warns-we-are-prepared-use-nuclear-weapons#comment-7244699 Zerohedge just erased this comment. Here it is again. Zerohedge likes to run this kind of fearmongering story. The United States is in interregnum while its allies, the BRICS and G-77, are assisting in returning the US' monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility that is administered by the Board of Governors of the Bretton Woods institutions (the World Bank and IMF). The US armed services, which includes the Joint Japan US Committee under the Status of Forces Agreement, is able to return to the rule of law and ignore the treasonous Network of Global Control's lackeys. These traitors are all bankrupt and are losing their houses. Meanwhile, the social media keeps everyone informed of the real insolvency and impotence of these corrupt people. From: Karen Hudes Date: Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 8:49 AM Subject: The United States is in interregnum due to corruption of the US Congress To:
[email protected],
[email protected] Cc: Joint US Japan Committee under the Status of Forces Agreement, Netherlands Distribution List, County Executives of America, National Taxpayers Union
[email protected],
[email protected], Paul Jenkinson,
[email protected],
[email protected], William Hubbard, US Military Attache in Tokyo Office