Es Reds Declared War on UN
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■”»c; - . 1^1 TUESDAY, PEBRUABY 14, IWI Average Daily Nat Press Run The Weather 1'^.' PA<;E tOXJRTEESX idl«ixireiEt»r lEm Ifmdid For the Week Eaded Foreeaat eft. 8. WsatlMir Deo. 31. 1960 OsMar tonight, rhmie* OR n a Northam CtamwrtfcHit ZMka l i n t ^ 13,314 ’ snom Low 5-15. Cleiidy ' Gamma Aloatinaa AmertaHnn, a Serid( lor Lent M d i i Ttaftitear, chance e t UgSt About Town mambar eC Uia Gnater ^MHfWd k o w a l s k i htenbev et the Audit feOewed by cleertiig, eeel. Hhid> P«nlMU«nle AaaoetaUoii, plana a SetatEmanud Bureaa et Ohreuletlea Ste. social get-togathar at tha StaUar Manehe$tet>-^A C | fy o f VMage Charm ■ IM U Gfaapjter. Buy«l Hanty Baok*^., .a6 Osnter Bt, ■ON, wfll a »e t tomorrow «t 7:S0 Hilton Rotal la BartMcd Thunmy Two Aah Wadnaaday aaryleea at 13:30 for luncheon. Any ahimna has besa namad rapreaantaUve for p jn . at ttw XMonic THnpte. ^ a r of Holy Comnunlon win be heM at Cksmsesraro-aMarge'Frink Ko- (Oleealfied AdverflsIng on Page 16) busliKBSS inwtlng,. Ui6 Mwk new to tha area or anyone n a a ^ Emanuel LutheiM. Church tauiar* VOL. LXXX, NO. 115 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1961 PRICE n fic B ^ transportatioB may can Mra riiddd tn tha Manmaster arsa. defTM will be oonfeiTe<L I He win handle iBoagrasatanal tn- RefreihmenU win be eerved. Thomaa Blanchard, 103 Fraacaa Pastor C. Henry Andenoa will Dr. tpilriaa from Manchester resMants deliver the aermons at boOi aerv- CO Immiftmtlon, veterans affairs, ABdereon Shea A uxlU w , VIW . ices, at 11 am . la tha ehapal. and Ita ly oasea and other general win meet tonight 7:80 at. tty Arthur Hobnea of tha Holmaa at 7:30 P-ra. at thr dnirdu Mra. O. Funeral HoBeTdOO Main S t, and and tndtridUal problems. ,_____ Boat home to obaerve past pre«- Albert Pearton will baTSWit *t Becker Is a regional dlraetor for dimts' nisht. There wiU be a aocdal Oarenca Brown. the morning service, and tha cheater CatWde Co., 343 Wood- the Anmiijwnnted Clothing Work f03o hour with refroehmenta. Emanuel Choir. wUl ahlg an an-| ers of Amerioa, A F M 3 0 . Ha was bridia St, will dieeuss their occu them at tha avenlng aarvica. ' twm in Hartford 44 yaara ago, at- es Reds Declared War on UN pations at a meeting of the Rotary Tha pastor has also anaounoM The Lucy Spencer Group of S « r Oub of Manchester tonight at 3:30 tandad puMle sohools in CromwaU ond O m p m ^ o n r l Chure^ a Lenten aeries o f guest mtnistsrs Hn sess svsiaas isast at Manchester Country Club. at 7:30 pm . on Wediwsdaya at tha and MimeheBter. He also attendad meet tomorrow at 3 p.m. to wora tha 'Unlvarsity of Oonhactiouf, bewL Stardlly tea* on cancer pada fm- Manohe^r church. The theme of the series ettamd. BsNIy dseaei, Phebe Circle wUl meet tonight at Georgs Washington Univsrslty hi Memorial Hondtal. Mra. wUl be "Quiet Hours.” Washington, D. C., Duquaane uni- Bradley and Mra. Harry Rylamlir 8 in Luther Hall at Emanuel Tha Rev. Laurence ’inaceat, as U 1 . 0 0 vwalty In Pittsburgh, Pa., artd win be hosteasea. ■* therim Ghurcb. The members wlU sociate minister of Center Ooa- r o U ^ d ir ^ d a g e s . Hoatesaes will Waetem Raaerva U n ivi^ ty bt Dempsey Asks Increase in Sales^ gregationai Cburch. will be guestj develsAd. Ohio. be Mrs. Helen Johnson, Mr*. Thora minister Feb. 33. WELNM^aO. Aah Wedneaday obaervancea at Maloney, and Mrs. Charles DuUels. He and hla wife, the' former Miss gjiwn Evangelical Lutheran Church Other viritlng ministers wlfl be the Rev. Carl W. Johnson o f Hart Marie DeLaohevrotleri o f Meri begin tomorrow at 6:30 pm. den, have three children.. Ml MA« nt>-aii Awh with an adult Information hour, Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis ford Seminary, March 1; the Rev. followed, by a lienten family film. ters, wiU meet temigfat at 8 at Odd Harry Peterson of Emanuel Lu More Belgian Fellows HaU. After a busineas "The Journey to Jeruaalem,” at theran Church In Hartford, March Budget at Record; Asserts I U.S.' to Curb 7;18 p.m., and Lenten worship meeting a Valentine social will be 8; and the Rev. Joseph Bonrret of : with Holy Communion at 7:80 held. Members will bring Valen Christ the King Church In Wind Embassies Hit tines. RefiwdunenU will be pm. sor, March 15. served. Arthur—K-. <_____ _______ Tax on-Ineome Belgium’s embassies in Troubles for Congo The v r w Auxiliary will meet Emanuel Lutheran CSiareh, ----- FOR E»>ERT Cairo and Warsaw were at S t Mary’s,:Episcopal Guild will tonight at 7:30 at the poet home conduct the March 23 service. Pas tacked today by mobs pro to honor past preaidenta. Refresh- meet Thursday at 11 aja. In the tor Anderson will be in charge of WHBBL AtJ6NBIBNT-.WHEEL BALANCING ments wlU be served. Oommittee Guild Room. Membera will bring the Maundy Thursday services at BADIATOB RBPAIBING AND RECOBING ' (By THE ASSOOATED PRESS) testing the death of Patrice By MAX HABREIHON gift* for the "sunshine basket." the church on M a r0 '30. Three Lumumba. In'all five Belgian members ars Mrs. John Vince, Hostesses for the luncheon will be COMPLETE BRAEE SEBVICB^ Gov. John N. Dempsey today called for a total of |I129.2 Unit^ed Nations, N. Y., Feb. 15 (^V-U.S. Ambasaador A d -, Mrs. AnUumy Rowe, Mia. John services of Holy Comihunlon wUll embassies have been assault- lai E. Stevenson today dehoun<%d the Soviet Union’s latest Mrs. Thomas Leemon. Mrs. David at 7 s.m. in the chapel, and U * * SEE . million in higher taxes to help finance, a record operating Oliaver, Mrs. Leo Gouln, Mrs. Robinson, and-Mrs. Martha Bea ^budget of $589.2 million for the 1961-^ biennium and to eel in world capitals in the Congo move as a “declaration of war against the United Na John Lovett, and Mrs. Donald and 7:30 pm . in the church. past three days. Maynard, dialnnan. A three-hour aervice udll term:*-| pa.v for a current deficit of $14 million. tions.” The United States, he said, does not intend to stand Manchester Barracks, World inate the.series on Good Friday. 'The. Democratic GoVCmor’e The embassy tn Cairo was set by idly while others cause trouble in The Cohgo. CURKE MOTOR SALES afire today, b e lte d African stu- War I of the U.SA., and the Aux Six Manchester ministers will con SL Francis Xavier Mothers O r- propoMls include boosting the seies dmts smashed windows, threw files Stevenson addressed a tense meeting of the U.N. Seeurity ele will meet tonight at -3:30 at iliary will hold a joint meeting duct this 6nal aervice. They will be SOI BBOAD STREBT-^BH 9-201S tax from 3 to 3 1/2. per cent, the tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at the the Rev. K. Ejnar Rask, pastor o f Increased Rates and papers into the- streets and Council which was disrupted by the worst public demonstra the home of Mra. Ernest Jordan. Knlghta o f Columbus Grand Knlgiit Dr. JOan L. Hebert, Past oigarette tax from 3 to S cents a then danced war dances. 33 Gnudview St. Hartterd Courant auditorium. Covenant Congrentional Church; pack,'the liquor tax from 31 to $2 tion in the history of the world organization. It took 15 min Broad S t, Hartford- the Rev. Prescott Beacht saalstant, r»iMpV.t« Rev. Joseph Farrell, ^immediate Pas^ Grand Knight For State Taxes A fire brigade arrived with Joseph J. McCarthy and James P. Tierney diet informally at the a gallon, and automobile registra- airene screaming as smoke' poured utes to clear the public galleries and restore, order. There was a large turnout of and Canon Thomas D. ^rirns of S t fion fees from 38 to 312. Soviet Delegate Valerian A. Zorin replied he failed to find Buckley School PTA will hold a K o f C Hmne where Father B^urrell and McCarthy were honored from the embassy windows. A re parenta at an open houae at Man Mary’s Episcopal Church; the Rev. K of C Fetes lest night (Herald photo by Pinto). He also recommended increases Hartford, Feb. 15 (JV-Tbe fol inforced police squad charged into in Stevenson’s speech any indication that the Kennedy ad social meeting In the school cafe Paul C. Kaiser, pastor of Concordia chester High School last night In business, public utility company, lowing are the tax increases pro the embassy compound, driving out ministration had changed the U.S. attitude on The Congo. Parents conferred with teachers teria tonight at A A hobo whist Lutheran Church; and the Rev. and inheritance taxes, and doubl posed by Gov. John N. Dempsey will be played, and prises will be side o f the building la being con President Kennedy, Zorin said, seemed to be following the and guidance directors following Mr. Anderson and Mr. Gaard. Past Officers past grand knl{^t In point of MANCHESTER ing llqiior permit fees. to . raise an additional 3129.2 mil (Continued oh Page Seventeen) awarded. Dessert will be served. service. verted into two smell offiees ezul The Governor said aalea'’ tax ex lion in tax rev.jnues for the 1961-63 policies which have brought about dire consequences in the mid-year grades. Parmite were es- Admission will be free, and mem one general office.