
Volume9 Medical JOllrnal of the Nllmber4 Islamic Republic of Iran Winter1 374 February199 6



From the Dept. of Physiology, Shiraz Medical School, Shiraz University ofMedical Sciences, Shiraz, and the *Department of Physiology, Faculty ofMedical Sciences, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran.


Effects of acute hypercapnia on the cardiovascular system (CYS) were studied in the anesthetized cat. After surgery the animal was exposed to a mixture of 12% CO2 and 25% O2 in , and hypercapnia with low levels of arterial pH (pHa) was produced for 20 minutes. In the second run the same level of hypercapnia was induced by ventilating the same cat fromthe above gas mixture but pHa was kept normal by a slow and continuous infusion of 1HAM (0.5 mM/ kg/min). Results of this study showed that hypercapnia increased aortic flow and induced peripheral vasodilation. Hypercapnia produced tachycardia in the presence of arterial whereas in its absence this response reversed to bradycardia. Hypercapnia increased mean arterial blood (Pa) by 20% during low pHa, whereas this increase was only 10% in the absence of arterial acidosis. Therefore, it is concluded that hypercapnia in conjunction with arterial acidosis has a much stronger stimulatory influence on the CYS via different arterial . Keywords:Hypercapnia; acidosis; cardiovascular system;arterial chemoreceptors. M.TfRf, Vol. 9, No.4, 341-345,1996.

INTRODUCTION influence of combined and varying levels of hypercapnia on the CVS and endocrine secretion have Hypercapnia is the elevation of arterial CO2 tension been studied in the dog,I,4,ID the CVS responses to acute which, in acute conditions, is usually accompanied with hypercapnia during normoxia in the presence or abo low arterial blood pH. Hypercapnia is shown to induce sence of arterial acidosis have as yet not been evalu· arteriolar vasodilation and elevation of cardiac ated. performance.!,4 Despite voluminous literature devoted So far, the arterial neural responses to the influences of hypercapnia on the CVS, results are to hypoxia, hypercapnia and acidosis have been studied contradictoryand confusing.l,4,1l It has been shown that in the cat,5,' but there is no information concerning the hypercapnia in the cat increases the sensitivity of CVS responses of this animal to hypercapnia. Since our carotid bodies (cb) to hypoxia, but this only has a tran­ knowledge about the influences of hypercapnia and sient effect on aortic bodies (ab).5" Arterial acidosis, on acidosis on neural activity of arterial chemoreceptors the other hand, stimulates ab more strongly.' Direct are obtained from experiments performed in the cat, we stimulation of these chemoreceptors has been shown to continued our research in the cat and tried to study the have an intense influence on the CVS,7,13 Although the influences of hypercapnia and acidosis on the CVS.

341 Cardiovascular Response to Hypercapnia and pH in Cat

* • Table I. Arterial blood pH, PaCOz and PaOz during 210 * hypercapnia with arterial acidosis and recovery.+ • � Tbn� :::;; I'JI" ...... coo"diiio'n :,' V) I­ 190 Control 7.337± 0.002 35.0±0.9 120±8

Results of this study would hopefully clear the Fig.!. Heart rate during H-A (II) and H-N (A). (* = signifi­

** = controversies that exist between the reported influences cantly different from control. si�nificantly different of hypercapnia on the CVS and the role of arterial from each other, P < 0.05). • * * • chemoreceptors in regulating this system. 520

Z MATERIALS AND METHODS ::i! 470 ..... 1 -' Experiments were carried out on cats anesthetized :.;; 420 with 30 mg/kg intraperitoneal injections of sodium � pentobarbital as a routine procedure.3,5.6 The right 0 -' femoral vein was cannulated in order to infuse dextrose u.. 370 saline, tris hydroxymethyl amino methane (THAM) and Q the anesthetic agent. The right femoral artery was I- 1 a: cannulated in order to measure arterial blood pressure 0 320 1 ..: t and for intermittent collections of blood samples. ON CO2 OFF C02 Tracheostomy was done for artificial ventilation. 270 Arterial P02, PC02 (Pa02, PaC02) and pHa were 0 6 12 18 24 so measured with a micro blood gas analyzer (Radiometer TIME (MINUTE) pH M 72 Mk2). A left lateral thoracotomy was ' Fig. 2. Aortic flow during H-A (II) and H-N (A) . (* = performed at the fifth interspace and the pericardium significantly different from control, P < 0.05) was cut to expose the heart. The ascending aorta was dissected carefully from the pulmonary artery. An mixture containing 12-15% CO2 and 25% O2 in N2. The electromagnetic probe (No. 5) was placed about the root animal was then switched to room air and CV of the aorta. A third cannula was placed into the right parameters recorded for another 10 minutes and the atrium in order to measure its pressure. The heart rate results considered as recovery (recv). An hour later the was counted from arterial pressure traces. A thermistor buffering capacity of the blood was increased by a slow probe was placed rectally to measure and maintain the intravenous infusion of a one molar of TRAM 2 core at 37±I'C by using a heating plate. At in normal saline (0.5 ml/kg/min),1 The animal was then the end of surgery the animal was left to rest for three exposed to the same gas mixture and the same level of hours in order to eliminate the effects of surgical stress hypercapnia was induced. Here the reduction of blood on the CVS as much as possible. pH was minimal, hence this condition is considered as hypercapnia with normal arterial pH (H-N; Table TI). Experimental procedure Respiratory rates, and other Experiments were performed on 22 cats. Three were kept constant in order to lower the interaction hours after surgery hypercapnia with a low arterial pH stretch receptors with the direct and reflex (hypercapneic acidosis; H-A) was induced for 20 of hypercapnia on the CVS as much as possible.3 minutes by artificially ventilating the cat from a gas All recordings were made on an 8 channel

342 G.A. Dehghani, Ph.D., and A. Khoshbaten, Ph.D .

• * • 6 Table II. Arterial blood during hypercapnia with normal pH.+

0. 4 Control 7.412 ±0.02 31.8±1.3 12 0±8 :x: E 1 Expt min 3 7.313 ±0.0 2 55.2 ±1.16* 12 0± 9 E 1 � Expt min 10 7.2 86± 0.09 60.1 ±1.6* 115 ±9 « Expt min 20 7.2 68 ±0.08 68.1 ± 3.6* 116±6 a: 2 "- 1 1 Recv min 3 7.381 ±om 48.0±3.1* 114±9 Recv min 10 7.422 ±0.0 2 38.0 ± 3.1 115±9 ON CO2 OFF CO2 Recv min 20 7.446± om 38.3 ±2. 5 12 0±9

+ 0 Values are expressed as mean± SE. 0 S 12 18 24 90 '" Values are significantly different from control at P::;0.05 . TIME (MINUTEI

Fig. 3. Right atrialpressure during H-A (II)and H-N (A). RESULTS

360 Tables I and II show blood pH and gas values during Z the experiment. In R-A the increased PaC02 was ::E ..... accompanied by a concomitant reduction in pRa, but in -J 320 ::E R-N the changes in pHa were statistically insignificant...... * '" * • • ::c Cardiac performance .sE 280 Fig. I shows that heart rate (RR) decreased o significantly doring R-N whereas this response was o o reversed to tachycardia during R-A. Fig. 2 represents 240 that there were significant and similar increments in Qa x 1 in both conditions. Full recovery occorred 10 minutes 0: 1 a.. OFF C02 after cessation of hypercapnia. f- 200+------,------.------.-----,,-----.ON C02 o • 18 24 30 Right atrial pressure (PRA) TIME (MINUTEl Fig. 3 shows that there was a significant increase in Fig. 4. Total peripheral resistance during H-A (II) and H-N PRA only doring the first 10 minutes of R-A. (A). Arterial vascular tone and blood pressure 4 polygraph. Mean arterial blood pressore (Pa) and mean Fig. shows that there is a 20% reduction in the right atrial pressure (PRA) were recorded continuously values of TPR doring hypercapnia. As shown in Fig. 5, by damping pressore traces electron;cally. Mean and there was a slight decrease in the values of Pa doring pulsatile aortic flow were reccrded by connecting the the first two minutes of R-N which later on reversed to flow probe to a Carolina flow meter attached to the a significant rise. Whereas during R-A, Pa increased polygraph. In recording the mean aortic flow (Qa), zero right away, after stabilization these increments were flow was taken to the portion of the record preceding 10% and 20%, respectively. These changes returned the sharp systolic upstroke. Total peripheral resistance back to control values after switching the cat to room (TPR), excluding coronary resistance, was calculated by air. dividing Pa minus PRA in mmHg by aortic flow in ml/ min. DISCUSSION Statistical analysis All results were expressed as means and standard Many studies have evaluated the effects of error of the mean. The data were analyzed using hypercapnia on the CVS, but almost none have analysis of variance. Duncan's new multiple range test differentiated the responses of this system to was used to find statistical differences between the hypercapnia without the influence of arterial acidosis. means when the probability value was equal to or less Earlier reports have shown that a concomitant elevation than 0.05 (P ,; 0.05). of PaC02 and acidosis would affect CVS activity in the

343 Cardiovascular Response to Hypercapnia and pH in Cat dog, but these reports are debatable.!",6,12 In this study we frrst tried to see if there would be any differences between the effects of hypercapnia on the CVS of the cat from that of the dog. Then we tried to frnd out whether controlling the pH of arterial blood would alter these responses to hypercapnia. Respiratory rate and tidal volume were kept constant during the experiment to diminish the interaction of lung stretch reflexes with that of arterial chemoreceptors, as proved to be the case.9 Acute hypercapnia lowers intercellular and cerebro­ spinal fluid pH independent of arterial blood pH,3 and activates sympathetic gastric nerves via independent of arterial chemorecep­ tors.14 Therefore, in this study the local effects of Time (minutes) hypercapnia on pacemaker cells, myocardium, vascular (II) (A) beds and hopefully the central nervous system remained Fig. 5. Mean arterial pressure during H-A and H-N (**= < constant in both conditions to eliminate their interac­ significantly different from each other, P 0.05). tions with chemoreceptor reflexes as much as possible. The results of this study would give us a new insight to hypercapnia in the absence of acidosis. Hence in the concerning the influences of hypercapnia alone and in presence of acidosis, hypercapnia could overcome the conjunction with acidosis on the CVS of the cat. depressing effects of intracellular acidosis due to stron­ The local influences of hypercapnia and acidosis are ger stimulation of cb chemoreceptors.6,9 shown to be vasodilation and cardiac depression.',ll On Venous return is another factor which directly the other hand, arterial chemoreceptors (ab and cb) influences cardiac output. PRA is a good indicator of which directly sense H ion and arterial the increment of venous return when there is a blood gases are shown to have different sensitivities to concomitant increment in cardiac output in the normal 2 PaC02 and pHa, ,5,9 and their separate or combined functioning heart. Although in this study we could not stimulation have various influences of the CVS,6,7,1l,13 directly measure myocardial contractility, from the It is interesting to note that the cardiac system showed a results of other investigators we can say that there was complicated response to both types of hypercapnia. an increase in cardiac performance mainly in response There was an increase in cardiac output (Fig. 2), and to stimulation of arterial chemoreceptors.6,13 Further­ although heart rate increased during H-A, this response more, Rothe et aI. showed that hypercapnia increased was completely opposite during H-N (Fig. 1). These capacitance vessel tone through arterial chemoreceptor results made us believe that not only are CVS responses stimulation.1I Therefore, the significant elevation of of the cat to hypercapnia different from that of the dog PRA observed during H-A accompanying the increased but also that the presence or absence of acidosis makes cardiac outputis a good sign of the increment of venous the whole Story different. return (Fig. 3). The increased cardiac output might be the outcome TPR in conjuction with the measurement of arterial of augmented myocardial contractility and venous blood pressure Clearly obviated the responses of the ar­ return,5 because the negative chronotropic effects of terial system to H-A and H-N. There was a significant hypercapnia during H-N could not alter this elevation. reduction in TPR in both conditions (Fig. 4) which is in In isolated preparations, lactic acidosis has been shown agreement with the results of Rothe et ai, II It has been to have negative inotropic and chronotropic effects on shown that H-A produces moderate arteriolar the heart,l2 whereas stimulation of arterial chemorecep­ vasodilation in the dog.I Despite our expectation that tors have opposite effects through sympathetic stimula­ TPR would decrease much more during hypercapnia tion and increased adrenal secretion of epinephrine.6,11 the presence of arterial acidosis, we found that ch,mE:es',> Hypercapnia independent of arterial acidosis lowers the were similar in both conditions (Fig. 4). Pokorski et intracellular pH of myocardial cells.!,14 Therefore, the have shown that metabolic acidosis mainly stilnula«�, level of intracellular pH was (hopefully) identical in ab.9 Although stimulation of ab by arterial both conditions. If this is the case the decreased heart might have increased sympatho-adrenal activity rate observed during H-N could be attributed to intrac­ more during H-A, it seems that it was not ellular acidosis as concluded by Rothe et ai,II and a diminish the direct local vasodilatory effects of weaker stimulatory response of arterial chemoreceptors as reported by others.!O,II,13

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G.A. Dehghani, Ph.D., and A. Khoshbaten, Ph.D.

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