NEW ADVERTI SEME NTS. ACCIDENTAL DROWNING. oloar; St. : Paul, ]g degrees, SW, ON GOES THE FAIR. “I AM CRAZY.” FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE. xJismarob, 6 degrees. S, snow; Huron, d MAY CALL KIM degrees, g clear; Jacksonville, 68 de- OSCAR, PEOPLE WHO FIGHT AIR. Verdict of Coroner in the Case of John grees, s, train. — City Hall Crowded With Patrons of Steves of Lebanon. BINES BROS. GO. BISMARCK’S ATTACK ON CAPRIVI. Odd Fellows’ Exhibit. Note Lett By Suicide at East Or- {SPECIAL TO THE IF.K33.] Phillip Marquand Much Wanted in Veteran ‘Ex-Chaneellor Asks Pertinent Swedish Monarch’s Relations to Many People From Out of Town President Harrison Has No Patience Hanford, November 12.—Coroner C. F. Questions Relative to Russia. Among rington. Moulton, after viewing tbe body of John Maine. Venezuelan Commission Yesterday’s Visitors—Pleasing Enter- With Such. Steves, which was taken from the Sal- Berlin,November 12.—Prlnoe Bismarck tainment Past Night and This Evening's Is the ad- mon Falls river at Lebanon yesterday continuing bis attacks upon Programme—Dinners and Suppers Count summoned Dr. Hart of Milton, N. H., ministration of bis successor, Well Patronized. CAME TO MAINE IN ORDER TO IS WELL KNOWN columns of his or- IN CASE OF PRINT SALE and requested him to make a caieful ex- BOSTON SOCIETY Caprivl, through the DISAGREEMENT OF SO HE TELLS OF THE the which The Odd Fellows’ fair goes merrily on FARMERS amination to ascertain if there was any gan, Hamburger Nachrichten, SHOOT HIMSELF. AND BUSINESS FOUR in MAN, publishes another article on the ARBITRATORS. City hall,, the attendance growing NATIONAL evidence of foul play. Not a blemish or today CONGRESS. of The larger every (lay. and the sales at the va- bruise could be found upon the body. Husso-German treaty neutrality. of the rious booths inureasing all the time. His watob bad stopped at 12.10 and ex-ohancellor is not In favor pro- Yesterday was the banner of the fair. about that time posed debato on the treaty in the Keloh- Xo day Verdict iu Lebanon browning Case—Au lost Friday night people Is With Select a Fifth, He May Be Called In— Charged Killing a Moose in Close From the time the doors were in Famous Indianan ^Addresses Convention In the of the railroad ag and thinks it would be a matter of opened Aroostook Parson in Serious Trouble— neighborhood Time and Such a Contingency Hot Looked For— heaving the State Without the afternoon until they were dosed in of His Educa- heard a soream or two and a special interest to know why Caprlvi Agriculturalists—Says Non-Partisan W. C. T. C. at Caribou— bridge, Bare Commission Settling—Extradition Papers Signed, in 1890 out tno wires Possibility May the evening the hall was crowded with tion Was Paid For splash In the water, and as Steves was felt oompeiled to from Proceeds of Other Maine News. But Man Can't Be Meet In Washington. sight-seers and all who visited the fair In the habit of crossing the bridge, It Found. which still united Germany to Russia. Corn—Advises People to Go Straight The ex-ohancellor Is of tho opinion that After What Bangor, November SO.—Melville H. was decided that he met his death by ac- Boston,November 12.—Philip Murquand Washington, November 12.—Admission They Want. the of Importance was made Robbins of S96 West Third street, South cidentally falling into the poRd, while of Marquand & Stearns, oivll engi- question paramount at tbe State Department today to all Germany now is whether a pow- that Indianapolis, November 12.—The third the this in a intoxicated condition. 70 has King Oscar of Bewden may be called Boston, shot himself in temple crossing, neers, Kilby street, been deulared erful like Russia Is iu oloser day’s session of the Farmers’ Best Prints neighbor In to tbe National The a Venezuelan Quality aiternoon in the bushes at the rear of body was at small room over his fugitive from justice In Maine, Hnd touch with Germany or with her oppo- arbitration, only had (Jongreas two features. in case of important at East blacksmith where he lived. Coroner for his extradition have been nents in Europe. a disagreement by tbe four Horace Marston’s farm Orring- papers On8 wae the address by Gen. Harrison four miles He came Monlton arranged for the burial tomor- signed by Acting Governor Wolcott on arbitrators appointed In tbe first instance —AT— ton, WEYLER DEFEATED. and the other was the of a from.Banaor. as to tbe adoption h Boston and row, the of which will fail a front Cleaves of selection of tbe fifth ere at noou today from expense upon requisition Governor member, memorial to Gen. when the Congress. Hairlson 'V;< went at once to Or with the de- the State of Maine. Maine. Mr. is with king may be asked to iDgton Murquand charged Spanish Captain General Not Great Success deslgnnte was in a when be arose some happy mood, to termination of He was found illegally killing a moose in close time In person as president of tbe tribunal. suiciding. at Head of Army. speak. He was greeted enthusiastically. in the bushes about o’olock and taken the Maine wilderness. It is stated In the This is considered an exceedingly distant NON-PARTI SANs W- C- T. U. He said: “I suppose politios is barred, in the case that contingency as no donot is felt that tbe into the house. papers be fled the state St. November 12.—A as this is nn Elect Officers at Session at Caribou and Louis, despatch four agricultural nieetiDg. I’m The is unable to locate tbe instead of into court to ahswer original appointees will have no physician coming from Key West, 1’lu., says that Captain cot an agriculturalist though born and to result at Adjourn. to the made cer- difficulty in reaching a common bullet and death Is likely any obarges against him by General to advices ground reared on a Weyler, according by in the farm. My education was paid moment. He was conscious for a time Caribou, November 12.—At a tain game wardens wbo came his matter. With the same facility r IOOO Me., upon steamer Olivette from Havana, has been for by the of corn and To*dny,we shall offer are proceeds hogs. It and said he intended to end his life. business conference of the Maine Non- camp on the shore of they expected to reaoh a conclusion cent Eagle Lake, Sep- repulsed by the Cubans in Finar del Rio is a custom of time for men of yards of best quality 6 on the publio In a note book was written? “Iam Partlrau W. O. T.U. these officers tember 29 last and there found moose evidence In the boundary dispute, today province. occupation to associate themselves to- best for Dress and Tfc la f ni»f Vtof oairl »K 4- 4 *. _ Prints, styles ’’ were eleoteds meat crazy. He loft a note to his wife saying Madams A. C. Paul, Fort concealed. The Cubans under Delgado and to and value for Diaz, gether develope and cultivate their Aprons gretl* that he was crazy and did not intend to Fairfield, Arra Cushman, Au- The affidavits state that contemplated that the king himself president; Marquand surprised the Spanish outposts in Gober- mutual interests. Such organizations vice should be the final or that the quilts, trouble her. His father was insane burn, president; L, E. promised if he would be allowed to re- au a uuid arbitrator, Fessenden, uuuarauu XJ.ji.Lo tanu giuau uuu- are to be Wo must not for- tribunal should hold encouraged. Robbins was about B5 years old and form- Fort Julia main in the woods a few its ssssinn in Nor- Fairfield, general secretary: days hejwould fusion prevailed in Weyler’s camp. get that lawyers, farmers and laborers all in He has been In G. in oourt at way or Sweden, although the Is erly lived Orringtou. MoKeen, Belfast, recording secretary; appear Dover, Ootober 8, sub- is said to have fallen back locality nave interests ana no one Weyler left to class should Boston 36 ills wile was notineu. G. H. treasurer. Dele- mit to and their discretion. years, Davis, Bangor, arrest, plead guilty pny auch about eight miles. try to get the better of other at per As all the classes. We gates and alternates to National Non- tine as the oourt should order. The During the retreat the Cubans killed evidence in the controversy A are nil rejoicing that your are gottiog a Partisan convention in Washington, D. offioers 34 and wounded 60 others. has now been oollected in Reuben Wescott, Chairman Committee on only *fr2U yard relying on his promise, left him Spaniards Washington, for C. Madams Georgia P. Porter, Oldtown; there is suggested the bare little more your wheat and com, PARSON NURSE- aua left the state possibility Transportation. Matilda Burleigh, South Berwiok; E. A. Marquan^ Immediately that might deem it to It is at of us who Maine Postmaster. they advantageous are sure to go before it is though expense have D. L. to arrest. wife was meet here. ; J again He Suddenly Resigned His Pastorate Burrington, Belfast; E. Fessen- escape Marquand’s The documents and other to little for the we Why ended. Unlike most exhibitions of the pay thing oonsuroe. den, A. C. Paul, Fort Fairfield; Byron with him at the’tlme of the Washington,November 12.—The follow- data are rapidly being arranged in Then the General In Aroostook request. shape ventured out a little County. Stevens, Brunswick; O. A. by the commission so that could be kind this fair goes on in beau- Plllsbury, Marquand is a well-known member of ing fourth olass postmaster was appoint- they improving Into political waters. “I have no patience Belfast. Delegates National Saloon taken to any desirable Price for Friday Only sooiety iu Boston. At his plaoe of busi- ed for Maine place without ty and with added attractions every day. with those people who are always light- Special Hunlton, November 13.—Rev. E. L. League Convention, Washington, D. C.. today: difficulty. ness it was stated today that he was out One of the most features of ing the air, he said. He advised men for a and of the Madams F. C. Porter, A. C. Paul, E. D] F. B. Woodward, Maplewood. interesting Nurse, year a;half pastor oi the state on a business and that who believed that legislation was trip the fair is the evergreen camu churches In and Burrington, L. E. Fessenden, Matilda he THE BUSINESS oconpied prejudicial to them to about Baptist Hodgrton, Cary knew nothing of the request made BRIEFLY REVIVAL. go the tight Burleigh. ..TOLD, by the gypsy fortune which is in a Amity, and who suddenly resigned bis (or his extradition. It is to* only ease tellers, systematic way and “not fight the on resold where the extradition of a man liberally patronized by all of the air.” It was plain the General was re- charge last October and returned to his Encouraging Reports From Ail Farts of lady for has de- E. U. the oarsman, ferring to a situation in the l-ocent cam- we offer Leaking Badly. illegally killing game been Lehman, English visitors. The secrets that are told with- At same department funner borne in is was a on the steamer Country Continue. He advised that Boston, accused^by manded of a governor of Massachusetts passenger Majestic, in paign. public sentiment amount of Fine which this tent will probably never bo be an unlimited Miss Estelle M. Easterbrook, a young [SPECIAL to THE PRES3.J by a governor of a sister state. arrived from Liverpool yesterduy focused on whatever question of un- known to Flat Rolled It was stated yesterday by mornmg. His mission to this country is anyone besides the ladies who usual Import was brought before the Quality, Batting, woman of 17, empoyed as a housemaid Port November Marquand’s Philadelphia, November 12.—The Clyde, 12.—The three- representative tbnt Mr. Marquand left to fill the position of coach to the cross the with but people and that men go straight after that is a Genuine at in bis of the father of her and gypsy’s paliu silver, Bargain family being masted sohooner E. O. the matter in the hands of a orew of the Harvard U niversity. Cramp Engine company of what they wanted. Glover, Capt. lawyer as these gypsy queens are the real article unboru child. whan he oarne from Maine and is The General said: “Whatever Harris, from for New he sup- Boutelle W. Frazier, a well known Philadelphia preparing for greatly in- they say Calais,Me., Haven it is to be supposed that many of these about class the When this was given Rev. Dr. A. posed the lawyer had settled the oase. hotel proprietor of D. C., creased business. interests, great body of out, and New York with lumber, arrived here Washington, 8c Per Roll. The eoinplaint against Mr. Marquand la having beoome despondent because of ill prognostications will oonie true. the American people will work for truth T. Dunu anp Rev. C. E. Owen of Houl- with three Middletown, Conn., November 12—The and today feet cf water in her made by Leroy T. Carleton of W inthrop, health, yesterday shot and killed himself Rebekah still stands at the well right. ”.j| visited Boston for the of Middletown and ton, purpose bold and ohairman of the commissioners of at a on the Potomao river Plate oompany has resumed leaking very badly. She will Me., lonely spot her oostume no less than the Latest Patterns and Colorings and a charming LEASE OF bringing the clerical offender to justioe. make inland fisheries game, pnd by three near China bridge. full sohedule of time, aud doubled its FALMOUTH SOLD. probably temporary repairs here excellent; punch attraots customers to in Flannelettes, aud dark, He confessed bis crime and said he other game wardens. Wallace K. Berry force. The the light before proceeding. Prime minister Canovas del Castillo of Portland Kelspnr company of Wlnthrop, a game warden, has been rustic fountain. The voting oontests are Proprietor John R. Martin Retires From at was willing to return to Maine with the Spain denies emphatically that the has resumed operations with increased An Fall. intrusted with the task of Mr. Unlucky taking Spanish has aunuoncad that being conducted with considerable ex- Hotel reverend He went down to government ana is a Business. gentlemen. Marquand to Maine. it will force, erecting hew mill. Biddeford, November 12.—Augustus suppress the revolution in the citement, the voting on the gold headed Houlton. As there was no term of oourt island of Cuba within a time. Roohester, N. Y., November 12.—ad specified oane for the most lOc Per Yard. Seward, while trimming shade trees for evening interviews with popular ohief or ex- Mr. John K. Martin of the Falmouth until April it was decided to take the AMENACETO REPUBLIC- It is said that Senator Allison can have paper publishes the fell a distanoe over fifty Rochester business men ohlet of the Are Is elder to the Kennebec county jail. Tbe city, of 20 feet yester- a oabinet position. leading department being hotel yesterday gold to William J. showing that business confidence is re- carried on with day morning and sustained a fracture of Hon. great rivalry by the «up- O’Brien of R. the lease and Hew line of Cotton Dress Plaid sheriff there could not reoeive him, be- George Fred Williams sailed stored. a Newport, 1., Lack of Masses a Reports showing revival of busi- his wrist and three ribs beside Organisation Among Thursday in the steamer Bow- porters of the various contestants. The of that hotel, Mr. at ing a prisoner from another county, and Doing morning ness are received hero from Lyons, Ovid, furnishings O’Brien just openetj, bruised. Grave Matter. den for W. I. The is be was to to badly Jamaica, trip Waterloo, Goneseod and Leroy. will assume control next Monday morn- allowed go bock Boatou, for Accident at taken rest. to return in and be tried Sanford. ing. The new proprietor has been for agreeing April Henry Kirohner, 21 years old was shot Archbishop Ireland Not Deposed. 12 l-2c Per Yard. to [SPECIAL TO THE three years proprietor of the and go jail. PRESS.) N. November 18.—The Thursday night by bis sweetheart, Perry Rooboster, Y., Rome, November 12.—There is reason house has a Kittle Martin, at 21 Avenue New in Newport, and before that was Nurse wife and four children. Sanford, November 12.—John Gilbert, of tho of Labor executive A, to believe that the rumors of the removal report Kights York. The girl fired five bullets at conneoted with the Extra of Twilled Cot- He is 85 years old,is a Spaniard by birth a Frenchman from him, of Archbishop Ireland of St. Min- Mellen house at quality Manchester, employed committee has been made It two one near the Paul, public. taking effect, right long are Fall River and ton extra weight, and sent out by a pastoral training by the Portland and nesota, unfounded, although the Sturdevant house,iu New Shirting, Boohester railway says: At last the time has oome when which may result fatally. He refused to has fallen into aiobblshop disgrace at York. He is a man, but has sohool in Boston. on the construction of a marry the on aooonnt of young been granite arch for the linos of battle are drawn be girl religious the Vatican. The oase of a ol fairly deposition successful In bis the new at differences. an is of very business ventures. bridge Springvale station met tween the laborers of America on the one arohbisnop extreme rarity, only 12 l-2c Per Yard. The Cleveland Recorder The which is with a says that the one of tbe kind having oocurred Perry house, the leading painful aacident this hand and their implacable enemies, the during morning. Brush electric plant located here which eighteen years of tbe papacy ot Leo all the around hotel of While a barrel of year Newport, removing oement from money kings and tbeir minions, on the occupies eight large brick buildings and in this Instance when of the Best Patterns and XIII., only he will dispone of as soon as he Is able. Some a another from a four aores of Is pile, top pile was other. Although a complete viotor for covering ground being the prelate had become almost a maniac. most desirable colorings in 36 started move to Lynn, Mass. The removal is be- Mr. Martin announces bis intention of and rolled down, badly fruotur- the was not won in this eleotion, CASTORIA people ing guarded with the from the hotel busi- iuch at his greatest secreoy. in retiring altogether Percales, ing leg at the ankle. He was taken yet Immense gains have been made. Six Reforms Turkey. Newlands of and this winter will remove to his home on ibe nine Congressman Nebraska, ness, with For Infanta and Children. o’clook train. millions of Amerioan voters have arrayed chairman of the silver conven- Paris, November 13.—M. Hanotaux, temporary his family to Bridgton where he owns n themselves permanently under the ban- tion at St. Louis, says he believes that minister of foreign affairs, informed the 12 l-2c Per Yard. New and beautiful estate. Next sum- The fac- Bangor’s Electric Road. tue Republican party should be giren n large — ner of principles so long uphell by the Cabinet this morning, that Turkish simile Is oa chance to paBS a tariff bill. Senator mer or possibly the winter following Bangor, November 12.—At the stoek- of Labor. At least two millions Zia had a tfgutue every Knights Teller said be did not think snuh p Ambassador, Pasha, omrnuni- Three good values in Window holders of be intends taking a trip to Europe, Mr. it meeting the Hampden and mors would have done likewise but for thing could be done this winter but it oated with the foreign office in writing Martin has real estate interests Shades, at Winterport Electrio Street at an extra He refusd largo Bailway here tne frigbtful forces of money and coeroion might session. to confirming that the reports that the re- this offloers oommit himself positively. which demand his attention, and outside evening were ohosen. H. L. used in this oampaign by the plutocrats. forms the Sultan had promised were be- Ex-Attorney General of looking after them will the rest Mltohell of Bangor is president. Work the Miller says that enjoy 30c 45c Each. This general assembly shonld give ing carried out, telegrams having been F. M. Strout, Chairman Committee, 25c has Gen. Harrison would not accept a cabi- liadgo to whioh his years of hard work begun on the electrio line from Ban- Porte long SPECIAL NOTICES. most thorough consideration to the ques- net position. sent by the to the military gov- dining room is taming out to be the gor to to the entitle him. Mr. MarciD has been en- Winterport, thirteen miles. The tion of her best preserve political The ernors informing them chat would most fixtures at treasury gold reserve at the close they lucrative feature at the fair. Yes- Complete with road will be Dushed to fifim nl of.lnn >1 I advantages already gained for the gaged in the hotel business 87 years, the of business Thursday was be held answerable for any farther blood- noon the masses. The lack of organization among $123,101,539, terday dining room was of that time in Portland. above prices- June 1st, next. a net gain for the daj of $252,000. greater He the toilers is a grave menace to the Re- shed, and instrnoting them to immedi- orowded and 577 people were nerved. At FOSTER’S Living Hill of Tromont street, Boston, oame to the Falmouth in February, 1883 publicans ately put into operation the reforms ■upper enough money was taken in to to was arrested recently in that city for ob- and to that bad been Verdict Against Doctor. The principal opponent Mr. Sovereign in iwo. previous proprie- under false oes. agreea upon amount to over 1175 for the day. The Forest City DYE HOUSE, for the office of General Master Work- taining money preten tor of the Oity hotel for 10 years. Nove weber 12.— man addition to this the Wisoasset, In the mal- man of the of Is 1. B. Bill is the whojwas tried in Bldde- In ambassador had entertainment last was Knights Labor, night given by He la the man who has been able AND practice ease which has Vt.Hnl.A A Ma+Aitrlnvn n .vtAn.Roa /T# ford some Tears son tor wife nnisnninn. Informed him that the of Constan- ooly beenon trial here police the Woburn Ladies’ orchestra, who ren- REMEMBER— the six the executive board. McGuire is tbe trial ended in the jury disagreeing. tinople would be reorganized. M. Uano- to make the^Falmouth a paying Institu- past days of Hastings against strong dered bq excellent of taux added (bat the European cabinets programme instru- and bas been one Doctor Stetson in New York and New England. Mr. James Fagan, who threw a lighted tion of tbe best known a verdict tonight for would now secure other reforms in mental and vooal selections. Edward W. Steam Sovereign is somewhat more radical than oigar into tbe face of Secretary Carlisle and most successful hotel pioprietors of Hastings of $1700 was reforms in the Carpet Beating rendered. McGuire. He has for some time fftvdred after tbe Geld Damocratio meeting at Turkey, including admin- Emerson, the reader, also added Cents Per greatly New Price of A 1-8 in istration of the finances. England. the Knights taking an active part Covington, Ky., last month, was fined Co the enjoyment of tl^e evening. lard on Best Quality MACHINES, Mr. Reed Visits Seattle. politics. McGuire is said to bo less in ISO a.nd costs yesterday. This was the His present lease of the house extends TONIGHT’S PROGRAMME. Prints is 13 Prebla 34. Opp. Preble House. favor of the move. meeting at which eggs weie thrown at National Orange. to May, 1898. Wor?h*« November 12.—Speaker tbe and Secretary. The entertainment fer the will Mr. O’Brien will be welcomed to Port- Mmali*? .Beeci Congressman and Washington November IB.—The morn- evening Send large parcels by express, Feath- THE WEATHER. James Mlohael at New Orleans, La., here yesterday. Mr. session of the National was be given by the Haydn Quartette, con- land witu toe best wishes lor 01s sac- eed a made a ing Grange &c. gave short talk to the _ Thursday afternoon, successful For Friday Only. ers, Gloves, Laces, by mail, Car- chamber devoted to ; tbe‘consideration of reports. of Miss Florence G. cess by all. of commerce and then try at the ten mile paced bioyole record. sisting Knight, | and Beds inpeoted the'line Novem- At the dose of the business e pets by freight. ol the North Boston, He'lowerert every mile reoord from the session, soprano; Miss Katherine M. alto; canal and other govern- was tendered the members of Ricker, A Whole Arrested. ber 12.—Local fore- seoond to the tenth inclusive. The reoord reception Family Telephone connection. Ending Moran’s sbip- the association of agricultural Mr. Wm. H. Htockbridge, tenor; Mr. h„n5^rojeuCfc8’ for ten miles stood at 18.41 1-5. Miohael colleges. The Sears iu trouble a*ii« ^lnS B*>°P9* *n afternoon |be held cast for Friday: Harry F. Morrill, basso. fauiily'is again. waa clipped six seconds off this. Last the lar*!8ly at,ea,letl- Fair; cooler and is as night police rald«d"the-lntr7frisr

The Need of a New Small Number of Cases—Mary Hinds Gets Normal School—Colby Athletics. Gail. : : : President Win. DeWitt Hyde, of Bow- THE STORE OF : IRA F. CLARK : & : A few oases were disposed of in the doin Hon. E. F. of Wat- CO., College, municipal court Thursday: Webb, erville, and Gen. S. D. Leavit of East- l'homas Hamel 80 days in jail for in- were In session at the tjxioation. port. Capitol, Wednesday afternoon. This ooinmis Thos. J. Melody, intoxication, 80 In Jk.11 Its ostic was Grandeur, sion Maj appointed by Gov. Cleaves “tc days in jail. enquire as to the of estab- Daniel M. McLeod, ; Intoxication, $3 advisability listing an additional normal school in Continues to in favor. Planted in the soil of in the of from and costs. grow public Popularity, great field traffic, sprouted the seeds of the central and eastern aud the most Michael Miskell was fined $50 and Maine, j advantageous place for the location oi oo sts for illegal transportation. said school. Mary Hinds, who has been bound over Addresses favoring tne sohool were on charge of assaulting Mrs. Mary As- made by Rev. Charles Harbut, oi pinell, who lives on Salem street, up- Presque Me, C. B. Roberts, E 6q oi paared in court with Mr. Mcahor, her Cariboo, G. B. Hascock, of Fort Fair- counsel, and gave bail for her appearance H. A. of Portland, Wilbur F. Dresser, of Soarboro John H. field, Bisohp Neeley, Francis of the ONE AND SPOT CASH associate editor PRICE are Wiggin, SYSTEM. Boffey and Michael Hinds her bonds- Aroostook Houlton. H. men. Pioneer, George Gilman, Representative-elect from Boul- PROBATE COURT. ton, made a few remarks enaorslng all Watered from the of an endless ocean of nourished and the firm o! the that the previous speakers had said, and springs trade, guarded by live, rattling, enterprising Eastern World. BEFORE JUDGE PEABODY. feeling tiiat all the points had been well so i* would he needless for him WILLS ALLOWED. covered, to go into details. Geo. P. Barrett, Portland. Eranklin YOU WILL BE MONEY AHEAD IF YOU PURCHASE FROM US. Rev. C. E. Owen, of Houlton, dosed R. Barrett, exeoutor. the argument for Aroostook's claim, af- ADMINISTRATIONS GRANTED. ter which the until 7 meeting adjourned Our store is filled with a line Boys’ Gray Ulsters, sizes 4 to 14, at Portland. Ellen M. Mary K. Holloran, o’clock in the evening of from the administratrix. bargains extending OVERCOATS- ULSTERS. SUITS. ODD PANTS. 2.50 Driscoll, The evening session convened at 7 JeremiabJ?. Johnson, Portland. Mary front to the rear door. Honest One lot of short Pant Suits, age 4 to o’clock. l)r. B. A. Robinson and Miss One| lot of Men’s all wool Y. Johnson, administratrix. quality, lowest prices is the Blue and Black, | raw edge, Extra fine Ulsters, lined with 15, at $1.98, marked down from $3. Bartholomew F. O’Donnell, Portland. Mary L. who is oi working Pants, at Snow, superintendent lap seam, fine Over- a mate* One lot of Brown mixed and One lot of Lillian administratrix. force which gives life to our Kersey wind and water proof Blue Cheviot Suits at O’Donnell, schools in the Queen City, spoke for ' 1-25,a pair: Dexter F. Portland. Harry M. fresh stocks. coats. Cut latest length and rial. Our $12. lancy check; fine all wool 3,000 pairs of Men’s Pants. (2 a suit Rice, Bangor. exchanging price, Virgin, administrator. made In the best manner to re- 1 ;oods. Our price, g}8. Prices from $1.30 to 7.00 a Finer grades if you wish. Edwiu J.Pratt, Now York city. Susan E. A. Reed aud Major O. J. House Fine grade Ulsters, at $15.00, pair. tail at $19. Our price, $15.00 Furnishing Goods—Low tell the W. Pratt, administratrix. appeared for the town of Lee, while Col. 18.00, SO.OO and 25.00. prices Lizzie Windham. Frank One lot of Black Kersey Ov- story. Mary Motreil, Stanley Plummer made one of his usual f. administrator. We offer one lot of Black ercoats Clark, of made in the very best One lot of fine black Cheviot Men’s winter Shirts and Draw- Eliza Ann Casco. Fred N. able speeches in behalf Dexter. weight Jordan, Beaver Overcoats that have manner to sell at Out ers. Mayberry, administrator. George K. Bassett, Colby, ’97, left $22. Suits, all w ool; a regular jfSIO sold at $8. Our until this Monday morning for Nasbvlile, Tenn„ price price, $18.00 1 Suit. Our price, 87.48 One case of natural Wool Shirts and GUARDIANS APPOINTED. lot BOYS’ CLOTHING. tn nt.tnnd the snmi-cantenial national is closed, $4.98 Drawers at |9C each Blynne Allen, Casco. Abner W.Allen, MEN’S REEFERS. convention of the Delta Kappa Bpsilon Heavy fleeced lined blue and natural tuardian. Bovs’*Knee Trousers, very serviceable, as a of Xi mixed Shirts and Drawers at fraternity, de'ogate obaptei sizes 4 to 15 TRUSTEE APPOINTED. Prices from $3. to 10.00 One lot Wantkuck clay wors- years, 19c a of Colby, Mr. Bassett expects to be ah pair. 43c eaoh One lot of Black and Blue i ed Suits, all wool and fast Owen Kerrigan, Portland. Wm. H. en* about ten days ULSTERS. Camel’s Hair Shirts and Draw- -— Boys' Knee made with Heavy Liooney, trustee. * Beaver cut in the :olor; others ask $10 for the Trousers, John Stevenson, ’98, has been chosen Overcoats, double seat and knee. ers, worth $1, at ©0O each lame kind. Our 45c a pair INVENTORIES RETURNED. of the track team for the latest at $6.00 price, 7>98 captain Colby style, Heavy Gray stormy Ulster, 100 dozen heavy lined Gloves at season. The result of the inter- One lot of Blue and Black Blue Chinchilla 4 to 8 Herbert A. T burrell, Portland. coining at $5.00 IEAYY WINTER SUITS. Reefers, age 2lc a pair1 Arthur Ij. W. Portland. hold lust showed at years, in fast color, Taeb, ocllegiats day spring Kersey Overcoars, $8.00 2.50 100 dozen Camel’s Hair Arthur Portlantl. Heavy Blue Chinchilla Ulsters, Hose at Keddy, plainly that Colby cnnnot compete with men’s fine Suits, at 13.00, Marshall McDonald, Portland. at Blue Cheviots and Mix- $10, Blue Chinchilla 10 to 9c a to with a fen fast color, $6-00 Fancy Reefers, age 14, pair Robert Portland. Bowdoin advantage, only 15.00, 18.00, 23.00 and fast Kilfedder, ed fast will wear 30.00, color, 3.00 100 dozen at weeks in the It is neces- Frieze at Suits, colors, Suspenders Owen Kerrigan, Portland. training spring Heavy Ulsters, 35.00 a suit. Johanna Portland. well. Our $5.48 8c a pair Hammond, sary to oommence in the fall and train We have a line of fine $8.00 price, Fine Blue Chinchilla Reefers at M. large •4. 75 dozen 25c Alary Talbot, Freeport. hard during the entire winter, and then Made with Ulster collar. Suspenders at 12 l-2c a Samuel Abbott, Brunswick. grade Blufi and Black Kersey Fine Black and Brown One lot of Heavy Wool Suits, 2 for will be In pair, pair 25c David B. Brunswiok. the athletes good oonditlon foi at Cummings, Overcoats, Mixed Ulster, cut long and well well worth $10. Our price, One lot of mackintosh Coats, Board Harrison. the work. If sufficient iuteresi Bagatelle given away with pur- 100 dozen 50c at Joseph Fogg, spring « Suspenders Standish. $10.00 and $12.00 made, at $10.00 $6.48 $5, worth 8.00 chases in our Children’s Department. Mercy Piper, is showniin traok athletics a team wil 23c a pair Prances Brunswick. Rodick, be for the rneel Dsniel Riobardson, Brnnswiak. developed interoollegJate Henry K. Ricker Brunswick. at Worcester. Although Colby might nol win points at first it would be of untolc ACCOUNTS ALLOWED. Gall for one of our cards and when the amount has been punched out by us will receive FREE a of advantage to run up against some of th< punch you copy Scenic-tmerlca. Louisa M. Pitcher Portland. best athletes in the oountry. Muoh o Edwin E. Pitcher, Portland. Christian F. Pudor, Portland. Bowdoin’s strength in track athletic; John B. Thorndike, Portland. can be traced to the experience gainet Alary Dogue, Portland. at th e Worcester meets. William Mundny, Portland. Charles B. Fuller, Portland. OBITUARY. Henrietta E. Baker, Portland. IRA F. Jonanna Hammond, Portland. ZI CLARK & A. D. IZ James L. Howe, Portland. Mary Harley, CO., Mary M. Talbot. Freaport. Mary A. (Donnell) Harley was bori John B. Bennett, New Gloucester. HATTE5RS AND William H. Cook, Windham. in New Castle, Maine, Nov. 8, 1829, an; , CLOTHIERS. FURNISHERS, Edmund Mitcheli, Freeport. diod in Old Orchard Nov. 6, 1890. Mar Cyrus F. Sargent, Yarmouth. A. Donnell waa married to F Salome H. Brunswick. Dwight Snow, of Elizabeth D. Pierce, Cma Elizabeth. Harley, New Castle, July 3, 185C 26 Leroy P. NororosB, Cnii.cerlaud. In 1857 they inovad to Minnesota, wber oniL“rr°'' II and 28 Monument Portland. 7 Square, several In 1866 the LICENSES REISSUED. they spent years. removed to Portland, where they reside i I .' '■ = Owen Kerrigan, Portland. until when tbey took their bom who wish to play, should at onoe notify Katie F. Hoyt end als..Cape Elizabeth. 1877, up DEERING. I ^llilllllllll!lll!lllllllllllllll!!llllllll(!lllllllllllllSIS!i!il!SiliI!!il!llilSI11!!IIiiSlilSii!S Miriam Winslaw, DeeiiDg. in Old Orchard, where tbey have re 1 the dlreotor. If practice is commenced mained to the time of her decease. Mrs started In immediately au orchestra that would LICENSES P. E. GRANTED. A Banjo Club la soon to be - M Harley’s death came castin credit to our school couid be suddenly, 3 Deering Centre. bring IP*** THE PROPER Edward Hay, South Portland. ” THING! gloom and sadness over the whole com formed. Miriam Winslow, Deering. Some of the young people here are in men’s attire is She had been durln always^obtainable 2 munlty. suffering * a whist olub. ADOPTION. starting BOSTON & MAINE. the day Thursday and growing no bette r Miss Anna Latham entertained several \ from A. F. Hill & Co.’s and it’s very ♦ Ansel Johnson, Portland, named toward evening the physician was oailot lady friends from Gorham last Tuesday. Quarterly Statement Shows Decrease in © • ! ! certain won’t be shown these in* changed to Ansel Skolfield. After oareful examination of ber beai 4 IMPORTED you E. C. Smith and wife, who have been Earnings. DISTRIBUTION ORDERED. be ber sickness not at all ser < > to the most reliable deal- thought living on New street, will hoard during all stores, Go J Charles B. Portlaud. ous. However, about 2 o’elook the net 1 the winter with H. B. Smith on Clark scales has been CONVENIENT, Fuller, A new set of rallraod The Boston and Maine statement for in this and with his Z she called her husband who J! er city judgment morning street. in the Maine Central in Water- COMMBS. EX. CLAIM APPOINTED. put yard the September quarter showa a doorcase STRONG, at her noticed a ~J ♦ quickly side, grea Walter Hall has moved from Pleasant will De a convenience < > and skill applied to the prevailing styles ville whioli great of 1160,773 in gross earnings, three- Smith Barher, Falmouth. Augustus and before he could leave he 7 ohange; street to Clark street. the men. Heretofore car COMFORTABLE, F.Moulton, Franklin C.Payson, commis- to yard every fourths of which loss < ■ will what will T and have time to call assistance she ha 1 comparative ap- and qualities you get sioners Mr. F. W. will this week to be to Phinney pass which was weighed had taken pears in the divisible balance. Remem- LIGHT. breathed her last. Mrs. * Harley in on business. the old scales below the station please you, Z Augusta passenger bering the industrial stagnation which Four II Cumberland County Pomona Grange. deeply respeoted and dearly belovod, es The Installation of officers of the Deer- less Feld Compactly, Weight Complete Ounces. where the weighing caused more or at the important manufactur- those who knew her most lr prevailed Cumberland County Pomona Grange pscially by Centre lodge of Good Templars held to teams.' The new Admlraoly adapted for Baby Carriages, Ham- ing annoyance passing centres to the Boston and for ;: HILL & CO. a of ing tributary mocks. etc. Indispensable travellers and met with at Walnut timately. She was lady gree * last was much A. F. Wesoustogo Grange Tuesday evening enjoyed scales are close by the yardmaster’s office Maine during this period, the deorease is vaoationists. | of Her life ws 8 Hill North Nov. strength character. a of its and Yarmouth, Wednesday, by large number members, In close proximity to the tracks where not Not only does the road iiiiiniimiiiiimmiiiuiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillilllliliiuf ~ surprising. Himniimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii a yet active and nseful one. Bh 11. The day was bad ns to weather yet quiet, much enthusiasm manifested. trains are made They the freight up. in oases where mills are shut down or © • unobtrusive in her eh 0 IMPORTED over one hundred members were ceedingly nature, The concert that was to bo double present postponed have a capacity of 80 tons which is running on sjiort time lose the traffic of THE BEST HAT MADE! the session. Jor- was yet intensely sympthetio, kind an * held I. O. G. during Worthy Magter by Deering Lodge, T., 370, that of the old set taken ont. the mills themselves, but the merchan- ANNOUNCEMENT. of in bis charitable. will occur November 20tb. A dan, Cape Elizabeth, presided Friday, dise movement of the communities is For she had been INTEREST We are pleased to announce that we prompt und pleasant manner. After the many years prom large attendance is desired and will be STATE TOPICS OF PRICE, $1.00. restricted by rtason of the re- succeeded the well-known house of nent iu the work of the Women’s Ghrli '' sharply Lamson & Hubbard have a committee at the received. opening appointed gratefully d ucud of all those Stevens & Jones Co., and have also tlan and that oam 8 there is a deolded improve- purchasing oapaoity pur- last county meeting, presented fit reso- Temporauoe Union, Mr. Freeman Lamb, the barber of Already chased the stock and will of among the industrial lines in on the operations of the mills. good a in ber heart. Sh 8 ment dependent lntionn nf snrrnw nn ap.nnnnt nf t.hn ripnth found large plane will toke a vacation next Thomas B. the street Deering Centre, Skowbegou. To begin with the Bloom- The speedy resumption of the mills of Mosher, Exchange of the drat Master of tbe was also an oxeinplary member of tl 8 and Shaw will officiate in for the three stationer. County Grange, week, George field Shoo Company past these oentres since the restoration of con- a full line of Brother S. B. Gunnison of Scarboro. A Methodist Episcopal church for fort y that Mr. Lamb’s ab- days has received large orders for shoes We shall carry Stationery oapacity during fidence will restore the of the years. She was one of the charter men and the number of bands has been in- earnings for office and private correspondence, very discussion followed over sence. spirited geo.~cTfrye a creased. At the Coburn Woolen P. Maine. It is that and shall make of Litho- bers of the Old Orohard whiol 1 Mills, noticeable, However, speoialty a resolution the Sthte to church, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. of Hoi- asking Grange Kimball, H. Anderson, the smierihtendeut, was the in 320 CONGRESS ST. Work, Legal Blanks, was Nov. since whic ^ comparative shrinkage earnings graph consider tbe desirability of leducing the organized 9, 1882, 11s, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. seen and he said: ‘‘Everything in our je2tf Office Supplies, Card Plate en- uao uwv iviuou mo ujiiun^oiiicilU imuvt! time she has served the chute 11 is Getter. uai urums Initiation fees. Adjourned to 1.80 p. m. faithfully Hoegg. business loosing graving and the manufacture of are any in ita of its as teachi r are coming in faster and they larger. change policy keeping up Books. for dinner. This was equal to any din- steward, recording secretary, Mi. F. is in Boston Blank Wlnsbip, druggist, Jobbers and travelling men speak of and to ex- in offices also i n a equipment charging operating We have all the of Lithograhs nor of this in tbe and nc (Sunday sobool; holding for few days. have to patterns grange past, better times with all that they the cost of done the Woman’s Home and M! i- Westbrook penses non-prodnotive addi- and Blank Book Work formerly by higher praise oan be given than this. At Foreign The old chapel building at do. We are looking for no regular , tions to itB stoos. In the these two houses, and are to sionary societies. in but a steady, inorease in our rolling operat- prepared the appointsd time tho exorcises werf seminary, the rear of Alumni hall, gradual all orders and in * we have for this TWICE duplicate promptly She loaves an wife of Be' ’• lino of business. Since election ing expenses quarter are included L.OOK renewed. and only sister, which is now usod for a gymnasium, is manner. Music, recitation, essay; lnoreased our and have been work- atisiaotory J. A. of the Method! it help 8150,000 for new equipment and *53,709 by members of the Wesouslogo Morelen, pastor undergoing extensive repairs, the mill on full time.” Fall Grnngt ing for new automatio air brakes and church of Maine. She ha d A to auto- our ‘*ad.” Style, 1896. were very fine. The singing by Mr. Mo- Pemaquid, petition Is being circulated here AkT matic for cars and loco- For no children of her but leaves a a be this eve- couplers freight Durability, Style aud Comfort the W. H. STEVENS" & CO.. of Walnut was very fine. own, presented to tbe city oounoil There was a aooident at War- Intyro, Hill, drowning motires in who is married and lives i n was compliance with the United Lamson & Hubbard Hat has no Mr. Roberts Overseer ol adopted sou, ning, asking that a new street be laid ren Wednesday forenoon. The victim IVSaKE it an object and equal. l,ct Norway, States statutes. 184 MIDDLE ST. the West. near the a colored man named Peters, who was Details are: September For sale the State Grange, discussed tho proaen! out from Pearl street to a point 0 by by Gleason Young. Yesterday 30 quarter: TELEPHONE mar9eodtf Westbrook railroad station. employed us. 536-3._ standing and future work of the organ- junction he was on the flume of 01 V from Hatters. A Double Celebration. forenoon standing 1896. 1895, Deo. your Clothing Leading The traok for North a ization. Ho showed that two question; the tbs Deering the dam near the mill and drawing Goods are new this septl4,M,W,&F3m# Tuesday evening a large number < lf extension of the road has been boat by the painter. The force of the Gross earnings,$5,512,349 *5,973,022 $460,773 wbioh especially interested the farmers, electric up season. friends at the residence of M water began to hold the boat back and Expenses, 3,716,689 3,861,216 144,526 OUR were roads’’ and schools’ gathered laid on Stevens Plains avenue to tberesi- “good “good he continued to hold on to the he in W. Burnham to celebrai 8 as rope to date very and and Mrs. T. denco of Robert B. Lowe. Net up urged tbe Grange to make it; was finally drawn into the water and earnings, $1,795,660 $3,111,806 $316,347 DO NEW .. the 25th of Mr. Albert Bun Other RIGHT M. NANSEN, Tailor, has re- influence birthday The Morrill’s Hose oompany, after drowned before aid oould arrive. The income, 107,570 146,187 38,567 x’espect. ■\TOTTCE—M. 1 .. felt in tho community and 1.1 moved from 502 Congress street to i.. the 25th of M '• at the lowest 507}, ham and anniversary much fixed November 19 as body was recovered m the afternoon. very over Moore & and’he would dually In the legislature for better road; discussion, Total Owen, Co., like connection wit h inoome, $1,903,180$2,257,9341354,813 to see his old customers and new and for better Kdwin L. Burnham’s the date of the-formal of Its new DOWN many schools, especially in the opening Int.rent, taxes, 1,292,785 1,291,605 prices. ones. Dress Suita from $18 and up; repair- After sooial 8 The Granite State Provident Association. *1,180 rural parts of the State. Mystic Lodge. greotinf quarters, Forest avenue, ing and pressing done at lowest price. 12-1 CARPETS n bound to satisfac- were Mrs. L. C. Partingtc .____ The Maine shareholders of the defunct give The subject for discussion presented exchanged, Balance, *610,346 *986,389 8355,908 made the speeches and gai Real GrBnitc State Provident assooiation have tion. by Brother Gilggs, of Westbrook Grange, presentation Estate Translers. *Increase. AND Mr. Albert Burnham a large plus h received ooplea of a circular letter “The linanciai condition of tho farmers, The following transfers of real estate just CHANDLER’S MILITARY BAND INTEREST YOU? album from the members of the lodf ® from the commissioner of olaims, recent- Women's as compared with other classes o‘ fa this county have been recorded Is literary Union, SOEVER have any complaints. of also a book of poems, silk umbrella ar ly. by the Supreme oourt Boeiety,” was pleasingly discussed by tho Registry oi Deeds: appointed The hist literary afternoon of the intend there shall be AND ORCHESTRA. other from friends. To Edwin 1 '■ New Hampshire. Kaoh letter enolosea a Worthy Bocturer Griggs, brothers Han gifts Henry il. Hamden of Brownfield to Women’s Literary Union will be held at DON’Tany. If so then the place for Burnham a beautiful silver water si !t Edward R. statement of the members’ oredit of duet UNDER ENTIRELY NEW MANAGEMENT. ker of Westnrook and Blanohard, o: Staples of Bridgton, for $475, Pine street church Saturday afternoon. you to your time was Burnham wit a lot of land with tbe thereon on the books of the and re- spend The scemet presented. Mr. buildings association, The general “Art.” P, E. ROBINSON, Conductor North Yarmouth. speakers in subjoot will be The and is with tl ie Bridgton. a If and money us, were a few well ohosen words thanked quests verification of the figures. committee In and Agent. to believe that the farmers better of Georgo H. Snow of to Franoe oharge are Mrs. Charles A. Hen’S Children’s (Suits. until floor in members of the and other friem Bridgton the statement is correct the member is to ever}' your as other olass of wo rl lodge E. Snow of same a lot of Dyer, Mrs. Mabel MorrlB and Mrs. N. M. N. I. TIIOIWAS and E. C. a whole than any place, for $1, home is covered with the lor the but felt mare than could I ie land in it and forward it to the commis- era. The next county meeting wil I gift Bridgton. sign Marshall. Mrs. J. B. Coyio will read h WEBB, Prompters. Myron E. Aloore Overcoats, kind of a- to the expressed for their kindness to him. B Anson Mosnian, sioner. A year Is the period allowed on class music furnished proper CARPET probably be in New Gloucester in Be both of of paper “Musio as an Art.” Mrs. First for all occasions. Deering on the westerly side the small orchestra for freshinents were eerved by Mrs. Nelsoi * commissioner in which to examine Frederick A weduings, parties, etc., a laid in the proper man- cember. Glenwood avenue. W. Robinson will have an specialty. Miss and Mrs. Burnhnr >. olaims of all the members of the associa- Reefers, ner. Thompson Joseph I. Holland to Rebecca W. article on ‘‘the Rise and Progress ol Hand rooms 27 Monument square. Ageucy Mias Alice Morrison sever il Holland, for n land on the tion in the at M. Steinert & Son’s Music Store, 617 Con- rendered *1, ]oti 0f various states. and Mrs. C. A. easterly side of Photography,” Dye: gress street. vocnl selections as did Master Han ,y Washington street. X rousers. RELIEF IJT SIX HOCKS will read a from s David Lawrenoe et al to Henry L. Higli School Orchestra. paper on “Art 0-00000 Burnham, whose of voice Is taken for Custom disease range Lawrenoe, all of for $1, a lot o land Students Point of View.” Miss Craft, Distressing Kidney and Bladder^ Gray, The says: ‘‘Seme of the wonder for one so Mr. V in Gray. Racquet lieleved in six hours by tbe -‘NEW GKEA' C great young. soprano singer at Square ORDERSClothes. Th musicians of tho school met and are try- Congress P. E. SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE.” W. Eurnham presented the two brother 3,--- and Gents’ Fnr- ROBINSON, on accoun church, one of Mrs. Adams best BAILEY & ne-vv remedy is a gieat surprise Fish Market Entered. an Thomp- pupils, H. J. 0#., each with one ,f ing to form orchestra. Janies of its exceeding promptness in relievin; anniversary cakes, will be the soloist for the afternoon, Goods. Ttbbett’s fish the has been ohesen director and NECKWEARnisliing pain in the bladder,kidneys,back and ever; which caused much merriment by tl ie market opposite son, ’99, of the in male or ft part urinary passages blai ]j North Sohool was broken Into there are already several boys who have I Teacher of Clarinet. 190-193 middle St. male, it relieves retenion of -water an; 1 rooster coming forth like the buildiDg, suffered for two weeks with neural it almost I f ,a Wednesday effected signified their to beoome and pain In passing immediately. birdie In the pie. At a late hour tl night, entrance being willingness gia, Salvation Oil gave mo immedi Lambord & Morton, novll&l3 tou want quick relief and cure this is you a rear Yet more in order ate relief. I Ie through window. Only $1.40 in members. are needed Mrs. Wm. C. Bald, Moshei No. Middle 502 Congress St., Room 6 remedy. Bold by C. H. GUPl’Y CO.. Drug friends left, having spent an enjoyah £61 Street, * cash was taken. a and all St., Md, ootll novlldlw gist. 4C3 Congress St., Po#tland, Me. and profitable evening. to form first class orchestra; Balto., W.F&Stl the obuu- PTEW ADYEKTISEMElix^ NEW ADYERTISKMEMTb. PTET* PORTLAND DAILY PRESS Ministration] and a good many of these by government of any other ADYERTI8KMEWT8. amusements. AMUSBXKWTS. try. — J — AND jentlemen are not going to keep them- MAINE STATE PRESS. solves outside the breastworks merely SENSIBLE TALK. ’or the sane of maintaining a sentlment- LADIES’AID COURSE Subscription Rates. (Detroit Tribune, Free Silver.) 1827. Comes Every Week. il loyalty to a lost cause. Established PAtLV (In advance) $6 per year; $3 for six Whatever may be the merits of the bi- 5—ENTERTAINMENTS—5 60 cents a metallio months; $1.60 a quarter; month. Whan Satolii hrst oame to this country principle, in face of yesterday's decision fur- I" At City Hall, Deo. and is delivered every by the of course all 2, 17, 25, Jan. 80 The Daily morning by tie to side with liberal people, appeared the more ther agitation of It should be carrier anywhere within the city limits and at suspend- Eeb. 9. wing of the Cathollo and in con- ed, or at least until the without extra charge. church, opposite policy Woodfords has had a The The Ladies’ Aid he found little favor with what futber trial. The silver party, YOUTH’S of the St. Lawrence Street in at tb sequence I advance), invariably Daily (Not we feel sure, will make no factious op- Church announce the following list of SATURDAY, NOV. 14, May be called the Bourbon element, at Grand Entertainments: rate of $7 a year. poaitiou. The successful party will feel whose head is But LVIatinee at 2 P. M, Maine State Press, (Weekly) published Arohbishop Corrigan. it Incumbent upon It to restore the pros- for if the times the Boston’s and Favorite every Thursday, $2 per year; $1 six months; published abstract of the report ho perous oouutry ouce enjoyed, Fascinating and mu oh is to be from the efforts BERESFORD CONCERT CO. Comedienne, 6o cents a quarter; 26 cents for trial subscrip- has recently made to the Pope be eorreot, hoped thus put forth. Indeed it will be dan- tion of six weeks. his early with the liberal wing Mme. Sophia Markee, soprano: Miss Annie sympathy gerous not to'fulfil the promises of pros- Lorrie DAIYTY persons wishing to leave town for long or Holden, alto; Mr. J. C. Bartlett, was simulated or have perity so lavishly holdout the vp Tu. r' it. vnu~ Mr. Arthur lately hisl^views during — tenor; Direct V.- Beresford, Miss CompanionUAV basso; a have the addresses of their 1 I? mrnrv short periods may but Mabel violinist and a ruilif * met with a decided change. Apparently campaign, with the tremendous re Beaman, pianist. From the changed as often as desired. the victors ■> 1/sp Tremont papers it was of sponsibil'ty resting upon they Theatre, by nis advice with the purpose will not Boston. Advertising Rates. fail of fullflling what they have Brushing out wbat her regards as heresy n JESSIE guaranteed. Both strong centralized list of those who will contribute to The Youth’s Companion COUTHOUI CO. In her Press $1.60 per for one The VEl'*.’' In Daily square, that Keene was removed Irom the government and a democratic one have ^ Bishop Jessie Latest jA. M 1II£ for one mouth. Three Inser- the as and brilliant. It includes Miss Couthoui, the famous week; $4,00 other their advantages; we only needed to during coming year is, usual, long reader; Success Washington University, and that Miss Elizabeth Lenlngs, soprano; Miss Jessie tions or less, $1.00 per square. Every other know which the of the writers of but also some of the most FRENCH of liberal views in that in- majority people tit not only popular fiction, Hyland, cornet; Mr.George Hubbard Wilder, one third less than these professors preferred and we have ascertained. day advertisements, They naval travellers and men of science flutist. stitution are marked for dismissal. Of have given notice that eminent officers, explorers, RACE.” ates. property rights •JjP N*TI0N“ w*8HINaTON- to shall be to the utmost in this W statesmen. CAmal< Half square advertisements $1.00 for one course it will be easy enough discipline protected and PRICES—25, 50, 75, $1.00. country and that the standing army ALBION MALE QUARTETTE. Seats now on sale. week or $2.60 for one month. Archbishops and Bishops, but that by no shall ooustitute a national polioe. It is “A Is a space of the width of a col- means an end to liberal W. R. Bateman, J. C. G. Square” puts all right if the people will it so, and it Bartlette, H. Inch Remele, Dr. G. R. Clark of the umn and one long. tendency. That will continue just so may be for the best. So earnest a con- (formerly NOV. 17. Life and Work at Ruggles Street Quartette), assisted TUESDAY, Notices, on first page, one-third ad- test cannot fail to bo of in S by Special long as the laymon of the'ohurch breathe great utility Washington. the of the and was he contributed to as did Mr. Blaine when of Miss MARCIA ditional. the air and mix with rousing vigor republio Mr. Gladstone Prime Minister The Companion, Secretary State. CRAFTS Murn of a free oountry, its HI * Amusements and Auction Sales, $2.00 per assuring perpetuity. the members of the present American Cabinet but three, have written for its columns. During the coming year the of vocalist. HENRY’S men who believe in free thought and free fWhenAll Riverside, Cal., square each week. Three Insertions or less, following features of national work will be described by members of the national government: church. This is not the seventeenth NEW Dale BIG IT.BO per square. PUBLICATIONS. but the and Satolii LELAND T. Reading Notices In nonpariel type and century, nineteenth, DAYS OF THE Hon. Wm. L. Postmaster-Gen’l. POWERS. When The was EARLY POST-OFFICE, WILSON, of MINSTRELS, classed with other paid notices, 15 cents per can’t set the clock back. Century Young by M. hit. In his latest success, “LORD Seats now M. A Hon. HILARY A. CHUMLEY,” on sale. line each Insertion. Blake, author of “Courtship by Com- X BUILDING WAR-SHIP, Herbert, Secretary Navy. he impersonates 10 characters. IT WAS THEIR BEST CHANCE. Pure Reading Notices in reading matter type, mand,” etc. etc. Illustrated by the au- If WHAT THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL DOES, Hon. Judson Harmon. each were conditions ravorabie 26 cents per line insertion. There more thor, is a sizable volume, the illustra- OF A Henry Cabot To Let. For Sate and similar adver- in Vf THE LIFE SENATOR, Hon. Lodge. ORIGINAL NASHVILLE STUDENTS Wants, to the free silver propagandists the tions of which are good, making for it for 26 cents per week in advance, can ever OF A Hon. Thomas B. Reed. JUBILEE tisements, recent oampaigu than they hope subject matter, a romance out of English THE LIFE CONGRESSMAN, SINGERS. or no adver- FAIR,*^ 40 words less, display. Displayed in- for again. Businesa was depiessed, horns life and the love affairs of two In Jubilee Plantation, River and tisements under these headlines, and all adver- Songs, -BY THE- dustries were at a standstill, farm pro- young people, and also taking us to the Cabin Songs. isements not paid Un advance, will be ducts were very low ana very many Peninsular war aud to Waterloo. Of For Ambitious For Ambitious Girls. targed at regular rates. || Boys. men were out of employment. oourse the of Waterloo In JdAiNE State Press—$1.00 per square laboring groat plotures in THE HA.BIT OF THRIFT, Andrew Carnegie. TRAINING THE VOICE, Madame Lillian Nordica. Course tickets, including reserved seats, favora- 5?|f: to ODD cents for All these were exceedingly fiotlon are Victor and location. FELLOWS DF or first insertion, and fifty per square things Hugo’s and Lever’s iu BECOMING A Dr. Austin Flint. A GIRL WHO BECAME FAMOUS, $1.50, $2.00 $2.50, according PORTLAND effect of DOCTOR, Exchange of certificates and opening sale at each subsequent insertion. ble to free coinage, because the Charles O’Mally. But the here Mrs. Burton Will at portrayal HOW LINCOLN EDUCATED HIMSELF, Harrison. Stockbrldge’s Music store, Saturday morn- open all communications relating to sub was dissatisfaction and at 9 o’eloek. Numbers Address them to engender given Is admirable and the story is a W. Weik, NURSING AS A Dr. W. L. Love. ing, November 14th, to Portland Jesse CAREER, out at 7 a.nr. rates on the rail- scrlptions and advertisements in a large part of our popu- readable one. The account of given Special CITY despondency the “Ma- § Gifford Elizabeth Bisland. roads. novlOdtit AS A Pinchot. MARRIAGE HALL, Publishing Co., 97 exchange Street. of ^ FORESTRY PROFESSION, SETTLEMENTS, lation. It is notorious that in periods jority BalF’is excellent aud many pretty Portland. Me. THE LARGEST SALARIES, Carroll D. Wright. FLOWER-GROWING FOR PROFIT. Rene Bache. MONDAY, NOV. 9th. depression men are ready to tuifo a will- touches of real life ooour from time to || that GRAND ROWING EXHIBITION at 8 p. m., and continue through the ing ear to any theory or scheme time:{ in “When The was week, Century -AND- winding up with a Band Concert, Drill itnd are much less like- and TTTTTi PRESS. promises relief, Young.” (Boston: Estes & Lauriat; BALL! Ball Monday, the 16th. ly to give it oareful examination. If it Portland: Loring, Short & Harmon. Writers for 1897. is strongly recommended and great Price 81.50.) Popular USEFUL KOYEMBER 13. it that is to || AND FANCY ARTICLES FRIDAY, claims are made for enough In addition to twenty-five staff writers, The Companion Contributors include not only the most popular writers of to it. but some of the most eminent Travellers and Musicians. Will be luduce despondent people accept Pennyroyal and Mint by Swett fiction, Statesmen, Scientists, for sale at Beautifully Decorated Sophie Booths at reasonable also T are apt to reason that they can be very prices, author of “The Mate of,the Ian Maclaren. Geo. W. Hon. Theodore Roosevelt. The of Lome. v.wuvxicci «uu xiuuacauiu Mary Ann,” Smalley. Marquis At CITY HALL. uiuiauiuga. Proclamation. no worse and that the remedy ^| Portland, Thanksgiving of, eto. etc. The very name of this publica- Rudyard Kipling. Harold Frederic. Col. George E. Waring, Jr. Lady Jeune. can do them no harm tf it ATTRACTIONS. offered them tion makes us sniff, Hon. Harcourt. expectant „of savory Hall Caine. Hamlin Garland. Carl Schurz. Lady There will does them no But this was not all No*. '96. be first class entertainments good. whiffs to follow. The volume is Tuesday Eve’ng, 17, each very Stephen Crane. Max O’ReU. Dr. W. A. Hammond. Miss Alice Longfellow. evening, as follows: that rendered the recent campaign ^ Monday Concert Ameri- STATE OF MAINE tasteful though plain outwardly and con- W. Clark Russell. Dr. Edson. Edward Everett Hale. 4 EXCITING RACES. 4 Evening—Band by to free Frank R. Stockton. Cyrus can Cadet Band. exceptionally favorable tains some ^4: twenty short Btories, all deal- Warner. Lieut. R.E. U.S.N. Dr. Austin Flint. Rev. D. D. On the Kern’s Celebrated Rowing Machine. Tuesday Evening—Tremont Quartette of as and Charles Dudley Peary, Lyman Abbott, Boston with coinage. Quite important, per ing with country New To Races start at 8 o’clock. Music Mrs. Hennigar, Reader. England. more one other eminent men and women. by Garrity’s was fact that the And than hundred Evening—Boston Ideal Ladies’ EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. haps even more, the readers who like the New Orchestra. Wednesday England coun- Gents’ ticket, 50c, Ladies’ ticket, 26c Quartette with Miss Annie Libby, harpist. had a start announces of Adventure on Land and Stories for silver propagandists got long try dialect these natural and vivacious Companion also for 1897, Four Absorbing Serials, Stories Sea, Thursday Evening—Woburn Ladies’ Or- — chestra, instrumental and with Emer- ever the custom of our Christian of their had been as- Stories for Stories, Doctors’ Stories, Stories for all vocal, It has been opponents. They stories „will »TheBoys, Girls, Reporters’ Stories, Lawyers’ Everybody profusely ft*, SATURDAY, NOV. 14- the strongly appeal. Sophie — son, humorist. Commonwealth at the close of the harvest sea- the field for illustrated artists. Six Double Numbers. More than two thousand Articles of Anecdote, siduously cultivating many is a by popular Holiday Miscellany Friday Quartette with son to call upon her people to render thanks Swell very popular writer for child- Evening—Haydn Humor, Travel, etc., with Children’s every week. Timely Editorials, the Current Events,” the Skillin and Hatch specialists. and praise to God. for His many mercies to His years, while the other side was passive, Those Fascinating Page HEBRON ACADEMY . ren. sketches are for adults but Current and Nature and Science much valuable information week. Saturday Evening—Unannounced. dependent children. had been their suecese that Topics Departments give every 3k and ho evident are of a sort the We continue to enjoy the priceless blessings young people also will Nov. 16. and to the St. — vs. PORTLAND Monday Evening, oEfree government. The principles of civil a great many of the delegates like. 700 Large Pages in Each Volume 52 Weeks for $1.75 —Send for Illustrated Prospectus. HIGH, and for national religious liberty respect law, Louis convention looked with apprehen- and state authority, still prevail throughout ’N” if I was courtin’ a girl, I would Bage Ball Grounds. our favored land. sion the that was inoor- CANTON RIOGELEY NO. P. upon gold plank n’t let nobody hander me as do.” 1, M„ has dealt with our be- you Game called at 2.30 novllrtSt Providence kindly in the platform, fearing that the Will give a loved state, her people and her institutions, purated “IfLuella Briggs ain’t sick of bein’ New Subscribers who wilt cut out this slip suid send it at once Cf and there is abundant reason for offering the silver movement had name and address and will receive: n. z. b. J L L WA, X>JEIILL A.3XTD BALL. beadway{that courted so slack its time she was. When v/amts $1.75 -tk thanks. I therefore, with the advice of the FREE—The Youth’s week from the tune FINANCIAL attained was too great to be ffir __, Companion every subscrip- CT *>|t" Band Concert by Chandler’s Band. already I was a girl I shouldn’t ’a is received till Executive Council, designate thought II fSI FMISRiM tion January 1, 1897; *5Pttl/XL® Admission 50 cents. Reserve seat tickets much less arrested and reversed SB and Year’s Double cheeked, much of a young man that ^didn’t dnrst FREE —Thanksgiving, Christmas New Numbers; A [M 3^ will be on sale Friday afternoon November 26th of when *“FREE—The Companion’s 4-page Folding Calendar for Litho- JK& 13th, at the box and con- Thursday, the day November, Inst, before election day. Furthermore to have me because FRFF 1897, (jFFFRSttl'v/» « office, City Hall, be was afraid of hie I !»•-*- in Twelve Beautiful Colors. The most artistic and tinue until sold at 25 cents -AS A- of the leaders of graphed -fjV extra. the fight was on many auut.” Laban whistled softly. “You ««i expensive color production The Companion has ever offered; t\ "J*' :5S& themselves handi- yi? And The Companion Fifty-two weeks, a full year, to January 1, DAY OF THANKSGIVING AND PRAISE. the gold side found ain’t no real comfort in affliction, vjv DINNERS AND SUPPERS. and the force of their Hot Dinners and Refraining on that day from all unnecessary capped arguments Laban, you’re so dretful Suppers will be served clcse-moutbed, # Casco National Bank each for 25 cents each. Food will be and business, let us in the ot i day labor temples very much weakened by the soft words like worship and at the family fireside, offer grate- jest your father.” (Boston: Estes — OF — furnished by the different lodges on the fol- once to turn Mass. ful tributes of praise and song for God’s gra- with which they had sought & Lauriat; Portland: Short & THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 201 Columbus Avenue, Boston, lowing days: Monday, Ancient Brothers, Loring, Tuesday, Beacon; and cious favors. away the wrath of the silver men when Wednesday, Harmony And in the reunion of families kindled and Harmon. Price 81.25.) PORTLAND, MAINE, Haddatah; Thursday, Ligonia; Friday, that the whole friends may the love of home and the affection they were fondly hoping Maine; Saturday, Unity. for our commonwealth be strengthened, and As the thiug would blow over. showing Field Clover and Beach Graes 195 Middle St., P. 0. Box 1108. may the sincerity of our thankfulness and by Susan the silver movement had ac- Cabalistic Letters— gratitude find expression in the deeds of char- headway Hartley’Swett, has also a most refreshing EDUCATIONAL. UKASCUX. and kindness toward the poor and unfortu- ity quired Mr. Hanna’s statement that the title aud is In its H. W. 3.. O. A. 33. O- nate. turn beautifully bouad CATARRH 1824. first of the State of a state Incorporated Given at Augusta, this fourth day of No- poll Iowa, and printed. Here again we have New GREAT BALM What do they mean? Cr.n you solve it? A vember, in the year of our Lord one §20.00 gold piece will be awarded to the per- that had always stood by the Republican dialeot with WANTED. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS thousand eight hundred and ninety-six. England dealing “Swan’s Is quickly ab- THE FIRST son making first correct solution. Send yours in Presidential showed a and of the Independence of the United party elections, Island” and “Green Harbour,” and with sorbed. Cleanses with 10 cents to J. H. Wish, Jr., at City Hall, States of America the one hundred and of 600 for froe ooinage, is of during the Odd Fellows’ Fair. twenty-first. majority such delightful types as Marthy Ellen. the Nasal Passa- The farmers of the Admission—Afternoon HENRY B. CLEAVES. great significance. Luthery Ann aud Miss Matilda Jane. Free. ges, Pain Leeds & R. R. 25e., or season tickets from 9th By the Governor. West and Northwest and a many Allays Farmington ONE MILLION Evening great The stories are all wido awake and full to 14th inclusive. tickets 50 NICHOLAS FESSENDEN, and Iuflamation §1.00. Ball cents had embraced the silver 8 LESSONS each. Secretary of State. workingmen of life aud Estes & spirit. (Boston: Doors from 10 m. to 10 doctrine when Heals and Pro open a. p. m. ex- thejreoent oampaign^be- Lauriat; Portland: Loring, Short & cept from 5.30 to 0.30, when the main hall The Hon Bred Williams hag and the silver men had to hold tects the Mem- will be closed. George gan; only Harmon. Price 81.25.) -IN THE- DOLLARS. One fare tickets issued on all railroads run- to J amaica to rost. One would what had to states in 6’s, gone they carry enough COLD IN HEAD Due 1896. ning into Portland, with 25 cents extra, in- thing he would be tired. the West to give them a majority in the 'The Wallypug of Why by G. E. Farrow, SX?2.£S; July 1, cluding evening admission to fair, or dance, or Current Accounts received on favorable supper. nov3d td eleotoral oollege. This was a tremendous with Page Illustration* by Harry Fur- of Taste and Smell. Gives Relief at We offer In exchange, a choice line of The Maine Populist has begun the terms. advantage. niss and Vignettes hy Dorothy Furuiss. once and it will cure. at the head VIRGIL SYSTEM on oampaign of 1900 by placing HOME SECURITIES. Interest allowed Time Deposits. There may be times of depression, in The is certainly novel to A particle Is applied directly into the nostrils, name of Thomas E. “Wallypug” solicited from Individ- of Its columns the cents at -OF- Correspondence the future as bad ns those that we have American children and s aggreable. 50 Druggists or by mail; Particulars on application. [ must be “told Banks, and other de- AN ILLUSTRATED LECTURE Watson for President. 10c, by mail. uals, Corporations, That aoout.” The itself is a whimsical sample Travellers supplied with LETTERS ol just passed through. advantage story siring to open accounts, as well as from —IN THE-- ELY BROTHERS, 60 Warren Street. New CREDIT, available in all parts of the world, Tom Watson’s letter of ac- may come to the silver men of wonder and those to transact busi- suppressed possibly melange general drollery. York. and CIRCULAR DRAFTS, payable without wishing Banking First Parish House, Tuesday Evening, ceptance Is now published. Of couise it again. But never will the? again have And a very good story, too, if only TECHNIC charge, In the principal cities of Europe. ness of any description through this Bank Nov. 17, at 8 O’clock. Descriptive pamphlet supplied upon request. fiercely assailsj&ewalL But it will not the other advantage of having got a people would not at onoe compare it • “THE ASCENT OF MAN,” hurt him. He is too dead. a lead in a of education. with “Alice in Wonderland.” not E. E. JSEWBERT long campaign Why Best in the World. By Bev. of Augusta. The escape of the business meu of this let every good thing stand on its own $3 §3 FOR President Illustrated by lantern slides. Tlctt- Mr. Teller thinks it would be imDolitlc $5.00. STEPHEN B. SMALL. eighty country was so perilously narrow this merit! Harry Furniss of “Punch” fame SWAN MARSHALL R. CODING- Cashelr ets TWENTY-FIVE cents. nov!2td for the silver men to show their hands. W. L. -AT THE- &~BARRETT, time that they will never rest quiet illustrates the toxt capitally with no end Douglas BANKBRS, The figure is suggestive. Mr. Teller ap- themselves, or allow the political teachers of fun and expressiveness and the small Maine. to think that legislating for the Portland, pears to rest quiet, when dangerous Buancinl drawings done by Dorothy Furniss, aged 1uel0 dtf oountry Is like playing a game of cards, $3 SHOE heresies are being preaohed all over the fifteen, are exceedingly oreditabla to that in which each party must keep dark as HAND-SEWED PROCESS THEOSOPHY land, in the hope that it will all blow young artis:. Mr. Farrow, tho author of to its plans and purposes. This is a »3f-1 $3 over. The country will not forget for a this holiday book for little folks, leads INVESTMENT low view to take. A more Course of Five Free Lectures by pretty good many years that the time to strangle them to “Why” and through adventures $3 $3 BAXTER BLOCK. oorrect and more patriotic view is that false doctrines is when they first bogin with “the fish with a cold,” views of a $3 $3 First Lesson Nov. 9. the purposes and plans of all parties at once for to show themselves. “Goo,” a fancy dinner party,an invisible Call particulars. SECURITIES, D. A. L. L. relative to the administration of the $3 $3 nov3d2w -OF- GEORGE AYERS, B., B., Ti If Mr. Bryan or the other free silver joke, and a fascinating “ride with the country’s affairs should be open and $3 $3 Paying Four. Five and propagandists undertake to lead another alphabet.” Like all such fantasies the lecturer for New above board. of Boston, Theosophical Eng- free'silver crusade they are sure to have book will attract older readers. (New $3 $3 Six Per Cent. land, at 542 1-2 Congress street, ou the follow- M. O, M. A. November 15. 3 p. a on ing subjects: "Theosophy." It was announced fight j their hands from the very York: Dodd, Mead & Company; Port- .... roit Sale bt .... A few days ago that $3 $3 HOME m. ;"Brotherhood,the Scientific Basis of Etbice,’* start. will not be tc : & Free School for November m.; "The Evolutionary was to take the field In per- They permitted land Loilng, .Short Harmon. Price The Stylo, Fit and "Wear Drawing Mechanics, 15,17.30 p. Gen.SWeyler Power of November 16, 3 p. m.; before an is could not be for Thought.” son to administer the de to entrench themselves attack «1.60.) improved Twenty-first Year. of and coup grace Double the H. M. PAYSON & "The Laws Compensation Rebirth,” be al- Price, CO, 7.30 m.; "The End of the the Cuban rebellion. If the despatch made upon them. They will not November 16, p. 148 STYLES and WIDTHS Free Drawing School for Mechanics, 21st BikN-XCiniSi Contury and the Modern Crusade,” November lowed to on a of mis List of Books for Girls and Women school from Key West is to be credited (and of carry campaign One Quality, One Price, S3, veat. The will be open in the evening 17,7.30. Open to the public. novlldlw* on WEDNESDAY, Nov. II, at 7.10 EXCHANGE this there is of oourso some his education in the rural districts without and Their Clubs. Edited by Augusta 1896, 32 STREET. doubt) I—- -I I o’clock, at MECHANICS’ HALL, and will dtf a counter of real apr4 very first euoounter with the rebels has meeting campaign H. Leypoldt and George lies. (Boston : continue four months free of charge to me- those resulted in the of bis and education. The country has learned a The Library Bureau.) chanics, journeymen, apprentices and repulse army intending to follow mechanical pursuits from DR. £. F. BIBBER, some lesson which it will not soon to for the of the state. UNTiE'W LOAN its retreat eight miles. There forget. Supplement Reading Young. [S3$3_ any part Three classes will be formed, one for one for mechani- has been dissatisfaction of late in By John F. Sargent. by Mar] architecture, great Compiled 546 Congress Street. cal, aud one for advanced pupils in fourth Dentist, CURRENT COMMENT. L. A Town of Spain with Weyler’s failure to make head- E. and Abby Sargent. (Boston: Li- branches. part of the lessons in each class Kennebunkport, Me., will be devoted to FREE HAND 559 CONGRESS and his brary Bureau, There is no rea- DRAWING. way agalnst^tho rebellion, taking special Pupils will be required to furnish themselves THE MONROE DOCTRINE RECOG- son this valuable FOB SALE BY the field in person Is said to havo been why list of books with all neoessary implements ana stationery. STREET, NonennderlA yeaisofage admitted. the result of orders from the NIZE U. should be confined to the use of Appli- _m specific “girls DESTRUCTIVE TO FOOTWEAR. cation will be received until day of opening by 4s. Opp. Baxter Block, Portland. Me. and women and their olubs. Un- Madrid government. If his campaign in (Springfield Republican.) ABNER \V. LOWELL. it will be of The above complaint is Gold $1.00 and Silver the field should a failure Weyler doubtedly peouliar service to being heard contin 1901. fillings, up. prove Whatever else may have to when to the Incessant nov6 613 Congress St. lw Due, Due, 1906, PORTLAND TRUST happened it, Women’s Clubs ualiy referring rains of fillings, 50c to $1.00. 60c to 75c. will be reoalled, and his it is oertaiu that the Monroe doctrine the many that exist to- two months, but those who Oement, undoubtedly tlie past were fortu- Painless Gas and within the 11 to so muoh beneficial nate enough to purchase their footwear extracting by Ether, army too very likely. has past months taken on day give stimulns at our Assessed Valuation1 store have tiad little chance of fault, for CHARLES SUMNER CARLETON $1,140,000= Local Anesthetics. Gold Crowns. $5.0o u much less nebulous conformation ec to so and finding many buugry eager spirits. through it all our goods have maintained their Crown and work. Artificial Sets. If the utterances of the free silver far as our own nation Is concerned; that GOMPANY. Bridge But tho list is for men, and reputation for hard service. This is especially Total oct22dtf and it has’hardeued and crystallized ns well perhaps boys shoes. Baritone, Debt, $13,500. $5.00, $8.00 $10.00. Thorough ad, Senators as in the true of our school The prices of our Republican reported extended its as well. So far as we have been able to skillful treatment of all dental diseases. as scope. It lias tHkun such women's boots rauge from $1.25 to $5.00 in all These bonds arc World aie VOICE CULTURE. Issued for the pur- New York authentic the pas a iu our foreign that it examine it it mnoh the latest styles. See our men's Examinations and advice free. Office position policy gives very important $i.6o grain in pose of building bridge and will mak< of the bill the needs no act of to It Congress and Creedmoor. We have a youth’s Four In Italy under SALES. 8 a. m to 1 m. to 5. sage Dingley by Senate Congress give pres- ntormation about literature lists of the years the best masters. a conservative AUCTION hours, 12; p. Ap- or As for and hoys’ soamless grain that is unsurpassed investment for trusi so tige strength. foreign nations Hour also half hour lessons. pointments solicited by mail. this winter is not quite hopeless as best works in every for wear. Residence and funds. iu their attitude also toward department—fiotion, Studio, 62 High oct22eod6m has general, Women’s cloth flannel lined slips, 50 Street, City. oct21eodlm Mr. Dingley imagined. Senator- this doctrine has since Deoem- biography, history, cents BAILEY & CO. changed eduoation, science, Women’s Overgaiters, 14 cents wl O. Clark of says he shall be with ter last. There is uow a manifest tend- Wyoming etc. Eaoh department is edited by some on ency on their part to get the Monroo doc- the Republican party all tariff legis- “expert” in the subject O. into international law rather than considered. F1. WHITE, WOODBURY & lation. Senator Brown of Utah will not The most difficult of OPPOSITE FEEBLE MOULTON, to keep it out. This is beoauso they see department notion HOUSE. FIRST CLASS Salesroom 46 Exchange Street. H. E. to obstruct such legislation by thut it has come to is edited ono of The nov 11 eodtf MILLS, attempt stay, and that it by Nation’s review- F. O. BAILEY. C. W. ALLEN will be better in the free silver amendments. Perkins oi long run for»them- and we recognize the X -A. BANKERS, dtf Plano Tuner ers, clear, decisive ;E» TST o ss Portland, maih4- of Montana aelves to have it defined by international Maine, Music , Carter and Pet- touch in the short notes in the of Order slate at Chanpler’s Store, 481 agreement and nailed down within appended. Of oare, and sphere Fiction we re- augai * ati Congress street. tigrew of South Dakota appear to be of definite bounds in the oonrse do such list is the text-books, than infallible, but the joice to note that principle of exclu- FOR SALE OR RENT; ALSO Cannon is the it to the same iniud. only Ro- to leave suhject any interpretation selection here seems as over oatbollo, wise sion has prevailed a too lnvish ad- ; who declares outright that he an American government may choose Mrs. Abner W. Lowell PORTLAND FRATERNITY. pnblioan and discriminating as could well be mission of stories whiob are the ORGANS WoodTastIS to put upon it. Sj the of the admira- classes and will insist on a free silver rider to the struggle Will recelvo private pupils in future niny he to get it into internation- made. tion of the modern child and AND world—full of Very Fancy or Plain at TILING. and Culture at SOCIAL EDUCATIONAL. bill or other tariff measure. Elocution Physical rest Dingley any al law Instead of to keep it which The Supplement to for the Samples and 11 out, Reading sensational adventures, slang and gener- Salesroom, deuce, Henry street. Reading and Amusement Rooms. Mem- 'The truth is that the election must impress every one as a curfour 114 1-2 probably Young inoludes books published from al Both these NO. EXCHANGE ST. Saturday classes will Oct to Lord impertinence. works can Children's begin bership $1.00 per year. Special free silver Senators sequel Salisbury's reoent objec- 424 CONGRESS classes,monthly recitals. Ladle’s arrange- has Jed many of tbe 1890 to 1895 in the various be heartily oommended to TEMPLE 24. Evening ments with clubs. Apply at tion to the doctrine as “a novel princi- departments of those who ST^JORNER and afternoon classes. Private classef Fraterni- to see differently. There are so-called morning No. 75 or things ple which was never recognized before, “juvenile literature.” The se- have charge as solicited. For further inlormatloc ty House, Spring St., to R. [of libraries, well aa gon_ particularly of ad* and which has not W. A. or 11 Henry street. At home Wed C. Jordan, 171 Danforth St. going to be four years Republican since been accepted lection here seems made with judleious eral readers. J ALLEN, call address President, W. P. HASTINGS'. Foot of Frabla Streat ootedtt Jnesdays. Circular". oct27eodlm bov5 eod fta* Water Front. a stock the second act to Along the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, wealthy broker, — -** MUSIC AND DRAMA. r the boudoir of a haughty nnd petted All of the old Balts along the water prime donna, and the third aot to a front were a snow storm yes- The Kotzschmar JLccturo-Recitals. breach masquerade hall, and in eaeb predicting pluoe, (although at first fascinated and terday. The Kotzsohmar lecture recitals opened entranced at the grandeur of these The harbor was nearly oleated of ves- tnost brilliantly at Kotzschmar hall last wealthy soon finds people), Nancy sels during the early morning, though an beneath the glitter and cf evening. The house was tilled by glaDior wealth, at aohlng hearts with whom she would not a good many are discharging cargoes I audience that inoluded most of our well care to fNethersoIe exchange places. Her earnest the wharves. known musical their number em- T§* WRITES: 4t> people sympathy and anxiety to serve her Sohoouor Frsncis R. Baird sailed dur- men eminent in the with her bracing and women wealthy sieters, together for where she honest ing the nfternoon Bangor, worn out official, social and literary life of the simplicity, get her and the other “AFTER being completely obnracteis of the into innumerable will load ioe for New York. 2 y * f? town. The entertainments given by Mr. play from constant nervous screechingly funny complications and Ido C. Southard and Louis 2 strain, jfi andMrs." Kotzsohmar last season proved situations, out ot her / to use the whloh, however, U. Rabat are losdlug general oargoes 2 was advised GENUINE Jf so attractive that they were encouraged quick perception and ready wit invaria- MALT bly extricate her as well as those she for Demornra. JOHANN HOFFS EXTRACT. to give a series the present fall. 2 endeavors to serve. Finally, beoomlng The Rebecca J. Moulton is loading me The first of the series was upon the convinced that H has benefited wonderfully this sphere of life which with shoots and lumber at J. H. Ham- 2 so. *|f Great Italian Musicians from 1600 to she had thought all sunshine and roses, its leu's for the West Indies. that I have become strongest Encore the was a of Blankets. 1S96. Commencing with the quotation myth, and that the possession 2 wealth and fine clothes do not always The tlsb arrivals yesterday were the advocate.” from Collins’ ode to The Passions, bring ([happiness, she returns to her Ella M. ood and 2 was Doughty, 10,000 polluck; “when Music, heavenly maid hut home a con- We’re humble, comfortable the Moses B. Linscott, 1,000, and the fishing for trade I young,’* Mrs. Kotzsohmar said she tented and muoh wiser little woman. Martha D. McClain, 5000. And evidently made hei home In Italy. Musio The play is wbolesume, mirthful and Blankets are the baits The sohooner M. L. Bonnell, St. Johns is the handmaid of Religion, and it is delightfully entertaining. It is a we use. to Now York with lumber, struck a not strange that in a oountry where novelty in construction, and eaoh aot is sunken reef somewhere on her trip^frora religion haB been suob a dominating brimful of hnmor, clean fun and song I ^ Fluffy, snow-white St. Johns to this port and was leaking fleecy, power, as in Italy, that musio should entwined m a story, thoroughly human, l| quite badly yesterday. with have made great progress. Italy is not n that cannot fail to appeal to*the heart. Blankets, borders of The schooner Evlo B. Hall has finished land of song alone. It is there that In- Ladles1 Aid Course. her for the and graduated stripes, in deli- invented to loading cargo Barbadoes. rfr Ask for tho Genuino struments were first suppoit Our readers will remember that to- is ready to sail. cate tints of or first were made' blue, the voice. The pianos morrow numbers morning at 7 o’clook, The tug Perry of Bath, towed the red. there, and It was at Cromona the cele- sale Blankets worth a dol- will be given out and at 9 o’clock tbe ] schooner Anna E. J. Morse to the Ken- Hoffs Malt makers Arnati and Stradi brated violin of seats St. Lawrence will be course for the nebec where she will load with lar, sold--one more made their homes. Corelli wa yesterday varius street Ladies’ Aid coarse of entertain- Extrac^ ioe for the south. Johann day, on Friday, the earliest of Italian violinists, playing manta trill Vmrvtn at fi+.nnlrhrlrlfto’c ThfifA “Bargaln- The first consignment of Canadian ap- with a breadth that bad never been apolis” at will be rates afforded the SUPREMEJUDICIAL special by one car has arrived here for ^COURT. before bis ples, load, known day. Tartini was the to of course tick- WWU railroads all purhasers on a pair. avlninotn* nf tRo annete n M/1 h /. nvi rtl n n f shipment the English steamers. | ets. Just see the talont that will The down See them In Congress St. 3. ap- Every day the Grand Truuk brings in following rescripts was sent window No. tbe Devil’s sonata, by him, Arthur Beresford the basso BROS. composed pear: superb yesterday: RIDES COMPANY. a oar load or two of freight for the Eng- was given. It is narrated tbat Tartini his the Albion with talented company; lish steameiB. The first SOMERSET COUNTY. Dress The above Blanket FOR to and English steamer, prodi- MEN, went sleep dreamed of tlie most Male Quartette—several of them members the Mongolian, sailed from Liverpool for Maine Central Railroad vs. is to beautiful melodies which, when he St. Company Goods. galitv only gather of the old Ruggles quartette—with Sho is Waterville and Fairfield and he Halifax and Portland yesterday. Railway Swits awoke, endeavored to recall, and wove Miss Marcia here that Conde At 4 cents above Crofts, soprano vocalist; due to arrive hero about the 23d of No- Light oouipany. people hoping into this Devil’s sonata. also them Italy Leland T. Powers, the great impersona- Rescript by Walton. J.— The track of be before Shirts and half vem her. the their attention may caught price. the on the Waterville and Fairfield Railway and produced greatest players tor, in “Lord Chumly;” Popular Jessie COLORED the construc- and The lnmber to be used in Light company crosses the track of the these Dress Goods Drawers. The owner had a organ, harpsichord clavichord. Italy Couthoul and her excellent Maine they depart by company; tion of the new elevator has to ar- Central railroad, and the Railroad two hnndred and has bseu begun for fifty years and the NashvllleStudents Commissioners have decided that tbs dainties of ours. great mass of me- great original rive here and as soon as the elevator the land of and Airs. Kotzschmar Watervillo and Fairfield shall opera Jubilee Singers. oompany dium and small sizes on hand. He foundation is completed in a few weeks bear the whole expense of gave a most compaot and interesting The Bride of Seville. constructing more the will be and maintaining the On Plaids. Whoever talks Dress turned them over to us sketch of the more in tnrn. superstructure put crossing. ap- for a trifle prominent Professors Collins and of the peal, the court below the Quimby up with great rapidity. accepted report Plaids And right here we wish to mention ono of the commissioners and ordered R to be Stuffs and leaves above HALF PRICE. TVe offer “Bride of Seville opera” arrived In this The schooner H. M. Mor- statement made the lecturer that it Mayo, Capt. reoorded, and the case is before the Law by and the rehearsals out of the conversation tells them to on the same city yesterday began sailed for with a court on only you terms, would he well if it sunk into the hearts rison, Easport yesterday exceptions. last at Union hall. Free street. In of the it la half the evening cargo of grain. support exceptions urge! story. $1,50 quality at. 79c. of singers generally, especially those who that it was unreasonable and unjust to and St.'.Nioholas Parlor Btoves The arrival of the Italian bark Blrd- think they have become artists. She said Sparkle plaoe the whole burden of constructing They are very soft, warm wool, camel’s with wood from Portland at and hair In the oldeu time people with phenome- always prove satisfactory. Portland ston, spool maintaining the crossing upon the lines of color, satin front piece, silk-bound Twenty-two different silk crochet neck Belfast on November been Waterville and Fairfield company, and neck, work, pearl buttons were to Stove Co. Ireland, 7,has nal voices expected spend seven Fonndry that the Act of under gore under arm, ribbed skirt. reported. 1895, chapter 72, Plaids are on the writer’s desk for or eight years in training them before which the commissioners aoted, not only Fleeced The sohooner M. a Heavy Fleeoed they oould consider themselves finished Theosophy. George Adams, Capt. authorizes but contemplates that the ex- notice and there’s not doubtful one Miles Standish, with coal from Phila- penses shall he between the Underwear. artists. But it is impossible to go more The broad viowsof Theosophical think- apportioned in the class. “Hygienic”Under- two companies. ers are oapable of,being readily miscon- delpia, is at Frankliu wharf waiting to at length Into the subject matter of the The Act of 1895, ohapter72, undoubted- shirts for men. and the Idea of the Uni- disoharge. teacher. It is enough to say that it lu- strued, special ly authorizes the railroad commissioners Double double For the first time in ten there ‘to DEPARTMENT. 25c. Many Tartan plaids, 3G inches skirt, waist, sateen versal Brotherhood of Man Is sometimes years apportion the expense, but it does not styles cluded comment on Monteverdi, Corelli, wide.conice combinations, 25c. are to be of bran require them to do so. It leaves tbo Carissiml, D. Scarlatti, Paesleilo, a cause of offence to those who look large shipments from front, pearl buttons, twin needle question to their Eound judgment and 37 l-2c. Weave 37 l*2c. at the surface of One of this port via the English steamers. Serge Tartans, Tartini, Ohetubini, Galuppi, Mercadante, .only thiDgs. discretion. And, on appeal, the only rule stitcb seams. is Pacini, Kossini, the best equipped and most interesting The schooner Charity loadlDg grain prescribed fur the presiding justioe ia 39c. Soft wool Serge Plaids with much Boooherinl, Donizetti, and See them in that he shall make order or blue, green some rea and yel- window No. 8. Gomez lecturers on Theosophical subjeota of at the Grand Trunk for Sandy Point, such deoree iihii nmi wna ism. Bellini, Verdi, Sgambati, Boita, 38 39c. as law and justice shall require. The low, inch, that the audieuce at many in the New England lecture Held, Penobscot bay. Flannel weave, 39c. Price, 59c. and Maacogni, ana statute deelares that “exception may be is Mr. D. of who The sohooner Charleston [sailed! for takeD to Regular value 76c. its elose, applauded heartily. George Ayers, Boston, such order or deoree,’’ but it 50c, Novelty weave, Boucle effects, The various musical numbers used to will begiu a series of five leotures in Bangor yesterday. She will,Toad there prescribes no rules by which the law Armure spots, with silk lines. Cash- Boys’ black wool sweaters with court shall be in mere Plaids with silk-far on of Ibis with ioe and lumber for New York. governed passing upon apart illustrate tbe ieoture, were most Portland Saturday week. We Shall Sell lines. Black and white happily the exceptions. It seema to ua that the checks, 60c. orange collar, 98c. To those who oare to hear a The schooner Henry Chase is at the stripe selected. Miss Knight was particularly delightful evident intention of the legislature was Grand Trunk elevator happy in her tender and impressive presentation of these ideas this will be loading grain for to leave the whole question of how rail- Men’s Three specials for Gui lfoid. road should be constructed and 59c. Black and white brok- rendering of Faesiello’s “It mio ben," to an opportunity not to be neglected. The crossing 25 fine Silk and Wool fin- large and The C. maintained, and how the expense of such pieces quality Plaids, Stockings. Friday Saturday. which effect was Mr. lectures will be free to all and notioe of H. Sibley took her crew en great given by uiwaotuxa nuuuiu uu uurue ui rnu urss in- Plaids, 59c. abroad and will sail in est line of IVew Combination we have shown this I. ribbed Shakers, 17c Kotzschmar’s accompaniment. Her them may be found in our advertising yesterday bnllast stance to the sound judgment and discre- Heavy for St. John, where she will haul tion of the railroad and season. worth 69 cents new- II. “Warwick “Qui la voce" was a great delight to the oolumns. up commissioners, Every piece really per yard, 69c. Twenty styles^ Poplin, Sanitary” undyed for the we think that their decisions should not and an winter. audience, they attempted encore, be altered or reversed unless at est effect, 69c. wool, OBITUARY. The schooner Lydia M. is dis- manifestly only high spliced heel, German, but the programme was too long to per- Peering Illegal or unjest. a of lumber at the mit repetitions. The quality of Miss Charles B. Annable. charging cargo Boston Taking this interpretation of the 25c statute for onr the Minnie Plummer’s rich contralto was & Maine wharf. guide, question is III. Black and Tan Mr. Charles B. Annable, for many Cashmire, Standard Oil whether the deoision of tho railroad com- never heard to better than in The Company’s steamer Velour weave with color- advantage years oonduotor on the Maine Central missioners Is manifestly illegal or un- 75c. quiet 25c in tow overlaid with silk Mercadantis “Or la Bull onda." Mr. Atlas, having the company’s juBt. We do not think it Is. At the timo 49c PER YARD. ings, far-apart and yard master at Brunswick at the lines, Harlequin effects, 7ttc. Outside two Merrill Carissimi’s “Vittoria” Parge No. 75, from New York to Port- when this crossing beoame necessary the Jersey Shirt, color gave time ef his death, died at BrunBWlok traok of the Maine Central railroad had Rich Velour weaves with with spirit and tbe excellence of his land, put iuto Vineyard Haven Wednes- $1.00. bright combinations, 39c Monday. Mr. Annable was bom In Au- been completed and the crossing was silk markings. Clan plaids, $1.00. and his day with the barge in a sinking condit- Several are displayed in our Casco street method thorough understanding gusta, July 19, 1644. He enlisted Septem- needed for the accommodation of the styles of the of Verdi’s aria from ion, having her after compartments Waterville^and Fairfield road alone, and entire line can be seen at lower of $1.25. Black and gray chenille effects, Night Heavy soft finish Bleached requirements ber 10, 1862, at Augusta aud was window; part also bright in kinky filled with water. Chase it does not seem to us that it was either colorings “Don Carlos,” were exemplified by the mustered in the United Capt. reported weave, silk and wool, $1.25 Shirt. Cotton, embroidered States service illegal or unjust to require the latter Colored Dress Goods Department. richly manner in which he rendered it. Miss t that rough weather was encountered in October 14th of the same year a corporal, road to bear the expense of Its construc- front, cut full and Block Island ohannel, luring which the long, Florence Leach was heard In several Company E, 21st Regiment, Maine In- tion and maintenance. It seems to us barge began to leak. The latter was that whenever au alteration Is made in well made, 59c numbers, playing with a breadth and fantry Volunteers for nine months, and towed to a safe and an existing railroad track for tho sole an expression that elicited warm praise. anchorage tne tag $1.50. Scotch Plaids, soft thick was with the regiment during its entire convenience and accommodation of an- at once began pumping her out. It is Ladies’ You'll see in our Mr. Day’B agreeable tenor pleased ex- service, partioiating in the battle of Port other railroad the expense should be wool with Black Mohair Shoe she can be cleared PLAIDS tremely in Gentil,” and in the thought sufficiently borne by the latter. Possibly exceptions 69 CENT “Spirito Hudson which lasted 47 days and was filaments and Boucle corner for tempoiary repairs to be made before may oxist to suoh a rule; but we fall to Sensation. window, conoerted numbers. Miss Philbrook present at the surrender of Port Hndson, she discover auy reason for holding that the -AT- two one proceeds. bunches, tart, of and played gavottes by Scarlatti, July 7, 1863. present caso furnished suoh .an excep- very Congress Fears ate entertained for the safety of and another by Sgambati with much was mustered out of service August tion. $1.50. BJHe the of the Oak a line of Ladies’ Good- and and was crew sohooner Cora H.'Han- Exceptions overruled. streets, grace delicacy, especially 1863, at Augusta, by Lieut. F. E. Cross- son of in the two movements from Thomaston, Capt. Sinnott, Bruns- pleasing man of the 16th United States Infantry, year Welt Boots, made from fine Kid wick, Ua., October,!, for New York,with SUPERIOR COURT. Galuppi’s sonata in D. Mr. Kotzsch- having served two and one-half months the lumber. The vessel registered 199 tons by mar's accompaniments were admirable vVino Hmo fnm wxKInlv haanllafa^ Black Here’s a 50 inch was $ The a and built at Thomaston in 1893. Good- stage presented most attraetivs Tbe regiment’s time expired when in BEFORE JUDGE BONNET. for The schooner was out in the Repellent. Repellent Suits, appearance set with lamps, hurricane of COMPANY. largo bouquet front of Port but it volunteered RINES BROS. Hudson, in the case of year Ootober. Thursday—This morning Seperate Skirts, for potted plants, and vases of cut dowers. to remain until its capture. On February Janet Prescott vs. John D. Nason anu Dora C. Nason for in wearable a clean HI Henry's Minstrels. 14th, be enlisted and was mustered in as1 trespass breaking many uses, good, Satisfaction guaranteed if you use au and entering a house in Deering Centro Portland of Co. 13st Maine theatre contained a very Sergeaut C, Infantry, Atlantic Furnace or Hot Water Heater. the jury this morning returned a verdict black, 50c. and was made color of tbe of not as large and vary well pleased audience last sergeant regi- Portland Stove Foundry Co. guilty to both defendants. of The court then took up the case of night on the occasion of tbs appearance ment, participating io the battles the John D. Mahoney vs. Benjamin Press. of Hi The first Wilderness and Spottsylvania. He was Henry’s Minstrels. part Blankets, 200 Fair in a Day. This is a suit by contractor to reoorer was beautifully the costumes wounded in tbe right hand and arm $100 for a briok oven for the SPECIAL. mounted, J. K. Libby,advertised to sell on “Bar- building defendant who is a on looked bright and new, the draperies above the elbow at Spottsylvania while baker Middle gain-apolis” yesterday 130 pair soft, fluffy street. The defendant claims that the Were above the average and the vocalists bolding the colors, and was taken to blankets at 50 cents a pair. lie called ovon was a faiiuro, that it would not schooled. Old “chestnut” Emory hospital in Washington, where thoroughly them “trade-bait.” Customers began draw and that after two or three days wore made their the second finger of the right hand was use the iron and the oren gags conspicuous by for them before store top wnrped coming opening, fell to absence, and both the first and second amputated. After his recovery he was on partially pieces. The plaintiff SCOTCH PLAIDS, Not made in and by early afternoon tbe 130 pair were claim this was the fault of the defendant 83.50 is the value and regular price. edition of “end men” were clever enter- duty as provost guard at Augusta until 12 1-2 cts. Scotland you sold. Rather tban disappoint tbe from building too bot a fire in a new tainers. “Around the World in ten May 11, 1865, and then discharged on oven. The was finished last underst an at 81.98 after dinner customers, another 100 pair testimony d, Saturday they go Minutes” was a pleasing innovation. The surgeon’s certificate of disability. night and the case will be argued this made in but were brougiit out. Six o’clock found America, Serge olio portion of the programme was high- morning. Cork Sole For Outing, for skating, the second lot almost exhausted and D. A. Mealier for Plaids of the Scotch Clan ly entertaining, the specialties ofDeming Veteran Firemen’s Association. plaintiff. styles, It. T. Whitohouse for defendant. and MoNish being exceptionally well re- customers still coming. Therefore Mr. surprisingly like the 50 and 60 Boots. for damp pavements. and the cornet solos oeited, by Mr. At the meeting of tbe Portland Libby has decided to have another blan- cent Plaids in color and method Henry, with his full military band, the from your feet Veteran Firemen's assoolation held last ket half A hundred MARRIAGES. Keep dampness were far better than is nsually heard. day—or day. pair of plaiding. Red combined with evening a letter was read and a photo, The entire performance was highly pleas- will be put on “Bargain-apolis” this blue and other colors, lined off The leather is Dongola, with Don- ing and v e are°glad to know the com- graph received from C. E. Howland of morning at 50 oents a pair. Early callers In Deering. Nov. 11. by Rev. C. E. Andrews, with narrow of white pany will a return next Co. 4’s tape stripes back Cor- play engagement Engine house of New Bedford, will them. Walter Scott Bailey and Miss Katie May Scrib- BOXING GLOVES. gola top, Dongola stay. week. get ner. and Boucle-bunches. Great stuff the headquarters of the Portland In South Portland, Oct. 2G, by Elder Hiram We received rect and true At tlie French Ball. have just for the 12 shapes, Regular price veterans on the oocasion of their visit to Post Office Mails. Maine. Charles William Burnham and Miss price. l*2c Georgiana both ol from the manufacturers Saturday matinee and evening Fanny Massachusetts during the past summer. Mack, Deering. 28 Inches wide. value, 88,00 The weight of the mails received and In South Portland, Nov. II, by Elder Hiram 500 sets of BOXING Rice will at Portland theutre in ! The new nickel the Charles W. ana Ida Me- appear badges adopted by sent from Maine, Harding Miss Portland post office from Oc- both ol In $1.98 Nancy or At the French Ball. Portland Vets have been reoelved and serve, Scarboro. CLOVES which range Saturday’s price, tober 7 to November 10, 1896, was as fol- In Friendship, Nov, 7, Newell Cushman and price from Nancy is the pretty young wife of wore distributed to the members last lows: Lena Dwyer. See them in Congress St window. an In Nov. Frank J. Fakuiski and Industrious, frugal, German shoe- evening. Tbe arrangements for the ball Waterville, 9, to say something about Alarm Clocks. maker. Poveny has deprived her of edu- pounds. Miss Jennie F. Hogan. nre fast and the members In Nov. of SET. cation and fron, and being perfeoted Fails, 7. Eugene F. Smith Norway $1.50 TO $6.00 PER The sun is not as as it pleasures childhood, Received, and Miss rising early did, j. R. LIBBY. sales of tbe same as 193,629 Harriet A. Andrews of Paris. thrqngh the unhealthy influences of a report being good. Sent, In of Mon- 229,941 Monroe. Nov. 7. Geo. A. Sargent TWENTY DIFFERENT and perhaps you may be inclined to fol- J. R. LIBBY. designing woman acquaintance,! she has Tbe members of tbe association will roe ana oarnn is. cleaves ol Jelterson. become dissatisfied with her In Brewer, Nov. 7. Albert H. Young of Or- STYLES. to our large bumble, meet at 1.30 p. m. Sunday to attend tbe Total, 423,670 Owing low its example. Need a reminder that little home and longs for fine clothes and rington and Eliza L. Smith. sale of last funeral of their late comrade R. In Holmes and these goods a chance to go about and nee Royal Machias, Nov. 7, Maurice 0. the day has commenced. something U- H. 203 Middle Miss Annie we heav* et what her frivolous friend calls life. Burnham. It Is desired that all members Lamson, jeweler, Ilurgan. year have stocked WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS IN has Nothing better than our Nickel The hard-working husband is at his wits should atteud. street, continued his closing out sale ily- The best line of Boxing and to undo this bad influence, when, by longer than he expeoted, but will close DEATHS. Gloves ever shown in New Alarm Clocks, at 95c and $1,125. FIRE IKTSUR.ANOE, a happy ^Inspiration, he fc serds Nancy They win tbe confidence of the public. his store permanently Saturday night. to deliver three pairs of shoes to three of England. Make enough racket to wake the dead. ACCIDENT OR CASUAETY INSURANCE _ I A few nice bis wealthiest customers. The first act Atlantic Ranges and Furnaces. Port- goods are still left which he In ths eity, Nov. 12. Addle wife of Janies Good and will last you takes Nancy to the home of the wife of land Stove would like to close out at your own M., timekeepers too, -SUCH AS- Foundry Company. I. Hutchinson, aged 63 years. JUST RECEIVED prioe. oh at 2.30 o oik, for save more than their [Funeral Saturday afternoon years. May you EMPLOYER’S LIABILITY, PUBLIC LIABILITY, WORKMEN'S COLLECTJVJB. from her late residence No. 11 Cushman street. 600 Dozen STEAM AUTOMATIC value More clocks than all the TEAMS, ELEVATOR, BOILER, SPRINKLER, In this city, Nov. 12, Royal R. Burnham, aged any day. PLATE CLASS, PERSONAL ACCIDEN T and TICKET INSURANCE. Women’s Missionary Service. 68 8 years months. other of funeral KNIVES stores combined. Clocks for hall, There will be a woman’s missionary [Notice hereafter. M’KINLEY AND HOBART CAN BE HAD AT LOWEST PRICES FROM US- In this city, Nov. 12, Karen C., wife of L. P. union from 60c to office or kitchen. Clock a servioo in the chapel of State Smith, aged 62 years. Marked repairing ou wish Linen White as 2 o We now represent EIGHT companies. Our Motto—Justice to the in- your Snow^ street church this ufternoon beginning at [Funeral on Saturday afternoon at clock, Ify from her late 16 Tate street. EACH. specialty. sured as well as to the Companies. Get our rates before your in- three residence, No. 25 CENTS placing o’olook. The state officers and In Brunswick, Nov. 0, Charles Annable, aged surance. Prompt, valuable, accurate, up-to-date, progressive, we solicit 62 years. A great We hare also a good others who represented the Maine branch bargain, your patronage. In Bath, Nov. 7, Alden S. Heal, aged 63 years of at tbe assortment or us a and we will call and talk it over reoeDt annual meeting of the In Old Orohard, Nov. 9, Miss Mattie Hancock, Telephone 122-3, drop postal 26 with you. Woman’s Board of Missions, held in aged years. ,r BAGS In Skowhegan, Nov. 3, Mrs, Dora York, STRIKING Sunlight Manchester. N. will report many of aged 36 years. Soap H., For f amateurs and professionals. McKENNEY THE In Jr., aged JEWELER, the important foaturos of that meeting Skowhegan, Nov. 6, Larvls Nolin, will make 34 it so. which years. will be «f value to all missionary In Bangor, Nov. 4, Emerson K. Blake, aged THE E. G. JONES INSURANCE 48 Monument AGENCY twe( Bra, Ltd, Hudson and Harrison Sts, Haw Tork. workers, without to sectarian dls years. Square. regard novlO-dtiethorSthp tinctlon. Is will 3i 1-2 EXCHANGE ST., PORTLAND, ME. a cordial Invitation ex [The funeral of the late Braxton M. Keed JOHN P. LOVELUIS GO. take place On at 2 o clock, novUeodtf tended to all women Interested in the Saturday afternhon '-om his httb residence, No. 69 Lafayette street, 180 and 182 MIDDLE PORTLAND, work. ST„ i iiiiii ii mil iniiiiiiin ii i1 t—TTTnTrrrmiyffi*^ tal at Convenience of family. JE., in win ill—i

* j - MISCEIXANEOUS. TO LET. FOR SALE. was left so that be could near the fence | jaxSCia^LAKKOPS._ WANTED—WALK HELP. reach it. When he supposed that uo one his Forty words inserted wv>rda inserted saw him he’took the maul np with .EXPERIENCED SALESMEN—We want coder this heod Forty tinder this hand s»ue week for 2f» cents ossh in advance. one week for 25 cenfji. cash in advance. HAINE NEWS. teeth, cnrrled it to the further side of the IJ eight experienced salesmen to travel in held, carefully hid it behind the stump the South and West. Only those who have had can furnish refer- fiAOR RENT—An attractive and well ar- of a and the result. experience and good ADY’S FUR SEAL CLOAK, size tree, then watched JL ranged lower rent of large CCM15KKLAND. ences need apply. Address, Box A. A. Wood- six rooms and I'J dolman style, to be sold at low tin setts where have teen This time ho had been seen carrying the nath; all on one price. they packing fords, Me. 13-1 floor, entirely separate from GEORGE E. 7 Monument uiaul so'the men made ado, ■*est of THOMPSON, Cumberland Centre, Nov. 11. Tlie apples. away great house, including private front door 13-1 heated Square. George Tomlinson one of the crew pretending to be hunting for it, looking WANTED—To do work about mi trance; by steam; has stationary is tbe complete veto of Cum- ■ general and all other following Oak Hill had one hitnd in the fence corners ami behind stumps, Winds of in Reference re- ;,ubs, modern conveniences. blasting ledge Winter and Summer Suns BOYmy place Deering. Real Estate SALE OR TO LEf—A very desirable berland ia the late election: while Ball was and WARREN 4 \pply Office of FREDERICKS. McKinley, badly mangled. running, snorting quired. SPARROW, Arlington P^ORproperty, 40 acres of productive soil, on Wood 13-1 VA1LL. 13_1 161; Bryan, 70; Palmer. 5. tiufus K. Barstow while returning kicking up his heols with unbounded de- street, fords. one side of street, is neat well finished wood shed and entertainment from V. F. Creamers’ some of light. Whenever they approached the Cause the skin of ladies to LET—At 91 house, large Tbs Yarmouth High School mill, part delicate make to No. Oxford street, upper olev6n, maul be tried to attract o 1 men can §1.000 liall; also very large carriage house; all tho harness gave way, causing the horse their atteist IlO tenement of six all in oi- two of the host ere WANTED—Brightto §3,000 per year selling Musical rooms; good connected. (A short distance from these is reinforced by play run and Barstow out to some other ler; water closet same a to throwing Mr. point. Grapliopliones. Well advertised. Write today qn floor; pleasant another house) opposite side of street is nice from came ovor While I have been in the ■& become md desirable rent. at No. 28 Freeport High Sohcol, and seriously injuring Him. engaged prac- r, irritated ,, to Columbia Phonograph Company, Washin- Apply Boyd store, store house, ice house, large sheds and tice of medicine horses had no L^ C| jtreet. Ring right hand beil. 13-1 and played a game of football with the Perry G. Hall, a much respected citi- my have ton, .D. C. sep24-9 fine barn and blacksmith shop. (Post office zen was buried SO opportunity to perform tricks like these, instore.) Will sell or let, all or part of Institute eleven last Wednesday, aged L OR KENT—Near Friday afternoon, but times I have seen exhibitions '!c. lH and Maine General Hospital, (will hire a man and wife years. • many rough, at of propelty good and went home b3uten the score of 8 WANTED. 171 junction Orescent and Charles who can furnish A1 reference.) Prefer to by Xhore will be a harvest supper iu Per- of intelligence and humor uo less marked an or streets, upper lower rent of seven sell and will make price low, with terms to to i. We understand that the Yar- kins’s new store on evening One cold, boisterous day my horse John rooms and Bath in a new Tuesday house; heated by please purchaser: possession given at once. was driven to a in front of a much Forty word* inserted under tills he«d etc. An claim a tie but unless next. up post creating steam, etc., exceptional rent, con- C. E. mouths game, one week for 25 cents, cash in advance. the Address, SMALL, Raymond Spring Petitions were out for the new post- desolate looking farmhouse about four- sidering price, location and surround- House, North Raymond, Maine. 13-1 can deduce the problem how one to 11. A. or to Real they mastership and for the different offices teeen miles from home. There was not ings. Apply SARGENT, discomfort and ,, Estate office ot FREDERICK S. YAILL is to cne and two touch was who was a tree or of kind to break the to take home R*sXLE—fh av*to ihTii goal equal goal in town before it known object any "" ANTED—Family washing 7-1 ~e\v*expre*^vagon or to also house MRS. and one new beach downs, we think they will have to give elected. cold,raw wind, so I covered Johr. with go out; cleaning. FO wagon; both my HILL, 1G Madison street. 13-1 own which I will sell at a if Some of the are waiting to his and on top of this threw a T10 LET—Tenement for small family with or make, bargain beaten. Bryanites blanket, annoyance. sold this fall: also second hand up will buffalo : it well under the without stable. 52 Huntress street. 12-3 wagons. hear from back towns before they robe, tucking 15. GO Oak 12-1 sou was horn to Mr. and Mrs. R. Tlf ANTED—Good amateur violin and viola GEO. MARCH, street. A admit that was defeated. the wind should, blow it off. Bryan harness,lest players to play in amateur orchestra for rilO RENT—In the lower part of the city, on into winter But in care the blanket and tho At S. Porter Tuesday, Nov. 3d. Geo. M. Wyman has gone my with such times practice only. No expense. Cali at X a small convenient well furnished lower ACCORDEONS, harmonicas, violins, home at I to fasten John to the CLARENCE H. BROWN’S tenement of five As Mr. F. R. Sweeteir was slaughter- quarters at the Soldiers’ Togus. robe, forgot post. jewelry and music rooms; furnace heat; will BESTbanjos, strings, etc., also watches, C. F. Creamer has made up to this date After I bad been inside a few minutes store, 272 Middle street. 12-1 be rented reasonably until May 1st, ’97. chains, charms, rings cuff buttons, collar a hog on Thursday cf last week, the BENJAMIN at CLARENCE H. BROWN’S ing over 26,000 gallons of eider and expect* the lady of the house, looking through SHAW, 51$ Exchange street. 12-1 buttons, etc., ELECTION is over, confidence restored. and music 272 Middle St. 12-1 animal in kicking knooked the knife to run all this month. the oried out: jewelry store, window, Now for business. A good opening for LEASE—The his a on Market Garden at Deering from hand, cutting ioug gash ‘'Doctor, there goes your horse!” a man with few hundred dollars to secure busi- D1XFIELI). TO Centre, recently carried on by Richard- SALE—Peaks Island Cottage, 8 rooms Mr. Sweeiser’s face by tbe side of liis I hastened to the door only to see John ness that will $1200 or a No pay $1500 year. son, 7 acres; very rich land: amount F>OUon a large lot with fine grove one of the nose. ab- and time home- Profits 185 Middle large Dixtleld, November 12.—The all the buggy niakiug good competition. large. street, of asparagus and pie plant under cultiva- highest elevations on island, avenue, two room W. James L. Dunn has sold ths house he beyond reach of my voice. 5, D. IIAWKES. 11-1 tion. to W. H. WALDRON & 180 minutes from must be sold sorbing question: “Who will have the ward, ulready Apply CO., landing; to built the past summer to his mother, sou::, John turned Middle street. 12-1 satisfy mortgagee. Price $700. W. H. WAL- Pretty however, ■ • children to board. A good J. of North Yar- postofflee?” which has agitated the til- TENANTED—Young DRON & CO., 180 Middle street. 1»-1 Mrs. ilrinknater, from the road, made a large circuit, home and a mother’s care. Terms very rilO LET—Large front room (14x16) and mouth. lage since the election, was brought to a something more thun a hundred yards reasonable. 241 B. street, City. 11-1 X alcove; hot and cold water, furnace TlW)R. SALE—2£ brick house in western Tbe fail term at Greoly Institute wil the of it: diameter, over the smooth prairie, story focus yesterday by new departure heat; bathroom. Inquire 11 Henry street. part of city, 10 rooms, bath, hot and cold close on Friday of this week. There will ana came back to tho post again, where the town oommitfee iu sub- 12-1 water; set tubs: heated by near be the usual exhibition Republican often and furnace; Friday cveningi he shook l:is head pranced electrics. This property is very desirable and to a The two schools closed last Friday. mitting the selection of a candidate about to show how he MAINSPRINGS/75& ri>0 LET—To a small a first rent will be sold at a if for at intensely enjoyed New Resilient Waltham the family class bargain applied ■ ■ Mainsprings, * once. \>. F. caucus was held in the To mo be as ns of six or seven rooms, parlor, room, No. 80 SC AK BORO. cauous vote. The joke. said, plainly best made, only 75c., warranted. Me KEN- sitting DRESSER, Exchange a it: dining room and kitchen, also bath room with street, City. 12-f iu of the horse could say NEY, the jeweler. Monument Sq. aug8dtf T71J *.. A P'1 X’ „.. 1.S dl,, Tlnnww Music hall and attended, spite shed for wood and coal, all on same floor. ‘‘Now, didn’t I .fool you nicelyP You Ap- a of the ply at 44G Cumberland street or A. W. SMITH, SALE—Five shares of a large All -n Chapman Libby saw from her window Monday rain, by very proportion thought I was baok without you. guuu UiiUJJYSJIIl til Will 1U1- goiug »" FORNational Bank Stock. of w. H. fox between the house and roed. She of the The bal- I was a ioke nish house and for small rent: Druggist.__11-1 Inquire Repuhlicanjjvoters place. Why ouly playing praotloal shop SARGENT, 20 Portland. also what land may he desired. Write at Washington street, set the dog upon it, and with the assis- election of Willis W. to show how oareless you were not to tie 12-1 lot resulted in the once to C. E. No. Me. 9-1 a soon it SMALL, Raymond, new two fiat House on Sherman en- tance of a neighbor, it was kiilled. my halter. Of course 1 would not have ,, is a boon, for relieves the irritation ,, street, Wait as a candidate. It now remains to quickly nine rooms and left you out here aloue. man with $800 to $1200 to tirely separated. consisting^ SALE—Birch, Oak and Pine Mr. Henry Bowers is taking a vacation bath, hot and cold water, cemented cellar I^uk Edgings; be seen whether the voioe oi the onucus 1 have known horses that WANTED—Smartbuy half interest in business paying gas. Jl kept under cover and A. D. of two or three and has gone to many ■ ■ and lurnace at the dry. weeks, removes the $3000 If you have the money and heat. Inquire office of Gas 23 Plum street. be. showed a of humor as well and rednes; yearly. MORSE, Telephone 50-2. 12-1 New Brunswiok. Ho has not been quite will be echoed by the powers that good degree want good business, address F. H. ‘DEKR- Works. West Commercial street._ 11-1 well, and the change will be bene- ns intelligence, ; but for good sense I ING, 181 Tremont street, Boston, Mass. 9-2 hopes CASCO. front rooms with steam heat and SALE—A neat attractive in in ik Ti uiJik naa a muc nuponui ivj on LET—2 "psOR confectionery ficial. Powder is A store ot 17 years old Comfort and or to take TO electric lights. TOLMAN HOUSE, Tol- standing. Requires storm was so severe that Casco, November 12.—Many wells are other. He was 7 years when I traded absolutely pure \\TANTED—Washing ironing small Will be sold at The Sunday ▼ f home or work in a to man 11-1 capital. a great bargain filled tbo late rains. for and he had a bad family. Apply Place._ if sold at once. A there were uo services beid at our ohurch being up by him, reputation Rear 227 Danforth. 9-1 good chance for lady or gen- and dull weather seem to be the Fred B. Nichols has filled bis contracts for running away; but he was a proud can be as a RENT—Brick hous* No. 1 Deering tleman. Also a good chance to manufacture. Storms ,, and used face pOR harmless, ,, * rooms Communicate to 419 fashion for corn boxes and shut down^his mill horse, held his head wall up, and was a powder, child to board. Best of ref- place. 10 in good repair. Imroe Congress street. li-i uow-a-days. diate F. 4 He is to In a wat- Moreover, he had an in- WANTED—Aerences. Address, ELIZABETH TAY- possession. H. MCALLISTER, for repairs. put large high stepper. SALE—First house on ■ ■ ■ ■ South 7-1 Deering street or BENJAMIN SHAW, 51^ i?OR class right side of FARSONSFIELD. er wheel. telligent look, and I liked him. or of the ailments LOR, Freeport. x Upon to relieve any of the skin Exchange street. ll-i Congress street west of Carleton, one of A. Oar has returned from I found that his first, runaway the most East Nov. 12—Mr. Mrs. Martha inquiry llT ANTED—Horses to board during the desirable locations on the street for a Farsonsfleld, was his Lynn, Mass., where she has-been visiting not muoh to disoredlt. A *» winter; good feed and care; terms LET—Upper rent in house No. 11 Vernon physician, Price $6000. W. H. WALDRON Nathaniel Milliken died at his home in & for several weeks. drunken driver had forced him to cross and its condition. reasonable. HENRY NELSON, Cumberland 110 place containing 5 rooms and sink room,all CO., 180 Middle street.11-1 this place lost Wednesday morning, Nov. preserve healthy in at No. 5 Vernon S. H. Mann & Jordan have bought the a rickety culvert and allowed him to Centre, Maine. 7-1 good repair. Apply place. 11. He was a kind and Indulgent hus- 10-1 X OR SALE—The desirable and modern house. store wnloh they and are making run the wheels off the planks at odb end x band and father, honored and respected oocupy "WAN TED—Many persons who take whiskey, No. 32 Cushman St., 12 rooms besides extensive in the second and upset tho buggy, at which he be- ■ ALL DRUGGISTS. 25c. and 50c. a box. « ■ LET—Fine front room with bath and by all who knew him. Mr. Milliken has ropairs story morphine, opium and tobacco say they large board; halls, combination heater, hot which will“be used for came frightened and r >n away. After want to cured of the disease it has TO newly furnished; hot and cold water; and cold water, in good a town for thelr^dry gcods get brought repair tliouroughour. been resident of this many steam heat. The BAINE 69 lot with fruit of whioh carry a large this he was easily frightened by any upon them, if you are really in earnest why house, No. Large trees; a very desirable year* and will be missed in the department they must greatly stook. unusual noire and confusion behind him, don’t you go to the Keeley Institute, Deering, Spring street, City. 9-2 property; be sold at once. F. O. BAILEY community. He leaves a widow and two COMFORT POWDER CO., Hartford, Conn? and be redeemed lrom such bondage. & CO.. 46 Exchange Fred B. Nichols lost a very I at once began the training of my Me., St._n.i children. His age was T6 The recently oct21-tf rrO LET—Desirable tenements 5 and 6 years. new horso to convince him of SALE—An old nice cow, getting chokbd eating apples. by trying A rooms, all |70R established drng store, funeral services will be Friday, Nov. 13. centrally located; $10, $11, $15 x low if Dr. \V. L. dentist of two things; First, that I was his friend persons In want of trunks and month very purchased at once. Also a large Haskell, Bridg- .■»—».8 1 e a 1 1 1 $16 per by J. C. WOODMAN, 1054 furniture NEW GLOUCESTER. and would not forsake him on ao- » WANTED—Alland bags to call on E. D. REYNOLDS, business, pronrieter has saved over ton, occupied bis office at tbe Eastman any Exchange street. 7-1 and 093 Congress street, one door above Shaw’s above his living, $30,000. in a few years. Tuesday and Wednesday of this count: second, that I was fully compe- W. P. Intervale, Nov. 12. Mr. Wallace Rice house, grocery store, as we manufacture our goods LET—At a dovrn stairs rent of CARR, room 6,185 Middle Street. week. Dr. Haskell has visited this vil- tent to oare for and protect him. How Oakdale, and wife have been spending a week at and can therefore give bottom prices. TO six rooms; sunny and convenient for"a ___11-1 onoe in four weeks for 16 well I succeeded may be guessed when I Trunks We Mrs. Lydia Rioe’s. lage every repaired. Open evenings. frame small family, 30 Fessenden street. 7-1 work tell that I drove him almost every fed4- 5 17ARM FOR SALE—On the river four miles closed a years and by courtesy and reliable you pictures. x Miss Mary Iordan has just rro from about 100 acres, half has the confidence of a set for seven years and never had a LET—Rent for small family corner of Bath, tillage, term of school in Pownal. She is oue secured large day A balance Sometimes he would be start- THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. oxford and Pearl street, good references pasture and wood, good house, 10 of customers. runaway. of our first class teachers. required. Price §12 per month. to rooms, repair, painted and blinded. 2 Cant. Potter J. died at his led, but a gentle word aud a firm, steady LOST AND FOUND. Apply perfect Miss Mary Wheelright is visiting her Maybury ERNEST TRUE, 392 Fore street, with True barns, 200 apple trees, Baldwins, good wharf. on Novem- rein Would always reassure him so that of New A forced W. sister, Mrs, E. G. Mitobell. home Maybury Hill,Sunday, York, Bros. 7-1 sale. Price $1200. H. WAL- 85 no trouble occurred. His had DRON & CO.. 180 Middle street. Mr. Haskell has moved Into Mrs. ber 8th at the advanced age of years. experience forty word* inserted tinder this head 10-1 He had been in failing health for some taught him to be very oautious about one week for 25 cent*, cash in advance. LET—Very comfortable winter rooms Olive Woodman’s house. SALE—Bay horse; good worker; but was able to be about the house culverts. If one of these seemed to be TO with board at 74 SPRING ST. oct21d4w Willis Merrill got one foot bndly time, FORsound and kind; weight 1150. Apply to until recently. He was a life-long the least out of repair he would stop and ASSETS Fessenden’s FRANKLIN 8‘J crushed and the heel of the other burst quite $221,213,721.33. between LET—On Commercial wharf, store for* SKILLINGS, Commercial Democrat and bas bold offices ol no amount of or could LOST—Somewherenews and the Portland R. R. rjlO street. 9_1 many coaxing pushing depot Street X merly occupied by the late Charles P. Iu cpeu induoe him to over until 1 had Co.’s room at the head of Preble trust iu the gift of his party. Mr. May- pass waiting street, graham, suitable for business or storage. Also on the afternoon of Noy, 11 a brown leather SALE—Two SEBAGO. bury was a genial, whole-souled man, first got out and carefully examined J\ J. W. General store lately occupied by C. W. Lombard. Also house lots near Eastern FITZPATRICK, Agent pocketbooK with brass trimmings containing stores suitable for FORpromenade will sell or trade for RINGS and many friends mourn with the rela- Then, after I had told him that 1 storage. Apply io B. W cheap POTTER ACADEMY BELL sum of money. Finder please notify Mrs. L. L. 90 other property, near street tives over the sorrowful reflection that was right, no matter how rickety ib-s JONES, Commercial street Jly21dtf Washington FLOOD, Westbrook. 12-1 electrics; free and clear; send offers to F. H. AGAIN. will seen us culvert he would over. for the State of Maine. bis familiar form be among was, quietly pass DEERING, 181 Tremont street, Boston, Mass. no more. When he first came into my possession he Post Office today, 11th Inst, a 9-2 Sebago, Nov. 11. The potter Acade- some docu- MISCELLANEOUS. The funeral services were held at his had the habit of frequently throwing his in tlie lines of indicated in the forms of investment insu ] LOST—Inpocket-book containing bell was found and hung Following progress ments, valueless to but the and my tongue lata residence conducted by head and as bis bridle was somebat any owner, and oil 2c and the bell uow Wednesday, up, ance in use this a few dollar bills. If finder will return same SALE—Carpets cloths, again this morning, A. Hbbv of West Poland. the browband would sometimes already by company. Forty word* or less inserted under thii FORBrussels, Tapestry and Wool 200 and Rev. James loose, to JAMES WRIGHT, 7 Merrill street, or Carpets; rings again as before. The trustees Head for one week for 35 eta. iu advance. yards Oil Cloth at private sale at less than James A. Maybury of Saco and bis sis- lodge upon his ear. Whenever this hap- leave it in Post Office, a reward will be selectmen are Investigating the matter auction prices. F. O. BAILEY & CO., 46 Ex- ter, Mrs. Aller of Lowell, Mass., were pened I would stop him, got out of the 12-1 urns also the cutting of Monday even- given._ change street- 9-1 flag here to attend the funeral of their fathei buggy, and replace it. He soon learn- A 5 cent 20 Gold Bond know some things already per year Policy OST—Ladles’ 14 karet case ing, They ed to throw the band up whenever he | hunting Elgin SALE—A dark brown work horse, do not wish to make Thursday. AJ watch, stem wind. Finder return which they publio. would like to and be a please weighs 1270 worker; sound stop petted to WILLIS A 573 Street, MONEY TO LOAN. FOR pounds;good T ;pro WBro many who two months ago NORTH BERWICK. Is Now Offered. CATES, Congress and kina; will sell also second hand little. I might have prevented that at and receive reward. 10-1 Ou mortgages for long or short time. Parties cheap; tried to the bell ringing, and express wagon and harness. Inquire at prevent North Berwiok, November 12.—Mrs. once by making the bridle fit better, but wishing to build, or to borrow money on rea who have boasted that it Portland Sewer Pipe and Artificial Stone ieany opeuly of In this it occurred to me with this Each bond having attached to it coupons payable in fo: estate can obtain funds on favorable Lindsay Grant Beach Ridge, that, begin- semi-annually gold security Co., 83 Preble street. 7-1 McKinley were elected the bell should WANTED—FEMALE HELP, terms. SCARBOROUGH BROS. & CO.,88 1-S town, died November 8 stomach trouble, ing, I might soon teach him to stop twenty years, and then the full amount of to be in gold. These bondi not he rung again for political purposes. policy paid Exchange Street. augSdtf after much suffering. She was ths when anvthiug else got wroug. And SALE—The new house, corner of Cen- Undoubtedly they will yet learn pretty are negotiable and can be converted into cash readily on all the financial 1 widow of tbe late Lindsay Grant, and this I did, so that tho least disarrange- exchange! Forty words Inserted tinder till* head FORtral avenue and Best street, Deering near who did both acts. public to know that G4B leaves four two of whom are resi ment of tho harness would cause him to of America and and would be in demand wherever conservative invest one week for 25 cent*, cash in advance. Center. Large rooms, bath room, open sons, Europe, WANTED—TheBONS & STONE, the barbers, hav< 1 NOBLEBORO. fixed. plumbing, sewer, Sebago,* cemented cellar. dents of this town, and Dr. E. Grunt ol stop and wait to have It Some- ments are and sold. Too stress cannot be laid the o ANTED—An for taken the U. S. Hotel barber shop aud are bought great upon advantage experienced girl general pre open fire-place, heated finished Newbert Somersworth, N. H., and a son, times however, hn would when the pared to see their friends and the publii ! throughout, Nobleboro November 12.—Mr. younger atop of the and hazard involved in thei housework. MRS. CHARLES SUMNER in natural wood, every convenience. Price now medicine in Dartmouth trouble was in sufficient relieving dependents trouble, respousibilitv 62 Neal street. 9 1 generally. 13*1 of Waldoboro has moved to Nobleboro studying not, my opinion, COOK, only $2,350, to force a sale. Easy terms. a investment for life insurance forms of the Grounds vrh6re he has the care of college. to warrant so cautious procedure. seeking funds. Sample polioy and bonds DALTON & CO., 478£ street, opp. Gamp XKTANTED—Boys and to sell 15 lbs. o Congress on the 11th inst. One as I was at a girls ; Preble. 7-1 tile grounds and.buildings. Also, quite suddenly, day, driving nlong and rates of premium deposits at several ages are ready to be submitted for inspec is hereby given that the sub tea and get a beautiful engraved silve have a crew Mrs. Elizabeth Hanson of this village al slow trot over a smooth, lonesome road, scriber has been such as has The solactmen blasting at of Notice duly appointed watch always been given with 2i a reins over the tion, the office the company. out ledges in the r*ad up Oak Hill a the age of 79 years. She was meinbei I hud dropped the buggy executor of the will of lbs. of tea. Satisfaction guaranteed or mone much needed improvement. of the Friends’ Sooiety and was highly apron and was heooming quite interest- HENRY ST. JOHN SMITH, late of Portland, refunded. This is a snap. Address GOOLD’f ; MryIHrMellT ed in n when TEA STORE. 58 Free Me. L. E. Winslow on his way home from respected by all who had known her. the reading of newspapor 183 MIDDLE in the County of Cumberland, deceased, street.'Portland, STREET, 10-1 I will buy you such a at was from his car- The farmers are seriously foi Frank suddenly stopped. 1 looked all and has taken himself that trust pretty ring Bamarlscotta thrown hoping upon by AND A thousand of the bes fine weather so that can clean around aud over but could see as the law directs. McKenney’s. them, riage and was badly hurt. The horse they ui him, giving bonds AllOJpersons desiring nice pleasant rooms ii the largest, the prettiest stock. Engagement for winter but thus far it has nut come, so I with some having demands upon the estate of said de- location will find them at 15 Gra’ was frightened by a boulder at the side nothing wrong, said, PERSONSquiet and Wedding rings a speciality. MclvENNY ceased, are required to exhibit the same; and street. One alcove room with sleari of the road. Not much excitement attended the eleo emphasis, “Get np, Frank!” But he JOHN C. large The Jeweler, Monument Square janlSft all indented to said estate are called heat and furnished or unfurnished. Alsi tion tbe was of s< still and his head SMALL, persons gas, Maud has gone to West locally'as opposition stood, kept throwing to Sidelenger upon to make payment two other large sunny rooms, steam heated ant SALE to spend the winter. little confidence that all went one way, up aud down. As i sat there with the OR TO LET-Two chair barber Somerville, Mass., Executive FRANK W. ROBINSON,Executor. nicely furnished. 10-1 at 663 wai in I looked aud Special Agent. FORshop Congress street, Longfellow ttj L«?l in xjwxxav. liwuj *«VU So little public demonstration puper my hand, again, Portland, Nov. 4, 1896. novlldlaw3wW* ViiOtiUUU oot9 eod2m square. Good stand, will sell or rent reas- made. Business is at to the but saw of the friends of Portland Fra Jersey. fairly good pres especially bridle, nothing \iriLL any onable. Apply to CHARLES 04J I the contribute the Scrib CASSASA, Alvortdr Sidelenger, Chester Hall and ent. wrong. now, without taking up ternity following: Congress street. 7-1 ner's vol. 1-3 (1871-72); vol. 11-li Fossett are home from Massa- Tbe water supply works are beiny reins, took the whip fiom its socket, anc Monthly, Chester vol. si* juuiii nouse on him a sharp cut my com ll875-'76); 14^22, (1876-’81); Century iviDa nearly completed. giving repented HORSE TIMERS. vol. 9-10, Jan., Feb., 1887 X? street, Deering lot mand to This undeservec (1886-’S6); Mar., Centre; 50x100, good go along. Oot. and Nov. the same at 7* garden, sewer, MAINE. All tne good ones In silver, gold filled and sil- 1895, leaving Sebago water, papered WANT IT TRIED IN punishment nettled him very much, bui street. 10-1 fine home and verv ver .cases. and seconds. McKRN- Spring throughout, cheap" price HORSE SENSE. still he would not move Aftei Single spile $1050. If taken at fforward. the once, only* $300 down, NEY Jeweler, jeBfidtf TO LOAN—On first or second standing for a few moments, as if ir balance $8 per month. DALTON CO., 478.V mortgages on real estate, stocks Congress Preble. Stories of by an Ob lie suddenly turned to tin MONEY street, opposite 7-1 Equine Intelligence deep thought, bonds, life insurance policies, or any good Mate Bram's Friends Wish Him to Escape right until tho "wheel on that sid< notes discounted at low rate o: serving Country Doctor. securities; SALE—I offer for sale the fur- touched the buggy. Then again hi 484 street pOK hereby interest. I. P. BUTLER, Exchange nishings of the St. Julian Hotel in Port- Hanging. sioou stoua ms neHi, iiov<-s buii, umy mrowiug up one nignt. land, Me., as part of the estate of Richard W. (From the Youth’s Comptnion.) as before. I now took up the reins ant Underwood, now deceased. 1 have been dulv pulled with the left hand to bring bin want to buy from $5000 t< appointed administrator of his estate aril wish • worth of old, dam Boston, Novamber 12.—Thomas A. The country doctor is expected to g< baok into the road, when, to my aston BICYCLES—I$10,000 bicycles,new. to close up the business at once. This offers a cash Call or sent ■ ■ price. fine for the is o I found that the rein on that agde. Pay highest opening right man, well patron- barkentine Herbert whenever called—rain or shine, Feat iahment, ex Brum, mate of the postal to call on you. Also bicycles ized and gives promise of a lucrative business. side which hud been fastened with o A line for sale. No busines Fuller, charged with the murder on oold, nigh*5 or day; sometimes, perhaps STEPHEN BERRY, changed. big The house is centrally located and in good snap, was unsnapped. done on Saturday. BOSTON STORE, 41 L condition, DAVID F. MURDOCK, Adm’r. Nash of the barken- leisurly, but'often as quickly ns oossi high seas, of Capt. When X got out to fasten it Frail Fore street. _novo-4 sept 2 9 tf Nash’s wife Laura, and ble. Through all this his horse and him squealed. I bolieve a horse never squeah JOB tine, Capt. Book AND PNuiTE!} have a nice lot of which he is excited. I nevor heart ; rugs are constant and shar unless Second Mate August W. Bramberg, was self companions, will for cast off be Frank squeal before; I but I now lie noi No. 37 PLUM STREFT. NOTICE—Iexchange clothing, States circuit the and the sorrows of th ladies’ dresses, gentlemen’s clothing am i FOR SALE. brought into the United together joys only but shook his head, pawec Ing squealed children’s clothing. 1 pay cash for them i road. b not therefore, that ai 1 and manifested his ANNUAL MEETINGS. court again this morning for arraign- |It strange, the ground, doligb it is preferred. Send postals or letters t l, Cider Barrels at Standard Oil of more than inten by every means that he could command or MRS. 1 76 Middle St, 12-1 ment, but by request of District Attor- attachment ordinary MR. >'GROUT, Co., of X. Y. Office S3 West dur As we afterward moved along homeward Hoar, the case was postponed until Bity often springs up between thorn, to double it ney several times, as the thought would comi For the last 20 years we have kept Piso's Cure for Con ANNUAL MEETING. rftHE WENTWORTH—Enlarged Commercial Street, opposite which the man notes the almos .1. former capacity, now ready; fine tomorrow. Mr.JHoar explained thatjh* iug toThie mind ufresh, ho shook his boat larg Maine Central K. IS. in and would sooner think a couL 1 The stockholders of the Central Wharf Ton rooms with new improved steam heaters j Freight reoeived from the oounsel human qualities of the horse. and squealed for joy. sumption stock, groceryman bad ptieoner’s Boat company are hereby notified that theii newly papered and painted, thoroughout ; IJepot. While a I knew a horse o t When such evidences of thought ant will be held at room and under new man lust night a number of supplementary quite hoy along without sugar in his store than we could withou l annual meeting their office dining enlarged seplGdrf get ■ purpose, such humor and intelligence No 179 Commercial street, or Table board first class. For furthe L' ■ ... ■ an auch humor aud that he Portland, agement. -in the case and dasireu op- intelligence gay call at 148 St. 18- * papers are seen in horses, the line of demaroa Piso's Cure. It is a sure & • Friday, November 13th, at 2.30 p. m tc nformation house, Spring SALE OR RENT—Lower tenement No. It stated seller.—RAVEN CO., pOR" portunity to examino them. me a high opinion cf horses in genera * tiou between animal lnstluot and hutuai Druggists act on the following articles; First tc 114 Oxford street. 7 rooms, cemented cel- oouusel will endeavor tc to that Brain’s Somehow the tricks of old Ball led me t reason becomes almoBt obliterate*- Ceresco, Michigan, 2, 1896. choose a moderator; second, choose sever lar, perfect sanitary arrangements. Rent $13. September for the 121 have the trial take place iu Maine, foi Frank had decided that to thi directors ensuing year; third, to act Apply to G. H. ALLEN. Exchange street. as of kin t by turning is no consider horses almost on any other business that may SPRINGS 2-2 la that state tbeie capital punish- the left rein would have to bi 5 properly MAIN 75c. right ..______.. come before them. ment for murder. human beings, aud I have always talke1 1 to Mm back into the pulled get road J. P. TENNEY, Clerk. Genuine Waltham Resilient Mainspring SALE—Musical instruments. D»U1 them then I should discover warranted tor one M’KENNE to them and treated accordingly and that the roll nov7dlw only 76c, year. FORtimes, but Hawes has such bargains in to be unfastened. He hai I the Jeweler, Monument square. je2Gdtf musoial instruments that MRS- PARSONS LED OUT. Ball, a fine animal belonging to m certainly elegant customers and reasoned too. will patronize him tor pianos, music boxes, a farm reasoned, intricately, WSDOhb TO LOAN—On Household goods uncle, who lived on adjolnini ; WitT^ID violins, banjos, guitars, mandolins, har- MONEYLite Insurance Policies, 3 year old Horses * monicas, cornets, violin ours, was a sorrel borse of good size am Street Cliurcll Store fixtures. Furniture Leases claronets, superior of Anarchist Convention al High Entertainmont. Carriages, and Incident Heal Estate. banjo strings, popular music, music fine head, with heavy nec: 1st anil 2nd Mortgage, Bonds.Com music rolls and especially The Ladles’ Cirole of the stree limitations, discounted; avorible terms books, everything in the Chicago. High merci&l Panel's music line. Please call. and shoulders. He bad done a great deu J and Children’s all new PORTLAND COLLATERAL LOAN CO., Rooi HAWES’, No. 414 churoh gave a delicious supper last eve Infants' Coats, "Am, no," sighed the two headed Congress street. 81-4mos of farm work in his time, but was nor J girl, 6 Oxford Building.3-4 November 12.—At the nintl ning from 6.30 to 8 o’olock in the vostry “I am far from being fortunate. I am the Chicago, too old tor but occasional i to and at M. Watkins, custom taiioi SALE—At Oakdale; new house on auytbiug ligh whioh the fresh goods, from y years of age, one among my sex who VOTICE—E, commemoration of the executior after following programm only aannot be -ft Morrill. Corner. is selling strietl FORPitt street; contains 7 rooms and a batli, annual so he had the c Deering, service; usually range out: happy with the sweilest hat ia town. Wool Business Suits lrom *12 to *25 hot and cold water, cemented cellar, large of the bomb throwers, helf was carried the lowest at our White Cash- All Haymarket a in front of the house the! prices. Look Detroit Tribune. Black Worsted Cutaway Suits from *18 ti Jot. will be »old on easy terms. Apply to pasture Piano in Turner hell last night, Mrs. Luej Solo, Miss Dan *30 Overcoats from *12 to *20. Pants froi: DEERING LAND CO., Charles C. Adams, reached up to the yard fence. Ther B Banjo Solo, George H. Turner, Jr mere and skirt to octo 3mon Treasurer,31 Exchange street. 30-4 Parsons was one of the speakers. Hoi Coats, full heav- gS *9. _ were cattle and sheep in the same pas Piano Solo. Miss Julia Bolste sleeves, cape language soon became violent and sh( Vocal Solo, Mrs. W. K. Sure. Lothroj trimmed with silk IF VOFR WATCH HICK. WANTED—SITUATIONS. was led from the the Reading, Mrs. George T. Edwards ily braid, for $2.g8. stage by police. was notod for his an 1 Ball cunning of It make Piano Solo, g George H. Ji ■ will take the kick out and i The hall was instantly in an uproar nnc Turner, Forty words inserted under this head clever tricks, such as opening gates an 1 Mrs. T. White and Colored Eider (Down time. Mainsprings 76o, clea \ Rending,? George Edward Coats, WE keep good one week for ?i5 cents, cash i* advance. a movement toward the stHge began, Plano Mrs. ine *1.00: mainspring and cleaning combine j doors, down bars and the like ; Solo, Julia Bblsto was we her pulling When Baby sick, gave Castoria. 60-all work rfrstolass. MoKENNEY, Th 5----- but was by the introduction o: no him was to one *1 stopped but tone suspected of playln i The entertainment much §1.25 An extra good Monument Square.ianlBlf enjoyet from $4.g8. for When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. Jeweler, Protestant woman situation Herr Most. His lanugage was tame. Hi piaotical jokes on sheap when onu afte remainder of the WANTED—By** and the wa s as cook. Is an experienced cook with was found on evening she W. R. Evans has resumed th another the wrong side o j! Colored with hoods When she became Miss, clung to Castoria. or out. 41 declared that anarchy still lived. in a social Cloth Coats to reference. In city Apply It was his spent general way. $2.yo. of dentistry. Office at his res good the fence. by antics and evi practice Chestnut street, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. NOTICE—Dr.New Cumberland street. Offic q dent whenever a was s ) deuce 526 delight sheep a m. to 8.oo. Allso line from 3 to 12 a. a smart cook, Creditors’ Meeting. found that; he attracted attention, Farringt on-Crane. match, from fy.yy full hours competent in hotel; will go in the watoh was instituted, and whe sept7 _eow4vv*ocovcr8- WANTED—Byposition The creditors of Charles E. Morrill & soon, been received a girl wishes position as no saw 1 Nowh has of the of Coats country; young Ball thonght one him, ho sly 1 weddini j Long for Infants. AH—Card Palmist and hundred for met nt the office of Snov IT ME. MO Imprei child’s nurse. One girls waiting Co., Symonds, a sheep the wool , of Mr. Waliaoe K. o now at 56 Free strec or picked up by with hi Farrington, editor JH elonal Reader, >•> employment in hotels private families, and Cock yesterday afternoon. The coin teeth and dropped it over the fence ! tho Paoiflc Commercial Portland, Me. This wonderful lady has bee n *at 399 1-2 Congress street, MRS. Advertiser, of the most Apply 12-1 had Then, going away some ho mix consulted by thousands intell PALMER’S office. milteo announced that they decidot distance, editor of tho of the Honolulu, formerly Hock J. H. Kesr to cent In all parts world, an 1 iously waited, fo It. people —-^---—~--- that the firm could afford to pay 25 cent: evidently Watching FITZGERALD, a most successfi ll — some one to oome out of the land Daily Star, and son of has been pronounced house. A 3 Superin of events. Mme. Mon r ;j the and the creditors Mistress—Do you understand all th 3 forecaster coming dollar, nooeptec soon„as he saw that the sheep was die tendont Fairlugton of tho Reform school with the power to reveal r WASTED A CLOCK ootMtt Street. duties of a waitress? was born you IF WE the offer. ooveredr;he gave a snort and began to ru > "436 Congress and future: explains dream: '> to Miss Catherine MoAlpiue Crane c r ma’am. cast present ||rj; would 8° to McKenney’s because he ha, ■ and kick his heels with Servant—Yes, on love, matrimony and bus up delight. fives Advice more up-to-date Clocks than all the other San Francisco, a very 1 make with advice an i Sometimes he would steal articles an I acoompllshei Mistress—Can you naayonnais a causes proper speedy stores HI, 96c alarm clock is wnk- to introduce new 1 ness': tells when and how eombiued. Parties trying cougl a 1 harmv marriages; 96c to hide them, evidently just for the c £ joung lady and graduate of the Univei 5 up the town. Clocks, $50.0t>. know that the .fun dressing? and unlucky days; true a, a nsj remedies, should peoph the One a sneeaLate; lucky MeKENNEY, The Jeweler, Mouument Square. thing. day hoavy maul, sue of California. The re 1 Servant—No, ma’am. But I can do 1 Office hears. ■will have Dr. Bull’s elty wedding occur plai ISlse friends, efc. Weekday ’• aulodtt Cough Syrup. as is used for splitting rails aud wood October 26th.. TtuUj, Sundays. 2, «-4 at Honolulu, 'Wing.— ,11, 5, 7, 9.

0 ——.-.-.— -3 St John, NB MISCEUUL5TEOUS. MISCFJLLAJTEOUS. RAILROADS. Grain Quotations, PROD DOB. Sch Adeline, (Br) McLennan, STEAMERS. for New York. ■.. ..— -- ■■ -.••mmm CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Butter. Northern eream.ctiolce. 20®20Vs e, for New vnrkxor Western choice Sell C B Wood. Dow, Sullivan Butter, crm, 18<6)19Vew packed 0®10. Sch Sarah A Reed. Calais for In Effect Oct, 4th« 189G. Markets. CORN. Cheese, new Northern choice lOSlO'/tc; West Sch Sylvia M Nunan. Keunebunkport. Pianos! leading Trains /cave Union From and choice SVsgOVsc. Sch Sarab A Calais for Boston. Portland, Station, Railway Boston every Wednesday Saturday. Oct. Dec. Reed, Square, for stations named below and inter- Eggs, hennery choice. 30 a:32; East 25@26c. Sch Orazlmbo, Calais for Boston. Opening. 25% mediate points as follows: Mich, choice, Sch M fishing. From 8 Cosing. Eggs. 23@24c. Ella Doughly, shore Philadelphia every Wednesday ew York Stock ana Manor Market. 26% UHL 7.00 a. m. For Western fresh 21022c. i wise Brunswick, Bash, Rockland, * OATS. Cleared. CHICKERING& SONS, Augusta, Lisbon Viffllc higher. I Waterville, Skowhegau, and Jobs, New York—J Falls, Lewiston via Bucks- Saturday. Aug. Nov. North, small Steamship Manhattan, Bragg, BLASIUS & SONS, Brunswick, Bangor, From (By Telegraph.' Beans. pea.l 4001 45. port, St. Wood- Central Wharf, Boston, 3 p.m. From Opening. 18% 1 80. Coyle. i Vanceboro, Stephen, Iloulton, Pine Street NEWYCBK, Nov. 12. Pea, marrow, 2o@i Brig H C Sibley, Doane, St John, NB-Ryan KRANICH & BACH, stock and St. John. Wharf, Philadelphia, at 3 p, m. n- Closing. 18% Med. New York and Vt 1 20®1 80. suranco one-half the rate of vessel. ct: last loan at 3V2 Kelsey. ft Full 8.30 ». m. For Danville Jc. (Poland aailing Money easy 3%ffi4 pe: Beans, 1 1 60;red kid.l 65. & Assortment of and Free- Springs) )' for the PORE. yei. eyes, 40® 5001 Sch Sarah E Louisburg- STERLING Lehigh Mechanic Rumford Bemis. Lew- relghts West by the Penn. K. R., and tier cent. I rime mercantile Palmer, Whittier, Falls, Falls, South cent.closing3% pr _ Jan. 1 65. iston, by connecting lines, forwarded free of California, 35@1 J S Winslow & Co. T HUNTINGTON. Winthrop. Waterville, Livermore Falls, — Coals for comnv-eion. paper 6@6. Sterling Exchange was quiet, firm, Opening.. 7 92 Hay—New, fancy, $17®$18. Sch Railroad Simmons. Friendship J P Burning Domestic Use. Farmington, Phillips and Range ley. 810.00. 00. 4 Closing. 7 96 New, 10.30 iu. For Brunswick. Lisbon Passage Round Trip 818 with actual business in bankers bills 82% good *16®$16. a, Bath. Meais Thursday’s New, Lower grades $1238*14. Sell Little Sadia, Beals. Cutler—J H Blake. Pocahontas (Semi-Bituminous) and Falls, Augusta and Waterville. and room included. @4 82% for 60-day Ibllls ana 4 85%@4 85% quotations. Lewiston, For freight or Eye straw—$20 o0*21 60. Sell Pavilion, Johnson. Macliias—J H Blake. „-—--- 12.50 p.m. Express for Brunswick, Lisbon passage apply to F. P. WING. 4 WHEAT. Creek Cumberland are Agent, Central lor demand; posted rates at 82%@4 86. Oat straw $0ia$9 oo. Sell Moille Pitcher, Ssrgent, Seal Harbor- Georges Coals Falls, Augusta, Waterville, Moosehead Lake Wharf, Boston. Oct. I Deo. via. E. B. SAMPSON, Treasurer and General Commercial bills at 4 80%@4 81%. Govern- O.enng...... Potatoes—Ar Co Hebrons. choice, bush 46. J H Blake. Oldtown, Bangor, Bucksport. Bar Harbo 79 — for steam and Manager, 8# state St., Fiske Boston. Potatoes, New York White 40 a 48c. Sch Point Parii unsurpassed general and Oldtown, Bangor & Aroostook to Houlton. Building, ment Bonds were Railroads Closing.. 80% Charity, Magee, Sandy Mass. oet22dtf higher. strong. bbl 1 1.15 p. m., For Danville Je„ Poland Sweets,Norfolk ■$> 00®$110. Flouring Co. forge use. Springs Bar silver 61%. CORN. Jersey. 1 2501 60. Sch Angola, Gott, Bangor—Paris Flouring Co The station. Mechanics Falls,Rumford Falls, Bemis Mexican dollars 60%. Oct, Dec. Apples, new tbl 76o0$2 00. Soli Louisa Frances. Thorndike, Bocklaud- Symphony Genuine Lewiston, Farmington, Kingfield, Carrabasset, Eensell & Tabor. Lykens Talley Franklin, Phillips and Rangeley. Winthrop, Oakland, FREEPORT AND FALMOUTH FORESIDE, At London oar silver was Opening.. 25% ORGAN.) today quoted (SELF PLAYING and Matta- Cosing. 25% Chicago Live stock Market. SAILED -Sch Anna E J Morse. English and American Cannel. Bingham, Waterviile, Skowhegau at 29 13-I6d V oz, weak. wanikeag. OATS. Steamers on and after Oct. will (By Telegr.tpni Free exhibitions 1.80 m. For Freeport. Brunswick, Au- Monday, 28, EXCHANGE DISPATCHES. daily. p, leave Portland. — Rockland and ail on Retail Grooers’ sugar Rare*. Aug. Nov. Chicago, Nov. 12,1896.—Cattle receipts Above Coals Constant- gusta, Bath, stations Opening. 19% Him; common to extra steers at 8 76® Ar at Saigon Nav 6, Jennie Harkness Knox & Lincoln division. Skow- For Freeport, and Bustins Island 2.00 p. m. Portland market—cut loaf 8: confectioners at 18,000; Waterville, C'oslng. 19% 6 36; stockors and feeders at 3 cows Amesbury. New York.; hegan, Dover and Green- Return—Leave Freeport. (Porters), 6.50 a. m., 6c: 70; powered, ®4 06; Belfast, Foxcroft, pulverised 7c; granulated and bulls calves Tex- Sid fm Fowey Nov lo, barque Mary 0 Hale On Hand. ville, Oldtown and So. Freeport. 7 a. m., Bustln’s 7.15 a. m.. 6n; coifee crushed 6%c; yellow PORE. 175®3 60; 3 6008 26, ly Bangor, Matt?wamkeag. 4% ans 2 5.05 m. For Harpswell Centre. and Satur- Jan. at 60®4 26; Western rangers 2 50®4 26. Higgins, Philadelphia, p. For Brunswick. Bath, Lis Don (Tuesdavs .... Falls, and Waterville. days only) at 2. 00 return a: 6.00 a.m. 01 enlng. 797 Hogs—receipts 24,000i firm, 6c higher,Heavy STATE AGENTS TELEPHONE joo-2 Augusta p. m.,; Railroad Receipts. 5.10 For Cousins and Closing. packing and shipping lots 8 2003 60; common Memoranda1 p. m., For New Gloucester, Danville Chebeague, Littlejohns, 3.00 8.07 tn ohnin* mlYArl nr. H 9. 73i Q AH ntininm noarirtprl Poland Mechanic p. ui. POKTLAND.INov.12. Soli Sylqia M Ntinan. in coming into Widgery Junction, Springs station. Falls, Auburn and Lewiston, Return—Leave above 7.45 a. m. Receipts by Maine Central H. P,.—For Pori at 3 60*3 60; light 3 30*3 60 spies 2 60*3 60. wbarf Wednesbay evening, struck the Lizzie J OFFICE: landings, Portland stock Gits to 11.00 p. m, for Batii For Falmouth, 2.00 m. and, 176 cars miscellaneous lor Sheep—receipts 16,000: strong; inferior Clark, loading for doing considera- Night Express, p. merchandise; Corrected hv Swan & and Harrington, Lewiston, Bar Return—8.15 a. m., roads 160 Barrett, Bankers choice 2 00*3 60; lambs 3 0006 60. ble to the latter. Augusta, Waterville, Bangor, connecting cars. damage Practice Clavier. Harbor, octl7tf E. R. Broken, 186 Middle street. Br Sch M 1, Bonnell, from Sr John, NB, foi Virgil Bucksport. Vanceboro, St. Stephens, NORTON, Manager. 7b Commercial & 70 Sts. St John and all Aroostook H&l*tax e Domestic Markets. New York, which came in here Wednesday, is Exchange County, Portland Wholesale Marka X O O JS. S. ap3 and the Provinces. The train leaking, having grounded at Isle au Haut. M.W&FH Saturday night does not run PORTLAND. Nov. 12, 1896. Description. Far Value. Bid. Asked (By Telegraph.) Vineyard Haven, Nov lltli—Steamer Atlas to Belfast, Dexter, Dover and Fox- Canal National Bank.100 JIB 118 croft or beyond MAINE COAST The following are to-days wnoiosaie prices of NOVEMBER 12. 1896 towingithe S O Co’s barge No 75, from NYork Bangor. NAVIGATION CO. Casco national Bank.100 95 loo — DON'T BUY Provisions. Groceries; etc NEW YORK—The Flour market receipts for Portland, with- came here to-day, wilt Cumberland National Bank.. AO oil, White Mountain Division. 33 85 *6,670 packags; exports 4000 bbls and 7,691 barge leaking badly and after compartment ful Flour. Grata chapman National Bank.100 90 |95 a. m. For sacks: sales 9,800 packages; held higher, and or water, having experienced a storm in Block jones OR RENT A PIANO 8.45 For Bridgton. Fabyans, Burling- Bath, Boothbay Harbor and Superfine A First National Corn, car @ 37 Bank.100 98 100 checking demand,range unchanged. mm, ton, Lancaster, St. Johusbury, Sherbrooke, low grades.3 80 bag lots.. Merchants’National Bank.. 76 113 116 Until you have examined our stock of Wise 65@3 Corn, @39 nour quotations—winter wheat low grades pairs can made here. Montreal, Chicago, St. Paul and asset!. Spring Wneat Dak- lots.. National Traders’ Bank.... 100 98 100 and Meal, bag @37 ar 2 20*3 26; do lair to fancy at 3 2504SO: New York, Nov C P Dixon, from A all points west. ers.ci ana Portland National Bank.... 100 100 11—Barque Steinway Sons, st416@4o0 Oats, *car lots @3o 102 do patents4 60*4 90; Minnesota clear at 3 00 Turks Island, passed the derelict schr Trank 0 3.30 p, m For Sebago Lake, Cornish, Bndg- Patent ttm-ue new vP/n 27 Cortland Trust Co.100 112 115 tnr» ffrirohiiru VAPth Cnnmoir nnH tiorP @4 00; do aBaight at 3 90*4 26: do patents DemeCth lu3t, 60 miles ESE of Battaras, with Hardman, BacOn, VI I.ninbn VHL.MVIH. Wneat... '6 2o®o 35 Oats, bag lots 81033 Cortland Gas Company. 60 195 10:) & ALLEN. Lime at 3 86@* 95: low extras 2 2003 35; city mills spars alii standing and hull in good Faoyaus. Lancaster. Ridge, St. Johns- Mich. str’gni Cotton Seec. Portland Railroad too 110 116 apparently nOTfioedt! Gabelr Company extra at 4 40*4 50; citv mills patents 6 30® condition. Standard, bury, Montreal, Quebec and Toronto. roller.... 6 0005 15 car lots.0000®21 oo Portland Water Co.100 I02 104 at and other MONDAY, Oct. until 5 66: rye mixtures 3 23*8 76; superfine high grade COMMENCINGV 12th, clear do... 4 85® 6 00 baa lots 0000023 00 tONDf Hour further notice, will leave Franklin 3 23*2 76; fine at 1 80@2 40. Southern Domestic Forts. — SUNDAY TRAINS, Wharf, Hlxiuis st’gi Sacked Br'r NHBJU. ■ at im ■ mit Portland, Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur- quiet, firmicommon to fair extra at 2 66@3 26; NEW YORK—Ar sells roller... 5 0005 15 car lots. 12 00013 00 Portland City 9a, Lssr-c.101 102 llth, Charlie Wodlsey, days at 7.30 a. m. Popham Beach 9.45 a: m. good to choice do 3 25@3 66. Rye Hour, quiet, for Jas do for I. 20 a. m., paper tram for Brunswick Au- clear Ido. .4 86® 5 00 baa lots.. 813® 14 00 Portland 6s. 1907.120 122 Amboy Rockland; Young, Dunn, Bath 11.15 a. m. Boothbay Harbor 1.30 m. steady at 2 80@3 10. Cornmeal steady, quiet. Nat gusta, WatarvUle and Bangor. p. Wnt’r wheai Middlings. .S14016 00 Portland 4s. 1902—1912 Funding 103 104% 8120 Thomaston; Victory, Hutchings, Bangor; Arriving at Wiscasset about 3 p. m. 5 Portland Wheat—receipts262.600 bush; exports Meader, 12.50 p. m. For Brunswick; Lisbon Falls, talents.. 358:5 60 bag ots. .$15@17 00 4s, 19J8, Funding.I06 107 with DuntonJBoston. Returning, leave Wiscasset on bush; sales 40,000 bush: dull,stronger op- Ar steamer Portland for Have Lewieton, Batb, Augusta, WatervUie, Baugor. Mondays, 1899. 12th, Your Bound. flBh. Coffee. Bangor 6s. R. R. aid.104 105 Williamsport, Magazines Wednesdays and at 7 a. m. Booth, No 2 Red fob No 1 North- g*»laANU'5 II. 00 Fridays tions; »5@S6%c; schs W p. m„ Night to Lew- tEuyiug& selling price) Rlo.roasted 18021 Bangor 6e. 1806. Water.116 117 Philadelphia: G Glover, and Georgie Express Bath, bay Harbor 8.30 a. m. Bath 10.3u a. in. ern at 92%@92%c. coin—reooipts 164,260 iston, and east with Pop- Coe—Large Java&Mecha do28032 Bath ua. 1898. R. R. aid.103 105 Berry, Rockland; Lizzie Carr, Thomaston; M C All All Bangor points sleeping ham Beach 11.30 a. m. at Portland bush: exports 19,224 bush: tales 10,000 bush; Styles. Prices. oars for St. John. Arriving Shore .... 4 50 Molasses. Bath 1897. Stuart. Sullivan; Jos Luther, Am 2 J?a00 6a. MunlolnaL. .100 101 Oats— Long Cove; about p.m. Bath dull.flrmer; No 2 at 32c elev, 83 afloat. Team, Clark's and Adelia Cor- nniall do.. 1 5002 75 1'orto Rioo.27033 4%-a. 1907. Municipal.100 102 Cove; Rabbonl. Cash or ARKIVALS IF PORTLAND. Connecting at Boothbay Harbor with steamer reoeipts 260,600 bush; exports 3,816 busli: son. Hurricane Island. Easy Payments. Pollock .... 1 6002 7 5 Barbados*. .... 20028 Bath 4a, 19*1, 102 Bangor; Brigadier, Silver Star, leaving Mondays, and Refunding.loo sales 98,000 bush; dull, firm: No 2 at 23% @1 Wednesdays Haddock.. .1 5002 oo Fancy.33036 Belfast 6s. 1898.K K. aid..103 106 Cld 12th, ship Emily Reed. Nichols. Hlogo; Harpers. Century, Call and sea the Wonderful From Montreal and Fabyans. Bartlett Fridays for New Harbor. Bound 23%c; do White 26%®28c: No 2 Chicago at Pond, friend- Hake.16002 00 Tea. Belfast 4*. 102 schs Carrie A Bucknam. Keyes, for Mayaguez; and Bridgton, 8.25 a m.; Lewiston and Port Tenant’s Munlolpal.100 24% No 3 at do White at 28c; Mixed ship, Clyde, Harbor, Rockland fl erring, bos Calais 4s, 1901—1911 c; 20c; R T Itundlett, Fountain, Port au Prince. Mechanics Falls, 8.30 a. m.. Water Tin*, and east. Amoys.15@2o Refunding.. 100 102 Western do White and White State points Scaled.... 8®14c Lewiston 6s, 1901. Municipal.108 22®24%c; In the bay, at anchor, ship Emily Reed, Ior Scribner, and Augusta,8.35 a. m. ;Skowhegan, Lewiston, Congous.14050 110 at 24(al32c. Beef steady; family S8 6009 60; Atlantic, M acuerei. bi Japan.18038 Lewiston 4s. 1913. Municipal .101 103 Yokohama. /EOLIAN. Kicgneld, Phillips, Farmington, Bemis, and csas. i:. extra mess at $6®7 00; beef hams firm at 16 60 lawtf.MSP "'"Si snore is si 7 OO0S1U Saco 4s, 1901. Municipal.100 Passed Hell Gate llth, sells Franklin Nick- Write for Rumford Falls, 12.30 p.m. ;Mattawamkeag.Ban- Formoso.20@b0 101 ®$16: Merced Deef steady, city extra Catalogue If you cannot call. Sn.ro 2s *16 0C@|17 Sugar. Maine Central R. K. 7s.l898,lat. mtgl04 106 quiet; ersou. Amboy for Rockland; Maggie, Amboy gor and Rockland 12.25 p, m. mixed India mess 10 26*12 60; cut meats dull and Me from New largess, 120J14 Standara Gras 4 69 “7a. 1912. cons Ior Gloucester; Fostina, Norfolk for Lynn; Ad- Clure, Munscy North 4.40; Skowhegnn, mtgi32 1S4 pickle bellies 12fbs at 6%: do shoul- Conway, produce. Ex’-quallty fine 4 66 "4% a 104 106 steady; die Jordan, Philadelphia for Newburyport; Waferville, Rockland, 5.25 p. m. 8t, ders 4: do hams Lard quiet, and firm- John, Ctie Cran.bbla 60®5 00 ExtraC.... 4 21 ‘,4s oons. 101 % 9*9%. Filieman, Port Johnson for Greens Landing. M. STEINERT & SONS Bar Harbor, Caribou, Ashland and Moosehead CASCO BAY mtg.... 102% Western steam closed at * 62%; city 4 20; CO., STEAMBOAT CO. Maine 3 60@*4 00 "ges, 1900, extena’nlOS 108 er; BOSTON—Ar llth, schs Mary L Newton, Lake vi»B. St A.. Bangor.5.35 p. m.-.Rangeley, r, Continent 4 86; 8 A at 5 26: com- Cosmopolitan. 517 Congress Si. New York | Seed. Portland &Ogd’gg6s. 1900. 1st mt*106 108 rofinediqulet, Coleman, Red Beach; John Cadwallader, Lewis Farmington, Rumford Falls, Lewiston. 5.45 pound c. Provisions—Pork quiet, iness Pea Beaus.l 30@1 35 Timothy, 4 00@4 26 Portland Water Co’s 6s. 1899.. ..103 106 4.'>«ifl,4% Bath; May Queen. Grant. Sullivan; Ellis P T. C. p. m.; Chisago and Montreal and all White 8 00. Butter—fancy firm, fair McCOULDRIC, IN EFFECT Yellow Eves.l 60®’l 66 Clover,West. 8 @9 Portland water Co’s 4s. 1927.100 102 60@9 demand; Rogers, Kimball, Kennebec; Nathan Lawrence. Mountain points. 8.10 p. m.: Mattawamkeag. Sept. 21, 1896. do erm Cal Pea.... do N. Y. State dairy ll@18e; 12%@20: Western Green, Norfolk. In of leather Manacer. Bar Harbor, Rockland, 140 a. m. ex- @166 9®9ya any style ; daily For Forest City and Trefethen'a Irish rotari. bus Alslke, 9 dairy 8@12%c; do erm 12%®20%c: do fac- sch from Cal- press, Halifax, St. John. Vanceboro. Bar Har- Landing, @9(a Boston Htoou Market. Below, Madagascar, Hodgkins, Peaks’ Island Little and Great Diamond New 60@65c Red lop, 16018 tory 7@12; Elglns at 20®20%c. Cheese weak; ais for New York. bor, Waterville and Augusta, 3.50 a. m, do small at reasonable rates. messenger’s Notice. daily Islands, at 5.30, 6.40, 8.00, 10.30 A. M. Sweets. Vineland 0 00 Provisions. The following are the 1 test closing quota- State large at 7%@10; at;7%(glo%c. Cld llth, sch Agnes E Manson, Holt, George- except Monday. united 1 Coffee—Rio Office of the Sheriff of Cumberland 2.15, 4.20, 6.10 P. M. Jerseys. @2 00 Fork— tions of stocks at Boston: Perolenmflrm; 20. dull, town, DC. County PAYSON V. P. & M. State ot Maino ss. Nov. TT7CKER, G. For Ponce's Laoding, Long Island. 8.00. ao Norfolk 5001 76 clear.. 11 00011 25 Mexican, 4s. easy:No7, 10%.Sugar,raw dull.flrm: reflnedqt, Ar 22d, sch Alice M New- Cumberland, Central. 67 Colburn, McLeod, loth, A. D. 1890 F. E. BOOTHBY, G. X'. & T. A. 10.30 A. M.. 2.15 P. M. rmions—Havana backs ..11 00011 25 Atchison, Top. * Santa.Fe. R. 16 No 6 at 4 l-16c;No 7 at 4c; No8at 316-16c; port News; Abbie E Willard. Atwood, Bangor: is to give notice, that on the 9th of sept3o dti For Cushing’s Island, 6.40 A. M., 4.21 Natives, bl 1 7o@200 medium [10 00010 25 Boston & No 9 at 3%c: No 10 at 3 18-16; No 11 at3%c; Fair Wind, Keef, New Vork. day Maine.167% THISNov. A. D. 1896, a warrant in Insol- P. M. Spring Chickens 13015 Beef—light..9 00®9 5u do pfd No 12at 3 11-iec: No 13 at 8%c: off A 4%9 Sid 12th. Lillian, New schs B N barque York; vency was issued out of the Court of Turkevs, Wes. i7018e heavy,.. i0 25@10 5o Maine Central. 4%c: Mould A at 4% standard A *%c;Confeo- White, Philadelphia and Mobile; Alice Hol- SHORT & HARM. Insolvency RETURN. LOW, for said of es- Union turners' A *%c; cut loaf 6%; crushed 5v>c; and A County Cumberland, against the Fowls.... 12014c BnlestsVib* 5 760 Pacific. 11% brook, Geo McFaddeu. coal port; Ellen oct26eodtf tate of Leave Forest card, tcs and American powdered 4% o; granulated 4%c; Cubes 4%c. M City Landing, 6.20, 7.20, 9.15, Apples. Bell.203% Mitohel, Bangor. 11.46A. m.. 6.26 are those made refiners on — EPHEIAM Portland & Romford Falls 3.30, 6.00, P. M. Eating.... 1260175 (4 bbl.pure 6ya®5(4 American Sugar, common.121 Quotations by the ATLANTIC CITY Ar 10th, sch Annie E C. SWEET, of Portland, R'y. Leave 0 00 basis uuder the of October loth Both to live and to or the l rue brother Trefethen’s, 6.00, 7.05, 9.00, 11.30 A. Russets, dooom’nd. 6(tw6(i Sugar, pfd.ICO one-price plan Rudolph, Gardiner. Bangor. paint adjudged to be an Insolvent Debtor, on In Effect Oct. 5, 1898. Baldwins.. 1896 which makes lame dealers ana wholesale hood of man. peti- M., 3.15, 4.45, 6.45 P. M. 1260150 pails.compd 5(4 86(3 Cen Mass., pfd.67 BRUNSWICIt-Sld llth. barque S G Hart, tion of said debtor, which petition was filed Leave Little Evap 49 lb. 6 do grocers agents of the Trust handling sugars on Providence. DEPARTURES. Diamond, 6.10, 7.15, 9.10, 11.40 ®7c pails, pure @7 common.111% White, on the 9th day of Nov. A. D., 1896. to A. M.. '■■■■ and who are at staled 3.25, 4.35, 6.35 P. M. Lemons. purelf S a./7 4 Mexican times of, BALTIMOKK-CId 12th, sche Wm H which date interest on 8.30 A. M. Se P. Central. 9% consignment, Clifford, claims is to be com- 1.15 M. From Union Station Leave Ureat Diamond, 6.05, 7.10, 9.05, Messina 4 U0®5 00 Hams.... lOViSll Eastern Railroad 1st 6s, settlement allowed a commission of 3-lBtv c-fc* Harding, Boston; Oliver Barrett, do, for Mechanic 1906.118% Erwin, puted. Poland. Falls, Buckiisld. Can- 11.35 A. M., 3.20, 4.40, 6.40 P. M. Maiori.... 4 0007 00 .. there is also a trade discount of 1 cent on and sailed. oocov'rd per That the payment of any debts to or by said ton. Dixfleld and Rumford Falls. Also Leave Ponce’s 1 Oranges. Oil. 100 bbl lots and 1 per cent for cash If paid with- Ar schs Geo P FOX STUDIO Landing, Long Island, 8.45, New York Quotations on Stocks and Bonds llth, Davenport, MeLoud.Port- Debtor, and the transfer and ot for Roxbury, Byron, Bends and A. 0 seven and no trade delivery Houghton, 11,15 M„ 3.00 P. M. California. 0000 00 Kerosenel20 ts 914 in days, discount on smaller land; Wm B Dyer, do. to load for him are Palmer, grain 4781-2 any property by forbidden by law. Itangeley Lakes points via R. F. and R. L. R. Leave Island, A. Jamaica... .3 22©3 60 Ligonia. (By Telegraph.! No sales less than 26 barrels. For Congress St., Portland,Me. a Cushing’s 7.25, 9(4 quantities. Antwerp. That meeting of the creditors of said debtor R. 6.05 P.M. aurrento. 000 Centennial. The are packed in there is no audltlonal sch 9(4 following to-day’s closing quotations sugar bags CHARLESTON—Ar llth, Isaac T Camp- to prove their debts and choose one or more 8.30 a. m., 1.15 and 5.10 p, m, From Union Pratt’s Astral of Bonds: on softs from 1 to 14 in- Boston. Eggs. ..11(4 charges granulatedor bell, Matthews, and assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court Station for Mechanic Falls and intermediate SUNDAY TIME TABLE, Nearpv.... ©25 Devoe’s brilliant Nov. clusive. and other grades %c t? lb additional. Sid sch Warner Drawing, Painting Modelling 11(4 12. Nov. 11. llth, Moore, Crockett, Rich- of Insolvency to he holden at Probate stations. For Forest and Eastern extra.. ©24 In half bbls lc extra New 4s, reg, Freights to Liverpool by steam mond, City Trefethen's'Xandlngs, 119% 119% quiet—grain I TV OLAY. Court room in said Portland, in said county Peaks’ Little and Great Fresh Western... 23 Kaislns. do —d. GLOUCESTER—In sch Mark Island, Diamond coup, 119% 119% port llth, Pen- of Cumberland, on the 7th dav of Dec. A. D. coaches between Union Islands, Police’s Held. 0 la Musctl.60 lb bxs5@714 New from for New York. Through passenger Landing, Long Island 4’s.lreg. @109% @109% CHICAGO—The Flour market to-day was dleton, Bangor Reopens October 19th, 1896, at ten o’clocK In the forenoon. and Butter. London 4’a Cushing's Island, 10.30 A. M. 2.15 lay’rll 76S20C New coup. g, firm,unchanced. Wheat—No 2 at JACKSONVILLE—Cld llth, sch Jerome B Given under my hand the date first above 20022 spring 78% Portland and Rumford Falls. P. M. Creamerv.fncy.. CoaL Central Paclfie lsts. @80%C; No 2 Red 86%@88%C. Corn-No 2 Look. Hodgkins, New York. The tenth year of the school offers the fol- written. Station, Giitfci.ee Vr'tat.19020,' Retail—delivered. Denver & it. G. lYNN—Aj E 1st.110% 112 at 24% *26% c. Oats—No 2 at 18. N o 2 Rye 12th, seh C Allen, Meady, from lowing teachers and studies: C. L. BUCKNAM. Through tickets on sale for all points C. W. T. GODING, General Manager. Choice.16016 Cumberland 60 Erie 00004 2ds.. 65% 66 at 38%®89c; No 2 Barley 37c. No 1 Flaxseed Philadelphia. Deputy Sheriff, as Messenger of the Court of Cheese. 1 Chestnut.... 06 25 — on V. & R. F. Also for all Kansas Pacific Consols. 71% 72 at 78%@78; Mess 7 10. Lard 4 10 MOBILE Ar llth. sch Alice McDohald, -CHARLES L. FOX. insolvency for said Cumberland. R’y. N. Y. Ict ry. 12812®(Franklin.... 8 00 pork 06*7 ArtXaufs8 } County of Oregon Nav. lsts.109% *4 15; short rib sides at 8 76@3 95. Dry salt- Brown. Tampico. Portrait—ELIZABETH B. FOX. novl2&19 on Rangeley Lakes. Vermont... lJwicVs I Leliln..... fee 26 lsts of NEW points Portland and Steamboat C<> Union. P. 1896.102«/i 102 ed meats—shoulders at 4 00®4 25: short clear ORLEANS—Cld llth, sch Andrew Ad- A. RICHARDSON. Boothbay Sage .... 12(4813!Pea. ....<■■ 400 Northern Paclficicons 6s.... ams. Boston. Antique-HERBERT R. C. Traffic 66 64 sides 4 0004 25. Hangblan, Attemoon 1. EASTMAN. BRADFORD, Mgr. Breaa NOBSKA—Ar schs Antique—CARttIK Lumber of stocks Receipts—Flour, 12.100 bbls; wheat 27,300 llth, Puritan, from Ken- Life—CURTIS A. PERRY. Portland, Maine. nosing quotations Still E. L. LOVE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Pilot sup.... 7 (4 ® 8 White wood— busb: com. 66 000 bush: oate,: bush; nebec for Philadelphia; IndependentJCase, fm Sketch Class—HELEN W. JOY, Superintendent, Atchison. 16% 16 194,600 BROWN. dlt Rumtord do sq.6 Nol&2, l-ln*32®S35 do pfd. rye. 14,000 bush barley. 61.300 nusa. Newport News for Boston: Eraneis M Hogan, junl2 Falls, Maine Crackers— 6 Bans.l-in. from for coal -FRANK G. SANFORD. ©1 *260*23 AdamsiExpress...162 150 Shipments—Flour 6.300 bbls: wheat 70,400 Bangor port. 1-ln NEW LONDON—Sid sch Belle Anatomy,V<) } Steamer Cooperage. Com’n, $230*26 American Express.112 112 bush; corn. 66,300 bush: oats 393,000 bushi 10th, Woos- Enterprise II tilld shooks &hds— l(i&2- a month 1(4, Best on * Maine.167 168 rye. 0000 bush: barley 93,000 bush. ter, Oram, Philadelphia. TERMS—$10 Antique and other 16001 a Silver Will leave East at 761 PENSACOLA—Sla sch John K month Ware In, llth, Portrait and Boothbay Monday Mol.eity. Nol&2$83@»35 Central Pacific. 16% 17 ST. LOUIS—The Flour market Souther, classes; $13 other every 86 @1 00 1(4,1 Y*ei2-ln to-day was Hamilton, Claeses. Roger's 7.15 a. m. for Portland, toucning at South Sug.count’y Ones. s unto. Tampa. Tea Baps, *280(80 18% 17% unchanged; patents at 4 60*4 60: extra fancy PORT i'AMPA—Ar Spoons, $1.19 per dos* Bristol, Boothbay Harbor. Country Mot Chicago* Alton.161 160 llth, barque James W Evening Class—Antique 25c a week. Boston & Maine R. R. hhd snooks Squares, *360*38 4 05@4 16; fancy 3 40*3 60; choice at 2 75® Elwell, Goodman. Barbadoes. Tuesdays will leave Frankliu Wharf, Port- do 166 166 3 00. Wheat —c For further details send for circular or *1.98 per doz hhdhdgml pfd higher ;Nov Corn higher. Nov PHILADELPHIA— Ar sch Catawam- apply Dessertspoons, in Effect October 1896. land, at 7 a. m. for Pemaquid, touching at Cypress- 23c. Oats 12th, to teachers after 19th October. 4, 82 n. 24026 1-in No 1&2 *360*36 Chicago. Burlington * Quincy 82% 82% unchanged,! Nov 17%. Pork—new Rockland. Bepti4eod2m Table 2.24 doz Boothbay Harbor, South Bristol aud East 7 old 7 62%. teak, Spoons, per aSug hd36m 21023 1(4,1(4&2- Delaware* Hudson Canal Co.127Vs 127 % 77%, Lard—prime steam at 4; Cld 12th, schs E WESTERN DIVISION. Booth bay. choice 4 Chauncey Burke, Portland; Dessert 1.98 *?oopsl4ft. 26®30 ln,Nol&2 *340*36 Delaware,Lackawana * WeS(158Vs 159% 07%. Baoon—shoulders at 4%; extra Katharine Icaac Orbeton. Forks, per doz Wednesdays will leave Pemaquid at 6 a, in. short clear at D;Perry, Providence; Trains leave 12 ft. 26023 2V2, 3 &4-lnS40@*45 Denver * Rio Grande. 13% 13% 4% ;clear ribs at 4% ; clear sides New Haven. Medium Portland, Union Station, for for Portland and above landings. salted meats—shoulders Forks, 2.24 per doz Scarboro 10.00 8 18 @9 B’th pine-*260*86 nne.new.17% 17 4%c.@Dry 4%; extra Cld ltth. barge for sell Crossing, a. m., 6.15, 6.20 p. Thursdays will leave Portland at 7 a. m. for shortclear at ribsides Kohinoor, Portland; til.; Scarboro Pine 10.00 Cordage. Clear pin*— ao 1st preferred 37% 37 4% ;clear 4% ;clear sides Calvin B Orcutt, Pierce, do. Plated Knives, Beach, Point, 7.00, East Boothbay, touching at Boothbay Har- 4S/S. el 6.20 Old Amcr’nBBjIO @11 uppers.*55085 Illinois Central. 95% 95 PORT READING-Ar llth, sch Rhode Isl- 2.25 to 3.50 m., 3.30, 5.16, p. m,; Orchard, bor. South Bristol. Manilla... 6(4@7ya Select.*46065 Lake Erie & West.<19% 19 Receipts—Flour 4,700 bbls; wheat 27.400 and, New Haven. per doz Saco, Biddeford, 7.00, 8.40, 10.00 a. m., 12.45 Fridays will leave East Boothbay at 7.15 Manilla Pott Fine common. Lake Shore.152 151 bush;oorn 69.000 bush; eats 20,900 bush; r 3.30, 6.15, 6.20 p. m.; Kennebunk, 7.00, 8.40 a. m. for at South .S4x@45 rye Sid llth. sch Post Saco. Portland, touching Bristol, — Boy, Smitu, rope. 0008(4 Spruce. 00 bush. i [m A. m., 12.45, 3.30, 6.20 m.; Wells Harbor. *13 @14 e|a|t! i* 5.15, p. Boothbay Lems * PROVIDENCE—Ar schs Lester Russia do. 18 Nash. 62% 61% llth, Lewis, N. 7.00, 8.40 a. 5.15 @18yaiHemlock.*11012 BShipments—Flour 5,100 bbls: wheai 28,100 Annie & do. M. PERKINS & CO. Beach, m., 3.30, p. ill.; Saturdays will leave Portland at 7 a. m. for 1 Maine CentraUR.130 Calais; Reuben, bisai. 6 @6 Clapboards— bush; corn North Berwick, $4.05, 7.00, 8.40 a. m., 12.45, East at Mexican Central. 8% 96,700 bush;|oats 21,800 bush; rye Sid llth, sch Melissa A Willey. Catharine, for Hardware Boothbay. touching Boothbay Harbor, l>rues and Dyes, A.$32835 8% —bush. Healer, 3.30, 5.15 p. Hi.; Kenuobunkport, Noiners- and South BristoL jSpruce, Michigan Central. 90 90 Brunswick. PRINTING Acid Oxalic.... 120141 Clear.*28@30 worth, Dover, 7.00, 8.40 a, m., 12.45. 3.30, Connecting every trip at Harbor Minn S 8t. L. 20 DETROIT—Wheat—No 2 Red at No 1 SABINE PASS-Sid llth, brig Stacy Clark 8 Free Street, Portland. Boothbay Acid 19% 93c; 5. 15 p. ni,; Rochester, Alton with STEAMER SILVER STAR for New Har- tart.33@3612d clear.*25@27 White at 93% c. Com—No 2 at 2*c. Oats— Malony, Porto Rico, Farmington, Mina. & St.. Louis pt.73| 77 tepistf Bay, 8. 40 a. in., 12.45, 3.30 Round Port Ammonia.160201 No 1.S16(S!20 No 2 White 21c. 2 at 39c. SAVANNAH—Ar sch p. in., Fakeport, bor, Pond, Friendship, Clyde, do 2d pfd. Rye—No llth, StepbenG Loud, I.Ai'iniin. Plvmmilli AM •» ni IfX n in ! A sues, pot.... 6(4 @ Fine.*26@50 Pierson, Boston. Tennant’s Harbor, Spruce Head, Rockland. 8| Missouri raaific...25 25% PAYS Wolf 3.30 uuuituiA. boro, p. m.; Worcester, (Via Sum* ALFRED RACE, .t omngies— Kaw .Iaprav l',Antr!U.... 1 07 1fl7Vo SALEM—Ar llth, schs Anuie M Allen. Nor- Manager. C otion Mamect ersworth and Rochester), 7.00 a. in.; Man- Beeswax.37®;42|X cedar... .2 7603 OC Northern fache common.... ton, Edgewater; Robt Dority. Low, New York. 16% 16% chester, Concord, 7.00 a. m., 3,30 p. m.; BIch powders... 7@9 Clear cedar .2 BO@2 76 iBy Telegraph.) Also ar llth, schs Sarah A Blaisdell, Farrell re do preferred.... 27% 28 iDteroationai (jo. Rockingham Junction, Haverhill, Law- Borax. S@10 IX No 1.1 85@2 00 NOVEMBER 12. 1890. Bangor Ior New York; Nautilus, Tollman, fm Steamsiiip Northwestern.i.106% 106% WE DO FOB rence, Lowell, 7.00, 8.40 a. m,. 12.45, 3.30 Brimstone. .. 2 @2V* I No 1 cedar. .1 25®l 75 NEWVORK—The Cotton market to-dav was Rockland Ior do; Sarah Mills. Johnson, New IT ALLAN LINE Nortnwestern pfa.148 148 p. m.; Exeter, Boston,+4.05, +7.00, +8.40 a. Oochlneai.402431 Spruce.1 25@1 60 quiet,lunchaDged; sales 69 bales; Yorkjlor Eeverly: B I, Sherman, Plummer, B»n- New York Central. 96% 95% middling up- Eastport, Lubeo. Calais. SUaln, N.3., Halifax,N.S. 31., §12.46, 3.30 p. m. Arrive in Boston, +7.26, ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. Copperas-,1HS 21Laths,spec..1 9002 00 lands 8Vsc; do 8%c. gor ior Port Jefferson; Nellie J Crocker, Heu- New & St Louie 1S% 13% gulf :md all of New Nova Sco- L0.16 a m., 12.50, 4.22, 7.20 p. m, Leave Bos- Creannartax... .290311 Lime—Cement. York.Chlcago nerson, St John. NB. Ior New York; Hattie Me parts Brunswick, 75 73 NEW ORLEANS—The Coton; market Prince Kdward and ton for Portland, 7,30, 8.30 a. in., 1.00, 4.15 Liverpool, Halifax and Portland. Call- Ex Lime.© csk. 900 ae 1st pfd. to-day G Buck, Lowe, Bangor lor do; Addie Sohlafler. THE tia, Island, Cape Bret- logwood-12@16) was;steady; 7Y4e. on, The favorite route to p. m. at Gumarabic.. ,70@1 do 2d pfd. middling Aylward, Amboy for Rockland. Campobello and ing 22lc«nent.126@ & £ St, Andrews. N. B. Londonderry_ Glvcerlne ,26 @761 Matches. New York N CHARLESTON—Tn» Cotton market to-day Also af llth, sells Kennebec, Marr.New York SUNDAY TRAINS. From From From Old Colony.179 180 was Aloescape.lBjixalStn.',® gross 66 firm; middling 7Y4e. for Richmond; Henry Whitney, Colbern, Port Fall For Steamship Portland Halifax unt. b Western. 16% 16% Arrangement. Boston, express, 4 05, a. m. Boston Liverpool Camphor ...... 480611 Dlrleo. @65 SAVANNAH—The lotion market Liberty for Bangor; George B Ferguson, dofor Mail... 26% *6% to-day On and after Monday, 21st. steamer ind way stations, 12.55, 4.30 p. m. Arrive in iu jnov. 3 oeo. Mytrh...... 52@56.'Excelsior.60 Pacific Saco; do for Wes- THURSTON Sept. Mongolian oyec. wasaulet; Middling 714 c. Rightaway, Kendall, Bango; will leave Portland on Boston 7.25 a. 8.45 m. Boston for O Blum.... 2.60(03 601 Metals. Pulman Palace.169 169% ley Abbott, Whitaker, Rondoutfor Portsmouth; Monday and Thursday m., 5.25, p. 26 Nov. .Numidian 17 Dec. 19 Dec. MOBILE—The Cotton market at 5 m. Portland, 3.45 a. m. 12 Deo. Copper— Readme.- 30% 30 to-day was Nile, Manning. Rockland for New York, John p. Dec. Laurentian 31 2 Jan. Shellac.46@60) quiet c. leave St. John and 24 Indigo.85c@Srill4@48 com....00015 Kook Island.73% 73% ^middling 714 Stroup, Richardson. New York for Yarmouth: Returning Eastport same EASTERN DIVISION. Dec. Mongolian 14 Jan. 16 Jan. days. 7 Jan Numidian 28 Jan. 30 Jan. Iodine.4(06 4 25 Potlsnea copper. 23 St. Paul. 78% 78 MEMPHIS—Tne Cotton market to alar was uuaney bucki, Jenkins, do for Portland. i From Union Station for Saco, Junc- [n[t Through tickets Issued and baggage checked Conway do p[r bid.129 129% j middlings 7 7-16c. M Ml Wolf 9.00 Hid de Ipecac.176@2 001 Bolts. 15 steady VINEYABD-HAVEN-Ar llth, schs Ella tion, boro, a. m.; ford, to destination. Hp-Freightreoelvea up o 3.30 The Saloons and Staterooms are in the cen- Licorice, rt.... Y M sheath.... 12 St.Paul S Omaha. 42% 43 Storer, lrorn Satllla Blver for Boston; Laura Portsmouth, Sa- 16®2C| p. m. Amesbury, Newburyport, tral part, where least motion is lelt. Eleo- do prfd.124 124 and Jennie Eockland for a. Morphine.. .1 76@2 001YM Bolts.. 12 European Markets. Bohlnson, Greenback, For Tickets and lem, Lvnn, Boston, +2.00, +9.00, m., §1.00, is used for the through- Oil *u. Paul. Minn, at Mann.109 109 New York; Win Sc and Staterooms, apply at the m. Arrive in 5.58 tricity fighting Pereamot2 76(63 20| Bottoms.22024 Bice, Charlie Willie, Pine Tree Ticket Monument te.oop. Boston, a. m., 12.51, out, the lights being at the command of the Nor.Cod!lver2 Sagar.'.eommon.121% 121 (By Telegraph. Helen E do for Kate Ban- Office, Square LI6, 9.20 p. m. Leave for 60@275 I Ingot.... 11012 Bussell, do; Walker, or for other information at Boston, Portland, passengers at any hour of the Musie American do 251 Texas faclhc.111% 11% gor for Fall Elver. Company’s Offlos, 9.00 a. m.. 7.45 night. $l@l Tin- LONDON, Nov. 12, 1896,—Consols closed at of r.30, 12.30, 7.00, pf m. and on the Sid Railroad Wharf, foot State street Booms Smoking Rooms promenade Lemon.1 762 265r Straits.. •. 161rfe@16Vfe Onion Paclflc.new.11% 11% HOd for money and llOVs for account. 12th, schs Ella M Storer, Henry N Squire, SUNDAY TRAINS. Laura J. B.COYLE. Gen. Man. deck. The Saloons and staterooms are heated Olive.1 00@2 50i English. U. S. EiDress. 46 46 Bohlnson, Win Bice, Helen E Bussell, steam. LIVERPOOL, jnov.12, 1896.—Cotton market Charlie te25dtf H. P. C. HER8EY. Agent. For Biddeford, Partsmonth, by Peppt.30WB3 L Co.. 50 .. Sc Willie, Jeunlo Izetta, Newbury- 25|Char. @5 Wabash.... 7% 7% at 4l9 sales Grreenbank, Rates of passage $52.00 and $60.00- A r®> 7 LX.. 26 steady,Ameriscanmiddling 32d; Kate Dick Sauls- port. Salem, Lynn, Boston, 2.00 a. m., 1.00 Wmtergreenl 6@2 00| Char. W7 do prfd. 18% 18y* Walker, Williams, Willard d uctlon is made on Round 12,000 bales, speculation and export 1000 3. m. Arrive in Boston, 5.68 a. 4.15 m. Trip Tickets. Potass or’mde..46*47'Terne.6 0Q@8 60 Western Union. 89ys 88% bury, Fredk Herald of the Morning, m., p. bales. lloesner, Leave Boston for *9.00 a. Second Cabin—To Liverpool, London and Chlorate.24 6.281A ntimony... i2@14 Hie,neicno A West Polut. Maud Snare, and Tbos Hix. Portland, m., 7.00 p. m. Londonderry, $34: return, $66.75 Iodide.2 68(63 .4 75@6 00 ao prfd... WILMINGTON, NC— Cld llth, seb Win F oojOoke jDoes not run Steerage—To Liverpool, London. Glasgow, Quicksilver. .. .700801 4 609465 Campbell, Cayenne. ■ GRAND TRUNK Mondays. Spelter.... Belfast or including re- ■ tCounects with Rail Lines for Londonderry, every Quinine...27 @30 isolder^xv12 @14 OCEAN New York, 'Ex-div ST EAMER MOVEMENT. Your Teeth South and West. quisite for he voyxge $24.60. 601 Nalls. Port*. KheubarD, rt.76e@l Foreign Hallway ^Connects with For tickets or further information _ FROM FOR System. for Rt [email protected] 70&2 SO Sound Lines New York. F. Sid fm Nagasaki, Oct 29, ship El Capi- ALE RIGHT. *Western Division from apply to T. P. McGOWAK, 418 Congress St. Saltpetre.8 wire.. 2 95@3 05 Minins Stocks. Bismarck...New York. .Hamburg. .Nov 12 Jap, No. Berwick Sundays @12 tan. Carver, for and Baltimore. J.B. KEATING. 51¥a St Naval Stores. Helena.New York.. Montevideo Nov 13 Hong Kong On and after 1896 >nlv. Exchange Senna.25@30 NK f YORK. Not. 12. 1896.—The following Sid tm Port Wil- so MONDAY.September 21th, H. A. 1 Champagne—New York. .Havre.Nov 14 Elizabeth, ;Oct 17, barque If you are in luck. If trains will r mi as tickets to all in the & ALLAN, Montreal Canary seed_ 4@6 Tar bbl. ..2 75@8 00 *io today’* closing quotations ot mining stocks: they follows. Through points Florida, Santiago.New York. .Manzanilla lard Mudget, Colcord Barbados. South and for sale at Ticket and 92 State St, Cardamons 1 006,1 76 Coal tar_.6 oo@5 25 Coal. Nov 19 are read the : West, Office, Union | Cot Phoenicia.New York. ..Nov Passed Prawle Point llth iust, shin Undaunt- not, following LEAVE. station. nov4dtf I Boston. Soda, by-carb3%@6% Pitch.2 756.3 00 Rskclng Coal... .Hamburg. 14 San Umbria.New York. .Liverpool. .Nov 14 ed, Franelseo via St Vincent for Leith. Sal..2%@3 W1L Pitch. .2 7G@S 00 Ar For Auburn and Lewiston 8.00 a. [>. J. FLANDERS, G. P. & T. A., Boston. Homestake, 134% York. at Demerara prior to 10th inst, sch Mada- 7.05, m.; Rosin.3 00@4 00 Em3.New .Genoa.Nov 14 1.30, and 6.00 m. Buohur.2Vi@2la Ontario. 9 leue Cooney, Wade, from Wiscasset and Port- 4.60 p. Sugar 48044 Circassia.New York..Glasgow...Nov 14 For Gorham and Berlin a. lead.20@22 Tupennne. gal.. wuicksilrer. 2 land; Lizzie B Willey, lilvers, New York. BEST $7.00 8.00 m., 1.30 and White Oakum.... 7 Veendam.New York. .Rotterdam. Nov 14 TEETH, m. wax..,,60055 @8 ao pfd. 10 Ar at Barhudocs Grace Davis, 6.00 p. Vitrol.blue.... 6 @8 Seguranca... .New York.. Hav & Mex.Nov 14 Nov 9, sch .war boston OIL Mexican....••••.. Dodge, Portland. warranted to fit. Teeth For Island Pond 8.00 a. m.; and 1.30 and Venezuela ... .New York. .Nov 14 per set; Vanilla,bean.. *io®151 Linseed.85@40 Portland. .Laguayra.. Ai at 6.00 p. m. Duck. Parisian.Montreal... Liverpool...Nov 14 Parrsboro 10th, sch Atwood, Benjamin, the latest Portland & Worcester Line (Boiled.38(643 Portland. extracted or filled by Fop Montreal and Chicago 8.00 a. m.; and No sperm. 66@B5 Canada.Quebec.Livrepool. .Nov 14 6.00 m. 1.321 Boston Produce Market. “ller Cld at St John. sch James Barber, at moder- p. No 3.„.281 ..New York. .Bremen ... Nov 17 NB, llth, painless method, very For Whale.4ft@66 New Quebec 6.00 p. m. BH No 10.20 BOSTON.Nov. 12, 1896.—The following are York... .New York. .So’ampton .Nov 18 Springer, Eockland. PORTLAND & ROCHESTER R. Bank.30035 ate prices. For Berlin Sundays only, 7.30 a. m. R, noz.13 Shore.25035 to-day’s quotations of Prorlslons, etc.i Majestic.New York.. Liverpool ...Nov 18 rnestaild ARRIVALS. H>oz.••••••I6 Porgle.S0@30 FLOUR. .New York. .Antwerp .. Nov 18 Spoken. /.aaiiiiam Nov STATION FOOT STREET. Gunpowder—Shot. Lard.• 40 666 .New York. .Amsterdam Nov 19 4, N of Hatteras, ech Addle Charlson, From Auburn |4 9606 20. " Lewiston and 8.25, and 11.30 o£PREBLE Bla-ring .. .3 60@4 00 Spring patents. erkendam .. New York.. Nov 21 from Norfolk for Port Castor.l oo@i 10 4 Rotterdam;. Barbados and Spain. a. m.; 3.15,5.40 and 6.40 p. m. .4 60 Spring, clear and straight, 1004 80. Nov 38 On and after Sunday, October 4, 1896 Sporting. 6006 Neatsfoot ... 46c@65 £ar8ia-.NewYork. Nov 21 3. lat 40, Ion 73 35 barque Matanzas, cleartand 4 00, .Hamburg.... From Berlin and Gorham 8.25 and 11.30 a. trains Daily Drop shot,26 as.. 1 20 Klatne.™ winter, straight, 7006 Touraine.New York.. Havre.Nov 21 from New Fork for Havana. Passenger will Leave Portland: Line, Sundays Excepted. 6 35. DR. F. in.; and 6.40 p. m. THE NEW AND PALATIAL 8TEAMKB8 Buck. B. BB.: Winter patents, 00®5 ■ -New York. .Noa 21 Nov 11. off Hul- SHIPMAN, For Worcester, Clinton, Junction, Paints. .Liverpool. Charleston Bar, brig .Jennie From and Montreal 11.00 Ayer Extra and Seconds 00. A.wlllielm fl Chicago a. m.: and Nasnun, Windham and at 7.30 BAY STATE AND PORTLAND, T. TT. F.146 Lean- II..New York. .Genoa.Nov 21 bert, ew Philadelphia for Brunswick. nov5 439 CONGRESS ST. dim 5.40 ril. Upping a. Fine and —. / p. m. and 13.30 m. alternately leave Franklin Hay. Pure ground.6 25®6 75 Supers Anchor!;;.Xew York. .Glasgow .. .Nov 22 Nov ll. aff Tybee, sch Wm H Semner, Pen- p. Wharf, Portland, 26c From Quebec 11.30 a. m. For and every evening at f o’olook, In seam Jobbing higher. .. from Manchester, Concord, North arriving Pressed.glB@17 Ked.5 2606 75 price —Quebec ... .Liverpool Nov22 dletou, Perth for Brunswick. points D?nl!Suye,r, Amboy a. m. lor connections with earliest trams Loose Hay 614@$!6 EngVenrlad3 MEATS. Philadelphia. .New .Nov 24 The 6.00 d. m. train runs through to Montreal at 7.30 and 12.3G p. m. lor points @3^ York..Laguayra.. beyond. Straw, car Am Zinc.... s ..Nov 28 dally, Sundays inoluded. Attached to tills For Rochester. Springvale. Alfred, Water, lots810@12 00@7 00 Fork, and short cut, t> barrel, 10 60. Curacoa.New Yorg.. Maracaibo tickets for Iroa. Rochelle... .2U. long train is a Pullman for Montreal. barn and Saco River at 7.33 a. Hi. 12.80 ana Through Providence, Lowell, and Dacit3 S9 75010 60. DO YOD KOI New Common.... l3/i @2 Rice Pork, light hvy LAD I ES Pullman Palace 5.30 D. m. Worcester, York, etc. Pork, lean lends 12 60. Sleeping Cars on Night Gorham at 7.30 Returning, leave India F.eflnea .... WM. M. For and 9.45 a. Wharf, Boston, _ls/s@2Vs (Domestic 4 @7 MINIATURE ALMANAC.NOV. 13. OR. FELIX LE ESRL'N’S MARKS, trains and parlor oars on day trains. m, 12.3ft I Tongues pork $14 60: do beef 324 & buL 3.00,6.30, and 6.20 p. m. every Evening at 7 o’clock. Norway.3V4@4 Salt. Sunrises c oil TICKET OFFICE NO. 177 MIDDLE Beer, cickled, *7 0089 00. I .... 6 30 For Cumberland J, B. COYLE, Cast steel. ... 8(a.l0lTks Is.lt, hdx 60,§2 00 water FEMALE Westbrook, Mills, West* Manager. corned and fresh 6c. Sunsets ...... 4 REGULATORS STREET, AND DEPOT AT FOOT OF INDIA J. F. Gsn. German I ..l snoulders. { brook J auction and Woodford’s at 7.30, LISCOMB, Agt steal.®3V» Liverpool 60®i 80 Moon 8.6— STREET. Shoesteel.! bbl shoulders, smoked, 7%. sets.mornJHeight.... 8.0 Iis the and only 8.4ff a. m, 12.8ft 6.30 and Oct. 1, lSOo. Dia’md Crys. 2 26 original CHAS. M. Gen’l 3.00. Ribs, fresh, 8c. on t h ® mar- HAYS, Manager. 6.20 o. m. Sne'* Iron— Saleratns. safe and reliable cure Card Portland. Sept. 7th, Hama, and c. by mail. 1896.fei>2tf H.C.4Vi®5 Saleratns ....S@5i0 large small, 10% 010% ket. Price, $1.00; sett* Book, Tha 12.80 p. m. train from I’ortland connects at teu.Russial3W@14 Spices. Bacon.8%@10%c. Genuine sold only by -AND- MAINE STEAMSHIP CO. Ayer Junction with “Hoosae Tunnel Ameri'cuRussiall@12 Cassia, pure_18019 Pork, salt 6c. Centoi Route” for tile West and at Union Station. MARINE news For sale by j. H. cor. Free and HARPSWELL Mace. 100 Hammond, Worcester, for Providence and New STEAMBOAT Co! Ualv.5 Vs @7 Briskets, salt 6%. Sts., Portland, Maine. New York Direct Line. York, Sausages, 7%o. fla “Providence Line,” for Norwich and Leather j .Nutmegs.65@66 New via “Norwich Lins" with New York— Sausage meat, C%@7e. PORT OF PORTLAND. LONG York, Boston iPepper.14016 ISLAND SOUND BY DAYLIGHT & K. R. for tha and with October 6th. Light.239241 Cloves.14@16 Lard, tes, 6%cspalls, 6%@6%*|lf. 7%08%. JOB Albany West, tha Beginning 1890. the steame, Beef PRINTER, New York All Kail via “Snrinitflelcl.” MERRYCONE AG will leave Portland Mid weight_2.K&24' Ginger.r7®81 steers, 6®8. THURSDAY. Nov 12. NOTICE. Pier, EXCHANGE, and Sea Trains arrive at Portland from Wore©.fear daily. as Heavy.230)24 Starch, PRINTERS’ Delightful Invigorating Trip. Portland, Sunday excepted, follows: Lambs, 7®8%. Arrived. kt 1.30 p. m.; from Rochester at 8.30 a. on, For Long Is.. Good ft: cotin try, 4c. has lefi The Steamship* Manhattan and Chebeague, Harpswell d’mg.21@23| Laundry.4^@5 Hogs, dressed.clty, 6%c ¥» New Y*THEBEAS mv wife, Mary O. Pride, Cottage 1.30 and 5.46 m.: from Gorham and Orr's Is.. 2.00 m. Union Dacks.. Steamship Manhattan. Brace, York—pas 97 1-3 St., Portland City leave Franklin wharf Thurs- p. Bailey’s p. .8l@34!GlbSS.6Vs@7Vs Turkeys,Northern, young, fat 16018. sengdrs and my bed and I hereby forbid any Exchange Tuesdays, it 8.40. 8.30 and 10.60 a. Return for leave Am. call.... mdse to J B Coy le. board, 1 shall and mn 1.3ft Portland, Orr’s Island via, 9001.00 Tobacco. person her on as days Saturdays at 6 p. m. Returning, leave 6.45 Turkqys,Western,iced 12014c. Steamer state of Maine. Colby, Boston for trusting my account, 1.16, p. m. all landings, 7.00 a. m. Arrive Portland 9.30 Best brands.... 60060 no this date. rier 88, Fast River, same at 5. p. m. Lead, CJiickfens, North, fresh. 14017c. East port and St pay bills Ollier contracting alter days for through Tickets to all West and a. m. bheet.610(6)7 John. NB. rare to New one Round points Medium.8b@4o Chickens, Wes tern,iced‘ 10011c, fancy higher. Harbor FINE JOB A SPECIALTY. York, way, 84.00: South, apply to K. H. COLLINS. Tinket For Cliff (“me..6V4&6 Fowls. Oliver, Boothbay via HABBY L. PB1DE. PRINTING trip 87,00. Island, Mondays, Wednesday* Common.26@89 Northern, 110130. WlscassetSalaota’ Meat, PoKlaud, Me. and Fridays, leave Portland, 2.00 p. m. Zinc. Natural at.. Westbrook, Ail orders or J. B. Vs@8lA ,.«6@7o Fowls, Westem.iced »@llc. J Setamer Me., Oct. 27,1890. by mail telephone promptly COYLE, Manager. d. W. PETERS, Supt ISAIAH Gen’t Enterprise, Kaer .East Boothbay. | oot28(i3w* attended to. septSaeodt! J .F. General nov2dtf DANIELS, Manager LISCOMB, Agsnt. leal dtt oct5 *VBKTISK3EKbTS. MIW ADTKBTISIMimTA .. I * GLORIOUS DAYS RECALLED barren and Little Bound 1 «*■■■ ■■ bleuk, rugged tb Top, a grand, awful, terrible eminenoe, * NEW ADVEKTfSEAlENTS TODAY. beaten by storms of missels from the can- non of Longstreet, who was anxious to The weather .7. R. Libby. keep every living thing off it until his today Bices Bros. Co.—3. is likely to be General J. L. Chamberlain Lectures own men, now on in Owen, Moore «sz Co. sweeping waves, >^.-23|T~'n'i;rirfi'ii—wAWiwa— fair. Eastman Bros. & Bancroft—2. ouuld reach It. M No kitchen is kept cleaner than the devoted to the Hooper, Son & Leighton. at On and olose premises fl Portland, November 13,1896. Co. Deering. up, up and keep steady, K. c. Jones Ins. manufacture of NONE Meat. No house-® John P. Lovell Arms Co. though the earth open, though the heav- JS SUCH Mince W. L. Card. ens fail I be more of Boswroth Post. S wife can fastidious in the matter preparing food on we jj amusements. Passing go to the extreme lelt are in the of the THE STORY M than we selection and materials of n Portland Theatre. OF GETTYSBURG of the position, and from the left of the preparation Theosophy lectures. it is made. The currants one _ which of the (for M FIELD RETOLD. army. H cleaning thing) men’s Neckties, New Wants, To Let, For Sale, Lost, Found “Colonel, you understand that you 5 is more thoroughly done by means of perfected advertisements will under appliances, ju twelve distinct and Similar be found are to hold this at all cost. said Vin- shapes, heir appropriate neadson Page 6. \ than it would be possible to do it by hand. m cent as he pointed out the posit,ion. no end of “We did full n Its cleanliness, wholesomeness and colorings—and How Little Round Was 1 undeistand well.” (Ap- purity, deliciousness A “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup Top eld—The all different. HOUSEKEEPING over plause. ) reasons for SUCH Has been used Fifty Years by millions of March to the Field—A Gallant and De- are good using NONE Mince! Meat. A We mothers for their children while formed (the 20th Maine) with the That’s vast Teething cisive Charge By Maine Men. ■ The best reason is its saving—of time, of hard work, of V enough line with perfect success. It soothes the child, 83d Pennsylvania, 44tn New York and A ten cent two to select from softens the gums, allays Pain, cures Wind The third ot the Deering course of en- 16th Michigan on our right. We reached Mt money. package affords you large pies, with- A is it not? the bowels, and is the best tertainments ooaurred at the Colic, regulates Congrega- there before Longstreet’s men. The sight out trouble to you beyond the making of the crust. Makes ® SIS.Three of this GOODS. for Diarrhoea whether from § quarters remedy arising tional church last evening, General as they came on was wonderful and or other causes. For sale P§ as fruit cake and fruit as it does mince teething by Drug- Joshua h. Chamberlain, ex-Governor of terrible. just good pudding Xf enormous stock of Neck- gists in every part of the world. Be sure and Be sure and the Maine and ex-Presideut of Bowdoin, be- Hood, one ot Longstreet's division V pie. Sold everywhere. get genuine. ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, 26 cts ties to be had for 50c and ing the lecturer, and the battle of Get- has seen that Bound Send name and address, and mention this and we will mall vou free a The hundreds of women who look here for a bottle. commanders, Top your paper, book— bargains In housekeeping one of the most famous tysburg the The ohuroh had must he at “Mrs. Popkins’ Thanksgiving”—by humorous authors of the day. K under. an subjeot. taken all hazards, and has You can get for goods make it object for us to pare down prices in order to get them to buy. been decorated with Sags and bunting sent the men of Texas and Alabama MERRELL-SOULE CO., SYRACUSE, N. Y. H • BRIEF JOTTINGS. 50c as a tie as for the oocasion, and special seats had against it. The artillery fire suddenly quite good been set aside for members of the Grand cease, and we know that Hood’s men are a dollar for. A man named Barry fell on Fore street you’ve paid Army. upon us, and that some where In the T? Were it a question of saving a few pennies on one or two articles it iar the new and bis faoe was a ui armcry The was ^c can tne audienoe large and very appre- thick nnderbrush his men arc ooming. yuu get would but there are dozens of in badly cut and collar bone fractured. hardly pay things linens, cottons and the like ciative. Before the lecture Kev. E. P. The storm strikes the 16th Miohlgan same sort that form- Dr. Blanchard will deliver a sermon you which are used every on which it is to save dollars if Wilson, who presided, announced that first, hurls them back, and the Confed- day, possible purchases next Sunday morning on “The Higher the next ciaucB me are lecture would be on the eve- auuun bu ureaib uur imv, uiy- erly paid 50c for, and made now, Criticism and its Great Value.’’ 1'he ning ol Thursday, Deoember 10, when ttire Hazlett’s guns and be able to turn public are cordially Invited to attend. this Miss Charlotte Thorndike Sibley will them against the whole Union left. At notwithstanding The Unitarian Women’s Alliance will We quote a few interesting prices. (peak. this juncture Vincent, by superhuman WRAPPER DEPARTMENT, great drop in the cost of meet this afternoon at 3 o’olock. Mr. Wilson General RINES then introduced energy and the timely arrivals of the iesteruay was uiuuuy an uay wisn a ] good neckwear the Chamberlain, who was received with 110th blew York, restores his line. But quali- I One bale extra good quality yard wide cotton, damp, raw wind. Just Opposite of Underwear. loud applause. Vincent is soon snatched up in a chariot ty the and the 4c yard. Hi Henry’s car Is side-tracked style 4c yd parlor lie began by saying that he was to of fire. j at Union station. This company travels A TO has been speak of a great battle. War belongs to Rioe, however, ably succeeds him. LARGE LINE SHOW YOU. workmanship in style. another rank than the street fight and Then the attaok struck the 20th Maine. BROS. GO. to the kept up extra Yesterday morning the police arrested original „ I One bale good quality, forty inch wide tavern brawls. There iB something more The lecturer told bow he mounted a Matthew a young man suspeoted 5c yard. Doyle, than self, jealonsy and resentment in- rook by which he could overlook the line. standard, improved upon. cotton> 5cyd of being the prinoipal in several recent | volved. There is a broadness of interest Then was (iiseovered a bodyjof.the enemy likes the Doyle denies had Evrybody burglaries. having In those who contend. Great sentiments harrying to get at the left flank. One anything to do with them. malleable knot teck scarf are stirred. Truth, justice, right, mingle compHiiy was brought back to face I Twenty pieces fine, firm, easy to wash, 9-4 There vrilt be no ohoir festival at St. 14C1 In this electric atmosphere. Men give these, making an elbow-like formation. we are at yard. I brown cotton, Lake’s oathsdrai this year, but there selling 50c. llcyd all they have, all they live for and love This manoevure was difficult and dan- will be one held in the probably early, because they belong .to something great- gerous, but was successfully made. The The knot filled with foil fall of ’97. er than themselves. Confederates, expecting to strike an im- so can case took ot the it be n -• n I One handsome dress styles Cocheco Sixty persons advantage A a a pinched up celebrated writer has oalled war portant Sank, met line of battle, and ** I Boston & Maine excursion to Boston by iniii,> yard. pr;nts—best quality, 3 l-2c divine institution; and certainly man- were literally scorohed hack by the hot small and stay small, yd the early trains yesterday’morning, and kind roust hold war as a final of Are. Sale refuge Looks a there was a large number who went by Special like self tied tie. bis manliness against oppression in- Ijl But with a wild yell they sprang on fine the noon trains. The excursionists will , I One hundred Bates Turkey Red Table trenched in right. again; and here began a fearful, These come in rich dark return today. 7«. C eacil. Covers—woven colors Tbe oanses and consequenoes of Get- grotesque, hand to hand conflict. At with wide border all 2 -- j [around, Bosworth Post No. 2 will be inspected -OF ^reds, hunter greens, pur- tysburg were of too great am plitode to be times, the lecturer said, he could see by 2 1-2 yds. 79c each t might by John>H. Smith Inspector for taken in at a single glance. So also for more of the Confederates than of bis own brown t le Department^ Maine G. A. R. ples, navy blue, the three days of the great conflict, no men ahont him. There were ghoutsjof The olub has held two well and Emergency senBe black. 1 Full Cotton clean and nice— human could tell the result. No wild defiance, curses, dying prayers, c weight Batting, attended meetings this season one at the ® cents. man ohosethe'plaee or ordered the fight. snatobes of Sabbath song, whispers of The end four- well laid> 8c roll home of Mrs. Edgerley and one at Mrs. flowing j It bad been known for dayB that it loved names. Seconds seemed centuries, Pickett’s. It goes withont saying that in-hands are to be had in would ocour; but all unknown was the minutes ages. What then must a whole al 1 had a pleasant time at those hos- whan, tbe where, the whither. The hour of it have been? all these colors I 16 inch Bleached and Unbleached all pitable homes. The next meeting will too; and linen fated columns met upon the march. And when, by soma mysterious in- 56 be held Tuesday the 17th at the home af yard- cash. 5c The lecturer narrated how Lee sudden- stiuot. the lines drew apart, our little grays, black and white | yd Mrs. Gresley 52 Chestnut street. ly left tbe Rappahanock'and started up line stood fast. We had been pressed stripes, blue the Shenandoah, behind the mountains, from our position in the melee without stripes, polka PERSONAL. I on a mission which was unknown to tbe and the dots and neat j. >, Good quality Unbleached Table Linen—va- knowing it, enemy, standing figures. /5dC Union armies. The Union general was among the dead, were preparing to oome yaid. riety of patterns, 25c 'Mr. Marshall of the Wichita, Kansas, Bows with elastic | yd hampered. Hooker had wisely planned again New Goods Just Put on fire is a few days in Our Counters. department spending to strike the of Lee army whenever ho Then with the spirit of true-hearted v.. bands to fasten behind. this oity. oould find it. But tbe authorities at men, the little line rallied ou the od- One lot of fine all linen Huck 20 Inspector McKellar of the Brooklyn Club house ties and 1 9 t 9 j Towels, by Washington held him first to the defenoe ors and dashed on the enemy, tearing puffs 1" 1‘" eacn. 41 police is in Portland on a pleasure trip, inches—great value— 12 l-2c each of that oity. him from their dead as the tiger de- are all fashionable j Wednesday afternoon Dr. F. C. Thayer Line with shapes Finally he crossed the Potomac and the fends her young. No. 1, Fancy Borders, for 25 cents. assisted by Dr. Giddingg of Gardiner, this so are Union army followed, spreading out When the enemy had fled the little force season, Ascots amputated the leg of Dr. D. P. Stowell Line No. 2, deep hem with insertion, 25 cents. ^ Ca8e inc*1 ^otton Diaper, 30c fan-like in order to feel for Lee, with fortified itself, replenished its ammunit- to be tied in a piece cf Waterville. Last week Dr. Stowell big soft ^Oc piece skirmisbers?and flankersjout. ion, exchanged its inferior English En- Line No. 3, deep hem, shirred top, 25 cents. sustained a compound fraoture cf the J worn The lecturer remembered .well how the field rifles for better Richmond rifles loft puff and with a a Line fine Lawn pin. bones of the leg caused by slip on the No. 4, with hem, insertion and pockets, 39c advanoe brigade of the Fifth Corps by the Confederates, and bore away ten- and Windsor railroad track. The wound has failed to cents. Dejoinville of arrived at Havover, Pa., with all its derly the wounded and dead. K I 18 in. Sanitary Diaper Cloth—made mem! as rapidly as it ought and it was scarfs to OUC I senses alert and its nerves at high But an ominous silence on their front Line No. 5, very fine Lawn, hemstitched and cluster be folded and piece. selected cotton—-bleached with deoided that it was necessary to ampu- tucks, specially purest tension, as it bad all day been confront- pnt them on their guard; and soon a ■ tate the leg in order to save the life cf 39c. tied in a bow, or knot or chemicals—free from starch and foreign matter— ing Confederate scouts. new line of troops, two Alabama regi- the patient. The operation was success- Line No. extra fine 6 inch sterilized The men were getting their evening ments led by Col. Oates, now governor 6, Lawn, raffle, hamburg trimmed, are also in for by heat. 50c piece fully performed and Dr. Stowell sur- puff vogue supper, when suddenly, of Alabama, oarne on silently and deter- 50c. vived the shock of the operation well and winter, and we’ve a A MYSTERIOUS WHISPER minedly. It was an awful moment. got has beou resting comfortably since.. The OF DIS- Line No. 7, extra fine Lawn with hem and values throughout our Housekeeping department of which Tbe sough of the great on the deep insertion, line of Many good was ASTER light right splendid them. leg amputated above the ankle. 50 cents. | are a was reaching us. Biokles’s line bad been the above prices only few examples. Mrs. Helen Coffin Is a Beedy taking spread among tbe men. The left oolumn Dress neckwear, white smashed. Round Top alone held outg Line No. 8, extra fine Lawn, hem and two rows of special course in English composition at had met the at deep enemy Gettysburg, Rey- Here was the key of the day, of the fate lawn bows, folded Radcliile college. She is also nolds had been insertion, 75c. ties, collecting killed, Howard was hold- of the nation. material for “Children’s Stories in ing his own until oould come. Such Line No. fine Lawn help Oar line was the Confed- 9, very with shirred five inch hem all etc, also lawn flow, Maine thinning, top, puffs, History.” was the unformed rumor that ran through around with three inch fine erates were creeping onto us. Our men insertion, 98 cents. and Two commercial travellers were at the tbe ranks ing ends Ascots for were out of ammunition. There in was Snell house this town last Sunday who Then suddenly the out from bugle rang nothing but to take a semi-dress. have a desperate offeng very interesting record. Their iuo ucuuni o toui; SlVfl. A ftincrla tvnrr? vonu undnoh EASTMAN BROS, h names are BANCROFT. George A. Fuller “To the American, German representing march.” “Bayonets!” We have many from our customers on our Hedyer Brothers, Boston, and Charles Aids flew in direction. We must compliments line every The word rang down tho line. No oth- and English collars and A. Haskell, representing Bailey & march to by of CHEMISES at cents, Gettysburg night. Forgot- er was necessary. Like a soiinetar of 50 75 cents, 89 cents, 98 cents, Noyes, Portland. They started out on ing supper the took the road. The cuffs, the best makes, the Corps steel flashed our 300 bayonets down on $ $1.89 and $2.50. the road about 30 years ago, and have re- banners 1.25, were unfurled and the bands the 1000 rebels. latest shapes, the played at the beads of the columns. We put on sale the from Underwear largest Almost fcThe astounded foe yielded, the men following Department at firms ever Thanksgiving! sinae. They met early in And ever and anon laughter would of Alabama threw down their guns and cut prices to close: variety. their commercial travels,and formed a break out as a would mishap befall yielded, and the little oommand wheeled close friendship, whioh has oontinned to some tired marcher. One lot $1.25 on to the Texans farther to tho right, Drawers, only in out sizes, for 50 cents. the present day. They are both gentle- At the turn of the road some staff driving them also. One lot 50 cents Drawers and men of sterling integrity and high char- sent we with tucks bambur? officer, by whom do notpnow, The men felt like trimmed, You Satisfied With on Are Your tb liicb- all who know keeping 25 cents. ;i acter, respected by them. whispered to every colonel in a tone MOORE mond, but were finally persuaded to re- OWEN, & CO —Aroostook Pioneer. that oould be heard'by the that Mc- men, turn, over the bodies of 150 of their foe One lot 50 cent Corset Covers, 38, 40, 42 size, for 25 cents. Second lieutenant George G.Gatley.son Clellan had como bank and was od the and bringing 400 prisoners with them. of ex-Alderman Richard One lot 25 Gatlsy, has field. And it was wonderful to see how cents Corset 42 for The enemy returned no more and the Covers, 38, 40, size, | 2 I -2 been transferred from San Francisco, this quickened .the steps and cheered cents, day was done. The shadows slowly Room Furniture? where he has been stationed for several the countenances. There was also a Dining mounted the ghastly crest. Darkness $1.25, $1.50 Flannelette all years, to Fort Hamilton. but serious Night Robes, sizes, 89 cents. rumor, grotesque now, then, and stillness deepened down the slope, These were among the arrivals yester- that the august of spectre Wneblngton which beoame the valley of the shadow at the Unted States hotel: day Wm. B. bad bsen seen at nightfall riding over of death Frank Bradley, bryehurg; Foster, San- the hills>f'Gettysburg, But what of the day elsowhere y No ford James C. A word had come slnoe Can it ; yer, Cornish; Miss E. Vincent had told DON’T I We Refurnish for You for There’ other soenes not usual 'to M. Hanson, Miss L. E. Burnell, East us to hold the hill at all oost. But us. For the first time we were out of Hazard above hud been : ONE i-“t think had better « Hiram. us, working his Flannelette you you get out like a Underskirts, the enemy’s country, and in our own. guns derai-god—only 19 years your WINTER OVERCOAT and i Healy will be in Lewiston next that Bishop Bevies of the line ot old, hoy. Weed, commander of the look it over. You may need a new girls gathered along Islands 39 cents and 69 cents. fg Sunday and will confer the sacrament support, beside him. Weed falls, MUSLIN NIGHT one or perhaps yours can be fixed march," bearing^hannors, presenting gar- and Hazlutt lends over of to catch his last ROBES, so it will this •8 confirmation onithe 8* children of both The latter trimmed with up go winter. We lands or glasses of water. word. Another shot and he falls dead Torchon cau do either, make a new one or St. Joseph’s and St. Patrick’s parishes. over the body of his friend. Lace, in four differeut em- After an early morning nap of an styles; repair the old one. Tbe bishop will attend high mass at St. Later in the night the weary men of also hour the Corps at 7 a. m., marched into pire style, with and the 30th were roused up to take high Joseph’s church, and will confer ’the the field of Big l0* “a11 The abovo will furnish with an Gettysburg and were massed Hound Top by a mighty attack. sizes” to be Better Come and See Us. price you OAK PILLAK EXTEN" suciament at the close of the servioe. They Flannelette Dressing Sacks,’ n?ck’ with fine finish and carved claw behind Bound dislodged Hood’s astonished and sold at SION nicely feet; 4 Side Chairs, and Top. men; _ TABLE He will oonfer the'sacrament at St. Pat- established themselves with tho rebels cents and 1 Tea Chair and 1 Arm Chair, all solid oak, cane seated and very strongly built. Other corps were both 75 89 cents. 89 rick’s church in the aiteruoon. coming upon bivouaking within ear-shot of them. cents. sides. We had a few moments The lecturer then Prcf. of to study desoriDed the great Chapman, teacher musio in bombardment of the field. A of hills the third day ami Pick- tbe was here heart-shaped range Cambridge schools, yester- ett’s charge, so grand, so awful, so mis- lay south of Gettysburg, and our W. L. THE SIDEBOARD! day afternoon and visited the Butler and troops takeu. so heart-rending. Then again the CARD. AND were formiug along the crests, from mystery of night held the Chestnut street schools in company with ensanguined Hill towards the Bound field, and the hosts of the rebellion moved a well finished and constructed Mrs. Merrill. Culps Tops, two It is large, finely board and like the rest of th silently from the scene. rugged hills on the left. But our lines TAILOR-DRAPER, set should be in a mnch higher priced dining room set. Mr. Corser having resigned ns store- After the lecture General t h at first did not reach to imberlain The above price is for spot cash only. Wo could not afford to the Bound Tops. held an informal AT ledger space of the Grand hie successor reception. HALF a keeper Trunk, PRICE: 46 Free at such price. General Sickles, with characteristic Street. charge goods la Mr. T. J. Joy of Detroit, Michigan, novl3eodtf boldness, had pushed bis third corps far who lost a foot in an accident. Mr. Joy out on the left centre, and bis left wiug was for years ounnected with the Ca- Infants’ Short 50 cent for cents. terminated under the height of Little Slips, grade 25 nadian and Grand Trunk railway. Bouud at a place called Liver Top, Devils Den. Ills Infants’ Long 85 00 for The tollowing were among the arrivals Slips, cent and $1 grades 50 cents. Behind the Union “The Household at the Falmouth hotel yesterday: Mrs. lines ORme up the Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti- Outfitters,” the Infants’ Short Slips, $2.00 and for C. F. Ladd, Fryebura: Mr. aDd Mrs. W. great highways, arteries of supply pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly $2.50 grades $ | .00. S. A. H. and O’Brien, Newport; Harris, communication for the army. The cured by Hood’s Pills. They do their work Montreal; J. H. G. H. All the above are for Meredith, Love, two Bound Tops dominated sale at Cotton Underwear D. L. Hcbifl, A. G.Smith, Geo. L. Burn- these roads Department, and were vital to their Floor. Take side, New York; L. F. Wood, B.N. Dyer, safety. Second NOTICE. son A. When Lee ELEVATf^. M. Meuioke, T. R. Symnnds, J. N. attacked Siokles’s oorps the B. J. George, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, D. Fifth Corp was sent to his aid. Then it Post will he J. Moulton, W. O. Hughes, B. Gardi- Bosworth Inspected FRIDAY was that Warren, chief engineer of the ©0 & LEICHTO ner, boston. November 13 Hooper, saw that NIGHT, by Jethro H. Smith, army, Little Bound Top was easily and thoroughly. Atlantic have attained success to Sickles’s Best after dinner inspector for department of G. A. R. Ranges left, and to the position of pills. Maine, OUR TERMS: “Your Money Back If the Goods Don't Suit You.” 25 cents. All It there will be a by deserving it. Portland Stove Foun- the whole army as well. So he besought druggists. is hoped good attendance. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., dry Co. Sykes for meD, and Sykes seat Vinoente LoWeH.'bfass. E. C. MILLIKEN, Commander. The only Pill to take with Hood's SarsapariTla.- RISES PORTLAND, ME. COMPANY. JAMES H. MERRITT, Adjutant. it* -Mis' MUM24