
A new study finds that many migrate hundreds of miles each , often struggling to overcome a growing number of obstacles along the way.


LONG ROAD HOME A herd of several hundred pronghorn migrates north across near Fort Peck Lake toward spring fawning grounds in southern Can ada. In some the will travel hundreds of miles during their seasonal migrations.


8 NOVEMBER –DECEMBER 2011 FWP.MT.GOV/MTOUTDOORS MONTANA OUTDOORS 9 nder the big sky of the high plains, species is like the pronghorn. Its closest ge - a herd of pronghorn stands out netic relative is, of all things, the giraffe. amid the sage and bunchgrass, Pronghorn have lived in the tallest natural features along for millions of years, surviving glacial eras, U the skyline. They snap to atten - volcanic ash winters, and by the tion the moment a truck slows, and when now-extinct American . But it took the vehicle stops and binoculars come out, humans only 50 years around the turn of the the animals trot off over the horizon. 20th century to nearly wipe out the animals. This vast, open country that scientists call After explorers and trappers opened the the Northern Sagebrush-Steppe Ecosystem West, the teeming herds of wildlife observed seems an unlikely place for secrets. But until just a few decades earlier by Lewis and Clark recently, pronghorn possessed an important were quickly overrun. Ambitious pioneers one—the location of core habitats and the punched railroads and telegraph lines across routes they use to migrate throughout the the prairie, plowing arable land and replac - year. Now scientists are discovering these ing hoofed wildlife with . Pronghorn critical summer fawn rearing areas, winter - were shot by hungry farmers and unregu - ing sites, and ancient pathways along which lated market hunters. By the early 1900s the the prairie denizens move back and forth total pronghorn population in North Amer - across portions of the northern ica was reduced to fewer than 15,000. each year. They’re also finding what obsta - Conservation-minded hunters and land - cles—natural and man-made—impede the owners eventually repopulated the plains animals’ migrations. The research is timely with the fleet-footed animals. Working with and essential. Natural gas wells, oil pipe - state bi ol ogists, they trapped pronghorn in lines, wind turbines, housing subdivisions, population strongholds and relocated the an - and other developments in northern Mon - imals in historic habitat. Within decades, tana and Can ada’s prairie prov inces con - pronghorn had recolonized the American tinue to expand. Unlocking the secret West, although in nowhere near pre-settle - to the pronghorn’s mysterious spring and ment numbers and only in marginalized frag - fall migrations is critical to finding ways ments of their historic range. Today, to ensure that these age-old seasonal move - pronghorn number over 1 million across ments can continue. North America. In some parts of the West they are common enough to take for granted. PULLED BACK FROM THE BRINK Yet pronghorn populations remain vulner - Though commonly called , prong - able. According to northeastern Montana are not related to , eland, or wildlife managers, the severe winter of other true antelope species, which are native 2010-11 cut populations in much of the only to and Asia. Pronghorn are an region by 70 percent. Of more long-term con - endemic North American , a cern, say biologists, is the increasing difficulty holdover from when mastodons, ground pronghorn have in making their seasonal mi - sloths, and other ice age roamed grations. Housing and fencing are spreading the continent. In all the world, no other out from new subdivisions across southern

SPREADING THE WEALTH A Montana Department of Fish and pilot hazes pronghorn into a trap on Townsend Flats near Helena in the mid-1940s. UNFAMILIAR Captured by a Thousands of the animals were N remote-sensor camera, migrating pronghorn in O I

trapped from strongholds and T C

E northern find easier winter walking in transplanted during the mid-19th L L

O a river valley willow thicket. In severe winters, C century to restore a population O T Mon tana pronghorn take similar routes through O

that in Montana had dwindled H P

riparian areas and cattail marshes—and even to just 3,000. S A

C onto railroad tracks and county roads—in U L S I C I to move across snow-filled landscapes. R M


10 NOVEMBER –DECEMBER 2011 FWP.MT.GOV/MTOUTDOORS MONTANA OUTDOORS 11 . New roads, pipelines, and oil and tect winter range and fawning grounds as many of the research animals on historic mi - Decades ago, waterfowlers and biolo - to work together more coopera - gas wells are spreading across many parts of well as ensuring that landscapes remain gration treks in search of food and milder gists learned that ducks often travel vast tively and pay attention to habitat condi - the northern Great Plains—from the Pinedale permeable for highly mobile wildlife. conditions, allowing Jakes to document distances, many nesting in Canada’s prairie tions on both sides of the border. “If we Anticline in Wyoming to the Bowdoin oil State wildlife agencies such as Montana some of the longest land migrations ever pothole region then wintering in the warm want to manage for pronghorn in fields northeast of Malta to the coal-bed Fish, Wildlife & Parks knew the locations of recorded in the lower 48 states. In a single wetlands of Mississippi, Louisiana, and northern Montana, we can’t just look at Pronghorn have methane wells in southern Alberta. The re - some core prairie wildlife habitats. But they year, some animals traveled more than 300 . By putting leg bands on ducks and where the animals live during the hunting “to put their foot in sulting development pushes its way into lacked data on others, as well as on the miles. One intrepid pronghorn, number 169, tracking where the birds were shot by season,” he says. “We have to also consider established wintering habitat and summer routes pronghorn follow as they move be - was tracked starting near Glasgow as it hunters, biologists began mapping water - what’s happening hundreds of miles away every little bit of grounds where pronghorn rear their fawns. tween those sites. That’s where Andrew moved north to ’s fowl migratory routes, along with prime in Canada.” Even worse, it chops great swaths of prairie Jakes came in. National Park in spring. Then in fall it wetlands for nesting and overwintering. Just as important as conserving core their path. So what habitat into isolated pieces. The resulting In 2008, the Helena-based University of headed back to Montana, where severe win - Also documented were critical resting and habitats is maintaining pronghorn migra - landscape fragmentation les sens what con - Calgary doctoral candidate began a trans - ter weather pushed it south all the way to In - refueling “stopover” sites, such as shallow tion corridors. “Ducks can fly over the tops happens on the servation biologists call “connectivity”—the boundary study of pronghorn core habitats gomar—a total annual trek of more than 350 temporary wetlands. Private conservation of most barriers,” says Gates. “But prong - degree to which pronghorn and other wildlife and seasonal movement in Montana, south - miles (see a map of the trek on page 14). groups such as Ducks Unlimited, along with horn have to put their foot in every little bit landscape is freely move from one place to another. ern Alberta, and southern Saskatchewan. The “The scale of these migrations is beyond state, provincial, and federal wildlife agen - of their path. So what happens on the land - To find a balance between the needs of study is funded by the Bureau of Land Man - those of African and right up cies, began protecting, conserving, and scape is critically important.” critically important.”

HARD GOING Historically able to follow herds that acted as snowplows, pronghorn now must break trail themselves. The animals are ill equipped TRAIN WRECKED Deep snow forces pronghorn to travel along railroad corridors. Last winter hundreds trying to migrate along tracks were killed by to negotiate drifts like those that piled up across northern Montana this past winter. In any year, fences pose constant problems. If pressed, pronghorn can trains in northeastern Montana, such as this section of line northwest of Glasgow. Cars and trucks are no friendlier. As human development grows leap over obstacles, but they have not evolved to do so easily, as and have. In winter, they squander precious energy trying to bypass fences. across the northern Great Plains, so do highways and collisions between migrating pronghorn and moving vehicles. wildlife and those of economic agement, the World Wildlife Fund, FWP, and there with the barren ground caribou’s,” restoring critical waterfowl habitats in the BLOCKING THE WAY Alberta headed to Montana when the growth, western states and prairie provinces the Alberta Conservation Association. says Cormack Gates, professor of Environ - , and even more so in Canada. A major impediment to pronghorn survival weather turned cold. The pronghorn gath - have begun to identify core habitats and mi - Jakes aims to learn how human activi - mental Science and Planning at the Univer - Pronghorn appear to require a similar is deep snow. The ’s tiny , per - ered in herds of up to 1,000 animals and S I gration routes so development can be sited ties affect pronghorn habitat and move - sity of Calgary. I transboundary approach. Jakes found that fect for running, are nearly useless for dig - moved south, conserving energy as they R

E O in areas where it does the least damage and ment across the vast region. The study J some pronghorn are “resident,” meaning ging through snow to reach forage. In moved through deep snowfields by walking

; R E disruption. In 2008, the Western Governors’ required using nets shot from helicopters to SIMILAR TO DUCKS Y they stay within a relatively small home centuries past, pronghorn followed bison in in single file. Winter storms turned some of O B

S Association formed a wildlife council to capture 102 pronghorn, which were fitted Jakes’s findings confirmed what wildlife I range year-round. But, like flocks of ducks winter, using the herds as snowplows for the migrations into forced marches, pressing R H C learn where critical habitats and wildlife cor - with collars carrying GPS transmitters. The managers had long suspected. Rather than ; and geese, many pronghorn head south in easier passage and to find food. But these pronghorn to walk up to 30 miles a day. In S I I R

ridors would be harmed by proposed energy collars recorded each animal’s position manage pronghorn like homebody species E fall seeking more accessible food. Then, days many pronghorn are forced to search early 2011, blizzards pushed many herds O J

; and housing development. The idea was to every two hours, then dropped off after one such as white-tailed deer, which can live S like waterfowl, the migrants return north in for river bluffs and ridgetops, where prairie over frozen Fort Peck Lake and even farther I I R map the wildlife lands and routes so devel - year so Jakes could collect the data and plot their entire lives within a square mile or E spring to raise their young. Justin Gude, winds scour snow from patches of vegeta - south to Montana Highway 200 and beyond. O J

: T opers could modify plans in ways that pro - each pronghorn’s movements on comput - two of where they are born, pronghorn may H head of wildlife research for FWP, says the tion. Often that means heading south. Other obstacles to pronghorn movement G I R

erized maps. require management similar to that used O findings underscore the need for wildlife Some of the study pronghorn that sum - include roads, traffic, and new construction. T


Ben Long is a freelance writer in Kalispell. Three consecutive brutal winters sent for migratory waterfowl. L managers in Montana, Saskatchewan, and mered in south-central Saskatchewan and In Alberta and Saskatchewan, conversion of

12 NOVEMBER –DECEMBER 2011 FWP.MT.GOV/MTOUTDOORS MONTANA OUTDOORS 13 Losing essential migrants Andrew Jakes, who is conducting one of the largest pronghorn studies ever done in North America, wonders if human development may eventually rob some pronghorn popula - tions of essential migratory traits. Jakes says some pronghorn in his study population are “residents” that stay in the same relatively small home range year-round. Others are migrants that move south in fall to find better forage in winter range before returning north in spring to rear their young. “No one knows why an animal chooses one strategy over the other,” he says. Scientists suspect that the combination is an evolutionary adaptation that allows populations to endure under widely varying envi - ronmental conditions: Migrants survive harsh winters while residents do best in milder ones. Losing either strat - egy could doom a population over the long haul. Southern Saskatchewan and Alberta are the northern periphery of the pronghorn’s continental range. Histori - Jakes with a GPS collar. cally, migrant pronghorn in those areas moved south each fall into today’s northern Montana to survive winter. During severe winters they moved even farther, as shown in the great treks Jakes documented in his recent three-year study. Before European settlement, the long-distance migrants could easily return to Canada in spring. “It’s not that easy anymore,” Jakes says. Incremental, cumulative developments on the prairie landscape—from Fort Peck Lake, built 70 years ago, to a gas well built last summer—make life harder for pronghorn moving between essential core habitats. Jakes notes that 3,000 pronghorn that crossed frozen Fort Peck Lake last winter were stuck months later on the reservoir’s south shore, urged northward to Canada by instinct, but blocked by miles of open water. What’s more, the lacework of fencing that the animals negotiated as they fled south added another layer of obstacles for the return trip. “A big concern is that, over time, southern Alberta and Saskatchewan would not only lose their resident pronghorn in severe winters but also a large percent - age of their migratory pronghorn that can’t return because of barriers,” Jakes says. Some biologists believe that knowledge of when and where to migrate is passed down each generation from does to fawns. If so, essential migratory traits could slip away from a population that loses too many migrating does during a string of severe A LONG, WET CROSSING Last spring, pronghorn trying to return to Canada were stymied by massive Fort Peck Lake, which they had crossed months winters, causing the population to fizzle out. “Migration is an essential evolutionary earlier when the reservoir was frozen. Many tried to swim across the vast reservoir. Some made it (facing page, below right), but many did not. survival strategy, and we don’t want pronghorn to lose that ability,” Jakes says. —Tom Dickson prairie into farmland, housing develop - spring migrations, pronghorn squander pre - Record route Mark Sullivan, FWP wildlife manager in ments, and energy fields has already pushed cious energy wandering up and down fence The 350-mile trip (pink dots) of pronghorn Glasgow, says Jakes’s findings emphasize sage-grouse there to the edge of local extinc - lines in search of a way through. In some #169, February 2010 to February 2011. the need for agencies, highway depart - G R

tion. In northern Montana, energy develop - cases, Jakes found that his research prong - E ments, landowners, and conservationists on B S ment is growing too. Developers have horn spent hours trying to get past a single R O both sides of the border to redouble efforts F

L drilled more than 1,500 natural gas wells in fence. “Just think how much time and en - E A to make more room for the mobile prairie H C I

northern Phillips County, oil development ergy those animals have to spend negotiat - M travelers. He and other wildlife managers,

; P from the Bakken oil field along the North ing 30 or 40 fences in the middle of winter W as well as local, state, and provincial plan - F / Y L

Dakota border is expanding, and hundreds during a migration,” he says. E ners, say they will be using data from the E R G of coal-bed methane wells have popped up Now finished with his field work, Jakes is study to identify existing migration barriers, N O T across Montana’s southeastern corner. analyzing the gigabytes of data he gathered. S N potential barriers, and bottlenecks. In time, I W


Throughout the northern Great Plains, By next spring he’ll know more about how G the information will be shared with ranch - R E B

fencing has long vexed a prairie that various types and densities of roads, gas S ers, transportation departments, and the R O F evolved to negotiate barriers no taller than a wells, and other developments affect prong - energy industry to make sure economic L P E A W F H

sagebrush. Though pronghorn can jump wire horn habitat and movement. : growth considers and addresses the needs C I E C M

: R fences, they do so reluctantly, preferring to Some land managers have already begun T

U of wildlife. “People are finally starting to F O E L S

. crawl under. But they often get snagged on putting his study results to use. Recently The P learn about the core habitats pronghorn use S O R T

O M the bottom barbs, or can’t slip under when Nature Conservancy of Montana used the O and the migration routes they take,” Sulli - O D T R F U

O E snow is more than a foot deep. Most impen - migratory pathway data to find where fences van says. “That will make it a lot easier to S A I N W A K etrable are woven wire “ fences,” on their conservation holdings need to be T adjust human development in ways that C 0 25 50 Miles 100 N O O L M which extend to the ground. During fall and modified to enable pronghorn movement. C help these animals survive.”