Digital System on Chip (SoC) Computer-Aided Design Flow

ELEC 4200 – Digital Systems Design Victor P. Nelson Nvidia Tegra 2 SoC

Tablet Applications: • Asus Eee Pad • Motorola Xoom • Samsung Galaxy • Acer Iconia Tab

2/29/2012 Apple “A5” SoC  Used in iPad 2 and iPhone 4S  Manufactured by Samsung  45nm, 12.1 x 10.1 mm  Elements (unofficial):  ARM Corex-A9 MPCore CPU - 1GHz  NEON SIMD accelerator  Dual core PowerVR SGX543MP2 GPU  Image signal processor (ISP)  Audience “EarSmart” unit for noise canceling  512 MB DDR2 RAM @ 533MHz

iPhone 4 circuit board (with A4 SoC) T.I . smartphone reference design

Main SoC Digital ASIC Design Flow

Behavioral ELEC 4200 Verify Design Activity Model Function VHDL/ Front-End Synthesis Design DFT/BIST Gate-Level Verify & ATPG Netlist Function

Test vectors Full-custom IC

Transistor-Level Verify Function Standard Cell IC Netlist & Timing & FPGA/CPLD Back-End Design Physical DRC & LVS Verify Layout Verification Timing Map/Place/Route

IC Mask Data/FPGA Configuration File Typical design flow tasks

Jouni Tomberg: “System on Chip Design Flow” ASIC CAD tools available in ECE  Modeling and Simulation  Active-HDL (Aldec)  Questa ADMS = Questa+Modelsim+Eldo+ADiT ()  Verilog-XL, NC_Verilog, Spectre (Cadence)  Design Synthesis (digital)  Leonardo Spectrum (Mentor Graphics)  Design Compiler (), RTL Compiler (Cadence)  FPGA: ISE; CPLD: Quartus II  Design for Test and Automatic Test Pattern Generation  Tessent DFT Advisor, Fastscan, SoCScan (Mentor Graphics)  Schematic Capture & Design Integration  Design Architect-IC (Mentor Graphics)  Design Framework II (DFII) - Composer (Cadence)  Physical Layout  IC Station (Mentor Graphics)  SOC Encounter, Virtuoso (Cadence)  Xilinx ISE/Altera Quartus II – FPGA/CPLD Synthesis, Map, Place & Route  Design Verification  Calibre DRC, LVS, PEX (Mentor Graphics)  Diva, Assura (Cadence) Mentor Graphics ASIC Design Kit (ADK)  Technology files & standard cell libraries  AMI: ami12, ami05 (1.2, 0.5 m)  TSMC: tsmc035, tsmc025, tsmc018 (0.35, 0.25, 0.18 m) μ  IC flow & DFT tool support files: μ  Simulation  VHDL/Ver ilog/Mixed-Signal models (Modelsim SE/ADVance MS)  Analog (SPICE) models (Eldo/Accusim)  Post-layout timing (Mach TA)  Digital schematic (Quicksim II, Quicksim Pro) (except tsmc025,tsmc018)  Synthesis to standard cells (LeonardoSpectrum)  Design for test & ATPG (DFT Advisor, Flextest/Fastscan)  Schematic capture (Design Architect-IC)  IC physical design (standard cell & custom)  Floorplan, place & route (IC Station)  Design rule check, layout vs schematic, parameter extraction (Calibre) We also have ADK’s for Cadence tools for several technologies FPGA/CPLD Design Flow

Behavioral Verify Design Function Aldec/Mentor Graphics Front-End Tools Synthesis (Technology-Independent)

Gate-Level Verify Schematic Function

EDIF Netlist

Xilinx/Altera/Other Back-End Tools Map, Place Verify (Technology-Specific) & Route Timing

FPGA Configuration File Xilinx/Altera FPGA/CPLD Design Tools  Simulate designs in Active-HDL or Modelsim  Behavioral models (VHDL,Verilog)  Synthesized netlists (VHDL, Verilog)  Requires “primitives” library for the target technology  Synthesize netlist from behavioral model  Leonardo (Levels 1,2,3) has libraries for most FPGAs (ASIC-only version currently installed)  Xilinx ISE has its own synthesis tool  Vendor tools for back-end design  Map, place, route, configure device, timing analysis, generate timing models  Xilinx Integrated Software Environment (ISE)  Altera Quartus II & Max+Plus2  Higher level tools for system design & management  Mentor Graphics FPGA Advantage  Xilinx Platform Studio : SoC design, IP management, HW/SW codesign Field Programmable Gate Arrays  Configuration Memory  Programmable Logic Blocks (PLBs)  Programmable Input/Output Cells  Programmable Interconnect

Typical Complexity = 5M – 1B transistors