the surface water system. Snow melt in the high VOLCANIC STRATIGRAPHY OF THE WEST- mountains recharges shallow perched aquifers ERN SIERRA BLANCA VOLCANIC FIELD, Abstracts that discharge at springs that feed streams and SOUTH-CENTRAL NEW MEXICO, S. A. Kel- ponds where evaporation occurs. Water in ponds ley,
[email protected], and D. J. Koning, and streams may then recharge another shallow New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral perched aquifer, which again may discharge at a Resources, New Mexico Institute of Mining and spring at a lower elevation. This cycle may occur Technology, Socorro, New Mexico 87801; K. A. New Mexico Geological Society several times until the water is deep enough to be Kempter, 2623 Via Caballero del Norte, Santa Fe, spring meeting isolated from the surface water system. A deeper New Mexico 87505; K. E. Zeigler, Zeigler Geo- regional aquifer may exist in this area. East of logic Consulting, Albuquerque, New Mexico The New Mexico Geological Society annual Mayhill along the Pecos Slope, regional ground 87123; L. Peters, New Mexico Bureau of Geology spring meeting was held on April 16, 2010, at the water flow is dominantly to the east toward the and Mineral Resources, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, New Mex- Macey Center, New Mexico Tech, Socorro. Fol- Roswell Artesian Basin. Some ground water also ico 87801; and F. Goff, Department of Earth and lowing are the abstracts from all sessions given flows to the southeast toward the Salt Basin and to the west into the Tularosa Basin. Planetary Sciences, University of New Mexico, at that meeting.