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- A Classification of Palaearctic Habitats
- Description and Tree Species Composition for Woodland and Wooded Grassland Potential Natural Vegetation Types
- Understanding the Causes of Bush Encroachment in Africa: the Key to Effective Management of Savanna Grasslands
- Central African Republic (République Centrafricaine)
- Status, Trends and Future Dynamics of Biodiversity and Ecosystems Underpinning Nature’S Contributions to People 1
- Using Consecutive Prescribed Fires to Reduce Shrub Encroachment In
- IUCN: the World Heritage List
- Grasslands Factsheet (PDF)
- Neartic Realm Paleartctic Realm Oriental Realm
- Phytocoenologia Vol. 46 (2016), Issue 3, 233–239 Special Issue Palaearctic Grasslands Stuttgart, November 2016 Editorial
- Grassland and Shrubland Birds of GETT and EISE
- Evolution and Origin of the Central Grassland of North America: Climate, Fire, and Mammalian Grazers1 Roger C
- LIFE and Europe's Grasslands
- Grassland, Shrubland, and Woodland Plant Assemblages in Relation to Landscape-Scale Environmental and Disturbance Variables
- Comparing Four of Earth's Biomes
- The Expansion of Grassland Ecosystems in Africa in Relation to Mammalian Evolution and the Origin of the Genus Homo
- Chapters Grassland and Wetland Vegetation
- Mapping and Monitoring Resources for Florida Coastal Wetlands