“2020, Año del Centenario Luctuoso de Venustiano Carranza, el Varón de Cuatro Ciénegas” NORTH BORDER CHIHUAHUA DURANGO NUEVO LEON N ZACATECAS SAN LUIS POTOSI COAL-MINING REGION PROFILE Perif. Luis Echeverría Álvarez No. 1560, Edificio Torre Saltillo, Piso 12, Col. Guanajuato Ote., C.P. 25286. Saltillo, Coah. Teléfonos: (844) 415-2162, 415-1714, Ext. 4800
[email protected] “2020, Año del Centenario Luctuoso de Venustiano Carranza, el Varón de Cuatro Ciénegas” INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION 2 2.1 Altitude and Geographic Coordinates 3 2.2 Distances 3 3. GENERAL INFORMATION 4 3.1 Climate 4 3.2 Demographic Aspects 5 4. TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE 5 4.1 Airports 5 4.2 Highways 6 4.3 Railroads 5. ECONOMIC ACTIVITY 6 5.1 Industrial Parks 6 5.2 Main Companies 7 6. INFORMATION ON BASIC SERVICES 7 6.1 Water and Drainage 7 6.2 Electric power 7 6.2 Gas 9 6.4 Health Services 9 7. EDUCATION 9 7.1 Middle Education - Upper Middle Education 9 7.2 Higher Education 10 8. QUALITY OF LIFE 10 8.1 Tourism 11 8.2 Magic Towns 12 9. DIRECTORY 13 Perif. Luis Echeverría Álvarez No. 1560, Edificio Torre Saltillo, Piso 12, Col. Guanajuato Ote., C.P. 25286. Saltillo, Coah. Teléfonos: (844) 415-2162, 415-1714, Ext. 4800
[email protected] “2020, Año del Centenario Luctuoso de Venustiano Carranza, el Varón de Cuatro Ciénegas” 1. INTRODUCTION Coahuila is the third largest state in the country. Located in the North-East part of Mexico, Coahuila shares a 512 kilometer with the U.S.