
How am I supposed to breathe with no air? Nikki Lewis, CVT, VTS (ECC) 2016 ISVMA Conference Proceedings

When the begins to fail, functions such as oxygenation and elimination of are compromised. This results in and hypoxemia. The major components of exchange are the and the respiratory muscles which provide a or pump to the lungs. If either one of these primary functions are compromised it can result in .

Assessment of oxygenation and ventilation

To accurately define respiratory failure, you must evaluate arterial blood gasses. A partial of (PaO2) that’s less than 60mmHg and a of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) of greater than 50mmHg define respiratory failure. The term partial pressure refers to the total pressure exerted by a single molecule of this gas. There are several molecules all combined in a cell; however, the partial pressure is the single gas’ pressure.

Pulse oximetry is another method of quantifying oxygenation, although not as precise as arterial blood gasses. This is an indirect measurement of PaO2. A oximetry measurement of 91-100% typically reflects a PaO2 of 80-100mmHg, which is a normal value. If the pulse oximetry falls below 91% this results in a rapid drop of the PaO2. Several factors can make the pulse oximetry reading false. These include pigmented tissues, motion and methemoglobinemia.

Lastly, the measurement of end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) will evaluate proper . This is done by intubating the patient and using . Capnography measures the expired CO2. Normal ETCO2 range is 35-45mmHg. An increase in ETCO2 is indicative of or increased and a decrease in ETCO2 is indicative of .

Hypoxemia or hypoxemic respiratory failure

Hypoxemia is defined as a decreased delivery of oxygen to tissues. There are 5 main causes of hypoxemia: 1. V/Q mismatch = ventilation mismatch occurs when ventilation is not equal to the blood flow to the lungs. Examples of this include pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 2. Decreased fraction of inspired air (FiO2) = percentage of air that is inspired has been decreased or compromised. This is commonly seen in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and poisoning. 3. Shunting = there are three types of shunts that can be characterized. An anatomic shunt occurs when blood enters the left side of the without passing through the lungs, therefore decreasing oxygen carrying capacity. A shunt is defined as blood that passes through the lungs, however it does not get oxygenated because it does not respire with the alveolar gas. This is commonly seen in atelectasis. Lastly venous admixture occurs when the alveoli fill with fluid such as cardiogenic/noncardiogenic edema, or coagulopathies. The impairment of alveolar function prohibits oxygenation. 4. Hypoventilation = decrease in , therefore a decrease in oxygenation and an increase in levels of carbon dioxide (CO2). 5. impairment = this occurs when the blood-gas barrier becomes thickened and oxygen cannot exchange within the red blood cells.

Hypercapnic respiratory failure

Hypercapnia is defined as an elevation of CO2 in the blood and is an indication of hypoventilation. Ventilation is driven by the respiratory pump. The respiratory pump is comprised of the respiratory muscles, spinal cord, neuromuscular junction and peripheral nerves. Any disorders of this pump will result in hypercapnic failure. Respiratory fatigue will also cause hypercapnia simply because the muscles tire out from excessive work. The energy that is exerted does not equal the energy that is taken in, which causes decreased energy supply to the muscles. This is seen with decreased compliance. Examples of decreased include , bronchoconstrictive pneumonia and ARDS. In the aforementioned examples, the lungs are not able to expand to their full capacity, reducing the amount of inspired air and retention of CO2.

Treatment of respiratory failure

Any patient with respiratory distress, dysfunction or failure should be treated with supplemental oxygen. It is important to first assess the ventilation status to determine the appropriate oxygen delivery method. This assessment may be done by obtaining pulse oximetry (SPO2) and, if it can be done safely, arterial blood (ABG).


A normal SPO2 should be 95% or higher. An SPO2 that is read at approximately 90% is equivalent to a PO2 of 60-70mmHg, which indicates the need to begin . To define respiratory failure using ABG sampling the PO2 must be <60-80mmHg and the PCO2 must be >50mmHg.

There are many ways to deliver oxygen. It is extremely important to ensure that all methods of oxygen delivery are humidified to prevent drying of the mucous membranes, respiratory epithelial damage and decreased which put the patient at risk for infection. Beginning with the least, or noninvasive method to the most invasive method of delivery, oxygen can be delivered as follows:

1. Flow-by oxygen = this is done by placing oxygen tubing near or around the and mouth. It is not appropriate for patients with significant respiratory dysfunction. A flow rate of 2-3L/min should be used. 2. Face mask = an appropriate size mask must be selected to provide a “seal”. A flow rate of 2- 10L/min should be used. The down side to this method is rebreathing expired CO2, since the fit of the mask doesn’t allow the CO2 to escape completely. 3. Oxygen hood or portable oxygen device (POD) = this is done by using supplies such as a large e-collar and plastic wrap. Roughly 75% of the e-collar is covered and the other 25% is left open to allow the CO2 to escape. A flow rate of 0.5-1L/min is used. The downside to this method is the patient may become hot, being closed inside the device. 4. Oxygen cage = the benefits to using an oxygen cage are , O2 percentage and control. The largest disadvantage most professionals have is the separation between themselves and the patient, resulting in a feeling of helplessness. 5. Nasal cannula = If oxygen is needed for more than 24 hours, or the patient is too large for an oxygen cage, cannulas should be placed. This is achieved by using a red rubber catheter measured to the TMJ joint, fed into the nares and secured using a finger trap method. A flow rate of 50-150ml/kg/min is used. Complications of this method include epistaxis and nasopharyngeal irritation. 6. Endotracheal intubation = this should be done in cases where other methods of delivery fail to provide sufficient O2. The patient must be sedated, unless they are obtunded or unconscious. The down sides to this method of delivery include tracheal irritation, and prolonged sedation.

While respiratory failure is a serious, sometimes dire situation, there are times where a “hands off” approach is necessary. If a patient is in physiologic distress it can be extremely anxious which can contribute to the respiratory dysfunction. In these cases, the patients can be put in the oxygen cage to help them relax prior to starting any treatment. Medication such as butorphanol may be used to aid in the and is noted to be “respiratory friendly”. Even if you do not have a confirmed diagnosis, this is almost always an appropriate treatment.

Now you can breathe easy when you have a respiratory patient because you know how to safely provide supplemental oxygen.

References available on request.