Hydrogeologic-Framework Controls on Groundwater Flow and Chemistry in the Binational Mesilla Basin-Paso del Norte Region John W. Hawley, Ph.D.
[email protected] Emeritus Senior Environmental Geologist, N.M. Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources; and Visiting Senior Hydrogeologist, N.M. Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI), NMSU Maps, Block Diagrams, and Cross Sections Compiled by Baird H. Swanson, Swanson Geoscience LLC *See next slide Conclusions and inferences presented are those of the presenter and are based primarily on his hydrogeologic research in the Mesilla Basin region dating back to 1962. Much of this work has been administered by the NM Water Resources Research Institute, and has continued since 2007 as part of ongoing interdisciplinary and multi- institutional Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Project Index map for locations of Rio Grande rift (RG-rift) basins and highlands of the binational Mesilla Basin Study Area Major landscape features include basin-floor areas inundated by pluvial Lakes Palomas (Bolsón de Los Muertos- El Barreal) and Otero (west-central Tularosa Basin) at their Late Quaternary deep stages; and Los Médanos de Samalayuca dunes (2017 Google earth® image-base). Left: NM WRRI TCR- 363 Study Area, with Mesilla GW Basin outlined in green; and locations of Hydrogeologic Cross-Section A-A′ to S-S′ s shown with blue and red lines. USGS DEM base with UTM-NAD83 SI- system and latitude- longitude (degree- min-sec) location coordinates. Right: 392 Well Control Points Groundwater Mesilla GW Basin Area, with thick (GW) Basins, saturated Santa Fe Inter-Basin Gp. Basin Fill (blues). Uplifts, and Rio Grande Valley linking GW- Floor (dark blue) Underflow Southern Jornada (light green), Cedar- “Corridors” of Corralitos (green), the Mesilla Tularosa (brown), Basin Hueco (gray brown), El Parabién (pink), and Regional Malpais-Los Muertos Study Area (violet).