Father Michael Murray, SJ is Loyola High October 12, 2010

School’s new president Volume VIII, Issue I

“Without inspiration the best High school and university: Clas- Earth by Ken Follett would be powers of the mind remain dor- sical College in Sherbrooke; one of my favourite ones. mant, there is a fuel in us which Gonzaga University in Spokane, Favorite film: Shadowlands. needs to be ignited with sparks.” Washington; Laval University, Johann Gottfried Von Herder Other interests: Popular educa- Quebec City; University of Ot- 1744-1803, Critic and Poet tawa. tion, Dialogue education, Out- door education, Adult education How long have you been a Jesuit have taken up much of my life. priest? I entered the Jesuit Order Being a priest in the remote Re- Inside this issue: in 1957, and was ordained a serves of Northern Ontario, walk- priest in 1970. ing with the people, learning their Current News 1-3 Hobbies: Log and Timber Frame culture, fishing, snowmobiling building, I have managed the and boating with them. building of 6 churches, an adult Arts & Culture 4-7

education centre, and a retreat The Loyola News recently inter- A Few Questions: house, in various parts of Ontario Sports & Clubs 8-10 viewed Loyola’s new president, and James Bay; Played and What originally inspired you to Father Michael Murray to find coached hockey for many years, join the priesthood? Why did out a little bit more about the played tennis most of my life, you choose the Jesuits? New Teacher Feature 2 man and hear his perspectives on have hiked on the Apalachian A sense that “someone had to say the priesthood, education and something about God”, and this Trail, and on the Route of Com- Book Reviews 5 what he is thinking about the postella in France and Spain, seemed to me at the time to be a future. have paddled thousands of miles, fulfilling way to serve and use A Short Biography: and I still do downhill skiing and the talents that God had given Movie Reviews 6 some kayaking. me. Place of birth: Sherbrooke, Quebec Favorite book: Pillars of the On the Road 7 (Continued on page 11)

The Loyola News 12 State of the Nation: from the Habs to Boba Fett

seemingly never be explored is slightest whisper of dissent? If now under intense debate. A final Curzi's credibility (or perhaps element of humour in this sanity) is not yet in question, then month's cavalcade of shameless I'm quite sure that his petition to political rabble-rousing was ban Paul McCartney from Que- found in a statement made by bec City's 400 th anniversary cele- actor and (supposed) politician brations will sway the rest of Pierre Curzi, insinuating that the you. After all, it's common lack of francophone Quebecois knowledge that Paul McCartney By Chris Scarvelis on the Montreal Canadiens is a is a world-renowned oppressor of federalist plot to rob Quebec of francophones. It's certainly been quite the field yet another portion of its cher- There are very few day for we who, as a direct con- ished identity and replace it with social issues that could stir up as sequence of having no social life a *gasp* anglophone culture! much vitriol as the long gun reg- whatsoever, are deeply interested Visit us online! in the machinations of the politi- Don't we all remember istry has. The left claims that it's his infamous 2007 suggestion a life-saving tool that helps po- cal leaders in our midst. From the vweb.loyola.ca/ that a sovereign Quebec would lice arrest suspected criminals long gun registry to Sun TV, it strip West Island anglos of their seems that every issue that could loyolanews voting rights if they released the (Continued on page 3) Page 2 The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue I

New Teacher Feature: Mme Marie-Pierre Vouligny

Film favori : Le fabuleux destin la . Tout dans cet établissement mes cours pour bien apprendre. d'Amélie Poulain est très différent de mon ancien- S'ils peuvent s'affirmer, s'interro- ne école puisque j'étais profes- ger et apprendre tout en ayant du Livre favori : Les trois mous- seure dans un établissement plaisir, ils auront le goût de venir quetaires (Alexandre Dumas) pour jeunes filles. Cependant, assister à mes cours. Je désire Musique favorite : Toutes les j'aime bien le défi qui se présen- aussi créer une ambiance propice chansons (ou presque) des grou- te à moi: travailler avec des à l'apprentissage et aux échanges pes The Killers et Coldplay garçons et leur faire aimer la constructifs portant sur la langue Passe-temps : Chanter et cuisi- langue française! française. J'espère ardemment ner transmettre ma grande passion Quel est votre impression de des mots et de la littérature à mes Matière enseignée : J'enseigne l’école et de ces étudiants? le français aux classes 3A, 3B, étudiants dans le but de les ren- Par Michael Bilinsky Les gens qui travaillent à Loyo- 5A et 5B. seigner sur le monde qui les en- la sont très accueillants et géné- toure. Lieu de naissance : Comment avez-vous fini par reux. L'ambiance est donc Drummondville travailler à Loyola? agréable. Les garçons qui fré- Que pensez-vous les étudiants devraient être enseigné dans École secondaire : École J'enseigne maintenant à Loyola quentent les murs de cette école semblent heureux d'être ici et votre class en plus du contenu secondaire La Découverte High School grâce à une de mes standard du cours? amies qui était la correctrice de sont respectueux envers leurs Études universitaires : BACC professeurs. C'est l'énergie et le Je désire rendre mes élèves plus en études littéraires à l' UQAM Madame Lacasse. Mon amie a été mise au courant du poste sourire des gens qui fréquentent ouverts au monde qui les entoure et maîtrise en enseignement à ces lieux qui m'ont permis de et à la société. Je désire dévelop- l'Université de Montréal . disponible et m'en a fait part. J'ai sauté sur l'occasion en fai- me sentir à l'aise. per leur esprit critique et leur Emplois précédents : intérêt par rapport à la culture Ensei- sant parvenir mon CV la jour- Quel est votre approche per- québécoise. J'espère qu'ils ap- gnante de français et d'histoire née même! sonnelle et psychologique vers prendront à mieux cerner leurs au Collège Reine-Marie à Mon- l’enseignement? tréal, Guide-animatrice dans un Aimez-vous votre nouvel em- passions et leurs ambitions. centre d'interprétation chez ploi? Je considère que mes étudiants Hydro-Québec J'aime mon emploi ici, à Loyo- doivent avoir du plaisir dans

scription.” cycle, the Sun’s solar cycle is 12/21/2012: Just Another Day expected to obtain its “solar maxi- What about Planet mum” (peak solar activity), which Nibiru? Don’t some suggest that usually symbolizes more solar it will smash into Earth on this By Kevin Khoury into this? Well all scientists are flares. Dr. Matthews says “we day? Well Jaymie Matthews, an doing right now are helplessly can’t predict flares very well and astrophysicist at the University “Oh no! It’s going to be the end sighing. There’s a difference we might have massive power of British Columbia in Vancou- of the world!” People say: “Well between science fiction and failures if a huge flare struck the ver, says “There is no planet the Mayan calendar says so.” It scientific fact. Earth. But no solar flare is going was even created as a film with Nibiru and there is no observa- Mayans created a cal- tional evidence for its exis- to wipe out life on Earth.” plenty of cool special effects! So endar that we call the Long it must be true! Right? tence.” Dr. Matthews, who is In 1989, a solar maxi- Count calendar. The calendar also a mission scientist for the mum occurred causing the provin- People think that when just so happens to end on Canadian Space Agency’s cial power grid of Quebec to fail the Sun aligns with the centre of, matching December MOST space telescope project, due to a solar geomagnetic storm. the Milky Way, there will be 21, 2012 in the Gregorian calen- says “Anything that could hit us We managed to restart it in 9 dar. According to Kathryn Reese radio-active energy that will heat in three years would be close hours! the Earth’s molten core. Conti- -Taylor, an archaeologist at the enough to us now in the solar Between the 79 A.D. nents will shift! The core will University of Calgary who has system that we would be able to Mount Vesuvius apocalypse, the spin out of control! The poles spent years studying Mayan see it.” He also says that the 1910 Halley’s comet, the 1982 will reverse! And for the finale, civilization, “The Maya did not whole galactic alignment thing Jupiter effect, and the recent Y2K volcanic eruptions will finish us prophesize the end of the world is ridiculous. He added “We Millennium bug that were all sup- off! Then solar flares will cause in There is only one have alignments all the time and posed to wipe out life on Earth, it electromagnetic storms that will inscription in the entire corpus we’re still here.” completely destroy whatever is on Mayan hieroglyphic inscrip- seems as though December 21, left. Sounds horrible, doesn’t it? tions that refers to this date, and However there is some 2012 is just going to be like any Shouldn’t scientists be looking it is not a well-deciphered in- truth that lies behind the solar other winter solstice! flares. Having an 11 year solar The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue I Page 3

State of the Nation, continued from Page 1

(Continued from page 1) Sun TV, the proposed tion I feel when an activist group civilization. Wars were fought conservative all-news channel that's is suggesting that a television to flaunt their skills as warri- quickly, while the right claims that also become the focus of intense channel be banned for spreading ors, and resources were redis- it is a worthless boondoggle whose debate, seems to be creating far “intolerant views” cannot be put tributed to form a paradise very inception was rooted in the more controversy than to words. When we that was broken by the arrival appeasement of the Toronto politi- it truly merits. Pre- have reached the of the Europeans. cal elite. Now, granted, these are dictably, the left is point where free Yes, I'm sure that two extremes, but this debate has calling it “Fox News speech allegedly Native Americans displayed a the tendency to polarize even the North,” which is “poisons democ- supernatural resistance to the most moderate of citizens. My somehow supposed to racy,” we know that human desire for conquest. Of opposition to the long-gun registry be an insult compre- our broadcast regu- course, great towns and monu- is comparatively unrelated to the hensible solely to lators are in need of ments were never built, but bureaucratic waste associated with fellow liberals. Is a major overhaul. not because they lacked the it – we certainly have enough in there anything illegal Only in Canada... technology, but because they this wonderful country of ours – about Fox News? Are While wished to live in harmony but rather to the principle behind they spreading “hate reading through my with nature. Christianity is the registry. Essentially, the long speech?” No. Fox Secondary 3 History deemed to be an evil, uncaring gun registry implies that the stereo- News is widely de- & Citizenship work- religion that preaches the typical gun-toting rednecks that rided by the left for no book this week (I destruction of nature and the populate Canada's rural areas are reason other than really need to get a merciless subjugation of fool- dangerous criminals. They may be refusing to refer to all life,) I noticed a ish infidels, while Native ani- dangerous to centre-left politicians Republican politicians severe case of politi- mism is stated to be a noble who depend on the Ontario vote as “far right” and for cal bias towards “spirituality,” as religion is for their influence, but in all hon- actually daring to Native Americans. evil according to the gospel of esty, when is the last time that grant Glenn Beck the opportunity to Then again, “politically neutral” relativism. Even the way that registered hunting rifles were used voice his point of view. Avaaz.org and “Quebec” cannot be men- Natives hunted is deemed to to commit heinous gang crimes? actually ran a petition aimed at tioned in the same sentence in a be morally superior – they Of course, some may refer to those preventing Sun TV from receiving non-paradoxical manner, but I supposedly communicated who support the long gun registry a broadcast license! Not surprising digress. As one might expect, the with their prey and as urban “elites,” forgetting that in for an alter-globalist activist group, entire section on Native Ameri- “informed” them of the neces- most cases, they'd fit the profile but one cannot help but feel some- cans is a self-loathing piece of sity of their impending doom. just as well as their opponents. what distressed when the list of Native American worship that Of course. What a way to Considering that my family does signatories included Snuffleupagus seems to imply that society begin the year: learning about not own any firearms, I must admit and Boba Fett. In case you were reached its plateau with pre- our inferiority. that my opinion is not based on wondering, Snuffy is not a political Colombian Native American any first-party experience. activist. Nevertheless, the frustra-

International News: US/NATO forces pack up (at last!)

By Watio Martinez- sion accomplished! Make an almost no time flat. tioning government in Iraq (despite alliance with those same insur- a chaotic general election six Montour As of the beginning of gents to combat and crush al- months earlier) and dwindling US this month, only 50,000 military Qaeda? Well, they weren’t really military presence al-Qaeda will Since the initial invasion of Iraq personnel, both from the United ordered to complete that task, certainly rev-up their activities and in 2003 by US forces under the States and the European Union, thus, their pullout was celebrated wreak havoc of massive propor- command of George W Bush, the now remain in Iraq to provide by bombings in 13 Iraqi cities. tions. soldiers of the United States and services such as training the New NATO have executed every com- Also incomplete in Iraq Iraqi army and peacekeeping. However, as bad as it mand that was given to them by were the many civilian tasks They are not designated combat may seem, it’s not all doom and their political masters and always assigned to the troops, from units but are armed and ready for gloom for these people. There is completed their objectives suc- building schools to making rela- those tasks. And most likely for hope that in the end the people of cessfully and without delay. In- tionships with city politicians and the next few months they may be Iraq will get it right, one reason vade Iraq and annihilate Saddam tribal elders. Mainly because they doing just that knowing that last being is because their nation is rich Hussein’s army? Check! Defeat didn’t have enough time to con- month saw a soaring increase in in resources, both human and ma- the Shi’ite Mahdi army? Com- solidate and secure whatever they suicide bombings and civilian terial, but things will get much pleted! Boot the Sunni insur- have accomplished, whatever has deaths. worse before they get better. gency from Fallujah, twice? Mis- been completed may be lost in With the lack of a func- Page 4 The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue I Arts & Culture

Tech Sprites

By Michael Bilinsky Skype released a beta version of GE closes its last incandescent trolled video games, the Move uses Skype 5.0 for windows. Among light bulb factory in the United the PlayStation Eye camera and Everyday something extraordi- other improvements, a notable States. This is following a grad- handheld controllers with acceler- nary develops in the technologi- addition is the new 10 way video ual demand for better, energy ometers to track the movements of cal world, yet these advances do calling. efficient alternatives. players. not always rattle our lives. The September 8: Google Instant September 15: Internet Explorer September 20: HP's Photosmart following events do not raise Search 9 Beta eStation major philosophical questions, but as a whole show us where Google claims to yet again shake Microsoft introduces a beta of its HP introduces its new line-up of technology in today’s world is the internet world with its newly latest internet browser. Early Photosmart printers powered by heading. introduced feature, Google In- reviews are indicating a definite Google’s Android. These printers stant Search. It automatically improvement over past versions have detachable tablets allowing September 1: New iPods refreshes your results as you of Internet Explorer, with fea- you to access web content through Apple refreshed its iPod line up. search a term. This may seem tures ready to contend with other The Shuffle regained its buttons, straightforward, but it is not, as it browser alternatives. apps, the web browser, or RSS requires massive server side im- feeds. They are wireless and allow and the Touch got a camera. The September 17: PlayStation Move most remarkable change came to provements. you to print, as long as both the The PlayStation Move officially the Nano. It has been cut in size September 13: GE closes light printer and tablet have access to goes on sale. Following the Wii’s and now has a touch screen. bulb factory Wi-Fi. lead on motion-sensing con- September 3: Skype 5.0 beta

The annual Stratford festival trip

students were away on a school trip to Stratford, Ontario. The focal point of this trip was visit- ing the Stratford Theatre Festi- val. We left on the morning of September 8, around the time the rest of the school was start- ing classes. The bus ride lasted about eight hours, and we stopped for an hour in Kingston By Peter Limeburner to eat lunch. When we arrived in Stratford, we were given time to Between September 8-10, a unpack, eat dinner and change number of Secondary 4 and 5 (Continued on page 7) The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue I Page 5

Book Reviews: The Hunger Games and Gone

The Hunger Games Hunger Games” in which a boy but when I see a book that I and a girl between the ages of really like I will read it non-stop. by Suzanne Collins twelve and eighteen are pitted in “The Hunger Games” was one of a random environment to fight to those books. This novel was so the death. To make things worse, well written that I actually felt this event happens annually. The like some of the characters at last person alive in the arena gets certain points. On the topic of fame, fortune and the reassuring characters, there are many of feeling that they will never have them, so you are never tired or to face anything that horrible bored of the same old ones. Each again. character has their own unique personality and none of them are In this book, you ac- flat, meaning they do not only company a sixteen year old girl stick to one way of behaving. named Katniss into the Hunger Instead, they are constantly Games, when she bravely volun- changing and you wish you could teers to take her twelve year old be there to experience it. sister’s place. Turn the pages to unravel a tale that incorporates I would definitely rec- tough teenage choices, action, ommend this book for anyone, no and surprises that will keep your matter what age you are, young The book follows many characters, jaw hanging. or old. This novel was just so but, the main protagonist is Sam. well written that I found myself There are three books in the se- He is a natural leader but at the constantly thinking about the ries and “The Hunger Games” is same time doesn’t want to be in action that Suzanne Collins so a great start. There are no long charge. When everyone over the effectively branded into each and Review by Anthony moments in the book where you age of fifteen disappears, a group every single page. Pavoni feel like skipping ahead because of kids must deal with this new you are ready to tear your eyes Plotline: 10/10 world where their town, Perdido The Hunger Games by Suzanne out. I guarantee that you will Characters: 10/10 Beach, and the surrounding area is Collins is a terrific novel about a trapped within a barrier that burns want to read every single page Overall: 10/10 post-apocalyptic North America and will even want to skip back a at your touch. They must learn to called Panem. Panem is made up few if you feel like you’ve live in this new world where peo- of thirteen districs, ruled by the missed something. Gone by Michael Grant ple develop strange powers and high and mighty Capitol. Long animals have mutated. Most inter- The plotline incorpo- ago, the districts rebelled against Review by Robert estingly, when you hit the age of rates both male and female char- the Capitol and lost, ultimately Richardson fifteen you will also disappear. destroying the thirteenth Capitol, acters so you don’t have to worry about it being only for girls. With This book features many mysteries or so we’re told. To constantly Gone is a high-powered fantasy remind the people of Panem of many, and I do mean many cli- that will make you want to turn the maxes, you are constantly pre- book with many plot twists, high pages as quickly as possible in their epic victory, the Capitol packed action and an ending that designed an event called “The dicting what will happen next. I (Continued on page 6) am not normally a fan of reading, leaves you wanting to read more.

What’s cooking? Artichoke dip!

By Robert Richardson (Can't believe you didn't guess Mince garlic gloves that! ) Mix garlic, butter, artichokes and the cream cheese in a food Quick, what do all these have in Homemade Artichoke dip common: fancy dinner parties, processor the Super Bowl, casual dinner 8 garlic cloves When blended add the pepper, with friends, New Year's Eve, 1 can of artichokes drained and and cheese to taste NBA playoffs, even an Oscar chopped Place in bowl and add a sprinkle party or two. Give up? Well, the 250 g. cream cheese softened of paprika answer is that I have baked 1 tbsp. of butter Serve with vegetables, crackers the world's best artichoke Parmesan or Romano Cheese- or bread Pepper dip for all those gatherings. Enjoy! Paprika Page 6 The Loyola News Volume 1, Issue 1

Groovy Movie Reviews: Predators and Pitch Black

terone-fueled flick, you’ve come planet: Riddick (Vin Diesel), a to the right place. Though there genetically advanced mass mur- are slow-moving parts, mainly derer who crashed with them on exposition explaining what the the transport ship, and an incredi- predators are, Predators knows bly violent race of alien animals when to bring the rain, and bring known as bioraptors. Though the it hard. At the cost of this, bioraptors fear sunlight and gener- though, this isn’t a movie that’ll ally stick to caves, they need fear blow you away with its story and no longer – Hades is set to go into dialogue – it’s more-or-less your a massive solar eclipse, during traditional one-liner, gun-blaster which they’ll be free to prey, and movie, with numerous characters setting the survivors in incredible that are stuck in just to be blown danger. Faced with little other to smithereens later on. Nonethe- choice, the survivors agree to let less, it’s the better kind of those Riddick and his assortment of sur- movies, and undeniably a great vival skills help them get off the revival to the Predator’s fran- planet – if they can trust each By Alex Kozina introduced to Royce (Adrien chise. Definitely worth your at- other. tention and time if your sci-fi/ Brody, The Pianist ), a merce- Though Pitch Black horror/action quota has yet to be Predators nary, who awakens…while fal- shares similarities with Predators , ling out of the sky towards a filled up for this year. Although Predators entered thea- Black is more survival-based, and tropical landscape. After a (not tres back in July, its Blu-ray and so) spectacular landing, Royce places more of an emphasis on DVD release is just on the hori- Retro Rerun - If you like Preda- meets up with a number of other tors …check out Pitch Black. insane, desperate situations than zon, on October 19. So, curious shady characters (save a not-so alien run-and-gun action. Consid- as to how the latest addition in Released back in 2000 to a rather shady doctor), and together, they ered the acting breakthrough for the Predator’s franchise turned attempt to figure out what the mild reaction, Pitch Black ( Later out? Read on. Renamed The Chronicles of Rid- Vin Diesel, Pitch Black ultimately heck is going on. Their assess- comes off as a scary, surprising, Hungarian film director Nimród ment: they’re not in Hawaii dick: Pitch Black) is a sleeper hit and well acted movie, worthy of Antal has teamed up with action- (though it “does” look like it), to be remembered. In the 27 cen- movie expert and producer but instead, a game reserve cre- tury A.D., a transport ship carry- rental or purchase, and definitely Robert Rodriguez to bring the ated solely to hunt humans. But ing immigrants is catastrophi- original for its genre. Combine that latest, most advanced entry in the who are the hunters, you ask? cally destroyed after being hit by with some not-so bad special ef- a meteor shower, and is forced to Predators franchise. After a se- Why, the Predators, nasty alien fects and extreme, alien land- crash land on a desert planet ries of sub-par sequels and Alien creatures with cloaking devices, scapes, and you’ve got a film that crazy weaponry, and a hunger for known as Hades. vs. Predator films, Predators gives you more than a few reasons takes the action back to its roots: killing, of course! Bad turns to worse as to fear the dark. the jungle, or rather, an alien If you’re in the mood for a testos- the surviving crew discovers two jungle. The film begins as we’re hostile creatures inhabiting the Book Reviews, continued from page 5

(Continued from page 5) times, this can be somewhat con- New York Times Bestseller List New York Times Bestseller List fusing and you must truly pay Hardcover Fiction Hardcover Fiction order to obtain the answers. The attention to keep up. Immediately 1. SAFE HAVEN, by Nicholas one thing that may be confusing after the start of the book the 1. THE GRAND DESIGN, by Sparks Stephen Hawking and Leonard is the countdown clock displayed action is intense and electrifying. 2. FREEDOM, by Jonathan Mlodinow at the beginning of each chapter. Overall, this is a book that is full Franzen 2. PINHEADS AND PATRIOTS, Though, you will only discover of action, suspense and intrigue. 3. WICKED APPETITE, by Janet by Bill O'Reilly its meaning after about a quarter Gone is part of a trilogy, Evanovich 3. _____ MY DAD SAYS, by 4. THE GIRL WHO KICKED of the way through the story. At “Hunger” is the second book and Justin Halpern times, the book is hard to keep up “Lies” the third one. THE HORNET’S NEST, by Stieg Larsson 4. CRIMES AGAINST LIBERTY, due to the constant change in 5. THE HELP, by by David Limbaugh characters. When reading, you Kathryn Stockett 5. A JOURNEY, by Tony Blair are also often brought to earlier The Loyola News Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 7

On the Road with Michael Morena: The Ferrari 365 Daytona

sexy yet aggressive appearance. over it. It is and still is, one of the It carries a large, 4.4 liter V-12 ultimate car greats. It takes up a engine, producing 320 Horse- place in the hearts of many as one power and creating one of the of the most passionate Ferrari’s to most glorious noises to ever ever be built, and will continue to come out of an exhaust pipe. It drop jaws for all eternity. It is one could do 0-100 Km/h in under 6 of the all-time greats. seconds, an astonishing speed for Just picture yourself on a its times and reach a top speed of winding road, trees around you, 174 MPH (280 Km/H). One edi- top down in the Spider version of tor once said that to truly live life the Daytona, the sun in your face, to the fullest, one must drive a V- the wind blowing in your hair, that 12 engine car at least once in astonishing noise from the exhaust By Michael Morena GTB/GTS, or famously known their lifetime. Even Jeremy around the world as, the gorgeous in the backdrop...just the thought Clarkson, a legend in automobile of it makes the now net value of The Ferrari 365 GTB/GTS Ferrari Daytona. It was a jaw history, has made his insightful “Daytona” dropper in its day, and even till 450,000$ worth every penny. And comments about the Daytona; his for those of you like myself who now, it is still one of the finest exact words being “Then there’s In the world of cars, if you are pieces of automotive art to have cannot afford such a fine piece of looking for a machine, with the 365 GTB/4, the Daytona. In a ever rolled off an assembly line. machinery yet (however one day I power, sex appeal, and overflow- battle between this and Brigitte pray I can afford one), we can still ing with passion, then the obvi- The Daytona first saw Bordeaux for poster space on an afford a 1:18 sized model car, ous country of choice for your light back in 1968 when it was 8 years old’s bedroom wall, this which will look just as stunning on next vehicle should definitely be unveiled to the world. It was the would always win. I would crawl your desk at home as it will one Italy. And in Italy, one name most powerful and most expen- naked across a field of broken day in your garage. And what bet- stands out above all oth- sive Ferrari ever built at the time, glass if it meant I could own ter way to inspire yourself to do ers...Ferrari. The car with the costing over 3000 $, back in one.” good in school to get a high paying blood red body, drawing envious 1968. It finished its production The Daytona didn’t last job than to have a model of such a lust from all motor enthusiasts, run in 1973, only 5 years after it long. But it left a huge impres- beautiful car to dream of while one dreams of the day they could was launched. But in that time sion on the world of motoring. It studying. It doesn’t get much better finally own such a piece of ma- period it managed to grab hold of competed against another legend, or graceful than this. Now stop chinery. And, in all of the vehi- the hearts of many motor heads, the magnificent and aw- reading this and go study so you cles ever produced by Ferrari, instilling dreams for the future, inspiringly beautiful Lambor- can get those marks! one could make a man’s jaw drop and desires to come. It was a fast ghini Miura, a legend in its own almost instantaneously, the 365 and powerful car, proven by its right, and yet ended up victorious

Stratford, continued from Page 4

(Continued from page 4) ing part of that play was the intricacy of the sets that were into our suits, and then we used. headed to our first show. The Peter Pan ended around first show we saw was the musi- mid-evening, and then we cal Kiss Me, Kate . The show headed back to the hotel for lasted about three hours, and dinner. Once finished, we went then we headed back to the ho- over to the Festival Theatre, the tel. same one in which we saw Kiss On the morning of the Me, Kate . This time, we were second day, we were given time seeing The Tempest . The lead to roam around downtown Strat- role in The Tempest is that of ford and to do some shopping. Prospero, who in this production Once we had finished that, we was played by the acclaimed inspiring production. cally educational experience for all piled on to the bus and actor Christopher Plummer. This The next morning, it was those who attended. headed to the Avon Theatre to esteemed actor and wonderful another eight hour drive home. Photos by Jason Rametta see Peter Pan . The most intrigu- special effects made for an awe- All in all, it was a very theatri- Page 8 The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue I Sports & Clubs La Vie en Bleu

By Alex Banks asked to leave the team after vul- may seem to border on insanity, I garly attacking the team’s coach do not believe this coach to be On June 22, 2010, the French Raymond Domenech. Secondly, entirely responsible for the team’s national soccer team miserably in order to remind us that they disharmony and failure. Besides, failed to surpass the group stages were indeed “French” soccer Domenech saw his contract end of the South-African World Cup players, the entire team, under along with the World Cup and in a manner that was lackluster, leadership of captain Patrice has thus disappeared from view. indignant and riddled with scan- Evra, went on strike during their dal. While for us here in Canada, last practice before their final From my perspective, the French it may appear to simply be a match against the host nation, in game, back in France, the implo- order to demonstrate their dis- sion of the national team (known pleasure with Anelka’s dismissal. as “les Bleus”) on the most im- This caused the immediate retire- portant stage, has even negatively ment of the team’s management spilled into their politics and cul- director, Jean-Louis Valentin, ishly win the game by themselves, ture. who first decided to have a very failure is quite often the byproduct. France’s entry into the heated argument with Evra and Generally, these kinds of players do World Cup was also one that was then symbolically tossed his have vast amounts of skill and heavily disputed. I am referring to coaching whistle into the South- potential, though; when the going French soccer legend Thierry African brush next to the training gets tough, they destroy their very Henry’s illegal use of his hand in field. Lastly, the French unsur- team, by bickering, arguing and prisingly lost their last match of blaming each other. It is unfortu- the group stage, and then possibly nate to say this is exactly what endured one of the longest plane Above: former head coach of happened to the French team that rides home, knowing well that France, Roman Domenech thought they were so superior. they were indeed the worst team Those teams filled with arrogance at the tournament. players only have themselves to are quite often defeated by the ones blame. When one has a “team” that are hardworking and humble However, it was the conse- where each player is more con- underdogs. quences of the team’s dismal cerned with the money they make performance back home that truly with their professional league Although this may prove to be a caused the rest of the world to clubs, than they are with bringing very harsh lesson for France, it can point fingers and snicker. The glory to their nation, it is obvious also be used as an example for team first saw the disappearance that success on the world stage other sporting teams no matter the of all of it sponsors, and then it becomes an utter impossibility. level of play. When one sacrifices Above: Thierry’s infamous had to deal with the jeering of teamwork for arrogance, individu- handball which devastated their countrymen. A 30 year-old We are all aware that soccer is a alism and personal glorification, Irish soccer Parisian man best summed up the team sport; however, it seems that you are bound, at some point to the response of French society to hot-shot players like those on the encounter serious failure and de- the national team by stating that French team appear to have trou- feat. the rich soccer heritage of their ble getting past their individualis- order produce a goal late in over- nation which includes winning tic qualities. The World Cup win- In my opinion, the best medicine time. This would propel France to the world cup title in 1998 and ners, Spain, also fielded a star- for the French team was the embar- the Cup and leave the heartbroken being finalists in 2006, was quite studded line-up, though, they rassment and humiliation they ex- Irish team unable to comprehend simply destroyed. were able to put self-interest and perienced on the world stage. At their misfortune. It was perhaps even political differences aside, this point, since many of their so- the most controversial goal since While the world made a mockery as Basques and Catalans played called star-players have received Diego Maradonna’s “Hand of of the French team, the finger of alongside each other with national bans, France can work on a rejuve- God” against England in 1986. blame was easily pointed at the pride. nated international team that is In the World Cup itself, coach Raymond Domenech. more focused on equality among France succeeded in scoring one Domenech has proved to be a On paper, France had one of the the players and teamwork. This goal, losing twice and drawing- very eccentric character and has best teams going into the cup. team would be much more like the even once. However, the team even gone to admit that he uses However, when you have several French one that took the World was much more active off the astrology in order to select the seemingly top-notch players on Cup in 1998, and less like the recal- soccer pitch. Firstly, France’s star members of his team. Though, he the same team attempting to self- citrant mess we saw in 2010. striker Nicholas Anelka was The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue I Page 9

Team Statistics: Check up on your favorite Loyola team

Football Volleyball

JUVENILE JUVENILE Team G W T L PTS School G W L T PTS St-Jean-Vianney 6 6 0 0 12 Loyola High School 6 6 0 0 12 Dalbé-Viau 6 6 0 0 12 4 2 1 1 5 Cité-des-Jeunes 6 4 0 2 8 Macdonald High School 4 2 2 0 4 Collège Bourget 7 4 0 3 8 5 1 3 1 3 Selwyn House 5 3 0 2 6 Riverdale High School 5 0 5 0 0 Collège Sainte-Anne 6 2 0 4 4

L.C.C. 6 1 0 5 2 MIDGET Loyola 6 1 0 5 2 School G W L T PTS Édouard-Montpetit 6 0 0 6 0 Loyola High School 6 4 0 2 10

CADET Laurier MacDonald High School 6 3 2 1 7

Team G W T L PTS Lindsay Place High School 6 0 5 1 1 Collège Bourget 6 4 1 1 8 BANTAM Dalbé-Viau 6 4 0 2 8 School G W L T PTS Regina-Assumpta 5 3 0 2 6 Beaconsfield High School 7 5 1 1 11 Loyola 6 3 1 2 7 Collège Sainte-Anne 5 2 0 3 4 West Island College 7 4 2 1 9 Édouard-Montpetit 6 0 0 6 0 Loyola High School 8 4 3 1 9 Lauren Hill Academy 7 2 2 3 7 BANTAM 7 0 7 0 0 Team G W L T PTS College Jean Eudes 3 3 0 0 6 4 3 1 0 6 College de Montreal 3 2 1 0 4 Loyola High School 3 1 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 Kuper Academy 3 0 3 0 0

Photos by Giancarlo Szymborski Page 10 The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue I


JUVENILE Team G W L T PTS Vincent Massey 4 4 0 0 12 Loyola 5 4 1 0 12 L.C.C. 5 3 2 0 9 Howard S Billings 5 2 3 0 6 Lester B Pearson 5 1 4 0 3 4 1 3 0 3 Lasalle Community 4 1 3 0 3

MIDGET Team G W L T PTS Loyola 5 4 1 0 12 John Rennie 6 3 2 1 10 Pierrefonds Comp. 4 1 1 2 5 Riverdale 5 0 4 1 1

BANTAM Team G W L T PTS Loyola 6 5 0 1 16 All photos on this page by Alex Spatolisano L.C.C. 7 4 3 0 12 Howard S Billings 7 4 3 0 12 Lasalle Community 6 2 3 1 7 Royal West Academy 0 0 6 0 0

BANTAM Aikman- 3RD DIVISION Carter Team G W L T PTS Face 3 2 0 1 7 Kuper Academy 2 2 0 0 6 Loyola 3 1 0 2 5 St Georges 3 1 1 1 4 Lakeside Academy 3 1 2 0 3 L.C.C. 4 1 3 0 3 Selwyn House 2 0 2 0 0 Golf: Kevin Aikman-Carter finishes second in G.M.A.A. golf final

Place Name School Score

1. Ky Horn Kuper 71 2. Kevin Aikman-Carter Loyola 73 2. Daniel Knight L.C.C. 73

4. Corey Kastner W.I.C. 76

5. Mitchell Ryan Cent. 77 The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue I Page 11

Father Michael Murray, continued from page 1

(Continued from page 1) floated by me by the Jesuit Pro- Can you explain what your role self for the heroic in life would be vincial, and then the possibility is here at the school? another feature of Jesuit education. In what other capacities have of becoming the president of I am gradually learning how the How does a Jesuit education help you served in the Jesuit order? Loyola High began to surface. I school operates and about the a student make sense of the world Taught at Loyola High School had become quite accustomed to various groups that support the we live in today? from 1963 to 1966; founded and the life and work in Thunder school and work at funding it and When someone discovers that he built the Anishinabe Spiritual Bay, and wasn’t particularly making it work. I am involving has a mind and can use it, that he Centre in Espanola, Ontario for excited about moving to a big with these areas especially, and has a heart that helps him reach out the formation of native deacons city at this time. Finally, with hoping to contribute to the Jesuit to others, that he has a particular and diocesan order of women. enough coaxing, I said that I spirit that gives a special charac- spirit that he is willing to trust, and This centre also became a retreat would give it my all, for a time. ter to the school. a faith that is his own gift from house, a summer camp, a Wilder- And I’m not sorry to have come Education has always been an God, then you have someone who ness Experience headquarters. I back to Montreal and a well- important aspect of the Jesuit can see, and hear, and have a vi- was Director of the Missions organized and well run school order going back to the time of sion that will make a difference in Office for the Canadian Confer- that has so many positive attrib- Saint Ignatius. What distin- this world and bring some coura- ence of Catholic Bishops, pub- utes, a wonderful spirit and com- guishes a Jesuit education today geous and informed authenticity to lished a book on opportunities to mitted people. from other programs? his circle of influence. serve for Canadians to work as Have you worked at schools in An effort towards self- awareness volunteers abroad, published a What are some of your goals in the past? is always paramount in Jesuit book on diabetes education, and your job for the coming year? I have taught at Loyola, and di- education, so that students can one on Native Spirituality. I have rected the formation programs of grow in awareness of their ca- My goal is to support those who been director of the Native Apos- the Anishinabe Spiritual Centre pacities and become competent in are already carrying the leadership tolate for Canadian Jesuits, and for many years. learning and ordering their lives. of this school in administration, in Superior of the Thunder Bay Becoming ingenious and adapt- the classrooms, on the playing Community. I have been pastor What is your impression of the able to new challenges as they fields, in the arts, the liturgy, the of several parishes in Native school thus far? are being stretched in reaching development and maintenance of communities in Northern On- As I said earlier, I have been out to the world would be an- the school, and to lend my voice in tario. impressed with the school spirit, other. Leading and engaging maintaining the Jesuit tradition in the great learning environment, When did you find out that you others with a caring attitude is this hallowed institution. the multiplicity of opportunities were to become the new Loyola another important attribute in that students have to learn, to Thank you for asking me all these High School president? What forming the whole person and create, to participate, to serve, in questions and inviting me to be was your reaction? contributing to the “a man for a word, to grow and discover Last Christmas, the idea of com- others” appellation. Finally, part of your lives. talents and attitudes that will ing to Montreal to lend a hand to surfacing a passion for more in serve them in life. the Jesuit Community was the sense energizing others and

This photo was taken in Our Lady of the Snows Church in Armstrong, Ontario, three hours north of Thunder Bay. These are mem- bers of the Whitesand First Nation community on the occasion of First Communion in June, 2010. Loyola’s student newspaper and online news site are hiring

HELP WANTED! see Mr. Ketterling or our edi- tor Alex Banks. The Loyola News is always NEXT MEETING looking for new additions to As well, all students are in- THURSDAY, its staff to write articles, take vited to any of our after pictures, work on our web school staff meetings. OCTOBER 14 site, produce audio and video Please listen to the bulletin ROOM 211 broadcasts and much more! for the date and time of staff If you are interested, please meetings. 3:05 PM

“The Loyola News Show” is the organization’s newest project

With a print version and internet “This is an exciting time,” com- news site currently in operation, mented The Loyola News mod- The Loyola News is now further erator, Mr. Ketterling. “We are expanding to the big screen. capable now of producing broad- School news will soon be view- casts pertaining to all aspects of able in the cafeteria during lunch- Loyola life for students and staff time. The club recently pur- to view in a public forum. It is an chased a new projector and work excellent means of showcasing is set to begin on The Loyola student projects and newsworthy News Show which will feature items.” video and audio broadcasts.

Current staff

Above, left to right: Alex Banks (editor); Michael Bilinsky (Technology and Video), Chris Scarvelis (Current Events), Anthony Pavoni (Current Events and Book Reviews), Michael Morena (auto vehicles), Kevin Khoury (Current Events).

Above, left to right: Robert Richardson (Loyola Birders, Book Reviews, Food); Watio Martinez Montour (Current Events); Alex Kozina (Movie Reviews); Peter Limeburner (Current Events); Alex Spatolisano (Photography), Giancarlo Szymborski (Photography)