei Through tickets baggage checked issued to this company expense 6.15 ,6.20 p. m.: Kennebunkport, Harmonica JJorth Deering car ns motorman. Norfolk for Boston, to destination. gp-Freight received to 4 7.00. 8.40. a. m.. 12.46. 6.16 p. Solo, Mattie Par Value. Bid. Asked Cotton Markets. up 00 to shipper, 3.30, m.; Houghton Description. p. m. Wells Beach 7.00,8.40 a. m.. 3.30. 6.15 p. Reading, Howard The motorinen and conductors of the Canal National Bank...100 106 110 E. B. SAMPSON, Treasurer and General m.,* McKennev LyTelograptu Foreign Forts. For Tickets and Staterooms apply at the North Berwick, gomersworth, Dover,*! 4.06b Paper—ihe Shakers, Mrs. Black Casco National Bank.100 100 x02 88 State Sti, Fislte Building, Boston, 8.40 Deering line of the Portland Electric MAY 6. 1898 Pine Tree Ticket Office, Monument ot Manager, 7.00, a, m., 12.46, 3.30, 6.16 a m*s does Cumberland National Bank. ..40 3o At Hong Kong Apl 2, barque John Baisley Square Mass. oc uadli Question—What it cost to raise a hare raised a fund for NEW YORK—The Cotton market for other information, at Rochester. 7.00, 8.40 a. m., 12.45, 3.S0 p. m.; :ompany the pur- 100 to-day Halstead, trom Singapore. Company’s Office bushei of corn in this Chapman National Bank. closed quiet: middling uplands at do Railroad Wharf, foot of State street. Farmington, Alton Bay, 8.40 a. m. 12.45, vicinity? chase of an American flag which is to be Fli 98 ion 6%c; gulf Sld fm Yokohama Apl 6. ship John R it National Bank.100 at 6%c; sales 1,000 bales. Kelley 3.30 P. m.; Northern Div.. Lakeport, La- Charles Hanson ;hrown to the breeze today from the Bank— 76 109 ill Chapman, New York. J. B. COYLE. Gen. Man. __ top Merchants’National Portland and Steamnoai Go conia, Plymouth, 8.40 a, m.. 12.45 p. m.; CHaKLESTC N—The Cotton marKei sld frn Apl marl8dtf H. P. C. HERSEY Boothbay jf the car house stable at Morrills corner. National Traders’Bank.100 97 99 to-day Singapore 4, barque Sachem, Nick Agent. Worcester. via Somers worth* 7.00 a, OLD ORCHARD CAMP was nominal; Mia Boston. m.; MEETINGS. Newman presented them Portland National Bank.100 102 104 cling 6%c. Dls, Manchester. Concord, via Superintendent Ar at Shields, NSW. to WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. Rockingham Portland Trust Co.100 130 156 GALVESTON—Cotton market was prior Ylay 3, ship J A Junction, 7.00 a. m.„ 3.30 [SPECIAL TO THE with the flag pole. The flag is nine feet today Cbemainus. p. m.; PRES3.J Portland Gas Company. 60 80 86 easy; middling 6 1-18c. Briggs, Raich, STEAMER ENTERPRISE leaves as tal- Rockingham Junction. Exeter, Haver- wide by 15 in length. at Portland Water Co.100 102 104 At Hamburg May 3, ship Joseph B Tho lows: hill. Lawrence, LowelL Boston. 1J+4.05, Old Workmen are excellent MEMPHIS—TheCotton market to-dav was nas, Lermond. Buenos Orchard, May 5.—Rev. Israel making progress Portland St. Railroad Co..100 130 136 Ayres. GOING WEST. +7.00. +8.40 a. m.. 12.45, 8.30 p. m. Luce, steady; middlings6%c. Ar at jn the repairs and additions to the Ca- Maine Cenifal R’v.100 128 130 Liverpool May 2, ship Riverside, Culh EAST BOOTHBAY for Mon- Arrive in Boston, 7.2o, 10.16 a xn., President of the Old Orchard Beach NEW ORLEA PORTLAND, 12.50, sino and theatre at Riverton. The car- Portland & Ogdens burg K.R. 100 60 61 NS—The Cotton market to-oav shields. days at 7.15 a. m.. touching at 4.22. 7.25. p. m. Leave Boston for Port- was quiet; 6 At Montevideo Jlcn Camp Meeting Association, has just is- are now in mlodling 110 6c. 31, barque Edw L May PORTLAND South Bristol, anil Boothbay Harbor, land, 5.69. 7.30. 8.00. 8.30 a. m., 1.00, 4.15, penters engaged sheathing BONDS. for Brazil; sell his official :he rustic roof of the theatre. 120 M (i BILE—The Cotton market was Derry, Hinds, MaJ r’iekands &_WORCESTER. PKMAQB1D for PORTLAND, Wednesdays p. m. Arrive Portland, 10.13, 11.00 a. sued programme of the Portland 6s. 1907.118 to-day Wade, fur New York. camp 102 103 nominal; at 6.00 a. m.. touching at above landings. m., 12.00, 12.20, 6.00, 8.00 p. m. meetings to be held here this City Barbour has just estab- Portland 4s. 1902—1912 Funding. middling 5%c. Sld Mch summer Engineer 108 fm ltlo Janeiro 26, barque Elmiranda FORTUM & ROCHESTER R. DAMARIHCOTTA for PORTLAND, SUNDAY TRAINS. The season will lished the sidewalk lines on South Portland 4s. 1913, Funding.106 SAVANNAH—The Cotton market to-day was R. Fridays open July 2nd, when the street Dodge, Philadelphia. at 6 a. at East Bangor 6s. 1899. K. R. aid.101 102 quiet; 5 of in., touching Boothbay. South Scarboro Beach, Pine Old Or- New Adventists will into to the laying of a brick side- middling 11-169 Cld at St John, NB. 4th inst, sell Station Foot Preble St. Harbor. Point, England go preparatory Bangor6s. 1906.,Water.114 116 Beulah,Was Bristol and Boothbay chard, Saco, Biddeford, Kennebunk. Wells until the 11th. walk as for Mr. ion. Thomaston. On GOING EAST. camp, remaining Rev. D. petitioned by George Batli 6s. 1898. R. R. aid .101 102 and after Monday, Oct. 4, 1897, PassenoAr Beach, 12.55. 4.30 p. m.; North European*.’darket 9. 3sen“er PORTLAND at 7.00 a. in. Berwick, T. Call, formerly of Biddeford, and now Smith and other residents on that street. Batli 4%s, 1907, Municipal.101 103 trains will Leave Portland: Leave Tuesdays Dover, Exeter, Haverhill, Lawrence. Low- By reieaTaului For for Boothbay Harbor, South East of Somerville, Mass., will preside and will wed ty general Dr. Wood’s Pine St 10.50 a. rn., 1.30, 4.15, 5.52 p. 111. Leave Gt. Chebeague Monday. temperance Norway Syrup helps donfd .. IBS Steamship Croix, Allen, St John, NB, via Fbe tickets to all for sale at meetings, nen < ROBERT F’or tickets tor all points West and South an- p. m. Through points Union beginning August 2?th and and women to a old Maine entral. toe Eastportfor Boston. REFORD Limited happy, vigorous 00, to T. F. McGILLlCUDDY, Ticket Leave Cousins Island 8.30 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. Station. continuing three days. Union Pacific. Sch A L Henderson, Henderson. Brunswick— Commercial ply Agent. D. J. ige. Street, Portland. Me. Portlond, Me. BENJAMIN M. SEA BURY. FLANDERS. G. P. & T. A., Boston. Union Pacific pfd. 6Sya hard pine to Peering, Winslow & Co. j. w. GKO. 11. THOMPSON. Ticket Agent, Port I may3dtmyl0 je25dtf PETERS. Snpt. apr28dtf General Manager. land THE PRESS. THREW TUMBLER AT WIFE- THE MASONS. Brown Street Startled by Woman Running The Grand Lodge closes—Proceedings ol .\Kff AUVGBTlSISinSNlll TODAY. The Down Street Face Covered With Blood, tho Grand Commandery. Welcome Base"

J. K. Libby Co. The people residing on Brown street The Grand Lodge met at 9 a. m. Fastraan tiros. & Bancroft. ment Seven. were much alarmed were reoeived Owen. Moore Ss Co. yesterday afternoon yesterday. Routine reports Brothers Co. officers Bines tbout 5.45 o’clock when a woman about until 11 o’clock, when the grand City ot Deeriug. Master Ira F. Clark. sixty years old who lives at No. 44 rushed were installed by Past Grand Board of Underwriters. six sets or Portland >ut onto the sidewalk with a stiok in her Drummond, the following appointments These People have Maine Central Jtaiiroad. Manufacturers’ Syndicate. iand, an ugly wound in her head and having been made. been marching through our Base- ho blood down her face in Grand running Corresponding Secretary—Chas. * ment working their own sweet D. Portland. New Wants, To Let, For Sale, Lost, Found streams. She rushed up to Mr. John Smith, and similar advertisements will be found under District Deputy Grand Masters—Dis- will therein. Hamilton who was passing the house and dis- J their appropriate heads on page 6. trict 1, Herbert Spencer, Washburn; legged him to protect her from “that trict 2, Everett H. Fisher, West Pem- First the FIREMEN, then INSUR. nan.” district H. Foster, Mr. Hamilton could not see any broke; 3, George ANCE ADJUST ERS, next CARPEN- Machias, district Edward F. Davies, nan, but in a moment a man about forty 4, Castine; district 5, Fred H. Savage, La TERS, WHITENERS, PAINTERS and rears old opened the door of No. 44 and Grange; distriot Fred C. Brad- Fac-simile signature of CHAS. H, FLETCbjSR 6, Barton, :ame out on to the street. ley; district 7, Albert W. Thorn- WASHERS. of bDttle of Casto&ja. Ward, is on the wrapper every dike; district James Wentworth, “What have you been doing to this 8, E, We welcomed each set in turn, for Searsport; district 9, Frank A. Peterson, When -was we gave her Castoria. woman?” demanded Mr. Hamilton. Eaby sick, Rockland; distriot Willard T. Marr, each were helpers to us. cried for 10, helpful When she was a Child, she Castoria. The man edged out into the street and Boothjiay Harbor; district 11, Levi K. she became she to Castoria. Now will you be the seventh When Miss, clung started on a run for Oxford street around Jones, Winthrop; distriot 12, James H. When she had Children, she gave them CastoriA Witherell, district Herman ihe corner of which he hurried out of Oakland; 13, (lucky number) set of helpers? W. S. Love joy, Fairfield; district 14, sight. Street Commissioner Smith of Robert W. Carr, Bowdoinham; distriot Friday and Saturday we’ll give you James H. Deering was driving down Brown Btreet 15, Howes, New Sharon; dis- the to stock up Kitch- trict. Arthur opportunity it the time and was told to chase the man 16, C. Ricker, Bryant’s "Mrs. Wiaslow-s Sootniag Byrap, Pond; district 17, Harlan P. Babb. West- en, Dining-room, Piazza and other rnd he his horse and followed sj over Years of whipped up brook; distriot 18, Isaao F. Jewett, Water- Has been used Fifty by millions parts of the at a above him as as In the mean- district Isaao P. Kenne- house, trifle mothers for their children while Teething quickly possible. ford; 19, Goooh, 1ij bunkport; district 20, Edwin A. no-prsce-at-all, article in our with success. It soothes the child, time the woman became faint and some Reed, Every perfeet North Lee; district 21, James E. Parsons, cures Wind of the who hurried to the Basement that softens the gums, allays Pain, neighbors spot Ellsworth; distriot 22, George M. Bond, Fire,-Water,-or the and is the best carried her into her house Colic, regulates bowels, and attended to Stetson; district 23, Frank H. Dexter, Smoke has touched will be closed remedy for Djarrhoea whether arising from her wounds. Springvale; district 24, Geo. H. Goding, Lewiston distriot J. Frank out FRIDAY and SATURDAY at teething or other causes. For sale by Drug- As the woman told the story to the Junction; 25, I Houlton. gists in every, nart of the world. Be sure and Bryson, I whatever price it will bring. neighbors her husband’s name is Har- Grand Elmer F. Pem- ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, 25 cts Chaplains—Rev. mon, and a sign on his house designated ber, Bangor; Rev. John R. Clifford, a bottle Many goods are arranged on him as Dr. Harmon. The woman is Deering; Rev. Charles A. Hayden. Au- gusta; Rev. John Gibson, Cape Eliza- tables by prices. about sixty years old and the Doctor is BRIEF beth ; Rev. George M. Howet, Lewl6ton. JOTTINGS. Until Dr. and Mrs. about forty. recently Grand Marshal—Wm. J. Burnham, I CENT, 2 CENT, 3 CENT, 4 CENT, Harmon lived at Mechanic Falls where Lewiston. afternoon the and Al- Yesterday Mayor Grand Senior Deacon—Hugh R. Chap- 5—6—7—8 cent counters contain some five or six years ago, Mrs. Harmon dermen visited Tukey’s bridge in'relation lin, Bangor. married the doctor. Some three Tin and Japanned things innumera- to' the olainj of Findley & Johnson,Jby years Grand Junior Deacon—E. D. Eastman, Dr. so his wife said, had Portland. worth from double to five times a in of tho street. ago Harmon, 4 ble, reason of change grade Grand Steward—Jacob * the grip and since then has not been right R. Stewart, asked. | The Maine Monument Fund chorus Rockland. the price at times. he had been drinking held an excellent rehearsal at Reception Yesterday Grand Steward—Charles W. Crosby, a little and when he came home he Kent’s Hill. ball last evening. got into an argument with his wife and Grand Steward—Edwin A. Porter, The annua) meeting of the Young Pittsfield. -39! threw a heavy tumbler at her. The Woman's Christian association will be Grand Steward—Wm. A. Remick, doctor’s aim was good and he struok the Bucksnort. held at their rooms 587 1-3 Congress 3 cents. Sheet Iron a the tumbler above Grand Sword Bearer—Wm. N. Pans, at 3 m. All woman with heavy just Howe, street, Monday, May 11, p. Portland. ■ little rusted. the right eye. Mrs. Harmon ran out into —- LI members of the association and friends Grand Standard Bearer—Isaac N.Hurd, the street and called for help and the 4 quart Tin Pails ftf the work are invited to be'present. Kittery. TAKE IN THE doctor ran away. Grand Pursuivant—Wm. O. Port- with cover. At the Keeley Institute, 151 Congress Fox, The police arrested Dr. Harmon last land. St drunkenness and morphinism is cured. Grand Pursuivant—Albert M. 2 quart Enamel night and locked him un in the police Ames, A meeting of the Catholic Young La- Stockton Springs. Tea Kettles. station, where he will remain until this ranK l. dies’ Literary, society will be held this urana Lecturer—r steeper »a- Maine Central R. R, Wood morning, when he will have a chance to battus. Chopping at 8 o’olook. Members are re- S. evening tell his story to Judge Robinson. Grand Organist—Walter Smith, Bowls. quested to attend. Portland. The Ladies’ Aid sootety connected with HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIA- Grand Tyler—Warren O. Carney, Port- Tin Pans, large land. EXCURSION of are to hold a Shepley camp, S. V., TION. size. this At 11.45 the Grand Lodge was closed. supper and entertainment evening Tin 11 The meeting was called to order by At the session of Maine Council of De- Pails, quart, at their hall, Plum street. Supper Chairman Noyes and the report of the liberation it was voted to recommend to to not perfect. served at 6.30, entertainment at 8 o’clock. AUGUSTA, last read and The the A. A. S. that will be meeting accepted. Supreme Council, R., A small admission charged. and tlie in rending of the report on constitution and charters be granted to .Rockland Lodge of give Boys Blue was next listened to and PERSONAL. cy-laws accepted, Perfection and Rockland Council Princes THE GLAD l'he constitution and by-laws as reported of Jerusalem. The following officers HAND. with a few amendments were taken were elected: Acting Lieutenant Wilbert M. Colby, up 5 cents. Wood Chopping Bowls, seotion and voted The election F. Saturday, May 6tJ), by regular ^ U. S. N., who has been in Portland since iy upon. Commande-in-Chief—Marquis King. large. next considered and a com- 1st Lieut. Commander—Albert M. Pen- trains from all stations. in connection with the establish- if officers was Sunday ley, Lewiston. Nickel Tea Kettles, not on the mittee of five was appointed to mak e up ment of a “mosquito” patrol fleet 2d Lieut. Commander—Treby Johnson, i of offioers to be voted The ONE FARE THE ROUND perfect. coast left Wednesday morning for Bristol, list upon. Augusta. TRIP, oommittee retired and a rocess was takan Gr. M. of S. and Gr. Orator—John C. tickets good for return Suuday, And Coal Sieves. R, where he has a collection of small I., Thomaston. confound- by the meeting. When the committee Levensaler, iron—12 steamers. This officer has been Gr. Prior—Rev. Elmer F. Pember, Muffin Pans, H. G. O. returned, Mr. Noyes rapped for order on ed with Commander Colby,^the Bangor. MAY 7i cups on frame. lighthouse inspector in Boston, g and the following list of officers was Gr. Chancellor—Henry R. Taylor, Ma- SUNDAY, chine. Work 25 to 69c M. B. of the Au- made: J IO Cents. Baskets, Mr. Watson, president Gr. Treasurer—Fred C. Tolman. BY SPECIAL TRAIN Mrs. Wat- President—Albert B. Hall, ’74. I kind. burn Common Council, and Gr. Seoretary—Warren C. King. LEAVING Portland 9.00 a. m. I Q-j Kfk Vice President—A. S. Woodman, ’83. Lewiston 9.15a. ere of relatives in town. Gr. and Architect—Chas. K. Til- m.) vI.O" H son, the guests W. G. Eng. Chamber Pails, galvan- Corresponding Secretary—Miss den, Bath 9.30 a. m.) t fin Picking, of the receiving ship ’84. Augusta. Q V Capt. Moses, Gr. Master of Ceremonies—Thomas A. Brunswick 10.05 a. m. I v A ized, covered. Mabel Skil- Wabash, left the Charlestown navy yard Recording Secretary—Miss Gardiner. lings, ’94. Jewett, Stopping at intermediate stations, arriving at Enamel Tea Kettles with evening lor Washington, Gr. of the Guard—Albert W. 11.30 a. m.. Returning leave Wednesday Treasurer—A. M. Heseltine. Capt Augusta Augusta 4.00 m. Tickets Sundav onlv. where he has been assigned to temporary Butler, Rockland. p. good k cover. Executive Board—S. H. Thompson. ’77; Gr. Sentinel—Warren O. Carney. F. E. BOOTHBY, GKO. F. EVANS, duty. Miss Alice L. Millett. ’95; Mrs. W. H. Gen’l. Pass. Agent. Vice Pres. & Gen. Man. Tea Pots, 4 and 5 At a of the Grand J quart, left Portland ’72; G. C. H. Smith, ’95. meeting Imperial dt't Commander Perry yester- Noyes, may6_ * Vice Presidents—K. S. E. cf the Red Cross of enamel ware. to take command of the United Honorary Council, Knights day Hon. C. F. Ozman McLellan, Libby, Constantine, and Appendant Orders for ke Eetinned Dish Pans, 14 quart, 9c. States ship Lancaster, to which he has Adams, P. W. Robinson, Miss Ellen D. CITY OF DEERINC. the State of Maine the following officers “ « “ “ 13c been assigned. She is a 3250 tons sorew Stevens, Mrs. J. A. Schmidt, Mrs. J. T. I' 17 Pagan, Miss C. E. Goold. were elected and appointed: Notice to Dag Owners. steamer, wooden, 1000 horse power, and Enamel Slop Jars, with cover, 25o President Hall then took the chair and Gr. Sovereign—Josiah H. Drummond. carries twelve She will be used as In accordance with an order issued guns. Gr. I. Collamore. by Mayor 9k Enamel Eice 4 and 6 pint in a manner outlined Viceroy—Charles Moulton, notice is hereby given owners of Boilers, a off West. very pleasing the dogs supply ship Key Gr. Senior General—William J. Burn- on April 1.1898, that until the 15th of Is aims and of the association. May ffl size, 19o Col. and Mrs. A. R. Nickerson of purposes ham. hereby given them to procure a license at the Gr. Junior General—Edward Burn lty Cletk’s office. After that date were in the yester- The meeting then adjourned. Immediate P. prosecution Enamel Eice Boilers, 9 and 10 pint Boothbay harbor, city ham. will be made in accordance with Chapter 287 of action concerning the increase of the Public Laws of as 39c day. memjj Gr. G. Heath. 1893, amended by Chap- size, High Prelate—Elbridge ters 222 and of the D. of Mel- bership and notification of graduates will 297, public laws of 1897, of Rev. Joseph K. Wilson, D., Gr. High Chancellor—Francis T. the State of Maine. Doll were $1.00 and 50c, be taken the board of directors. Go-carts, rose, Mass., who has been extended a oall Faulkner. Per Order Gr. Tresaurer—Rufus H. EDWIN R. now 25c to the of the Free street Hinkley. BROWN, City Marshal. pastorate Baptist TWO SMALL FIRES. Gr. Recorder—Millard F. Hicks. Deering. Me., May 5.1893. mayodet Doll were $1.00, now 39c church, will preach at the morning and Gr. High Almoner—Marquis F. King. Carriages, The alarm of fire from box 61 shortly “ “ evening services next Sunday and will Gr. Chamberlain—James Adams. u n $1.49, 49c before noon yesterday was for a small Gr. Orator—Albro E. Chase. probably then make known his decision. and Bamboo blaze on the roof of the beef house of Gr. Marshal—Frank H. Drummond. Jardinieres lamps, J. Lee of Co, M. i-1 Lieut. Martin L, S. Gr. and R. half and John U Best & Co., on Commercial Engineer Architect—George L Goods, Childs’ Go-carts, at N. G., failed to pass the surgeon at Camp Shaw. street. The caught fire from a II IfiRR. Powers, being under weight, and Lieut. shingles Gr. Standard Bearer—Samuel F. Oil spark from an engine, but the fire was Bearce. iC. P. of Co. failed to pass be- dollars Dressed Crochet 8 haUs, fl.25 kind, 39c Shelvey E, quickly put out with not over fifty Gr. Herald—J. Ambroise Merrill. ■j Sets, to his insured. cause of an injury leg. damage. Fully Gr. Sentinel—W. C. G. Carney. Carriage Pott>s Sad Irons-iike above on roof of the Mrs. Eben True, formerly {the late William Fire was discovered the Jl Morse’s woodyard, The Grand Commandery of Knights Chamois cut—5 irons, 1 stand, 1 han- has building adjoining pieces—3 P. Hardy’s assistant, been promoted Plum owned J. J. Gilbert of met at two Fritz H. street, by Templar afternoon, 75cand$1.00 set 690 to Mr. Hardy’sjpositiou'as.auditor in the Doering at 1.80 yesterday. Fireman Twitchell of Bath, grand commander, JlJdle—per ib nuo Each. lined Union Mutual Life Insurance company. xvuucru rugg, wuu t3iuyiu»ou presiding. Nickel Tea Kettles—copper Berry Shoe company factory went on the ajobtuMiiJ xu* a. uqijauu auu ADOiaiaiib All of the in Colored Shirts. 25c roof and with a pail of water soon ex- nineteen oommanderies were Bargains 1 —covered, Calvin of the Y. M. Secretary 3, Miller tinguished the blaze. represented, ten commanders will past grand a other articles morn- And thousand •d. A-. wetrtjto Augusta yesterday and a large number of permanent mem- 1 lot of Men’s Colored Besom £ EXPERIENCED WORKMEN WANTED basement Friday and Sat- ing, In order to complete arrangements bers. Shirts, with white bodies, at ouly 2 go out ol our is in Tough tot the Y. M. C. A. j,tentjat Camp Pow- The Belknap Motor company, The address of the grand commander 39c each, worth 50c. £ urday at comical prices. have Carriage «r& great need of workmen. They just showed a and a in- Two hundred and prosperous year large 1 lot Men’s Laundered Colored £ New Summer Bishop Neely vrlll make his annual been awarded a large government con- crease of The of Sponges summer membership. reports the Shirts, soft front, white necU- Petticoats, 69C. forty visit to Christ church, and tract for from West Quoddy 25c and £ ar- Biddeford, telephones other grand officers confirmed this. band, with a pair of link cuffs, £ Petticoats just Head to Lubeo, Owls Head to Rockland, each. Trinity, Saoo, ne^xfc Sunday The on returns showed 3344 mem- 35c at 39c each. Color Lawn, with Marshall Point to Port Clyde, Neddiok report only £ riving, made of Linen harbor to Plum bers, a gain of 191; also SOI knight'd and several designs. TO AUGUSTA. Point, Newbnryport 1 lot of Men’s Laundered Col- £ stripes in EXOUajON island, Race Point, Nauset 54 died. ruffle Plymouth ored soft white Have deep umbrella (double'), The Maine Central will enable Rock, &o. The officers were elected as fol- Shirts, front, £ railroad Beach, Dumpling grand sweep, gathered at lows: neckband, with 3 turn down £ cut full 114 inches all the friends of the in at H. H, HAY & “boys blue,” Middle St. at 45c each. £ a workman- MAINE FLORAL CO. Grand Commander—Frank E. Sleeper, SON, collars, the waist on tape, good a chance to ex- Camp Powers, Augusta, Sabattus. washable. A remarkable bargain 1 lot Men’s ship, tend to then) the “glad hand” by an ex- The United States District Attorney, in Deputy Grand Commander—Herbert Negligee Shirts, £ 690 collars and cuffs nt at the price, cursion on trains from a hearing in the case of the Maine Floral Harris, East Machias. FELL AGAINST attached, £ regular Saturday HORSE’S HEELS. Sale Friday and Saturday. Grand Generalissimo—Albert M. only 39c each, worth 59c. £ we iaaU stations for one fare the round Co. before Putnam on Spear, dealers buying them up. trip, Judge Wednesday, Charlie the son of Mr. Charles To prevent Gardiner. Cook, limit the number to not more than ^tickets good to return Sunday and also argued for a shortening of the time of I lot Men’s fine Under- £ shall Grand Captain General—Clayton J. Cook of Cook, Everett and Pennell, was Jersey three to one customer. on a train Port- the that had been Lewiston. wear at 35c Sunday special leaving temporary injunction Farrington. the victim of a but not per piece. £ New Tea and CoSee department Grand Prelate—E. Howard Calais. painful luckily land at 9 a, m.. returning at 4 p. m. granted the company by the Judge at a Vose, Grand Senior Warden—Gilman P. Lom- serious accident yesterday. He and a 1 lot Men’s medium weight £ opens Saturday. Tickets from Portland placed at $1.60. former hearing, but after hearing the a ot bard, Belfast. companion were leading a horse from the Uuderwear nt 35c per piece. £ “Empress” Try cup Tho Easter muslo will be repeated at argument the Judge decided to hold to Grand Junior Warden—Frederick W. barn to the house of Mr. Herbert Dyer, Tea and Coffee, either. IT’S church his which June 1 lot of Plated Collar Congress Square on Sunday original decision, gave Plaisted, Augusta. near had Buttons, £ FREE. Eugene Higgin’s beach, where they left 4 for 5c. morning. 14th as the date when the injunction Grand Treasurer—Leander W. Fobep, 5^ have Portland. the harness. The boys were hurrying.the Rosedals & Co., the Importers, At the meeting of.the Maine’Assocl- would be dissolved. 1 Grand Record—Stephen Berry, Port- horse along when young Cook stumbled lot of Link Cuff Buttons £ sent to us their best demonstrator, of fa- ation Liberal Christian Ministers held land. and his forehead one of (dumb bells) at 9c. will serve these The Belknap Motor company Is full of fell, striking the pair. Miss Loring, who the on com- at Sherwood Wednesday, Kev. At six o’olock the Grand iron horse. He was to all business. Their New York Office sent in Commandery shod hoofs of the not ~ mous drinks on Saturday John Carroll Perkins delivered an ad- adjourned to the banquet room for supper. ladies an one rendered insensible but a about will also instruct order for seven Chapman Voltage Session 7.80. Routine gash ers. She mirable address on resumed at busi- Wagner’s Parsifal, three was cut in his method of preparing Regulators for the Ht. Morris Electric ness occupied the evening until ten inches long forehead. cooks in the best was which greatly enjoyed by the a clergy- of N. Y. This is one of o’clock when the graud officers were in- The wound was dressed by physician them. company City. all men present. stalled by A. Locke, grand warder man I . are famous the and as Joseph and last night the young was 00. The Teas largest companies in N. Y., of U. the sleep- I “Empress” Grand Encampment S., follow- The cut department this had installed two of ing comfortably. was a pretty over the land. Large company already ing appointments being made; and bad but will hoal without I White & Co., Boston BUB AND BOIL— their regulators several months ago it Grand Standard Bairer—Leander one, trouble. stores, R. H. M. I m other stores speaks volumes for this invention. Keuniston, Camden. the Scotch Syndicate boil and rub ever so Grand Sword FINED DEWEY ONCE. success with Bearer—Newell W. cities are basing great Brainerd, Skowbegan. many times with com- THE GORHAM SHCOO L CASE. According to a York county men, Geo. Grand Warder—Charles E. Au- Libby, a trial of At the Sat- — Plaisted, justice York away. mon clothes The PRESS yesterday gave the deoision burn. Corner, Coffee given soap has this we of the Law sohool Grand Captain Guards—Warren O. in that county, something he is verv of department court in the Gorham with his he sailed in and gave tho urday opening WOO’T he Carney, Portland. of now. It is coat, MAINE AGAIN HONOKED. to every of |white. Try case. This is the full text of proud just his docket, and will (rive free purchaser theresoript: man a 60c or 76c Tea a |At 10.35 Grand Commandery closed. shows that Commodore thrashing. 6. —Maine was of our 50c, an uncommon ss. Dewey was once Washington, May one*pound soap— Cumberland, in the nomina- of our best Java and Mocha Inhabitants of No. 1 in fined $35 by him, and that the Justice Elaisted heard the honored again yesterday «ou’id School District fine was complaint, This is to introduce the Gorham tion of Koyal T. Frank, colonel of the Coffee. gift Petitioners for mandamus vs. promptly paid. found Dewey of assault, and fined into houses. Charles W. guilty First Artillery, to te brigadier general. goods yoilr Deering et als. came about in It this way: him $35. The line was cheerfully paid, Ho was born in Portland, Me., and was We touch that button. Tho Tea and Resoript, Emery J.—A school district Commodore who married a that it was appointed to the Military academy from Coffee do tlierest. organized by the town and not by Dewey, daughter of ex- Commodore Dewey remarking special the Pino Tree state. Melvin P Frank of act of is not within the Governor Goodwin, was much worth $35 to have the of thrash- legislature, at Ports- pleasure former of the Maine proviso in section of 21G of the and Portland, speaker 1, chapter Cure sick ood’sbad mouth, one day, going over to ing such a disgrace to the United States legislature and late Domocratio candidate laws headache, (■■v ■ n n the 1893 abolishing school districts, al- for taste in the mouth, coated « K navy yard, was met outside service. is his brother. though the legislature acts 6u£ j§ <3% by a marine governor, by special tongue, gas in the >*» stomach, ™ 8 I who was in an subsequent to its conferred Bp § H ^50^ ugly and Now th it rolio'to organization distress and indigestion. Do ■ H mood, indulged docket is a preoious Bad FEI.S & PHILADELPHIA it up in special Petition dis- in back talk. At blood and indigestion aro deadly CO., powers. not weaken, but have tonic effect. 25 cents. last Dewey’s be kept by the trial and then to Of grocers. missed with fighting justice, enemies to good health. Burdock Biooii costs. The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. blood was up, and, discarding his rank be handed down to his family. Bitters destroys them.