Effects of Hypercapnia and Hypocapnia on Respiratory Resistance in Normal and Asthmatic Subjects Thorax: First Published As 10.1136/Thx.46.1.28 on 1 January 1991

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Effects of Hypercapnia and Hypocapnia on Respiratory Resistance in Normal and Asthmatic Subjects Thorax: First Published As 10.1136/Thx.46.1.28 on 1 January 1991 28 Thorax 1991;46:28-32 Effects of hypercapnia and hypocapnia on respiratory resistance in normal and asthmatic subjects Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.46.1.28 on 1 January 1991. Downloaded from F J J van den Elshout, C L A van Herwaarden, H Th M Folgering Abstract tigate the effect of change in end tidal Pco2 on The effects of hypercapnia and hypocap- airway calibre without the confounding effects nia on respiratory resistance were of heat and water loss from the airway studied in 15 healthy subjects and 30 mucosa. The forced oscillation technique was asthmatic subjects. Respiratory resis- used because the measurements obtained with tance (impedance) was measured with this method are collected during spontaneous the pseudo-random noise forced oscilla- breathing. Forced expiratory manoeuvres, tion technique while the subjects which may influence bronchial tone," were rebreathed from a wet spirometer in a thus avoided. closed respiratory circuit in which end tidal carbon dioxide tension (Pco2) could be controlled. Hypercapnia was induced Methods by partially short circuiting the carbon EQUIPMENT dioxide absorber, and hypocapnia by Oscillatory respiratory resistance (impedance) voluntary hyperventilation. The cir- was measured with the pseudo-random noise culating air was saturated with water forced oscillation technique using the vapour and kept at body temperature apparatus developed by Landser et al and ambient pressure. A rise of end tidal (Oscillaire, Jones, Chicago).'2 '3 A loudspeaker Pco2 of 1 kPa caused a significant fall in generates pressure changes at the mouth in the respiratory resistance in both normal form of a pseudo-random noise signal contain- and asthmatic subjects (15% and 9% res- ing all harmonics of 4-52 Hz superimposed on pectively). A fall of Pco2 of 1 kPa did not spontaneous breathing. Mouth pressure and cause any significant change in flow signals are recorded by two identical impedance in the control group. In the differential transducers (Validyne MP 445). asthmatic patients resistance increased Fourier analysis allows the calculation of http://thorax.bmj.com/ by 13%, reactance fell by 45%, and the impedance at 4-52 Hz from the data, which frequency dependence of resistance rose were collected over eight seconds. The validity 240%. These findings confirm that of the measurements was evaluated by a hypocapnia may contribute to airway coherence function that assessed the amount of obstruction in asthmatic patients, even noise and alinearity in the signals'2 14; only data when water and heat loss are prevented. with a coherence function of 095 or more were retained. The impedance data were subdivided into resistance and reactance and were com- on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Many specific and non-specific broncho- puted over the range 4-52 Hz in steps of 4 Hz. constrictor challenges are used to measure Resistance (Rrs), computed as the ratio of the bronchial reactivity, including allergens, in phase components of pressure and flow, is irritants, cholinergic drugs, mediators, exer- determined by the resistive properties of the cise, and hyperventilation. For exercise and respiratory system (airways, lung tissue, and hyperventilation challenge respiratory heat chest wall). Reactance (Xrs) was computed as loss and increased osmolarity of the airway the ratio of the components of pressure and mucosa are probably the most important fac- flow, which are 90° out of phase. This part of tors contributing to bronchoconstriction,1-3 impedance is determined by the elasticity and though hypocapnia may also contribute.' mass inertia of the airways, lung tissue, and Ventilation is increased in both hypocapnia, thorax and the inertia of the air within the when this is induced experimentally by volun- bronchi."1-'5 The variables measured in this tary hyperventilation, and hypercapnia, which study were (1) total respiratory resistance (Rrs) stimulates ventilation. The increase in ventila- at each frequency tested (4-8-12 .. 52 Hz) Department of tion may obscure the effects of Pco2 on airway and the average value for all frequencies; (2) Pulmonary Diseases, University of resistance, by increasing respiratory heat loss total respiratory reactance (Xrs) at each Nijmegen, Medical or osmolarity changes. frequency tested and the average value for all Centre Dekkerswald, Acute and chronic airways obstruction in frequencies; (3) resonant frequency-that is, PO Box 9001, 6560 GB Groesbeek, The patients with asthma or chronic obstructive the frequency at which the reactance is zero; (4) Netherlands lung diseases is often accompanied by frequency dependence of the resistance, F JJ van den Elshout hyperventilation."'0 It is still uncertain defined in this study as the ratio (Rrs 12 Hz- C L A van Herwaarden H Th M Folgering whether patients with bronchial hyperrespon- Rrs 52 Hz)/Rrs 52 Hz. siveness to histamine are also hyperresponsive The Oscillaire apparatus was connected to a Reprint requests to: Dr van den Elshout to hypocapnia and hypercapnia. wet spirometer (Pulmotest, Godart, De Bitt, Accepted 11 October 1990 The aim of the present study was to inves- Utrecht, Holland) to form a closed respiratory Effects of hypercapnia and hypocapnia on respiratory resistance in normal and asthmatic subjects 29 histamine causing a decrease in the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEVI) of 20% or more was less than 8 mg/ml'6). The characteristics of the subjects are shown in table 1. Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.46.1.28 on 1 January 1991. Downloaded from The patients used inhaled medication only (beta agonist or corticosteroids or both) and this was discontinued at least eight hours before testing. Patients who had had a res- piratory infection in the past six weeks were excluded. The study was approved by the local ethical committee and informed consent was obtained from all subjects. PROCEDURE To establish whether connecting the side tube for C02 sampling spirometer to the Oscillaire changed the capnograph measurements, impedance was measured with Figure 1 Oscillatory resistance apparatus connected to a wet spirometer toform a the Oscillaire alone in 15 subjects (seven heal- closed respiratory circuit to which oxygen was supplied and in which carbon dioxide could be absorbed. thy subjects and eight patients) and, a few minutes later, with the Oscillaire connected to the wet spirometer circuit. In a further 10 circuit to which oxygen was added. Carbon subjects (five healthy subjects and five dioxide could be absorbed as desired by par- patients) the humidity of the air in the tially or totally short circuiting the carbon spirometer circuit was measured continuously dioxide absorber. End tidal Pco2 was measured during the whole procedure. continuously with a rapid infrared analyser All subjects and patients were studied in (Jaeger,Wurzburg, Germany), the sampled air three different conditions: (1) normocapnic (all being returned to the closed spirometer circuit. carbon dioxide was absorbed in the closed End tidal Pco2 was controlled by changing the circuit); (2) hypercapnic (with the carbon di- fraction ofinspiratory air, bypassing the carbon oxide absorber partially shortcircuited); (3) dioxide absorber (fig 1). The air in the res- hypocapnic (the subjects breathing quietly piratory circuit was kept in the BTPS condi- immediately after one minute of voluntary tion. The temperature was maintained at 37°C hyperventilation). by a heating element and water saturation ofair at 90% or more. DATA ANALYSIS http://thorax.bmj.com/ The subjects had their cheeks and submental The data from three adequate measurements muscles supported and they wore a nose clip were averaged for each of the three conditions during the impedance measurements. (hypocapnia, normocapnia, and hypercapnia). The average values ofRrs and Xrs calculated at SUBJECTS intervals of 4 Hz in the range 4-52 Hz were Forty five subjects were studied: 15 healthy plotted against the frequency at which they subjects and 30 patients with a history of were measured.'2 '3 The changes in impedance data from normocapnic (A) to hypercapnic and asthma and bronchial hyperresponsiveness to on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. histamine (the provocative concentration of hypocapnic conditions (B) were calculated for each individual as [(A-B)/(A)] x 100%. For statistical analysis Wilcoxon's test for paired Table 1 Characteristics of the subjects (mean (SEM) values unless otherwise observations was used. The differences be- specified) tween the two groups were tested with the Mann-Whitney U test. Normal Asthmatic Age (y) 28-0 (0 98) 31-7 (1-6) Sex (F:M) 5:10 12:18 Results FEV, (% pred") 107-2 (3-4) 85-5 (3-1) PRELIMINARY STUDIES MEF,0 (% pred34) 95-6 (4 5) 52-4 (3 7) Rrs (cm H2O/l/s) There were no significant differences between At 8 Hz 2-44 (0-14) 4-55 (0-33) the results obtained with the Oscillaire alone (I) At 52 Hz 2 94 (0-19) 4-09 (0-17) and those obtained with the Oscillaire connec- of Average frequencies tested 265 (015) 4-01 (0-19) ted with the wet spirometer circuit (II). The Xrs, average (cm H2O/l/s) 0-89 (0-07) 087 (0-17) Resonant frequency (Hz) 7-46 (0 39) 16-4 (1-65) data measured with I and II were compared by Frequency dependence of the resistance* +0 19 (0-02) -0-01 (0-04) means of a two way linear regression analysis Allergy (skin test with 18 allergens: No of subjects) and analysis of variance. The coefficient of Any positive result 0 27 Negative results 15 3 correlation ranged from 0-94 to 0-98, with a Medication (No of subjects) slope of 0 95 to 1 03, an intercept of -0-03 to Inhaled beta agonist 0 26 +0 05 (p < 0-0001). The SE to the regression Inhaled steroid 0 15 PC20 (mg histamine/ml, geometric mean value) >8 0-44 line varied from 0-02 to 0-06 (2-7%).
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