iiately afterward* he saw th« prisoner THE VOLUNTEER REVIEW. 11th Middlesex (St. George's.) All three admirable Lord E. Thynne by MB side—the best French and the A VISIT TO THE FAIR. best English whips. Drags are increasing. The TBE INUNDATIONS LN WALLACHIA. Itahlind him on the rich! side. He did not The weather which BO terribly annoyed the holiday battalions of nearly equal strength, it would have re­ quired a keen jndge to decide to which the palm of Crouix, the Rochefoucauld, the Valaincourt, the Obret John Gray, aged eighteen, of George-street, Blooms- putil the prisoner had stabbed him. Ha seekers on Good Friday brightened up on Saturday, 14 superiority should be awarded. skoff, and sundry others, are all trying their hands at bury, costermonger, was charged before the magistrate Bu^har^March^Ti" * i- • letter b oat after he had stabbed him. Wit- the sun shone out in summer character, and all at Marylebone, with stealing a silver watch under the The third brigade was under the command of Lieut .- it. Now comes, clattering along, the Aspasia, as they [the prisoner on the head with a broom Brighton seemed astir to watoh the preparations for following circumstances:— c The terribleinundations which have overwhelmed Colonel T. E. Bigge. It was composed of his own