PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. JUNE 23. 1862-VOL. 34. PORTLAND, 1896. ESTABLISHED MAINE. FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13, PRICE THREE CENTS. NEW ADVERTI SEME NTS. ACCIDENTAL DROWNING. oloar; St. snow: Paul, ]g degrees, SW, ON GOES THE FAIR. “I AM CRAZY.” FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE. xJismarob, 6 degrees. S, snow; Huron, d MAY CALL KIM degrees, g clear; Jacksonville, 68 de- OSCAR, PEOPLE WHO FIGHT AIR. Verdict of Coroner in the Case of John grees, s, train. — City Hall Crowded With Patrons of Steves of Lebanon. BINES BROS. GO. BISMARCK’S ATTACK ON CAPRIVI. Odd Fellows’ Exhibit. Note Lett By Suicide at East Or- {SPECIAL TO THE IF.K33.] Phillip Marquand Much Wanted in Veteran ‘Ex-Chaneellor Asks Pertinent Swedish Monarch’s Relations to Many People From Out of Town President Harrison Has No Patience Hanford, November 12.—Coroner C. F. Questions Relative to Russia. Among rington. Moulton, after viewing tbe body of John Maine. Venezuelan Commission Yesterday’s Visitors—Pleasing Enter- With Such. Steves, which was taken from the Sal- Berlin,November 12.—Prlnoe Bismarck tainment Past Night and This Evening's Is the ad- mon Falls river at Lebanon yesterday continuing bis attacks upon Programme—Dinners and Suppers Count summoned Dr. Hart of Milton, N. H., ministration of bis successor, Well Patronized. CAME TO MAINE IN ORDER TO IS WELL KNOWN columns of his or- IN CASE OF PRINT SALE and requested him to make a caieful ex- BOSTON SOCIETY Caprivl, through the DISAGREEMENT OF SO HE TELLS OF THE the which The Odd Fellows’ fair goes merrily on FARMERS amination to ascertain if there was any gan, Hamburger Nachrichten, SHOOT HIMSELF. AND BUSINESS FOUR in MAN, publishes another article on the ARBITRATORS. City hall,, the attendance growing NATIONAL evidence of foul play. Not a blemish or today CONGRESS. of The larger every (lay. and the sales at the va- bruise could be found upon the body. Husso-German treaty neutrality. of the rious booths inureasing all the time. His watob bad stopped at 12.10 and ex-ohancellor is not In favor pro- Yesterday was the banner of the fair. about that time posed debato on the treaty in the Keloh- Xo day Verdict iu Lebanon browning Case—Au lost Friday night people Is With Select a Fifth, He May Be Called In— Charged Killing a Moose in Close From the time the doors were in Famous Indianan ^Addresses Convention In the of the railroad ag and thinks it would be a matter of opened Aroostook Parson in Serious Trouble— neighborhood Time and Such a Contingency Hot Looked For— heaving the State Without the afternoon until they were dosed in of His Educa- heard a soream or two and a special interest to know why Caprlvi Agriculturalists—Says Non-Partisan W. C. T. C. at Caribou— bridge, Bare Commission Settling—Extradition Papers Signed, in 1890 out tno wires Possibility May the evening the hall was crowded with tion Was Paid For splash In the water, and as Steves was felt oompeiled to from Proceeds of Other Maine News. But Man Can't Be Meet In Washington. sight-seers and all who visited the fair In the habit of crossing the bridge, It Found. which still united Germany to Russia. Corn—Advises People to Go Straight The ex-ohancellor Is of tho opinion that After What Bangor, November SO.—Melville H. was decided that he met his death by ac- Boston,November 12.—Philip Murquand Washington, November 12.—Admission They Want. the of Importance was made Robbins of S96 West Third street, South cidentally falling into the poRd, while of Marquand & Stearns, oivll engi- question paramount at tbe State Department today to all Germany now is whether a pow- that Indianapolis, November 12.—The third the this in a intoxicated condition. 70 has King Oscar of Bewden may be called Boston, shot himself in temple crossing, neers, Kilby street, been deulared erful like Russia Is iu oloser day’s session of the Farmers’ Best Prints neighbor In to tbe National The a Venezuelan Quality aiternoon in the bushes at the rear of body was at small room over his fugitive from justice In Maine, Hnd touch with Germany or with her oppo- arbitration, only had (Jongreas two features. in case of important at East blacksmith where he lived. Coroner for his extradition have been nents in Europe. a disagreement by tbe four Horace Marston’s farm Orring- papers On8 wae the address by Gen. Harrison four miles He came Monlton arranged for the burial tomor- signed by Acting Governor Wolcott on arbitrators appointed In tbe first instance —AT— ton, WEYLER DEFEATED. and the other was the of a from.Banaor. as to tbe adoption h Boston and row, the of which will fail a front Cleaves of selection of tbe fifth ere at noou today from expense upon requisition Governor member, memorial to Gen. when the Congress. Hairlson 'V;< went at once to Or with the de- the State of Maine. Maine. Mr. is with king may be asked to iDgton Murquand charged Spanish Captain General Not Great Success deslgnnte was in a when be arose some happy mood, to termination of He was found illegally killing a moose in close time In person as president of tbe tribunal. suiciding. at Head of Army. speak. He was greeted enthusiastically. in the bushes about o’olock and taken the Maine wilderness. It is stated In the This is considered an exceedingly distant NON-PARTI SANs W- C- T. U. He said: “I suppose politios is barred, in the case that contingency as no donot is felt that tbe into the house. papers be fled the state St. November 12.—A as this is nn Elect Officers at Session at Caribou and Louis, despatch four agricultural nieetiDg. I’m The is unable to locate tbe instead of into court to ahswer original appointees will have no physician coming from Key West, 1’lu., says that Captain cot an agriculturalist though born and to result at Adjourn. to the made cer- difficulty in reaching a common bullet and death Is likely any obarges against him by General to advices ground reared on a Weyler, according by in the farm. My education was paid moment. He was conscious for a time Caribou, November 12.—At a tain game wardens wbo came his matter. With the same facility r IOOO Me., upon steamer Olivette from Havana, has been for by the of corn and To*dny,we shall offer are proceeds hogs. It and said he intended to end his life. business conference of the Maine Non- camp on the shore of they expected to reaoh a conclusion cent Eagle Lake, Sep- repulsed by the Cubans in Finar del Rio is a custom of time for men of yards of best quality 6 on the publio In a note book was written? “Iam Partlrau W. O. T.U. these officers tember 29 last and there found moose evidence In the boundary dispute, today province. occupation to associate themselves to- best for Dress and Tfc la f ni»f Vtof oairl »K 4- 4 *. _ Prints, styles ’’ were eleoteds meat crazy. He loft a note to his wife saying Madams A. C. Paul, Fort concealed. The Cubans under Delgado and to and value for Diaz, gether develope and cultivate their Aprons gretl* that he was crazy and did not intend to Fairfield, Arra Cushman, Au- The affidavits state that contemplated that the king himself president; Marquand surprised the Spanish outposts in Gober- mutual interests. Such organizations vice should be the final or that the quilts, trouble her. His father was insane burn, president; L, E. promised if he would be allowed to re- au a uuid arbitrator, Fessenden, uuuarauu XJ.ji.Lo tanu giuau uuu- are to be Wo must not for- tribunal should hold encouraged. Robbins was about B5 years old and form- Fort Julia main in the woods a few its ssssinn in Nor- Fairfield, general secretary: days hejwould fusion prevailed in Weyler’s camp. get that lawyers, farmers and laborers all in He has been In G. in oourt at way or Sweden, although the Is erly lived Orringtou. MoKeen, Belfast, recording secretary; appear Dover, Ootober 8, sub- is said to have fallen back locality nave interests ana no one Weyler left to class should Boston 36 ills wile was notineu. G. H. treasurer. Dele- mit to and their discretion. years, Davis, Bangor, arrest, plead guilty pny auch about eight miles. try to get the better of other at per As all the classes. We gates and alternates to National Non- tine as the oourt should order. The During the retreat the Cubans killed evidence in the controversy A are nil rejoicing that your are gottiog a Partisan convention in Washington, D. offioers 34 and wounded 60 others. has now been oollected in Reuben Wescott, Chairman Committee on only *fr2U yard relying on his promise, left him Spaniards Washington, for C. Madams Georgia P. Porter, Oldtown; there is suggested the bare little more your wheat and com, PARSON NURSE- aua left the state possibility Transportation. Matilda Burleigh, South Berwiok; E. A. Marquan^ Immediately that might deem it to It is at of us who Maine Postmaster. they advantageous are sure to go before it is though expense have D. L. to arrest. wife was meet here. ; J again He Suddenly Resigned His Pastorate Burrington, Belfast; E. Fessen- escape Marquand’s The documents and other to little for the we Why ended. Unlike most exhibitions of the pay thing oonsuroe. den, A. C. Paul, Fort Fairfield; Byron with him at the’tlme of the Washington,November 12.—The follow- data are rapidly being arranged in Then the General In Aroostook request.
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