Wellesley News
' College flews WELI.ESLHY, MASS., WhljNtSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, I9OT Student Government Meeting Elena of Italy I in, ,i thi the Studi nt Governmi 1 year, winch ci ntered ; i interest, was held Friday afternoon, Jan- ment and uai "i I by Miss Tafl in th, abseno of [i ford, who was ill. The minute- of thi .last meeting were read and approved. The the usual motion ide and carried that flow- the B m ,ow"\ ?"'] ers be enl ti Hanford from the , U. nd individuals. a oi lation. The secretary then read I report of the Executive Board: eighteen C]yi cases had been discussed. The report of Anonymous Contribution the House Presidents' Committee fol- Society Tau 7. e "earn lowed: since December there have been [° Doughnuts 138 serious errors. 10; semi-serious er- -p ota i and nine rors. 235 permissions granted Mhs Taft introduccd Mi privileges lost. Miss Taft then reminded ] e ;s Goodwin, president c i every one that onlv girls living in the Association, which houses are permitted to ride 'amotion at the ideal quadrangle1 ^ r , ,r , the Students Building should embody. on the street cars after hah past seven. Realizjng the practical obstacles which we The real business of the meeting, a dis- must recognise to overcome. of the patience needed to r; cussion of the plans for the Students' •» - ^ •, ,• 1 • 1 1 -, r Though was then introduced. t Building, r,% comes rapidlv> the i^^oo, wia read the list of the Undergraduate Com- In these latter days it has been our come ?iow i y for t h ere is little mittee.
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