iM,y naav Iy" I ,H Vi.

' aaaanaaaMaaaaaaaa ta a. S-- nAMa o3T JVDTTWHB f tSUStrm, st trr Vfill"1l1t)ll tfK i iff T r - t ., . f r- - IMfliiiMfirirti flfWtXff f IEjII VV5ri.l--t- a 1- -1 X.:";!"' T "i la. aa aaaawa ain "- - t , aBaa7aaafaafcaV. attkUf a., - fi rrrr Mak Tfc. raw. M...,ri."'B".. '....."."- Baiiar. miiiibibiw,w ... 1 --" a.niia. -- 1022. jnriV..v. hi,aaaini.Maa,lrataalra 13, 1S84. WHOLE No. VOL. XlX.-No.33- .; HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST fXgan1i Mrrrkit Slrctt. : C " Xoluca. JnsuraiHt 3Cotnr iottign ClttmttiKmmls. 1?32 -- lttntB. riTJliatre sasaM'tv taawad nr tW HaSwss (fatix. illtriv'.niMl vfiirt'i. Jnuroiur warn. aaflzri far us alfaiwUawot WILLIAMS, DIMOSD CO, taet aaanaal braiMt. tvatga. pbuit. an! co., xn. c. ROWK XMKV ! Boston Board or rndtrwrltrrs. UNION INSURANCE COMPANY 1 M(rtkt) msnor mkI SIc ltMicr. COKFECTIO KXTS -i Shipping and CtmaMtn iaHr. rradf aadft hraa; prxlvrl n AKKERS. lln PUt Pr nw frlti I BHKtt KB CO t' ia.i rnAiciaco. MaQnaaatT ari h4wiw( i N Wa . Hmlala r j KQ SaXtaHroralaSlrnt tw. rraarlaxly wnouu, . t I HAWAII Mr. 3VIOllSr3II3r?.3Nr-5- !. AXaxxxxxo. IJIU 3?. rhllidflphU Board or rndtnrrlltrs 7 H. CBOSSSAS & BHtt. O. Ot.l'.Jl v. abut Uotel St., BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST So. "t Tcrt St, ffbr Ik IUwiIIin lUMtf, iKoonronATKD, uss COMMISSION MKRCnANTS, iKiiiicrctumnt. - . Mitutasa. KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND VKT9 EDWARD PRESTON. nw .aT. w . Jlaral.rTJ. Ar. CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS II. ttiaaaWr wlrrrt. Saw Tar. " nnlalU a awwtair.l I r liY.rr . X TTalritaaaa. SESSION LAWS OF 1684. &t r,,i.ti;Hii;rKn, a3 r.rlfc. Hawaii. lala.aT.. I ATatorM. I artl. aad J T Attr sl CmmDw Uw. , as I,, .ia . t5 r.rh. ! VKtTfItrmin4.r-lftilr'tHr- XO&TR MIIIIB AXD KESCAKTIU AN :jjti .trks;a.Bts:n.:-ittx- a ,JU?JS?T. ConTcottoriory IWt1( lnJftwHIrt SEVEEANOE, All V. R. CASTU1 CUtMac.IllNrtrplaM-altli- l th . Ooxxxxxx.3r H.W. IV v TIB rTHCVT J f abrrt? f - ill - liiiaurnxioo aa4 41 1H Salaam. ATTOllXKV JVX XWVW IViBll(VW-.- ytr1 Ittthm lt nntnlrof nruxnim xaii i.Diaaxnoil Hawaiian jrxrcc'xcs x..mcr - t.l H,K" to TfttiSM o Vy i ibow c t th f rv tht SIiwt nd iiMa r.kar Ut f tw ""' . AT REDUCED PRICES! MERCHANT aa aaiaitim . tw aiMfc .a r kI.u.1. a. U M""" Eatabltthad 1000. COMMISSION iniL .i M.OATJtCOSAILMAXEnS. aaa PiaarlaM, Cat, Kaarrd txw K:tur and Uw i. ciwiw.naktOTai .W tRtm J. n c a.a,aiio tW allnmia ai tjr I.a. t Piihakaa. -- . n. t nuvn ok riioin: r!GRS Insurance Notict r.triTAL VH Pawa.Xi.X IT I. tlllls, T. aM4 rntkr, Wi wnjr ri-- thk dot Xraaiaalatrd aaa Fa.4 l.aaT.II Tk. Aaw ib. ld i l.rlnl sxbr I.n;.i .atmi at tar KwjsW A M Van rvtiK irtm thk BU1T14II nxra & THE BEST ICE SODt W1TER C0RDI11S iiiet lr milK fXliKaamxEi. iixar. DR. JORDAN CO. KM, -' 1. l.ll AllXVT-- ' XaaJatak IMaiMlj xMaM.A4r.a.tratu. rs FUr.r aiiutaitia!... i.inr.11'. ttrwiIo.i RtH-e- " lit i ri-- ' ' ftfO.iniiiw BlaWi'rVtig3. Hm1 aa r.., ov v.Tacstix ! a m tk- TIIUI Vftwra Uowatata aailaaalialMiIlala.aiasaa.Hn" raratl. vi vim iiiorxm Tar "Sautr ot Bmrr h"y riOXTXR STEAM an Ti.9. nv ltl rHl 23l nilflHD. I Tail rraprirlw. t Ma. AtscTvcr jud CMaellcw V fcf AtXw. aaaa ivTitriii F" a i latr. a, prt t Ik. I.laaj. o. aiMi. laitaar i a. ra..ail Manufactory and Bakery - ftl.t. I. . JL. ..mlI.M., f tV-- i laflani u as Sir rate ar . 1. Cnndr 1.HRrWrn tailxaiIICTa Ut .rnaxii.- iw itsill.M.1aaa'a-"'2- ' laial mn t tTwww 3-- ty lsTtlaT,l a, Vif LlMlt-- 4. t4 M Tiatiw i a riktcd w KU T THCKSTOX. HOINT D. LANE'S ln.i, llra tar AftnfnidMB Vs SaOTH Cexfrccanr. raaay ! Sltr. J. AXD ILL j fnUca . Ck U4liil,iiU.riliialeaiTxP'l'w Jt DIHXtxKaurTIU JKI1 A Uac at "h.-v- ttaathrfx. trf ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 1C1 Nim... ..4 wt. 3 17 ii mut'u;ii- - iiRirnuv imrrLtiL.ti..KR to lir . t . H I Xinrfrtrrrt.. a for lUwtllaa tUad ni.x xsxi uk Miv cnlt . j it. i Vwtt M- - Amu tat aaal tar CBrtvnt j ntTr..a St?TtV x. Barta. CO. TIRE INSURANCE COMPANY -- mhH 3r30lXM&l rwt J. EMMELimi x ooua .KXTxva RtcKirror xxc ot tka Snraaxtt KoVaraxanxi. if . f tbr Oar. I .i-K- t: ;. iiiTcttcurK. r-- fejarrt at HtalUA. tW . tkt" lMtVIM.MMtMul k5aaMir riiiK cnui.siuM;i niKX Life Co. an JUIIXTX t KmwK attoilsit xt ixv, sua. kitui. FlmjaV.1. TMler. 1m Star. 1. f tb aNiiitiu r New England Mutual Insurance -- t Ttmualt. ad rlat4 4vt r ai.4 rf TVjwrtEnrsn. of ttw botarraw' IVot . . .v liMit HKt mi Hrtk XI CHIORO0HIE. I ci.i;:iim:. y i-- g Ew-- n orStHTOX, AM DR. COlllS BROWNE'S km tit (Srcsn Oontn. xxaa .J t.. H.IIICkrhLI) JL CO.. mbMlr i WM a fan aantiMM rf Tta n. tn Mm l f" IMlMC4niMarrhiMllUiT1UatT4a J. ntwm taxs TH OBI l U. H VMrt ortCITt ? maol Ihxman: sawfe am! sr.XXSJLL COXXtSSIOX A6IXII. ta 1. . iiioRraaArta. h anxanart la 1bt.W t t.. ta aatala .vf intern. ttmok. liar HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C Olletl 1'nrrly Mutualljft Imnrma lit A4tr ath Mamm, wr.R.I.VrRTXCE. ft fK.lvtM-- V- - rraaa fcwitwi'' frthllraaiaalaaa-- 1 ana rxxwanar of --axripart lit UmltilSltUt ' t n II V It JXO A.KA5STXGER. rr .x c? "r . Itt W VatM atraaac laa vrar t.t ' xfer Mad J 1MT. i . . . - . . . a o iv a o 3. TIRB IKSUK.ANCE COMPAHT, Ji4iMta4 Jlaaaa- - I&ax. tarf I ax vmm Vaa ir Lrmvawn XtRAKT as CejOCHtieSTX 9BSi Jl n aw Wl raltciaa )ua,A aa Ua matt fararaMa Tarval lfc eliralathta faltM at ta WJt TatvartH Hivjaitaas. Itlilt ( Mai p Jraiinr Hoaviehi bar lCC T2TTSIWAAMjcw.Ea rii. rabl ptwtaV Mmvif alia tiai marrrltaa mwA fo.'llt.rflUAliav''.Tril al 4 irTt tax rvfur-ca- Howilalc. roafe kiui-Wtoi- -".- r. w ,,., , Cxnaaple at 5..rarMIra riaa tWbvDr naTXWIvalta,lat ihi'w ncKniinDtms. ttRii fc o( I tttl . i.vot, bm., rirfcrvovln.- J"-- i i U 7.(t. th aaaw xar5 tetorm. tknancfctaci Uar Ksspko...... Villi 6llSiV...-- Biiliim.. In-i- rtr m 1K a- 1 ! l .raW-Tf- INVRX0 hi - ill pn.fWah-- la b ...r.T,,..-.- tHTKi: K rantA . aa4 faaT-aaa-i 1Ttata, tait TL.XX aimlttnt Axartxri. QW arw t:kt aaa ralaaala ftrt dWtnrml txtltic3BiTof MERCHANTS MwrUiti. mMMY MAKULE Wi.KS, 1 Vaaaal airaalaa. roallaa. IVIhr, a X4r, COMMISSION 4t i..k KMly .tar K la Ika bmt fafCaaftfca. ajaTarajarsiterA aia? xajxaxr fca&arthat lrifn CW o axil lal X Xaaaal pmat..a raallaaa rwiry cnUlKOUT St - I ixotiinrsTKniT, M.niiiriLNr. ,Mr.ttaa BtvaehlU. k9 . - -- U -- -. - ' rolacj a jrrara zT laftaamatlna alaa. lUte. TT- I- 3 taaaal prrmlaai, eaatlaaa da,, -- - j a.. II 1 I Mt A. . TCRXER. ORIENT I taaaal pfrmlamlcaHaaa rstlrj Sjaaia alriaji i HUHWDTM. arutlka a (..ami Wirtltl. aad IVx AM 4aH jo xoko from ad " W'" MANUFICTDRErTf H0NUHENT8 aaaal pnananaraallaaa IVIky 1. tar sa iUjs t ikr aal aarrlfc in i boNr aad Djatalrrj ! Practical Watch Clock Maker C ailiv it a&voaal. tst. . a ,PB"eS.T1tJl'rCh" XumtrAii.oo ouipnny L HLOKUUTK rfcrlaally fata all atUtka u:n Htadttcno, Teats, Or 1LARTTORD. CONKECUCgT. &aaota!.M BIXa.OOO.OOOt atpspay HrataHa. Tal4tailn aad 9paaM. Aytrorrd tans 1st day A. j rRA-VCl- Jeweler, t Anns. I axr Factara tr AisU S M. HATCH. and aaly XraraVttav ism. kaLakava. REX Ceuue Tiblttx. JlirWe Histtlx, w mm jaxuixt ist. un sun.utu Lmxrx t'alil IhranxM II. l"l Xarrairr, ItlLORODVtK ltlw faHlattra la ZiAtv. RtMtlBaliaM OaaMaarrr TaatiaraMralatllWAa. Aitoruoy t Irtp TMttn Wxs&sUsd Tops, aad Tain rifl. L 1'mjj--- by Fir a 140,000 IRC naiMlM-s- alat r a4 at rtianaarrtilaIirkamUlfMrdl AX ACT X II Kaab.ta Merrv lT ta SBdWTate SIxrble .Mfctt-- rmilT nm ' i axi3 noon. risorKHiK. - aora Tilir; in Excr CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS ral IUU lla. it J lw. Ta J T Itayraaavt tr aixr! K , Hawwil Wfrri IWaaawafcary. twaaa, rxaaK?rz Man CtoataarxacxTxos CMvit er WTCSTtmi.uiK.Ri ti co.. "" MM IIAXX Iiaat - Tr uuua it: FOR THK AIIAI MtAlU, WrrailWara- hi af aacTatlaa A laavMr - AW.rtuo CWM.f nlikaCM. NMKElMh) Jt CO.. 1MRBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION nsHivaiuv laus tar tq Cmtb razxU. Oils, Xt2s, Sail axt laHtlxf ITCiX WASHINCTON Avrjttci. tatc, ORDKK THE PACIFIC MUTUAL baic r XAlK T. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY ha ranat fif ant oaT la IllaaWtaa. VataH OtOKBC ii.SJllAu. jwe u XatuiaUttfTirTiui j V Br xt n- Knar aaal tkr Mtlcal P.llatf. POSSIBLE RATES. lb Ka- -t a rral rH aUH7 at tnti shh4 tkt Lost O Mtiai. AT THE LOWEST COMPANY aaaallaawlkrtlM'raatt Witrrla aitit4 lataiha caaatt. Asmhfcr of the 11ukK. AI'U.Mi. Or BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. LIFE INSURANCE -- ( ham Bmaa - -- , . Bvr a4 ar kImII ar e' ' hr' n' '" J"t TencUeronltaoio o""- Tr.e!,a.l. l E.tail Bfalrr r, . antl rrrry Hoar The nihrr bniaaa, aaara u& Latwliuivatlhe Kjopk jifT- 17. j J!tiMMfatliiafl If ra4tN lra.rU CuXAuiU.'ixauytiUISt. - l,53S,iJ0.5l III t tLIIORXIt, baiaM tad. -. V ta Ctitral Xtrtiiaiue !1U U13S OF FBrUITDRE l fOIOUlD. aaOTioaau iNnrrl satnlinllfaillta .Ar Kt.k. arai.U Xm HlMaxT jMriac rrnaa (hrttiiatt- wr faar thrlr Ihfta t.. Tiln br fir. ta tall ta tartkalar aUatioa at rvrrjhn4j W- - waHlplnJki mi Dlr VuTaahat catd lailiaraa A hrjubrM HOCSE. lUiMla. Hnaaaadl1. M..H..TT ..a l.ratlaw'nl- 1 nf Bftwc EKPIPJC A JAEI1EE. a ttdlaitm-- of tfc- ftifaxtntlaarr rfarar af tr tattla Stc5 s B!t 4A finaaMr TO TIIKIR i fUi Wtu-- f mxad tro. shaD . Mk I frtc ItaaaiUa I.Uad, fbawaa ihlofradinr ta IHanhaa aaa SjHaWn, rA .TKIA7TN. ra iiMtM, t raatpai Arnrataia ihf wahnaCntaaag pud k tar (.Vvaaar Otatpaar MIAM !. - ;iiaiii mC All.aA. sr. o. co. IROK WORKS CO. MES. THOMAS LACK, In- Policies I aad a a gvarral ail- ibai hav erratrd aa4f eat J x tW aMuk lite port? AM) skith HONOLULU Tbe City of London Fire Tontine Investment prfaaaaaal abTTtioi tiKdotf ajani Trara. Ia faaawrata rssrvK tinB choice ales, vkxs uucoRS Rca, Brokers, UtarrhaM, aaa n la ibr m irtrlai tana at ! m Stock and Estatc TO Fart SU Which caaUla IatH,aUM 1 laaM " a HoavMa aad Tviwet n.itJiiix S. surance Co., Limited. Ui al ii. ryrllaat taattWI-l- I c - iTtSv dxaiu3 br x.3lTTAawfrHwaia.ii i ri. .n.i burs 'Xa Kcvtrktioa aa Traval ar hiHnw Wa hart- nra-- r l ay aathrt farai f 1W1 taa-ta- a kaatta; Fwh-ila- M a Irat 11 - Description IMPORTER and DEALER Ttrt fram Daagrr a adfa.a taaa t l.fwta fron tqvcraadnantaa: tatmw T5 ;'?1ZtXVr- . Macnlncry of Eacrj -- : aad aHttfraai Mt tXJaaHHS cantsm irscSAJT! "Ju" r - ?o--. ij--x a p CAPITAL. : 810,000,000 tlrai it UlaVlT faaaa 1W ponrt-- u. I tat frrani jAnorncy, wi LM w aaa la Ihf prafnaloa aa4 ifc-- faaUrarafjawa(aff ai aajlataa that th aaWtllaflaa aar othrr taa lalU aaolaibcmp 'Kaat Ita XT - ( J a ad mr CKAtVADTCL Sewing Machines, and Conulno tl.t.tT Thr Hfpo'.it Endnirnifnt rotlfj- and thr ltWwaa a laAa-- ar m 9 2Kvr J. llaaalala ika HaaalUa lUr1a. IW aa4rr-ltar- 4 w raa Kutian raaaraiata a- - ATiant iX. raar caaairr t A AcLsaarlraers JOII1T It a.Tt.UltOIi X.r.BCRGESS. Parts, Attachments, Oil la Mrrami I. pa iil atala.l fr a. ralM Hntfta. IntMnirnt FoIIfj, iUlff W arr Hlr fallUfatly yar-- MM CjK CiutTrt x flVMra.1 faraltar. Marlrtafrr mi ta aiaat MrahTaflllf rtMtai Horlrt af Oml Ptttlu Bl nod lia jottaaa ateE vxnrc cc ikr 3 (W l oa.- - utrtMin axs szalis exxixix and Accessories. I.rMaala trtnfi Kacallrarjr th- - lrij t hral-- t l5r. ba t? jj. ;NlrtattaiiT mm Traapllr Vija.lrdaaill'ajaMallrrr. Thla iaaava tt rvltaWfCaMaaatr rawal V - W W Waa4 .B-t- - 7011 ata xlr m. - - t- - aailfcata. VTk,. rr- .xokvt Lor trriO'T hanrrll laf . - mr-tr-r tr EiUiMln at " baa aa aaaniar aa4 iHila all tlalaii Tiir ad aaaa. simti a -a.a.i Haesr. u ntutuLR. ttnaaa. -- AOttI-- A. lYlite, Stir pmnatly act hnrnttr aM faitlf laTfatriv r ) TamwJ.- aaBf . It. mmv, f r,- - Arrtaai. aiu 1. tt I.Wa jaj ft w mitfivmiam. mail X.rat tta lla.aHaa trrarrailltrla(iirnalla wrf t t arcatloa daat If i a fttra1 ahWb, la " l.i Dxtu. Hoare, aad - Cnn, I Uar aaawat lamdiwl tnat iln-ti- l kM raaM. Ka"iiamifIttnteaate I DrUHTSiStS TODaCCOlliStS, - faxafTrlldtt tn a hx ai r' TMT1ai. !Mar-w- ak.aTtaraMb.i. it, irni. S Tius A stall gp aat-- t jtlj.721 nertacs TtrtMMr. IiOiulon Pro. facial Ucirnl Acvai far U llaaallaa jair iMr vani lk An TIic anil ln RaM la U - jl t M U. aaj H InaiaiialUf asxaBsgirr H S. CXXKA. rrMilXrAulSf. 2 C. C. STRATEMEYER, HootutTj Hittiae Xctdlcs, rath "fna nn h mh fc. rMl Dr J ta; It Br"w h tltaaa. Amend ttu laait (f JiOr. A. - (Tfiitral nbprrlisruirnts. ih dj l. Uoiilor. 3. E. WTSEKAX. raCACTK t aUktads &sim. (t rah in i i f k omaaalra rk 'J ISM. KALVKACA. MS. ItotiiilBNIOXtVincSALOON. rhor CI x iSteSMSSS-SlaSKWRHERiSllSSEfflOSSE- I. OattiealhStli. COMPANY ! ua h i Iniutiaa. karnrflk-lnS.M- INSURANCE r A ACT saa 3ln.i.a n--t yM aMvcronr w. xsa m all eeien; DMCBfflDHETDTHEFBDi.T! . n nai . (TOllMtelWMtiaatVlHilaJllVWTMl- - R nm nio. lR Ti Pava-aa- wat Pantrvt .r al aaaafHIBlat HX tVlf l"4aV IUX if It 1111 ST vXilWJtocl. nt cttJUKK t. niifchniut, X ft U- - INTl- - . It CLlKkN" MILE 1J.II, JttCHIM: (0TT0. m OatBia tax j vrit'iaa.-atwrlgirt'rirteaat- Egp'B arm. m Ssr aVivat.XaVa AS3 CrXSrtOX LAV S...c- - B4, I K. UH.I.I Cil'IT.VL 1.U0O.OO0 - tJI. bulcribeU Araccr A ISM. it xxroxrrx. XAirTACirSXS CTEOlSTESrX Ai.xvr rvE 1 it Enacted k Or Kar and Hiir-n- - . KKUlv t rr Psltnv iiooaoooj - X" JIOXAKRJIT, ax3:uitsis hnt IlnMr la lj. JJLXC- CF FTtll CEJCKIrTTC.. u4Mttobw w mn rflfeAaau I4aaoK niSllTlEE aSMi tatpaa7 ruWUW atlbitIwjrjauui-afta- KryiVaa Attsrnej nd Ccunsrller at Law. rrairlrwr-ai,.ir- kr irk 1. BaCft . tkr Kaa. Swt aa. A X I FawxtAVW Dt CImO. 3aXtrr. lac Jk uiiWfn. r J M JlkKllUVB. a- J- -' i CrAfr frM 1 Khr liHi.wr aluatl r.r WHITIYIAN & WRIGHT, mi3 Tbr Mateaac Ttaurr hantn aiw iv atal aattiuna-- cactaaaf tw pa.v tW rtJaJTPVlieavd KEROSENE STOVES! lnir-io- r a X. J. KOiF . v ana letiwVawrfCSOtTA yMt Twrl. D. IB . ! C Gmiaaiiai tafievs-- 1 rad. SIMPSON, ano to BOTH. t --Tt - - i4tc.-.aiaa.Ej- L TXED xsd SAXXB.T -- nraataaira la-- 39CST. SlCSi - xxj JHT W- v .!- ll I A li'0 t. w al tari.-a- k - m l'i Marhon. of rsismxe a V, MSJ Carriage Manufacturers, r man tcaxvi y IK - JL t-- a AND CASFITTER f maa sei(Ba omftaWa.. thr rsnrrr. rx TUMI. I.IfcaJ- PLUMBER ... f I a. 4 WttiT AX fa. al A UltatAUT tCU3a:l.J "a rEAIEK pes3se offaif& BcBwax: of dncaarA. aT tiaj. UlLUAMli?! Cl It Wheelwrights Corner Beale and Howard Sts., ia0-E1-5 JL3T3 ccxxitsiox mcsiTty, ixaarf Hfakk. e kr FSw rillXIS IX SiSIVJLlX oc?ttxrX xx3 Surra aad Raafaa, Tia. SLrct Iraa aa MQHtMilBlMSSTOl taasw AaV AAST r Cappra TA'aar, -- IMtIV ' ,H.irOK.1IA tTaMTaafCaadt aat Aaai IT liwilfc T All aifaKl I. Item -r brCMrtitQt w toc;fal.Ai inl.c.lW TATLOS OrreaatOoaaiv. ad w ia-- W It I JOtlfH aOOlZ. n'oai AW X npQwr AwpfiaH'tflcwCaroT J TVaarar edhaaArnl 4 fcr.4 ft.. Il, xoJ aw. GoavciiaaRSS ae and tW S. 2. CAKTXK. I "!. l. tV" INSURANCE COM PA WY j'tl GESEUAL 1ILACKSJI1TI1S, acensac Umwc tka sasanrt of t X t C-- 1 W. McCKESSET SOX 'j Wraa.aaaaWa.3i8aal-t-t?3a- - X. AlrWifU f 3. r cr LDHacM.o6JJia Hvaad of JLt trar 5rL4vW. William B. McAllister 7!) BUILDERS Or STEAM MiCHINElI nv ttat: w " . M auisbis la civi-iTrv- tr o. 73, Tt, ami hi Kin; St. Inrax aai 'itt lVcvc tkf xifcm i r X Kngw' l tov Hniatili Arfcap KsmciiialB Leather. Hides, & Tallow IOMl.tH.L', u. i. IN ALI IT BHAVIIE3, utHr. -- AS- o,o ? jnfs&at 'waaeaa AaKifeAhL fvad. aad rSso o oa a. Jv&a-B-- I- - rt Aft-- far t !! 1 Steamboat, Steamship. Land tcafcrt Iteoagavgi ta Kinpirac-- aca i.i.;t.i:. coaxaaxssxo saaaAacraaAJaa l A. JAEGER, a.MMwari a Ax3Tna: &r iO4 A? of AttjlW. ssSms arar twaitaiim THE Ikr Maak aad rwaXiraf Ihr writtaa tarlaa.1 - IX LrXBTE RoyAl Soap Coxrxi3". arta M KXI9K ENGINES AND BOILERS lKaJSrrS; 43EALSIS Xa.aiOiii'-Mi.iJi-- w GLOBE taa ajiai.a.wtaLai aev naara-sW- tkafi dakr n -l UYERPOOL and LONDON and rfb caaaferttt f TW Art tll nto iivac aal Z2T 4cM aa n. ifm injta.atficA &. rjA 1to ' Carriago Shop, Hin ok aaer as mcmi. f C. BSETiirXS COHPAXT, fTFT A RT.T-C; TT A TVn.rF.T7. INSURANCE CO. ntaf .irci ( VLt KEO . HA.KTM LUL. tkljdn-- Auras. A P lUxirxa. Wheelwright Shop, Htn-7- ahh A Assets, S31,161,0o0 i YrJVlMrrf alllla, haiaaaatfrarta IS' KUJ.KArA.BEL tosrrxl SrrcxxMrr Caeauja lmls Halla at Warf r rawaaaH T-LAW, jascwtA-ir.a-- 1. Blacksmith Shop, Ira COUNSELLOR HCxxTfTuxxr. at S8S,714,000 CEO. S. HARRIS, Bon-f- fer Cab. a Larcc tocL Claims Paid, Paint Shop, and UBDIY MITT rraaiaadatt m ad-- S.xiaiu! KKV rxTABUHIICD AX.CYCT II - ftUUa&3 aaa C SHIP AhD EEhERiL BUCKSHiTH or HUE fnrra- Ilrraitaa th. aa Trimming Shop, AttWnroMt o? tii Ki r AOXEac ca3Lu9a mx wnta .tllt- - aad t Hn4 .E. I ix Axra.- Tl .M.YT tat 1 la.Ii.ata rut, aaaia.l Han Tu iaVavfuac r f - nin.. EKiiHac. iiprn x"x iicatx Ai. arrfarcd nwlw ... laa .wall aawlarlat afrartd allh ralVtrar- ta IW Trada la atkh W iJJaiPa.',-rta- Siurv First-Cla- jierchiadisea. an t. ifcui . VTX.A K1.VM.1'. ss Harness I'ltlinsjs! nni;ocnLDics la a., af lar Waa.Xaa ar t ha 'pa-f-rl aad af arms csftedoa Few of Itaiacte . acinur - aaaaraaj, IftskAxars ratplaB4 ttMaaa drafl I r- xa-v- ATI- Aya wiani'tlJ tra-t-w rrMawufcit. D.rELLICS gaanaire4 sale a tMiaf. faad lar aracU paaa: .. A. rCAXTXt aai rrfa anHkt t t FaBxUr.Carriaj;es. , aairr w BManma' attorktcniXAJLmr3tASt llUtMBr OwtMtrfmtt DrIUXltit-i'p'"- HTEAM noIILKM pjHtcatM iHMHib r1f ta aar at braUt h calra -li 1 kt K Phaetona. of I aad wartiaaathia, f lxt2 tbf hkbjmc jf bj. LTOSS JL U.Vi.1. Etiij Wasess fer TracfiSfi fttUtTvir rri( ia tae aaaltt the tad t aiaxat aaa! E6ss flrt-la- c jsnotr aagr A.KOSA. Bopglea. aaaa hat aoch pmtaa4. isrfacip-- vaai ItOBVUES TT- - CiESSTI UKKUIS ANSI Tlio Best Knrncss he ttroBKid law ir uv tia unit ftsx. I It R moot ( 0 EIBZ. MUtl !f f.H tSI NttitB.MIUlU XI sxm! aatoctavtf lntuei s Eapreaaa. Ur. JiaSif limai C9aaa of ra. J . ir. --Tvoc, ARTESIAH WELL TOOLS GERMAIN' LLOYD Omnibass. rilllCIIT anttfe aft th aieat aayaratt aJaa Klaut jALis r flaMIUJ. exal istatx Ir- -- tapgofsailaaaii! a c . ty aaliawatfXTrln.aiir ni.ilj . w. Cheaper than any House Breaks, Alaa all aWIr -a Wark f aaactad laWiraHk. laaaraiialjjaraaav Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. tTATER rilT,f fralrf wHlwaCfaaaKaraajMaa t3Kctaat tat -Sa AaaaricAX xud J-- 1 5rf WV1 twar Un .LC1L BRUin. inab Eutarxi JX OrJer if ? VAw Ii Trucks, aar la MMabkr iraVba far a arrvis &as af, sasBfcli traftapK than tr - raailb( tatWr laai Airainr wrxsmax at Litr. k EaraAMI- tailad ttaarWd aad parted Par fMptatll - acfc ack aad in -- - "DO.VT I'lKCH I XTIL Milk Wagons, aata 133- B. X- 1E, FORTUXA aaaf jwr n MUDITJUl fC itV t jar Katfj la hf rlvrlatl a Ik- jmaad HaagaaaiB fratcnat aacaw. 1W iTunrrr.fKrm. JS"ajt of Berlin. itaaiis xx. COOIIS."' Genera! InsuranceComp3ny Plantation WaRooa. Wwl. Wx. .tgtfca aaasaar xmjgslaaai o or. 101 HA1E5EE. HIS IITIinttl ICniTirTMU. 14 rrsk Convey fcy Vf lj f last AlXKXaortXkAL aBILI. rjnCaiX. w ABOVE UNCKATE COMPAH3 Mule Carta. Ox Carta. r fraa aaa4e ihu nuMIMwal. irttd ill3ft IW tote ad 9cHr Harare THE ettUMbktii a aad tk NNNHtI Blilaar Matblarrr that aaatHy af a-- .il wanmiar. 1 aar Efis;atsli cr Hawaiian; . M. brmmi Aimy km. WieiiH j K.O.IULLA WILLIAMS & GO, Cmim. ana If InoM aatkariaW Ut Hand Carta. && &c f asd Iiai. a kwsf J. fexyarw jb. raausM. oirx Goml Atu, art Wta lar t hal k t. txarrnw A5 TiANLiicre lla V ha Oar ly&n tkjavtir. morjs. MOt RtoL Ih tja at I a. aBM -- -- Trvt. Hia aarauii! Lia I ocr aaia iwil ajjrai idr ill Ma Mnn at IIIP HtlRU hip ! tata IHrsa. Luc C fcr ! a. so. jri sitxtr. Biah.j. cr0mM2, rlr ck. KcnvMaaaailc at i.lai liartiM ahwifpaBalatia AJaasaayaar t3sasrrxj a3 rrfirtf rr xixrriiE i an naii a.rl 7ftt Hair, Wtoafca Alfa.t irratalia? aap- MatAftk OD.J Mal.irtMt3lAY- c- Tatara-- TrmM. add aa aek 'aasb, - FHOTOCFJ.FKtRS -f Hec4sk at ?w ?VA laiaaXr Uai A.MgAZrrKAt'O Gtatttligraif BIACKSKITHING ia all us Branches, atari ks, tkax tW dc t B aaaw T.TVatJXr- aicxicaix Saddles, Mlr r Wrrrt Wt mr Phm aw Irriaatfaa av CM agt XToXX n-- HE31 I- ftJirft. - rtlmu'iFi.yjaiii Ttf IS T T THE IHUM. far ac3aep. TV- nflt , aatnaEtr A.G.ELLTS. I LaAL WamWtrktiom- - ' at ja4 aa IW PRUSSIAN NATIONAL "" altktaararatdDttT taM tfer of a iaal laaalF WlcrJClor, Craron. T Tiaa i'i. i. auwi auH. ITerL, al aforbita .(.rrn aaTHfeTaaaia I Itw i. .stools. A. tuT Carrtare - aad Broltor:Lt riATATig AIXE.1 BOBUOV rirX.-- Tatoo laakrra Wartfclajiata Oaptam aaaaai ntSiaJ- f BawKj- t setne ta. n-ii- iurr t Ii&alaLarOa. I.Bar Coinp'iiy Hoax? tVarL, tiral far ladUr a afB Ptoio. Colored In orsrTETTiar a I'ampa If )3 fal : - tf nedtra xx LctVar axt iS fcxi rf tc ' -- oaaaaVat ajulsp laenw- rtaxi lO-IO- . ilp &QT 3iiSaciaoK naxei Till y..,t'..T.3AiXa-A-- Tfcf roik-ttie- a ot ,3IaX'.AXBXXt-8X- nkf 4&avc TfTTTTIV ATTTI Oalf IV, Txln.SK' aszankv. saelx a CfrtU rapt la I s t ffalrkvanaTk llinlaa lt.rl, - i - ,Otv. t Oa- blxxd o 1- fSiriBf' a . m a AuA Trts lMJMte( IIVTINO Or Xarblnrrj .vxaaa ai ay ww " THEW iMatcuaj a 1W fanlax. XXXAXVaMO. ra.. kfU, X axtrar thr twaaay rrcni.of at aaxax 3Uik j. Ot ifce BavalfcM liaa4 ! acrtrat Hot j nernnd Can4lir Ar. SAMUEL cai Fbc aa ItatktUv ., raratiare amitHat.N Horse-shoein- g -- tfea- haaj-lAo- JUIBUJ. N0TT5 a Specialty. - r ti- aaanr f fATAlU. raaaor 3f l . i Mt to tow. ""n Mahn hi if St-- ST. PETRCE CO-- Lttssa fux?ai umwt us nnsu atr w. Hcrr. Ilt?fci. a afc. i. t Plujtbixg, 11 HICrTMHTEIPEB. ha. .cas. fjeststu Qicissc. wih aadtsoc m ml vrftaA Order Trwa th talaaa (optrtftl xx axaeai a 9Maa aante xnaatv TllTSi: FAGEKKOS. Ga Fitting, General Insurance Com'py. ajlAaat nane acas iaal aatt KAtTPAJSUEA PLAKTATIOS - ivtataaaf ae ai- 3aipJi- 13 Sea, Tramtpart Ax tt in " . saar aiaitiac mfr Miria For Birrr aad Land tixwarii. IV a!sr iHI "t riacmiriiBn . jiaili in V. t (ar-- n rf wariy of iLGIBTI-a.- c ajoiw TlAiJIITH be Roofeu, f DRXSDEK. Plaaaw aa a ral caavr ISaclSfm vjanr J. , I . W4 kaa taaw n4s Mtrdkmt ' t-- KTVKM-5lII-- I S n srsiEac 'Wks Stbax nBni, Iner. A T mEHTIQIi GIVLJ1 TO WORK. HBHIBB - "VfOBES: !( tat la Haaaliaa REPilfi war- aaar taaaa nftii sm.MnM.Vmt - HAWAIIAN S05P Aitmt l'ia4 aiaedaT,?af.rv uwr a r "i Ox aa tt aatlMtaWtafak (o rilMMlU the w aarr "Aad hr , ai XaaV Tfi afal rf mmmIMftiMr-- K 14sv . fan aa. ssM wBtTm a "5wWafc Jifek! RULa acaiaxt ti Diajtr of ta Saa at t.a & WEIGHT, W tiir of amnr yfctiil.iii.agC.rt & WHITMAir n&aaris tiajaa abaft "co. .an CREY CO., 4 Kaaaaatl Rat, aad aw ta 'd - iJiiMu, iJNi ar Eaaai s. Gsiyiiry aaf DtaYfor la) ii- mot ac t Jf Farorafcl Ttnu. ?" m tvaaai AaaH hi lamam .v .. lttr Kt assaer law set taaataT T 11 o . C. TJICI n . a a TCMPHRARII V "li. ax of tiw sacklMF aad W ALL KIHDS OF SOAPS, r CBAtrii. Pinccn I!" kjy? I - .Is far ia Ua jta Iiia4 vtafc ar aackc tsav kai a ij.Ha?ljifeaL 2 ArXRUXScr rnrct Lir. KJ7 lrrl, rfrri t fsmxELxre id Xasai.i3l VMS Tji-- rai-t. OIi4ili .HLjJd. tad s. CRixsAtat: co. . tgf Daa3 r IHaaaaafJiS r&3 aaiaaaatoaj xl , hfalli' ijaa! WILDER & CO., 1IIK lfihVt t. or Mil j hi aaatea 36nAKCa9.VMwTW.c.a)rK v!.Jr HaaMlBla. cat-r- al IN. hi . t -- aviiiai rwniTisson Xercasns, Hawaii. fCaal. DtL a KEaX. frw. ia. i " a hf if vaia m -- -- .ua di - --J- kr ncTBoruuTAt ii.icuirr asral f f cad. lfB.XZkSvWI ra. a sm.i nMia vaaH stna taatirr:n xtyts t.v Uftdar 1 COeaca..Saxrra-tl- J AJAa fgsrrrtlia; all allar ln Bollrrt, a rtart ( rxC Prcprletcr.yA Iu(ualLife Insunsncc Comp') ran: tilfHaaea fnaes. aunlux ma4s tVFct Xii C WALLER. with a niftiHi; it 11 xobz rsandiacaniH a. SARAH E. PEIRCE. 3C. D. or acta tonii oafat aaair TTvaaitMaa.f CHUBLETS FEISIOU. in CXMocyralBq Most SELECTION GOODS Economical at Taai, laifc-a- USES US Larseat. Safest and of KaAt Van aad kolj dbWi" I- - MS Li.lla U Eavlada. 5 a. S0L2 SADDLE LEATEEB. CO Xaa psas asaaHt adaaBaoa W cmaaad ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. ! ITASLC TVK tv r ai.wat. t r&atar af Traatawrtatiaa arcJsa fcaOK rxiaiarK anai--- - - CLTLt A. COOfcC TaEed Gcat and Steep SiiES F5 INTHE WOBLD! ajln'iiaani, andiaautrjtajbdwra. ; gtl.- - AX3 CC.XZ3HXX TTTfTiTH ixaax AXDfaxaxLX ssjJ laat CaxarTA3TX.TI Cash Assct5f over 590,000,000 ! GENTLEMEH'S WEAE ! AND COSTS NO MORE I T T SrJ OYES, Dealers in CcneraJ Merchandise, TTafraiaTi it rari,r raar. - afanum Ue aa4 m Fal f yr f W Waar hf ,. rrapaaaiar rrwt tafra U-- Uan;C IXBXXI THE 4nti 'a . ml iJTI. Of thr - r . 3.iaiacc&i.Ma.Tgwi.ala.Z.I. xxaa.XM.awrT. r . tjaua. far Sain laaarucm ' A - at a& A vtAy.aoKX'Ai.O-Asr- aa arJ balarcaU -- Wholesale and ReaH grocer, aaf, f llAiS'GES, WUCJfAA W. C OOWELL, Honolulu. -? ' 1 ACXSraiaz aaj"..cJTaMV1 T. An. n;J2affarr anJ- - mii. . ., . Xjatost HaaHa f4tfd. akv ar . x.Mjaa.. 3t3rles F" I tmaiMMia. OffL. owABrte kad " larBaita-raaO- CEO. LUCAS, SOUTH BHITISH 1V0 (liTIO.UL w aagui,iiawi. w- I "aT5Srii--ftafcal""';. -. " , xwAiau- -- x"t t Lamps, Chandeliers, zai ann dtL !. aar a "aaas rawaaann. xlt.'?fai--.5T tv ; Himself tai-- an ja raxgrawjr a. ira. i-- aaaOa. & FISE AMI MiRIM-- ISSl'K IMK And Purchased by LAIDfE & CO. sisfnaaW Ante J- COhTRhCTOR BUILDER axbtr aTf rtuaa and! AMI CSATPAJf IES OriTEW ZEAXJUTD terA fey ndi H. Hncscocs; tVBnnriao . Person. IIAVr A f.ABUCaftKUHl'THe IIBlllB iL U OKy a ! tl in raplf di !lfcrrtplDaraiaaaiaarrjii. . CAPITAL f20.000.000 ruu. See in" aaa -- acr as . i u i im. ! Cict m 1 f "tT'or'ar I. m . iu- la l,L..-ifW.rd'.'i- aw j TW -i raataaaaWIAaaajl.aaiifciTa. fraaar Aal OolUorn Scat ? -aiarf - .- - aKmx- . .r,.li .Ja mio aaIa.Haaii afc shj.lll'" " . ilwrait aK..aa a Jl rayay.iju.y Jy" lfaaaa fcaaaad lalam $ TX v HOUSE FURNISHING hi 4 aa Hiaalaia f lh avn, rf ttr J la art. ru UiMs, Mnx ..lit, Aarao & amcfaitaex no" Romish Meats PiaBg la ,n. il aac-a- PRODUCE PROVISION CO. Hay,Grain, &c. t7iiaJla,C"i"E --Tg-, aai & mm IMaavaz. HnTt..aW xJfacjar Mt HTrnTWavnranriu .?raatxia&CT. rbU cmA rr AT TH( aaazaaaaaar ataaw UtUr, Eaxtlxii, H. I. radian TTi l Aa..MlAvaaClnarjMclana WifH 1. urrxaiB S. At OCX. irai-w- . Eif ! ErraataMr Mli - ratlk ckal 1W7 a... asalatas HAISISWAJIE Losses Promptly Adjusted and Pay- Whorcsatc and Ret2M Crocers, UTIlAJt BBO". Lowest Market Prices iv. al niaiiiaa j able Here ! axjtr XI Mouldings. Brackets, XI--- cm rkt -' - CVMI'BEXIa )irKK, Hotel Street, Honolulu, us eunuu mi ia n rtn 0 m aaaM r..i i .n- t- ' I Window Frames, KuiMjUafca aa MaraAuu&a. Trakta 73 (aaisU ta K- Taiarara, Carraxt aV araaaaW a, wo afOF - Aadt a. Ma Bonds. Sashes. Doors IrRXtrriini aa at Rata. la fan .f faialaa. Atiturra tttz xav.i C j jCfTXT' .SGLASD,GEEXJf',jyB a rXshA. roxuK U ZIJO.ZI 'aaa'arta7a's' Aa tea it rmmi ama Aara. hyXwrii. I Paciflc Xatauxl Ufa laaaraaca Cwapaa'. aocans A unc BBESOVtCB. OHAY U CO, SATiTi. or ALmnTXIA- - tx ,tT tan amd &f(SSK at e POK TBAJftTMXTIe v ra,i - - 1" ili.tT-- Tssse, Seel artn. raa taaad a COXnrrZ anx S CHAN T. trUCk. ... M.AXT UEKKTOFHBK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, H mr Ss! laamiatag "HOOTZa TaOZTSBSZ." yt?rpATfy A-- ajt. I.raV auaa THEa lar 1lTA3ir ITAXTAnCS ar MAjjBlax.. AjtstA for tia - - a T V.jf .xll1.1 faf "tt1 IITnAJf BEOV nalial HJ"! 0FXHL.0YERSH3T 130 L XalLtiaMrtCa, COMMtxSlOJJEtt Or BEESS a5 c.a &aB$c a 3s g. raaqr ami BtiaExi CaaulWaVCtlwiAZiMK Produce and Groceries HOLE5ALE GKOCEK aaaC'iK. . .., roa turoAxiA txaawadBL av straErac fcuBaasr ACXXT. rri VHIXH M U AT CEXESAL ESSIXESS XIX Tacal- - JhkXaaaark V.fxtm flU - j4t aoseaa -. n r 19 47- t 2. lxOf sESacr aca aBHa3eajaavaaai OSJJESS PRf UPTLT TTESVEB TO CaMfr tr telernni !. rfae jas rxASriaca 1 DvbUl. T--m. NORTH CERMAN Lowtut Harket Bates for CASH! "THEWESTEHirXRJlWilrM f.'X.iaar.W'rfB'aixS Xstf SBMK Uaax? JLACTAEUJttJtCO- - glwaaaMaraaraaaiaDt KaaiiK.aa2.ArniaTC T.Maagjra aai. aa TZLzruoir. r. i tvx 2Hsa:aG321a0aBa!l2rv3Z3aPCXV sjapajsx tw uTrfr- - t aa afca... totacraja FIBE I55tTBAHCE COMPAKT, in. A33 CIXI3E3X TTTTti: naUvartoa." fcfc . . - lavjsTMKiiT coBtPAanr, fc. ilEiS fi5. am 33335 af .. 4a7 rilASBCAX.. rar iiifWrr. ' aa,ai adT ii. aai S. kwii .Evfi..aBaA . &atzx 3 KHOWLES jTBiixsca a is. - - Sua J: 1 - axaCVM . Z.ZXCXTSS. SirBBKS. xaiiite vd r v - -- c Totcdsts "Retreat," IXaarttcXrrwMaaMaaJM z. K. ureas. Mngr. s: The SAIX Ufxg or JL9 TTi XT.r. AiCO TtJtr ' EdcXnaarX ttortrr Umrf lw Sori Ptnaart 1 a- - . T--. TmS. . , KJmiat ft-T-T 2TfiAau. liuucfi ruaroi . a m a Envelopes jear ia aE - -- in...... -- aaar. Stamped on -" rt W 1. U O riDEBMtarxa.ciarxjtAx. Ajraovxo szcukxst. tru"Wa .Tga ai i. rx . HUUdCS A3rr VTlOXr) 111 r exny -- C rn.ixnn acaaj Tu rrK3. ana aaaialra frarlXa HaaaHaa TIIK JlrmiillN Br aw ir ax 1 rf xWanii taa a Jlaaanaa. axsSc id nasi liseici r . israc. ItSaarfA a zaraaiirf ta raMT. raa&K. yaraSarr I txr fM uaxiehan A jkhht Jpr Jn ;.. !.. am SXrXaianAf aar mnv Oam ter .an. I.Cf.laU l K rs axaiav as XUauaawb she Iraa sraaaaCarSrcbnova ar. -,rj JfeatAaaf! SCrimi mr. JUeAtaT Ai. aljaaraa ajiasitr Truaa S &aa Sk2 4 tj ef aaxjiM( Ataiarrjr haaf!ajii.JiailIilgaeaa- jKiaaraafSaas-- Aa2aiatwa wa Bagai ftetta t ,arjygal aaB3cXX, aH'Mriata rAal.air - l'ltfif-RAUMK- arism aw aanrft? to xTaXKS mUl - UT Taaarj avacar- Orw Ihtfla ul ftMfficer ' fiAitn5.B HI. aai a . e c nj j K akui bai 4fT aULafc Si aTOEK iqumt.TXAAj . 1 a4 fianM ttpftvU. ASS sxioi tseossxoiBB roEioi jrtXHi xsaxjcxL ' c :3ZAGO. TiUAAJte. J &t JBWOR. JS Utl mnrs' tfW" 7rZTn:Y3&

LATEST FORE1CN NEWS. mt VirariVVa TlaWTll tmW tIXTE tltt Slppping. frgol Slttwrfiscmmts, z. CtlUItT ;UlbcTl2 wVCj tm3s or T1IK - Dn t jam:; SUrlTEME - rtf Ur-- oc e ! la r.iaala ! Dairaiian Gazette. statcr ias A j raiJk aai tfc Siriup At.--j- to t&e boifttal -- laa sc titts KH. na-Ji- - - t tn UcsuMca. ursd vnta irnatm UlriJid Notice tto Kuie edTO.W h ef f. oaa, Uir m-- v.- . far p : sue .a aoy Tut TissTlST tb t tiir -- .ct fee na rvunt u fl fc3iiEe. itetJt lkteeCMetJtjOM'fM. t.' li.-- nolirfito- UrutitcvAt unl tt rM tj. nTKaTaa r :s Rsim tsAK Saitr tninc CeeeiareWiitottWetlttoit-, it ti xntv Tt - ere A Cv ! Hytaaw e4ITeJa,to,Oali. aDre-- Krres of KaaroasKia aal bis CUrUrl UvJjyr Tlrrf tbcfasukl xiis ssUt TWa4 ! t ' TOTMMIfflM t hit Tto Kt ef Hrarmta. t wUte to WEIKEI."V. U. U-- eairfs. i. KuliEiaasc KalaauaoVn. Ka tae SIM tyt Jew. wtoei xkbeaci it c enr is. U4re, tttwi,trhttoaitMItm-tMt- aa.1 ocfcrr aohlrs tiw - TV factl- - rwuMttt UtsSw art i.TWrrl. Meek la trade ta etere t4ceeet TaK.. IxbasbM. taolaBi j(Bl n- lis tTfiaa As Ksef. sa im saettor tteee ea BervUaU -. d unnwnMt BOrSCMS are ties fanxbe-a- w St. IV: A. rof ftreets, atr"t.ifTai sot foap aflrr arri ajiac rart. rf Uii MiBrtwr a tre-sirr- to jsb! pnFVnlasd faand to W CktsaiaE ar uav?"Jf-- -i to ialeltiertd tail Mrmaalill Wg vhi lnn ad Cirt fctT itirwA! ftr tirn el rv OynTrtR laadf Ta ac Lf T&! OI Mr blue rasa oc imssioaKy'' C.iaiC t GwraifWL. tvrv rcasrcteU from ! na-li- Bill or Tbrr U bttei to tn Mat area aa at iMrtcji r reBe.s Jaw. nnu. aet teaiatT -- u an-.T- . ke BMJswiansiaaaiitaJjaoc rliK at Kxiraa ialsaiaSor a ! x tm wwj v vniktl Mt iasotttMa, avcbtWvT rdntKi ftWsie t 1 1W tw aW x"-- --. !! r k. ILVaNrtfatt ti ct fimCie. tmtl rTfIK11MI CmmL -- of x aeatka frcB CTttrCti f prts pxi Tt cnosnimtw tilt JXV.A. MtktDcrtatPcCc." AE ! Of BrtT tTtT JWKJOf a Toraw BJo. nMMtfiit ialirircjcU)iirtinxt<4 vxr.icr Inter-Islan- d S.N.Co xt laaafcf la aeeeiafval tar rSctevfar EacMad-lM- paw ail' mM eHJr ta Ue - t fa f wsaIMtt Bmi; r w4 7 toeriae aM tofe aw U analm' a;' lrChF3inton act it TgfaTV id33Btbetrciria4ilrrCot2 Omh Krwei d Uts Oeru neawter. it wMcb tte a. fcc aagvaM Iaa4oW Kaar&aairaa IL is T- 2 T it nniwua U ta-n- Sara an lih as aa4 nfablkes tariraa .- knl rrrvrt & njbrftwal tKj.1 1Yi Tcnnxjn W. - y 3l IUHi aa all l raar f nf. an of of Ha frcam af f: a 1 aaM vrtJUira) aai Rao- -, ftrainitucat. orrvdr Mr Gcrwva ISertrt. 1 Mtb--t- t taut: jaarvrM, tUawtt. Bcvxtla. Tic-K- naar If tare kaea. Will Mi, tar Brcra ti)iKRlitirnK ar i tUin T" aat matnLtit taat tint to Mtae4 ta tto iBdopaedrBrr br Bear AiatrU ci3i ii UN- rrr lr-r-rf - M MaaVr; iifcei vauu ueowwivttuwur-nLaiMiTi- u j TiiKon.u - l ttr vmeeeeetra Bmckm.3v aad n t arU ! ur ft brwf. asnrrtaSioa of fcib?J ctl by foct Urct tec, jUf-U- ' CexffbitdnBmal llrre ?wftW after r, Atotea aevt- - krafcrd- - taAMMkaad laoaats. tar tov-- td. Sb- - fart-to- ed Bo eeU a tto Oaixm sad Wainr aad Snota iatt tar n sad d to iha niv.nia arte K4aa Mi p -- iMclcHK ct LoM asdt&rcIiS-cslti- ivrt. Mhmi lleajmmJm. tae Brio aBtnrii i laMMl aawaai at Mr jwti Car. Gcp raV. fcOfa, Awt It H itot Wteta baa tar rirnefc lfa!SMearos aad 0lvfDaMtlkIUUtrvXT Hriatriltolvx!t. HarH aM ItawN w.1. fni4veTrd tmrT -a m i I?wimtame ruit TTk Sus a Wttcc attk Vm a tWiiiw m (ctfN tto IBa et aa ifrTr aM Umtare of Xaw! aaani& W ISC. thpesukS tu1- - Vtvm frm drciufZaC toVU wvtr Wp-- J aUnrt tie ita af M.tW. Wftl- - A IWnipaIHl mnttm ad cBr -- ara Tra bvj ott4 ls lifUaJ ht rated neaetoto. n. t. Jafy Ssl. Kiac. KaaKaaAt m. roksUrar MJt THE aXKSP TJUf, taca-J- Hr A. T VlUW of aetnad Kk TVt4l riacs abs is tk tUJUHT ur r-- w trKEr raaaaan tar ira m Kax4 tW jOIubcv ila b Taa aJtisM ttor- - -. ftW UMtca$. - iVojStof-ca- KToaarrrd las afesorctr jvi-.aadETa- Jtj3X Gtma l0w. . nn aaoaate. at Jt FnLae to abuiatoa 1 tttxma vita EarUai rw fwilKT utaTmla Tirr t ta Wk ( H CWfJartti4ttoterelert.IVeaty Ctrrfc. o(lilispaaII roastaatoooal fcrrinni amaA er meT Setra. l"Ctt iroBrHawmi: et : tat it KBt rd vrittra Jtts aad p htr fc-j-2 axad fctoV wad u iwaaJrt Kdrlnae otaTWfja Jtujcnl(-Wrmixy-tt vaa a faewtd Co., Honstulo. nwdaxn. f for " jpfos jvojAv irbe MtdamrdrotBAlof - InlcMsUnd S. N. couirr of the at Jt tar fTk a iaitLj. of laaSs tSMcr rem brew alii. SrrniMK Is Prtot.-- Ii tto MitMT at nwle? (yCMaat. saekaiacv." ar praad dmsns t i tnU u tteWtMed A pasts. At Um needed ar nthIcb&rlUm pe 1hiw. auU or y Tb tw Awrrieaa rrrtR WW KikwntinunniiKii. 1J1T. ocaor to tkr ariler ssaasatEp wt(TNl Crr eai-fd. IteaWaapatatleeUewfae rntote ef b etet taarJom tWOMBfrtkf it aad tvaMurd. pctwasaed i rwiwMr ICOniks J11"' -- h u al ta rraert - at aetk ttMam V3Q" - "l!?"1!. wkri" HIT aV crrAlofja ?-- aJI w kate Tfcf (t m tar 3a -- tte rnf-- 4 itfwcwa cX Stxrrorr m. ." T T aiA 4araaraU iWil aaattafta fac tae un Trav taeaa lwned at isa Bjstorr I aadTisil.rlf asftl f Stt rr wK T WIIiUEK'S at A a. drceawd, lttovlft ea tto lae art a. aatkae 4fca;M iumiaa din a Urat rrr r- - (iwaH of Trsrsradi. Jmr- -: M. Tia kVovc tveKcrSBBX CKi r ieiARatsI Ibtir aestrec foe tVUtaitc lh ttiyerAetTSt.A D. It, beta " s. W E far porks airtj yticnv ie tWeafvaaVd a) I SSKJUWoa Ike n tsvMr. via; tte te atotkrrr Ttor acwet lae ir zaa VteCeart.tidir-JtHeatetaerrbi- ttoretdjiad wsitiwc? JiaMLBdniMBJ-crw- vrt tor tae beasaee letter tnUfUrr ea Xrs. diaa Tkm Abc o!nfcr BMu -- grarrxaaa cci.a?lbprrXiartti co oHMi,f Steamship Company Caata. tto aivtae toe Od to ber. me 1. IT?." to 1SS. tkr 2T- ksSii. lsa sea;. ntKTi2vtiBvrT42aKxStxxiwkiava (SnruaX JtXs - It was rraored todtj taat a on- isjKMBaMKrt tar anyaoca tjasrof arssal it fcad beea Aerat, A. IX Pe WetVwt aahl 4ay, at uoaxs alma of dotarsVit t a uaailir rf Br is fcrcWnr afwrdac Wctl tj Gwxk 0wlJi it AUtaUal aSSXrSr 'J---, p- p tIVe and sanea! twcttks aa3tlrr-caaae- r &cus4 lie Xr--- e lgTA tec crosrail Ubei. tit IW Emm et alii Ceerkat m if ' EaaahB. ai artrrir "ib to sxtroe. 1.1XITS9 "' Kai ij-ca- ! aB .a Tnvct be Ji tfc iiiiii as of sitireS rcar, tbnt irp-ia- d Ue U- -i jfeaegaattyHliadbeirlvg - ilw m(4ttS Btt$r9Ka1'nni1Md ar Tlw T.ipwiiJ crxdjtr mftetTKva. aader tbe lawteei-- wt- dsseorcrrrj -- ie aa--I etorr d oar to of foncca of J aaitraxlaa."aea -- mi' TOBli(jki ar rersraer rararrViJtaijac3 cartef Tae T!k. W a LiW xuu M. arrwW ta aH muten'ettt. aa tae t?att5: vs ffwvrcrxsicvr lMKtr 'nar'nli: nrwiwrt rf ikar saa tfcf rf tW i- - aadcaasiK Ncgarevct ibiu ie ww to tbe eAwr ot U t (mrrf el intoneletnUea, iv ikT h atw TVwm tisr SltrrxtiiX.Tck4jTert It U f etaee cederfd. tail eetK tltctevf W riee by iL w A' v InM r raki r iwn-i-- m -. wr danafrtfe axlcwft- ca acewcat at Oerrtuad exxartv. lalli MWieiUem.for tarre etetefette aefls. it - Chsisaaa )Un Hi7Ai Suisse rmrtmi -li rTJ eetowd to rf iMgilr ttaA r taAraw J ar a ! k Tt rditor cd ttot TirryA hat G.irm i eeaeaapee isd eA4ttod xsd ioraev be to be fnr3(d foe STiAMER KINAU' Ilaaelet- -- '. MiK M vfKtaaB Hsfcs rwstrra tint u CaUM Baaatalm. H. tV - t, Aaa JJL aVrr of areaurtfCAaasncssJissMaarKS.'irBrt- clA.X,wiwH3ricifec - Ikbet, BeasUM r"HUf Uat tie a. r JVCD. lad Kxfc. oef tafe He MCltt&e rt Z 1 C1SXADUC CMrt v - -- obsaefos. aatsvbeatTwtrd. fcttv ot him:. Calef Jatdree tto SeprearC r-- for rf djposifcx aai ntr- ti mjilicf IS Attret. lk tj d tt-- aad Swrrm. Pryaty Clerk. tKt tt ri Jrfy 3v- -Il IftriT r cm Stti! ix eoera abt - Hivit dflKK rf lfcfTlWBT tfejavMmc of it Baii 1 tnalNVtoarjErsrattiso. lies Uicvtk. tvtck ti.l Kt to taert tk la Bjipe Xu yn Ba ll: P JUtoU- A:3.1i. jsiaaoWto rrats.aH of vaisa ecear ritkiE taj- ow itxaxjtua.f4 wer!1 iae couirr KKTtli.-H- I . ArfrKcnw of wawit II av Airrit Ml B esrtr TV SrrKEMK Ia tie satteofof theIMJS UX am Tkanac Tfos. or My aMU perst a csrwes Iatocmsv Jtatr S. A eocrwwotl cd aaaratmrK Wi.: rare Tierr-li- at . Eefcee Caief Jutirc J in oats. iaoNfc. 1 K. a, lraa! ye aw-- v jtowdrcnrd say NffvCutiuos txivtea ia Fn l P X . it A. la TrMHaeT ! & twwA" taM h tt Hiiilm far. CiiMtor. is ad t 3aRNi(staKfAl - etttxii rtM mbJ lae coe&xaertiaJ TMimfd, A X . XialiesuT.aBX 3L. Dm at LaAilis, Xiat. biTli-it- die 4 vast ta- Annfta rriilit t aer Xitais Tkesitd Ui, re et-- ( m ii iimhwI iawrr-- not TJirTmatraad it resahs. awaaigifl. UUlVt al at A X rrartwc HettJ eetA toea'aAetUcattel toikrat-ti- l a toaftz-tarf-- aaM MasaxiBnB.f IPls at H-- Naval K T&raou . wixateu: - treily, ar al Tbe d i Ca, Nu i ii win fcfP ifcrre lakcrKt is Siiw .r Trulr ' glt- nfTTr "Tfr pwrvfef rrrtixuC&ba. Saltr4itrtrrwa tWJrtW.aitot-rtJU-fiLriJ.Hr- tt St i U SffAhR- k lmwloE saass Kwa)MtV 4arf I'ksiuacsA, kwtae M Amend cft4a wUt5?vrt islereoe ia rA?tortiKK e Xjh win etealtlara C '" hnct iSlo-n- cocxa txaix ara m.)wi tkat awtice to ctwa ta lWtSr I JiLMir rr ttss darfer calrafolM ec mm of w AsBars or aJmrf. ar iacmasr of want, tie dreri! creral rukuxsvl ;atctafcaMv sfttcSMcr ttia u rtfactaat abacs ckwrr FViaty at T S- lncm wik taeKlmieatJIaie-iea- aWlDUataTapmtttoir datmra aa atv--e ttote of forcwr. fee eul cvaxectioc Nfwrea Lerccljaiea xa tbe VTt ietos,itdtiuiae iMbftcattoa to tsede tbereff fe I W ksnv o! amt icna acnaal aad fortutaphwetfo of aorabtr. ar jctctrss H Uoe-t- ali are tden)sc &&?- - w $ amtcr-- - aad AmtzKa. Tbe Uiar nlw Uiasr Tto Kiaea HiLA Tvl t it Pitol three teereatiTe vrcle ta the Haiatt Uitcm A-- Ci hi iln. b aaaeVor.'-ciVatMraQdot-tk vr9tH cwJea KWir irrtiEC. -- pec ettU of exweu fnxa CaSi. ea trtpt ;v raeearrn. if rttaai t avaee mea rJ mix. ar -J- tKCI&lU linrXa717a 0 lie t -- tf TWvr f iarpr dsr ateoeat fc. saMtd ip M aad raaBr to tie EVood SXrf ! it . . 2?w, ttritto. eatiee ta torrhy m that FKMDAT $iU"i tctt ssk vrr. tbiMcrr amM ajw irrnix. D'ttGtfi(iM ICj Si. Adn from SwataAtrxa liaanrt in vtTl mtn tw U at . frwea rj anrj irrataa AU the 9U af iicML .U. IM. ai Mr Jkr . MTi aad "pnaoawL i ist& iwpr of Peaajr oaDs? InxI AuJ-rto- --.- Ucki teet aadiraaataaxra aalr. the Ccantkoeat U AatoUai totae mu; rV - 3l c Ui. Tut wfT- to 3. nut tlK JLffrnfratMcaa.3 1 FoIfoiMg3Liaalmo.aadKsaeiiwttiw azs-- sb. tfc lp i rcIdAralteR-itii-ii- touted by toT trebt tor tbe store pert wHl to uXea ue tlae ltd are tt ta tatb crrtfHen to sppeir aai aallar tamaac tf 4rtiiSxt& em lis jirtwx Tbe Genxxasiooe ttorespoo Ultlitr i tlaiaiv Lot. IjaHkaaa tc jeaee MT Willi IT. mrr teaarr Iw&atrr tv--t V.hTT ax li saf-o- s! tKCfred tbe vcte tj1W pult W nwt U A. D, wlainnll attf t- i over-rba- .,.-- . .atrrTL inaiii'iimrf ike KaWbaaa.aE siscr IsSV tie tT3c5id(ff4 eal boctzW " ftm bom? a or? as Inriaiai ft rt tbe clbrtaJL. l nmr PetTCIq-fc- mmHfoamtW iE vratnMr ill i lain fir mi n litaV aad sz fxecagM taaisKci lev2Utfet Sajur - StJE.VMKK LlKEUKK5 Watt lamnHn arrai ad issaom.-- &" Lkxx. Jt2r Tt rSoo.' dr Kri- ttirty-nTtt-i vmcUkK v ajtoa aa rial of aVt .anabK aeaa creat deal IVirsS ctttwrrrd ia tUXn bus; tt rXClIAMUKKS. CIKCCITJUBGE. hriMh.BrlflNIOW lMVWiJt!3reEto oor w of raat aad ahifarr. and rr-- iLxxirtnarr exf Bnftia Toesc't estnaec to lais XTalWJfMlIHlTirt H.aiU lWf. I. tt thai, cas Iv tmzrahti aoriaBEv Jnr tici nJH-- JLH n- -c Uy OKOBCE rXACHT. mt Kim, - l.tWllWMi - tbebaxJt, ecart aad ptMK cCcre wn fcmT - nreorij rr-- ta tor tte IU1 1 lU.L. 4f KTTMI Mill. ata aad Gi, nainn apoai this yn- rjgvedsaeaof aramjBat.ei.La pres Un7vlLsxUii'Kmcf Jvrsff Soca-tu- ltMnJQj vere ctorrl. - pawaawa cmefetata V . BraMMVaia. Om M t W. C. aL Tta p iDncal ITe rrasae y A JKaldacC iWs is rn Erg? a.nikH eutjB EfcXrt.f. tar plllin 1 i 'rn, kl trr" ac bEmrs. sti ut Tbe CDcref)ierl tt TJ (V4tLa, Bito-ie- . Kxrt rC u tfW mMtimtkBth-lMhart'nl- sf -- kead of jwanVt ii lxi2 Vaa4fcisci to Uaika. 1 rim Uwftotoe. iiiaiei. n.ti. U rrtc.iaw.artl w and ! ililnUr iasOtatKC tBOKC Sac Kafetna has sow at tie aw T it k rmwr J IjI tin Rilriii SXa rifaitov. jcrtaratar vwi teaci at nl t la iwhg--Jl- eaxtTasoae LtHaKllJ MS nVsoaed. sazz cd "Itxrt-A- uk. Uilil.rrillrtV.rl"rrTi 1 1 iw khi a aaoW of las GooMaaarsS as jciest. a ccrisiitT aad ibe .' "Titi 4 i.i rf pr-s- y S aim qi ndit IknnaatmMa! AC tbe aes OAid. bet besiy: irtcaed by tbe AJl 3w from KaiAr- Mt to tte itIuiIIl I. m4 OH ATCKtUT.tar miB saaE iw apcws liiiliain 1 aaserspaioas tats, wboa po oae tter7-ft3ttEa- f - Mk rrd Uli;l ar atacsrl RKSaastor Geaa! it rweS4e 5rci:Srns cd lb casU tt aaU as a ob)C t a Latriit- T at adoDar wta ao is aaaatai iiITu.Ui.Kii. tl 1 rtachc h! in i" U4 1MUO 4 nj HKtte tau W IWOboMCalkrtscv avar & aw?aK a orenJatax aad aragcie las abjfatT sc faadk tee ILcfflxs, JTsIe 1 Tb EaTTUu Cccfcreac imlit kIK att oc fansaoiis Kmc-- - tday ax tie Teresa OSc. Eurl GrariiUe, F . LTKJLS H tM mm ka thf raaaaa paatjal atCTS. aoacaaaataeaadis Wtt<fl. 10-- Vftit b3 ccT STEAmtR'LHHUA' ukrt..ltt4U.uni r asB2tc Pr3Ml Otfi. xrrtxzy uto tat FreTa Aixir. r niiai. 1 hraorhs Km 4ai i Vwwr mm its am &oa! trCcva! s sawsiy arnsoat neeadrr Tta kfussiws 4 tCrsfcrtK iiri35hJbtfa5T Tbfsr IL VT.i,isfUaa. tbe Fmxfe k xa vtse ttntat satf nsaas. ijE be as Maokmcsot axi&aad or wisdom aad is fSKvi" rtc r3 FeRxzx IVpiicaxx. tte Jnr Seraatu. Ajtbyider: Htwcrcs rubx, ti Taitlab V. . alanvataT 1 I T. M-- faT Sla-- aTl'TJI. .! aw anjw!a - - -- JUnbu-to- r. fl.tiraia Hal COURT TIIIUJJ - . ttoaa. . kaar wuauaj. nil ma. ar tin- Tar rat acasaad HlTiija: rosres KtQ d tui, lie lIsfKaa MLitot. rl-w- Hark, Mitoibc. aJaa.cts CIRCUIT nivallai Ina-a- Ia rreWte. la ii Oke1 vca UwsfStf. ti Genxaa JUibun . fcruit mrj ei-- eerm. EatileeX TUOXAS srASCAJAef Bito nieati, irao aaWs nci taeir owss ali: kn- tie of oar Mtaarwr atd aat adT ?xtrT vrcs catxsti zsd tojejes rwtl s3to tor Oecd Kxwaji. tbe Aa- - KftW aimj til at Lto'a, rata W .UlBl lis oi Rot vaoer zefres-esa-a - ZatTC S tTt&X LaLiu DevMta'e FVabe r. X. tar 21 tsssaall fanacs. asal Mr fcuiL'wi tW svafrs. wt''si CBlJillSadflCEgaUatgW3rt- tnKiiar ! Is w - UalWlal Ual a Taaaaaa ZMrtd u acrer- -l TrMiatat l flkmglKtdiro it a. n mail off ob bros. Baal tttrir. haw abrars loi r 4;rtaT tsi k bi: .ljebuntor. Tt taaacsU adnatri cdlbe Cpascvr.aClilltko im - saa. Aat4SK-dc- ca BI, Uavali. aWa m Mtkla Ula ciaVaV attmt imfntim. o! tat- Jlnas rrsohUKC coaaaav XaoerB nov Tbaay srs isaar. vtre al ltioluin. Tb iiimlUra to "rebste. sad sa Etrcatee be MI. ifcS k tavoWsv aad Snsltr Jy abent ec Caatrt. to Afiam- rl tot STEArtlSR 'MOKOLIT tar af FnacB a3 ai maafaur faraHnL-sncf- oimciIms. MtssaaarT and cJeonat eiesMB is a fe- - r, ar turaz-r5- v JtSyXti- - Tl mt eSudi vbes it sdK7aed ete rt Grxanbe t I?ls thraVbaiTetNijftea. 3b-- V - nriKu)c. i nm.nisDtt, erfrdliurUXiAT. m Bio$.MBofsroc sakd Baccl of ap h. Iff la kst Isisl- ee,7ecd to naace tbe coalertoe to toe. A. D- - rek it H atatct a. mv, it th t eert Omm JLt 5at ut TU bntt t P H HI- -, e ert a the tiate aad aiace tor heir-ta- r JarHamaaaa penHbsisf ractKSto auc9siasl te line ili aartzae. -- SUfcj atom. ra IliaatU MtrtKUMTinH 3aanfcEvaf JVk!St tarr.aaTisfied ar ctoer,retaj zs.4Ci;to cH beea twaed ibe doclL. raiMtoefOake. WU r "aj f WaMtaa. aaM pt0-- m aad aayahcaeat tait aaij to aCeret saw m Jhawma Baak aad wwyer- - sale oc Donors te aMCf Oritrf Lit a Ctilhin maaat k retaraiac emj pcraaas ta aaM twute are mwb m! n aa mdws,i31t. C to Mod afl Tx2ib3e steia ttoreta. aid iS tttcrrfird I am a is iaerraaag- irifatfm&' rid rite pf&c. yrd lYrrirestolsTT4. rTaUjr.ii hertyetLStdtained T S- LTXAX. a Van.tomc.!mtaanl aa i m . aMMi vn t "-- "' iur Bjds-arano-l Siaaa. Jxt 3ttt Sj Xeadoi rsat Vtrvnm ai iia. ann. uw vrraac '" aguyci u m: -'J 'iiii miii if ar Tar aathrs- rcr ssfll j.Ut tux orTtaiT. a W rr.BiW- - fat aiy, rJt at ir. naan4 a raiwa-aa- . U. B. 3d. S. irTV (a.Mii bi Mgiajniacrfthfiaowy-lCT-M- r Kdup aawnst a: fofcr ataaoawpNfUrof oid. aaaoisr to msl a3at; H caaA. Sue dag.? taVnf' - a a fxrlr liooofctx, Liu Port- - ?.".- "tser iinirjs:- - COURT .ii a ba r-- oitoi fee Iras ttsUt&xt. anaaaJ yrt', B.rvr. t ' THIRD I a Mac aad n of GordOE. "- ONaa, carles of fate, aluays ssihES Part u J B.iaa - . rlRCUIT llaaraliaa Iflaaala. ;, r Cmii aat aoir Ifcs JiiraiC rrn Tbe ji ia rocrsi Ute, Wul ire drts; by JCVt-- T in m7t- Ii rrebale la aW " TVep-r- bu ly m Mr Hnatd of t4 19U oeai IciiMirfalrmaanajferhdaitfcyreaths. vidicterc. ts auay cer the TUOXAs J a Xleec. et nrnaV. - trea cw the & as JxattEacv nefaaart ar st TSare ccty toU2vt froca AT. inafcT ta-- r ... lair vJ MtA. bet srfCC Sfetar. aacr Mr bkr. HcukiM TV sninai vest two cbokra at . C W Ian at k3kH aaoaasM c artsaaea arieiwjiw prexataS c Kt s t vwaa xj n aceeai Ua irsdtar tad tHa r the pcUtiea ef S. Kinredxe, a : Tf s taova XaffviaraofasaTe' beiCiScnL Toctoa ywaizdiy. tamauT. t. VTILUEE. the AttoltvMtraiar ef the lUtaia af TtaMaaa Mr bat ies UBr Terr accaSr lil i inHwi JajTattsL. Tlw-- x net Mw-- r 'WtHe fonseriya mux rreat. -- to Kfl ka naor acanet liJ3w3K. 4m Tbe frvrrlnl ! K SaK ar--T C fciav IUarait. JtrTd, eetytax that a mt offom. TV ltisaab)e iaar lsaks of tats to 1 M tor ai nwrt tLu varcrcc focacry xa tbe Socth, u base orixxed. OFFKE "...rii.n;t--isn- u tor tie penea tad scapmj ef l bir-rwe- r air J3wi C. Oaiidiaatoieald laiek had GoncraaaiO vas datrd Jane w l3K aricas to gm ewm a eoaapletr nrrm. fTiifflp- -t rvimrttai Ftisct3k.tx dec 3 ir Hrzij FuXs, aeao.vs.IX fl.l'-- TVaurm;ntiBiir. iaptareat drceaatd. lit: vtrabjo8toksr Coto-- Ixa1-tr- f rcace. it Xrrr vct& WjJe. to a Cir-r- tut ai imyitti to naaljaile laefrfaee. la DaaaaaiDKv taca EaarMaaa. safc. ssarraaadatr w coadcaerd. of airtj tli tt nil at UT - is ar Sjnaai wry toatfty (toil rtponcr yw4eiiiy, to tlucatsssr ardmd tait MBJllAT. tto ffla I ik ka- sreae aas bc- - r?bp mrC vu3a2fariKv Atitnlwa kbwam B Wmmmk aaw aad all Tnmtk' of ranees, liis iraiarkaWf rnrKt-- It maid aZ aff joisait. becA, UU tbe siafXalxxi ed Nra Cacaea, or at Mediae ta tae Caart Mow aaL TV- - duaVaaw I f3jjtsa3 it OF STBAMEES to aa u the uat aa ptare tar aaanar knK iac liaVl trluiscm troops ats tvttr a for aS if it were lfiiatedir;tarilc leiiaia txaSt xrsoctonlt orrr tbe tati&d, TIME TABLE m4 iai Ait aity to adTcred BiiwrWiealW jiaucK ais jkma aadqrcalaira tlmagKat tW iJaaas aa E3rixcLl tmesSan ia JlBXrt&i. Nr Gciacai iberet . - 8. I.TXAS. . waarWaatJb laVmar nsoarualaailsa:tar a7VCtaa u tt acxt biree vital ix tbe vxril to de&nlu Ltrratt f - inn- - ta. aad tai Maaffcti sdE ialaavV Viirliai ins oarrat Knar botti siiaglri.i irtrnnF asa t or THE jarr HHWt.AtU. ate aao. i aacvazvf. Ttactornta! &raaat a ati 13 zx(-c- u ta be atiads edtt borg&e. HUt. Baaatt. Jaty ath. u.PT3 a lai m Aad w Ur far as cax fc jalrfTii.aK VTjtaoM pr 'titi- - to B&ese ratMet - In toaav A rfj t aae4-- e C n Car ialca rflit I! aia as vice iatnat a? aton- - a eefcerr ffC tcaaec Uccxr sui tbit couirr or at ass atsaaer B jaawar; if a tro as 7 cfsioac. I37Cu ato ae atavae 3rtB fnile it ta INTER-ISLA1N- T) SuuREME- la the auiter efthetbe MUe ef JMaataaiaaml2ti - i -- h laori- mow- ro and forsrr ahravs fatere as ed tram Ae VunI Ab ant naofc BlkawT fee joestKa ct tbe occfftifniioa ol lUcckcics E. X. SORBBErWi. eeltaSinr Eulrtpt- - Netxe laaii oaaF " fuuaa Ttfxm vtrf aat tc ar saar tili ui rrt-w- i WHttiuricir. of escsmatt. TAaaiTton. tfcf k ltd JLErinbi eru sot a xsistrtd taach tspcctiaer; is beney ri-- tbit a d u aba aatrlnrw as sMlrd saf ia bis pnaicaed rottr. M aa end yet to --tnowJy w . - arias bra J mai U1 TtfirtttK to ttrt caw3ac-- 2 f ti Siil A bi beca be d33cssi have peertd eeMt aralatt .tttie Etui al the ifoerend kastor. vkaV aax a swoimrf k i cnanw is srekss zs Ascrahiu Tbe Ttfaciinl to haaUapt te the axaaaat af r ae awe, anil to toM ar irnai said aat tkr pajar ol atsra oakxm ar cut STEAM NAVIGATION CO. tm . as a ! Xoiyoatatgtecaaaaar-Kaattosiaaiif- a poruaa c tbeer artbaeay,, vcaM at theeOee ef the Clna at the prna Ceart naaXf is varairs saadr. FjlxIm, Jaty Jnt Ifceea dWntaj Irata K7 u tbrr Haejahla,eairTDNE&DAT.tie UUnUyef AextaU 1 1 1 1 - to itc acesarril vxs jemed. lawks naormT sa'ararri. bat of ai laul IM I al t Is D. aHM, rreat at 9 a-s- fee Ute of an. TW atr tanoas W t"l- xTktfto Grtr3ited taiiU A. tic beer a ptrpote t otf -- rtrsri tbe tnasuxtiiyo &r Hcstt etvettae iMitees ef tbe iM toaVript esute. per-- Kisiafcaijt tar namtTirvuai.a ooBivraC aaasojoas. Tk ibad: has pas Tar HaaaBBj: ay of &touii Bistorj T.rativaea&eeaaaaaacutiuw' irsoaeitav ijdUlfaciJa-irajlberjjcia3aiKi.- foa. CESItK 1 rtlBBM-- TaaTC hllia'lat ftlaTW amatt te the dilate acav-- of tnwioK.o! a l is- iT AaTKST aUTV 3BJg 4 stea samtaac niiM nf TlfBi-n- tadlhr as it nnrraas iterK Vvdar - teat froa: a rcCXkbeUKtaWi-ttixvBjr- Scat ! BJTXI. IT K. Ijl 11EXBT SMITH. W "ttnOat,- - turn ooeartSM SM I totfeat of ActSnJsa dcrel to asi xxlcW tbe DtratT k Saprtatt Caart. bo aalatr mMn;. Btciwr. aifes warn of Kaak&aarac Great firofficicwcaiTits2 t JtaiwaSei aaarr aaoek tin Fr1! Jal7Xluitt- - VQ St Iftil& fin "aw. Wim niin ar raatfdttof jeouxd xapcrstb ebsiy uibe DmlWUawOahi. a Mr CooaaaraV Insaatjatt totaraocttof iottif ar of EaBkam. tkrr aas a adortace 11 taaaat ffirtitini lUaaUr trbttt Fao& Uifl. be tbe A&sttilux zki2s a psae rgttoyja-aiaorJ arto (be Hunf Hif-t-- 1 sa tbooztx tbit Strnr.PLTER aiBigpQEiria OasisrorafcaniBc; AoVtmafay la reobibly to cos cd MaadTsluMFnaf aadar of tar rxtaaals of astiuiexx-- aaasia - AHauustaS SjUIJ wecH I ret FaiTal ty ti atTss. c s. fiaS cStj aai cxrvi rt Mortgagees Kotice ci C.tiujaBS Coe . a ra. is is ir-a- trados Sxtwrea j baad nu. a stradr ntreatai Ax; abia ar - f ? - Uxxrrxztm. 3 ESera dolbs fi Tor i ii. 4 is addeah- arrested aKral ii-P- Asi. IVill lien Kona and Kan OF FORECLOSURE AND OF SALE 'Ti Fri- a Mr sift hat AasAftorscftatocaBAsanw'-ra-c- a e aaaa-r- i bere ltiS aortb. aad tare TotAxi. Fsrr lirrulir s waM XssbszaaalCivKraaaBftBVto it aaale.Btf iw5Bwa P; fei onafeabK akcsL xtfesare reujanx a laereAgsg rozberi. Tbe Lf3T- - lloflolulii at 1 p.m. on rotrEJaS T1rujF"fiy"y Beirf "" Ifeai-- at Jjzatted aal tt abtrs ire Pr.vccoKDANCETTrnr taertxmjr. ae HGtVV fa im PnnwiaUat cin amrala ere: traa- - r Jly 1 laWeii.eevtt- - tTtjiisgaA ia jarottarliiii nn.aat rircini atMlif. Kl L Dl aa -1 rff!Hri TViwT Axarai aUhttolaAma rat J Cutarrtt. - L. u.a. 4a tMrtaA An Ictrzaa. L It is rrnxtol trca Cirdid Ftin larftrrtaw- Belt Altec flk&Ult!- I - -- ' VAc Jai Fvv4e to Fruceii toiaser TnJ.; - tfTumtt- j- Trsttee far mat'. Xanh a 1i, lewatn. f J9 xaL rwraai r G-- arn-- d tor jewyaaK. Otdk9 Iiv tbilaxiaibedc4?ciakr&ecibe - J UVTnrtaT. TajZ w JTw toe atoc aaM m jwat teas ta ca rn.F tUU-- .nj I ; a- "i w. . ,ar d are tt &rr-3- trace MirieiBei, at lacbce IX KjaiAilsittliBe Beta. i L - .k :3rrii,-t,- as awl irtwrawfi w 7w Pesini 3. ta $ Jem j lawaiainr Talrdyerijtry-oregtaar- i- I V - and oras a iiia ltof iif . raad. Astttr tV, rfweai liber Tl. pate ?. a rflt.. 1 ir- a 49cT : uilu Xto rraaarfe -- a Kcturninr. at Saalara X. ii nr. tt. --- aS ur f rort r aboird tbe rery m. Teadiin? D. EihitiUsktAie to C. H. nree. to Tret. -r,i "J. ti E3ia jp u iii- TaeW icaar.1ar i fcaMelaaiitc wtKr lSaaTliari-t- r Uted Jaly. TV UmiaftWKinUtSur. - aatr 3Acaig8xeMtavrJljr afuTt Ecrp-fa- lae Ct mt ef ttil. irrteded Lite ir.rfar.mi9ati r- IcnoK. 2 At a lEwtirj tt r TWsars -- STTafias STr parem. as Jtajoto-- lirerRtr, JiritTen s&at peace Til Anrt JT -:-.. MfMttt. tbe Mr caras. tat au ) GcciffPboe yesieriiT Tea -- bereby - a aim b - hum ad bw aaaafcaFo: jc.CjuVi-- 'KimJi -- 'SgaiiMLwnHCTmianaM 1 raaaly be zsttMcsaed. Gecn )Icur, SSS, . : S ttca It tbtl sin! eaertraxf-- istead hi tew j n ka . to rrjwiKd : SEZ; aaM tor datiea beobra. 4 itt ftuMi Oiriwi. Gtrasa F;rra.T Vv". tu - to fttJe the aawttijtj i A uinwrfto- ar A mwii-- a Fiatoy .. a Or - - Jft - mw a 1mA. frees laaewfllsa3iettJtoi.rfjJ d to re5-w- ttsccwKo cd ed aid pebUc taettoaitlhe - Jr3a. ba rectrifs; tt rtisr tt t " aE$y ATS-T- b K- E- - p 12 aYkcA v v etiaaat tto fifth iiiiL nraamsrd a latpeIsarrta: is itt- vis be l4d ai is Ecfrtus fytzttz. Tbe srTpasaace AtoamTUaraa nteaJaJx. tmwtt eals af Aauts. ta ftoaetato it x . ,. iH !L Jkaisrii las itransabn aad ato Fazat aad sxtry ni ia-- 4j atpc - m4 (aa HiiiiiiUl to Hltoe atodsdtfulHaairfnlcaia Cctr Cam tfkrat. taa tW aart Wp. wtl taaxh ai at to Maawt pert iiBjatjK. TrStaetCKmie&. St AjJtraad?ame!Orwce - Czir ka avaaa. bclax S.iahaa. Beat. tat a4 II npal i a. Xeadiy, IMbdty ef A.unut, .. ' . Dsabes ed Caaaaieli-i- are riMtUltb- lie 11, r I --- Titi aws at r Otiiil Giiwauavaat nnpfe to r "rriVw SM-iiii- W tai tbe lsle aad tbe by - -- aft Zdaczj nayitj tewed siat meettates tt betov set , tar li. 1 '" i: . i . : to a ats--J '. ,- -.,. to be sbr are .tnn.rn.&iab:1 i a rahrar :tbac st nntencu Man. -- cd a nTzzz to tt St. tona. A.d CAaTTVlUGtTT. Traster. ran ias - Cfaftwrtri-- bars a i53caerwoce " TTI5 CTL . TfasiEl-ttri- Bofc amAga to sadacf tt lile d to el SLlfOTH. ;amrta. rr""r&!?!irl.-JitaaMofiaaBles-T' B lMxaaftiE. Ite ofco Hzavr aai a Strar L,A.TI -- asirdtHG ax izd ia fvrczexliaJ bid ewe I C.X.nTDE.Traf. ZT CT dons erxd Gtr- - Ptns JtSEBOX.W. u- tare of acres by tbe Ekspsrar i ! T2?i, ,-. !T,P -- i. ? crjt tt t their Aneney . - . - - Is3 bfca;inBXX .fc" w aiag aaafcer xSecT SLUmx. . . - i r; -- B - . T - to EkcsiiA tai etre e'g l'nk. Fff ...... j m sSr ." 3 w - n 1 i p.r-1- witi 4iHii " abnMfce a ; asc re or nmnrr iwKr.w. XTa&X2mBl&. LeaTts EaoMs ercry Tttsiij, at 5 p. a, TtoSillpprnrlabfUceasit af CeerkOfa k-- ij ynrTeox. 3a. Tbe Ne Ti-- aUBtl. et tjike. aeere .aejtieabuiy ert tottb lb waLMJ,ITff"'"m1.1''TiaotTOlamsTrtLO-Bas-- - M cute!iiteii Jay Trk Ifbae lr fcl am i ra Mu-- K waaaw- an a - - --. T - jaamaa aa main i Jtaafi ami am traea MaratiiBf i fcr SiwJiira!, Eates. TS'aista. .' f au - 4b fyqd d Ele ai w ftm X- l ivn iB Ue4 ta EiMU. Win atrtxd-t- ato szjatn-- UJTL the laeat hauai aHatllailfa! t aate ase h - a - Of abe saca! d Fraace ism Nariaa rrk tai Kxcii- - Xtailivili aiacmef tkac aa1 .- , , , .. . . b isiAibjt Brtarsa?. Lsira trtrj at eyzl G aaa). Ee m raataM SbKK artocfc t - znaasa-jscrj- I rs to sarttta Patcat la bU3l. - of - JEaVB 1T ajmirr- - n a tbe ebaier ttw ato" yeax. saMtH & r aace raalaiat tkvt naTan. a a - - SCaVnaV ait uk iwit- F73eear J. inata. It U aadcr raarfrxtaaa aad aev stoat aWTiaT ; 1 tbed e a SBXtebocr alm--r tbey vert ir3sfcs beilssr. t era sverwes reeori aad SitsriiT r to c mull w.acrf- SaUaiSciTSMH- - Tbe xlw n4-- rt tae trree eel eat. There u aJea hcrtem a jeaa - tor aarc ii - esse ass Jaaiwea. Jtfrr aaee i- - ttil f cvrj iJyalmi tbe streta. lwr- laMJl irctkat atb iiwim ifif ia Sffcwe- fmmd.Ttwm.mmlBMimCntr&staitss'rsoat w yna edtoaaa. it l lr aWB- -J Itot TlMtt H aSE ati be aWaatiy fI ! a atoyar w. bat ta saj-x- d LOTS. XS acres baUliaitaEapeaia. parcel ef - l?beciast ex5 Qjoataf eg zj& &L tom-- w ttoffT. aaMt ai w tfe -- " ttaafpsii-W- r. i btas ibetr snii rttcra fATTRF,, Aa. af 9K A parte) foe e to in-- to wKigafi wiiri og rf Boari r 1 4ar.t rf iai Stmr. JAS. Ill r t k. NnstaJ toe vet. JLaKra(-.I- - -- -l -- JBSJr-- AX ttnT lv ttal Frxzi eaile ed - r4saararall raced. U. ?- t ( XS ba9KBB 10 WOaCKSEf' ttaUl tbtJ iai d iai IS- atu.cfarapatareia. f Kaf r (.tai .. il CSCCa1baaT. Csaa-ree- J-t- - Jai I X, leUTt, fee tto rajurastoa cif tail !- -, A Ta4-- t. tl iTMaHe. !- rf w- - 0?ltuL!t4.3MztrzmxtitokTtrr, uvKiaBKp I&3saiyaaeubafabaXtlaCi. 2Crr Tan, Asru- - ASraairr JeXcsaa, a t Ui4 BaalMafc tlttlS ta-- jg, rfal -- 3 p. u ee prtdtcx. ThJe if a rry tat. Htl IOaVaiMtC tl IMS a --Jl l a J I .JT laiat aTn I Hscaltla trtrr Tiuviij. at baaisit ether tw faMaara: t I W lTtC Htgfal lbe&ibiMTrcraia3iL7fit(nK aa toMiK aarjra. ate biajfC sat occjsj o tae ninea lares trill veiliyrcaiy tte ptrctoter. elalfc4-.aaffcwa- l- - -- s T '"--- if rnaa iiM.iiwini ,' fiM RKcSileea, dere Las eaaertaan be bxa & ad lacto bcie tiVtatW ta.Tr OharaaiV KaaeiiA-- tcet itart sxa ir uv w fir Stpta Kihifa. EtSiri. Leires UTTt. aaascrea.V-iar'vaebitf- af Ap.IIef K.P. e -r an- - arl.c-.ei- I we: r li--tt fKrjF3baf aUTt X tto bWfCaU. It tsTtt&tzm tt SatEi a bS d psncci to vases be ri&ed kts -- -i tsca-- SaT. f rey lae liad. e sltia4e be ay kiaa af caSiTa-tiaa- .,,,!' an ! iBt dVmrr WauVtac- - """t1 I r iai Ibea be rerteeid be toe aa? by tae aae jsacencrapos dea-IS- c rTejjHteiT. u4jl nm- i There aeveral rw patch ". r . !! aiiaia not aad d " . ire tola ea this I bui-rajt- pttr-- . WaWinwaM. ii - to acsfttto tt rabe xsi Jefiaaas boiv sac fTbe vta--e af this Ap It sa p i r r"1- i caaii-a.a,- - T,w wp,!... i tor aftoa tract d d wacii. ts vis ci at Wiii ttiie ftaVaagl ,i-- "-"---- prtftoiaeMrtfiaAaxctitai as to aa aaetofded "XL Iaamdiato- aTiirn-rrr- - -- - m. ntsmfojsxj atfemM, xac rtmaxx-tber- f xxittcrttitltaot ffcrgrf aracad T tubs -r - " " - as cd tt&scS: xa$ Tra brVtes. ttrbi ttorref- - Btf wywa.. mamVP- ciacav oaBK . " iva cfatacs rwrrarj, tt ear tad reei aat Ferazaxaest TVepcreaa te he aaM af Mat a an jr .eT iia .laia ... ? a Atgrfn ar satejk--t gMriAatwrri 1 entity eeaattti krn.afltaaawx u, Bet PECaecSf. 'Mlllr c UwssSa-taa- ra. K TWMKK canWacairma,i , IBIIII a u i - - -. sf ctrrwC Se TsXulacAed.ffrsedaai Stmr. C. B. BISHOP, Oae cirt. ledasxar ta 'S?- ntd tvatoetfd et e? a war IxfCTV&ivebicatJBXL- - torttft- t- as be faWviy ctrrj3oi. By a tVaTtsxto lrrt laCS aaaz iDJnpra jwnnr iaitt teoe cart. urt-- - naiiff taaS W mic lxa-- 5ATI. 0 luxe f et tow in iFKS'iefjK- a of iron lit lgis- are defease, vaiW eibirs crto a czeci s see. Z2f rar-H- ta sra ca - piOeSf set-; uucpuuinpcsaiaian xi n raae rottiuoa. rc- toss to- - AMivuLiiLjan cc TaaXgwc: . a- a. ee! Itt l4n faaM t- aa A ? rai "tam lite o r a -i . . . va aamrcc sanJijea, asaaaL TtocT fiJiB innrCE! tbUtc-a- expcirrrss txcier HiTttri ii4 fit ekiias. A a- - - tolr"- ictc a wMTaaai at ar &. tW twl rf liW beed pottxa. -- Bator aad Eh ck a ws t3BBrvs see- - lummj. am. feasts MoaxrfItfTi3Ibaxrtffaa4i. 21 f lasa xni mirrrj eyes. lite xu prtcorae-- d IX TeiusCitb. teUetpeaatef pvjrJaieer. Vb- Z nnwvt aW -i am e&c tzi-- atSec B- PtfJ toet tatTda tonIxaaH-SW- vrae eumjaucnaa a? is zBo3i avess. Tar totoi ttots i tt rrpe vas cct. - ixakllraaBBfr of life- - be agrraxc i aMtoJ aad stszt 238CL jx 3e&- rrad- - Trace it, Uar are aboss Axrsfi Xj VBara Stereas. trr--?- - -- I ; Tinnis, 'r C., arXaTCS HeZStsIS CTCJ SsdlT NOTICE! aa aataat , ik tray i i to rjc,-CT- ha Tt TtoTirr tf tbf tx&kreecc TJLi tanxTaBct za Xajf.tTB a bcr- - bx-- d ad tt l ut nit bc I jgygggg tte Caoirrraee al r 'Te vis MBMrUaal tW laMLSvlfar Taa Kt.fJ . - " Aa. Ill mi mTiiiiw Tary ae peae iwiiBrxiirie yrpir--- , rtdesed to dwrnw fiwgaatti Jtcirj. i-- rTsrzt.ULU idlViwc tt cdtt - wii yefewrred r ii ' evn-- C -- : WTt r. laaaaM : ae aE fMrtv ed tte aad brwclt inter c lm. .r. ttr wri kfttm - kntw- aWferd to j to lattwjicrD-- or - Tticia&tem&ttma&imwmla3?t Cjcxix . AcrsEl L Freicrict. a!uj SMlevts: e&czn statios : im ai ar m- CKaHST . Biattaiijitao jj ji- iCKS OFT!"- - '. vtrr rkrl4 " IdW- ttbf if-w- sto jw mwrfn: k jae JC3i SrT7 IX SEe taaCC5 BiTB1f !. vuLtxeed tiaooolo-- Hit CavauT. 'JAJiseeiMreet BaaaVVtf 3M ituS cW Wat SiHir K Me c SaaUBea, HDG 1 ETI5 rtwHfai. .TlTlaUle w diy. aavihv rX5SVl(ff - ar TVrr taT As samr4a bacst S3aefiaa Xasr-- a- - aaaa icr--i- -- MMcff LI1V'" Oseca. bae Fnsaasfl J Xj canfce -- ir1"AaJ-- rS eimcdrrta ? 1 aabneC T:7t rkmrrroaxa ' Alt, i Gesert Stuttt tad nxvutj -, I g.flia. ckaaV bead td issfc a EE2td Arrcs fc. IttHttwNi Ua0BCtitl IIMll rtaall Ito lllal I If tt 3 a Ite. Lrv-- i larec&ar d ate Ytzae? Otoege PACIFIC KtlL STEiSSKIP C0HP1HT TraKJW. JlFbU. j be be-- . sinriass-to- - Astarytad Ezzbr. aaixaier JrilMUrl. SMbt sad Biiarsai j aaeiMatoaSTabcscas-s- received ed Q Aaaetiry r- - Alfisir. XXrarr ur taace aettr Skd d lit i'luBJeniui TcrtizrNDKf taeS.-r--r laac aavs Axisnax aaavaataariesIr caaaec le" adXtyflfe. " uirj.heii .fYGfede Iram a FaXCSTe- aerer iriaMrf !CBJQMBaaUa7VaLaaraBBBX. a. ! rfiefflrft: Ird..L rreefeed AxrutlfS. For San Francisco. lutr. ,M. tarf". ikfiCu ", IW- - m. arC - 2ek- Btbe sails da3y.aad Ad3?iilr?a dj twt. W ajj j bwr tit atiC of lb J Lr.tiiiK ie. bsndd to ax aieuaaiainae ctagw ixsbetb.idac'. - besnt as li2fti aaseerT jatles JiaS Ibere is a creat jaxar Ibere. Tbe nriv a. n. ar .i.- , Ti.aaWtUUW taac&aa; cvaas ardtt by tt saaeiKBef sto encael tosiiaxlz. r ga t. stADg. 'Hfu. JL trass,-tie- imra;. K I- -. ia raal-tfia- rr atoET muAtuivesmt. ibe lac a toMCKltocekubcr-- Jrwett oC - Ueozaezs are drfpce,tt ladsare at rutafr. loataic tt i bt lint il it in tt bead tti- WeM. tiesa-e-a I Is Sil? --Jattir fcLim It absr Teiwad bebas toes eeae6fd vsttttea&ire SO g mi: 3oaA rft iVorzxtadtbr Fxscea trejtnrg to g Lanpahocboe Sugar Companr. ik- -- ii t- r f to-- tr a--4 ceM ttrfra tt baxrs .in. 39 rwtK il in'mmm . liaVr luf j Vr tAj ikwmtbME Hi torn " aae sMUtx-- rtii-sut- fTTSK af 1.1. ton-- a fcinimiaiii 4 iirrtoi avadd to ssre tain r ilf tuwchja ngittaTH. aad m jiiPi uUa. jeerfy aa emnesiy aura sie V llliaai flail agayhetod - I II aWJallll II I""M wwni-- a T THE .vyXTAL JfEETIXG --ans , t " bat i a. V.WI rw t-- nr a-tt lto ttotvsanrefxlwr kafe. IXc&rs. ... hra I ntt eCftW aid Tie Oct Caaa of toCBsaaaaia2aabsaaEe Sfcrid MiCI. lllllTlilln ill '. CaWsS GelaSSt VVfatoX Veam to a aMC JKCUaV aaaaai T to5a.1T g fc TTT fW Q1 yQ..U tt ut a tr: jt iBiiataU AM to - 3aC tiar i llWacry5 . - a&atr to x$ aiI tafMaT! JatT ' tiie rix3mi."riiiiiir frfl..; OT. IrHlm.. R toaaaavw--a- Ukaiy W aaasatod "rat ts- efotaV aat tiKxaitTtt tf !. i BKay t auadk tor oc -- FOnn-- , c aiu: latrni w . fiek ta ore ttx iiafciLi Ii cccfcasc. wtcv-M- y w, b mf mflr IhmrF Jrr !V4-f- - TV ft- rsr . a i Ne-- a toaact I -- itikciac-- ss Obacaa?e. TTRVKwm B0025 3at Jfc TJ g j aad ae taiaigia i FaiiMiL rtindr aTithrfrrinft rrV i t r 0TacKiM cdSnxTri9Baa ai aui EetrBtc cxa be ifcat-- a j ZEA.LA.2STDIA. rier-nr- ta ry? j Was yh&SE3--r"I mimun23C ieperK TA rafrrC todbria wr WEXCrjE. baVVa . Uxzomst aa rwe raaHlstlEC u -- IlllaaWal- lliaia."! 1r, ! SO. CAZSX3: LAS. VtMLTaJT.a--. TStoStoirSi .TiiijavMteim.. a. I T- - - - rtatrfr Trcrt ia b"i iii wlrirnl 9 evcr&r al jbeailb txlbxgaea vtned torn xk jftov vwii W rca .. - E. IMInwi - K WHS j ii (Vwd WW in- - iur Kiieuin su feuosco 5riiT t.b.kihl :niha- iaaar tf win. It na r ' P3 ! ! ' Tiaie rt Jmr is& raesr aasciv asc tie rernaitot. ia 3U.J XINnu. ..(: n ii ar aoCik. ed nAitd A CARD. - hMK.a.jdaKMa.lar kataat Xc BTC Sb. ibk. a a se:a sess TA raesme si Ga?e Os sr aUst Stjl. I I. a1. HOUiT0aTH. JtU air- - ras . -- x . - . A& vxA& TftKMMama Ssiay Mill hl t mu a .. Thrrffar- TftiTaftfli TTirrf S ltoiaabtcda?Tfr: CnCzxcxtoS b-- XbeeiScaBtsd aaeXtrr reaj. . o JLnaa3kraC f"34to- wnr, . . 1 bmm.m.i Hall nr a latli l.4Mtt&a UaMaf veaaa. bat abe Xbea al acsaev b JtVW - ses al abaci f33Q.fl. Orum&a eat t Hamakna Company. "" in 1 CTlEaSSriSy POS STDKZY VIA AUCKLAND! till I j aajxwwxeaersz9aae atascr& ea sbe $SXk3XL THEANxr-VLMEcnx- lav d an-- t--r ir,nii,it M a raHrr fda $liftA for boBict- - K- - KtaX 5csa- -I toreav toe MWfcr ary ivhuc c or v Uf aartt. eect - t------Ba--rtl at tbe at Ax Cnjanril ttr fOt. Tkm. II. ra'daaf i - iaW ) faJV menil f iT Tl izj Ann aiTr vtK ctdard fcect Xteajne ce ?toa tor tbe bkaduar MSOeaaf Aa4 tkr SH'MU MrB.hl A -- bi aW ix l iltrr DnV amHU. r. ttr art rf JUf. Q - "T IIWI IV 3WK SIX Vtkaa I dftftitie. tkr- r rir totv- - ftwr Titedty jt . Satad IVViEVInaTaBaafafi IS ET3C 3Saaa1laML Wf I - Faaskaat earecie to raa tt vtActaa, A si See Frtaczsaa. ias bess IwtaifjtdaaTtnKrbltoaaea .Aurv wtrr re4rctt tw ta IWlrwn.s A.W m xtjmtm imibui H 4s tot.- - , I sac an ato - Ittr tt aE TiAjmrxno. . 1..!. X:ai3Xbt ic fqenpitir s33 iwt ' '"r. - iyjtoi3 I saeaaaer a( tgat utTitt tor fa ss to be I inai iinffi tt vr aVa- aa ta lnWFaBCJf AUSTRALIAtaiiEvr. ronai5Ucx...... Sir Tlr.B Dane. lpw. e tor irtaacd viae aad ttsaaaeasAfti totlTtor rajd itarat- Q- - JlbBw- - tot reeaeaa j&ibdfs as veaax- -. Ceoianuy BMTvWcfe te imrite .Jbll-tTa2- R - vrr: - frta At!:earaf ; ton CBaaat tor a aaagerperaid Tgatesg xt Ti sasase and to be ?m rt a Arra J .. I attawri ' :t dej t agndeyiSg ztd-- On Sept. V- . tear tt bmi T--rr atwJbto acne ar Vnaiatal iiefi&. tre jjthItt. or about 8th, 1884, TraMsrr. Bitw-- Vtma lllWaMli jfd.& ttr f ibsotai inof J'ULUgy . - "rr trtur Vee aa IllallllUJ. vrkm ' FrHSaSry anrdcred, ree rreicht c rMaatr-- rr'--t .. ' Ba xrva AAaBaVw aaflpr litre bees 1 SOl 5A59XAyr XZ1Tld4.nria ara ir rm tV ead ra1ta-- n sae laaUBE imsRX Reaaeaji. TA rjs . fniffrpwa Tilaa iHpi 9a Xc H HtCX3rCLI A tO . XrJmnSEnta. vtMI taW tamajuanC . - 2 Qna lrta. MaVaa. 1ril tntstwr a Aime3iMr rf tto- T' fca ta yht aaaa SUaaKr emai ami -- e - t, er tar- s tto eaat f y rr--a- f mrf ato mini mil a-- of & mod of tbr Geea-tar- r s wio did larm- I botti sarispEaSy 3Tt3 aa? ir fc flra prea, tA i Xiafof ut iaiapd. lJaTfefSfZlS. Vf ! TbmevamhtrtaTiiwsve. aajaa TVlarT TagTi-- a WcaTraaatTj Varraaeae star tbe Aleaaeer bart. Execntors' Xotlte d aafc Acms wpan j JaaBt-- m ytasti- - rvawal-- r l I J ,al aftaw fc.. toic-a- aavl toaAfd tto ix t t.i c he r itfosetaen-Va- beaaKal bjeggecaf. ctbuaa :: TW Afirtrt Xtrr ar mtv pryn t UT4 ra UV jetAaObum 1 j tl Fraaxzii lsnaceacd tisttcittttil adlxts-- j rriifc 4jnMiiiuM4fait. J O'deiisio'rd, "atawautii' TV - (MkltfeK rf Tito.teKia?ztfe&ii.l3 amras vtod ex ALU. arpnf aLIT- - em r. dcOa, jtasnte READ IT Eelsra nr Ertcnrr rw via f a X cd arrsud to ixaefi ttwai is f arr toe i a ! ntM f tara &,; . cas-- ifcW: . Jdafrta mapraa tragi tt ijutt I?vrTkfi Uta Frcicas4 TH MA KIEL H1K.17. rH --. - toearto m a-- xf t-- I dak. - ! raatl Wrr kaa- c rewt?a- - j m r. d aayed tT - FOCSIiiTHE KorSXITKir. an Sari? rtaiaaa a?aimrt tk ejm. af t a pcaiclard eiwrt-- Mai yhrvTcaTX-Ji&ySa- MAY .Iia... IV t--d aa to kaatom aVyaadatWavtorr ( mt5 to, to ezaaea-- T ae a aa a latoard EeaBsaya. Krs Laatfrj'e IT SAVE YOUR LIFE. w ....I JtanMa KlrdaMff fcprwtrkna. a rart tmmnmmi. aVaac 1 1 Brwato-e- r tBJtoaami -- tbe vrsesie lyre ta xsxtar j far Fx-- Serrdty bas caws--d imiiin'ii ttili MSVntasv, riti ttr ti Omof. t tfc -- ; aatta-- a. I T J tlj-- VIA Tilglitt tae tr G. Irw4 f. toe toe tar fant- at IM !! Iflafjlfll tirid sAostW as f iiatod &iV2wvrtcc haCtoadaaawl - tt- aatsom jc xse znc . poniari. It ctrnirrd abe ncsms tx rfes- to FOR EUROPE NEW YORK ri t rflc - toner, taw . - - - ttag GeafisB-sa- Hop "3Itters .... If tt iai- LnWain reaard tai !! avoeS a jwiinji adSiscia Satoingja taazry .M .tl J. ai awveanMa bit law ton llaat tke URUf ' -- kntvlW KiiabiirnE..BtdrMH.n&.T.i--.- j Ox H ax tt acteee Vrr. d fab are-- ! A ik V mb- ! "P n4J' Stuse m lukf aajaaag mt Oae t tnKT WrWi rf C.fC 9aateaaT raaetwaA TiiTtff itfat. rf t. am .gajagia"?.Kh 5ft TlrTWrriiat! if !tr''"!?lawm.? j CsaaEtSTeTC mrflad to sadki a rfpari. rT t4aale m - tn iaras - tairvuraMB tto vtoar trritc tiuL aat am ' onaanrpe- rl Wniitnutj tactna lKrcRst&sesvKtottirir hm ne&xtBti ycrtr Tbe Tirtznaait TentMed by sbe CUJ-JTlRVl'- - tmaatvav j j Cessebnaa rbta d- toia?TeamamtoaaMftiaWattoCa3t- - The Purest and Best AXDEEMij: o FOSSES. snrd.aadTi oa unaiMj w aad ar atelr. tro of Bane aac asanas rit . Xjcita Ceudcinnce ve&td inii iiiii''i"jj, vsflb 4b o - aa a a a. - a.i-- -.. . - nenBa, aar n.av sar aasnETr mat aac il s - a . a " ;ar3egtaaa d Ija3cai. to nysA t jtastora iKCTiJr.WI.'t.Xarata.iar-jaC-ntu . - ; fca.j --. nianaa naaar .aanata. jo.Miaia; aviai pifwT'" cd tt tt CUNABD LINE m.t. nana a Maj - an I dtlnBjL1 SC TaKaaVnaaWfaSaafLT" aaaaafnlOV mm , fatn J .I-- - ) lag;a:a bod ttt aat raal nl fka iai f llifll ' IMi.1 AX VOTCniCXT JWX otix- -, - to Etftts Sitoce iriakW . mit-- -- ! re- BonndarT Ik vt- to nr) &f fcfc. lifv n- etorat. Ax taotenufic ?w ICBifir - 1 Srpx?t zo Established 1340. ds l FrsiA ttre A TfiT-'r-'- ?ajwfafat ft ur aaatK & aa "" sfceCTes4Jatoe rf IVi aafd Bre Em. aa Si IIAVITfC KEES" be iifflnid.-ij- - vtoad ataatlaie toe OtSiTF sameeTb lith. AITJalClTIOX fertile tb- - - fatugea - LytL583" -- to - hvn- n" mWi. owoa. xm-- --h Two Sajliags Svery "Week. ttV laaKr k- ta " fcaj TA Gnnaai Afnna ntodieai . torfitoO- aaav ant atn-arif- fca aaaK Mass citoiarfXaatrMlmlai at KaatSas. tajaa. araasKw; i j avesyeiaKtttttCjacCKa3anry. nITAdklrMm ia roc 2tetVe U torvhy ili't that TCt'tlPir. tto lata icixnw.4Sid.Qi M naakr uri:i:rooi,: A- D- 1 - wEac ail.Ti ' - Xkd iffnWll I ceaE&BftA aav vjel T ef frrtTaVr. - - at p atv. at the Cawt - kMi at- aibr IfiMilm i dm i.l Ins aax ear & andiiiliii b ii tiran 1 A: ta jjt. at FU3K. Jtay 3. la tt txzeber C to- to fif ! HBa I Oa taat paw . inawtfinCifi n Turner naaiiAtit-- jramui. in Ieftte9 -- Frmm Xtm Wuhndiy, tae en fer toarle r turn. ,. ' r 1 ui sn. RfeESm i mad aw--t carmatoe Trf ur uk f Mams - fd rTOOKBa .il..;,.., t.i...-- k. rf, i. t Mnaan w one a xacSSfl drrmlisrae xaAgaatratVrtayad JC Bare rrrmrr aud appbesta-- ttd aS pnaoas tort? ee c'afadaz kj tzrcKazaed br tt 3 a aktoT MBen. V&ms fto tresse- -l Utm mrj 8r4rj tay btacrrettaer te the aywaivr taada are Vrrty atoe - fwwnt x "" rsse? aicare TasZseaKZaT " anm. u... pLepna eOtmtCm, "''ft ft awuAM ta at aaM ttaae aa ptow sae aiSetoi by tr-tt- aprar to ceehrat taW-- - i nat ?cridtbxt toM zu-9- rrzznxz ittlfe f aS jaWatoff f Itor- lav- - tb pnttavbl of I have toes a TCTtfaawa. Tbe ca3zaediasry jwerr j ptcrpto Aries zre laectxx aeSami aM s;yWJgea raaM tary ae Vfc. Z3?2. a, att rasal Baff anal ! e SATES OF PASSACE W VprrSy arlafly ta-- m - H hlj.a-fc-v- BanvaT-- ejtdwr ' , xbey iMtiaitfff nX bs-- rtamif erat Ex. i WrarMjLmy?c(!Farra g, of rfcajpega racial vjcsSy, vbsce tnlflt tai laaaj Kjat-- t JgMaMagll',;?'ltmAj!lJ ttr--y v. rf Uurtor fee tbe fld 1 - as beflt TAtfaarecetiyxtrs-aiac3e- i rx ci ftnf fM- & Ih :! jrr--ii Mirt.-- ; toleaa-- jaieasaw-iag- fgt ax O.X.H. toBSS. - -- t3j at d tdaaed. j be fee Cm C tqt tmaia (fates tbe Lt Xshaf. to as le-eat- o. jtaC -- aw -- tBf ta r,ar-a-- . TTrrCiT3CrwI.iajJVixrltAeArd Eeai tn adVa.e: n tt faJg f tti.i.t Jt t if aardas iCTJasaTiS law fiMim tin fifi ir a sir- InS o etfl'''aj - arrr'Prw&BTa. Xb ncEE us T. B Mao wtoc i it aa laajtafarMT-Su- ulalaaaB fUi " arrcE lalld?, tone toe prtasv Vr lb, tetaoe: fc muni' i tl a ; af iailia aaL aai tvaa ian.1 W am nil al ar4i ba I nViitttiox Mitrya&mS tbe acagaaawi at JCixmbScs riioutu tidh 'aaa aanntUhaWttoara. 3?a-- a . a -- C - . 1 r "? . sr - H I lil 111 I Ml 111 I laalll lrt aanAe braiur mb ) iJtoT3aftx33aeraBa tarre, Tl aUreyej. BJte.Baratt-JaJ- jxa at a- kl. " 0. see - - T CerVrTB. lrary ra atoeto,x-rf- W TWBW? , "" poHcrj Ascatjc Asyftcs vat toe ccsm id tt txlestoos. 'i- a M -- ee be UW Hv XBC --- Iet.tabin I ta Mrfb.J.9 v w w to to UaarJW 'Itf?.?w,'"Wlltt-i- lTOtto ' d tot et tori, A 3eA Soitattt vur. -r all j iiaa.4xj3L vb vbe-- erdacary uiflij aadaebetoffiwiia, Ays liy Mr- -' jraC fdw- A trer I Fr Oyet aattd VanaTSg t-- W vtoA2iM toAttooeA r Itoir T. IfTYaVbrr 7ra ateag ttn liiiiu d taaHidcrr j f tae nyt ttaS todare altrtair; be reaJ Uader nr AlbaR's College - ato I St. - I n tt zac. Xabene- tt revftf&daf taW33c lgLgaEatolfannay! 'TK"!'- Srom Gtaeai rdnB & ta Unas-a- -r- el--aT ra- "" laetoet atfpearaai-- - ef tt axtort v a, Xa3. to, s ..1 ,' - ibr JaaW rzasox a. zaos-- fa hiltUa'liLnnV jj- asaBaVK, ffagaaagT Tjarai Jaytnt.Ta3E. t ay-"j .Tn a OafTlSa. f tJtaxiaUod Xfce SiBeee are fesnteibfe. totor air Cj... - : rcii3f aaoa- -f c iw: of wfet- -t . xre of Fohri bagter l&aiiBdiaaStE ;rpncKCK tai act s Un. ttwi ricdlrrb!54mv4driniiadvr3 a.m mw H Cttx ff BKBy Vfcl TS3. rt Pauoa Valley Eoad. TWTJVteey. o-- --xiwaV ifcafii Tc-J- n fewee Isto-ee- d fru tai ttw ,il'i saar AraSnaer. .lurid' iFj xvStrw ty to beta. Tas vu 17 , bonis- ? TJi f ..aa .. - .a efttoi "n iiCTWaattxar - Be vat Sesiaaed ts -- ia aa e. fir. aiH -. f by rebtfta. A csaS soie aucs Se SSenw HM.lna.aal - - v fMfrT aa5ravIF,0 BS3t aBar -- . r r" (vaj-e- - e - j cure as Dt-- iv lavaM em tto jX?Ureds .tt l a ' laTTTi i eift i'Iii X. wio-- eiaaaal at a acs- las aiiessxm vmstaifuv tares TtTTili dbM fa. - - -' - IX - . -- aresTadk. pryiar.ttof-a-- v rr j JQ. ! A-a- ?- oaal W.4- . . a . Tl rttJ3tt say aB vere esSoexS araKstdOyc avt tf yaaeedy hBlyefVv.j-- V.-- tt rtaroeim. tt ' TaV;"-- "" - -- j- as, amaanjraadJ fat 3Ll Lndv TimlMtoiu Sesaem a femass This Popnlar School f x -j . f ., a.Ac bit J d T?Mrrf', totferadreraV-a- eeett Mbejtt - . r XnT totoS3KKba TbencnElrra CJf&ao arr arc i - ., JirTa Aatofd nr woe- i i .awsanr.- -, ana aaav aiav ; - T ItJJttf inemir tadi - aay yaae 1 t aaa tnacaaa, Tllfl V3Sai- Iff"Ll .JT ae iifufli njjtmc- R Zi,' 1 A rO Be-op- ytwoet y " en " ti-- -- antt--ft W.Jil 6e aaie toagr jjgtinriwt; si m&- llaVrffjaj t KtS "Will rati- - 5 san ? serve asal lxa trrzwer J irrrciito eL i Caaaa. JtdyaL TtooptxcLiaialcesawruiwded on -- bnem MMT JaTILlWJ.iiy lla- jU a-- L3ar tto Snaed iaa EC Qte C. 9C - ar 3.?T tja iflve&eaf2LtaT Xafin23ovEar.. i i'iaua araa t,t""7 nsb ueoasKv r attorvat e TaW aTitanW m ATfiEsxfiez: Ask r Payedrjaav miTatbeaei'mwaea' s eptfe" ffaea-B- ar 3at a by S ecriy is Gtssctt Tcsdl "nriTt jvar Pracstot tip-- torse tawe c$SiT df3 aEacttr-l-j y -- jvSff yaa Tbe tt btrac ttmsbeea Ben Xadfr tad tAksskz, am vectt mac at, z lea. ttffti aafttcciaEf ! set teirw! W MONDAY, SEPT. n fly Aii-e- "TaiaWaatosr eaaeacsed Tif Bcrtl a toare A2is Esetox. AddsncoJ t&etoradJ fOVrsft TPrK. MS aa aVC aTir 1st X tt i'.mi?-- aHML'l ttlfCT xa tkntlt aSb- Baaed . s ctoe: Vvc-p- vi rsevac 4 rW a al- aa-- ati ' r "Ta. aar lUarra Jack e. i? f jfijy, QtrnJiLt 475 ia tiJl u 1ir ttrf ft li ie cajediiwm bssw 'Ti wnall ir Kb' aTirtfTi aa nnoV. waailCtok&aef - by CabraganT a: tSae S fjir.i:wiTreTif batridia- -,ii fteraa XfSbe Sdte arseraC 4rBatotV KiiHIia a taw Fanada AiaaiiaJ iMr " ' . - .1 ta a jraeS3-ea9- le-atat- a. Sr. aJKbta treat 3b JnnQl flaeSded. jBBma asd toet tbetSctoc eeee t.'IM Vtoatd tf Healttb fcmuM ttKteavdedaaHeaae, T5 "trtiiinc JrfjSL fa tnetaitr xa Laamyea-tez&Mjt- xaA ae tw-- ar ZesBj Vr fJ." AliTAr.rJt".T ATXEfW iaa --? T --&er ikcT W i lie tacTlc ia. iimYzjpxtai CagJeciaca. CorcxS vivlbeeiaL ett Ixt edtae I lact-- e . - Oa.afE ackneL g br fik!t jiraai- esratER; bat ibxre vxs a q t beC ijra Kttttf ' tt Gfcacax rTiiiaTfl-e- to Etslaad. IF KS SaLaUTUFaUJd LKXSrC - 'itoe StarSr Sir anjaj finT TTir rmr agMaCatea HOP HII TWCOCTt tBOmUt ttaaVrm I cl? r Cat fi yg ' Trf lfTV fgrB j iijii tt TTaetiavTa--.- g- af (Mr Claialc. to mi d ato tb uk& G ar?txd Ir sf dcucustory nsitnT'i 7-- 17 idaany Ijrrjtaix eyass. li ! i In1 ndami cdtt aaaj rt.x Wadkrit--c1 bad toes aSrrnavdby ih vfssB f T in t faaaib? attt AsUatrarviSestfitrT. tipuk Mneaea. ttoi -- -- lTrJt fj JD3 TBE COMIUOH! I aad be to Qaeesft Kr&zocaaj aSal he s3b wpeiasVs takanatriiss ofAaca: Xa Xettt i n aeat. v tat it Is jsbea a ! nKtWtr . atosd Sbe ttree rifimi aaSCLZXaV VTr? ' V itj vesaae socidgm a co. Cm ! - aX saeaari. Cvatnissxapf" veat5TiaCK3m 4 naattorab- 'Vi;T a - -- - f" ET.E&.VNT aa 3 ViauteaRcrtftiaTitsaac l. i EXOOXEHCS CKQU! TllLS rx r,r EarjKrrx ?T7F''VW: ia" - Dirldrcd 5stlee. UXOHP pC3aS X V Td? SrnJffitb-ata- tlafTgtiTT.ftflffaTPJ & AEK.rKFJ-IcasE-d. Coca Tor JaiKar- ii3 tt tifS23a fees !TUK r"DrtICn:D labfssm ty SX 5fiKTOt X 7 ssr3 ti tr"ttiiOa7i3-3- f 1ST TAitttEa- tt r sficsajs to TV uw ew 52tr aWa aM ruu T . oro.VE boi.iae e iiatt'iitrc atda AuiriBExn . . - ..-- - - - nii-r- as raasS - li tr.vaj.? ttr na.k.aAtr. afa a n latcjidjca!ti7firr-- ratizis jtLerLio zz&te Sa iaae IaBtt?2aa4lJd-5atfileni- rtoM w aim ja.i wau.ii aat a.: awaa amrmimim a9Baaba- - cercf uisa i I - ad Tdia. ad iloabavaii TELtrayir ctrxrAxr. 0 ta Cneevtodb Jt tsr1 a7i'iw U3 caraossj Sorxr-- fc.ti.bry.t Xhui l- W ajratt aOapa .. tfc ata.hailiaa.a.aiMaa. HaaL at leye Beest TtoceatoaX fcca css itlt2ii'lknTec373: J3aaarJae 1 p, T? l1ga. -- ! GisbS HOLUSTEB yClXtgj. TrrfcPaMJ. ttoStfiafH-- Vsta. gatanieetiwiiittia. t c Ca 132. ta lyKl cd Iyr" &sa, c& ade xsssicDsa dafzaCteXJ3ct.IiDei. tya. jmrariia Sxri bes: zss VSSBZT X CO. k (fe E3.JCrSrai .!. Bsa

fciiffifcifiri irfiiiiiriilgiaffii ai rr''jamMiMto . -- . - r.-sa-r-aaang- iaa a - . a. Tan 8Bb iXTyTa''aaaaaaaataan71aTaaanll aalaaaaaaaaaaaatmaai aaaaaanaa..BaaaiaaaiaaaaVaaaaVaaaVaaaaaaaaaVaa J

id to OreeJy Expedltlen. nm. W- - Mh., wn nits, tl JOOt ! In wbleb It avneara that the bill intended Te 3rn1ion dolts. tuition Salt?. COMMERCIAL. ISLAND LOCALS. laborer, two years, tfSlO; toobvooxes and amend Chapter XL of tbe Session: Laws ot 18M. ofll. The Hawaiian Legislature 6fone In toe body of the bill no mention wbaterer is Jfaw Tcsoe, Jary a. Tbe ITerW ay Tbe cera Lsr Gerry say that Oreelj Ueked fore- By LTOWS fc XaXVET g. r it. pm. JIBOCT TOWT. to made of Chapter XL. MoTed lha jwiona quet-tio- of the ur r. adabcbv naxnirLC. rui TSdU nolthiiik it necessary ta add anything sight In tb recent expedition, and hint that there iu.b- - I w MJBewaUj ' thtrarter The RtU would Motion loat, wrttlac Tkttha m nattr. IxUl Sariun Bint baa nAJ what had already been saU;bol Mjavora In- Id a feeliue of coolness Uttreea tbe rtscnert and Urt mn- -. 18S4. Finally after a discussion, tbe molkm to ldmu e- rar to mTUSKUIKIt. Sessioii regard to Mr. Jaeger, who Is spending bis time Is Greely he Tast, ! sua i u - In definitely was put, and Ayes and rescued, and a close watch kept on lest r I CtlTtty laCtdea. th srr.wttwBwtwo in planting seeds and planla all cm tbeiaUnda, postpone the reporters One of the TS:i:33-a5LT- iHfrlet th - Nays called, aa follows; tbe follow- sboafcl tell the tooey much. Hd Saa r which may Hr.Hr.Adum viIlnffeeKareiina Ihiamorn- SeTtnty-Slat- Day, Acgw--t Tin, 1B84, to being resulted Sawn trim ledsr. elTt b He dTPi his time tmportr OowineO; check by a?eretary, men of tbe LvA did well for let-- fcaslaesa. Beties-- his auction room. ing tallying with the kept tba drrft, fa ntd - 7 It" inct property, and others. the sailors unlit 15S3, when he struck that ADMINISTRATORS SALE. SPECIAL SALE OF lm a lesser decree taaa vnal. tae .airut.e. by Tbe llonse met at 10 !.- - .! atMrarwRntenaittC nporten, Mimttter sFererf Aftr hi It H Weasiiu to hear Ihmt Ar. J Waterbcmt W...h.iA irrai-dcch- lsenberg. Mott floating cake of hw and then be began to show T Mnrnte of prerrMis meeting read and approreu. work distributing Bush. i. Smith, iltl By the City a! hydltej. iMfwrUtMMi enior M ptendtty tmproTinc. tbe here and iwdlomthe Walker, Hrown, KanealU, weaknesa. Tbere be stayed and allowed his men ilnaa p x Hon IV Isenberg, from tbe Oommitlce on nas Martin, F. llichardson, l)w" g Uawauan islinda. lie aireaay "' VI Hitchcock, lo die Ilk sheep, seawwi was ia hH faror. He Ky eejrr er A.JAEOKR. ISQ. AdmlaUtrator ef the HOUSEHOLD FURNITUHC mimt Mejrtr. to which was referred the bill ropo-an- thousand treea to tbe islands and llonolura Smith, Gardner, Xawahi, KauwiLa, lb 4Ur'r"rtM,,,c,lt,,r,lmPd Ltods & Lerrr boliU an ereoinr awlwo serrral oU Kauhana, lVipi, G. Brown, Dole, Bowelb 1 could easily baro reached Littleton Kland. where Eaiate f T TLKHEUA. eeeeased, we wtl 4atUOe Uratwers. New has alsou""7'rfee Ale anappropnstkmof fS0,00i) m aid of the cnltare --in tb squwrs and Kaptolani rark,and rrurision) enough one year. Ue Mi at rablle Aactkm. ea e ft at their Mlesronms, next SatnMay. plants, reported, cratuitonsly. NiTxa Gibson. Neumann, Kass, Kaaoa.Kaq-rako- tbere ware for lfc pirtit trm ttf Awtw tf iNHfr of the and other fibrous Tbia work be does There thirty-fi- r miles island and f raM $AXW0 Keau, Amara. Kaulta, was only south of the Isdra with rwrrtrn loaaUrrairt. experted to arrive Um rfaalli Mr. recommending the arveopnation of for now on the slope of MakiUHMWyolree. LUtkaluL lUker. leas two 1b part esafcer. Ilia aJ to rhmnifbt nf E.R ire I'alobau, could hare made the distance in than .t tkl T te early ef flowed. promoting the luanata tore of fafcnes from ramie. work being now under way It would be a gre Abolo, Karaakrie, Nahinu, Kaunamano, Wednesday, Aug. 13th On Wednesday, . lttfc -- prftmL Uw Tbe were afraid of thewster, that's all, Auf cfiahtT nT fcrt Vj Art! .ulrmeai Krnr wincert child. 1 Kurabea. Nakaleka. days. They jd on the table. mistake lo atop it. . 1. they got on the lew they would not At 10 a M, si a)eYBft, Ihe stsek af ssld Foreign Affairs, as chairmen of iru.Mur.t,tiMi Kantakna made a few remarks in TT fact that Gardner reotires bis daily bread and when At 1 a at, st - arth Xaseai tdaee tart writ-a- eemsist of the karla. Arte aImmUt's perfornumoe a banner tootm Tbe Minister of mor. Knate. cawslfttag ef F. BOLLJCa. The imnli Committee appointed to procart a U brow and belter, pot and fish at the lahce bash dooms et tb Mate et B. deeaase. Uses Ell and aed the Heatatn Cy t ma; be looked for, ltoneaji play the btatae liia duI ton. J etprnse of tbe t will Ik Balatee ef the Mariposa, ail tress Sae Fraacloee wtla cin. statue of the Hawaiian bero, Kameha limo Abolo induced many to hetiers that he made an error in WuHCtOTor.Jalya. Tbe total avdaey asd ia bronze looJ lhl I!fpriiUUT objrti at allowing go tha expedition Is estimated byoficials of prow-ate- d report ia which was stated !,loml cauU Dot Toting Aye, but his rote to with Grre.y relief ooiHlationa Uocws toeha t a it w .peakinj h. bef Cases Johnson's aartedcaTres period Tb f of tho mw SutKm are Tonnhn w would been 13 to Nary Department 1700,000. Tbe original Stout cnlThe depa" waii. ef lh SO that Two Statue ot that notable were procured &1IBK1I VeaMMis' the rote then hare tbe about HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE! far leii2 they are of coocret, tocbe thick. ISISK. was raised, through was fJCO,00U. htrteTleCwoeo,wUhdfiBtsm fwndat, Mi lJ; at a price my little over what one would hare ACtr a dfbate UMinc two boon, the tmrtroa i IS. Cbnaiderable clamour estimate Cm. 9atT7 .ltd rtt .1... Grnu Stot. the bark Hop- ftw rwri Tswasrad, "Ibe Kanlukon, assisted by the Lfcub-na- XaitalA n4 FrsBCxsr; The liet. Sereao ltuhoo. for no Urasr alUcted to tiMan ilMimt flraham A Co- - Glasgow: n Item ot tlilXO tat TotrUa nd tho braxen throat of KixusCttt, July's. The wife of Caw. CUr.1.;. t Caat rs? tKaeaerWt tSetrei lor the rtfc Istod. asd Mi imrt Njrw sheriffs collectors, otherwise ths nlar. .d 1 Catk Sin la the Sarrey IVputraesl, rrcnel hi reation last J. W. Boston; F. S. Schsefer A Co, lie " l1 deputy and tax A. VL Greely through this city en rouU lllst Jnt: Sofas, Lounges, ana wa, are iru r"t "J" nlinJ"'MlHl, Ilreadand Batter Brigade) that there was an error Diego, Cab, to IVirtsmoutb, H.U., where toarfc Caltarkm far 8 ntidfrn maxMay. nelBla, and tbe sculptor uotua nis Tti. tvoluJ u foJIo.: . who was from 8an The Martpaoa sails t" a FraacAi-r- mi tbe 1Mb praised foe taeir eAorU and serneee tn Ibe mat. t.r n.W V.nn. ItlkhATV nOCBinlk Wll In count, and lresJent lUkodea, in a aha aTiwrta a meet Lieatenant GreelT on August CORKING MACHINE, Chairs, in.L, sad lire Atavaeda ft de here e theSd tat. TbeorlboUerof the Ilalawa Soar Co. wfll ter. Tbe AssrmUy is asked to approprute W&-c- , Itah, J. H SmiUi. Ka- position to ktll the bilb allowed a recount without M. lbe lady n accompanied by her brother. Tahf, to-- dtr.Iaraberc IVnro. Interior came In 1 Ale with W" dates p l the lack last. bold a Dretiof at the office of. Rmret & Oa the arsonct deficient tn the exrens the ma, Walktr. Martin, lihtatani, ftank town. amotion. The Minister of the x . la, U. rifamitn. ana ner two cuuurvn. Kseklar Herewith we MmrvYVima-a- . XHnond A HI Urns next cull; though entirely Ksaeace ef Ulsger, CMd aad Whit a jwfW xaoxraw at ajp. commission. The commission is cotnpesed of Anow, jkicaaniww, n. in to robs on tha Oreely men are Improriog BED ROOM SETS, Etc reewtar wt.thry eeaaiwrrcts. vhniMj. stnr filth Amara, ignorant question, he receired bU Instruc- Lieutenant xd his I'spssW, Cksm&agae Ktaads, I'saetestieks, C.s ft TelV V lUnfcttKx. carryior im- - Messrs Gibson, Nawabi and Cleghoni, the KaohD. Nihtau. lMip Oojlnl of the faToraMy, Greely lea so perhaps than the others. Deer Pall, I ! Daa bar's Toots, Tho rortoeneae HUcbox. - from Foreign Affair and Jlartr' FjfKTwn Aacmt 11. IM. member Moanau!i baring died. Laid on table Brota. Uonll, 1'aioKan. Krt- tions the Minister of great fatigue I Capper Filter, Oelatlae.Cofkecrifws, USD A Sas tniCranta for thts port, tnaj bo etpected danoc BuL Kuumw voted on the truly loyal Yesterday he exhibited armptoma of -. ar Clrralar wu dated I3ta S.H- -, t AtaaBeda. for consideration with the Arproprtatioa Toted ao". Gardner ChashpaxaaCIlp- mi latt UMUiierpanra auqsu sula was loss of tbe motion to and weakness. He is talking too much and tb aarkiaer,rt lprr-nUiiT-e Smith called the attention of the Kaoloaoa, Kmj. IU and the result tbe most ixafaTorably on Soim Kaa. Mic!Un. indefinitely postpone by a rote of 13 to 13. constant interriewacpertta far Raws baa lKTtVTT4.ba4 at the latest date m )bh There'viUbea mrctinrnf KlockhotJers is the AssroUytoriisreoiioninakingareioi for ler, Kanln, Kanuitk, Oinintr KauaiU, him. HewasUkenforadrire yesterday, op the Of BOOKS. and arsta ear lm tewe. HonocBBHU?trCk. ItrewerACo, tba President of tbe Board of Tbe motion to refer to a select committee then I Lot at too o&taeot sutement from Bridge, and he gloated on tbe Wine Testing Machine ADAX9. AatUaawr. wseta bavla -- ,.. -- . followina were ap- ralley of Waterford E P CMtnm f '"5 f1" Mo'cloc-h- Health, as to tbe present orgamxation ot that prerailed and the member st ba t(Trt twiorikiH 4rm4 wp lickt thu morninc at Ine next turn inwerepon xvii.u pointed Kaulukou, beaatdul fertile summer prospect In nutked a4 Hoard, as being Tet nnanawTTtd. was paB-o- is serre, rix: KeprvMnUtlrM -- aaft la a.fcMfr wa fcar l 4i.c rwrowaw MadAnie KahalDi Mondaj. ffiTOO" Kamakele, to bta so recent cabin home. These tree," CwnpWts; Ftltetias; Papers, lira rsawtee, qaoUtiwa Cora left for on Tbe lreideot of the Hoard of Health said that Tbctnaa Sonars fJ,WXX Keau, PalohAU, Nahinu and so beau, UIiint, Ulsss Barrrra, Copper I liter. Lest fnM aalaal Mi exhibit am Mam aird A Secretary be instructed to be said with exuberant enthusiasm, "look Caka trutrif fal VT t nM a la U all. ai mil her eatrrtAinntetit daring bis late illness tbe Secretary of tbe Board n.i.iiMiiMDw.l rinsiJarable uiscussion motion that the eye TegeUtion for WM Certs, NKktl IU t&ea proceed to ray that had been f tiful to an that has area no liavaii. bad written a reply oa tbe subject, bat be bad not darmg which lion. left the chair for certain natira pipers years. The green field gire me new life.' Regular Gash Sale LrnuTMC Jaly Mk, was bat three s regularly to the Aseuibly, was pasNcd. three ETC. 34. Air. 11 S. already it with him. He stated there placing llon.J.5. itaiker in nip Greely is at prwent the guest of the city. PrtTtle WATCHES, II. ClaiL Cn i tb4r mtm t " TM Oonha has adJed to tho area tbe Hoard at present. Tba racasoea sie.uM At 12 o'clock the Assembly adjourned until 10 Xnm. "wf owned in tbancintty of the l?ton Saloon of gaged in the debate. house and carriages are placed at nrinctvd rinmttai l wltbi farwltr brbim by tbe death of Hon J.Aloanauli Hon. A. S. aeghoni aaid he hsd charge of, Monday. an Cfr' All l ,b-- nrntda ... 1. a. Jt-tti- , and erery kindness and attention r It eaaat h tiatfc will W f enwt by mih lortcer porcua. 1L A. Widemann, not yet being two years. Dunne a.Ttamart x a a city or rjmis. apl of Hon Thomas Square for the past Ser.ntT-Klnt- h Day. Awe- - member of tbe party forma ll. center ot kn n"l tUrfllrtt at-- ta wste-rap- HUl Each tatmcaartHe 4katfa la filled. Toe Board bad twenty-tw- meetings dar- been laid out by a sutreyor, recit- On Thursday, Aug. I4fr wImOc that lira it had groups and goes over aarat Ia4atrr. aa4 tvrrj af lu CMhtaaarv The ateauerZM has been rcccmwc arlace once listening admiring tie laiplK aayfly T, at aay j ing the Ust biennial period. And October, Laid, and at the end of last biennial period met lb usual will memorial Also-O- ne Square-To- p Single Baggy a rartattawat la Ut latarr on tho 11 arm IUila-a- dnnoc tbe rat wrek, bar car-- Assrmbtr at conaideralbe tast al of the terrible past. There be tk caae yroJact." maoe. 2S5,A,ad bad three meetings. was indebted to him f.T07. If be bad not hour. After prayer by the rtrtpUin, the minutes services dead tn all the churches the tat. infl ntwaaaiy repaira was satisfied it tn for tbe of At te e'cleck a as. al Mlesrse. Ta fall U Urrtlr ftar In aa anifcial caaao UeprvrteotaUre W. O. Smith net ned the work on, crerjuung mm uu "' of the pretrous meeting were read and approred. city and ooramemoratir sermons will LY0X3 IJETSY. . I1-- desired that were many IMtam ihartlaarrt Itran ae4Bi)i tb taaaafadat Tbe arrired at SaUrdaj with the Trrbal statement giren bot hiHryxn i.ti There a mat lieprcsenUtiTe Kauuaroano iccaeoted two peti- be preached. rrolMac4barxaaTrau4a atarV vab M ra tf $4tf report bo girra in writing. He said there was planted lhat required constant water- - on personal (aar arc Itkriyta da si r artoai) eremac and suled at ISO Mrotuy morning, wr the yimng trees tion from the district of lUmakua, cuioLurDU. acnxxT. Dry Goods, Clotnim;, Brt valid Hoard of Health now existing, beeaa it . . ------mf ( H ataiaat ban M a tarrc Uecrji'aTkes was a throoch paawnfier. no inc. inn uuu ht. subjects. Commander Schley, ot the Greely relief expedi- Tkm 4ar was a full one of fire, as contemplated by the iA h mluokL This anare ha resola-tio- a poTHaa 4 lbc caaitac araat ptwJacw It ww not U..H t,... Bepreaentalire Hitchcock introduced a Naval in 1SR, and Regular Cash Sale Fasey UetMls. sad a ef will h" restaoranU are eraJaallyjdTtoc law. That law gare no power to the President to for 40 years; when the Hawaii- upon tion, graduated at tbe Academr Uit the riar Tbe leerrra vt existed as a bquare that a committee be appointed to wait Japan Comro-nd- Mckean. He wa a!hfhT4 baymilvkitinback, wba: they ban tba ekt In Chine coaipEMtioa, another ooe exemse authority without tbe consent of tbe flag wa restored by Admiral Taomw, the that went to with la hi before the an Hi Majesty on tbe ISth inst, and inform him promoted to master in 11, and was attached to an j caw thHr aecltl-- 11I farabfc aa Hm ef moch B1 doao taost probably daring next week. place wa naraea aner mm. the Assembly would be ready to be prorogued on , In vtirv-l-h la Ihr atarkN.' Dole, a select committee to to know where the frigate V"-- a stotrship. at bhip Island, GROCERIES Ileprreeatatire from rnreentatiTe Kaulukou desired toe win tost, 1AM on in taoio. ,, West FRESH lassos cable. Jaty Jlth iwh Mack mm UK w been been the matter ot estimated grass went. gunboat of tbe Gulf On Aug. 16th Dr.Kuohn Ut of the steamer XnfA baa vault bad rtf rted the money from tbe sale of Tbe same member introduced a resolution thai lhtotbe engaged with afield Saturday, aojmi. t XAnaina, Forestry, Kaptolani Park, public square, ure blockading squadron, and !Ce. CA5CrGAn-Qaict.tea- 4r bayen afpiitnted UoTTrnment phTcian items tor ine speaaer staieo fT tT 17 the Assembly commence oa to morrow erening at'Fort Li., on December 14,19&. Sacks t Saxar. Xtc. KtcvKt. far Mani. Heptoeeedito-da- j per ateamer Ktmmm to nursery Jrc reported tbe followtng items for away, bad been glad to get rid of it; session to bold battery Hudson, at 10 a, m. at will hr e(d at nEETWrak aad drctlata? giren be and continue for tbe rest of the was also in tbe engagement which led to tb aUa, KICE-Oa- Ur ta the Approprmioa BOl: not a anlixed country in He ALB U mrnnad aharlacr Ut 4UaJ aasnnie hw dotiea. m he said, there is night sessions, meeting at 7 run. Lnd on the f root March 16 to July 9, rrwp, rtr hai a3ract4 la tbi atatkrl la Wc- - u4ay thofiM r thatsnends so little money capture of Port Hudson, W CVl of W.HmC - prapuatWiTi ol - xrEI! ihinii table, 19G3, a! irmishea In cutting ainaawr TS J. llinflev .t nawrnnnals J. KapMUai Tatk squares parks as this counUy doe. When and in one or two small CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, thta w(H ley tulely, Mr. bnachman haTuur retired. Ifawodca ; en and BepreaentAtive Falohau introduced a resolution schooners. was eommiafeonMl a Lieuten- l wrry iwai to bHtr that Mvaarr - wu -- , Assembly commence a. ro., out He "art UlBf4 aa pl47 rroa tb- aVaaaad o home farandi of Manila cigars (ancourcr urocciicui" "j that tbe business at 0 July. 162. and from to IMG wasata-tiooe- d LOT FINE CHICKENS. Uf " the raanniactnre, " be Ubooed (Vl did not auppose that 1 recess noon and on re- ant In Itti Lutm that laatkrt csaaot Maod Brc lk now on nana. 5.TO0 that they in take bour at on the iraferrr, of the Paclfio Maadron, rak. an kept thafialnwnntJUstfaronebnndrrdrears. (This 1 , 6 Lost. 4 - assembling at sit till tun. July UUh, 190C, be waa commissioned Lieuten- VluIE-- 1 Ikarado, Tege- with On r. P. ABXK.AltU. 0 O. Extra radK.fL: XK. Hawaiian aongt are being copyrichted. Tho TeUl -I- SkWO At 11 on motion, tbe items connected Commander. He waa placed at the Naval , 'I BRAN-J- BAia.e-S.lfy- W r - oywua rw... . vv.v.--me- nt consideration, ant lrtTVMK Idlinnkalant tmilerxs her rirtiti in J MM report ras receired and laid on tbe table for tauon rawir, ,, the pay ot Police were taken up for Academy from 1867 to 1K9; then waa transferred Crockery & Glassware The place is a credit to It, ctl f.b. Momtk. Aea loot BdL has not a single that tha AsaemUy resolving Into Committee of the fleet; again UKOC2TD BARLET $tpTliai ot. while JoeUelelobe and Joe consideruon with tbe Approrritoa except Queen's Hospital. Tbe first were to the its wm of tbe Asiatic then back cfcok-$L- perhaps the Whole for tbe purpose. The following items 1873-- He 1 9 Barrets Special lf- -t arefla$l.W. after thine in Ine Mtiater of Foreign Affairs presented the British colonist and to the Nival Academy daring was Xo aad "?sxr. Fresh faiawe, !.: batvs following: thing that is done br the passed: Commander on June 10th, 1971, brr lay parks and squares, all of which KoeUvpoVe. commissioned !. 5J Hit llooor Chiefif.JusiiceJodd and family hare Godfrey Rhodes. ITecident others is to out time charge AND A LINK OF Honorable he bad otlhe UME-J1- To the the country, and benefit . $ from whiib aatr.oa J" left town and are now etayine at Koaloa. After Assembly: redound to tbe credit of Depaty!?herire$S Ul station, until 1878. Comman- of the of thtkpeople. t lWet$S 40 tho South American SALE of BEER dctiea or term the Chief Justice fntam-LX- Imance since the ardoooi the Ut. As tbe Aluuner of BpreeeaUtiTe bcoith ....,. past lUwan. der Scaler has nerer been on the sick list he PORT Or HONOLULU. need a thorough ret. has already stated to the Honae, tbe Gorernment entered ttio service. FRESH GROCERIES! Thomas Square nearly erery day tor the past l v not deemed it desirable to ask, dating tbe IpatySkeilffaS. PoarsxocTH (X. 1L), August 1. At Just about LKYEY, hts three rears. The Honorable oble has done a 1 I.T055 Aatllaanra. JLxriTod. Tbe Mr. Ocrie, who w now in permanent present seswm, for any arpropnaUon for tele- who I rolceeffleeri. sunrise this morning the United State Steacasr It 1t. great deal of gratuituos work, but any one 1 - - 2, For Account ofWhom A Ella, Howe, San FraociK ehare of the IVlhoU amred bj the last commonioauons, oat of tbe Loan Ssifl which been stationed outside tbe a; btla froo graphic other squares, knows there has 4 - had K troaa ac preached sermon to a larpe pro-n,- knows anything about " - V AM, Ilayard. FncUo rndaj. He his initial innd or oat of ordinary rerenue. Certain wasted in Thomas North harbor in expectance of the arrival ot tbe Arctw May Concern. a Am Mrtr. trrm aa Ftaa been a great deal of time lllle. steam-In- g Mtac rma congTecatioq bandar. howerer. been made to the Gorern genUwnaa the iM fleet, discovered a double line of smoke, and Household l-- erf from & F He agreed with the about s Cttr vy4ay, Daneni. which is deairtblc" Square, 1 ! aware of ltarrtTala the Strnffm was Ur ment byh.responsible parties, it public places, lie aeplored the Penatr Wl out roon became of tbe arrival the I Aroonc the bj o Uci of a police Officers .t ta laHTKlnl kr 3ua t IlOrncUUlIUM BrodM, alone, a fair that tne AAsriUDiy naouu wwc avuiuuiwu considered 6 $M-- Greely Artctio relief expedition. Furniture at Auction. 10 Mil at Aactfea. SadUO. bet be Rime not be bronchi ap- condiujn of the Falaoe grounds; that tlanalaa. n raalte Welcome the with. From the communications receired it was to the King- - At aDOUl 3 0CJOC Uie MHIWI Al S Ami brtae Cwiwlo. Crik. tor haa Ytm yoo&C bride alocc with him. to tbe next it LvIhI and a discraca I tvpaty.$tno. 2. some chr Stacy, IrtaaaU tbe Benedicts, Ifoctor. pears to !? highly probable that before oogbt to be one of the most JPoiiceCrttcersijSfaw 1J ef the point and came to anchor distance Ciu. Ge; tcrl. hl ranks of tbe arrangements will be corn. That place Tbe followed and a Am bk Hope. rrahaJkn- 1m Iort Towataaal meeting of beactiiai in tne country, ic.naas. 3 - - Sea) S.1W astern of tbe Tttut. Trf ON MONDAY, AUG. IVarborc. far taamie Sjood wopal Chorrh met at the prrfected for coonecUng San Iraseuco with wtn " the anchored abreast of tbe Atl . A her anchor It The o! tbe Efi would Item was finally passed as abore. At 320, On Wednesday, Aug. 27th M bk Calbartni. liabhani ftf a& fVM Ksbop last Saturday. On the follow-r- s by a rafic cable. It be a aenon expired, the Committee rose, North Kshal. went overboard the yards on ail tbe shir, la the reidoc thus offered of connect-in- c time allotted hating were flags run to the masts At 1 1 si aa. at sty ateroom. for acceest day the Jbsbop read hw chare to the clergy matter it the opportunity leare to ait again. ineputy AJK" harbor manned, the At 10 . n, ,t Ut. mwy world morted rrogrcsa and asked 1 Officer $ - !K0 r wheak tt eeeeeni, Vooaola is Port, fet. Andrew's the island. with the rest of the by the nwatif.,, Smith Assemblr acain A and three rousingebeers given. The Bmr and the in be therefore, i. f ln. tbe was standing Resilience King Alapai ekctne telegraph should lost. It is. of Whole for one and a 2,100 Altrt followed, becretary Chandler Cor. and Streets, Wickaua GoTernment should, dorms the conrened in Committee the 4 - offlcer of CH 10O Cases. 4doi.BCh Jin Ura Zn, A sew collection of books, belonging to the li desirable that the nm&lderatioil of tU6 APPrOPI Sosth KoaiU."5lS. on the quarterdeck to receive tbe the Am bktae KHLtut. Calkt be empowered by the LegisUtarc half fAnrt fnrthar TUK brar70ftheUteIi.F.UoUes,wUIbesoM at present session, R.IL . Walker the chair. The fol I - relief squadron. ENTIRE am batae L&TPka. Lee with the syndicate iinn Hon. J. in Irplf- known Arctic aquadron Xar1poMiiajWard by air. Adams Uu morning at 11 o'clock. to enter into a negotiation were passed: Offlcer When it became that the 1S which taken this enterprise in band in order lowing items $. outside the haibor tbe excitemenl on Aw Vktat ItiBCorery, The fanrttnre will be sold at 10 o'clock. has - 1 &:::-- ::: had arrived I Hannover Beer, pts ltniati Honolulu in the route Emms lqnare : : was intense. Shortly HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Am bktae Elte. Howe to sec&re the inclusion of .... !oc.ety IP f board the after Dr. Car- cable. IUaiUaAgrtcttaral North kaas. 8 welcome news of the safe arrival of In tnawqwic of the wignttwn of of this - o'clock tbe syndicate jasf rtf erred lo has llep.Dc4emoTrfto Insert fSW for Makiki re-- I liepstya ....- fleet Dread Ihrouch tb fleet, and wben X TART . FOLtOWS. YII MEMORANDA. penter, tbe port of Goremme&t physician at The offer of the route tha Hrselr EH 107.300, has been corierred on Dr. K. Knehs, late been communicated to tbe GoTWnmeot in con. i the tor and TMi hdmred off Newcastle, ItaTward t ooold only be laid before the Assem- Kep. Kaneabi atid be did not wish to assist In a steam CMHaftktOS sViriMu. mijToa on board tbe A'aKfM. Dr. Beading of fitiencc. and be Secretary Chandler dispaicoeu laoacuio Lrhta radrBAfHl.ailiiM aliMharrrd ton Francisco takea the place of Dr. Knchn on bly in the erenl of oar being ready to recommend tbe amusement of other i9ople, and therefore Soath Eeas. Commander Schley, with orders that tbe Kesr and B. W. BEDSTEADS HIM t ISpn: had iht anthrrly aad weMarly board the steamship. s acceptance. This, without farther negotiation, mored to strike it out. I IVpaty Cs J- - mrf: Thetit should remain in the offing until tbe HANNOVER BEER, wa with HraoU ea til! wtlhia mk 4y of UoeoJalu : are not prepared to do. because we think that Under instroctioos from the President, the I ltCe VilKTT for their recention could be cumrletrd. Feather rUkmi. Blaakcl. B W theaee' pan Ud BodeHtr ENE: it motion was out order. r5:::::::::::::::::::::::: W lo irdmiMfroca The reward for tbe opi&in acizare i to be paid the portion ol tbe subsidy which this Kingdom Chairman ruled that the of The Secretary of tbe Navy then proceeded to the Chairs and Kockers, U 3tsrhle Up Baresaa. 41 ACT. itMcadayaaadShoan money to go to report of Committee on Salaries of po- - Loaoges. 0 W MarMetop DreMlas Tables. to tbe first informer, none of the is is asked to pay is in excels of a fair proportion The tb ClL Ifi. and orders were given at ouee for the the police o&cers. Tell and Sai Mao. who worked compared with the contributions propoetd lice was then brought up and after considerable r'JrM. war vessel in the harbor to when following were l rwp.u a $h entire squadron of to IMPORTS. up the case. As the Jfowwwaw Jortly remarks, it for the other countries which will participate in desultory discrcmou the items srrmnoactrf prepare for the reception oi tne Arena neroes. Pictures, Lamps, Carpets and Rugs In Lots Suit Forchasers. pars better to be a spy than a police officer. benefits cable. Tbe actual money rales passed:' Watebl.a. the vessels were decorated, with Ameri TinM TTtm aB riaaclKO, Maripoaa. An. --Ta caro the of the ah naral r tlsii with all At noon press Lace Carta! & cp. awrr, gtOTTal ft proaaxr. nc lo tbe eonntryof electric communication Oaks. UoKolaln. can flaga at the topuasts. a bout. lotakes, trotVrry sad adah.v Mercaaaoife. pronfioaf. Mervimmt has changed hands, world of course, Salary bVpatyXanaall. $SJiper raoath 7M lllaMware, Rolls Malttar. Itrralortoa Fraaclaco. Aaj --A fall The Sm Prime tbe business centres of tbe it is. u - 5 : : tbe UOTernnieni tug urynrmt aicamru wwn iu iewiir Fmat a ler IaTcj. who o long and so successfully That It will be 1 Captain (Bati-- K - IS::::- - whera good view Vacklae. Mabngany wrdiar Uetk a ad Barraa, carzo pwnaa. Ht. ilr. 11 has impossible accurately to estimate. - "" " t.0 nver and came to anchor a of paper, has noM oat. and the well to erery business lCawaiatTorsicw" rn - IJO DO on that Xnrmt Terr considerable is known - relict Otfccrt - SO " lP.- tKa nnniMIM mttTDX OOiaineU. .IB JWtN by Dockland, at one time occcrred quite recently in . - - on the old has xm bosgtl llr.KC man. Instance bare - - - Zf 4 Oflleer $."1 steamed down tbe river the men board HENRY MAY & Co. EXPORTS. oT ettr. Erery gncce made or sarad, .. - .. -- no retire & editor of the H9rti this which large snms might bare been - M llralrU. I twrc OacerSkfa. ship Cwttti ran up the shrouds, lifted hats Cook Stove Utensils new is wuhed by tbe been araBa - - ..- - u Tho Teasel Tor Aap - in bis rentnre Gurni. had snob method of communication j PaaalBB. and shouted a cordial salute. other Salh 5alUal.lerGrt'lell. To extent of its means, therefore, it is llevMpa. lower were decked in gayest colors. We bK the The time set for consideration baring expired, in the harbor Lit of Flowers Fera". Uardeai Use sad A cope of the Ejmt Crttr baa len banded thts Kingdom should be leepared to rose, reported progress and asked Ssa leha. : klanyappeau were made to go on Doaru me Tixat. Csrpeaters' sI sa4 Etc, alac,SlA- irahlpprt.jy:31 K. agent desirable that tbe toramittee - s Itreh Tm. tic. in by Mr. 3. Cartarright, tbe for the scbsidixe the proposed line. To ensure its lEerort approTed, request Kahaka. Ti,t; tn natch a dimoM of GreelT. The renuest AL0-- A LUT IT UYI.Nti Tor Naa Fraacifco pet Aar CotBpany. There are some leare fe sit again. Mid- - oaaeacTaior,ii3iCeik fr Equitable Insrasc a certain percentage of return upon the granted and then then tbe Assembly itself, at fi were invariably refused. Mrs. Greely reached taxaMJBOMfince t. illustrations and in the letter prrsfi be guaranteed by Uhalaa. iE handsome emploTcd must the 10 on the early train ihia afternoon and for Towaewd ret Hope Aac IT.hat ar iasanng this old capital to be p. m. adjourned until ajo. on tbe morrow. ItleMtTMflOl. s,sn Portsmouth Beceiyed forth the adrantagea of ia chiefly benefitted by vaiaea rrl sets countries which will be it, I tapufa af Pelka $W . LIP at once went to tbe flagship Ttmt$rt reaching Hens and Chiclxcns Just aisii establshed Company. and Hawaii will be expected to bear its share in At BMtf recess was taksa until I p.ra. there about 3 o'clock. After the commanding LTUNH LKVET. AsciloBeetf. to papulation and re-- Serenty-Seren- tb "Dnx August Stb. gone ships. Mrs. Greely PASSEXGERS. A celestial up but Wednesday for this gnanntee in proportion looked deserted at --rxexsous. officers had back to their The Legislative Hall almost was put on board of the Secretary barge. After in a l Tb wretr bed aniraaTs atk conreniog, 10 a. and wa 1 p. m. Committee -- mltr the syndicate bare, in the the regular hour of nt, it Oa at the respect Sergeants Long and Fre Xtiu iHbtictttsnnrnts. rroat oa rwwaato, per llanpjM. Abj; Vr J was red raw. Jobnwaa nedfSandeosUTJodge Ws do not think that soScie&t Solon paring hi to K eoEeienUy considered tbe limited not until 1020 that a number of tbe consideration of item relatire to tbe two of Grerly EnlifiWMf Xim Hclatvrr J i riireain, fackertoo expreasmg Lis sorrow tnat tne legal offer submitted, allow deneks and the other surnvours the Xw NJ E AtexaixhY. UuwC resources the-- Inlands, more gathered together to form a quorum and of pay of police, and re d tbe following: Secret Greelr con City Paris & Clan GraRt JkT0tiM Ehri penalty was not lirger. As John bad no cash be character of the of regular business. The min- vmlitinn the arr had Mrs. Notice, of oa.IT K Keha.)ln EJMcholK.J Laaarw.JCB space especially regard to tbe possibiblies of future the procedure of tbe Lshslaa. veyed to the Wben tbe Secretary's barge 1 bus become an inmate of the jail for tbe of in meciinj- - baring been read, Iktti. Hr9ltara.neT ifoooeu, r niaatr, jw vowwiai: compared with those of tbe great utes of iheprenous SrvUceOtBrtK<t V3 Tf-- with Mrs. Greely , A II dereHwnent as was seen to leare tbe ryiui r'i)i:iwiiXKD, having JlnXCtt Mdi&cM. J A Bock aa4 twith. fifteen days. new were approrcd. pntrha-e- d the of Vr M and populous colonies in whose interests tbe KskaUloa. and ber two brothers, 0.0. and C. A. Nesniith, X this day tNlaes F. T. Leaf ha a MHr.ZKMeyerf,CSa,3atIlhaMp. Gorernment haTiog failed to pay lb rent although what they ask Under susprnsion of the rules Rep. Pilipo pre- srecc Officers ft. tt. Commander Schley Jt Co., hare forated a asder ta Srm From XiOIMXJOPX,. ItOwdBUm. Err ECOth-- wife. Tbe cable has been projected, Dr. C. Hyde, Presi- sitting in tbe rUEETII Jt PEACOCK. lAKi.Wm.C1 Sap (ha .if AlwhHie LdTlM US. 0. other respect. sented a petition from lUr. L O la. would Bane et psrpef E Beatc. LocktaM. Ml Btarti.J(iM iU; miHM :. mi )mwi mar cwuu. In alt Kawaiahao laws said to Lieutenant Greely; "Lieutenant, I carrylBzasi WlaeaadSiplrrttths saw WaHacr. Van saw at ta the eteorasr AionnalTue owner, took poe-rfio- After offer" appears to lbs Gorernment to dent of the Board cf Trust of the eHec Offleers 4 $3 my few momenta." thehalaea( k Mci. 2lu tbe receired Aa-- W bke to see you in cabin for a MrechaaU Company proposed Female Seminary, praying that the mUygrant coaTersa-tio- n Frew Itamalt aad TUat, Aac-j- b-r C E a httls altercation tbe members of tbe eicwdingly Kbcral. and the rates to Wallaka. Tbe Commander entertained Greely In tSltaeil) 11 H FKKKTH, Cs. Mt. be of TrSOO to the institution, fw 1 Orange Marmalaik Orocer. Vrr 11 Iwtn W O Atwaier, T K Bohert nitd were allowed the &. of tbe room, and tbe saal be charged for telegraphic mtssagts arc decidedly an approprittioa Depaiycberitrt J about Arctic matters until a peculiar signal K C. I'BACOCK, lireeom-ell- . D enlarging lbeacooQinx)d.tiois. Ke-- f wire. W II Orawetl J Hiaumi, H X I' meeting wasbeM. Tbe rent of the place n From information, of which we ars in the purpose of li eaalts was by the boatswain to indicate that Mrs Hoenta'B.Aptillth. UttlSt Kwrweh).hlRlrMVft.MnHKaih-laal- . moderate. Committee on Education. giren tL HooUpa.XrJ per annum, payable qnarterly. poftmssMn, we are also satisfied that tbe standing erred to ivpatycherrtTe t Greely was on board and ready to meet her Crcuwo it lllackncll'i; Siarter V mx Tbraat- - promottrs precludes any doubt as to their A resolution relating to the same subject wis lady trembled rery much; her breath Xr passed second oUbe same Tbe I For fat rraaciaco, pn CoaacJ Aaca Tbe LsqnoT bill, amended, its carrr out the contractswf u be taken from the table and referred to the Ha- - faltering step she went Leslie. TracT. A financial abtUlr to came in gasrjs, and with NOTICE F FcrsBfoe. E r Ooel readincon Mondar and is set for third reading '1 should add that the proposals committee. ? UepciyftHU IP tbe instant that she Case Itatpbcrrj Jam, -- Mr-.- i Etvwi. mentioned Assembly to the cabin door. Just at - rrom Saa Fraacwco per EUa.Aar Mrt Johaaoa Friday. Tbe amendment of Section 33 of mw Ben. Smith that the bad irorKeOSccrAfS Schley room, leav- Strawberrjr V wit me iroTcrnmcai iu i - - t.m entered. Commander left the JMTIfl Irt IIKKIUIV (iIVJ- Cat. Jam, 4 : cblttrra II J Jordan aad r Hrarway. tbe Constitation will also come op for third lIore wi, u waited long and patiently for aa answer from the t iia long couple Lieutenant Ll C. It DEYKU1LL f nod-- e. oable and (liter isianu wnawmiMwu uirac to ing tbe separted alone. th.tW. Lik... EuiLhn Caaea Plum I'ujiliog, came A r. and a lirelr debato xaarbo necessarily connected, and ther Attorney General to tbe resolution relatire the The next item waa relatire to the salary of a was to the donr, but fc... -- ilk fr-- ! aUOTMj From Haai aod per Lehoa. -- Bt orcea. projecu are not leases. Greely fitting with bis back I.M.1I rtf i I. npnM.t lotalat. Aar exprcsed, both sides wBI Eaarsbal tbeir f be dealt with either together or separately. I raltditr of certain deputy sheriff at Makawao, placed by the Special wEen Commander Schley so abruptly Left him. be ta, ,.drf.lrant 1. all malm of b..l. wtiti. m Maat, L J JlcOelfaa. C Bauaataa aW wife. can Answer, thai he mem- K.B.I JAMEIf II. ntea. nutt lhat ib Gorernment be emrow The Attorney General sud in Ctanmltlre at f IJO per month, but lb naUre turned and at tbe same instant saw uis wue enier. ..thvuMlalaMlof UR.INT. lUUina, oer XlifoovnrAar 6 Arthar Hw Tawwnerv this city t..M yet no time Tea to behi the work. Hoaolala. AagaHlltn. I1?! Jt Cum Sallaas Fm j FtBciM. tb hark there arrired in --A a tntA arranferaentS with the "Acstra bad bad as bers decidedly objected to such a salary to a hnft. With a load err he bounded from his chair, with reterteai and witwi'h retnoe aad wtfcXirf A I "two who bare been expected bare mere leisure Monday. lt Now CoVranta, tbe bom of Mr. D. R reteron, uwanwu He to A a consequence considerable discussion was with Mrs. Greely sprang for- Cain reterMw. J t;uer. yeor buoan Cable rrndicaie ior coourctmK that the report of eyes sleaming jpy. kwic absent in the uist tor tbe past tew gaininc with the ocean cable which, they propose to lay lpresentaUreltoaellmoTed in, and the remaining portion of tbe time ward to meet her husband, erring, "Arthur, Executor's Notice. rroMEaValai.perEiaiaoalloii. AarW- -J I tbe necessarr knowledge to fit them to become the Committee on Commerce, on tbe bill rrlatiTe tbe consideration of the Appropriation Greely Elta WalBTtcht.t; HWaftare.TE ETeu between CAltfornut and wueenaiaoa, sub- allotted to Arthur, home." Arter Mr. and Mr. had TvjoncK is iii:i:eiiy oiviq? practrtiooert'in Uw and medicine. Tbes boys to tbe cnltiration of ramie and other fibrous Bdl was thu used up, the sapient Kauhikoa being twenty ber brothers wore Ll lhat the diW'aiiranl haa tMapB attnaintMl KffM. and wife, Utt J special n been alone for minutes, were, now return as Dr. Charles Peterson and stances, be referred to a committee. middle of a speech when chairman Walker brother-inlaw- . U ef the lai Will ul T LKXEIIA. UIafUew Cs. Bottled Pie Fruits FarnhAac. SlcCaltj. that lion between and through the Islands of Hawaii. in tbe called in and cordially creeled tbeir t Froai KaaU.per lwaUat. L Artbar DeWrson, Esq . and intend to dTU s prorided these earned and Kfpresenuures Hitchcock. God- informed the Committee that the time lulu, deceased. All perrons airta claims axalatt Parke. Jbm V iiAlaa. V W Ahfw bsw ilui,Mok.Ui.Obu. and Kauai, arose and aM F T. either persoaally or as arhl Iio Mi to tbe practice of their profession in this frey Brown, Kuptbea and Keau, and Hon. S. G. and reported to the Assembly Lcahsa renifTMaf wtI,W B AaUa,VT E bailfc. Tttcttmb 3s services can be obtained on terms commensurate had expired, retired tha arm f V T. Leaebaa aB - to K - Wilder were anpuinled as the Committee. a leave again. Cauart- ao4iBa4 ptsseal Caaea Mlinl t'ickloa. XiifC tlanwHI (X L J UoaaroM. E CactM. J J- with the resources oi toe rungoom. tbe progrev-- ciade, and asked to sit A Dissatisfied, Planter. theaatae m lha tl wlthla Bieath freat O sue- Attorney-Gener- stated that during bis tls Oraat,U Xsaoam. II hterabeefc. Ta)or l'ortog&t-t- W. R. in nmnMiun with the motion the Minister The Beport apprrrrd and request granted. this Ih'Twill be forever barred. Allpn-os- a Cacea Quaikina, Ibe CommissMcsr and Mr. tlMULelbeJndiciary .1 rf - dt t From per Kiaaa. A -- F BaUer. II nn Matt Smith be appointed chair- nnircidabre absence from Assembly then proceeded with tbe The Patifir Cm mi rtnl iadebted to aaid F T Leeehas or to said trm ef F. T. ladard rort. AaetiB. special agent of the Board of Immigration th.t J. re- The - Caies Pickled WaloaU, Err H F K WbaBey.C kynateratoy. lira J ri.4 special to take charge of the Committee bad prmnled a report on tbe toll of the closing sections in the btll to regu- nrtiatr of the 29th ulL. brings forth an eulogy on Leaebaa Jt notil tomakt pronpt paytaeat left eTtning br the A'tawa for a lour of man ot a committee 01 i rknt.t B Vto.J Ulf. E J Xfchafe. but kingdom lating to small traders keeping tbeir accounts in late tbe of intoxicating liquors. Section 0 of Colonel Spreckels, saying lhat "be is the active ef tbeir scseaau to the BadtrlrartLatherwlatkry Caacs Spanbh Tea, Xr J W way. Home Leeac. N4 E CocfcctU C W of all the plantations in the vpnjBtwtirfilVftside&taDoointedHoil. Ergbidi or Hawaiian, recommending that the btll sIe boenses, was interests, with silllbsswtlaraH. A. JAEaglt, C VTihle- -. employed. Their object xt,i-- the bill, relating to tbe granting of and stalwart fnend of Hawaiian qeaan-- s Case Fiaocla Capera. J II l Taylar. XH L where Portcgnese are is Affairs, be dud on tbe table. He did not want his innocent a offered by Bep. nas rainnwrii niiim r. i. l.eBBB. tod, Batler. E llenaaa. GlCard. 1 compUinU of certain of the t jinrtiS the Minister of Foreirn struck out, and substitute which be for many rears been luenuneu, cic, HoBflhila, Aaiatt 11th). fWI. PCi H E chrriber, HnHa to tnorooghly stft the tit to die eo be raorcd the bill be taken power solely value, should In our optrt-ir- Casta French ilasLrooina, E Atwaier. Statter MKa. XmUtt AFUwhrnMao and to adjest itoweu, swmui ana noa. v. . bacUins then Kaulukou, Testing tbe to eraut in the yrhJtif, to be of any Porta ene against their employers, IprtenUUTes table, which was earned. Motion was was indefinitely postponed. occasion for Mr LA rerxaewo. W U W.W. between of tho Ma- tJisnop as saw from the Minister of IntenoT. hAdiunfsrested:or there is no Kxcciitor's Notice I Cam French leaf. tb dtsereooes tbe contracts iwnuuiw made that the bdl be made the special order were some slight newspapers. CoL Spreckels per Bopc Aac f iwirwCnfmfn a select committee then Tbe other section then, witn extolling it in the It rw rert Towaeeo. deira and Aaores immigrants, ePsri. r.MMitniH ia-- t. Carried. - Cam French TmHlM, taring the con3 Jerauon of the items in the of the day for the 9th aisendmenLs, passed, and tha UU was then passed has done anything for this country, he certainly 'Villi rXI)KUSIc;N"KI, KXKCU- per Kakee Ac-- Hawaii, Bepreftentatire Dole drew the attention cf the final reading Friday well seems me that be X trillsr M1LW.WE.NKK.W JlaMlass, Tale do fei Qraa. Tor kaait tfa Wataaae. n Toe base-ba- Oceanic and Uonolnln, met Bdl lor the polios of Oahu, as ameoded. and tbe set for ha been paid for it; it to lrarth Case. V J. M Nabetoax. Miu dobs Assembly to the fact that the lbrede&t or tbe looked No. 1. friendship deeeased. bUBs alkiirraMta haTtae cbtiatsafahifl aad eoa.Jadxt J Kaaa. at tbe Kecreation gronsds on the Vi,i t,a Ksnsl Bsbmittcd a mort containing an next; the ISth insL has always out for What th said estate to preseat the save defy taet.lfrttted, FtaDoa Haddock, Eke, Mn n on tbe dnnoad Health, on a question of hi (the speak- Com- be one pjutici-pan- Cum rrter. 9th and there before an number ana compuunuon ui uie Boardof Hon, i. O. Domini, from tbe LuroUaient What kindness! for him to of tbe with oroper roocherf , whether stcwrwhy FSr Eahafal. pec Ktlaaea Jtoo. Abe II 3tadaw ( afternoon of tbe iat. estimate of the er's) to ptrmil to healthy adult following been was so fartcjf et Caaw Kippered Herring, HrlaMTTtiY; " PwMct. ChltaMOH.n completely filled the rwrilion, Uied police relatire mittee, reported the bill as baring in that famous Bank Charter, that otberwtte. to the Bdera.jraed lthla raeathalrem Tin P Mr aadreoce that for tne sererai rsianas.- leper settlement of A tit Tbeamaa. AMired Beraara. tlie champion .a. from tie Judiaarr Cum and children to nut tbe sumed by His Mjsty: saminarily dealt with by the Legislature. date, or they will b farrm barred. Notke la also Bretben Fraaci. raai. conehusons with bat and ball for B.of ULjdid not thl- - Fward. and Loala. Jlr May BTaJJacr. Mi V L a rather poorly con- t. w rvferred the btll to DroTide To amend Chapter XXXIX of the Penal Code, charter that would enable him and a few friend hereby jtfw that I hsv day W.C. shiD of the islands. After was the secretary allowed to gire such per- -. ntonopolixe most (rets to collect all bmbics dse to the aba Kctalc yrr.CII Wallace. tested zrameroas errors being made by tbe for tee recoreryof stolen prrperty.Trrorted the nor ttlatingtoiniiB- in a short time to all the eatnr, on mits. Taenty-fou- r boors Lxlcr he had heard that two cballengei Kingdom! what a fine II. E. JteiSTIRE, CS. SCOTCH HERRINGS neMers on both side, the OeeanJos obtained tbe same back, and recommended that it be bud Allowing peremptory in jary business of tbe EseeNlor af WUI of Wra Wraa-- a. permit had been giren to persons to Tiut Kala- chance tbe Colonel has had during a number of BORN. ncJorr and championship by a score of JO to the table. Approrwi. Board s. lloaolala. Aagnit 13th. I1M. tesi nunn m hiM r.v liie nrotecticMi of creditors tn wao. Saw the Secretary of tbe of Health To enlarge the jurisdiction of police courts in years of purchasing tbe sugar crops of these Ke Uonolnlns. mr,A f. BtaiaJ tbat tcnniU were at times - . . m ! n,v n Caaea Yarmouth Btoalera, AlWaUakvMaat,Aed.t.lhwilKf C E rl whiTB TSCmlnM the kCCPlnC DT HTfn cases of assault upon public officers. BMOIU lUi IV MW TW ! tinamntv (tamirtat., has ,..nEn!nrr the order of the Presidentof f ...friend- - Ureeer. asoa. One of tbe largest trocpe of artiels that book account la the bat nerer without proTide for tbe incorporating of Banking I oresnme it is the rarest kind of Caaea Uxlord smaU traders, of all citner e To nine. aaoaafe. llM- introdaced into this country to eahren the Board. On exuDiniog toe recora ot tnesecre-tT-- now impels him to pay tbe actual market 4 IaItec4alB. Aagatt JlK - lutht iU tf John CTer been Esgufch or Uawaiian languages, coasiderrd that Companies. ship that Marshal's Sale Caaea Sardine, and ; duMiTered giren lemag. a sobl. and aarese tbe general pnbbe. was presented to an unjustly, and they therefore be a rermit bad been Amending Chapter XXXII of Stssion Laws of ralue for tbe next crop. True, tire Colonel has in bsilding. the Mcsic the bill discriminates 11 years of age, to Tisit the leper time expended mil- Cum Whito Wine) Vlnegsr, audteoo. that filled tbe at recommended that .the biH be laid on tbe table. to a child about le2, relating to the carrying of passengers and a comparatively short space of VIKTUi; OF AN KXKCUTION S UaS tast ereiung. Tb troops lmpenaI " FetUement, and saw that an order bad been sent lions here; but just please to figure np what each rrem Caara Kaat India Chatner. Soaslos of tbe AneUckn ysod. Board grant same. taited the Ssprems Ceert f the llawaHaa at they are called, pire an exhibition of jTnKfScnUliTe offered a resolction by the President of tbe to the To amend Section s I0GK and 1007 of tbe Ciril plantation nas cipenoeu oaring uie put twenty mi Ihe day of Ma. A. 11 n. Xakaleka - - I'Uad. Sth laa. a.alaat Leibig'a Extract Meat, their powers tn a wrtmitt of mirth mnsic and Attorney-Gener- Considered that it would be tn order ior the rrts- Code, to appeals. yean; consider what lams ot money bankers, mer- W. MAHKLON.l la fsror of WILUCIl A CO.. ler the Case. Tbe tit&igi of tbe Diocesan Synod of the Marshal 1'arke and the eXPlalQ. reltUni Hawaii were brought to a doe melody that was very entertaining, the comic OcerMeKeagne,IliceSUtJo0 ikeeper i.Unt nf tbe lYnrd of Health to AmendingSection 4 of Chapter LXtl of tbe cnanu, ana agent nave paiu out to sec? uie uj rain of $711 fit. I hare levied npea aad hall fiMM Caie Mnabrooni UaUnp, Cbnrett in ware many, being really to rerefatf of the Board of Health said that Colonel Screckel tor tr at rasuc Aaeitee. tae irwei 01 Aittestst o Uooday rreoinc last. parts, of which there npon the following charges; 1st, that be bad The resident Penal Code, relating to leprosy. timdnctton alive since L&2. and si Caaea Sojer'a Itcliah, tunnn wa on Mon- langnter being long and load. This by telling her that she was tbe statement made by tbe honorable member To Boad Sapemsors-- chief on tbe dif- outlays bere would dwindle intoa mer fraction. Hal'. Tb third rTi"1 opened Satnrday a Hawaiian lady were giTen by secre- create Caaea lCeliafa, tnstaat tbe lobuu colossal trocp give performances oa mule, 2d. that he bad a prisoner surprised him, if permits the ferent islands. Jlr. Spreckels has always had Gorernment faror; On Saturday, the 13th Day ol September, Torkahire day the Kb at eTeni&g sbonMbeseen like a adnd bad no anthanty to istae them. Had an lSftr, seems tome College pmndeaey of the tbe afternoon and asdthej trial lhat if be was connctedhe tary be Amending Chapter XXXIV of Session Liws what planter can boast of that? It at 1? lltle Catea Cclerjr Salt, under the lit. lltr. just before hi be been asked Ior al- 11. all Ur rtaet. sad Diocese. Eight and six lay to be aprgeciated. After considerable arga-nw- imperfect rccoilertion that tad relating to diseases among animals. that, exo-- in rare cases, the planters have f ssld a,4. A Uibeleaa. la the Bubop of tbe clerical abouldniakeanarpfal. Keobt (?) and bad granted latere! Cases Celerj Seed, Btembers answered to the roll. offending was the sub- a permit for one it Third reading bill regulating number of boars ways bad Government influence against tbem. fallewlae repetiy, vis Iliwm. in which tbe oaal an con- remarks, tbe apposing applicant to be adult. day's labor with parties under Occasionally they have bad a respectfol hearing; - On tbe first meeting tbe Bishop addressed the enthusiastically ject of many anoompbmentary no couTened Committee to constitute a I aadiidfwhatatBth Ital Ataa af Kaaa- Qaeen Emma has been most At 11 J5 tbe Assembly as and on motion of HepreaenUliTe but that ends matters; rery Utile attention is paid lilashlnerir Manna, I 8 mod ftatznc tbe principal objects of the assembly She eridrntly jatioa was referred to tbe tract. Bad al tt wbkh will gin tpcl&csttos taode of elec- in erery part of Kosala. u offered a resolution cf the Whole, Hon. J. S. Walker in the chair, and Dole the bill was wdenniieiy posipooeu. tnthrir ancfMUuoA. It ia well known that ther bernre tbe ak If reirfred Food which war be said, to consider the people. RerntatiTe Kaunamano con- Dr. Ridge's Infants tboToegaly beloTed by tbe licensmg of the sale of proceeded with the consideration oi toe nems Second reading proposed amendment to Article are aa loyal, men as tbere are in Ibis t!l tion, and tbe fsnetwos of the Trustees vndar tbe that the bill relating to tbe Appropriation Bill. thatUMstWslklkl.easuUIlHet a6scre and namiHT to coaoder tbe adTisabality be taken from the table and placed on the nected with the XXoItbeCotistiuUon,proridingthat "Xo judge country; mas me most oi uma r utm . kjuu betas s fart ot Royal Talest SS sad dcrlted la a ehartac, Tba barkentine Af Beryman master amred opium the of so conrening until noon, Assem-"- C sauon with tbe Pronnee of ew Zea day. JiiprDTel. From time shall erer be a member of the Legislative that their children will be Hawaiian citizen. Iwrateratef Ire )sr 'raw Sept. tl, (Jalmcal, 41b. tina ; arrimc on Wednesday, August th, days from order ol the controversy wad engaged in, relatire to A. D. sad la UWr , Caaea Scotch remainder of tbe first meeting was at Hik 2 AtlLTO KepreseatalireAholo mored the order Thit are Lha rerr neoole who keen tbe business lM, receded pf OS. lyT Tbe Port Townsend. with a cargo of assorted lambet slight in the monthly salaries of the ..,...... highest taxes; those of Lsad Caaea Pearl Barley, 41b. tiaa ; pnncipaUr takes cp with motioaa of which notice of tbe day. bat before tbe motion was earned irxreases rteprescniauTe naoiasvu usucu uw murimn, of these island going; they pay the panels br W c. for Messrs, Rienardson & Coan. until lower grade poHce officers. The following items nrctnnnement. and also tbe PreriOUS QUeStioll au aiong mat aie ve- Fsrhr. AdBilBlstrataw of the Estate af C. Eaaalaa ba D. tlh. bad bean at the last aeauoa. and leccnsg EpreseotaUTe Snath moTtd as adjournmcat but they icei iuir interest Vaheleaa br deed recorded hi Liber sad Caaea Tapioca, tina; citto were passea. Latter being earrkd, 17 to 1$. trifled with. If tbe Gorernment choose not at bares bc4iom of raotioss to be discussed at tbe next Kohaja bare been Tary heary. The 1 wbkh Utter motion was carried. the motion ins 3ii,cwaalaltasorApasa5rtaeIll Alas of Kanehwal Caaea Saen, 41b liw ; amend-&&- ! Tbe rains tn rayoflpollceaicast BperMath .. .$ . Aoe were ana uose we them, so be U. Sorely tbey do not think srsrinn. these referring xnostl? to well, coneee-ctiT- e ATTAXSOOS. f Aye and taaen aims oi to notice jasasaaaai aisn isau a en aees oops are doing hewerer. bot afler U pyaI4fpolrtaeBJI5pTir ath M,if stood 13 faror of tbe motion to 17 proper come down on marrow to ctis. um. isre Caaea !'. in jars, ta tbe Consutnuoaof tn Synod. down-po- begin to Ap- call tbe count in to weir dootb lot la lb III of Kalowala. at Maaoa. Ulaadaf tiaba. days of the redenu On tbe consideration of the recesa psifMaij Secretary could make re- ti The P.C. Aittrtiwtr baa at-- Oa Monday tbe Hit, the xnexsbers aaseabled in a Rood tatng At noon the committee use and took a but btiore the iu Itorsl to. ceaUlBlax mlrri asld.JdjtBeat aad Bty Caaea Ground pinnainoo, think that one can bare too ranch of propriation BQl wa taken up, in ComnTiUee of Hon. 3. G. Wilder duuigfd Inded to as a lot of eorthead; some day the expeB- - or rata are MerMMsiy wa. n tbe Cathedral yard, when a nntilL3) pm. turn to the President, tbem tba ia A. S. aegbarn in tbe chaif. Minister of anreheada together with the population W. PARKE. ItarshaL Caws (Ironnd All'pice, eeancainee was appointed to forward tbe details of Mrs. a ball at the Qob tkeBofe, Hon. inuns-Th- a hiTot from "no to "aye" the mar bum t. Mr. and Einneraler gae Section G, relating to tenders. declared doubt-fu- HeaolalB. llth. Ml WSS It or tea diacssson of Chcrch snbitcx. were aboct ninety Sraking on Gommitlee rroonreced at 1 D. m. and Lbe Foreign Affairs who bad himself l of Honolulu, your of nobodies' and tlr. Caaea Onnnd Claret, a roof maee t Hoase. Kabila, lately. Tbere be was satisfied that tbe Hon. Mr. Wilder by om H. "WhaUer gi an tateresting acooont of present, spite of the torrent of ram that Dole said that of items in oooectkro with pay of filled the gap left by tne nooooies may turn cut to aomeoouy. uo Ca. Uenaine ilBKUrd, IUt. coast in present Minister of the Interior bought that be consideration Toting "aye," keeping the difference at lbs same on, yon gentlemen who bold tbe reins; yon bare M. THOMPSON. bis work among iba Chinese in Kohala, Hawaii, was albng. Tbe was beautifully tta- - police was continued. 111 f anthAnzMl to adTertise for figures, then like a brave, man ICepresenUtire mi Hoi- - Knrsekela. that disinterested friend ot mORUMT-U- t 5OUCIT0R CHUCEHT; Ca. Uaenae Pepper and was folkrwrd by Ale C the the mafic good, and l..i..i.ui.w Oaka-E- spptxsccintaoci, was barsly possible thAt be might lUchir-Jso- with de- side. will teach yon the doc Practices la Ihe Ceertf, prepares Air. WhaUey Qaeen Emma lers, but as it ajBaersss-at- b marched hii rote to the front KawaU. on joar He a4 who cmjubuiatedtbeatamentsof all tborovghly enjoyed tbemseJTes. Salary Iepaty at U Dxt&s. Wnxa. Laiaaa, CwSTaacr4 oinad epos tbe dergyand gnesta of not remain tn osce ior ine aiu jcu3.u9 Salary 4 police apermeath cision and bad it rtenrued n tbe "no" side, thus trine ot supply ana oemsna ana wiu m una tn JImnmim, and him ia and suite wen tbe honored thecTening. or act as he has done. at IJ aimany AasssaasTs. sad laUT Honolnla and tho aalaads generally for suoreasor may not think Vstoaae. making a tie rote, li to 1", amidst great applause. the future; but do not forget that inleUigent tc. wyliam HEMP, RAPE, WD SEES, ef predecessor did noL He cannot per S Lu Kingdom support and assistance. A mouoa to this Her. E. P. Baker in crossing on Friday. July 2S. Certainly his Nslary Depaty Sheriff at Mswtb President Bhodes cast bis rote with the "no mmtit and every intellicent this itoxer so xoty. xuri?, vq&tgavm. fanner to the amendment, and be lary S potior t per bUL aweetfi-"- ) a! a rock. tsoiDn. ere. Ceet was earned and a committee appointed for rery near being earned orer the falls just imagine any objection r naU ode, thu giTing continued life to the (except we is sick and tired of cadc did not Walalaa-Mlar- to a orriL'C-t'ora- er Fart sad Btfsets, carryicx the work. Cmxsma stream, with his horse, and bop--d it would pass. He apprortpf Tbe motion was then made to send the bill Government, and are longing for Mrrtasst Frj'a Cbocukte, ocl beavw tba bridge worth only fVKO, ora Deputy Sheriff at per awatt. ... I.4P fight on paper was will come some day, we hope. JOIS llmHKrur.dL I. 3at eeasion eoQTcacd at M at tba same place with eren for 4 per meath 2,1 engrossment and another change, that Mrcka deasert, Attar a mesa tba pjn. others bsre crod masonry and rrmonng a wall when salary police at S party be- I'ry'a Cbcoolato for tbe of loUni College, and a resoto-bo- greater nak ot We ana naa. man u Urge earn for in, tbe ranks of the Gorernment a ia memui - bare been done for Leas by tender. This per . TJ strengthened by addition of the Mini tier auitot. Administrator! Notice. Kpp'a t'ocoa, was paved antbonang tbe Ibshop. utder late mhtstnp orer tbe Hilo and Uama- it could isklsry Uepoiy M aaoata.. ing tbe Karnai Clrewit Comrt. eextahioooditiooA,'' to take steps be. re-- rnsate and streams Gorcrainent Baading was built aalary 4 fmlKe at 3U per atowtb IJW of interior, who bad been sent for. and a a UNIIKIWIfsNKD, IS- Scbneitaer'a Cocamtina, wbanrtr kna road, owing to tbe raperintexderice of Mr. Eooert Stir- a GoTern- rPIIK ADMIN - aeh vxuVa with Jiew Zeslind. I the rersonal escra?ed on Ihe item. it looked at the moment if tbe 4th Judicial Circuit Court X IIERT It RTAX. Uts of & racuired for .jd bed roads. and is thet!??cheai-B- si Di&rasaawi was then in next necessary one. of the tntorofthf HodIIt Palmer' Milk ITucarU, m ue ling and Kr. ment party had the majority of 183L McCuUt. ot the llonofofa. deceased, fcrrehy aettles U peraeas bavtBT ne rjy&oa ooaanHroa. ta wraauw ol oon- - Gorernment. salary for a deputy sheriff at KooUupolo. In the who for the AbttiaI terra Jndce & t- - ratdi ia the Hilo district are in a.fearf erer pat np by the On rote being called, Hon. J. 1L S. Martin, prtwidme. Hardy, local Circuit clalns saalfltt W esute to preseat theisaewttS llontljr Palraer'a fifty was Section and passed. OI ins coaavrtrrj ue iiun iw post- bapreme Court mtm and a awuoc was ear- dmon. Aa one planter said. Tbere are not Section numbered diasi ciuiu bad abstained from rotirg on tbe indefinite Deputy Ik-s- nsum w mxtmrmrj Aiirms. ftaebons, etc, of Irnssee, T. to tbe bill becoming law, in Committee and tbe Assembly again formed, was on fence, Jodse, associate; l ever A Ce's Baaa la IJoasJale wKhtwmnn effect that farther considers two of the tstos ot aaie roa nctweea jju uu cUan applying ponement declaring that be tbe or tbe Crown. BIbo ls ned to tbe bridges Sand passed. receired and apjaoTcd of the Committee report, fVnhtfBt. fats tote "aTes appeanns for Iron data, sad that clotasa ao psratoi b until tbe next aeauoa of tbe boeboe.1 For same reason or other the was ntmbered considerAtion bill to remrded with tbe thus cnarpea ureeny barred. WILLI AX F. WILXI A)IS. & Crackrieils subject be rationed well cost Forestry, etc, was then taken up. and proceeded with the of the fteaapuru, wita oi catus oi toe Maccaroons Synod, a committee be appointed to cue along tbe ronle altbocgb beilt and a Tbe report oa offsetting the rote of the newly arrired Minister. Talna 1100. found euiltr verdict. lloawlele. J sly I L and that no animal can be Dole mored that the first Item 'gulate tha sale of intoxicaung Itquora. of Tned and LL Adawabsar. ter meanwhile witbtbe iTsstees to enable both deal of mooey are so placed that KspreseutAtrre The nassan of the section, which includes and tne result again being a ue,uww. xricaiucns bentenced to impriaonmeDt at bard labor for 15 joint actaon in tba nmt imt n for insianee the bndre orer the "ib Bbode airain deckled tbe question by hi Tote, Mackraiie'a Albert Biscuit, . beseatodecadeonaevcrseot ira u Hakalau BepresentatiTa mored it be stricken the clause makin? Sunday rlfl""Tir bestn at nine months. stream in tbe CmanmA gulch, between Kanlakaji was indefinitely ia tbe anTamatrre, the btll being ordered to who attempted to commit a rape on a CORPORATION NOTICE ! & Wax Batter. pUnUtKms. This is a feaxfal opinion the would not die dol- o'clock on Saturday erening, Dole madeamotion lapeka, , Uryant Mar'a llalcbea, . usual TKe jf thanks, et-c- a taotsoe and lIonobxBS oat In his ffta engroemest, Bepnsentaure cane fieU Uhse, found After tbe The bridge orer tbe two yaar for the want of this appro- - posspjoed, . rote, which (motion), waa lost, German cirl ia the at Bryant Maj'a Safetj llatc&n, earned that tbe nuastes of the ptvoeedmgs sirMaandTcTTaacgerons. ing tbe next 5. Sediao 2. to whole to reconsider tbe euiltj. sentenced to imprisonment at bard , some time, bat tbe nad. rdstinz was to third reading on tbe and i beni omiabed to tbe Hawaiian papers for pnbbca-tioB- atressa has been bnih for srtiilicenses, passed. I, relsJUng to Uoaos- - and the bill ordered labor far Are Tears, and to a fine ot S0 and Hawaiian Stone Company. f bare not been made, and tbe bridge ripreentatireAboio snrported tbe motion to sale Section yah rests ot, ply and that tbe ecretans caase to bo printed lo it opposed tbe itemtast ing yoDoera, poepuacu. um g Blacking. report of nrooeedingi of ibe ttirwW btgn, s-- that no team can by any means nans the item. Though to moeaiuaer Third readme of bdl relating to the prerenlios waa Say & Martin's Liquid and citrnlfrl a the year, passed in spite ot his oppotoo. Tnis for increasing tbe license from flJAD to Fwl Ponial, eharsed with arson, aerpiittad Synod together with tbe Bubop charge dfaTrrd cetnpjort. eerairajaArieaniniaiscaeuTij tt a penally of of cruelly to animals. 1T order of tbe Court. XTOTICK It HKUK1IY OIVKN mi with bad risited tbe nursery and tbe piices JOA itb bead in fV0 that a the llteckhasdVrs tbe Oatbedral onbonday. Acg. 10th. crossed this stream tktsrliTea. ar U C, relating to the grant- sccuons i. z ana oi u nu ww ynidtxi, SameaB. Grant, cbarsed with an azzrarated Xl al assrUsi af tw in where the trc-s-s were panted out, and be aatiapa-te- Sectws Smith taking ibe dUoc of the iutro HAUfAIlATt STOXIS CUM FA XT. bM at W NOTIl'K. Tba Session then adjonrned t dm. licenses llnocJulu, indefi- auanlt- on arDsal from KswaihaQ. tned at the u that much good would result therefrom. He ing of outside the city of the bill (Hon. J.S. Walie. who waa - aeoret law Charter ef Lotteries. work been by nitely postponed. Section 7, which prorided that dacer of reoruary term, waa crantea a csaoc 'emw v laeerporatloa taeta sae ttwir asaoelaw sod fnliK toPAirrxKiwnii" or foundthat a great deal of had done and arguing faror. iTrnding rrsated ta kv CawaalMka.tub Tbe Itrwr Telepb e CaBpaay. seern (S Iwmmm shall n (j tbe etaaa-t-o be consumed aKan, in it Uonolula for the October term. eereaasars. aod the aarswa4Jaw was defy srjraalxed. X raaalalra.. I. aMtfc. a.4 from a Late person charge, who did not to desire tbe Assembly on ad- ejj-H- tt Enrroa Gsjxttc The foDowinc the in between of 6 a. m. and oa Section t, motion HeoiTW TitAomb of and needless sad elected the fallow Isr ofBrm kw 4a 1 L7jaaal Cumpany lotUry a toraakerncoeyoutoftbeworkbet bad ttepub on the prenuse. the bour marrow. ittnou CM... tl. k.V k, T Tbe baildinj: of tbe Mntnal Telrpbont eaVprjNfeef wiO show the states of postponed. journed veld 10 on tbe on a commitment from the Justice of Ko FresldVet Tl krta aMM story will wisher of good heart. 9 p. in. indefinitely ridinc WOKnHa a F.tAtiaa.4. is Tery cooioodjoos. Ibe tower be tbe rnrted States. Erery wtfl be at pay TreasBrer F A. warerooms, while appet recent effort to B. Bubop sail be was as little disposed Section a, prohibiting selling liquor to natues to, sentenoea to a see ot sj ana cost, Wsa4tasrx O, ILLIK. Ivased for atorea or the Hawaiian will be glad that tbe Hon. C s second by of Secretary .LATTrartSe II telepbooe Ibe was met by anrone to rote money extraragantly; in fact be and women, and to cooncied of a OreTland Mentbly AlaiabJ, committed tbe District Justice Ila.1.1.. w i taut Bsderoted to the bostteas. xatroiacc tbe systeoi into these islands as l mored The Koloa. was larceny tbe second Wotlea is also that 21 wen arranged, coot and qaiet. widespread no sneoeasf al. not know where one half of tbe money that offense, waa read. Ibe fonnd truiltr of la parse! tathetersia oOos is tboronghly an opposition so and did inserting tbe words "habitual " August decree, and sentenced to two years bwprlsonment aaid charter. o U Hsbte for the VhS of xilTICK I ready. Mr. Tigaance liberty, so already been rosea was w om . to amend by The JffMfAe for came to band beyaedtchbolr which assy he dee Tba switch boards are nearly stall, As u the price ot had omitting Lbe of the section and f fine and eosla. the rvrporittea th aaioest KTIIBSTCK3r-iluui- tbeCompasy. atwurk. nnct It of UsmcnitT in aST COCEIBtta- - consilercd that the subject of the preserratxra of and per Minim and contains a great iubi oi plea- apea tb aar er rhsres held eyhiH A MEirriXM n tbsctricianof ubard it the iww tnoch part mates to a pmsiiy ior paper beaded Uaabeo and Kaaai, commiUeJ bf tb Justice " - course to properlr pat in order for Uty ibe many insadwcs forms of gaobbag forest should be kept before tbe ai excepting that wciea sant reading matter. Tbe opening u LOEKIS A. THL SNT05, - WIL0K1 STClXuHtr tvx- bat of thru from nursery Uwas nolaCaic the retrulationa Pawed as aosended. and Ynlon." Georze Ward- - ot Kawsihau on a chars of robbery, were Kerrrtsry Stoa fw .av,taMlt.a. Ikar Vwim S4k. 3 ssdjenriners is mb small labor- - Tbe boards are orouroetaoraiinpracucea, wnra wwuicti-I- t as possible. BaTing started this st Ut4iats the br Ilaaailae bfM. aa3. any are oat of order, cotamanity proper that tbe epanraenx anould be Lent At 4.4S the Assembly adjourned sntd 10 a. m. on man, author of a Trip to Alaeka, a work which acquitted. Htm olala Jae INh. Iei. MB It u wa. iM i. ta. Caraial tak t ja. so arranged that, when wira creep in to dealror. Oar is only Saturday. published, Pacific papers are KaiUuli. committed from Koloa for an attempt r(. irMIMfcH. b-- back of the boards, Ihas ao by oar caatral posttioo. np. take some time togrtarlsTiUnnri of trees has lust been Tbe GMfaaf nr Tk.a KuaK. trials can Bade at tbe made oceanic It show. essor," paper from at rape on a 70002 German pirl under 19 years of I boys. Tbere are two shosU bs increased against Bsderwayso as to make toy kind of a "The Crazy Prof a character TO BENT AT FUNAH0TJ IlMatala. not interfering with tbe call and cfirwatchXalness nur-ae- when the trial was parUI pro- JVr aik 14 oSccl, Tariocs trees being tned at this SeTentyEi;hth Pay. August 9Ju toe raining PT M7 mwm, ace. acquitted bedrooms for the boys, a secretary a spare There are p"", ceededtuwith, request of tbe prosecution. A NKW HUrHK. HL'ITAIILK this w tbey bare been distributed on other tbe Sarior, a legend of tbe Indians of at tbe - Toosa and a sloreroota. It ucLumtd that and destractiTB. and Asacmblr eonrened at 10 a. m. Prarer by the Cotoaist G r,3 lr- walk rmat I baa bees esporsally built says: rjAcea. ItiaAownthatdaruigDr.lUIleirads Northern , recorded by A. Teratariikn Money to the fcm bwiVi?"C which The Im4rtmi many and reading of minutes by the secretary. printed two prrraoos studies wtbwiIL KaaaL on VTednerdar tbe lb and ad. tbe Kbooi Sw.Wlar. Loan Tbe arrangrsaenu Jnstux in stating tbe nnaumocs opai-r- a Rsadencc bere be Introduced trees and fruits, fbTbi! Fasua, who baa of toil tr err" Addrras Eei 139nt4trose oan for the talepnone basasss. Mr. Gner successor yw gtjytMa-- " " Cali- journed star fe on Friday tbe tth Inst. rciL'iiiK or of ineneary the Ssprcae Cocrt of tbe tniled Subs and now they liad a worthy to the rprc3COiaiiB Aauiruui the t ; of the Beserration Indians uf I. CINSBUBC, forboanng tnestram of , tot was do- the rales, presented a petittoa for the Law Mora, a most nnons and I'KOOnAilMEH, C 8. Ttntilatjon ss raee"-- ago-i- a regard to lotten-s- aaid; Mr. Jaeger. He fornia. Tbe of AUIW, BAM embles are vary effiesent. Tbe l sociefortT years ooetoriatircrsonc Wsits,Maai. B- -f custom ; "Wants U Kave-- Ten Knew." n Xefcjaf at5aaaaalia. the bnildx&c: aeecas admirably suppression of ctusancrs xajanons to tbe ing a great deel of work wUhont pay, be has a lore entertaining aecoant of a Strang Maori C dwe ta the aeatrrt stylr at lae tiaietle OlSec Lisnr Tbe among most im- work and spends not only his time erred to Committee on Education. an anecdotie paper upon Henry Darant, fall of tbe swiaraed for tta psrpose. The cables are tng pabbe health or oaorahtj is tbe for tins kind of BepreaeatatiTe Kaunamano. under suspeastoo VTiixcac, Auzust th KM. portant of Experkoce has bctalwbisrnoney. ItUathinctfaatongbttobe most Lntcrectisg rexiiiniaoence of tbu pioneer wish VTailaka stow ran aaong "r duties Though of tbe rules, read for tbe first time a bd to pro-ri-d experience early days ; a Ecrrcra Ounrc--1 to ask tb vKl wril", be com farms of gimbhng art ssjiporedfiberaay by the Gorernment, teacher' romantic in would 70-- a ready for orceins oat. Easiness snown that tbe toimTKn money tbe appropriation of 1&00) for ths Doard - cansljtutxma a few question, and I like to y when placed in contrast tbCTwrrtappropnatiiarjeatdeal rate for f brief study of tbe si jp to penced shortly. tennenans of GeneaacT of Hawaiian Chufs. gorenimcnt of pubUsh there, if possible. ! wnntbewsderpreadreaileaoe of lottenea. Tbe thantbeycgMtodo.sZinbe tboohgt thu ought history of' lbe orrxaixation and put down r BepresentaUre Ka!akoa morei the second Camps Colonel Qmftit. Were tbe Something New Bajfccnatt'a Raavders. or pUoca, "Cabiornia Mming :" tbe third of former aza rTTntir to n few rcrsons the btll by tbe benefit of boraesortbe pubbeat Urja? Latter tbe whole cuoUHsnity: it ea- JwentalxreScaiUiajatiataLeBdrslood-- l reading of title. EUkedaTs papers on Pem. Bolirit, and CbiU see r.M-.r- h fin Fnnciico neb but the Infests trannsanttng was to BepresentatireilitcbeocK tnored that tba biH poasea, aboriginal if for tbe public, then all hue washt to be no Vkn CTerr dweJnnr H TBaates erery dasc ii preys ,i ts main obket intended ta Alaska, California, in Tanoos pounded, and for the benefit of horses, then all tisbera, ha?e forwarded to ns tbesr ters most to replace be rejected. and sefcotart. South if ne. cpoa tbe bard earnings of tbe poor: pbrnders ascertain tbe kind of trees suitable and miners out to ne punisnea ior on we stae Keaders. Tbe acnes has been np fcj Messrs. when country which were wra rapidly wasniecled America and Kew Zealand, all arcaring in tb ceuui rt the ignorant and sample." This was said the forests U tbe 13. sse JobBbwett.a'raaeraii Cshfornia teacher, wbota more ejommoa this country. Hereinejaberedwbenbewaanboy by a rote of 15 to number, and all in moat entertaining paper. m9 ssach ia disappearing. entertain- r, Ometm . Ia Ibert not a law ecainst Tasxanerf cookie fine utviM A posnt of order was raiaad that tbe tbenaa-be- SMis fca in some, specially good papers mm. rmiwr,mtirm daes reriwd nearly all jwfitmnmt toisst of Kuksi trees from Ther is a Z a Ai .or-tc- tbaatbeyare&vw. Man that ws d la. There are people m atyl, tbe taaXorma&Eaae tm wbcreaa now there was ooOdng ing of tbe motsua to reyect, after a motkm to especUDy A and " A think tbere euouzb it-- Sutes. either by statste or by constrtntional Kokn to Iihue, acconJ Pros" Ilicatioa to stock a plantation; 1 mean lodgers that do School and J. Uoyce of Uarrard Colkgr. y Tarioos canses. the the rules and rerf a time bad been h lh-- rt H. Talaun. anl a fable. " The Crow haw forbsddea poblic arteries as bctrrass- - Ha knew that froo nothing for a lm-i- bnt Just and and btunon The books aretboronghlyattraeUTetaarpearatije, uorisiaa. y made, wa cot alowable- - Stag," Hataan. AacrUI good polk-- and soaad oorabty. Cocgress trees were dyeg. Did not know that trrMincreased TbatwouM L? Cartas a fellow do tbinlJfthat lbe lav ought i eeafaariTftSaatraled-ZtfiBle- to the motion to reject beiis. I d wub rood tra and adrertiserocnta and circulars tbe ramiau, ncx ua anow uau mua u Tbe Fresidenl ruled that Is begnn ta tins cumocr, ine iaarpia a tlir (bod on tore pare. Aeersesof aaggesLaonstoteecbcrs baaexxladed tnetr wa leas eTaporataoa.uiuw was ia order. Whddletown,nanineislTenobtasas4Ure. Areriew to be pat In force. A new incthcxl of ventilating tho Uvea so that in baking the mxa United SUies. Tna lottary vascorered ryuns there n aoeoccpany cocung the of the was taken from bis dact-ao- by a will Luter-es- X Wert tb road in Waflaka made to each eulsme of the series, and Iot "aowerer, toicrabsd and ceacuced m Wilhoct water there could be no agriesltare, and An appeal of Af a&ock's " PropTtr and Progreas.' t vraae eipeTTenced men aa cotzpUers. a, , lbs Gorern-ae- party, waosa interest Mr- - let erexj on dnarp aartfcteg they wasted on? not become rj,rgy from steam or from taeh tba are - Tu niboTaigncdtOTwcbeb7-rs- Posterity leader of a all who bare read - George's Progress and an kind does or heater the mouturein the worthy conssdexataosi Eg.- Tba fAArWwss xcactj was drawn. a good nuny people throw of tHpetiaSy ot The sretajaa Xbexnoat --- wn iK a this inreatiBenf, tbe bt!l Porerty." trainiag are very gooa the role Uken the of the chair oa Ihetn, lie tin eaa and c4d bottle; this Is ha by roasting owvottd to vocal and form brxadditasoof, . r . fciiinPT- - sad AIT. vtKjmti enrBCDcnced a nmhlfcg On bans decisa pedestrlaa and animaJa. Oven, and the meitt the llavor iircloccd before an open laatnra. Tba seaectMSsa a madt from l!mvtibrf jadoerag EepreacntasiTe wasaanuSad by a rote of 15 to K; aertral mem-be- rt A few word on tbe encore system. When a oAngeroBi both to btw harasgnez bis remarks orojiAatBe of ten - Cwod astbors and there are crtsp imk biagrapLjes CSraoSCMrt cC to tun that "they were foolish," Toting ignozaslly on tbe question a could be cmilfxn noli forth a number fire. FOR SALE BY arc likely teuTfcronzU aa tat UU1 la ". Smitb mtina plainly noticed try tbeir actaoca, tha President seems thoroughly unjust to him, that that pro- - &- to remain intbe orator seczedacbair and it rreatinensthxa whereupon the doughty ooaueu ny oeoanca alarm of fixe erening waa caused by f he aaeascnesof etildreo. Alaogetner Mf&srs.Bsn' a rnno way, that be vocal adopt the yy?tiyg tn tba rfqaftfrt,;lg T the lBTinT eramaM anouil be nearly tne Tbe but SVoTtontedUKBiial doEus ud vtaiJ which put qnestioa. of tbe aadienee. Ha one would think of bernJo? ef a rale cf break os tha cbtisa. Ine croft Co.are so be cnised for their anercv w treatment if there wars any taore saehia in be tba p J Ashford totowicjc say vas cotte-ts- Ko. a sM of readers. tTeseeusJ rIatiKBs rmo the Una. sneniber from Waflaka. Tbe biH was then ordered read a stood tima by trip on a Slcimer free, becauasan oast it toct J jtnatsbcir acboola tbe first trip tbe rests! gars perfect, utitf action me ajgine-oqaj- r. AbalUTabexavltzxelyadopted intbe State JI XXaweestalrre Bole aaid lbs astuaUa tlfCflOJ title ticgtaeotacx NOTT, XonlJaSdi.tlJi-Jitai- tad conrad fa-l- ml la trtani'MSlT for double at a JOHN Bii was not cnesned at, but made np as follows: Saiith thai tba bSl b ea.astoaak Mothers ajclly ssnSng cHUrrn. ta, una ba Jooiifca erase of taxa cpnu &e33Uj pxtyaxAoa taanyio- - isaaical fTjteTtI,rt,lTJ1 than was paid for. It U If too ars aa2erin9? from ndjeretoa or weak wb fSxttSsl Uitsp)o4 TTag-- of Utczr, $lTO;tmlabortrAfarlTo teasS iith9 t&asJVtABadmt&siTinlkrsx Trill wi3caU chid and beaeit IhesaseJra by Ukv IssoenlatsiSts.'iKi-1- ' (3150; laoTeabU Jbedi fcr oiiEvaier, pK3CJSS, UiauWaeM vauajESd MMf IspaetegtpaatsisvxizsBBtoitiaBM. zsnjv. ing Bry Rittan dagy. See airettiacarnt. 14 stately the bill to I noticed ke fiin't Uke off hu powder-ho- ing trees, while around them rose Ocntml aimrrtistmmts. Committee, reported favorably on flower- nosling of bills upon any property and before I cffill nil attention to it be vat palms, casting their shade on the prohibit the mi- the (fvnctal Utawrt'tsmimts gmuaiian (gnzcttc without the owner's consent; also ia the tratcr. I waited about tventj ing plants and shrubs that carpeted er premises path. a substitute for the bill to prevent the waste nute." forest WEDSESDAY, ACGCST IS I SSI. water en the island of Oahu. "Twenty miontc.:" licj all exclaimed. Late at night they suddenly emerged I of artesian well held bills were read twice and ordered to a Tbt' tbc exact time, mj friendi. I from the forest ami found themselves in Both hand and timed hint. After MILLS third readingnn the 12tfc inst my iratch in ny another village, a largo one, close to a MICE HawaiianLegislature a little norvonn, ItfBIA The Representative Dole desired tbc President twenty rainntca I bean to Ret river. This they found to bo the village side of the boat, and vbat of the Board of Health to state whether the and looVed over the of Tenom, five miles from the sea and only cfyz-rix- zz v H . Board had permitted young, healthy children do you thinV I saw" twelve miles from Pangah. where they t 1SSJ-- friend, lying lite bottom RcKBMLtv btf Session to visit MeJokai to seo their parents or friends. I .appose yenr wi were last held captive, so that they must i3t; of the Board of Health said of the lake, drowned," ventured one. to The President he have been led by roundabont paths, DR. LXEBX& had lcen several applications for MXo, yon arc wronjr. Here is here were that there thiev- mislead them as to distance. There Bl!icanryi with allowed presence of mind and dirty Irlvnto. ArTEBMON. people to visit Molokai and take children hi. village, built on posts ' m C. w riitlrram. f?lT. : ing There ho on the bottom many lints in this ,J UaaiLl uuiajuic...i u& " w CMnraillce mwAAul mt them. He bad invariably refused. Xo permit disposition. sal them, Cbodactrf hy QoaHflM ni Smxeo- o- Tlie 10 TJ.i laVo the owder oat of my horn and thev were led to tho largest of f rbruw 1a U.C by himself or by the Secretary ot the rworin; - - - TTtifrrf Ite contiJeratMw ff lite itrms in bad been isancd with double floor. Here they re- TTg.ini. iJiAa -.- - tn trMt--. - Rtafn 1 mumtd permitted to into hi. own, and whHllinc;." one a . " - IIH1, WUiwiB iMrf; cf the Board. People have been mt . -. w mnA .MfiririitMi the tew? made by any of hi. listeners, mained eight days. On the fourth day - mtem ft Twin nx there to assist in the erection nf buildings Xo reply was 1 go ucpi word camo that a Dutch hawker was in fl.i tMnniiii iiw1 NnTaBllcnirf.afAOMUmii llpHU..... but on account to remain any length of time hot each fnc tjuietly "I1. lo4lns P.ldi5aSah.aUS im story tetter,k' and left him alone, tho village, selling goods. The hawker I ! af lfca Jl&aa1a- - Nar'l in the settlement. cioosly at the 'nMlb.ThrML Maw lirmiaTif TIT COItd Will t.f -- to a spy, carrying letters to nlti Cousideratioti iA ibe aUrica lle Jolicct On motion tho Assembly convened in Cwisv mailer of the situation. & turned out lc wm llwn uken p wi the captain from tho Assistant Resident at jfifpnifHJC DebttJ.linxtBm7,STWrriiUsart.SernlD9Ci7l ' nbcSnprnicCMirt mine of the Wbol6 and proceeded to consider iiuiiuvw nenuiut lh the bill to regulate tho sale of ipirUoous THE YARN Or THE X1SEKO. Olvhleh, and from the commander of a nui tiu, aiztini irTn " 0 fmM OT VMtiM talatSa ...... - Dutch The tenor of these llrinel a iWglfc l.rjChtrf K.t.ntn liquors," Kepresentalisc Nakeltka in the Impris- - ShtpwTrdt and miut r--i AMelrt J VrtiT- Romantic Story of letters was that they were in the hands of - chair ' ttHaMI4dlwA4arainl.BBftwtotI9rX&-(Hat onment BritUb Seamen in Captivity. dead to all at .kill ud riuriMui.nHill ehkl KgmnMB Pftnapfan item ordered imerteO io Section, which provides for the possession a ferocious savage, who was alow?. HbDTJuluicAiaaiotfaaiw.Mdmaymvchtatf mterraiKl Tlie folloirins wb facie evidence Lo.MtOS.3lBV 111. 1SS1. honor, and they must not be ruwi&leDl(KaTwiakttovlMttr)rltTfWur4meBl.aai4Uo 'the Hill: cf distilled liquor being prima sense of that RwlwntTprTVlHTebrrxprrrrWlrriai mhmtrtl It I of the distillation thereof, was lengthy AlUicmsli many of ns had licard bome-tlua- obstinate in anything, lest additional ob- rajwuaMfrmuivi ailntaia ltt a I Ifcel tmr. " Jrftd! ClTfrt Cnt. bi iilBraiUl.lpbyctaiin)OClOBC I & PREMOHT STREET 1t debate, passed. abont tie crew of a British s toaraor stacles should bo put in tho way of their jtMC snow) ttnaiuuwuuy rrvutnmrvm 107, 109 HI Tbc report f the Select Omitie siirr. waraiioaiw J annnil alary ef Section 3, which increases the wholesale bring dctainwl in captivity by a certain release. Stxii 3?"rajioljsco. liquor license from S230 toS500. was passed. ot Tcnom, few, fancy, know tiip On the morning of the eighth day they 10,000 ndoI5ceexTnM to tlie Hawaiian Itojah I SceniKwMClMBonKtatthIKto.Cbntt!t4kXHla't f 4, which increases the jobbing re- a Francisco, and that all Ceminlar Section tine"YarnoftheXiTO,'tril it was were again called out, and had to prepare B ftJKI caaruuaa. . jwnmrn nnnnmuiBn. Coctul at San SSOO rejected. w Mrrrai' !"' w man una w'jwm license from toSl,000 was lie. other day. The ten hours MrirvT"Ma 'iKLiwir nn - i collected tliat official I pa into Il,e lated in the "EcIkT for another march, and after a m C. IV irniUT a nr awtivv- n M.nrrc in ammo .vnau- ' few l'j license at AVode-hons- rJ.-T- r VM rt hf Section 5, which fixes tlie retail camp direct from o "oumey they to place where five rbnl". mivaarca, bauvi w.taw nwn i.j.j.j j "" t .1 'r.. 1.n, rJ. 1MJJ" Hawaiian Treasury, waa Ulen np and after inf onnation Capt came a ii a rrrninrTi i v in - ""! t.llt. rvwui, t. " ," tV J'I'- ' 't"- - with a bond of $5,000 , river-side- . lir.i. n "kib h.r lt lf,N'it. coniJeraUc diacnaaion as laid on lite tawc. S2f000 instead c! (the sldnper of the iinlncty toss-!)- mis had been built by tho lyoKTiij.:!.. iitsTQmiSTolLEJUJXiXxxT?mJZa-itt- i and rqorted was rejected. relied npon as strictly correct. centre ones, fifty yards apart, had & of Paddy. The Committee then rwe lct conditions and may bo Three UHQEEFUl CHMAS HYECI1T03 itie Rates for the Hulling Cleaning AsaemUrad-jonrne- d Section C, which provides for the 03. USCS Largely Reduce At 3:35 the So far, the Government seem to have been evidently been prepared for their recep- Lump t&w J s enabled to totbeJcreUl. under wbtdi licenses can be granted lor any j PrrstaaCTCy ittbm 11 CnmtajrJ from yrtta until 10 a.m. on the next dar. very apathetic in the matter, bnt they can tion, while the remaining huts were evj. T W Wlirij autua i mJt ,M'" Kingdom, outside of Honoluln, i .. riiipriN r.tini i .Wiy' district in this Fcarceir so. would indeed bo a dently to be used for guardhoases. Xo mi. ithwiiii inar wnw. thcdx, bum"?""i iilim un ...i nnvr;i - remain It tUIL .Itl UCUUaWBiaPl'I'" . SfTentyrifli Daj". Anc- 6Uu was passed. conntry-me- i a mm aaauaar mw a - ,.- - i which provides the number of sin and a shame if onr unhappy sooner had the prisoners been placed in "Section", lonper commenced to i.IiI.rrrrI-.M'!- ' The AewWvcotiTenedatl0.a.ta prater hours soch licenses shall authorize the licensee were left to languish much in tho huts than their goalcrs the each IH. ly the chaplain'and readrnj of mioute" of to sell liquor by the glass to beconsnmed on the captivity, simply liccanso they arc "only run up bamboo stockades, making day the aecrcury, hut n jail by itself. Here, for tho rest of - . preceding br premises between the hours of 6 o'clock in the sailors." Hepreaentative rilipo offered a rewdution morning and 3 o'clock at night, every day ex- was on XovemberSth ot last year that his term of capture, the captain was Apprepriation It that WOO I inserted in the cept Sunday, wa rejected. tho British stcanrehip-YisTn- t, while making and here, so far as we know, the Hill for Kawaiabao Seminary. Tabled, to I shall not on the Tho time hung heavy on tBK- ,,fc '',"u Section S, provides that retailers for Acheen for safety, ran ashore crew remain. hnttU - u,tiillFl"''r considered with the Appropriation Bill. sell to minors, nor to persons who may have west coast of Sumatra, and heeled over on their hands. Xo labor was given to them, 101 It On motion lli order of the day waa Uten convicted twice of drnukeunesa before her port side, a prey to tho heavy sea. She but absolute inaction was almost intolera- SOLICITED. and the went into Committee of the CONSIGNldENTS OF PADDY up Hnne any Court in the district or city where snch had been trading between Rangoon and ble, and added to their W1h4o for the cwisitleratiou of the Appropria- retailer shall have his place of tasineaa. A Sottrabaya, an im- miseries. At night they heard the cries of - Cleghorn in the chair. Tenang, and had left GRltlEJNAVOOD- tion Bat, Hon. A. S. violation of the above regulation will subject portant seaport of Java, with 1.S00 tons of tigers, and knew that if they did escape Win. M. 1 representative 1. Brown, moved the ilcm of fine than $10 of Ih. the retailer to a of not lee or sugar, bound for Port Said for orders: bnt from the huts it wonld be to meet death TOBACCO Proprietor 0,000 for the Kirtjfa i.nirJ. UT Si offence. Grner.1 CmmiMlon more than $50 for each and every hindered by bad coals and stormy weather, in tho jungle in a worse form than that INDIA RICE MILLS. Su rranriro. CL HepreenUtiTe Smith thonsht lKttlO.000 KepresenUtfve Hitchcock moved to include under changed her course CCO from Galle, and which was hanging over them every day. was too mndi, more titan the country omen in the atave. Tlie idea n for Sumatra, 400 miles away, it was exiatitis circunwUncca can afford. Representative Frank Bronu objected to in- made n. S she struck. did not know its name nor where it led. of tlie maintenance of at army liere a cluding women with the minors. after o'clock at night when was joard for terriffic wind was blowing, and the rain As a matter of fact, it was the lenom New Goods by Late Arrivals All that traa needed a Repxcselative Hitchcock's amendment pre- A '& only S3 1,000 a few was falling in torrents, while tremendous Biver, and if they had constructed a raft Son, His Majesty. That cot vailed and the Section passed as amended- W. Dukes vears There vraa no occaatoti or need seas broke over the vessel, breaking tip the and got on to it an hour or two would FROM SAN FRANCISCO. sro. Section V, which provides for ihe limits in village for the great increase. There waa no danger which liquors are to sold to be In the pow er port boats and putting out tho engine fires. have taken them past Tenom. the of any inlemal inarrection or disturbance of the King in Privy Council, was passed. In this perilous condition the crew re- in which they had last been confined. NEW YORK & ENGLAND. have the im- KcpresentaUvc Abolo wanted to Section 10, which states the law shall con- mained until 11 o'clock, when thinking Escape there wonld have been almost to consider report of the committee appointed tinue in force until the 1st of January, 165", they could not save the ship- - they got out possible, and if they had escaped that dan- FOR PIPES AND CIGARETTES military matter; be bad not beard from them was indefinitely postponed. a lifeboat and a starboard boat and made ger the raft vronld have been broken by & did be Inow wbetlicr they intended to Received by Castle Cooke yet nor At 5.15 p.m. the Committee rose and reported for the shore, a mile and a half away. By tho surf that lashes the bar at the mouth report or not. their action. Keport approved and the House they reached it without of the stream. Only practiced boatmen the good fortune DUE rKO M ABO VE PORTS. AJtt) Keprraentatire Dole said the object of then adjourned till 10 a m. Thursday morning. tho boats rode this the sharks are never ALSO. TO ARRIVE BT VESSELS - aentrica for the losing a man, leaping out as can pass bar, and Kin- Guard was to j.rovide waves, and seizing small military attendance on in on the crests of the absent palace, and ior a Supreme Court of tie Hawaiian lalanila them to drag them high and dry. In this Afteranotherperiodof captivity extend- THE MARKET is state fccasions. Tint is all the array was Equity- - B ATBS In , they were successful with the small boat, ing over thirty-on- days, the captain, Mr. To Somi liOW E!T -- oodforand bardlv fft for thai. For any Bes-to- away and went engineer) and the cook, it parade the guard was too small and utterly Maxcaxoanojl MEnsurncn vk James x but tho lifeboat broke Kydd (the second TJmdx Mi Co. a mile along the coast. were allowed to leave tho huts to confer GOODS ana ior ancu i'ujj-w- mc the ix ashore about half wonuicss, iw at strange shore they English Consul, who was on ernment mnst rely on rolantcer corananiei. Here, then, on that with the HYMAN BROS. twenty-eigh- coast 1 He sopportcd the amendrocnL He thought gathered, t men in all, half board a Dutch off the Stores somo was dead at the Plantations,Country the police wonld do to stand guard. Every This i a bill in equity to foreclose a mort- clad, their only property provisions Kydd blind and almost Suitable for im- permis- time be saw the King's Guard be was ashamed gage made by the defendant Benton on certain aDtl the ship's papers: around them time, and when the captain asked Sati-1rtt- That guard has nothing to do penetrable darkness, before them a raging sion to take him to seo the ship's doctor, at SliortcM oliir anil nilli mi of bis country. lands in Kohala, Hawaii, the estate baring Or I 11LIKS. (Hr l'illol tat to drill, and ;bt la be the best drilled been transferred to the Union Mill Co. soa, behind them them the unknown ana the Bajah kicked him contcraptnously as Sole Agents. when on parade they well die to Atlpnlion i failed to lliir force in tlie world; yet The mortgage is for $2,000, with interest at perilous bush. he lay, and said he might as go as I'nn Iiito. crc not able to stand in a straight line. 6 per cent per annum and is dated Sept, 11th, Before long one of the crew made out there" Emboldened by his success, the Xo amount f money would msVothem a 16H. It became due Sept Uth, 1651. The some figures moving in the. bush, and after captain asked for the chief officer; but company. If they bad a competitive answer admits tbc execution of the mortgage a tiino tho captain went up to where they upon this the Bajah went into a passion, Improved Paris drill with the Honolulu Kiflc. nhichbadonlv and the transfer of the estate, but alleges that were, and found five natives,heavily armed. declaring that if another reqnesf were PLOW.. w n.-. - - - runs r J"-- ' been drilling about two months, tliey would when tlie mortgage was due payment was not They refused to shako hands with him, so made- no one should so at aO. So the citt left behind. a bad wil- find themselves It tmb demanded, though the defendant Co. was -' he called Ah Yeow, a dunesc-America- a three men went alone, leaving the twenty-liv- e to the regular force badly .. state of affaire bate ling and prepared to pay tho amount doe, cook, who the Malay language behind them in charge of Mr. Crich-to- .., tf.'tiw I.. AIUT um ...... r. 1 told them in iVk lit" ti bih.i.l!vW'-:.m- ! disciplined, as then they could not relied In&M linWTAruavnUw Vs-- ' 1l' .f). loir. principal and interest; and on enquiry why it the crew were English, and that their the chief officer. AVhat else there is , .. llHIU. Fnr- - t that hf- - Iwt.Mf was rot demanded defcndinl learned that the known---how- , mlrfft. - - cion. assistance would bo rewarded by th Eng- of the narrative is well that r o. ..M m w t mt. I"'i i 'H ' "' "- The item was then passed by a vote of 10 mortgage and note were lost, whereupon de- I.-I.-- r--. iiKHtrT lilinr ntMMvi.iJiiln, lish Government. "While the cook was when once on board of the the l.i. -- - Uinl M-J- l. as follows; ,. . 111- !' "'Oil. X.i. toll fendant acreed to pay principal and interest native, who had crept np consul would not let Capt Woodhonse and Itr IWto speaking another (.!"" Kt':.t4 aon a snfBcimt lond of indemnity 1 icing exe- some- return, how have DISSTOS CELEBRATED SAWS AND TILES. ALL SI2XS: wa on hit hands and knees, whispered his comrades negotiations The next item cuted. The offer to furnish indemnity onp of them, and they gone on intermission, how the . an4 ,nn made by plaintiff in March 1SSI. The proofs thing in tho ear of without pud-- nae fh.i Soon this the light of the capture of tho discussed, and finally show that the interest was paid regularly up all withdrew. after Bajah declares that was then taVeu up and among the trees, and crew was special dispensation of Provi- change. lotbeUUi March, 1&5I, and that there was a torch was seen a panted without discovered all tho time against rule of the Ileprcsentativc Smith atked wlil bad be- due of i uteres I, up to the 1 lib September; they then that dence in his favor the Improvements in Shelf Hardware nctlvcs behind trees in ho willingly e up his Latest come of the bill on the sobject of ramie culti- 1 551 , eighty dollars. The sum of $2,000 prin- had lteen concealed Dutch, how would gh r ht.t m1 lirtl t- NftH Mt Oil. man of them how a sudden in r - It. MWmrt vation. He thought that if ramie could be cipal and interest is paid into Court. The the thicket, covering each country to England, but - lmst(r bim! rwwjw !, rtimtHTnrl torch, Office" !ntt fhc:. rni cultivated here it would le ol great value to contest in this case is upon tho question with d musket. On camo the until delicacy on the part of the Foreign the country. If, after careful investigation, whether the defendant is now liable for full by the light of it they could discern tho makes them consider English interference JS I- 13 33 E"52" X it could be aliown to be a means of increasing interest to date. The defendant contends that presence of a chief, a g man, impossible; with the result that the crew fci A. JP - & O O S the country, then the subject interest ceases to run from tbc time of its oiler decked with a crown of long leathers like are still cai'livcs, and. for all the Foreign ,, v. i the wealth of n . -- pay,-o- the of indemnity- - followed by Office to may remain so for ..,(, IHkIMU l.i. l..l.lllMrfl.W.l.iKUlli.r-.- was one that should be attended to. to execution those of an otrich, and aland is inclined do. aw&M MOTT, n n! hit' t.. Al. , Tlie. report of the committee to whom was The plaintiff contends that no legal tender ot fifty men, armed with swords, knhes ever, or at any rato until the patience of referred the items on Government buildings was made ami that full interest shosld be and muskets. The chief, who turned out the savBge chief is exhausted and the word I.'KCEHIKS, Goldoii Gale, Siar A. Sti)erfino Hour and repairs was taken up. Il recommended allowed her. to be the Bajah of Tamrah, beckoned to is given or the willing Acheenese to At tlie Old Stand. No. 8 Kaahumanu Street, si' rii. appropriations to be made as follow a: Hie plaintiff eajs, in evidence, that she the captain, who went forward and re- butcher them. TV.lwr.nrt KbIMIb- - 1S.("I never demanded payment of the mortgage nor ceived a gift of bananas, stripping one ac- &ct wt llarbnr MaMr llml.and Pllrt. 12, authorized any demand onherbelialf; also that , to custom as a sign of peace, and (Cmrrol EaUTTrmrotot rtaacv - was to her. is in evidence, cording Jlbrcrltsrmcnts. OU We Offer THE PAIJi.CE, and Guarante al Csrtam ltoa .. 5,w ao tender made It formali- Tor Kerosene Hral de- offering it to tho ltajah. These Kialr at tiorrrararal Caikltas oa nrrm however, that Mr. Brown the attorney for Bajah asked them to go into 1M, GOFFER SHEET IRON WORKER price: also, THE irm " fendant wrote, soon after the mortgage became ties over, the k itcMumotbetocatfor quality or KrrtMTve W arrbtNn- -- .. . w acting as plaintiff's the bush, but the captain pleaded that he C! Cncttar-a- t " due, to Mr. Tida, bo was BREWERTca VTJXCAN. a good oil and above test: agent, and ascertained that tire mortgage and had hurt his side, and that he wanted to TnUI i . note were lost and thca offered topajtbe see the position of the ship in the morn On mo! ion, after a short discussion the item amount due, on Mr. Yida'a engaging to provide ing; and tothis the ltajah agreed, sending HAVE PLUMBING, in all its branches;. PIANOS harbor-mast- WOODWARD & BROWN'S CELEBRATED for new building for er and suitable indemnity. This Mr. Vida declined some of his men with dried sticks to en- was struck out, and ?12,000 for the rest, as to do, and matters went along until March of able them to light a fire. This they did, ! Orsan- - recommcuded by the Committee,, was passed. JUST RECEIVED sizes; 1 lie l lii.tpot (.wxl l'iaiin: V lUun Orsan iv'f l'arlor this year, when Mr. Brown offered to pay one but the heavy rain put it out; and the Artesian "Well Pipe, all Keprcscptative F. Brown moved to insert halfof tbc computed interest, which offer being morning that disclosed their vessel being n.B AMEHICAN S&30 for a ferry boat across Pearl lUvcr. refused, this bill is brooght. swept away to sea, found them drenched rassed. In Jones on Mortgages, Sec S90, it i laid to the skin and wearied out by exposure Beprcscntative Kanealii moved the insertion down that "it is a settled rule that interest and suspense. bridge atTTaieta, Mam. Tassed. STOIT BMlSBLiUTH & of S1500 for a will cease to run from the time of tender, when Soon after daybreak a band of armed Ceylon ikira RANGES O., Kepresentative Hitchcock moved to insert Bark J. the money really due upon tlie mortgage is deepening the I oat landing men arrived, and led them a mile and a Uncle Medallion. Ilrchnioiitl. Tip Tup, l'alacc. Flora, Mr, ConltU, Grand Priz. NirOANTJ STREET, 1 1,500 for at actually and pnqierly tendered by a )erson com- THC roLLOITIAU Sam. No. 5 half through the buJi to n village New Hit.. Utr. Urbj.Wren.DollT.Ojpr,Jtcii, ranT,i ArmTl!aiiRM,lIasnaCliarter,Baeli, having the light to nuke the tender, so that posed of bamboo huts. Here they were Superior. Sltcnrt, 0ttja. AloMttl. Edipiw. Charter Oak, Nimble, lowootl and Laandrr btorea, Amended by Hon. S. G. "Wilder to $1,000 JUn-- n, and Plain . the mortgagee is bound to accept it" taken before the Bajah, who sat on a mat : UslrantoJ Iron and Copper Hotter,; for Oranita Iron Ware.Nickel Ilated i 'Superior' Stove and passed. But tested by Che well settled rules of law MERCHANDISE Agents for tlie Smith moved the sum of in the principal hut, turbancd, and with a representative that applicable, no sufficient tender bas been shown ex- sword stab? his knees, its on S10.W0 1 appropriated for the purpose of to been made. For a tender must be ab- of lying across Galvanized Iron Water Pipe, all sizes.; and laid at hare with diamonds and pre- Wliicli will be Sold at tending Oahu J 1; amended by KepresenUtive solute and unconditional. Xo actual rnorey handle gleaming STOVES KD RANGES to and passed the cious stones. Aided by the cook, the cap- ! Kicbardsmi at latter was offered. LOW RATES Xowest Rates; Cast Iron and I.ead.SoilPipe, fignre- - note tain made his statement again, 'and then i, EfTl IVtt'i' ft' Indemnity is required in case ot a lost Hn. Godfrey Kbodes drew the attention of in order that the payee may not Ire twice liable the ltajah, having looked long at them, Committee to the fact tltat there bad bctn abun- ordered the captives to pass before him. SHEfT METALWARE ON HAND the on the same instrumeut, but there are "Electric Oil" no provision made fiy the Survey Department light haired Dnlch sailors seemed to ail kinds; dant authorities to this ifiect that if the note Two 150S WATEUWlltir.; PATENT Jfoulc Cm Goods, estimates. He was English-men?- House Furnishing by the Ministers in their I 4K is not negotiable no indemnity can required. arouse his suspicion. "Are these scrry to say that the members of that Depart-tne- nt Xo question is however made in this case as he askrf. The captain said they &. lb. PAILS badly used. They LARD, in 5 10 considered themselves to the right of the plaintiff to foreclose the were. " If I thought tbey were Dutchmen KCDBEIS IIOSE-.- UX SIZES AKD GltADES; attainments and bad Lift and I'orw Ionipa, Ciatem Fomita, Galranized Iron, bbeet Copper, Sheet T,ead, "-- ' IlillffltMlB were all men of scientific mortgage upon secondary evidence, i. c. tlie would kill them now," said the chief. , T - p I EXTRA PRIME Lead ripe, Tin 1'labt. rktw-b- Marble blab, and IVjaU, Kcameled Wash Stand., i coxnut-rt- toe but little of this world's goods, they liad been certified copy of tlie mortgage from the captors, the , they had Still further to satisfy their h I very efficient in lhetr service but office, the original Wing losL swore were Englishmen, WATERPIPESFirTlNGS.. the appropriation altogether. captain ihe men been left out of I am of the opinion that the plaintiff ought and tho Chinese cook, with a sword held He desired to submit that Section 3 of the the duty of OIL. . - lot to recover full interest. It was his head, swore they were English- LARD ff Jt1! tbc over Appropriation BUI 1 amended so that tlie the debtor to see bis creditor, to inaks hie pay- I.V ItAItUCLS JD CAsDt Cliandeliers, Lamps, Lanterns Si words 'Employees of the Survay Department' men also, for the sight of a Dutchman ment and to make legal proffer of lb money, inflames the passions of tribes of Montague Range, be inserted in the Section alter the words if he expected to stop interest. tho 'Circuit Courts. Acheenese. and swift and cruel death is Pitch, Decree accordingly. inevitable. At last the Bajah's lingering Tar and Bepresentative Hitchcock offered a further M. for plaiutifl; C. Brown for CIRaiKK (ID FBICQ Ct IFPIIUIIEK J. suspicion., were removed by the sight of amendment, that the words "Expenses Insane defendants. COAL '" TELEPHONE Ko 211 I Section." Jack, which the captain nn Asylum' also added in the Honolulu, July 22J, 1&S1. the Union ID FIMMII flOffi. Iictu C IL Bishop still further amended by furled before him, and thereupon he left In Casks for Family Use. the addition, after the word "Prisons" in the Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Islands- - the hnt and the captured, crew saw noth- scroxn-UAx- bUbIimg-ham- : Section, the words, "Aid to Queen's Hospital." Jidr Term, 188. In Banco. ing of him or his men until next day. ill & Co., All of the amendments were approved and they remained nine days, with s-aJ'E- Gebtx vs. Gebte. Here for UFiLOTsr passed and at 15 noon, the Committee rose and no thrv clothes, and nothing but rice to ASSOKTD SIZES, Have Received a Pull line of the Favorite took a recess until 1.30 tt pjn. JmM, C. J, XtC-- W .1 ., J. J. Ofimimt f est. - arriuucoox. W Cwrl If JU, C J. One night at ten o'clock the captain was CUMBERLAND COAl LE-YOEtA- N On reconvening the consideration or the Ap- called out of the hut with the interpreter, Ml Dillmg'hani Breaking- Plows The Attorney for Anna M. Gertx excepts to considered and fol- and taken before another ltajah. to whom propriation Bill was the refusal of the Chief to tax bis statu- . discussed: a Justice the Chief of Pangah was subordinate. CARD MATCHES lowing Sections were tory fees. The cases were first a suit by Mrs. HI 1X1 M-- Bepresentative Dole moved to amend Section This was the Bajah of Tenom, with whom Fair-bank'- s nll.1l:itA!il Minister of Gertx against her husband for a separation, in Platform Scales, 4, which reads: Tbe Finance which denied petition, and, sec- the Dutch had been at warfare for thirteen allow to be paid from tlie the Court her shall not cause or ond, a libel for divorce Mr. Gertx against years, a man described as savage and PAnLOKSBTS, - PIANOS money fur objects not provided bj FURROW PIUWS. RICE PLOWS Treasury anv hrs wife, which was dismissed by the Court. bloodthirsty. He was of low stature, but Co by this by adding the follonin: Xor BEDUOOM SETS, j OUGANS, i law' Upon no theory can the items claimed be his shoulders were twice as broad as an T object herein authorized over and above for anv taxed against the husband in the wife's suit ordinary man's, and his teeth and nails, ASII OAKS, 16, IT, 18 ft ' IX appropriated therefor." ODD CUAIHS, OUITAHS, lit AtTif. inrlt. tlte amount for separation, for this suit failed. red with the use of the betol nut, gave i prevailed, when Sectiou S The amendment bas not been the practice of this Court to him a fierce appearance. His men were " read follows: .No person holding It Axe Handles, DINING TAWiES, ACCOnDEONS, was as tax in matrimonial litigation the statutory muskets and swords, and wore Q one office for which salaries are armed with Thr. ltW n nil nuttr ttarinrttltt ntK t.T Dm OtuiHl MOUItE lIAW tHMtKb of more than attorney's fees, but tlie Court makes an allow- rangong, or short dagger. This inter Pick Handles, U provided shall be authorized to draw 'more the cestui: taui,ks, (S vioiiiNS, .t'lHN lr:i;t. IVwtr n n.nt UaUtMcitji w4 tbr UlMMI Mttol Plo ance to the wife's counsel, if asked for and the view no result, and the next Cotton Waste, cn.caib.tttUinHMihNaqr. ol thau the salary of the highest grade of office yielded Sfc circumstances warrant it, and this has been irATTllKSSKg, i 15ANJOS, t.lkld. tHJ salary any office held by captain and his men got out of the Salt, Plaster, Cnltirntors, Horse Hoes, & Harrows, held by him, if the of considered to occopy the place of taxed costs. - Lira shall amount to two thousand dollars hut and went down towards the beach, ' t- or PILLOWS, FLUTES, Old Tattom Moline Plows, shall to no This practice of the Conrt being now ques- where they found about two hundred fight Choice more per aanum. and be be entitled tioned on this appeal, seems to us to be proper A Selection of Plantation Tools, all kinds ; . Passed. it ing men. After some parleying, the chief I oilier or further compensotioru" and fitting the ordered to be RUGS, 1IAUMONICAS, Diflcrential moved to another that omcer was allowed to go on board the ! Pulley Blocks. Iiepresentative Dole insert paid by the husband should take tbc place of CHJ1JRS lie Section to read as follows: stranded steamer, rowed by four of the 1 STRINGS,- Buckeye Mowers, Hvdraulic Jacks. Section, to , in sorao MAJTINU,: ImUJing public furnish- statutory fees. This is the practice by Poddcr Cuttcrsi Garden & Canal Barrows, "Contract for works, States of American Union. sailors, and accompanied six of the ing material, provisions and other supplies lte Bajah's men. and came back with clothes, Shooks See Wbipp vs. Wbipp, 51 X. IL, 2r2. Barrel aw this Act, shall be awarded only crew and Oils, arded under The rule of Court referred to, "tliat coals some of which were given to the Lubricating Turpentine, Serosene Oils on advertisement for public tenders." EXCELSIOR, IMtntK. I'Miit original ac- somo to the natives. The Bajah of Tenom fhl MidXiuiiH.MadrtMUrMaiEtiiu.F1liroaf hilt sad ftor. Minister of Interior said this would shall follow the judgment in all Firr 1 .rtlugmwTK Hon lxiutiiKg Uputte. LMtb Lurtccut. Ac Ac. The certainly docs not apply to suits apper- took a box of two thousand cigars, giving tbMidriit. certain administration of the funds. tions," - t.ftttt). t ,1m k tn oat lint UN) Mil at fcamiitra taining to t)Sc matrimonial relation, for in these ten to the captain, but saying they were T T. r,rIhtti2 t.i... ' 1.m1 I'm' ' method bad becu for year, as as JPhwioMt Ctti'ts IHUaM.llASl A ft.- Strm. His tie far the husband, as the only party responsible, not for such men as the sailors. "ext day - Irl award contracts practicable, to after proper whether losing or winninghis the captain visited the ship again, and i advertisement, yet frequently there is nothing has to pay costs HANDY PHETONS, case. found her rifled. This was his last visit Y.i JELESJVIO'VyVT. .. j a more misleading then the answers will r.uu that We consider the authority of the Court A for ihe Bajah of Tenom said advertisements. He cited as a case that to the iscro, ATcw Styles of Carriages, come to over the allowances for tire wife expenses of it was his property, and if the Englishmen where it cost the Government less than by ad- COMP' the suit excepts soch cases from the operation vertisement for contract; "The contract for w ere found wandering on the beach again A.. KiLAJETT, of the general rule. bo killed. new lridccs in tbc district of Hlto- - Had len thev would S CRYSTAL SODA WORKS Exceptions overruled. 27"-S- ders called for, they would have coat 30 That day, when they were in the hut. I been C. W. Ashford for exceptions. ISxpfcs.s "WnfToiiw to 10 cent more contract. six liunurea men irom uie mountains sur Onr Goodt ate ActnowliHlgtd the Best ! per private Honolulu, August 1th, l&SI. HITMAN, JLWELEI! and Tine Pacific Bridge Co. of California offered to rounded it, declaring they were Dutch Ladies' Phsetons, mmmmm, build these bridges for certain figures, but men, and .tdtinr on the Bajah to turn mmm Remarkable Preage ef Mlsd. elated that if put up for public tender, they them adrift, so that they might butcher CIDER VINEGAR, WATCHMAKER, ves dozen old fellows sitting time for the We Use Stoppers would Dot consider themsol bound to adhere There were a on a them. This was an anxious Patent to those firures. bench in Seventh Ward Park talking on vari- seamen. Xol a shutter was lifted, save HAND CARTS, AND HIIU UCdtCI HI HiUIUai HlillUUiUIIU. UiiimtMi Bepresentative liowcll said the proposed ous sullied, and finally thev becan to tclt when the Bajah of Pangah came to see r.iiVM Section would hamper the Minister tmt very stories of the wonderful feats of presence of them, ana tnen tney couiu see uio EASTERN MADE OXCARTS not bound to accept the mind tbey had witnessed, vae old gentleman . ,,.-- , . -1 . !,., ., little if any. Jle is mountaineers scowling at them i. Ginger Ale out ours low est or any tender. Perhaps be would have told of the building of a mill doam tn York through the window, longing to dip their HIS ROUTED. PER BUTE .lKfORTUIOKS. State where a number of upright poets bad to ' teen surprised il be bad aavtrused tor tenders daggers in their blood. This Bajah was SUGAR BAGS, KT for the Hilo bridzes to find tliat other parties be put into about six feet of water with the end PICTURE BIIJ1MM FRAMES - i r more friendlv than his superior, taw Chief 23X3C Ut- .VT1V bridges as cheap as Pa- resting on the rocky bottom. In lowering one M could build these the - of Tenom. "He would do little friendly cine bridge Company. of these posts the end became entangled ia the y ! acts by night, sometimes coming with two EJ-vror- FJQSTE GOODS OURSODAWATER Representative Abolo said it aeemsd to bun coat tail of a man in a boat who was steady- C. BREWER & COMPANY . At- chickens, which was hardly a feather each or t - VW Irvr nf 4 bars If all parts that by this step tbey were ignoring the Civil ing it, and took him Io the bottom, but beore Xoscrlitloxx BrVriWurt among twenty-cigh- but was still a great ttxir Knrineer- - According to bis ides, it was part be could become untangled he was pinned fast J-- Jfcri- ti t1Sn treat l Vrv JJ Ji - JC , l'fJ iiuti to U!ii AMttm of this Engineer's duty to make estimates of under six feet of water. "With wonderful pres- , an bridge wots:, and report tlie same to me ence of mind," said the storyteller, "he slip- Early on the ninth day of their captivity SALAHttHDERJELTIHG Tile crystal Soda Works. Minister of Interior. ped out of his coat and came up. His coat the crew were called out of their bamboo Bepresentative Smith repeated what be lud remained coder the post." villago evident pre GOLD & SILVER WATCHES -- hut, and found in the MADE TO ORDER. r ,. i said on several previous occasions relative to A lean fellow who bad been parations or a march. About thirty fight CovcriHg Boilers, Steam Pipes m, f . rt remark- tv ..Mk. aadiT. k t OUE TELEPHONE IS 3?0- - 298. general bad adouoisl ration and wasting and listening came up, saying; "That a there, in charge of the chiefs Tt tw fjr "Sa ing men were ITC ETC squandering of the abUc moneys. He con- able incident, but nothing to what I saw rirht brother, and without a word of any sort u r- 1 no por Utisical xnstrxuncnts, eroTi-w.- - nttk 1 m sidered the amendment proposed a wise one, here in Milwaukee bay about thirty years thev were marched away, toiling for ten Saves 25 Cent, of Fuel Kwrt Mff li rwritr pfwwt aUriti. Wt and could not hamper any honest administra- 105 & 107 FORT m jungle. away STREET, la-- hi ikm hours throurfi the Once i uniuiiiinr was asked all the party once. PRICE SEDUCED TO $7.50 BBL. tion; but it will be a check on those who did Wbat it?" at from the little village, nestling amain; the CDZ10S DT XKDUSS TAETJETX.Ea FOR S.S.LE. not wish to administer honestly; "Well, yon aee the end of the pier over there? THEO. H. DAVIES A Co., -- eocosnut trees, they saw no hut and no i at t.Hftreil Iwrt. ywi wtD j Tbc Committee then rose and reported pro- t was out there in a boat with a fnead. We lr iiaU. BcoBffoiaXTXaxr, aar. x. bad started for a fish, and had taken our guns new face until thai weary day was over Fowler's Paleut Traunvav. gress Assembly, asking leave to tit was slow, for the vegeta i alomx to shoot ducts if any should happen Their progress 4 r ii - v again. of luxuriant beyond des Rough and 'LJ-Minih, Hon. J. Mott South, from a Select Commit along, which was a common Uiicr in those tkm Acheen is Island Orders will Receive 1 ail cription, and their movements were ham Prompt and - tee, reported a substiruto for the Minister of days. Well, w badiTt been there long be- Hedwood, HTifPaonf RfoolRloPTiPra Interior's Postal Savings Bank: B3L Eeport fore ! ia some way, lost my powder-hor- n pored by the denser Txnaergrowtli. Fire SAILS, they had to cross rivers, sometimes . arniroved and bill wis read ft etk awl second crerboard, and it innk io thirty ecof water. times all kinds. )WiX. Cjaixo Otix-s- UaicfcrliU. ordered to enrroasmeat and to up to the waist, once up to Ihe chin. Xo .Tuvn, tnr ttwi Thmv CarefuJllAttentioii. . SaJiilir Uurd reoAinf cm ibe i lib wwl. trientl slid L. moU dira far it. I tried ta limpk hmuii inrrtd .j .Mir it' Tf""i .artirn throeBrb. groves of e rSalr t.'rj' 5t2 fi?r!6MBAIIlM,ra,?!,B:l',', - marchednus.i"t"tt'....' .wots .Ceekt. Gow) l. ,W"WXT3WSWWB2-"3"..".3S!- r fj n rsSrs ,ry -- Lis;jf.-.5;' s;.:5,TSiS sj&Kai'iai.1 .nw'q Ti--- - - ;!T".jL:llBr??gZa5SSBSgSSSaaaMSalWtatt a, 4 uiu I uaB.atlkl.'. bMbVto- - MlRf. JBa wmmanmmm- t --sr tar aaryuaaM Ks . ,. BPTgK a 1 fliftaMMIaaaaaaaaaanaBaaaaaaaaaaaaM..a.i "'l''1 AMHiC fc,sAesH itftar,&8e- - aas. ihoitanasrttr T) PrSLEUEXK s.t f aWii' Vttaaa. t a ih tJV.of- - , & CO. MMaanaaa. kw at IN ' w. J VX ROBERT CRIEYE rtUarratiaAr, IN tat a aa ta l)l-)i-' M alaar. a larax Ha lit, tl t Mat. iaWit " aa aa iM neHir ta tNiaatw "a itaa ttt: t. j TMat rtwtawa a oat mm Metitt (t? ur lltWat IVaaw 't nana Mai r TraUMtV.. Hj alt. MW III-t:- IJU a(Vtaaia Hat' aa atiha) a) at pa t: ,.J tj Us ilaiia tw yat jar a wrt t;s a Vaaai aa taraa rarrt, aaaa ara H l.tii'.f 6 1 aaialaxtaawtOa, aw aM w Awm mrntr -- Jt. . AH lia MiMlaiawaH atatt U Tsrx:-54 atta taa at, aaaa af.tta.4 la, a, ar alt a i to t.-- n a 09 imtyCiMlMBilMIHi aSt xrx.-N- tarax tiatattataarflrtaratlTtalalaatWar a:? aa Xecr&ast o. 33.; AVEDN1SSDA1:, -- 13, ISS4. rwJIl.n.. a attfxa Aiaaraus atmtaaawata at Strra. tol. HONOLULU. AUGUST IWHOIJENo. 1022. NiMniattW atarr a, Vaat kiHtata),i.a..:; (art aaraMafa. U Kttvntg. rantBstkct kcMbw spread Skt :. - - - J1 iii"Ilhs;'. er vfijr&s. --4irJHMwl tftttifc. worM. w BMaAstriwfer bb aliaadait of t . liirs? iitattutiTOt "i'ttrfe 3h$touk IVotitn. Xotlit. Lu- - BB m. a l t 3nmt GOIVPfiCTIOIVMRY I Bjtn Board or I'ndtrwrtttrj. unionnsurance'cqmpant WILUAM3, DIHOSD it CtX, saywaere BACKERS. . K.dsicPaivirHsi far ta ItaMallaa l.taaalt. , N VUUXTS a.x Shlpplns ami MrrtBnb vri. t r.imi k i 4 tun .Ill-K- KXtwm. ani.taaa. I' BKEWTBK t, ttv riiA.xrtiiou, fm!lon 1 t ivroxT?2D5.iNrTr 4 at t iMnrt at rtaarurat. ras. KSVBANC S c. &. rhlladflphla Dsartl of I'ndtrwrltrrj. lwrvrlAo. airai. " BLACKSMITH AMD MACHINIST Xft. U St. Hert St VT. Wt!Atl9eClUfM.Ut. : : ; ; lUFJXtSW. Vt I ttKXTa Mr ka IU,,UM UUmIi, H. CR0S3MAS BUO,, mm. w- rt IDDnrOIUTKD, t!t0 EDWAKD PKISTOX. - a. w, ty C PKKWKRAt SESSION LAWS OF 1684. &xt ttilattoi 7tatakrt7, Av KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND COMMISSION MKUCnANTO, aa. Stag OaX ly CASTLE & C00KE, ACENTS tt-- 1 J wrrarJLN-- fviA V. OMWMr fttfT. ?IW Trrtt. f Vtttar4 A. XJHAI'.t'KK. ttawaltaa lataitlla, I ax nr. JOMXJfOTT. '!; naarrrVatiarmtllara. . KaeJ act SlSSStt .MIiS3tt3IJ3li::trnC!t COXArOQTdLOXXOl'S7" 1 Vrrat t IVr-J- ra IVw at T aol ia Starr. .Vfr aoKTiissmsu asid xescahtiu: IV nc kk tvb Paiannrr miwi. XaKlnptr Dlr Rasc. rt VHaaa IWaH at OairTiTr,. t or TBL rwlrftW.v4n,.,.M4. A. tpnM taon.1T OatMiaM attMa tW H. W. SEVERANCE, otjwi Cccirs tim, SlSlMX tanfn 11 ) tawaiTirTrofari lartaamtcsk naamMfc. .at a IVanl, XuMurnnoo Compivuy - I-w- t. Oman rMb. lantit aC it rf law iM imo. tar at VHarrrrMm art A. . KSi. ink Ito 5w ?,!).B AT REDUCED M Vt Va y taraWM.VarattaataaruWat tr LttitHtx Ain luttxtttniiit. HiwalUn t'onanl Mtl Jnlusrf.JlKUu4.u4 PRICES! ta ttnkX B :I5tartaKii.4tlktIae Mta a. CTNit .ic.tXiir-a- , ui yiam. J. St OAT Jt CtX. SAIUtAKEKS. Hr EatnblUhort 1800. COMMISSION MERCHANT I. AAJ. t Bai r (MtaA MnM. rnas4, Wrs U aa A. r. rn-t- kMac. K TnU CESiT CR.XNDS Aactwaijc x-- r ok mom: riGns . MM'ftllfWiv M , ! T Ik- iaf Cassiuiec Xenaoat. T Juatr art Msann a Insurance Notice .UftTAU c a,,na) rHKftrTtV ta w.iiMM1 of - KagJaa. As tBitv . , tt ?wt. Bnria. t. t.aT.4t t tomm tr Vf riiiK AUK.Trtm tiik bkitiii ia Gaatrr os Ftasatv fc w. Arsxxx ? VBa.aV9vw5t.xaVaa4rafriArria. THE 5EST K CfiUJI. S9M ITER I CORMUS ar xattaa Itqnaff Caatata. (. r.MtKBMItMEtt ItAVt; ttKK.t - wHrrrsc. watva1 ritllK DR. & CO. komxi iMtnrtira, KrJarr ihr Rale at j. A iaj( Kit AHBNT9 aw ta. aaMataa tatawiK JORDAN cwttnp to mot tk PIOXEEK STEASt ata, arrrna Huaaatw aan rwt. a lar narUM.atM aaal ar aataarlaaa a tamar afiataM arr aa FararaM OK m ax ralWh- - at tar ar., 11 VtXH lMMrKStHon f Banal ficw m Tinat. Ma !" tari tta M Candr Manufactonr and Bakonr wttaaKTiaiH,arrttl trrarrlra m rvrtrtt art tlaaaattlrr ;ar- - .a, ta aay aart lttttlHtt. .1 rtora if W the Iiuat THKtV It. IKVXtis. uar at lar ttataat aa Man m M taatnat kWaltcaj a raM Amvaanataan KB f IS ". SMITH aatnTrraVa ula)laa.aajijliliaaa1ii warat taen- .i Jt THXHiSrOX. -ra - D. tT IWl r Vh tar. t,v UartHal aaal t ifiirt iKar. atttlrar,Inatt ftaa Kaar ira. i tg- naayiia twa segsol traajwri.taf vbdnu J. LANE'S ia, tVarmar Wnni rarattar. ttaaaar ail. .ilrantla. on ihr KtVMKt-- ' -- . n , K ATTORNEYS AT CAW. 8t 9ataa la aatKt aitfcafatlaaat ityalt. i naiiiHiu lb c J it vm"rti. i ?. . g IIlMlllW.WlllWIW tn aataaaaaraaaai MVaWHUV aaMtttl. ttl.ia.'.KarllOt JwMSwai s Sent. vtTwi a. b. a It.V.ttttt UC1I. 1tKltlU R A CtV, SB IA lat ihiil l j. rstsnxirrH ctx. wet Araata far taa Waaaltaa lalaM, tR tie MXM itl t: . za.? PIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. " liS B of State. t taw MW itrrctieocK:. i It Emkk t; sue, IHtt RKt ArtLxiT at zat, sjtrAri. to" ' t iHna ivttf. KtrTcr 1. . CIJIUHVIU .V TUuxtit. juviFlaVr.IaU iaStvm l r3i!-- J ii-- i;) rtiiK rsttitMr.ii iiitimu ttt.K.t i i-- ji tSwafv-K- . VTarK. .5s3rt Life an aXTM trf Com?, .'.. Tte. aart tr aj Oiff tt vt .Virata armr t naaaar tra far Hew England Mutual Insurance Co. 35 It Cwb nMwK A. TVa ramirar4ta tr at aa4 - ui It. IIACKJ'KLU Ct ataiey aai Wa4 fitf atfttart tt t9Oaha Htatr mlt ralt Irr Mart Itrira, fWll ceenisv U"rerssMai stacks Bi BW, J.. t. Ihtlaaa. aa! aa JarrrtAtMll.r tlwtrj latla m. MaHaa. MAM DR. J. COlllS BROWNE'S CHlOROBTUi z- - IXrill CCIXI5SI0S ABSSIS. i4lr4Uaatr7r KT Ur tai Mimalt tnat. t r atntrattr. aaptr at OMM aaxratap tbcran. IB aK law 9 A tr i Jt nfftrt ucr lam a&t Taiii RVty viinritttA r tn, -- ttn. W. K. tAAVREXCE. itti Tim i. a! mUxt tn JXO HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C .Vatttat JaB .Vthlt-- r' tar lagant aad taVns- - JO!U It. tVY. A.HASSDtGI3t. c; nr jk. a? 74 0W I'ajrarjr htttrtmtt tV in It lBCmltth f ! fU1l W Ofctlir. CJll.Ct A Uw. at t A-- e;t n? i av . hMMrfMrti1. u 3EHAS.T 7T211C u MEXIKESt tt SS35 t tii. t Caw o n IW WrrW"ri BnHKl trl,lc trta ttr frtwn fflltl 1001 Ml a ia4 ActmriIsit tm aatt Scan rnaothnl it KU ! FIBB INSURANCE .COMPANX, I ! r mofsto. U . , . serartiaw i, !,Mim.lHr tHftm mntuk n4 ' t hkrrvB roafc BaM..f Kig v.BHila.n. twrtw WItr, lfcmU-l- ly . HAVKVJM. raltutt Jttati aa tia iatt tataraM tiMmi" Rfw tanee-arc-s mTVmJ-- "x tr Tiraat arsi infect ta Kixnkxn. Civil SurveyinEr! J&iif . ttMl IRAtVltMt " F. T. I.TVTK Ax'jt CO-- Eninooringrand SS jtERntAjmixK. UaantnlaarMaif tartaltara Plaa TmtV Ittmi est! tkeaVt Bay Aajrar. g. UUIiAiro. T Macatarrr trtoit. 4 aria t'iI.Braaarktia.mlMt4Vai Ma(ta aatka. ; XAintA Truer, Tl RSaaa lararraaraiaM rtra aa tar Maa aaa.i at HUOWiHTNi: COMMISSION MERCHANTS omrioWMraam 5CVK. mi farm Mr I.VSrKEO AHB.S BT UrB kr tar aatar t aailaftka rXorrtaa .131 UiBijc- - 3 tVawir Saj 3 aM wIxrttn ul cKdia itnut. Vliittwil. MARBLE WOKKS, lm i tiajalriaw ay la atafwtaa aaaaattak ' j ta ly A J rt.Klt. Ajrat fir la tltaallaa talaaa rvs abtltrMvt terarx' lvujacv. BwovtaJH. H L T y0i.'X Wl Wly 1 aaaat araaitaat raattaar. rattry t ,. aaara manly rir, ai TV Act vjaaca front and t A. M'tlAEVKR At t"0.. TCRNER. t Vaaaal pttaitaat, raaltaar raltry t ,rar ttaaya lHLOWUPTUlariaalalj taaaa tart jagllt Importers A Ccmmlsjlon riT.T.I.SI a.Vaaatt atiattaai aaatlaaa ralHy aratraiTaaya Caaaaatatlial. Btaaraitla. tilaat. Si . .v Merchants ORIENT 4 Aawatt araatlaaa taattaar rallry a yaar, at t n. a xkv t co. Bjwaa.iMt. tvtt&aaV. & OF tatya i uriv; KlUitft ty Practical Watch Clock Maker MAKDFA&TDRER HOKUHBSTS a Aaaaal araattaaaa raattaaa raMcy ta) yaara M aaya IHtOHtinTXK b.mX imiitHrtlKM,i4 Scrir ?attn CsxtMS Innurnuco Coxupany UltwnalT ppw H. t a i Vfin Uc!Awii.ri.JUAJLSA tTA. Si3 rKAxas st hatchT and Jeweler, Endsteat. Tsab. OF HARTTOKD. COXXECTICXTT. 1'HUORtHnk it. , , aviwft al) r REX ii A.iutottt, t ' tttxl SIQ.COO.OOO! H,1rn " ta4 t Nat " Ktw bwK. Btntet. n U ipfwtar M Tabksx.XrMeHaBtK : S4Wtr )M, lt CASHSasJUaatirr.laJt : SI.alLtM.4L n Attornoy Pnl.t lltraMch (Slliall (n Nrt,raItH :orc yaw Iinxr. r1ate lafatc' Fiartaa; Ura llanalnln Acrarr, CMMINUP'.K AX ACT WK VTAksia Tops, aatl r i hoteii. It Ka634Jr 5rrt tyc Tair, riAa arttat Iw rt laaarr W IVa aa $40,000 1llratttM i.tttt Kliw. MraiBcU.a. f 9 Tv Paanasx Man. OEaaanacuaw 111 jai2.SnIK.3WtStS. " lillaail rr-f- te tt& cvaft aaal ia Bbci sad WMte ilaxble. aiMla UrrcaaarlM'. Maralarrt aat tVamltaraaa mtny WBH 9f fHT WILDGR .V CO.. ii(sNt Taga&y . Tinas J.VKUKK, Ymn ,.. W LjMivrf HLnxa m vcK4 fartraOt. tatmalr taratt. A. CASTLE & Mmkal lMlat M.. Isulsbr an? Cxrna lac mt Xr i3N3 ud. COOKE, A iENTS tIIUil. Himu Jt. la't KA T. J T atlmius to 9K. AGBawni w lit &J4WV Xv stnt-t- . Staaac Lln; J3i' LTCAX & CO., HARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION UW FtlllTltK HAW VttA.X laLA.Xtl. Bm.. tt, iJM4i linear la4,, r abbbka. tivwir , , ntitri ' . ttaaortaaltv of Miftnlaf GEOKGE L. BABCOCK. WASHINGTON i MADS y- - Hnk ih. faf tfpaiuittm 'hit JaHlt 1VUCDEE THE PACIFIC MUTUAL i aaawdbTt WuaJtWLm OoJtIaaat. .!--. Gfflxxl Medical Xcrc2uLnUe. ORE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY meal Mttli, ,r t atllta llMaTat I Klrkr!. fctfw o JieHwaiMB. 14aK c. Aru.tu. C2lzvxo c Acw Jtc AT THE I0WEST POSSIBLE RATES. tea rmait U r ' if imi vaiy In ,, a.t iH AtT ZasraTiac1 - n . nr mii.t-- r a- - Tcnclicron2?iaJio I'oirto. aTvrta Kai UfKaSBSRCCUC &ibb?Jo C asd Dealer OF BOSTOX, - ff taarai t ia Flirt IsKtK. Ticliale Setiil Tte trivnfc94 yaW Buy MASSACHUSETTS. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ajaU wh. a i U imuoflra nra ifct. camitrftmtt tafiMfc'.Bacui&tv.cpttT - Ati wvImH iw ' arrtrtrf Mn. mt iz itereiisdiie FVsjfTVnE SvunmruS lIi?c4iHff- t ml . - .n aplifta Gtitni ILL WBS Gf II H6M.HB. aJ trtrtl CnjAiuaJiaiirylf.UM, . Sl,J3i,Ji0.3- y agl lit.liAtt m rt,.,r bramt&v -- -- n-ta- ac Of , TV Scnsw 1 A abtaix f itaaAwi HOCSX. AaJ iTfcaaa bawoK ta IW Xafct f rn-m- ntANk -vtn ttm DIPEI flscnc rf iu ta4 QrvVri - TAr, m, ar lVtataar Vy FVr i antt.4U !'!.. tlrntt,!.!!' - c e Uvm Ik vatJtrr mvcs, t Attrttahnl Ibv acaUt L.. i t4 fSiSTt iaBai foe taeh. tvoai trtpassHK? j vijDv . 9h2v vtiirr l4a- BaiMla- -.. MrtrWaatw. Marklany rarattarr m Oratrr ta tall lar aartkalar atlrallda ot r,rriaaay. I rtatm n.i f raatv lottto tftrrtt MC - a4 n - Ol rarorata- A. JAKUEE. cuaM aftnltlniY laaiB imaahi OMapoaf (vHttllC .VABHWtti. TB.trrs- rna. v . r waJteaVOnir SltAJl SKI i.XTtC1T " Atral tat Itaaatiaa I TO THKI MM.v'ih. lart el t Lall.a Sw taw Maak becwei tiw pacts lttr. Brtmaa - Uia-- h . mnlvTM. and UMwatnTa, CHOICE AXIS. WTXES LIQCOBS C0- MllS. THOMAS LACK, , t (tik A"D W0RES - In-suran- ce Wttaa,lmiap, 4 aKKBC aatl Fraanwro rmc-rralT- . "Q . adRe5a1a1eCBrokers,iH0X0T'ULU a Stock 2? Tlie City of Xonrlon Fiire Tontino Investment I al- - tTa-r- i .i ttu tt l,a Mmt mailer nar Policies ' i sod aaul mttkv to tv m .v w: S st Xmabtln. 8L f Z- - STWX K.Ul E, V.VU ?(ItA Xe. TJ Fcrt St. llttBcvlalu. loltarraAl t ii tHT tm l t aotmla Kataij. Hui'ii'ii.ii:i;iiu co. r,CWIwn. Krur W Cuaxr Co., Limited. Wklrk daaaa." aBli ii ill h fr Xrttihlr tvrm at I vol- eoaaten tost a; s4aH W TV. S.IM Ir. U4 . Up ipsa CtAKEXCE ASHTORIk Waalikllaa TV. aat aHUtavlf. arrtitT, mi nrptljh' tmtm,r . Machtncrj of Ercrj Description IMPORTER anct DEALER a aa at niikataai. lat J ,Hftrr (.MM aadr irvce tl pnev ciaczrdti fcc fnsrfet --C SnHta.-.(taka.- -- ftohi tay f i K A,ttoraoj-- Solicitor. tc. aj- - 5f rtaa Baaa laaarrr W Paafcilara awUclav than t .11 ( a, grm (HUktt CAPITAL. 810,000,000 . - .Hu u oner aadabow OITtV KU Su&tmua .tr ttMtUUaiict'-i- lftma-'.3ttra.- naW j Slt. Slip :::::: '. i. J. CSAVTAIXCI. w-'- Fairtlir sui u Sluksaiiz; m l tl. ,t- - fi - n wc i darzrni rrwri' Leap V..y-.-t..-- J? ta piMir aa are 1 A .. . j"i5 IL I Kgly ai ssa&in a. it tat taa- L&'bav ' Sewing Machines, and Cenuino . oelalna that ih. ...i - t i ita other cUt "SKamnd - A.Vl-KlSItOl-- ir.tmiMir.ii aisrmt - tha Ant tepj- bttvwc BBtfc. HAitu t.r tar Haaaitaa tar aaaTr-ttaar-ata The UrH.)t Emlnnnirnt Vnllrj- ami the Brvmnv - "'DAtll nf ValTa m CatrActs JOIIX X.r.BCKGESS. Parts, Oil botif. tMiiRirit v Til tka safaaoV iaiB vxraxv oa Far U 0K92;jri: r Kaaa- - Qdb.. Wvr:i94: DtcWXS- -i Attachments, ta aaaaana t arrrpt rtra. acala.t arr mi BalM. r tr tm .mhi-- t t ataaa d raTttnt isl tar 3tet - AX9 3EALE2. IX cttt;it I re- - Jlnlnal Wo 1 5afcrtn- Bamp C tatrvPirrraaaal raraltarr. Maralarrr. aa tar awat ImrMmrnl 1'ollfj. AUKI an Mr rrvttni FWiara tit - OQfaiirf 3 3CSCEAS3nX- - CVJUCJTK1V 11CIUDKII, and & orc aphtlr Barr'. Accessories. tatart Mr trtaaa. ih. I'll, h s -- f Urvai ftritian ni e - . waxr a. a. r " SacllT,rT lb t tbot Uw $aa sail sUI V csr- h Scrrt Ba'ia. It I Jy athaali tivra an aU t.uaa vt taiabKr Vtn tr. achjxt rrnaa I'rompllr Hcrr. ix E-- roti lxr Tata rtnaaat Ctaaatala, , . AOUTO t iarar. araaat aataati . A itiiaiif.OaatT.iat?T.l:.J'j tar lam "White. Xtw Haae, - aaat v, no-- HO r,r. INTER. & O- ara vcyK. aataairta re rrrry ar I'naaaaa aa v i at tl nCKUKK. tra laaala. atUaa alt Cblau eo asadbni toav zvxwwr. a' C- araatatty: attt kaantty aaal Ktrly aUtrtl Ul lr J raa, BBtlpatrtniTT in eiAm aW Vr taar aaa; ac nil aaiaai raaif. CrWB. Havre, lj lat lar Maaaiata ttaiaaa. ara J. Act & aanf tT IMris. aad Tat fatatrr la, larnlrtr if ntnrr t ie citi Tie aafl jo arte St Drusrsts Tobacconists. t. tar lafiiaiallta. arltr at call aa bVmi ya?aiaa wi iibrniriy nnirvr aibJriha fr" aai after its pn B0AALX AXP KTTAtt Fferaacc aduaaj. B W. UI.VI. WrtiH ! ha. tvrt wnni lit - h,m, The Tm 'u E. S. CCXHA. . c; The London anil Provincial Urarral Afral far Uw Haaallaa Jaly 13, Apfc?wa tfca Bks. dqr af A. . StJtmtlrltlIirAlil.-t.'- C. C. 3TRATEMEYER, l.ltad. 1X3 HawaraTa Xaekiae hmitia - ,.tt-- " A - J.-E- , - Xecdles tMla h u (, ami tujucArATiraKX of or- WISESLAX. Hm-- - ist IvetnlllEilQX"WineSAI.OOX. rRACTtv- VI rach ,i timm wtihiMU th k int Or J aJJ kiadt ItvPtrtisYiutnts. It a t t, . th(t n ltd i.ov -- Keal Estate Hrtfcr- Eaxploxsxrst Barrao. Jl isfas; Neutral Bnmr rttmDa Clin", r3bf ., ,, ., iii rear rf tmie BEra3ia taintla " atnlteir Kra &aBaj. CaC&ierr. Baaju . aai ia Mam irttratSt 'unit. a a fttk AX ACT ITaOar xH SIGS WRITER & GLASS EMBOSSER CartiedHSilk. 'NHt' W N r. atertoat tj tVal ia. aaatl at tar Snchn. gaallaj INSITRANCE COMPANY ! T" r PiTKrrr or ?f. airmt Caaaal Bar klbatc arrjja: vuct. fat aH tr rsfbas ' ' i nr! la a on PtM ibs Saubsek acaafchaa m tar-- e " iaall taean; mrKKUTOA. . ttaaX 3EH IMS ST. r EntaBnssr Cca3 33sr i:inivi:i i 3t B -- aaacwtKttiraatraL rVaa-a- BOla .a "C vii wtxronr a nrti tbe atr trsal CaVea. KllH I R,a. 4(r i ti P tlttlt Sal tf 3LrvC - AmT. A 1 KSC , ATrixiT i Dma ami AeraaarM 44 ramladlrr wvrktria. K. M CUKKy MILU GMI.NAail.NK r0TT0. jnI acamil dbri triiLeirf Oimrttt ma ta Sw t.aafa arsaal riaaaoea rffrta4. VaBuaH-anr- anamar. II.I.I.VJI. SuUNcriliiHl Mmtmr " a VffTT. K 1 VK DCFQaXtS. XAATTTACTC5ES T.VriTAl. 5,000,000 W EnBaat4l7tarKiaaTaaiaX9-isa- w CrEeLSTESES ACKsrruK 3fct. & Xggjbaac c aam.- Ban Pr ?ttf"aiT- AX3 2EALE5IX HI Xaastai. Dnttmlt aVaaarr Cat raarr hltm. JAJtE J10AKltAT, ETE5T BESCSJrTW.1, aaat ti.ooaooo. &?kz Lrartfar--e tta KiMVaB --- FSiltlTBaE 6F raMBstir. tVairr la - SIKS. A. St SIELIAS. A;tcrr.ej and Counsellor at Law. ranatcrVaR-B-woi;T- rl N c Tar iSn t iMaaa aa.r aw rttaaltaarq a tmm jtla ac'aa aaoi t ia C Lntaj.') Hrt-- VTrkaafal BlaW. raAK ae4 pr ttaaaK .Votary an ptrpalT-a- ' fro- - fOrraf arcrdutitssaarruaaArraaavajt. tar rW Uai ?. l tvt taa. iat art. ,! t talr Rt.t, aa iffi -. CaafjaatTai aa4 all aianrrf - rrtraf crrrr aiiaia I.laaaV TV 3tt r- BaaaHaia. B OraVv traat I.Lums arvatpcW arpraataal tat rraaVr. t 1 XruJt I amfcfeT. rfrTtita tar XtcstK rsaaR k aanfcr rn tErfa. J tar !a. S J T WVTEKlltfeK. Ja-- t. t t "WO tr trti aatluraci cocObbk tumrtko Xatary Fa.Uic &ad Csxsiisaiaarr X WHITMAN & WRIGHT, l Gvwairettt gffievrv. sfc nls KF.ROSENE STOVES! i; nlr it. lI.3IeITVUA UBOTIIKi:. Frlaa:TaarCtBrit aa4rrTar. D. iSiirtt-f.or- a ArcrjtTalioaKII.rft-- M BVnifrHte. B. L SIMPSON, In 31. J. 150SE'. Pllii nasdhr& t 6iCEST. T2ZB STOSS HASEET 5 3 St S HtfTEt TKKET tW-- c?-tf- 3Hy c: aTtt 3a4 Fan LWoKitiai - TSl-Ff- -- tmiiiB tlux. taesc& of Caraf tel.ii ti- f T VI scifchtfe aast si- ty - SI cuestalMWv - TltUO. It. DAl'lKN A- Ca.. PLUMBER AND - Ti 4 k i ' l. naata CASFITTER- f vnz Carriage Manufacturers, e tk Bazvos of Eteramn. j to uii.aa: HA31 A CO Lkt Jt3aT 4r323 ACr. C s PEAiEK Boantcf Hrairh tag rf Asa rx eass-aa- Ai3 etyeaaw th? F tinnsrsii asiins oextxaj caxrniios" xncEAyrs, StoTr IInaaBi, Or aadl of 4 icar . Dry OainaK raaua aad OtaK aaa. orom1 Aaaxs-- rax aad Kasn. Tia. Sactt Iroa aaj Wheelwrights Corner Beale and Howard f Soma Cat - Sts.f Snsaaatfe. J- Copprr Wart. Onset Cxrrt. if irihwnmi Bai V . XT Vart ervwe. BuBMaJa ty "Jl. aal tar lurrauni rabnianC . AJtlt . . ui tatri artaaa. aaal Farrafa Xuasr Ia?itrl3re nsuar. Erra CaaiTiatly r aaa4 a aprraar Ajuuattaatat W TMiMIiSSli " eaes. GcmcnaMc: stocks . n,. i. iuroirrtt aad tW ia rttaara 5tTK -i tercet S.StCASTEK. .inaaay JW tialraiti- lira xaj brar aaar. It aeeraxae Umtml tax amtnrt of Acxa-rXti3rc2- t T. W. H. TAT10H. JOSEPH Aj.amt tat t&X tat Cos "W. Praiu XOOBX, tap taw t St STcCEESXET SOX GENERAL BLACKSMITHS, imetBwr sad aqCMf of 3MiUar tr-- Si? tk3?. t NSURck a. PEAIXBjIS William B. McAllister CF LanSOM.CtCLANaCDf iii.- KtaaaaV. Sauilii. I ri! Leather, Hides, & Tallow I CAJBTVUAXj Xu. 73, 77, 7! nttil 81 Kin; St. BUILDERS Or STEAM MACHIHHW npKBS roafe mmi -- Ayp- 1.1 ! ma). . "jIONOI.UI.U. II. I. I ALL ITU tlHASt-USs- boJcB tannMhunt tljw Kaphas. Kst! LLit in: .v couivii. COanhSIO HI $5,ooo,ooa tkc Slt dar cf AoxnSt. ISL vski vv uuiuuaLj to Layaag A Dmnnl ASXSTilOB CT7iaaJJJ A. JAECER. toff fir y llaa n t LSXS-X-. Hoj-n- l - Stoambcat, Stoomshlp, Lautt r Baaleivfure tkai afa IX?tkETZS5:BL2jiS 15" Com.x"y- Tkr ana, traat Ika y.tarai?tMaaarfci.K.I-Soap - ty abnr tartar panaa,i Elrralar. Act ssbQ so ate n SlI'- - AM' vKT lkEFT ""lOiTdDN tkr Mark aaal raawlll mt tkr aaH-kar- kaalam UVEHPOOL and and GLOBE rf 'kr lata it 1. BOSK, caatiattaa at tea ENGINES AND BOILERS after us acvwaL BHEWTE2 & du-u- f IlAKTH-lIl.- l C COilPAirr, bIbbTK ApfccvM tks Is Aacastr A. V AtrRKB S. II tuxtrxav -- AT? IVES INSURANCE CO. Carriago Shop, Hil. PKEtt! RB OR COJlrt t NO K&4. KALiKAU A. REX. wjaf Tb.A: tmur l oi CH HAIOrER Ikaerat Xtrriatftr A Artats taV "XtW pMw r3U 4 COUNSELLOR-AT-LA- W, C3taii..ta " BAVINt. Assets, S31, 161,000 Whcolwright Shop, QC EES STBSXT. BOSTX.IXC. B. t. srl-a-Jt Vf.VSl:tJt.,f allaiau. bain rompi .;!, HwM. I CEO. S. HARRIS, Roiirht Tor Casii. a Stock Claims Paid, SSS,714,000 Blacksmith Shop, Halla of tWmt! Ir in or nmpnattr At tkf tnl Iirse ojxeiar of tae Hahk Ex rr-aa- Paint Shop, Oltlll.NART ESIllMITt rnaaaanH-.- ! a v a imu r c ox . . oaat Xjaactr SHIP AMD GENERAL BIADKSMITH. i?TAni.iNtir.i ax t. and t IJ . at Loafcn. BaaalaHuB-- 1 3a AXETB O. CAKTEK. or Have forta Ilavaiiaa I.laad,.iiiotrand tkr aa aMr u :o t Trimming Shop, oa by tfc? tm BcnrexAT . Xraarr nKimir. not-- ariard arr pfrfarr4 wntr it.fc, airaiBf tAI'.-ft'llC- nBai Wales TVStA KIWf.V. Ship. MraMl- a- rilT Ban:r.aadtranTara ea Priacf War. Brst. adrlaaaa- - Ittnt. Firsl-Cla- ss OX A: Air ara arrpatral to ararra tat m&f aa. Mrus. said art speak Aacam aa4 Aa.tli rvaajtrf4. uraararca. Cnak As V Harness FiiliniBl FIKK nriLDIXGS, 3IERCHIXDISE irtrlrc aatk arntatrrlal vlrarlH wtlh rrf.rnrt to Ih. Trailr nt ahtih tkrr nU Six OLL HBtJBOr. CAETEB. a aay af lar eeore araataaa. ooir .rf ratejoal bwfciL Be TH X, r. IS SAaMrkASl Kf.B.A.r aa4 Aai aaaar taa tar naar aa mtLaatala o arr lu kr capluj.-.- ! mil drarr ef kad calra Cly WtT3X3. DWELLIXCS ijr.! laaaa. raw awaaittta. B I- - ty aatr, Isted t aBBBal csmlwr rf dtys. Ob fjaMabtar t trail ramilyCarriapcs. saaraalrnl ztvnre ETTOMS At nwrlltn;?E.aWntf of sack persoo Airia LEVEY. Heaiy Wagws fcr Traction Engines rr a triAl STn.M lllltl.niLN. rjrtirala, attrali.ia t.-- f t seiBs. kat saar ottkXTjmT.t9ttw9vrtmtmm ia Phaetons. S? HAT ft-U- CEJIJIBCTI BEXOUSTS aTIao - tsnim Ika naaltty at Ikr aulrrlal 1 aarknanihlp i"cwJ tke "'ttvT tzaar of liTSilH IT 1U Mili! ISCiKlEIH 1 6E11. Best prom pi I j- ntUn-ilc-t- l tiert?. la itif; . A0 Eaimoss and inxablr . nrm. zsas v tufMwii i m Baaaar lwii'-- Oarta. Baaafaat. Ef KB PKODt CED HERE BISHOP Jt Burs!c3. aaat kat anrk p al. i anr cr CmtrL-- Afiutwm MA Sort. io k XJarr SALES C FTBSITCXE. STBCK. BE It. ESTATE All M1M.S AMI HIU MA. Ise anat case of scckaessaaaoBc: HUS - JT. ty ARTESIAN WELL TOOLS Expresses. Mil lll.t.tKI.1U i. aaat 3tarrAiaalgr fraarrf-anrmsn- GERaMAIS" LLOYD autLaar Teaij wj ISti gift. Stauit ta. Cheaper than any House Omnlbusca. t' nj atlrr !at aaennat pita, fractaga CIIC1L lJKOtt". jfc Artati Bar aaat EorvpiB Breaks, Aho all Bailrr Iroa Wr tra larrrvl' 4 nwfc tkat v. a.aBtS acre fcw Asrits AS Qn&trx Aiitsdri C", rut Ift--f Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. 13 v. mm iV"ft; is iwrx - sib eaea m eaek aad in inaisxr acjsEie atia XEBCBASPt?E. 'rttri'rJrtf. Trucks, WAT Kit rilT,.,r a dp jwr xorxrrrrnjc aaaaV la taluhla Inft- li ' letUec ar feBeJtvaeaiall&aetioBaKBC TW taatgwmim. DOX'T rntCHASB, Aail Agtagftarjag llliia ihiJiLaiaaiiaf AXBERT C. SSHTH. " OT1L F 0 R T U N A Milk Wagons. aarta ralM. paarh. tad ror tklpnaat rwJt waetkat amocr nalas tkerr vas a 9artkm bant at Oaaft. La PVurtrXt r In C oy ox. General of Berlin. iraaj ta ar rlrrtnl i li fceg of 9JK&S8S worit 11, CaataMBaBa3lwcajat.S-aVmaJ- aJ ty oav nac YOl" 1IATK SKKS HIS UOODS " lnsuranceCompany Plantation Wagons, eLt" is eretryeT. AIAESBorLEaeAL VKITCn; csntaBy W - am KITCTItU. bailrr irk tn! Wa ami sasoac- fri & of A: I&azalr lia.IHtllI.lC ks 1&32S1 K. O. JIA1A. BtrB EngKsh or Hawaiian; Tutr Ba31r ta4 Oarar. .mini: a:cn iomimmici Ilulc Carts. Oi Carta. lar nar auale t, ikmrni ri .tul kr e. Tbb OTPBKkt be&v tkatoor LtBTTEB. 0. J. WILLIAMS & GO, t.aaicata aaal aaJr Tnc nuMi.kra a Urarral Axrary km. aaal Ik CUTTIXV AXB TKASstATESilS. xm Hai,. Grarral Myaraalk Rlrrllne Matklarry. tael analin af work vkole MnaoBtaaM hetwves. 15 C5 Baaarwi rtaalatira (Limn.. aaaaritaard. Arau tra aataatfard ta ute Hand Carts, &r. 4c. sad yean dcjsxs3.5 3 riAiixj nr 3AZ5Vizr Ilia aaal Caaat BacataV aaasgari tar Tatar aIja4ac jo. roKT.vrnEEx. BraaVa. Waia. Canj Caaaaa. ni.Ua arias; far aeprrlnr 11 hand work Bret ha,. . ;iln, tbe.Vraaat thr acB year rsawa. raiaa- - 0Q a Saaraat XtrcaaaaSaa. ii DrrviaTt. ctr clc. ?' aaartairiwiaHaeaaaaarr. at -- I cUait a Bek. ciuhiatiUUT. Ttaat RmaaaaBlt Ratra. anil on ttie ".".--akart Batter, aaal aa tke ataM araaa. HUP WinK. hip M.aa Stftla 9tia aea ty Caraarrayt aawt gtf- - - leading PHOTOGRAFHERS Honolulu. kama, ..! work las. tkas. tkgr nkkt A if it were Bat ST Cnlcn ift .m Jr. r a Xn- of rioat rat arable Trrma. Wotkr,. Alran'l irrnlaldi Pncai- - mat!' afrr Ika XWfccfk gf T"31y - aotfar sidoar. BHrta&r A.G.TTT,T caaxemc.4itnaanjanKE. VOCE, IN McrcicaxL Saddles, aSly Grarral Arrau BLAGKSfrilTHING in all its Branches, aaaat aparavnl plan- fife, nt?HED THE BEST I THE ISLAXDS. tali tke fceee. of bat to ebtjactte a js. titiry. x. VlJJirS DirI cl n; pinup, for 1m 11 mVrClly Stocli Brolior: Water-.CoIor- Crayon. CgrBraalriaaawartatar ac "PTTi r r ii t T rfcB A BBtesy of akksese cud the ECT OE CU. MAST1T1BS AI.L.K A: ar.t ataasrr.aaj tar PRUSSIAN NATIONAL Water tfark. pori.i-M- tnnlt ailh Ihi c irbrataa Darr WH. Bnub. aa acacr aCTaaiit ltonMOX LaarMBatrr Daly Workaxa Batalcytal ieS xB fcfc M Matto. 3Baaalr India, Ink. or Oil. Carrlare Work, Valrr Motion .nir-M- r of ka taaXinen oW tc is at Xaftr Tl Sir Caaa. HTKI TTH X r A BaWaaaa.'a TTLut, Iii.-iiii'iuc- c '1 am Mh.r liasip tkey at jAt Altar re coaaalrte recced. Si.Uci iz T.TTTfr ui a3 xizli ti Zxiliiar Photo. Colored &c Comijiy lloiLr Work, amenta lur Hortltlntoir! Dante Mtrflan Takr. inr esaaapV. sack & at ty KTtUASIACXJ). Hi&ritli. Ctli, X1H1, at, tS KM I'ampa. If aW lita, The Onlj Cemplete Collection of 3.oiaa. Miip Work, parnd ferer ite aMrialitj abxnt L JLr-- ta taA VTf.Wni ta Can- - E3airzt.XtlZaE3Z3 HUHtu.i UU&4 TIeTis, Oirllnt : z Ktlrhaianrlt It.OOU.OOO. .Irtrrljn Well Wfflt o tkat if is.iayoa yar40 5CLAJCA5T Work, Md of kbcat t!w Galra at OfOKIlaIC;XKI H.VAIXO it 23Jm tetmtied. Of Waaw aMc aT . SXEArtlOBl. Fera. hll. rilE tae leactk . !kBiaaa Wtfe. Jna A arra apootatafi arat of tar abote Cratlnay fw Or Mjrlitnerj Fontiii?. Wk wane of iBass jps tr KUT EU.E5. Cariitie, Ar. SAMUEL rr IU.IIM. i.taaoi. i. prrparra ta aerrat risaa l Ae aorfafTTTtT of DrBoaat. T. PEIBCE Jt rArABi. araia.t FIrr aa ISatatia. raraltarr. Mrrtkaaaiar. Horse-shoein- g Here. A. C1LAXA .fCbArscs Ihlocloratoc9 mil5 ftaaatr apar n:, oa tkr atoat fa, raklr tarata. a Specialty. tea mi As. aar dfc tc bm LXAHL LUSJU PB3SC?IU JtDJUSTtO MO F'TMU MERE aadtfeai tcvvestafaaK ty PLU3IBIIVG, Wr raiakay soar kat Iaa atatt aVcaaa . IflBTwI wekad Brouxttu4. Qomtsiic Hiodate. II HIEMENMHSEmER. akilfal aat )jjn lya aad arr niTKIIIAl. la At. H io of veks' , n " .tlHIkVrXl... Fan; Saab-ra- Kiliar. T1CT0K FAGEKRO.SS, letkuaiM wkn last vtatk Orarr. frai Ik. nterr lalaaaa rraerctfall, iuiMritrl taoe wiij inp. w 3to.aOag cBairia. ly KATJPAETJEA PLANTATION Gas KiTTiiYG, General Insurance Com'py. ImtHm) Hf E?TIirr f PrHcfcil jEWcIIer, I - 3 -o- Watctaiskr and otr tuniAC tvfltr 15 t 155 wis r-'i mi 1 ii of IV. CIUVIA. STUIC taaatt paaraarrr. Sj ulrla For Sea. Rirer and Xutnd Trazuport taatsxtiiaatiEiiiiL cuwhteeb. jt i J. .. AFOXC. kbbkIhb. Wkat iti-- f U tkey aaf y.SaagataarcBaailifti, aafnulat r-- ly TiaVsmith a - GrtrrW JMaV Roofer, or DRESDEN. Pilau airr rail l.rr- r..nir i. aaiy Vjt-ot'- Jfliilf T WaftiiaaantV. t tazcarwarrr 'r ai pro' sare tkaa J y mmmmmmmmWmmmkmmmmW . I . S thr biBe; taaaia. baamhui. "V70EKS ! KsTAltMSIU:!) BE ' LJ . M:0UW tkas Last rv year HAWAIIAN SOAP HAVING AN r m Aad a b aTaraai-- C aSi tsmtc tkmMii at a saaWfjtraary llaaatala fr, tke Haaallaa lUaa. ATTEHTIOH GlVtJI TO REPAIR WORK, teg I Back add tkat v largely b oeiy lar Oraal Ajrautarraataatlara ta laar Haaaaaf MafBBO &: tc. Xxaaur aa4 ac rtuaiaaaafti Frac. L4a4 Orar car o i i W - AbDREMMit.nKi.tTu r Box sc O Hraap a, ty xiiaatk bat a. kppt&t- by tke deatkof Kltl to wwaV rtiapftii u , aa4 Jt wart mr "7Prr f 1fce riiirtr. & CO aratb & j Hitka acalruttheDac-troftheSma- at the (BjB;rjrag .' 'jp'w jiitwiwjid' .' pjor cU&xrvfi. V one ke Ered 2i S. GKTSBACS1 frtagaafct torar atariEaEtiaae. wa CREY CO., WHITMAjr & WEIGHT.! ij mmbe; the sack on&i at Uataicrr 3tmmftmrwr and Dcajcr In Moat Rraannaole Ratea. and on tba 'SI tin ; x it it jt . Moat Favorable Terms. lat Brofoctasc. iilmin aad lo Caixl SfcrrimiiaaA Cairrwhaicai Xrr-- THO. r ALL KINDS OF of x wfcck ac mipkt kane been s SOAPS, A MrHlErEll A to. si AeETr.ioor-snraz- s ajto Kin CLOSED TEMPORARILY! prenaard. or exiil tibt Aat ewry mrm,xrs-- L.lcs j lrt, IWaolalai. 3B1 tjral frr tar Haaaiiaa lalaaaa i bi S. GBXSBAC31 CO . ?A?EZ CTTTt. MWM A T-- TTaVSltaL OcaJm eW l, ffaceeedtaar BVBBortaoB Jt FataaW ? Mc WU lk pnaBBaaTMl fexuixsi n arwr 3tiii.taart. iraBWray ATWt N.naga.1. Jtla bLl stefl be . Merchants, IVTKaBrm. 301 dc asickt itbtiI oly aBaMB CosiEaisioii -- . If J a WILDERIUt-njJ- an CO., OV 31 II. woaid that I jUwKfalalaaarat-BtrHarjBM- Ihrjxn'ljJ Aaaml IUu..liiii.. JInnU. n- - TIIK AlteKXCK stew cjk; so. Of tkr Xak 121 CaHf arxia St. Saa TrErico. Cl nirrKOPoi.iXA.'x 3in;uirr. L II kKHK. a, kta Morr alll -' r aaWaa ilini Baim.aati tatCkTUz-&t- . XJ fraalkl. ndctia& triers. r- . x moskt be ijv ClaMl MS. KEHK vlJI irtara la ahaal taoaumtk. readered Bearly Y atiwaaM latlLtKSaatr TarTart Miarc Starr aril C.WALLER. Proprletcr.GSr I Snprrrrtlln; all otlirr .Strain Ilollrrj, kars!ss b r iniibtt y PEIKCE. D. aiaat aaaati f. aaramagtatjrr Rat sctsiaarTT. Mutual LiRi Insurance Tj7c"-udtypV- SAEAH E. St Comp'y WITH CTHX carefal vBodraatase. i. Baaa &. Emntt. Anbo Xsmifc. A IKaArfrfFar, aaC KJ; (ref.JIoa.IalB. KKCHHK IT IS MOKE iSQ CHILDRES'S FHTSICIW. rucy Oar. rma TUISK. MarJet fewer aad aataei. ns? mtfeirv LINES' m I CVcrtyl Xfaty f Ftxwt Hr4i. orifEit rssnfc agssaBt afrwi eooSani tjabn aivf Bwaawaast 36a. S gaBaal harggc. Largest, Safest and Most SELECTION GOODS Economical or Fnel . MTwxxsvr SOLE & SADDLE of lrwnaksa y aamiii'w Ism N . eebafcH. rart aaal Saaaaa. a.v.catxx. J. LEATHER. at- t x At ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO Iaa Liable to Exploile, e - J juamytar-coBgf- irTKI JCS "halBanflra. COOKE. Tanned Goat Sheep Skies aacBt ir.1 Ltaina. ar C.lTI.E J and Ht ITABLE roK EfTELEPHOHE 261. --gt SHI2iUG AX3 C03OOJn0S XEIC2S-T- OK THE Easier of Xrantportatieu Of tke ri fiaj daBEf t.-- r CtOXTTAXn.roXIfAXD AAD I HALE m WORLD! uiar - rxrOBTTBs AXD wrr lex of aaaCB. tb c3isrf y- C. HCSXACE. WaiaarmTajaairry. J. Partier, OVES. Cash Assets, overS90,000,000 ! GEHTLEMEN'S WEAR ! AND COSTS NO MORE! aeCbe aoaaopt DBflQr cet sui-- Of ittaa Fwaa-rp-r B. r. BaBaa X Ca.- - Dealers in General Merchandise, r Irpr. SI vftt 9av S9 alaqr frcnat. Haajarxla. H. X. IIIIa Taaarrrr r. . Ly ataa. iatamalraa caarrralaf Cotsaaay aad rCjaH-iaii- aa7ar lac Fall 'ffrnpt on tiA U oUtnimtd tr WBK&. SBfT wJTli tar Katta mi latanaca. apply la WILDER A , 0T pwt cn If Wholesale and Retail Crocer, WStty AS .tGBOK5AlO-A3a- lr to KMBRAt IXO TOE i BaaV sk XJeaau Cxr - '1-- : i' AGEXK-FO- ar attlcaiUm sort jt wr- ia ilinBaiiiiiaaji'Bam ItAINGES, 1 -- E.WI3EilAN. Wa E. Of tk iup d i, tod Fuh r I af- Mao ROfW Tilt Tufcaifc tiiirir-- B.Etlte3aVarVaxtIA V6 iaa tjrltrnlaz Axrat HOWELL, Honolulu. fMT SMCca Yaar W cataaafa Oaarra riratMie 3EH i f iced an n fihk. -i- 4aa dui larBitaxfrafrCaL ly jfiil jRa 2d a aa ju i inaaal aaaataeraaantaat. IkrAttixtiaar Bit- - AH.SmJUC. Ea-- CEO. LUCAS. Xatest styles l3i up- - SOUTH BRITISH AUD BBgaKaSty ia so fir ar ar- Lf i& ar-- TTLtnt'.Tt ia. sat ly vta. FbaatanK. ta.iii. Lamps, Chandeliers, NATIONAL dcoeJ, aowr W if t. Baa ill! FlunaW. i J.X.AraaT.Hitti. aaBt aad TVrBHrAaar&ACa.-- Xtai. COHTRACTOR & BUILDER FISE AM) 3LVKIXE IXSUKAXCE And Purchased by Himself - U. H. HUCHCOCE AND - tirtaf be iilKaint- U cccd t be a C3MPANIES LAIlfE & 00. Attarairy at Liw .- Xatirj- - Ctaxpaay f furaiot OrHEWZEALAJIB. w pass. featiwaaEria ,xj rei Sj7-aaa.iaB- Pailft. Taraaa !salr fa Person. A THE ii starr k Te3jaizta4Lit333rzacr Cretpasy. af Bartaa - in IIAVK I.AItOKftrOflt or fee that of ail tor of C-- CAPITAL bml if aid tafaa'MiaaaawaM.aaatj.aaaaalaar Xaxaiirsrjfa; af Zartaa. Greneral S20.000.000 cs .jf T .. Taar Bttbt - vrxkof wtsck Wkad ..&. aS the tiatjlanaa af tar Cfaracc Caart.aaal B. X- - Went- Fiarat CrMrifrrU Xiraiars. CanatllrdLtaai:itrarBarckalaVra li.aiar Jrial OXlao CJallioirxAaa. Vory Bnajoesof sadly sad iSr '"earataafcaEalCaKattC.aanataaja. Tar Tart Han PMStl liar PatWry. Scat Mx sntat "' Sn ltlaar. Eajidh s Fixsrarr. Honolulu Meam I'laning Mills, HOUSE FURNISHING flatie; nuktuaea aa at llaaatala far ika -- I. Tar Trorftirrr is Aac, irartrd. t fenBthpBt aaadat aare bae&santd noimt Br tayarr A jra". CrfcarUrf gtgfiara HaaanajrltUadt. tk. Baarnttard ia trrrlnrrd ta PRODUCED PROVISION CO. &e. t"'wts. EsplanaiJr, Honaloln, U. I, rltkJ aiaat Mrr aa KmlmOnzt, JlmkaaHta. Hay, Grain, aaiatkeaceaticifpMcdevald kn 3. trvrr &. co aac teaiiiTAWlfca'rwiagJrjarr. r Faraitarr, Macklarry. Acva tke atoat fataraatr Irraat H&- - 2. bwj-- aaizat be wiiicu is omnia at tij ftiB tl Wholesale I Eeraretfally aaufy tke sarurL acofnna and Retail Crocers, Xtaafararra ail liaab a( HARDWARE Losses Promptly Adjusted and Pay- PakUe leal Ikry kafa Aay oa vbk bad stadaed toe vnxwr EaUMiaaal Ikraiwt,.. at MBit&.y4M rjT Kaaainla B. 1 Lowest Market Prices dacaar tafafct tlanj ratal Crvsvi to . ,jt Gf Genera! Merchandise Mouldings, Brackets, able Here ! yeazs trB famr taaese it kad ssGrters cun'iiKiaid sew r.uocii, DEliKKEO TO MUT Of CIT. criai aad aadr.ra rt-- r &STa Window Frames, Marine RIaVa on MercTianrHaa,rraaghta 73 Hotel Honolulu, JU3 HIE HI IW BaaakKfaed. aaan- - was rsax FDET STEEET Orvaailr A Ca. Street, ben Wkat Blinds, Sashes. Doors iirr aad Tresanra. at Carrent Ratea. a arwiiealre-copaBe- r, ?ii GEBMA F, A SD Mlt-i- la pert la sreetlaea oceaHtraT ay AUEST TOR TUB vsed' Aiarr aad bkb PSAXCE, ESGLASD, Aa B liaala af 1Tea4art rtai.L. P.OBii.. C. u. nEUUEB. of tSr aad aappaassaf K't Anal for Ilawaiua Itlaaaa. . -- iw EXITED STATES, Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Companj-- bwtitfe; -- ii 'r Band ! SRESOVICH. ORAV ft CO. ocIaHMesii Tnrning, Scroll and Saying SflTiT!. TUiJI-lII-AJTl- C ai aady ha. x. ji i - - Battafara.H.1. POH. or CiLiroHMM, pracao? k aa e- - Dbanfeof pr JfeHanasS&ert. AXA.IiIXI OF PLAXTIIEKKTOFOUB Wktrt caa kr faaad a COMPLETE STOCK 'it IrarS. THE aa tkr ttTAJrC rU3tTATHS.tanirtf ar FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, iti ir--li oaair ami IIVJIAS UUOii- -, aad 5a ar HAjinirEu. AgtnU for the "HOOVER TSLMlLV late WATER-WHEE- wko PUsicj OF KILL, OVERSHOT IROH L fieltfease ai stRTtagto proaaste ij, CTalrfUl at tkr Caat jaay A Scarf OE DEEDS GROCEUS, Kcnicirg- aid Tcsastis. - COMMISSIONER S. X: esr eseaeacT'. tcrr TasKl taMCK3Qr- CEMESAt BUSIBESS ACERT WHOLESALE Sfaat fiaatrtrr. altk Orarfa;, WXJSUifJUB Produce and Groceries Ir. Qnfa eacaar Qnaa aaa: rem rfe BClrjrBiarA. iaaaaLua aaJ CaSfarxb SCtrl, Caifcut. Tararae aTatcr - SOLD uaufobxia. fciaaeBtoftLisssBof tkat ts. Jit at ORDERS PRfjJIPTLY ATTESDED TO Caatrffaala. Wkrai. Ox CalAfurit VnjUalXJO WHICH WILL BE AT " all x Carta. rSaart. ant:a, Car,vaa.ra. Caaarrt 147. ' hffftmc. aiik tfe araa, tenraeds Ajr Atari TTatrlt UKarajatrrt mA f tyKafW8.r.w. ararl c. iv. 3iA;rAixtAii rcucuco. BaicaratKaa Tantt. btaSli rngriedpe tkat ang jt to.. r- - xar acarr tAcil!aI NORTH GERMAN Market Bates for CASH! skswia. E7 totScrtavttlxijii: Crirr, flasa ttaai Taaar aa Hatrra fa Lowest sd v3It feBitiCSs. e lanicabrascaxtaiaait Haaiaiata.Itayi.IMI- - VMim ataataas aaa airkla; falarr ta THE WESTEHK 4 MWIIIM. it, 2s lctsreci. -- - BWIJ T'tea' anra aBarU I .. air caar.Utta aaaaaraal naati fatly PIEE INSUEAHCE COMPANY, TKLZPUOStt .r. T7I. P. 0. BOX tin. aaiifee pakfaao wiacAwwaM ta.Tn. sn. c Z!T,fun- aa at tar, aatait caat. . - feraoG. - f arias jiAMnrno-- C0MPA1TS-- f Far- tad cetera. SatraS. Baamri KN'OWLES' iST' rrter rtry taar aaa! frrau at or Ail ararra 'aatataalcatlaet 1 e aoMle.acd nnESTMEKT begrreafcTtfee-wEtficisu- Ji Jsries. K s , Caaual ef taaCaatpaary A ErarTrr. .ErkkraufkAa) tST n4 fforaEyetfeeE' peoj.iewe L txastiraai Tlie ToTirists Eetrcat, - tkrtr L'eopealce - fuijjut wso TArr4a7iv aaBKtaAaUar rfractre. AND YACUUH POMPS AL6O-- F0 SALE I latmca jS. K. MYEBS. Manager. XQx Cr a LtrxTaat LaacBas: At Kasaay. STEAM Loaned or SfMtl ' aaSsoo5fnr&taa3cf tia: tair St? a aj facacs Kaa, Hawaii. Tool. BrlckraiarkflAT'u) Money for Leas Per: BBBdalpswercfipJs&wetBeistrf. srtar ggaifgr . ILVVEJCoT Stamped Envelopes Tar K la r,i;itn ffia. oTrnEKii. rxxrsBUrc rXDEBSIGXED - HOUSES AND LOTS OX AfPROTED SECttartT 1 Tararr fraaa Eartra.araHa- i;jrBCBJ(t;SE0,tJEaj;BAl.AUCTTJI tffirn iTTmrrrra.Eja. TTrA50 s, Tim 1 arr AaT Atxaztarryo.lrla!4aMt a? ks-- iaciXioK, mHE XssrSaT!C:J:-rcaia.Sic3Jtu:- ' M! ES'2r-.;ss,- X af tkr aborc (area carspaaira ror tke llaaalUo TUB JBXUAri'ATJO'8 OF W1 wIk m3a& w to mjsz-At- b? Cjwajrery r Sar &a423&3l'aa3T Aaantr It talaaxer ate prrpaad iutwr VoiUlax,, faxoltart, oGii Tar nptsmMtary Bcnrit "' Ewjli Or vrrtao Ur Itliait !tr SatfwarcAajrraailtatartta "fit l axut fibac. ta i.3.l, caa aa parakaani tUb jeaxSk zmi rafsiat tf ipetfasnta tIt?rfL',It tr ir aaft irar liarVa. MrnaaailiMaaArradauvXacklana'. tJL, alaosaaar Faaieake. la aaynjatitrfrraa aa to eaa laaaaa Ornrit-a.a- .e (.lt Vort !.. it tin arjkk u ic raatjaj VST!irit-JiJrt- nut i2t Jem, aaa mult ia tk karar, aula it (aaa Xarrlaail. I'rraoa.rr.M&aa'aatkaaOjarlaadacaa is aastteKigr ezd rf tree- AJ taayiet-aaUlW7KlJtfK- I 5BZ2ATt "5JK; atartTsaaraatj, OOB. , ts aaatasfa ay fra ,o tea wtmX tararaafe trrat a. air. wa.. lAItDaMtAIXTr 31XAMM g15 iH. artaretVrwfratklocaPncaatl i i waiy H. HACETELD A CO. aaa ha iyl.ak . r ". aJUTHItr, rjonu-rea- Jtf rC., WKitAJt. ts4ffalti,rrir.rt,, Ml ij t" - T?T?--m- m. IBMjHBmsfoMl'M "! '" " n i i ijjaiaLmalBannanaBM v- "SJt-j2f-i- s-. -. namiaviiniawi i i jiias--.- t - aaencsawnaia1

consigned $pleralid cruforra. towering abovw the for-eig- a LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. taktn at Warwick: to prmrrra order daring the B aUjoritn. to pay heavily, and the work is trial of lUly. Fginasd O'Ooacell, tb ssspected Shipping. Ctgal 3lttttt8Hnfnls. to wholly incompetent hands. dignitaries about thcra. poised and dynamilers. Strong barriers bate beta erected aiitaiianj5H2ittc. stately, conscions of rank and aacrs Vkxosu. KC, Jaly 3X Tttir Cart. Aitcbesoa their rf tbe tscshtpSwy r, wu tatra to tha hospital to protect lee arprosches to and rrora la coon. CrritKMK COUUT Of T1IK HA. Tax passage of the Isw to etvalo the trv. peers ot ttso nohinty ot any agvv ta a vKKtat rcaiuoa ot zarsiai atierraxxBi. ua IVostablcs. armed with revolTtr. will be Placed LJ wallaa Istaada t rrebal. la th m&ti. XST XMrS is --Hawaaaa Ssviogs. Bank." is a new "Full jostKo is done to those noblo wo- Saadvy, while ridiac. the crtrth brote and he ttU a rnard at all public balMixtgs. the Kslate of TOSH Kltf. 11 f tleactnl.. iiaW. tuts. Itetsl bead. . law waa latnlatr, r.for J.ule JaT an men, wives of Ksmphsmeha and his oa his His brittiast cuter as a naval I'luv Jnly The nw dirorre tlleg therlfpetlHoa Kit. Ar-'.rS- 1J departs?- - It will create in our midst the di- (a teadlar a4 ef Irs4hx, WKPXESPAY, IS51. officer, it is trarrd. is at aa tad. catettrd Thrre ttninMrKl ssits tor A Ityvaaa rrrro ot ItonohiK which skhoogh is sew to as. chiefs." toKaahamana.Kalaaitacikn.Ka-jwoUn- i vorce, er C. a4 pah, aHff tnsutaticc. it Iturucx iXeb.. Jaly ai A serere thaader bate already been bearan. Many noble and 1E thai Trag Kl nf said HoitobiNi, died lnleat ( mt4K4rdTKMA$arr aew other countries. Ithasbeen aad other nobles who joineil the lisht-ata- prominent timiues ar iuTolrrd. TonniiMa Uraemia, em th Hit day of Jly, A. tx Jffill' Me rsnoauitr sai not to jjerm visited this regfea this nwraicj;. The leatlae be vala- - Church long the iSr. women lock la trad la star at cone ot Knmti.asd Dero-is- hi load at strcriHiur xho nawnHr opjxvi oied. snd proved, aad foond to Christiac not after arri strscs. th farebocM of Nathan ililkr. neat lvrTttxsacvi1JtdyS9.A ooraUro" and another on - ramspiraer strrei. la "ter ItereunU stieet. tioTiucbaLkirKenHoaiecin;thi5 able to the rbKc. as an e3ocaJoc ot oar kval of the little band of missionary ino- JUrysTi3c Kansas tdtias ais foar da&cctart, asd gitls bave been arrtotM tor Beeearr In adMlBiiteted BrarB, and rajtne that Xetir. ahile asleep. Their aces U. aad .years agltast the Government. Tbey are connected letter of adaitnlslnillon ( . h- - rtn Uw neers which arrived at Kailna m ISA) after wr tS.9 lo rh OfferrsK aad GoTTcaBMat. to &4oMri." crV.' aiase la utnit aaa jKaueuw. resrectiTely. A boy ct S was badty fcnrt. The with the Marie imrtitntioo, a school of rdocatlon Ityntan, and temporarr tsan - - iiru- rtfc - -- Jo. that bttert ta th 5, - tar m fwaad M Kafkaa. e5ortsrtln- vote." to iato o&c.Hic An experieaee of nearly twenty years of a voyage of six months, from Boston. taother is in a critk-i- l coodHioa temte-taeat- . for cirls of Rood tarnllie. Tbe coosriralors aveaaakll M Ih removal M enotta. ill p rrotaber rat Inter-Islan- mml l tO MlBfctrt OC soch banks England, has resahdin Briecy we most pass by the death of is the mas of tbe isititste and bad atxivnplkvs litaoMeevHIhat riilPAY.thethilay of , A. paTKIBa COPtWyt IT tV ic d S.N. Co P. 19 . m.. bo aad her la nopMntrd rot AV-- Tbe among, tb teachers, and older pspals ot the school. of tlwtB. Sock zBisekiaarMis as laws and reaatioBs for their management lihouho, K&nteharaeha H. in KogUnd. CatBJ. Jalj Jladir t IVagoU tete-rrar- heariae Katd oelllioa baoe said Chief Jotll. I iho fntv lkc aX, IKS 3J?mv. ttinoaaa. Rfcxiv. tbe Broirn which leaves little room for improTement. the episode of the of Ha that reports baia narbed Ihat city that lsar Towmuatt), t W. T Jaly 2X Tb Hawaiian Oert Room of ihta IVert, ai llonolnl, atwhleh tin Oor-- a bad npi&rrd Perbrr. The Modir has seat bark .liaM-a- Raptain lUsselU from lloootalo, am) pile all eoBeevBed may and shew - stretches Iadepoadorjco by Bear Admiral pet. apfear a Iums. BnAtr. aJ aj- add Ist3r;. IXw while the anmbers of depositors waiiaa aa official to Ptbbah ta ascenaia the trath ot th went ashore in Freshwater bay Friday night. !j 'riiKorcu TieivrTrsi TO THK !' aBylhey hat, why M hoald in tajaa AViloVr and Thomas, the brief usurpation of tngs yester- X YUUWXii axa KKTVNN. w W baa 1 oo xvaoioti. aiHi mat laia orurr o naonsBrvl in in I. vtt. OMMft. and Mott Smith giw into the handreds of thoasaods the after rervrts. was haakil off tbe beach by foor large raa at per Ialei-lslaa-4 - -- I. noin-jar- r. aaceer-tk- KrHshaBd Hawaiian Unaware threw tereetslv - - : K aa. of diffi- Ine rcbeU preeaUy te Vfadr-haU- day towed to port, Sbea.2su.lned Taaeins vtecr .imanjCam ta fie to altsaeh s4atro?nt?-- amount of the defoshs intomilhocis Cap. Lortl Georjre Paolet. ana the tau attacls i asd thb Uonol.hi Um taat. atS.S.f.Ike - rLAXTBK." wlu - weeks In th Ittwutix Uaatm amr t'Mlm new. - -- - xtao$ trewpa Her cargo was hghlrrrd to this port. fe t ., r i r. lnrctt ahst Xooa is awied br ibrai. poands. culties with the French Missionaries and OaK'theccaswos tbey reroLcvl the Uwlrd at rwaahn. ky Kallranl la rallila. paper In lloeetnia. t - t-- - :fc - ,. af a and cartsrrd scTerat Tdtaces. lactsaias; Sana. la-a-s. July Sv The I'eeaiw has a bitter arlicl w And It la ratthir ordered that temporary krli.r bto r na ot come troc-p- s "'i--" waiaea ta awaaaaB. n'rirri The principal and attractive feature javal authorities, ami to lbtos when Ten been Jed-ds- Ity"Ikts naMe, T a prartd foe npon iho Hi , , o - ., rah af nhr aawaana thocsad baie ordered fr.'m declaring that England twrer helped bat always TaartM Mb BuVe the mnMltilp la inraot in arNwit bead a." Tsc ooaditioD of the tmk1 aroaad E3o IVotal savioK Eanfcs. is the oppjrtnnity the Kiag, Ksuaehaaieha m. ""voluntarily to sarrcesi tbe rtrolt. t I tWI the Valeaae? wnnV-- thwarted France. Her friendship is false and the m 0.motJJ.nH rwx v:;! 3ana, be - - l,TICKKrelc laiR THE Mflirxil TRIP irarru 11. I., a. uufil a iMaJlfe ia i6ia is fan- fcad a will H- o ttw rwnarts of depositiasf small amounts, at localities sarreadervd his absolute power, and grant 15tatot.Jalj3X Dr. Koch, tbe with her hollow. The Fij-r- advises lienor!. air nil, lk T- - i - - ant anlm as It aoleil Geruaa alliance pnm aa .V.f.J?l)l. tl ara BMMie England, imn,- iww, xaeriae. sao. bjr ovr Hmn porrpfoslt;hatn nsveaket to the homes of the Ppl ed written laws aad constitutional freedom c!Jrrxrrt,ahoha beea visitiBi; the xafectrd France to abandon all relations with ee- rv frlar aartHahr. autie nflffe ot Atlnt- ihlef J.llceof ih Snprem Ciwri. sachde-poisit- districts, bas addressed a mate an Hasny Snrrw. Pooniy K WK tlp coodiboa. ot t ivvafc s. to his people, who never tlroamod of repxt to rasanrex:. lr. give np her prejudices and hatred, asd Men at obit the pledriac. for repaymeatof bad cribcasea Inlcr-lslan- Koch Kterety the wast ot prreaalton alliance with Genaany. frmany was aa honest d S. N. Co., Honolulu, - .. aaai awt (saki xrommA HSkv. tot ft raeditioB cf Attn ic the security of the Government such thiass," the crand division of lands shoaa the Eashth Govern meat in taliac taeasares enemy: she prove an booest alii. Ori'KKAlK COURT OV TUbIiaZ ... !!,. rwM - jJcBtt TTTTtfeJrirtoftlwWBcdotB'itiuefe of the pahhc 1S47. toprtTeat the spread the eptdetek--. Or in J r J .RIIAN. Hov.a Hit O wallan Ishiml In rrobat. In Ih matter f saaB! afBe The deposits become a part in and come to the writers summing ol iosM Crrt or Mexico, Joly SS. Tbe two Anwrican Vrw reoofaf Ih Will ef rKTKRA.COsrA.ef llooololo. -- ri chotera aprear Koch cam M-mi- taBM at calls jar coniiint- - IVp Gvwwnajeot debt, for which the whole credit of the ap. the ia Enstaad. Dr. adiises rrisoeers rtlfasrd, is prwainted at tb request deceased. Unler appolnllnc llm far wn th sttictret masares ajruast vessels it rrabat of Win X. . aaase Onu (bVhb faMtuual all vaitiac of SecivUrT FreliBgbnvsen. say tbey were con-fin- - and dlrectloa nnblfeatlon or tMHIeaaf th une. tan that dminc the Ia?t aatkwis pledsvd;the dejvsitor a pabKc 'Hawaiian History "I find divides itself frvxa Ecclacd. WIIillJRll. call for his for fire days in separate cells, when tbey Adoenment.prpovlln;tnbth last Will and Tes- thfTexpendedaoat$aT.(Vonihrd& creditor, withthe right to into three periods of thirty years each.' Ataitxrti. Jalr SX The decree cuawmia? Catvin were informed ot tbeir sentence for d taming the tament of Pvlee A. 0ta, deeeased. hating en th 4th so t day of Anrntl. A 11. las l. bran pro- Tmcv is jvKrtjtirfT octhtoc Aw for money at any time, and in many eooves-iea- Vtt; xrort taxes yesterday tates oat per Gvvcrnreent. They assert their cuuplete inno-ceac-c. prntlb itM 3uhnef Pan bate Conn, aad a pellUon for th rrohal therror, and tbp oxreoditare of nnvH wwqaarter of lccsHties. 1. 1TW to lSSll, the generation cent, of th present xrrt taxes oa all rias- - ot foe ih sacar. Itrercustheredscedtaxestobenudoae Steamship Company Uanane neer testamentary to Mr. Anna ot ttoltarsii ow a qaaner ot By the law before as a comnwacemeat preceding the mission, a tinre of mental . toriuj, JnlylT. It was ramored tiday that CoU. Ih widw havln been sled by her. caiiiavasanuaaa-Doies- aireover. ana a me sails bad been brooght CleTeland ii is arreny oenerM laal sin day r if ite add uk pay ot ivad boper is to be made in HoooWu. aad the activity aad national progress and the be- by Gorernor Angnst, A. tast, rtuuAl.u to bmLtiac the prcTailias deadkex: in sasar against Tef-yr- It at tttovloek a. m.. of aM day at system decree the ! tor criminal libel. I, M HI D Ih Koom of said Conn, Alttnlaal to w above aamtm ncepl that will extend the as ginning of the nation's physical decay, all th directs etea the tvdecedtax a iavrstigation shows tb report to be nntroe. I I T ai llahVIa the road are than have heeo He need cot b paid at the lira ot satruieat, llonolnl.lrt Island or Uata. be. and th aam Is. berrhy - - mxre ther fast as cocveaieBt to the other ilaads. doe to the presence of foreign discoverers aiaiv The IWiyraidi yesterday aflernoon. under the arjwMnled Ih Urn o Win SBW OorKKXKKXT aaBAXna- rrq-ir-- d, provUed satisf artury pij-ta- -- frorlnt eM and hotline for thirty vera, with a prospect of their Bank, with jraartaten ot t beadias of The Talk of says: said and where aaynersoa Bi-IBTi.i- .i; is made the rasnsrw of the aad traders. are a libel Sail.'" rrtalfon,whea Interrtlrd civea. NitlxiertTQS txraairres com tolheediloroftLe Tele- - ma aprr,nd ctnuc.t the sahl Will, awl deenoratiBc fttU sxsv dsnac the aeit power to make for the cotnioct 2. 1S30. which the peo-pl-e thraaUBi aniI at i Ms par cent per aaaaea reframtions From ISM to in VTisirstfrvw. JoIt a The Samtavrx-enli- i! mit about lb rArobabilitT ot bis arrest for libel M f letter ol administration. - BBBaV tiro years of mxsnle vfcieh seem to K the lituaness and the faith, d informs-tia- ordered, thai nolle be elven by Biff?. t BBB1 uar lor arranziac de embraced the Christian and Marine Uosrital s?ervic,baiiac received oaaccoastofthe acreland rxposar. In reply pnbl(ealloa.'.'. llml . nselft to Tote mooer for tails, forms, that tbe yelloa fever is rapidly we '""foe thrr ineeoMtv llMllawa- - " It the preperatioc of blanks and ias Situtioas were established through SrMdtac ia nave 10 say: ice ruiior ot inn jrleerwiwi bas waper printed and pnhHakrd jm kerxya. e cVeora. ilex, has tae Inspector rwshiT tstonnatioa be STEAMER 'KINAU' ?,''II on S..1'" la Ulllll f Flannel. Md if it i to be wasted. and KviiN. a ln-- varierr of which is nec the efforts of American Missionaries, trcrk-in- c iastraed at that is to be arrested for ofa la A. T, to ae extra vtrdaace to praveat th tibe. He has also o information that be Dated lloaottN. II. essary for the safety of the depositor and tremendous obstacles. . t, ArH Hh. Kl. K n, 1 acaiasi latrodartwa of the fever mm the raited will not bo arrested. He knows nothing about it Ht.M.-- s i r- - - L.cata tat, Aiyart. iSi, iaBaorial TreasarT ti.M.n.M)i:u. --. Jam'- Tax cooditioE of the taeprotectaoc ox tne S. From 1S50 to the present time. These Jsly seeaas ami gives nimstu no concern Attesl: Cklef a.llee of the Sopiemo Conrt if liant Uwr. ai It litely that th abost the mailer. lltVBT Snrm.Deaaly Clerk, CKTIIL-ntH- I . fe aoc - A far as eaa be The minimum of deposit is limited to years, all of which come within ray own Asstrahaa federation will suoc become aa active Ue feels rreparcd to meet tbo In asy shape XIII lea ll.nilnl.i eacll TRMailllF M., fr b it ia Kawaikae, Laipa-hoea- e fc atp $TiO in qcrtSioc ot Criush meet-t&- c it may take. MaaUea. Makriia. Maaakoa akaal. Baa II leaned there aHst the iweBtynve cents. This, or any mokip personal knowledge, present carious rmitics. In ltoodoa a at IPm early Thtridty ournBMK op - a consider schject LaMr-o-n, SS. A aad lltlo. AmTiac Islands.-- couirrtn tiik ha- TreavrT and there b ik immediate pros- to tbe la lb interest ot f July Madrid crrepoadeat of merBiaes. Will tear llilo rarh Tharday at aooa: O wallaa th matter of Dos LtX, an Its-- ' rwB " thereof beaccented. Xnere is ao tumt record." meet-ic- fUnkript. Defers pect of an to any aatoont cE aas held yesterday and it proved a : the stoaawn' saj: Xrgotiatiocs between Spam Jtaiatoaa rack Friday .HTM: Kawaikae at t A. M. llnntary CMef Jnillce jidd iaereae rreat to maximam, is not al- Treaty results, the vast in-- of mnda isportaace. Fore--t, M rrVBaVt. the eicept interest The and its Lord llosebery, and America, relative to the new commercial orsalariir. alakrea a A. . MaaUe al T: A. M IhwIm. tiHI November. there M- . - t9 Is Stteawer i lowed on sums afove JljOAV Interest is of Chinese males, with other nation- W.U. SnUth aad varans others, loclodiBi; mem- trraty. are at a standstill. Tbe pretensions of Lakai'na at A. reaeklix lloael.l. eaeh w - lax tl - - . VMM 2W mvrr than $SX'X- doe for bers of lVrhaxaeat, nvade ssxeches koxiac to an Arsenoa dash withlSpaaish interests ia Cuba. Salaraav artrrBooa cakebted oa sums of Sve dollars or aay alities, the increase of wealth, the decrease r.SlXt;KK TRAIN Nlalll will lean- - eaeh . iaperial Parhaxseat for the colonies ia tbe near parnisreluctast allowing comnier-ci- al 'real MM AVe know of oor accooat calee-da- about closer 1 Jlalm-kea- a lren bd& pnrate mahir4e thereof, and for comitete r of morality, the procress of leprosy, the fatsxe. A resutctioa was pissed, FrMay at P. V . to emBvet wllh the Klaaa at red amonstin to dedarin: that coasretion between her colonies lath West sakt Pea Un. la present their claim and prove Ihete ' l BB l br the Gorvr&meat. months ocly. while at the ad of the recently created feelinc. are Indies and America. The latter is already tiling debts, and that da pablteattoa b mad thereof for V - bTbm 1 Tke Klaaa WILL Toll It at HRkata aad raaakaa three consrrnuv S2lil.V. There is a large sam doe secare Bah T of the empire ttenace So per cent of exports s. a 1 rrem week la the Hawaiian ttiaerrg ; as, ihsn mat wj year, the interest account is added to the touched apoo and we come to the "Period ia the from Cnrn. eaaaiea ertas for rawuaei II eteaal mae newipaper. y :.r valariej of revolt. Tbe Xew Guinea qaea rj tTiit la. awlsla! for the aad uwt..jii eiptfaer. principal, the rate is axed at per cent, 1S30. Loxnox, July Si Adiices from South Africa Ueskare.. Sew, Olerefor. notice Is that I TtlDAT mil are of Decay." dating from realcaase that pmrccrd meet-ir- Klaaa will not take aaary frehrht fer hrhy rlva i." I Till ml tiea.aasthe the state Stella-lan- In III aad the momettt the Aiaprvipriation B31 is annam. weH that the people at Vrijbnrg, in LaapakoeaDe.- - lOeki freraill aad aaekates All th9UldaTerAnrasl.A.P. H, at W svtock al r ran sua i psr Foliowiasr Liboliho. and Kamehamaha aad this doabtlesa serre to keep tae pulled down th British ftag hoisted aalr. th Conn Room la AIIManl HaW, llonolnl. be the r4 aaaae i fagged, there will b mree demaods from ot fixed by Commis. heavy fretrat rv la above anrt wtll ka ukeabv tke nj a hunt "- Provision is made for accepting deposits TV. were brother Lot. Lonalilo and Goremntent on this ioesttoB. saocer Mackesxie. The Cooimmioner lime and place for all each creditor M appear aad ' ay.amIHll iiIBbuBMi aaaavr qcanerv. Bart of the money dae hi Itosebery took a leading part ia the taeeuns. and thenspon Ukrlltr. prove sakl claim. from women aad minors aad for their pro-teco- Kawkana. all since ISoTJ, whom ordered the whole available police to arrest th v over the so a Dated Honolnla. Aneasl , A. I C , bonds will the fact that be has often reared the part of ringleaders a tSL ItMII t the jKobably remain nnid in the same. remains for actual inrlcence. and nn ot the hostile outbreak. nrtheCenrt: UEKKV SMtTll, i vi car Ca. Mm It missionaries had little fortrcsaer ta Gladstone leads to the sappMiuoa. l ' UK for a while, far it s owed to the Education Salt Iaxx. July St. Pioneers' day was geoeral-observe- d maa Hepnly Cleik. - km a Co.. a trial of this bank to prove if the system scrupulous men a great deal. "The first that this meeting foreshadows a aew festate ot the Steamer Likelike' Pepariawnt and the notes will be renewed. Liberal pjBcy. in ttahJt being the thirty-sevent- h can be ensrafsed with adraatace to our two were of high rank and ability, and re- anniversary ot Bngham Young's .TKlSKAKTir. : (0M.M)ER. TXCltAMMERS. CIHCUITJUJIGB, KCTJIIL-TIl- t'l. This watt b eqafraleat borrowinr XawToax, jcly. AX entrance to this X Third to people aad Government npoc this coun- ceived much of the ancient reverence given The Jlealth Cocuaissioa valley. All the banks, courts and public offices Jndlrial Dlitrlet Hawaiian lilands. In th hare reported that th tuunc; of soda-wat- foan i rr ItMaU'alft rrrrHulT trrrr ttm dti for the Kilate t UEOKOK TKACHT. or Kan. Hawaii, de- moaer at 9 per rent, which i illecal. bat gsneraUy were i.iha-kvsa- try. We see no reason why H shocHaoi to Kings."' tains ii oftea ia ssch roisososs cosdilion as to dosed. fttlhTTU; wrt. Llta.aalMl. Miktrwa, ceased. aeed not think Cabinet will -- tfeg-u-- IS. e that the become a valuable institatioc amooens, King Kalakaua has now at the head of reader the Said deieteraxis to health. The Coro- Tbe Paris correspondent of Tle.lMerwMn huluW HeatUhu KeirUMt On reading and nllnr th prtlllen or W. C. Jones, a a moment oa a qoetion of legality, ner says it is reported that the Bartholdi Statue IVIaU. taplHrke, Hakla IteMm. rAalaaU th Sxeentce of th Wtll or eorge rraehL of Kan, jam and if aader the earef cl maaacement of his Government an priest, a reported to the coamissioa that be had seen rapftlktm, U'aiiuka an-- 1 ttf tv. will tenth at Hawaii, deceased, asking to b empowered eU will dead rats syrep some originally destined, under the name of "Frocress.' Rrtratc to the ' : fe life only be a drop in the backet the Postmaster General shall saecess-fa- l ia the bottom of the cans in ail ia anorr pans. real estate or deceased. it r talented uncrupaloas man. whom no one for the Canal, but being refused by the pro- AM Mac), from 1 AJtlppftt howeier. aad bankruptcy to be star of the larcest aad xaost respectable dro store in lire niti by the Ills ordered thai SATCCD.VT. I he Hh dar of Septem- ens masv a dollar which sow is hidden trusts or respects, holding his position en- the city. moters ot the canal it was sold as a job lot, at a Ukeltkr. ber, A. D. ISM at lOa'UKk a. m, at th Conrt lions in the face. n V t Bah iac the Oabinet away will aa;w the circulation and tirely through abilitv to the 30. reduced price, to the Union. in Walohlnn. Kan. b set aa th ttm and plae eater Us candle BxitiroaaiFa.1. Jair The Bradford Glass Iawtmjt, hrarlncahlpcilUoa and any may rr To thi then has the mi imnagnimnt of contribute share to business activities-Ba- VTorks. which shat dowa on accoant of the Jsly 2i Th Egyrtian Conference o)citns that b eAii.-u(- its t King, who thocgh amiable and m strike met y at the Foreign Office. Earl Graniille, offered thsreto. and all persoes interested I aM eauts li two years broorht as. What will be receatly, resaxaed with aoa-oni- the what is better than Hs mere fiscal telligent is utterly without executive ca- taen. Secretary of State for Foreign Afiairs, pcrsided. STEArVIER iLKUA, are hereby nstlte-- l to attend. F. s. LY1IAN, CkJ these This af tersooa the strikers ssrroaaded the factory Clrenlt tHit llaw-- ta. ixvah if ineompeteets ?taron for There present M. Waddiagton. x Jndr. Wd. results, will be its teachings of thrift and pacity or wisdom and is esteemed," etc-- white Fortaae Degaeasx. the sew foreman, wtre the French i.ui;nzu. z tajui.vMir.n, llllo. Hawaii, Jar ant. ISM. Km H - -- years loneer. aad Ambassador; Majorca Pacha, Am- i9 economy, aad saving among those dase "The eight thousand Hawaiian voters Ssperiateadent UcCartaey were inside, aral bejraa ths Turkish Wilt irarr Iloao;ota r Moaitay at ft V. M.. IW Kaa bassador; Rtroa de Staal, the llas-d- Ambassa Hwrlo. liana. Maaaata,KIkalialttaiitl COUUT T1II1U) A Hi B romdatioD who most y throwiat; stones. AtcXjsnaey escaped, bat Vts-aea- aikalaf. rvk.i, C. bil.Kbbb of out aeed sach have their own way with the six dor; Coast von Muenster. the German AmbAssa- - ; every CIKCriT Hawaiian Islands, la rrahale. la -t Taa: case of the Rer. Sereoo Bishop only was captared and hisejes oat to ami ai iaaar marr wttk. tint. tBBBVBf lesions. is small sariasrs. usually the voters, representa cosed dcr; Coast Karolji. the a Am- will loach at bait a! a ralioo aavt Kaana-luka- the Estate or THOMAS srENCEIa, of lllkx Hawaii, prin-etal- e. It hundred white whose pteveai doing asyrnore i, UfM,lll osee more points to the otter lack of Ida work. 'There is creat bassador: and the Chevalier Nigra, ltrn.crtacblnr UtnaoliiTa VtMaT P. M. deeeased. Ml hfV.fBaBaBB.lMHi commencement of savings, which gene- tives. until lately, have hlways led their aru teareU the Italian and th petition of S. . the intense despotism of Minis (xnuateat it is that tee Ambassador. On readlnc lllne C. Klilrvdzr, .' nan. the will bsild-isg- Thefiaancial advisers of the several pavinc: the tast 111 and or -- rates the desire aad fixes the resolution councils. Though now wholly set aside, strikers bars the factory aad the other s thai Ttamttt Thoma vttxiaB ter of Fureien Affairs, and his toadyinr ct the Cospaay. Ambassadors were also ia attendance. The con-- f pcncer. of llllo, Hawaii, deceased, now en Hie in this for more, which may. and often does, be the missionary and decent element is wait- erence continued in session "for only about one Conrt. be admitted to rrobatr, and aa Exeaater b ap- - Mr. 1 :BiJa..riaBli on. Bihupis a man of stronc M vsm r rs,Jcly Stsh. The tower classes e boor, when adjourned timt STEArtlSR 'MOKOLir pointed. come a seiaed habit ot ones lire, we ing the logic of events. The last Legisla- it flit. Earl Granrille I eoaTKtions. he has artaoed aad oppose the physicisai beciase bsT ItetlKIUilll:. t ClliDIAMlCH, I ordered rR.ID.YY. 261 h Seotem-bcr.A.- mrki.. bet stadisly therefore hope the Hawaiian Postal Sav- ture, having repealed the prohibiting thy is empowered to summon the conference to an- It that the day ot Act ETtteathe noiioatext physKtaas hate beea other meeting asy Lime. WUI leave each Moaaa; P. M.. foe tke wiJ-war- 1ni. atlOo'elocta. ih Conn Hsni pdbties since the present Cabinet came at lloaolala In lllka, llawaiL see a th time r Kai. m- -r ings Bank may thrive and prosper. the sale of Bcjuors to natives, intemper- to keep the cooler alosjria order to Ret Orders hare been issned at the Chatham dock, Mae of Uahe. Will o by ay f Waialaa, when b and plae tor hea mto power. WheiuhiiveTer. moral nt lag said petition and object was a great rid ot sarrtas popedatioa. yard send ever saaeieal taawe-Bio- naVre, retmrBtag every aaj that may be offered 1CTJ IMJI ance is increasing frightfully." to all available steam pinnaces In Egypt, thereto, and al1 persons lalrresud In said Mtate are wroac wis woposed to be tvenmffled. Tit: Boxx. Jely 3tst. Six tboaviad persoas trtaay i- ai. "Msa.aa4 Mrs of all nationalities, men of all creeds The natives still the light-hearte- d hate herrbr nollnrd tn attend. F. s. LTM AM, the of the lottery Act. Bishop "are beea detained ia various lazarettos rxs crrr oi'svnxiT. Clrenlt Jndx Sd Jnd. IMsl. pa4Bc ifr. aretaking the keenest interest in the fate oa the frontier wiH Tr.pna.lble roc llawn. Is. like attractive people of old. dancing gaylv to asd aloar the coast. Sas Faaxctsco, Aug.t! 11. B. M. S. Cmtimtt eS"The IVcniB nut be aar llllo. Hawaii, Jaly 3011.. toji a. - aW.-- j spoke out a man and deouanced it as of General Gordon, acar freixa! c 4ckaer hi-- - rrcrlplrd for. ae foe that CVnwr their doom, earless of fate, always smiling. Lcssccr. de- sailed for Honolulu, from this port, yesterday. N .f what it was infamoos. For this Mr. hu Jely 51st. Port PaelTX, ia fish bazxae nnle. Utnlv aaarkrd. respofistble COURT THIRD tt mat naredk, the Bayard of the 19th cen costumes, wreaths, The la Fourth lake. Wis. are djtng by tuns foe moacy or jcwrlrv pI.-.-s plarnl in charge of th fell coder the He. In graceful decked with clared infected with cholera. The parts belwees daily some ClKCiriT Hawaiian ltan4.--la rrobat In Bishop b&c whose tury. The eacerly scanned Cadiz and Aya&toste, both incratire, a from unknown can. rawer. THOMAIS papers are mounted on garlanded horses, they ride - IheEslatcot srEMlEK. Ja. a Minor, at amir it was ti saner and make maps, ot being infected. There were only two deaths from cholera at All poibl,- carr wi.l U uken of Ltvr Slock, bet the llllo, HawatL aMIt'ltflK. bat alas: nothing verv definite is known like centaurs. knowimrnofuturer' Toulon yesterday. Coaoany vlll n.-- l w.nm,iin "t acrideat On and tke petlthm or hatmc Vrai to lift his voice again&t an Joly 31st. does tS. rlk President; readtn: tllne C. S. Klltredre, of him. The latest defisite uteifigeoee is limits of this ar- tfasmsisrox. There not appear Tt - White Camellia,' formerly a powerful SAXL WILDER. the temporarv Administrator or the Bstat or Thomas which had OoDernmeot It impossible in the to be asy solid cniond for the report that . n Kt'Mi. warr. or mmMay sappart w a society in the South, is being reorganirrd. - Spencer Hllo. Hawaii, deeeased. pratIne that a is tmted June 11th: we now he ticle to even a complete how- syndicate American capitalists and OFFICE l .'in. t and Harm Mreels appointed person heeaaae give rrw. ot politicians Ftxscrsco, Acg. 2 . Onardlan be for the ami property or marked Six Sir Henry ltaaol-ilB- a man. Does a man make in Khartoum, safe, that date we were Parks, IV--i :. WU Thomas a In place . thee since ever condensed, of atwst to boy Caba. In tbe first place, bprocrr Jnnlor minor. of deceaacd, a aaa.Msai worse because he difbelieres in lot of the thirty pages that of Sew booth Wales, said to a Cin- - !. be readjnaleil- majps have had all kinds of rumors, from his be well isaxadisnotforsafe. ifvain is vry tooeby abost reporter yesterday, discussing aad that sahl proper! thrrefor. It Is Wife We trow not. The displeasure this remarkable extract. It would be all sagestioss of paicbase. la Australian ordered that tatlDAY. la Wlh day or September, ISM, iag killed by his own troops, his being a topics, that the annexation ot New Guinea, oral rn at M o'thxkta. m. In the Conrt Hens at INK Hawaii. w marked for all if it were reprinted in pamphlet 34. "S. tm.iia1 so that Mr. Bishop felt called prisoner in the hands of the Mabdi. to his Losrox. Jaly The German. AasttiaB and least an English prolrctoralo over the island, was b and Is th tlm and plae appointed for bearine m resign, the Minister form and circulated throughout the islands Itaoaa dttegates to the Hcypaa Conterextcs will an important question in Australia. Nee Guinea said petllioa and any objection that may be offered onto and of Interior gallantly his own rvltar F. 8. LYMAS, WHI.lLJi. Tjaafvd at' the resignation. And yet Mr. all aoninr at in both languages. csprort a coapromise on the Egyptian qaasliua. is the next largest island in tbe world lo Australia IherrlO toum. As far we can sift intelligence The terms of the compromise are a and present is in .the Clrenlt Jade WJI. IHil. Ilaw'n. la. as Without pretending to endorse every that redaction at bands ot the aborigines. lllla. Hawaii, Jnly kHh, ISM, UKt 3t aVMNAaat Bishop k a man wham it will be impossible of one-hal- f of I per cent on tbe interest of the There is daager that some European country will at this dbtaace it appears as if the two statement, to agree with every opinion. - 'HlBijLba.rlSir. to w place, owimj to his especial knowl- former reports were mere and that Egyptian debt shall be made if tbe revenae deni- make it a colony far felons. Sir Henry said that SUl'RKMK- COURT OF TIIK ?. tJwaaaamaUuK.BaialalB edge, a man aaoreorer. of the trieie?t in tnntt to forsee always the same future as that ed froea the land tax does not reach ItHgniere's the rruestioa of the confederatioa ot the colonics INTER-ISLAN- D In th matter r the Estal r MLUlIDv. we may hope he wpas assisted safe in his predicted by the writer, it may be safely estizaate. Waddiactoa, the French Embassador, of Asstralia was not amatterof much importance: E. M. SORDBEUU. a volnntarr Bankrupt. Nolle twexity. while the man who receired his made final reference to coBTvatioa that bad not vet begua Is hereby rive that n mrelinxof the credlKra who ttaWBBBBfttt. ill i. nver ciiaaej- - said the paper is well worth serious tbe of the it to be seriously discussed proved Ka. nsiaaino so readily. i worthless as a that French terms. in Australia. The colonics are rclnctaat to hav debts aralnst the Ratal or the aforesaid " Xow one has tooonsider what his chances cite STEAIY1 NAVIGATION CO. banknpt to Ih amonnl of or more, will b Maaa Mnm4er. and study. July 3X spa portion of their aslhorily, as tbey would $ltu hekt aite. has his integrity smirched. of escape are. These are various but of Armstrong Pairs, There wtre taelre deaths from at theolBcc of the Clerk of the Snpreme Conrt In It is evidently the imejitattn to cross the To conclude. General savs: cholera at Marseilles last aicbt asd tea at TocJon. bare to If a general Government was formed. In Honolulu, on WEDNESDAY, the Will day of Anjnit. course all hazardous- - The Mabdi has pos --The summing up of Hawaiian History The force ot the epidemic ia thoe two cities cou regard to the transportation of mails Sir Henry A. D. insi, from the honr or a. m.. for lhe pnrpose ot Jichteet sign of freedom of"speech amonc sard that the colonies pay the Paip5c Mail faxiIJA) elecllnr asslrnee or th said bankrnpf 3 sesion of Q Obeid aiid the country to the as it presents itself y is. that from the lisses to ueefme. i &re asuiamt lagittTes have estat. MUs). auT ac matter how remotely. eaBnecied retamed bocae in tbe tast two days. KicjBt deaths a year. There arc, however, fire 6teamship lines to the blatnle Umlal. sooth and west of him. Berber. 201 miles of Kamehameba the Great to that of from ABstralia direct to England, llK.Nltr SMITH. " ""t with the Government. It is a pity that reim from cholera cccarred at UarieiUes smes noon. asd unless the Depnty Clerk Snpeeeae Conrt, 4T.ftV'''fc" to the north of him is ia the poecfioa of Kalakaua. there has been a swift adoption The cnUook coBtinBes farorable. United States joined in paying the subsidy to the WPiir. Fuerteen cases Dated Honolnln, ISM. HH-aanklah- we shoald po on with this farce of calKnc Jnly list. Wn tl Mahdfs Bealenant and the whole country dvQiration. were y admitted roto the Itvare Uoprtal fat Pacific Mail, he thought that the Australian mails StmiPLAjSTTBIl the present system of Government Con of the externals of hand in would probably 3 I'UiBrEMMMi. to the east is in arms, besides between that citr aad eereei dtcharsed cared. Sixty be sent to England by one of the BATK, ComaUBder. stitnfiiaaal Government: it is a desiiotism. hand with a steady physical decay, and a ia the hospital. direct lines. Mortgagees Notice Khartoum and Berber there is the sixth MisxstTtixs, Aug. 2nd Eleven aCSteT"' ware simple, and the mo eoBteaapt-Sbl- e, fin?, but suddenly arrested moral AmiKiformof ctMlerahasapoaired Te deaths from Tor aad cataract which would prevent his taking 4n St. cholera here last nigth, two Fngi-- Will ltiiii Kogular Koiia nml Kitu OF FORECLOSURE AND pettiest, meanest despotism the world nt" tersbsrg aad Cbarkoel and other toaas inRasiia. and at Toulon. OF SALE. nnt't-- v ais torce Dy water tne war. a pro coeidi-jo- n uies are retsmtsg a increasing nnmbera. Tbe ever saw. wnoie Ttaaaitary of Batoaea. Kasaia. is bad. city becoming more Limvcs Honolulu tit t p.m. on ACCORDAXCKAVlTlt I'O.VBRS wraitaBOIa is made Fresldeat FaircMld-- assrrra qaaranxmea over fron- is animated and the shops are poal in one of the telegrams; that is ajamst arnrais . - Pr sale eoaUlned in three retain as tier roads. Tnwday. aTaewaay sa- s Mkncs. to wtl eaortr, country expecfe aay radical he shocld march to Kasal. but to do that Ker. H. Fairchild. l'xes&kat of Oberiia IaWTXHf. Frtda WaMllFrtaar;.Jlj - It m Jisxs Ijascos. 3d. A dasaatch from Fooohow to Accust L It is renorled Imn TjiJiJ K I. D. Kahakalaakekino aad I'ae to . J. Carlwrrsht, rhaar-ei-n he would have to pass through a hostile CoDece amnt! by the This Colirce Jslr that a man died of cholera nn Tneaday - WTaaaiay - Trnslee for Holt esuie, daled March n, lew, reeordtd the Ministry after the proroca itinfo. the Ttmt stales that there is great tension in the the French steamer - S tkrn of the Legislature, a country, for 372 miles and cross a wide h ferhaps as well represeated is II twin at tbe Gmrilh, from Marseilles, at anchor in Penarth J, Vt'recl; af tfc it is very crier preheat tiAe as any other ia tae Csited States. exdteaaeat ia that city amooc foreigners and roads. The body was thrown 3. D. KahakaunkeklnoHi. lo S RoU. daled Jan. SM, Xarsiax Star. river, the Atbara or Black river, for which dtixeas. Tbe Freaob Another r TB. oasly mistaken otaamanity. There may It it the laiitht eouece of the vest, ia rptte of it of the port are mas aixxam very IiciiiriiiiiirVi'oiir-iiiHi- at .llanlaea IM, reeordrd LlberT. pa and y tee ship u ill. 3. D. Kahakatankvklao 1 X ' he is not likely to have adequate means at well some aader steam and cleared for aeHon. High aotbori-t- lo If llnS l Tiui lf Wur aa naMite twai the b a little shaffiiat: of the cards, but all twitter, viere it a eadoaed at of Iavmox, August At dated Ih IHh day r Jnly. WB, W, m naml ia Fooohow, however, deciarrs that peace wilt L a meelisg of the Egjp- - Tneearv Jalr 29ITa . Spt'r reearded Libet iia BOHKaJ BB tnm Cartaaa IlittiaJ knaves his disposal: arrived at Kassala however, thMe ta tie east, or were is ssrcvrtal by tae sule axjnieiTcce Frtaay -? . aoaar the will rt31 remain at the top of certainly be aruataiaed. uau yesieruay voust oa ai&nster, Aas 1tb7... n haw tat aaad fn theAhyssin-ia- c as tbe Kjeststa CoiTeriy is, st certainly vooid - . - 30 Notice Is hereVy aina that aaM merlaaawea Inland - - the pack. will be small satisfaction be would be near friends, for A fam- German Embassador to England, repeated bis Taoiaai ntnat lar fathxraar It to raas far ahead of iu preseat higa strrrtiffn- Oae CorEssaaxzr. Joly 31 resnioa of royal proposal regarding, rnay 5p" to foreclose th mM ntartaan m eandmea broken. . -, Sn,, Monarch has promised a large force to - ilies will be held Cocenharea earlr the discnssion of reform of tbe aad npon 'orrekMnre wlil n pahHc anettaa fra. HaaaWc a Wr the community to see the present Sinister of the cardiaal pstats of the iautattoa is theo- at ia liniL Egyptian sanitary system. The t at tke 'i-- d. move upon towh. edacLtioa of the sexrs. aad as eocdocted The and Czarina of Ha-ai- tbe Prince proposition was And arririax al Itanolnln. lb ai dav al a a m. aie Koom ot r. Adams, in HoaaniM. at tt a'Vtock i9jk t itBiiiiaBii faac ?? of Foreign Aaairs resign, and at aa ex that these it Car asd agam declined. aeon of t. ' co Ttanaan GMtwt is saccRssfat- - Oberhs was focaoVd over fifty 1'rmcessot Wales, tr King and Qzeea of Greece On Ike oat trip, will loach aalr al la foltowhv pacts ai aa pease to the tax of some 2SdK9 be The British Government propose to lay la Koaa, Sallita, Keaahon. Ilaakeaa and " h - lL Sl of ,,y, K pavers yetrsaeobyasssllb&sdof earact and devoted and the Date and Oadbess of CambetlaaJ are ex- Bxsxxx. August L It is as stated that the Cur lloaaalaa. Jlondaj, the ISth day or uSm- rewarded 31 done, a raflway from Soakim to Berber, a dis pected to present has abandoned bis contemplated visit to Copra, An;nt, ISai, ' ""'- - for the be has by a trip bms aaose theory ia o!t aas faith iaretioaas be at tbe rennrja. Eaorts are th property covered by saW a helaw - . - i - 'r-nl- ail taaee of 211 miles. This will be tremen- else. Tfee making to isdace Ih Dake re- hagea in consequence of a warning sent to the St, metaBt t TV.the to Eorope in charge of the Qoeea. and on a paruaomiStaaU htsit setlteaxat in of Cambetlaad to lerlk. " A. J. CAKTWRroilT, i--v ..a- .z raraiii sign caaims tu ac- iTKersoerg police a Ttaal, - be-- dous piece of work. will b? fighting the woods sjoo brosa: Efoa ilsU the Ttta aad his the throne ot Uaaorer and taat delegation of nihilists and Stini? M. KOTII. . - v- -- her return, by permission to oscillate t It anarchists Paris in Switzerland pone t;.. Thwrliaiil and laboria? all time, for in spite of cooteiapt of other rdiciocists as well as the cept the terms odtred by the Emperor ot Ger at asd had l IAwEKON.W..LISri C. M. HYDE, Tr.tte. - :-.- Mr. - ween Park and Louden, with a diplomatic the doeaiae&t many. to Denmark and were concerting another attempt Oaauikr, Dy W it-- - hatnd of the ptttictl pvrties ot that Carni. their Atiwny. - . t- t;ro battle TeKOsmanDigma holds U19 UIC. -i UaVMuae. mission of some kind or another. There tie, day, beeaese its ssppjrters azl $rsd:ts boldly Xrw Vosx. Jnly 31 The Kew York Ttmtj has UfJU Leaves Honolulu every Tuesday, at 5 p. m, The Real Property to be soM canaUla fMr Hot In - ortifi-eatioB- f the whole country up to the very f s esc)aed the easse of fnedoot and deaoaaced srecial from Marseilles Paovrnxxcr, August 1. KaMhl, Island of Oahn, mar pairientarly forth - :iVMaaaiaak one thing we mav be sore of. and that is a oa thi cholera. It vies: on the for ISawiliwili, Koloa, Elecle and Waimea, t r ; w-- 4 - Maraqi k of Soakim. upon which he is sUrerr. The bla& wasfneir adiaitd to the Of the total Bomber of deaths France Vrom Xarragansett Park track today, sarrossed all beasw: . - . . v.-- -- r- that MrTGtbson will keep dear of Holland, ia LOT1. 31 acre of Ik . t tth. TheaWt schools aad to the ebcrefe. aad the little torn soon th cholera this this year, probably ma- pervious pergormancea, making a mile in 2:10. Eacai. Betamin";, leaves Hawiliwili every Saett banana land la KanM. - v -- , . nightly nibbling. Operations in this di- the he portion ot Royal :ss. raaatv and that he will avoid Salt Lake Citr beeaaae one of the tapxtaat stattoos on the crder-cosa- d jority thus beating his own previous record SilOX remalnlnr ralent () aw, ta -. far died inside ot nice boors after they were of asd Saturday Evening. la nnder . M ...-i. ..- te rection are be eommeneed Septem- It seal enHlvnllau and new has about aVxe Thwa ft win also be eauaeatrr satbfaetorr to in rtilaay. aad Esany of its ehixecs Mizeawiiamness. some nare not died that of MandSof 2:I0"4. The crowd also wit- - All fine tree ont. I .- - ;..;,- niM asttl set Ther also hereon n seod tis. . liaB. aa4 ber. coakiteUof ia assisting bat tbe majority cesseu me lamoas black gelding H. B. Winship wood house. adjoins atraana. ' ; arawi to see Kapena pensioaed out of the Board of It the - s fur KaMa the eseapus; slave, aad ausy of theo dtys the cases were settled one wae or the aithi n juju mate ixrai uuauie-ie&- OI -- LOT J. 3.43 acre knU land hi Knpekaa. parcel r -- e Lastly. Stanley, the great explorer, who srnt Mhr uirir record XV, TVfATry,P.) !' of Geaeahxry tand. jail beeaare they rafased to the lla-fes- eight and also that Frank Stiiir. JAS. Ap. Ill of It. r.MC. A pared a boaee lot. ba- .- -- ia ncocaize or tea hoars. At the start tbere is diarrbou ot and mate of e rXr.lUalialnk reached London. ":3th. two s nanas, fr v oa threaraaacaf Bat even saucosinf that these two men July proposes of iaa-- rtick fostered and rrowcted starery. and vomiting. This nssally lasts short August FliEEMAN lomntandrr or for a paslar lot,rlnew wnll facd. -- bnta time. Toex. L Alexander JeSerson. a LOT S. acre or - -- . routes, one by the eastcoast. other by The war of 1551 3 has catlnl Obeifia's Then follow cramps chills, 8.30 nae mad far tb cnlllvalioo of - r -- too drop oat. we aave small hope thev the and icy aad this stage negro, was this morning in Leaves Honolnln every Thursday, p. m. any ' . ". iE I - i - i -- :whe that ba handed the presence of at 3 banaaav or other prednct, Thm I a very an mt, aiat a t at tw any the west: his proposiiioc is best giver in war,'' cerlaioiy Obrlras prtaciples were there has commonly beea reached by tbe time the 40) spectators. Before his execution be handed ami will well repay th pnreaas. win reptaced by men vtu will for Sapaa & Zilanex Heturninj. Leaves - - aad thee nodicaud. aad ooly after the aar did the pxsiest has arrirrd at the hospital. LOT I. . acres, helne- f of 1 1 p. niaii i prove theaaseivag either dishonest or his own words: If tirealatioa the Sheriff a list of persoas to whom he wished his Ap. of K. ria. aant a the less wb aod'ooDase ecxcje from the sebed ct can then be restored aad be kept ap by the ase of pnoiograpns girea. Kauai every Monday, tt 4 p. nLpand touch- HIT. ar very Ine land, sntlaM foe any kind of enlllva- - - more capable. He sar: that General Gordo mmnitiate ;- tHfinrorilagdBabicfcrtBadsolocttrsgrfed. tea to sf teen grains of acetate ot ammonia, the After the robe was est and Jefferson's bale shot lion. Ther ar several od kak patehr on Ikls Maanani.i;-itaaBaanJaViBa- i isacckable tastes of eaeefe Snat Startajes. XataraliT. daixas those years of rocqiart ooly sarcecaastity of alcohol, and by ing at Waianae both ways. piece. (The wtale ef this Ap. ! However, whatever change comets mfirr violent robbing, up into the air tbe knot slipped around sader his .ai J at as to an nndirlded ene-- nial ruiaa) a w sal ms. Al K abrtherbrav' of Zanzibar aa the aa. or ara those axiaid go there who were ailed wtheatha-sats- there is soo chance of recovery, though the chis asd his neck was not broken. For "f lisi aiaxnKMeaai aaae taecnsiac ot toe JjecisJatare will come thfOoEoSethettoast,iftaeXdeHbkxked. of saaw kind, aad probably it is oaisg to a moment loarin inereoi. . taai : chance is sliest. Bat if circaUtwc cannot be he was motionless. Theo he kicked, straggled and The personal property te be sakt consist of af - from the iastead of from dai-io- c fact the priscxptes of patca C. rTbISHOP, ah - kUi'm la Wt Kiac the Lecis 54aaJeruaaiBirclaatGoeralGard!ia ou, that that the naxe kept cp death is certain. Ia the last stages some groaned as be slowly strangled. By a desperate Stinr. On larje ox cart. i- rtat aa it- - the prcseat seucs, aaxaat the NOe Xroat beea so veil sosxaiaed. Tae carries whOe - kiare. The opportunity of winning to oolbe also patiesis are delirioas, others enter into a euora oe go. DAVIS. Commander. One lair ox cart, las EhBnoaxt WJ tbeotogieal ais ngui aaaa np to ine rope and tore aFipmawaiac pi ar to Gaoiokir. a Hesmatr of auIaE. a thritic; scaooi. a coBserratary ot comatose condition; bat the latter part the black-ca- p Fourteen Sne work oxn la eood coBnttloa. eel him full support of the best political a of the from his face, exnosinir its contor tat kaaWr I the KecrktdBjs: t&eacepncMdta R)ter aaE al Bsasie of a wed deserved repxtatioa, aad lx yoke and alx chains. : taeltaBa diseaseisgtaerauyitrishifmtauvtobebold. It tion and staring eyes. Life was pronounced ex Leaves Honolulu Every Tuesday, at 4 p. m--, - b'waaaixaSat I aaat. thinkers in all ranks of life, by carrying aad job LGptosBer, wba oaoucaaof W erend hirfe eoerses, asi the aasaal atteadiace U simply hellish Tbe nrTenns Cash. Deeds at espena paKbaeat. -- tortan. total deaths ia unci eigns mouses alter ine rope was cat. lets r iL BHaV it Hst, the trae has been towps htrtac is their pKHrtioa often rises to fteea hsadred or over. Her zrxd-mat- France to date are abost SSO. ior fxuxuinaeie, nonoiaa and Faauhau. :fc-- constabonalpriadple. tlBtcaie. (S. August Wilspa z: bail vitk t-- a th aiMktiuB se baie iaapressed thestarapof the orjftese oa Tscrros, O, L Steven, ;- aaoeW missed by the Goraoseaakithean!aith rxiff-e?M- i arrives at Honolulu every Sunday - ' kAfSv. Kiac The Miaistrv should his f 7.wmtnr. all of the Tbey Earl Grasvilte in the Ermcaaa t aoalaita boy, was handed y at Edgefield NOTICE ! la the aMMuaaai one ta Sboaii the KJeiers iefa aesl. hare caae 'J sussioBaries Locdoc, dxscsss ih iaea have beea asked to resign when it was to take ten joetcer, or sanaal sotse other casse to all parts of the world aad aTewtil preserved refased to the osestaoa ot the Courthouse.' Uornin;. - : srv: t aaxml reform of the sasitary coraiitkm of Egypt. T A3IKETING OF THM HUM UU-- ::f t patent that they did not possess the con-- preTeattherAisbc saenfiat. GctaViB eoald its repstaikn asaoeatreof earsestess aad hs-- al CaxraamoE (Md., August L Frederick, alias lj. SIlEEr STATIOS Cn.. tM day, th -4: InanUamiK The "Texas fever" ia the '.Vestera stales bas hM the aar. Thm aaj. adeace of half the Representatives crew to rsick the taatry Utuof, ami parxose. "Bar Cephas l colored), was hanged at noon to- cer OFFIC E of the Company, tool jt Kilaae Street flmwln;ofirs wr leaa , J. aad rrait. created great exatemest amorae cattle men. Q3ar-- i JfTT aaaataWfrfct-ita- , prociKri drvs the Goes. As ancht haTe beea expected Presides! Fair day. near lhe Wharf PresHcnt - w Nobles. aauses are spoxen rX.SH 777 ....rwOtado : fi-- more than hah the That oppor StaatertfetEto Sehae-imliit- child, agatsu tae rafeeted dutrieU. tfo - at attaeaaat. thatroaas tzavenl br the bead of ssen a sc&oot. Is a ct 1. --UMenke lT '' trf mi Scorrsroso (Ala.), August George Smith and ni mat ev taaity was not taken: aay change far Sinwrt Lady aag Ite-hi- E marled aoibtv aad birrs Dr. Lewis Director of the Warner Obser-- Secretary - that aad Bter the character. Uiiuton-be- r baift. Asbury and George Hughes, all wbite PACIFIC MAIL UirOIad mA . ZS Sover-eiga- vxtery. receiTed iateUkreaee and under STEAMSHIP COMPANY Treasurer a.IIvI- w- iw meat tak. We comes merely from the whim of the . aoi Istma anssoEaries casaot be ia of the class, abesee ia 1SS; ilr. S. X. Castle has of the disaiTerr 25 of age, were hanged 1 JFIIaekfeJd - Prof-E-- tears here at And) tor : & lw. ' ? law aty tea Sfasfa mai-t- ef to GarioE. the sahner. took his first wife. 1535 of a comet by Barnard of Kashjine. r.ic E Mailer .af and not by the will of the people, tnveleraad Hecradcatedia aad thea A dispatch from Foochow received August Manarer. Glade W ial Una, T?kctT. Sbooii the trnvei at iuiei lawline toot the eoarse ia the theofesietl school, betas at on the night of the 16th Jsly.aBd the discoTerr 1st, For San Francisco. iY mast be. ia its eseeace. ansaiisfactorv. aiOEc was verified by the states that there is a great panic there. Tbe Honolnln. Jaly list. 141 ajaU the Xae be toduannl, GoxaaB the suae toe a tstor ia the coiiece. Fnxathe motion of tbe enmet bast night. 1U.1 St ZLr' & . ianM foreigners are arming defence, II. F. GUVDE. Secretary. ta cciiicani tar IropE TaaVd We may ask why have these men been coajBtaxstheailoasvilhaxaL If they zafafed yvarliU he has bsen coasected uh the coilese iweneaa ot tae noir, neat aseensaon, 15 for tbe ladies are THE hPLEXDID HTK.tIMIIr ad taaecossasy they xs one capadty or boors,aa3 ZO missies and 9) senoads. deetmaUon tearing md the French Consul is preparing to go -. kept in. and the reply is because they are has at ties asaai bestn to aaotber. He aas fer taacy Laupahoehoe - B- n-i-atr 17 10 , moving aboard the gunboats. Sugar Company. t.i- f tt laatlfcn best toots fouovatterbeaadcane. JUaiey btbew that Tears profeHor of laarrsaces and of nsatbeciaties. sosth aad is slowly m as easterly r z. tar the with which to pry open the tUze liacfefc fotce ta exttieate la 155K. on the rescraataxi ot Prexidect Fiaaey be direction. jizUiJL THE T faratnna'ami,, tbe9ssof AT AXUAI. itEimG io taaaten that la rjii her panne ueasue caests: tae oest moakevs Gaxl Gardaa wiad be a taast perOoES i' was at oaee aad BTwr4inoa-t- y efacted Presidest, The City Council of Chicaio pissed an erdioance Sptttal Xotifts. this Company heM at tb ol&e of Theo. II. cecfcit.'" Jr(3a vaaU have aace he as to akfc the dollars out of the tax pavers' weshi btaly be aiteenfad with n: thieh oSce be has stare held, with tenor to the abolishing contract labor for prisoners at tbe eity .sri;. Daviea Co, la Haaonlu. on lhSlst da of July, th e the .fi.Esiiiii jt.iinp Mlowinz effleeis were In feKowlnx law aad expsse. Bacbsfc trooart woohi be coDese aad credit to hiexseif. As a logkriaa he Hoase of Correction. year: fr Mt . -- poekes. The pabjbc now are folly aware ly teatb.-- indtaHitetwxaerawcai to ssasd ta ctianse. ctaads ia the front rash, as a writer oa phaosocct-ic- al TTJRK1SHED ROOMS eat aDaca-i- Fir fc. what OToasell of Sin Fraaeisco is in Chicago, and President Mr. The tar st a rase the Knurs Messarv hat: been "We sabjeets secoa. to none. Hislicriseljiia-Clarl- y Blebed Baaajs caa be hid hyaa early appllcatlaa at ZEv.LA.isrr)i U.Davie. St have endeavored to give as a aaaocaced aa exhibitkn of two lepers. Tk Mr. VTm. P made to appear. needed only to dear psre aad akoost severitT IWS) ivKiinrn. cniiMAXiicit. LU'lt. r Buirifi.iHlt.Mi.. It watch view sisrie to at health aathoriries warced him the show would SO. 4 OAB11Z5 LA5Z. Treamrer Mr. F. M. owanaf! "-- ttmni.iWhiniiit the fib ami of General Gordon's position as pos- tnacs. Those who Sjsadav LEAVE HOMOLULU FOR "-- et the the blatant and earsntitticc Kaulukou beard hiia last taora- - cot be permitted. WILL SkH FRIlCISCO Setreury Mr E. V. HoMsworth, opaa - hat. krx aa, sible, we would -i t.? ble tsaal pushing forward and Hem recommend to our readers aac wul appreesate this. As a Iherarr the The total expense of tbe y relief eiredrboa A CARD. Andllor Mr. J. M. Lydzale. art x wBUnxhtt BaaioBta rtiii-.- - this that in the Doctor stasds herb. He is the aathor On or about Monday 1 Hgtlla E. IV. ;.-- - iwti. however, to takeamap of Africa and locale of several is estimated by the o&cials of tbe Navy Drpart-rze- st Sept. HOLDSWOBTH. uaa n n Appropriation Bifl. or to notice giatM) for sorts, bat above them all stands .VtrarPMw-aa- Fehy. - tv bnalm: his Ilosmxix. 3b, 11. A- The the places for themselves. Any ordinarily -- -- at abost fKOfiJX Original estimate was virS tatea her iMainat aa the pafaee stables. $lSdUK j!6-- now reeosaied as the - Maeeas. II. HacaTElD C Mill -- ' for military. 0 ' J: lloxoixxr. FOR SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND! Jlamakna Company. - good atks contains the points named in sabfert ia the Sates aad keriVy k- - ivnaarnneu- for geaealorT jobs, to be fully assured loud rarailr rrrtacics Advices received at London state that the Britttvh Dsaa Mas: I beg ta tender aiy ilacere A T THE -j:ttttnmr c. the tree. TV whofe thisartide-- aB others ia the varans schools of the eoeatry. ASSVAX. J1EKTIXG OF iafe ship Aros Bay, which sailed from Dasdee on thesis tar the iaaavediate Hbenl letUeaaeat ot lie Anil Ibis Company, held at tke eSc of Theo. i" tta r aauiLik that retrearhmeat is not intended. We or. r atrcaild eirecU to nss the votciao, Ieav-ia- g ks the Ktilciiilltl MtniuaUlp fa II. jt-- Xrlntia. April 4th for saa Francisco, has been totally aaetaified the by are ray place pay; 0 la Hanotuln. on Ih Jlst day of Jnly". may rest assured that until oar ceoaie as oa the a eext weet, retnmiaj I thmack dtrctieii of following omens were th 'leaituwa.-ni TBEaxhas been reprinted in pamphlet for the wrecked o2 Valparaiso. The crew were saied. reelected tar Ik folrowlnx s. e her jaieIWwmonmai tfeaaaasaaV themselves, steaaarrof Sspteeaber LsL It ta be f haevae la KohaladarlaruealTklor the tsah fast. year: aa- - - sert aeither sood coverament form, from the PkOm-t- r. it It is reported that Osaaa Digraa bas been killed, I eoaiidir It tay dalyiareceramnid the iBieraaee ih: aot bnac the Intl aBaerTL- - tfCiruu taat he eaaaot reania for a toaserperiod, visltiarr and Et AUSTEALIA(illllST. lOMJIA.KDKIl. aor economy will prevail in Hawaii net! -I- &-sons atahdTs isfisence is said to be waaitrg. iar waica yea are ue areaia 10 all partle MrTteaH Davie. !: a very nojtble paper enatled. other parts af oar beaatif al of Mr The B Walk s .heaanllata(ihai tlr beTeateea thocsasd rebels are aroend c'oakis. detiraas arauctiag theit property by lasaraace. On or about Sept. 8th, 1884, Treasurer "" from the Hawaiian Islands." written Frieadly tribes near Agtt hare beea mardered. I aaa. Pear Sin. BespecUallj Tears. MrTJI . a waai a y at Arrxx oaawr RexaeayL SWU iMgaed.) OEO. SANDEEKAX. Far frecat aad Paaaacr, avyiy tn vt'ry MrEWHaWswortS - -- Nnaac. taiealsc the of the utter worthless bv S. C. ArmstroBg. The Britbh iroaclads Defeaceaad Vabast came we; war r nak tad tost the i 11 I1 3c H. JIaCICKELD .I io., ceata. Jml" MrJimeaBRentsn . iiiiii aess of the ilili,i,----oi- ja lately Baatry Bay, aitt-x- work of the Genealogy Many of Taw mn Vns- iamllisina ia IreJasd. and Go-l- a as who did not know General it m - both were eriooily damaged. tor hlimeut per Steamer fun nttw E. W HOLDSWrortTlf. SeaxeUry. Book, as showa dayeveaisz. Flrc-pra- ''K' iaani mi at3Hate aal linrt ij the in the report purporting Armstrong; ia his youth, may reraember Tbere aas a Unre asdiesce. and ae Xtru ntrtisrmrnts. beStorrd, Tree o Charge, Iu th .ewrfBCN- - hr aaerr ec Them fceru, (bat falsely) to be the prodarboa of feet (are there will be a still ia facta Qaees Victoria has rsssed a command that when ITarebonae near tbe iSteamer Tbarr Executors' Notice ! - the hfe visit to this KiHrdom in 1S9X how 1 Urero, ar faaeaa o- mmi frhai aaaac aC thnan Had he iiibhi boav when oar tnbbe teams what an taePrinceaad Priseessof Wales dice on t of Lou- Thri here are sow pfrpared to - Board itself : after the urgect message from traveled from island'to island, is ia oar raidji. don, the Bsrsber of caests invited READ IT ALL. rrilfc ITXDEItSIOXKU, HAVI't ttnuLaMet noted what arm to meet Item is Tickets to San Fran d$eo and L been appointed Execntor of the WW nf MAT the - s I.ctnrn, - i- - ! ahaat U ininmi.ttaai vfcen Kins to the Leeislatare araia reeom- he saw-a- a bees, practical observer, ami IttSBot ia the pnaec of aayof oex xassicuas not to exceed Iocriten. Inc T1HAS KIBtinilorr. deceased, do ai rufc ezmeces FOKSI-jTJI- KUUaSD TK!!1. person hrOyxv notice Z2& 1ta 1fc ewrrlaJe. I meadisgmost striaceat economy in the with the love of one born reared here to sack a raaa as rLlgcard fteraeari. Xrw Toaxa. Joiy 2th. Mrs Lxaj-try- s departsre IT MAY SAVE YOUR lo all havlne claims aaalnal tke Estal of Ike i.!?!L?'T" taso at m and and above critidsaa the veriest Fngts-i- d LIFE. abov named Mautai Klrehhoa U present the t Bin approprtatioBOf poboc moneys, one migfct schooled islands, Hex tyro ia ctasie far Satcrday bas eaased caiaaderable dilyaathentlcalcd. ram 1r i in these with the love for bad to the cossrp. wllh the vonckers thereof, to lhe Ii,pi MB.K mnaiiii ix C atlaoaledse mmtrt almost ia the first It is rlafmeil she retaras ia order ta nnderilrned W. x. frvee thaw a-- aave aopea toat tae most wortaiess. bar was FOR EUROPEVIA NEW at lh ofleeef (i. Irwin In Henolo)., aeet aa haanl atk the native race, and the knowledge of their that pbed. secure a dhorce that she might marry Hop Bitters YORK c --.. ' . is tt! - -- Gabbardt. within six the dale kereer. or ther wlrf k vm Tat GaiUaTs casaaes aa less. Dare laced waste, aader raise pre- good and of weak JC Beaatayi eiose for his opeaiasa Fantasia Oa the Bitlto" Unioa Soaare be forever barred. "All persona their points, spoke out Higa-nnt- s, is the actors owlnx th saM Eitale r Mart ttrsajt :: the ahaac - fT., oa arrs from the arraagd by tdca-- ar requested make . - Urear aad tefiees. woBMaotarajm nave beenperrie- fmaa a fiwiTu ! ceceraHrsre inchaed to ibjcrtdrt sah a report. to immediate payment ot the same i tu.-- bkE c aat he HiiUiV, ap me tau taA " lae Hhs rxve fcia moae ta shew hU axicderfal porer at said office. iaDTCT-Bc.;;- Cue tratoiaadyet on '.ataidai we aaa tae n kn ux. The Fiaaacial CorarsxsfioB aiixniBted by the Dated Jnly ! an ami ta the aaat iUi. ;Ti aadvHsataBty. tbe ptihetie passas-- s were Coof erence Ills, 11. a - Tot. MMBsbyand -- . exhausting fear" Fyptiaa voted nrjFimocsly, with the The Purest and Best ASDEKSOM O. ir- that Jheir every as to peo-artia- readered while tbe cocxtssvia was paaer-fa- i. d. FOItHES. - raiauav nTaa;niEt U the future of the Hawaiian exception of Engfa-i- to reject the pttafora WILL1ASI O. 9 M b ED of parliamentary to pass it Tiicaid Bat one rictta bat a doxtn that caTe 1031 .. inWIN, cai Ba or. maiwuire pie. forth redsetioa of the Egyptian land tax ana tbe inter- CUNARD LINE Executors of Win of Maltha Klrtkhoff. p the raadcbords of the celebrated drinfcifo est oa the Egyptian debt. aaauac Smf ti0- - earryiag on. with em-nU- choras. Aa encore kindly te- THEY ARE COMPOUSDBD ROM aeallT mi aeeb aa ""r : ,ite eatbssiutie aas - f oi-U- a pocket money two - Frexich troops Boundary Notice a aauala auital ar or Jthree inent secess, the oeoasdaties of Irin ipaaa wma seixetx- ot scssoen fiereca have attacked tbe Hot as ia Established 1840. -- laapk twathe-aaacaaile- d, Madagascar with BnchtL, Mandrake ajid Dandelion t. i jaae tuat ' tie Hwrmt U4 Maaaeofj the Qwk ahat reason there was ia 1V301 troops. Hopj ! Jw. ifcil t"5 ;cipalof theXarniBlandAirriciiltaralln Api'JsIcatiox iiA.vnsa ; ' DAMOW, skesboon-d- Jt.en"r .WwraereC XDiiaVi Let.the King himself consder. His Hampton. h, amarr araaxaieHS wastes raKtse as the last Tbe German African society is to send onta "Tit OUcst, Bett, mtwt d Two Sailings Every Week, to setllo the a i mirtj - after pasaae stitate at TirgimL he has been eote fairly died any. saw Congo rlcs of th land called KaUltabono. In IIHo.HawsII. " a at &m Ministers are bis wxieUa-B-iili- , expedition to tbe cosBtry. a4 VJrtuMe Mtrbciaf j la IheWotH, ' ' m disrennhnr atost ear n.3i;IcW? k. At the senata assber of the procraamw, roit i.ivi:i:imo!.: """ oToy xrrea Lat 1 11 a usira I , IB ISth ' . '' . - J 4eteac IP Pxzxs, Jsly In the of Depctaa to- awl ia adafitWa crataii all the day of September. A- - D. 11M. at I p -- Best recommendations. are falsifying his j HeaMori appeared a Climber tat m.. al tin Court ' eaass to ahum a progress of this kingdom in general, and atin. erne-- a selectua of night tbe depstatioa, aader the r'rBi jVcbt Tori tttry W'olwduy, IlOH lo IIILm 1. iaflm ml nlH .., . ri m melodies ; leadership ef M. td amt cwatlre prepcrtira C lanai tnik the Geccae taxt or nanve Hsssuiin to the ear caaorsstomed to Oeaaeaceas, appointed said applicatsos, and all person hevlor e e'almlnff nwt r TTT . r. vrr""-- .Ksao; tar tae race more parUcnlanv. these by the Extreme Left to of all eifcer hduz !h From lUikm mrg SiUitriiiy any amnL. ' straase aad wrirdairs. the ptayiaj caxj visit tbe place affined by cfaotera, Wt.r. zmlat interest tnr to the adjotnlnz lands are hereby TS Hibmik rva ar . Beginrnngwith the probable ongin of baT beea a rrvetitioa. reported that LKcr ErvTBUioT, BLOOD notined to appear at aaM tlm the X .W b?LI i- The atraordiaary pmer the people of Aries are flrring FUEIFIEE and place to contest at Mii-.- m towed since Foresam Aaairs , to farms is the said application, should they so desire. they awl t aa . . . ; ibit- v v.trcakr I, i anil- x ,a.u. of ptayBzaaair aad Us on the vicraiiy, where they Nfe asd IsfaKta rttterimz oa RATES OF PASSAGE! viie.u ae ceoaae nl .J tju viaba was Tery hsddle together ia novels asd a4 Ztt Xotic la hereby specially riven u Ilia Ex. the Min- n ai a aeaecat tuea. ta aBtosrat of eteryuunc. Is not on which he. in one Dtrar-rao- throws striVfr; For aa encore the sleep as best they can. ranli. .- The nek are entirely rabia and atoo uter r Interior for the Kaakepa. : a- -' King's taleated tjeattesuB played, nsaccocpaaied bT the io, uM adolttlnslaiid r.'..aaehelKJI the sincerity laid open to qaestioo more light than was Cases cl cholera are kept secret from the - Hawaiian Uvremmenl. and ta II. K. II. tea staat aat aha bnt Bnlrpuhes-- possileto the much ptmao.theaBafeatrof tie &nsee itrrer, Thtry G.Te New LIT and Vigor to the Aeed aeeardsaa- to Aceaaaabrdatiaa. mew Emma tbne by this actioo of Is it prts-sM- e ban aad so arrirBlanca xs observed. for Ike adiofnlnj land Ma Ira I. . awnj hserraavs "--- The bat beea ssuosKuzea genealogy job two years, aai.Muafiug and erabrsaieria: with t BETCB: TICKET OB FAVORABLE TEI-U- le - inuiul that ibe ate Xtrma in be it chords depclaiioc inspected the raadhocse at MarsetSes asd Xnfirnia h Irmw baatt u Brfc. Kaav. a buleBaBa-- af 5 that the Crown is for economy and refers to the probable of the tsehuleeeai wasreadeied aoabiy briHiant from ftteeraaje aj2 noendary Commissioner lsbnd'of HawaH. fc-- . and foaad Bsraerosi cases of cxtalera there. The Currearr aw aaxaari erea. wa )i ,1 the as arttaBK. He tfcea raa the aaay med- - CJT5jnr. titenrj llllo. Hawaii. rag St ta be In Ministers for waste group by the Spaniards, air into a Lcsarjc Asylam was the center of tbe CoodinamailHliai ca always h seenrad oa rm.rai attaemhaf a be and toothing ry aaa stereo las those on isfectioa. 'MtFa. LaboaiTTf. LvBt & ad Uit ttBfmrh ta aEaac How does the House itself show' A few slightly ixm is tncis the Caran, 23. A rTILLIAMR DIMOSD nc ) far wa he the Mlh af SeraFsbad Sit Buy on the times of Cook ami Taacon vansi aaacs none aat tae most accccepttshed dare rsly merchaat who left taassala tdfatiry npwrmri caa C. b fxpeekd la here weeks ago. before the receipt of the King's ver. corses to his subject with atteaapt. Jsse2Ist says that before atartiag be reada letter 'ihm JAS.ALEXABDEB. "" . wnt nFebreurcC am the conquest from General Gordon to iJTralijitie af tfr Btool. Stomacli, "" St. College message, tbe TTJnasaoaawca, ssosioB, Alban's Tt-- they Tirtaoasly refased to appro- of Kamehaaeha. Ihelaat aperaace of the artist aas ia the Jladirof Eauala, Eoweia.rCHaTS.r - itnaire aa -- af dated Jose Accoruzagtobim,GxieralGor-do- a priate a score or two of dollars, which aaehassfcer, Capricao, ahich lllh. A9e2afxcT.Teaic. aad a.ffct SunaUat VBEKOK II. BKOWX A CO "The golden age of Polynesann barbar- fresh beasties execsxna is saf 9 and has absadant rrorssions am Bitters are IsTafealilw--, bcia; 4 Bowling TaeTraa Starr. spread over the whole legklatare would -- of and wroadtt tie nrmninr!, aad tl.c Green. Sew York ism." says Armstronz'. was undoabiallv aadjessesp to fever hear. Thitwxs foBoaed by He was abort of xaonev aad was rais- feiii7caraUTr.watcaa fiiMautia. Pauoa Valley Eoad. I aeacbaaaar by F. Wcaea-mns- -, have provided each V ing faads by issaxsg bonds. Hewaa Trtthval tatanJcaUac-- member with a com from this date. ISXk, till death she Cnne rrM and waa aryJ'tijfd to the bemmed in ' Ip tn7m new vxg wnctxid a: aaatat. fjtsu, oa tbe the in 1J raneq oa all .ades by rebels. As soon aa the Nile rose N nsttrr bt rear feefia or , v : !J."S nrana. Zealand Kb foriable drive at pvblk cspeauc to a gar eoaa, a. aeiaeari Deanz lorta p arc, or wfcat w Tbm of Karaehamena 1. whose eoual as war bis attention was ef-n- 'frraptoaa taeiEIcae thra-- saK tea was ttaahiht heacr cc a to steamers at Kassala. facllille to h pamenjrra from Traaa-Pacl- tifct des party at Waifciki and back again, h. aj nop Biucriw Doat ? OS. mj the Captua of the rt- - yet rKr has Betne-r- Tbe tnercszat says there were aaScieni-t- a allat hrrtt f fpaiiaaa .( aaxaa XrrHtl or ruler never appeared in the an la Mr. leader Isrvstene. II. ri a provisions 'wail aatil 70a are sick, bst If tos 00 1 ...!.." PO"L MSA aaa tbc tsSaraabaB tkas after straining' at and refusing this tiny hu last fire rmnths The j aBryrfseil,r.i..; ""' the captxia or t&e sals of Oceania. lie apportioned the eon Uleated pissis. aal a syntptraeue acox-piai- popalalioa ef Eaddarif. ft had or .alerW4, ac tlw BtUns at W "'" This Popular School wtvirtaiiveaaelw&faa freemae eoo&tka.k3i gnat, they strain every Hi Mto pieces were IcaSj apptaaded he states, has joined tbe MahdL eoce. It Tour fife. Uen serve and muscle qaered island? among; las favorite chiefs, by the audi- tnf uit VEE503 H BKOWS tg jts3 twea bcoles: dzres the the ort. so successful, ence. TberrsairniVTof tbe prograzaise was filled Crxa, Jcly S. The operations for the , 'drcsUluTcbtraTeatr7odaiaa',ata A CO.. He-ope- n txerc: in ef far to swallow aad arranged the traditionzrv relief ef uittwz .r "Will on ezeruyre-jQrt- l - law as act with two sons by Hiss Hitae Doaara;, tao Khartocn, it baa finally beea decided, wilt be toi. Ixeuc the case this carael of clearly code.- Mr. Iltrrtntf Tix, kansc ttssbeec as a written uem by Hiauser. and a dsett by the earlr in rtmbez. General WcUely continae Aak your TJmssiart or Fnraiclan naa.-- asaa-a- 3li The Board as recently cOBStroctal lady -- Vssses ctartoeil tbc is tame aad senUeoaa. All wecaa add it, it tnadrise that theliaa of tbe chief attack be by w iaJ&r Ttfarivpfl tvr yoar KtaL3er " i tt Vnsta-a- x -- isioposaabtetococTey bavf-re- at way Sosdom lo kt MONDAY, a trotal&eacstof Eke Jack Bansby. so chock: foB of science" Later on. he learned of rieassre there of and Berber. ddriiosa! xsaterUl 'fritrtvata (trffer, hmt ae aa j sre Ulna ta 1st. &&zzi Ox. aai hans: obUBaEdtatcVtzaor that leaving theircomparatively legitimate the great as oHXKi as. secaeayi ptay, tcerrxore for fortheaewraaanyubeaagsczdtoSiaakim. The 'aje Hop SRtlm JSEPT. a t aezsaaeel nit. Dc Kasfez. froci tt changes made by Christianity in the So- yosrselves and bear hica. a preparations for aa exretstioa up the Kile have Cecmber, Slop Btttrra la ao vittr, But. Irrxna!thr&mm-i- pcrsnits of'genealogy, they branch off into ciety Wands, desired beea axapezided. rfrasroi. traakea aotlxum, bat tae Parntta tifr4ax-- tiaaiaii.iu . - trfih. aad much to know Wat me&dmc ere i ier ahonia apply aral; vmcb the besz regions of every other The "WbaOlas Fleet. 'pareat aad made Vi, f. "t?5" y ie- aexsj surt vuoac the otogy knows to of the Supreme Being Baxxx,JaIyX At a xaeetiagia London riSctriI,-itXTAl-- i1T qa Sretotljreintvx3rf CijtSdioc cCtfae worshipped bv for VtmmSkr tott science, or to speak more correctly, prom- eigners: bet there wss no one tefl We dip tbe Ioaoarss iiiifii-ac- e rsiatrre to the Egyptian Conference. Cocst Yoa aitaoat sr &&v Xha cteosaer nszsAil ta port bereoa to him the fg-o- r, j ise to do so future. a i a aae astpe. z the Gerraas Eoihasaador to England. ha JiBi ISCft tDi& witlt tae icfzzed in the ana he died in the heathen faith." ukz HOP BTTTEBS UFACTTTHIKG in cf te proposed that the coofeTcsea dxacsss the qaeataon ilAN CO Tand (Tetanus, a ttl 1 I . . . . . wbbbc fcxd beea aBcrktedbT In old countries where aa hereditary Classics, oc "The genias of Kamehsmsfea was fatal to ar tritfe, je,,. of the reform of the Errrptiaa avtxntary ryatea: MeTboiirne, Aaatralia. Rochester, Jf. Y- - U L.V... TiiS " Modrra ssis CEsrrred ta tSaeQates't eristorxacy laws entail truta bctEajIGranTiHc,tha ast,u!e and of necessitates the idolatrous system of which he w tha Eark SoiHib Liril . Bntiih Foreaza rieerctary. S, Toronto, London, Antwerp, Paris. 13b esaidaxBta!c,ciwbkiin political e I FOR THE COMPLEXION ?'"" laatiat. an scan-at- and absolutely asoertaraabie v. rWtirtfd the propcsilioa, three xrpreseataliTes Bar Far Bale ry I jK far tVltJaiCerofFoaisaagaga, stannchsst espparier. for with a dark heart Eaahcad- - S - Hida!-B- ... ggal llOLLlSTEg TigwatBlx. cenealogycf persons or famihes interested, - crT.ri:;tfwim"axalhalitwaai3seatii3c oatidde tz CO.. - he had a dear head." AUaxrie theeptsrecf thecanfertnee. The other memiera those cezsoss or fsrailies have Xary. BSra.. i Jaeepaiae.. EXCHANGE ON CHINA ! EiiEOAarr ireparatiox to pay Passraranthfintothereircof TJtmHhn KiUea--a - of tbe mrrference, however, vrjcld bare aappoited Tins MOST Patent T BEAlrnFIEU KSOWS. ' sm iecipcistorT thesselTes heavy neKi-- j Cocst Von bad the ltlaPareaadIlarmJria,DcIlx!iiriI la IKApslltalloa DiTidend fees for search and res and the breaking down of the tata mnder Lamsls- - 1 iraestioa beea TUK tTJfDKIISICXED ABE.PKE- - Notice. attxaagv . . & .iixva i Tbe latter acted iGegates aaHtwasderfnllalUZsects while the - isiraiam. Here, where most notHnfr Daater. the other to jl. raaxu iu uiaaw U2 THE falls U detect lutae. prepared by ""ITOa7 Ti iiealfto3&alar&itUSmtataixraac&- st - 3Cari .1 cote the fact that Earl GranrSk discasx A .YiPJSP OF.OITK DOiLAR nsaxre ! n r -- T I ., . '. . " " ...... I reissed ta raa mecrsattst " " ;; ".- -- Tasss rVaats. r XaHe. .. . tlMsabjaet. Chartered Hank of ladaa, lAnatralia : '"' linetmeisoiLortTyearsago: Asaboy. K i aad 0B ALE BT Oakland, .30B. ST" ?'.:""? " .''""" Jllaairx T " tThlna, r irai. Mt ut tMsgoltlkirtl2erbSsarecaI!eacfflJlremember theiCBi state LarDC--r, Great Weaofaa;. lb naderslzned I. (! ocaanas.m Erir:CxkEaioi,ltt. Jclj23. prtcaaticsx tare tea BIT HOLLISTER V - HntUM.' BISHOP k CO. C?, rm. v" uv, i.ZA".iy avur, sees. rvE,Tn "tlJDOOs Wares of rxrdner. two vnanL ilJOO: wares la which it aype.irs that the bill U intended to ot one laborer, two years, fjltk tootsy boxes and amend Chapter --CL of the Session Law of 1SSS. . a r.r noxoLiu r m a expenses, In the body ot the bill no mention whatever is Nrw Toax, July SI The tl'arW says: The Bet nflcmtl raaarrti "h,rfit lie did not think necessary to add anjlaing to made of XL. Moved neerBir,tUrt wHlrae Minuii more rtir a it Charter the prtvioss ones of the lack lUny tay that Qreely Licked fore- la ill hi - l"':w"ctnmerclal what had already been said; but would say a word Uon. Mc4icoloat. sight In the recent expedition, and hint that there XT T.. P. ABAXli .B tilt, tan ..- eat lb. wo regard to Mr. Jaeger, who his time Finallv a disetsaamn. tt,o mnllurt La Is feeling eltrlet lb BCtJettj iBridr.- "' Iblr V. T titacB ai r.. ia is spending aftar In. a ot coolness betweea Ihe rescuers and trota TvaBt-ur- on t orn o ttitch aw. a..L. il: " ta planting seeds and plants all over the islands. definitely postpone was put, and the Ayes aad rescued, and a close waleb. is kept on Orrery lest be Mnam - ha Urea BOttCr-ah- k tBRmt fan aactica rooraa, ScTTntjSlxtli Day. Asrrtut 1Ui, ISS1. DaAj-aafO br tat to aar eSeet hCT- He devotes his time to improving Government attajaatriai-caiic- aa lotiows: ioiiow. should tell the reporters too much. One of tire Tlals Day, -- hut ba- tae s?3b:x in le"er ecr than tbr Imperatir. TaaaiiiiK r Hooee property, Ue has with all parts cf Ins talljing checks men f It i In ft. t r w...... The ffirl at 10 rornsrundrnce with the kept by the secretary, of the zVa Kerry said: "Greeley did well for th, M.rtpr-- a Htk; alsosnrerintending .V...-f- rr Asc-as- t, MtBy o' SS??12EmZ PBtttw M Meadttr itarroTt;. . Minnies of prtTiwis rcrrliac read and aprtroTed. the world ta exebanrine seeds: reporters. o Afmn and others. the sailors uclil 1$3, when ha struck that ADMINISTRATORS prrvtnea date.. tbr Cm i;S"2V!2 work Aia-- st fim,. SALE. labor timltt-rior. Uon 1. Isenbert;, frora the Oommiltre on the here and distributing' seeds all over the ClrRhom, Iscntacrg, Bush, J. Mott Smith, floating cako ot ice and then he began to show his SPSCIAL SALE oVi iriiBte"reap Ml fca! t- - Walker. will help to asttM Is tbr 'trkl 7?"""""",'"""!"""' J T.nM Imu a.1.1. K to hich was referred the bill proposinr; uawatian isiimis. lie nas already distnouteu Martin. F. llmarn. KaiMtalil weakness. Then ha stayed aad allowed his men M at that Satttrdaj. anappnipriaiKtnof $5X0X1 coltoxe several thousand, trees to tbe Islands and Honolulu Smith, Gardner, Xawahi, Hitchcock, Kauwila, to die like sheep. 1 be season was ia his favor. He artterftateutiMhbor'rifrom farrRms, nit in aid of the , reives the apartare ,i'r,?"rr?J of the ramie and other fibrous plants, reported, in the squares and Kapiolani Park, and other aaaaane, u.iintwn, tsole, lioweiu ia. could easily havo reached Littleton Wand, where HOUSEHOLD FURMITO;.!! y"""g raaces. This work he does tratuitouslT. There NlTXSr Gllva--- ). Vinminn. Kanat. Kanna. ICan. there ware provisions enough year. ""' p ' to ckrceiei tb of Mr.E.15. rrrrbniBendinr; the appropriation of eSOXi for for one lie fell at Fabric ABrvbm. oa at la "I "" dlh e tkit te I""."V- - FruTa are now oa the slopes of Maktki 50,003 young trees. lukoo, Kean, Idltkalani, llaker, waa only thirty-fiv- miles south prooab'v 'after e priori. :a nl TtmarrHcUM. protoouns the ma&nf aartsre of fabrics from ramie. Amara, Kaulia, ot the island and II iiuw uuuee war aa wwutu Aboto, Kamakde, Nahiau, Kannamano, Palobau, could hare made the distance in two ' of tb . . Laid on the table. luc avta auijr, i nutria less than writ-a- "' thr Ctor mistake to stop it, days. They were afraid of the water, Wednesday, - The am'rBtBee U: L Mondar'arirTfonnaacc a bsmrjsr boauc The Minister of Foreign Affairs, aa chairmen of nupiuea, ii. that's all, Aug. 13th On Wednesltav. ISi'll Bad nwrntra few remarks ia rrcv-irr- wheb Anr.,. Ella aa IWtrorerr tbf Citraaf may be for, traen UrmrEri ttfrun-- the Statne Committee appointed to procore a Rrrtrcsentative Kaulukoa made a The fact that Gardner his dailr braad and they got on the Ice they would not Al ts a m. at "aleareoma. Ika ,, tln Bad ream ar rTaactaeo wk. r)y manner, being so and move," atoek of sard ilaitpoa.a ir.l bittBM statse of the Hawaiian bero, Kameha-nteh-a his usual boisterous the tone butter, put and fish at the Palace hash boose, Ernie, eoatlf liar r At I a . at erttar lla2irc-;- ct (BOli aaW.ed CB1I.OI rood Aholo the induced ot or Tbr fotnKlatioesD(tb ww Suttoa lloese tare L, prescstrd a report in which waa that RepresenUtive objected as many to beliero that he made an error in WiantrroTorr, July SS. -- The total expense of the af the Baut. tt a KtltXfe. tlHMird for period it staled 1 The aHtartare tbr mm lb laid: was so loud could not near voting Are, allowiag vote go t (a III Ika Halaavau - St- .- .ia' o! member spoating be but his to with the VartrattBC Coaraeia. with deaweaiK pttwhatcfor a bnae tber an coocretf, S3 laches thick. that TwoSUtsesofihat nouble were procured Grrely relief eiprdition Is estimated br officials of Hope tat Pott himself think. "mmmitW the vote would Iheo have beea IS to the Navy e7CU,(X0, Cases FrtBOtee Ike bark tbr Taw Sereao at a price ttrr little over what one would hare Department about The original Johnson's Stout Seacd tor rfce Sawtt Sea lelaada. RT. loAofi, for no leaj; atUebed to cost. Messrs trrorre. Graham Co, Glasfoa; After a debate lasting two hours, the motion to IS. Coasiderable clamour was raised, through eatirnate was "W,0Ci. HkmntM'lCitv of aBitrr for aaro ad tte UffmrteKtrt, iaorrt aa item ot $12,000 for Forests aad Nurseries the brazen Kaulukou, by Cites ""lirnj ami rort HOUSEHOLD the steamer tart "loaies. lac bamr rrscurj bit ration last J. V. Austin, Boston; Schar.fer.tCix, Ho- throat ot assisted tbe S .I.e. German Stool, FURHITUL ttarkCatbarira'forSaa Fvwartarat IBBjatfaf. F.S. was put aad the ayes aad nays being taken the orpnty sheriffs and tax collectors, (otherwise the Cm, July's. Tho wife of Lieutenant roe nolulu, and tbe sculptor Gould and his son, are A. W. Greely passed through city The Xanfotat tatar ae Piuom oa tbr ISaa praised vote resulted as follows: Bread and Batter Brigade) that there was an error this en route atBad tbr Ataarraa 1 or here Sad Ian. for their eorla and serricca in the mai- from SanDirgOaCaL. to Portsmouth, N.U, when Sofas, Lounges, lar (O.-S- Axnc Gibson, hanena. Bishon. Dominis. Wil in count, Knd President Rhodes, who was in a aatat- ler. The Assrabiy is asked to apprcprute expects AIS0-YIC.0- R.A ith r. date. to tbr M - boU a raretjiit: at the office of Brrrer Co-- to-- der, Iseoberg. IXiwsoC Bush. J. Molt Smith, position to kill the bill, allowed a recount without she to meet Lieutenant Ureelv on Aucttst CORKING MACHINE, Hrrrwitai wr pretest Hiw. rniemaa. Wm1 A Umiia at IA w the atnonct deficient in tbe expenses of tba Sd. The lady is accompanied by her Chalre, TabJc " -- iMMitbtT rarcaJar, per attar. i Walker, Mania, lalikalaai, Frank Brown, amotion. The Minister of the Interior came in brother. rs ecemr n mill commissiou. The commission is composed of ax aau oer iwtj Complete. 1 Kaeklaa Wxripota aV Amara, Aholo, Richardson. W. O. Smith, Xawahi, in time to rote on tho next call; though entirely x. vi. .lrsoiiui. cuuoren. rmp.4;taerr Ala Ki. The T'rllr Jaaromwr, rortasaoiae ira- - Messrs Gibson, Xawahi and Carchorn, the fifth Ula-e- r. TermM mataot. mn FiaTee-- m Aaarwet canjirc ignorant Lieutenant Greedy and his trarl. Etaraea of UoM aatt Wkllt nian Six In. - , tiitcccocE, Kaunas. .Mhmn. tllipo. tiodirey of the question, he received his instruc- men are improving -- Atamrata.11. "" vi wiiue; raersbertMoanaslii hiring died. Laid on table Brown, t,1"f"'!';i 'bAmpagait b"uaila. Caadleatieki. tor U"l citealararttwaard it tt,pr Mw part taf A uicnca Kaunacaano. Dote, Kowrll, l'ajohan. tions fmn tbe Minister ot Foreign Affairs and favorably, Greely less so perhaps than the others. Mekta-rlatr- BerrVall. I latter i"iagosi. for consideration with tbe Appropriation BO!. Yesterday s.t Dnahar's lleprcse&UtiTe voted no' Gardner voted on the truly Itryal he exhibited symrtunms of great fatlguo t Copper Finer. Oelatlne. Cottscnnra. for Raws bu M tbt lateat Mi wat m Smith called the attention of tho Noes? Kaae. Macfarlane. Kaulukou. Kean, Ba side was and weakness. He is talking too .WD A -- .ftd tawnantone. aeetincM Saoclbolde in the Asrtemblr to has rreiolaUca making a request a and the result the loss of the motion to much and tho CbampaxM Clip.. rv8 J ajita ratter ta for ker, Kaulia, Ramakeer, Gardner, Kauwtla, Naka-- indennilelv postpone 13 to IS. constant Interviews operate most Oofi'treter waBt. haetaf. beea tart Kr kner pr HoaoacbacatGd. at the eSot HreaerAOo. statement from tbe l'rraudent of the Board of by a vole of unfavorably on cbiMS mW dirrel r. Hfbt this,v'rooramc BtWaVciocfc. leka. 10. The motion to refer to a select committee then him. He was taken for a drive yesterday, cp the tbr present tapwftt 4ns4 wr Health, as to the organization cf that valley I DBOOl3L3, Bd 1 M&l. bWtw wwM bare br cWKCJwr Hoard, The next item in the report "Kapiolani Park prevailed and the following members were ap- ot Waterford Bridge, and as gloated on the Wine Testing Machine Lot Of MaJaaw Oora aa betnc ret unanswered. tma Bcataal bbHIUbi. f Wt tor Klfeahri on Meodar. fiOM "' was passed. pointed to serve, viz. Rrprrsrntatirea Kanlukou, beautilul fertile summer prospects in marked con- 1. 1 ADAMS. CBfea wtU eihibix The rrestdeat of tbe Board of Health said that letler, crtrtfBCH 9T lrat.obl ob lb S? her tolrrtiiameot am Maoi and Therms Sqnars Kean, Falohan. N.ihinu and Kamakele. trast to bis so recent cabin home. "These trees." Couplets; Papers, Mi-Kr- u wffl then proceed to dorirtg hts Ute illress the Secretary of tbe Board A FlUerltr nvdremetrr. Hanit. had written a reply on the subject, but be bad not The above item caused ciiasiderable discussioa motion that the Secretary be instructed to he said with exuberant enthusiasm, "look so beau- Ulaater, Ulaa Barrels. Copper tiller. Loae ItTMrom, Jaif sk. daring which Hon. A. S. Cleghom left the chair pay for certain native fam- tiful to an eye has seen no vegetation for wIb. Cork., 'tektl tt. Mr. Osaka, with him. He staled there was bet three mem-ber- a pipers that had bren that Mrrm II i'lukC t& tbeir I Mf: " Tfct E.S. has added ta the area atnadr tt ptsdag Hon. S. Walker in stead, and en ished Assembly, was paaatrd. three years. green fields give mo new Hit lVjard d J. his regularly to the Ine life." vrrcractrd . Virion of the at present. The vacancies nt STEM-WINDIN- -.. v rri ....-.- . traartbTbiminlheTiciBttjof the Sihwn gaged in the debate. At o'clock the Assembly adjourned until 10 Greely u at pre-a-- the guest of the rity. l'rtvito G WATCHES, ETC. Regular Cash II CBBBOT Vt fBPpB"BB IBBt WtH T CtVBt - hj Mil (Briber parebases. bj the death of Hon J. Moanaali and l: Sr Vat CMaswmHc Hon. A. S. Clfgbtim said he had charge of Monday, houses and carnages are placed at tiB. arr 4bajtiam ta tb of Hon U. A. 'NYidcraann, not yet being thabT-Wa.-witai- tt.rcfe Thouvaj Square for the past two years. During and every kiadaess and attention an, d him. 5" All lit ordr, hrattT. m4 dar af aaatteaaar Xraaaa filled. Tbe Hoard had twenty-tw- o dnr-ia- r; Seventy-Nint- cwt btr rir rrr lu The ataimer baa been ccrspjuac araace meetings wate-pip- h Day, Aug. tl-- ex S S CITY OP r.VKlH. tcapbrr a carulliaaat Hi far fata? lajp ff. at aar period. toat time it nsu been Mia out vj a surveyor, 11th. Each member ot the party forms center of btn caar on the Marine JUilwar dariac the past week, bar the last biennial And since October, period listening admiring goes ratr. tbt troacl." lSSS, meetings. laid, and at the end of last biennial Assemble met runsideralla.a that group and over tie recit- On 14ih - Tb prrnu fatt H aar lac atmiiiBUj rapain raade. had three was car- at i aat terrible, Also-O- Thursday, Aug. tarRlr la aa arUacul mat AV. it indebted to him $V7. If he had not al of the past. There will be memorial ne Square-To- p tbractlrsaor Bran Heprearniative O. Smith was net salisned spent hour. After prayer by the chaplain, the minutes Single Buggy 'it a4akllutar saaatartar mf 1139 ried the work oa, everything that had been services for the dead la all the churches of the rr of ilararbatx barr aot waai a aalr arv 1aeCrV f.arf armed al SiUrd? with the verbal statement giren bat desired that would were many of the previous meeting were read aad approved. eiar eaantacand have beea lost. There a gnat dty and corarorraorative sermons will A Atrfto'eteakam atsatoroenv rp Drrt (Bar arr hlrlr to n al tbrjr anoat. sailed at 1SJ Soudaj tnorntne. Sir the report be ctvn in writing. He said there was vuung planted required water llertrcsentative Kannamano trrsenled two peti- LTOS9 IJ.VEY, Awtteaceri. Tbrrr m ttb atBKat caaiiiati hatr aaM a burr Henrr Taukes iras a piuense?. vand Board of Health now existing, becanae trees that constant tions from be preached. tareash bo it was ana the district nf Hamakua, on personal COXIUND-J- l rarttM at tbr caaawr, rraaoat' pi aiatllim It rr was not a fall one of Ave, as contemplated by the ing, ai irrca loan me amwiQt asaru aTlixa subjects. SCttLXT. RUbM ta br waat prter. manU force would have to be reduced. This Square has Dry Goods, frra al tbr ipmai The aeefasca of reaaaraais are cradoallr gmoc law. That law cave so power to lha President --lepresentatiTO - Commander Schley, ot tho Greely relief expedi- to bar back, irbat bare tfca mM: to existed as a Square for 40 years; when the Hawaii Hitchcock introduced a rcsola- dotHa tbr; la in bafore tb Oataese cacapetztiu&, another ooe excrcrse auibostty without tlOO rtvmraitteti lw nrw-- n tion, graduated at the Naval Academy in IS-- ), aar tarir arcarrtttrt alll faialab aa taaai ml the consent of the that a anratint,! Irt trull and Regular Cash Sale , rar aiacb iriSk Bhir n naaWroaabajdartac Beit tree k. an Sag was restored by Admiral Thomas, the Majesty went to Japan with Commander Mchean. He was tfMtl-- MHt ft UM Ot rtrrrtb t tbr aurket.' Baud. place was lianted after him. His on tho 15th inst, and inform him that rabfcr. iatr tb rxera stack cr unt BopreseataliTe Dole, from a eelrct committee to the Assembly would be ready to be prorogued on promoted to master ia 1861, aad was attached to Uss lar Dr.Kaehn gteaaer JrW ai In Representative Kaulukou desired to know where cnilll Baa. late of the has been wiuch had been rcfmed the mailer of estimated --f-t wua tost, xaaiu oa luo uioie. the frigate Ftlwat, a storrship, at Ship Island, In M'C AR-t- Jar apfaomted the money from the sale ot grass went. CAE tradrarr tara barm. Gorernsaent phjician at IHatna, items for Forestry, Kapiolani Talk, public square, The same member introduced .1 resolution that gunboat ll',ior, of tbe West Gait On tlKET-- W to-d- The speaker stated the grass had been 16th rat aad artliauc Maoi. He proceed a y pcrateataerirraHiw to narery Jrc reported the ollowtcg in- that the Assemblr on blockading squadron, and engaged with afield Saturday, Aug. rntan bitui.tHiiti IUCE O.IBT W reported ia f items for given away, be had been glad to get rid ot it. Con- Commenrta tit mormtr aranlnr. abartatr tbr lrlaad aaannie his dnties. baltery Port Hudson, on December I B sertion ia the Appropriation Bui: and continue for the rest of the session to hold at Lt, H, Sark. No Marar. Sle. Ktc II rrop, trr bar aarBarrd ta tbi aMTbat m alac aar tinuing he said, there is not a d tlixed country in He was lr anna. lie. rArrtd W. V. Uiac-le- of Foaeslry night sessions, meeting at 7 p.m. Lvid on the also ia tbe engagements which led to the!ieRoon.wiii St,rw frnrr toamra bracxtMraairr. T!mt J. Hincler Jt Oo. ao cooasts ol J. j J tbe face of the earth that spends so little money , b) S.O.O capture ot Port Hud-ton- March 16 rrcrj trarea ta brhrrr tbat tkU adraarr win br a' raalaly, Mr. Spichzaan barinc retxrrd. lSr4des Kapaolaai Park squares country When laoie. from to July 9, .tutu arx Tbomaa .. 3.110 in aad parks as this does. 1963, and one or two av at tar rapplr aar exrree tbr araaaad o taie aaocae maselact&re, brands of Manila ctsars baiaarc ...... Vancouver brought cattle to the country aad asked Represectative Falohan introduced a resolution in small irtn'shos in catting CLOTHING, DRY Kartrra VBveacuaat Bfcarfcg caaaat aaaad laan aaaa - Eauaa bqaare. . 3U that the Assembly commence out schooners. Ha was eomniisthonett as Lieuten- GOODS, are bob- kept on hand. Hatxtiaa Agnraltaral bocarty . J,rrrj that they be tabooed ia ( V) did no: suppose that business at 0 a. m., 4Vrrab. take 1 hour recess at Boon aad on re- ant ia July. lets, and from ISM to lcVX was sta- rXUVC-S.- 6. Extra Faaulv.Jt .; Kl iMnda. that taboo would last for one hundred years. (This tioned on the n'otrrrr, Pacific LOT FINE CHICKENS.; niUN-JH- 1 AKLIT-N- 1 4.. Uaamnan assembling at 1, sit till 6 run. Lost, ot the squadron. H b B o. frail. jb per aoacs are brine cojijrichted. Tee Total- .- digression was relative to the dastruction of n 1SGG, t.a-a- .$Vtt At 11 On July Sth, he was commissioned Lieuten- ctl. . lranr Uliookalani protects her rights in JbaW The report recrirrd aad laid oa by wild cattle, goats, etc). The Govern, a.m, on motion, the items connected with BArXET-SIUIarr- taa 7as the table for ant Commander. He waa placed Naval AateMr UROTXD r, vhtle MtssTA. Joe Ueietehe and JoeAeahwk place the pay of Police were taken np for consideration, at the tV. ,3AT. OA r- coosaderuon with the Appropriatioa Bill. meat has not a single that is a credit to It, Academy from 1S67 to 1569; then was & -l aa JI.U. mtdteat JUD. ehaicr JU aftar thine in JfaaWoav except perhaps the Queen's Hospital. The first tho Assembly resolving into Committee of the transferred Crockery Glassware HAT Waaat aa Oat rraap K: larrr bain :Jo Tbt Minister of Fomga Affairs preseatrd the Whole for the purpose The following items were to the ot tbe Asiatic fleet; then back again WHEJLT-Caaiprr- foUowing: thing that is done by the Bntish colonists and 1S7U-- Jit. passed: to the Naval Academy daring Ho was t. l LIKE-SU- Hi Unas Chief Justice Jadd aad fimilj bare squares, attiiiagnr. PTnt VrrsH Salmon, peolial M To the Honorable Godfrey Rhodes. President others is to lay out parks and all of which KpoUattoko. commissioned Commander on Juno 10th, 1ST!, left town aad are txrsr sUTinf; al Koaioa. After of the Assembly: redound to the credit of the country, and benefit theardaooa the Chief Justice Depaty boeriS" LIS) from which time hs had charge of the Ksttx, on AND A LINE or detirsofthe term of tho. people. UJ-5...- $. PORT Or HOKOLUI.X7. need a tfaoroan rest. Ms. FsrmrNiT As the Minister of Finance 7 Polire ." ' 4,30 tho South American station, until lSTS. Comman- has already stated to the House, the Government llepreseotative Smith said he had been past Hawaii. der Schley has never been on the sick list since be has not deeaxted desirable to ask, during Thonias Squara nearly every day for the past lllle. SALE of BEER Arrived. The Her. Mr. Ocrie, a4o aoa- in permanent it the Depaty entered the service. v FRESH GROCERIES! is tele- years. The Honorable Noble has done Strtll $"". FosT-jaoc- nt XUa. charge present session, for any appropriation for three a 130 (N. ILl, August 1. At just about Air. la btlnr Havr. froai aa rraariKo of the Bethel, amred hj the Iforatut last rxamraoxucalions, great deal of rratuitcos work, but any one who I I .ISO LYONS Jt LKVKT, OSS SUnpafa. Uaraard. froaa Saa Fraaetsco I'rrdar. Be preached bisinrfjal graphic cither out of the Loan roJkreaeerJS. ,s sunrise this morning the United States Steamer Aicttoorers. serraoatoaaarrr ordinary revenue. pro-roa- knows anything about squares, knows there has Am tilar rrmmaa. rnaa &aa Traa oaaaroBatioB hst Saadar. r and or out of Certain 4 ?$a."""r"""""i!!;;;."";; .('ataarr, which had been stationed oatsida the For Account of "Wnoin it -r-Xhh CltT af rrj. Draroora. troai F have, however, been made to the Govern. bren a great deal ot time wasted ia Thomas North IIIIo. . harbor ia expectance ot the arrival ot the Arttio Ataatoat the arriraU bj the .UeWrwa vas Dr. meat by responsible parties, which it is deairableH Square. He agreed with the gentlemaa about the I roltreOScrra&t-O- fleet, discovered a double 'moot smoke, steam- DBCou.seixola. May Concern. well-ar- isi and Sailad. Bmiaa, bet he aae not atone, he broccat a fair thai the Assembly should: be made acquainted Iscx of public places. He fienlored the I Depatr ft $3) 1JJW ing out roon became aware ot the arrival ot the Aaj Am Coaaaas. feaa Vtaai htm, condinon the Palace grounds; considered 1 rolire OQcerj --.103 ajrur Ciaiaala.: lor yossc bride alone Vetcatae to the with. From the oxsmunicatioas received it ap- of that ai$J. Grrely Artctic relief expedition. I laalntetrat hy t-- acht Or-- SrtrrU JJacr. far k iaaaoia ah looked wretched and was a disgrace to tbe Kinc- - Ilamaktia. Furniture at Auction. an Mia.a. I. IOrrscltLASOCTt ranks of the Reoediets, Doctor. pears to be highly probable that before the next it I At aboot 2 o'dock the .4maec en . to aell --Am at Hope, rrakaifoa, far fart T I I Depaty KtJ. rounded the foot at rwoBe Aaction. Mil meeting of tbe Assembly, arrangements will be dom. That place 03ght to be one ot the most 3 - et the point and came to anchor some Doarban. farCaiaaJra Sjnwd reverse. rolke S $3. 13 distance rar. tar The of the Episcopal Charch met at tbr perfected tor connecting San Francisco with Aus beacuiui in the country, but is tae 3 - - i. I.1S9 astern of the The Tr(ui followed and itnaa at aiaanra. Maaaam. saai Baai a xoaaoeooe Item was finally pissed as abote. At "Lr20, Tttutt. riaajant tast rratBn3aj. vn the iollo tralia by a t'actsc cattle, it would be a serious the IJ0 anchored abreast ot the .4"'iwrr. As her anchor . ON connect-ixta- having expired, the .ort-- MONDAY, AUG. 18 Veaaela In Port, iacdar the Bishop read his charge to tbecJenrr mattrr if tbe opportunity thus offered of T time allotted Committee rose, l rtoomia. went overboard the yards on all the ships in the On "Wednesday, Aug-- 27th is St. Andrev's these islancswith the rest of the world by the reported rrogress and asked lea re to sit again. 1 Depaty as Jtta) S.) harbor manned, flags ran KECCBAVTXB. U'oIieeOracrr the to the masts t telegraph should be lost. is. Oa motion of Ren. Smith the Assenvbtr Brain SW. tw) At is o'clock am. Nikrom, for Kcvw-t- Am tra En. Wiriaiaa electric It therefore, 4 - . and three rousing cheers given. The and the attar llBUtmf A new rnUection books, li- - convened Conimittre Whole intr of nhoB it ti0T MCni. An Vklar KhLltat. Catlrr of tteioarinir to the desirable that the Government should, during the in of the for one aad a 4 - .( Urt followed. Secretary was ba;tBr - " t,xi Chandler standing Residence Cor. King and Atapai Streets, Am Esroaia. Lrr brarr of the Ut B. F. BoUes, trill be sard al aac- present session, be empowered by the ljrgulatnre half hours further consideration of the Appropria- Soath Kohala. $.. quarter-dec- receive Xartpa-.llaja- on the to the officers of the EH U$ taon HT M:. Aaams thts taonunr; at o clock. into a negotiation with syndicate tion Bill, Hon. S. Walker in the chair. The fol- 1 IOOCaaos,4dox,och fefctBr II to enter the J. Drpalya.)) rail relief squadron. Aa Ittrcorrrr. Ten iman The farnttore triB be sajd at 16 o'oiock. which has taken this enterprise in band order lowing items were passed: iroliceUmerrfk l TIIK KNTirtK Aa bktsc Ella. Howr in - - at When it became known that the Arctic squadron to the indusion ot Honolulu in the route Emma bajaare J ""00 t S.. 00 had arrived outside the harbor the In resignation Car- 1 - - 4W excitement on tvavrjeoc of the of Dr. of this cabte. Ilaatailaa boclely. l,u.a) $.. ar ! MEMORANDA. penter, tbe post Trtorth Kooa. board the was intense. Shortly after HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Hannover Beer, pts cf GoTerament i-- rmvsiaan at Theocerofthe syndicate just referred to bus Rep. Dole moved to insert for Makiki re- I 8 o'dock tho welcome news of the safo has been K. Kuehn. f Depaty aM. st arrival of conferred on Dr. late been communicated to the Government in con- - serve. $""- -. Greely fleet Beet, Krport or the O S S Xaripot. Ilaraara. raaBmaadrr. savrgeon i i ottre unicrr the spread through the and when in" rAirr as roLLovTs. viz- Lett baa on board the kraraM. Dr. Beading of xtdence, aad could only be laid before the Assem Rep. Kanealii said lie did not wish to assist in 1 s'u the Rear and TArfie ofi Newcastle, EH 107-30- 0, - IraanaroAarat tauat tpm: aliaebarcrd , ,, --, nadarrived 100 Caos8doz.aaeh San Francisco place nt :::::::::::::::::::::::: pltet at 42aa aac! lirbt fpelhrrtr aad vraterir takes tbe of Dr. Kuehn on bly m the event ol our being ready to recommend the amu-ente- of other people, and he therefore 7J0 Secretary Chandler dispatched n steam Munch to artaaa wtU laooli ara til! jitbia oar aa of taaalala : Doarataae steamsmp. its acceptance. This, without further negotiation. raoved to strike out. boattl Koaa. Commaader Schley, it 1 1 with orders that the l"etr aad B. thrarr to port bad aaodrratr trade iad from EXE: ws are not prepared to do, because we think that Coder instroelioos from the President, Drpaty should ia otung W. BEDSTEADS liar, daya aad Zt boan The reward for the opium seircre is to be paid the 1 roller tKfleer (1IJ Tarfis remain the until the prepa- HANNOVER tbe portion ol the subsidy which this Kingdom Chairman ruled thai the motion was out of order. $.... 4X) rations for their reception could be comf letcd. BEER, to tbe first informer, none of tbe monev is to go to pay m a fU)ow, IU.inlcH D w is asted to is excels oi lair proportion Thi report of the Committee on Salaries of po IS""" 7J) The Secretary of the Navy then proceeded to W MatrbltMop Darc-nM-, the police officers, TeU and Sai Man. who worked , the tl when compared with contributions LoM-r- . Itkcr, JMPORTS. sp the case. As the jastlr remarks, it the firopostd lice was then brooeht cp and after considerable rvaa. Tn 'MtKioan-- and orders were given at once for the II V M.rtt tup lrTlD? Tables. UTAltTS, Sanrura will participate dicu-sK- n I DetHilyaaJKU. pays better to a spy police officer. for tbe other countries which in desultory the following items were i,MI entire squadron of war veseU la the harbor to Freaa aa IVaaraaro. per Nanpoaa. Abe Tali rarro be than a the benefits of the cable. Tbe actual money value troAreOmrartakJ" rrarral merraaadiM. niniiaat. pradacr. etc passed: prepare for the reception of tbe Arctic heroes. Pictures, Lamps, Carpets and Rugs In Lots to Suit to the country of electric communication with all Oaha. HoaolBla. ttaioaina. All the naval vessels were decorated, with Ameri- Purchasers. Fram fraa Fraacteco, liaoorerr. Aar A fall The 5aa xVauaraar JaVrriaaaf has changed hands, course, I roller OStet 501 a-- TKRMS CASH for t the business centres of the world it is, of Salary UrpBty Xarrkalt, ax CM prr month S.OU 1 - flags topmasts. rarra aaeiehaaatirr, prarariaaj. ru Mr. Bell who has so long and so swecessf ally car- t 7 can at the At noon a press boat, Lacr Cartatos and Coiskea. Crockery IU AlteVr, impossible accurately to estimate. That it will be - 1 (aalivr) - JtaJ - - : IlS:::::::::::::::::::::::; tilai-taar- e. aad I. ADAJI.t. ried on that paper, has sold out, and the Jtfrrvf Capuia - ai 1 rsi the Government tug Leyttm. steamed down the Holla Malllar. Rrmlnrton Seatlae has been bought by X r. B. Bsckaand, one very considerable is well known to every business i laptaia noratrai nai 2,aw raaa. rirer and came to anchor where a good view of MieklBe, Mahoeaay wrilinr Drtk ami Barraa, EXPORTS. C at time man. Instance have occurred Quite recentlr in - s Polire OScrra - N - - W.TSU editor of tMMaVa of this chy. Every success M - lllrrtttrakSW... m the ceremonies might be obtained. As tho Isyli which sums niigLt havebeea made or saved, - isa.i 4 .. has bow venture is wished by the large M - " z.tlt) foliee 0aer.aSJ5.-J.- steamed down the rirer the men on board the old For Sralfc Sea IrlaaaK prr Gra'l rteel. Aar 31 is Gixrm. soon ox oeea availa- llralsrU. I I o!K"J Obcvf IJ0 HENRY . bad metnoa communication - ttj rto ship t"eaafin(ioa ran up the shrouds, lifted hats Cook MAY & Co. fiwr aMiuiirnioi. Ctl vaamit IRtK ;.a Penal aa. 1 Stove & Utensils varar. 9131 aw $SC St. v'arraea A copr of tbe KfmittUr Gtzttit been handed ble. To the extent of its means, therefore, it is !$4 sin and shouted a cordial salute. Tho other vessels iraaaird. bu desirable this Kingdom should be pre pared to The time set for cottsideration having expired, II OHM (MB. 1 731 per in by Mr. .. J. Cartwright, the agent that . 1 in the lower harbor were decked la gayest colors. FrrSBl'raaciri. Coearlc. Aer tLMS pkrt for the To ensure the i "ommhtee rose, reported progress aad asked an Lit of rittaters aait Frrsa. (lanlea Uome aad doaarttic . Kowitabie iBssraace Company. There are some subsidize the proposed line. its re KlllOlaC. 1 - tat) Many appeals were made to go oa board the Hivt rarar.Uiabartrtcr. Talot,$jrja a certain percentage of return upon the leave sit again. Report approved, request ill. Tools. CarpralrrV Hears aad Tools. Ele. Klc. SS5 haadsoaae illaslratio&s and the letter prtss --tun- Tilefi to catch a glimpse of Greely. The request ALMS-- A LOT For Fort Toaraaead. prr llopr, Aae amr rarar in capital to be employed must be guaranteed by the granted and then then the Assembly itself, at 5 lr LATINt. ralardalSlJT sets forth the advantages of insaring in this old p. m, adjourned until 10 aun. on the morrow. Lahaioa. were invariably refused. Mrs. Greely reached eetabtMied Company. cosntrMS wmen wtu tie cnieny ueaenueti ry it, 1 Depaty as $V Portsmouth on the early train this afternoon aad and Hawaii will be expected to bear its share ia t Captaia ol 1'olke $) 1,110 st once went to the flagship TeNnesarr, reaching Hens PASSENGERS. A ccleDtial was brought tip hut Wedsesdav for this guarantee ia proportioa to populalicn and re- Seventy-Seven- th Day. Artrrast Sth. At l:0i recess was taken nntil 1 p.ra. about 3 o'clock. After the and Chickens Just Received then commanding LTUXX A erselty to a horse. The wretched axdmalVback sources. The Legislative Hall looked almost deserted at anrji-toor- i. officers gone ships. LEVEY, Aacliearrn. From baa Fraacxaro. prr Mariaoaa. Aar J - had back to their Mrs. Greely rlar was red raw. John was fined and costs,- Judge We do not think that the syndicate hare, in the the regular hour ot convening, 10 a. and tarodtr aad Mtlatjrr. Iter IIFairrhlM. fi m, it was 1 ru. d was put on board ot the Secretary's barge. After BrtrNia t Backerton 10-- On at p. the Committee JUrr X J Xalearlt 31 E Alrundrr. HjiC Kvhm expreasiBf; his sorrow that tbe legal offer submitted, scmeiently considered tbe limited not until that a sutaeient number of Solons paving his respects to Sergeants Long and Fre- JLVctu Zlinicrtisciiuiitfl. aa. Br K penalty was not larger. As together the consideration of items relative to the Karaa. Xrt J Xkhvia. i Laaanu. John had no cash he character of tbe resources of these Islands, more gathered to form a quorum and allow of pay of police, and pasred the following: dericks and tbe other two sarvivoura of the Grrely Hraoart. Brr t Uoodrlt. C Simmer. Mtre laoaraiBc.Jit has become aa inmate of the jail tor the space of esfxdally in regard to the possibilities of future the procedure of the regular busiaess. Tbemin-cteso- f expedition the Secretary had Mrs. Greelr con A II MBlthTs fifteen days. development Lahalaa. City & Clan K yi as compared with those of the great theurenoas mectiag bating been read, veyed to the Thilit. When the Sccretary'a barge Notice. of Paris Grant frU;. Z Merro.C h Maaaaa. Mir Champ. Mr V and popDjoas colonies in whose interests the new were approved. J Toller 2fi3 Laaca. E Wcax, c B Uedaun. Kea E tJcrlr aad !fr. Tile Government having failed to pay tbe rent Kabakaloa.0fratti. was seen to leave the Ttnmrttt with Mrs. Greely f cable has been projected, although what they ask Under suspension of the rules Rep. Pilipo pre- two pill: I'XUEKSKJXKII, HAVIN'G EISeaKari. I LarkMatavr. Mti ltnril.)lM Xt for tbe prrpises of Mechanic Engine Co. No. trohceOISerrsas ill. T.t) and her brothers, 0. 0. and C. A. Nesmith, J. tkls aUy parraae4 Ihe taaalsets of V. T. Unrrtaa IXaaaKe. M Vaa Hacrr, . and l ia is not Lteyond your means. In all other respects, sented a petition from Rev. Dr. if. Uvde, Presi- silting stem-sheet- tbr ateeracr. Mr. Monsarrat. the owner, took posesioa. Afteri C Olawala. in the Commander Schley U., have rotated a under tie arm "JParoraa XiOKruortX. Trent Hawaii aad Jtaat. prr Flaater. Aar e C E tbeoaTer'received appears to the Government to dent of the Board of Trustees of the Kawaiahao said to Lieutenant Grrely; "Lieutenant, I would oi riar.naii A ror tba parpotta af Or a littls aHercation tbe members of tbe Companr exceedingly rates proposed "rTollce OBert a3 JS IiO carryia: oa or Ofoetr. Brr Ml laarir. W o Ataatar. T K Robert aad were allowed tbe nse tbe room, and be liberal, aad the to Female Seminary, praying that the Asscmblygrant like to see you in my cabin for a few moments. the batlaeaa Wla aad Jittttl aoi Bra-rr- We, W H Carawrtl Moaaarrat. H D of tbe usual charged messages are ajvpropriatiou ",500 Wallaka. Coacailt.loa MrrraaaU. t S tireeaarll. meeting was held. The rent place fTO) be for ie"egphic deddedly aa of to the institution, for Drpaly Tbe Commander entertained Greely ia conversa- Miae 1 Kaarvrhi . Jtrj Writ, Mra R Koiki of the is information, ot which we purpose erdargmgtlieaccommodatioas. Re- bhrrltfaS JO JW) Olived) (1. D KHEFTH. ' per annum, payable moderate. From are ia the of tion atraat Arctic matters until a peculiar signal ' Cs. Orange Marmalade burl. Xuter Thram. quarterly. possession, we are also satisfied that the staadicg ferred to Committee on tloooaalia. l Education. Drpaly $W was given by the boatswain to indicate that Mrs llo.ol.ha. April HV wst' rSASS'5j per r-- Mr Mc- - bbrriae 0 tor San rraarirco. t oaaarlo. Aaraat passe! otbe promoirrs predsdes any doubt as to their A resolution relating to the ssme subject was Greely was on board and ready to hus- JT atHaatabftqj K Tbe Iaqaor bill, amended, its second Foliee OScrrs M ".MO meet her vWarrJa Lraltr. Mr Txarr. A toae! carry out Crwaso A : reading on Mondav and is set for third reading financial ability to the contractsnf it be taken from the table and referred to the same liana. band. The lady trembled very much; her breath ItkckweU's ream baa Fraaritee Ella. Aar --) JobaHa entered upon. I should add that the proposals committee. came in gasps, faltering steps she I Ii ta next Friday. The amendment of Section a) of IDrprtyeitU and with went aad : rhlMrni J Jordan aad T Heaaraarar. F Rep. Smith 1 tbe Coostitotion will also come op for third read- before the Government icdude both the ocean mentioned that the Assembly had roticeoaerft$J5 lalati to tbe cabin door. Jast at the Instant that she Cases IJasiibcrry Jam, Prr ing tan the same da r. and a lively debate maybe cable aadtcr island communication; but these waited ions and patiently for an answer from' the s - - i.m entered, Commaader Schley left the room, leav- rroaa juai aata jiwor,ll. prr uamav Aar SDr Gro projects are not necessarily connected, and thev Attorney General to the resolution relative to Cases otrrtrrborrj Jam, expected, both sides win raarshal their forces. tbe The next iteme3was relative to' ing the couple alone. Lieutenant L DEVKKILL or can be dealt with either together or separately. 1 valtoity ol certain leases. the salary of a Greely was sitting with his back to tho lh.tWE.II Lthar. Kaaai,.,, Caie Frem 5aa Fraadare. prr AKhar drpaty sheriff at Makawao, placed by the Special dour, but beea tBrealetl with fall power or aUoraer to rrraraaaat Plata I'ttekling, ariacoTrarAar By the bail there arrived in this city therefore move that the Government be empow. The Attorney General said ia aaswer, that he wfien Oomminder i"ch!cy so abruptly left him, he Ue Bulrralavaed la all matlrra ot haalaria reteiroa aad artlr. fbar rrtmoci aad ante. Klaa A Dmtm arrangements had as yet no even to begin Cotnmlttre at f 13) per month, but the native mem- ahalWrrr, Cnse Jfinee Meat, Roeber. the two sons of Mr. D. B. Feterson. who have been errd to eater into with the "Anstra. bad time the work. decidedly turned and at the same instant saw his wife enter. oatheuMlalamlor kaaai JAMBS R (IlLtrVr rtaerfr. J Catlrr. ti He expected have bers objected to such n salary to a laolt. llniwtnln Itutmar 111. , mal a. absent in the East for the past few years, gaining latsian Cable Syndicate" for connecting Honolulu to mere leisure Monday. With a load cry he bounded from his chair, with .. ..,. Hf3S. 31 Casew Sallaoa Ramos, Iob. Kabatai. prrEjlaaea lloa. Aar baarrrk-rl- i which, Asa consequence coasiderable discussion was en Jii.-- Ella JJ tbe tweessary knowledge to fit them to become with the ocean cable they propose to lay Representative Iloaell moved thai the report of eyes gleaming with joy. Mrs. Greely sprang for- Walaarrarat.C H Waaaare.TE Errai between California and Queensland, and the Committee on Commerce, on gaged In, and tae remaining portioa of tbe time Casta New CnrrsntSi aaarttr.lnJFani;arorth. nnctitiooers in law and medicine- - These boys for the bill relative to the consideration ot the ward to meet her husband, crying, "Arthur, Executor's Notlco. were, mainlaiuiag telegraphic communica- to the cultivation of ramie and other fitirpus sub. allotted Appropriation home.'" IkaoiKaaai.prrlatalaBi.Aarie-Jaati- ee L McCallr. that now return as Dr. Charles Feterson and BUI was thus used cp, the sapient Kaulukoa being Arthur, After Mr. and Mrs. Greely bad "VTOTICK IS HKItKIlY AjrJaarr them-sette- tion between and through the Islands of Hawaii, stances, be referred to a special committee." Mo- OIVMf Xanhal Hea Joha W halaa. C W Aaatord aad Feterson, Esq , and intend to devot s: ia the middle of n speech when chairman Walker been alone for twenty minutes, her brothers weie r Mokakai, provided carried Representatives Hitchcock. God-- brother-in-law- iXE".f.-Mtvrifir true. W R AaatlB. W E Saattk ttlaw. taMoh t!X. to tbe practice of their profession in this Maui, Oahu, and Kauai, these tion and f called in and cordially greeted their . T" Cs. Xliaea HartareJI L can be obtained on terms rry Brown, Kopibea Kean, arose and informed the Committeo that the time !T,H,Jli2 W,J'..,F Bottled Pie Fruits t J Laoaaraaa. B Cattae. J B city. serrices commensurate and and Hon. S. G. expired, iiliV ", """ elaltii. Oraat. 6 JIaadoa. M bxerabrck. C Tarlor. with the resources of the Kingdom. Wilder were appointed as tbe Committee. had retired and reported to the Assembly 4TS'f " made, -- .LTIlt"il,f"",Jwr"'.r."J"',',' " eomprltlBe Tbe l"ortatcwrr Cootmissioctr and Mr. IV. R. sug- Attorney-Genera- tbe progress and asked leave to sit again. Leaebaa Fraatttaadaard Fona.prr Kiaaa. Aar --F Balln. In connection with the motion the Minister The l stated that daring his arid A Dissatisfied Planter. aoliaoil to praMBt Ccisc Mixed lloltlBs, Brr H EWlaUrr.CKTaawtaarj.SraJal ABStin, special agent of tbe Board of Imtaaeration gested that Hon J. Mott Smith be appointed chair- cnXToidabte absence from the House IheJndiciary Report approved request granted. he tame 10 th. BBoVralsBrit atlthla all notitha frem f Assembly then proceeded coaiid- - BWrfij. J Kicaamv. left last evening by the Kimmm for a tour The with the EorroB Jrf-re- ri litt'.aiii. Vn. h"ml Ctiees Qbetkiss, I HlaaV.E J of man of a special committee to take charge of the Committee had presented a report on the bill re- Gtzirnx. The Piir'Hc Ctmmtrrml "aaUl P. Leaehaa""" " iwr.. f W".C.T- - w Lraax, Man E Corkett. C "T of all the plantations in thekxnrdom lating eration of the dosing sections ia the bill to regu of the brings eology or to aald arm ot 1. T Urodare." r. H . matter. to small traders keeping their accounts in iier 9th alt, forth aa oa Uaehan ta,m aotlaetl to make prompt Caios Pieklcd Watnate, J Cast TbtIot. riot L Wilder. where FtartBgaese are employed. Iheir object is Motion carried and the President appointed Hon. English br Hawaiian, recommending that the bill late the sale ol intoxicating liquors, section Oof Colonel Spreckels, saying that "he is the active t pajmeat I! vrkrribrr. ti Batlrr. K Hrrmaa. Mra W m Glbrd. F relating to the granting of licenses, was ' lo atheiwe th Cases Sjkimi .h to uaoroagniy nit i&e complaints oi certain ol the J. Molt Smith, the Minister cf Foreign Affairs, be a ud on the table. He did not want his innocent the bill, and stalwart friend of Hawaiian interests, with will be patff"'"" A. Olives, E Aloatrr. Jaartrr t Mrta. Martrr A Filxatmmttar struck oat, and a substitute offered by Rep. talt """ JAEOEIt, -- Frrrare-ta- W Fortueaese against their employers, and to adjust Howell, Hon, C. R. bantling moved which many years "" - Hrt L A . u Wood. Ileptesentatives Smith and to die there so he the bill be taken power he for has been identified, etc, "crT ' '! "' LehaB. Cases "tench Caperf, tbe cMereoces betwten the contracts of the Ma- special rora table, which was Kaulukou, vesting the to grant solely in the yritrnhkif, to be any value, opin- llonolalu, Aaratt llih. re rort TotmtrBd. prr Hopr. Aar Mia Kat Bishop as said committee. f the carried. Motioawaa was indefinitely of should ia oar Cases fVcueb Slatbroettis, Carter. deira and Axores immigraats, y Kepresectatire Dole, from a seled committee then made that the bill be made the special order Minister of Intenor, postponed. ion be disinterested; or there is no occasion for I:k afant. The other sections were then, witu some slight ! Far Kaaai i Waiaaar. prr Jar Xakee. Ar-- Ma having the coosideralioa of the items in the Ad-- of the day for the --rth iast, Carried. extolliag it ia the BewBpapcrs. If Col. Spreckels Executor's Xotico Cases FreDcIt I'eas, 1 base-ba- ll passed, and was kaha aad aa.Jedre J Kama. X Xakeioaa. Tbe dubs, Oceanic aad Honolulu, met propriation Bui for the police of Oahu, Hawaii, Representative Dole drew the attention of the amendments, the bill then passed has done anything for tun country, he certainly I'roncli Wee. lra H retert. Ii on the diamond tbe ISecreation grounds as amended, and the final reading set for Friday piIE tXlEIS8If.XKl, KXKCU- - Case Trad'os, at on the Maoi and Kauai, submitted a report containing an Assembly to the fact that the President of the has been well paid for it; it seems to me that he L torofthe trillor MH U'WRMtSMlt --J It -i Fiar Kahatai. per ttfi-tn- Kilaau lloa. Aac Cota afternoon tf tbe 9th issl. aad thore an estimate of the aumber aad compensation of the Board of Health, oo a question of his (the speak next; tbe iast. has always looked out for No. I. What friendship ! aM,t" alhiprraona hariai; claimi Casett I'alc de fei Oras, dt lam.aa. Strt B Honeao. Mr Poater. Mr Ckuaoim. atadtriafte oomptetely fille Hon. O. Dominis, from the Enrollment Com- STW1 aralBit that J the pavilios, tried police for tbe several islands. er's reLatireto permits giren to healthy adults J. What kindness! for him to be ens of tho lYlrtici-pant- s rruie lo pretest Ike tame duly aitlbeBtltatrd. Caaea Pinnoa Uaddocfc, Brolaen aVwaat. Fraatnt. Aadred. Beraard. Pact. reported the following with proper rooeherf. tecareal; Fa-ar- coodosaans with bat and ball for the champion Representative Dole, from the Judiciary Com. and children to visit the leper mittee, bills as having been in that famous Bank so whether by mortcaxe or aad Leant. MtM Maf Wallace. Miaa C L baa settlement of by Majesty: Charter, that was olhrrwiar. lo the aatJrrtixBrd Cases Kippsred Wallace. amp oi ine astantts. Alter a ratrier poorly mittee, to which was referred the bill to provide had staled that he (the P. B. of IL; did not signed His summarily dealt with by the Legislature. A atlhln .It meath. from Hcning, rrr.CH caxae. being To amend Chapter XXXIX ot tbe Penal Code, Oatr or thry will br foirrrr barml. Sollee I. a BanseroBS errors raadebytbe for the recovery of stolen preperty, reported the nor was the secretary allowed to give such per- charter that would enable him and a few friends herrhv r-n. I ki- - . ., ,. . bo tieWers Oceanios relating to gaming. ik.i K... ,rr on both sides, the obtained tbe same back, aad recommended that it be laid on mits. Tarenty-- f our hours later he had heard that ia a short time to monopolize all the most im- Orel- - to collect all muolet dor BORN. victory ctaamraiosship Allowing two peremptory challenges jury lo Ihe abova Eitale and by a score of 10 to 9. the table. Approved. Ttermitshad been giren to persons to" visit Kala- in portant business of the Kingdom! What a fine II. E. MclNTYRE, SCOTCH At Watlaka. Maal. Aor Ue wife ad Rea. C. E. nonolBles. Also on the bill for the protection ol creditors la wao. Saw the Secretary ot the Board of Health trials. chance the Colonel has had during a number of Laeeattiror Will of AVm Weaarr. CS. HEBRiNOS Uraaer. aeoa. cases of insdveccv. which rwroires the keeping bv and he stated that permits were given To enlarge the jurisdiction of police courts in years of purchas'nz the sugar crops HonotalB. Aagaat tlth. ISM. im aa One of tbe largest tronra of artists that has at times cases noon DUblic ouicena. of these HoaolstB. A&rast IsM. small traders, of all book accounts either the bat never without the order of the President of assault islands for 10 aa I 12 per ton below la 'lh to tar wile of Jha ever been introduced into this country to enliven ia of To provide for lha incorporating of Banking f iUimrket Cases Ynrmoath Bloaters, Herri?, a tee and anwse the general public, was presented to an Kngli-- r or Hawaiian languages, considered that the Board. Oa examioing tbe record ot the secre- value. I presume it is the purest kind of friend- tary he discovered that a permit had companies. ship that now impels him to pay Oases Oxford Saasage, andionce, that filled tbe building, at the Music toe but discnrmntTes unjustly, and they tnereiore beea girea 1 1 the actual market -- .the bill to a child about 11 years of agr, to Amending Chapter XX of Session Laws of value for the next crop. True, Colonel Marshal's !rv Session of the Anglican S yxtcd. recommended that be laid on the tabic. visit the leper the has in Sale Cases Sardines, and ; HI riau lass evening, the trmpe Imperial Mario- 1S72, relating to the carrying of passengers aad J j i. nettes"" they are called, gave an exhibition Approved. settlement, and saw that an order had been sent a coroparativelv short space of time expended mil- at of ia-- freight. here; VJIJTLKOF Casta Whito Wioo Vinegar, aittrsgs n powers BeorescntatiTe "N'akaleka offered a resolution by tbe President of the Board to grant the same. lions but just please to figuro np what each TY AX KXHt'LTIOX The of the Diocesan Synod of the their ia a aaraattas; of mirth music, and s Attoraer-Gener- To amend Section s 10" and 1007 of the Civil t'hntnej-Case- Church in Hawaii were broaght to a dose melody that was very entertainiug, tbe comic strsctixe? Marshal Parke aad the Considered that it would be in order for the Pres- plantation has expended daring the past twenty Cares Bait India rrevaarrr AlcKeague, ident of the Board Health Code, relating to appeals. money mer- an Monday evening last. pans, ot watcs mere were many, being really to trmcer t'ouce keeper of to explain. jear;cuusauer tauaa aunts oi rjanaers, W. MAIIEI.ONA ia rarworw-ILDBil- Leibig's Bxtraet Moat, - Amending ot (.hapter of the t. J:nTK'.: e UrriAUrbeinrloni-andloB- upon Mae acaa ue uau la- The resident of the Board of Health said that i l,ill chants, and agents have paid out to keep the sugar or I The third biennial session was opened on This louuing cnaiirar isa, Penal Code, relating to leprosy. tarn have levlrd npon aad thai) ntWM Caret! Motlirooin Catsnp, Mh scooot-roor- a a oy cer cue was the statement made by the honorable production alive sines ISO?, and Colonel Spreckels' instant at the of Iotani colossal trospo give perf ormaxecs on Saturday suited xiawaiiaa lany ifmtrg uiai member dif- ''1"C A"H'",' " "" fro"" "" Alllomol like a mule. 3d. that he had advised a prisoner surprised him, if permits were given by the secre- To create Itaid chief oa the outlays here woald dwindle into a mere H " " Cases IWash, College under tee presidency of tbe Kt- - Ber. the afternoon and evening aad they should be seen ferent islands. fractioa. Sof er's Bishop of the Diocese. Eight clerical and tor last before his trial that if he was convicted he tary be bad no authority to issue them. Had an Mr. Spreckels has always had Government favor; On six to be apprecsaied. n Amending Chapter XXXIV ot Session Laws Satutday, the 13th Day ot Cases Yorkshire Reiisb, considerable nl imperfect rrcoU-ctio- that 1S, what planter can boast seems September, members answered to the roll. should make aa appeal. After he had been asked for relating to among of that? It tome Hawan. in which the offendiag was the sub a permit for one Keohi (?) and had granted diseases animals. that, exo-p-t in rare cases, tho planters have al- 11. at It t.elock noon, all tar rlaht, title Cases Celery Salt, On the first creticg the Btsbop addreeeed the ocial it Third reading bill regulating number of hoars aids, tt 14 SrriodsUlijtbrnriDartUcjiUo:thassi.jiiblr Ooen Emma has been xaost enthusiasticallr rs-- ject ot maay nricoraptimentary remaras, the reso supposing applicant to be an adolL ways had Government influence against them. ba Crises Celery 11:1", to constitute a day's labor with parties under con- Occasionally loHowlor properly, via: Seed, which ware be said, to consider the 'aiode of erec- onired in every part of KohaU. She is evidently lation was rexerred to ine Aitorney-irenera- i. At the Assembly convened as Committee they lure had a respectful hearing; beloved people. Representative Kaunimano offered a resolution of the Whole, Hoa. J. S. Walker in the chair, tract. Read and on motion of llepresentatire but that ends matters; very little attention is paid Heat Aiwa or tion, and the functtons of the Trasiees unoor the thoroughly by the aad Dole was al Uaaoa, of which I will -- that the bill relating to the licensing of the sale of proceeded with the consideration of con- the bill indefinitely postpooed. to their suggestions. It is well known ir. .prcHealloa. charter, and eeoondly to considex the advrsabihtr the items Second reading proposed amendment to Article that they before Ihe aaar if reiaireH. seeking llse bukejitiae --Voder, Beryraaa master be table and placed on the nected with the Aroronriatton Bill. areas loyal, peace-lovi- men as there are ia Dr. of union with the Frovince of Xew Zea- armed opium taken from the XX. ot providing M No this 3-- Ikat Laaal at Ridge's Infants Food at HUo on Wednesdav. Aurust eth. dxvs oraer ox xne aav. xrisaDDroveu. From the time of eo convening noon, con- - the Constitution, that judge country; that the most of them are here good; Waikikl. eaaawitlimr ef SXirm land. The remainder of tbe rst Bieetinc was from cstil be Assem- for helBiawrtef r.ln,! aSXt JeKrlbrd Fort a cargo 2 I At 11.50 ileprtsentatrve Ahdo moved the order controversy was engaged relative, shall ever a member of the LegUlatire that their children will be Hawaiian lr.l la a principally taken cp with xootions of which notice Towasend. with of assorted umbei siaeraois la, to bly." citizens. irate toKlmforaletmor tea jeartal rroaa Srpt. II, had bean given last and receiving lor Messrs. iticharasac uoan. of the day. but before tbe motion was carried alight increases in the monthly salaries of the They are the very people at ho keep the business a. D. l"It. aad teearded la Librr M. parr OS. Cases Scotch Oatmeal, lib. tins ; at the session, s. Kaulakoa moved tho i Representative Smith moved aa ad jourxuneat uatil lower grade police ora-er- The following Representative indefinite of these islands going; they pay the highest taxes; notices of rnotions to be discussed at tbe next items postponement, and thaM parcel, of Laatl eontejetl hr W. C. Cases Pearl Barley, 41b. tiss ; The rains in Kohala have been heaw. Tbe wntcn was carneo. were passed. also the previous question? but they feel all along that their interests are be- rarke eeasica. theee referring mostly to amend- Terr l ub. latter motion being carried, 17 16. Admlalttrator of lb. Sauie or if. Eaaaloa la 8, 2 - at th the Utter motioa to ing trifled by Cases Tapioca, lib. ; ments in the Gostitctien of the Synod. crops are doing veil, however, but after conscc- arxrxsoos. Payoflpolice-Qea- atOpe-xaoB- 4JO) M witb. If tbe Government chooses not Maheloas deed reeotiM la Liber m.p.isilaBd tw down-po- Ayes aad Noes were taken and at the close of tbe conalitia- - or 5 III 11th, ntive atays ol residenU begin to I'ayorilpollcraeaalfGprraaoath II. If) CO to notice them, so be it. Surely they do not think ". Abaaa of tae Alaa of Kamakwal Cases Sflgo, 41b lima , On Monday the th xnemben assembled in tie Oa the consideration of the Ap-- call the count stood 19 in faior of the motioa to 17 MiaaBaaai Kwa. Oaha. alto, school-roo- think that one can hare too much of a good thing. proper to come down on their marrow bones to a hadarHl kaate the in the Cathedral yard, when a At coon the committee ross and took a recess re- lot In the Hi proonauoa tail was laten cp, in ixmunittee ol against; but before the Secretary could make kiss the Royal toe. al- Maaoa, Ulartd of Oaba. Cafes Sjal in jar, committee was appointed to arwara'tse 1.9.1 p.m. The V.C. .MttrUitr has eoBtaiaiaxlI-iataeir- : f details of Mr. and Mrs. Kinnersky a ball at lhe""roae, Hon. A. S. Clrghora in the chaif. cntil turn to the President, Hon. S. G. Wilder changed luded aalett taMJatlaateBt and my a conference for the discss.aocof Church saBjects. gire the Club aXTZEDO?r. to them as a lot of soreheads; some day tbe rxpratet or Bale are paliL Cnsea Oroaad Cinnntnon. Hoase. Kohala, lately. There were about ninety Speaking oo Section 6, relating to tenders. Rep- his vote from "no" to "aye" the Minister of soreheads may come together with tbe population Ker. H. M'halley gave an interessoigaoooaBtof resentative IkAt said that he was satisfied that the The Committee at 1 p. m. aad the Foreign Affairs who bad declared himself "doubt- "' c l'A"KE, Jlaiaoal. Cais Ground Allspice, his among Chinese guests present, in spite of tbe torrent of rain that ot Honolulu, your "sea of nobodies' and HoBolala. Aar. Illb. lent work the in Kohals. Hawan, ball-roo- cooection filled by Hon. man plt-trc- was falling. The was beastif ally deco- present Minister of the Interior thought that he consideration of items ia with pay of ful" the gap left Mr. Wilder by the nobodies may turn out to be somebody. Go Cases Ground and was fotlowrd by Mr. C. was otace. to ten police was continued. voting "are,"" keeping the difference at the same who rrjrroborated Mr. rated, the supper surspiaous, the music good, aad bv his authorized aoTenise lor on, you geatlemen who hold the reins; von bare M. THOMPSON, Cs. Qenainr Mottard, the Katemests of Whaller thoroughly enjoyed Queen ders, but as it was barely possible that he might Oiha-E- figures, then like a brave man Representative trot and joiaed him oalhng upon the and all themselves. Emma Col. Soreckels. that disinterested friend nf AnOBIEY-AT-U- 4 SOLICITOR II CHAHCERT; ia cJery and suite were the honored guests of the ereaing. not remain la otace tor Ine next two years, ms Salary Drpaty at -9 per aafrath. - Richardson marched his vote to the front with de- LUawaii, Cs. Cayenne Pepper, laity of Honolulu Tioiiee r39 5lj on your side, Hewillteaob yon the doc- - Pratlieea aad the islands geaeraUr for successor may not think br act as he has done. banrr I at raoata . cision aad had it recorded on the side, I ,t ,..1 I la the Court., aad prepare. rr "no" thus Irtnanl... u v. l.rml. avl,uu m ....1 tutu .11 ...IImta tuo A.. Dssm. further support and f.'tlrjt. Amouoo to this Kev. E. 1. Baker ia crossing on Friday, July 25. Certain v his predecessor did cot. He cannot WaltBae: making a tie rote, 18 to IS, amidst great applause. ,..iij utututit um iu Laaaxa. Cenrraanat Sct was curitd and a committee appointed for salary Depaty rria"at e per dobiIi. the fature; bat do not forget that maay intelligent AtiBisassva, Err., aad Drrotlalea came very near being carried over the falls just imagine any obiection to the amrdment, and he balaryS police at gaper month President Rhodes cast his vote with the "no" and every intelligent haolt in Kingdom 'HEMP, RAPE, AND MART SEEi. carrrinr out tbe work. pay- , J.i side, giving aairrs this V0SEYBO LQ.IX8. S0TEH, V0JZTO WB9 baVowr the Umauma stream, with his horse, and hoped it would pass, tie did not approve ol Wataiaa: thus continued life to the bill. i except the ttMtiUmmvu) is sick STOCKS, After a recess the seasion convened at 7.15 p.m. iOJXO, waa and tired ota BOHDS, BTC. others hate crossed at the same place with even ing 11,003 for bridges worth only or a b'liary Drpaly Sheriaat W per raoBU. Mr Tbe motion then made to send the bill to ic the othoot-roo- of CoUrare. resolB-tia-a f Government, and are longing for n OFFICE-Cow- er Fort ami in Iolani and a greater risk of life and Kxab. The mail man is large sum for masonry aad removing a wall when fralarr 4 po"ice at S per stoBth S,K- - engrossment aad another fight oa paper was Hrrchaat Sliert.. I'ry's Chocolate, waa passed anlbonzing the lashop. sader Koolaaloa: change, that will come some day, we hope. WIS llnttMTUI.I. I. Ja, cooditiana, U!e in his trip over the Hilo and Hama-kn- a it could hare beea dons for less by tender. This ia, the xaaks of tho Government party be- A KaKiAtxi. Cbooolate Micks for dessert, eartain " to take whatever steps be road, owing to the and swollen Government Baildinc was built day labor under balarr Xtepstj bbrTtaat 9) prr raoEta...... 751 ing strengthened by the addition of tho Minister Fry' c&ch unsafe streams br balary 4 police at 3) per raOBtfa ... for mion with Sea Zealand." aadbedroads. tbe personal superintendence of Mr. Robert Stir Irjl of Interior, who had been sent for, and as a con- Kauai Circuit Court. Adiiiiiii.ttrator'H Xotice. Kpp's Cocoa, The Synod codaidered. in Committee of the ruc-ttt- lhen-titif- ling ana .air-- i ana is ice cneapest si Discussioawaatheaeneaced in on m sequence it looked at tbe moment as if the Govern- Sehw Cootnlrna, iTboae. the subject of apfaxrilinents,calxQcalioc. HiVo are con- avtmani Proceedings TIIK A1IMINIS. eilzers The roads in tbe district ia afearful ever pat cp by the Government. salary for a deputy sheriff at Koolacpoko. In the ment party bad the necessary majority of one. of the Ith Judicial Circuit Court JL. trator of the E.ute of IlETalirn. IITAS. late ttinctincts, of Trustees, aad raooop was ear-rir- d As " August 1831. of ti Palmer Milk iJtscniti, etc a dition. one planter said. There are not fifty Section t was numbered Section 7 and passed. zxudst of the coatroversy the time expired g Oa vote being called, Hon. J. U.S. Martin, who for tbe term Judge McCuIly, of the oraroj BOtt.rt all pefWHIt Bavlaz ilunlly to the effect that farther coosrderatioc of Lacpa for bopreme Court presiding. elalms"""""t the yards of safe road betweea Hakalsa aad Section 7. applying to the bill becoming law, ia Committee and the ly again formed, bad abstained from voting on the indefinite post- Hardy, local Circuit tral.tC raid etlate to pretest ihe tame will Hsntly tt Pateaers subject Attorney-Gener- "?r be postposed until the next seaaoa of the hoehoe." For some reasoa or other the bridges was oxnabered s received ponement declaring that he was on fence, Judge, associate; Deputy Rosa, .tntau.r. to mm or aa. aitoTBry airroa o. a Synod, and passed. and approved of the Committee report, the or over Iliibop X a la and that a committee be appomtsd to con- along tbe route although well built and cost a The report oa Forestry, etc, was then taken up. and proceedrd with the consideration of the lull to doubtful, recorded his tote with tho "ayes"" thus appearing for the Crown. to Cak llortolaln tltltlo .Is fer raeanwhile with the botL deal money so placed Keaupuni. moatht Iran data, aad that etalna aot mi proaeatrtl be lrastees to enable of are that no animal can be Representative Dole moved that the first item regulate the sale of lntoxica-izu- linuors. offsetting the vote ot the newly arrived Minister, charged with larceny of cattle of tbe forever barred. WILLIAM & bodies to decide on course ? 100L r. WILLIAJIS, Maccaroons Crackrieils a of joint actios m tbe get oa to them' as for instance the bridge over the aad agaia 19, value of Tried and fonnd guilty verdict. 1 1. lfeJL matter. pass. The passage of the 7"tb section, which'indudrs the result being a lie,10to President Hoaolara. Jalj Admlalttralor. stream in the Craauma galch. between Hakalau Renreseatatira Kaulnko moved it be stricken the dause making Sunday closing begin nine Rhodes strain decided the question by his Tote, Sentenced to imprisonment at hard labor fur IS II After the usual of iitawV. etc- at vale - a motion and HotvaatBa plantations. This is a fearful oat- - la his opinion the trees would not die dur o'clock oa Saturday evening, was indefinilelv in the affirmative, tbe bill being ordered to months. Mackenzie's Albert Biteaitat, was carried that tbe ratnates dangerous. Iapeka, who of the proceedings stream and vary The bridge over the ing tee next two years xor the want oi tats appro-rtnsiio- postponed. eagrocmeat. Representative Dole made a motion attempfed to commit a rape on a CORPORATION NOTICE! ; & Wax Matches, be furnished to tbe Hawaiian papers for pabbca stream has been bunt for some time, but the ap- Section Z, to reconsider tbeTote, which German girl in tbe oane field at Lihna, found Bryant May's lion, and that the passed. Section 3, relating to whole- (rnolioai, was lost, Secretaries caase to be printed proaches to it hare not been made, and the bridge Aboto supported licenses, liceos-ia- aad the bill ordered to guilty, and sentenced to Imprisoument at hard Bryant & May's Safety Matches, and circulated report Representative the motion to sale passed. Section 1, relating to wa3 third reading on the a of the prevmatine of tbe stands high, so that no team can by any means pass Though opposed to the item jobbers, indefinitely posponed. 13th instant. labor for firs years, aad to ply a fine ot --50 and Hawaiian Synod together Btsbori tbe item. last Sectton S, pro- Stone Company. with the s charge drtiTcrrd eetnponit. Several valuable animals hae barely year, passeu aa vppusuaoa. viding for increasing the license fl,0u6 Third reading of bill relating to the prevention costs. . ta tbe Cathedral on Sunday, Aug. n sjtc oi uis acts from to & Blacking-- Nth. crossed this stream with their lives. year had visited the nursery and the places fOOO, Load $5flQO, indefi-tite- ly of cruelly to anim-- Paul PunUi, charged with arson, was acquitted Day Martin's Liquid The Saavavm then adjourned be with a ia a penalty of nr af. where the trees were nlantrd out. aad he aatidra- - postponed. Section 6, relating to the grant- Sectional. 2 and 3 of the bill were passed. Rep- by order of the Court. XTOTICK IS JIKItKIJY CIVBX James B. Grant, charged -- New Iaotteries, ted that racdz good would result therefrom. He ing of licenses outside the city of Honolulu, indefi- resentative Smith takiag the place of the intro- with an aggravated V. Jiii "' esoekaaMrra or Ida di The Telephone Companr. found that a great deal of work had been done by nitely postponed. Section 7, which provided that ducer of the bill (Hon. J. S. Wallera. who was assault, on appeal from Kswaibac, tried at the .IAW;i"AS STOSKJffiC01IPASY.'' held at llottolatfl NOTICE. Eorroa following late February term, was granted a change I"ii5Lfc- - w" aeeepl I he Chartrr or - The balding of tbe Metsal Tekwahoait Gxxrmr The from a tbe person ia charge, who did not stem to desire the licensee shall sell by the class, to be consumed absent, and arguing ia its favor. Pending dis- of veaue to f i?1 rnliB (Wan witl show the status of lottery enter-rci-e- s pub- cussion Section Honolulu for the October term. imnimititn aia.ioi aoaaazotaa tarir attoeiair. aatt coi'AirrxBiwiiH'- r thb is very oommodiocs. The tower story will yarafarf to make money out of the work but bad tbe oa ine premises, netweea tee hours or S a. m. aad on I, the Assembly on motion ad- taeeenori. aad tbe corporataM wat orxanlied. X VBdrtaatraetl. ia Ike Aaetarw ad CommlaaloS be m the United States. Everv well wisher of George Titcomb guilty of furious and heedless aNaaotved by leased forstores or wareroocos. while the upper lic good at heart. 9 p. a, indefinitely postponed. journed nntil 10 on the morrow. aad elected Ike (odowln- - oflkrra : IMaloatt, aw rhl lay keaa maltial Hawaiiaas will be glad the recent effort to It- ut riding, on a comrrritment from the Justice of Ko-lo- The will V eantlaard by E A DAMS. rart tsdevxaled to the ulealaone twwi&wsa. that Hon. C - Bishop said he was as little disposed Section S, prohibiting selling liquor to natives Prraidrat WOKmlth barfata. r lhc antroaacc the system into these tslanas was met by anyone to vote money extravagantly, fact be aad women, to persons sentenced to pay a fins of fSO and costs. I f A0AM-- I aacac ae uiortaigmy weu arraageo. coot ana qaiet. as ia and convicted of a second Trtatsrrr PW.aduVmr A U. ELLIS. an opposition so widespread and so successfuL know money oflease, waa Attorney-Gener- The Overland Monthly. Maialii, committed by the District Justice Secreury The switch boards are Mr. -- did not where oae half ot the that read. The moved of LATaarttoa II. nearly ready, iTatt. As eternal vigilance the price ot libertT." so come Koloa, was found guilty of larceny in the second ll.ooliila.Jilj nu thaeactricianrf therjoraraasr. aahard al arrV is bad already been voted was to from. He to amend by inserting the words "habitiial drunk- August Sotlee I. alto stiver that peMaaat tot be term t r it must be the price of immunity la any commun- considered the sabjecx.of the preservation of ards," and omitting The 0nrUn4 Xomtkii for came to hand degree, and sentenced to two years imprisonment aid ebarter. bo atotkbolder Haote for Ike debit but of course to properly pox that the remainder of the section plea-sa- I. of I ihtm in order for ity from the many insidious gambling per Jfartwea and coataias a great deal of and $s fine and eosts-- the corporation beroad taa amowat XttTIt'K SB sabscxibers is no small labor. Tbe boards are forms of forests should be kept before tbe people as much excepting that part which relates to a penally for wkkh may be da. or which insidious- reading matter. The opening paper is headed llaaceo and Kaaai, eommiUed myw iirv ww oaoa & STOCKH- so arranged that, when other demoralizing practices, as nossible. Havinrr started this nurserr it was rioiiimc ice regulations, aa amended. bf tho Justice aia.iv itiaira or aim ' A MEtrriNO Ot' TUB any wires are oat of order. cosmo-poaata- "SL Michaels and the Yukon,"" by George Ward-ma- Lorxnin a. WlLUgHS STEAXSIIIP COM can ly creep ia to deslroT. Our community is only proper that the experiment should be kept At i:io the ASSemDiy adjourned until 10 a. m. on of Kawaihau on a chargs of robbery, were thc bmton. OLDERS of trials be made at the back of the boards, thas y. a to Alaska,"" wjrk Seeretarr Hawalhia Moa. PAtaVlLamttadi afM at lawlreloer. Friday. made so by our central oceanic positios. np. ittikcssornetini to get a plantation of trees "Dale-da- author of "Trip a which acquitted. O Jalr Si. not interfering with the call boys. There axe two has just been published. The Padfie papers are : Kailiuli, committed Koloa lloa olalB Jan. IWh. IV 1. WO It foil, lt wa. rotod to luerratto the Capita! stock of tVt boys, aad osr watchfolaess saoald be increased against under war so as to make any kind of a show. from for an attempt Fifty Tboartad bedrooms for the a secretary's oSce. a spare " The Crazy Professor," a character paper from raps on a young 10 tTompaay Dollar. toe mtroriucuon ol the evils which are so demoral- various trees being tried at this nur- Seventy-Eigh- th Ann-ru- t at German girl under years of B. ooeftary room and a storeroom. It is claimed that this ts There are Day. Ota. raining period, by Henry Brooks ; TO BENT ! 3. BuhB. izing and destructive. sery and they have been distributed on other the S. age, was acquitted when the trial was partlly pro- AT PUNAH0TJ llmoaalia. Jolv h. 11. tba first baUdisg which has been especially built says: the Savior, a legend of tbe Con-Co- w Indians ot ceeded with, the request "?" telephone business. The Im4jm4twt xdaoas. It is known that during Dr. HiUebraad's Assembly conveaed at 10 a. m. Prayer try the at of the prosecution. s A NEW HOfSB, SUITAIJL1 for the The arranseaaenaa Mr. staling n rumpus opm-aan- Northern CaRfornia, recorded by Colonel A. G. The Court was opened House forbearing the strain of the heavy Justice Grier in the is residence here he iatrodsced many trees and tbruits, chaplain and readier? of minutes bv the seerretarr. at the Court at Biij lor a lane famllr. sod Sve mloatM walk from i the Supreme Court of the Uniled States now they had a very worthy successor to the Representative Kanealii, Fassin, who has printed two previous studies of Kauai, on Wednerday tbe 6th and ad. Ike Khool bslldinra. Term, moderate. Money to Loan aad cader suspension of " cabies are very eSdtaL Tbe ventiUtaan ts excel some ago, the folk-lor- e ; of the Reservation Indians of Cali- journed limt 1911 II Box 133 Oflce. bcxtding forty years ia regard to lotteries, raidr doctor ia the person of Mr. Jaeger, He was do- u rates, preaieiuea a peuuou xor ine estaottsa-mea- t on Friday the eth iaat. "XQt'JRB lent. Altogether the seeaas admirably "The suppression of iajurious Enrrjisa fornia. Tbe Law of Morn, a most curious and rt or raxrpose. nuisances to the ing a great deal of work without pay, he has a love of an schoM at Waieha. Maui. Re- i. s. ciMsauac, adapted forita The cables are being public health or morality is among the most im- and spends not only hts ferred to ealertainiag account of a strantre Maori custom ; ""Wants to Knotr, Tova Kno-tar.- " "IAIHW, BALTa rirOGnAJIMES. &C sow run Queen street, aad will ams be for this kind of work time oa Education. done la the aeatett alfle. at the Gazette Offlee. Cor. JlrrtktBl Jt Taaans Stt. aloof: portant duties of government. Experience has but also his money. It is a thing that ought lobe Representative Kaunaxnano. under flnrrjeriaton an aaecdotid paper upon Henry Durant, full of the , J ready for opesinz out. Business will be shown that the common forms of rambling are most intereetiag rexuiniaceaces of this pioneer Witu-xc- August 8th 1331, supported liberally bT the Government. Though of the rules, read for the first time a bill to pro- GlzzxTC- shortly. comparatively irinocaous when placed ia contrast great more znoney tor teacher's romantic experiences in early days ; a lirros -I wish to ask the Wailukn au- they were appropriating a deal vide the appropriation of $1JX0 for lbs Board thorities a few questions, "Bancroft Readers. with the widespread pcstileace of lotteries. The than they ought to do, still he thouhgt this ought ot ueneaaugy ot Hawaiian Uaiels. brief study ot the aignifiranrat to constitutional aad I would like you to former are confined to a few persons or places, Representative historr of the organization aad government of publish them, if possible. to be rranted. rUulukos tooted the second Were tide-wal- ! Measx. Bsacrufi & Co, tbe San Fraaosco pob but tbe latter infests the whole oommunitv: it en l"eprcsentitive Smith said that as be understood-- readme of the bill br litre. "California Mining Camps ;" the third or Colonel Qttlhn J. the put down ia Wai- ! Chili-Ala- ska, lukn for the benefit Something New Usbera, have new ters every dwelling: every preys HitrJ-coc- BirkedaTa papers on Peru, Bolivia, and of horses or the publieat large? forwarded to ns tirrir let of it reaches class: it it tae mam oujoct mterioeamtraaspiantrnswaslo moved that the bill for public, KaderaTh series has been got cp by Messrs. atpoa ine caru earnings ol ine poor; it pinaders ascertain the kind of trees most suitable to replace California, in various phases, aboriginal if the then all horses ought to be im- oerrjecco. Anglo-Saxo- pounded, John Swett, a veteran teacher, wbotn the ignorant aatd simple."" This was said when which now qusstaou and miners and scholars. Sooth and if for ine benefit of horses, then all CaKfomia the forests of the country wen rapidly On the being put the bill was rrjested people out to be punished we remexttber well aa handling his claswes ia fine ioUeries were much more ccraxooa ia thi f country, disappearing. Herrmernbrrcdwhenhewxsaboy by a vote of 15 to 13. America and New 7,raland, all appearing in the for getting on the tide-- U Calif oraxa State Sor-x- than they are now. Since that reriad nearly all was A pomt of was ealertain-in- g number, aad all in most eatcrtamicg papera. COOKING there a continuous forest of Kckai tries from order raised that the good (laorTM 2. Is there not a law against STOVES School and J. Eoyce of Harvard Cotlece. the States, either by statute or by constitutional Kokax to Ixhne, whereas now thxrrewasricthiag of the znotiua to reieet. after a motion to an. Thers is some specially papers in the num- vagrancy? booka are thoroughly tJOTtsion, forhad.irn public ascoa-trar- v ber, esrasdally "A Preface' aad Dedication" I think there is. There are enough pecmlein Wal-lu- Ai Tte atlractjve ia appesraace. have lotteries Hs knew rariocs causes, pead the rules and second "A bctrrass. that from tbe rend a tiros had been H- to good to rood police ar sound xaoralitv. Conrrest know by Albert - Tolxaaa, and a fable, "The Crow stock a plantation; I mean lodgers that do 161 with type and trees were dying. Did not tlxUtrtesiricreased made, was not alowable. orx race paper. A That would Eiag," by Caroliae A Mason. A nothing for a living, bnt just loaf and and bam-o- I series of suggestions to teachers has excluded their advertisements and circulars the rainfall, bet did blow that when the ground The Presdeat ruled that the motion to reject serial axanmpaay each volume of the the xaafl of the Ceiled States. Tbe lottery is begun in this number, "The Campaign at their fellow beings. I do Uunk that tho law ought series, aad coming from was covered by trees there was less evaporatioa. was in order. to be put in force. front sacs exivieixnl men aa lha cacpilers. are system is, however, tolerated and practiced m 'Without water there cocid be no agriru'tore, aad An appeal waa taken from his decision by Widdletown," an facial re poUticalautire, A review A new method of a of " Property Progress." will inter- C?erai X. Were the roads in Wailakn made to ventilating tho Oven so that in baking the fowl especially worthy of rncriartf nion. Tfceaeetiatis lrfrgrTt without we would begtcars. Posterity --esuer Hillock's aad ice ji"r trceciii acrirriltare be oi us irovemmtci party, in wnoss interest let every one dump anything be- clevoced to vool training are very ccoda&dfarm branded it as Moae of the most stependnous pub- will reap the benefit of this investment. the bill was drawn. est all who have read Mr. George's " Progress and they wanted on? cause a good many people throw all kinds rub- does not become soggy or heavy from the af earn or mowture in tho A new feature. The selrctaaci are mitre from lic robberies of our history;'" aad for this Mr. IleprKentatiTC Keaa rnrnrnsrired a rambling Oa the vote being taken the deckioa of the chair Poverty." . of fiood and there are crisp &f - inHn-?-- ,, bish on them, viz. tin cans and old bottles, this is authors bale bioaTraraues Dinnhm. tin manarrr tie svstesi ia KcwOr- hartague: his re marks EeprrsrTijtiv was annulled by a rots ot 13 to 17; several mem- A few boftife caT great rnen which arc likely to words on the encore system. Wheaa dangerous both to pedestrians and animais. Oven, and the meat has the ilavor produced by roasting an opeo remain u the kass, brought a sait for libel in a Circuit Court of Smith to inform him that "tier were foolish," bers voting igaorardly on the question aa could be gentleman pats forth a programme of dbildrea. Altogether Uears.Ban-arrofta- ltwal.n,tr taTrnt,,, USB CXtecX lea numbers otaariof t rtrmara lit wnercapoa uio oocgniy orator seized a ana plainly noticed by their aftions, the President it seems thoroughly ocius. to him, that fire, E- - FOR SALE ' Co. are to be rsaised for their merry m of oca hundred thousand dollars; and signifwt, mild way, would assisting in that BY ia a that be rradopt the the br the pnT should be nearly doobled by the demands Tbe alarm evening CrlircitBcbrixttai)elof rtadrrs. IVtaeriLai was turned oat of coszt as having no caasa Asltforl treatment if there were aar more snch in aa aasica ne pnx we quesiioa. of firs last was canied by th Jiay tare beealarfeij adopted in the State down of the audience. No one would think of demand- burning of a pile cf brush on the pUiaj. schcots fur action. Thursrmtbertrxndnxl laid br terpolaiions from the Hon. member from Walluka. The bill was then ordered read second by , Tee a time ing a second trip an a Steamer free, because on bOTi-- us-J- "Xocoart shall lead lis aid Trrt---ir"-T tan) .M ah. mi-t- il. ra im title. K onn was tjotteanp to est Ko. 2 - l3rdMnaeM, that f the first trip gave perfect, e. i- itoUiers with sickly, frellul aursLig cUMrm, f tcevetsel satitfartion Eogiae rat of the Erigicvhc-ts- uatcaawaolosxtaishiseanseoi action npcctaa was not guessed at, bet mads trn as follovs: lieprtseaiaiiTe fcsiaith moved thai tbe bill be anditisr-aziffstl- y aajust to ask for JOH3ST NOTT, will cure the cirSdandberieiit xhcssaelvec by ixumcral cvan UlegU 1 dosbleats K tat act." Thisiscood law and Wages forester, tea labortrs two pnsrpjaed acsoaai' mn-ic- al t. l Hop Bitten daBy. See adTrraseroeiit. of f fsr on of the entfrtainTn-ti- than was said tor. it is If yon ara snJe-in-E from indigestion or weak aS XHHiaimityuuatiaausi. S.A.U. jtira,fo4tXinoveable ahait lor ratcrng water, isposla-- ; trooo the sood cslars of artists. tomah,FcniafjtTaFr-aiUegrejoa-. Mil IB. 3fo, 8 KsvaimmaBirfftt, folnla. .' ,.ao- ' St4jrSw,- -; trttjSiifej 5 A - ,4.JT2"- - KMsei13(irwsjFiHai ""' r 'i r nnrrw in iliaimminriiftnii

Committee, reported favorably on the bill to I noticed he didn't lake off his powder-hor- n. ing trees, while around them rose stately Otiicral SUrrttttisrmtnts. Cciitrnl "UiDrrtistmciils prohibit the posting of bills upon any property and before I conld call attention to it he was palms, casting their shado on the flower- iuumiian fectfe. or premises without the owner's consent; also in tbe water. I waited about twenty mi- ing plants and shrubs that carpeted tho a substitute for the bill to prevent the waste nutes" forest path. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13 16S1. of artesian well water en the island orOihu. "Twenty minutes!" tbey all exclaimed. Lato at night they suddenly emerged nruLliis Both bills were read twice and ordered to a "That's the exact time, my friends. I held from the forest nnd found themselves in I3TDIA RICE The HawaiianLegislature third reading on Ibc Illh inst. my watch in my hand .ind timed him. After another village, n largo one, close to a Representative Dole desired the President twenty minutes I began to get a little nervous, river. This found to bo side tire and what they tho tillage of tho Board of Health lo state whether the and looked over the of boat, of Tenom. five miles from the sen and only 1SS4--. Board had permitted young, healthy children do you think I saw!" twelvo miles from Pangah, where they Session Molokai to sco their parents or friends. "I suppose your friend, lying oil tbe bottom id to visit were last held captive, so that they must THE j-. of the Board of Health said of the lake, drowned," veninred one. SeTrntr-TonrthDo- Aug. 5th. . The President have been led by roundabout paths, to ftlS for "Xo, you arc wrong. Hero is where he that there had been several applications mislead them as to distance. There wcro rmrsx,. LIEBia H p Arr:nMo people to visit Molokai and take children with showed his presence of mind and dirty thiev- .IIfionaryi many huts in this Tillage, built on posts, Irtvt Xfcjurcacik ' Comioitlcc rcsseroWol at 1:30 anJ He bad invariably refused. Xo permit ing disposition. There he sat on the bottom 0 :r Steett, &cr uu Tlie i.m., them. wcro to rchUtncJ lire consideration hi l!ie items in lie lad been issued by himself or by the Secretary of the lake ponring the powder out of my horn and they led tho largest of them, with, a floor. re- AliproprialiMt ltill, llic rolluwins being passed: of the Board. People have been permitted to into his own, and whistling." ono donblo Here thoy r IT"Tla sTllafMat ml In tM TTtKIOrf RtatfM 1 Q H FtthiM 1. a lt mtUKid mm i -. S . building Xo reply was maJe by any of hi listeners, mained eight days. On the fourth day l. umirxiK. mrfrl .l Kn-- limit.- - go there lo assist in the erection of !,toreB,IN ' raUutAXaCrrcvftxaol H.IWin;wi.h.llolnzCiJt of time quietly toojjlnc sucpi -- word came that n Dutch hawker was in v aui tiy t .tvjir tswedtmrtCTTuas v? z ''S bnl on iri account to remain any length but each one ku1 "l' f rim nuiai dtacnnniiai ib 0 Krpaln irf ore l Jmratliw story teller, and left him tha Rlooff. Mtln. KldnfTk nimrtdrr. Kra nitons in Ihc settlement-- ciously at the alone, tho Tillage, selling goods. Tlie hawker III 111 IFIU .1MII W aWaIlIaV IBBDaV ! Consideration oftliefalariw of tlio Justices I JXontli. Throat, Dcmunentlrl1 cnml mat 1 3 On motinn tho Assembly convened in Com- master f the situation. Kr turned out lo ln a spy, carrying letters to llone lal m. 1 ri of the Snpreinc Court as llicn laVen np ami f aT9itft9 f mm tin tnr llfn. mittee of the Vholo and proceeded lo consider tho captain from tho Assistant Resident nt i UEnunil P Oebilitr. IraantMnr.Stmfaai Lassk. Serai Derr I assed as follows: epiriloous IlLrllUUO Msntiliai Phn.cjl WiikMti. FiiUnr MtmorvV 0 the bill "to regulate tho sale of THE YARN OF THE NISEUO. Olchleh. and from the commander of a Wfcak e babirCMW-lullre.....--,- . - - I EVK2. Stasftd DavtlonsMAf. ItsnatdtaMntc fa Vifrbra. titLi p. 1"J liquors," Roprccnlatic Xakcleka in iho Dutch man-of-wa- The tenor of theso lifta cm. caMrEl. ufirT tad I Romantic Story of Shipwreck and Impri- rmrataf rr-t- u chair. letters was I 3 lTrola.'UIcJntkr '."" sonmentBritish Seamen in Captivity. that they were in tho hands of fn MB niddIkK.ltfdaUWl01d FJM"1.atnlIl vtaAltMwf mAtf-- Tlie followins item was ordered incrtcd in Section 2, which provides for the possession a ferocious savage, who was dead to all of distilled liquor being prima facie evidence May 31, 1SS1. n term P. tnHv.ul lire Hill: Lomws, sense of honor, nnd that they must not bo 1 8'iame. W i.rnlacroTtuittDrfeittftritv tor tirtmw t. nmdtf fa . 1 thereof, lengthy ssome-tliin- g lUcV pi-- CIctV 3nl Jirfltlil Cirtait Cort. of tho distillation was, after a Althout'li many of ns bail heard obstinate ob- & FREMONT STREET in anything, lest additional i t tXit pbydefcut wbo ctrts Us wbol aUratton to n 109 rccum-mcodi- debate, passed. ' 107, Tlie report of Select Committee cs about tho crew of a British steamer stacles should bo Class tiMnura hiimin Kiii.ana pBrctan tanwTQODK ill tic pnt in tho way of their iitnr.srwmi. IliHlrcqQBtrrrrai rprommml duacnllcaapsto Section 3, which increases tho wholesale thee tlie allowance of an annnal salary of being detained in captivity by n certain release. uiruiarvi.iprriauauur wpoiii rrrtT anu run San Francisco. liquor license fiom 250 to $500. was passed. b ewect, T&e Dortnr Ac ukI inaini U- - 10,000 and office expenses to tlie Hawaiian Eajah of Tcnom. few, I fancy, knew tbe On of ettr fxpcrlracoxnaka frh A -- 'VK.vKj.orruAOTiCAi. i:xim:i:i- themorning the eighth day they (JJ11I1H..I vi ( vhiu Ian fw MiarrH nit i.siima viti Francisco, and all Consular Section 4, which increases the jobbing who "p no fwMtaxt ttM Doctor. j CaftfKiC JUilat" W IV "m urn"" LiiiTi uir Consul at San that trno " Yarn of the. 2slsero,' till it was re- were again called out, and to Cnio"e call CeaaaltatlrimtroQ It ii tand "rruTiniiTkllnl TTi r Xhwe license from $500 lo $1,000 was rejected. had prepare lavriwurn baTe&llrdlaoo- - J r i ft r at IVrWiintiof Wotiihf i fees collected by that official be paid into tlie the acntiir conuarniiiii. rr Tr m l'"Twii(l-(- .f online to of tbc lated in tho "Echo" other day. The for another march, and a ten hours' ,nimt rTtaili!mmwa(y I itff qoa'itj rwMjrtlHJi Section which fixes the retail license at after I IMt nnm-m-n- t lb- - Treasury, was Ulcii up and after 5, AVodo-hous- o in juti. ttt Mi'! H th'--' tdanr Iroprirt Hawaiian information camo direct from Capt. av wiucTTiiRrrai.iior t ban It $2,000 instead ot $1,000, with a bond of $5,000 journey they came to a place whero five IFCU r n. mUEUTW. UUVrVim J lOnTS LUUJf aTOm I considerable disenssion was laid ou tlie table. M M. OT I (tho skipper of the unlncky vessel), huts had been built by river-sid- i irTTTIHiKS, rHimur VHIJ, n(,T9 and reported lack was rejected. tho ,1'aiv i KisTuinsKTouxujn:aaCrxjnujB.jaittaa J Reduce the Rates for the Hulling & Cleaning of Paddy. Tlie Committee tben ro6e and may bo relied npon as strictly correct. Three centre ones, fifty yards apart, had s enabled Jo Largely to Ibc Assembly. At 3:35 the Assembly ad- Section C, which provides for the conditions aM under which licenses can be granted fur auy So far, tbe Government seem tob'ave been evidently been prepared for their recep- DR. UEEIC'S M3K3EBFUI CIRMAH tffflCO WT03 ,s, journed until 10 a.m. on the next day. J WKJ-,V:,TtJ.VK.!- district in this Kingdom, outside of Honolulu, very apathetic in tho matter, bnt tbey can tion, while the remaining huts were evi- T.!ETtTnti.UirnrMteraIIMm 1?,VtfAVM?J scarcely r.i wip wrii- .rruurna w miDrin, rrtrrvs vwf I IOI.I.OMIN" m: A'Ii:i: Seventy-Fift- h Day. Aug. 6th. was passed. remain so. It would indeed be a dently to bo used for guardhouses. Xo '. (Tyrr-ii- uiw wnuie iTJum, mm Kwores u j Tin: YiWrMl - JiaFTiircM 'Section 7, which provides the number of sin and a shame if our unhappy country- sooner had tho prisoners been placed in t 5it J tann-r- o convened at 10. a.m.; prayer .x.-- - Snwiiort! fUatU tl. tnwill.from "Mnp 0 The Assembly men were left to languish much longer Till CiillrelYmlam Mnrll. chaplain'and reading of minutes of the hours such licenses shall authorize Ihc licensee in the huts than their goalcrs commenced to 4ti i w f. mt iiyawif trrmn. fir ' Vrr.fcantM Bi ftvti tmiplihMd cl in rlcnnrrt Rh by the to sell liquor by the glass tobe consumed on the simply becauso they arc "only t In i'ti captivity, nut tip bamboo stockades, making each iiiim tHI4 - Mow'! orr precedins day by the secretary, f LJf LVy - cet n clwav - premises between the hours of G o'clock in the lt1t II AXI Ilcltrr Hnlr snilors." hut a jail by itself. Here, for the rest of - Srd KMiiMS n l"-- llillir- IB Itcprcsentativo 1'ilino offered a resolution gw uwT fem Mat m Quality or uiititi- m.r l'laniii imllealarlr morning D o'clock night, ex- tn - !? j it Ti iiarrf 1 ami l.W and at every day It was on Xovember Stb ot year that his term of capture, tho captain was con-line- rtmrii ffnMf III! rrtiiic lirniir" j,:crn larl.rl that $2,500 bo inserted in the Appropriation lat t t tM't.'UTN, . cept Sunday, was rejected. tho British steamship making jIU I ml'nmlj miJ lrtillne of Bill for Kawaiahao Seminary. Tabled, to be Airt,whilo and here, so far as we know, the Section ?, provides that retailers shall not Aclieen safety, ran ashore on tuo crow considered with the Appropriation Bill. lor lor remain. Tho time hnng heavy on IWitoUj-W- m)2 - sell to minors, nor lo persons who may have On order of the day was taken west coast of Sumatra, and heeled over on their hands. Xo labor was given to mi motion the been convicted twice of drunkenness before them, f It SOLICITED. House went into Committee of the her port bide, a prey to tho heavy sea. She absolute inaction was almost intolera CONSIGNIdENTS OF PADDY up and the any Court the or where such but of the Appropria- in district city liait been trading between liangoon autl Whole for ihc consideration shall have his place of business. A ble, and added to their - Cleghom in the chair. retailer Penang, and had Sonrabava, an im GEEEjNWOOD- tion Bill, Hon. A. S. violation of the above regulation will subject left miseries. At night they heard the cries of "Wiii. M. Kcprescntative F. Brown, moved the item of portant seaport of Java, with 1.S00 tons of anil Proprietor or the the retailer to a fine of not Ic;s than $10 or tigers, and knew that if they did escnpe General Comminiion Merchant $10,000 for the King's Guard. sugar, bound for Port Said for orders; lint from the it woidd be to meet death Trancl-co- . CaO. more than $50 for each and every offenie. hnts TOBACCO INDIA RICE MILLS. Sin Smith thought $10,000 UT Representative thut Representative Hitchcock proved to includo hindered by bad coals and stormy weather, in tho jungle in a worse form than that w than the country under as too much, more the changed her course CC0 from Galle, and which was hanrin" over them every day. can afford. The idea women in above. ciistiii; circumstances in- made for Sumatra, 100 miles away, was s Representative Frank Brow 11 objected lo it .The only chance was the river, but they Cx-ood- of tlio maintenance of an army here was ridi- cluding women with the minors. after 8 o'clock at night when she struck. ma Know 11s name nor wuere ieiu New by !Latc Arrivals culous. All was needed n as a guard for noi it that Reprcsetativc Hitchcock's amendment pre- A. terriflic wind was blowing, and tho rain As a matter it tho only cost $21,000 a few of fact was Tenoin His Majesty. That vailed and the Section passed as amended. was falling in torrents, while, tremendous Biver. and if they had constructed a raft SAN FRANCISCO, cars ago. There was no occasion or need Dukes & Sou, FROM j Section 0, which provides for ihe limits seas broke over the vessel, breaking np tlio great There was no danger in and got on to it, an hour or two would for the increase. which liquors are to be sold to be in the power port boats and out the tires. internal insurrection or disturbincc. putting engine have taken them past Tenom. the village NEW YORK & ENGLAND, of any of the King in Privy Council, was passed. this perilous re- Uepresentalivc Aholo wanted to havctlie In condition tho crew in which they had last been confined. Section 10, which states tho law-- shall con- 11 o'clock, report of the committee apjmintcd to consider mained until when thinking Escape there would have been almost im- tinue in force until Ihc 1st of 1S57, lie had not heard from Uicm January, they could not savo tho ship- - they got out possible, and if thcyhnd escaped that dan- FOR CIGARETTES military matters; was indefinitely postponed. PIPES AND & be know whether they intended to a lifeboat and a starboard boat and made ger tho raft would hnvo been broken by Received by Castle Cooke yet nor did At 5.15 p.m. the Committee rose and reported report or net. for the shore, a mile and a half away. By tho surf that lashes the bar at tho month their action. Report approved and H01130 PORTS. AND Representative Dole said tlio object of the the good fortune they reached it without of the stream. Only practiced boatmen ALSO. TO ARRIVE BY VESSELS DUE TR03I ABOVE then adjourned till 10 a m. Thursday King s Guard was to provide sentries for the morning. losing a man, leaping ont as tho boats rode can pass this bar, and tho sharks are never palace, military un in on the creats of tho waves, nnd seizing and for a small attendance Supreme Conrt of Uie Hawaiian Islands absent. JLOW A TBS state occasions. Tint is all the army was them to drag them high and dry. In this After another period of captivity extend- THE MARKET To Soii EST II In Equity. v be at good for and hardly fft for that. For any they were successful with tlie small boat, ing over thirty-on-e days, tho captain, Mr. parade the guard was too small and utterly MtKuroooA Mr.nsucnoH . Jahks Rkx-t- ox but tho lifeboat broke away and went Kydd (tho second engineer) and tho cook, GOODS worthless, and for such a purpose the Gov ami tiif. Uxiox Mill Co. ashore about half a mile along tho were allowed toleavo tho huts to confer ernment must relr on volunteer companies. Here, then, on strange shore thev OjHHrtm or ChttMCtllorJftt'l. that with tlie English Consul, who was on He supiwrtcd the amendment. He thought twenty-eigh- BROS.,' gathered, t men in all, haff board a Dutch man-of-w- off the coast HYMAN Suitable for PIantations,Country Stores police would to stand guard. Every the do This is a bill in equity to foreclose a mort- clad, their only property somo provisions Kydd was blind at the King's Guard and almost dead time he saw the he was ashamed gage made by the defendant Rcnton on certain and tho ship's papers; around them im- time, and when tho captain asked permis- - That guaid lias nothing to do Or I M1LIKS tnh-r- Filli'il at Shortest Nut ire anil nitli Sati of his country. lands in Kohala, Hawaii, tho estate having penetrable darkness, before them a raging sion to tako him to seo the ship's doctor, but to drill, and ou.-li-l to be the best drilled been transferred to the Union Mill Co. sea, behind them them the nnknown and tho Bajah kicked him contemptuously as to Mention i Called to Our force in the world; 3 ct when on parade they Agents. taction rurrliiTS. The inortgago is for $2,000, w ith interest at perilous bush. ho Sole ere not able to stand in a straight line. lay, and said ho might as well go as dio n S per cent per annum and is dated Sept. 11th, Beforo long ono the crow mado out No money would make them a well-drill- of there. Emboldened by his success, the amount of 1677. It became due 1SS1. The they had Sept llth, some figures moving in tho bush, and after captain asked for tho chief officer; bnt "W company. If a competitive answer admits the execution of tho mortgage Improved Paris 3?L O drill with the Honolulu Rifles, nhiclihadoDlr a tiino tho captain went up to where thoy upon this the Bajah went into a passion, M ' (MINE VIOVi MVlE OF 1VLIM1LD M bYEEL. and ..untnlrtd and the transfer of the estate, but alleges that were, and fivo natives, heavily -,rUIIS been drilling about two months, they would found armed. declaring that if another request wero i t mm IWitr- ttoui nj Mm Mmktiias 1'Jinr In th 3larVt t A!M..(lirrmil.of when the mortgage was due payment was not UaiHl A (Jo , At find left behind. wss a bad They refused to shako hands ivith him, so mado no ono should go all. So the f X1im HpvCnJato iHtrr hi:t'lKr themselves It demanded, though the Co. wil- at - rhrva a'- f W"t 4prl to l.Svtnt 3. tcyiJi defendant was Chinese-America- n piwtJr t kini",wl . irr. IiaBir H,u. state of affairs to the regular force badly he called Ah Ycow, a three men went alone, leaving the twenty-fiv- o i Pick Him Atfcc.O-o- banl e: RaMti Catlrrr. ling and prepared to pay tho amount due, bfi-- t Mom-- . disciplined, as then they could not be relied cook, who told them in tho Malay language behind Crich-to- , toirtLrh qnsllif . India Kubbrr i.libdiitKhaUlw, principal and interest: and on enquiry why it them in charge of Mr. upon. that the crow were English, and that their tho chief officer. AVhat else there is Vijb Packinz. Ft India Itnfcbrr Patki,. i 1 U Inch. was rot demanded defendant learned that the Packin-.nto- r. .1 10 Eng- t !'! r'tIndia KbMmt Mfnt Mjua-- The item was then passed by vutc of de- asistanco would be rewarded by tb" of tho narrative is well known how, that rr L'h'-- linc. - alirlsn. inortgago and note were lost, whereupon r anJ Oil lanl rattwaLtfcjlin!' Ntatf Fwrt Oil, cook man-of-wa- i tr nxnia? Mnn lp d3iathiiirT to II as follows: fendant agreed to pay principal and interest lish Government "N'hilo tho was when once on board of tho the (ioinl speaking another native, who had crept up AVoodhonse DISSTOX'S CELEBRATED SAWS AKD TILES, ALL SIZES: Kii" )ij nK3it a sufficient bond of indemnity being exe- consul would not let Capt. and The next item cuted. The offer to fumisli indemnity vat on his hands and knees, whispered some- his comrades return, how negotiations havo . i, Horn-utc- r - ti ad "tdKl. V'," ItniiHMi ft t arjHiiifTF Marhim-- Hlacknailh A lUjt nJ Mlnlrt thing iu tho car ol one of them, and they gone on without rt at - a Hort and Naili. Gali Sail. Cat:pikr Horn Mttlf Mio dndr. K,0 mado by plaintiff in March 1SS1. Tho proofs intermission, how the i was then taken up and discussed, and finally show that the interest was paid regularly up all withdrew. Soon after this tho light of Itajah declares that the capture of tho passed without chaugc. to the llih March, lssl, and that there was a torch was seen among tho trees, nnd crow was a special dispensation of Provi- Latest Luprovements in Shelf Hardware Representative Smith asked n hat had be- due of interest, np to the llth September; they then discovered that all tho time dence in his favor against the rule of tho come of the bill on the subject of ramie culti- 1851, eighty dollars. Tho sum of $2,000 prin- nehves had been concealed behind trees in i I 'ii,al j Irfj lUt HnMwVi. Hpi.r and Kx4 litc, tAall Paiuir tn Oil. Dutch, how ho would willingly ghe up his v ftu'inrtitt w"Mran(T-i-r- lrnsaiiTnd Vamnw romp . w erten't Tatcttt CfntHfacat vation. He thought that if ramie could be cipal and $?0 interest is paid into Court. Tho the thicket, covering each man of them country to England, bnt how n sudden rr tMaRrrwlnM tn Lahamrrd Kooinx. cultivated here it would be ol great valuo to contest in this case is upon tho question with a miLsket. On camo the torch, until delicacy on tho part of tho Foreign Office" the country. If, after careful investigation, whether the defendant is now liable for full ' CS- - by the light of it they conld discern tho mates tfiem consider .hnglish interference X JZJ X :FS3Z noblo-lookin- g & J2 A. O O 33 & it could be bhonu to be a incaus of increasing interest to date. The defendant contends that presence of a chief, a man, inipossiblo; with tho result that tho crew ffctlap, A (. . Bdl JHw an VfcWwcnt-- Cto. RanU Diaper. the wealth of the country, then the subject interest ceases to run from the time of its oiler decked with a crown of long feathers like nro still captives, and, for all tho Foreign vt1".I.'r-- - n ard OrtlH. l,um Mifiinr. Mplto Ijkt et, Ktr and NffM FltnnrK was one that should be attended to. to pay,-o- the execution of indemnity. Wfaitr Aho, those of an ostrich, and followed by a band Offico is inclined to do, may remain so for n it tf Kiao'lf Tlie report of the committee to whom was The plaintiff contends no legal tender that of fifty men. armed with swords, knhes ever, or at any rato until tho patienco of referred the items on Government buildings was mado and that full interest should bo 1 UROCEKU-S- , Golden Gale, Slar Stiperlinc Flour and muskets. Tho chief, who turned out tho savage chief is exhausted and tho word r MIK k and repairs was taken up. It recommended allowed her. to be tho Ilnjnh of Pangah, beckoned to appropriations to be made as follows: The plaintiff says, in cidcncc, that she is given for the willing Achceneso to At Old Stand, No. 8 Porlljird Crmpiit. the .captain, who went forward and re the Kaahumanii Street, b...i Iwtv t Alf' hfomi Limr and IIji'rtBTic Police Court BuHiIm:;. llimalnW S 19.UU never demanded payment of the mortgage nor butcher them. i)J ccived n gift of bananas, stripping ono Office of Harbor Mislcr Tllots 12.HO authorized any demand on hcrbehalf; also that ac "We Offer THE P.AXACE, Entirrrmrntof r j,m cording to custom as a ot peace, and Oil and Guarante 111 sign Por Keioscne ltfTairt at Cntom Hoa'f -- .... 3,iirj no tender was mado to tier. It is evidence, Central 2Uucrtiscmciit. Kfpair l Gorcrnmtnt EaiWln- - on tun how.cver, that Mr. llrown the attorney for de offering it to tho Itnjah. Theso formali quality or price: also, THE UT 2.IVO wrote, ties over, the Ibijah asked ihern to go into COFFEE & SHEET IRON itcannotbebeatfor Krroie WarthoQee.. P.'IW fendant soou after the mortzazo became Till, WORKER Cocttiisrat S.W0 due, to Mr. Vida, who was acting as plaintiffs tho bush, but the captain pleaded that ho VTJXCAK". a good oil and above test: cnt, mortgage had hurt his side, and that ho wanted to 0. BREWER Tolal.. and ascertained that the and Veil il." note u ere lost and then offered to pay the see tho position of the ship in tho morn On motion, after a short discussion tlie item & CELEBRATED PIANOS amount due, on Mr. Vida's engaging to provide ing; and to this theBajah agreed, sending WOODWARD BROWN'S for new building for liarbor-mast- cr ard pilots HAVE PLUMBING, all suitable indemnity. Tins Mr. Ida declined somo ol Ins men to en-- in its branches;. was struck out, and $12,000 for the witn dried sticks reel, as to do. and matters went alonz nntil March of ablo them lo lisrht a lire. This thev did. 1 ! ajit-v- t Now Onran Co, V 0rsan lijr tho Committee,, was ! In dowl l'iano: listen l'arlor recommended passed. this year, when Brown offered to llrown moved to Mr. pay one bnt tho heay rain put it out; and the JUST RECEIVED Ilcprcscntative F. insert halfof the computed interest, which offer being Artesian Well Pipe, all sizes; SS30 for a ferrx boat across Pearl Hirer. morning that disclosed their vessel bem" fi:it A3u:uicA - Passed. rclnscd, mis bill is brougut. swept away to sea, found them drenched Jones Mortgages, 609, is laid Representative Kanealii moved In on Sec. it to tho skin and wearied out by exposure the insertion down that "it is a settled rule that interest s of 1500 for bridge at Waichn, JIaui. Passed. and suspense. ano-xs- BSOUBMJTH A "., a will cease to run Irom the tiino of tender, when J. daybreak a Representative Hitchcock moved to insert Soon alter banil of armed Bark Ceylon m'mmm tho money really- due upon the mortgage is 5 KTTTJATnJ STREET, HONOLULU, 1.500 for deepening the boat l.mdins at Lau- men arrived, nnd led them a mile nnd a ahd Ko. - actually and properly tendered by a person Uncle S.1111, Medallion. Kicliui.-aJ- , Tip Tup, I'aUcc, Flcn,rMay. Contest, Grand Prize, pahoehoc. half through tho bush to a yillago com ioi.i.oivi.m: having tho light to make the tender, so that tiii: New Uper. Deibi. . DoIIt. OjpsT, Qaecn, l'ansejr.ft Army lianges, Magna Charter, Back, U. H to posed of bamboo huts. Hero they wero Amcnlcd bv Hon. S. ilder 51,000 the inortgagco is bound to accept it." Superior. Magnet, Osceola. .VImedj Eclipse, Charter O.ifc. Nimble, InwooU and Laundry StoYes, and passed. taken before tho Bajah, sat a mat I run Coppt Ware, ; Agents for the 'Superior5 Stove But tested by flic well settled rules of law who on Ualranlznl and r Itoiler tor Itanses, Granito Iron Nickel Plated and Plain Representative Smith moved that the sum of in tho principal hut, turbaned, and with a MERCHANDISE IEALr.L i applicable, no sufficient tender has been shown $10,000 bo appropriated for the purpose of ci-- state to have been made. For a tender must be ab- sword of lying across his knees, its sizes,' on tendms Ualm Jail; amended iijr JlcprcscnUtivc handle gleaming with diamonds pre- Wliicla will Sold Galvanized Iron Water Pipe, all and laid at --g?5 ""LriS solute and unconditional. Xo actual money and be at jAgtWtagg-iJi- L STOVES AND RANGES Richardson to $25,000 and passed at the latter was offered. cious stones. Aided by tho cook, the cap- ! V figure. LOW RATZS I.o-wes- t Mo, Pfrcription of Indemnity is required in case ol a lost note tain made his statement again, and then Pipe, Stmt H"n. Godfrey Rhodes drew the of Rates: Cast Iron and Xead.Soil attention in order the payee may not bo twice liable the Itaian, having looked long at them, the to the fact there had that .. METALWARE OH HAND Committee that bctn on the same instrument, there arc abun- ordered tho captives to pass before him, no provision mado for the Survey Department bat Oil" dant authorities to this iffect that if the note Two light-haire- Dutch sailors seemed to Electric 1& $&'Bi MADE TO OKPEI! bv the Ministcts in their estimate, was 1.105 WATE'n WHITE; rATEXT Xozatc Cans. all kinds; 55a3Hi lie is not negotiable no indemnity can lo rcqnircd. aronso his suspicion. "Are theso English- House Furnishing Goods, the members of Depart- sorry to say that that Xo question is however made in this case as 'Md ment considered themselves badly They men!"' ho asked. Tho captain said they LARD, iii 5 & lb. used. to the right of the plaintiff lo foreclose tho " 10 PAILS ii'Mii'G. miss were all men of scientific attainments and had were. If I thought they wero Dutchmen UUllUEIt HOSU VLL SIZES AND GltADES; SJ'M ET .VOJ.TBACTEI) mortgage upo'n secondary evidence, i. 0. the would kill them now," said tho chief. Lift and Force Pump, t'ialem Galranized Iron, Sheet Copper, " roii. but little of this world's Oods, they had been I EXTRA PRIME Pamr. Sheet Lead, Ill'isiS &$ W liliil certified copy of the mortgage from the Reg- Pipe, Tin Plate, Water CToscts, Blabs Uowla, P95E very efficient in their service but they had Still further to satisfy their captors, the Marble and Knaraeled Wash Stand, , office, the original being WATER PIPE &FirTIFiG$,M(1 the appropriation istrar's lost. captain swore the men were Englishmen, been left out of altogether, I am of the opinion that the plaintiff ought - lie desired to submit that Section 3 of tlie and tho Chinese cook, with a sword held x. rtMn V IfTiui-r- ihc to recover full interest. It was tlie duty of 'tc Appropriation Hill be amended so that Ihe over his head, swore they were English- LAED OIL to sec to pay- words "Employees of the Survay Department"' tho debtor Ins creditor, make his men also, for tho sight of a Dutchman i.v n.itiu:r.s ami casi.s CfrandeMers, lamps, ment and make legal of tho Lanterns Montague Range, the Section to proffer money, bo inserted in alter the words if he expected to stop interest. inflames tho passions of tlfso tribes of - 1:1 Courts." M.t HZEf- "Circuit Decree accordingly. Acheeuese, and swift nnd crnel death is Representative Hitchcock offered a Tar and Pitcn, further M. Moi.scrrat for plaintiff; C. inevitable. At last the Itajah's lingering circuurs no ff.ices oh afpucuion the words "Expenses J. Brown for TELEPHONE No amendment, that Insane suspicion were removed by tho sight of 211 Jr Asylnm" be also added in the Section." defendants. Honolulu, July 22d, I SSI. the Union Jack, which the captain un- COAL 1 Fl!I Hon. C. R. Uishop still further amended by furled beforo him, and thereupon ho left Casks Family Use. Mil the addition, the word "Prisons" in the In for M after Supreme Court of tho Hawaiian Islands the hut, and tho captured crew saw noth- MIDI LLXNG-HA- to Queen's KECOMMIAXIl HE Section, the words, "Aid Hospital." Jnlr Term, 1884. In Banco. ing of him or his men until next day. & Go. All of the amendments wcro approved and Gehtz vs. Gebtz. Here they remained for nino days, with I3E2.03NT Have passed and at 12 noon, the Committee roso and no dry clothes, and nothing to SAFES Received a Full Line of the Favorite took a recess nntil 1 JO p.m. but rice ASSOKTr.l) SIZES I JrJl, C. J., HcChIIi atl A H,ff, J.-J- . Opinion nf cat. Anxnsoox. fit Lwffrr bit Jmltt, c. J. One night at ten o'clock tho captain was Dillingham Breaking; On reconvening the consideration of the Ap- called ont of tho with tho interpreter, CUMBERLAND COAL Plows The Attorney for Anna M. Gerlz to hut propriation Bill was considered and the fol- cxcepls and taken beforo. another Itnjah, to whom lowing Sections wens discussed: a refusal of the Chief Justice to tax bis statu tory the Chief of Pangah was subordinate. CARD MATCHES . Tit i.trx.n.vM 3. Representative Dole mo ed to amend Section fees. The cases were first a suit by Mrs YCEtAN 1)11.1 IMillAM Gertz against her husband for a separation, in This was tho Bajah of Tenom, with whom I, which reads: "The Minister of Finance the Dutch had been at warfaro for thirteen Fairbanks Platform Scales, shall not cause or allow to bo paid from the which the Court denied her petition, and. sec FURROW PUOWS, ond, a libel for divorce bj Mr. Gertz acainst years, a man described as savage and PAKIXHl SBTS, " RICE PLOWS Treasury any money for objects not provided bloodthirsty. He low AVlOIfrXD MZKIl PIANOS . by this law," by adding the follow in: "Sor im wnc, which was dismissed by the Court. was of stature, but Upon no theory tlie his shoulders were twice as for anr object herein authorized over and above can items claimed bo broad as an UEDIJOOM SKTS, j j OKOANS, Ta 1 taxed against the husband in the wife's suit ordinary man's, and his teeth and nails, ASH OAKS, trtr. lu 1.1 Inrli. tlie amount appropriated tlicrctor. 16.17.18 fl ' -- for separation, for this failed. red with the nut, ODD ' v.& - Tho amendment prevailed, when Section S suit uso of tho betel gave CIIAIItr QUlTArtS, was read as follows: "Xo person holding It has not been the practice of this Court to him a fierco appearance. His men wero Axe Handles, Tl-- tax in matrimonial litigation the statutory armed with muskets and swords, DINING TABLES, ',' ACCORDEQNS, iHirran-".i',ut,m- "S- - " xht PLOW WORKS more than one office for which salaries arc and wore O , " ""H"' JWUNE of attorney's fees, the allow- ,. ."" ".'i1.''H.iw liurafaetarr.ii tbe Steel lie-- proided shall be authorized to draw more bnt Court makes an the rangong, or short dagger. This inter Pick Handles, e nre .vqrnts tor ai IaiM ance to tlio wife's counsel, asked OBNTBB TADWH, OZi VIOLINS, this forand the o "omumewiu. Mijiutaetoty. Apptowd Sittsr than the salary of the highest grade of office if view yielded no result, and tho next Cotton Waste, circumstances warrant it, and this has been j Calti valors, Horse Hoes, & Harrows, held by him. if the salary of anr office held bv captain and his men got out of tho Salt, Plaster, JIATTIIKSSKS, BANJOS, him shall amount to two thousand dollars or considered to occupy the place of taxed costs, and went down Old Pattern Moline Plows, practice hut towards tho beach, ' more per annum, and lie shall be entitled to no This of the Conrt beintrnow nues- - whero thoy found two PILLOWS, Plantation Tools, all kinds ; tioncd on this appeal, about hundred fight A Choice Selection of FLOTBS, other or farther comncnsolion." PassrH. it seems to us to be proper ing men. After some parleying, the chief Diflerential and fitting that the ordered to bo Pulley Blocks, Representative Dole moved to insert another officer was allowed to go on board tho ! "UOS, IIAIIMONIOAS, Buckeye Mowers. .Tnpk--K paid by the husband should tako tho place of J Hvdraulin section, to be section C, to read as follows: stranded steamer, rowed by four of the GHRS statutory fees. This is tho practice in somo ' ! Fodder Cutters, Garden & Caual Barrow's, "Contracts for building public works, furnish- sailors, and accompanied by six of tho JIATTINU,: STRINGS, ing material, provisions and other supplies stales ol Ibc American Union. Whipn Rajah's men, and camo back with clothes, Lubricating Oils, an ard ed under this Act, shall be awarded only Sec vs. Wliinp, 51 X. IL. 2t2. Barrel Shocks Turpentine, Kerosene Oils The rule of Court referred lo, "that costs somo of which wero given to tho crow and 1 iou, raant and Uagons. un auvcmsenieni lor puuuc lenaers. ya arnu4iri,bladrbak' Fire proof Sales and Boies, shall follow the judgment in all original ac- somo to the natives. The Rajah of Tenom EXCELSIOR, tire LitinciiwIwBv KurmihiDc Goods. Idinps, ChamlelH-rs- Lantrms, Ac, Ac. The Minister of Interior said this would two - tions," certainly docs not apply to suits apper took a box of thousand cigars, giving ..unI. rnavlantli amrin". W r aim I kf- i r jtl t --SW hamper a certain administration of the funds lu ot hur and wl! It-- Pnci. taining to t& matrimonial for in ten to tho captain, bnt saving they wero IIII.I.IM.1IAM A .. His method had becu for the year, as far as relation, these T lurl Mrrrl 1110 Husband, as tlio party not for such men Phaiton Curts practicable, to award contracts after proper only responsible, as the sailors. Xoxt day -- advertisement, jet frequently there is nothing has to pay costs whether losing orwinninghis tho captain visited tho ship again, and t HANDY PHETONS, ' EtE3a:o"7jai,. i A Talhek IL WoDWoBTM. more misleading than the answers that will case. found her rifled. This was his last visit We consider that the authority of the Conrt tho JN for tho Y come to advertisements, cited as a case to Itajah of Tenom said EOOME-P rimmcTvBs r lie tbe the tiro ito, New of whero it cost the Government less than by ad- over allowances for wife's expenses of it was his property, and if the Englishmen Styles Carriages, vertisement for contracts: "The contract for luesuu excepts sacn cases irom (lie operation were found wandering on the beach again 01 me A.KRAFT, CRYSTAL new bridges in the of Hilo. ten- general rule. bo SODA WORKS district Had thoy would killed. Exceptions overruled. ders been called for, they would have cost 30 That day, when they wero in tho hut, C. YV. Ashford for "Wsig-on- J Our Goods are Acknowledged Best ! lo 10 per cent more than by private contract. exceptions. ExpreKS f the six sur- Honolulu, Angus hundred men from tho mountains OPrillAiN, JEWELER and The Pacific Bridge Co. of California offered to t 1th, 1S9I. rounded it, declaring they wero Dutch- NO 'CORKS, build these bridges for certain figures, but Remarkable Presence of Mind. men, and calling on tho Bajah to turn Ladies' Phaetons, WATCHMAKER, stated that if put up for public tender, they them adrift, so that they might butcher liiiiipiii, mmm CIDER "We Use would not consider tlicmsolvcs boundtoadhcre incre were a aozen cm icuows sittinz on a them. This was an anxious tune for the VINEGAR, Patent Stoppers to those figures. bench in Seventh And in Ward Park talking on vari- seamen. Not a shutter was lifted, savo Dealer Musical Instruments. 1b all IWtllW, Familra Kcprescntative Rowell said the proposed ous subjects, HAND CARTS, er l tta and finally they bczin to tell when the Bajah of Pangah camo to seo AMD ' ICtiJi mvrr roiniimdiav Section would liampe the Minister but very stories of the wonderlnl feats of rtl iitp ttaArtv presence of dark-visage- d a , - lifi-r- them, and then tbey could sec tho tun - Srm k Id ham little if any. is not bound to accept EASTERN MADE i 'inti. Jle the mind tbey bad witnessed. One old gentleman mountaineers scowling OXCARTS Ginger Ale "but Ion est or any tender. Perhaps be would have told of the building of a mill down in at them HIS RECEIVED. PER BUTE JHPORTATIOXS, ours York through tho window, longing to dip their been surprised if he had advertised for tenders State where a number of upright posts had to 11 .dlJltln fiULDREX try ron for the Hilo bridges to find that other parties be put into about six feet of water with the daggers in their blood. This Bajah was SUGAR BAGS, end more friendly his superior, PICTURE could build those bridges as cheap as Ihe Pa- resting on the rocky bottom. In than tie Chief 2X38 FRAMES - lowering ono ! cinc linage company. of these )osts the end becamo entangled in the of Tenoin. Ho would do littlo friendly FXTE GOODS OURSODAWATER Representative Aholo said secmsd him coat tail of a acts by night, sometimes coming with two it lo man in boat who was steady- 3r a - C. BREWER & COMPANY E3-v7-ar- U ddiiY oar IuxmU Tree nt that by this step they were ignoring chickens, which was hardly feather , W Chare lo all parti the Civil lug 11, anu 100K mm 10 me uoiiom, out beore a each Of oftlrtl'llv. Engineer. Accordinz to his idea, it was nart he could become untancted he was pinned 'fiat among twenty-eigh- t, bnt was still a great iDesoarliJtiorL 3" TLTiZ 31. eairfal atlpatian ld to Inland S3 33 32-- Unlat Addtrva of this Engineer's doty to make estimates of under six feet of water. "With wonderful pres treat , tS COLD. fclLVEU, Ar '&.I THe Crystal Soda "Works, ail bridge wort, and report the same to the ence 01 mind," said tbe itoryteller, "he slip- Early on tho ninth day of their captivity SALAMANDER FELTING Minister ot interior. ped out of his coat and came op. His coat the crew wero called out of I GOLD & SILVER WATCHES Representative Smith repeated their bamboo FOB I O BOX 397 HONOLLLU. II I. what he had remained under tbe post." hut, and found in tho villago evident pre- '$ said on several previous occasions relative to A lean fellow who r- - - had been MADETO tar-- StesiM ORDER. vm a e or ffcg- parations for a march. About thirty fight- (''ovcriug Boilers, Pipes m.kc.jeb At ofjE TELEPHONE IS NO. 298. 3 general bad administration and wasting and listening np, remark-abl- came saying; "That's a o men were there, in charge of tho chiefs squandering of the public moneys. He con- incident, but nothing to what I saw right ing ETC.. CTC Musical Instruments, eiirArrtirft nitli Brnton. Mitfa C Xo III sidered the amendment proposed wise here in brother, and without a word of any sort Fori Nrwl. will refcirg aurlioti. wit a one, Milwaukee bay about thirty years Saves 25 por Cent, t mm and could not hamper any honest administra- ago." they wero marched away, toiling for ten of Fuel. hours through the jangle. Once away 105 & 107 JT CUE10S JS ENDLESS TABXETY.-- a tion; but it will be a check on those who did was it?" asked all the party at once. PEICE BEDUCED TO $7.50 BBL. FORT STREET, POR SALE. not wish to administer honestly. "Well, you see the end or the over there? from the littlo village, nestling amomj the ) ilcxamiiitWi3l4ailyeStocl. od Ttrnvill pier THEO. H. &. The Committee then rose and reported pro- I was out there in a boat with a friend. We cocoanut trees, they saw no hut and no DAVIES Co,, Fowler's Patent Tramway, gress to- - the Assembly, asking leave to sit had started for a fish, and had taken our guns new face until that weary day was over. 33C02a'OXaXJ.TJ, 3EC. X. AIES of aU Mnds. again. along to shoot ducks if any should happen Their progress was slow, for tho yegeta-tio- n , 11 HNiad JUlb It roonillaiH Hon. Molt Smith, from Select Commit along, which was a of Achecn luxuriant beyond des- Rough J. a common tbintr in those is Bed-wood- and Island tee, .reported a substitute for tbe Minister of days. Well, wa hadn't been there "long be- cription, and their movements were ham Orders will j suUders" CLEAE, Receive Prompt an , WithPatent SteelSleepers Interiors Postal Sarin? Bahir Hill- - Ilrnort fore I, in some way, lost my powder-hor- n pered by the dense undergrowth. Fire approved acd bill vrai read a Erst and second overboard, and it annk lo thirty feet of water. times they had to cross rivers, sometimes Of all kinds. cnpuiraivr,. Caao Cars. time by title, ordered to engrossment audio There itlay on tb bottom in plain sight. My np to the waist, onco np to the chin. 2o third reading on the 1 1 Ui inii. friend said ho would dive lor it. 1 tried lo time was riyen them to rest for food. Thev Tor Salo ty OarefullJAtteiitioiu T - T.I;-- j. wractJiyJiiBi not to. both was dctsnairied. marched through grores resin-prodn- of a.wers Cook. (1038) --r.rwafcifeiiil V


Committee, reported favorably on the bill to I noticed ho didn't tako off his powder-hor- n, ing trees, whilo around Uiem rose stately (Dtutral 3irnrrtisrmtnts. (Central ncrtisriiicnts. (Bazett prohibit the posting of bills upon any property and before I conld call attention to it ho was palms, casting their shade on tho flower luiuaiiiut or premises without the owner's consent; also in the water. I wailed about twenty mi- ing pianis anu snrnrjs mat carpcieu mo a substitute for tho bill to prevent the wasto nutes" forest path. WEDXKSDAY, AUGUST 13 J681. of artesian well water on the island of Oahu. "Twenty minutes! tucy all exclaimed. Late at night tkoy suddenly emerged MILLS Both bills wcro read twice and ordered to a "That's tho exact time, my friends. I held from tko forest nnd found tkemselves in itfDIA RICE The Hawaiianlegislature third reading on the 12th inst. my watch in my hand .ind timed him. After anotker village, a largo one, close to a Representative Dole desired tho President twenty minutes I began to get a litllo nervous, river. Tkis tke- - fonnd to bo tko village . of tho Board of Health to state whether the and looked over the side of the boat, and what of Tenom, fivo miles from the sea and only 1SS4-- Board had permitted young, healthy children do you think I saw?" twelvo miles Session parents or friends. suppose your friend, lying uu the bottom from Pangak, wkere tkey to visit Molokai to scu their "I were last keld captive, so tkat tkey must XHS Sercnty-Fonrt- h Day. Ang.Iith. . Tho President of the Board of Health said of the lake, drowned," ventured one. u kavo been led by to that thcro had been several applications tor "Xo, aro wrong. Hero is whero ho roundaboutpatks, LiEBicr $5 aitkuxoox. p'coplc visit Molokai and take children with showed his presence of mind and dirty thiev- mislead tkem as to distance. Tkere were mi4mrv&. "; H to Dlsponsaryi b . I. DJ , WMiL'JMJfcai-Wbi- b-- j '.. many lints in this village, built on posts, TrXvato ' A1 " r TIio fonimitlpc rcsscnililcil at 1:30, anil them. He had invariably refused. Xo permit ing disposition. Thcro ho sat un tho bottom -- y fX OtusT Sxsssr. Bjcs rfcurcoco. Cu. "MW MKEXHHEMK ,.a CO ' ilrma in tl.e of nnd thev wero led to tko largest of tkem, Comlactcfl by QsafliW aad Surgroa- -1 1 V mSicSctwiuSJ- -. rfllK3fSfltsS Ov'A rf rcfcumol llic coiniJcration f llic had been issued by himself orby the Secretary the lake pouring tho powder out of ruy horn ' rhrncfans Airoprialiou Hill, tlie fulluwins bcins passed: of the Board. People have beeu permitted to mo ins own, and wiuslling. ono with a double floor. Hero tkey re- ".Of atspTtia il.1m Miimlii In tft TTnf tM Stmt . mi Bitina 11 .n mrunju i 0 K KiiotIm-- IVnnI of lliallli S 83.UU thcro to in the erection of buildings Xn rpnlv was made bv ativ of his listeners. mained eigkt days. On tko fourth day W iirr Yimnnrt. nrrim uai i 2 Crnrral gn assist f L mf mMASrcn CITUS of i ; i:nililin;adnulnlalnhiz W,"J bnt on no account to remain any length ultimo bpt each una quietly ;ut up, looking sucpi-cious- ly word camo tkat a Dutch hawker was in r &J1 iMvaf, Cbn ' o ami Mcitixb Dtoranra, AflfeCttona ol S3 w wi W Ilf pairs anil carr of lnarantlne.. r trio III004. .Kidney. Crnptl an , ii a ,! akin Bladder 'l3Bi' 1 .'' in the settlement. at the story teller, and left him alone, tho village, selling goods. Tho kawker ckm LJ RnniilGrntir.ii of the ul Hie Justices ipriiiu 7Mrp. Hwtiiiarai uianai. warn On motion tho Assembly convened in Com- master uf the situation, t-- turned to a to r TXonlli. Throat, llone lalM.Dermaiientlr cared ami 1 vet taken and r out bo spy, carrying; letters eralli-aU- x (mm tfi nTttm fnr lifX. of llio Supreme Court was then tip Jffltf-- mittee of the Whole and proceeded to consider ? as tho captain from tko Assistant Besident at IMMCDUnii? Qb.lit7Imprtt8Bcy.STnlBaiLeKi,Scraal0citi j - .jl-- e . 5 passed lollows: the bill rcgulato tho sale of tILlllUUu Henta. 13d Povtical Wmwwj, railisr Memory yn- W "to THE YARN OF THE NISEKO. Olekleu, and from tko commander of a S balarjfhlrf Justice liquors," Xnkcleka in the 1 noa Ejvt auaiirv uoTxiiTjracnu iraptaimwia io mumrw, sic p. Wn llcprescntalhc Dntck man-of-wa- Tko tenor of tkeso I frera excesses of vattt&f jI folLes. or uv exan. i9MLlf. ufshr tad 3 Salary btTonil.oclal,Jntlr' 1U1U chair. Romantic Story of Shipwreck nnd Impris I rrrti-i- rurA. onment- - British seamen in (Japlivity. letters was tkat tkey were in tko kands of i Von tier Jlldiflaklwdamf OldmM.tnrlill wtWtitf ttimII. SBjSfes" The fnllowin" item was ordered inserted in Section 2, which provides fur the possession a ferocious savage, wko was dead to all I ml ftkllt UKl rVMrlittM.mmntt th rUt Vnmrmn lhnltan of distilled being prima facio evidence I 0 1 once. HborluluncwtaiwuUnv.andinayeiTafaturs misery and llic Hill: liquor Lo.ndo.v, Mny 31, 1SSJL sense of konor, and tkat tkey must not bo lBbamhVheniaConTenlcntlTkltUraritTforUTAbnlLmMnr thereof, after lengthy ebser-rallva.l-t iFREITCQItTT Had pay, flerV 3rd Jndiclat Clrcnlt Court. lij of tho distillation was, a Altkoturk many of us katl heard some obstinate ob- canbesroteTrr7Wtf)yrxprv3frfrom 107,109 & 111 STREET in anytking, lest additional 1 U idHTtlenttil DbTlIeLlTi Whortnt fahi vhAln BttxitVin tnm. Tlie rcnort of tue Select Conimillce rccom- - debate, passed. thing about tko crew of a British steamer stacles should bo put in tho way of tkeir allowance of an annual salary of Section 3, which increases tho wholcale being tfee miry. fenowii Ktbh.iiTqneaur rtcommrod du&enltencsto Sail Fi'ancisco. mendinc tlie detained in captivity by a certain release. nreumr..iliTiiiiii"Mu wuuq rTrrr nawn Rwa rem - 10,000 and office expenses to the Hawaiian liquor license fiom $250 to $500, was passed. Bajak of few, knevr rdy b nscrt. The Dortnr'fc Ac mod experience nuke fth YH.KhiriM:.vcTicAM:xri:i:i- Tcnom, I fancy, tko On tko morninjr of tko day tkey ana rm i:ici:nr,i.s. mtkiiss - Section 4, which increases the jobbing eisktk jiuimii w mapixmo imiinncna I inula Iti'ti .'aitailM EijlflriMtr ltrffnt Imprmcmi'iit- irenowthf tioarr( iniwncctlon Consul at San Francisco, ami mat all consular true-- Yarn of tko Niscro," till it was re- A.C lOB AWCIWT. fJOIHaiPUKjnq IIPQ waVta ln1 IVrt-ctl- 111. mt wcro again called out, and kad to prepare luwwnwwiii nwi".nm For Th ' liln ami if U...lll,.T mint niirtTlllnl vlcl thrfe collected by official be paid into the license from $500 lo $1,000 was rejected. cunuuruiini. unmriuca OATOUUietl 1Q OO I t ot Paddy, WIllCIi fees that lated in tko "Ecko" tko other day. Tko imitv-- I 1 T' i mi.d. ot"Mnlianli lcl:i" In m JHMinds uf I'atMr arrnnhtic to quality llir fixes for anotker inarch, and after a ten konrs' .'n'i'i . ItiMW aMMWStap Proprietor Trcasurj , was taken up and after Section 5, which the retail license at m I i limn itiar t,. i Millf lb latf and imrTovpinrnt. the Han aiian carno AVodo-- nr irorior iriuaffiTfiirlorn.XB.lOfJfm ti ,imlit "f thre inanis information direct from Cant. jonrney camo tL'-'-- ' ' 1 considerable discnBsion was laid on the table. $2,000 instead ot $1,000, with a bond of $5,000 tkoy to a placo wkero five flat "knit "i,cucTU. vwigrwnin, JionrsiMUj.irDni kouso (tko skipper of tko unlncky vessel), river-sid- r j v uiariruuui umujfc w ID J OUI Ja rose reported was rejected. knts kad been built by tko sa t aisTumiM jo iiXLiuzaEST rmxi Aoanaannil i Largely Reduce the Rates for the Hulling & Cleaning of Paddy. The Committee then anil back and may bo rclieil upon as strictly correct. s enabled to to the Assembly. At 3:35 the Assembly ad Section C, which provides fur the conditions Tkree centre ones, fifty yards apart, kad under which licenses can be granted fur any So far, tko Government seem to kave been evidently been prepared for tkeir recep- DiL LIEBIC'S MJHDEBFUt CEHHAH HYHMTOS journed until 10 a.m. on tho next day. apathetic district in this Kingdom, outside of Honolulu, very in tko matter, bnt tkey can tion, wkilo tko remaining kuts wero evi- iimt:7FTeTentsUUnnat3ralLtifromllir5tn, uio m sirvucurrns u mtarirs, crwTKS um l tiii; KII.UHWM1 ?nr in; a?ii:ii : SeTontj-.rifU- i Day, AtiR. 6th. was passed. scarcely remain so. It would indeed bo a dently to bo used for guardkonses. No tp iiiTyrr.rai..- m wnwf ijium, anu nstocta tu j 'Section 7, which provides the number of sin and a skame if our unkoppy country- .vi l ari lanri-c- o Assembly convened 10. prayer sooner kad tko prisoners been placed in IM "' "' from mj The at a.m.: miw wyiww tmimt rxuur uHUUin I i Mlrlrll.i Till Entire rreeilom MniM..clI, hours such licenses shall authorize Iho licensee men were left to langnisk muck longer in tko kuts tkan tkeir goalcrs J oT in Uic by the chaplain and reading of minutes of tlie commenced to Mf r'HI tHrtimt r,,imtrm,tm,t. Itf Kin flfti rfiiplhnd rlcnnril - it MtfoWv I ' .nit SmlnslnltiralHil..! ii n !li near sr-- o to sell liquor by the glass tobe consumed on the captivity, simply becauso tkey are "only bamboo t ceni preceding day uy the secretary, run up stockades, making cack rmf,mwmtm4lHifiArrm'y(; rMTnu. it C it f Clwninc AMIXlr-lli- Itnle tlwaj" premises bctu ccn tho hours of o'clock in the sauors. ISM rMliilhMtlM.ia t JIiH f jail by - rrtM,al. 3rd Vjiifits Iti Kate i:rllr juullculatlt In Jtcprescntativo iilipo ouercd a resolution kut a itself. Here, for tko rest of .l'r..i.ft"Ti rvr- nrmii r ttrvrr "" " mrtf 1 i;ieiinr in Qnahtyof our lnHl morning and 9 o'clock at night, every day ex- Stk u ulrrmtitp Tt tut- 4fh rrhiiriN nnd Market bo inserted in the Appropriation It was on November ot last year tkat kis term of capture, tko captain was con-line- ' tt, fMvtt Wa- l.n:rrM that $2,500 cept Sunday, was rejected. till mftrmllj nihH lrmillnrf Iirtpr ltill for Kawaiahao Seminary. Tabled, to be tko British steamskin Xitero. wkilo makintr nnd kere, so far as we know, tke WP - f lrr,tr t ll uk.ff4 Section 8, provides that retailers shall not for Ackecn for safety, askoro on tko .IQ1J ..TV.'. Y,IBOfn.,1.r,Cl considered uith the Appropriation liill. ran crow remain. Tko time hung heavy on - sell (o minors, nor to persons who may have ' B m7 Kit- uMiUraf.2tUlMaatLrMChD On of the day was taken west coast of Sumatra, aud keeled over on motion the order been convicted twice of drunkenness before tkeir kands. No labor was given to tkem, lt r tr PADDY SOLICITED. ur and the House went inlo Committee of the ker port side, a prey to tko keavy sea. Sko but intolera- CONSIGNMENTS OF any Court in the district or city where such absoluto inaction was almost Whole for the consideration of tho Appropria- kad been trading between Rangoon and n shall have his place of business. ble, and added to tkeir tion Bill, Hnn. S. Cleghorn iu the chair. retailer A Penang, and kad Sonrabaya, "Win. M. GRTSEJN WOOD, A. violation of the abovo regulation will subject left an im miseries. At nigkt they heard tho cries of Jlrotrn, moved llic item or portant seaport ot of licnrcscutativo 1. the to fine of not less than $10 or Java, witk 1,800 tons of tigers, and knew that if tkey did escape General Commixloit Merchant anil Proprietor the 10,000 for Iho King's Guard. retailer a more than $50 for each and c cry offense. sugar, bound for Tort Said for orders; but from tko lints, it wonld lie to meet death INDIA RICE MILLS. San Trancifco. CL Representative Smith thought that 910,000 kindered by stormy UT TOBACCO Representative Hitchcock nioved to bad coals and weatker, in tko jungle in a worse form tkan tkat was too much, more than the country under include w omen in tho above. ckauged ker courso CG0 from Galle, and wkick was kanging over tkem every day. existing circumstances can afford. The idea Representative Frank objected in- mndc for Sumatra, 400 miles away, it was Tke only ckanco tko tkey the maintenance of an army here was ridi- Broun to was river, but Goods by Late Arrivals of cluding women with tho minors. after 8 o'clock at nigkt wken sko struck. did not know its name nor whero it led. New culous. All waB needed was a gnard for that Iteprcsetative Hitchcock's A ternfkc wind was blowing, and tko ram As His Majesty. only cost 521,000 a few amendment pre- a matter of fact, it was tho Tenom That vailed and tho Section passed was fiillin'' in torrents, wliilo tremendous FROM SAN FRANCISCO, years ago. Thcro was no occasion or need as amended. Bivcr, and if they had constructed a raft & Son, Section which provides for iho limits seas broko over tko Dukes for the great increase. There was no danger 9, in vessel, breaking up tko and got on to it, an hour or two would which liquors aro to be sold to be in the power port boats and out tko & ENGLAND, of any internal insurrection or disturbince. putting engino lires. kavo taken them past Tenom. tkc village NEW YORK of tl.e King in Privy Council, was passed. tkis perilous ro- - Iteprcscntativc .Vliolo wanted to nave Uic In condition tkc crow in wkick tkoy kad last been confined. Section 10, which states law con- report of tho committed appointed to consider tho shall mainea until XI o clock, when thinking Escape tkero would have been almost im- tinue in forco until the 1st of J.muary, military no not Heard mem 1837, tkey could not savo tko skip tkoy got out possible, and if they kad escaped dan matters: iiad Irom was indefinitely postponed. tkat FOR PIPES AND CIGARETTES jReeeived by Castle & Cooke jet nor did lie know whether they intended to a lifeboat and a starboard boat and made ger tho rait would havo been broken by At 5.15 p.m. the Committee rose aud reported for tko skore, n milo and a kalf away. By tiio report or not. their action. Report surf tkat laskes tko bar at tko mouth VESSELS DUE FROM ABOVE PORTS. AND Iteprcscntativc Hole said tho object of the approved and the Huuso good fortune tkey reacked it witkont of tko stream. practiced boatmen ALSO. TO ARRIVE BY then adjourned till 10 a m. Thursday Only King s Guard was to provide sentries for tho morning. losing a man, leaping out its tko boats rodo can pass tkis bar, and tko skarks aro never palace, and small military attendance on in on tko crests of JK for a Supreme Conrt of the Hawaiian Islands tko waves, and seizing JLOW RST ATES Etato occasions. That is all the army was Equity. tkeni to drag tlicm kigk and dry. In tkis anotker period of captivity extend- THE MARKET To is tfoii fft In , at good for and hardly for that. For any tkey wero successful witk tko small boat, ing over tkirty-on- e days, tko captain, Mr. . - parade the guard was too small and utterly Makxoaxoa Mr.n&Dtrnoii Res-- GOODS vs. Jamks but tko lifeboat broko away ttnd went Kydd (tko second engineer) nnd tko cook, worthless, and lor sucli a purpose the Gov TOX AXD TUB U.MOX' MILL Co. askoro about kalf a milo along tko coast. were allowed to leavo tko kuts to confer ernment must rely on volunteer companies. Here, tken, strango Opinion ot Chtwrtlior JihM. on tkat skoro tkey witk tko English Consul, who was on lie supported the amendment, lie thought twenty-eigk- t gatkorcd, men in nil, kalf board a Dutch man-of-w- coast, HYMAW BROS.,' Suitable for PIantations,Country Stores the police would do to stand guard. Kvcry off tko This is a bill in equity foiculose a mort- clad, tkeir only property somo provisions was time he saw the King's Guard he was ashamed lo Kydd blind and almost dead at tke gage inado by the defendant Benton on certaiti and tko skip's papers; around tkem im- time, and wken tko captain asked permis- 1 s his guaid has nothing do Or I VTIIIilKS. Onli-r- rilleil at Sliorli'-- t Xotirc and willi Sativ of country. That to lands iu Kohala, Hawaii, the estate having penetrable darkness, tkem a but to and nujlit to be the best drilled beforo raging sion to tako kim to seo tho skip's doctor, drill, been transferred to the Union Mill Co. soa, leu on bekind tkem tkem tko unknown and tko Bajak kicked kim contemptuously as iacliim to rurclniM'i. Attention is Called to Our force in tho world; yet when parade they The morlgago is for $2,000, with Sole Agents. were not able to stand iu straight line. interest at perilous busk. ko lay, and said ko migkt as well go as dio a S per cent per annum and is dated Sept. 11th, No amount of racnoy would raako them v. Beforo long ono of tke crow mado out tkere. Emboldened by kis success, tko a 1877. It became due Sept. 11th, 1831. Tho company. they had a competitive some figures moving in tkobusk, and after captain asked for tko ckief officer; "W If answer admits the execution of tho but Improved Paris PL O drill with tho Honolulu J'iflcs, which had only morlgago a tinw tko captain went up to wkero tkoy upon tkis tko Bajak went into a passion, lMRIs IMOW MlDLOF IUL1M1LI AM bTEKI,, antl (.iiarmilicd and the transfer uf the estate, but alleges that werc, fivo i.IMIM J Alt-ti- been drilling about two months, they would and found natives, keavily armed. declaring if request" wero uhIii tt If ot Jleticr, Mimi mi Mcei ltrrakiiic l'low hi lln MarLf other tt.aLr tf when the mortgage was due payment was not that another Mrtr-i- lland of Mulinr JMm & Co , At tlis.: I'loni, nnd themselves left bchinu. was a bad Tkey refused to skako kands witk kim, so mado no ono l'lw C.. Irr It demanded, though wil- should go at all. So tko It IMatifi Jr. n kim , mad Mm- -i 1erl loouronlw rifttilvrt'JItH,). I. ?bih! 8; Isejtli the defendant Co. was Chinese-America- n i state of affairs to have the regular forco badly kc called Ak Ycow, a tkreo men went alone, twonty-iiv- o i . unit I'm k Mmtink lHtk, Ilm. AUc. . Air aud oilirr Iiatidlcv: CallcTF. ling and prepared to leaving the ldniit Iks pay tho ainouut due, I,. it u .t" lilt Ii.lHi-- t qnallt. India ltablrr llor. ',, 4 1t. IK ld .' furli. Ox oLr, disciplined, as then they could not relied cook, wko told tkem in tkc Malay languago bekind tkem in ckargo of 3Ir. Crick-to- i i'- - - FtirpTB. principal and interest; and on enquiry why it i 1m lntr- ud ttil catlr. l'tirtalilr Lacl AiiiIn ' Hairowr upon. tkat. tke crow wcro Englisk, and Hint tkeir tko officer. AVkat Ntifl M.' racMii;., )I rt flat India llublrr Mitn 1'bi li. ( U iwili, was pot demanded defend mt learned that the ckief else tkere is -, The item was then passed bj .i vutc of 10 bo Eng- -- ii Mttil Iati and !rlnp, India KtiMifr Mmni racklti muiid antl Mjiia- nil lzc, inortgago and nolo n ere lost, whereupon de- would rowarded by tkn of tho narrativo is well known how, that B illwt mrrrtiipand Mwu V d MarbmcTT Oilf Intel, SLil iliudr, IN at twit Oil, to 11 as follows: lisk cook fendant agreed to pay principal and interest Government. While tko was when onco on board of tho man-of-wa- tko Klnj's (inanl $ J0.1KO wko DISSTONS CELEBRATED SAWS AND TILES. ALL SIZES; upon a sufficient bond of indemnity being exe- speaking another native, kad crept up consnl would not lctCapt."Voodkonse and The next item cuted. The ofTer to furnish indemnity va on kis kands nnd kuces, wkisperod somo kis comrades return, kow negotiations kavo . .i kMftiV and Mtibl r Flit ", HnnimiT fnr arpenlfn, Marlnui'tx. HltckMiiitb)' A UoolMnr?'. v rUtanilMlntrf 3S,uo tking in tko ear of ono of tkem, nnd they nli- - Mmz l!oir nnd Jlulr Mini Ni, (IU Nailc. Cnt HptLr JIon JIolo hlio i llanil. made by plaintiff in March 1SSI. Tho proofs gone on witkont intermission, kow tko was then taken up and discussed, and finally show Hut the interest was paid regularly up all witkdrow. Soon after tkis tko light of Bajak declares tkat tke captnro of tko 1 TiBB3Egfijjif.Hf "jiaELghsd aJjBWwaaiaTa"aaBByBFaytwt paBscd without chaugc. to the Illh March, 1831, and that there was a torck was seen among tko trees, nnd crow was a special dispensation of Provi- Latest Iuiproveraents in Shelf Hardware Iteprcscntativc Smith asked ulut had be- due of interest, up to tho 11th September; tkey tken discovered that all tho timo dence in kis favor against the rulo of tho or culti- I, Oil, at er Iaw JUlr-- HnMmcLV U M.i and llr Ljidi, Zinc, b mo Tatm in Oil, come of the bill on the subject raniio I6S1, eighty dollars. Tho sum of $2,000 prin- ncttves kad been concealed bekind trees in Dutch, kowko would willingly give up kis t MnnutjrtnrfiiE Mrmn(d Irriatttisand Vacunm l'dni, V ctloiTf 1'atnil t'tntrffnal. vation. Ho thought that if ramie could be cipal and $50 interest is paid into Court. Tho tko tktckct, covering cack man of tkem country to England, but kow a sudden t Wltr Miiln Ptiiic Wiri alanirrd llonfinc, would of great valuo cultivated here it be to contest in this case is upun tho question witk a inusket. On camo the torch, until delicacy on tko part of tko Foreign Office" the country. after careful investigation, T - If, whether the defendant is now liable for full by tke ligkt of it tkey could discern tko 13 ZFS.-5- Gi- or maKes tucm consider i.nglish interference 'J2 X. could shomi to be increasing noble-lookin- 33 be a interest g H P O O ID & it incaua tu date. The defendant contends that presence of a ckief, a man, inipossiblo; witk tko result tkat tko crew j. THbiti"'-- A 1 A. 11 and and Ctiblmltrd CotU-n- . Unri-l-a Dlnjr, tho wealth of tho country, then tho subject interest ceases to HhtM run from the time of its oiler decked witk a crown of long featkers like l iom)1iI1o Ijh H, Hint and FUntirl, n aro still orptives, and, for all tko Foroign Blcftdird TMIIi, liutti bbvftln?. NrIlK was one that should bo attended to. to pay,-u- the execution of indemnity. tkoso of an ostrick,aud followed by a band Offico is inclined to do, may remain so for Thcrcport of the coramitteo to whom was Tho plaintiff contends that no legal tender of fifty armed with referred the items on Government buildings men, swords, knives over, or at any ndo until tko patienco of was inado ami that full iutcrcst should bo and muskets. Tko ckief, wko turned out FATLE liKOCElllKS, Golden Gale, Star & Superfine Flour repairs was taken up. It recommended allowed her. tko savago ckief is exhausted and tko word aim to bo tko Itajak of l'angak, beckoned to appropriations to bo roado as follows: The plaintiff says, iu evidence, that she is given tor tko willing Ackeencso to At tlie Old No. 8 - i- Limr. I'nrtlllnt) inri llyrtrinlit (Vmit, tkc .captain, wko went forward and Stand, Kaahumanu Street, hi i;)n Ih.iii' Al- altrriila rollccConrt Cnlldin?. Honolulu $ I9,!M never demanded payment of the mortgage nor ro butcker tkem. Oflicc of Harbor Matter and TiloU 12,'Ul ceived a gift of bananas, stripping ono ac- e authorized any demand on her behalf; also that "We Offer THE PALACE, Enlarrrmcnt of 3.1m) cording to custom sign For Kerosene Oil and Guarante ltcrtalra at Cnstom Ilonee - a.lnM so tender was mado to her. It is in evidence, as a of peace, and (Cciurnl vUiun'tiscnitnta. Jlnlldln- - offering to ox Itf pairs at tiovcrnmcnl on ann how.ever, that Mr. Brown the attorney for de- it tho Bajak. Theso formali- cannot be beat fox quality pxice; also, THE 2,tn ties over, tho Bajak asked tkem to go into it Warchouee H.UW fendant wrote, soon after tho inortgago becamo & SHEET IRON Krrorue tko TIMOPFEB WORKER VULCAN, test: Contingent ,UX due, to 3Ir. Vida, who was acting as plaintiff's busk, but tko captain pleaded that ko a good oil and above agent, kad kurt kis side, and ko to Total 31,'IU and ascertained that the mortgage and tkat wanted 0. BREWER note were lost and then offered to pay the seo tko position of tko skip in tko morn km. On motion, after n short discussion tho item & CELEBRATED PIANOS amount due, on Mr. Vida's engaging to provide ing; and to tkis Ike Itajak agreed, sending WOODWARD BROWN'S for new building for harbor-mast- er and pilots HAVE suitable indemnity. This Mr. Vida declined somo of kis men witk dried to en- PLUMBING, in all its branches;. was struck out, and 12,000 for the rest, as sticks to do, and matters went along until March of to lire. Tin' t hi'niiol Cootf lMniio; N'e" lla'n Oruan Co.'s Parlor Ors;aii recommended by the Committee, was passed. able tkem ligkt a Tkis tkoy did, ! 1Ui year, to ono Itcprcscptative V. Hrown moved to this when Mr. Brown oflered pay bnt tko keavy rain put it out; and tko JUST RECEIVED insert halfof the computed interest, which offer being Artesian Well Pipe, all sizes; S650 for ferry boat across Pearl morning tkat disclosed tkeir vessel being A3IK1IIC.VN a Kivcr. refused, this I'assed. bill is brought. swept away to sea, found tkem drencked In Jones on Mortgages, 890, Representative Kancalii moved tho Sec. it is laid to tko skin nnd wearied out by exposure insertion down is a settled rule interest n rIta2tSj&SVeataK3itiii sa caea fiff of $1500 for a bridge Waichu, JIaui. that "it that and suspense. s at Passed. will cease to run irom the timo of when ano-e- llcprcsentativo Hitchcock moved to insert tender, Soon after daybreak a band of armed Bark tho money really due upon the mortgage is Ceylon STmnm No. 5 NTJUANIT STREET, HONOLULU, 51,500 for deepening the lioat landing at men arrived, and led tkem a milo and a actually and properly tendered by a person H ind kalf THE 1'om.oivi.m; Undo im, Medallion, Kiclimtmd. Tip Tux, 1'aLicc, Flora,rMay, Contest, Grand Prize, tkrongk to n com- having the make the tender, so tho busk village Nowltiyal, Amended by Hon. S. G. Wilder to light to that of Opcr, Ueroj.Wron.Uolly, Gjpy,'Jaecn, l'anaeT.Jt Army Itangcn, Magna Charter, Back, Sl.000 mortgagco posed bamboo lints. Hero tkey wcro Superior, Magnet, Almctla Ixllpao, Nimble, InwooU Laundry and passed. tho is bound to accept it. Charter Oak, and Stores, 'Superior' taken beforo tko Bajak, vilio sat on a mat Ualrnnized Iron and Copper lloilcri, Ware, ; Agents for tiie Stove But tested by the well settled rules of law : for Itausea, Granito Iron Nickel I'lated anu Plain llcprcsentativo Smith moved that the sum of MERCHANDISE IIEAU.I. IN applicable, no sufficient tender has been shown in tko principal knt, turbaned, and witk a $10,000 bo appropriated for the purpose of ex- to have been made. Fur a tender mnstbc ab- sword of stato lying across kis knees, its tending Oahu amended by Iteprcscntativc -, "WTiicli Galvanized "Water Pipe, sizes," on Jail; solute and unconditional. Xo actual money handle gleaming with diamonds and pre- will be Sold at Iron all and laid at STOVES AND RANGES Itichardsou to-- $25,000 mid passed at the latter was offered. cious stones. Aided by tko cook; tko cap- figure. LOW ! lo, Etrrry Drrlpiion oT Indemnity is required in case ol a lost nofc tain mado kis statement again, and tken RATES Hnn. Godfrey Hliodcs drew the attention of lowest Rates; Cast Iron and I.eadSoil Pipe, iu order tho payee may not bo twice I table tke Bajak, having looked long at tkem, the Committee to the fact that there had bcru that t Iillflilr"jiL"' Vm t ""SSUi SHEET METALWARE OH HAND on tho samo instrument, but thero arc abun- ordered tko captives to pass beforo kim. TV no provision mado fox- tho Survey Department Oil" dant authorities to this effect the uoto Two light-haire- "Electric OB MAPI. TO ciIM'KI! by the Miuislcis in their estimated. Ho was that if Dutch sailors seemed to is not negotiable no indemnity can bo required arouso his suspicion. "Aro theso Enclisk ISOS WATK WHITE; PATENT Koule Cans. House Furnishing1 all kinds; vjj to say that tho members of Depart- Goods, rap. Eorry that Xo question is however made iu this ment considered themselves badly used. They case as men!" ko asked. Tko captain said they iii fc to the right of tho plaintiff lo foreclose tho " LARD, 5 10 lb. PAILS were all men of scientific attainments and had were. If I thought tkey wero Dutchmen UUllIIElt HOSi; ALL SIZKS ANU inortgago upon secondary evidence, c. the GItADESj ETt ,COSTAlTEI) roi! but little of this world's goods, they had been l. I would kill tkem now," said tko ckief. Lift and Porco Pumps, Culem Pomps. Galranized Iron. Copper, - certified copy of the mortgage the Reg EXTRA PRIME Sheet Sheet Lead, very efficient in their service but they had from Still fnrtker to satisfy tkeir captors, tko Lead Pipe, Tin Plato, Water Clorots, Marble Slabs and llowln, Enameled Wash Stand, , WATER PIPES FiniNGS. -- been left out of tho appropriation istrar s olhcc. the original bciug lost. captain swore tkc men wero Engliskmen, .. altogether. I am uf tho opinion that the plaiuliff ought He desired to submit that Section 3 of the and tko Ckincso cook, with a sword held vi'lc 1 In ll rtc Idtndfr foi the lo recover full interest. It was the duly of - Appropriation Hill bo amended bo that tho rVfr lnq ltonil nnnrn flint- irfli-- T"?irrlicl. LARD OIL 4TBlVrB:33'l'Sl AVC! T.QrMTIC! Tnn4-n- n to sco to pay- 5 1 I words "Employees of theSiirvay Department'' luo debtor lus creditor, make his men also, a i.v rt.vitui:r.s ami casi-- s wauiwj.Vj.A'Uali 4lMa JJC3) JLU tjklJH Ii ment aud tu make legal proffer of tho for tko sigkt of Dutchman k. Montague Range, bo inserted in the Section tho words money, inflames of alter it tko passions tk"so tribes of HZKF "Circuit Courts." he expected to stop interest. AH vTOCh Decree accordingly. Ackeeitese, and swift nnd cruel death is Iteprcscntativc Hitchcock offered a further inevitable. Tar and Pitch, CIRCULARS 0 FRICES Oh APPLICATION J. M. Moi.scrrat for plaintiff; C. Brown for At last tke Bajak's lingering TELEPHONE Ko 211. amendment, that the words "Expenses Insane suspicions wero removed by tko sigkt of Ij Asylum" bo also added in the Section." uelcndants. oo.a.:r. Honolulu, July 22d, 1631. tko Union Jack, which tho captain un- Hon. C. It. Bishop still further amended by HOT IfliES. furled beforo kim, and tkereupon lto the left In Casks for Family Use. F1IMII addition, after tho word "Prisons" iu tho Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Islantls-Jnl- y tko lint, and tko captured, crew saw notk-in- g II Nccoxn-iiA- BIKLINGHAM & Oo., Section, the words, "Aid to Queen's Hospital." Term, 1884. In Banco. of kim or kis men until next day. All of the amendments wcro approved and Geiitj.. Hero tkey remained for nino days, with Have Favox-it-e passed and at 12 noon, tho Committee rosoand Geiitz vs. Received a Full Line of the took a recess until 1.30 p.m. no dry clotkes, and nothing but rieo to AMOKTKI) MZIIN; JtitM,C. J.fMcCittli ami AftirttJ,-J- t Opinion of eat. AFTTHNOOX. litt l. o l tnj Jtuiii, r,. j. Ono niffht at ten o'clock tho cantnin was Dillingham Breaking Plows On reconvening the consideration of tho Ap- called out of tho hnt with tko interpreter, CUMBERLAND COAL Y-CA-- N The Attorney for M. propriation Hill was considered and Iho fol- Anna Gertz excepts to and taken a reiusai oi the Ulucl Justice to tax Ins statu- beforo anotker Bajak, to wkom lowing Sections wero discussed: tko of was CARD , 1 tory fees. The cases were first a suit bv Mrs, Ckief l'angak subordinate. MATCHES IIIM IMill.131 Representative Dole moved to amend Section Tins was tko Itajali 4, which Gertz against her husband for separation, in of Tcnom, with whom reads: "The .Minister of Finance tko Dutch kad been at warfare for thirteen Fairbaiik's Platform Scales, shall not cause or allow to bo paid from the which the Court denied her petition, and. sec FURROW PUJWS, ond, a libel for divorce bj Mr. Gertz against years, n man described as savago and Treasury any money for objects not provided 1 PAIILOK SETS, RICE PLOWS bloodthirsty. low ANfOItTKD MZK1 PIANOS . by this law," by adding the follouin: "Nor his wile, which was dismissed by the Court. Ho was of stature, but ' for object herein Upon no theory can the items' claimed bo his shoulders wcro twice as broad as an KEDJJOOJr 1 anr authorized over and above SKTS, OKGANS, Atritr. .1 Iti 13 Inrli. the amount appropriated therefor." taxed against the husband in the wife's suit ordinary man's, and his teeth and nails, ASH OAKS, 16, 17, 18 for ft Tho amendment prevailed, when Section 5 separation, for this suit failed. red witk tko uso of tko betel nut, gave ODD CIIAIItS, aOITAHS, was read as follows? "Xo person holding It has not been tho practice of this Court to kim a fierce appearance. His men wero tax in matrimonial litigation statutory Axe Handles, DINING TA1JLKS, Illt lUo "ngJmil MOUJsK l'U)W WOItKS of moro than ono office for which salaries are the armed witk muskets and swords, nnd wore ACCOIIDB0NS, provided shall bo authorized to draw more attorney's fees, bnt the Court makes an allow- the rangong, or skort dagger. Tkis inter Pick Handles, orkBuiUicw..,ia. Wenra Asentsforthwiinimfiictory. ance to the wire's counsel, if asked for and the OENT1.B TAWjKS, Am"1 Sljli.f than tho salary of the highest grade of office view yielded no result, and tko next morn- - Cotton Waste, &! V10L1N&, Cultivators, Horse Hoes, & held by him, if the salary of any office held by circumstances warrant it, and this has been ing.tho captain - Harrows, and kis men got out of tko Salt, MATltMSSIaS, BANJOS, , Old Moline him shall amount to two thousand dollars or considered to occupy the place of taxed costs. kut and went down towards tko beack, Plaster, .' Pattern Plows, This practice of tho Court beintr now nues- moro per annum, and he shall be - g Plantation Tools, kinds ; entitled to no wkero tkoy found about two kundred figkt-iu- Choice PILLOWS, FLOTBS, all . other or further compcnsolioii." Passed. tioucd on this appeal, it seems to us to be proper A Selection of Diflcrcntial and men. After somo parleying, tko chief Pulley Blocks, llcprcsentativo Dole moved to insert another fitting that the ordered to bo UUGS, BtlCkfVf MfllBnrE TTvilmillm Trnl.r paid by tho husband should tako tho place of oiheer was allowed to go on board tko ! MAIJMONIOAS, Section, to bo Section G, to read as follows: stranded steamer, rowed by four tko CHAIRS Fodder "Contracts for building statutory lees, inis is tho practice in somo of Cutters, Garden & Canal Barrow's, public works, furnish- sailors, and by ot JtAOTINU,.' ing material, provisions and states oi lire American Union. accompanied sis tko STIUNGV other supplies Bajak's men, and camo back witk clotkes, Lubricating Oils, Turpentine, anarded under this Act, shall be awarded only See Wliipn vs. Whipp. 51 X. H.. 232. Barrel Snooks 4 Kerosene Oils The rulo of Court referred to, somo of wkick wero given to tko crow and ruutt. l'aiut Oil and Yanuhhia, Stuacbakw Wagons, Fire proof on advertitement for public tenders." "that cosls Sites and l!oic, shall follow Uic judgment in all original ac- somo to tko natives. Tko Bajak of Tcnom t ire tiUngouOiors. lluoac FormnUins Upoas, lamps, CliaiiJelicrs, Iiinlems, Ac. Tho Minister vf Interior said this would EXCELSIOR, Ac, tions," certainly does not apply took n box of two thousand i..h1, rnuilanth .rrixin;:. r ,lm o Lr our 1mm onil l'jici-- hamper a certain administration of the funds. to suits apper- cigars, giving in nil l LuwiTt nni taining HII.I.IMillAM .. His method had bceu for the year, as far as to tfe matrimonial relation, for in these ten to tko captain, bnt saying tkey wero a J'orlMrrcl tho JPhteion " practicable, to award contracts proper husband, as the only party responsible, not for suck men as tko sailors. Noxt day dwts I after JEUE33VEO"7"-aL.I- advertisement, yet frequently there is nothing has to pay costs whether losing orwinninghis tko captain visited tko skip again, and J. J A rALMll! HANDY PHiETONS, 1L WoDWvHTM. more misleading than the answers that will case. found ker rifled. Tkis was Iris last visit Wo consider - - ritiiriutToi or tue come to advertisements. He cited as a case that the authority of tho Court to tko i ito, for tko Bajak of Tcnom said A X?- whero cost the Government over tho allowances fur tiro wifo's expenses uf was property, New Styles of Carriages, T'Y. iz a iznnn it less than by it kis and if tko Engliskmen GOM - for contracts: the suit excepts such cases from the operation wero "The contract for found wandering on tho beach again - A FEW CRYSTAL SODA WORKS new bridges in the district of Hilo. Iiad ten- tkoy bo killed. i- 'J Exceptions would ders been called for, they would havo cost 30 overruled. Tkat day, wken tkey wero in tko kut, -'--- .aB C. W. Ashford for to 10 per cent moro private contract. exceptions. six knndred men from tho mountains sur- OrOClAN, and, The Co. Honolulu, August 1th, 1SSI. JEWELliU Pacific Bridge of California offered to rounded it, declaring Uioy wero Dutch- - NO 'COEKS, build theso bridges for certain figures, but I I mnn MUUnntl uunn llm IVn IUJUn Ladies' Phsetons, stated that if put up for public Kemarkahle Presence of Mind. mvU) MlUJUn AlujllU iftWMifwim. WATCHMAKER, tender, they them adrift, so tkat tkeylu migkt butcher We Use would not consider thcmsolrcs bound to adhcro There were a dozen old fellows sitting on a CIDER VINEGAR, ims Patent Stoppers mem. j.nis was an anxious nine lor tue to those figures. bench in Seventh Ward Park talking on vari- HUU,.,..,,UCQIC1 til UlUilUai lUbUUlllClllb. Representative ell seamen. Not a skuttcr was lifted, savo HAND lu llour IWttIr. rawilr Uir no Ron said the proposed ous subjects, CARTS, and finally they began to tell wken tko Itajak of Pangak camo to seo II irE Brni'ufil to mon rfimniodimi Section would hamper the Minister but very AMD qttaftm stories of tho wonderful feats of presence of dark-visage- i ? k tkem, and tken tkey could see tko d am'tt fl film ItTtiAlit Stntt. little if any. Jle is not bound to accept the mind they had witnessed. One old gentleman EASTERN MADE OXCARTS Ginger Ale l3ut ours lowest or any tender. Pcrhapsho would have tuld of the building of a mill down mountaineers scowling at tkem H&S RECEIVED. PER9SUTE JMPORTtTIOKS. in York tkrongk tko window, longing to dip beeu surprised if he had advertised for tenders State where a number of upright posts had to tkeir r- - daggers tkeir blood. Tkis Bajak Lai Addtlo; to r Mrk ciituiRCx env rou for tho Hilo bridges to find that other parties uc pui two auout six leetot water with the end in was SUGAR BAGS, could build those bridges as cheap Pa- moro friendly tkan kis superior, tie Ckief PICTURE as the resting on tho rocky bottom. In lowering ono FRAMES i cific Bridge Company. of these sts tho end becamo entangled in the of Tenom. Ho would do little friendly Fusrau goods Representative Aho'.o said it seeraid to him coat toil of a man in a boat who acts by nigkt, sometimes coming witk two " oursodawater was steady- C. BREWER & COMPANY rVpdcln.Torl-wljfrrro- r Charge to all putt that by this step they were ignoring the Civil ing it, and took him to the bottom, but beore chickens, wkick was kardly a feather eack Engineer. Of Every Accordin to his idea, was nari he could become twenty-cigk- t, was 3Dso3Cirtloxx 1 X. , atlpntlon to it untangled he was pinned fast among but still a great J T. julil Ulmil Orilpif Addmi of this Engineer's duty to make estimates under 6ix fclLVEIt, , of feet of water. "With wonderful pres- treat. , IS SOLD. ic an work-- The Ci'ystal Soda Worlrs, uridge and report the same to the ence of mind," said the storyteller, "he slip- Early on tko ninth day of tkeir captivity Minister of Interior. ped out of his coat and came up. His coat SALAPIANDERJELTING GOLD& SILVER WATCHES Representative tke crow were called out of tkeir bamboo s Smith repealed what ho had remained under the post." .. kut, and fonnd in tko village evident pre- said on several previous occasions relative to A lean mmkr A fellow who had been Sf ORDER, oft' Itox sad Coib Awt of march. fight- Covering MADBTO Lare OTJE parations for a Abont thirty Boilers, cam Pipes TELEPHONE IS HO. 298. tB3 general bad administration and wastffig and listening came up, remark-abl- fr saying: "That's a o men wero tkere, in charge of Uio chiefs squandering of the public moneys. Ho con- incident, but nothing to what I saw right ing ETC., ETC. ISusical Instruments, fcJTOrdfrelrftvilb 3!c3Kd, Wraith 4 Co Xo 313 sidered the amendment proposed a wise hero brother, and without a word of any sort Fori MtTct,iUrcctirg prompt aucmlon. itns one, in Milwaukee bay about thirty years porCont. J? ora tt Cclf bratnl Sfannrttmrrf and could not hamper any honest administra- ago." tkey wero marched away, toiling for ten Savos 25 of Fuel. - hours thromrh tko innirle. Onco awav 105 & i- CTEIOS DT EHDIESS yAEEErST.Bs tion; but it will bo a check on those who did 'What was it?" asked all tho party at once. PRICE REDUCED TO BBL. 107 FORT STREET FOR S.&I.E. not wish to from tke littlo villag'e, nestling amon tko $7.50 aO and administer honestly. "Well, you see the cud or the pier over there! 4rxmtiiefauxtI&flreKtocic THEO. H. &. et ) fail Vf plcafd. ii 0: The Committee then rose and reported nro-- I was out there in a boat with a friend. We cocoannt trees, tkey saw no lint and no DAVIES Co,, Fowler's Patent to- - AJku. Tramway, gress the Assembly, asking leave to sit had started for a fish, and had taken our guns new face until tkat weary day was over. "r ECONOLULTJ, EC. Xm AILS of all kinds, again. along to shoot ducks if any should happen Tkeir progress was slow, for the vegeta- Ii pound liallt II pound lUila. Hon. J. Mott Smith, from a Select Commit- along, which was a common thin? in thrum tion of Acheen is luxuriant beyond des- Bough and tee, reported a substitute for the Minister days. cription, Island Orders will ' of Well, wo hadn't been there long 'b-c- and their movements wcro ham Receive Prompt and , .. , Eedwood, fiuxmer VithPitentSteelgleepers Interior's Postal Savings Bank Bill. Report loro j, in seme way lost my powder-Uo- m pored by tho dense tmdergrowtli. Five) . approved and bill was read a first and second overboard, and it sunk in thirty feet of water. times they to cross rivers, sometimes ( " ' VJEUL1U at.X-JS- iad all kinds. ll 1.! timo by title, ordered to cogroeatnent and to Thero it lay on tha bottom in plain sight. My up to ike waist, once np to tke chin. No (3 on friend P intra reauing liter I ltd tust. said he would dire for it. 1 tried to lime was given iiem forest for food. They " Tor y 4I htm. Sale OarefulllAttention. tnt1.AIr yJ"ui not to.. buttie; yraa'detcrmiued. raarcked through groves of .. i.wrs Cookf. , (iowj - mj ny --.ajfa, ,i irtHTj? m 3 6 si RO", hek. tet T tijtit;tMtoiM xm M" o et. I: 1 melee m ' teirarrr i: (1KB. i o' j ' JM.fc .. tttv (or imi taen rtr ATI efSrtaeu 1- - MM Mao OC i Tho North Polo Catuaa m im mm ; :,s t ", A "Word to the Boya. HWlSSS: ! c Id (Man. 1M soeo aKaa jat; r It is a misapprehension to suppose (lie chief --.. A gentleman UeVaaMXUM31 us joc 3 Kol purpose of Arctic exploration is to reach the advertised for a bojr to assist i Gazette him office, fiftjr Kuliesa Ob . a.., I Supplement Aug,13 in bis and nearly applicants north pole. Tho north polo has figured in the lawailan fraea tkes jstfto imjt I presented themselves beforo him. Oat of the llaennl leiv4 an t ceS: J schemes of scientific explorers only as a des- n.auwnn pus riuriMaarHtlT, loss disgusting, and whole number !io selected ona and dismissed Office irable incident in tho carrying out of their in less than two weeks 2Cru) 3tH)crttsciiunts. p y atten wai I tho rest. "I should like) to know" said a M aim . tt ttls. m Geographers talk of tho north polo tho man was discharged cured. Tho iDnural Sttrrrtiscmcnts. .r.a.rs4k.alA,u...iwib .wai wsm a friend, "on what ground you selected that ern ABMTKSB MTtfCS ii quest pure and 6implo as an unscientific and a beneficent work was attributed to tho bar, nr iMtiv earj I who had not a single recommendation." "You aj n ant aj oaa aatna. . tan 3 paa puerile idea. What explorers arc really ex- action of the eucalyptus by Dr. Bonamy. In TO ! aro mistaken," said the pected to do is to advanco as far as practica- THE LADIES gentleman, "ho has a great many, llo wiped his feet when be cama ble into tho unknown region, to 6lndy geo- its rCtm uTirtisrmrnts. in, and closed tho door alter him, showing ibrtigH jltrttrtisnRiKla.- - graphy and make important scientific oliscrva-tion- s. N. S. rendi SAGES. that fio was carcfnl; garo op his seat to Captain Narce, nine years ago, had to that this lams old man, showing that ho was kind and ILLIAM3. DIM03D & CO. halt 400 miles this sido of tho pole. But his IGHXBAN Licnt thoughtful; bo took off his cap when expedition was a brilliant success, becauee he he came az and Commissfaa Mfixkiita tion, in, showing that he was polite and gentleman- ' entered the great frozen sea north of this con Wc bes to inform oar friends and cttftomcrsUiil winlc. Pioneer" Line ly; ho picked np a book which I had purpose- 3S CtHFernte Street. 8aa "raaeiKa.!T tinent, exploring tho coast lino for a distance! mhAn been appointed bOLE AGENTS 'or (Successor j$l. HVEellls) tM finnt and flavin; math to &. ly laid on the floor, and replaced it on the ta- tbat -- nl thirty-liv- e or pleasure H. CS0S3MAH & Baa. degrees longitude aud brought lo JnrUinz Inspection or onr ble, whilo all tbo over Blanr homo a groat of FROM LIVERPOOL. lirc snd varied Assortment of rest stepped it or mass interesting scientific shored it to one sido, and he waited quietly tISSION MERCHAKTUJI data. W ChlinttKT Xew were for bis tnrn without pushing or cnlwding, Mmt, is impossible to form an idea of a tempest twa-Cjrt-Va Jt T Tt. It - - showing tbat be was honest and orderly. Cool, and J Wrier boose. bodies. in the Folar seas. Tho icebergs arc like float- r b - 104 - - - - JAPANESE GOODS Fort St., When talked with him, noticed his bnry' ing Honolulu I I tbat rocks whirled along a rapid current. Tho clothes wero carefully brushed, bis hair in riblec -: H.W. SEVEBA1TCE, huge crystal mountains dash against each Josi Imported, Comprising tbcKollonln- nice order, and bis teeth as wbtto as milk, and disclc backward forward, bursting with anj other, and when bo wrote his name, I noticed tbat his p Ilanallan Count cannil a roar like thunder, and returning to the finger nails were clean, instead of being tipped charge until, losing equilibrium, they Embroidered Silk Screens MERCHANT Ijditi' their GRAND with Jet liko that handsome little fellow in tho truth'. tumblo over in a cloud of spray, unhealing SUCCESS OF THE iWIYlISSION Traneleeoi r; Or ilic moi Kcautira) Colore, and of Attonihln blno jacket. Don't yon call these things let- Jj- fall j them the which afterward like the Ecantj and Finish ters of recommendation? do, and I wonld whip-las- on I Those crack of a h the boiling sea. The giro moro for what I can tell about a boy by R. JORDAN & GO. 11 sea-gul- ls fly away screaming, and often a & ere t Bedspreads Table Covers using my eyes ten minutes than all tlio letters I'UTIXS OF IROFE8SOIt assists black, shining whale comes for an instant of recommendation bo could bring Ciuliroidered in bilk bj Japanese mc." niruun. or Parla. Pramieton at B workc pumeg to the surface. i hen the midnight sun ewm at Anatomy i'u cassin4 Vf grazes A Larsc Variety of tatter, OIBce 1 1 Goerr sctl. Ha itsrcstj tho horizon, the floating mountains and Stupendous The great fifty-to- n liamtrrr in Krupp's 3 rrxae?. ' Clearing CalUanla. on tka KlDNKTS tho rocks seem immersed in a wave of bcauti- - Sale! UBirJ in the .' Arrival of the Iron Ship works at Essen, gained its i.amc, "Unsor MASHOOD. 8EI1NAL WBAK5SS3 ful light. The cold is by no means so insup- Fritz," and tbo inscription it bears, " Fritz, DIDKAMKSOrTHK DKTV A.1U ALI. Jolin". portable as is supposed. Wo passed from a Vases! Vases! DI8KASB8 OK UBX ceased c "CLAN GRANT." let fly," in tho following manner: When, in lieated cabin at 30 aboic zero to 17 below Of the l'lum porcelain, remarkable for unique- 1677, the Emperor William visitcdKsscn, this A BOOK ET OS HSC WW IT Tillojjj ness In color aud fhape. ALfeO zero in tho open air without inconvenience. A steam-hamm- er Hi ? attracted his attention. Krnpp W 20CESTS. If '$ Sepen much higher degreo of cold becomes, bow ever, - Theo.H.Davies&Co Porcelain Figures, Japanese Tea Sels, NOW IN prcsontcd him to the machinist, Fritz, who ho ersol insufferablo if there is wind. At fifteen de- PROGRESS. said, handled tbo hammer with such nicety UCOUISBROWNESCHLOBOBTHL Tete-a-Tct- e Dishes, 0 grees below zero a steam, as if from a boiling Sets, Butler and precision, as not to injure ob- madSft IT Have Received by this or touch an THE ORIGINAL and 03LI OBStTTK kettle, rises from the water. At once frozen Vessel Ash Receivers, Silk Lanterns ject placed in the center of the block. The "TL by falls fiuo And l to Iaraltd.-- !f jon wish to aMala ejaieC tho wind, it into a powder. This other Late Arrivals, Emperor at once placed bis diamond studded ftfrota beadaefe,rHeffrompaJBn4 our op e. phenomenon is called At fort the Following : watch onthe point indicated, and beckoned to Si. la earn and aaesaget the weary acAhssa of nminat degrees the snow and human bodies also Silk Embroidered Kimonos Ited Haeata, ineltorata tha wmm nedta, anet TremeiicloiTS Bargains! the machinist to set the hammer in motion. hlfca etrentattne ayatema of lie body m gsa or injo Bmokc, which smoke at onco change into mil- Fritz hesitated, out of consideration for the ttmtttU fttk tial anrrrUw remain ttietaarr broker lions of tiny particles, like needles of An Asst. of Dry Goods Easels, Carved Wooden Cabinets. precious object, Krupp urged pr.J.CONBrawi(UU.nnVtie 8tin.ln ice, but him on by he tie stam ot CULOBtfOTSE. aad i!tk Tlio eV which fill the air and make a light continuous Hand Screens, Trays, saying, "Fritz, let By!" Down camo tho ham- ItlMatiprofeaaten t hatha most weeninfal tionol noise, like tho rustle of a stiff silk. At this CONSISTING IN l'AKl OF Offered in Departments. mer and tho watch remiined untouched. The aabta resaealy vm dtecorered Wall Pockets, all bitODTTfE temperature the trunks of trees burst with a Hurrock.s Long Cloths and other Parasols, Fans, Emperor gave to tho la tk beat remedy knows for Coocas, tho up brands of it machinist as a souvenir, mptfait, BroBchttla. Aaihma. vide 1 loud report, the rocks break up, and the earth White Cottons, Unbleached Cottons, Paper Mats, Photographs, IF-oi- rt and Krupp added 1,000 marks to the present. Prints new styles, fast colors : 3NTo. tmODTSE atte Ilka a eharm in Dlsnknta. axil on tin opens and vomits smoking water. Knives 104 alley seating la 1 hotera and Dytentf; Itleached and Jtrown Cottons, 8 to 10 quarter ; OF street. break in cutting butter, JAPANESE SCENERY, Colored & Plain. all l)6e Cigars go out by Drown Linen Drills, White Linen Duck, That a woman will wear a bat trimmed QrtODraE aSeHeially cala short an attacta at conract with the ice on the beard. To Crown with birds JT, Uaawria, PalpluiVm, aad right talk is Canvas, IJIack French Merinos all A LAU&E SELECTION OF and a sheaf of wheat, n small tholoi fatiguing. At night tho eyelids are covered Grades; Water proof Tweeds, Grcj, llluu and alligator, and other articles of liko descrip lelae only nalltatlni laSearaMa. with a of ice which must be TRmg.118 I I arjd Uttsn, 8on, Cajcef.Tnothaehe, JtenIaj)aa,ST and)U) ' crust carefully Japanese Bronke VIUJSSES Tjkus I tion, bo perfectly happy. Yet, that removed before one can open them. Jewelry samo woman will complain bitterly if CSimaaACo, rharmaeeatrulchegsbta. Xedl fourth her tfejSjmla, Jaaoary leta To The leading geographers assert that Arctic Mixed Flannel CONSISTING or r husband happons to como t T Damson tltorga homo with a Bjtnreal Raaaall Street. IHooinstrnrr Irmdov. exploration is of immense value to the v. orlii, Ln:on and Cotton Lislados, ambrace Linen and Cotton Sleeve' Buttons, Chains, Scarf Pins, Etc. plain ordinary brick in his hat. trJFVa thla oppertaalty t conrrattttas. anient both in its scientific and in its commercial as- Handkerchief s White and Colored Shirts, Vkpass the arloVapread repeuttonj tht taaty totbet Merino I'ndcrsturt and Drawers. edjnedlclne. Ir J loilla Broa aCkhxadraa, rf pects. They say that winds, tides, terrestrial A Good rajd tteeir not In Ladies Underwear, Linen nnd Cotton Towels, Co" ALSO varictj of eulUulc for House for only bVlail Thorn magnetism, meteorology other Decoration. t5tntral Stirotrtisciiunts. aJSaM. Aa a raaaedy for (eneral atiury are) and important All qualities nnd styles ; meat romoTi Victoria Liwni. asTwhether a belter 1. Imported lato the eaeralry phenomena cannot be thoroughlr investigated Threo Grades White Moloskin, lallall bo xlad In bear of It. findtnv a Hhra f Lie a ja except under many different conditions of Imit. Laco Edgings and Insertions, G. W. Macfarlane & Co. LUSTER & CO. WHITE Antta-Iadla- home Tke other brand., testa muscle tomperaturo and locality. Among niary tri- HtooLb' 200 yds. bpool Cotton, Coates' 400 j ds. are aow mnraten to me sum bauxa. and. bpool Cotton, Ticking. Dice Denims, (lino to .X. 2S. their sale we faaf r tkalr ra lava of tho umphs of Arctic research they mention the fix- I avaaeatrnt. WeeeaM mnltlotv Mosquito Netting. !)0 4 100 inch . s la.tY. nnd th ing of the position of the true maguctic polo ninnoi wr rtiwiraiHrr rUKBCy 01 Vt ISUS by finding simple -"- - Js Chbarodyaa la rxarrhen aal VjmUa, no vcf Jtoss, Iho of a means of Rubber Coats & j&r aTUramaa, 5anraJf ia. the Vomttins nt either. keeping tho needle pointing to the true north Leggings i.UAT,JR.&GG., eHtalaaiaallfe, that bara oceaiad amUraoe A Large Invoice of the Celebrated al obaeiranaa darlax many year, bhonld in high latitudes, the discovery of the com- la ChaJeraift, QUANTITIES TO SUIT am, aad area la the more terribfa forma 9t C kal-ll- on the mercial mineral cryolite, aud of tho great Sorso wa Mara vltaeseed I la sarprlatasly tsauaif. whaling and scaling grounds in the Spits- are. Wo aaa naver aaed any other form t lata clesof ftoiaaatCotllaBrowBa'a fromalrm CearleUatr "The bergen and North Greenland seas. They as- Bed Blankets, 'K. UdecMarytha boat, aad abrofrwn aseaat at stair - also that, in spite or the frightful disasters sKotSMproreMlon and the paMIe tion of , sert All hi&s Weights tiJlhtics and Colors , sLEWERS I C00KE.6 aawarar havo befallen some exploring parties, Stationers and News Dealers, nkat the saballtaUm of aay ether thaw Cetiia runscles. " xthat the CELLULOID TMUSSES aV u a muaaiuTz Baucu or ax rtus loss of life has small. y, rira vical vc-- been About three per "Velvet & cmum to raemusia ug rarmr cent, of tho Arctic explorers havo died in the Tapestry, Xlnunlinii (iiKcttr RUBBER lw? tMJ,,, faitMally yoar. Cymea Cm. compje J!Iockf 27 3XcrclinutM. fa at tfea raarm. Society of Great BrtUaa HU courso of tbek- work not a largo Tlearoy'a the exc proportion llaic Just Itcccivrd ex Mariposa, a Fine Cbenl.n J, when compared with the mortality among Rugs and Mats, . Jir Assortment of tlxo Pactoi-y- Sir W to thro African explorers. New York Sun. I 1 LV OF THE NEW STILE Dii'oct From Pajr Wood upper "West Timber, DHrtUf. J. Collfa Browao waa, aadowadiy taw j tr al Cktorodyaa. that Ike story enhadtfea-(raaaaa- a , bones' STA.TIO 3STEHY, waa deliberately antra., vhb-h- k Household Alphabet- - Nor' of all sizes; Jtoaay. had been sworn to -- See ThaTlmea, exlrton CENTRE RUGS AMONG WHICH ilAY BE FOUNL! Wo Havo Especial FACILITIES for Adjusting TRUSSES. ligaino. A .good and reliablo cough candy may bo Letter Paper. Boards, & botllaa at I. IVI W at and Battens 1. l t! was ilir ni&do from the following recipe: Tincture of Note Paper, N 7oaa reunln. witboatithr wwda Dr J CoC squills, loz.; camphorated tincture of opium ? Poole. Cap, tae t hlorrelyn ..n ihe stnaB, of tho' Lcsal Cap, wimini: tiirdin t. .nm ht a omiaaiea eaaa evident and tincture of tolu, each I dr.; wino of ipicac, s ;si UIII Cap, & cowors Cooko. P,. , fctomac loz.; oils of gaulthcria and sassafras, each 2 We m;ike tins uin of oar bpccultics :uid Uroatl and narrou ; by Hie ream; blocked, or bj Qnlrc. Jli"l. 4i f r and (attattoaa ilcsh drops; aniso seed, 1 drop. Put abovointo 1). Lave a full Stock of Memorandum IllocLt, Lc, Ac, &c, EEollister & Co., Sannrni lur. i 1 r w ESPt'lrr 83 Oretf r ailrret BI.- - ni.ln . sharp i lbs. candy, just ready to take from the stove. III.AMC iiooKS: aints, White Lead, I nig Jtao n Conlinno tho boiling a little longer, so to Fall Hound, Half Hound, feet m as Sugar, Rice& Coal Hound to 1'leaec. White Zinc, Colors, Oils, Bags I.MihrA.-VDS- : Cor. Sts., & Nnnanu St. of deco form into sticks. Fort and Merchant 59 K:33 Baking Powder Cooking 6oda, Goz.; cream Hankers1 Larjc, Bankers S'mall, Nor Winch ve arc scllius at Dottom l'rices. in fact, ire have Inkstands for all. Turpentine, Etc., Etc t of tartar, 6oz. Dry both from dampness h an into J'O&T OFFICE IiISTTEU SCAXilM, bo say putting on tin and placing in oven; mix and cr Tor Sale by keep in bottles or boxes. Proportions: A l.Mi.: tho eu . to ono quart of flour; mix with cold ENGLISH. HAWAIIAN, AND CAItTEIt'S Combined Conyln Wrlllnz, Lowers & Cooko. telling In rjnarts, pints and ; pints: KftfOKBV. water and baKo at once. CAKTEHS W'ltlTIKU FLUIO, Ho woi Castor oil makes a nice hair oil cut with AMERICAN FLAGS in quart, pints, ! pints and corns. iiiWS COTTA fjet it-- alcohol and scented with lavender or roso. Violet Ink, its, pts, U pints L cones. .1, ". and 7 jard; Indelible Ink, assorted. I'ipes, Chimneys, lirst tat Dishes look 00 per ceut, better for being AKN'OLD'b Wrltln- - Fluid, TERRA flesh of washed in boiling water. . In quarts, pints, pints & cones. STAFFORD-- in quarts and pints, Tots, Arc, c. vitliji Ey Water Ono tablespoon fino salt, tho FLOOR OILCLOTHS Hxjptian Perfumed Ink, seemed samo quantity of white cop- Perfumery Perfumery vitriol; heat upou Eitr.i llim, Assorted Widths, 3IL'CII.Afi:: in qts,pls, !, pts and cones, Tor Salo by irner Beale and Howard Sts., flabby per or earthen until dry; add Jjpt. Bolt water, Perfect Mucllarc Bottle, ! Perfumery HOinchc out tablsspoon whilo 6Ugar and bluo vitriol MAVhC'lrilUOK!l Perfumery ltxoo Lowors & Cooko. . Ladies' & Gent's Saddles, IOxU f nil bound and balf bound, as fuam nr, ALTronrjij, inhuino the size of a pea. If too strong add more 10x1 1 full bound and half bound, tAIlOB. Prea u feeder . water. Apply threo or four times daily. Said omhp1lu Iiik utiiiti wu aro selling Mann's Copying Paper, JOSKH HOMX, lay to Cheaper thin Lvtr. IT..NS tV IIOI.I)i:i:s : In jreat varieties; of best quality shreds bo excellent. That depends on what ails Automatic Pencils, Copyln; Pencils, to perl thoeje. Washes sometimes do great harm. Faber s Pencils, Diion's Pencils, ic, Galvanized Fruit put up in glass should bo kept in tho Iron Bedsteads, DltVUI.NG l'al'UIl plain and mounted: Shingles DERS Or STEAM mrra,Jf Manila Detail Paper. MACHDJIII his own dark, as light is sure to draw out tho color, i:VLI.III'I'.s IWMWOassortcd; orriesV' luoro or loss. Galvanized Buckets, PLAYlNtr CAltDS: round corner Jfc plain, I Roofing is all its branches. .IIOIOKAMIUM a variety; argest Good loops to hang holders by may bo imuiih, lanrc Have Just Received the XS Tot Sale by Iyh. jour TIME HOOKS, assorted, Gummed Labels, Jtoamboat, Steamship, Land liovod, obtained by saving rings from old suspenders Tinned Iron Sauce Pans Shipping Tags, Tourist Tags, Lowors & Cooko. and sewing them to the corners. Norlhii Assorted Sizes ; do Fry Fane, Invitation Paper & Envelopes to match, BINES AND vealtr Horseradish is a certain relief fur common BOILERS cases of rheumatism, used both as an article Butcher & Hall PAPERS, coinpani Knives, Knives Forks. Programme Cards, Pencils and Tassels, PERFUMERY well Selected utiHii riwMvnE or compcittd externally. OF of diet and applied MENl" CARDS, LOT Tin Plate, Sheet Lead, livodo If tho filling is put into your pics hot it is WALL Received of Styles Tvorst'lt U V tvt K f.Sot all ballt t more than likely that they will come out of Galvanized Water Pipe, LETTER PRESSES, LARGE & SMALL ; EVER DU'ORTEI) INTO THIS KIXUI)03i, COJILMUSINU Had, complete with obU 1884. Also. n o 1109 or vompoett. and the oven with soggy, uncatablo crust. Round llubb'r Hands, all sizes; ji and Square Bar Iron, 1 S.VItT question Jot polish that is good for coloring hats, HAM'. II 1.IA, Hats, Ceiling Decorations, CXUIXES eompvwd-- rf wbra mhl. same, thof wood or fancy baskets may bo mado by dis- (amies and scoiti: itoous, Over lOdors of Celehrated Lead, IIIKIIIIIIV I'.MtDN, Fifty Different the tt U. others thej solving by heat throe sticks of scaling wax in White Boiled Oil l'ocuirr h.vivus, Dados, Window Shades. Ul til in. Bariea aad Steam Taga too- - they one pint of Have ap- " T,,l '" whkh told ? alcohol. it warm when Tixxmp oxxtixxo, And many other articles too numerous to mention. r'ATST"" tt" and jcts'j. plied. Uso a sponge. Plaster Centres. I I Spaed, toataaxa aad dean of of Knives, forks and articles of silverware CORRUGATED ROOFING, received for any Foreign iLundtoorg Manufacture. c" Tor Salo by funatsvd. tho Ir Paper or Magazine published, at any time. AIo, for 21 C, B BOILKIt.N. Partleahu jianions' may bo polished to exceeding brightness In Gtuge, 7,8 nnd 0 ft. Lengths ; Galv. all the Local Papers and Magazines, Seasides, Brook-sid- Lowers & Cooko. attratHs jlrea t fincly-Bift- Family Library, s, MWr t scouring with hard-co- al ashes. bcrews and Washers, Galv. ltidcinK, etc, always on band, and special aatartal aad workmanship, and elusion, numbers sent for to order. Odor-Oase- fcc. - Fancy Boxes, Bottles, o work atodaeed. it i Linimcut Oils hemlock and cedar, each Yellow C0- SPECIAL Orders Received for BOOKS, ETC. Jat uuc-ha- Sheathing Metal, and Nails for a bi lf ounce; oils origanum and sassafras, Book Bindery U JJIf.l.S AMI iKiAU.JIAm.'au JIA. ALSO iiill tho each one ounce; spirits of turpentine and gum Annealed Tcnco Wire, Fence Staples lErir made attar las mart approved plans camphor, each one-ha- lf Wire l'lant Guards Jl BaUtt Iroa Work coaaactad therewith. riied ounce; pulverized and Arches, KEI) KUKHER STAMP AGENCY ! & Co., ALVIN H.RASEMANN Hollister ! capsicum and aqua ammonia, each ono ounce. VII'E. ot Iteller or ittawl Iren, of aay ilia, Tlieygn and Agents tLe Ha-uT-etiicta- Put into a quart bottlo and fill with good for encyclopedia HriUnnica i 3ES.1 m Wishes to notify the public that he h awttaMo anarita for coewewtJnz together, or Tho liaE All filiod four oaao. alcohol.) STEEL RAILS, Kr Ielaod orders From jit) j S8 Agents g3 IraaM. poached aad peaked for shipment, bonesr lias Eook U rlrrtad on tho jrroaaet Moths may bo killed out by spreading a With Fish Plates, Bolts and Spikes, J. M. OAT, Jr. & CO., 59 Nuuanu St., and Cor. Fort nnd Merchant St- - Opened a Bindery it at 1W a poi f cloth wet in clear water over tho infested spot ion tr Gazette BIock,23 Merchant ht-- Ltl'LIOr.IVtrri.Xl. Boiler Work In tbe GAZETTE BUILmXU.andla now pre- tad Vf Iwuesjli nnd ironing upon it with a hot flatiron. Do Portland Cement, if mado by tare eateMtehm,rat. rivrtrd hy RAMSAY & pared to lu all or snow at not press down very hard on tho iron. Meg Fire Clay, Fire Bricks, LANE klndi Ik IltaatJaa: Machlaery, thai oaallty at ort lobe th ! hraaparlortokatvl work. Mcrrilcs, in the Household. Both Sciuarelancl arch ; Gronoral Grooors Beaver Saloon Just AFFived Book-Bindi- ng J AND were feet WOIIK. Skip and Steam Capstans Steam Lump Rock Salt, " Dele of Abcrcorn," fonn-Ht- pool, and Ion) Tho stones for engagement rings are thus ler AND tea, Alraadllrcnlathu Pumps mado after tko they hai English Belting, H. NOVTE, : KTO ! Bprorad plan. regarded in tho great world which occupies Provision Dealers, J. Proprietor. EPOt. er-RuIi- ng. 3 to 12 inch widths : Pap not froi itself with such small matters of tasto and X.07IIOTi:i..ST. I I : HONOLULU. ONE MILE OF ft. Direct Aclinj Pump, lm;itIoa llCJj there ex superstition: The diamond of course is good AN ASbOUTMENT OF Jlatjazines. JJTork. pcrpoeo limit Goods Delivered to Customer's Resi- Ccgs to announce lu his friend and the Pamphlets, Catalogues, alia Id' rrlebraledDaTT toet! all the round. is sufficiently Votion, soperluricr aay ither pamp tho year If it pure pnblic in general Light Portable Railway Kails, onhiml it will warn tho wearer of tho treachery of his dences, Free of Charge. lienor ts, Etc., Etc., Bjr Worlhlaxtaa'n Dnpiex sioauei ENGLISH GROCERIES Just Received ex late arrivals, a or beloved object by breaking tho least blow fresh line That ho has opened the above Saloon :W Thenjth at 10 lbs. per janl, and inch sanRC with Bound to oilier In Shp, CulMiln, Monitto, Uilbw of stech Tho pearl is fashionablo and also first-clas- s or grevrda Such as Worcestershire Sauce, Cream Tartar, Garden Seeds Si Fresh Groceries. where Refreshments ennea, crocdnt, Hoards. prefcrrod by ideal poetic lovers, but it has a .Ety Hr strict mention to bn lines., awl moderate wero Soda, Spices, Etc., Etc., Etc E5- - ALL ORDERS will be served from 3 a. m. till 1(J p. ra., nndertho I tyiJ frightful secret influenco impelling to FILLED WITH PROMPTNESS. -- 3 cnaixee, trn.l to merit a lilt share or the pobflc useless treachery Wo have also jost received an asst. of AND 10 LIGHT SUGAR CANE WAGONS patronage. inji The ruby bj-- its color or brilliancy, ;'" tl ORDERS SOLICITED tt Immediate supervision of a Competent Ctytti Culitne sionsjffr . or death. poit. rrixaa sAacc. llsnryT is tho imsgo of eternal flame, and is tho best THE FINEST GRADES OP t tender- N.B. This IUllwaj Is unliable for Animal Tower. had bee possible omen. Tho sapphire means ATTING ness and truth. In Poland tho stones are Tobaccos, ALSO FOl! SALE Ag53ii Among them In Great Variety of PRODUCES PROVISION CO. 'laaHaaBlw chosen according to tho month in which the Cigars, Pipes and Straight .Steel Kails, li l!s. to the janl bnckfJD engagement takes place. Tho ruby for July, alamamamamamaaaaaaaaaaaaarl samojfo. Bleached & Brown Cottons Patterns & Qualities. Smoker's Sundries FortheworLlnffof Messrs. John Fow let A Co.' rail-w- iUfpcctfallj uotifjr the lnUie 111 thej have tti tho pearl for May, tho sapphiro for January. and locomotives, the nndersifrned besj to - s refer to Established themselves at box.JjL 27 SO IS- Tor Salo oy Miosen byapersonaleleetlonfrom manu- J. 1). Esq., of For March tho turquoise, which will turn to inches wide : factories, lias been obtained, and Srkels, Sprtcktlsillle, where a line is ifJolHHp' nill be added to from now lu fall operation . f taktynj green npon tho inconsistency of tho giver. Taney Prints, Mao Denims, time to time. Lowers & Cooke. For fartherpartlcnlars, applj- to neither, Tho emerald for Juno is for fidelity, and Rus- Canton Flannels, Men's, 73 Hotel Street, Honolulu, Women's and Ura of ErnniwicV. llalke's W. CJ lecSUp sians always expect to havo one emerald Childrcus' Boots nnd Shoes, I.. OrtEEN, or j sizes and Wo want tho Public to under- O. W. MACKAItLANE Co.. In put of the premise occupied by Thjjfri among tho wedding gifts from tho husband, as Styles adapted to th market, stand that tho Celebrated Billiard Tables MR AzentsforJohnFowIer&Coi cameitl it is tho omcu of certain happiness. AN AFS0ItTM12vr OF SRESOVICH, GRAY & CO M Thetigfr Is eonnccUrt with Itic establishment, Union Feed Company, where lotert run Where can be found a COMPLETE vrentfTCfq A man was suffering from gangreno of of thecaecan participate. U10 Steel R.aiis bTOCK of Is Itcadr and Wlllin- - to Furnish all the of Shelf HARDWARE PORTABLE OR PERMANENT nnawart tho lungs, with cough, difficulty breath- Plantation and Mechanics Tools, Also, HAY, PATENT NOTICE. orslwh ing and fover. Tho odor of the breath One lloby Jfc Co.'s OATS, BARLEY, BRAN, &c, &c Produce and Groceries yoyagoj waa most offensive. Tho patient was put IT MAY NEED A PATENT "WAS 's! to Kingsbury H. Jarvls. on the 30th Jann WHICH WILL nE SOLD AT upon a mixture containing carbolic H-- last, by mnoani acid, 6 P. AT THE arjr the Jllnister of the Interior, under the laws 15 ft, lengths; lbs. to tho yard la compan. but as no improvement followed, tincturo Portable Engine LOWEST RATES. of this Kln:dora, for a Oa and Cane Trash Consuming As wc want to male room for a Large Furnace, this It to warn all persons azalnst an Infrln Jost reeeivd per "Dokn of Abncora," Lowest Market Bates for CASH! redji? of eucalyptus was substituted for tho acid. 1011 Ac., etc., Ac blocl. on the war. mentof the said I'atent. " from Liverpool. C. BISEWErt TELEP110XE BOX Bctmwi In two days after tho uso of tho last pro .6 COMPANY, W. .V.7I. r.O. lilt. .TOIi VOISK KXXCUTKI) C1TA11 orders pnmptlj attended to. Goods dclhered Ajenu of the Jauls Furnace Co L. OltEEN, or ajSa' iron All ordera be. was I'crJJ. Sjcc't. Jfc and to ignoran scription tho odor ot tuo Dream much a-I !! a. CI ia O.Caktib, O. W.3IACPAKLASE Co, cowmunlwlkns addraMed - mvInxiiailnl Ktjikttlvl. van i wabij a J' 1W3 70.-syrS- ttr all other Steam hierAwtt uv(t iiiUlllVbi fSTolophono.No. UonoIula.Fcbrnaryff tS&J. ju!6 ltWT-- ifrcfilln? Hollers, A;cntsforJno. Fowler Co Z. K. -- timejlpe MYERS. Managor. Si 1 i WIKCAISE IT IS MOKE aBosition Seal Of foel, i Liable to Explode, aater of Transportation pjficrs ehj NO ! - WCOSTS MORE tnrue purl . i"sr !. rrjioitAVIlItt THE - EfheTlilUhcocf Co?? wi.vitfn !aar.rorinrormanon'e(mcrrliirnlTJoniaDr, rttHJwcfiptioa I Vy anil Corsica, Dc cirricdJorirtvjUjsoon'bc-- , Attarnerat LawaNotairPuljllcl; Jt iiwi A. S. CLEGHORX CO.,Agents lor naiee 01 insnrance. apply to WILDER W anil pricro ra obtained riantatfoo. ir ..-- mkkotartle'aonp lias opened OSce In Hi lo, where he will promptly r:an.f ippKeat4 to, come quite unnccc8sary0o in The Union Insnrance Company of San ItANGES, t :.u l rrl. . I; i attend to all bailncee entrusted to him. Francisco. J.E.W1SEMAS,' Ijjates-- W. E. nHU UIUCI VU1S. IMUiUfUUiBBUn.l.?. KnUIIIgir W1P Attend all the Term of the Court, tod The Near England Life Insurance Companr. of Borton luIG 3m aoncltlnit Agrnl. Styles ROWELL, Honolulu- - prolific Ibat if the eggs of only fivo females of will alto attend the Local Circuit Courts In Kau. The Blake 2Iannractnrin Co., of Boston. CEO. LUCAS, IT! SURVEYING DONE TKOMPTLY D.JI. Weston's 1'alcntCinlrlfn-- sl Machines. Lamps, SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL alio species conld be protected from their num. lj The New York and Uonolnln TacLct Line. Chandeliers, And Purchased by Himself eroua enemies every year, Ibo JlcJilcrrancan The Merchants1 Line, Ilonololn and ban Francisco. CONTRACTOR & BUILDER S. LEVEY & COM l)r. Jayner Son Celebrated Medicines. - PIBE AND 3IAKINK INSUKAXCE would soon en-ar- with turtle. Tbo turtle J. ANJ) m Wilcox & (iibb'e, binder Hannfactnrinc Company, and COMPANIES Or NEW in Person. LAINE & CO. lays its eggs during lUe niglit npon tlio bcacli, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 1015 Wheeler a Wilsons' Scnla; Machines. I ZEAXAND. covers, tbcm lightly with sand, and leaves FOKT STICEET, Honolulu, H. I. iiY.iiArv Gonoral CAPITAL - - $20,000.000 x LAituEjtrocK or the bo batched by tho Unfortunate- iixcus JUST RECEIVED them to sur. Frtfth Groceries,, and Provisions of all Mode on hand Llabllityof Shareholders, l.ioln; Joint BY ly aro regarded as a delicacy by the in- and received regularly from Europe and American Importers of General Merchandise pimlted "Vary they which will be cold at the lowrst market Honolulu aSteani Planing Mills, HOUSE FURNISHING Boo: the rate. Ilarips established an Ayencj at Honolaln, for tho habitants of the coast, trho cat greater Goods delivered to all virtt of the city free of charec. FROM Hawaiian Islands, the nndrTslgned Island ordera is prepared to CONCHEE&AHUNG part of them, while many more fall a prey to t5? coHcitedand prompt attention Esplanade, Honolulu, lis I, rln "Hnis, lferchandise, FORT oTRBET. ABOVE KISO, Hay,Grain, &c. dogs and other animals; and of the young tur- will be given to ihe tame ao y FXANCE, ENOLASD, OERUA HY, AND 2 on themost farorabla terms. Mannfac'nree wiiicn i orrsREO at thk tle which leave the shell, the greater number ti. AV. MAtirAKLArNi; V CO., UNITED STATES, all kinds of HiKDWAllE Losses Promplly Adjusted and Pay- New Goods of Various Descriptions are devoured on their way to the sea by tho IHPOHTEES AHD C0MHIESI05 MERCHANTS, So. SB Qncrn Street. - - Honolulu, n. I, Mouldings, Brackets, , able Here ! i;i Lowest Market Prices innumerable wild fowl which flock about tho BEAVER BLOCK, Window Frames, aMPBEIiI.'S KmV llXOCK, coasts of the The creation of iiv.'iia.'v DEUTEBEO Mediterranean. Cor Fort and Queen Streets, : Honolulu, 11 I. imos., Blinds, FORT STREET, Opporile Wilder Co. Marino BUta on Merchandiao, Trelgh ts Chinese and Japanese Ware! MB ME TOJWI F4UT 8F m tto" a few parks fa- Sashes, Doors of the sort proposed would so agxxt rvn 101!-l- y and Treasure, at Current Rates, WEOLESALE GROOBKJ. And alt Vinds of Woodwork ar ALSO, LATEST 8TTLa: OT vor the naturally rapid multiplication of the ThcGIaf?wandIIonolQluLlncorracl.eU. Finish. u. o. BERUEIT. Auea-r- roa John Hay & Co'a Liverpool and London rackets SK and 13 California Street, tub species, that turtle instead of being the luxury Arent for Uawallaa fslands. EUROPEAN NOVELTIES IN The Waitapa riantation. tt A ' K Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing 1 JEWELRY I Pacific Mutual Ufo Iosorance Comjaaa of the rich, bo ta- 2'IanuUoo, 1111 o, S HA CISCO. TH1JIH.AT1.1 inisbt seen on poor men's The Spencer PTjANT wrr 1SCLUDINO j. four-pen- llakalas Plantation, llilo. AM. UIXDH or HEKKTOrOIiE BOM OF CALiroKNU. bles, and sold at cheap co ar tS7 rarticnlarattcnUonpaid to JIIIn;andshlppln-Islan- d THE on the MJCANC restaurants at bn-- rLASTTION,conalstin; FIRE INSURANCE JUiTlees.TaU & Watson, Machinery. orders. COMPANY, a plate. Sr. James Gazette. Puuloa Sheep Eanch Company. 1014 loioif Planing and Sawing, OF UAHBCBO. FINE SETS OF TIGER CLAWS Tho OF MILL, OVERSHOT IRONATER-WHEE- L AgenU for the "H007IB TEtEPHOmt,' Why not throughout these islands? Ed. Morticing- and Tenanting. Capiut of the Company AReaerreuRe!chsraark(Vrl.oai Silk Handkerchief! (bemititched), ci-- : 3) feet diameter, with Uearin;; their Companies " mjEOpoa coMmssioNZB or bxxbs From September 2nd to October 11th, at AUolon and ejoailttea. BROWN & PHILLIPS, ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Coolers, Centrifn;alr. Turbine Water Wheel, Ox Total FOR CALDTOSSIA. Philadelphia, there is to be held a most inter- FOB Carta, Howe, rarmln2, Carpentera. Coopera , Brichsmark lV7,),vm A FI.NE ASSOBTHEBT OF fair-l- Steel Rails Ami Work (In urn til ml. esting ho International Electrical Ex- OR and Blacfcsmithe Toola. XMTTBljieUOXBXO. 147. WIT If position. PORTABLE PERMANENT PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, r Ordera from the other Islands solicited. NORTH GERMAN At that time there will bo shown Honolaln. May 5. 1S8I. mi Sm To one plantln: on eharea and wlshinr; In rataref to Japanese Lacquered Ware every electrical apparatus known ! GASFITTERS AND crind bla own caneTthls affords anannsnal oppcrlnnlty Also, Xo. 1 lllce For Sale. THE WESTERN HAWIJMM to science, COPPERSMITHS of ao dola; at Terr small cost. PIHE IHSTJEANOE COMPANY, and every form to which electricity Railways m ES- VMT toooir is applied KNOWLES' Price xery low and terms eaay HiaRDBU, to uses in life. There will also bo shown all 15 eft, lengths, 14 lbs. to the yard Ji'o.71 King; Mnei, Ilonolnln.ll. I. CapfUtotlheCompasyABeserre..CelchsnurkS31ooo TJnnESTMEHT COMPACT, M the historical original STEAM VACUUM PUMPS ALSO-T- OR their Compaaiea 33,uuVJbQ apparatus relating to Jost rcceirtd pit "Sake of Aoertorn," iND SALE ! The Tourists Betreat, LIMITBD,, the earlier discoveries House and Ship Job in electrical science, from Liverpool. Work UXDERSIGXED ToUl Beichsmark OfiVflX) At Honnapa, Kaoy Hawaii. Honey Loaned fsvr 9Wt m addition there will be placed tST rKOMPTLT ATTENDED TO "SO TItK ILtVE JUST AND Pi!f on exhibition I". OEEEN, or per Amy Tamer, from Boston, a fall HOUSES LOTS s B memorial W. these eelehtiiMl At rery desirable and E.TBiaWiUWEB.CrjfcRAI.AHE.TTS Tot'sim-- ajid tf library of all works Wash-Bowl- rf Pnmn whii, - that location, Toleana. wilt flhd a OK ATFKOVBa ever written MACyAELASB & Co, Bath Tubs, Water Closets, s, a.wH- t THEthe abora three companies .&au SXCVMrfY or ever 0. W. leed to be cheaper and than any atyle Soa. 13! and 135 Nqnann Arennc, 10 ralnatea-wal- for tho Hawallaa modailona. Saddl liorsea. ririln printed relating to electricity. letter other of Islands, are- prepared to lnsare BulldJajs, Jtc, at TI1E KETBSAT JarAnptyt. - Such 1030-t- AzenU tor Jno.3Powlci & Co pomp imported. We call th attention planters pa-r- 'roo and jarbor. rarnllere, The ctlnute atlloniupoUthaorateatha W. L. GBSS- l tlf1t1a-1a- t thai YTaiaan of ,, Machinery. Islaedator imp0rUDC And all kinds Plumbing JG&eds in D S,Tt'"'n.u'4?ilc 4c, jlwanj A i - """ fliucatltt u tCS COBJPH tBT" Ternuraay. foriurtinUraappIito the barbor. lsraihU. ne rlew had of the lorrMndres Seeae- "uUedSuLr6"68 &C ctwndEiotejtnicb!ettiQ other pnmps. WOOD. (zilnst losa GAKDS,BAIIiPnOGBAMJIES. '1017O AtWATH 01, join Tu. or damaze by are ,on thrmoat farorxble termr. UAHD. am c jmsfrEH co. tl ot V, S. WIU.LIMS, MODKKATK. M ly H. BACSFSLD CO. m t. w sMrraias, POK JOB WOUK vsmn-- Paonu.i . tiustnt tiih, rH fiiWTTPf

ntrj'.. i.:. - Vui v " -- .Tm'iiiF.rr

' w,Bl'm'-"- ' ' ' -- -- - vfisss "" " r i'gMriWiiffiTCiniiiliiil'lilllfiiBBt


uc - j a Committee, reiwrted faTorafcly on iLe bill to I noticed he didn't take off his powder-hor- n, ins trees, wliilo around them roso stately (Dtucral 3uarrtistiiinits. (Dtiicrnl SUtticrtistiiicntfl. 33muaiimt prohibit luc posting of bills upon any property and before I conld call attention to it he was palms, casting their shade on the flower- diaxrfte or premises witbont the owner's consent; also in the water. I waited about twenty mi- ing plants and shrnbs that carpeted tho a substitute for fho bill to prevent tlio waste nutes" . forest path. TVEDXESDAY, AUGUST 13 1E8J. of artesian well water on the island of Oalio. "Twenty minutes!" ticy all exclaimed. Lato nt night they suddenly emerged MILLS Both bills were read twice and ordered to a "That's tho exact time, my friends. I held from tho forest and found themselves in itfDlA RICE third reading on the 121h inst. my watch in my hand .ind timed him. After Tlie Hawaiian Legislature another village, a largo one, closo to a UciircscnUlivc Dole desired tlio 1'rcsident tircnty minntcs I began to get a little nervous, river. This they fonnd to bo tho village to tlio and looked the side of the boat, and what .. ;a!fcsr,iij"N7"i1?fc of llio Board of Ilcaltli state whether over of Tenom, fivo miles i LI . healthy children do you think I saw?" from tlio sea and only Session 1SS4-- Board had permitted young, twelve miles from Fnngah, where they (D to visit Molokat to seo their parents or friends. "I suppose jour friend, lying on Ihe bottom said of the lake, drowned," ventured were last held captive, so that they must Sercntr-Pimr- Dr. Aug. 5th. . The President of the Board of Health one. that there had been several applications for "So, you aro wrong. Hero is where ho havo been led by roundnbontpaths, lo H AITEIINOOX. p'coplc to visit Molokai and take children with showed his presence of mind and dirty thiev- mislead them as to distance. There were Dlspenanryi TJaS"la8iA TIio Cotmnittcc rcscrali!ctl at 1:30, anil them. He had invariably refused. o permit ing disposition. There ho sat on tho bottom many lints in this village, bnilt on posts, CO Sas fiiuasco. Cu. T3S1 C6 rcMiinctl coiuitlcratinn if llic items in tl.c of tho lake pouring the powder and they were led to tho largest of them, J'rlvnto and llic had been issued by himself or by the Secretary onl of my horn rhrdehns tasscd: floor. H Aiiroprialitti Hill, tlic fitlltiwiits Ireins cf the Board. I'coplo have been permitted to into his own, and whistling." ono with a double Here they re- In Ui TMtrrt StalealE 0 Hoard S SS.OU to in buildings Xo made by pr'ee method b- Jrnrnil Krirdff. of Ilialll go thero assist the erection of reply was any of his.listcners, mained eight days. On the fourth day -- - l' . M-s '111 sucpi-cious- ly T)henne& V3 . 13 -- on iki account to remain any length of timo but each tme quietly lofiins word came Dutch hawker was in AtTectlonall?"of - i aw 01 lifpalrpandcarcor Jnarautlnf. ."M lilt i;u' "'t that a Naron K in the settlement. at the story teller, and left him alone, tho village, selling goods. hawker lnptJon Consideration ortlic .il.iricg or the Jimliccs Tlio of ulxad imrfB On motion tlio Assembly convened in Cum- - master nf llic situation. Kt. to iainpezmaneaur cured aod of llio Supreme Court wa tlien mkcti np ant turned out bo a spy, carrying letters to for iuv mittce of the Whole and proceeded to consider tlio cantain from tho "Assistant Resident Lasts, Sersjl SVEtp ' passcJ as , , . nt Smbai Dear 3 ft follows; , ' i ii.- -. rwK-YAB- !. .j. i.m. tnutia Jt OF.TlIEJSEHO. J(dibiMwlirnmtUA'nmniHi4l4V,o-juL- . 'M

107, 1-0- & 111 2iJ san ari4 MTinii 1rm ivuiainVMtliiniri:iiJ.i inUimlliy n Kir Tliitrmclii"- -. and lVrlcr Log of Noah's Ark- - . ' f MT,lianln'le J:i frm lwip, ntcrol SUintrtistiiicitts. rncral SttincrtisrmcntG. (6rntrol SUiDcrtiscmcnts. (tfani I tntrnl utrttsemtnts (5tiural lootrtistmcnts. .,i ,rLi nan IhaT othrr Mill. Tho alleged discovery of Koah's Ark by S M. CUKTXK. 9. r, Largely Reduce the Rate somo explorers on tho heights of Mount PALAMA DAIRY FOR SALE ounix. s enabled lo Ararat prompts somebody on tho New .HiGKFELD & GO WILDER fe CO. log-boo- W. k H. PAGE, IKI. AND OI York AVorld to "discover' tho of S. CARTER COMFY ?IIM-Til- l. .MAM A!IUMI M 11.11 1 IT 'I.i:iM. Al the voyage. Hero is an oxtract : Importers and Dealers in Till: I'Ut.Mttil.Xi EITIIACT rnOSI TUX LOO. OFFER FOR SALE It: Kin; SI., llonoluln. II. I., Kelall Dealr . u COXrillblN'O l.t Siiterforli5 til MiU l th. tn Frcc November 11, 1C37 B. C All got in to- Honolulu 5gggfg Carnage day. No signs of a shower. If it don't INVOICES OF NEW GOODS .ml Nntlnlii llifjlflil "I VfrrlwntiM'r Hie 500 HEAD OF CATTLE, Firewood Coal and Feed. s (rT cent ram I might as well givo up Sril Hi for llnll'ns and OmuIiih havo Embraclnj MILCH COWS and other Cattle. JUST ItECEIVED LUMBER We wonM notify the public and bookkeeper In par SIms Ulr tti business. Tho women had a fight MANUFACTORY, tlcnlar, we 411i 1 rrtiitc ami Iltrnnr. Qaalftyof un. that keep on band and for alc In over their stato rooms, as expectod. ALSO-YYag- and at lowest rate Fuel at l I Horses, Lease of . ,IIl I iiiftjnitilJ-Mln- Irmillnrwof lckcw bow. Land, Nos. 128 130 BARKS "KALE," AND follows: Hard and oftool. cnlanjlencths;C'har-K- Sirs. Shem is in tho She couldn't and Fort Street, htrcoaL .S.MT, ?(ewealle Coab. mleh Coalf, and " stand tho Eincll of tho mastodons. What with House Etc. (Opposllc the ranlhcuu Sublet), MAZATLAN " and the Celebrated Wellington Mine airs. BUILDING MATERIALS ! Denartnre Bar Coals; also OF cer For Further Tarticalars apply to Honolulu. II I. FROM BlackrmilhM' Coal. CONSIGNlffENTS November 17. Clouding up. The BREMEN, Tin abore can ! ordered by telephone or otherwise CONCHEE & Co., aod Immediate delivery guaranteed. C aquarium tanks in tho steerago havo Consist. jiartof as folio wa. "m Fort Street. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY nio or am. uixi. Wni. M. caused mo more tronble than anything ''' I Gcnrrnl CommUti- else. Yesterday a unicorn busted two of A targe Assl. of Dry Goods, GIVE US A CALL " thorn horn. I've lost I with his I 6uspcct WHEELWRIGHT AND JUST RECEIVED - Telephone No. 305. fix or eight species of liquids and poster THE CHAMPION SUCH AS ity will never forgivo mo. Ilcnims, Brown and White Cottons, ex GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ' ALSO Nov. 18. Raining like i C Drills, Tickings, Turkey Ilcd, ic, KEEP IX HBOCK New Goods hj Tho crowd continues to groan at us alfday,(if and wants to know where tho water is THE SIAXUFACTOKV CuXTAISb A Merinos, black and colored, 4 qualities TSety ,xia. Oats, SAN FRANC) coming from to float this boat. That's a LATE ARRIVALS! FEOM Fire and ltepps, Cobonrgs, Alpacas, Italian Cloth, and California and Now Zealand j conundrum. It is not pleasant to bo called Complete Carriage Shop Corn- - Whole, and Groaned : Itran, Ilarley, Wholo NEW an old crank by tho population. Ham has BlacksmithiShop, SKVF.ltAL and Ground; Wheat, been sampling my wines. IIo thinks Dress Goods, MiddlinK. and other Feed. I I5j Onlcr the atwTO throogh don't know it. Paint Shop and SUCH AS URGE AND CAHGUlES TELEPHONE NO. SOS, C November 18. Fancy Tucntj-Flv- c )Received Trimming Shop, l'rints, ClT, Stjlcs, by wo aro not so cer- Proof and warrant quick Tho crowds perfectly dead Burglar Trinted S.tttccns, deliverp, and Iill weight. tain about tho water. Six spotted megat- ! rompadoore, Plaids, or Orders from tho other Islands solicited. TO ARRIVE BY VESSELS Family Carriages GinRhams, Victoria Lawns, Satin Stripes, ALSO. herium stampeded y and got over- r ancy Striped Grenadines, FUEE DELIVER Y board. Expresses, White Silk Japanese Twills, Serges, November 18. Got off Took in l'oplins, Satin and Moire, a to all parts of tho city, ltemember A IS 12 SOU) Buggies, Black and Colored YelTcts. KiTii-r- To ATI s atC:30, Rain coming down iiiiin, H'Z KhiRStroet. and Telephone No. 181- - lively. Old boat goes round liko ' a tub. Phaetons, FINE SILKS, L'OJtrr.isiNu Crowd ery riotous on shore. Contractors Omnibuses, Jllack, GronRrain, Fancy, Colored and Striped Gavo SLFES! Barege, wanted their pay. 'em all fortyday Crepc.ic, papcr. Somo of 'em stoned us as wo were TAILORS' ALL WE USUAL S'lOCK SIZES Special Notice TT Suitable for Plantat off. Drays and GOODS: shoving Herders who had driven in Jlanufaf lured by the Cincinnati bare and Trucks tho elephant and rhinosceri were very Breaking Carts, Buckskins, Diagonals, Tweeds, Cords, The Undersigned Proprietor of the Serges, Silcsias, Doeskins, Cassiraeres,.ic Or I UI1L1KS. Onk--i rilled at abusive.. Ham foolishly struck ono of SCA1ITLIK0. them with his umbrella. Coming down Lock Company, Plantation "Wagons, A Splendid Asst. of Shirts, TIHBEH, PLANK, BOARDS, laetion to lMirclnisers. , lively now. Looks as if it would uo con- Hand Carts, Etc., Etc, siderable of a shower after all. (Woolen, Jlixed, Calico, Hickory, Denim, Jtc.) 1.1 STEAM CANDY FACTORY ADE TO FENCING AIR IK It HKi pic-r- a hiatus occurs, and it is tho ORDER OK MOST FAVORABLE TERMS Merino and Cotton Undershirts, : : : -- White Bosom Ac., XJraliory Improved opinion of tho translator that, when ho got E. F. Adams, Agent. And All Work Guaranteed! w Shirts, And tir Socks and Stockings, In) uSIA t.gLlK IMKIh MAPS' out of sight of land, Noah, who was a Handkerchiefs, Dt.lrca to Inform hl patrons and the pnbllesencr- - The clusett attention clrcn to J1EPAII! WORK OF foulards. Gloves, alljr that notwltli-tandl- the rreent dlsastrons lii ii if iHt Bwtpr, Hum ty tcvl Nim heavy drinker, went below and sta3-e- w 'Mi lland of MuIimc 11r OW ALL KINDS. Ire, UK HAS KltECTF.D U' - turn himIi- - flf WR there, leaving tho log to Shem. A LAKUE INVOICE OP CL0TJUXU A rimlJr htilf, Thcec Safes luteal) of the xcvd qualities of other tST" Having been In business Most Complete Stock oi .:' v uiuirtiV. Ma1trL" IMrL, Ilw.A4Mk SHE1I TAKES COMMAND. on the Islands for a A NEW FACTORY & BAKERY .n quality., - Lumber of rears, emplojln uon- - bat the most cklllf al i i"Mii. is lLli,tHt or.Mocu-infc- t w iio for lnr- - nii'I muh VnrUm November 20. AVet wether. Old man malcre. ami ti.lnzonlr Al MATERIAL. I can On a ranch mere extensile (talc which Is now In rrt, Strictly Uuarantec Tine Black Cloth FrockSCoaU and 1'ants, fall mimI IWt Flit cranky 1 ' ) . bed- all worl. leaving my Mannfaetor,. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER operation, and which will be In complete work. jr or mid India Hi as a (Translator Buckskin Sacks, Pants gnd Suits, at Mul L.iIit Lrinp, Cff(ihe me a call before elsewhere. order by an early arrlral of new 3Iacblnrry and TooK. Vtr- K Mean) bug.) Drinks too much for a navigator. Turcha'ln" "5a Telt, Jlohair, Dri'Vrlannel 4 illcr nrrrtnpmnd 1m de.,Mm Sacks and Pants, (And Keeps his best liquor in tho snako depart- Patent inside Itultuork and patent IUngc Don't Forgot tlio Place ! Boys' Shirts and Children's Jackets, is now Prepared to Manufacture DISSTONS CELEBRATED Si Monkey and Sailor Jackets, 1.1TI.VI NT1 IJJ. ment. liS and 1 0 Fort St., (oppollc llotld'a Stables), I. It. Coats and Leggings, Carpet Slippers. J .1 krxmVawl Mabli f Ftlrf. IlMnmrr In Silk and I. C. Umbrellas and Parasols, NAILS, LOCKS Choicest Pure Candies W roiifbt atlr hIImio Honr and Male W. H. Sliem and Japhet struck; sworo Cap Locks ami Holts, PACE, Fancy and Traveling Shawls, And will always hare on hand his Delicious out 1010 Cotton and Turkish Towels. BUTTS, HINGES, MADE they wouldn't shovel guano any longer, Proprietor, Whito and Fancy Quilts, rain or no rain. Boat leaks like a sieve. Telt Bugs Latest Improvement and Brussels Carpeting, BOLTS. Vanilla Had to plug it with Spitz dogs. Think SCBEWS.itc Chocolate Creams, 1 - I' I. IW.illB Io )Ulr. )lit)lHKt NEW and STYLISH mo gnawers are all wortmg tnrougu. And aleo have many alnallc linprtncmciits, Cocoanut Candies, ;. .IWirr Wnin PvurlnE V, in udranfcrO 1 23. BLAIVKETS: November All hands on sick list. G-ootl- s Horse Blankets, Whito and Fancy Blankets, Rich Nurjat, In bars; Stock of Honors running low. Fino view Jtil!imei'y Fancy Striped Woolen, two sizes, E n ! & ", uSi-- X J53 JD : from tho cabin window. Collided with a Solid .Angle-Iro- Covers, Front and Back, Scarlet, Orange, White Woolen.aand 4 points. DRY 1EOW00O Sugar Roasted Almonds 111 Threads, Tape, Elastic, Scarfs, Ac, ''.rHiot Ttl.liiK-- . A A. Hand I) megatherium at i. Stovo in tho port bow. Ladies' Underwear CREAM CANDIES, ....I and Silk and Velvet Itibbons, great variety; l.tum bU.t1lff, H4j According to tho weather-gaug- o three Scantling; surface and rough ' c.ntti' tit l Ultitr 'i AIm, feet Buttons for Shirts. Coats, Pants, Dresses, I'lank, of water fell yesterday. tho matter Soft Marsh-Mallow- s, In of Atid heavy italic, tkercbj ivinj Rreat Increase la Childens' Clothing fluids the water is altogether dispropor- " PERFUMERY, FLORIDA WATER, Boards, surfaced and rongh ; llattcns, NrAPLK (.ROOEIUES, Goldc . etrcuth- - One fpccIalljrlnporUnt advantage over mi xbtmr. Alameda and other Late Arrlrale. Cum Drops, and tionate. Old man is acbng tho dovo trick Genuine Iitu de Cologne, Lnbin'a Ki tracts, Pickets, ''ustic, I.atticc, Clapboan). wiui an educated Keeps other bates la Toilet Soaps, Philocome, Hair Oil, Combs, Cum Fruit Bon Bons 1.UJ-- U h AU, CaJH pigeon. him itamwi quiet. Mirrors, Looking Glasses, Pipes, Of alldcicrlptlon.. All those Heme Made fresh and Mrs.W. H.1ILKINS0N I. It. Bails, Harmonicas, Blank Books, pare Confections, I sell cents per Kei-oscn- e, i . atao round. Foi Oil We Offer 1 -' Albums, Gold Leaf, Jewelry, Watches, vrui, The Monaco Gaming TaTalos. The Talent THE lASHlOSABLE RICH WEDDING CAKE OF THE FINEST FLAYOR VIENNA FURNITURE: Pant and VShitcvvssh Erushos it cannot be beat for qui Monaco is more than menaced. I have rea In all tlzes alwaya on band, and ornamented son to bclicvo that tho interview of tho Sena Milliucr&Drcss-ilSake- i' Extension, Arm, Dining Boom and Parlor nun1: i.i:.i, In the most anlitlc ttjle. VULCAN, a good ,,-- 3Iii;;iii!lic awl Automatic Chairs, Settees, c.t tors MM. Schoclchcr, llcbrard, 1'cllctan and Saddles, Calfskins, Girths, Stirrup miii;imt, MINCE dc OF FORT STREET, Leathers, PIES always fresh Comts St. Vallier will be followed by an i'ai.ntdiu AS ALoO appeal to which will oe URATES OF WOODWARD & BROWN': naiy, lavorably K Begs to inform the Ladles or Honolulu and the other ASSORTED CROCKERY, cioved, to aid in puttincdown tUn Jimik andlSafc Locks, Islands - tiamUitv that she ha now on i lew the LAUOEST and Containing Cups, AND Home prrKn MOST ELEGANT Assortment of the Latest Sljlca of Plates, Teapots, Bowls, METALLIC OTHER PAINTS! Made Mince Meat (Jowl tables. ThoPTCmicr Will l,!.vin,r,rnm Chambers, Bico Dishes The ClieaiicNt l'iano; and Bakers, For Sale at SO Cents per iscd to do so, thjMtftldy jnto tho subject. Ho Millinery, Demijohns, 3 and 5 galls ; Sample Bottles, round. ""jf-Carnc- st m not 0Dj. listening to bis Willi Ilcvolving Holts. ases and Glassware. Manila and Tarred Itopo, Class. WJII recclte per Consnelo tho balance of my new Flowers, Hemp and I. It. Packing, Coal Baskets, machinery of Ihe newest designs for mannfactnrlnj: all Tft'&GEieE&'WZ,W -- " TCnaiuiiai visitors, uui in consuuinir wiiu lucm Feathers, Salt, descriptions of plain Candles. V Ti as to tho line they thought it most judicious to cfc ',?'n,!ii';? ,he ,nb.l,: ,or PreTloos liberal patronise qjl rSl&&lSiTt3aSJri3eS 1 follow. Indeed, he said they were forcing an This Lock Is enc of the mosl Bonnets, Sugar DEtlco Bags Firewood. soliciting a continuance of the same. h Of all sizes and qualities. Very Kespectfnlly, open aoor in poiuung out to mm tlio evil Hats, Etc., . No. 5 NUUANIJ ST of a hell such as Monaco. All that To be fonnd In this cltr and w ell adaplcdto the comin" Coal Bags, Gunnies, Twine, Burlaps 3P. HOHM-- he was uncertain about was the manner in Holidays. These Hoods were Selected with Uare, and Woolpack and Twilled Sacking, Linen Hose, DOORS SASH BLINDS Practical Confectioner A l'astry Cook. cell bulled to the wauta of the Ladies of Honolulu and which the campaign against it should be un- Simple the ea-- TIIE OLD jTASD. and Reliable Islands. GROCERIES: Al.l..SI.l.i, Jl HOTEL ST. ' dertaken. M. do St. Vallier said that M. Ferry TKLKPIIOSE XS. 74 r.o. SOX SO. tiie In vzt 75 for Comprised Mrs. Sardines, iin Asents would not only have tho King of Italy, but Wilkinson's Stock mar be fo u nd in half and quarter boxes, 1". Of Eastern and California Make ljuccn tuo fam- I.AIIi;V II. and Biscuits, Salt in jars, Mctoria and bcrman Imperial Castor ily with him. When Mcntono, ho added, Combination Locks I.M',MS AMI t'IIII.l)Iti:.s Oil in Tins, Stcarino Candles, , 5 and C FOIt SAU IX QUANTITIES TO at Matches, Cocoanut Oil, Wash Blue, hl'IT tho Queen was horrified tho E. at evidence sho Hubbuck's Linseed Paint Oil, II White Lead, AND AT O.Hall & Son saw of the degrading iofiuenco of tho tables at CLOTHING of all Descriptions. Whito Zinc Paint. Monaco. Lord Granville, doubtless EVER MADE, Ladies' Hand Itas, A. "W ccnuiTiiii.1 at her LIQUORS : O PlllOCti rocket uooks, best Leather; 'T 1016 suggostion, instructed Lord Lyons to aid when- Ladiei Gold Iiracrlcts, iiai k rou mm: a.ii ox the wat ever he saw an opportunity in the good work l'lns. Earrings, JLc ,Ac. De Lange lils and Bonlellcan Brandy.and of suppressing tho hell. Bath tho German Andbj the peculiar operation of the manct shuts oil Imported other brands, ! Hats and llonncts, latest Styles Willi Flow- Hum, Hall's (he ers, leathers, Illbbons, to match. Gin, St. Paul Beer, Alo and Porter, Steel Plows Crown Princo and Princess had entreated tho entirely ueof the "Micrometer,'" an instrument ie. Wine, A larrc assortment of Childrens' School Hats, Very Port Sherry, Ithino Wino, J. T. Waterhouse, Cot tin- - from S lo to 15 Count w hen ho was French Ambassador Tto In. at eomctlmce applied picking lok, There Is never ..wr. a j;n.iit irfiivit vi Olitrr IOOJ, Ioq pumcr Fine nnd Tablo Clarets, Champagns, Berlin to holp them in OU3 toiuentloii, toirMcli the G. Mnmra & getting up a diplomatic any ott of power In the magnet, as the Poles arc con iofPcctfon or tbe Ladles II. Co., Sparkling Hock, HALL'S HEAVY STEEL BREAKERS crusado against Monaco. Their feelings against Dry Heidscick, Monopole, Ch. Farre, ncctedby an armature and the power is consequently Moselle Ate. Ii.MiTi.s:i.Mi.rniN or Tin: urn plague spot wee oi late, even deeper dc, 12, It, 15 at d IS than DA Is, who Inch. formerly. M. de St. Vallier reminded M. Ferry Increased. ''JS. excellent tau a. a Milliner, n ""'known lo the Ijdks, tllll continues to preside in German and Havan a Cigars IVLSO-- A NEW LINK m-- that in tho Italian Parliament Sicnor Mancini Wchavc received a email invoice of tbeabotc cele- the Trlmmin" Department, ihlch is an assurance-tha- i the Ladies will Hare Plated Ware Spoons, Following Goods Just Received admitted tho right of France to take tho initia brated fcAFES, and can take orders our Catalogue their Trimminfr done in the latest Forks, Cruets, Tea Sets, from and most fashionable St jlc. Cups, Ac. Hall's Steel Rock tive against the tables. A member of the de for any eize required, to be delivered within 3) days, Breakers putation has informed mo that not long ago Call and See the Novelties. HARDWARE KX. I.ATi: AltltlVAI.S: ii, u ami 19 inch, mug jiumuciit:ipic&&i;u jjiidscii jniuo Containing all the adrantazrs of other Ilreakers 6irong. Pocket and Lutcncr anil cbI terms acainst Monaco, which he had him. At Trices thai Dcl Competition ! Knives, Scissors, nnmuer or new improTrments. all made by the Sheep Shears, Needles, Spoons, . self, hen at Sau ltcmo, thoroughly studied. Files, Black French. Merinos, iitKAT .tioi.i.xi: co. S Spurs, Galvanized Basins, Hoop Iron. ri.oir TELEPHONE No Uo was sure that it was a causo of profound IBUMIIUlil) Keg Itivcts, Hammers, you jjet it demoralization. Farmers and small shop When abafc-- aoudoncl Abundant Testi- Yellow Metal and Composition Nails,? LaiUeaantl Ocnl. Umltrcllaa, keepers nockca 10 ii irom .Aormcni Italy when monials or Fire Testa can be teen at tht Office of Babbitt Metal, Sugar Coolers, Iron Tanks, Clarifiers Also, Linen hliffllDB. Klne SIIL". they had a little spare money. Gambling clubs PHACTICAL 4c Ladles' and titV Hoalery. U I, A HAMS, Embroldmd Clolfi Table Corrrs vt cro not so bad as a public hell. No club had Agent for the Hawaiian Idands. tho advertising power and publicity of a hell. Iil3-t-f Portland Cement. Have Received a Ful That of Monaco was attractivo by theatri- Ladies' & Gent's Underwear, its DRUGGISTS Fire Clay, Blacksmith Coal, Fire Bricks, cal entertainments, which were of the highest ! Tiles, Empty Barrels, Oakiioats, 4c, Ac, 4o artistic order; its pigeon shooting, andasuup. Irish Damask No. I 13 & I 15 Ordcra from the other lelanda carefully Woolen &.Cotton Shirts, Dilliiigliam Bi tuous hotel, in which foreigners FORT STREET were taken attended lob in at a loss, which, however was recouped by DEPOT FOIt COERK-K- &. I.AHUi: A,V 3IKM IH'J the roulette. I'coplo who had a passion for SCIHIECKE'S,, IIII.I.irK.IIA.M gambling went to clubs, which did not cntico H.HACKFELD&CO. White Linen Shirts and Collars, the general public by varied and brilliant We t I01S amusements. Schoclchcr said he Have Just Received FURROW PLOWS, regarded M. i.Tr..r .sn i.k.n; Blanc's kingdom as a moral leprosy. The scum Wool Uoo.Ifl, of Europe gathered there, and in'banding to- A VEKV FIXE AbSOKTMEXT OF Vtttt CIGARS! CIGARS! Ladies llala, trimmed aod nntrlinineil ; gether acquired a formidable power to do evil. RiCKSECKER'S Oatrkh Ftathera Daily Acics' Paris Correspondent, COOK SVOTSS Irish Double Damask. 3E DE3 L m 353 Edgings and Insertions, ASH San Francisco is to bo TJ A NEW It f arc all made (romvor own mttcn congratulated M S ENTERPRISE. J' H DKK1IK. Uk 1'ioneer upon tho stale of its finances. Tho tax a Wwteru llot f. AND THE ri.i: uirur ork in Uw wuild. e nro .;enU fa lew for 1884-8- 5 is S1.121 on a valuation of 5220,000,000. This provides for all muni- RANGES. Cultivators, Horse Hoes, & Harrow J. W. HINGLEY CO., SCOTCH TWEEDS, OF AI.L SIZES; ' Old Moline cipal expenditure and interest on debt TABLE LINEN COMMON SENSE Pattern Plows, The debt is not very heavy, however. KITCHEN AND Plantation Tools, all kii Tho Manufacturers of all Grades of 110U8EUOLD UTENSILS-o- X city auditor reports that SC51,000 of city DIIIECT FROM - New Designed Prints, all kindu: Diflcrential Pulle bonds had been redeemed from January 1, iursiii- Siotile. PAINTS .VND OlXS-- of all kindsj Buckeye Mo 18S3, to Juno 20, 18S1. by tho sinking fund, And a Crert Variety of bo'h CIOAR.S LUBIUCATINO OILS-b- oat .lock in Fodder leaving a balance owing which will all bo BENSON, SMITH & CO. the paid off in about five years. San Francisco BELFAST, IRELAND and American Goods er'e, Noonday 4 Lnatral- - - WIS DrngGists. Fine Havana CIGARS English Lubricating Oils, Tur- will then bo free of debt, and will own aii.vji l'LATED W.UtE-fr-om ItceU Barton; - A y SPECIALTY, i 4- I'ainu. lvunt Oil and Vraih,&ludtliE corporation property valued at COXSIfcTIXG OF SOLID SILVEinrAKE-fromtboOorham- Kiw LiUagBHtheri!. Hooae MJjir.itors to Jirj.vrio.v. Co. KurnidLiuR Opti Its affairs are conducted on the Ttion m3 ttorttU JTJST RECEIVED Wchave made SPECIAL AltRAMJEMErTTS with POWDEKS-- all f rnntatitlt arrirntj;. nr aim 1t l ainda, from Cala. cash principal. "Pay as you go" is tho nv hie tern and California A tenia to enpplrns with the Powder Worka Connecticut H0 AND policy San Francisco, as indeed HnwtHaTanaanrl Leaf Tobacco In the aUlUUGE MACHINE BOLTS-allai-xei; of it is of .Market, We are prepared to mannfactare a Genuine the entire state of California. Article at much less than the cost of Imported C'i;ar. IV 031M:0"V7"-(3uIJ- CONCHEE &AHUJSTG Having considered this MMt llomn . , want In the FORT STREET, ABOVE KIXG, community-- we haTe engaged eoperloraigfstance from ban Frandfco In matins oar Cfari We arantee to Slieli: Of all jUcs to salt all tltsa of Dlnin; TablCf , allitj everyone who will cireiuacall. The Tourists' Retreat, New Goods of Various Descriptions located In Largo Lot. J At Honnapo, Kan, Hawaii. Within 10 minntcs walk A.. BZRA.ITT , IS of Post OfSce. HARDWARE rilOL'IUM-!- AND OTHER. IMXMIIXU Lincoln Block, Mo. 108 King St. A Splendid Assortment! Firrt-Cl- a FATEST; 13) JL lorUlttlieVolcsno, will find Chinese and Japanese Ware! feat fronUj. on Btre-lan- LEATIIEK-- batWlt lIortr,c it THE KETKEAT. With Napkins to lHatcli Reorder from the other Islands solicited, and inch ilreet. aame to Yoang Mreet, i ft.dtei,. or All Descriptions; The climate at llcntupo I, the licit on the If lands lor ALSO, LATEST STYLE OF will hare our beet care and prompt attention. .water tat on; Haeiaraen aoll, thlcMr planted OmciAK, JEWELER ail IntaUdp. Afinevlcwtf hadof thectirroiindlnz gent- wlU frnlt treet. ry, inclndln- - th Volcano, from lite A newlr ballt (trithinS monlbl; lloutc. EUROPEAN NOVELTIES IN ! W. HINCLEY & Cottaie for cash ; are a way. MODERATE. Thcuo LINENS arc JEWELRY J. Co., handaomelj papered throojlwwt, rerandah batl. anJ new. Yot partlenlars, , Ifc W. lie FINEST Ever front, and ml.balld!n?f . customers and f.," J. ?MrTHlKS. 1'r.orBlETtm INCLUDING M311E wtf Honolulu, H. I. FItlESDS to our ins nMIPTrir WATCHMAKER, S Imported to this Market, and we Invite TfcsLoteanbeillTldRl, and a eottajt of fnaal pntomhelot.wlllfroaujetojoo-tree- t. tlie our xxiends to give them an Inspection FINE SETS OF TIGER CLAWS And Dealer in Musical Instruments. of all kinds, ak, Silk Handkerchiefs (hemstitched), Ash, FOR SALE ON EASYTERMS 1 jvirc Ko. H to wore co)nlodio qwAtrovU Builders' All colors and qnalitica. EASTERN PINE, K0A, BAILS car HALF CASH. BAI.ASCE SIOr.TUAUE.-S- n G.W.Macfarlane&Co A FIXE ASSORTMENT OP Stamped Envelopes HW BECEIVED. PRKLME JMP0RTATI0w HARDWARE. qoosiQ Black "Walnut, &c. APPLY TO ci- - Japanese Lacquered Ware, OK --TI,I?.?,??03IrN"Tioxs OF - For Salo hy t3T Tot Salo Zi- Additions lo hi fornuT MorV K rou lMtnsriXG - Also, Xo. 1 lllce For Sale. or J. W. LUNINC, fi'.St" ft: VL" .t tt. I xkaty exk- Enrelopes. Perion.midJ.-- e, P?ed d Lowers & Cooko. CITED at the Gazette OCcc. lOOOIj Houso and Land Acer procure Si'tStTuSS"' Lowers & Cooke. HW' them from the local PwrtoffleeV GOODS Merchan' maiorela rrplycarda ,Uo "lomestle FINE I Wit AS f . - T 23 77- E3 ILi Ei "Se--i IK COLD, bILVER, Ar. 1 GOLD & SILVER WATCHES!

of VrBwi ouVr A of mowwuuwiuiis reintiTO icr A. lcu iaiiatwaiii2piniuH-wmr-,- i, ucvn udfath. Ln;c Att. t10iJE,,TELEPH0NE,IS'lI0y298,aS' jiww,w.igeneral uaa Tjarationyior ntnnrcu.'nuouu . aa, aanunulration and wastflig and listening came np, sajinc; "That's a remark-abl- o uimyngut! iv pKS faifvu . r L memveru s sjuanderiiij of tbe public monej-a- lie con- incident, bqt nothing to what I taw right ing uiuru, iu cuurjju oi uio cuici ETC. Musical Instruments, C3" Ordrre ten with Benleu, Smith Co.,Xo 113 sidered tlio amendrnent brother, and withont a word Of any soft Koli Mrret. will tcceire 1018 proposed a wise one, here in Milwaukee bay about thirty years prouipl alleallon.i per Fuel-PEIC- E romtar mttftCelfbraJvtlXanQfactBrrTf and could not hamper any honest administra- ago." theywero marched away, toiling for ten Saves 25 Cent, of S tion; but it will be a cbeck on tboso vrbo hoars thronghttio jangle. Onco away 105 Sc t J'CtJElOS IHXHDI,ESS YAEIETY.-- FOR did 'Vrtiat was il?" asked all tho parly al once. BEDUCED TO $7.50 BBL. 107 FORT .51 SALE. not riab to administer boneatlr. "Well, you sec the end from the lituo village, nestling among the STiET, KlorU end jtra rltl of the pier over there! THEO. Ml tOfcCJiltiMKl Jn C33 Tho Committee then rose and reported pro- I was oat there in a boat with a friend. We cocoanut trees, they saw- no lint and no H. DAVICS & Co,, Fowler's Patent Tramway, gress to- - tbe until awiy ArenU. 4 Assembly, asking leave to ait had started for a fish, apd bad taken our guns now face that weary day was over. aTT.S nf all Vinic again. alon? lo shoot ducks if any should happen Their progress was slow, for the vogota-tiq- .a. II pound Sails. pouclRailt. aa, II lion. J. Molt Smitb, from a Select Gmmit-te- e, along, which was a common thing in those of Achecn Is ininnant beyond des- Rough, .reported aad Island a substitute for tbe Minister days. Well, do-f- guilders' of ivo hadn't been there long oro cription, and their movements wero ham Bedwood, Orders will Receive WithPateat SteelSleepers Interior's Postal Sitings Bank Bill. Ileport I, in some way, lost my powder-hor- n pered by the dense undergrowth. Five Prompt an r approved aod bill mt nrjuRE. waa read a first and second overboard, and it sunk In thirty feel of water. times they Lad to cross rivers, .sometimes Of tithe by title, ordered lo engrossment audio There itJay on the bottom In plain sight. 3Iy all kinds. 'Will njp to tho waist, onco np io thoiin. No htaolf closed piljii5' llurd reading on llio II tb insU friend said he would 3ivef for it, 1 tried to time was givenihem to rest for food. They f--- w Tat Sale ln,Nj "narJi?Jiim o, but Be xesin-produc- CarefulAttention. wrdeSrn!inea, i. j "l xi ranrched throoglt groves of Lowers 6ook (lOMfc . a'