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Black Range, 1882-1897 (Socorro County) New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-13-1886 The lB ack Range, 08-13-1886 Black Range Print Co.

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Recommended Citation Black Range Print Co.. "The lB ack Range, 08-13-1886." (1886).

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STOCK BRANDS. TK EXITORI A L OFriOALft. Aitomr flneral A RancaanCani. liWa.triaB. Ferguaaoa ttamT 1ml Iminir Alani'.aa to . M. AabvntoUar Attorn) Jr. t liirtr .ankr nnma. E. L. Bertlatl. Adjutant l..i.. tl ft iHmnln ortlf T ealaraar rand on either or Trinidad AiaHd IfonnrAuditor .t-- . dl tl'tl rKDERAL officers. Moiiiu-eUu- , Nea Aathohnr Joeepk...... lel:f ete toCongrcea O. K. Koee runt W. Lane . Uanrann fcnrtt Oo fcrrrtr rr-- l K. V. l--n Chlt Jnaii,-- r rf I'al.'tnaa W. r. Ileudereoa, I ..Aeaucuuea ..I liU, a Kn.i W. H. brink nr. Kar uiaika 'it r Lttlgbo. Knapp Re'ver Pub. Moneva atot-- artoua ; Iff will Silai W. ru .or V . C'"U t.'ur ittflllu. Thoiaae fctnlib V. S. Mat. Attornov in th rik'Mt ll..r brun. X on b--n komuln klaiUnel 1 S. 11 Marshal W C C. r. k.aai-y- , Hoi; V 8 Land omoe.'Nanta a KriMlnll. P. O. I'atrvluw. K. tt. nblii. . U.S. Land Ofttoe, La crui'ee Jauiea Browne, kuoeiver " " ALLLY sierra oocntt office lirtwern lllackf Probata Judge, .Joee Tafova, bikI baa aato I Probate Ulerk J. M. Wrbaor, tnllia. I t U. W.Glfftf 1 M.. 3. WttlOH I CaanaUalaaera, I sr. Moinma. ! tir illon, - t A t I'llkin Krand u( cau l Treasurer F. W.Taylor. hurMt.a aand an SnariS, Tbnma atur.ibjr lit rnr .imikeduu toliuol Oommlaaiener J. fc. Tboiuian In li 1 car. ataeeeeor J Bind IM'aikur

.A-.- DIAMOND CIUXK CATTLK T, Ja U, JP. K.S.TLml TaUa, Itanira on In Tha tlmetableof the Atobtaoa.Totmka and aat aid" fi mm fnk ( atllrbra Santa Fa Kaiiruad wuluU went tutoaH ct Apr. a l,.rni!. linn, lam la tba ona now in uaa. hj It Ilia 1 a a .r mark atinan aralua leave Eaglxaa lollnwa: ill.'raa brand, lli.k 1"Vi 4 iliiilidi uid at.. ArUona Expreae, ...... 1 ea. tn Tk" Ljltimrka. an kxpraaa lU;la. tu. UU1.NU NORTH. aC,-I- P. O. tl.l..rl.l. HewTork Expreea, looa.ra. Atlantle Expreaa .iip.m. 1JKAU CKKLK KANUE. Tba day train aiee to and from Matlco and baa nooonnaottun wtln Ltatuing. Tba oiulit train ruaato bemtng and baa nn emiumjtion to El Faeo. Tua day tram earrlea tlia mall. Traina from Valley run to lilncou and oennaot wub tha atexloo trains PaBeengors ere ootnpallrd to abow tbalr tloketa beiore Ibar oaa an tar tba car at an aiatton. H. UatlLkS, Agent.

Ttmnmrn ,. . W. M. D., nn HM. J. WILLIAMS. and 0 aft on. CattlnrLbraiidii on rl botb ablea. Ear tuarka ol old Mock v Inoreaae bear awallow-for- In rl OFFICE: At raaldanoa, Central Wall St., under-bi- t In left or vice veraa. Additional brand.: U A CHLORIDE. - - N.M. W. J. Hill, P. 0. Addreaa, Falrrlowl

EDWIN F. HOLMES. Black Range Cattle Cc a5ff1?'B Jlanpe Tt aii a NOTARY PUBLIC, aa. Hlaok 1 Laf Horacl And Justice of tha Peace. r. attention given to oonveyanalng . Ibrandfj SPECIAL Miner's Blanks, Labor Proela, eta. r orrici at CHLoaiDi m. mex.

HENRY SCHMIDT, J.- - Ata -; r.- ,.Mi..a. ; CHLORIDE NEW MEXICO AP1JITI0NAL Bl( y xx 7 Parrl" neat,brand ASSAYER, il or aa AU work dona promptly aad aatlfaotorUy Palps aiseeiTed lor tlx montbt. CANYON CllEEK IIANCI D. H. WENGER. I .Brand C if. I Attorney-at-La- and Dealer in i'It ahnulur M on li ft hip. 1 REAL ESTATE. .idu ml l ii an TAIRVIEW. - N.MEX liori t toll-- er I "bruml JL 1. . . . . I. S' II , f1 . loi(llii iiiii iinv niw.iu !.'.j.-.- i.u BURT D. MASON, C. E. Canvon Crei k. Hoeorro county, N". M. M.S A UII. Kit, pmprK-Kira- . P.O. a V. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor Falrvluw, Men county, N. M. Sarvevefor Patent and Ranoh Work 8NYDKU DUOS. & SCEARif a specialty. Knnrli on Cnfli Otto evs Vavrw-io- affow afaaclee irri and rnnartH moHii itkiimh. t.ii Top oil and hi1i' uiiiliirlilt lelt. lirauil Hume aacii U ll'ft ktlollUllr. GEO. D. BOWMAN & SONS, I'oatoflli'a. Cuuliilio, hlcrral & Co- Real Estate, Insurance ANIMAS IIANCI1. Agents. wn mark, nnd llodion t P",W,n'!yara.r,,p ' V, 'nUi C ..J N SCRIP FOR SALE. .i aj ,d ( aat procured ennilderabla f af brand TPE bora at rati-um- but on li i abairaota of all Land Kntriea and 1 eot TS ... si' I d.r. Piling! If ado la tbe Southern Land Olatria al ". (iKATSON of Haw Mexloo, with Index to tame. P. O. Laa Pulotima, sli'rra o,l No itnck wltli tlm above I raiulHwlll I OP rICE: Cor., Las Oruoet.N. M. noeed of In anv wav. and but neranti anna found rlillnjr, lcadinir r ililvln. atook wltb anrli brand, excniit tlioai en ed to do m, will be vUoroualy proaoout Newcomb. Parker & Aleiander, found and can be cauglit.

Attorneys at Law, TAPOYA VALLI Ipaolal ittanUon to Hieing and Lard Cattle, horaea firm nnnm brandiid J UtlKHtlon. an Kliown in cut I elilier l1. Kb HILLSBORO. N.MEX. TTf; n f'" Alanioa, Ca tf- (I tin Almiioaa Cri'hk I. B. KEWCOUB, S. ALEXANDER, A v a n aitiiri'si, fur T. W.PARKER, n f'Jl nlrrrr ()o., LaaCrueet.N.K. VaLkJ JUllliboro.N. M iTlBaarO!- TrorA Ruimiiip IIS fclil.VMl nllUlMlll'T SOMETHING HEW Sharp b H M ears. - T. W. Ill koe, Fuirv Morra cou (STRAWBERRY M. ifal nil N. and UROZIEU JJKOS. LEMON BEER. Tbo 8TEAWBERRY snd LEMON BEER Is a Temperance Drink and of Home Manufacture. is a new tbiog ".jl.a Ill It Toung atoek!! branded W on left aborldnl and la prepared by on left aiae ana i on icii ninu quarmr awallow fork and under bl aitbar rlsbt or lof t ear. and underlilt ino Ita ear. Horaea, niulea burroa and all oi H. MORGAN, atook branded W on left bind quarter. Kni South Mamond creek, weat aide of Bl ranaw. poatomoa addreaa, vntonae, oi JTJUBVIEW, N. MIX OOUQC7, new xiexico. NOTICEI -- i ru A roan hot. bUui an ( If i. bri'-- ii h lii jlU. bnrtr Borlftod a baa uuuiurr sua ujh r t u i 11 Mtf uua, bonx u4 uf l ? tlwi carry it,- - other load aa4 raata traaft A aortvl ii'ii w U.ul m Tears (."blurt, l and rlrrM rin weillaga mX U li in Irft iliteti, lffi rip, for tn ! uit duiama U lit InatMaaatf Ulni! arioiik Urxiran Irani!. and lulij proMcat svaara ml T acaia tb iln..lii'i, rni.frriciij; l.oe barb alio! to tr-- M 14b l tr I llrB i:UdlT r"!-- iii.Jt-- Cannalano I T kanl al ttx raab, KtrPENOftiioKNE. 1MU1 LYbEE. M..July 31. jmJ. rda.X aa Marelal. . M., Jul? lb, laal.



a a t ' r- r - " J



Browne & Manzanares Co., Las Vegas, N. M.



Consisting of OODS, CENTS', LADIES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Clothing. RIES, HARDWARE, MINERS' SUPPLIES, Liquors, by the Bottle or Gallon above having been bought cheap and for cash and with all the sdvant-- w mum m ireiKiii. i am enauieo. 10 boh at prices that dery competition. ie 1'oBtollice ami convince yourself of this fact. Respectfully, JAMES DALGLISH.

Special Low Prices 1886. LOW GRADE ORES A SPECIALTY. an furnish complete concentration works for their treatment, of any from 25 tons per day upward. also furniHh experienced men to put them np and in operation. Upon r any nvenice sample of ore and statement of capacity wanted, we will. (1 to furnish estimate of cost nnd full particulars, or if desired, will bend iid engineer to examine location, eta Send for circulars and References, oonvenlonoeof mining men we haTe eatabllahed a branch offloe at Kanaat CUT. lorwriter-- i Building, gixth and Wyandotte Street, room W where comultation d with our Mining Engineer. Addreas : FOIIT SCOTT FOUNDHY AND MACHINE Fort Suott, Kamaa. W. WALI1DKN, T. DeSTOWLINHKI, t. J. NCTI, Mlnlnlng Engineer. Supeilntendent

. C. PLEMMONS, Dealer in eneral Merchandise, Miners' Sup plies, Liquors, Tobaccos, Etc. rmosa, - N.Mex. rABINET SALOON!

ie Cabinet has just been outfitedand is one of the finest establishments of the kind in the territory. No other than Frst-Clas- s Goods are on sale at the CABINET. LAIN & CAMERON, Proprietor's.

ILORIDE, , . . N.M. THE BLACK RANGE Gas Devall is sinking a ell oa bis waa Cited lib water and bmi, iUrib lite who recently acquired lots io the east side bavic with bis carpets and furniture. riorti .dtiitiii. Friday, Aug. iSiit, I8S0. of town. A Mystery . G. II. Adams and family Lira moved How tea aaaiaa alma aar rmetmm tmm tuiicumiiii into the building used last term for lh Uari rlwu t lb auamn aMMttet; yaw...... the oil" lltrit poaratf Into II )ur lit .up W clioot tiouae. rilW al rt Y.--- ti., Uwmt mwiilalnt. la saatla...... j : iatKi, rbrumatUMB aad aiisnnta, l Varaa aMaaia. I Sunday school ia now held in tha atfaivry. 1 0 tu- l- liwl doa by tout umhII tag l upm.. einvata ararwljr faraa ttiaa that rauard by MEAT MARKET, Frrndnithal building oppstte F. II uMwaaa. ai imy wimi ara aa, out. u, u a Winston's store. inic. cAtittitMl or rtMMintalu-- . aould of - CITY DIREJTORr. totter b vutitrd by Ihrrl wrw-u- o iaaUila The round-u- was bo bar tltotwaatily ihM laMiatr'a Jaaaaa DaJcllia r. K. at the sawmill Moaaarh llitwra, ttx--r would ta avwrv la aad Cnl Umbul . 1mm B. Grajr LlT.rjr Wednesday and will probably take in ataav obtain awtu-auon- Tnia aavdtria ! STAILEY BROS., Prorictors. tad rMl Mbla a aMiTbina anil at lh aanaa lima a Iborourh (data r. Hulam .JuaOoa of toa hm the divide before finishing. ly aala rrtmdy, dvrtvwdl front aavtahla H. B. ratrtca (iaa taioo aottmnaad hi foi-aaiio- a trt Ita O. C Stiver has one of the most par - aiadl-riaa- l Co Cwiml MmhanU oaaiaoi ainrtta, nprrtl- a a """u promising patches of sweet corn this Mlutulaat at tu ua luund In tlia 0r J. H. m Bank ftalooa turai blttata and atimeianta otica rartd Clilcrid.0, LCoraoa Oaaaral Httrbul side of the MlMtwlppi. A fact t njf Ui abUiiat4,dfaiiiUeand languid Stall? Bra Maat Markat old Sanaom building. atra, The rurrbaed LCoraoa atUllaar some months ago Mr. Wa. Jama .. MiUlsar and Draaaniaaa by J. C Fullerton, LBOAL NOTICES. C. M. Woodhouaa....Baot and Hanaaa BUop as bfen torn down, and the block In STOP AT Mania WafBtaa Draajpal rhlch it stood is much improved there Final Proof Notices. O. F. Obar OoafaaUoaar aad Baker by. BaaryA. Bcbmldt... Aaaayar t. 8. Land Oflle. i Lai K. M., I X.. J Otto Land Barwyor Nstive grown watermelons are being Cruea, July Slat, Ims. JCotlc ! brliy gWmn Ibal Ilia billow In BILL'S PLACE in, M. H Koch Calilual bullUer brought but, as a rule, open up green nanimi attmr naa niaa miuea 01 brr IntPii- - aaolar Broa Oaaaral Contractor yet A lot recently received by F. II. Hon to tnak Dual n( In aniinort ol bar H riaim, anu iiiai aaiu irool will b niada be As you Ride, I. aUekart Chlorid Hotal Winston, however, from U Faso. are lor lirk at llOlaourougu, oa Sup Mlaa Itoaa acuana trmlM-- r 1Mb. Iraaa Maalna simply perfect via: farkar A kg Blackamitb after their kind. MAUY Tal'I.K on l S. No. 1M0 for the nu a a aerKltp IB a, r . - Tnomaa Davis Fralabtar A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. J, lowlua wttneaaaa to pmva bar continuous upon, Andrawa Braa Fralabta .. Winram. Burt D. Mason. D. II! reIU. nr and eulilTatlnn f.aalil land. And Take a Drink of Water a atic u-- J. tib; imanaa araiea, n uuam Bluer, H lllam Wenger. Thomas Wright Dr. G. Mum, ol Kalrnrw, N M. J. uttienold.llurt I. . W. Williams, at. D Jaa. U. keg-later- Edie and A. It Bowe visited the Post Au'U iumu U.Shikum, On the Side. this week, the guests of Mrs. E. C t". S. Land Office, 1 LOCAL NEWS. taa CrueM.N. M.. Juiv Mb. iwh I Uougblon. Kotlra la hereby aiven Hint tbe lolloarlna The foot race run Saturday named aetllera hav.. fll.-- notice el their In- - - - There an specks of blood on the here last tention to make final proot In aununrt of FAIRVIEW N.MEX. between E. C. Watson and a Navajo urir ana tnat aaia roj noon. tll beuiailr In line 1'roliatn tJIrrk at llUia- - scout was a sensation and a revelation DorniiKh, n. M , lth, liM, rla: WM. GOAD, Proprietor. Work on Dr. Williams' residence la WILLIAM L1T1 LKK1K1 11 on I) M No ami all in one. E. C. came out about fifteen w rapidly profrnwaing. for the a v aee 15 tp II a,rS a. He tianira feet ahead and quite astonished his In me HiiinwiiiK witneaaea to prove Iila eontln C)an uona reirtii'iioe upon, and cultivation ol.aald out the ditches and see that dian contestant by his sujerior agility. I'inil.vli Wm. L. Miller, Ueo. N. Hullnr, the shade trees get plenty of ou.iv. iHiui.ini, tfuun atmuaii.oi nieraouuu- - water. About fifty Navajo scouts, well ty, S. M. Al Bailey Ralph Moore aud Ed. Hull mounted, under command of TJIUMAS STALKS on D M. No. 1AM for the Lieut. n a h a a aec ) tp 10 a, r w and w H a w u of the Diamond Creek Cattle company, Hall, arrived at Camp Falrview last ae au n M n i aee si tn 10 i, r S w. lie were In towu uamea the lollnwuiK ettiwaaea to prove bia Livery, Feed, Sale this week. Friday. The band was an object of continuous realilnm-- upon, and cultivation Stable and Corral, 01, an 11 .ana. via: Jaa. L. MUli r. J11I111 Ed. Davisson is exhibiting some good-lookin- peculiar interest to the ranchers along ken dull John lrw'u, John Vaplo.of Sierra coua- - ore wbicn he took from a new the valley, as well as the town people. tj , . m. vim L,. iuili.ek onu S.r4 for the a K JACOB DINES, Proprietor. discovery of mineral on South Fork. The Indians succeeded in disposing of n w W aee Hi u a w U aec 10 tn 11 a. r s ar. IIh number of trinkets, bracelets. namea the olloaliiK arltne.aea Hi prove in The running water which sparkles vontiiiuoiia rnaiiiunre uimn. ana rulttvatlon on side saddle blankets, etc, to the curious of. anhl land, via: William l.lttli'flald, John Buck-board- either of Wall street gives our Kendall, tieo. W. IluUer, Both Saddle and Carriage Horses, s paleface and his al- llobt. Uoulware, of town a pleasant and refreshing appear wife, and seemed .-i re ruuilty, II. ai. auoe. together to be having a good time of it. AujtH-l- s f.iihckd G. Shibi di, Rpirlatar. and Carriages to Let at all times. Tbey left early Sunday morning The officers at the Falrview camp bound U.S. Land Ofllce, LasCrucea, K. M 1 for Fort Cummings there to await Jlllv WMh.lKrM. 1 CHARGES REASONABLE. will give an entertaiment at that Notice la hereby Mvn that the followliig orders. iin-- u I ponton Tuesday further notice 01 111a linen, - een'ig uext to which turn inakx flhal proof In aupimrt hla clnlin. FAIRVIEW. NEW MEXICO. I all are cordially Invited. and thnt anid proof will lie made before Too Much Water. iTiiimiKi-iur- at lllllaliorougli, N.M.,on Sup The hostilities which occurred here Mth. iwal. via: t.l.uia.K r, Itm-ltE- on D. S 1114 for the Saturday occasioned considerable ex TheSocorro Chieftain of AugustBth, , i'0 17 11 V 11 e I, .o l 11 w V n w V Se! tp Hi-- , raw. He iiimifa the loliowtna: for says: Mlim-an,- Cltemeut a short time. It is to be ti. prjve hla coiitlnuou rcalilcune CONTINENTAL HOTEL! hoped the like will not occur agstln. The heavy rain-fal- ls in this vicinitv upon mi l ruitiviitioii 01, auld hind, via- u. II W 1 il.una, v. II. 1'eera, J. II. ilueaon. It. ' yesterday afternoon ex- There is considerable mill talk just is said to have Mi aitirman, of Chloride, N M JI..2' t" EnMLNu U. BHikLDi, mow, but the Kanue wlllawalt turther ceeded auything of the kind within the ItcRiatar. Board memory ot by day or Week. Terms to Suit the Times. Hdevelopments before saying anything the oldest inhabitants. t,' 8. land Office, Laa Crutiei, N. M., i Early in the afternoon the clouds be .fiat,' and, iiuii it; suffice it to say that the pro Nolle.. I the' 'bout gan riven that Imliiwli.K babilities are Chloride to gather in a southwesterly di iiiiiuiici aeiimr nna men notu-- 111 hi Inten- that will have tion to innko tlnnl proof In support of hla rection, apparently between Rio hi-.- be-fo- a mill. the clnliii, thnt auld proof will mucin r MRS. MAYER, Prop'r. Urande and the Magdalena mountains, and itoelvir at l,aa Crucea, On Saturday last Jas. Dials and Geo. N Id., cm ;nt!i(lHyof Auiniat, and moving slowly towards the north, A. Ill SKV M Ill.lN on lid No. luinfortha Jkwbe were arrested for assaulting H n a S " N'. anc U tp 11 a, Hooding the entire country around. liwlltivli - Judge Holmes. The pugilists appeared rsw. lie numin the folio jrln- witneaaea to The hearviest porlionof the storm seem prove l,i ciiiitiniioua realdenre upon, and :&t.:m: before Judge Holmes on Monday and cultivation of, aald land, via: Nlnnnor Apa-(lai-- K. ed to be beyond and near the south end ( riiren, S. M., Uohert Jloiilwaro, plead guilty to the charge and were fair-view- , or the Socorro mountain, and when the Hrr l.'h incller, UrKurio Uarcla, of. lined 25.00 and coats. ' N.ii. rain had subsided the water cuiiia rush- - Jlj Kdmlmd G. SiiikLlit, Krglater. Now that we have running let the water lug down from the mountain, filling Land Olllra at Laa Orocea, X. M., I those I who have not cleaned out their all the arroyas and giving them the ap- Jlllv lllli. 1kh ditches do so at once. Notice la Jicrohy ulven thnt the following It has been a lone pearance of large rivers. The hinre ar-- unuoMi nnve nieu notice 01 their time since we have hud an opportunity aoya "which runs along Intention to nnike II mil proof In aupport .f the west side of their roappnrtive i liilma, and thnt aald proof to beautify our town with running the city was filled to overflowing, will bo made hclon- I robate Clerk at Socor- and ro, vre- - Chloride, water. The trees need N.M.,on ii 'nt ..'nil, lffl, New Mex water. Come, for a time almost the entire citv was WM. A. TA l.ilt on D. H. No. 1SH0 for ttlfl nowl Hooded with nwXmli imt i;ne 1,'iic V aeo 31 tn 6 a, r wutcr. Sw. He timtiiK tli following. wttnnaitea to Many prove Iila eoutliiuona maliliinue upoa, Ur. and Mrs. W. S. homes in different parts of the aud E. - A. Mrs. S. Kro-lic- H. Watt Kfihl h, PATRICK, city ciiltlvniion of, Innd, viz: Cliarb-- Proprietor. Stahey, Miss Sadie Stailey and Sher were filled with water, and on the Hurrv Irli, i:. C. HouKhtou and W. south side, along Spring C. White, ol N. M. man Watt started for the state of Kan- street where IIAUVRV W. I 1 i.iilt on I) 8. No. 1SMI for Sunday. the curreut appeared the stroncest. no the n h n e e s 11 w ace ill tp 7 a, r7 w. Fresh Cigars and Liquors Constantly on Hand, sas lant Mr. aud Mrs. Watt Ho naiiica tin- - foiii wluu wtinaaea to prove and son go to Lawrence, Mrs. Stailey less than five adobe dwelling houses bia continuous . upon, and culti- vation of, sul'l liimi. vU; W. 0. White, Char-le- a To-pek- were washed down and totally destroy to Greeley, and Miss Stailey to a. Kmtlnh, Hurry r'rollrh Bnd K. C. Uouifh-ttiii- , Call and Sample Them. ed, while others were badly damaged of 8ouorio potinty. N. M. Jly!S-- l ti.m Nu (.. biiiKbns, Register. Men, women and children were seen in Le Ranee and Sklllmanhave reneiv-e- d every direction wading along the lf. S Land Offloe, I their new, patent, windlass and it Lai Cniram.N. M., July I8S8. 1 streets and working to save thplr stli, I works like a charm, and are new sink- Notice la hiiruby aiven thnt the following houses and other property from the nnined avttlnr haa (tied uoili-- of hla Inten- THE BANK ing the on their mine up Chloride tion to make final pr.1.1 li support of his angry, turbulent waters. Gardens claim, and that anld prm will be made e creek. The shaft is now about feet prohatu Clark at HL!tioroiigh. Septem- 13 were overflowed, aud nearly everv deep and shows good ore tn the breast. ber lath, 18, vU: street in the c;ty became a raging tor KLIliAii DAVID LKUF'lMii on D. S.tNot412 Chloride, New m-- Mexico. The fifty foot drift has a good Hired for tne n H n e X lei ip 13 a, r S w. He rent of water. Every available team names the following wttnftK to provo hla pay-strea- k of 8300 ore. was brought continuous reHldnuee upon, and cultivation into requisition to move of, aulii Innd, viz: Rnapp, Eugnr Mr. Donaldson, rniu " chairman county re- people from place to place. In some of Knnpp, II. V. Uatklnaand r'riuk l ute, all of publican committee, has Hermoan. Sierra cnuiitv. N. Si. JOHN H. BEESON Proprietor. written to the placitas, wbere the flow ofthe water JulylS-l- Edmund U. bitiKLna. BegUter. members of the central committee to was obstructed, to depth it raised a of Land Offloa at Laa Crures N. M I be present and make arrangements for four or five feet aud making it neces June Hth, a call of the county committee re- Kotine U hereby given that the following LIQUORS and sary to cut holes through the houses to named aettter has Hied notice of hla WINES AND CIGARS gulate such other matters as may come let it pass through. Bridges to make final proof In aupport of aud culverts I within their Jurisdiction. Advocate. hiacliilm.and that aald proof wl l" made Always In stock. drifted away like chaff before the wind , before the probate clerk at Socorr i. N at., on On Saturday Mrs. July 8lst, lw, viz: last Jas. Dalglish Several washouts occurred along the H Al Dr.N HILL on D. fl. No. IfiTI for the n w imic 4 27 S and two children, Mrs. W. 0. Thomp- Magdalena branch railroad, and it is re- n H V n H u e I, sco ip rlS w. He uamea the following wtinaea to son and Miss Cora James departed for ported that three miles of the main prove hla continuous residence tipon, and BLACK RANGE Cowansville, . Mrs. Dalglish track below the city ia cultivation of, anid land, viz: Addiion liar. washed away. per, nitmuei caton, Juilaon , Ayura, f.J. and Mrs. Thompson will make an un- Had the storm occurred in the night liuunett of UocoiTo county. JuuelS-l- l Kumunu U. HHIKUPi.HJ if later. limited visit, while Miss James will re- time, it would be difficult to estimate main a year or two and avail herself the loss of life and property, and this Notiee of Contest. DRUG STORE AND the advantages of the excellent schools should be a warning to the city authori V. S. LandOfttoo, Laa Crneea, K. H. ( at that place. ties to cause all obstructions to be re June 14th, IHeH J moved from thearroya Camplalnt having been entered at this office FAIRVIEW." west of the citv. by liafanl Olguin agamat W. T. Kmtsley for The overflow was caused principally ahondonlng his entrv No. 14.11. dated M 11 roil lltli. 1HN4, upon the n w V, s w BARBER ny SHOP. a dam recently 34, n VI Thoe. A. Hendry constructed across aeo s e si a a a w H aec is, tp a, r ' ' is able to be on the the big arroya just 8 w. Hi Sierra county, N. M., with a view tn Drugs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, (streets again. north of the road to the cancellation of auld entry; the aald conduct the water across from the hot partiea are hereby anmmoned to appear at A pleasant dnnce was held here last this ofllce on tlicWtli day of July, at 10 Brushes, Putty, Glass, springs acequia. o'clock a. tn , torcHnond and furnish testi- Tobacco's, mony Friday evening. The large six-roo- adobe residence concerning audi nlleged abandonment JunelS-- U Lumokd U. hitiKLPS. Keeister Cigars, Miss FBnnle Mayer leaves for Socor- of Don Jose Pino, on Spring street was Stationery, Books, Perfumery, ro next Monday. washed down und fell with a loud crash. Dissolution Notice. Fortunately Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Miss Nellie Russell, from Chloride Is the family were not at THE business hcretefore carried on nnder visiting friends home. The loss of the build! n7 and firm name of J. C. Pletnmuna A Co., hr here. in tne sown 01 riermosn, county 01 Merra Tooth Powders Full furniture is estimated at $2,500. and territory of New Mexico, ia herebv and a Line of The burros make these otherw dis lae The house occupied by Charley solved ly luutniti eonsent; J. C. I'lcinmoiis lovely moonlight nights hideous, Mosor win continue the nnaineaa of anid firm and Is LADIES' and GENTS TOILET FIXTURES. and mother whs entirely destroyed, and alone aiitliorlzed to collect nil liulebtediiasa Select whist p.'irties diiesnlil firm and to pay all acoconu due are taking the they lost everything, consisting 6T bv said firm place Aug-uat- , of the weekly euchre parties. household goods, Wttueaa our hand and seal this Ind ol MARTIN WEGMANN, clothing, etc, except A. I)., m. la presence ol U. B. I'eera. Proprietor Thomas J. Wright foreman of the what they bad on. J.G. Pl.KMMONS. Alley Cattle Co. arrived here Monday. kO. KlCMABDSOK. - The residence of Dr. J. M. Robinson T. C. Loso- - CHLORIDE, NEW MEX. f in to fit luku l. tn TttrATKOlJTk.. LITE ECU ;! HEX. E I 1 1 E ft HEW. li Till M 1 Ill' il AKT- - Ibaa al KVIbba aae IHI fct Bleat t C lutil aa Al aetata A f y . t Mercbaet k WIN: tain aawi ImllvkaMaall' I iratwt rrt.n Hatir Jaikitih MrLTiNa kM rrnMn. i , !, twUKit tul aaaam be tea FiEXAtr, tViMirsurK Wak Ncrvous Trrw. Uaiof km J. fur It. Mital IrT ani iKinitad pt'i.)imi4 oo FurUund kuM. ft. m If3!3 bd MTtlTOI t'Kl CIBLt. r.lHU-farlui- IIQ hy the PR. UEP.ICS v . U n U t n r U l tutili-- , German lnviorator. ! The riMnrati aa4 rrat efwlin- - i 2 TKILVIMI-NT- 1 I . i i TAMAK r. pur w and u.i Ttaa 4 CZ ntwTt.iirii.'-Ta- P'Uiil by h- - tt, j aie4, ado l.nva. - r lull. r,ii..B. r nr. .tiU. n, l.rouirt.t ur.i Inmi'iii aNMt-.- ,- A - y.iewi li. in,, ,n ,t, t l ii i . .. l -n i - mrmM4 n , r,..ii 'i in !,,.. ii. r,iv mi trJt fwrrtk r ,, ,i ai,.tN-- . a.-.- i o in if !!- I. N.,rv..ii.n ... Iwn'iit v. ltitn - t.f Ml I li- -l ','t r . I'tinf ti tli.- TOTHnWE aaw'faAb' Wt , .ni' i 1 1. irit? w) HI-- I! , U a il 4 Ii"l . I I t Lr nf f .ItH I" to "'.. It .Ut mi. oi. ln. I'I hih. mt f.l A A M lln.:.d ... p-- nuaai-atfui- a BvierKy Mm b If Lll -- l rrl.a.d ieitel id I. .., t'Mlii In t I. k. n. ... auLb it rn.-u- oi Te -- i) - N n v- M... IUI.IM..I tu. nil- U by li.e i of 1 A 4AK 1 Ut A I V I I iifaw m Ha mmm m rnx " I' - rj " -J. It-lrtti- r 1 i Ib-- t' art r turn phi i e by I'tiyHcuim llrar V Undrg I A 4A . leikakjfr lkM4. I T. - minu. -- vvhatThy Sv crrrv w.m ki., t M . . f.k in ! tbe tnf lua to aaaar It kaoaa kwlTkietv. f. I o .-- d IIPtwllllllT. . I , touU a. aaor tit.n y.r. bate nATEHTS.rr .tot i.t.e Kr, . - "...i Tamar . b.-.- l ti.iii-.- I te- - j 7 ii i v n . t t.M II Hit I . Irc.tmciit villi li 1 VJ C.ll io VCrl Ill . Illlttrt, Hit W altutt "I , M I'mi. tin ike P I Oatae aad a at anj .. pr.nt "! to.. - t m tfc ll . ' I Tamai .it 1. rt' d l" One Mueered Tey - V f''M"ll.t-" tttd l lt .Hi. II jit, II"" Tre.m.f - i 'illl - ."I.' ni I "" .ti nn-- II aand .epi.i T i d th- all f... tn. of diiiltti la T can elo iihvi. trr'-- rii ba.t himiii i i,.u e:ll h i . - ruri-- umr of V'' TKKAT-Vi.NT- , a. a. lor i ini kliin toe uiiii.iunil iwii-- 1. o- i IV In llte l..- b. tin tne aril - tbe - - I..-- ,. - t J .Br tiii' and v,tuI ol tin-.- iu . . ill IK HI- Ml II, U tl l". "I .ml rf.- wire , l'l in.-- tu .l 4 - , Ilie of tbe 1 In- mdb iiiv rroiniil ai'ibut. IT I I awn a. anaun tal n''i ,. l - tdr lut ait,. e I a, .Hit.lMitt.-i- t III 1 -l iln,-- by ratlt UH, mU. na. w . H iiiff..r,.i,t tn. lti. tne Ui.A ii. mt. titiy i.wii.ri' wk nd " . -- iii in-li- ?'- n . 4 Ivrtfim I .. .ikkJ kri f eft.-- t It Im--a i t ln brnin. lieau, eke 1 it. til ST lu ll. ate. and It. pmv to e.w. a V"- Ihrtsfclirortal.lfSnL-Itir- - A Iih X- ll,0 i;ii.. ill.- t. .i,ir.titve in nerte and aiiul i.tiiniH-- hi pni. .Inn. .il iMuikiinMwe.lni t nM ku.. n pln-- -I ll.i,,iie a a : p. Vn i in. ut li'" rtv to ttM' b lu r tl. mii l,..itul a. litiiiii.oa and fall, pm wttMHit Ui flui "vi ,:" IHM' .. hit - .nitr".e.PaWow .l-- i.n.1 is 11 11.11 Gu. ti, mil: to Vnnr n..ri.. f. iniil i. iii.iii"l pri."n'M- inl ire. a4 . J 1. 1. HV-- i - " Furnace Minir4 w.v !!,,! eiiltlrtliille - .M . " 1. ii. .i.v . - - M 'I A IW.1 ir- iuM e amllM' I M I ;n i or nr. Ill Tm-r- bu- Hin 1 li i,I .I11..1 illll llrt! ,taiaaa 1 t ItmimmaC. tl V "Z i, i.. c , :i li i,i...ure . AUIM.M, llM. T6. A.MllM..'" K V, - l nu-- tb n- ol I., . Hill.. w J""? NEWPOnT, ENTUi'K It w.irtli,e- pt,.irn-- ti- I' -e. by ad i I wfc. aaaaa. I "I a. I" tt Tra.-m.n- t I w.ll a..lBMnd ilTH'i.'"1, I I - Tamar ol niedl. li. - . ( i rv ...v ad n,p.ei! i A i ' .kt'tl A y. kin on tlte IliHt ' nil L'. , In ti."- (nun I tn bm r ipurll . wi-l- l f. ...'.. l..-i- i mi.-1- I nuid n le to and tolerated Hmm klVnN A ro , 0- - tVAUBM ' '' - dun; to tt.etr inm Imr; ti.i.i V but d. 1'"' '" " ml liv lin- luaiiuU' tn- - tin- Am-- '- - att ew leek. fll" "l-'I- tulltiwluti tuiom i It of liy .''uti.ii'b. Jtnadeat. 1 r,.-- 1 .1 I to rtailv valuable f HI' it nie.1li-ln- on 1,1.. : nti-rlt- tterwary ...... H II Tarn.' Txtatmart l anld on Ii Urn I'miinn rimialiia all , "I IHIU l' "llll I lli-- l' I ow atcu 1MI:. AC). 1 ncluti, Kiif., and 3l. :bonro, f.r o,r one un.utb lion., tn atn.ent. wit it In and i.inpn l" rlii.ti. torterel-e- x.n.i I'Mirm l.i.hl.A. riJ -. I AVM K T I . r pukaae j,aoktea tt IW, special nt.,e. ete: ,.ri- lib ,1 M TKEEE GREAT CITIES & WEST treatui' d . im BH- -I on i.l puee. - nt preinld at utelt reieipt e .. -- V" ( . ., koaacapay "; r. A HL'S'TINUTOS .Chlhuuliau, loi- T.5-i.a.- x i avum Imi.ii u.e.1 In pmrtl.-- and In th p g ! M.nt Hi Tiwattrariwiit lo7r.I'iiriuUI.II.A. l"n. ! Loin- - tit- - pn.l lliieeit ienr., and knowtnv, a. do, womleifiil etir .ilve ei. . ft lor lort-il- . irtiiirMiite nnb r of (S nioiiilia A A. .11... we lll ilve the following itn earb iMe'.ne I' ' ' lT-- o - I'llAKr:. l.Af'Y CO.. Aiiltlnml. ftni riitll.H. .'e-- money ll tn. y. i ; Inc ol illtw tvisorVf iti'iititii i.i . in lo.ina ts , we win wild imr written it.nn to irfund ibe I' n ITIIIli) liV W. T. t; AUK ATT lmiii-lt'0,('al.- t 1 a r Dllttl' I M'f '", li;l V I VI. NT .to. a flirt a mnt. I'm kn.a t' u mi lecvipl ol tl. erurit . f , . Mom v tinier, re our rink. fnin - tli." S. ml inot.ei bv I'. oi letter al ri! i Ir-- n. iir.'- "tlll ' ir aiaint lo... epf li, a l u It. I.. MLAkk . iltli Kiel M irk.'t t Lui.. Mo 1. JK U.X AIN A Addree' ;., dr. i u v ... ht f.irttt .it M I'.l l.l. M'if.i.l.L, ( Mi .1... -I- - ' 1 rtti r I'liirnt li.tvr bu n n i urml In nil ill:.. v I ll HI 1 'I II I" "l " . 11 !.MIilni,n. Itu.i. i prliirlpiit fort'liii cniitil "i, nil tirtt miIU Id ' h- - - iMM.v.uiiu.Mrii- J." 1 . , " u, liur.-n- tinil'-- lnynlty nr otli-- i win. Unit Chloride, New Mexico. ' 1 r ; t to r-- i in in ii- U "n; .' yiut vo iiv. r tliin n n iti.'u un.-- ullciic ! l'..i;--.l-- ''" .,i ; ui'-ni- not f'ntui' C'U' In-.'- ' - ... ''v,,,';'uM,1;.lrr :.'- 1 lin !. tin uii in 11 mi l firm ltuvc Kr;.i;u:;."n;;v.'':v,:i.:- - .Tib ri il ..Hutu Ik luU.twa: Tin' Ki titti. i,)' Office . The Black Range tlXKEIi TOUETUEB BT Till in. .tl n mil! Mmli.f in pri-- y , nf Ixtiilvl'.l., Job : ' 3" bin liinii'.nc, I Tlilili'i. Tim Saiitu 1 1 rt Iro... I i ..m..u.l CHICAGO & ALTON R.R. : Miirltlnt.' (knn.i.i ;. , of S. ..Mj;.r-v1;:- ,., .'.f:;'.; Mmbiirund it iii fitrnu.-i- i for hnnnm, Bli'jtl.-- ."nli..'. (.H rt, llluck 1 Co., ('noki-- f'lly, MnntHiiu, k NEW TYPE, NEW PRESSES I', (iirii-v- . M ru;l.t X of Ki'.plil ) -r tun IIdiuuh, aarwara T. 10DU Jl BMICAII. I . M.- AND THE RUST OF WOKKMliN l..,.r-v- U '"'; City, Imk.itk, a 15 tul. fiirniuo. H. l mil- - tnlno Dennaa ta raT IT. lor is. rtj r r. now n iiitliitf a tuit uf ttmlr onm KnaWe an gmnl can bBUoiit in tliti andat LOt 14, ikANMAS Till' and CIUCAOO, us to turn out work trrriton O OTB kK 1,1 HI pl'n IniC tliflr iinli'ra, amon whom arn Bilk ninny . filliping inm from (.kiiii.ln, tin all Dguies. All work U warr.intctl tn iIeae. 'Ko ii:;ee,n Uku." PALACE DINING CARS t I- t- t nii- ti.n . l.nilU'"i aa ol -l CnlnriHlo, Wuiit.iua, T' aum, rkuiiiiu a or from KANSAS CITT. MaaK aeaal ..r and aerrad any a Tl "i'lr.-- " , -3- J.ri;-AET. IF YOU WANT thiia. la f Hotak asiy seawi CI i, M' X . Tba I rrnrv m."miii . ..-- '- Any run auovn all-v- rr 'S Mii-- m mrfi-i.- Llnrku iitt'i tht ai'ven 'ounens PALACE RECLINING CHAIR CARI p. r tun muy be rHillly ainultKd, In th world ara raa ta all rhroavh Tratu, ty ai tbr OW tit-ti- wiihnatkaiia,aad FEES EXT .turn. 10 Heads, Bill Heads, ain. Uruugh moHt rrfrai'inry orea, wltb tr rout. Irad, Note Heads; Letter 1 11 A kit. K. e - r lih tlia llrti lol iino- will run like butu-- PULLKIK P.LACE SLEEPtIB UBS and wparuto like oil and wkIit. lh flneat, beat aad ta aa aitrwtiT. Libels, Fosters, afet-- DR. MINTIE, Tills Inn act rrqii'm no morn car or Envelopes, Programs, Aak th Tlckt a. nt for aad iNt oar M.kaM tlian an en .Hilary atnanj bollnr, ami na " CHICAGO At ALTON KAlC rdKOA1I." run aa wltU RJ) lorn of ran b Innfr and little Tabs, for MapcTlma Taklaa. aad all taforauktaaaraai SPECIALIST, tlin or exp.'nsc tor rfpHlra. Full Inluruiii-wll- l Dodders, Circulars, lilanks, Tas, F. O. HICH, bu luriilmind by tlia Ty.lWhb Hartsfeld I'ortablc Smelting Weddinir. Mourning and Ball Invitations, O. H. CHAPCELL, Oaoarti Mtuvafm Remedy. J. O. McMULLIN, The Great Furnace andMininir Co. JAMES CHARLTON, u.nrBt- - 'n'";;,tr Tickets, Business Cards, Address Cards, Etc. Oeperal fataangef and Ttoket ky0 (.r iirrv.)U P.O. Box, 11C. fcx bHiitra vlt.iat. ! NEWI'OHT, KY. -- .....,..t..rrli.i. ii. I"1 L12T US KNOW. The Scenic Line of America illKlllin.'",l"'1; pc.wj? A. j. '.'hi. pr.iyi. Tor aiiytliinR you wnnt in the way uf irinting,call on us. We hop to do , U.Uii. KA! "VGtfA-- nl.u.vout.(ui - e Bond away jolii.rintini; of the Kange, at reasonable- Inures. Don't THE without giving ut a trial. t.. TUTT'S tiltfltt bcti'l, IH IlllMll.l.a tiiii uv: mi. m L.t .,f.i v nmr in tot thAvitHl fluid otihitinMilim'rvMUntlM' ut nin Denver and Rio Grandf ana iimnv other uiHDtutt'ii CI4U fcU 4b. ...1 I. IIUSINR8H MKNl B16INEH8 MEN. llll MINTIK Will ftitrno to fortflt K1VE PILL Ill N ) l"M. I. a lli(.ir I.H..H" RAILWAY, the VilAI.I(IT..I(A1IVE ;uintr l"'1 25 YEARS IN USE. BLACK RANGE trnHtmm.i) will not euro, or lot !"' ',.T THE WHITE IS KING!! or liiiimrn (in.iul In it- 1tl. M1M Th Orttteat MeAirnl Trintrph tf th Agt Mt iuii.iun I'fu-il""- prit .Uhi'ium-- mil nmri-nrv- . Ciiiiiiliiil.lini Ipm.i. T1i,I,,1K SYMPTOMS Of A Colorado, nanilnatl'iu mlvu-- . lnrlU'll" aiiIY' I'rirn nl Ml ill ii'-t- ' " TORPID LIVER. oturincJi r,U,-:,'-cit- STAGE COMIPANY four titni tin- - uunniily. it ,,,,t I.saaof aapetlta, Uawrlacaatlva, l'alo la l ur k.l'li.'ii' "I1 "" l irl',i.r"" " " Iks kaad, wltb m dull aantatlua la Ika New Mexico fnim olinrTi (Inn anil In privittr iim.hi.' back art, 1'nln andrr the abaaldnr it (l.'nlr.i'l. In- A E MINTIK, MU. blnda, Knllnnaa aftraMlns, with adl Bar aitubllahed tba locllnatlon ta rx.rtlon of bodr or mind. Will h hi'iil to uy une miplvlnu by l'tlcr, Irritability of temper, Iriiweplrtta, with and Utab I'alnn: DVinpl'iiiiH, ;x uiiu iig"- - fr.ltacof baln( nrglreled aoma dutr, or." v In rf .nr.l to ml lnH iienH tmitHiicUoii,."' VV.arluc. IXxrlnru, Fluttarias at tbe Tlia new aoanla route to X '.Or. ua.svtir- - limn, liata before ths erea, licadache 17oi-H- i l- - Mni n ti's nil ). H'li. K it".- orrr the rluht eye, Ilnttleaaeraa, witk limbic and Black Rane nd Hln M.T iMiinpluliH, (,..;i rrlin Vil.- I filial drruai., Iilblr rolorrd I riue,au4 Lu..rrt.i.M. F.ii-khI- by nil Urutf :i" l " COM 9T5PATION. UTAH, MONTANA, imr Lxit t nr ill i.nitin lur J i ti. TTTT'M JPILI.S aro Hpcitt1ly ftdnpted (:li".in..t A it Wl. to uoh rfim h, ono dmo cfTecU such a DAILY Hit. lifM mil mil fwiltntrnutrtu.LiiuUUthointirorttr. Aad the ( I lit, In Mia cltnnrof ltlH ll.o limlKrt. tul' 7nc y I nrrimge the A ipetUc.nn J CAusn lbs Knijr id Tn n tJiihitfiu ti.o FT'icru la BunrlRhf d. anl l y th'-- Tonlo on V4 tvvOrs;iUM4lt Arttn PACIFIC COAST tn trlvrn nwny. Otircf unl rtr Htoo!nr -- Will be opened by the completion .Il'l tl 5 rtll p.thllll' ftinl Stage ol M4 In- II Line Trunk Una euriy In tba aprtug. $200.0 tin. ynti will ift l.f iiii. Iiiii;i' .if if " U ..f lnrm" TUTT8 DYE. t mm Kiiii-- v Tba beat vmIii.i, tlnil lil ynii tn wurk thi.t ill (tMAT route, becuue v IUm or V I114HIK8 ehni.Kd to lirtiitfi vnii In fu"-- t linn i IT i TMK 11EST MADE. - fllxw.HT ILCK by a ainirle apulloatton of Tfe.a Cois.voxilosa.t, in" tin- liWi.Oim Fanm-nire- 2oat ol"' Artf i int. All u!.uit thla TR. It imparta a uitturnX tiolnr, acta LK.II1K T IH JiMMi, Carrying and Expreaa dally in tna.Mit Willi i u- -h hot. Aii-n- Wf.m.'d buntluy --Tlio Z'let'uxoaq.iko. II llintAntunnnunly. bold by DnigU, or gi;. l.'itST anil KlMTLr.ST to 2oat vrj'l"'ri "' pi'Iii "I nil I"' aunt by exproH on ri.olptof ii i imly". t t wnrk fur Tlcm XCoot tlm tlm ituin ni" iit Murray St--, New Slmk ..ri-'i- Offloo,44 York. tliairown huitnn. K ail norintm OpenlnR to ranchman over a kbmiliititiy.n-iiiir.i- l. II, Hal-in- IN THE' WORLD FA1KV1EW, CIILOUIDE the million aarat It.m't .ilulity. ol Inrtile land, to the atnuk crowar vaat (Ju..l'oi t.uml.i.niii. Seirse-uin- Needle, ranyna yet unclaimed, and to tbe Scir-T- hr AND GUAFXOJS, miner ratrlona rich In tlia adina Shu tie, praciooa metal. Automatic Bobbin A'inder, THE 6SARRCAUE GUIDE .And only Perfect Embroiderer Visitors to the Black Range Denver and i ti: t NE FLUS ULTRA. '1 Cll- - Will and ill luave tlia railroad at Entile takt ra-e-arlt- o i k tii.o atetata) torn "w 111. 11 la fr.t.l,...i. HIHLH1, thla tin, lor It la tbe only ataga llnaraunlni H t( TT -.l HU r' ' Into tliia uiinliiKCoantry. Tassenoeiw and Frewht riry. wt." tti. i M. rat m K"ti Do not buy any other before Kay t."flf" ' .u. 6u W(,if't I'M I'M T) K.H, IriM Between all the moat Important oltlea aa io t if. Y'H'utT "f ci.l, r; ,.s 'f 'rl' r el ti'ti d trying the White AltilSTllOXd 15UOS.. Prop'ra. niliidiR oampa In Colorado. Over 1,44 The atl'ikionnf rradmenf l'lrt-rlitwilo- ry Pa. iiill.K.if atnndard and narrow MMMiL'TTUlD Jl 1 AMI I kSU Wltif llUJU4MMfM franra, prra W ruin .1 - TIIX CUM Alitl I.CiM. I K, tin splendidly equipped and carefully 'i l'aimr I Mtr.t... II Umt Kunilv ht j ui tli. -- tuatiaed. ia limned ovury w k, ml m.-J- i unnilwr ombuui nltfhl Ai-- AGENTS WANTED M The Brrrna' imnu u llUu.l .ntoly laaniMl Kaltih aI'd Urun pv villi haiulii llin.trt..(1 Teat Oils Tor The Denver & Rio Grande Itlntr mail I 'nntiiiei'tt Ht..rln liy Ut.- bw,t Needles, end Parts all each year. A4- - Mill paujira. Expresl ,.-- nil, ? MUmni WMtv Hnyliitf. br tlm ttiot t'Mmiinuil Machines. H'ilPk litrbea,wlUa over la operated In connection with Mi railway ":.. buninruiu wrikin ; lncl.l.nta ami AniTilutiiaof ' 3. SCO illoatratlona and fruarantaoa prompt and raoloot Ike Late War. trout tli'i ina uf old in vaintle Ptcture Cialierr. aervluo at reaaonubla ratoa. mi . H dM.i ,. 'Hid kk'iirl rl.iw ttnttt anttlfla; l, auil ai tbe Foahtiiaa. otiir For Catalogues, l'licen and Turnis, CilVIvai Tl bolewala Priaaa D. C. DODliE. F. C. NTM8, Hcli-an- f Inu n .t tu latliie. by i) Int. IIUnt laily eiintribntira; and many otlicrnriKiiia1 f.i.tiiniac.iiik' ai'Jri'.ss direct to ammmfn oat all prood ftir Uen'l olanaffer. Heo'l Pkek, AftM famHy pnai'dtna I'lrat-rlii- a. Kaiully Mory I' up it. yenonal or tua. Telia kow t DENVER. C01X3RADO. T 1 1 KTC H I f: At lit IA'. lit : r It In unw iinmoniirail WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO order, and give exact coat of every-Utin- ff wiorojnai t any of th.. s 3 btury i'rn.aad yoa nae, aat, drink, wear, or 4 Cent otw-htl- t , V A1IL.K RAOKMI-Oua- rJ H.v- - btr Jttat iuhi, 14 N. 4th St St. Louis, Mo. hare fun with. Three IN ALU i rgii,, '"U'isu s;-- ri AGENTS TIIKCIIICAUII I.KIXil'.lt bu bnan puhllahad July t flmo. HOOKS outada lafDmailaa Kleaawat irf fu tKUf for biurkiMi ynara, and la nu now u 1. tlia VV'o K,l vtimrn. from tbe uta.rk.eta of Ua vjrorid. V, ' 7 Only Ntery lHper In Uie rni:tt-- y tli.-- a, ki Ita will mail a eopr FUKE to any ad WV.tilhl anlacrilmn. fnltla 1. wind and tmumi d ao Uut n dree 10 eta. to MISSOURI I ' 't ii.:i ra;uli!y tiira front rmq ign to another, wiU THE FAMOUS KNABE PIANO. tipoB reaetfit of defrav r Lat mm hear frutat iv out uruVldmsr thu anbtt. faivr. bin-.-' aneu tlirlr equal. axptaai af nutllaff. iVtlVi .ft I.' "I "Clara woo, Keapeetfallw, STEAM V Ht'.n. w. 1 .i TIIR t ill! AtiO l.l licril will br mallod to knll.ivlt. J any a fnr tlia yw i lull f. One ll.tllitr and n l.ipiiii-iit- s made direct trotn tlm onat whan'. .Viit(" tdrw MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. IsTounv ""i: in. i n' i.f i Fifty vai l. It la a dtalind. AgU Mom, B. Ul'l Ul .V Cent. ik1i: Three Itnllnr Uwjr. A Ml' ..V"'. ay-- Imt fur V U'alMuh Avenae, Hi. UWilWl oualrT. wui ar wiuumt paiair l.t t articular. will It. au.d tlia A. L. A CO. i a0 talcaa. II fa. -- DNrROFT, wVmr r i aenta m4 a fMtr Ute at (nut halt tbal aiuu, nauialy, Una liallar Si'ii Krannlat-o- f'ailfnrnlk Im a WaWrrviawe. Hasd rmw W fw l ilm dkaa Klfly I'lt.-lili- : rtv IUtlw 44 Ikfaaart (AvM ewaw jm.1 4 .'' V S4 aad Cnnta. olo li t kil riAmavutii LS,,"'oi.'r.!l U !. ARt'llla Coal rUtl, If Hi 41 T Hir aaaalt aW k 4 1 by fend 10 oenta T IIK III. A;n t.VVOFn For Kade f,l7T T"'"tnP. wt fjtta aJ aa laMi lasst' 44!mV a! win iiihII ynu free a royal, vnlu-nhl- t tWava a m mmm, t mU . a wt tnradialii, lv.aimMi. ra and KubMrUiiiao AilOM a4l tt. one-hal- l X; .vitot..ti..wn '.ri ll 4 Die United TAVINfi leased to (loo A. a aaniplr bni of uiioiIh tbnt will put you -- Y Ibnmaliout hut. - om-- I. r4A. fj. Jl iiit-re- Ht In the Aiitel. ip.t itiltii.. tdtmited In tliu wi.y of innkliiL- more money nt Ttteal of 44. II waMMnaakSaa . .n.lvw Vnw la eubarrlbe. Bw t'wu MnntlM. .'t.i.Tri!Ui.'tntl-rf- Mr Ibe time la 1'iLl.itiiitn t liuti linyi'lilnu In Ilotn eex.-- of all aau tU. kae. kM a4n1 N aavta m S !l 4. neur tititiinif diniriet, Atiieriea. Mkev Aarr p tMt H,. woa flr tUWAMUlt, Jtl'.V jullriC and Ibne santa in vuatapn atunpa for Naatpla t fa. twwi i v.1 New I hereby aan'-r- mrea run I've at lioini mid woik in apare stU p m smb) at. mm mm -- Copy. N (.11 In mailad In any Sb enuiitv, Merfeo, I wtll ii. is tatM itolriaBfl mmy awlai ir Hark amber. lo-- dr lime, mm m lit pmr mwmt tmm Wstt srsnhw co all to thnt I will not be re.poDsllile for'any nr all the tlmo. Cnpltal not required. trial lbna imrw, j karris r?cD wban daiml. Addraaa ooniuium.ialluna Ipum We will von. pay aura for I ita ri kwr, rikiba, tMk mmjm lit ednia err atod under milil .liirlnu aurt lmtnnnae itrtttiti ptt-jtar-h p, 1 1 tjlTURRp I Ui4 i Trutf, TUB CHIUAUO UKiHilKaV, Mil Vrmakiia H, P. IlKKDUutf. tlioar who atari atonoa. HTlMton Utt., Fort mm hg BHaHT. WrU fW f rtOM" lit, ita etlstenoe. . w OK Tit. 1TI Tf .Wllr. XtMt. tJMm.Um a IMraNi Laic, (Jbloitde, K. H ,Oot. 16Ni, lsoa. lad, Uulua.