Central Coalfields Limited Office of the General Manager, B&K Area Area Purchase Cell ; B&K Area Office, Kargali, PO: Bermo, Dist: Bokaro, PIN: 829104 Email:
[email protected], Fax: 06549-220938, M: 8987784725 Ref: CCL/B&K/APC/Carbon Brush Holder/LTE/14-15/52 Date:08.01.2015 LIMITED TENDER ENQUIRY (Two-Bid) 1. M/s J.J. Carbon Products, 118P & 119P., New Ancillary Area ,Tupudana, Hatia , Ranchi ‐834003 2. M/s Kisan Enterprises, II‐D/101, Industral Area , Bokaro Steel City 827014 3. M/s Standard Electro System Pvt. Ltd., II‐D/102, Industrial Area Bokaro Steel City 827014 4. M/s Hindustan Facing Industry Pvt. Ltd., 40/5 Gariahat Road (South) Kolkata ‐700031 5. M/s R. Traders , Om Bhawan, PO Dhansar, Dist. Dhanbad828106 Important: Apart from above firms , other firms for the tendered item can also participate if fulfilling the criteria given below. Dear Sirs, Sub : Tender for procurement ofCarbon Brusher &Carbon Brush Holderfor EKG‐5A Shovel of B&K Area Kargali. Submission of Tender In Two‐ Bid System ( Techno –Commercial & Price‐ Bid) Estimated Amount Rs.57298 ( Rs. Fifty Two Thousand Two Hundred Ninety EightOnly) Opening date of sale of Document 13/01/2015 Closing Date of Sale of Document 18/01/2015 Last date of submission of Offer Up to 3.00 PM on 19/01/2015 Due date for opening of Tender At 04.00 PM on 19/01/2015 1. Sealed Tenders are invited for supply of material as indicated in the Schedule of requirement – Annexure “A”. 2.The tender to be submitted in a single envelope containing two separate envelopes properly sealed.