Portland Daily Press: May 6, 1898
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JDNE 18B3-VOL. 38. 35. I’OH'ILAND, MAINE, FRIDAY 1898. MORNINoTMAY 6. PRICE THRFP f'FNTK SIISCK0LAXEO03. rival of the train from Boston and there were many persons waiting about the | DEWEY GDYERYDR platform, while several hacks were stand- GENERAL. :; ing about outside. Castner made out the 5.—The following forms of the two men | Boston, May telegram received by 3 3 through tho rain and mist and fired two shots in the air to F. -ff of Boston from a friend in Viles Singapore, wns read 3 3 call attention to them. H. M. Castner | the of t at the os the Electric club proprietor the house, heard the banquet tonights ;; shouts and the shots. He threw up the May 5, 1898.—Reliable window of his room and information re- 33 shouted for some of one to stop thieves, but by this timo the ceived here of the news Dewey’s at men victory Manita and 3 3 were out of sight around tho corner duties of Union station, ran he is now executing the of having right past Governor General 3! two or three people and taken tho track (“Singapore,♦ there.” ♦ towards Turner’s islaud. ♦ A Believes That He is Master Masked Bobbers Terrorize The hotel office was by this time in an Department the Occu- uproar. Men were emerging from all manner of hiding places about the room and all were shouting advice to one an- other and to one re- every in general. Th# bright young men, for the regulation guests of the Situation. NO AMMUNITION. pants of the Hotel Office. from tho upper stories came down quires them to be under thirty. Among stairs as soon as they could get down, but the most of them are,former students at West Point, London, May 5.—The Paris correspond- them had to walk. Eddie Husband Had to Undress and Anderson's had failed newspaper men and ent of the courage him and others with political Daily Mall s: “I hear on near Dress Wife Like a say being the roof, ho determined to stay Baby. influence back of them. there out of the indisputable authority that fivo of the way of the robbers. Doctors’ Medicines Drove The Navy Department will ship 200,000 v\omen in all degrees of dishabille, men Spanish in Her Almost pounds of powder to Commodore Dewey warships, including the battle- dressing gowns and slippers, Crazy. waitresses, porters, cooks and from to add to tho stock he This ship Pelayo and the fine cruiser Alfonso people Little Doubt But Has now has left. Men out on tho street filled the all First Sampson XIII. Travelling Commanded to office, talk- Application CUTICURA will be made up of about 60,000 pounds of have not yet been with at once and very much excited. supplied in£Officers Gives the used for inch Keating and Wakefield who Perfect Ease in Five grades big eight guns, ammunition. This was Sailed For Porto Rico. the cause of the Elevate waiting at the station for the arrival 6.00D pounds for the six inch Their Hands of and a guns, 50,000 in the Boston over Minutes, Night’s delay sailing of the Cape Verde fleet train ran to the hotel for the-five inch and lesser as soon as the shots Sound pounds guns and were fired and as soon Sleep. will It to return to as amounts for other classes of guns. This, probably compel they learned of the cau*<e of the excite- ment they hurried back My hands were completely covered with with the large number of inch armor Cadiz.” to the station, eight boarded a Eczema, and between lingers the skin shifting engine and ran out to my piercing projectiles, shells and six inch ihe know was perfectly taw. 1 had to sit with both I nothing” and then walked could inch rifle balls will make the back along the track, but hands held up, and away from the fire. I andjflve EL LIBERAL GLOOMY. could not find to And the robbers. get no ease night or day. I could not bear shipment of ammunition a very one. Threatened Revolvers Un- large by In the meantime warm, it would me in a rage of itching. Has Madrid, 6. —El Liberal in a some one had tele- get put Queen to The powder and shot together will give May gloomy me like Regent phoned husband had to dress and undress Prepared Deputy Marshal and he My article Hartnett, 500 rounds for the guns and several whioh notes the “Subterraneous was soon on the a baby. The best physicians’ medicines gave big til spot and had a posse of 1 Shots Are Used. men about all me no relief, and drove me almost crazy. thousand rounds for tho rapid Are rifles. rumblings social Sling hunting the country roads and Leave and Her Throne. preceding upheaval” de- lor l3*16 ™en' A was advised to try Cuticura Remedies, Spain clares camp of hobos who were that “the fate of the can- to be did so, although my husband had to go twenty THE country supposed over on Turner’s island LEYDEN REPORTS. was raided miles to get them. As soon as he got back, I not remain the by the police and teams sent longer with weak hands out used the Cuticuka (ointment), and five min- in every direction to head the men on North and worn out off. # tites after the first application I was perfectly Expedition Coast of Cuba Safely intellects of the men now all that I Carles easy, and slept soundly night. always Landed After a Few llrushes. the Adams, whose bead was oat bv governing country,” the keep Cuticura Remedies in my house now, IE. Refused to Hold Mis sling shot was patched up, Mr. Perry and recommend them to everybody, because George Perry up pulled his hat down over his bruised head A From and of their wonderful effect. Report Madrid by Way of Paris Key West, May 5.—The government said the injury didn’t matter, while “WORDS! WORDS! Mauds and Was Struck Over Eddie AGNES M. HARRIS, Push, Va. tug Leyden. steamed into WORDS” the Head Anderson came down from the Capt. Angus, and a Will be Sent garret looked cheerful once more, but fob Dis- Says Big Expedition this and Madrid, via Speedy Cure Treatment Torturing, port morning told the following Paris, May 5.-It is alleged With a Shot and it will be a good while beforo West- — the with Doss op Haib. Warm baths Slung Knocked Down- figuring Humors, of a encounter with that the Eud gets with Cuticura S«ap, anointings with Cuticura Yankees in story desperate governments of Cuba and Porto through talking about the “hold gentle Against Manila—Tug Ley- up.” (ointment), the great skin cure, mild doses ot Cuticura Spanish troops on the northern coast of Rico have Two Boys Also Struck the of blood purifiers and humor cures. cabled that there is no need foy Robbers— F. M. Hildreth of V. F. Resolvent, greatest den Landed Cuba. Boston, Its Successful- The Leyden left here Monday to fear a Walker of Boston. Fred A. of Ken- the world. Potter D. A C. Cobp., Solo Expedition landing of American in Scene Pago Sold throughout troops An .Exciting in Landlord Cast- 118bunk and others who Props., Boston, uy How to Cure Every Humor," free. afternoon with a party of insurgents were present in Battle those islands. Two two th office when the hold ly—A Between Insurgents and under General Acosta and five Ironclads, up occurred, said including ner’s Mouse—Robbers Are the two men did not appear to be very cruisers and three transports will leave Popular at Cuban scouts undor the leadership of “uu me gonera: opinion was that Spaniards Reported. Cadiz forthwith were Capt, S. B. Dovst of the United States to chase the Yankees Large. they boys, about eighteen years old or so. They had on brown with WAR IS ON 'rom the and then masks, cavalry. Philippines bombard big hoies cut in them for the and Washington, May 6.— Secretary eyes But have to Long The also carried a California ports. A wild west hold-up was at- down and befoie he could onto these masks hung down about people buy said at the close of Leyden large quan- regulation get his foot eight WAR SEWS SUMMARY. office hours today that inches below the chin One of the men Footwear the same and tity of arms and ammunition. The tug tempted about ten o’clock last night at the man with the shot just sling struck the had on a up to that time he had rooeived no word a STATE COLLEGE BOYS TO slouch hat and the other wore a proceeded to certain and landed ENLIST. End hotel two masked rob- over to all who are in need of such spot the West by boy the head him onto the brown Both men from Commodore He five men with knocking derby. wore blue and Dewey. added, how- tour boxes* of ammunition were struck with wo bers. Three persons floor again. Eddie onto his white checkered and overalls and would solicit their, inspec- that he felt no and two horses. General Acosta also Vacancies In To Be got feet, how- jumpers ever, apprehension over Companies Filled by flannel shirts without coats. tion sling shots and pretty badly hurt, twenty- ever, and ran for the elevator. of our new line for this lack of landed and to the interior Home Jumping The men announces good news, because in the penetrated Recruits, seated about the in the botsl office thought at to the where he communicated with the insur- five guests of the house into the car he pulled the cord and flew and Summer wear.