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"The Pronghorn Antelope" (1980). Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Publications. 27. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/nebgamepubs/27

This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Publications by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Pronghornthe Antelope OSSILIZED REMAINS on the North FAmerican continent are reminders that the pronghorn antelope (Antilo­ americana) roamed the land in North American present-day forms as early as the Age of , over one million Pronghorn Range ago. Evolutionary changes may have taken 20 million years to develop the pronghorn as we know it today. Surviving the rigors of this violent young continent, the ancestral prong­ antelope thrived and evolved into an alert, fleet-footed which roamed the large expanse of brush, and of the .L£ plains area. Into this scene man made his ap­ ( ~ . ~ -...... , i pearance some 20,000 years ago. The . pronghorn surmounted obstacles of glacial and drought changes of the young developing continent, but was nearly exterminated by modern man and his machines. In the early 1800s, vast herds of and antelope were recorded by the Lewis and Clark expedition and others. Esti mates were made of about 35 million antelope in . Within 100 years, antelope declined to a low of 20,000 and it was predicted that they were doomed to vanish from this continent. But, con­ servation-minded leaders in our coun­ try saved the pronghorn from extinc­ tion by their quick action. The pronghorn antelope is the only living member of its , Antilo­ capridae. Generally, four are recognized: 1) A. a. americana fou nd throughout the great pi a ins from to ; 2) A. a. oregona found in , Idaho, and ; 3) A. a. peninsulara of lower California; and 4) A. a. mexi­ cana found in . The historical antelope range cov­ ered most of the Great Plains, as well as the high sagebrush plateaus and Historically, the pronghorn's range grassland valleys in the western states, covered most of the Creat Plains parts of south-central Canada, and as well as the sagebrush plateaus and northern Mexico. By the mid-1920s Historic Range Er}}}J grassland valleys of the western states, south-central Ca nada and northern Mexico. this original range was reduced con­ Present Range D Unregulated and agricultural siderably due to habitat changes development reduced both their numbers and caused by agricultural development range. Reintroduction programs and man's inroads into the antelope have helped the pronghorn make a comeback domain. Only the more arid, unsuit­ able lands for agriculture in the great west remained for the antelope, and today these are its strongholds. From less than 20,000 antelope in trap any , antelope or between The climate is mild, but as is typical the in the early 1900s, January 1 and September 1. It was of the High Plains region, much fluc­ numbers increased to over 26,000 in furthered restricted, from January 1 to tuation of temperature occurs. Oc­ the 1920s, 130,000 in the 1930s, November 1, in 1897. Finally, in casionally, severe wi nter storms sweep 360,000 in the 1950s, and over 1907, the season was totally closed through the state. Normal annual pre­ 400,000 in the early 1970's. In fact, for the taking of elk, deer, antelope cipitation in the antelope range varies the North American continent had and beaver. The season on antelope from 15 inches in the west to 23 an estimated population of 435,200. remained closed until 1953, a period inches in the east, with most of it oc­ Reintroduction of antelope has ex­ of 46 years. curring from April to June. tended the range back into some un­ A 1925 publication stated that 10 The shortgrass rangeland of the occupied regions of their historical small bands totalling 187 animals re­ Pierre Hills and Box Butte table sup­ range. In addition, transplants have mained from the thousands of ante­ port the highest density of antelope been made in three states that never lope which once roamed the Ne­ numbers in the state (3.7 and 1.6 had antelope during historical times braska plains. antelope per square mile respectively). (Florida, Washington and Hawaii). Recovery ofthe spec ies in Nebraska Aerial surveys conducted during the As civilization advanced westward, was slow. However, by 1955 the esti ­ summer of 1974 show an average of the native prairie gave way to agri­ mated population in western Nebraska 1.1 antelope per square mile in the culture, and at the same time an ante­ was approximately 3,500. Hunting primary range of the Panhandle. lope decline occurred. Several factors seasons have been held every The better antelope range in Ne­ or combination of factors were re­ since 1953 with the exception of 1958. braska is found in the northwestern sponsible for the decline. Some be­ The major antelope range is broken portion of the state. It is characterized I ieve the extirpation of free-ranging by three escarpments and several by rolling plains developed on soft, buffalo had a great influence on ante­ rivers and creeks in an east-west di­ clayey shales. The low hills are round­ lope numbers since they were found rection. The Pierre Hills, commonly topped and the valleys are broad in direct relationship to each other. referred to as the badlands in Ne­ swales. Pockets of small, badly eroded Certainly the changes in habitat and braska, extend south from the South areas of badlands are found in the area. land use, and the lack of harvest Dakota state line in the northwest part Vegetative cover is thin with sparse restrictions, had great influence on of the state. The Pierre Hills then rise stands of grasses, principally western antelope numbers. Whatever the abruptly to meet the Pine Ridge wheatgrass, needle-and-thread, blue cause for the decline, by 1900 only escarpment which slopes gently south­ grama, hairy grama and buffalo grass. remnant herds remained in pockets ward to the Box Butte tableland and Prickly pear cactus is quite abundant. of the western ranges. on to the North Platte Valley. South Willow, cottonwood, ash and elm To prevent a total loss of the species of the river, the escarp­ grow along the watercourses. Pockets from the Nebraska scene, the 1873 ment drops into the Pumpkin Creek of sagebrush do occur in the grass­ Nebraska legislature passed a law Valley and confronts the land. A variety of forbs is found scat­ making it unlawful to kill, ensnare or escarpment and its tableland. tered throughout the range. 12

Antelope Range in Nebraska

- -_0- _. ___. __ . __ . The badlands and Box Butte tableland south of the Pine Ridge support highest densities of pronghorn in Nebraska. The Sand Hills offers the largest habitat but lowest numbers



DLOW o Scarce I ATE SPRING is fawning time for L the Nebraska pronghorn. As in A Year most gregarious species, the prong­ horn doe stays apart from the group as the time of birth approaches. Per­ haps this desire for solitude is due to with an inherent fear of the newborn be­ coming mixed up within the herd and trampled, or even being attacked by the adults of the herd. It may also be from fear of the herd scent being imparted upon the newborn, which would serve Antelope to attract predators. Kidding grounds are usually lo­ newborn and vulnerable. cated in swales and low-lying areas Sprinting for short distances, older with small ridges or hills surrounding antelope kids can outrun most pred­ them. Vegetation is usually short and ators, but usually the doe will lead sparse. It must provide cover for the the way and h ide her kids one at a young but still allow the protective time as they disappear over a slight doe to keep a watchfu I eye on her rise or drop into a depression. If the to select plants with higher nutritional offspring. youngster refuses to hide, the running value. When delivery time approaches, in doe may nudge or even knock the During the fall, browse was shown late Mayor June, the fetal sack drops running kid down into hiding while to make up the major portion of the and distends the abdomen of the doe. she continues to lead the predator pronghorn's diet in the shortgrass By this time the mammary glands are away. When the presence of the pred­ prairie range of northeast . well developed and the doe is seen ator is no longer imminent, the doe As high as 75 percent of the diet is standing listlessly. As contractions of will round up the young, nurse them, browse plants in the fall, while in the abdomen begin, the doe alter­ and then cache them some distance winter the percentage drops to 50, nately lies down and gets up, perhaps apart. The doe then resumes her and in the spring and summer, about to get the fetus in proper position. normal routine and may move as far 25 percent. With the fluid-filled sack protruding, as half a mile away. A limited food habit study made in the doe becomes even more restless As the young grow older, they ac­ the fall showed some differences in and occasionally spins around in a company the doe. Later, they will be the diet of the Nebraska pronghorn circle as if to find a place to lie down. joined by other young kids and be left from those of northeast Colorado. It Her stance at times is very still except in a group with nursemaid does. In­ was found that browse-plant species for her flipping tail. Soon the head of truders are quite often met by a band were not very important in the fall, the you ng antelope can be seen. of does and are threatened with bodily while forb plant species received Much lying down and getting up will harm, but these actions are usually greater use. This probably is a reflec­ continue while more of the young is bluffs on the part of the . tion of the plants found on the Ne­ exposed, until the young is slid to the The young antelope develops braska antelope range. The study ground. Following the delivery, the rapidly and soon starts to experiment showed that forbs made up 81 percent doe starts tearing and removing the with various succulent vegetation. His of the plants used as food, cactus 19 fetal membrane and licks the young periods of nursing at a couple of percent, browse less than 1 percent, dry to stimulate blood circulation. weeks of age are restricted to four or and only traces of grass. Normally a second twin is born about five times a day, at intervals of sev­ Forbs play an important part dur­ 30 minutes later. The entire twin-birth eral hours instead of every half hour. ing the spring and summer, while they process takes a little over an hour. At six weeks of age, the young ante­ are of lesser importance during fall Nursing of the young begins as soon lope has all of its deciduous incisors and winter. However, they assume an as it can stand on its wobbling legs; and pre-molars with one permanent equally important part of the prong­ even while his twin is being born. The molar, so he is then ready for a diet horn's diet on a year-around basis. weight at birth ranges from 5 pounds of vegetation. Cacti use in summer and winter in­ to over 9 pounds and averages 6% The major portion of their diet is creases to 15 percent, and drops to 5 pounds. Males average about %­ composed of forbs and browse plants, percent during spring and fall. Ap­ pound heavier than females. with very little grass being consumed. parently, cactus is used as filler or Training of the kids starts early in Stud ies show that forbs and browse emergency food when others are less life. When only a few hours old, the constitute 85 percent of the antelope's palatable or not available. Grass con­ young are taught to remain motion­ annual diet, while cacti make up 11 sumption is low on an annual basis; less in the face of danger. The doe percent, and grasses and grass-I i ke however, during spring "greening usually joins other females in a small plants, including wheat, make up 4 up", use of cheatgrass brome in­ group while keeping a watchful eye percent. creases to about 20 percent. over her hidden kids. When danger Seasonal variations occur in the Two members of the grassland com­ threatens, the doe will try to lure the diet, which may be due to several fac­ munity, the bison and the antelope, predator away by being the decoy. tors, including availability, palat­ lived in relatively close relationship to Occasionally, in her attempt to lure ability, succulence, and preference. one another. The buffalo lived on the the intruder away from her hidden As the seasons progress, various vege­ great expanse of the grassland plains young, she may inadvertently stumble tation becomes available, and palat­ and moved long distances following across some other kids and endanger abi I ity increases or decreases at the growth of different vegetation them. The kids, unless they are sev­ different growth stages. Certain plants through the seasons. In the wake of eral days old, will remain motion­ are more palatable or nutritious at dif­ huge herds of bison, the antelope no less in the scant vegetation and are ferent growth periods and thus are doubt benefited by the grazing and completely safe from the nose of a preferred. Studies have indicated that trampling activities, which caused predator as they are scentless wh i Ie pronghorn and other animals are able much damage to the grassland. The sparse vegetation on the grassland, range, the antelope and bovines af­ horns to utilize as much forage especially the shortgrass range, sup­ fect each other less than any other as 1 cow. Pronghorns consume many ported a variety of vegetation such as combination of animals. On poor poisonous and injurious plants, in­ forbs, browse, grasses and cacti. The range, cattle are forced to uti I ize cluding larkspur, loco weeds, rubber­ forbs, generally annuals, were the first browse and forbs, and a competition weed, rayless goldenrod, cockleburs, to recover from the onslaught of thou­ for food may develop with the prong­ needle - and - thread grass, and yucca. sands of feeding . horn. Other undesirable range plants con­ This relationship and association of Studies have indicated that antelope­ sumed by antelope are snakeweed, bison and antelope is replaced today I ivestock competition is nearly neg­ rabbitbrush, fringed sage, Russian in the form of antelope and range cat­ ligible, and in some cases is beneficial thistle, and saltbush. Wise range man­ tle. This relationship also occurs in to the range in general. Because their agers encourage pronghorns to use other of the world. Under food habits do not overlap signifi­ their rangeland to discourage the in­ natural or wild conditions on good cantly, it would take about 105 prong- crease of undesirable species of plants. The growth of the young prong­ speedy and more abu ndant prey horns increases rapidly as summer species. When the buffer species that progresses. However, it will be almost usually prey upon is in short three months before they develop the supply, the may be an impor­ speed and endurance of the adult. Oc­ tant antelope predator, especially on display of vigor and power. casionally a weak individual, which the young. Natural mortality due to As the height of courtship and mat­ has succumbed to disease or para­ alone is not normally con­ ing approaches during the last half of sites, will be overcome by mammalian sidered an important factor in prong­ October, the females in the harem be­ predators. Avian predation is believed horn management. come more and more attentive to the to be rare, but carrion feeding by During late summer and early fall, buck. Deer, antelope, and other wild­ eagles and hawks is bel ieved to be the more stalwart bucks begin to chal­ life are stimulated by the excitant of a quite common. lenge imaginary rivals as if shadow powerful secretion of from spe­ The coyote is the major natural boxing and sparring. The male will cial glands. As the buck responds to mammalian predator of the prong­ strike an odd pose of head hanging, its influence, the doe is fondled by the horn, even though his top speed is as if in his last stage of physical de­ neck and head with gentle gestures. far less than that of the pronghorn. cline. Suddenly his rump patch will Using coquetry, the doe pretends to Antelope cru ise at speeds of over 30 appear to blossom and each strand of run away in alarm. Stopping and look­ miles per hour and have been clocked on his body will appear to stand ing back at the buck, the doe returns at 50 to 60 miles per hour for short up and vibrate. Then, with no ap­ to just beyond his reach. As excite­ distances. The coyote's cunning and parent reason except, it seems, to re­ ment mounts, the buck stirs itto higher the pronghorn's habit of running in a lease some excess energy, the buck pitch by giving chase. The two ani­ wide circle can cause the antelope to will run and bound stiff-Ieggedly over mals gallop off at full speed each time fall prey. Several coyotes may utilize the grassland. It doesn't matter to the until at the last run, the doe stands and a system of relays to tire the chosen buck whether he has an audience or the courtship terminates with the con­ victim, which frequently ends as a not. When other bucks are encoun­ sumation of mating. This behavior is meal for the canines. Coyote preda­ tered, two or more may back off and so much a part of the species that tion is, however, normally on weak or participate in mock battles. Seldom lonely old bucks will even make this sick individuals, or on other less does any individual get injured in this courtship run alone when unable to

Photo by Jon Cates Photo by Greg Beaumont

Pronghorn markings are distinctive. Their coarse, hollow hair can be erected on the rump to signal danger to other antelope The white on the pronghorn's ears. Other differences between the rump can be erected to flash a hel io­ sexes include a very dark face and graphic warning. Thus, the sentinel dark triangular-shaped cheek patches can alert others to the potential danger on the males. The overall coloration of an approaching predator. of the antelope is tawny brown on the find a doe to precede the chase. Pronghorns appear to have eyes in neck, back and legs, while patches of The gestation period is believed to the back of their heads and are al­ cream to white occur on the lower be from 230 to 240 days, with a peak most impossible to approach without side of the neck and body. Viewed of kidding in Nebraska occurring being alerted. The eyes are large and from the back, the white rump patch about June 12. A study on a con­ bulge out from the head, thus afford­ is very prominent. fined herd of antelope near Sidney, ing the a wide angle of view. The antelope is very well adapted indicated a peak of kidding between The antelope is said to have vision to the rigors of the grasslands, where June 10 and 15. Thus, if the data ob­ comparable to man aided with 8- summer temperatures may soar above tained from our study is indicative of power binoculars. 100 degrees Fahrenheit and during Nebraska's wild antelope population, The general body structure indi­ the winter may drop below minus 20 conception occurs between October cates great speed. The legs are slender degrees. The pelt of the pronghorn is 10 and October 20. and long and very I ightly muscled composed of individual hairs which Unlike other wildlife, that relies toward the , while heavily are hollow and filled with air. The upon cunning and body coloration, muscled close to the body. Large hair is loosely attached to the skin, the pronghorn depends on keen eye­ windpipe and lungs allow huge quan­ which is underlaid with a network of sight to detect danger, and great speed tities of air to be gulped in by mouth muscles that can raise or lower the to outdistance it. The old adage of as well as through the dilated nostrils. hair at will. When the hairs are laid "safety in numbers" applies to num­ Antelope . have true horns that are down they form an efficient insulator, erous species of wildlife, but most of composed of fused hairs formed over keeping the cold temperature of the all to pronghorns. They are nearly al­ a bony core. There is a forward pro­ surrounding environment out while ways found in groups of five or more. jection, or prong, from whence the retaining the body heat of the animal. The pronghorn buck, however, may animal derives its common name, the During hot summer days, the hairs be found by himself. pronghorn antelope. These horn can be held erect, allowing a move­ When grazing, a sentinel is sta­ sheaths are shed annually, during the ment of air to cool the skin. Due to tioned on a knoll to watch for in­ winter. Bucks have well developed the brittleness and the loose attach­ truders on their vast domain of short­ horns that may attain trophy lengths ment of the hair to the skin, antelope grass and open space. With the first (up to 20 inches), while older fe­ pelts are not valuable as fur. The hint of danger, the group is alerted males have nearly inconspicuous tanned skin of antelope is also not and swift flight carries the animals to horns of single-point fused hairs, sel­ valued due to the poor wearing qual ity distant safety. dom exceeding the length of their of the leather. n

Photo by Jack Curran

After the rutting season, pronghorns form large winter bands, often numbering into the hundreds Photo by Jon Cates

The major portion of the pronghorn's diet is composed of forbs and browse plants, with very little grass being consumed for permits was over two times the authorized number in 1974. Managing Generally, 83 percent of the total harvest for the season is taken during the first 2 days, regardless of the length of the season, and 93 percent the of the hunters require 2 days or less to bag an antelope. Therefore the additional days after the third day Herds are for the benefit of trophy hunters ILDLIFE IS A RENEWABLE nat­ and for hunter convenience. Since W ural resource, and if managed 1953, a total of 19,182 antelope wisely, can be cropped annually have been harvested by 23,719 rifle without depleting the stock. Manage­ hunters. Hunter success over the ment of a wildlife species is done by of the lowest productivity rates for years has varied from 74 to 88 per­ obtaining information about its pop­ the same period. The 20-year aver­ cent, averaging 81 percent. ulation and relationship with its hab­ age is 100 does to 65 kids, while the That rifle hunters show preference itat. The controlling factors that limit last 5 years averaged 100 does to 57 for adult bucks is clearly indicated population numbers must be learned kids. by the harvest data. Summer inven­ before effective management plans Once herd numbers have been tory data show the population struc­ can be initiated. In Nebraska, big esti mated and the popu lation status ture of 20 percent adult males, 53 game management policies must determined, the game manager must percent adult females and 27 per­ take into consideration the interests decide whether to increase, decrease cent young of the year, while 1974 of the sportsmen and the landowners or stabilize the herd by controlling harvest data show 64 percent were upon whose land most of the ani­ the harvest. adult males, 27 percent adult fe­ mals live. The goal of providing the If the herds are below the carrying males, and 9 percent kids. greatest number of antelope and re­ capacity of the range and the toler­ creational benefits to the sportsmen, ance level of the landowners, the Information collected at check while keeping antelope populations number of permits authorized may stations has greatly aided the man­ at levels consistent with the agricul­ be low to limit the harvest and in­ agement of the species. Data ob­ tural interest of the land, becomes a crease antelope numbers in subse­ tained include sex, age, and general challenging one for the game mana­ quent years. However, if herds are physical condition of the animals ger. Herd and harvest inventories above carrying capacity or tolerance (weights and measurements), hunt­ play major roles in antelope manage­ limits, then more permits must be er distribution, pronghorn distribu­ ment of Nebraska. authorized to reduce antelope tion and other information concern­ Information relative to popula­ numbers. ing the hunt. tion number, distribution, sex, age The first hunting season in recent Weight measurements are used to and range conditions is collected history was held in 1953, after a clo­ compare with similar data obtained throughout the year, but the sum­ sure of 46 years. It was a 5-day hunt in other years for determining range mer aerial inventory provides most limited to a small portion of Chey­ condition trends and physical con­ of this information. enne County. Since 1953, antelope dition of antelope. Males are about The annual aerial survey is con­ seasons have been held annually three percent heavier than females ducted by a low-flying aircraft with except for 1958 when the season as kids, and by the time males are observers counting the animals by was closed. yearling and older, they are from 8 sex and age on a regular fl ight path. The popularity of antelope hunting to 18 percent heavier than the fe­ The time the animals were observed is shown by the great number of ap­ males. is also recorded. This information plications exceeding the authorized Effective management recommen­ can then be plotted on a map and number of permits each year. Permit dations can be made by utilizing the the relative distribution within the allocations have been on an un­ population structure by sex and age management unit can be deter­ biased, lottery system, but some­ classes. Several methods can be mined. Distribution of antelope has times purely by chance the same per­ used to obtain this information, but changed over a period of years, and sons were unable to receive permits the sex and age class information this is important in managing herds year after year. Thus, a more equit­ obtained during the harvest seem to on a unit basis. able system for allocating permits be the most accurate and unbiased. During the 1974 survey, an est­ was necessary and in 1973 a restric­ The game manager utilizes the man­ imated 8,217 antelope for the study tion was placed upon holders of per­ dibular eruption and wear method area in the Panhandle indicated the mits the previous year. In 1974, of aging antelope which are brought highest population during a 20-year restrictions were placed on holders to check stations. This biological in­ period. However, the doe-kid ratio of permits in the previous two years. formation, when used to construct of 100 does to 50 kids indicated one Even with these restrictions, demand an age structure graph, can reveal a Aerial surveys are made during late July to gather information on Nebraska's antelope Transplant programs of the late 1950s and early 1960s reintroduced 1,077 pronghorn into the Nebraska Sa ndhills

herd that is in a healthy status as hunters took 122 antelope for an conditions can have drastic effects compared to one that is over-ex­ overall success of 13.4 percent. upon antelope. Large herds have ploited. Since hunter preference for Pre-natal mortalities occur in ante­ perished during storms, especially adult males occurs, the age struc­ lope as in any other species and are when their physical condition was ture of the females is of greater value probably a matter of poor nutrition poor prior to being subjected to in evaluating herd status. and environmental stress. After par­ stress. The archery season, with 64 days, turition and before hunter harvest, Losses occur throughout the life­ has insignificant influence on the there are numerous causes of mor­ span of the pronghorn, but are herd while providing considerable tality. Accidental losses occur from probably more prevalent prior to recreation. During the last 5 years, coil isions with automobiles and adulthood. Pronghorn kids have 592 archers harvested 65 antelope trains, or when the animal becomes been abandoned by their mothers for an average hunter success of 11 entangled with barbed-wire or wo­ after excessive handling by humans. percent. Since 1964, 91 3 bow- ven-wire fences. Severe weather This may be the result of human scent being imparted to the kid at a herd increased to about 3,500 in time when the animal is scentless. 1955. However, antelope remained Predation as a rule is not a threat at a low level in the Sand Hills and to any healthy wildlife population, were pri mari Iy restricted to the however, under certain circum­ western edge of the area borderi ng in 1,077 antelope being released at stances may be devastati ng. One the major antelope range. 20 sites in the Sand Hills. Individual such period for the pronghorn may and transplanting has proven to be releases varied in number from 28 be when the herd number is low due an efficient method of re-establ ish­ to 72 animals. to other factors, and losses in com­ ing big-game animals on historic Within a very short period, the bination to this may reduce or even ranges, and it was felt that such a natural habits of the pronghorn to annihilate the herd. This is referred program would be beneficial to Ne­ congregate in relatively large num­ to as the "threshhold point", and braska's antelope management pro­ bers, especially during the winter, the natural increment to the herd by gram. resulted in depredation problems on way of reproduction cannot offset The Sand Hill s of Nebraska is alfalfa fields. As a result, it became the losses. about 20,000 square miles in the necessary to hold limited hunting The most damagi ng predator with north-central part of the state. Rain­ seasons in 1964 in the Sand Hills. the greatest potential for harm to fall ranges from 18 to 23 inches, A total of 3,238 Nebraskans have pronghorn numbers is man. With with topography of sharply rolling participated in the antelope harvest his modern machines, man can be hills and irregular ridges, relieved in the Sand Hill units as a direct re­ the super predator with which the occasionally by level valleys. Shal­ sult of the trapping-transplanting pronghorn cannot cope. However, low lakes and ponds of varying size program. Hunter success averaged habitat changes brought about by are distributed throughout much of 72 percent for the period from 1964 man are currently a much greater the region. The soil type of most of to 1974 in the Sand Hills, while state­ threat to antelope than is his preda­ this region is described as dune sand. wide success was 80 percent. tory nature. Vegetative cover is characterized by Tag recoveries from 75 antelope Man, though, has done much to mixed grass associations and a vari­ provided data on longevity and enhance the prol iferation of the ety of forbs. Trees are limited al­ movements. The antelope were all pronghorn over much of its original most entirely to stream courses. aged and identified with individual range. Historical records show that Land use is almost entirely haying ear tags. During the 1968 hunting antelope once roamed throughout and grazing. season, a tagged doe was harvested most of the Great Plains, of which About 1.7 million acres were wh ich records showed as bei ng over much of Nebraska is included. A signed up under cooperative agree­ 10 years old. Movements of 75 ante­ 1925 publication cited that 10 ments, and the trapping-transplant­ lope ranged from 0 to 125 miles bands, totaling 187 antelope, re­ ing program was initiated in 1958 from their release site, averaging mained in Nebraska. The Panhandle and terminated in 1962. It resulted 26 miles. 12

100 Field-dressed Weights of Nebraska 90 Pronghorn 80

-g 70 0 0-" Information gathered at check stations during the firearm season aids greatly 60 in management of the species. Weight measurements are compared with those of other years to determine range condition trends and 50 the physical condition of the antelope. Males are about three percent heavier than 40 females as kids. Male antelope older than one year will outweigh their female Y2 6+ counterparts by as much as 8 to 18 percent Age Class H E PROPER TIME to harvest Ne­ Tbraska's pronghorns is de­ Hunting termined by a number of factors. Harvest should come at a time when the young of the year would be little affected by loss of the mothers. The the young themselves should have de­ veloped physically to the point that Antelope the has flavor and texture. Since sport and trophy hunting are important, the harvest should occur prior to shedding of the horns, which normally occurs during November and December in Nebraska. ing the animal, sponge away any Techniques and strategies for blood that gets on the hair. Bleeding hunting antelope vary with individ­ the carcass by sl itting the throat ual hunters and field conditions. ru i ns the cape for a fu II head and Regardless of the technique em­ shoulder mount, and is unnecessary ployed, it is the hunter who planned after a chest shot with a h igh­ his hunt and anticipated the opening powered cartridge due to the inter­ and head must be removed by the day of the season that wi II be most nal hemorrhage that resu Its. hunter. Using a sharp knife, cut from satisfied in the end. Commence field dressing by plac­ the underside of the hair and skin, Pre-season preparations hel p the ing the head uphill or propped up rather than through the hair; make hunter bring home that "special with available material, and with an incision behind the shoulder and buck." Practice, and lots of practice, the animal on its back. Cut the skin encircle the animal. Then from the under various field conditions, im­ and open the animal in the paunch base of the neck along the top line of proves the hunter's chances of region. Using the fingers as guides the neck, draw the knife up to the downing the animal of his choice. for the knife and to keep the viscera base of the head. At this point it is This involves sighting allowances from the point of the knife, make an best to remove the head by sawi ng for windage, distance and movement incision along the mid-line up to the across the neck with cape attached. of the animal. One problem the rib cage. Then loosen the sex organs Remove bits of flesh or fat remai n­ hunter will encounter is the decep­ and circle the anal vent with the ing on the skin. Apply liberal tiveness of distances due to flat ter­ knife and tie this end with a string. amounts of salt to the flesh side of rain. Another problem is the un­ Pull the loosened lower bowel and the skin, inside of ears, nostrils and believable distance the pronghorn bladder into the abdominal cavity. mouth. Protect from sunlight, heat can cover between the time the trig­ Reach into the forward section of and insects until delivered to the tax­ ger is squeezed and the strike of the the chest and tie the esophagus with idermist. An alternative is to keep bullet. another string. Sever above the cape and head in cold storage or Trophy hunting is an art in itself string-tie, and along with the severed boxed and frozen until delivered to which requires discipline, patience, windpipe, pull intestines from the the taxidermist. Packing in dry ice experience, knowledge of the spe­ front by cutting all attached tissues will preserve the trophy if it must cies, and as often as not just plain and pulling all the organs out along be transported some distance. luck. Many successful hunters take with the viscera. Some hunters split If unable to deliver in a day or two, to the field in advance of the season the pelvic girdle as well as the rib further skinning and preparation to study the lay of the land. Advance cage along the sternum to field dress must be done to prevent hair slip­ knowledge of the various avenues of the animal and to cool the carcass page, which is irreparable. Proceed approach and the animals' avenues quicker. by prying the skin away from the of escape often spells the difference Take special pains to prevent any horns and worki ng it forward over between success and failure. The paunch material or hair from con­ the skull. Cutthe cartilage of the ears stalk should be made quietly and taminating the meat, as much of the close to the skull and remove the carefully until a clean, one-shot kill wild or gamey flavor attributed to eye lids with the skin. Do the same can be made. antelope or other game meat is the for the lips by cutting close to the A trophy is defined in different result of careless handling. teeth, and cut the carti lage back of ways by different individuals. It is The attached to the the nostri Is. Complete the separation generally accepted, though, that a liver must be carefully removed. of the skull and the skin. A sharp trophy is not just a fine buck, but is Clean the I iver and the heart of skinning knife to cut, and a blunt­ an individual of wild elusivenss and blood and fat and save in a clean nosed table knife to pry and loosen cunning that taxed the hunter's skill bag after cool ing. Bacterial growth the skin, helps in this work. A and strategy. The trophy hunt is de­ and decay of meat depends on saw to remove the horns in one signed by the hunter in the manner warmth and moisture, so it is impor­ piece along with the skull plate is he selects and finds most satisfying. tant to cool and dry the carcass as required. This is done by starting This means meeting basic challenge soon as possible. from about two inches back of the of man versus wildlife on equal foot­ A trophy specimen that is to be horns and sawing forward. Remove ing. This fact is best demonstrated mounted must be given special care flesh and fat from cape and horn by primitive weapon enthusiasts, at this time. Most hunters remove plate. After drying, generously salt such as bow and muzzle-loading the whole neck and head and de­ cape, ears and nostrils. Roll cape hunters. I iver it to the taxidermist, but many loosely with hair out in a porous The hunt is essentially over when remove too I ittle of the cape over bag and prevent crushing while trans­ the pronghorn is down with a well the shoulders for a full mount. If cir­ porting. A carefully handled cape placed shot. However, it is not com­ cumstances prevent the delivery of will result in a beautiful mount, add­ plete if the trophy is to be mounted the carcass to the taxidermist before ing to the enjoyment of the hunt for by a taxidermist. Prior to field dress- hair slippage may occur, the cape years to come. 12 Photo by Bob Grier

This publication is made available through funding supplied by the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, project W- 15-R and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Extra copies can be obtained from the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Box 30370, Lincoln, Nebraska 68503 Text by Harvey Suetsugu